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1. To ensure safety, the train is controlled by an advanced computer system.


①ensure that... 保证......

I tried to ensure that everybody understood the instructions. 我设法确保每个人都明白这个说明。

I can't ensure that he will arrive there in time. 我不能保证他及时赶到那儿。

②ensure sb. sth. 确保某人某事/物

This medicine will ensure you a good sleep. 这药会确保你睡个好觉。

2. It will not be business as usual in the future.

as usual 意思是“像往常一样;一如往常”。

As usual, there weren't many people at the meeting. 像往常一样,来开会的人不多。

Yesterday morning she came into the classroom as usual. 昨天早上她像往常一样进入教室。


You don't usually arrive late, do you? 你通常不迟到的,是吗?

Usually she gets up very early. 通常她起得很早。

3. They are careful about what they eat and exercise regularly.

be careful意思是“注意;当心”,常用于以下句型:

①be careful to do sth.

Be careful not to be late for class. 小心上课不要晚了。

②be careful (that)...

Be careful that you are not late for class. 注意上课不要迟到。

③be careful about / of (=take care of)

Be careful of your health. 注意你的身体。

④be careful (in) doing sth.

Be careful (in) crossing the road. 过马路时要小心。

⑤be careful with sth.

Be careful with your work. 工作要认真。

4. Advances in medical science have also allowed us to deal with new diseases, such as SARS.



He seemed to be quick-tempered,

but was actually not difficult to deal with. 他似乎性子急躁,但实际上并不难相处。

He knows how to deal with children. 他知道怎样对付孩子。


I tried to deal justice to all men. 我力求公正地对待所有的人。

5. If we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well-prepared for whatever the future may have in store.


①appreciate + n.

I appreciate your goodness in calling. 你好心来看我,我很感激。

②appreciate + V-ing

We appreciate hearing from you

again. 我们乐于再次收到你的来信。

③appreciate it +if从句

I shall appreciate it if you will do me that favour. 若是你肯帮那个忙,我会非常感激的。


作者:吴安运 陈光明

1. She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up.

cheer up作及物动词短语,意为“使感到安慰;使高兴起来”。如:

The nurse tried to cheer up the little boy when he started to cry. 当小男孩开始哭的时候,护士试图使他高兴起来。

cheer up作不及物动词短语,意为“高兴起来;振作起来”。如:

Cheer up!Things are not so bad as they seem. 振作起来!情况并不像看上去那么糟糕。

2. The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from.


The child suffered from the cruel teasing of her classmates. 这孩子受到同学残忍的嘲弄。

She has suffered a lot from illnesses. 她已经受尽了病痛之苦。

suffer用作及物动词时是“受苦;受痛;受损失”之意,其后直接跟pain, loss, grief, defeat, insult, punishment, hardship, disappointment, discouragement等词作宾语。如:

He suffered the loss of a leg during the war. 在战争中,他失去了一条腿。

She suffered cruel oppression by landlords during the old society. 在旧社会她受到地主的残酷压迫。


He is an only child. 他是独生子。

He is only a child. 他只不过是个孩子。

3. Cells either divide too fast or at the wrong time, making it difficult for the body to function properly.


The child fell, striking his head

against the door and cutting it. 那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了。

He said that the leaves of his jasmine plant had turned yellow. He thought it was due to a water shortage so he applied more water, only making things worse. 他说他的茉莉花的叶子变黄了。他想是缺水所致,于是多浇了水,结果反而更糟。

4. In , there were 42 million people living with HIV / AIDS in the world.

live with...可以表示“与......住在一起;和......一起生活”,也可以表示“忍受......”。如:

You'll have to learn to live with it, I'm afraid. 我看,你得学会容忍这种现实。

I don't enjoy this situation, but I can live with it. 我不喜欢这种局面,但我还能忍受下去。

5. It's no use trying to persuade him to have a holiday because he is a workaholic.

It's no use常接V-ing形式,意为“......是没有用的”。这种用法更多是出于习惯。如:

It's no use complaining; they won't do anything about it. 抱怨是没有用的;他们是什么都不会做的。

It's no use talking with him. 和他谈话是没有用的。


科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit6.doc

标题 Mainly Revision

章节 第六单元




⒈ 单词和词组:

shape ring(n.) collection bank material hide hand out L.22四会

here and there look round

envelope sooner or later pick up pack packs of L.23


cock shame coin L.21三会

silver penny(pl. pence) mine(n.) possibly whenever L.22

trade whatever afford L.23

seashell L.22二会

⒉ 日常交际用语


⒊ 语法:




⒈I’m afraid I don’t have it any more. 恐怕我再也没有了。

句子的not any more (no more) 意为“不再”,“再也不”。

在谈数量或程度时,可用no more;说时间时则用not any more。例如:

There is no more bread. 没有面包了。(指数量)

He is no more genius than I am. 他和我都不是天才。(指难度)

He doesn’t live here any more. 他不住在这儿了。(指时间)

Let him go alone. He isn’t a child any more. 让他一个人去吧。他不再是小孩子了。

⒉What a shame ! (what a pity!) 太遗憾了!真不巧!多可惜啊!


You didn’t go to her birthday party. What a shame ! 真遗憾,你没有去参加她的生日聚会。

She can’t join us in the travel. What s shame ! /What a pity!


在本课中还出现了这样一个句子:It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier. 很遗憾我没有早点想起这件事。

这是由形式主语it引导的表示遗憾的用语,其句型结构是:It is a pity+that clause,由that引导的主语从句表示遗憾的具体内容,而that这一连词常可省略。例如:

She can’t join us in the travel. What a pity! 也可以这样表示:

It’s a pity (that) she can’t join us in the travel. 很遗憾她不能参加我们的旅行了。


⒈Later, another type of coin was used , with holes in it, and these were used for the next 2,000 years, that is, from 221 BC until 1916. 后来,使用一种中间有孔的硬币,这种硬币以后用了2,0,即从公元前2开始到19为止。

a)句中的with holes in it是with的一个复合结构,在句中作定语,其结构是with+n.+介词短语,这时它相当一个定语从句(…which has holes in it),对先行词coin作补充说明。例如:

I don’t know how to operate this new type of machine, with lots of meters on it. 我不知道如何操纵这种新型机器,上面有许多仪表。

He used to live with his grandparents in a large house, with trees round it. 他曾和他的祖父母住在一座大房子里,四周皆是树木。


We sat on the ground, with our backs to the wall. 我们坐在地上,面靠着墙。

The wife came down the stairs, with her son in her arms. 妻子从楼上下来,怀中抱着她的儿子。

b)句中的that is,作插入语用,对上文进行补充说明。这一插入语的前后通常用逗号同句子的其他部分分开。意思是“这就是说”,“也就是”。例如:

Bruce lived in China for about two years, that is, from 1995 to . 布鲁斯在中国住居约两年,即从1995年到。

She visited Shenzhen three years ago, that is, in . 她三年前去过深圳,也就是说是在的时候。

⒉coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different metals.

(=coins may be different in size, weight and shape, and they may be made of different metals.)硬币可能大小、轻重、形状不同,铸造的金属可能不一样。

句中的of所引起的短语of different sizes, weights, shapes以及of different metals都用作表语,表示主语coins的特征。例如:

The method is of great importance (=The method is very important. )这方法很重要。

Your advice is of great help. (=your advice is helpful.) 你的忠告很有帮助。

The professor’s suggestions are of much value. (=The professor’s suggestions are very valuable.) 教授的建议是很宝贵的。


The girls are almost (of) the same height. 这些姑娘们差不多一般高。

⒊The earliest coins in the west were made of gold mixed with silver. 西方最早的硬币是用金和银的合金制成的。

句中的mixed with silver是过去分词短词,作定语用,修辞gold,作定词用的过去时分词短词通常置于它所修饰的名词之后,大体相当于一个定语从句。例如:

The building built last year (which was built last year ) is now a hospital. 去年建的大楼现在是家医院。

The young girl dressed in red (who is dressed in red) is a dancer.



Who is your most respected teacher ? Mr Li is。谁是你的最尊敬的老师?李先生。

The broken window has been repaired. 那扇坏窗子已经修好了。

⒋The new Chinese panda coin is made of 99.99% gold. 新的中国熊猫硬币的含金量为99.99%。

a)句中的be made of短语意为“由……制造”。用这一结构时,主要是指成品中可以看出原材料,其制作过程中仅发生了物理变化。例如:

The desks and chairs are made of wood. 课桌和椅子是用木头制造的。

There wine bottles are made of glass. 这些酒瓶是用玻璃做的。

但有些制品制成后,已看不出原材料,其制作过程发生了化学变化,这时则由短语be made from表示。例如:

Gas is made from coal. 煤气由煤制成。

This kind of wine is made from grape. 这种酒是葡萄做的。

b)99.99%读作ninety─nine, point ninety─nine percent, 拼写时percent也可以分开写成per cent.

⒌It contained 54, 951 coins dating from the years 260-275 A.D. 那一堆硬币共有54,951枚,制币时间是公元260年至275年之间。

a)句中的it指上文提到的the collection of coins found in England in 1978.

b)dating from短语在句中作定语,相当于一个定语从句……which dated from the years…,修饰先行词coins, date在这里是不及物动词,意思是“起始”,“兴起于……”,常与介词from一起构成短语date from, 作“始于……”时期(=come into being or come from a centain time.)。例如:

This castle dates from the 14th century. 这座城堡建于14世纪。

The Great Wall dates from the third century BC. 长城始建于公元前三世纪。


Today’s date is the 23rd of October. 今天是10月23日。

Has the date of the meeting been fixed? 开会的日期定下来了吗?

⒍It is known that thousands of Chinese worked in the gold mines in the late 19th century. 众所周知,在十九世纪末成千上万的中国工人在金矿里干活。

a)It is known that…是一固定句型,其中it是形式主语,that引导的句子是真正的主语类似这样的结构还有:It is reported that…, it is announced that…, It is said that…。例如:

It is reported that the old building burned down last week dated from the early 187os.据报道,上周烧毁的那座古代的建筑物始建于十九世纪初。

It is said that she started to learn to swim in her late fifties.据说她在她近六十岁时开始学游泳的。

b)句中的late为形容词,表示“后期”、“末期”,而early则表示“早期”、“初期”。例如在上面的二个句子中分别出现了the early 187os十九世纪初和in her late fifties在她近六十岁时。

⒎It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe.其中有一个人可能开了一个钱庄,工人们可以把钱安全地存放在那里。

a)这是一个由形成主语it引导的句子,其真正的主语是that引导的句子,其结构是It It is+adj.+that clause. 例如:

It is possible that it will rain tomorrow.明天可能会下雨。

It is important that every student follows the teacher’s advice. 每个学生都应听从老师的忠告,这一点很重要。

另外,要注意possible, probable和likely的区别:possible表示客观上潜在的可能性;probable表示有几分根据的推测;而likely则表示有充分根据的推测。

b)句中的keep a bank意思是“开办银行”。这里keep是及物动词,作“经营”、“养活”、“管理”解,后跟名词作宾语。例如:

My father keeps a shop in a small village. 我父亲在一个小村子里开了家商店。

The old woman has a young girl to keep her house. 这位老妇人雇佣了一位年轻的姑娘替她管家。

He has to work very hard to keep the family. 为了养家糊口他得努力工作。

c)本句中的keep the money safe这一结构中,keep也是及物动词,但意为“保持(某种状况)”,其后跟的是带形容词的复合结构:keep+n.+adj.,例如:

We should keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们应该保持教室的整洁。

Put the food into the refrigerator to keep it cool, or it will go bad. 把这些食物放在冰箱里以便冷藏,否则会变坏的。


⒈At the beginning, collect as many stamps as you can. 首先,尽可能多地收集邮票。

a)at the beginning意为“首先”、“起初”类似的短语还有in the beginning, at first 其反义词组是in the end, at last或副词finally.

b)as… as one can意为“尽力”、“尽……可能”,与as…as possible意思相同。例如:

Please start as early as you can (=Please start as early as possible.)请尽早出发。

We should work as hard as we can.(=we should work as hard as possible.)我们应尽力工作。


You’d better make as many friends as you can while at school. 你最好是在学校广交朋友。

Try to make as few mistakes as you can (possible) 尽量少犯错误。

⒉The ones which you decide not to keep can be traded with other people. 那些你决定不保留的邮票可以同其他人交换。

句中的trade为动词,意思为“做生意”、“交易”、“互易”。与介词with连用,构成短语动词trade with sb.,作“与(某人)作买卖”、“同(某人)交换”解。例如:

He refused to trade with that company again. 他再一次地拒绝了与那家公司做生意。

Stamp collectors often trade stamps with each other. 集邮者经常相互交换邮票。

如果说表达“用……同……进行交换”时,则用短语trade for (exchange sth. for sth.),例如:

I traded my watch for a bike. 我用我的手表换了一辆自行车。

Would you like to trade this book for a pen? 你愿意用一本书换一支钢笔吗?

⒊Sooner or later you’ll decide that you want to collect a certain kind of stamp. 迟早你会决定收集一种邮票。

句中的固定词sooner or later作“迟早”、“总有一天”解,与at some time, some day同义。例如:

Sooner or later she was going to awake. 她迟早会觉醒的。

The boy will, sooner or later, tell his father all about the matter. 这个男孩迟早会把这事的全部经过告诉他父亲的。

⒋Go to stamp sales and buy whatever you can afford. 到邮票销售点去,把你能够买得起的邮票买下来。

a)句中的stamp sales (the place where stamps are sold)意思是邮票销售部,邮票发售点。sale的复数形式常用来作定语,构成合成词。例如:

a sales talk销售谈判;salesgirl /salesman / saleswoman售货员,推销员。

b)句中的whatever是连接代词,相当于anything that,作“凡是……的”、“所……的东西”,引导名词性从句。本句中的whatever you can afford就是作及物动词buy的宾词。例如:

I will do whatever you wish. 我将为你做任何事情。

You can eat whatever you like. 你愿意吃什么就吃什么。


Whatever I have is yours. 我的东西都是你的。


Keep calm, whatever happens. 不论出什么事都要保持镇定。

Whatever you do, do your best. 无论你干什么,都要尽最大努力。


The house is too expensive. We can’t afford it. 这座房子太贵了,我们买不起。

They walked here because they couldn’t afford a taxi. 他们因坐不起出租车而是步行来这里的。

I’d like to go on holiday but I can’t afford the time. 我想去度假但抽不出时间来。


The tree afforded us welcome shade. 这棵大树下好乘凉。

Television affords pleasure to people. 电视给人们带来乐趣。


I. 选择最佳答案:

⒈Your name is John. The phone rings so you pick it up and say:

A. John speaking B. hello

C. Can I help you ? D. John here. Who do you want to speak to?

⒉You answer the phone. Someone wants to speak to your father, who is at home . You say.

A. Please don’t go away B. Hold on, please.

C. Wait a minute. D. Please wait here.

⒊When you answer the phone, you find that the caller has dialed the wrong number. He says that he is very sorry. You reply:

A. Goodbye. B. Not at all

C. Please don’t do it again. D. Please be more careful

⒋She gathered a lot of coins from different countries.选择适当的答案替换划线部分:

A. bought B. received C. accepted D. collected

⒌The man shouted in a _______ voice and the girl was very _______.

A. frightening, frightening B. frightening, frightened

C. frightened, frightened D. frightened, frightening

⒍Hibernation is more than sleep.选择适当的答案替换划线部分:

A. much more B. not only C. less than D. fast

⒎The watch is ______ at over a thousand yuan, so I can’t _____ it.

A. value, waste B. worth, spend C. price, cost D. valued, afford

⒏The two girls are ______.

A. the same height and age B. of the same height and age

C. the same high and age D. of the same high and age

⒐Please choose _______ you like.

A. whenever B. whatever C. anything which D. it

⒑The park near my house is getting dirtier and dirtier. Rubbish can be seen ______.

A. here and there B. far and wide

C. near and far D all where.

⒒It is ______ for you to do such a thing in public.

A. shameful B. shame C. a shame D. shamed

⒓I’ll go with you ______ you are ready.

A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. whoever

⒔This is one of the questions ______ at the meeting last week.

A. being discussed B. discussing C. to be discussed D. discussed

⒕________ plastics, the machine is light in weight.

A. Made of B. Marking of C. To made of D. Having made of

⒖The question ______ now is ______ great impartance.

A. is discussed, of B. discussed, in

C. to be discussed, about D. being discussed, of

⒗All the students found _______ to work out the difficult physics problem.

A. it is impossible B. it impossible C. that impossible D. that is impossible

⒘The students were kept busy ______ the coming exem.

A. preparing with B. preparing C. for preparing D. prepared

⒙______ wants to go to the concert must sign here.

A. Who B. Those who C. Anyone D.Whoever


A. He is such good a teacher that I have ever seen.

B. He is so a good teacher that we all love him.

C. He is so excellent a student that he is known to all in our school.

D. We all love him because he is such good a teacher.

⒛Would you please ______ from smoking while the lecture is in progress?

A. avoid B. stop C. cease D. keep yourself


In Singapore, people from all walks of life (1) close to one (2) . For (3) , near where I live people do a variety of jobs, ranging from hawkers (小贩) (4) bank managers . Mr Hock is a hawker, who has to visit the market every morning to buy food for his stall. This quite unusual among Singaporeans as buying from the market is (5) done by women. Next (6) to us, your immediate neighbour, Mr Kim, works during the day (7) a clerk in the city, but when evening comes, unlike other men. (8) go home to eat and relax by “putting their legs up”, he has a second job on the stock exchange. (9) it is day-time in New York, dealers are obliged to sit up all night to follow the monements of the market. And yet the local trader and the financier live (10) 100 meties of each other.


One watches TV often feels that whatever

happened in the film could well happen to them . Jane

had been enjoying a spy film in which a young girl had followed and

murdered. Now she was walking to the station, feel a little

frigtened. She took the train back to the center of the city where

there were a lot of people, so she felt much safe. She

thought of nothing until she found a man nearby staring at him. Feeling

very uncomfortable, she got out of the train and went to the bus

step. After getting off, she heard footsleps behind her but dare not turn

round before she felt a hand on her shoulder and heard a pleasantly voice:

“I’d apologize whether I frightened you. I’m your new neighbour.

I thought I recognized you in the train, but I was not so sure.” 1.________











I.1─5DBCDB 6─10BDBBA 11─15CBDAD 16─20BBDCD



III.⒈One后加who;⒉them him / himself;⒊had后加been;⒋feel feeling;⒌ ;

⒍safe safer;⒎him her;⒏dare dared;⒐pleasantly pleasant;⒑whether if



1. Their population has now increased to 435,000,and today they make up about 13﹪ of the population. 如今毛利人口已经增加到约44万人,约占总人口的13﹪。

1) make up意为“弥补;编造;组成;构成;占;化妆;安排、拼凑成”等。例如:

The teacher helped him make up the lessons he had missed when he was ill. 老师帮他补上了他生病时所缺的课。

Our teacher asked us to make up a dialogue in groups. 老师要求我们按小组来编对话。

The whole story is made up. 整个故事都是编造的。

I object to the way the committee is made up. 我反对委员会的组成方式。

She never goes out without making herself up first. 她不化妆是从不外出的。

I can make up a bed for you on the floor. 我能为你铺个地铺。

2) be made up of是make up“组成;构成”的被动形式。例如:

This medical team is made up of five doctors and ten nurses. 这支医疗队是由五位医生和十位护士组成的。

3) make up for意思是“补偿;弥补”。例如:

This beautiful autumn makes up for the wet summer. 今年秋色宜人,弥补了夏季潮湿的缺点。


The world is ________ seven continents and four oceans.

A. made up of B. made out of C. made from D. made in

答案: A

2. At the time of his death, one person praised him as follows: “Future generations, it may be, will hardly believe that such a person as this walked upon this earth.”在他逝世的时候,有一个人对甘地作了如下的赞誉:“后代人也许难以相信,在这个人世间,曾经有这样一个人走过。”

1) as follows 是固定词组,意思是“如下”。例如:

The results are as follows: Philip Carter 1st, Sam Cohen 2nd, Sandra Postlethwaite 3rd. 结果如下:菲利普?卡特第一名,萨姆?科恩第二名,桑得拉?波斯尔思韦特第三名。

2) such后跟单数可数名词时,应在such后加不定冠词,不定冠词不能位于such之前。例如:

It was such a lovely day we decided to go for a picnic. 天气非常好,我们决定到郊外去野餐。


It is ________ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.

A. so unusual

B. such unusual

C. such an unusual

D. so an unusual

答案: C



1. The words“gymnastics” and “gym” come from the Greek language, for it was in Greece that Olympic competitions started. gymnastics 和gym这两个词都来自希腊文,因为奥林匹克竞赛正是在希腊开始的。

1) for在此是连词,常用于书面语,比because正式,一般用逗号与句子的前面部分分开,它所引出的句子对前面句子起解释作用。例如:

It must have rained much recently, for the river is so high. 最近一定下了很多雨,因为河水涨得这么高。

2) 本句中的it was...that...是一个强调结构。强调结构一般可以强调句子中的主语、宾语、状语以及从句,一般不能强调谓语动词,去掉强调结构后句子依然完整。


It is these poisonous products________can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.

A. who B. that C. how D. what


2. There are a few simple safety measures to follow while training. 有几条简单的安全措施,训练时必须遵守。

while training是省略句的用法,完整的句子是while you are training。一般说来,在时间、条件、让步、方式等状语从句中,若从句的主语和主句主语一致或从句主语为it,并且从句中谓语动词含有be的形式,这时可省略从句中的主语和动词be部分。省略后从句中可出现如下结构:

① 连词+名词

Once (he was) a teacher, he now works in a government office.

② 连词+形容词

Work hard when (you are) young, or you will regret.

③ 连词+介词短语

He looked everywhere as if (he was) in search of something.

④ 连词+分词

While ( I was ) walking along the street, I heard my name called.

⑤ 连词+不定式

He opened his lips as if (he were) to speak.


① Generally speaking,________ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken

② Though________ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

答案: ① B ② C。

3. The first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thank her for all her help during her training. 她所做的第一件事就是走到她的教练面前,感谢她在训练期间给予她的帮助。

1) 本句是一个含有定语从句的复合句。主句是The first thing ... was go up to her trainer and thank her for all her help during her training. 定语从句是 (that) she did.

2) 本句中两个作表语的不定式短语go up to...和thank her for ... 都省略了不定式符号to。一般说来,定语从句中含有do时,常可省略表语中的不定式符号to;由what引导的主语从句的谓语中含有do时,作表语的不定式也常省略to。例如:

What I could do was wait for the next bus. 我所能做的事是等下一班车。

4. They each had to perform on three pieces of equipment as well as the floor.她们每人既要表演自由体操,还得完成三项器械动作。

as well as前后需连接两个对称的成分,意为“不仅......而且......”,“既......又......”。使用时应注意:

① as well as 与not only... but also... 不同。A as well as B的意思是“不但B,而且A”,其重点在前者,不可按词序翻译为“不但A,而且B”。例如:

She is clever as well as beautiful.( =She is not only beautiful but also clever.) 她不仅漂亮而且聪明。

② as well as连接两个并列成分作主语时,句子的谓语动词应与前面的那个名词或代词的人称和数保持一致。例如:

Your brother as well as you is very kind to me. 不但你而且你的弟弟对我也很好。

③ as well as用在肯定句和否定句中有不同的含义。试比较:

I, as well as you, shall go. 你要去,我也要去。

I shall not go as well as you. 你要去,但我不去。



1. Education was intended for white settlers only, and until very recently no school lessons were held in languages rather than English.教育只是为白人殖民者而办的,而且直到最近以前,还没有一所学校使用英语以外的语言进行教学。

1) intend...for是固定搭配,意思是“打算给(某人);打算作(某种用途)”,多用于被动结构。例如:

He intended this land for his two sons.他想把这块土地分给两个儿子。

This book is intended for the students of Senior 3.该书专为高三的学生而编。

2) rather than / other than / or rather用法辨析:

① rather than“而不是”,不表示主观愿望,而表示一个事实,注意rather than后的动词要和主句中的动词在形式上保持一致。例如:

He has been playing all afternoon rather than getting on with his work.他整个下午不工作,而是一直在玩。

在本单元的这个句子中, rather than相当于other than,意思是“除了......以外”。

② other than“除了......以外”,通常用于否定句。例如:

You can't get there other than by swimming across the river.除了游过这条河之外,你是无法到达那里的。

③ or rather“或者”,是当我们要纠正已说过的话,或欲使已说过的话更确切时常用的表达方式。例如:

I'll meet him, or rather I'll ask him to meet me.我要会见他,或者更确切地说,我要请他来见我。


Rather than ________ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ________ a bicycle.

A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride

D. to ride; riding


2. Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found anywhere else in the world.因为与其它洲分离数百万年了,所以澳大利亚有许多动植物是世界上任何其它地方所没有的。

Having been separated from...是现在分词完成式的被动式作状语。现在分词的一般式表示的动作与句子中的谓语动词的动作同时发生,如果分词所表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,就用分词的完成式。


________ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered








第二单元教材教法分析:意象、意境(高二选修) 教案教学设计















