新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案 备课资料(外研版英语七年级)

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新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案 备课资料(外研版英语七年级)(整理2篇)由网友“不要吃鱼”投稿提供,下面是小编帮大家整理后的新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案 备课资料(外研版英语七年级),希望对大家带来帮助,欢迎大家分享。

新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案 备课资料(外研版英语七年级)

篇1:新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案 备课资料(外研版英语七年级)

新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.go to work, 上班。

由动词 go引导的短语课文中还有:go to school(上学), go to bed(上床睡觉)。请注意 work, school以及 bed之前不带任何冠词。

2.stay at home, 呆在家里。

与 stay home在意思上相差无几。前者中的 home是名词,后者中的home是副词。

3.do the housework, 料理家务。

housework是不可数名词。请比较:do the homework(做作业)。

4.at night, 在夜里。

如果说某日夜里,则用介词 on: on the night of June 2 在6月2日的夜里

语法 Grammar in use

一般现在时(2)(请参见 Lessons 47~48语法部分。)


every day/week/month/year 每日/周/月/年

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上

at noon/night 在正午/夜里


(1)一般情况在动词后面直接加 -s,如:want----wants come----comes arrive----arrives

(2)以-s, -x, -ch, -sh, -o 结尾的动词加 -es,如:fix----fixes wash----washes go----goes watch----watches do----does

(3)以辅音加 -y结尾的动词,把 -y改成 -i,再加 -es;而元音加 -y结尾的动词,只加 -s即可:

hurry----hurries carry----carries play----plays stay----stays

词汇学习 Word study

1.arrive v.


We arrived home early. 我们很早就到家了。

The train is expected to arrive in London at 8. 20 p. m. 火车预计在晚上8点20分抵达伦敦。


At last the day of graduation arrived. 毕业的那一天终于来临。

Elizabeth's baby arrived at midnight. 伊丽莎白的婴儿是在午夜时分降生的。

2.live v.


Frank lives in Paris. 弗兰克居住在巴黎。

Where do you live? 你住在哪儿?


Fish can't live long out of water. 鱼离开水活不了多久。

My grandmother lived until she was 94. 我祖母活到了94岁。


At 40 he was just beginning to live. 他到40岁才刚刚开始过上富有意义的生活。

You haven't lived till you've been to Paris. 你没到过巴黎就算不上享受过生活。


He lives by playing the violin. 他靠拉小提琴为生。

He lives on the fortune left to him by his father. 他靠他父亲给他留下的财产生活。

3.stay v.


Mrs. White stays at home every day. 怀特太太每天都呆在家中。


We were staying at the same hotel. 我们住在同一家饭店。


The house has to stay exactly as it was. 这所房子必须完全保持原来的样子。

The house rose to the singers. 全场起立向歌唱演员们致意。

篇2:新外研版七年级下英语全册课文 备课资料(外研版英语七年级)

Module 1 Lost and found

Unit 1 Whose bag is this?

Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours?

Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you.

Ms Li: Whose tapes are these? Daming: They’re mine.

Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet!

Tony: It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony‖! Thank you.

Ms Li: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming? Daming: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Lingling: Yes, it’s hers.

Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on.

Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see... Oh, they’re mine! Thank you!

Unit2 Are they yours?

The Lost and Found Office in New York City

Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.

The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of people come here every day. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. We usually have about two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras.

At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. There are also a lot of animals. This week, there are three dogs, two ducks and a pig! Whose are they? Are they yours? We don’t know! Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? They’re here too!

Module 2 What can you do?

Unit 1 I can play the piano.

Daming: Look ! The new clubs for this term are on the board. I’d like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. What about you, Betty?

Betty: I like cooking, so I can join the Food and Drink Club. Can you cook, Daming ?

Daming: No, I can’t. Well, I can cook eggs, but that’s all. What about Lingling? Which club can she join?

Betty: I think she’d like to join the Dancing Club because she can dance really well .Tony , how about you?

Tony: I’d like to join the Chinese Club. I can’t speak Chinese very well.

Daming: Don’t worry about Chinese. We can teach you Chinese! So choose your favourite club.

Tony: OK then. .I play table tennis, so I choose the Table Tennis Club.

That’s my favourite!

Unit2 I can run really fast.

It’s the start of the new term and we’re choosing our new monitors.

I’d like to be the class monitor. I get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. I work very hard, and I do well at school .I’m kind and I’m always ready to help others. I can even help teachers too. Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help YOU!

I want to be the PE monitor .I enjoy sport, and I can run really fast. I’m really fit and healthy. Just watch me in the playground between lessons! I play most ball games well. But I’m really good at football, and I play basketball in the school team. I usually get the best score in every match. Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score too!

I’d like to be the cleaning monitor. I often help my mother do cleaning at home and I like a clean and tidy house. I’m sure everybody would like a clean classroom, just like home. Choose me and we can make our classroom beautiful.

Module 3 Making plans

Unit 1What are you going to do at the weekend?

Betty: What are you going to do at the weekend, Daming?

Daming: On Saturday morning, I’m going to check my email and do my homework. Then I’m going to help with the housework. What are you going to do, Betty?

Betty: I’m going to see a movie in the afternoon. You can come too.

Daming: Sure! Who else is going to be there?

Betty: Nobody. Lingling is going to have a piano lesson, so she can’t come with us, but on Sunday afternoon, Lingling and I are going to have a picnic. Would you like to join us?

Daming: Yes, I’d love to. Are we going to meet here?

Betty: No, we aren’t. We are going to meet in the park at one o’clock.

Tony: Hi, everyone!

Betty: Hi, Tony. What are your plans for the weekend?

Tony: Nothing. I’m going to stay at home alone.

Betty: Don’t be silly! You’re going to come with us. It’s going to be a fantastic weekend!

Unit 2 We are going to cheer the players

What are you going to do?


I’m looking forward to the football match tomorrow. My friends and I are going to watch our favourite team. We’re going to meet other fans, and make some new friends. We’re all going to wear the team shirt, and we’re going to cheer the players. I hope they win the match!



I’m going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday. On the morning of 1st May, I’m going to get up late and then read a book. In the afternoon I’m going out with my family and friends. We’re going to take a walk in the country or go swimming. And on 2st May we’re going to collect litter in the park near my friend’s house. It’s going to be a great holiday------busy but good fun!

------Zhang Sijia


Usually I spend the Summer holiday at home, but this year is going to be very different because I’m going on a summer camp in Sydney, Australia. I’m going to stay with an Australian family and speak English. We’re also going sightseeing and going to have a picnic on the beach.


Module 4 Life in the future

Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.

Ms Li: Will schools be different in the future, Daming?

Daming: Yes, there will! In twenty years time, maybe there won’t be any schools!

Ms Li: How will students learn then?

Daming: Everyone will study at home. Students will use computers and get information on the Internet. They can ask their teachers by Internet, telephone or email.

Betty: Well, I’m not sure. Yes, students will use computers, but school is good fun, and you can make friends there. And teachers can check the students’ level and will help them. Computers won’t do that.

Tony: Yes. Teachers won’t use on a blackboard and students won’t use pens and paper, or erasers any more!

Lingling: Great! Will students have a lot of homework to do?

Tony: No, they won’t. They’ll have a lot of free time!

Daming: That’ll be great!

Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane.

What will life be like in the future? How will things change? Here are some ideas. Which ones will come true?

A In the future, a change of weather won’t mean a change of clothes. We’ll wear a new kind of clothes. They’ll be warm when we’re cold, and cool when we’re hot.

B There’ll be no more light rain and cold wind in spring. The weather will be quite warm or even hot all year, with heavy rain and wind. The sea level will rise as well.

C We won’t travel by bus or bike any more. Every family will have a small plane. No more expensive cars - it’ll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the sea or even into space. Maybe there’ll be traffic jams in the air.

D Do you like long holidays? Well, you’re going to like the future because

machines and robots will do all the heavy and difficult jobs, and we’ll only do light and easy work. Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays.

Module 5 Shopping

UNIT 1 What can I do for you?

(In the shop)

Shop Worker: What can I do for you?

Lingling: I'd like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.

Shop worker: What colour does she like?

Lingling; Purple.

Shop worker: All right .What size does she take ?

Lingling: Small.

Shop worker: What about this one ?

Lingling: May I try it on?

Shop worker: Certainly.

Lingling: Look at the price .It's 198 yuan .That's too much.

Shop worker: But wait a minute !There's a sale on today .Everything is half price.

Lingling: OK! I'll take it .

(In the market)

Lingling: I've got some food to buy too.

Market worker : Can I help you ?

Lingling: Yes.I'd like some sausages.How much are they ?

Market worker : Thirty-eight yuan a kilo.How much would you like?

Lingling: Half a kilo.

Market worker: OK. What else would you like ?

Lingling: A kilo of beans and two lemons.

Market worker : That'll be 30 yuan.

Betty: Oh ,the strawberries look fresh .How much are they ?

Market worker : Ten yuan a kilo.

Betty: One kilo please .Here's fifty-nine yuan.

Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.

Online shopping

There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them .You can buy almost everything on the Internet .and it's very easy .First ,you choose something-clothes, tickets, a mobile phone, even a new computer -and pay for it. Then you receive it a few days later by post .

Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can shop at any time. The shops are always open. Second, shopping usually takes a lot of time. But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse! You can also compare the prices of the same product and spend a lot...or save money.

But many people like going out and shopping with friends.They don't like shopping on the Internet because they can't see the product or try the clothes on. Also paying over the Internet isn't always safe.

Online shopping is changing our way of life .One day no one will go to the shops any more ,because you'll be able to buy anything on the Internet ,and you will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time!

Module 6 Around town

Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?

(Betty and Lingling are standing in front of Tian'anmen Square.)

Tourist: Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?

Betty: Certainly. Go across Dong Chang’an Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left. It’s near here, so you can walk there.

Tourist: Great. And I’d like to buy a guidebook about Beijing. Is there a bookshop near here? Lingling: Yes, there is a big bookshop over there, just along Xi Chang’an Jie, on the right, opposite the bank.

Tourist: Right, OK! I also want to visit the National Stadium. How can I get there?

Lingling: Sorry, I’m not sure. Why not ask the policeman over there?

Tourist: Thank you.

Betty and Lingling: You’re welcome.

Tourist: Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?

Policeman: Sure! Go along the street and you’ll see an underground station. Take the Underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you can take a bus or a taxi.

Tourist: Thanks a lot.

Policeman: You’re welcome. Have a nice day!

Unit2 The London Eye is on your right

Tour of London

Welcome to this short tour of London. This square is Trafalgar Square and it is the middle of London. We’re standing opposite the National Gallery, a famous museum with lots of famous paintings. From here, we’ll walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace. The Queen lives there.

Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Opposite you can see the London Eye. It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames. You can see most of London on a clear day.

When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat. You can get the boat near Big Ben. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.

Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Next to the bridge is the Tower of London. It’s over 900 years old.

After visiting the Tower of London, take the boat back along the river to the railway station. When you get off the boat, go past the station and walk along the street. Turn left into King’s Street and go past a church. You’re now back at the square. And this is where we’ll finish our tour.

Module 7 My past life

Unit1 I was born in a small village

Tony: Hey, Lingling. Where were you born?

Lingling: I was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.

Tony: What was the name of the village?

Lingling: Xucun. Where were you born, Tony?

Tony: I was born in Cambridge. It’s a small city in England.

Lingling: What was the name of your first school? Tony: It was Darwin Primary School.

Lingling: Who was your first teacher?

Tony: My first teacher was Mrs Lane. She was strict but very nice. Who was your first teacher?

Lingling: Ms Yao. She was very friendly. Who were your first friends? What were they like?

Tony: Their names were Becky and Adam. Becky was very good in class but Adam wasn’t. He was quite difficult.

Lingling: And what were you like? Were you difficult in class too?

Tony: No, I wasn’t. I was very good!

Unit 2 I was born in Quincy

My life in Quincy

By Betty King

I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago. There were lots of things to do in Quincy, with many stores, two movie theaters, football clubs and basketball teams too. I wasn’t bored in Quincy. I was very happy there.

Two presidents of the US, John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, were born in Quincy. You can visit their old family houses. Our house was big and comfortable. There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms. On my bedroom walls there were pictures of my favourite movie stars.

Behind the house, there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it. It was great to play there.

There were lots of children in Quincy. Many of them were my friends. This was our last in the US and I was there for the last time in 2010. One day I’ll go back, and I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again







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新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案 备课资料(外研版英语七年级)
《新概念第一册55-56 课文详解及练习答案 备课资料(外研版英语七年级).doc》

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