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Santiago, an old, weathered fisherman has just gone 84 days without catching a fish. On the 85th day, he is determined to catch a big, impressive fish.

For years, Santiago, living in a small fishing village in Cuba, has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolin's second father, and has taught the young boy everything about fishing. Manolin's parents, however, force the boy to leave Santiago and fish on a more lucrative fishing boat.

He feels the 85th day will be lucky for him. He sets out on his old, rickety skiff. Alone on the water, Santiago sets up his fishing lines with the utmost precision, a skill that other fisherman lack. Finally, a huge Marlin has found Santiago's bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people . His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish.Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiago's case, emotionally. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat.

For a while , a pack of sharks detects the blood in the water and follow the trail to Santiago's skiff. Santiago has to fend off each shark that goes after his prized catch. Each shark takes a huge bite out of the Marlin, but the old man fends them off, himself now bruised, but alive. He sails back to shore with the carcass of his Marlin. He is barely able to walk and slowly staggers back to his hut, where he falls into bed.

The next morning, the boy cries when he looks at Santiago's bruised hands. He said that he would vows to fish with Santiago again.


Santiago, an old, weathered fisherman has just gone 84 days without catching a fish. On the 85th day, he is determined to catch a big, impressive fish.

For years, Santiago, living in a small fishing village in Cuba, has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolins second father, and has taught the young boy everything about fishing. Manolins parents, however, force the boy to leave Santiago and fish on a more lucrative fishing boat.

He feels the 85th day will be lucky for him. He sets out on his old, rickety skiff. Alone on the water, Santiago sets up his fishing lines with the utmost precision, a skill that other fisherman lack. Finally, a huge Marlin has found Santiagos bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people . His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish.Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiagos case, emotionally. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat.

For a while , a pack of sharks detects the blood in the water and follow the trail to Santiagos skiff. Santiago has to fend off each shark that goes after his prized catch. Each shark takes a huge bite out of the Marlin, but the old man fends them off, himself now bruised, but alive. He sails back to shore with the carcass of his Marlin. He is barely able to walk and slowly staggers back to his hut, where he falls into bed.

The next morning, the boy cries when he looks at Santiagos bruised hands. He said that he would vows to fish with Santiago again.


The boy loved the old fisherman and pitied him. If Manolin had no money of his own, he begged or stole to make sure that Santiago had enough to eat and fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepted his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride. Over their evening meals of rice or black beans they would talk about the fish they had taken in luckier times or about American baseball and the great DiMaggio. At night, alone in his shack, Santiago dreamed of lions on the beaches of Africa, where he had gone on a sailing ship years before. He no longer dreamed of his dead wife.

On the eighty-fifth day Santiago rowed out of the harbor in the cool dark before dawn. After leaving the smell of land behind him, he set his lines. Two of his baits were fresh tunas the boy had given him, as well as sardines to cover his hooks. The lines went straight down into deep dark water.

As the sun rose he saw other boats in toward shore, which was only a low green line on the sea. A hovering man-of-war bird showed him where dolphin were chasing some flying fish, but the school was moving too fast and too far away. The bird circled again. This time Santiago saw tuna leaping in the sunlight. A small one took the hook on his stern line. Hauling the quivering fish aboard, the old man thought it a good omen.





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Helen Keller (June 17, 1880 - June 1, 1968), the famous American writer, educator, philanthropist, social activist. In the nineteen months due to suffering from acute gastric congestion, cerebral congestion and was taken away vision and hearing. In 1887 met with Sally teacher. In 1899 June admitted to Harvard University Radcliffe Women's College. June 1, 1968 died, at the age of 87 years old, there are 86 years living in the lightless, silent world. In this time, she has completed 14 books. One of the most famous are: “If you give me three days bright” “My life story” “stone wall story”. She was committed to the benefit of the disabled, the establishment of many charities, in 1964 won the “President of the Medal of Freedom”, the following year selected the United States, “Time” named “Twentieth Century American ten hero idol” one.


Helen Keller is committed to socialism, from her special experience as a disability, and her sympathy for other disabled people. At first, she simplified the alphabet to make it suitable for people with disabilities; but she soon realized that a simple solution to the problem of blindness was a temporary solution. Through the study she found that blind people are not randomly distributed in a variety of people, but concentrated in the bottom of society. The poor are more likely to be blind due to production accidents or lack of adequate treatment. Some poor people become prostitutes, the addition of a syphilis caused by the risk of blindness. Thus, Keller recognized that the social class system controls the fate of a person's life, and sometimes even decide whether they will be blind. Keller 's study is not a zaiban: “I visited the candy shop, factory, shantytown, and even if I could not see it, I heard it.

Helen Keller as a socialist, started in 1909. In 1909, she joined the Massachusetts Social Party. As early as before graduating from Radcliffe College, she was a social activist. She himself stressed that this was not due to any education received there. After the outbreak of the Russian revolution, she praised the new communist country, ”In the East, a rising star! In the painful struggle, the new order was born from the old order.“ In the east, The baby was born! Comrades, Qi forward! Run to the campfire in Russia! Welcome to the dawn! ”Keller hung a red flag at the top of her desk. “Later, she gradually became the left wing of the Socialist Party and became a member of Wobbly, the World Federation of Industrial Workers, a coalition of syndicalists persecuted by Woodrow Wilson.

When Keller became a socialist, she was a famous woman of the world. But she soon became discredited, because of the shift to socialism, which led to a new public opinion storm. Those who once praised her courage and wisdom of the newspaper, instead of emphasizing her disability. Columnists have accused her of having no independent sensory acceptance and are subject to those who instilled in her thoughts. The most typical is the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle. He wrote that Keller's ”error stems from the obvious defects of her physical development.“

Keller recalls that she had seen the editor. I was embarrassed, but now that I stand up to support socialism, he reminds me and the public that I am a deaf and blind person who is particularly error-prone. Probably, since I had seen him, my brain was shrinking. ”She went on to say:“ Oh, ”the Brooklyn Eagle“ is too funny, it is deaf and blind on social issues, it maintains a difficult We are trying to prevent blindness, and this system is the root cause of most blind deafness.

Keller's second generation is largely committed to raising funds for the American Blind Foundation, and she believes that our society needs a radical change that has never been shaken. She supported the socialist presidential campaign of Eugene V Debbs. She also published articles on women's movement, politics and economy. In his later years, she wrote to the American Communist Party leader, Elizabeth G. Flynn, who was the victim of the McCarthy era, who was in prison during the years: ”Dear Elizabeth Flynn, the best birthday Blessing! Willing to serve the good feelings of mankind for your fearless mind to bring strength and tranquility!


Famous writer Mark Twain said: “The 19th century there are two worthy of attention, one is Napoleon, the other is Helen Keller.” American “Time magazine” selection Helen Keller as “the 20th century American 10 idol one”. And she left people's greatest revelation is that the courage to accept the challenges of life will be able to win the light of life. This book is a detailed account of Helen Keller's life, is considered one of the most important two major contributions in the history of literature.

“A gift from Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan to the whole world is constantly telling us how wonderful the world is around, and so much,” said a collection of educational films issued by McGraw-Hill Publishing. People are teaching us to know it; no one is not worthy of help or can not help, one of us greatest benefit is to help others to play their true potential.

Helen Keller is also a rare woman in the world.

Helen Keller was regarded as one of the most inspiring writers of this century.

Helen Keller is a famous 19th century American writer, educator, philanthropist, social activist, and blind deaf.

Helen Keller is our example of learning, is the performance of human goodness, her deeds can become a model for future generations.

The nineteenth century there were two great people, one is Napoleon, one is Helen Keller. --Mark Twain

Helen Keller is one of the top ten great men of the twentieth century. - American “Time”

“The two most important contributions to the history of literature in 1902 were Jimmin's” Jim “and Helen Keller's” My Life “.

- Well - known American writer Dr. Haier




Cao Xueqin (about May 17, 1715 - February 12, 1763), the name of dip, the word dream Nguyen, No. snow celery, and the number of celery, celery, Chinese classical ”Dream of Red Mansions“ author, native of Shenyang (a Said Liaoyang), was born in Nanjing, about 13 years old moved back to Beijing. Cao Xueqin was born in the Qing Dynasty House House is white flag coating family, he is Jiangning weaving Cao Yin's Sun, Cao Yong's son (one said Cao Zi son).

Cao Xueqin early years in Nanjing Jiangning weaving house witnessed a Jin Yi Wan Ku, rich romantic life. To Yongzheng six years (1728), Cao was guilty of being guilty of a crime, Cao Xueqin moved back to Beijing with his family. And later moved to the western suburbs of Beijing, by selling calligraphy and friends relief for a living Cao Xueqin plain release, hobbies widely, on the stone, poetry and literature, painting, garden, Chinese medicine, weaving, technology, diet, etc. have been studied. He persevered in perseverance, after years of hardships, and finally create a very ideological, artistic great works - ”Dream of Red Mansions.“


The greatest contribution of Cao Xueqin lies in literary creation. He created the ”Dream of Red Mansions“ large-scale, rigorous structure, complex plot, description of vivid, shaped many of the typical character of the artistic image, called the ancient Chinese novels peak in the history of the world literature occupies an important position. Cao Xueqin for the Chinese nation, for the people of the world left a valuable cultural heritage and spiritual wealth, not only the creation of later writers far-reaching, but also in the painting, film and television, animation, online games and other fields have a large number of outstanding derivative works, academia, society On the ”Dream of Red Mansions“ author, version, text, ability and other aspects of research and talk and even formed a special learning - red school.


”Born in the bustling, and finally reduced.“ Cao Xueqin's family from the flowers of Jin Sheng, all of a sudden fall into the dying of the environment, so that he deeply experienced the sadness of life and the ruthless world, but also out of the original class vulgar and narrow, see the feudal aristocratic family irreparable Of the trend of decadence, but also brought disillusion sentimental emotions. His tragic experience, his poetic emotion, his spirit of exploration, his sense of innovation, all melting into the ”Dream of Red Mansions“.

Love life and a sense of fantasy, accession and birth, this is Cao Xueqin in the exploration of life contradictions. Cao Xueqin is not a disgusting doctrine, he does not really think that everything is empty, but also did not really explore the Red, really want to persuade people to wake up from the so-called dust dream, otherwise, he would not be so painful for the earth Sad tears of bitterness, it will not be as emotional in the reality of life. He is a kind of deep feelings, to their own personal experience, write the immigration of the WTO and the longing of the birth, write the indulgence of the pain of the truth and the desire to escape the common desire to write a contradictory emotional world and real The life experience.

”Dream of Red Mansions“ open book the first time there are two authors preface. In these two preface, Cao Xueqin readme writing origin, writing experience and experience, clearly express their own literary ideas and creative principles. He first criticized those formulaic, conceptualized, contrary to the reality of the creative tendencies, that this creation is far better than ”according to their own things reasonable“ creation works ”fresh chic“, those ”disgusting, self-contradictory“ , ”Really as I half a century to see the witness of this few women,“ ”to if the separation of joys and sorrows, the rise and fall of the fortune, then track traces, not a little chisel, for the purpose of the people and lost their true By“. He does not rely on any historical story, nor to any folk creation as the basis, but directly based on the real social life, is ”words are all blood“, infiltration of the author's personal feelings of blood and tears. Works ”truthfully description, there is no taboo“, to maintain the diversity of real life, the richness of the phenomenon. From all kinds of character relations, showing the kind of wealthy family of absurdity, weakness and its segregation, the trend of decline. He wrote the characters to break the past, ”Syria is completely good, bad people are completely bad,“ the writing, ”the characters are true,“ the ancient novel characters to shape from the type to the personalized Change, shape the typical character image. Cao Xueqin to the poet's sensitive to perceive life, focusing on the performance of their own life experience, and consciously create a poetic mood, so that works graceful subtle, is that vivid, but also so difficult to match. He is not like the past novels condescending ruling life, the creation of moral court, the righteousness of the judgments of personnel, but the very bit of the minds of the trembling, it is imperceptible to understand the mind, life unavoidably bitter and cold and so warm, let Readers taste the taste of life.




Walt Whitman (Walt Whitman, May 31, 1819 - March 26, 1892) was born in Long Island, New York, a famous American poet, humanist, who created the free body of poetry ), Its representative works are poems ”grass leaves set“.



Poet. May 31, 1819 was born in Long Island. The father was farming, and the poor moved to Brooklyn, working as a carpenter and building a house. He was interested in the imagination of the socialist thinker and the composer of the democratic thinker, Paine. Whitman studied in public schools, served as rural teachers; childhood also had a messenger, learned typography. Later in the newspaper work, has become editor. He likes to wander, meditate, and enjoy the beauty of nature; but he prefers the city and the streets, like opera, dance, speech, like reading Homer, Greek tragedy and Dante, Shakespeare's works. From February 1846 to January 1848, he was editor of the ”Brooklyn Eagle“. In 1848 went to New Orleans to edit the newspaper and soon returned to Brooklyn. After five or six years, he helped the old father to build a house, operating a small bookstore, a small printing factory, free to loose, free to wander; and teenager, enjoy and boatman, navigator, coachman, mechanic, fisherman , Handyman, etc. make friends.

Grass set

1855 ”grass leaves set“ the first version of the advent of a total of 12 poems, and finally out of the 9th edition of a total of 383 poems. One of the longest one, that is later known as the ”song of their own“ that poem. A total of 1336 lines. The content of this poem almost includes the author's main thought of his life, is one of the most important poems of the author. The poem has repeatedly mentioned the grass leaves: grass leaves symbolize all ordinary, ordinary things and ordinary ordinary people. This epic poetry is universally cold, and only Emerson wrote a warm letter to the poet. Whitman received great encouragement from this letter.

”Grass set“ is the most important work of Whitman poetry, named after the concentration of such a poem: ”Where there is soil, where there is water, where the long grass.“ Poems in the poems like the United States The earth's grass, vibrant and exudes attractive aroma. They are world famous masterpiece, created a new era of American national poetry. The author has bold innovation in the form of poetry, created the ”free body“ of the poetic form, breaking the traditional poetry of the law, to break the sentence as the basis of rhythm, the rhythm of free and unrestrained, Wang Yang unrestrained, Shu volume freely, with blew of momentum and no Not the capacity of the package.

1856, the second edition of ”grass leaves set“ published a total of 32 poems. ”All the way through the Brooklyn ferry“ is one of the poet's best works. In addition, ”the song“, ”song of the road“ is also famous.

In 1859, ”Saturday Weekly“ published on the Christmas number of Whitman's excellent lyrics ”from the never-ending swing in the cradle“, this is a love and death of the carol. The next year should be a publication of Boston, please print the ”grass leaves set“ version 3, this poem is the first ”official publication“. There are 124 new poems, including ”from the never-ending swing cradle“ and three groups were named ”song of democracy“, ”Adam's descendants“, ”reed“ poetry.

War era

During the Civil War, Whitman, as a firm democratic fighter, showed his deep humanitarian character. When the war intensified, he took the initiative to Washington to serve as a nurse, all day care and injury of the soldiers, resulting in serious damage to health. His life is very hard, by copying the date, the money saved in the sick and wounded. He served as a nurse for nearly two years, approaching about 100,000 soldiers, and many later kept in touch with him.

Postwar life

After the war, Whitman was appointed as a small staff member of the Indian Affairs Office of the Ministry of the Interior. Soon the minister found that he was the author of the ”Grass Leaf Set“ and dismissed him; he later served in the office of the Minister of Justice for eight years. As a result of the exercise in the civil war, increased experience, political thought has also been improved, his creation has entered a new stage. In 1865, Whitman in New York at their own expense printed his poems in the late civil war ”桴 drum set“, which received a total of 53 new poems. A few months later he published a sequel, including the memorial Lincoln's famous ”recently lilac in the courtyard when the open.“


In 1867 the ”grass leaves set“ fourth edition only eight new poems, but the income of the ”drum set“ and its sequel. It is worth noting that the long article published in 1871 ”democratic vision“, it summed up the author's literary and political ideas.

The fifth edition of the ”Grass Leaf Set“ was printed once in 1871 and 1872.

The first income of 13 new poems, the second income general critics recognized as the poet's last important long poem ”Road to India“ and a few new poems. In January 1873 Whitman was suffering from paralysis, writing ability from also depressed. But his optimism, love and sensitivity to life, his ideal of democracy, or so to death. His old age depressed unsuccessful, in addition to the preparation of several versions, and occasionally write some poetry. In 1876, the 6th edition of the ”Grass Leaves“ was published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. This is a collection of essays, including the two volumes, the first volume of the fifth edition of the content, the second volume he named ”two streams“, including prose, 18 new poems, ”leading to India Road “and poems, poems tend to abstract. The text of the seventh edition (1881-1882) of the ”Grass Leaf Set“, the title of each poem and the order of the arrangement, have been finalized, and this edition has received 20 new poems. Whitman continued to write poetry until his death in 1892.

In 1882 the poet published his essay collection ”Typical Days“, which included the ”democratic vision“ article. Published in 1888, ”November“, the income of 62 new poems and some articles, concentrated poems later income ”grass leaves set“ 8th edition (1889), and become ”poem“. In 1891 Philadelphia's publisher published Whitman's new work ”Goodbye, my fantasy“, where the poem became ”grass leaves“ and ”poem“. ”9“ (1892), including ”poem“, ”seventy years“ and ”attached poem two“ ”goodbye, my fantasy.“ Poet after the death of the poem ”Elderly echo“, as ”with poetry“. See 1897 to 1898 published collection, after the collection of the whole collection also income. After 1898 the universal collection, is the so-called ”dying version“, that is published in 1892 edition 9.

”Flying in freedom and strength“ was incorporated into the second edition of the first semester of the seventh edition of the seventh edition.




Nikolai Copernicus (Polish: Nikolaj Kopernik, February 19, 1473 - May 24, 1543, at the age of 70), is the Renaissance Polish astronomer, mathematician, church law, priest The

At Copernicus 40 years old, he put forward the heart of the heart, denying the authority of the church, changed the human view of nature on their own. At that time the Roman Catholic Church believed that his day-minded violated the Bible, Copernicus remained convinced that the heart said it was not contradictory, and after years of observation and calculation to complete his great work ”celestialism“.

In 1533, 60-year-old Copernicus made a series of speeches in Rome, and finally decided to publish it until he was near the seventies. May 24, 1543 Copernicus died that day the publisher received Copernicus sent a book he wrote.

Copernicus's ”heart said“ corrected people's cosmology. Copernicus is a giant of the European Renaissance. He devoted his life to the study of astronomy, leaving a valuable legacy for later generations.

The Copernicus remains on the rehearsal of the Fraunberg Cathedral in Poland on May 22, 20xx.

February 19, 20xx is the 540th anniversary of the birth of the astronomer Copernicus, Poland held a series of activities throughout the country to commemorate the great change that has changed the human universe.


Nicholas Copernicus On February 19, 1973, a wealthy family born in the city of Toruń on the Vistula River in the Kingdom of Poland.

At the age of 18, he studied at Kraków University, the old capital of Poland, and was interested in astronomy during his study of medicine.

In 1496, the 23-year-old Copernicus came to Italy, where he studied law, medicine and theology at the University of Bologna and the University of Padua at the University of Bologna and the University of Padua, the astronomer of the University of Bologna (De Novara, 1454-1540) had a great influence on Copernicus, where he had learned astronomical observations and Greek astronomy.

At the age of 40 he proposed the ”heliocentric theory“ (the heliocentric theory). And later received a doctorate in religious law from the University of Ferrara. Copernicus as a doctor, because of medical clever and was known as ”the doctor“.

Copernicus mostly spent most of his time in the church of Frauen. Copernicus is not a professional astronomer, his famous masterpiece is completed in his spare time.


Copernicus's scientific achievement is the product of his time, and turned to promote the development of the times.

Fifteen, sixteenth century Europe, it is from the feudal society to the capitalist society of the critical period, in the two hundred years, the community has undergone tremendous changes.

Before the 14th century in Europe, everywhere is a fragmented small city. Later, with the rise of urban industry and commerce, especially the development of mining and metallurgy industry, the emergence of many emerging cities, small cities have joined together to form a national trend.

By the end of the fifteenth century, there were essentially monarchical monarchies in many countries. At that time Poland not only like Krakow, Poznan such a big city, there are many handicraft industry flourishing city.

The Warsaw, which was converted into Poland in 1526, has become an important center of business, politics, culture and geography, and became the capital of the Polish state at the end of the 16th century.

And this political and economic change to adapt to the cultural and scientific also began to reflect. At that time, Europe was ”the unity of church and state“, the Holy See controls many countries, the Bible is declared as supreme truth, all contrary to the doctrine of the Bible, are denounced as ”heresy“, all against the theocratic rule, all Was sentenced to fire, the Italian thinker Bruno, in order to maintain the heart of the day, that was taught to burn with fire (one that Bruno was executed not because he insisted on scientific truth, but because he publicly publicized a different view of Christianity).

The emerging bourgeoisie for their own survival and development, set off a struggle against the feudal system and church superstition, there has been a humanistic trend of thought. They use the combat weapon is not the gods of the ancient Greek philosophy, science and literature, which is shocking the European Renaissance. The Renaissance first took place in Italy and soon expanded to Poland and other European countries.

At the same time, commercial activity has also contributed to the development of foreign trade. In the ”golden“ driven by the spell, many European adventurers voyage Africa, India and the entire Far East. Ocean navigation requires rich astronomical and geographical knowledge, accumulated from the observation of the actual data, so that people feel popular ”quiet“ cosmology is doubtful, which requires people to further explore the secrets of the universe, so as to promote The development of astronomy and geography.

In 1492, the famous Italian navigator Columbus discovered the new continent, Magellan and his companions around the earth a week, proving that the earth was round and made people start to really know the earth.

In the medieval period under the strict control of the church, there were also vigorous religious revolutions. Many of the doctrines of the Catholic Church did not conform to the teachings of the Bible, and joined the papal's personal will and the self-achievement of the various theologians, so many believers began to question the Catholicism The teachings and the organization, initiating the return to the Bible.

Czech patriots, the president of the University of Prague, Jan Hus (1369-1415), publicly condemned the oppression and exploitation of the German feudal lords and the Catholic Church against the Czech Republic at the religious conference in Constantinople. Although he was fired by the reactionary church, his revolutionary activities had aroused a strong reaction in society. Czech peasants held an uprising under the banner of the Hussists, and the movement also spread to Poland.

In 1517, in Germany, Martin Luther (1483-1546) opposed the church to sell atonement, and the Roman pope openly broke.

In 1521, Luther exposes the sins of the Holy See at the Wolm Congress and proposes the idea of establishing Protestantism. Protestant doctrine is supported by many countries, and Poland is also deeply affected.

In such a big change in the era of great turbulence, February 19, 1473 Copernicus in the Vistula River Torun City was born. His father was a wealthy businessman, he had a brother and two sisters. When Copernicus was 10 years old, his father was dead and he was sent to the uncle, Carmel is a humanist, he and then the progress of the intellectual sector in Poland is very close, and with the Italian revolutionaries, humanist Philip Buonaxi is a friend. At the time of Copernicus secondary school, the card came with him to participate in the gathering of humanists.

In 1491, according to the uncle's arrangement, Copernicus went to Krakow University to study astronomy and mathematics.

At that time, Poland had produced some famous astronomers, such as Marlene Keluoer, who wrote in 1450 as the book of ”Yaldish Star Elephant,“ and lectures in many countries. Another example is the famous astronomer Vojciehe, who has compiled astronomical calendar, he lectured at the University of Krakow, is Copernicus school mathematics and astronomy professor. Copernicus's ”Sun Center doctrine“ was born at the University of Krakow.

Although the Bible does not involve astronomical knowledge such as ”the earth is the center of the universe“ and the ”heavenly place“. In the Middle Ages, astronomy also had an official argument that had been extended to ancient Greece and had been institutionalized by the theorists. In order to consolidate the feudal rule, the Catholic Church of the Referee burned a lot of precious scientific works, and sometimes actually burned 20 carts a day.

In 1327, the Italian astronomer Cai Ke Dasi Keli was burned alive, his ”charges“ is contrary to the teachings of the Bible, arguing that the earth was spherical, in another hemisphere also human beings exist.



(Now Zhejiang Shaoxing) people, the origin of Zhejiang Zhuji, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Revolutionaries, educators, politicians. Democratic Progressive People, the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, the National Government and the Director of the Supervision Office. The first president of the Republic of China Education, 1916 to 1927 as the president of Peking University, innovation Peking University ”academic“ and ”free“ style; 1920 to 1930, Cai Yuanpei also served as president of Sino-French University. He participated in the struggle against imperialism in his early years, and in the early years of the Republic, he presided over the development of the first decree of modern Chinese higher education - the ”university order“.

During the Northern Expedition, after the National Government laid the capital of Nanjing, he presided over the Education Administration Committee, set up the Republic of China Graduate School and the Central Research Institute, leading education and academic system reform. 1927 to participate in the launch of ”protect the country to save the party movement“ that should be clear but against the murder of the party. 1928 to 1940 full-time director of the Central Research Institute, to carry out the idea of academic research. Cai Yuanpei went to Germany and France to study abroad, study, study philosophy, literature, aesthetics, psychology and cultural history, for his commitment to reform feudal education to lay the ideological and theoretical basis. In 1933, Cai Yuanpei initiated the creation of the National Central Museum, and personally served as the first session of the Council. March 5, 1940 died in Hong Kong. Buried the Chinese cemetery at the top of Aberdeen.


January 11, 1868, Tongzhi Ding Mao was born on December 17 in Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province, Shanyin County.

In 1871, Tongzhi Xin was ten years old Cai Yuanpei into the private school.

In 1878, Guangxu Wuyin four years, Cai Yuanpei 11 years old, his father Cai Guangpu died due to illness.

In 1879, Guangxu five years 12 years old, sojourn to the aunt's home reading. In 1880, Guangxu six years Cai Yuanpei 13 years old by the aunt's home to the teacher's school. In 1884, Guangxu a ten years Cai Yuanpei 17 years old, the scholar. In 1885, Guangxu eleven years Cai Yuanpei 18 years old, set up teaching.

In 1889, Guangxu ugly fifteen years Cai Yuanpei 22 years old when the lifts. In the same year married his first wife Wang Zhao. In 1890, Guangxu sixteen years, Cai Yuanpei 23 years old, Beijing will try to become a Gong Shi, no palace test.

In 1892, Guangxu eighteen years Cai Yuanpei 25 years old, by the palace test Jinshi, was ordered for the Imperial Academy Shu Ji Shi. Temple test results for the thirty-four (equivalent to the national examination of the thirty-seventh), the content is ”Tibet's geographical location.“

In 1894, Guangxu Jiawu twenty years Cai Yuanpei 27 years old, the spring should be scattered museum test, was awarded the Imperial Academy editing. In this year, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, began to contact Western learning, sympathy and innovation. September 1898 back to Shaoxing, Ren Shaoxing Chinese and Western school supervision, to promote new school.

In 1900, Boxer twenty-six years Cai Yuanpei 33 years old, because of his wife by feudal thinking constraints, the feelings between them has been in the state of no matter, and when he gradually accepted the new Western ideas, they began to rethink feminism The definition of, so write the ”husband and wife convention“ to re-adjust the relationship with his wife Wang Zhao.

In the summer of 1901, Xin ugly twenty-seven years, Cai Yuanpei 34 years old, to the Shanghai agent Chengxue school (now Shanghai Cheng Cheng senior high school) principals, that is, the first president. In 1901 September, was hired as Nanyang public economics special science class total teaching. January 1, 1902, Ren Yin twenty-eight years, Cai Yuanpei in Hangzhou with his past students Ms. Huang Zhongyu held his second wedding in his life.

In 1902, Cai Yuanpei 35 years old, with Jiang Zhi and so on in Shanghai founded China Education Association and served as president, founder of patriotic society, patriotic school, have been pushed as prime minister. In 1903, seventy-nine years, the activities of the Patriotic Society caused the Qing government alert, ordered the investigation. Cai Yuanpei was removed from Qingdao, Japan, Shaoxing, Shanghai and other places, on the one hand learning German, ready to study abroad to escape the limelight, on the one hand still engaged in education and revolutionary activities.

In 1903, Cai Yuanpei to resist the Russian government coveted the territory of northern China, and Shanghai anti-revolutionaries to the Russian comrades in the name of the Office of the ”Russian news“ (later changed ”alarm daily“). In 1904, when he was thirty years old, he established a meeting in Shanghai.

In 1905, when he was thirty-three years old at the age of 38, the alliance was established and the reunification was incorporated. Sun Yat-sen appointed Cai Yuanpei as head of the Shanghai Branch of the League.

In May 1907, when he was thirty-three years old, he traveled to Berlin, Germany with the help of Sun Pei-ki, Germany, and lectured and studied psychology, aesthetics and philosophy at the University of Leipzig. Side of the study, one side Professor Tang Shaoyi (after the first cabinet of the Republic of China Prime Minister) 4 nephew of the Chinese teachers, nearly ten years of Cai Yuanpei began four years of overseas study life. In Germany 4 years, he edited the ”history of Chinese ethics“ and a number of academic books.

In early November 1911, Xuantong three years Xinhai years, the outbreak of the Revolution, in Chen Qimei to electricity under the urging, Cai Yuanpei Siberian return.

January 4, 1912, the first year of the Republic of China, the Provisional Government of the Republic of China was established in Nanjing, he became president of the Provisional Government Education in Nanjing. The Ministry of Education under the Cai Yuanpei to the public to solicit the possible national anthem, and later promulgated the Provisional National Anthem of the Republic of China, by Shen Enfu lyrics, Shen Peng's compilation of the national anthem, the song ”five flag song“ (the Republic of China national anthem). [3-4]

January 19, 1912, the first year of the Republic, he promulgated the ”Interim Measures for General Education“, and presided over the development of the ”University Order“ and ”secondary school order“, which is China's first university and secondary school order, he stressed that The middle school and the university built into a sound national school. He served as the chief of education of the Provisional Government of Nanjing, advocated the use of Western education system, abolished the study of Confucianism, the implementation of reform measures such as men and women, and established the bourgeois democratic education system in China. After the failure of the second revolution, with relatives to go to France, and Li Shi was founded in France to work hard to learn.

In February 1912, Lu Xun was invited to the Ministry of Education. In July 1912, Cai Yuanpei resigned because he was reluctant to cooperate with the Yuan Shikai government. In 1913, the two years Cai Yuanpei 46 years old, once again went to France to engage in academic research, in Europe for three years, and compiled a lot of philosophy and aesthetics.

June 1915, the Republic of China four years, Cai Yuanpei 48 years old, he and Li Shizeng, Wu Yuzhang and other organizations to promote law and education in France, work in France advocacy work, hope to help organizations to help more Chinese to Europe, later Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping And so are through the help of this organization after the smooth study in France.

In the summer of 1916, Li Yuanhong's Beijing government finally regained the ”temporary law“ of the early years of the Republic of China. Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing, among others, returned a large number of exiled revolutionaries, and some members of Zhejiang nationality also teleported to Cai Yuanpei , That is to be elected when he is the governor of Zhejiang Province.

November 8, 1916, Cai Yuanpei and Wu Yuzhang by boat from Marseille to return to Shanghai. December 26, 1916, was appointed as president of Peking University. Support the new culture movement, promote academic research, advocate ”freedom of thought, compatible“, the implementation of professors to teach school. ”May Fourth“ campaign to support students patriotic action, multi-rescue students arrested. January 9, 1917, Cai Yuanpei served as president of Peking University's speech, the students put forward three requirements: one said hold the purpose, the second said the virtue of virtue, three respect teachers, will ”hold the purpose“ in the first place.

In 1917, Cai Yuanpei hired ”New Youth“ editor Chen Duxiu as liberal arts seniors, and hired Li Dazhao, Hu Shi, Qian Xuantong and other ”new“ characters in Peking University teaching, the use of ”freedom of thought, compatible package“ school policy, the implementation of ” System, to promote academic democracy, to support the new culture movement.

In the same year, Cai Yuanpei invited the famous philosopher Liang Shuming to Peking University to teach Indian philosophy; Xu Beihong invited Cai Yuanpei invited from Tokyo, Japan back to Beijing, Ren Peking University painting instructor.

In July 1917, Hu Shi from the United States to return home, when Hu Shi did not get a doctorate in Columbia University, but Cai Yuanpei Hu in order to enter the Peking University to help them forging their qualifications.

July 3, 1917, Cai Yuanpei in Peking University issued a warm speech inaugural speech is not scattered, to Li Yuanhong President resigned, wording euphemism, but the cause of depression, that is to protest Zhang Xun restoration.

In October 1917, the Republic of China six years, Cai Yuanpei 50 years old, presided over the Ministry of Education held a meeting of representatives of the institutions of higher learning in Beijing to discuss the revision of university procedures, Peking University liberal arts credit system, the adoption of the election system, the meeting decided to decide In the North trial. Peking University election system provides a lesson every week, finished a year for a unit, the undergraduate should be covered with 80 units, half compulsory, half of elective (science to reduce the discretion), repair can be graduated, informal age; matriculation should be covered with 40 Units, compulsory accounted for three quarters, elective accounted for a quarter. Elective subjects can be crossed.

In 1918, he made it clear that “the institution of the university is a purely scholarly institution, and it can not be regarded as a place of qualification, nor as a place of trafficking.” When a scholar is interested in research, The personality. “

May 22, 1918, Cai Yuanpei for the ”Sino-Japanese armed defense agreement“ against the government in disguise, but also to the President of the resignation.

November 16, 1918, the Republic of China Cai Yuanpei 51 years old, ”a war“ just ended, organized in front of Tiananmen Square to celebrate the publication of the title entitled ”labor sacred“ speech, clearly put forward to ”understand the value of labor“, and Shouting the slogan of ”labor holy“.

In 1919, Cai Yuanpei abolished the branch in Peking University, changed the original division of the department for the department, the establishment of 14 departments, waste long, set up the Department. The original text, management, law were renamed the first three, two, three homes, only as the Department of the region where the signs (due to the original three branches in different regions), does not mean an organization.

May 8, 1919, after the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, Cai Yuanpei to protest against the government arrested students, submitted on May 8 resignation. And leave Beijing on the 9th. May 13, 1919, the school principals of the school in Beijing to resign to the government, support Cai Yuanpei.

June 15, 1919, in his ”do not want to serve as president of the University of Beijing,“ said: ”I absolutely can not be free of the university president: freedom of thought, is a general example of the world university. Tried to retain, Cai Yuanpei promised only the headmaster of Peking University teachers and students.

In early 1920, Cai Yuanpei and Li Shizeng, Wu Jingheng, the use of Boxer indemnity, founded the Sino-French University in Beijing. Cai Yuanpei appointed principals. In February 1920, Cai Yuanpei ordered to allow Wang Lan, Xi Zhen, check Xiaoyuan three girls into the Beijing University liberal arts auditorium, when the fall of the formal recruitment of girls, open the Chinese public universities to recruit girls precedent.

In 1920 May, Cai Yuanpei appointed geologist Li Siguang as a professor of geology at Peking University, invited the famous writer Shafei returned to Peking University professor of literature, in August, employed Lu Xun as a lecturer at Peking University. At the end of 1920, Peking University was sent to visit Europe. And the Mayor of Lyon, Herriot of France, and Lepine, Dean of the University of Lyon, co-founded the Lyon Association of Chinese and French Studies, and decided to set up a Sino-French university in Lyon.

In the spring of 1923, dissatisfied Peiyang government education chief Peng Yunyi destruction of the legal system behavior, proposed resignation, leaving the south. Autumn went to Europe, engaged in research and writings, and involved in the request of Britain, France and other countries to return to pay homage to raise educational matters. In January 1924, at the first national congress of the Kuomintang, nominated by Sun Yat-sen, elected as alternate central watchdog. Returned at the beginning of 1926. In Shanghai to participate in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces association, with the Northern Expedition, planning three provinces autonomous movement, was Sun Chuanfang wanted.

Since 1927, the Nanjing National Government as president of the University, the Minister of Justice and the supervision of the President and other staff. On March 28, 1927, Cai Yuanpei was the chairman of the meeting of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang Central Committee and expressed his sympathy with the Communist Party of China on the impeachment of the Communist Party of China. He advocated “the elimination of the Communists in the Kuomintang party.” On April 2, Cai Yuanpei once again served as chairman, Cai Yuanpei again with Wu Zhihui on the impeachment of the Communist Party's statement, and took out the “Communist Party of the party evidence and the Communist Party in the report of the party.” During the first two years after the establishment of the Kuomintang Nanjing government, Cai Yuanpei still stood on the side of Chiang Kai-shek politically and supported the “clear”.

But unlike others, in the process of implementing the Party, he does not support indiscriminate killing, but rather that it would include such political pressure in a more regulated rule of law, that is, agree with the party but against murder. In the early days of the Qing Dynasty, Cai Yuanpei had made severe criticism of the human rights of the Zhejiang Qing Party Committee and asked that the three principles must be implemented in the Qing dynasty and that the Communists and the revolutionary youth who had been arrested by the Kuomintang were rescued. In order to discourage the Nanjing Kuomintang authorities to kill the act, Cai Yuanpei has specially written to advise the Kuomintang authorities to inherit Sun Yat-sen's noble personality, to serve the people, to stop killing.

After a period of time, Cai Yuanpei mainly focus on the formation of the Central Research Institute, he served as president of the Central Research Institute, began to focus on the national culture of national culture and science and technology, and have resigned from other duties. “Nine one eight” after the incident advocated anti-Japanese, support the Kuomintang cooperation. In 1932, and Soong Ching Ling, Lu Xun initiated the organization of the Chinese civil rights protection alliance, and actively carry out anti-Japanese patriotic movement. Had to save Yang Kaihui martyrs, rescue Xu Deheng and other patriotic democrats, rescue Ding Ling, Zhu Yiquan and other Communist Party members.

In 1933, Cai Yuanpei proposed to create the National Central Museum (now Nanjing Museum predecessor), and personally served as the first session of the Council. March 5, 1940, died in Hong Kong. Cai Yuanpei after the death of the major domestic parties and groups as well as dignitaries have to call condolences.


His education model is novel, eclectic, that education is the fundamental prosperity of the country, is the foundation of the country rich and powerful. Educational ideas flexible, compatible with the package, not because of academic disputes and exclusion, widely absorbed each director. “Educators, who develop the personality of the business.” He advocated education should focus on students, against rigid rigid. He also advocated aesthetic education, health education, personality education and other new educational concepts.

Cai Yuanpei that: education in the community, there are two basic functions: one in the lead, the so-called “education to guide the community, rather than social society”; two in the service, “is the school to develop a talent, ”Or“ is the student or education on the one hand to learn, on the one hand the effectiveness of society ”.

Freedom of thought and compatibility

Cai Yuanpei generous, compassionate, Chinese society and vulgar customs have a thorough observation; twice travel to Europe, pro-Jing Ren Ren Ren after the scientific spirit and the French Revolution after the ideological trend. He advocated civil rights and feminism, advocated free thinking, and tried to eradicate the old customs of “reading official”, open scientific research atmosphere, attach importance to civic moral education and incidental world outlook, outlook on life and aesthetic education.

Liang Shuming once said that Cai Yuanpei from the ideological and academic for the people to open a new trend, breaking the old customs, to promote the overall situation of politics, which is very correct. It is precisely because of Mr. Tsai's compatibility, freedom of thought, making the new culture has a foothold, making Peking University to become the new cultural movement of the fortress, scientific and democratic ideas to spread. Therefore, in this sense, Cai Yuanpei is not only the founder of modern Peking University, but also the concept of modern Chinese university and the founder of the spirit.

As a pioneer of modern Chinese culture, Cai Yuanpei's famous cultural thought and academic point of view have had an important influence on China's historical process. Cai Yuanpei, the president of Peking University, put forward the “compatible package” of academic thought, not only he presided over the important guiding ideology of Peking University education, but also he insisted on the principle of running a school. After this idea was put forward, a group of representatives with new culture and new ideas entered Peking University, and Peking University became the highest institution of Chinese thought and academic prosperity. Therefore, the “compatible package” thought has played a positive role in accepting new culture and opposing feudal culture.

Ethnological Studies

Mr. Cai Yuanpei's contribution to education and aesthetics is obvious to all, but his contribution to ethnology is little known. Cai Yuanpei said in his own chronology, one of his dreams is to write a “comparative ethnology”, “to study the ethnology of the old.”

Cai Yuanpei went to Beijing Palace test, in the relevant topics of Tibet, he elaborated in Tibet, “the vast territory, mountains and rivers.”

In 1901 Cai Yuanpei in the “school of teaching theory,” said: “The previous history only remember the emperor things, do not remember the people's livelihood, so that the number of strong and weak ups and downs, the final can not be.”

From 1908 to 1911, he studied philosophy, literature, civilization and ethnology at the University of Leipzig in Germany.

In August 1924 to attend the 21st National Congress of the International Society. November 1924 to February 1926 in Hamburg, Germany specializing in ethnology.

From 1926 to 1934 Cai Yuanpei published “Articles of Ethnology”, “Ethnology and Sociology”, “Ethnological Evolution” and other articles.

At the time of the establishment of the Central Research Institute in 1927, Cai Yuanpei hoped to set up an ethnological research institute, but because of limited manpower and material resources, this hope failed to achieve.

In 1928 the Institute of Social Sciences was established, Cai Yuanpei in the Institute of the addition of ethnology group, pro-head and researcher. The following studies were carried out in the ethnology group.

Investigation and Study on Lingyun Yao People in

Investigation and Research on Gaoshan Nationality in Taiwan

Investigation and Research on the Hezhe Nationality in the Lower Reaches of Songhua River

A Study on the Knot and the Original Text of the Nation in the World

Chinese Translation of Foreign Nationality

Collection of Research Data of Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China

Independent education

“Education independence” as a kind of thought, germination in the “May Fourth” before the development flourished in the 20th century, 20 years. As a result of warlord warfare, economic depression, the Northern government does not attach importance to education, the state budget in the proportion of education is very low, such as the 1920 budget before the state budget funds only about 1.2%. Only this limited amount of budgetary funds is often invaded and misappropriated, nor can it be in place, leading to uneven spending on education, education is caught in a difficult degree.

Cai Yuanpei has always regarded education as the basic way to save the country, respected the idea, academic freedom, as the president of Peking University, the government bureaucratic constraints, devastating education has deep feelings, it is an independent advocate and supporters of education, and theoretically To guide. In March 1922, he published the article “Education Independence” in “New Education”, which clarified the basic viewpoints and methods of educational independence and became an important chapter in the independent educational thought.

He argues that the opposition between political parties and education is:

① education to balance the development of human personality and group, the party is not, it should cause a special group, for the party services, obliterate the personality of the educated.

② education is seeking far away, focusing on the future, the effect can not be shown in the short term, so talk about “a hundred years tree people.” While the party is seeking work, often only consider the immediate interests.

③ In the political background of political parties, the regime is changing among the parties, and the political education of the political parties will inevitably affect the stability of the education policy and affect the effectiveness of education. So he believes that education should go beyond the factions.

In order to realize the real independence of education, Cai Yuanpei designed the independent measures of educational funding, educational administration independence and education independent of religion. Among them, the scheme of educational administration independence is divided into several university districts, one university in each district, The area of higher specialized education, primary and secondary education, social education, cultural and academic matters are organized by the university organization. The affairs of the university are presided over by the Board of Education, and the principal is elected by the Board of Education. The headmasters of the university districts form a higher education conference to deal with the affairs of the university sections. The Ministry of Education is only responsible for dealing with the affairs of the Higher Education Conference and the relationship with the central government affairs, and education statistics reports, do not interfere with the university district affairs, education chiefs must be recognized by the Higher Education Conference. This idea has become the framework of the Nanjing National Government early implementation of the “university system” framework. [twenty four]

On the Nature of the University

Cai Yuanpei that the university should become a study of advanced learning institutions, which is Cai Yuanpei school of guiding ideology, but also his university education thinking starting point. As early as May 16, 1912, he attended the opening ceremony of Peking University as the chief of education. In his speech, he put forward “University for the study of noble knowledge.” After serving as president of Peking University. He is repeatedly stated this idea. On January 9, 1917, in his speech as the principal, he clearly stated to the students that “the king will come to this school, and there will be a purpose, and the purpose of the will of the king will be known to the nature of the university. School, learn to serve, this potential is inevitable, while in the university is not, the university, the study of senior learners also ”.

He also suggested that the university can not just engage in teaching, but also must carry out scientific research. He asked the university faculty not to instill fixed knowledge, but to have a strong interest in learning, and can cause students to study interest; college students are not rote lectures, but under the guidance of teachers in the automatic research. In order to enable universities to assume the teaching and research dual task, he strongly advocated “where the university must have a variety of scientific research institute.” He in the “on the University should set up the Institute of the reasons,” the article, detailing the three reasons:

First, “no university research institute, the teacher is easy to fall into the handout do not seek progress for the bad habits.”

Second, the establishment of the Institute, for college graduates to create conditions for further study.

The third is to enable university senior students to be under the guidance of the instructor, have the opportunity to engage in scientific research.

Five props

Cai Yuanpei is the first educational thinker who puts forward the education of “national education, realism education, civic moral education, world view education and aesthetic education education.” It is a remarkable thought that Cai Yuanpei's educational thought is Features.

Set the background

After the victory of the Revolution of 1911, the Provisional Government of Nanjing was just set up. To make the reform of feudal education in the bourgeoisie be carried out in depth and health, it is urgent to define the educational purpose of reflecting the demands of the bourgeoisie as soon as possible under the guidance of unified educational ideas to define the goals and demands of the bourgeoisie for personnel training, Only in such a situation, in February 1912 Cai Yuanpei published the famous educational essay “for the new education of the views” more systematically put forward the idea of five education.

Army National Education

(A) from the foreign environment, China is in the “strong neighbors, the urgent plan of self-defense, and the loss of state power over the years, not by force, difficult to recover.”

(2) In the case of the domestic situation, it is necessary to break the situation of the military becoming a “special class in the whole country” and to “

Realistic education

Realistic education is considered by Cai Yuanpei as a means of rich countries, and he believes that competition in the world is not just in force, especially in financial resources. Therefore, strengthen science and technology education, improve productivity, develop the national economy, the country can survive in the world competition.

Civic moral education

He contrasts the morality of freedom, equality and fraternity of the western modern bourgeoisie to the ”righteousness, forgiveness and benevolence“ advocated by ancient Chinese Confucianism. He advocated the extensive absorption of foreign culture, and ”must be absorbed by the digestion and absorption“, and ”must be“ I ”food and of the, and not for each other assimilation,“ he criticized some weak volunteers, one to Study abroad, ”to abandon its“ I ”and assimilate outsiders.

Education of worldview

World view education is based on the world divided into the phenomenal world and the real world of the ideal world view, based on people to follow the principles of freedom of thought, freedom of speech, do not be bound by a doctrine of thought, at the time with a break thousands of years The Emancipation of Ideological Autocracy.

Aesthetic education

Aesthetic education is the most important way to educate the world, and the bridge from the phenomenal world to the physical world. The importance of aesthetic education comes from its characteristics, people from the phenomenon of the world to the physical world there are two obstacles, one is the difference between people, the second is the camp of happiness.



Tang Taizong Li Shimin (January 28, 598 [a said 599 January 23] - AD 649 July 10), native of Longxi Cheng Ji, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan and sinus Queen's second son, the Tang Dynasty Two emperors, distinguished politicians, strategists, military strategists, poets.

Li Shimin juvenile army, went to Yanmen off to save the Emperor. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin official residence Shangshu order, right Wuhou big general, by the closure of Qin Guogong, after the seal for the Qin Wang, has led his troops to settle the Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, Wang Shicong and other warlords, in the Tang Dynasty to establish and unify the process Neutral under the illustrious military exploits.

AD 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June fourth day), Li Shimin launched Xuanwu Men of change, to kill his brother Prince Li Jiancheng, four brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji and two sons, was established Prince, Tang Gao Zu Li Yuan soon abdicated, Li Shimin ascended the throne, change Yuan Zhenguan.

Li Shimin after the emperor, and actively listen to the views of the ministers, to the text of the rule of the world, modesty remonstrance, the implementation of conservation, to persuade farmers mulberry, so that people can recuperate, peace and prosperity, and created a famous Chinese history of Zhenguan governance. To open up the territory of the extension of the earth, attack the East Turkic and Xue Yantuo, conquered Gaochang, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, hit Goguryeo, the establishment of Anxi four towns, the people get along well, by the people of all ethnic groups known as the days of Khan, later Tang Dynasty Years of prosperity to lay an important foundation.

On July 10, 649 AD, the Li Shimin died in the windy temple at the age of twenty-three years, the temple was Taizong and was buried in Zhaoling. The Li Shimin love literature and calligraphy, there are ink handed down.


Early experience

Li Shimin in the year 598 (Sui Wendi emperor seventeen years) lunar calendar in December Wu Wu day (one that 599 AD, open emperor eighteen years in December Wu days), was born in the martial arts of the House Museum, Father is then the Sui Dynasty officials of the Li Yuan, the mother is the Northern Zhou Dynasty tribe. Li Shimin 4 years old, the family came to a self-proclaimed scholar, his father Li Yuan said: “When you see Li Shimin, the scholar actually said:” Longfeng posture, The day of the table, until the age of twenty, will be able to help the world. “Li Yuan will be” Ji Shi An Min “for the son named” the world “. Childhood Li Shimin smart decisive, informal, to accept Confucian education, learning martial arts, good riding and shooting.

AD 613 (Emperor of the great cause of nine years), Li Shimin married Gao Xilian's nephew Sun's wife. AD 615 years (great cause eleven years), Li Shimin to participate in the cloud of Xingxing army, go to Yanmen off the rescue by the Turks siege of the Emperor.

AD 616 years (great cause of twelve years), his father Li Yuan as Jinyang left behind, Li Shimin followed to Taiyuan and his father several times set off, flat service occurred in this province of Shanxi rebellion and the invasion of the East Turkic invasion.

Jinyang uprising

AD 617 (Yining first year), Li Shimin encouraged his father Li Yuan uprising, is for the Jinyang troops. Li Yuanfeng Li Shimin for the Dunhuang County public, right collar military governor, commander of the right army, troops attack Chang'an, and destroy the Sui. Li Shimin official worship Guanglu doctor, Tang history, resettlement Qin Guogong, food business million households.

AD 617 (Yining first year) Lunar New Year in December, Li Shimin for the right marshal, resettlement Zhao Guogong, led troops to attack the Sui Dynasty in the east of Luoyang, not yet, three-way ambush in the three tombs, beat Sui will reach. AD 618 (the first year of the military) lunar calendar in May, Li Yuan deposed Yang Yoo, emperor, change the country for the Tang, Feng Li Shimin for the Shangshu order, right Yiwei general, into the seal king.

Quartet war

After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the territory is limited to Guanzhong and Hedong area, has not yet fully ruled the country, therefore, Li Shimin often set off, and gradually eliminate the separatist forces around. Since AD 618 (the first year of the military), Li Shimin personally involved in four major campaigns.

First, broken Xueju, Sham Shui Po of the war put aside Longxi Xue Ren Gao (Xue Ju's son), the eradication of the Tang Dynasty from the Western threat.

Second, beat Song Jinang, Liu Wu Zhou, recovered, and lost territory, to consolidate the north of the Tang Dynasty.

Third, in the war of war, in one fell swoop to annihilate the two separatist elements of the Central Plains: Henan Wang Shicheng and Hebei Doujian De Group, so that the Tang dynasty made control of North China.

Fourth, the creation of Dou Jiande Yu Liu and black Liu and Huang Yuan Lang.

Since then Li Shimin prestige day, especially in the war after the war of duty after returning to Beijing, Changan military and civilian by the grand welcome. AD 621 (Wende four years) lunar calendar in October, sealed for the day policy will be, lead singer, Shaanxi Road, Tai Tai Tai Shangshu order, located in the princes, the food increased to thirty thousand households. Li Yuan and then under the licensing of the days of the government set up their own official, Li Shimin opened a literary museum, received the Quartet Yan Shi admitted to the consultant, the museum and the Qin government combined, as if the formation of a small government agencies.

Basaltic change

Taiyuan troops is Li Shimin's strategy, Li Yuan has promised him as a matter after he was Prince, but Li Yuan established after the Tang Dynasty, Li Jiancheng as Prince. After the world put down, Li Shimin fame, Li Jiancheng Li Yuanji then combined, exclusion Li Shimin. Li Yuan's indecisive, but also to confrontation between the DPRK and China, to accelerate the philosophers of the soldiers meet each other.

Long brother and his wife Li Jiancheng Li Shimin know that Li Shimin finally refused to mercy, and Li Shimin also think that he laid the foundation of the Tang Dynasty founding, then with Li Jiancheng, four younger brother Qi Wang Li Yuanji suspicion deep, between the two factions between each other. Li Jiancheng had poisoned Li Shimin. Which prime minister Pei silence, counselor Wang Gui, Wei Zheng, East Palace Guardian General Xue Wancai follow Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji.

Qin government counselor Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling, generals Qin Shubao, Yuchi Jingde, Duan Zhixuan, Hou Junji, Wang Junlu and other follow Li Shimin. Prime Minister Chen Shouda, courtiers Sun Wuji and so secretly support Li Shimin. The remaining generals Li Jing, Xu Shi plot, Minister Yu Wen Shi and so remain neutral.

AD 626 (Wu De nine years), the Turkic invasion of the Tang border, Li Jiancheng to Li Yuan suggested that by Li Yuanji commander expedition to the Turks. In the East Palace of Prince Edward as the rate of more Cheng (in charge of the officials of the official) Wang Wang, has been Wang Li Shimin bought, as Li Shimin in the East Palace of the eyeliner, he quietly told Li Shimin: ”Li Jiancheng would like to take control of the king of soldiers and horses, and Ready to set up soldiers in Kunming pool to kill the king. “So Li Shimin decided to pre-emptive.

AD 2 6 6 6 6 (Wu De nine years in June the first four days of China), Li Shimin in the imperial city of Chang'an City Miyagi near the Xuanwu Men shooting the Crown Prince Li Jiancheng, Qi Wang Li Yuanji, known as ”Xuanwumen change.“ Later, Li Shimin killed Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji philosophers, and they removed from the membership. Li Yu-yuan was elected to the Crown Prince, under the imperial edict said: ”since the military affairs, regardless of the size of the full appointment of the military, the Ministry of the People's Republic of China, Prince, and then the emperor. “

September 6, 626 AD (Wu De nine years in early August Jiu Jiazi), Li Yuan retreat was called the emperor, Zen in Li Shimin. Li Shimin ascended the throne for the emperor, the following year to change the yuan concept.

Zhenguan of the rule

Due to the war in the Sui and the population dropped sharply, AD 628 (Zhenguan two years), the Tang Dynasty only 2.9 million population, Li Shimin often to death Sui for the ring, pay attention to exhort self-restraint desire, And the economy, the thin Fu is still thrifty, prudent for the government; also committed to the revival of culture and education, so that the turmoil in the Sui Dynasty to stabilize the Bureau of the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, the United States and the United States, Down.

Li Shimin attaches great importance to the civil service of the Ching Ming, had ordered the village of the province and redundant staff, sent Li Jing and other 13 dismissed ambassador to inspect the country, study wind assessment; and personally selected captaincy, provincial governor and other local officials, and its merits written in the palace On the screen, as the basis for ascension and punishment. Another provision for more than five items of Beijing official rotation value of the book in the province, so that at any time Ting see, ask the people suffering and governance gains and losses, Baiguan then self-reliance, directly improve the efficiency of the government.

In the military, Li Shimin many foreign troops, has put aside the Turks, Xue Yantuo, Huihe, Gaochang, Yanqi, Kuchi, Tuyuhun, etc., by the Tang Dynasty sound Wei broadcast, Quartet.

After 20 years of hard work, social stability, economic recovery and stable development, external martial arts prominent, to the year 652 (Tang Gaozong emperor emblem three years), population reached 3.8 million, lay the Tang Gaozong, Wu Zetian , Tang Xuanzong years of the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, known as Zhenguan of governance.

Emperor Fan

AD 643 (Zhenguan seventeen years) in April, Prince Li Cheng dry to conspiracy to be abolished, Tang Taizong then his ninth son Jin Wang Li Zhili as Prince, and Prince Edward strict teaching. Li Shimin in his later years, ”Emperor Fan,“ a book to teach Prince Edward Lee governance, summed up his political experience, while self-evaluation merit.

AD 648 (Zhenguan twenty-two years) the first month, Tang Taizong will write his ”Emperor Fan“ twelve awarded to Prince Li Zhi, and told him: ”You should be the ancient sage of the king as a teacher , As I am, it is absolutely impossible to follow, because if you take the law, only only one of them, if the law in the only one can only be the next I have since the base, the fault is a lot: The beads are not in the front, the palace Taiwan perennial rookie, dog horse eagle falcon no far, travel to the Quartet for trouble, all of these are the biggest mistakes I made, do not take me as an example to follow suit.

Died of illness

AD 649 (Zhenguan twenty-three years), Tang Taizong sick (one said to take Tianzhu long raw medicine lead to violence), treatment eventually invalid, life Li governance to Jinye door agent state affairs.

July 10, 649 AD (Zhenguan twenty-three years in May twenty-six has been days), Taizong died in the Zhongnanshan on the Cuiwei Palace containing the wind house. At the beginning of the emperor, the temple Taizong, buried in Zhaoling.

AD 674 years (Tang Gaozong on the first year) plus Shi Wen Wu Sheng emperor, AD 749 years (Tang Xuanzong Tianbao eight years) plus Shi Wenwu Da Sheng emperor, AD 754 years (Tianbao thirteen years)) plus Shi Wenwu Da Sheng Da Guang Filial piety



Na Ying, November 27, 1967 was born in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, Chinese pop singer.

In the 1980s to imitate Su Rui singing style into the music scene. In 1988 because of “mountain ditch” fame, in 1991, singing the theme song “Mountain does not turn water” became popular. In 1993 the first signing of the record company Taiwan Fumao record company. In 1994 released the first solo album “for you dreaming”. and Andy Chow chorus “Oriental Pearl”. , issue album “conquest” and “simply”, in December 1999, when the State Council Premier Zhu Rongji visited Singapore when the two album gift to the local people. In 20xx by virtue of the album “sad” romantic won the Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Best Mandarin Female Singers Award, the best lyricist award. In 20xx won the MTV Asian Music Awards “Mainland China's most popular singer award”. In October the same year released the album “Today”, once again nominated for the Taiwan Golden Melody Award. And then gradually retreat from the music, married children. The end of 20xx officially come back to music, launched in 20xx album “then what”. 20xx, 20xx re-election music Billboard Chairman, 20xx ~ 20xx as “China good voice” mentor. Since his debut, Na Ying has held dozens of individual concerts around the world. May 20xx, Na Ying “that world tour concert” will land in North America, in the United States, Canada and the United States held three games.

October 7, 20xx, Na Ying Zhang Lei won the “China good voice fourth season” champion, the third to become “good voice” champion tutor.


In 1979, Naying joined the Liaoning Junior Radio Choir; in 1983, entered the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe. In the teaching do not look that the British is always Taidalielie look, but for the test of the song and dance troupe of this matter, she can not vague, before and after the test three times.

To the Shenyang Song and Dance Troupe, the British began to learn to sing Su Rui's song, not only on stage performances, but also out of the tape, singing Su Rui's new song “constant heart”, with the name of Su Ran, and international culture AC audio and video publishing house officially released. Was also used by the music school teacher in teaching. For a long time, that yin is singing in the choir for others. Her friend said with excitement, “Once, when a particularly famous actor in Shenyang, a fever did not come, so she became a lead singer from the accompaniment, and then a lot of singers, in order to be different, that British had to Dress up and hairstyle work, but always Zhang Guanli Dai.

In 1988, it was a significant year for Na Ying. Na Ying's friends clearly remember that year in the ”Sunshine Cup Young Singer Competition“, that British with Suri's ”the same moonlight“ and ”I find myself“ won the third place. ”At that time the British Mandarin with a strong taste of the Northeast, a mouth audience listen to the audience.“ That Britain intends to participate in the Grand Prix after the game back to Shenyang, did not expect to participate in the finals, Gu Jianfen teacher to the background Looking for her, asked the British would like to stay in Beijing to develop, in her study to learn.


Gu Jianfen students

In 1988, Na Ying participated in the ”sunshine cup“ national popular song contest, singing ”I find myself“ won the gold medal. After the game was invited to join Gu Jianfen ”Gu Jianfen vocal training center.“ Na Ying will be moved from Shenyang to Beijing to start singing career. The period of Na Ying mainly accept Gu Jianfen teacher's teaching, had Mao Amin and other singer record album, she also took the stage named ”Su“, a large number of idol Taiwanese singer Su Rui's song. In the same year, Na Ying to participate in the world environmental memorial concert, to a northwest style works ”mountain ditch“ fame, this song selected Hong Kong annual top ten gold songs.

In 1989, Naying went to Singapore to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, won the local art star award; in Guangzhou to participate in Beijing Jing Sui ”health card“ singer Grand Prix, ”wish“ won the first prize; in 1990, ”Journey to the Asian Games“ party; in 1991, won the nation's top ten most popular singers award; won the national film and television ten singer award; ”thousands of years of the story“ won the top ten Chinese Hong Kong gold song; to participate in the World Women's Football Championship Opening ceremony, singing theme song ”embrace tomorrow“; in 1992, won the National Golden Soul Cup top ten young singer award. In the same year, the first appeared in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, singing ”good big tree.“ In 1993, once again registered CCTV Spring Festival Evening, and Xie Xiaodong, Su Rui, Luo Wen, Wu Qixian chorus ”hand in hand.“

Fumao record period

In April 1993, Naying signed Taiwan's Fukuma record. The same year, once again won the top ten most popular singer award.

In 1994, Na Ying released his first solo album in Taiwan ”for you dream“;

In 1995, the release of the second Mandarin album ”daytime do not understand the night of the black“, following the ”for you dreaming“ after another in the Taiwan pop song test the album.

From 1991 to , Naying won more than 40 consecutive film and television theme song, including ”love you did not discuss“ ”over the addiction to death“ ”Beijing in New York“ ”smoke and see flowers“, for five consecutive years won the national ten The most popular singer award, the National Film and Television ten singer award, the music contribution achievement award, the top ten health image award, the provinces and cities nationwide television and radio rankings up to twenty weeks ”smoke and mirrors.“ From 1995 to 1997, Na Ying continued to visit CCTV Spring Festival Evening, singing ”fog“, ”always wait until that day“ (with Mao Ning chorus), ”green world“. In 1997, Na Ying and Andy Lau co-interpretation of ”Pearl of the Orient“ to celebrate the return of Hong Kong.


In June 1997, Na Ying signed EMI EMI recordings.

1998 CCTV Spring Festival Evening, that British and another day after the Faye Wong chorus ”meet about 988“. This song then popular in mainland China, the audience voted for ”my favorite Spring Festival Evening Song“ second prize, for ten consecutive years the provinces and cities nationwide radio championship. April 1998, the album ”conquest“ global distribution, the Asian region album sales accumulated more than 2 million. With the ”conquest“, that British became the first shortlisted Taiwan Golden Melody Award ”Best Mandarin Female Singers Award“ of the Chinese mainland singer. At the end of the year, for the Hong Kong film ”B plan“ concert episode ”love“ and the theme song ”meet not miss“.

March 1999 in Hong Kong and Carina Lau attended the ”20xx appreciation index survey - the best television program awards ceremony“ at the Harbor Plaza Hotel. July 1999, the album ”simply“ issue. The album did not extend the ”daytime do not understand the night of the black“, ”conquest“ amplifier of the genre, to focus on emotional delivery. In the same year, that British sing Hong Kong ”Bauhinia Kaihui Spring City“ party. November 20, that the British heavyweight combination of ”Chuck and the birds“ mainland concert finale guests. In December, Premier Zhu Rongji of the State Council, when he visited the Singaporean citizens, took out the British ”Conquest“ and ”simply“ two albums to the public as a gift, CNN (CNN) for delivery. December 31, Naying to participate in the Hong Kong radio ”20xx Dragon lights Yaoqing Millennium“ theme song ”Millennium Spirit“. 20xx CCTV Spring Festival Evening, and Xie Xiaodong chorus ”Western Rhapsody“.

August 20xx, the album ”sad romantic“ global distribution. Album name song ”song of the romantic“, by the British their own words, but also for the first time with the same door brothers Zhang Yu unprecedented cooperation. With the ”sad“, that British became the first won the Taiwan Golden Melody Award ”Best Mandarin Female Singers“ award of the mainland female singer, while won the Taiwan Golden Melody Award ”best lyricist“. In December, Na Ying and zero band and Sun Nan concert in Guangzhou.

In 20xx, CCTV Spring Festival Evening and Sun Nan singing songs ”early morning“.

Warner Records

May 7, 20xx, Naying officially signed to join Warner Records. September 21, the release of the album ”I am not an angel“, the album 10 songs to tell the story of the way different from the previous moving mood. The title song ”I am not an angel“ for the rare non-that love songs, by Wu Bai composition. In the same year, held the first personal tour ”I am not an angel“ tour concert. On September 28, Naying held his first solo concert at the Hung Hom Gymnasium in Hong Kong, becoming the first mainland singer to sing the Hong Kong Coliseum, and Mr Andy Lau and Stefanie Sun. In October, ”I am not an angel“ symphony concert in Malaysia Genting singing. In the same year, invited as a guest of Andy Lau concert. In January 20xx, Na Ying in the Shanghai million people gymnasium to open the first song in the mainland; August Wulihe concert, is the first in the Wulihe Stadium in Shenyang to sing the mainland singer.

In October 20xx, Naying released the album ”Today“. Title song ”love you is equal to love lonely“ tells a desperate encounter; ”you never leave“ is to sing the feeling of sadness lingering. The album once again make that British shortlisted Taiwan Golden Melody Award for best national female singer, director Lin Jin and directed ”love you equal to love lonely“ MV won the Taiwan Golden Melody Award for best music video award.

The song fade out

On the evening of July 2, 20xx, Na Ying was the only mainland singer to attend the ”light media“ together Pepsi brand held in Hong Kong, ”Pepsi Music Billboard“ war heroes will.

In November 20xx, Na Ying starred in 36 sets of TV series ”really want to love“ national premiere.

In 20xx, with Liu Huan singing the 20xx Olympic Games slogan theme song ”the same world with a dream“; CCTV Spring Festival Evening singing ”love the sun.“

In January 20xx, guest first film debut ”light blue and dark blue“; April, that Ying wax wax stationed in Shanghai Tussauds Wax Museum, is the first mainland singer. October 20xx, Na Ying and Karen Mok Shanghai ”love that Mo deep“ symphony concert.

April 30, 20xx, with the stars in Beijing Temple held in the ”Beijing Olympic Games countdown to 100 days celebration“ on the concert ”Beijing welcome you“, recording MV; October release commemorative song ”Yunnan beauty“ to commemorate the Yunnan Wenshan Zhuang Miao The 50th Anniversary of the Autonomous Prefecture.

April 6, 20xx, with the singer Amu and Guan Zhe together in Canada held two concerts, becoming the first landing in North America top theater FALLSVIEN CASINO mainland Chinese artists. October 3 to participate in Yichun month · Chinese situation - 20xx CCTV Mid-Autumn evening party (host: Lu Jian, dream Tong, quarter Xiaojun, Zeng Baoyi, Hou Peicen).

Music comeback

December 31, 20xx, Na Ying in the Beijing Capital Gymnasium held a new year to sing ”Na Ying - that 20 years of world tour concert“, declared himself after years of silence, once again come back to music. And then in Macau, Tianjin, Taipei and other places to open the world tour concert, is the first in Taipei (Dome), Vienna, Tokyo, Macau held a personal concert of Chinese mainland singer, for all over the fans sing 20 years of indecent classic works.

At the beginning of 20xx, Naying served as the music list for ten years. In the low-cost music scene, she called on all the musicians should not use a negative attitude to face the current environment, and take the lead that will try to contribute to the next decade of Chinese music. Najing also promulgated three presidential orders: ”unity and self-discipline, do not complain, do not compromise, do not talk about the award, not false sales“, ”clean self, do not plagiarism, not speculation, not conservative“ and ” Get a lot of attendance at the artist's support.

At the beginning of 20xx, the British re-election music list, called the musicians more exchanges, and the last awards ceremony promulgated the three chairman of the order to continue and innovation, “unity and self-confidence, innovation, less complain, re-exchange” Self-love, not plagiarism, not speculation, not conservative “,” join the festivities, all attendance, more applause, not early retirement “, has been a collective response to the music.

May 9, 20xx, Naying to participate in CCTV ”Happy China walk into the temple“; in early June rushed to Taiwan propaganda, 2 ”Kangxi to“ days after the conquest of Kangxi, 5 to participate in ”millions of singers“, 9 ” No big sister you do not strong; September 23, held in the Workers' Gymnasium, “how then” MUSIC LIVE Beijing concert.

In October 20xx, the introduction of nine years of the album “then what”. This album is to declare her life at this stage of attitude, happy songs more than the previous proportion of the album heavier. The title song “long lens” for Cai Jianya works. October 28, to participate in the fourth China · Longnan Hakka House Culture and Tourism Festival; December 18, and Tu Honggang singing songs “their own people.”

In 20xx, Na Ying and Liu Huan, Harlem Yu, Yang Kun together as a mentor to participate in by the Zhejiang Satellite TV Star Star Media's strong production of large-scale inspirational professional music commentary program “China good voice”, its “small two classes” Year good sound. July 13 officially broadcast in Zhejiang TV.

20xx “China good voice” in the second quarter tutor, its students Xuan Xuan won the annual third runner-up. In the same year the Spring Festival evening singing “spring” (dressed in Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci 20xx spring and summer show field).

In 20xx, “China good voice” third season mentor. Zhang Bi Chen, a student who received the annual good voice.

February 18, 20xx, to participate in the 20xx CCTV Spring Festival Gala, singing the song “Silk Road”. April 3, confirmed to continue to serve as the fourth quarter, “China good voice” mentor. In May, Na Ying “that world tour concert” in the United States, Canada and the United States held three games. On October 7th, Nyingbo became the champion of “good voice”.



Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 - April 27, 1882) was born in Boston. American thinker, writer, poet. Emerson is the representative of the American culture. Former US President Lincoln called him “American Confucius” and “Father of American Civilization”. Published in 1836 debut “on nature”. His contribution to literature is mainly in prose and poetry. 18 April 1882 died in Boston.


In September 1835, Emerson and other like-minded intellectuals founded the Transcendental Club. Until July 1840, Emerson published his first essay in September 1836, Nature “. When the work becomes the basic principle of transcendence, many people immediately think that this is the Italian works.

In 1837 Emerson published a famous speech on the theme of ”American Scholar“, proclaiming that American literature had been independent from British literature and warned American scholars not to let the study learn to spread, do not blindly follow tradition, imitate. In addition, this speech also criticized the American society of money worship, emphasizing the value of people. Known as the United States in the field of ideological and cultural ”Declaration of Independence“.

One year later, Emerson criticized the only deity of Christianity in the Dean of the Theological Seminary, striving for the supreme human being, and advocating the intuition of the truth. ”Believe in your own thoughts, and believe that what is right in your heart that is right for you is applicable to all ... ...“ literary critics Lawrence Bull in the ”Emerson Biography“ said, Emerson and his doctrine, Is the most important secular religion in the United States.

In 1838 he was invited to return to Harvard University Theological Seminary for the graduation ceremony. His comments immediately shocked the entire Protestant community, because he explained that when Jesus was a man, he was not God (at that time people would rather not hear such a speech). Thus, he was condemned as an atheist and poisoned the young man's mind, and faced with these criticisms he did not make any response or defense. In the following 40 years, he was no longer invited to the Harvard University speech, but in the mid-1880s, his position became a doctrine of the doctrine.


In 1840 Emerson was the editor of the ”sundial“ of the transcendentalist publication, further promoting transcendentalism. Later, he compiled his own speech into a book, which is the famous ”Proceedings“. The first episode of the Proceedings was published in 1841, including 12 papers such as ”On Self-help“, ”On Spirit“, ”On Compensation“, ”On Love“, ”On Friendship“. Three years later, the second episode of the Proceedings was also published. This book as Emerson won a great reputation, his mind is called the core of transcendentalism, he himself was known as the ”American Renaissance leader“ reputation.

In early 1842, Emerson's eldest son of China because of suffering from scarlet fever and died. Emerson presented his grief in his two masterpieces: an elegy and his essay ”Experience“ (Experience). In the same year William James was born, Emerson agreed to be his godfather.

Emerson became a famous speaker in New England and other countries outside the United States. When he can not attend some speeches as scheduled, Frederick Douglas will replace him. Emerson's speech has many different themes, many of his works are extracted from his speech.

Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau are friends and often walk with them at Concord. Emerson inspired Thoreau's talent. Thoreau has also built a house in Walden, of Jackson County, Colorado. When Thoreau lives in Walden, Emerson offers food and hires Thoreau to finish some work. When Thoreau left Walden two years later, Emerson left because he wanted to travel, and Thoreau lived at Emerson's home.

Their friendly relationship was broken by Thomson's first book, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, when Ruth gave rude advice. This book is not very extensive design, and Emerson took him to see their agents, which allows Thoreau to bear the cost of publishing this book and the risk. Readers of this book is not much, this thoreau began to bear the debt. Finally, the two of them reconcile some of the differences, but Thoreau in private still condemned Emerson gradually deviated from his initial outlook on life, and Emerson began to Thoreau as a weary person. Emerson gave a negative evaluation of Thoreau's rhetoric in the 19th century.

Emerson is an abstract and esoteric writer, but his speech still has a lot of people to listen. Emerson's work is based on his diary's observation of things, and when he was still at Harvard, he had written diary habits, and those diaries were carefully indexed by Emerson. He writes his own experiences and ideas in his diary and brings out some meaningful messages and combines with his intensive and condensed lecture essence. Later, he revised and relented the content of the speech, so that his essay and some other works.

He was a man who was regarded as one of the great performers at the time, and fascinated the audience with a low voice. He was very enthusiastic and treated with an equal attitude and valued the audience. His straightforward and uncompromising stance on the abolition of niggerism led him to object to and mock after talking about the subject. He continues to publish a radical abolition of the slaves but does not consider whether people like it. He tried to refrain from joining any open political movement or group, and was often eager to be independent, which reflected his individualist position. He often insisted not to advocate, to become a person alone on their own. In his later years, people wanted him to count the number of his writings, and he still said that his faith was ”infinite individual“.

Emerson's early reading of the French essayist Montaigne's works, and by its great influence. He understood the personal style from these works and began to lower his trust in God. He never read Kant's work, but he read Coleridge's explanation of the German transcendentalist. This makes Emerson do not believe in the soul and God.


After Emerson died, he was buried in the Slippe Valley Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts. In May 20xx, Emerson published the ”Theological Seminary“ after 168 years, Harvard University Theological Seminary announced the creation of UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association).

Emerson's collection of many of the prose of ”Collected Essays: First (1841) and Second (1844) Series“ is considered one of the 100 masterpieces.

Emerson's Proceedings praised the idea that people would trust themselves, and those who believed in themselves were representatives of all, because he perceived the universal truth. Emerson with a transcendentalist's tone, quietly narrated his view of the world, transcendentalism combined and penetrated the neo-Platonism and similar Calvin sectarian a serious moral and that can be in all natural In the discovery of God's love romantic optimism.

Emerson likes to speak, face the crowd to make him excited, he said he felt a great emotion in the call, his main reputation and achievements established here. He became the leader of American transcendentalism through his own essays and speeches, and became the most important of the informal philosophers. His philosophical spirit is manifested in the remarkable view of logic and empiricism. He despises the exploration of pure theory and believes in nature, which embodies the laws of God and God.

In addition to the Proceedings, Emerson's works include ”Representatives“, ”British Characteristics“, ”Poems“, ”May Festival and Other Poems“.

Emerson 's prose writer, thinker, poet in one. His poetry, prose unique, pay attention to the ideological content and not too much emphasis on rhetoric gorgeous, writing like aphorism, philosophical easy to understand, persuasive, and a typical ”Emerson style.“ Some people commented on his words: ”Emerson seems to only write a sentence,“ his text reveals the temperament is difficult to describe: both full of autocratic and no doubt, but also has an open spirit of democracy; both aristocratic arrogance , More civilians of the direct; both clear and easy to understand, and often mixed with some kind of mysticism ... ... a person can be inserted in an article so many alarm is really amazing, those worth it in the morning Why do you read the words always inspiring, the years are not for him to cover the dust, but against the background he was sparkling.

Emerson's greatest achievement in the history of American culture and literature is that he insists on the establishment of an independent national culture and literature. He is against the sudden attack, follow the footsteps. He preached the spiritual independence of the New World. Emerson's thought in its famous ”American philosopher“ in the further development. Emerson asked the American thinkers to ”know themselves“, ”observe the natural“, search by others long, create a new culture of the new continent, write their own books, in order to achieve their own perfection at the same time, for human progress contribution. He asked the American philosopher to be an independent thinker, not someone else's thought.

He pointed out that the book contains the wisdom of the past era, but can not step by step in the past, can not regulate the moment step. He asked scholars to become a universe, rather than being pulled out of their own orbit. Some of the ideas are creative, some of the behavior is creative, some of the rhetoric is creative, these are from the mind itself feel good and the United States naturally gush out. He warned that the genius of the past could be the enemy of today's genius, and that Shakespeare could ”modernize“ the original style of modernity. American scholars should look forward, the eyes long in front of the head, full of hope to write their own books, each era should write their own books.



Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 - July 2, 1961), was born in the United States, Illinois, Chicago suburb of Oak Parker, American writer, journalist, is considered to be 20 One of the most famous novelists of the century.

Hemingway's life has won many awards. He was awarded the bravery medal during the First World War; in 1953, he won the Pulitzer Prize for the book ”The Old Man and the Sea“ (1); the 1954 ”Old Man and the Sea“ won Hemingway Bell Prize for Literature. In 20xx, Hemingway's ”The Sun Also Rises“ and ”Farewell to Arms“ were included in the ”Best English Novels of the 20th Century“ by the American Modern Library.

July 2, 1961, Hemingway in Idaho Ketchum's home with a shotgun committed suicide.

Hemingway's feelings in the complex, has concluded four marriages, is the United States ”Lost Generation“ (Lost Generation) writers in the representative of the works of life, the world, society has shown a confused and anxious. He has always been known as the literary tyk, he is the spirit of the American nation monument. Hemingway's work marks the formation of his unique creative style, in the history of American literature and even the history of the world literature occupies an important position.


language style


Hemingway has excellent language control ability. He often expresses the most complicated content in the simplest vocabulary. It expresses the concrete meaning with the basic vocabulary, the simple sentence and so on. He uses nouns and verbs to reveal the true face of things. From the point of view, Hemingway often used a brief statement of language expression, he believes that there is no need to use text modification carved to grandstanding, as long as the things described clearly on the line, the other by the reader to decide. Such as the ”old man and the sea“ in the old man with a harpoon frog big fish scene, the author described as ”the old man put down the fishing line, the harpoon held as high as possible, resorted to the strength of the body, plus he just Strength, put it straight down into the side of the fish. In these descriptions the author did not use any modified ingredients, but the verb, the noun is a simple combination to describe a thrilling scene. In this plain language, people can feel the profound artistic realm and art at the end, this rustic language also makes Hemingway's works have more affinity and authenticity.

Hemingway's novel language has the characteristics of not redundant, simple style, simple sentence, simple words, he often use the basic word as the center to construct a single sentence, rarely use the expression of ideas adjectives and adverbs. In the twenty-sixth chapter of the “Farewell to Arms,” there was a dialogue between Henry and the priest about the war. The dialogue was very concise, concise, without any glitzment, but from which the reader could feel the people Of disgust. In the novel “killer”, the use of a lot of concise phrases, in the form of colloquial dialogue to start the plot, through the dialogue to avoid a lot of explanation and complex background account, giving an immersive feeling.


Literature and art to express emotions, but the emotion is to rely on the appearance of things perspective, the more the appearance of things directly described, the more able to produce a strong visual authenticity, the more able to narrow the distance between the reader and the writer. Hemingway with a high degree of visualization of the language, the visual, olfactory, auditory and other senses into the language, write the shape of things, color, taste, etc., with direct visual performance of the universe and life. As in the snow of Kilimanjaro, Hemingway wrote that the man was lying on the canvas bed, and he looked over the shy shade of the shy tree to the sun's dazzling plain, with three huge birds hugging, and Many in the wings soar. Hemingway with this simple, simple language is to highlight the image of the clarity and visual sensitivity. The formation of this language style is closely related to the Impressionist Master Cezanne, who learned how to control the reader's eyes from Cezanne, as in the early novel “In the North of Michigan”, Hemingway focused on the young girl, Cotz body, with her eyes describe the scene, in order to suggest its pure innocence, optimistic and naive, full of longing for the future.

The use of compound sentences and clauses is more in line with formal style, but the sentence is too long to make people look more strenuous, so Hemingway in the dialogue to strive to overcome this shortcoming, with simple, smooth, vivid sense of rhythm to express The movement of the characters, this text can often produce visual effects, to the reader to bring a visual impact. Such as “the elderly and the sea”, the Marlins dragged the old man Santiago swim day and night, the elderly almost fainted, but still insist on not giving up, then the author with a very simple words “pull ah, hand Ah, he thought, stood firm, legs, ”accurately expressed the fatigue of the elderly, resulting in a strong visual and psychological feelings. In the short story “white elephant mountain” at the end of the author to take the trouble to repeat “Please ask you, please, please, please, beg you, beg you, I beg you” The image expresses the girl's upset and produces a strong visual impact.

Implicit emotion

Hemingway has his own special artistic style, he emphasizes the objectivity of writing and the idea of the implicit implicit, against the author directly to the characters comment and implied, he often used implicit language to express complex emotions, with a limited form of expression of endless connotations , So his novels in the appearance of quietly, but the inner feelings are rich and hot. “Iceberg principle” is Hemingway's creative principle, he insisted that the complex social life should be extracted from the most characteristic of the plot, his thoughts and feelings hidden, in accordance with the “iceberg principle” left seven seven feet of space Readers think and try to figure out. Such as “farewell, weapons,” the outcome, Henry regardless of the nurse's insidious to see his wife's remains, but to see his wife when the body did not have a statement, nor a tear, this silent farewell to do not explain and get explained, Alienated and cold and the realization of the purpose of care, to achieve “here silent victory” effect. Hemingway often through the image of the characterization of the inner world of the characters hidden behind, through the performance of the material world to the reader to think, to imagine that this writing is a few pen, but it is into the wood, the characters' Portrayed, showing a do not yield to the fate of the tough guy spirit.

Hemingway often struggles to get rid of the influence of subjective feelings on the work, with a near objective way to express their emotions, which is often demoted as “dumb cattle.” In fact, critics only flow in the works of appearance, do not understand the feelings of the author's heart. German writer Ryder has said that Hemingway through the indifferent to reach the excitement, without explanation to be explained. In the “white elephant mountains” almost all dialogue, works almost do not see the trail of the author, but in the dialogue but there are deep connotation. In addition, Hemingway is very good at using language ambiguity to express symbolic and ideological content. Such as “farewell, weapons,” the weapons have two meanings, on the one hand the meaning of war, on the other hand is the meaning of love, it symbolizes the two themes of the novel against war and farewell to love; Mountains “,” elephant “is not only the meaning of elephants, there are useless, cumbersome meaning.


From the narrative approach, Hemingway's novel's dialogue is ”show“ rather than ”tell“. It is a kind of ”perfect imitation“ that belongs to Plato, rather than the kind of ”pure narrative“ that it wants to create a different degree of ”imitation of the illusion“ that is ”the poet's endeavor to cause him not to speak“ But a person in the illusion of speech. Compared to the two, ”pure narrative“ narrative and event distance, as ”pure imitation“ directly. The dialogue gives the narrator complete the character, which pushes the imitation of the utterance to the extreme, completely obliterating the traces of the narrative, giving the words to the characters and occupying the front desk. In this case, the shadow of the author subsided, as if there were only people in the story, without the narrator, the story of the person, in other words, the narrator did not intervene or seldom intervene in the narrative, Under the traces of. This narrative approach, in terms of its distance from the object being described, is very close, almost equal to zero; it is subtle in terms of the narrative information it conveys. Hemingway use the narrative means of dialogue, its intention is ”show“, the pursuit of perfect imitation. In the ”Kilimanjaro snow“, in order to highlight the dialogue, the opening is the dialogue, very unexpected, this is the display of the narrative style.

In order to meet the concise expression of this expression, his dialogue as much as possible to write a very good understanding, not esoteric words, without big words, and small words, as long as the reader in accordance with the order to read down, fully understand the words of each speaker is Who. In addition, each participant in the dialogue is generally two, one question and answer, or chat, or controversy. The reason why the two people to maintain this measure, rather than a number of people, because many people, in the absence of the name of the speaker in the case of the reader is not easy to find out which one, which is very important. When there is a third person or more conversation, Hemingway must indicate the name of the speaker.

Hemingway also wrote ”style of spoken“, his dialogue sentence is short, simple structure, there is no gorgeous rhetoric. This style of spoken language is characterized by the use of the American Midwest people's spoken language and its rhythm, but also mixed with different local language, the language of the ancient Havana, the Spanish language of the Guadalrama, Spanish English; The language of the fisherman, the language of the bullfighter, the language of the hunter, etc., read the sound of the sound, often to the reader a real language illusion. They use the vocabulary, pronunciation methods are not the same. We say that Hemingway's novels are never fancy, and are used to avoid adverbs, adverbs and other modifiers. This is reflected in many aspects. The dialogue is no exception. We can also say that it is because of the large number of dialogues used in Hemingway's novels. Therefore, the large tracts of the daily language of the novel caused the overall simplicity of the novel. In modern narratology, the narrative means varied and varied. Hemingway's love of this unique narrative style, the reason is: the use of structuralism, ”distance and angle“ theory to observe, the dialogue can make the reader feel immersive, and the narrative is difficult to achieve This realistic effect. In addition, the dialogue is more concise than the narrative, but also more vivid sense, implication is more abundant. In view of the dialogue with such a great superiority, the novel master Hemingway did not hesitate to adopt it, and its charm to an unparalleled degree, making his novel unique, dominate.

Relationship between men and women

From the theme of the relationship between men and women to analyze Hemingway, it is easy to see, despite the keen to describe the man's wild and heroic, Hemingway has indirectly expressed his fear and hatred of women. His ”code heroes (code heroes)“ are fighting alone, even if the woman has any relationship, and ultimately to be separated. Strong sense of destiny and death in his works to be generally reflected. Its masterpiece ”old man and the sea“ is a sketch of a purely male world. DH Lawrence observed a pattern of men and women in Hemingway's short story: ”A person wants to be free.“ Just avoid one thing: get involved in it. Never be involved. If you are caught by something, get rid of it. Get rid of it and leave.

For example, this is about Robert Jordan in the Spanish civil war to participate in a bombing bridge mission story, which interspersed with Jordan and Maria's romantic love, they only have three days of romance, Jordan retreat When the legs were seriously injured, and Maria can not go to Madrid. Three days in the mountains is the best of Jordan's life, he and Maria's love, although short, but to achieve the eternal, Jordan's love in the revolution before the cause of the sacrifice. He knew that he was still in danger and was dedicated to the Spanish people. However, from another point of view, this choice also reflects the cruelty of Hemingway. He did not know if Jordan and Maria jointly safe withdrawal is a sign that the beginning of a better life. He would rather choose to gloriously die, rather than romantic together for life. In the ”farewell, weapons“, Henry did not start to Catherine seriously, and that is just a game. ”It's better than going to the house every night, it's a game, just like playing a bridge, but it's not playing cards, but talking.“ For example, when Catherine's surgery was Henry's monologue, critics That Catherine's death and Henry's hostility to her, in the last chapter, when Catherine's surgery, a short period of time, Henry 19 thought Catherine will die, ”dead“ the recurrence of the word seems to be With the magic of the general anxiety, when Catherine on the operating table full of painful bleeding, Henry twice out to drink, but also eat something - because he was hungry. When he came back, Catherine was dead. And then in the ”foreign land“ in the ”major“ and ”I“ dialogue, for example, this story mentions that the young wife died of pneumonia:

”Why should not men get married?“

”No, that's it should not be done,“ he said angrily. ”Even if a man is destined to lose everything, at least not to make himself fall to the point where he is to be lost, he should not let himself fall into that situation, and he should find something that will not be lost.

Major words, but also Hemingway's inner monologue. Hemingway with his pen will be a woman in the novel one by one death, the hero is “tough guy”, endured the spirit and physical pain. In Hemingway's novel, we can see this phenomenon, a good woman will eventually die or have passed away. As the “old man and the sea” only once mentioned the wife of Santiago is “the wall was once hanging his wife's color, but he took it off, because he felt too lonely” This is Hemingway ideal Love end: the old couple spent a lifetime of good times, good wife has passed away, widower fishing alone at the beach.

After the above analysis, it can be concluded that in Hemingway's novels, the separation of men and women is usually based on a powerful external force - in the form of extreme death. In his first novel, Jack and Brett were separated from Jack's sexual incompetence, as in his three novels, “The Sun Also Raises”, “Farewell, Weapons” and “The Whip Bell” ; The second novel in the separation of male and female heroes died of Catherine dystocia; in the third novel, the hero Robert Jordan for the cause of justice and dedication. Hemingway seems to use this so-called “fate” factor to cover up his fear of living with women.



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, January 27, 1756 - December 5, 1791), was born in the Holy Roman Empire during the Salzburg. European classical music composer.

In 1760, Mozart began to study composer. From 1763 to 1773, Mozart traveled with his father, Leopold Mozart, in European countries. In 1781, Mozart to Vienna began 10 years of creative career. At 5:51 on December 5, 1791, Mozart died at the age of 35 years old, the cause of death is unknown.

Mozart's important works left all the music types. His symphony, symphony, sonata, serenade, play music later became the main form of classical music.


Life background

On January 27, 1756, Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, a family of court musicians, the origin of Germany, his father Leopold Mozart is the city of the palace of the Catholic Orchestra violinist, is also a Composer; mother Anna Maria Mozette is also keen on music and will pull the cello and violin. Mozart is home to the youngest child ranked seventh.


In 1760, 4-year-old Mozart studied piano with his father Leopold Mozart and began to compose music.

In 1762, 6-year-old Mozart under the leadership of his father to Munich, Vienna, Presburg made a pilot tour.

June 1763 to March 1773, Mozart and his father has to Germany, France, Britain, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries for a period of ten years of travel performances. The show made Mozart know about the most advanced Italian opera, the French opera, the German instrumental music and other genres, but also met JC Bach, GB Martini, GB Samartini and other composers and learn their composition Technology, then the works have shown Mozart creative genre of the extensive and his interest in opera creation.

Gradually mature

At the end of 1773, Mozart returned to Salzburg with his father. Mozart was dissatisfied with his humble slaves, and in the fight for personal and creative freedom, he finally reached the consent of the Archbishop in September 1777 and spent two years traveling with his mother. In order to find a job in order to stay away from Salzburg, he has taught and performed in Munich and Mannheim, and further deepened his understanding and experience of the system of inequality. At Mannheim, he got the help and sympathy of some citizen musicians, and came into contact with the important Mannheim musicians of Europe at that time, hearing the first-class orchestra playing.

In May 1778, Mozart arrived in Paris, due to the death of his mother, plus failed to find a job, so in January 1779 returned to Salzburg. During this period, Mozart created two flute concertoes, an oboe concerto, seven piano violin sonatas and three piano sonatas in Mannheim, which reflected the influence of the Mannheim musicians.

In 1780, Mozart completed the opera “Ido Mein”. During this period Mozart's work rigorous, in the content reflects the impact of the boom movement at that time, in the form of new elements, such as the sonata of the first movement of the presentation, appeared with the first theme of the second (Or more) themes in the reproduction department, often change the order of the subject appear, sometimes the subject material is also different from the presentation of the processing, in the first and second movement, with a strong intensity of contrast, these practices , Enhanced his dramatic works of drama, so that “classical sonata” to further form.

Vienna period

In June 1781, Mozart could no longer endure the humiliation of the Archbishop, decided to resign to the Archbishop, became the first European history to get rid of the court of musicians, to make a living in Vienna. After he was nominally a freelance composer, he was still unable to resist the oppression of the feudal society. The suffering of life has had a profound impact on his thoughts and creations, and in Vienna for 10 years, he has been the most important of his creation for 10 years.

July 1782, Mozart created the “harem escaped” in the Vienna Borg Theater premiere.

In 1784, he participated in the Freemasonry, which he preached the freedom, equality, fraternity ideas have a strong resonance, and in this idea inspired the creation of new works.

In 1785, once the collapse of the Vienna Folk Opera House began to recover, Mozart has engaged in opera creation opportunities, created a comedy opera “theater manager”.

In 1786, the creation of opera “Figaro wedding”.

In 1787, Mozart completed the opera “Don Juan”.

In January 1790, Mozart's opera “woman's heart” staged.

In 1791, Mozart created the opera “Tito's kindness” but was unsuccessful. In September, complete the last opera “Magic Flute”. After Mozart began to create large-scale religious music works “Requiem”, at 5:55 on December 5 “Requiem” has not yet completed Mozart on the bizarre death, at the age of 35, buried in Vienna.



Jeffrey Chaucer (1343 - October 25, 1400), British novelist, poet. The main works are novel collection “Canterbury story set”.

Chaucer was born in London, a wealthy businessman family, university education, familiar with French and Italian. In 1357 began to enter and leave the court, often after the visit to Europe, in Italy exposed to Dante, Bhagavaki and others works, which affected his later literary creation. Chaucer died in London in 1400, buried in the Westminster Abbey “poet's horn”.


Chaucer's mother named Agnes de Compton, father John Chaucer is a wealthy wine business. Chaucer's name comes from the word “Chaussier” (cobbler), suggesting that his ancestors are shoemakers. In 1357, Jeffrey was between 13 and 17 years old, Ren Ying Wang's son of Prince Edward Lionel and Prince of the Queen Elizabeth's young attendants.

1359 years to participate in the war when the law was captured, the next year by the king of redemption, 1361 - 1367 in the inner hall of the Association of law training, 1366 and Queen's palace woman married, after many times on behalf of Edward III to the European continent, Belgium, France, Italy and other countries, have the opportunity to meet Boccaccio and Petrak, which his literary creation had a great impact.

In 1374, Chaucer was the London fur management officer, and in 1382 served as the tariff manager for alcohol and other commodities.

In 1385, Chaucer was the magistrate of Kent, the second year was elected to the county knight to attend the lower house of parliament.

In 1389 years after the KMT government, Chaucer has served as the royal construction works and Somerset royal forest deputy director. Chaucer was deprived of official and annuities during the asylum of the asylum, and the economy was strained. He had written the oil poem “to the empty capsule” to just ascend to Henry IV, complain about their own poverty.

In 1400, Joao died and was buried at Poet's Corner in London's Westminster Church. He was also the first poet to be buried here.


Theme of the work

Chaucer sharply expounded the nature of the church monks' fraud, greed and lustfulness, and the nature of obscurantism and “asceticism”, which bravely broke through the barriers of religious thought. Ironic decadent secular ruling class, the verge of decadence of the feudal system carried out ruthless expose and criticism. Chaucer opposed the feudal hierarchy, propagated women's liberation, advocated equality between men and women, praised the freedom of faithful love. Chaucer also boldly exposed the evil of emerging capitalism.

Chou was in the middle of the old and new system, and was the man of the two societies, but he, like all humanists, was not only the inverse of the feudal society, but also the critics of the capitalist evil. One side and his anti-feudalism, anti-church, the other side of the capitalism just generated money interests have also been ruthless expose.

Artistic characteristics

Chaucer's poems are divided into three periods:

① French influence period (1359 ~ 1372): the main translation and follow the French poet's work, created the “mourning the duchess”, with the London dialect translation of the French medieval long narrative poem “rose legend” and so on.

② Italian influence period (1372 ~ 1386): the poet came into contact with the progressive thinking of bourgeois humanism. The creation of this period, such as the “Birds Conference”, “Troyes and Clay West”, “good woman's story”, reflects the author's life-oriented creative attitude and humanistic point of view.

③ mature period (1386 ~ 1400): Chaucer in the last 15 years in the “Canterbury story set” creation. Both in content and skills to achieve the pinnacle of his creation. His first heroic rhyme is widely used by British poets later, known as “the father of British poetry.”

The early creation of Chaucer was influenced by Italian and French literature. He introduced the literature of knights in the French literature, the lyrics and animal fables, and so on. Its early works “Trolls and Clay West” (1385), character character to create vivid and delicate, language witty humor.

From 1377 onwards, Chaucer repeatedly made the European continent, in contact with Dante, Pietrak and Boccaccio and others works. These writers anti-feudal anti-religious spirit and humanism, so that Chaucer's creative thinking has undergone profound changes, began to turn to realism.

The common feature of the narrator in Chaucer's work is that he is keen on reading and being an outsider of love. His understanding of love is not from personal experience, but from a lot of reading. And as he is the poet, he writes most of the works, especially fantasy poems, are based on his reading, not from life. “Authority” rather than “experience” or reality is his source of writing. This is also consistent with the medieval literary tradition. The medieval mainstream literature, whether religious or court literature, is essentially far from the real life, Shen in the minds of the design, and through the “authority” for the people recognized the world. Medieval life is difficult, war, disease, natural disasters, man-made disasters are no threat to their daily life, they either want to live in religion, or indulge in the idealized, stylized court love and knight spirit, or fantasy a distant and beautiful classical “Golden Age”. The typical genres of the Middle Ages, such as fantasies and meanings, concentrate on the medieval psychological tendencies of being free from reality, and indeed able to free the poet from the scope of real life, and freely in a “authority” Unreal world. Chaucer's main work on the dream and the book's reliance on his as a medieval writer of the times characteristics.

Chaucer is eclectic to classical literature and new literature. His greatest feature is humor, Chaucer's humor is lively, or tranquil, or rugged.



David Beckham (David Beckham), May 2, 1975 was born in London, London, Dayton Stone, former British professional football player, midfielder.

David Beckham youth in Manchester United fame, , 20xx twice won the World Soccer Player Silver Award, in 1999 was elected UEFA Player of the Year, in 20xx was named the best British athletes, in 20xx BBC Lifetime Achievement Award.

David Beckham played for a total of Manchester United, Preston, Real Madrid, Los Angeles Galaxy, AC Milan and Paris Saint Germain 6 clubs, get a Champions League, a Toyota Cup, 6 Premier League trophy, 2 The first time the FA Cup, 4 charity shield, 1 times La Liga championship, a Spanish Super Cup, 2 US Major League finals champion, 1 French champion.

On May 16, 20xx, David Beckham issued a notice through the official website of the FA, announced that he will be officially retired after the end of the season. Beckham - 20xx on behalf of the England team played 115 times, scored 17 goals, of which 58 served as the captain of the three lions.


David Beckham was born in the East End of London, his father Edward was a chef and his mother Sandra West was a beautician. As a child, Beckham participated in the Bobby Charlton football school. Once again in the street football game, Beckham won the first place and won a chance to go to Barcelona to attend the training session. 7 years old, joined the father of the amateur team coach Reid Weaverworth team. At the elementary school, on behalf of Ridderv Rangers, won the “Feifeid” 5-a-side football championship.

At the age of 11, joined Walterham under the age of 12 juvenile team. Was the Manchester United scouting Malcolm Feygien phase; on behalf of Essex middle school; to the identity of outstanding students into the Tottenham Hotspur training. At the age of 13, Beckham received the invitation of Manchester United club.

In 1988, Charlton hosted the football school in the stand out, was named the school's most promising students.

July 8, 1991 to join the Manchester United youth team began training.

January 22, 1993, officially became a professional football player. November 7, 1994, in the Champions League against Turkey Galatasaray in the game, Beckham finally scored his first goal in Manchester United team. In 1995, in the first game leased to Preston, Beckham scored a free kick with a free kick. After returning to Manchester United, Beckham has his first stable number in Manchester United, No. 24.

April 2, 1995, for the first time on behalf of the Manchester United to play the game, the opponent is Leeds United, when the jersey number 19 (later most of the time wearing No. 7 jersey). August 19, Manchester United against Aston Villa in the game, he missed a long shot, scored himself for Manchester United scored the first Premiership goal.

In 1996, in the British FA Cup semi-final against the Chelsea team, Manchester United scored a winning goal, from the establishment of his main position in Manchester United. For the first time in the 1996 season, he joined the English Premier League and worked with his teammates to win the Manchester United Super League title. August 17, he Manchester United against Wimbledon in the game, from the midfield near a 60 meters away from the long-range long-range long-range success, shocked four. His goal in by the senior football star selected the history of the most exciting three goals in the first three. On September 1, he played for England for the first time in a match against Moldova. In this year, he won the Super League August Player of the Year, “Sky Sports / Panasonic” Best Newcomer Award, League Champion and FA Cup.

In , he won the league title, the best newcomer of the year and the Matt Bassby Award.

In 1998, in the French World Cup 1 \ 8 final England in Argentina during a war, he was kicked in the second half was kicked off, resulting in England team to 10 people fight 11 people, the final penalty defeat. After the game, he was strongly condemned by the domestic public opinion, into a low tide of life, and Victoria's wedding was forced to postpone.

April 25, 1999, selected by the England Association of Professional Athletes selected 1998-1999 season England Premier League best team. May 16, with teammates, Manchester United won the 1998-1999 season, the British Premier League championship. May 23, and teammates, Manchester United won the 1999 FA Cup champion, toward the Triple Crown forward. May 26, as the midfielder, with their outstanding performance to help Manchester United in Barcelona beat the belligerent Bayern Munich team, won the 1999 European club championship champion, won the Triple Crown. October, due to participate in the Champions League game to London to attend the party, the club stopped two weeks wages. And then repeatedly eat yellow card, was summoned by the British Football Informal talks. November 30, together with his teammates to Manchester United won the Toyota Cup championship. In December, was selected for the 1999 European All-Star team. In the same year, he was nominated by Mr. European Footballer (second vote).

In January 20xx in the FIFA World Cup player named in the second. In June, England was selected to participate in the 11th European Football Championship, he was in the group stage against the German team in a record of accurate long pass for Hiller header to break, and ultimately beat the opponent made credit. European Championships in England and Portugal after the game, a handful of fans because of dissatisfaction with England, and in the exit when the players abuse, Beckham was so angry, made a vertical middle finger action, but escaped the sanctions. This year, he and his teammates, Manchester United won the 1999-20xx season, the British Premier League championship. November 15, before England's game against the Italian team, the national team temporary coach Peter. Taylor appointed him as captain. He also won the 20xx English footballer.

In February 20xx in the game against Spain, the national team new coach Sven Golan. Eriksson reappointed Beckham as captain of the national team. England won the game at 3-0. April 15, Manchester United ahead of five rounds of the 20xx-20xx season, the British Premier League championship, to achieve a three consecutive championship; Manchester United in the last 9 years 7 degrees king. In July, became the cover of the first cover of the magazine's characters. He also won the 20xx-20xx season Western Union most valuable player. In September, Beckham as captain of the England team in the World Cup qualifier, in Munich to 5: 1 away victory over Germany. October in the World Cup qualifier against the Greek team injury time, with a free kick to save the team to help England and opponents draw 2: 2, and made the World Cup final stage of the competition. He was also elected in October as the BBC Sports Individual Individual Award. This year, he won the annual UK best player, World Player nomination (second vote) and European Footballer nomination (fourth vote), and selected UEFA annual team.

In April 20xx in the Champions League 1 \ 4 final against the La Coruna team game, he was Argentine player Ducher kicked, resulting in the left foot of the second phalanx fracture, almost unable to participate in the World Cup. And later in a car accident survived May 9, by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair's visit. May 10, by the British Queen's interview. On May the last day of the league season, the club was renewed with the Manchester United club until June 20xx. In June, became the first male manuscript of “Marie Clare” magazine. 6 months of leg injury in time to recover, with the national team participated in the World Cup, and in the group stage against Argentina's game into a penalty, to help England 1: 0 victory over 1998 had to kill their own red card opponents. In the 1 \ 4 final, England lost to Brazil.

February 20xx in the FA Cup fifth round Manchester United was Arsenal team eliminated, in the lounge was kicked by coach Alex Alex Ferguson shoes hit face. April in the league against Arsenal's key game and the Champions League against Real Madrid's 1 \ 4 final, became a substitute. Real Madrid in the second round of the game to the first 64 minutes when the bench to play, then two goals to help Manchester United 4: 3 win, but the team is still 5: 6 total score was eliminated. May 21, received by Nelson Mandela. May in Durban and South African team in the friendly match in the hand bone injury, is expected to play plaster six to eight weeks. England won 2: 1 in that game. June 10, Manchester United said, has been running for the club president of Barcelona Hoan. La Pota had talks. June 14 was awarded by the Queen Elizabeth to the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) award. June 17 Manchester United club announced that Beckham to 35 million euros to the price of Real Madrid team. July 1, joined the Spanish Real Madrid team. In July, with Real Madrid to Asia (including China) to do publicity and pre-training. August 28 at 3:45 am (Spain local time 21:45), in the Spanish Super Cup second round of the race, with Raul, Ronaldo and Beckham's goal, Real Madrid home 3 to 0 victory over Mallorca , To 4: 2 total score to win the Super Bowl. He was also selected in this year's UEFA annual team.

In June 20xx, led by the captain of England to set off the European Cup, into the quarterfinals.

In July 20xx, with the Real Madrid to do publicity and do pre-competition training.

June 10, 20xx, led by the captain of England to set off the World Cup. Group match opener Paraguay, his free kick forced Gamara into the goal, England to 1-0 win the first battle. June 16, against Trinidad and Tobago Jiugong no less, but also the Bayesian arc pass assists Crouch to break the deadlock. June 25, with a free kick lore Ecuador, directly to England into the quarterfinals. At this point, Beckham three times for England brought three victories. At the same time, he also became England's first in the history of the three World Cup goals have players. July 1, against the Portuguese England penalty penalty was eliminated, Beckham failed to play the audience. On July 2, he resigned from England.

In January 20xx, Beckham decided not to renew Real Madrid, announced that he will join the US Major League after the end of the season. January 16, Real Madrid coach Capello immediately on the Beckham issued a “ban order”: Beckham in the future only with the team training, will not represent Real Madrid to participate in any game. February 11 at 3:00, the 20xx-20xx season, the Spanish Football League 22nd round of a focus war in the Arnotta Stadium to compete for the final Real Madrid away 2: 1 Lectra royal society, comeback Beckham scored Kill, help Real Madrid finish losing streak. April 20, Real Madrid home 2-1 victory over Valencia game, Beckham returned to Real Madrid lineup, he played in the second half of the game after the bench, the team scored the winning goal for the assists. June 17, Beckham in Real Madrid 3: 1 victory over Mallorca starting, and won the La Liga champion, the campaign Beckham in the 66th minute Reyes replaced, this is Beckham in Real Madrid's last game. July 13, joined the Los Angeles Galaxy, the United States occupation league football league's latest member.

March 26, 20xx, Beckham on behalf of England played 100 times, becoming the British team history, the first five into the field of Hall of Fame players. May 24, Beckham's effectiveness of the Los Angeles Galaxy in the US Major League game against the Kansas Wizards, the stoppage time, 70 yards away from the goal scored a long-range goal. On July 16th, Beckham won the annual ESPN Award for Excellencein Sports Performance Year. Beckham was also selected as one of the 20xx London Olympic Games ambassador, August 24 evening Beijing Olympic Games closing ceremony “London 8 minutes” to the global invitation. December 20, Beckham officially signed with Milan, will be in the 20xx-20xx season rented in Milan.

February 13, 20xx, Beckham on behalf of England on behalf of the first 108 appearances, together with Moore, tied for England in the history of the old goalkeeper Hilton after playing the second number of players. March 8, AC Milan club official statement, football player Beckham will be in the June 30, 20xx has been to stay in the team.

October 15, 20xx, the World Cup European qualifying F group for the last game, England in New Wembley Stadium against Belarus. The first half of the opening soon high guy Crouch on the front Qiangdian break, the second half Beckham assists Wright - Phillips score, then Crouch scored twice, England 3-0 victory over Belarus. This is the 115th appearance of Beckham on behalf of the England team, but also his last game in the national team.

March 11, 20xx, the Champions League 1/8 final, Milan guest Old Trafford challenge Manchester United, Beckham once again returned to Old Trafford, the second half when he played off the audience by the audience cheering. 7 years later, Manchester United fans with practical action to tell David, he is still the old Trafford children. March 15, AC Milan 1-0 victory over Chievo, but also to pay a heavy price, after the initial diagnosis, Beckham left leg Achilles tendon rupture, will rest 5 to 6 months, he will completely miss South Africa World Cup.

April 29, 20xx, London, England, Beckham with his wife Victoria and three children appeared in Westminster Abbey, to participate in Prince William's wedding. On May 4, Samsung Electronics announced that it had signed an exclusive agreement with David Beckham as the global brand ambassador for the 20xx London Olympics. November 20, 20xx, the US House Cup finals (MLS CUP) started in Los Angeles, Western League champion Los Angeles Galaxy sits in the town of Carson's family department center stadium against the Eastern League champions Houston Dynamo. Ultimately, with Donovan's only goal, the Galaxy home win 1-0 victory over the opponent. This is also Beckham 5 years career won the first finals champion.

December 2, 20xx, the US Major League Finals in Los Angeles war, Beckham last time on behalf of the Los Angeles Galaxy team appearance, the results help the team 3-1 successfully reversed Houston Dynamo, to achieve the two consecutive league, Beckham is also the perfect way to complete his own American football career.

February 1, 20xx, David Beckham family attended the “The class of 92” at the premiere. February 25 morning, Beckham in Paris Saint-Germain staged his first show of France. 76 minutes, Beckham replaced Pastore appearance, and instigated the attack to help Ibrahimovic scored a goal to seal the victory, the final Paris Saint Germain 2: 0 victory over Marseille. Beckham became the oldest non-goalkeeper in France since May 20xx and the 27th appearance of the French history. Big Luo invited to kick the game for the game. At 6:00 on April 6th. The second half of the stoppage period of the first 3 minutes, Ibrahimovic counterattack, Pastore restricted the front row of the ball, Beckham on the right side of the offside off the foot of the foot flying to the far corner, Ibrahimovic to follow the ball into the door. Paris 2-0 win, which is Beckham joined Paris's first assists. May 16 evening, the FA official announced that Beckham will be officially retired after the end of the season.

June 20xx, Beckham guest CCTV program “talk about friends.” November 6, Beckham, accompanied by Ma Yun visited the company.

November 18, 20xx, Beckham by the United States “people”

Magazine named the world's most sexy men in 20xx.

In January 20xx, Beckham nominated GQ “Top Ten will wear” singular list, ranked No. 4.


In the lens, the brand value of the advertiser, in the eyes of the adult heart, Beckham is the most star in the play, or play the most valuable, or will make money in the most promising And he himself is always living in the darling of the temperature. Beckham's popularity in the UK is as big as Michael Jordan's popularity in the United States, and their popularity on a global scale can be matched with each other. Since Beckham on the football field cut a striking figure, especially as the girlfriend of the day of Spice Girls, he has no longer like ordinary people as freely in the street wandering. He became living in the spotlight under the characters, every move is to become the focus of attention.



Marco Polo (September 15, 1354 - January 8, 1324), the Venetian traveler, businessman, with the famous “Marco Polo Travels”.

According to Marco Polo himself described the “Marco Polo Travels” (the following description of their own experience, all from the “Marco Polo Travels”), its description of the experience of China, in the history of Chinese and Western There is a certain controversy, and both sides can not have sufficient evidence to prove that the past or the future of China.

“Marco Polo Travels” describes his richest country in the East - China's knowledge, aroused the warmth of the East for the East, the future development of the new route had a huge impact. But also the history of China's Yuan Dynasty and the history of the important historical records.

Although there are some loopholes and fallacies in Marco Polo's travels, some people hastily think that their oral “Marco Polo Travel” is a purely fiction, according to “Marco Polo Travels” It can not deny the positive significance of this legend and his works in the academic circles, literary circles and Chinese and Western cultural exchanges.


Marco Polo [September 15, 1354 to January 8, 1324], the world famous traveler and businessman. 1254 was born in Venice, a businessman family. His father Nicolo and his uncle Mateo are all businessmen of Venice. At the age of 17, Marco Polo went to China with his father and his uncle for about four years. He arrived in the capital of the Yuan Dynasty in 1275 and established friendship with the Kublai Khan. He traveled in China for 17 years, visited many ancient cities of China at that time, and traveled to the southwest of Yunnan and southeast. After returning to Venice, Marco Polo was captured in a naval battle between Venice and Genoa, in the prison oral travel experience, written by Rustichello da Pisa “Marco Polo Travels” (Il Milione). But in the end it has not been to China has sparked controversy.

“Marco Polo Travels” (also known as “Marco Polo”, “Oriental see recorded”) described Marco Polo in the East's richest country - what China saw and heard, and later Europe is widely circulated, aroused the warmth of the East for the East, the future development of the new route had a huge impact. At the same time, Western geographers also based on the description of the book, drawing the early “world map”.

Marco Polo, his father and his uncle to the East business, came to the yuan (today's Beijing) and seen the Mongolian Empire Kublai Khan sweat, but also brought back to the Pope to the Pope's letter. After they go home, the pony can be wrapped around the story of the East travel. These stories aroused the interest of Pony and Polo, so that he was determined to go with his father and his uncle to China. In 1271, Marco Polo was 17 years old, his father and uncle took the Pope's reply and gifts, led Marco Polo and a dozen travel companions together to the East embarked. They entered Venice from the Mediterranean Sea, and then crossed the Black Sea, after the two river basin to the Middle East city of Baghdad, from here to the Persian Gulf estuary, you can travel by boat in China. However, at this time there was an accident. When they were buying money in a town, they were bitten by the robbers, who grabbed them and slept them at night when they slept at night. In the middle of the night, Marco Polo and his father escaped. When they come to rescue, the robbers have long left, in addition to uncle, the other travel companions also disappeared. His experience inspired many of Columbus and many other travelers. There are a lot of literary works are based on his travels. Marco Polo also influenced the production of maps in Europe, leading to the emergence of the Map of Fla Mao.


“Marco Polo Travels” is the first European man to write a detailed description of Chinese history, culture and art travel. In the 16th century, Italian collector and geographer Ramusio said that Marco Polo wrote “Travels” in 1299, “a few months later, this book has been seen everywhere in Italy” (note : Lach, p.35.). In March 1324 Marco Polo's death, “Marco Polo Travels” has been translated into a variety of European languages, widely circulated. The existing “Marco Polo Travels” has 119 kinds of various versions of the text. In the transfer of Chinese culture and art to Europe, “Marco Polo travel” is of great significance. Western study Marco Polo scholar Maurice Collis (MauriceCollis) that Marco Polo's travels “is not a simple travel, but the Enlightenment works, for the occlusion of Europeans, no Different from the enlightening, for the Europeans show a new field of knowledge and vision.The significance of this book is that it led to the extensive revival of the European humanities.

Yuan Dynasty, the Sino-foreign exchanges are very frequent, the Italian traveler Marco Polo came to China in the Yuan Dynasty, lived more than ten years. ”Marco Polo“ is the main content of Marco Polo in China's travel documentary, and the way of West Asia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia and some other countries and regions. The book of the book in a documentary way, describes his in China, including the Western Regions, the South China Sea and other places of knowledge, recorded the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty political affairs, war, palace secret, festivals, hunting, etc., in particular, detailed account of the yuan economy and cultural Customs, as well as Xi'an, Kaifeng, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and other major cities and commercial port prosperity. For the first time, it introduced the developed Chinese material civilization and spiritual civilization to the Europeans, and displayed the image of Chinese culture and culture in the face of the world.



Ma, born on October 29, 1971, was born in Chaonan District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province. Tencent, one of the main founders, now served as chairman and chief executive officer of Tencent Holdings; Vice Chairman of the National Youth Federation.

He studied computer and application at Shenzhen University, and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in 1993. Prior to the establishment of Tencent, Ma has worked in China Telecom services and product suppliers in Shenzhen Run Xun Communication Development Co., Ltd. in charge of Internet paging system research and development work in the telecommunications and Internet industry has 10 years of experience.

and friends Zhang Zhidong incorporated ”Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.“. In 20xx, Tencent selected ”Fortune“ ”the world's most respected 50 companies.“ In the year of the year 20xx, China's wealth list rose to 507 billion yuan, compared with 20xx, wealth increased by 54 billion yuan.

February 13, 20xx, selected ”20xx China Internet annual figures“ activities winners list. March 2, 20xx, ”Forbes“ released for the 20xx Forbes China Rich list, to 16.1 billion US dollars ranked sixth. April, ”Fortune“ 20xx ”China's most influential 50 business leaders“ ranking topped the first two. In October, ”20xx letter in the benefit of Hurun IT Rich List“ issued to 103 billion yuan ranked second. October 26, 20xx Forbes China Rich List released to 17.6 billion US dollars ranked third.

October 13, 20xx, 20xx Hurun list released to 165 billion yuan ranked third. October 18, ”20xx Hurun IT Rich List“ released to 132 billion yuan to maintain the second. October 27, 20xx Forbes China Rich List released to $ 24.5 billion in wealth, ranked third.



October 29, 1971 was born in Shantou City, Guangdong Province (formerly Shantou area) Chaonan District, Chengdu, the United States and the United States community home village.

Childhood, when Ma's parents in the East County (formerly Guangdong Province, Hainan Province, Hainan Province, after the province) to work, 1984 13-year-old is the beginning of the second day of Ma moved with his family moved from Hainan to Shenzhen. After studying at the Shenzhen University Department of Computer Science Computer.

After graduating from the computer industry in 1993, Ma entered the Shenzhen Run Xun Communication Development Co., Ltd., began to do programming engineers, focusing on pager software development, to the development department director. The experience of the paragraph to make clear the development of the meaning of the software is practical, rather than the writer's self-entertainment. Run news to enhance the field of Ma's vision, as well as to the necessary management of the Ma Enlightenment.

The first pot of gold

In 1998, the practical software concept not only cultivated Ma Huaji sensitive software market feeling, but also made him profitable from. Ma is the rage of one of the author of the stock, he and his friends to develop the stock Pa card in the SEG electronics market has been selling well. Ma also continue to solve the software problem for a friend's company. This makes him not only in the circle of minor celebrities, but also has a considerable primitive accumulation.

But his real sense of the pot of gold is from the stock market. He is the most exciting one will be 100,000 yuan fry 700,000 yuan. Which laid the foundation for the independent operation of Ma.

Founded Tencent

1998 Ma and his students Zhang Zhidong ”joint venture“ registered in Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Limited. And then absorbed three shareholders: Zeng Liqing, Xu Chen Ye, Chen Yidan. As a lack of venture capital intervention on the establishment of the software company, the initial expenditure for each of the Ma and his companions were shocked.

In the decision to do OICQ, when the country has two companies have to do first, more products than Tencent market fame. Ma Huateng did not want more, in addition to this product and the company's main business development and business, such as mobile stations, paging stations, wireless paging programs and projects to promote each other, but also because of flying, CDC and many other companies interested in making instant messaging Project, the market is very promising.

Difficult opportunity

Lawsuit ridden

The initial development process, Tencent after a very important compensation lawsuit: in -20xx or so, according to ICQ developed OICQ grab a lot of ICQ user base, especially in mainland China users, and later ICQ company through legal channels, the final decision Tencent Lost, stop using the OICQ name, and return the OICQ domain name to the ICQ company, while compensation for a certain amount of the cost, since Tencent will use the QQ name.

Financial difficulties

Venture at the beginning, Ma Teng led his team to do the page, do system integration, to do programming. But do not understand the market and the operation of the market, Tencent's products out to sell to operators, but often shut out. With other Internet companies just started the same, capital and technology is the biggest problem Tencent.

February 1999, Tencent developed the first ”Chinese flavor“ of the ICQ, that is, OICQ, welcomed by the user, the number of registered soaring, a very short period of time to tens of thousands of people. The number of people will continue to expand the expansion of the server, and then one thousand yuan of server hosting fees are overwhelmed by the company.

In 20xx, the first network bubble swept the entire Chinese Internet, Tencent entered the most difficult period, in the face of financial difficulties, has almost developed the ICQ software to 600,000 yuan price sold to the Shenzhen Telecommunications Bureau, but The end result of price reasons.


Software sales can not afford, but the user growth is very fast, the operation of the investment required for the growing QQ, Ma had to go around to raise money, Ma Teng took the six versions, more than 20 pages of business plans to start looking for foreign risk Investment, and finally met IDG and Pacific Century Digital, won the first investment. Tencent's development gradually into the right track.

June 16, 20xx, Ma Teng led Tencent listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.



(April 20, 1799 - 18 August 1850), the French novelist, known as the ”father of modern French fiction“, was born in the middle of the city of Turion, a middle class Family, in 1816 into the law school, after graduation regardless of parental opposition, decided to embark on the road of literary creation, but the first works of the five-story poetic tragedy ”Cromwell“ is completely failed. And then he worked with people engaged in funny novels and strange novels of the creation, once abandoned the text from the business and business enterprises, published books series, etc., have failed. Business and business failure to make his debt, dragged on for life, but also for his future creation laid a solid foundation for life. In 1829, he published the novel ”Joan“, took the first step in the creation of realism, published in 1831, ”donkey note“ made him famous earthquake. In 1834, the completion of the ”old man“ of the book, which is one of the best works of Balzac. He wanted to make himself a literary career in Napoleon, in the 30 to 40 years with amazing perseverance created a large number of works, life is very rich, wrote 91 novels, shaped a total of two hundred and seventy-two lifelike characters Image, collectively known as ”human comedy“. ”Human comedy“ is known as ”capitalist society encyclopedia.“ But he was due to the early debt and writing of the hardships, and finally due to overwork on August 18, 1850 died.


Balzac was born in a bourgeois family who became rich after the French Revolution. Since his parents' life was not happy, the Balzac was not given the full moon when he was not full moon. Reunion Balzac ranked boss, then there are three brothers and sisters. But because of long-term foster care in the home, so his childhood has not been the caress of their parents, did not get much joy. He said in a later memory: ”This is the most terrible childhood that no one has ever suffered.“

In November 1816, Balzac was admitted to the Faculty of Law. After graduating from the law school, he refused the family for his choice of respected legal career, and determined to become a writer. In order to obtain independent living and engaged in the creation of material security, he had a pen and get involved in business, engaged in publishing and printing industry, but all ended in bankruptcy. All this for his understanding of society, describe the community provides a very valuable first-hand materials. He continued to pursue and explore, on the philosophy, economics, history, natural sciences, theology and other fields in-depth study, accumulated a very broad knowledge.

During his stay at the University of Balzac, parents have arranged for him to practice in a litigation agent and a notary public in order to make him familiar with his future career as soon as possible. Years of probation life to benefit him, not only familiar with the civil proceedings, but also from the legal window of the mysterious understanding of the Paris society, see the prosperity of the scene under the crime, for the future creation of a large number of material accumulation.

In January 1819, Balzac graduated from the law school, but also the same year, he refused the family for his arrangements for notary office, and insisted on taking the road of life without education. In order to prove his parents to their literary talent, he almost fought for a year, completed the debut of the poem ”Cromwell.“ But the results have made themselves disappointed. ”In order to get rid of the economic dependence on their parents, Balzac has been a variety of pen for the bookstore to prepare and write (in order to get rid of the economic dependence on their parents, Popular novels to make a living. Of course, these commercial works, which are purely for the purpose of making money, will not bring him the desired honor, and later he even denies that these works are from his handwriting. Then, in order to give their serious creation to seek a stable economic source, he decided to temporarily abandon the business.

In 1822, when Balzac was cold, the pain of despair, met with Mrs. Berni. Mrs. Bernie's mother was a maid of the queen, very familiar with the life of the court, the secret of communication and the fate of women. Mrs. Berni is 22 years older than Balzac, with a perfect sense of tenderness, elegant conversation, compassionate compassion, and loving maternal love. All this deeply attracted Balzac, so that Balzac felt the little love did not taste the maternal warmth. She had a great influence on his life. Balzac called her his mother, friend, family, partner and consultant.

From 1825 onwards, he has tried the publishing industry, opened a printing plant, cast word factory, each failed in the end. Four years of commercial sea ups and downs, so that he had enough bankruptcy, closure, clean up, debt pain. Finally, the mother came forward for his debt. Desperate Balzac had to give up, re-enter the literary creation. All the frustration in life in his pen into a successful creative material. At this time Balzac decided to make a spectacular achievement in literature. He put a statue of Napoleon in his study and engraved on the sword 's scabbard. “He did not finish the job with the sword.

In 1829, Balzac completed the novel ”Joan“. The historical novel ”The Joan“ (1829) is the first work published by Balzac with the real name, describing the riots against the republic of the Republic of France, which occurred in Brittany in France in 1901. The author gives the heroic Republic of the military to be glorious, but also greatly beautified the Zhu An party leader Marlborough Mendo, showing his sympathy for the nobility. In order to write this novel, he had carefully studied the historical literature about the riots, personally went to Brittany to investigate the situation of the mountains and the peasantry, to visit the riot witnesses and participants, but also from the friends of the Duchess of Berry to collect a lot about Anger of the party. The transition from writing a novel to writing a historical novel is the first important step in Balzac's approach to critical realism. He is in the ”Zhu An people“ is not described in ancient history, but belongs to the contemporary social life areas of important events. Focusing on contemporary social life, it is Balzac later written ”human comedy“ a feature.

From 1829 to write ”Zhu An people“, Balzac's creation began to mature, that is, ”human comedy“ period (1829-1848). In the three or four decades, in addition to his commitment to literary and artistic creation, but also out of Paris high society salon, for several newspapers and writings, his contact with a very wide range of life.

Since this period, Balzac has explored in the realist theory. He believes that the novelist must face the real life and make himself a contemporary historian of customs. He also believes that the task of the novelist is not only to describe the social phenomenon, but also to clarify the causes of these phenomena and to point out the meaning behind the characters, their desires and events. He said that the mission of the poet in the creation of a typical, so that the typical individuality, personality typical; and that the typical characters should be those who and how similar to his character set In one. He also emphasizes that art must serve the community; that the artist not only describes sin and virtue, but also points out the educational significance; the artist must be both a moral and a politician.

In April 1830, Balzac ”human comedy“ in the ”private life scene“ two volumes published. However, he was deeply concerned about the situation of French literary creators. Although the Act of Decree enacted in 1791 and the Reproduction Act promulgated in 1793 established the principle of copyright, plagiarism, plagiarism, and imitation of other works were still everywhere, and even his works were copied by others.

In 1831, Balzac joined the royalist party. But his political attitude and extreme royalists are not entirely consistent. He is a party in the liberal, not popular among the party members, he even publicly criticized the royalist party, saying ”this party is disgusting“, ”This is a failed party.

On August 1, 1833, Balzac wrote in his letter to Mrs. Hanska that “European Literature” in the description of a royal guard soldier in the farm barn about Napoleon's life, is copying his “ Village doctor ”in an important chapter.

So, a few months later, Balzac in the “Paris magazine” published a letter to the 19th century French writers open letter, once again talked about the above problems. He not only describes how the writers are the victims, but also calls them to unite to fight. He wrote that the way out is for themselves. Is to admit their rights, is to their power between each other's recognition. In the interests of lofty interests, they were organized to form an association like a playwright (1777, established by the most important dramatist of France, the Bomaux initiative).

In January 1848, Balzac departed back to Paris to prepare their new home. At the end of September, he traveled to Ukraine, but he was no longer excited about Viezania, and in fact de orges and her daughter were indifferent to him, and worse, he was so many years of high-intensity work damage to the body Health is also debt collection. In this long winter, he suffered from encephalitis, chronic heart disease and bronchitis, his life has entered the final failure period.

After a long pursuit and awaiting, Mrs. de Sang Siya finally agreed to get married. On March 14, 1850, Madame de Hanci was willing to meet Balzac's desire for more than ten years with compassion. In the Ukrainian city of Berkeley's San Barbara Catholic Church, they held a wedding. In addition to the newlyweds, only two witnesses and a priest attended. More than a month later, they set off to return to France. The journey to the ills of the Balzac is disastrous. When they finally returned to Balzac carefully arranged love nest, he has no longer set foot on the steps, the pace of death has become more and more approaching. In his last days, Victor Hugo often came to see him, Balzac complained to his old friend that he could not complete the “human comedy”.

August 18, 1850 at 11:30 on the night, Balzac did not complete the “human comedy” regret left the world. A superstar on the literary world fell like this, at the end of his life, accompanied him only gave him a lifetime of pain also helped his life mother Anne Charlotte. According to Balzac's wish, his coffin will be placed in the Lacey Cemetery.


Balzac is very important in the history of French literature. Before him, the French novel has not been completely out of the story of the pattern, the subject matter and artistic expression have a certain limit. Balzac developed the art space of the novel, almost unlimited the expansion of the literary theme, so that all aspects of society, including those who seem to be like poetry and poetic incompatible things can be painted. He draws on the characteristics of other literary themes, and combines the various artistic forms such as drama, epic, painting and modeling into the creation of novels. For the first time in the history of western literature, he has enriched the artistic skills of novels. Critics Tyler praised him, “Truly making him a philosopher, and beyond all the great art, is to put all his works together into a work, part of the works are connected to each other, the same person Repeated, and associated with each other ... ... never the artist gathered so much brilliance in the characters they want to describe, and never have such a perfect ... ... Balzacor is really great, just as he held the reality, and grip Lived all his great system, and again his paintings were united, faithful and interesting.

Balzac's greatest contribution to realist literature lies in his meticulous characterization of typical characters and social customs, and expresses the change and development of character in social environment. He depicts the upsurge of the bourgeoisie on the aristocratic society day by day in terms of ”chronicles“. He created the characters of the high old man, Grande, Gaobo Saike, Rustine, Luxi, bunches, vodo cold and so almost has become a literary history of different types of bourgeois representative of the model image, the future Realistic literature has had a profound impact. Although these characters are typical, but not as Dickens created by the characters as rigid, but with a distinctive personality color.



Andy Lau, born September 27, 1961 in Hong Kong, China, actor, singer, lyricist, producer.

1981 starred in the film debut ”Choi Wan song“. In 1983 the starring martial arts drama ”Condor Heroes“ in Hong Kong received 62 points ratings record. 1985 was rejected by the five-year contract was TVB snow. In 1988 the focus shifted to the film. In 1991 founded the sky film company. 1994 as the film ”days and places“ producer. 20xx with the gangster film ”Running out“ won the 19th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor Award. 20xx with the gangster film ”Infernal Affairs 3: the ultimate seamless“ won the 41st Taiwan Golden Horse Award for best actor award. In 20xx won the Hong Kong UA cinema awarded the ”1985 - 20xx highest cumulative box office in Hong Kong actor“ award. In 20xx won the Busan International Film Festival Asia's most contribution to the film award. 20xx starring drama ”Peach sister“, and by virtue of the film has won the Taiwan Golden Horse Award for best actor, the Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor Award; the same year as the 49th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award jury chairman. 20xx starring police bandit action film ”bomb disposal experts“.

In 1985 released the first solo album ”only know at the moment love you“. 1990 by virtue of the album ”can not“ get attention in the music scene. In 1994 won the top ten songs of the most popular male singer award. 1995 in the CCTV Spring evening singing song ”forget the water“. In 1997 and the British singing ”Pearl of the Orient“. 20xx was ”Guinness Book of World Records“ as ”the most award-winning Hong Kong male singer.“ In 20xx the sixth won the top ten songs of the most popular male singer award. 20xx years to participate in the lyrics of the song ”forgive me“ official release.

In 1994 founded the Andy Lau Charity Foundation. 20xx was named the world's top ten outstanding young people. In 20xx launched the Asian star plan. In 20xx, he was appointed a Hong Kong non-official gentleman. In 20xx, he was re-elected as vice chairman of China Disabled Persons' Welfare Foundation.


Andy Lau was born in the New Territories in Hong Kong, ranked fourth in the home, young family moved to the Kowloon Diamond Hill huts living area, and siblings together to help manage the porridge business at home. In 1973, Andy Lau moved to the 14th floor, 15th Floor, Lantian Village, Hong Kong. After graduating from the Catholic Primary School of Wong Tai Sin, Mr. During the study in the middle school, Andy Lau actively participated in the school drama club performances, under the guidance of teachers Du Guowei learning drama knowledge. In addition, he also participated in behind the scenes, including screenwriter production. Andy Lau won the IB3D2E (Chinese Reader A) at the 5th. After the last semester, he went to the training course of the Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Company Limited to begin his career.



In 1991, floods in East China, Andy Lau donated 5 million to the disaster area. In 1994, the establishment of the Andy Lau Charitable Foundation to help poor children and the disabled. September 24, 1999, to participate in ”out of your hand, 921 earthquake disaster victims“ party, with the Anita Mui, Jacky Cheung chorus song ”Moon on behalf of my heart“ raised 30 million yuan of money.

In 20xx the same year, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region suffered snowstorms, Andy Lau will raise 20xx days of silk clothing (about 400,000 yuan) donated to the disaster area. In 20xx, Andy Lau donated 300,000 yuan to the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster area; the same year, raised money for the Yan Chai Hospital 4.8 million yuan.

In 20xx, participated in the Hong Kong Performing Arts in China launched a love without borders, and donated 12 million. On June 6, 20xx, Andy Lau participated in the action of all students in Hong Kong and donated 100,000; the same year, invested 25 million to build the ”Asian star guide“ program.

May 13, 20xx, Andy Lau to the Wenchuan earthquake disaster area donated 100,000 yuan; after the launch of the earthquake relief care fundraising nearly 39 million Hong Kong dollars, and personally lyrics ”commitment“ as a disaster relief song; June 3, in Sanya, Hainan ” Love and care of the sunshine action “, Andy Lau beat the Olympic torch, and the shooting of 1.9 million yuan all for the earthquake in Sichuan earthquake education; In addition, he also invested 750,000 yuan to buy Zhao Yuying donated torch.

In 20xx, there were eighty-eight floods in Taiwan, and Andy Lau launched a fundraising event with all the artists. April 20xx, Andy Lau to participate in the ”drought relief - we are in action“ disaster relief party raised 280 million yuan donations, Andy Lau personal donations 200,000 yuan; the same year in April, Yushu earthquake, Andy Lau in the release of essays to participate in ” Yushu - love action “disaster relief charity, the disaster relief site for the disaster area to raise contributions of 35.66 million Hong Kong dollars.

On the evening of April 1, 20xx, he participated in fundraising activities organized by the Hong Kong Performing Arts Association's ”Love Without Borders 311 candlelight party“. 20xx, shooting ”Spring Festival home“ as the theme of public service ads.

Olympic events

In 20xx, during the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing Olympic Games, Andy La launched the song ”EveryoneIsNO.1“ for the Beijing Paralympic Games.

In 20xx, Andy Lau became the fourth torchbearer of the Olympic torch relay in Hong Kong, and was the first winner of the torchbearer. On August 8, during the field, Andy Lau and Zhou Huajian and Joey Yung shared the Olympic song ” 6, to participate in the Beijing Paralympic Games before the opening ceremony of theatrical performances, and singing the song “EveryoneIsNo.1”; in the Beijing Paralympic Games after opening, he and Han Hong chorus Beijing Paralympic theme song “and dream take off.” October 18, 20xx, to participate in the opening ceremony of the 20xx Asian Games for the disabled; October 18 to 22, attended the opening ceremony of the Asian Paralympic Games in Incheon, South Korea.

Social duties

April 20xx, as the China Disabled Persons Welfare Foundation, vice chairman. June 14, 20xx, Andy Lau was elected vice chairman of the third session of the China Disabled Persons' Welfare Foundation.










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