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M: How much do you have budgeted for our trip to Las Angeles?

F: In total, it should be about $5,000 for the week conference. Would you like to see the breakdown?

M: Yes, I want to know exactly where the money is going. Give me a detailed report.

F: First we have the airline tickets, which are $500 per person; with four of us going, that's t$2,000. For our accommodations, we're spending $80 a night ,per room, for five days. That's another $800.

M: Weren’t you able to find anything less expensive? We're sharing rooms, right?

F: I have two people to a room. The $80 room rate is the lowest I could find. With the conferece going on that week, all the hotels have inflated their prices, they're making a killing.

M: So far we have $2,800, what else?

F: I have budget $25 per peron per day for food expenses. That totals another$800. And for other incidentals, like taxe fees, and tips, I have estimated about $400.

M: Well, that's only $4000. Didn't you tell me your budget was$5000? Where is the rest of the money?

F: That's my buffer… I wanted to leave a little room in the budget,just in case---it's better to be safe than sorry.











Budget: to be careful about the amount of money you spend; to plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose 谨慎花钱;把…编入预算

If we budget carefully we'll be able to afford the trip. 我们精打细算一点,就能够负担这次旅行。

I've budgeted for two new members of staff. 我已经把两名新职员名额编入预算。

Ten million francs has been budgeted for the project. 为该工程已编制了一千万法郎的预算。

The project has been budgeted at ten million francs. 该工程已制定一千万法郎的预算。

Incidental: something that happens in connection with something else, but is less important 附带的次要事情

You'll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis. 你将需要准备好付小费和乘出租车之类的杂项开销。

Buffer: a thing or person that reduces a shock or protects somebody/something against difficulties 缓冲物;起缓冲作用的人

Support from family and friends acts as a buffer against stress. 家庭和朋友的支持有助于减缓压力。

She often had to act as a buffer between father and son. 她常常不得不在父子之间扮演调解人角色。

a buffer state(= a small country between two powerful states that helps keep peace between them) 缓冲国(两敌对大国之间有助于维持和平的小国家)

a buffer zone(= an area of land between two opposing armies or countries) 缓冲区(两敌对军队或国家之间的地区)

make a killing: to make a lot of money quickly 发大财;获取暴利;财运亨通







7.网上营销 商务英语情景口语

8.You are fired! 商务英语情景口语

9.商务英语情景口语:Polite Questions

10.商务英语情景口语:Making Concessions


A: How long will it take for our order to be delivered?

B: Let's see. You are importing fifty containers of textiles from China. They should be able to place your order before the end of next week. It will take 2 days for shipping to the port city of Ningbo. The freight will take 3 weeks on the open ocean and will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today. Domestic shipping will be your responsibility, you can make arrangements with the pier in Los Angeles.

A: Fine, we will handle domestic shipping,but what about customs? Will we have to pay tariff on our imports? I hope we don't run into any problems with the border control.

B: No, the Chinese company has that all worked out. With the paperwork you receive with the shipment,you should be good to go.





freight:goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries/trucks; the system of transporting goods in this way (海运、空运或陆运的)货物;货运

to send goods by air freight 空运货物

a freight business 货运公司

passenger and freight transportation services 客货运业务

tariff:a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country 关税

work sth out:to find the answer to something; to solve something 找到…的答案;处理;解决

to work out a problem/puzzle/code 解决问题;弄清疑团;破译密码

Can you work out what these squiggles mean? 你能辨认出这些潦草的字迹是什么意思吗?

I couldn't work out where the music was coming from. 我弄不清这音乐是从哪里传来的。



A:What's holding us back on the plant expansion project? We were supposed to see the specs on that ages ago.Why haven't I heard anything about it? Did the whole project just vanish into thin air?

B:No, sir. The plant expansion project has been delayed.There was a snag up in the filng process to get the neccessary construction permits.It seems that the property we were slated to build on is also habitat for some endangered indigenous species.

A:You're joking, right? No wonder we've been tied up with this project. I know the environmental impact statement will take forever to get approval if they've found anything endangered on the site. Are they positive there is evidence of endangered species actually living there?

B: The environmental review board has a team on it now.Hopefully we'll know more by the end of the week.





Hold sth/sb back: to prevent the progress or development of somebody/something 妨碍进展

Do you think that mixed ability classes hold back the better students? 你认为把不同能力的学生混合在一起的班级会妨碍较高水平学生的进步吗?

Vanish: to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you cannot explain (莫名其妙地)突然消失

The magician vanished in a puff of smoke. 魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了.

My glasses seem to have vanished. 我的眼镜似乎不翼而飞了.

He seems to have vanished without trace. 他似乎消失得无影无踪.

Snag: a problem or difficulty, especially one that is small, hidden or unexpected (尤指潜在的、意外的、不严重的)问题,困难,障碍,麻烦

There is just one small snag─where is the money coming from? 只有一个小问题 钱从哪儿来?

Let me know if you run into any snags. 要是遇到什么麻烦,就告诉我.

Indigenous: belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else 本地的;当地的;土生土长的

the indigenous peoples/languages of the area 该地区的本地人u语言

The kangaroo is indigenous to Australia. 袋鼠原产于澳大利亚.



3.网上营销 商务英语情景口语



6.我们的产品是独一无二的 商务英语情景口语






A: For our lunch meeting with the investors, do we have to make a reservation at the restaurant or do we just show up?

B: Usually for lunch, we don't have to reserve a table, they should allow walk-ins. But to be on the safe side, I'll order a table for half-past twelve. Will that suit your schedule?

A: I've arranged to meet them at the restaurant at twelve. Can you make the reservation a little earlier? If we start earlier, it will give us more time for a longer lunch.

B: Are you planning on treating the investors to a full-course meal?

A: Yes, we'll start with appetizers, follow with a soup and salad course, then main dishes of prime rib or cordon bleu chicken, and finish up with a delicious rich dessert of some sort.

B: That'll be pretty heavy for a mid-day meal, don't you think?

A: As along as we stay away from anything alcoholic, we should be okay.

B: With your prime rib and chicken choices, you'd better hope nobody's vegetarian.

A: We can make some special arrangement if we need to. After all, it's the company who is footing the bill.













1.Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counselor''s office of the Embassy of the People''s Republic of China in……, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by a start of some Practical transactions.


2. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.


3. Your name has been recommended to us by the Chinese Consul stationed in your city as large exporters of …… goods produced in ……


4. From ……, we have obtained your name and address and understand that you are experienced importers of …… We have pleasure in offering you …… of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.


5. We learn from …… that your firm specializes in ……, and would like to establish business relationship with you.


6. Through the courtesy of…… we have learned that you are one of the representative importers of ……


7. Your name and address has been given to us by Messrs. J. Smith & Co., Inc., in New York, who have informed us that your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.


9. The…… Bank in your city has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the leading importers (exporters) of …… and are interested in trading with China in these lines ……


10. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese ……,which comes within the frame of our business activities.


11. Through your trade delegation that recently paid a visit to this country, we learned that you are well-established importers of …… and are writing to you in the hope of receiving your orders from time to time.


12. We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.


13. We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.


14. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.


15. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods.


16. As you may be well aware, we are a state-operated corporation handling such items as …… in both import and export business


17.This is a quality product.


18.Those overcoats are of good quality and nice colour.


19.Our quartz technique is well known in the world, and we believe our watches are of fine quality.


20.Our price is a little bit higher, but the quality of our products is better.


21.Your goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers.


22.The equipment are of good quality and very useful.


23.Our products are very good in quality, and the price is low.


24.We have received the goods you send us, the quality is excellent.


25.We've received the sample which you sent us last Sunday.


26.We've got here our sales samples Type 1. and Type 2.


27.Our quality is based solely on our sales samples.


28.We sell goods as per the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies.


29.You know we sell our tea according to our samples.


30.You can see the difference between these grades.


31.These two grades are very much in demand.


32.We are in urgent need of these two grades.


33.The colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment.


34.No doubt you've received the outturn samples of the inferior quality goods.


35.I must advise you of the specifications of the goods.


36.Have you received the specifications as shown in our catalog?


37.The quality is all right, but the style is a bit outdated.


38.We found the goods didn't agree with the original patterns.


39.The “Double Fish” brand is not so bad, the design is fresh and vivid.


40.The new varieties have very vivid designs and beautiful colors.


41.We're here to discuss the trade marks of your products.


42.I'm looking for insurance from your company.


43.Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People' Insurance Company of China.


44.After loading the goods on board the hip, I go to the insurance company to have them insured.


45.When should I go and have the tea insured?


46.All right. Let's leave insurance now.


47.I have come to explain that unfortunate affair about the insurance.


48.I must say that you've corrected my ideas about the insurance.


49.This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance.


50.The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover.



Dialogue one

M: Can you have the briefs from the Anderson firm's lawyer on my desk by tomorrow morning. There are quite a few very time sensitive matters with this case. I'm afraid I can't wait any longer.

F: Getting those Anderson briefs has been harder than you can imagine. I have tried to contact their lawyer many times. But every time I call, his secretary says he’s in a meeting or out of the office or away on business. I am beginning to think he is trying to avoid me.

M: That's highly possible. He knows if we miss our filing deadline, we don’t stand a chance to compete against them for the bid. Try to get a hold of him again. Give him a call and see if he can fax them first thing.

F: What if I can't speak to him directly?

M: Ask his secretary to fax them. Its the same thing. Have them faxed over with a copy also faxed to Martin’s office.

F: How do I find Martin’s fax number? Is he in your rollerdesk?

M: No, but you can also call their office and ask the secretary to give you their fax number. I’ll email you their office number later today.

F: Ok, I'll get on it first thing.

M: Be sure you do, I need those briefs ASAP

Dialogue two

M:Did you put this morning's faxes on my desk?I'm waiting for some urgent faxes from headquaters,I'm pretty sure they came in last night.

F:Evething that came in the office fax machine last night is all on your desk,but I noticed that some of faxes came through pretty blurred,maybe you take a look at them,if the copy is unreadble,I'll call then and ask them to refax.

M:Yeah,you're going to have to call them and get them to be refax. These copies are so dark. I can't make out any of the words.

F:What about that one?

M:This one?This one is so light and I can barely read it. How can that be?

F:You know, I think the fax machine is out of toner. I can change the toner cartridge. That should solve the problem.

M:Yes,but this one will have to be refaxed as well. And look, there's about 3 pages missing. It looks like the fax machine ate half of my important faxes,and ones that made it through are so blurred or too light. They are unreadable.

F:I guess the fax machine is out of paper too. Don't worry,I'll have someone look at it this afternoon,and in the meantime,I'll have your documents refaxed to our other fax machine.





A: Okay, here are the graphs and figures for this month's sales. Let's review them all together.

B: This first one , I have a question.... This graph is marking the sales perfomance for our line of hair products, right? Can this line be right? It looks like our salesplummeted. I can't believe we did that poorly.... If I remember correctly, sales went down slightly, but not as dramatically as the graph shows.

A: I think you are looking at the wrong line. The rapid drop in sales wasn't our hair products. You are correct, the hair product sales decreased slightly, but not dramatically. The one that didn't do so hot this month was the cleaning products. I think there was a problem in the marketing plan. Some people were offended by our advertisements for the cleaning products, but it was already too late tomitigatethe damage, so our mistake shows up in the sales.

B: Well, the good news is the new industrial cleaning products reallytook off. Look how the sales haveshot upover the last two weeks.

A: That is our one major success. If you look at the other graphs, you can see that most of the other product lines remained steady with little increase.

B: At lease they stayed the same. That's better than dropping.







Plummet: to fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or position 暴跌;速降

Share prices plummeted to an all-time low. 股票价格暴跌到历史最低点.

Her spirits plummeted at the thought of meeting him again. 一想到又要见到他,她的心情便直往下沉.

The jet plummeted into a row of houses. 那架喷气式飞机一头栽进一排房子里.

Mitigate: to make something less harmful, serious, etc. 减轻;缓和

action to mitigate poverty 减轻贫穷的行动

Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees. 植树造林减轻了土壤侵蚀.

Take off: (of an idea, a product, etc. 观念、产品等) to become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly 突然大受欢迎;迅速流行

The new magazine has really taken off. 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎.

Her singing career took off after her TV appearance. 她在电视上亮相后歌唱事业迅速起飞.

Shoot up: to rise suddenly by a large amount 陡增;猛涨;迅速上升

Ticket prices shot up last year. 去年票价猛涨.




Dialogue 1

A:I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what time is the meeting start? where is anyone anyway?

B:Didn't you hear about that, our meeting was postponed until Friday.

A: What? the meeting was postponed? No one told me anything about it.

B: Did you get the memo?

A: What memo? They havn't any memo this whole week, I check my inbox every day.And I havn't seen anything.

B: The memo went out 3 days ago. It should have made to your inbox, but maybe lost in all collectors on your desk.

A: You know how things get pilot about my desk when I'm busy. I know sometimes I do many please things,but I always read all the memos go arround, they go directly to my inbox. Are you sure were send to whole office?

B: It should have got arround to every body, they also post a copy of the memo in the break room. Don't you ever look at meassages post on the bulletin board?

A: I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of cofee break by the watercooler, Anyway, I'm sure the memo never get to my inbox, I'll have to talk our secretary about it.

B. That's right, You will never know what your missing out of it if you don't read the memos.

Dialogue 2

A: Ms. Dorsen, I need to take a dictation for me,

B: Yes, sir;

A: They should go out intra office memorandum to all employee by this afternoon, are you ready?

B: Yes, sir, Go ahead.

A: Attention all staff:effective immediately, all office communication are restricted to email correspondance as official memos, the use of instance message porgram by employee during work hour are strictly prohibited.

B: Sir, Does this apply to intra office communication only or relate also restrict external communications?

A: It should apply to all communications. Not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communciations.

B: But sir, many employees use instance messaging to communcate with clients.

A: This were just have to change the communication methods, I don't want any one use instance messaging in this office, it waste too much time. Now, please, continue the memos. Where were we?

B: This apply to internal and external communications.

A: Yes, any employee who persist using instance messaging, will first recieve a warning, and placed on prohibition, and the second sense, the employment will be termination. Any question regarding this new policy maybe dirctly to the department of his.

B: Is that all?

A: Yes, please give this memo type out and distribute to all employees before 4:00 PM.



Print and Media Advertising

Dialogue 1

A:Have you gotten a hold of the editor of that magazine about our quarterly advertisement? We need to make some modification on the design before we send a final copy. I'm just afraid , we've missed their publishing deadline for this time around.

B: I didn't talk to the editor, I didn't think it's necessary to talk to her. But I did converse with the person we usually go through in sales. She said that would be no problem with missing the deadline as long as we got a final to her before Thurseday. Because we are long-standing customer, they've already got ad space reserved for us.

A: It's a full page A4 ad in tri-color, right?

B: No, this year we opted for a half-page, but it should be a pretty decent effect. The designers was talking about going for a glossy finish. but later decide that a muted look would be more classic. Anyway, if you take into consideration the substrate paper quality and color scheme,the design is quite striking.

Dialogue 2

A:Market classifieds, how may I help you ?

B: Yes, I would like to find out about placing an advertisement in your directory. Can you tell me a little about your rates for advertisements?

A: Certainly. Our advertising rates are divided according to size, substrate, and location.If you are a corporate partner with our publication. We can offer you a slight discount. Also, our rates are different according to which publicaton you wish to advertis in.Our fall edition is pricier than the spring edition. When were you looking to advertise?

B: We would like to get in with the fall pulication if possible.

A: We can do that, timing might be a little tight because our press day is October 25th, but it can be done. Do you have a pre-determined design? You can use either your own designers or if it is more than convenient for you, we have a team of inhouse graphic designers that can put something together for you.

B: That won't be necessary, we already have the image.If we run a full page ad in your Fall edition on a nomal gloss paper, tri-color, what do you think that will run me ?

A: It depends on the location in the material. Are you interested in the front or back page ad? Those were prime spots. We also have 6 tab pages postions available.

B: I think a tab spot would be nice.

A: For a customer supplied design, full page tab page ad., you're looking at about 785 dollars.


















策划书 英语怎么说2022-10-24




