牛津版高一新教材分析 Unit 3-新课标

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牛津版高一新教材分析 Unit 3-新课标(共9篇)由网友“掌柜”投稿提供,以下是小编为大家准备了牛津版高一新教材分析 Unit 3-新课标,欢迎参阅。

牛津版高一新教材分析 Unit 3-新课标

篇1:牛津版高一新教材分析 Unit 3-新课标

Unit Three

I. the whole unit arrangement:

1. topic: beauty and health

This unit introduces and develops the theme of looking good and feeling good. Students are provided a chance to debate which is more important, beauty or health.

2. structure:

(1) welcome to the unit:

In this part, students will be presented with several pictures representing different people’s current situations and their states of mind about looking good and feeling good.

(2) reading:

The reading material of the unit is made up of three letters written by two good friends who exchange their opinions about appearance and health after one of them has suffered after trying to lose weight in an unsafe way.

(3) word power:

This part focuses on types of sports with relevant exercises designed to expand vocabulary.

(4) grammar and usage:

This part is made up of two sections: non-restrictive attributive clause and question tags.

(5) task:

This section deals with inviting a friend to join a gym. Integrated relevant tasks and activities about finding information about a gym and recommending one to a friend by note-taking and writing an e-mail are presented.

(6) project:

In this part, making a booklet about fitness is the main assignment.

(7) self-assessment

II. class hour arrangement:

1 – 3 grammar and usage (since we have learned restrictive attributive clause in the first two units, we can learn this part first)

4 welcome to the unit + reading (part A)

5 – 8 reading (part B -- F)

9 word power

10 – 11 task

12 – 13 project + self-assessment

Class 1 – 3: Grammar and Usage

Step one: non-restrictive attributive clause

1. goal:

(1) learn that a non-restrictive attributive clause is used to add extra information to the main clause of a sentence

(2) learn how to form a non-restrictive attributive clause and when to use it

2. 主从句之间用逗号隔开,起补充说明作用,可译成两个句子。

(1) study the five sentences on the book, and compare the differences between the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause

e.g. He came to see his wife, who works in Shanghai. (只有一个妻子)

He came to see his wife who works in Shanghai. (不止一个妻子)

(2) 关系代词:which / who / whom / whose / as ( 没有that )

关系副词:when / where

Attention: which 可指代前面整个句子

e.g. He passed the exam, which made me happy.

He married Helen, which is natural. = As is natural, he married Helen.

which 指代整句时,不可以放在句首,必须用as 替代

(3) all / some of + which / whom to express a complete or partial quantity

3. finish the exercises on page 48 – 49 & part C1 on page 96

4. If possible, find out all the attributive clauses in the reading part.

Step two: question tags

1. function: asking for agreement or confirmation

2. different ways to form question tags:

(1) 肯定的陈述句 + 否定的附加疑问句

否定的陈述句 + 肯定的附加疑问句

(2) 当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, somebody, nobody, no one等指人的合成词时,附加问句的主语在正式语体中用he, 非正式语体用they。如果陈述部分的主语是everything, anything, something, nothing 等指物的合成词时,附加问句的主语只能是it。如果陈述部分的主语是one, 附加问句部分的主语正式用one, 非正式用you。

(3) 当陈述部分是there be 句型时,附加问句部分的主语也用there

(4) 陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothing 等表示否定的词时,附加问句的动词用肯定式

(5) 附加问句一般与主句的主谓保持一致,但当陈述部分的主语是I suppose, I think, I believe, I suspect, I imagine, I guess (主语还可以是we) 等结构时,附加问句往往与that 从句中的主谓保持一致。

(6) 当陈述部分带有情态动词must 时,如表示“必须”,附加问句用must;如表示猜测,附加问句根据具体语境用适当的形式:

e.g. He must be very tired, isn’t he?

He must have finished the work, hasn’t he?

He must have been here last night, wasn’t he?

(7) 祈使句:

e.g. Don’t move the chair, will you?

Give me some paper, can you?

Let’s go shopping, shall we?

Let us have a look at your book, will you?

3. Since the students have learned how to form a question tag, ask them to finish the exercises on page 42, and part C2 on page 96 in workbook. If time is limited in class, it can be assigned as their homework.

Class 4: Welcome to the unit

Beauty is an eternal theme. In this section, some pictures describing people’s current situations and their opinions on looking good and feeling good are presented for students to think about and discuss. In this part, students are expected to express their own opinions by comparing the importance of beauty and health in order to practice their spoken English.

Step one: presentation

Ask students some questions: (unnecessary to answer immediately)

(1) Are you particular about your appearance?

(2) Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life? In your opinion, is a person’s ability judged by their appearance?

(3) Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?

(4) Do you usually go to a gym to do sports or exercise?

(5) From your point of view, is doing sport regularly beneficial to your health and to your outlook on life?

Step two: procedures

1. Ask students to invent a situation that fits the pictures on page 41 following the example:

Jane is a high school student and she is extremely happy, because she has been admitted to the university she wanted to go to. Tonight her parents will hold a party to celebrate her success and achievements and all her friends and relatives are invited to share her happiness. But now she is at a loss about the clothes she is going to wear tonight. She is confident about everything except her weight. She is constantly worried about being too fat. Now she has spent at least half an hour selecting clothes without success.

2. After students have finished discussing the picture, the teacher can design the following questions for them to discuss:

Do you think looking good is as important as feeling good? If you do think the two aspects are of equal importance, can you tell me how a person can both look good and feel good?

(Hints: confident, healthy mentally and physically, exercise regularly, healthy diet)

3. Give students several minutes to talk about the three questions listed under the pictures. Teachers can organize students into pairs or small groups.

Class 5 – 8: reading


(1) talking about different opinions about beauty and health in western countries

(2) discussing problems

(3) to be able to read three e-mails about health and beauty and a magazine article about healthy eating and exercising

Step one:

1. Teach the new words on page 65 (from P42-43). Add some more new words which are not listed in vocabulary.

2. Ask students to read the title, and encourage theme to predict, what might be talked about in the article.

3. The reading material consists of three letters written by two good friends. Ask students to read the three question in part A, then find out the answers when listening to the tape.

4. Ask students to find out what the title of the article “Dying to be thin…” means. (It has two meanings: a. Amy wanted to be thin very much. / b. Amy was going to die because she had taken some weight-loss pills.)

5. Ask students to read the three e-mails again and focus on part C1 and C2.

(1) ask students to find out the main idea of each e-mail. (part C2)

(2) finish the exercises of part C1

Step two:

1. If possible, introduce some opinions about beauty and health in western countries. Then explain the text sentence by sentence.

Acceptance, Respect and Love

Jorge Cruise reveals the first secret to weight loss success

by Jorge Cruise

Inner Change Equals Outer Change

My sister, Marta, tried and tried to stick to a weight-loss plan but didn't succeed until she learned to accept and respect herself and her body and then aim for a realistic weight.

Countless numbers of clients have told me that the same held true for them. No matter how simple the weight-loss program, they couldn't seem to find the motivation to stick with it until they first made a change deep inside, a change that affected their entire outlook on weight loss.

Anne Armstrong was one of those clients. She hated her body. When you hate something, how do you treat it? Think about it. Well, in Anne's case, she ignored it. “My body and I didn't get along,” she told me in retrospect. “I didn't accept it. In fact, I hated the way it fit in clothes. I hated the way it looked. I hated the image that stared back at me every time I looked in the mirror. I hated it so much that I ignored it completely. I focused all of my attention on other things, mostly work.”

Anne worked such long hours that she never ate true meals. Her food life revolved around two food groups: the candy she ate at her desk and the fast food she ate during her commute. As a result, her weight became out of control. At her heaviest, she weighed 222 pounds.

When Anne came to me for help, I told her about the power of acceptance. I told her that she needed to stop hating her body and instead learn to treat it with love and respect. Once she learned this important secret to weight-loss success, she lost 32 pounds! And the weight is still coming off.

“The moment I unconditionally accepted my body, I began to feel free,” she said. “I began to treat my body with more honesty and respect. The moment I accepted my body for what it was, I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders, and my life became mine and not a lie.”

Make Friends with Your Scale

Rather than seeing your bathroom scale as your nemesis, make it your best weight loss weapon.

by Lynn Snowden Picket


If you're like me, you haven't exactly been friends with your scale. Let's face it: If a scale were a person, it would be that tactless co-worker who thinks being “honest” is more important than being polite. A scale is like the cop who gave you a ticket instead of a warning, or the math teacher who lowered your test score because you misspelled isosceles.

Personally, I don't like scales because none of them say I weigh 124 pounds. There, I've said it: my secret magic number, the one that would make me happiest to see. I know you have one, too. Chances are, it's not what your scale is saying, and that's why you don't like scales, either.

Ask women what they weigh, and they're evasive--even when they are enviably thin. My friend Nora, who is both a gourmand and a weekend warrior, considers her weight “too personal” and won't weigh herself at the gym if anyone--including me--is within 50 feet, because we might be able to see the number.

This same woman, mind you, cheerfully pays $60 for a Brazilian bikini wax every 2 months. Apparently, exposing one's privates to a stranger so she can dab hot wax on them is nothing compared to the pain and humiliation involved if one's weight is revealed to the guy stacking the fresh towels.

But I can see her point, which is probably why we're friends. And also why, when I dare to weigh myself on the gym scale, I step off, then surreptitiously (and childishly) slide the weights down to 124 for the next woman to see.

As is the case with most dysfunctional relationships, I've gone from indifference toward my scale to love, and back again. Now that I'm past 40, we're in the loathing stage, but I'm trying to make amends. To that end, I've decided to finally rid myself of the 10 extra pounds that are needlessly, rudely, wrongly packed around my hips and waist.

As it happens, science says I'm wise to buddy up to my scale: According to the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks dieters' ups and downs, the majority of people who successfully lose weight and keep it off for more than a year weigh themselves at least once a week, and 38 percent hit the scales daily. I want to be one of those people.

For more information, you can visit the following website:


2. language points:

1. dying to do sth /dying for sth 渴望非常需要某物:

1) 不及物动词 vi. 消逝;结束

2) 及物动词 vt. 死

3) 相关的短语:

die away逐渐停止,逐渐消失

die down逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊

die off相继死去

die out逐渐消失;灭绝

die of 因[患]…而死 He died of cancer.

die from 由于…而死,因…致死 He died from a wound.

2. work n. 1.工作 2.职业 3.产品 4.著作 5.工厂

v. 1.工作 2.运转 3.起作用

(1) n.劳动;操作;作业;工作;职业;功课; 著作;作品

(2) (pl) (机器的)活动部;工厂 a gas works煤气厂

(3) v.起作用;操作:

(4) 相关的短语:

work out 算出(总数)运动; 带来好结果;有预期的结果

at work忙于劳动;在工作:

out of work没有工作的;未被雇用的

do its work发生效力, 起作用

It won't work. [口]那不行, 那不起作用。

work at从事, 致力于, 钻研

3. stay vi.停留 link. v.持续不变;保持

辨析:remain / stay / leave


remain 常可与stay 互换, 但它强调“继续停留于一处或保持原状态、情况性质而不改变”, 如: This place remains cool all summer. 这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。

stay强调“某人[物]继续留在原地而不离开”, 如: He stayed to see the end of the game. 他一直呆到比赛结束。


4. try n.[C] 尝试;努力. 审理,审判[(+for)]

vt. 试图;努力[+to-v];尝试,试行[+v-ing];试验,试用[(+out)][+v-ing];试着推(或开)(门,窗等);

5. weight n. 1.重量,体重 2.砝码 3.负担 4.重要性

a great weight of care (sorrow,etc.) 心事重重;忧心忡忡

gain weight = put on weight 增加体重

lose weight 减少体重

6. shame n.羞愧,耻辱;可耻的人(或事物)

v. 使羞愧,玷辱

be ashamed of以为...是耻辱

feel ashamed for sb.替某人感到羞愧

be ashamed to do sth.以干...为耻

7. regret

动词进行时: regretting 过去式: regretted 过去分词: regretted

v./n. 遗憾,懊悔,抱歉

It is to be regretted that …..

使人遗憾的是...; 真可惜...

I regret to say/tell I cannot come.

I regret spending so much money on a car.

8. fail

vi.1.失败 2.不及格 3.失灵

vt.1.未能 2.使失望 3.未通过(考试等)

n. failure

fail to do没有(做某事); 疏忽; 忘记(做某事)

He failed to come. 他未能来。

9. worth

(1) adj.值…的;价值…的

(2) adj.值得……的。一般用于be (well) worth (doing)结构。

(3) n.“价值,财产”


worth /worthy/worthwhile


1) worth其后常接名词(代词),动名词和what从句,但不能接动词不定式。

Eg1.This book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。此句中的reading 是主动形式表达被动意义,这种结构中的动名词不可用被动形式。

2) worthy 其后不能直接接名词或动名词充当宾语,而必须加上of,且其后可直接接动词不定式或动名词,如果和句子的主语存在逻辑上的动宾关系,则不定式或动名词应用被动形式。

of sth.

即:be worthy of being done

to be done

3) worthwhile 常用于It’s worthwhile doing /to do. 值得做某事

10. amazed

adj. 大吃一惊的, 大为惊异的, 深为惊愕的 [对…]大为惊讶的,感到惊骇的[at]

adj. <因…而>深感惊讶的

adj. <对于…一事>深感惊讶的

amazing adj. 令人惊异的

amaze n.惊愕

11. as adv. 1.一样地,同样地 2.如同,例如


conj. 像…一样;当…时;随着;因为;虽然; 被认为;作为

pron. 象…那样的人(或事物);由…知道

Step three:

1. Since we have learned the letters carefully, ask students to finish the table:

Emotions of Amy Reasons for losing weight Results (successful / unsuccessful))

happyfrustratedhopeful Prepare for a new roleBeauty is important by taking pillsBe ashamed of her body Have lost 7 kgFeel tired and weakBecome slimmer

Reasons for frustration Reactions to illness

Liver failureBe in hospital Regret taking pillsRealize the importance of health

Reasons for hope Lessons Amy has learnt

Find an exact match for herLi Dong’s donation of more than half of his liver to save her life Don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.Learn to be confident

Zhou Ling’s reply to Amy: be sorry to hear about her problem; feel happy at her recovery; a really touching story; shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight.

2. Divert students’ attention to the reading strategy. Try to make stud3nts understand and distinguish the differences between however and but.

(1) Read through the reading strategy together with students. Ask them: “What can you anticipate in the following sentences or passage whenever you see the two words in an article?”

(2) Ask students to underline all the sentences which have the word but and however in the text.

3. Finish Part D1 & D2 on Page 44-45

4. Have students do Parts A1 & A2 on page 94 in workbook, so they can distinguish the different meanings between each of the words.

Step four: reading (part F) – speaking

Talk about healthy diets and healthy lives of teenagers.

1. Ask students to prepare some questions before class: (they can ask their classmates or relatives these questions and discuss with them)

(1) Are there any safety warnings or assurances printed on bottles of weight-loss pills?

(2) Has the producer marked clearly which ingredients are used in the pills?

(3) Do you think young people should go to a doctor before buying weight-loss pills?

(4) Are there any relatives of yours who are taking the weight-loss pills? Are these pills safe and effective?

(5) Do you think pictures of film stars and models cause young people to worry about their looks? Why or why not?

(6) What do you think is the best way to keep healthy (or to lose weight)? Why?

Some suggested measures to stay healthy:

l Don’t eat junk food. Try and eat a healthy diet.

l Don’t go to bed too late. Make sure you get sufficient sleep.

l Get regular exercise.

l Go to see the doctor if you are not feeling well.

l Don’t spend too much time using computers or watching TV, as it is bad for your eyes.

If you’d like to find more information, visit the following website:


2. Discuss the questions on Page 45 with the partner, and make up a dialogue

3. Show students some useful expressions:

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

That’s a good point.

That’s worth thinking about.

Well, it depends.

I’m afraid I don’t agree.

Why …?

As a result of …

It will cause …

If …, then …

It will lead to …

In my opinion, we should …

I don’t think it is necessary to …

If I were you, …

As far as I can see the best thing would be to …

Wouldn’t it be better if …?

4. Show students an example:

W: Do you think young people should go to a doctor before buying weight-loss pills?

M: Yes, because it would be safer if they listen to the doctor’s advice first.

W. Well, I don’t think so.

M: Why not?

W: Because many people are taking such kind pills, and it seems that these pills really help. Besides, doctors always say that it is better not to take pills unless you are too fat, and I feel well, so I don’t think it is necessary to go to the doctor to ask for advice.

5. If possible, the teacher can organize a debate discussing which is more important, feeling good or looking good.

Class 9: word power

There are many different ways to lose weight. The most important thing is that you have to burn more calories than you consume. Simply eating less is not always the best way to lose weight. A better way is to take regular exercise every day. Here, word power deals with words and expressions related to types of sports. Students are expected to not only expand related vocabulary but apply them practically.

1. Ask students to think about the following topics:

Are you interested in sports? What kind of sports are you particularly fond of?

Are there any school clubs in your school? Have you ever joined one of them? If not, are you planning to join one?

How many different kinds of sports can you name?

2. Introduce the new words about sports (by showing the pictures of the sports)


3. Ask students to talk to each other about their favourite sports and also give the reason why.

4. Ask students to focus on Part C and finish it individually first. If possible, the teacher can design the following questions to check students’ comprehension of the letter:

What kinds of suggestions does Zhou Ling give to Amy?

Zhou Ling gives specific advice to Amy about the exercises she can do after the operation. First, if Amy wants to get strong and have some fun with her friends, _____________. If Amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, Zhou Ling advises her to ____________. If Amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try ____________.

5. Ask students to do Part D1 on page 97 in workbook.

6. Finish Part D on page 47. (the teacher can offer more kinds of sports)

Class 10 – 11: Task

This section consists of a series of activities which provide students opportunities to learn and practice their language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Step one: skills building 1

1. Ask students to read the two points on page 52 in order to let students know what is main idea and key words.

2. Ask students to read the letter on page 45. Underline the main idea and circle the key word. (The teacher can show students some examples, then students will know how to do it.)

Step two: step 1

1. Let students read the guidelines in Part A and know what information they are going to look for. They should look for the information about a gym membership that their friends can apply for. Have students read the two ads carefully, and underline the main idea and circle the key words.

2. Ask students to use the information they have found to complete the note in Part B on page 53. (The teacher should tell them that they cannot finish the whole part, and they will get more details after they listen to the tape.)

3. Let students do Part C by listening to the tape to finish the rest of the note sheet in Part B.

4. Have students read the guidelines in Part D. Let them work in pairs and discuss why Wu Tong should join Better Body Gym according to the note. Then ask them to write a letter to Wu Tong.

Step three: skill building 2

Here students will learn how to take notes while listening.

1. Ask students to read the guidelines and the three points on page 54, then show them more examples:

e.g. CMHS = Central Manchester High School

WHO = World Trade Organization

Nov = November

Sat = Saturday

2. Before doing the listening part, the teacher can show students several examples to practice. Have students listen to the tape and write down what they have heard using the skills they have just learned.




首先: 词汇方面

一、牛津版教材里词汇相当丰富,因此给学生在学习时带来了很大困难。有些生词他们学过了,有些他们没有学过 ;同时教材中经常会出现很多词汇表上没有列出的单词。


做法:1. 在预习的时候让学生自己先找出不认识的单词。

2 .我们根据词的使用频率把生词分成两种:识记和运用 。不同的单词给学生提出不同的要求。在情境中教学,让学生学会去猜测单词的意思。

3 . 教学生记忆单词的方法,了解构词法,提高记单词的效率。

4 . 在讲解的过程中,我避免面面俱到而忽略了突出基础和重点。注重词的基本含义和惯用法,通过词组、句型、句子来理解、记忆和运用句子。

5 .经常、反复默写。一个单元的跨度时间长,给我们教师和学生有足够的时间把相应的单词、词组和课文中出现的好的句子掌握。


其次: 教学内容和板块设计方面

这套教材内容相当丰富,并且在不同的板块之中贯穿始终。由于教学容量大,我们觉得有时很难按时完成课堂教学任务。我们觉得有些板块对学生的帮助相当大。比如 word power 部分帮助学生了解词汇的运用并扩充了相当多的词汇;Grammar 部分让学生循序渐进地学习枯燥的语法;task和project部分让学生掌握运用英语的技巧并进行实际操练。因此在把握教材上,给我们教师提出了很高的要求,我们应该在了解学生的基础上,把握好内容的起点和设计好课堂容量,并根据不同的教学内容采用恰当的教学方法,注重师生在课堂中的互动。

做法:1 集体备课,认真研究教材内容,并根据学生实际制定教学目标,重点和难点,设计相应的教案、学案和练习。并适时地运用多媒体。

2 在整个英语教学过程中,让学生尽可能地多参与活动。如在课前布置相关内容,让学生进行预习,在课堂上安排一定的课堂活动,让学生就某个话题进行讨论;课后让学生进行一定的复习与巩固并完成与教学内容相关的练习如同步听力、同步阅读等

3 在一单元结束后,进行一单元的测试,从词、词组、句型等方面和在听说读写方面系统地让学生复习。

在这个阶段教学下来,虽然我们觉得备课量比以前大,课堂容量也没以前多, 但是相对地学生的活动比以前多了,学生参与教学活动也有一定的积极性。




1. 培养朗读和交际的习惯。高一新生来自不同学校,由于客观条件限制,他们的语音、语调有待提高。每天的早读课以及课堂上都要坚持进行朗读训练。把大声朗读和默读有机地结合起来。从熟读向交际过渡,形成良好的读与说的习惯,为说好英语奠定基础。

2. 培养良好的上课习惯,学会听课和记笔记。上课是教学过程中非常重要的一个环节。很多学生在上课过程中,只是很被动地坐在那听,不积极思考。既不能积极主动地参与课堂活动,对于重要的知识点也不会及时记录,或者不经选择地把课上老师提到的所有知识点都记录下来,导致上课效率不高。让学生在理解的基础之上,有选择地记笔记。并要求学生在课后整理笔记,再次巩固课堂教学内容。

3. 培养良好的复习习惯。上课的效果是否能得到巩固,关键就是课后能否及时去复习。每天得花一定的时间把当天所讲内容结合笔记进行复习,并做一定相关的习题来巩固。在一定的周期要进行整体复习,比如一个星期,两个星期等等。帮助学生进行阶段练习与巩固,并进行归纳、总结,找出不足。让学生把自己平时容易错的单词、题目摘抄下来,经常去看,以免再犯

4. 培养良好的作业习惯和工整书写的习惯。以往在批阅学生的书面表达时,常有这样的体会:学生字迹潦草,书写不规范,批阅起来很费劲。所以一开始我们觉得强调规范的书写是非常必要的。而且在平时的作业中要求学生独立、按时完成。



篇3:新教材高一下unit14教案 (新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

(Senior 1B)

Part 1 阶段目标卡 Topic : Festivals

I 认知目标( Knowledge)

1. Can remember the following words and expressions (by pronunciation, spelling and writing):

theme, parade, holy, Easter, symbol, fighting, conflict, argument, opinion, destruction, major, probably, honour /honor(Am.E), ancestor, principle, nation, purpose, creativity, faith, commercial, joy, light (v.), similar, generation, salute, kiss, cheek, nod, celebration, respect, gift, cycle, fool, invitation, self-determination, reminder

dress up, in one’s opinion, play a trick on /play tricks on, take in, in common

2. Can use the following structures in different situations:

1) Useful expressions in the text

in my opinion, play a trick on /play tricks on, take in, in common, have something/nothing in common with …,as well as, get together.

2) Expressions on expressing and supporting an opinion

In my opinion, we should… I believe we should…

I don’t think it is necessary to… We must decide…

I hope we can make a decision. If we do this, we can…

3) Modal verbs (2): must, have to, have got to.

3. Can be familiar with the following world festivals and talk about them:

Chinese festivals: the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day…

Foreign festivals: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa…

4. Can read the reading materials correctly, including pronunciation, intonation, pause and fluency. And recite five to eight beautiful or important sentences.

5. Can understand the teaching material well, and retell the text and have a discussion according to the text after class.

6. Can get further information about festivals through classes, magazines, newspapers, related books, Internet and so on.

II 情感目标 ( Affect )

1. To get Ss to enjoy festivals and customs from different countries, and enlighten Ss to enjoy the beauty and the importance of festivals and customs.

2. To encourage Ss to show positive and healthy attitude towards festivals and customs from different countries.

3. To get Ss to know how to hold effective and successful festivals.

4. To get Ss to further understand the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures by comparing Chinese and foreign festivals and customs.

III 技能目标 ( Skills )

1. To train Ss’ four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in different periods.

2. To make Ss’ know how to write an invitation in English.

3. To help Ss to develop the ability of learning English through different ways, such as reading newspapers, magazines and books, surf the Internet, etc.

Part 2 Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task

1. Find information about the following festivals as much as possible through newspapers, magazines, related books and Internet.

Chinese festivals: the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day…

Foreign festivals: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa…

2. Read the following introductions of some famous foreign festivals.

Mardi Gras The America's most favorite celebration, and famous Mardi Gras takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana. Carnival has religious roots associated with Judeo-Christian tradition. Mardi Gras is set to occur 46 days (the 40 days of Lent plus six Sundays) before Easter and can come as early as February 3 or as late as March 9. Known as the “biggest free show on earth”, people there dress up in costumes for these events and enjoy this celebration by going to public parades where they catch “beads, doubloons, cups, and trinkets” that are all thrown from floats. They also have private celebrations, masquerade balls, held by clubs called krewes. The official colors of Carnival are purple, green and gold, chosen in 1872 by that year's Rex. The colors have meaning: purple for justice, green for faith and gold for power. King Cakes are eaten during this holiday.

Valentine’s Day February 14th, Valentine’s Day, is sweethearts’ day, on which people in love with each other express their tender emotions. People sometimes put their love message in a heart-shaped box of chocolates, or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons. Words or letters may be written on the flower covered card, or something else. Whatever the form may be, the message is almost the same -“ Will you be my valentine?” The symbol of valentine is a picture with a Heart and Cupid armed with bow and arrow. Many universities, high or elementary schools hold a sweethearts’ Ball for the young students to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Bon Odori Festival (Ghost Festival) Japanese has been looking upon Ghost Day Ceremony originating in Buddhist Ullambana. These two festivals were not only public holidays with enthusiastic festivities but also times when people gave presents to each other and enhance amity between them. The custom of giving presents might root in the transfer from the kind-heartedness of giving alms to the concern for the living families and friends. The Japanese also hang lanterns on July 15 to lead the spirits back to the earthly world and have them enjoy grand banquet. It is like our custom of releasing water lanterns and firing lanterns. Besides, they hold a “pot” ceremony, called “pot-reciting”, which praises Buddhist sutras, singing and dancing, receiving the departed spirits and sending away the solitary ghosts. Today, there are various scales of “pot ceremony” all over Japan, which is kind of an amusement gathering. However, current Ghost Day Ceremony is not full of gloomy atmosphere in its form, remaining only enjoyable sentiment in spite of the existing original meaning.

Halloween 1,000 years ago, the Celts living in the Great Britain believed that human is mastered by gods. They also believe that Samhain, the death god, would come back to the earthly world with the dead at the night on October 31. The Celts built bonfires and fired animals as sacrificial offerings to the death god. Some Celts were dressed in costumes made from animal heads or furs, which was the origin of contemporary Halloween masquerade. The night of the death god was a horrifying time that signified the coming of winter and was the beginning of Halloween eve. Today, the religious meaning of Halloween has been weakened; instead, the holiday expresses man’s cherishing memory of Halloween via innovative, ever-changing modern masquerade.

Day of the Dead, Mexico On November 2nd, each house roasts bread of animal forms, broiling chicken, hot chocolate and sweet corns, plus laying some toys on the altar because Mexicans believe that the dead children will come back to their own homes in the midnight. The altar for the dead elder is stocked with belongings of the merriment as they do; therefore, their Ghost Festival is just like a carnival when people walk around with masks, eating skull-shaped candies. And even a ghost image is put on the bread. In the evening, the whole family goes to the cemetery and clears the grave. Women praise all night in kneeling or sitting position while men are talking or singing. The flickering midnight candlelight is filling up the cemetery whereas walking singers are chanting for the dead Spirits.

Easter Easter, with its religious character, falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or after March 21st. Therefore, Easter happens sometimes in March, and sometimes in April. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb where he had lain for three days following his Crucifixion. His rise after three days indicates that he would accomplish his promise to rise again from the dead as proof of eternal life. As Christ’s return to life had occurred during the season of spring, some of the rites of Spring were still retained. Therefore, we see that although Easter is based on the events in the life of Christ, it has been influenced by older traditions. For example, the custom of dyeing eggs is still very popular among American children. Originally the egg symbolized fertility for the ancient Persians and Greeks who exchanged eggs at their spring festivals. But up to the Christian time, the egg symbolized the tomb from which Christ rose. For Christian lamb is the symbol of the sacrifice of Christ and pig the symbol of good luck. That is why both in Europe and in America, people have lamb and ham as their main meat on Easter Sunday. In all the spring season, people enjoy the Easter message of hope, joy and the resurrection of spirit.

Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day, which originated in America and was first celebrated in 1621 by the pilgrims of the Plymouth Colony, is the most typical and true national holiday of all the holidays observed in the United States of America. Because of the religious persecution by the established church in England, the pilgrims left their native land with the purpose of enjoying religious freedom. They first fled to Holland, and then sailed to America on a ship called the Mayflower. When they arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts, it was November, 1620. The first winter was very difficult for them and over half of them died because of hunger and illness, hard work and severely cold weather. In the spring of the next year, 1621, a friendly Indian named Squants, who had been captured and released by other English men, came to help them in planting the corn and fertilizing the soil. Then Squants brought the Indian chief called Massasoit who also treated them in a friendly way. With the help of the Indians, the pilgrims had a bumper harvest that year. They thought the harvest was a kind of deliverance by God, so they decided to have a day of celebration after their harvest to express their thanks to God. And they also invited the Indian chief Massasoit in gratitude and prepared a grand dinner out-doors. The celebration lasted for 3 days. On October 3rd, 1863, Lincoln issued the first National Thanksgiving Proclamation. Since then it has been the custom for the President of the United States to Proclaim annually the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day. The Thanksgiving dinner is mainly stuffed with roast turkey, squash and corn, pumpkin pie and Indian pudding a custard made from corn), etc. Today, American people have four days for this holiday, although the first Thanksgiving lasted three days. One is probably surprised to find the uniformity in the holiday scene of every family, wherever one goes in the United States. People go back home to enjoy the reunion of their family at the arrival of Thanksgiving Day.

Christmas Christmas Day, which is the greatest of the Christian festivals, falls on December 25th on which Christian people believe Jesus Christ was born, although no one can tell the exact date of his birth. This is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States, which is full of joy and gaiety, love and laughter, hospitality and good will. People usually have two weeks for this holiday. They begin to prepare Christmas long before the holiday comes. Small families and large business firms prepare the holiday differently. Stores are decorated with the traditional Christmas colors of green and red. Goods associated with Christmas become best sellers at this time. People like to decorate their stores and homes with Christmas tree, which is usually covered with strings of colored lights and a star fixed on top representing the star in the East which guided the three Wise Men to where Jesus was born. And Christmas food is special: peppermint-flavored red and white striped canes of sugar, bright colored hard sweets, chocolate bonbons, creamy homemade fudge and clusters of chocolate-covered raisins, walnuts or pecans, etc. On Christmas Eve families have a big dinner. Children hang their stockings by the fireplace, hoping that Santa Claus will fill them with sweets and toys.

Part 3: While-unit Activities: Five Separate Periods

Period 1: Warming up & Listening

Before having this period, the Students (Ss) are asked to collect information about the three festivals: Halloween, Bon Odori Festival, Day of the Dead.

Step 1 Lead-in

1. First, greet Ss with the questions “How are you feeling today?” “ Do you feel happy today?”

Then, Teacher (T) can lead in the topic festival/ holiday by asking some questions such as:

When do you usually feel happy? (Ss can give different answers)

Do you feel happy when there is a festival and you have holidays?

Then which festival or holiday do you like best? And why?

2. Chinese have many festivals. How many Chinese festivals do you know? And what are they?

( the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival (Yuanxiao), Tomb Sweeping Festival (Qingming), Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu), Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival (Chongyang), National Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese Youth Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Tree-planting Day…)

Which is the greatest and the most important festival to our Chinese people? When do Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival? How long does the Spring Festival last? Why do Chinese people celebrate it? What is the theme of the Spring Festival? How is it celebrated?

3.Different cultures have different kinds of customs and festivals. How many foreign festivals do you know? And what are they?

( Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Ramadan, Day of the Dead (from Mexico), Bon Odori Festival/ Ghost Festival (from Japan) (盂兰盆节), Mardi Gras, Kwanzaa…)

Step 2 Warming up

1. Show the Ss three pictures and ask them to discuss in pairs according to the following guiding questions:

Q1: Do you know the names of the festivals? (Halloween, Bon Odori, Day of the Dead)

Q2: Do you know which countries the festivals come from?

Q3: What are the people in the pictures doing? Why are they doing this?

2. Ask individual students to talk about the three festivals. The information of the festivals should include the name of the festival, when, where and how to celebrate it.

3. Which Chinese festival is similar to the three festivals? (Tomb Sweeping Festival)

Then get Ss to compare the Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival with one of the three festivals. (Differences: time, people, place, the way of celebrating, etc. Similarity: ghost festival)

Step 3 Dialogue

Get Ss to work in pairs to make up a dialogue. One describes his/her favorite Chinese festival and the other describes his/her favorite foreign festival. Trying to compare them.

(The following form is presented for Ss to prepare.)


When is the festival celebrated?

Who celebrates the festival?

How do people celebrate it?

Why do people celebrate it?

What are some important themes, e.g.“family” and “peace”?

How old is the festival?

Step 4 Listening

1. Pre-listening: Present three pictures about Mardi Gras, Ramadan and Easter and let Ss to guess out the names of the festivals from what they can see from the pictures.

2. While-listening: Do the three festivals one by one. For each one, Ss can listen to it twice. The first time, Ss’ task is to find correct answers to the choices in the book. The second time, Ss’ task is to check their answers and T check the correct answers with the whole class.

3. Post-listening: Get Ss to listen to each festival again. While listening, try to take notes and get more information about the festival. Then ask Ss to describe the three festivals in their own words.

Step 5 Summary

Help Ss to have a revision of the festivals learnt in this class.

T: Different histories and cultures have different kinds of festivals and customs. We should get to know they all play important parts in learning a country’s language. We should respect and show positive attitudes towards foreign festivals and customs as well as Chinese ones.

Step 6 Homework

1. Listening work: Listen to the listening material about Christmas in workbook on page 77.

2. Written work: Write a description of your favorite festival. The description should include 1) the name 2) the time 3) characteristics 4) activities, etc.

Period 2: Reading

Step 1 Revision

Get Ss to work in pairs to ma tch the festivals in Column A with the information in Column B.

Column A Column B

1.Ramada A. celebrated on the 15th day of the

first Chinese lunar month

2.the Lantern Festival B. chocolate, bunnies, colored eggs for its


3.Mardi Gras C. Muslims fast during the daylight day

4.Dragon Boat Festival D. catching “beads, doubloons and cups”

thrown by parades

5.Valentine’s Day E. honoring love and lovers

6.Halloween F. eating Zongzi to honor Qu Yuan

7.Double Ninth Festival G. the time of ghosts, spirits, gravestones

8.Thanksgiving Day H. meaning clear and bright, mourning the dead

9.Easter I. offering thanks, family gatherings and meals

10.Tomb Sweeping Festival J. on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month as Senior

citizen’s Day

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Make a comparison of Chinese Spring Festival and Christian


T: Which is the greatest and the most important festival to Chinese people? (the Spring Festival) And which is the greatest and the most important festival to Christian people in western countries? (Christmas)

Both of them are quite popular in the world. What are the differences between them?




Chinese Spring Festival


Time From the 1st day to the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month

On Dec. 25

Preparation Do spring cleaning, do Spring Festival shopping (new clothes, delicious food, fireworks, New Year paintings, etc.), decorate the houses with Spring Festival couplets, paper cuts, Chinese knots… Do cleaning, do Christmas shopping (gifts, cards, sweet, cookies, etc.), decorate the houses with Christmas tree and colored lights…

Special Food New Year’s cake, dumpling ( jiaozi) , sweet dumpling (tangyuan)…

Candies, cookies, pudding…


Anything (foods, fruits, clothes, drinks…)

Anything (foods, fruits, drinks, desserts, Christmas decorations)

Major Activities Have family reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve, pay New Year’s visits, recreational activities (dragon dance, lion dance, stilt-walking…)

Family reunion, have a big dinner on Christmas Eve…

purpose Bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new year, hoping for the best and the good future.

Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ

Note: The italicized words in the form above are suggested answers.

Step 3 Reading

T: Do you know there is another festival which follows Christmas Day in America. It is an important festival to African Americans. Is there any one who knows the name of the festival? (Kwanzaa)

1. Fast reading: Read the text on page 10 fast and try to get a general idea of Kwanzaa from the text. T can present a diagram of the information about Kwanzaa to help Ss to finish this task.

(Questionnaire: When is Kwanzaa celebrated? How long does it last?

Who created the festival of Kwanzaa? (Dr Maulana Karenga) Who usually celebrates Kwanzaa? Why is it celebrated? What are the characteristics of Kwanzaa?)

2. Careful reading: Get Ss to read the text carefully to get more details. After reading, Ss are asked to do True or False exercises.

1) African Americans have a long history and a rich culture, so Kwanzaa is an old festival. ( F ) (a young festival)

2) People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture. ( F ) ( to celebrate African culture)

3) The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili, one of the largest languages in Africa. ( T )

4) The African first-fruit festivals are completely different from each other. ( F ) ( to have many things in common )

5) Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day. ( F ) ( from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 )

6) Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals. ( T )

7) People who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. ( T )

3. Dialogue.

Suppose you are the reporter of Overseas Wind Programme of Huipu Students’ Broadcasting. Now you are chosen to interview the foreign teacher John about the festival of Kwanzaa. Make up a dialogue with your partner. One acts the role of the reporter, and the other acts the role of John. The dialogue can begin like this:

Reporter (R): Good afternoon, everyone. Here is our Overseas Wind Programme. Today, we have a foreign guest in our progamme. He is our foreign teacher John. Hello, John.

John (J): Hello.

R: Welcome to our Overseas Wind Programme. Today we have a topic about the festival of Kwanzaa. So would you like to introduce Kwanzaa to us? …

J: …

Step 4 Discussion

Topic1: Do you agree festivals can help us understand our history and culture? How do they help us understand our history and culture?

Topic2: Nowadays more and more festivals have been created in my cities for various purposes, such as developing local economy, making the city well-known, etc. Our city Linhai created the Festival of the Great Wall in the South. It has been celebrated for three years. However, some Linhainese think holding such a festival causes some problems to the city. What effects does the Festival of the Great Wall in the South bring to us? Make a list

Good Effects Bad Effects

… …

Step 5 Homework

1. Oral Work: Read and recite the new words learnt in this class.

Read and recite some beautiful and useful sentences in the text.

2. Written Work: Suppose you are the journalist of Huip

篇4:新教材Unit 8 sports(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

Teaching Goals

1. Talk about sports

2. Talk about interests and hobbies

3. Talk about the Olympics

3. Write a sports star’s profile

Period Arrangements six periods

Students intermediate level

【Teaching Aims】

A. Abilities

1. Be able to use the following sentences

Which do you like…or …?

What’s your favorite sport?

Which sport do you like best?

Which do you prefer…or…?

What about…?

Are you interested in…?

2. Be able to say something about sports.

B. Knowledge

1. vocabulary continent well-known athlete gold medal torch badminton tie final dive shooting Greece competitor motto further rank gymnastics prepare preparation effect flame compete flag weight position superstar point skill weigh title gesture facial stand for because of speed skating track and field take part in preparation for

2. grammar

Passive Voice in the future tense

【Studying method】

Preview-to get the students form the good habit of study first by themselves. To improve their study ability.

【Teaching Methods】

1. Talking method to enable the students to express themselves freely.

2. Listening method to improve the students’ listening ability.

【Teaching Aids】

1. a recorder 2. a computer and some slides

【Teaching procedures】

Teaching Procedures of Period 1:

【Teaching Goals】

1. Improve the students listening ability by listening to some materials.

2. Master the useful expressions by using them in the dialogue, meanwhile educate the students to love sports so that they can be healthier and stronger.

【Teaching Methods】

1. Talking methods to enable the students to express themselves freely.

2. Listening method to improve the students’ listening ability.

【Teaching Aids】

1. a recorder 2. a computer

Step1.Warming up

Ss know a lot about sports from everyday life and media, so I arrange such a task -discussion(group of 4):

Q: What do you know about sports?

During this process, if Ss can’t express themselves in English, Chinese is also all right. Besides, it is a good chance to present new words. If necessary, make some complements. At the same time, present them as many pictures about sports as possible.

Possible response:

school sports meet

Sports meet the National Games

the Asian Games

the Olympic Games

the World Cup


ball games: volleyball, basket ball, football, table tennis,

tennis ,golf, badminton, bowling, baseball, American

football, ice hockey etc

Events of sports

track and field: relay race, long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot, javelin etc

gymnastic: rings, double bars, high and low bars, horse , free exercise

swimming/shooting/skiing/ ice sports/diving/aquatic sports etc

Sport stars : Beckham, Mike Owen, Michael Jordan etc

Purpose: This activity is designed to encourage students to think about sports and activate relevant vocabulary.

Step 2. Speaking

Task1(pair work): Talk about their favourite sports, favourite sports stars, and the reason why they like them, with the following expressions as a guide.(See SB p52)

Task2(pair work): A survey about physical fitness (See postscript 1)

Task3(group work): Add up their total scores and divide by the number of people. Then get their group’s average scores. Discuss their survey answers.

1). Do you think your group is doing well or not? Why ?

2). How can you become fitter?

Purpose: The students will use the information from the above step to

talk about their interests and hobbies and to practise giving reasons for their


Step 3. Listening

Task 1: Brainstorming(encourage Ss to tell me as many words about that as possible)

Purpose: to work as a guide of listening part

Task 2: Listen to three sports reports and fill in the missing information

Purpose: In this activity, the students will hear three sports reports about basketball, football table tennis. It is what they are interested in and to learn to understand sports news report.

Step 4. Homework Assignment

Task: Find out some background information about the Olympics. Teacher will offer them some websites as well:

www.olympic.org www.specialolympics.org/

www.athens.olympics.org/ www.beijing-.org

Purpose: This activity is related to the reading material of next period. To encourage Ss to find out the information by themselves.

Teaching procedures of period 2

【Teaching aims】

1. Improve the students’ reading ability by fast-reading and reading.

2. Enable the students to master the new words and expressions, as well as the language points.

3. Train the students to love and take an active part in the sports.

【Teaching method】

1. Discussion method to make the students understand what they’ve learned better.

2. Pair work or group work to get every students to take an active part in teaching-and-learning activities.

【Teaching Aids】 1. a recorder 2. a computer

【Teaching procedure】

Step1. Lead-in

Task 1. Collect the information Ss have found, and this is a good chance to present new words. If necessary, warming up Ex can work as a guide. At the same time T will display some relevant pictures.

Five rings Aisa Europe Africa America Oceania

Colour Red Yellow Green Blue

IOC International Olympic committee

Headquater Lausanne Switzerland

Motto swifter higher stronger

Present President Jac ques Rogge

Official language English French Spanish Russian German

Host city of Olympics Sydney Australia

Host city of Olympics Athens Greece

Host city of 2008 Olympics Beijing China

Host city of the first Olympics Athens Greece

kinds Winter Olympics Summer Olympics

Purpose: to help Ss get as much background knowledge about the Olympics as possible

Task 2.Group work to discuss any of following questions:

1).Why do so many athletes want to take part in the Olympic Games?

2).Are the Olympic Games important to our society? Why or why not?

Purpose: the activity is designed to get Ss to think about the Olympics as a preliminary activity related to the reading material.

Step2. Reading

Task1.Skimming to find out what is the reading material going to talk about.

Possible answer: the Olympics

Task2. Scanning to find the topic words

Possible answer: the Winter Olympics , the Summer Olympics, the ancient Olympics, the modern Olympics, the Olympic motto, the 2008 Olympics

Purpose: to train Ss to glance through the passage quickly to get a general idea.

Task3. Careful reading to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Purpose: to train Ss how to find out the main idea of a paragraph.


Task1. Play the passage through once and ask Ss to underline some words and phrases they think useful.

Task2.Match the new words and their meanings(See WB Ex)

Task3.Fill in a form about the passage

Olympics Year place China’s gold medals competitors

old Greece no female competitors

1st in modern times



2008 ? ?

Purpose: to have a better understanding of the passage and note some useful words and phrases.


Task1: Group work (group of 4) to discuss the following topics and they can choose whichever they are interested in talking about.

Topic1. What is the spirit of the Olympic Games? What can you learn from it?

Topic2. Do you agree that” faster, higher, stronger” is a good motto not only for sports but also for life in general? Why?

Topic3.Is it important to win in a sports match? Why or why not?

Topic4.Discuss the causes and effects of some serious problems of the Olympics and think of the possible solutions.

Task2: Debate

Hosting the Olympic games is a great honour and a great responsibility. Since china has won the bidding

of hosting the 2008 Olympics, what will the Olympics bring to China, good effects or bad effects.

good effects bad effects

promote the economy costing a large amount of money

make china better known to the world cause disorder to our society

Purpose: to have a further understanding about the Olympics.

Step5.Homework assignment

Write a report based on the debate carried out in class about the good effects and bad effects of the Olympics. And encourage Ss to express their own idea in the report.

Purpose: to cultivate them how to write discussed topics

Teaching procedures of period 3

【Teaching aims】

1. Review the Future Passive Voice.

2.. Enable the students to be able to use the structures in real situations

【Teaching method】

1. Reading method to improve the students reading ability.

2. Doing-drills to get the students to master what they should master.

3. Pair work and group work may enable them to form the habit of cooperation with others .

【Teaching Aids】 a computer

【Teaching procedure】

Step1. Extensive reading (WB)

Task 1. Read the passage and have a discussion about some related questions.

1).What are some problems that unknown athletes have to deal with?

2).Why are the Olympic Games so important to many athletes?

3).Why do stars like Michael Jordan make more money than other athletes?

Task 2.Pair work Compare the sports listed. Are they popular in china? Why or why not?

Sports Popular /not very popular Reasons



Table tennis


Purpose: to know more about sports and the Olympics.


Task 1. China is going to host the 2008 Olympic Games. To make it the most wonderful and successful one, what will be done ? If necessary, T can display two pictures for contrast.

Task 2. As for Ss, being Chinese, what will they do for the 2008 Olympics?

Purpose: to make Ss note the use of Future Passive Voice and Future Active Voice.

Step3. Language focus

Task1. Group work to get a conclusion of the Future Passive Voice and give T more examples.

Structure: Subject+ will be done

Task2. Show Ss a passage about the Olympics, and ask them to change it into passive

voice.(See postscript 2)

Task3. Pair work to ask questions about the passage with what , when, where, how etc.

Task4. T has left a note to you ,asking you to write a notice for the students in Future Passive Voice. Work with their partners and write down the notice. Then report it to class orally.

Next week we are going to clear the school as follows:

Monday--- Classroom Building No.1

Tuesday--- Classroom Building No.2

Wednesday--- the computer center and language lab

Thursday--- the science labs

Friday--- the library

Purpose: to consolidate their understanding about the Future Passive Voice

Step4.Homework assignment

Task1. Finish some consolidation Ex of the Future Passive Voice

Task2. Find out as much information as possible about their favourite sports stars Purpose: to encourage Ss to do what they are interested in

Teaching procedures of period 4

【Teaching aims】

1. Review some useful words in the text.

2. Train the students’ writing ability by writing a profile

3. Improve the students’ listening ability.

【Teaching methods】

1. listening to improve the students listening ability

2. Demonstration method to show the students how to write.

3. Discussion method to make every students have a clear idea.

【Teaching Aids】1. a recorder 2. a computer

【Teaching procedure】


Ss will hear something about some sports stars and make their own decision according to what they have heard.


Guessing Game. Check what Ss have got about their favourite sports star.. Ask some Ss to come up to the front to tell what they have found while others guess the names of the sports stars.

Purpose: to work as a preliminary step of writing


Task 1.Brainstorming. Ask Ss to think out information about Yao ming as much as possible.

Task 2. Read the profile about Yao ming and find out what are the useful information for writing a profile.

Purpose: This activity is to let Ss find out how to write a profile by themselves.

Task 3. Write similar profiles about their favourite sports stars and check some typical ones in class.

Step4.Homework assigment

Suppose the Chinese Olympic Committee is inviting applications for volunteer jobs for the 2008 Olympic Games and Ss want to apply for the job. Try to write a profile to introduce themselves.

Teaching procedures of period 5

【Teaching Aims】

1. Enable the students to master the useful expressions by making sentences with them

2. Improve the students listening ability

【Teaching methods】

1. Dictation to improve the students listening ability and consolidate the use of some of the phrases they have learnt.

2. Writing to improve their writing ability and encourage them to use their imagination to think about in the future.

【Teaching Aids】 1. a recorder 2. a computer

【Teaching precedure】


Give students a dictation about the words , phrases and several important sentences

Purpose: to make Ss get used to listening and consolidate what they have learnt in this unit.


Imagine the world in the year 5,000. What will our life be like then? Make a list of the things that you think will be done differently. Try to use the Passive Voice as much as possible.

Example sentences:

Eating food I think all food will be turned into juice and chopsticks won’t be used.

Drinking water

Wearing clothes

Building houses

Driving cars

Reading books

…Purpose: to revise the language focus in this unit.


Read a complementary reading material about sports and finish the relevant Ex.(See postscript 4) Purpose: to offer Ss further information about sports so that they will have better understanding.


Task 1: Group work to talk about the sports as the sample. One member of the group write down what they have got during their discussion and another report what they have written down.

Sport: Soccer Objective: Shoot the ball into the other Team’s goalNumber of players: Two teams of eleven players:ten outfielders and a goalkeepersSports field: Grass playing fieldEquipment: Football,two goalsBasic rules:1. Players are not allowed to use their hands.2. … Sport: Table tennisObjective:Number of players:Sports field:Equipment:Basic rules: Sport:Objective: Number of players:Sports field:Equipment:Basic rules: Sport:Objective:Number of players: Sports field:Equipment:Basic rules:

Task 2: Write a short essay in which you compare two sports

Step5.Homework Assignment

Task1: Since Ss have learned the whole unit, they must know more about sports. After class, ask Ss to find some scenes which have make them moved and tell us the reasons.

Purpose: This activity is designed to check what Ss have learned from this unit

Task2: Assessment

Purpose: to help Ss to reflect on how and what they have learned from this unit

Through the whole unit a good many different kinds of assessment have been presented in the form of listening, speaking, reading and writing. But as a whole unit, I design such two forms to let Ss clearly know their own performances.

Form 1: (total score 5)

listening speaking reading writing

Self assessment

Peer assessment

Teacher assessment

Form 2: set improvement goal

Your name Date

a. What were your goals for this unit?

b. Did you reach your goal?

c. What different ways of learning did you use?

d. Which did you like best?

e. What your goals for the next unit?

f. How do you plan to reach them?

g. Will you ask some of your classmates for ideas and try new ways of learning?

The Olympic Games

Our country will


1. It will be sent into space so that anyone who finds it will understand who we are.

1)这是一个较为复杂的句子。其中在so that引导的目的状语从句中,又含有一个由who引导的定语从句(who finds it)修饰

“anyone”和另一个由 who引导的宾语从句。

2)so that(= in order that)在引导目的状语从句时,意思是“目的为了、以便使得”。在引导结果状语从句时,意思是“结果;因此”。

It rained hard last Sunday so that we had to stay at home all day.


Please speak clearer so that we can understand you.请说得再清楚些,以便我们能听懂你的话。(目的状语从句)


The problem is so difficult that I can't work it out.这道题太难,我做不出来。

2. selects choose 与pick out 的区别

三者都有“选择”之意,但它们的语意各有侧重。select是“精选”之意,指有目的地、认真地按照一定标准在一些人或东西中选出一些好的,弃掉一些差的;choose使用范围广,通常指在所提供的对象中,凭个人的判断力进行选择,意为 “挑选出来”,而不强调“精选”;pick out比较口语化,指按个人喜好或希望进行挑选,有“仔细挑选”的意思。

You can choose any book you like.你可以选择你喜欢的书。 We must select some for seeds.我们要选一些做种子。

We must select some for seeds.请选出你最喜欢的邮票。


represent是动词,有“代表;(画面)描绘; (符号等)表示”之意。如: Our headmaster could not go to the meeting, so Mr Smith represented him.我们的校长不能去参加会议,所以史密斯先生代表他去了。

The sign “&” represents the word “and” .符号&代表单词“and”之意。

This painting represents a storm of sea.这幅画描绘了海上风暴的景色。

[短语]represent oneself as自称; be representative of代表,表示

4. living, alive, live 与 lively 的区另


1) living主要用作定语,修饰人或物均可,常置于所修饰的名词之前,有时也置其后。它还可用作表语。如:

She is regarded as one of the best living presidents at present.她被看作是当今最好的总统之一。

2)alive是形容词,意思是“活着的;存在的”;为表语形容词,既可指人;也可指物,常和 living互换;作定语时,应放在所修饰的名词之后。如:Who is the greatest man alive?谁是当今活着的最伟大的人?

He died in the accident, but his driver was still alive / living.在车祸中他死了,但他的司机仍然活着。

She must be still alive.她一定还活着。


Look ! The cat is playing with a live mouse.瞧!这猫在耍弄一只活老鼠。


It wasn't a recorded show; it was live.这不是放录像节目,这是实况转播。

4) lively意思是“活泼;活跃;充满生机的”,用作定语或表语,既可指人,又可指物。

The professor had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.那教授有一种奇特的方法使他的课生动有趣。

I feel everything here is very lively.我觉得这儿一切富有生机。

5.include, including ,included和contain的区别

1) include只能用作及物动词,意思是“包括;包含”。它侧重指包含者是整体的一部分。如:

The book includes two chapters on grammar.这本书有两章关于语法的。 The list includes many new names.名单上有许多新名字。


Thirty passengers were hurt, including 5 children.三十个人受伤,包括五个孩子。


They will send you the book for $ 15, postage included他们将把此书寄给你,单价15美元,包括邮资在内。


Orange juice contains things which help keep you healthy.桔汁里含有有益于健康的东西。Sea water contains salt.海水里含有盐.

6.Where there is a river, there is a city.凡有河流的地方,必有城市。


We should go where we are most needed by the Party.我们应该到党最需要我们的地方去。

Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。(直译:哪儿有生命,哪儿就有希望。)

Make a mark where you have any doubts or questions.在你有疑问的地方做个记号

注意: l)where在用作关系副词时,常用来引导定语从句,并在定语从句中作状语。如:

This is the house where I lived two years ago.这就是我两年前住过的地方。


I can't decide where to go for our holiday.我决定不了去哪儿度假。 Where they have gone is not known yet.他们去哪儿了尚不清楚。

7. It is true that many of the world's greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.确实,世界上许多大城市都是建在河畔上。

英语中“It + be + adj. /p.p. + that…”是一个很重要的句型。这里的“it”叫形式主语,真正的主语是“that”引导的从句。如:

Is it true that the scientist will give us a lecture next week? 这位科学家下周来给我们讲课,这是真的吗?

It is said that at least ten buildings will be built soon in our city.据说我市不久要至少建十栋大楼。

8.try to do sth., try doing sth. 与manage to do sth.的区别

try doing sth.是“试着做某事”。try to do sth.是“设法去做”(但不涉及是否成功)。manage to do sib.意思是“设法做成某事”,(强调结果,相当于 succeed in doing sth)。如:The box is very heavy, but I can manage to carry it.箱子很重,但我能扛起它。

I tried to persuade him to go to school again,but he wouldn’t.我尽力说服他重返校园,但他不愿意。

9.lay in pieces on the ground破烂不堪地散落在地上


lie、lied、lied、lying说谎;撒谎 lie、lay、lain、lying躺;平躺;位于 lay、laid、laid、laying摆放;产卵

He lied to his parents, so they didn't like him.他欺骗了父母,所以他们不喜欢他。

She shut the door and left the room with a lot of books lying on the ground.她关上了门,离开了房间,地上摆满了书。

10. do everything (all/ what ) sb. can to + v. 尽力做某事


I'll do all I can to finish the work. I'll do everything I can to finish the work.

I'll do what I can to finish the work. 我会尽力完成任务。

11. be used to do sth., used to do sth. 与 be (get / become)used to doing sth.的区别

be used to do sth.意思是“被用来做什么”,是 use的被动语态,to do sth作目的状语。used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事(但现在不做了)”。be(get become)used to doing sth.表示“习惯于干某事”,是系表结构。used是形容词,to用作介词,后跟名词或动名词。The wood is used to make desks and chairs.木头被用来做桌子和椅子。My grandmother used to dance a lot when she was young.我祖母年轻时经常跳舞。He has become used to living in the countryside.他已习惯于生活在农村。


这两个词都可以表示“丢失;失去”等意思,但含义和用法不同:missing表示“已不在适当的或所期待的位置”,强调应该有、而缺少。lose表示“丢失”之意,语气较强,一般指某物丢失,不易找回来了。如:On the table there is a book with two pages missing.桌子上有本少了两页的书。They are looking for the missing / lost child who lost his parents when he was a child,他们正在寻找失踪的孩子,这孩子小时候就失去了父母。

13. damage, destroy, harm 及 hurt 的区别

这几个词都有“伤害”的意思,但含义和用法不同:damage“损失",主要用于物,表示部分的损失,一般可以修复。destroy“毁灭;消灭”,指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般不能或很难恢复。Harm“伤害;损害”,常用于口语,指“肉体、精神、健康”等方面均可。 hurt主要指精神上或肉体上的“创伤;伤害”。如:The earthquake destroyed the whole city.地震毁了整个城市。They managed to repair the houses that had been damaged.他们设法修复了受到破坏的房子。Smoking seriously harmed your health.吸烟严重损害了你的健康。His words hurt my feelings.他的话伤了我的感情。


make在表示“使得、让”之意时,常用“make+宾语+宾补”的结构;宾补可为:形容词、不带to的不定式。名词、过去分词。如:He tried to make us ho.他设法使我们高兴。 What makes you think so?什么使你这样想呢? We made her our team leader.我们选她当队长。 He soon made himself understood.他很快使别人懂得了他的意思。

【语法点评] 现在完成时被动语态的用法


1) 只带有一个宾语的动词变为被动语态时,将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。

主动:We have built many house in the past ten years. 被动:Many houses have been built in the past ten years.

注意:有些表示状态的及物动词不能用于被动语态。如: I have had many books.(√)

Many books have been had by me.(x)

2) 带有双宾语的动词,如:give,send,bring,take,,show,tell,make, sing,write,read, sell,buy,ask,pay,horrow,lend,offer,hand,pass,get,promise等,变为被动语态时,可将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个保留不动。如:

主动: I have given him the book.被动: He has been given the book.被动: The book has been given(to)him.



主动:I have given him the book. 被动:He has been given the book.

主动:I have asked him to help you. 被动:He has been asked to help you.


主动:I have made him work hard. 被动:He has been made to work hard.

主动:He has referred to the book. 被动:The book has been referred to (by him )

He has thought of a way of doing it. (√ ) A way of doing it has been thought of. (√ ) A way has been thought of of doing it. (√ )

A way has been thought of doing it. (x )


主动:He has written three novels. 被动: Three novels have been written (by him) .


2. While still a student, she played roles in many plays. 还在上小学时.她就在许多戏剧中扮演角色。

(1) While still a student & While she was still a student的省略形式。如果复合句中的状语从句用了“主语十 be十名词(形容词,分词)”结构,且主从句主语一致(或从句主语是it)时,可省略从句主语和动词be,而只保留从句中的其他部分。又:

Water will boil when heated. 水加热就会开。(省略了 it is)

I'11 repeat it several times, if necessary. 如果有必要,我可以重复好几遍。(省略了 it is)

(2) play roles/a role扮演角色,起作用。如:Keanu Reeves played leading roles in many films. 基努’里维斯在许多电影中扮演主角。

He played an important role in the research. 他在研究中起了重要作用。

3.During the 1980s and 1990s she won many more prizes在二十世纪八十年代和九十年代,他获得了更多奖项。

l)年代的表示法:the加上整十位数的复数形式 ( twenties 20s/20's; thirties 30s/30' s; forties 40s/40' s; fifties 50s/50' s :

These books were written in the 1830s( 1830's) . 这些书写于十九世纪三十年代。


He went to America for further education in his twenties. '他二十几岁时去美国深造。

2) many more和much more的区别

many more修饰复数名词much more修饰不可数名词。如:I have many more books than you. 我的书比你的多得多。

much more用于修饰多音节形容词或副词,还可用于修饰不可数名词。如:

This park is much more beautiful than that one. 这个公园比那个公园漂亮得多。

He has made much more progress this year than last year. 他今年的进步比去年大得多。

4.marry, get married 和 be married表结婚


She/He is going to marry a doctor. 她/他将和一个医生结婚。 He married late. 他结婚晚。 She married well. 她嫁给了一个有钱人。

get married 和 be married为系表结构,后要加介词 to才能跟宾语。如:She was married to an English man. 她同一个英国人结了婚。

He got married to a friend of mine last year. 去年他和我的一个朋友结了婚。

2)marry,get married均表瞬时动作,不能与 for…/since等“段时间”连用。 be married表示状态,可与“段时间”连用。

如:他们结婚三十年了。 误: They have married (got married) for thirty years. 正: They have been married for thirty years.

5.This film quickly made him famous. 这部电影使他很快成名。


1)make十宾语十形容词。如:We are doing our best to make our country even stronger. 我们在努力使我们国家更加强大。

2)make十宾语十过去分词。如:He spoke slowly in order to make himself understood. 他讲得很慢,以便大家能够听懂。

3)make 十宾语十名词(短语)。如:They made him their team leader. 他们推选他当了队长。

4)make十宾语十动词原形。如:They made me do it. 他们让我做那件事。

注意:如本句型用于被动语态,不定式前必须加to。如上句的被动语态为:I was made to do it.

6.reason后的定语从句和表语从句的引导词。That 's the reason why (that, for which ) she left home.

l)定语从句:引导词在从句中作状语时,用why,that或for which 引导;作主语或宾语时,用that或which引导。如:

That 's the reason that / ( which ) he explained to us. 那就是她离家出走的原因。(作状语)

2)reason 作主语时,其后的表语从句用that引导(不可错用成 because)。如:

His health is getting worse and wore. The reason is that he drinks too much. 他的健康越来越差,原因是他喝酒太多。



I had a dream about some elephants last night. 我昨晚梦见了一些大象。

His dream of visiting Beijing has come true. 他去北京的愿望实现了。

2)dream 作动词时,意为“做梦,梦见”,有以下三种用法:后跟同原名词作宾语;后跟of或about引起的介词短语;后跟that从句

He dreamed a bad dream last night. 他昨晚做了场恶梦。 I often dreamed of (about ) you. 我常梦见你。

I dreamed that I could fly. 我梦见我能飞翔。

3) 表示“想到”、“向往;渴望”时,后跟of短语。如:I never dreamt of seeing you here. 我没想到会在这儿见到你。

We dream of peace. 我们渴望和平。

8. “be十不定式”的用法

1)主语为 dream, wish, idea, job,work, duty ,plan等名词时,“be to do”是系表结构,表示主语是什么。不定式表示的动作在渭语动词之后发生。如:His wish was to be a teacher.他的愿望是当一名老师。

Their plan is to finish building the house within a week. 他们的计划是在一周内完成这房子。

2)主语是“人”时,“be to do”表示主语(计划、安排)干什么。如:

I'm to meet him at the station. 我将到火车站接他。 They are to be married. 他们将要结婚。

9. by the sea 和 by sea的区别。

by the sea意为“在海边”; by sea意为“乘船,走海路”。如:

Some children are playing by the sea. 一些孩子在海边玩。 We went to Japan by sea. 我们乘船去日本。

10.take off“脱掉”;“起飞”;“很快上升”

John took off his hat as he entered the room. 约翰一边进屋子,一边脱下帽子。

The plane took off at 9 a.m. this morning. 那架飞机今晨九时起飞。

Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years. 家庭电脑的销售量近年来上升很快。


1)be afraid of +只作表语(一般不作定语),常用于以下句型:

be afraid of+名词/动名词(常担心不良后果,尤其是用于某事的发生是出乎以外的,或这事的发生不是我们所希望或乐意的,这时只能用 be afraid of doing)。如:I'm afraid of dogs. 我害怕狗。 He was afraid of failing in the exam. 他害怕考试不及格。

I'm afraid of making mistakes when I speak English. 我讲英语时总是怕出错。

2)be afraid to do常指害怕而没胆量去做 He was afraid to go back home alone in the evening. 晚上他害怕独自回家。

3)be afraid for“为……担心”。如:I'm afraid for your health. 我为你的健康担心。

4)be afraid that意为“认为,恐怕”等,用于有礼貌地表达可能令人不愉快的信息。如:I'm afraid that we can't come. 恐怕我们不能来。


This is the best way to improve our English. 的后置定语有以下几种形式:

l)以不定式作定语。如:There is only one way of doing the work well. 这是提高我们英语水平的最好方法。

He was pleased with the way she had accepted his gifts. 只有一种能把这件事做好的方法。

13.in the end和 at the end的区别

1) 表示“最终”、“终于”时,两者之间没有明显区别,通常可以互换。如:

In the end/At the end we find out the secret. 我们终于发现了这个秘密。

I hope everything will turn out all right in the end/at the end. 我希望最终一切都会顺利。

2)at the end后面常接 of介词短语,表示“在……的尽头;在……的末端”。In the end 的后面不能跟 Of短语。如:

At the end of the road you will find the hospital.在这条路的尽头,你会找到那家医院的。

I went to Paris at the end of last year. 我去年年底去了巴黎。

8. owe的多重含义


篇7:新教材unit1 Good Friends(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

Teaching Goals:

1. to talk about friends;

2. to practise talking about likes and dislikes;

3. to learn to make apologies;

4. to be able to use Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(statements and questions);

5. to write an e-mail

Teaching Key points:

1. to grasp some patterns about likes and dislikes;

2. to learn to use Direct Speech and Indirect Speech;

3. to learn to write an e-mail

Teaching difficult points:

1. to grasp some changes when using Indirect Speech;

2. to write an e-mail;

3. to learn to use the following phrases:

1) nor do I like computers

2) enjoy doing/ be into doing

3) so + auxiliary + subject

4) hunt for

5) make fire

6) in order to

7) be fond of

8) go outing

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1. to talk about friends by using some relevant words;

2. to complete the listening practice and show their own opinions;

3. to discuss who could be good friends to them

Teaching procedures:

Step One Warming up

1. say greetings to the students;

2. introduce myself to the class;

I come from….; I have been working here for….; We are in the same new class and I want to be your good friend.

3. ask questions:

1) Do you have any old classmate or friend in our class?

2) Why do you like him or her?

4. ask the Ss questions:

What should be a good friend be like?

What qualities should a good friend have?

Teach the new words:

honest, brave, loyal, wise, handsome, smart,

modest, polite, open-minded, introverted, outgoing, optimistic, generous, active, aggressive, amiable, careful, confident, cooperative, creative, disciplined, friendly, hard-working, humorous, ……

5. work in pairs. The Ss describe themselves in three words and then describe one of their friends.

I think I am ……../ I think he/she is …….

Step Two Listening

1. If two persons are friends, does that mean they always have the same opinions?

Of course not, sometimes they argue about something, listen to the two friends arguing and write down the contents.

1) Situation 1 _________

2) Situation 2 _________

3) Situation 3 _________

2. ask the Ss to think what they should do to solve their problems.

Step Three Speaking

1. read through the short passages and fill in the form in pairs.

Name John Steve Peter Ann Sarah Joe

Age 15 14 15 16 14

Gender boy boy boy girl girl boy

Likes football, reading skiing

reading, singing, singing, rock music, computers dancing,


rock music, reading novels, football, singing computers,

rock music,


Dislikes singing, computers,

rock music hiking,

rock music, football football,

classical music, dancing hiking,

classical music,

reading rock music,


computers football,


2. Language points:

1) I don’t enjoy singing, I don’t like computers either.

---I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers.

He doesn’t like its size, he doesn’t like its colour either.

---He doesn’t like its size, nor does he like its colour.

David isn’t here, and neither/nor is Sarah.

I can’t swim. Neither/nor can he.

2) Rock music is Ok, and so is skiing.

--- Rock music is Ok, and skiing is Ok too.

He likes singing, and I like dancing too.

--- He likes singing and so do I .

when we say the same things also happens to sb. or sth. Else, we can use such a pattern: So + be/have/do/does/can….+ subject

a) I am a student. He is a student, too. ---- So is he.

b) I study at the school. He studies at the school, too. ---- So does he.

c) I came to school yesterday. He came here yesterday, too. ---- So did he.


I asked him to call me again. And so he did.( In fact he did as I asked him to)

3) be fond of ….

He is fond of ice cream/ his father/ playing football

4) be into….=be deeply interested in …

Her brother is deeply into computers.

2. Discussion: decide who could be their good friends and give reasons.

Use the following useful expressions:

1) I’m sure that A could be my friend. / I’m not sure that …./ I think that …./ Perhaps…..

2) He(She) likes/ enjoys/is fond of / is into…/loves…

3) doesn’t like…/dislikes…/hates…./ ….is boring(terrible)

Step Four Workbook

1. do listening practice on page 85

2. ask the students if they have other good solutions.

3. do talking practice on page 85 using the following expressions:

Why did you…/Why didn’t you …? You said you would …./You promised to…

I’m very sorry. /Please forgive me. /It won’t happen again. /I forgot.

4. ask the Ss to act out the situations with their partners.

Step Five Assignments

Write a short passage about your good friend.

1) What qualities does he/she have?

2) What does he like or dislike?

3) What interesting story do you have about your friend?

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1. to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension;

2. to discuss the important meaning of friendship;

3. to learn to use the following phrases:

1) hunt for 2) make fire 3) in order to 4) care about 5) treat …as…

Teaching procedures:

Step One Revision

1. check the answers with the Ss.

2. ask the Ss to report what they wrote about their friends

3. revise the useful expressions:

1) neither/nor/so + auxiliary + subject

2) be fond of…. 3) be into…..

Step Two Pre-reading

1. discussion: Imagine that you are alone on an island and you have to survive without friends and all the things you use in your everyday life.

Teach the new words: matches, mirror, frying pan, hammer, saw, umbrella, rope, compass…

2. ask the Ss to list the three most useful items and explain why they would be useful.

Try to use the following:

I think that ……would be the most useful, because I could use it to…..

Step Three Reading

1. ask the Ss to read through the passage quickly and find the answer to this question:

Who is Chuck’s friend? ----Wilson ( a volleyball)

2. the Ss read the passage again and answer more questions:

1) What things must Chuck learn to survive on the island?

2) What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?

3) Why do people think that friends are teachers?

Step Four Key points

1. play a man /play a part(role)/ play football/play the tape

2. send mail

3. when = and then

1) I was working in the garden when suddenly I felt a pain in my stomach.

2) He was about to go out when the telephone rang.

Compare: He was writing when I went home.

4. hunt for food/jobs

Many school-leavers go to the south to hunt for jobs.

5. make fire

He began to make fire to keep the house warm.

6. in order to..

1) In order to make a living, he had to work at an early age.

2) He got up early in order to catch the first bus.

7. be a good friend to sb.

be a servant to sb.

8. treat sb. as…

She treats the boy as her own son.

9. care about/make friends with../share happiness and sorrow

Step Five Discussion

1. if you were alone on an island, what would you do in order to survive?

2. Imagine that four people are in an airplane that is going to crash( a policeman/a doctor/ a teacher/ a scientist), but there is only one parachute. Decide who should get the parachute and explain why.

Step Six Consolidation

1.( Page 4)ask the Ss to do word study.

2. check the answers with the Ss.

Step Seven Workbook

1. (page 87) listen to the tape and do the vocabulary exercises

2. the Ss do Part 2 orally.

Step Eight Assignments

1. read the passage frequently

2. translate part 3 (page 87) into English.

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1. to learn the grammar “Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1)”---statements and questions.

2. to grasp the changing rules about tenses, pronouns ,adverbs and so on.

Teaching procedures:

Step One Revision

1. check the homework.

2. revise the following phrases:

send mail/ hunt for/ in order to/ treat…as…./care about/share happiness and sorrow/ make friends with/learn from/be quick in mind and action

Step Two Presentation

1. ask one Ss to make a sentence with “be fond of”

S: I am fond of playing football.

T: What did he day?

S: He said that he was fond of playing football.

Present the two sentences on the blackboard.

---- He said: “I am fond of playing football.”

---- He said that he was fond of playing football.

2. ask the Ss to compare the two sentences and introduce Direct and Indirect Speech to the Ss. And ask the Ss to find the difference between them.

1) tenses: ________ 2) pronouns: _______ 3) word orders: No (statements)

3. Give the Ss more examples:

1) “I don’t like computers,” Sarah said to her friends.

---- Sarah told her friends that she didn’t like computers

2) He said “I’m using the knife”

---- He said that he was using the knife.

3) She said “I have not heard from him since May”

---- She said that she had not heard from him since May.

4) He said, “ I came to help you.”

---- He said that he had come to help me.

5) Zhou Lan said “I will do it after class.”

---- Zhou Lan said that she would do it after class.

The Ss make the conclusion about the changes of tenses.


1) He said that the earth turns around the sun.

4. Direct and Indirect Speech about questions:

1) Examples:

Peter asked: “Ann, have you seen my blue notebook?”

-----Peter asked Ann if/whether she had seen his blue notebook.


Steve asked: “Does Kate like football?”

----Steve asked if/whether Kate liked football.

3) Examples:

“How can you do that?” Mary said to Ann.

----Mary asked Ann how she could do that.

“What difference does it make?” Peter asked Jim.

----Peter asked Jim what difference it made.

The Ss find out some rules about questions.

Step Three Practice

1. Give the Ss examples:

1) “ I will never forget this interesting lesson,” said Paul.

---- Paul said that he would never forget that interesting lesson.

2) Steve told Joe that he liked skiing.

---- “ I like skiing,” Steve said to Joe.

2. The Ss do the following on page 5 in pairs.

3. Check the answers with the class.

4. The Ss do Part 2 on page 5 in pairs and then check the answers.

Step Four Workbook

1. Do the grammar exercises on page 87 orally.

Step Five Assignments

1. Do the grammar exercises in their exercise books.

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1. to revise the language points the Ss have learned;

2. to get some feedback from the Ss.

Exercises for Ss:

一. 句型转换:

用neither(nor) 转换下列句子:

1. He doesn’t enjoy singing, and he doesn’t like dancing either.

----He doesn’t enjoy singing, nor _________________________.

2. Sarah didn’t watch TV, and she didn’t listen to music either.

----Sarah didn’t watch TV, ______________________________.

3. He can’t speak French, and he can’t write French either.

----He can’t speak French, __________________________.

4. I can’t speak French. He can’t speak French either.

--- I can’t speak French. __________________________.

5. We haven’t been to Beijing. They haven’t been there either.

---- We haven’t been to Beijing. ________________________.

用so 转换下列句子:

1. Sarah is beautiful. Her sister is beautiful too.

---- Sarah is beautiful. So __________________.

2. I like rock music. He likes music too.

--- I like rock music. ______________________.

3. I came to school yesterday. He came to school yesterday too.

--- I came to school yesterday. __________________.


6. A good friend is _______ _______ _______ me a lot. (教我许多知识的人).

7. I like Italy, _________ _______ _________(尤其在夏天).

8. _______ _________ _______ (我的爱好是) reading and writing.

9. His sister ________ _______ ________(爱好) singing.

10. He doesn’t enjoy ________ ________ ________.(网上冲浪).

11. Joe’s brother _________ __________.(不喜欢徒步旅行).

12. Her two children are _______ _______. (对艺术深感兴趣)

13. I dislike playing football. _______ ______ ________.(他也是这样).

二. Reading comprehension:

On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi'an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles”.

Robert Fried Lander, An American, arrived in Xi'an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India.

When he was 11, he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after 44 years, he was on the Silk Road in Xi'an and his early dreams were coming true.

Robert Fried Lander’s next destinations were Lanzhou, Dunhuang Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.

( )1. The best headline for this newspaper article would be ______

A. The kingdom of Bicycles

B. Beautiful Hotel in Xi'an

C. Marco Polo and the Silk Road

D. An American Achieving His Aims

( )2. The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because__________

A. he asked to see the manager.

B. he entered the hall with a bicycle.

C. the manager had to know about all foreign guests.

D. the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him.

( )3. Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order;________

A. China, India and Pakistan

B. India, China , and Pakistan

C. Pakistan, China, and India

D. China, Pakistan, and India

( )4. What made Friedlander come to China?

A. The stories about Marco Polo

B. The famous sights in Xi'an

C. His interest in Chinese silk

D. His childhood dreams about bicycles.

( )5. Friedlander can be said to be _________

A. clever B. friendly

C. hard working D. strong-minded

The Fifth Period

Teaching Aims:

1. to go through the checkpoint and revise the language points in this unit.

2. to write an e-mail.

Teaching procedures:

Step One Revision

1. check the homework with the class.

2. go over the changes in Indirect Speech.

this _____ these ______ now ______ today ______

yesterday _______________ tomorrow _____________

here ________ come ________ bring _________

Step Two Checkpoint

1. go through the checkpoint

2. Make some conclusions to the Ss

1) We usually change the verb tenses and pronoun forms

“I broke your CD player.”

---- He told me that __________________________

2) If Direct Speech is a question, we sometimes need to change the word order.

“Are you sure you didn’t do anything to this?”

---- He asked _____________________________.

3) We do not change the tense when reporting things that are always true.

“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

---- Mother told me that ____________________________.

Step Three Reading & Writing

1. The Ss read through the first part and answer:

What is an e-pal? e-pal =key pal (a pen friend on the internet)

2. the Ss read the following e-pal ads.

1) click it away = send away an e-mail

2) joke around = joke here and there

3) have fun = play

4) drop sb. a line = write sb. a letter

3. give the Ss some tips about writing an e-mail:

1) write the topic of your message on the subject;

2) keep your email as short as possible;

3) check your email for errors;

4) write your name at the end of your message.

4. the Ss write an email to one of them

5. the Ss check their writing in pairs.

Step Four Assignments

1. Do the writing on page 90 in their exercise books

2. Do the reading practice on page 88.

The Sixth Period

Teaching Aims:

1. to revise the words and phrases

2. to revise the grammar item.

3. to get some feedback from the Ss.

Exercises for Unit One

一. 用所学的单词填空:

1. People think that dogs are very _______ to their masters.

2. The boy is very young, but he was so _______ that he jumped into the river and saved the girl.

3. The man is so ________ that he can lift the huge stone.

4. An ________ man is someone who often tells the truth.

5. His brother is very _________. He usually makes us laugh.

6. He is a ______ man and he has a good knowledge.

7. The man is very _______ and he gives money to the poor.

8. The actor in the film is so _______ that the young people like him very much.

二. 句型转换:

1. I think that a good friend should give me help.

---- A good friend is someone _______________________.

2. I think that a good friend should teach me a lot.

----A good friend is ______________________________.

三. 用所给的词或短语正确形式填空:

realize be into hunt for desert lie

match adventure honest brave loyal

1. There are some ________cities in the deep heart of Gebi Desert.

2. To be _______ with you, your problem is that you are thinking too much about yourself.

3. We made fire very easily because I took along a box of ________ with me.

4. He has just given up all games, and now ______ computer games.

5. Would you like to listen to my exciting _________ in the wild forest?

6. The fan is still _____ to the team though they have lost many matches.

7. You should believe in Jenny’s honestly. She never tells ________.

8. I ________ that I am completely wrong.

9. I _______ my sports shoes everywhere, but I can’t find them.

10. Don’t be frightened. You should be _______ next time than this time.

四. 阅读理解:

These people, getting ready to travel across the desert to look for a new place to live in, must water their camels. The camel driver tries to get each camel to drink as much water as possible because the little water that these people take along will be needed by themselves.

A very big camel can hold more water than some cars can hold gasoline. That's why the camel can go for many days without having to drink. It's a good thing that camel can do this, because it may have to in the great , dry desert.

Nomads(游牧民) never keep their homes in one place very long. They're always moving. That's what nomads are - people who wander around instead of living in one place.

Every time the Arab nomads set out across the hot, sandy desert, it is a new adventure. They must find food for the animals, or the animals will die.

( )1. The water the camel has drunk can be enough for _______

A. only one day B. some time C. about a month D. a moment

( )2. People who move their homes here and there are called_________.

A. Arabs B. nomads C. camel drivers D. adventures

( )3. Camels drink as much water as possible before going to another place because _________

A. the drivers will need water B. they are thirsty

C. they will cross great, waterless desert D. they are animals

( )4. To those who travel across the hot and sandy desert, the travel is __________.

A. hard and dangerous B. an interesting thing

C. something new D. pleasant and exciting

( )5. The nomads wander from one place to another because______.

A. they want to train their camels B. they are used to such a way of life

C. they have to feed their camels D. they want to look for better jobs


Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases

Four Skills: inspire admire generous mean threaten bottom optimistic regret extreme extremely climate value pianist bother promise graduation around the corner die down come to terms with

Three Skills: cheers tense dull dishonest champion mile stormy workday somehow shelter kindergarten hardship scholarship bear fame

Spoken English:

Describe people

She seems tome to be the kind of woman who …

The impression she makes on me is …

I think she is the kind of person who …

She could be … She looks as if …

She might be … You can see that …

People like her… She doesn’t seem …


Subject-verb agreement

(1) The boy’s team has some good players, but the girl’s is a better team.

(2) My dog team weren’t with me to pull the sled.

But changes were just around the corner.

Use of Language:

Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. Learn the text Alone in the Antarctica and Oprah Winfrey. And get the students to fell the power within women, therefore, form the idea of respecting women.

Important points: to get the students to learn something about Subject-Verb Agreement.

Difficult points: The use of Subjective agreement

Teaching aids: Computer, tape-recorder

Way of Teaching: 交际法教学


Step 1 Warming Up

First ,say something about women in the world.

Women from all nations have made outstanding contributions to the world. Some of them have proved to be excellent scientists. Artists, explorers ,even generals. Although muce has been done to give women equal rights and opportunities, women still face a lot of difficulty carving out a place for themselves. Now we will get to know some great women, whose qualities and characteristics can inspire us.

Step 2 Presentation

Show the students pictures on the text. Ask some questions about those women, or give some clues for them to guess who they are.

Note: Song Qingling (1893-1981) married Dr Sun Zhongshan in 1915. she was the vice-president of the People’s Republic for many years. She busied herself with various welfare activities, ranging from heading the Women’s Federation to a number of committees involving children.

Maria Curie (1867-1934) was born in Poland, moved to Paris and studied chemistry and physics there. She married Pierre Curie and together they studied radio-active materials and discovered radium. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Her death in 1934 was almost certainly due to radiation in her work.

Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) was born in the USA but grew up in Zhejiang Province after her parents moved to China in 1895. she first learnt Chinese and was later taught English. From 1910 to 1914 she studied in America and then returned to China. In 1931 she wrote her best-known novel, The Good Earth. She won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-) was a world-famous Catholic nun. For more than 30 years she took care of people who were often mentally or physically disabled. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. In , she was honoured with the name of Blessed Teresa.

Step 3 Listening

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Step 4 Speaking

Tell your opinion that you think what women should do ---stay at home or go to work.

Step 5 Homework

Prepare a short passage for tomorrow as an oral report.


Step 1 Revision

Get one or two students to give their reports.

Step 2 Presentation

First show the students some pictures of Antarctica in order to arouse the student’s interest there.

Then ask some questions about the lonely continent.

1. Imaging if you are traveling alone to the South Pole. What will you take with you? Why?

2. Can you name out some typical animals or plants there?

3. tell out the animals on the picture which animals live on the North Pole? And which on the South Pole?

Step 3 Reading

Students read the text fast to find the answer to the questions in the part --- Post-Reading.

The answers are: 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C

Step 4 Language points

Explain the language points in the text.

Be about to 正要;

Find sb. doing发现某人做某事

Threaten to do sth 威胁要做某事

Somehow 以某种方法

Step 5 Interview

Ask the students to work in pairs --- one plays as the writer, one as the reporter.

The reporter may ask the following questions:

1. why do you plan a trip to Antarctica?

2. what’s the weather like there?

3. how do you celebrate your birthday?

4. have you had any bad accident?

5. what do you think of your trip to Antarctic?

Step 6 Homework

Finish the exercises in the Post-reading part.

Lesson 3

Step 1.Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Word Study

Finish the exercise in the Language study part.

The answers are: cheerful inspires/inspired mean miserable threatened slopes optimistic shelter solo value

And then finish the similar exercises in their workbook.

Step 3 Grammar

First introduce the content about subject-verb Agreement. Then finish the exercise in the following part.

The answers are: 1 is 2 do 3 is 4 is/are 5 is 6 have 7 has/have 8 have/has

Step 4 Practice

Check the answers to exercise 2:

1. They/We are preparing for a party.

2. Yes, they seem to enjoy themselves./ Yes, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.

3. Yes, if they finish the work today.

4. Tell them there will be a meeting this morning.

5. Tell them to phone this number.

Step 5 Workbook

Finish the two exercises in the workbook.

Step 6 Homework

Prepare some information about Oprah Winfrey.

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Get the students to give their reports about Oprah Winfrey.

Step 2 Presentation

First, give an introduction about Oprah Winfrey:

Oprah Winfrey is a black woman. In her youth her family was very poor. She came from a small village in the US. Despite difficulties in her life, she worked hard and went on without giving up hope. Eventually, she earned a scholarship that allowed her to go to university. At university she continued working hard on her studies film stars.

Step 3 Reading

Read the short passage about Oprah Winfrey and be prepared to answer the questions 1 and 2 in the following part.

Step 4 Writing

First give some basic features about a letter to some famous person that you admire very much.

Step 5 Homework

Read the passage in the workbook.

篇9:新教材Unit 11 The sounds of the world(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

The sounds of the world

Teaching goals : Talk about different kinds of music .

Practising giving advice and making suggestion

Review the passive voice .

Write a comparison essay .

Time arrangement : Five periods

Students : Intermediate

Teaching Method : Task-based Language Teaching

Period 1

Content : Warming-up, listening, speaking

Moral Focus :

(1): Help students enrich their knowledge about the world-wide music .

(2): Raise students’ interest in music and their love the world-wide music .

Teaching Aims :

(1): Increase students’ oral English by asking them to do some discussion.

(2): Improve students’ listening ability by do some listening .

(3): Improve students’ speaking ability by asking them to make some dialogue ,.

(4) : Improve students’ ability to cooperate with others by making dialogue .

Teaching Methods :

(1): Do some discussion to enable the students to express themselves freely .

(2): Do some listening to improve students’ listening ability .

Teaching Aids : a tape-recorder , a computer

Teaching Steps :

Step 1 : Lead-in & Warming-up .

(1): Ask students a question : “ What is your hobby?”

Some students must say that they like listening to music , then lea the topic in .

(2): Ask students to listen to the music on the tape-recorder and ask them to do some discussion about it and tell their feeling according to their won understanding .

Step 2 : Listening .

Ask students to do the listening part and finish t

exercise on P72. then check the answer with them .

Step 3: Speaking

(1): Explain to the students about the background of the dialogue , then ask them to read the dialogue given on the book .

(2): Tell students some useful expressions related to how to make suggestions and give advice .

(3): Ask students to make their own dialogue with their own dialogues with their deskmates .

(4): Ask some students to present their dialogue in front of the class .

Step 4 : Summary & Homework Assignment .

Summarize what learnt in this period .

Assign the homework .

(1) Preview the reading .

(2) Review the useful expressions learnt today .

Record _______________________________________________________



Period 2

Teaching Content : Reading

Moral focus : Enrich students’ knowledge about different kinds of music around the world and help them get a better understanding on the idea “ Global Village”

Teaching Aims :

(1) : Improve students’ reading ability .

(2) : Help students’ learn more about the world-wide music .

(3) : Master some useful phrases and expressions .

Teaching Methods :

(1) : Do some discussion to improve students’ oral English .

(2) : Do the fast-reading to get the main idea of the text .

(3) : Do some scanning to better their understanding .

(4) : Do some explanation to help students master some important phrases .

(5) : do some True or False exercise to consolidate their understanding on the text .

Teaching Aids : A tape-recorder and a computer

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1: Greeting and revision :

Greet students as usual , and review the useful expr

learnt last period .

Step 2: Pre-reading

Ask students to do some discussion about the question given on P73.

Ask students to make a dialogue using the questions given and then present to the classmates .

Step 3: Skimming .

Ask students to skim the reading text as fast as they can

with the following question :

“ What kinds of music are mentioned in the text ?”

Step 4 : Listening & Scanning

Ask students to listen to the tape recorder ,

understand the text better .

Explain some important sentences to the students to

help them understand the text better . Help students

master some important phrases .

Step 5 : Post –reading

Ask students to do some discussion to finish Exercise1

Exercise 2 on P74.

Step 6: Summary & Homework

Summarize what learnt in this period and assign

the homework :

(1): Review the reading text.

(2): Finish Exercises on Qidong Homework Book.

(3): Preview the grammar .

Record _____________________________________________



Period 3

Content : Word Study and Grammar

Moral Focus : Enrich students’ grammar about passive povice so as to improve their English and make them more confident in English study .

Teaching Aims :

(1) : Enrich students’ vocabulary .

(2) : Review the passive voice we learnt .

(3) : Better their understanding on passive voice .

(4) : make students active in the class .

Teaching Aids : computer

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1 : Greeting & Revision

Greet students as usual , review what learnt yesterday by asking them a few questions related to the text .

Step 2 : Word Study

First give students the idea that just as many Chinese characters , many English words also have different meanings in different situations , so as to lead in this period’s vocabulary study .

Then ask students to finish exercises on P74 and check answers with them .

Step 3: Ask students to finish exercise 1 , exercise 2 on P146 so as to consolidate their vocabulary learnt in this unit .

Step 4: Grammar Learning

(1) Preview the passive Voice learnt before .

Explain to the students the main language points related to the passive voice as well as some special grammar points.

(2) Ask students to finish exercise 1, exercise 2 by themselves . By doing this , students can check their comprehension on passive voice . Also deepen their understanding on this language points.

(3) Ask students to finish exercise 1 on P147.

Step 5: Summary & Homework Assignment .

Summarize what learnt in this period , assign the homework :

Review the grammar point.

Finish exercise 3 on P147 and hand in .

Finish “ Qidong homework” if possible .

Preview Integrating skills .

Record _________________________________________________


Period 4

Content : Integrating Skills

Moral Focus : Help students learn more about the music, especially the Pop music and Rock music to broaden their eyesight.

Teaching Aims :

(1) : Improve students’ reading ability .

(2) : Improve students’ listening ability .

(3) : Enrich students’ knowledge about knowledge .

(4) : Make students’ active in class .

Teaching Aids : Computer, Tape-recorder

Teaching Procedures ;

Step 1 : Greeting & Revision

Greet students as usual and review the grammar point and vocabulary learnt in last period by doing some related exercise .

Step 2: Lead-in & Skimming

Ask students what is their favourite kind of music . There must be some students mention Rock Music or Pop music, then lead in this period’s topic .

Also ask students to think over the following question :

“ From which aspects do Pop music differ from the Rock music ?”

Step 3 : Reading

(1) : Ask students to listen to the tape and also underline some difficult language points according to their understanding .

(2) : Do some explanation related to the content of the text to help them understand the text better . also ask students raise some questions if they have .

Step 4 : Ask students to do some discussion and make a comparison between Pop music and Rock music .

Step 5 : Ask students to read the text on P148 and get the main idea of this text .

Then ask them to do some discussion and finish Exercise 1 , exercise 2 on P19 ( first part )

Step 6: Ask students to make a dialogue according to the questions and answers on P149.

Step 7 : Summary & Homework

Summarize what learnt in this period and assign the homework.

(1) : Finish the left exercise on the book.

(2) : Preview the content learnt in this period .

(3) : Finish Qidong homework if possible



Period 5

Content : Writing

Moral Focus : Improve students’ English writing ability so as to raise their interest in learning English .

Teaching Aims :

(1) : Improve students’ writing ability .

(2) : Better students’ ability to make comparison between two things .

(3) : Help students learn how to write a short essay in English .

Teaching Aids : Computer

Teaching Procedures :

Step 1 : Greeting & Revision

Greet students as usual and review the content learnt in last period .

Step 2: Check the answers to the left exercises on workbook .

Step 3: Ask students to read the reading text “American Country Music” again ,then try to do some discussion about the questions related to the difference among American music in different periods , and ask students try to make a comparison by listing the differences on the paper themselves .

Step 4: Give students some instruction about how to write short essay in English to compare different objects .

Step 5 : Ask students to write a short essay on the topic “ American music at different periods” according to the list they just made .

Step 6 : Ask students to do some discussion about the differences between “Traditional Chinese Music “ and “ Modern Chinese Music” from the following aspects : Instruments, Period , Writer , Content .

Step 7 : Summary & Homework Assignment

Summarize what learnt in this period and then assign the homework : Write a short essay on the topic of “ Chinese Traditional Music VS Chinese Modern Music”

Record _____________________________________________












牛津版高一新教材分析 Unit 3-新课标
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