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A: Your weekend does sound busy! Mine was the exact opposite.

A: 你的周末听起来确实很忙!我的刚好相反。

B: Why? What was yours like?

B: 为什么?你的周末怎么过的?

A:My weekend was quiet.Very quiet. I did almost nothing.


B: Why? I thought you were going out. I thought you had big plans for the weekend.

B: 为什么?我以为你要出去呢。我以为你的周末有重大的计划。

A: I think I had a little bit of the flu. I didn’t feel too well so I spent most of the weekend in bed. I didn’t go out or do anything.

A: 我想我有点感冒。我感觉不太舒服,所以周末大部分的`时间我都呆在床上。我既没出去,也没做任何事情。

B: Oh, that’s a pity. At least you had a good rest!

B: 噢,太遗憾了。但至少你好好休息了一下!


1. Remember the possessive adjective mine / mine, e.g. Mine was the opposite / Mine was the opposite (my weekend was the opposite).

记住形容词的所有格形式mine /我的。例如Mine was the opposite /我的刚好相反(我的周末和你的相反)。

2. Also, the possessive adjective yours / yours, e.g.: What was yours like? / What was yours like? (What was your weekend like?). We usually use possessive adjectives, like mine / mine and yours / yours and his / his and hers / hers, when the people speaking know what they are referring to and it is understood by both.

也请记住形容词所有格yours /你的。例如:What was yours like? /你的怎么样?(你的周末是怎么过的?)当谈话中的人们知道他们在指什么,双方都不言自明时通常用形容词的所有格,像mine / 我的和 yours / 你的和 his / 他的和hers /她的。



I recommend the roast duck.


A: The food looks good here!

A: 这里的食物看起来不错。

B: It does. It's a really good restaurant here.  You'll like it.

B: 是的。这里确实是一家好餐馆。你会喜欢这里的。

A: There are so many things on the menu.  I'm not sure what I want.

A: 菜单上有这么多东西。我都不确定我要什么。

B: What would you like?I recommend the roast duck.

B: 你喜欢什么?我推荐烤鸭。

A: Is it good here?

A: 这里的烤鸭好吗?

B: Yes, it's always good here.  You should try it.

B: 是的,这里的`烤鸭非常好。你应该尝尝。


1.   There are various verbs to express feelings or sensations,e.g.: looks / looks; sounds / sounds; tastes / tastes. e.g.: The weather looks good today; That sounds interesting ; The food tastes good.

可以用不同的动词来表示感觉或者感受,例如:looks / 看起来; sounds / 听起来; tastes / 尝起来。 例如:  The weather looks good today / 今天看起来天气不错;That sounds interesting / 听起来很有意思;The food tastes good /这吃起来很好吃。

2.   Another way to suggest something is to say recommend,e.g.: I recommend the roast duck.

另外一种表示建议的方法是说recommend /推荐,例如:I recommend the roast duck /我推荐烤鸭。


A: I had a really good time at the weekend.

A: 我周末过得非常愉快。

B: What did you do?

B: 你怎么过的?

A: I went to a club in Haidian with some friends. It was a good bar with great music.

A: 我和几个朋友去了海淀的`一家俱乐部。那是一家很好的酒吧,音乐很棒。

B: There're lots of good bars and clubs in the Haidian area.

B: 在海淀有很多很好的酒吧和俱乐部。

A: Yes. Maybe I'll go there again next week.What did you do at the weekend?

A: 是的。我下周可能还去。你周末是怎么过的?

B: Oh, nothing much. I had a quiet weekend.

B: 哦,没有什么特别的。我过了一个安静的周末。


1.   There are lots of simple questions you can ask about someone about the past, e.g.: What did you do? (at the weekend) / Where did you go?

你可以问某人很多关于过去发生的事情的简单的问题,例如:What did you do? /你怎么过的(周末);Where did you go? /你去了哪里?

2.   You can describe your time C at the weekend, or on holiday, or anytime in the past in various ways, e.g.: I had a good time / an exciting time /a boring time/ a quiet weekend.

你可以用多种方法描述你过得怎样――在周末,在假期,或者过去的任何时间,例如I had a good time /我过得很愉快;an exciting time /很兴奋的;a boring time /很无聊的;a quiet weekend /安静的周末。

篇4:My weekend was quiet我的周末很安静

My weekend was quiet我的周末很安静

My weekend was quiet.


奥运1000句 08北京奥运 奥运歌曲总汇 奥运英语词汇 奥运名人一览 奥运百科知识

A: Your weekend does sound busy! Mine was the exact opposite.

A: 你的周末听起来确实很忙!我的刚好相反。

B: Why? What was yours like?

B: 为什么?你的周末怎么过的?

A: My weekend was quiet. Very quiet. I did almost nothing.

A: 我的周末很安静。非常安静。我几乎什么也没做。

B: Why? I thought you were going out. I thought you had big plans for the weekend.

B: 为什么?我以为你要出去呢。我以为你的周末有重大的计划。

A: I think I had a little bit of the flu. I didn’t feel too well so I spent most of the weekend in bed. I didn’t go out or do anything.

A: 我想我有点感冒。我感觉不太舒服,所以周末大部分的时间我都呆在床上。我既没出去,也没做任何事情。

B: Oh, that’s a pity. At least you had a good rest!

B: 噢,太遗憾了。但至少你好好休息了一下!



1. Remember the possessive adjective mine / mine, e.g. Mine was the opposite / Mine was the opposite (my weekend was the opposite).

记住形容词的所有格形式mine /我的。例如Mine was the opposite /我的刚好相反(我的周末和你的相反)。

2. Also, the possessive adjective yours / yours, e.g.: What was yours like? / What was yours like? (What was your weekend like?). We usually use possessive adjectives, like mine / mine and yours / yours and his / his and hers / hers, when the people speaking know what they are referring to and it is understood by both.

也请记住形容词所有格yours /你的。例如:What was yours like? /你的怎么样?(你的周末是怎么过的`?)当谈话中的人们知道他们在指什么,双方都不言自明时通常用形容词的所有格,像mine / 我的和 yours / 你的和 his / 他的和hers /她的。




Dialogue I

A: Hi, Paul! Are you from London?

A: 嗨,保罗!你从伦敦来吗?

B: Yes, And yuo, Lin? Are you from Beijing?

B: 是的。林,你呢?你从北京来吗?

A: Well, I come from Shanghai, but I live in Beijing.

A: 嗯,我来自上海,但我住在北京。

Dialogue II

A: Paul, I'd like you to meet David. He's from Canada.

A: 保罗,我想让你见见大卫。他从加拿大来。

B: Ah, you're Canadian. Pleased to meet you, David.

B: 啊,你是加拿大人。很高兴认识你,大卫。

C: Hi, Paul. And you? Are you British?

C: 嗨,保罗。你呢?你是英国人吗?

B: Yes, that's right.

B: 是的,我是。


You can ask a person directly where they come from: Are you from London? Are you from Beijing?




I use the internet a lot to study English.


A: Do you use the internet a lot?

A: 你经常使用互联网吗?

B: Yes, I do. I go online as often as I can.I use the internet a lot to study English.

B: 是的。我尽可能经常上网。我经常用互联网学习英语。

A: What kind of things do you do?

A: 你都做些什么?

B: There're lots of websites with English lessons C and it's good for reading. I check out all kinds of things in English, like music and football.

B: 在很多网站上有英语课程――对阅读很有好处。我用英语查阅各种东西,像音乐和足球。

A: Yes, I suppose so. You can listen to your favourite songs in English too.

A: 是的,我想是这样。你还可以收听你最喜欢的英文歌曲。

B: Yes, it's really fun. It definitely improves my English.

B: 是的,有很多的.乐趣。这肯定提高我的英语水平。


1. You can talk about using the internet / using the internet or going online / going online, e.g. I go online to check the websites / I go online to check the websites.

你可以谈论using the internet /使用互联网或者going online /上网。例如:I go online to check the websites /我上网查这个网站。

2. You can also say check out / check out: it means the same as check / check, e.g. I check out the football websites / I check out the football websites. Check out / Check out is also used in hotels and supermarkets, e.g.: I’m checking out of the hotel at 12 / I’m checking out of the hotel at 12; In the supermarket, you pay at the check-out / In the supermarket, you pay at the check-out.

你还可以说check out /查找:它的意思和check /查看的意思相同。例如:I check out the football websites /我查找足球网站。Check out /结帐还用在旅馆和超市里。例如:I’m checking out of the hotel at 12 / 我将在12点钟退房; In the supermarket, you pay at the check-out /在超市,你在收银处付钱。

3. Definitely / definitely means the same as certainly / certainly, e.g. It definitely improves my English / It definitely improves my English.

Definitely /无疑地和certainly /当然的意


A: I like the big, dramatic events at the Olympics.

A: 我喜欢重大的、壮观的奥运会项目。

B: So do I.I'm also looking forward to the marathon. It's one of the biggest events. It’s a classic race.

B: 我也是。我还期待着马拉松比赛。这是重大的奥运会项目之一。它是经典的比赛项目。

A: I agree. And it's something everyone can see.

A: 我同意。它还是每个人都可以看到的比赛。

B: Yes, the race goes all through Beijing. There will be thousands watching it on the streets.

B: 是的,比赛将贯穿北京城。到时候将有成千上万的'人站在街头观看比赛。

A: It's such a tough race! Forty kilometres .

A: 这是多么艰苦的比赛!40公里. . .

B: I know. I hope it isn't too hot when they run the marathon. It's better when it's cooler.

B: 我知道。我希望当马拉松比赛举行的时候天气不要太热。天气凉爽些比较好。

Notes 注释

1、There are various words you can use to describe something like the Olympics, or events such as the marathon, e.g.: The Olympics are dramatic and exciting / The Olympics are dramatic and exciting ; The marathon is a tough race / The marathon is a tough race.

你可以用很多词语来描述奥运会,或者像马拉松这样的比赛项目。例如:The Olympics are dramatic and exciting /奥运会壮观而激烈;The marathon is a tough race /马拉松是一项艰苦的比赛。

2、Remember the ways in which you can describe weather conditions: I hope it isn't too hot / I hope it isn't too hot; It's better when it's cooler / It's better when it's cooler.

记住描述天气状况的不同方法:I hope it isn't too hot / 我希望天气不要太热; It's better when it's cooler /天气凉爽些比较好。


A: What kind of things do you do in your free time?

A: 你在业余时间做哪些事情?

B: Me?I like outdoor activities, I guess.

B: 我?我想我喜欢户外活动。

A: Like sports?

A: 像体育运动?

B: Yes. I really like things like cycling and walking. It keeps me fit and healthy.

B: 是的。我非常喜欢骑自行车和散步之类的活动。这使我健康、强壮。

A: Yes, they’re good for you. I must admit, I like walking too. I go walking in the parks in Beijing most weekends.

A: 是的。这些活动对你有好处。我必须承认, 我也喜欢散步。在周末大多数的时候我都在北京的公园里散步。

B: I like lots of different keep-fit activities like that C most sports, going to the gym, that kind of thing.

B: 我喜欢各种健身活动,像大多数的体育运动,去体育馆活动之类的.事情。

Notes 注释

1、You can make general distinctions about your interests in the way you describe them, e.g. outdoor activities / outdoor activities; creative activities / creative activities; sporting activities / sporting activities.

你可以不同的方法来描述你的兴趣爱好,以对它们做出大致的区分。例如:outdoor activities / 户外活动; creative activities / 创造性活动; sporting activities /体育活动

2、Remember one of the ways to use the verb keep / keep: Cycling keeps me fit and healthy / Cycling keeps me fit and healthy; A good coat will keep you warm in winter / A good coat will keep you warm in winter.

记住动词keep /保持的一个使用方法:Cycling keeps me fit and healthy / 骑自行车运动使我身强体壮;A good coat will keep you warm in winter /一件好上衣会使你在冬天里保持温暖。

3、Sometimes when you agree strongly with someone or you wish to make a statement very strongly, you use the phrase I must admit . . . / I must admit . . . e.g.: I must admit I like walking too / I must admit I like walking too; I must admit I thought the dinner was fantastic / I must admit I thought the dinner was fantastic.

有时当你非常同意某人的意见或者当你想强烈表达什么的时候,可以用短语I must admit . . . / 我必须承认 . . .例如:I must admit I like wal



I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing.


A: I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing.

A: 我期待着北京奥运会的.召开。

B: When do they begin?

B: 什么时候召开?

A: On August 8, .

A: 8月8日.

B: That's o-eight, o-eight, o-eignt (08. 08. 08)

B: 那正好是08-08-08。

A: Yes, You' re right. 8 is a very lucky number for Chinese people.

A: 对,你说得对。8是中国人的幸运数字。

B: So August 8, 2008 is a really good day to begin the Olympics!

B: 所以奥运会在208月8日召开是个好日子!


1. If you are looking forward to something in the future, you can say: I'm looking forward to ... e. g. I'm looking forward to the Olympics in Beijing; I'm looking forward to the weekend. 如果你期待某事的发生,你可以说:I'm looking forward to... (我期待着...)。例如,我期待着北京奥运会的召开;我期待着这个周末。

2. When you talk about dates, you say the number in this way:The eighth of August; The first of October; The seventeenth of July. 当你说日期时,你这样说:8月8日,10月1日,7月17日。


B Really? Is it your first time? Have you been there before?

B 真的吗?是第一次去吗?你以前去过吗?

A No, I've never been there before. What's the best way to go there?

A 不,我以前从未去过。去那里最佳的方法是什么?

B Well, flying is definitely the quickest. There are several flights every day.

B 哦,乘飞机无疑是最快的。每天有几次航班。

A What about the train?

A 坐火车怎么样?

B Sure, you can also take the train. It's cheaper, but it takes longer time.

B 是的,你也可以乘火车去。坐火车更便宜一些,但是花的时间要长。

Notes 注释

1 You can ask someone if they have been somewhere before by saying: Have you been there before? / Have you been there before? ; Have you visited the Forbidden City? / Have you visited the Forbidden City?

你可以这样问某人是否去过某地:Have you been there before? /你以前去过那儿吗? ; Have you visited the Forbidden City? / 你去过故宫吗?

2 Remember, when you compare several things, use the superlative form, e.g. Flying is the quickest way of travelling. / Flying is the quickest way of travelling.

记住,当你比较几种不同的.事物时,用最高级形式,例如:Flying is the quickest way of travelling. /乘飞机是最快的旅行方式。

3 If you are only comparing two things, use the comparative form: It is quicker to travel by air than by train. / It is quicker to travel byair than by train.

如果你只比较两个事物,则用比较级:It is quicker to travel by air than by train. / 乘飞机比坐火车快。

Key phrases and sentences


I'm going to Shanghai next week.






















