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Data Services Manager/Administrative Assistant

Springfield, IL

June - Present


Supervise, manage and train 22-person office staff.


Prepare for meetings and correspond with member representatives on upcoming meetings.


Prepare correspondences, document invoices, including materials for payment of trainers.


Maintain in-office calendar and training calendar, keeping track of schedules/appointments.


Format monthly newsletter and membership directory.


Create and reconfigure client databases


Bookkeeper/Training Coordinator

springfield, IL

April - June 1999


Received cash and check receipts, maintained ledger book and computer record of band deposits.


Wrote and distributed employee and contractor checks.


Posted billing and ran various invoices for member and non-member agencies.


Organized materials for various training sessions, registered participants, prepared room and organized catering


Receptionist/Information Specialist

springfield, IL

February - April 1997


Answered phones, greeted and assisted visitors, and handled general administrative duties, such as filing, faxing, copying and mailing.


Organized mailing of monthly newsletter


Customer Service Representative

memphis, TN

June 1995 - February 1996


Checked order forms, confirmed and canceled magazine orders.


Corresponded with customers.



Master of Business (MBA) - International Finance

West Springfield, IL


Coursework includes: international finance, contract negotiation, legal issues in international banking.




篇3:Battle of the Bank

even before the nullification isue had been settled, another controversy occured that chalenged jackson's leadership. it concerned the rechartering of the second bank of the united states. the first bank had been established in 1791, under alexander hamilton's guidance, and had been chartered for a 20-year period. though the government held some of its stock, it was not a government bank, rather, the bank was a private corporation with profits passing to its stockholders. it hade been designed to stabilize the currency and stimulate trade; but it was resented by westerners and working people who believed, along with senator thomas hart benton of missouri, that it was a “monster” granting special favors to a few powerful men. when its charter expired in 1811, it was not renewed.

for the next few years, the banking business was in the hands of state-chartered banks, which issued currency in excessive amounts, creating great confusion and fueling inflation. it became increasingly clear that state banks could not provide the country with a uniform currency, and in 1816 a second bank of the united states, similar to the first, was again chartered for 20 years.

from its inception, the second bank was unpopular in the newer states and territories, and with less prosperous people everywhere. opponents claimed the bank possessed a virtual monopoly over the country's credit and currency, and reiterated that it represented the interests of the wealthy few. on the whole, the bank was well managed and rendered valuable service; but jackson, elected as a popular champion against it, vetoed a bill to recharter the bank. in his message to congress, he denounced monopoly and special privilige, saying that “our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of congress”. the effort to override the veto failed.

in the election campain that followed, the bank question caused a fundamental division between the merchant, manufacturing and financial interests (generally creditors who favored tight money and high interest rates), and the laboring and agrarian elements, who were often in debt to banks and therefore favored an increased money supply and lower interest rates. the outcome was an enthusiastic endorsement of “jacksonism.” jackson saw his reelection in 1832 as a popular mandate to crush the bank irrevocably -- and found a ready-made weapon in a provision of the bank's charter authorizing removal of public funds. in september 1833 he ordered that no more government money be deposited in the bank, and that the money already in its custody be gradually withdrawn in the ordinary course of meeting the expenses of government. carefully selected state banks, stringently restricted, were provided as a substitute. for the next generation the united states would get by on a relatively unregulated state banking system, which helped fuel westward expansion through cheap credit but kept the nation vulnerable to periodic panics. it wasn't until the civil war that the united states chartered a national banking system.

篇4:英文简历写作银行职员简历 Bank Teller Resume

英文简历写作银行职员简历 Bank Teller Resume


Highly organized and detail oriented

Over four years experience as a bank teller.

Familiar with retirement accounts including IRA's, KEOGH'S, 401K's.

Proficient in accounting software: Lotus 1-2-3, Lacerte, and Class.

Proficient with 10 key.


First National Bank, Denver, CO

Bank Teller, to Present

Worked with customers on a daily basis, meeting their banking needs andeither answering or referring their financial questions to theappropriate supervisory individuals. Accepted and processed customerdeposits and loan payments. Maintained and balanced a cash drawerdaily. Secured the financial institution nightly Responded to customerinquiries regarding account balances. Used 10 key to process monetarytransactions.


B.S., Degree in Accounting

Denver City College

篇5:At a bank在银行


Ms. Xia is trying to open a new account[1], clear an old account[2], and deposit some money at a bank.

B: Good morning, Madam. May I help you?

A: Good morning, I'd like to open a new account to deposit this money.

B: A current account or fixed?[3]

A: A current account would be fine.

B: Ok. Please fill out[5] this form. And give me your ID card.

A: Here's the form, my ID card and the money. And, I have another account which I'd like to clear today. Please can you[6] draw out[7] all the money from this bankbook and put it into the new account?

B: Ok. I'll deal with[8] these one by one[9].


篇6:At a bank在银行


B: 早上好,夫人。您需要什么服务?

A: 早上好,我想开一个新账户,把这钱存进去。

B: 活期的.还是定期的?

A: 活期的账户就可以了。

B: 好的。请填好这张表格,并把您的身份证给我。

A: 给您表格,我的身份证,还有钱。今天我还有一个账户想清除了。能不能麻烦您把这个存折上的钱全取出来,放到这个新的账户里?

B: 好的,我会一个接一个地来处理。

篇7:Bank Teller Resume


A position as a bank teller.


Highly organized and detail oriented Over four years experience as a bank teller. Familiar with retirement accounts including IRA's, KEOGH'S, 401K's. Proficient in accounting software: Lotus 1-2-3, Lacerte, and Class. Proficient with 10 key.EXPERIENCE

First National Bank, Denver, CO

篇8:Bank Teller Resume

Worked with customers on a daily basis, meeting their banking needs andeither answering or referring their financial questions to theappropriate supervisory individuals. Accepted and processed customerdeposits and loan payments. Maintained and balanced a cash drawerdaily. Secured the financial institution nightly Responded to customerinquiries regarding account balances. Used 10 key to process monetarytransactions.


B.S., Degree in Accounting

Denver City College

Anticipated May,



Bank从物理上理解为北桥芯片到内存的通道,通常每个通道为64bit,我们知道,一块主板的性能优劣主要取决于它的芯片组。不同的芯片组所支持的Bank是不同的。如Intel 82845系列芯片组支持4个Bank,而SiS的645系列芯片组则能支持6个Bank。如果主板只支持4个Bank,而我们却用6个Bank的话,那多余的2个Bank就白白地浪费了。

也许有人这么认为,单面的内存即为1个Bank,双面的内存为2个Bank。这种说法是很片面的,因为单面的内存为一个Bank是正确的,但说双面的内存是2个Bank却是不对的。如现在很流行的DDR SDRAM就不一定。那如何正确区分呢?



sdram at bank:0 此为单bank ,

sdram at bank:0,1 此为双bank .

如内存是DDR SDRAM,我们则会看到:

ddr sdram at bank:0 此为单bank

ddr sdram at bank:0,1 此为双bank


目前市场上的主流主板大都支持4??6个Bank,对于Intel 82845这种支持4个Bank的芯片组来说,我们在选购内存时就要多加一分留意。因为现在很多内存都是双Bank的,这意味着在Intel 82845芯片组上我们最多只能使用两条这样的内存,多了芯片组将无法识别。这里叮当建议大家最好根据自己的主板所提供的内存插槽数目来选购内存,如果您的主板只提供了两个内存插槽,那就不必为内存是单Bank还是双Bank而担心了。而如果您的主板提供了4个内存插槽(同一种规格),那么应该尽量购买单Bank或大容量双Bank的内存,以免给日后升级留下不必要的麻烦。

篇10:Bank clerk English resume

Bank clerk English resume

James Monroe

11 Crestwood Plaza

ST. Louis, MO 63126

Telephone No: 314-608-1120

Email id:

Skills and Knowledge

Conversant with all the technicalities, legal regulations, and standard operating practices employed by standard banks while dealing with customers

Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with good ability to understand the requirements of the customer and provide appropriate counsel

Experienced in dealing with all kinds of the customers

Able to identify the right candidate for the right position while interviewing them

Fine time management and team management skills


Outstanding communication, presentation, and sales skills

Strong ability in personnel interviewing, training, and motivating Skilled in organization and office procedures

Ability to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines


Vice President with the Residential and Commercial Real Estate Development Section of Caesar Development Bank, St. Louis, Missouri from 2001 till date, where I efficiently handle the following responsibilities:

Planned successful marketing and advertising strategies targeting and developing new accounts, bringing more businesses and greater economic support to the city

Expanded customer base through a variety of effective sales techniques

Delivered convincing oral sales presentations to upper management of major companies

Effectively coordinated the hiring of subcontractors and monitored their performance

Consumer Banking Manager with the Regal Bank, St. Louis, Missouri from 1997 -2001, where I was promoted three times in four years and where I handled the following responsibilities:

Interviewed, trained, supervised, and evaluated up to 22 employees

Identified and resolved conflicts between public and bank, employees and management, clarifying work relationships and alleviating communication problems

As Secretary to Board of Directors attended monthly board meetings, took minutes, and handled all Board correspondence and directives

Initiated promotion of bank products utilizing various marketing and advertising methods

Other positions held: K-Mart, St. Louis, Missouri: Hired as Sales Clerk and promoted to Department Manager. Another Bank, St. Louis, Missouri: Hired as Window Teller and promoted to Vault Teller.


St. Louis Business And Careers Institute, St. Louis, Missouri

Office Management Courses, XXXX-XXXX

Banking Courses, Seminars, Workshops American Institute of Banking Introduction to Supervision Commercial Loans Principles of Banking

First of America Corporation Building Retail Business Managing Retail Business Quality Service University

Other seminars and training classes on various banking issues


Alpha Alpha Alpha Charitable Sorority, Past President, Vice President, and Secretary

Business Education Association, member American Business Club (AMBUCS), Sergeant-at-Arms, Past Secretary


















会计师助理的英文简历 Accounting2022-08-01



