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Years of experience in sales of consumer goods, rich professional knowledge and skills to effectively complete the company issued sales targets, keen market insight, diligence, effort.

Personal Information

Name: XXX Sex: Male Age: 28-year-old


Address: Beijing Road XXX District XXXX No. XXXX Zip: XXXXXX

Work experience

August - now XXXXX (transnational) food companies


Is mainly responsible for food and beverage sales channels, direct negotiations with the end-users, services such as star hotels, airlines, wholesale markets, in restaurants, fast food shops, such as group purchase. Provided for the completion of each company's products sales channel and product penetration degree appear

With dealers and customers to maintain close contact, collection development, conversion, service in one

Sales company responsible for 15 kinds of brand products industry

Lead the sales force and distributors to develop new sales channels

Sales force management of the five provinces and regions to achieve corporate goals

Grasp the latest market developments, in line with market competition in the Department of conversion brands


1996.3-.6 responsible for the management of the Beijing team and dealer sales development

1998.6 has been responsible for five provinces and regions in the sales management

sales 200%

The growth rate of sales in 2000 for the highest intra-company

XXX key customers such as airlines, XXXX Hotel, Hyatt Hotel, for the use of internal national model for most species one of the channels

Sales force from the initial 5 to 11

Some regional distributors by the original three development 10

Educational background

September 1994 - July 1998 Bachelor of Economics and Management, Tianjin Polytechnic

Professional expertise and skills

Has a wealth of industry sales experience

A world-renowned multinational food company 5 years work experience

3 years management experience

Customer demand for the patient but also a keen sense of

Proficiency in: Windows, word, excel, powerpoint, Internet


Personal Information

Name: XXX Sex: Male Age: 28-year-old


Address: Beijing Road XXX District XXXX No. XXXX Zip: XXXXXX

Work experience

August 1996 - now XXXXX (transnational) food companies


Is mainly responsible for food and beverage sales channels, direct negotiations with the end-users, services such as star hotels, airlines, wholesale markets, in restaurants, fast food shops, such as group purchase. Provided for the completion of each company's products sales channel and product penetration degree appear

With dealers and customers to maintain close contact, collection development, conversion, service in one

Sales company responsible for 15 kinds of brand products industry

Lead the sales force and distributors to develop new sales channels

Sales force management of the five provinces and regions to achieve corporate goals

Grasp the latest market developments, in line with market competition in the Department of conversion brands


1996.3-1998.6 responsible for the management of the Beijing team and dealer sales development

1998.6 has been responsible for five provinces and regions in the sales management

2000 sales 1999 200%

The growth rate of sales in 2000 for the highest intra-company

XXX key customers such as airlines, XXXX Hotel, Hyatt Hotel, for the use of internal national model for most species one of the channels

Sales force from the initial 5 to 11

Some regional distributors by the original three development 10

Educational background

September 1994 - July 1998 Bachelor of Economics and Management, Tianjin Polytechnic

Professional expertise and skills

Has a wealth of industry sales experience

A world-renowned multinational food company 5 years work experience

3 years management experience

Customer demand for the patient but also a keen sense of

Proficiency in: Windows, word, excel, powerpoint, Internet


Personal information


Gender: male

Nationality: han nationality

Age: 26

Marital status: unmarried

Professional name: mechanical engineering and automation

Major: mechanical manufacturing

Political appearance: league member

Graduate school: tianjin institute of technology, central institute of information technology

Graduation time: July

Highest degree: bachelor degree

Computer level: good

Work experience: over two years

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Location: xinluo district

Domicile: yongding county


Expected career: engineer/sales representative

Expected salary: negotiable

Expected work area: yongding county xinluo district

Expected job quality: full time

The quickest time to be on duty: be on duty

Housing: no need


Education background:

School name: tianjin institute of technology (September to July 2014)

Professional name: mechanical engineering and automatic education: bachelor degree

Trained experience:

Work experience

Company name: xiamen xinhong DE company (November to February )

Affiliation: the nature of the financial industry (bank insurance, securities, futures and investment) :

Job title: sales representative

Work description: in xiamen xinhong DE company electrical Marketing Department, mainly responsible for finding and sifting the prospective customers and facilitating the transaction

Reason for leaving the company: for its own reasons

Company name: xiamen jiansong electric co., LTD. (August 2014 to November 2016)

The nature of the company:

Job title: technical personnel

Work description: in xiamen, the ODM technology, which is mainly responsible for the development of raw juice machine technology, will be sold

Reason for leaving the company: for its own reasons

Company name: tianjin lishen co., LTD. (-december 2013)

Industry: manufacturing, manufacturing, processing (metal building materials, plastic glass, ceramics...) The company properties:

Job title: operator

Job description: worked as an intern in tianjin lishen co., LTD., for apple mobile phone batteries, worked in internship into beforehand and sealing, hot pressing, and turned to a series of work,

The reason for leaving the company: the internship at the university

Company name: August 1 hotel in longyan city (June 2010 to September 2013)

Industry: tourism, hospitality and catering services:

Job title: waiter

Work description: the summer vacation in the summer of 2013 is a hotel as a waitress, mainly responsible for the guest's reception and the work of serving

Reason for leaving: working part-time during the summer vacation

Self assessment

I am cheerful, steady and energetic, I am warm and sincere. Work conscientiously, proactive, can bear hardships and endurance, can adapt quickly to various environment, and blend in. I am not the best, but I am the most diligent; I am not too conspicuous, but I am very secure; I hope my efforts will satisfy you.

Language ability

Language name mastery degree

Good English

Mandarin Chinese




性别: 男

民族: 汉族

年龄: 26

婚姻状况: 未婚

专业名称: 机械工程及自动化

主修专业: 机械制造类

政治面貌: 团员

毕业院校: 天津理工大学中环信息学院

毕业时间: 7月

最高学历: 本科

电脑水平: 良好

工作经验: 两年以上

身高: 175cm


现所在地: 新罗区

户籍: 永定县


期望从事职业: 工程师/销售代表

期望薪水: 面议

期望工作地区: 永定县新罗区

期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 随时到岗

需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 天津理工大学中环信息学院(9月-207月)

专业名称: 机械工程及自动化 学历: 本科



公司名称: 厦门鑫鸿德公司(11月-2月)

所属行业: 金融业(银行·保险·证券·基金·期货·投资) 公司性质:

职位名称: 销售代表

工作描述: 在厦门鑫鸿德公司电销部工作,主要负责寻找和筛选出意向客户并促成交易

离职原因: 自身原因

公司名称: 厦门建松电器有限公司(2014年8月-月)

所属行业: 家电业 公司性质:

职位名称: 技术人员

工作描述: 在厦门建松电器有限公司ODM技术工作,主要担当原汁机技术方面的开发工作,直至出荷贩卖

离职原因: 自身原因

公司名称: 天津市力神股份有限公司(10月-月)

所属行业: 生产·制造·加工(金属·建材·塑胶·玻璃·陶瓷…) 公司性质:

职位名称: 操作员

工作描述: 在天津市力神股份有限公司实习,针对苹果6的手机电池,在实习期间做过预化成、斜封、热压和化成等一系列工作,

离职原因: 在校的实习工作,实习期满就离职了

公司名称: 龙岩市八一酒店(206月-2013年9月)

所属行业: 旅游·酒店·餐饮服务 公司性质:

职位名称: 服务员

工作描述: 2010—2013年每年暑假在一家酒店当服务员,主要负责客人的接待就餐和上菜的工作

离职原因: 暑假兼职工作


自我评价: 本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,能迅速的适应各种环境,并融入其中。我不是最优秀的,但我是最用功的;我不是太显眼,但我很踏实;希望我的努力可以让您满意。


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

普通话 精通




Years of experience in sales of consumer goods, rich professional knowledge and skills to effectively complete the company issued sales targets, keen market insight, diligence, effort.

Personal Information

Name: XXX Sex: Male Age: 28-year-old


Address: Beijing Road XXX District XXXX No. XXXX Zip: XXXXXX

Work experience

August - now XXXXX (transnational) food companies


Is mainly responsible for food and beverage sales channels, direct negotiations with the end-users, services such as star hotels, airlines, wholesale markets, in restaurants, fast food shops, such as group purchase. Provided for the completion of each company's products sales channel and product penetration degree appear

With dealers and customers to maintain close contact, collection development, conversion, service in one

Sales company responsible for 15 kinds of brand products industry

Lead the sales force and distributors to develop new sales channels

Sales force management of the five provinces and regions to achieve corporate goals

Grasp the latest market developments, in line with market competition in the Department of conversion brands


1996.3-.6 responsible for the management of the Beijing team and dealer sales development

1998.6 has been responsible for five provinces and regions in the sales management

sales 200%

The growth rate of sales in 2000 for the highest intra-company

XXX key customers such as airlines, XXXX Hotel, Hyatt Hotel, for the use of internal national model for most species one of the channels

Sales force from the initial 5 to 11

Some regional distributors by the original three development 10

Educational background

September 1994 - July 1998 Bachelor of Economics and Management, Tianjin Polytechnic

Professional expertise and skills

Has a wealth of industry sales experience

A world-renowned multinational food company 5 years work experience

3 years management experience

Customer demand for the patient but also a keen sense of

Proficiency in: Windows, word, excel, powerpoint, Internet


The basic information

Real name: XXX gender: male

Age: 26 years old height: 180CM

Marital status: unmarried registered residence: guizhou province tongren area along the river tujia autonomous county

Highest degree: bachelor's working experience: 1-3 years


Recently worked position: operation personnel director

Expected work place: guizhou/guiyang city

Expected position: full-time

Expected salary: 4000 ~ 5000 yuan/month

Expected position: sales manager, sales manager/assistant, sales representative

Desired industry: wholesale/retail

Skills talents

Skills: strong analytical skills, good at observing and communicating with others, with strong adaptability and learning ability

Education experience

East China jiaotong university institute of technology (undergraduate)

Starting and ending date: September 20xx to July 20xx

School name: east China jiaotong university institute of technology

Professional name: law

Degree: bachelor degree


The basic information

Real name: XXX gender: female

Age: 23 years old: 155CM

Marital status: unmarried registered residence: guiyang, guizhou province

Highest degree: bachelor's working experience: less than 1 year


Recently worked position:

Expected position: full-time

Expected salary: RMB 3000 ~ 4000 yuan/month

Expected position: marketing specialist, sales representative

Expected industry: advertising/marketing, education/training

Skills talents

Skills: singing, cycling, running, playing basketball

Education experience

Guizhou national university (undergraduate)

Date: September 20xx to July 20xx

School name: guizhou national university

Professional name: marketing

Degree: bachelor degree





Self-evaluation of consumer goods for many years sales experience, a wealth of professional knowledge and skills to effectively complete the company issued sales targets, keen market insight, diligence, effort.

Personal Information

Name: XXX Sex: Male Age: 28-year-old


Address: Beijing Road XXX District XXXX No. XXXX Zip: XXXXXX

Work experience

August - now XXXXX (transnational) food companies


Is mainly responsible for food and beverage sales channels, direct negotiations with the end-users, services such as star hotels, airlines, wholesale markets, in restaurants, fast food shops, such as group purchase. Provided for the completion of each company's products sales channel and product penetration degree appear

With dealers and customers to maintain close contact, collection development, conversion, service in one

Sales company responsible for 15 kinds of brand products industry

Lead the sales force and distributors to develop new sales channels

Sales force management of the five provinces and regions to achieve corporate goals

Grasp the latest market developments, in line with market competition in the Department of conversion brands


1996.3-.6 responsible for the management of the Beijing team and dealer sales development

1998.6 has been responsible for five provinces and regions in the sales management

sales 200%

The growth rate of sales in 2000 for the highest intra-company

XXX key customers such as airlines, XXXX Hotel, Hyatt Hotel, for the use of internal national model for most species one of the channels

Sales force from the initial 5 to 11

Some regional distributors by the original three development 10

Educational background

September 1994 - July 1998 Bachelor of Economics and Management, Tianjin Polytechnic

Professional expertise and skills

Has a wealth of industry sales experience

A world-renowned multinational food company 5 years work experience

3 years management experience

Customer demand for the patient but also a keen sense of

Proficiency in: Windows, word, excel, powerpoint, Internet


Self-evaluation of consumer goods for many years sales experience, a wealth of professional knowledge and skills to effectively complete the company issued sales targets, keen market insight, diligence, effort.

Personal Information

Name: XXX Sex: Male Age: 28-year-old


Address: Beijing Road XXX District XXXX No. XXXX Zip: XXXXXX

Work experience

August 1996 - now XXXXX (transnational) food companies


Is mainly responsible for food and beverage sales channels, direct negotiations with the end-users, services such as star hotels, airlines, wholesale markets, in restaurants, fast food shops, such as group purchase. Provided for the completion of each company's products sales channel and product penetration degree appear

With dealers and customers to maintain close contact, collection development, conversion, service in one

Sales company responsible for 15 kinds of brand products industry

Lead the sales force and distributors to develop new sales channels

Sales force management of the five provinces and regions to achieve corporate goals

Grasp the latest market developments, in line with market competition in the Department of conversion brands


1996.3-1998.6 responsible for the management of the Beijing team and dealer sales development

1998.6 has been responsible for five provinces and regions in the sales management

2000 sales 1999 200%

The growth rate of sales in 2000 for the highest intra-company

XXX key customers such as airlines, XXXX Hotel, Hyatt Hotel, for the use of internal national model for most species one of the channels

Sales force from the initial 5 to 11

Some regional distributors by the original three development 10

Educational background

September 1994 - July 1998 Bachelor of Economics and Management, Tianjin Polytechnic

Professional expertise and skills

Has a wealth of industry sales experience

A world-renowned multinational food company 5 years work experience

3 years management experience

Customer demand for the patient but also a keen sense of

Proficiency in: Windows, word, excel, powerpoint, Internet


name: xxx sex: male

ethnic: chinese political features: members

academic qualifications (degree): undergraduate university: industrial electric automation

contact tel: 12345678 mobile: 1390001234

contact address: xx street, dongcheng district, beijing on the 10th zip: 100007

email address: 12345678@sohu.com pager :66881122-1234

educational background

graduate institutions: school of economics and management, shandong 1993.9 - .7 financial

other: other training

accounting certificate

familiar with the application of computers and other office software

hayes accepted hayes engineers to obtain technical training certification

internet has a wealth of experience

work experience

* september --- xx network technology companies has been

marketing communications manager

● the establishment of strategic partnership

● based on the establishment and maintenance of channels

● market research company needs to

● the development of market planning and implementation of pay

results: laser lenovo 1999 sales in north china the second

september 1997 * september 1999 --- xx computer

customer project manager department

● responsible for laser printers, 3com, hayes, legend modem markets in shanxi management and maintenance

● the development of more than 30 agents, the establishment of good customer relations and reputation, have made outstanding sales performance


excellent sales results, with rich experience in customer development, good product development and management of channel capacity, product exhibition held in the experience and management experience, and has extensive experience in the internet. cheerful character, with a strong sense of team, favorite sports, music, friends.

i character

cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).

another: the most important thing is the ability, i believe that your company will feel that i am a suitable candidate for this position!

look forward to working with your interviews!



I Overview

Name: XXX Sex: Male

Ethnic: Chinese political features: members

Academic qualifications (degree): Undergraduate University: Industrial Electric Automation

Contact Tel: 12345678 Mobile: 1390001234

Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007

Email Address: 12345678@sohu.com pager :66881122-1234

Educational background

Graduate institutions: School of Economics and Management, Shandong 1993.9 - 1997.7 financial

Other: Other training

Accounting certificate

Familiar with the application of computers and other office software

Hayes accepted Hayes engineers to obtain technical training certification

Internet has a wealth of experience

Work experience

* September 1999 --- XX network technology companies has been

Marketing Communications Manager

□ the establishment of strategic partnership

□ the basis of the establishment and maintenance of channels

□ market research to the needs of companies

□ the development of market planning and implementation of pay

Results: Laser Lenovo 1999 sales in North China the second

September 1997 * September 1999 --- XX Computer

Customer Project Manager Department

□ responsible for laser printers, 3Com, Hayes, Legend Modem markets in Shanxi management and maintenance

□ development of more than 30 agents, the establishment of good customer relations and reputation, have made outstanding sales performance


Excellent sales results, with rich experience in customer development, good product development and management of channel capacity, product exhibition held in the experience and management experience, and has extensive experience in the Internet. Cheerful character, with a strong sense of team, favorite sports, music, friends.

I character

Cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person's circumstances).

Another: the most important thing is the ability, I believe that your company will feel that I am a suitable candidate for this position!

Look forward to working with your interviews!


Name: website for graduates Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Account Address: Guangdong Province, stature: 170 cm ? 60 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 25 years old

Training and Certification: Integrity Badges:

Job intentions and work experience

Talent Type: General Job ?

Position: Trade categories: Purchasing with a single QC, sales / marketing categories: sales manager, business manager, industrial / factory class: Drawing engineers with a single purchase

Work Experience: 3 Title: Senior

Job type: Full-time Date Available: anytime

Salary requirements: - 3500 hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal Work Experience: Company Name: Guangzhou China and the United States Foreign Trade Co., beginning and ending Clear :-01 ~ -08

Company nature: Foreign-owned-owned industry: an integrated industrial and commercial enterprises

Positions: Domestic Sales Manager

Job Description: 1 deal between the company and its customers business processes, develop new customers, responsible for all domestic purchases. (Procurement)

2, is responsible for the listing company and factory orders and shipments schedule of work, customer complaints. (Documentary)

3, the independent travel to the domestic production of goods factory inspection quality and progress. (QC)

Reason for leaving: About Man

Company Name: Guangzhou Hao Trading Co., Ltd. beginning and ending Clear :-01 ~ 2008-01

Company nature: Chinese-foreign joint-owned industry: metals, minerals, fabricated metal products

Positions: with the single and Procurement

Job Description: 1, responsible for the company and customer follow-up between the business, maintaining the old and new customers, the independent travel to the Mainland factory inspection QC.

2, responsible for product orders to follow up and look for sources of goods, nation-wide procurement.

3, responsible for drawing view and drawing, proficient AutoCAD and understand the software such as photoshop (strengths).

Reason for leaving: About Man


Graduate institutions: Guangdong University of Technology

Supreme Education: college graduation date: 2007-06-01

A learned profession: Marketing Professional 2 learned: Computer Applications

By the education and training experience: the termination of Clear Start Clear School (institutional) professional to obtain the certificate Certificate No.

-092006-12 testing center in Guangdong Province Senior CAD Draftsman CAD drawings 65,626,329,565


Language: English Good

Mandarin level: fluent in Cantonese level: fluent in

The ability to work and other expertise to

One familiar with the work between the company and factory processes, business contacts, to develop new customers, to understand the domestic procurement.

2, able to handle business between the companies and factories, order follow-up independently-factory inspection QC.

3, able to travel independently throughout the country are familiar with Guangdong and the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Rim, and other local transportation, the economy.

4, can work independently, understand the exhibition, network marketing, Alibaba, Taobao and so on.

5, proficient AutoCAD2004 understand photoshop graphic drawing software, and pro / E three-dimensional mapping software.

6, skilled computer operators, proficient in word, excel and other office software, and to understand class office equipment maintenance.

7, are familiar with factories of plastic and metal product quality and follow-up work.

Detailed personal autobiography

I am serious and responsible work, can hard-working, sincere and have a strong sense of team identity, with a keen ability to market analysis, can Dudangyimian, self-judgment is one really to work, people

Personal contact



Advertising agent for challenging accounts.

Summary of Experience

Opened and retained million dollar accounts.

Developed brand positioning for key company product lines.

Developed proposals and submitted bids.

Maintained extensive, nationwide network of business contacts.

Major Accounts


Irving's Steakhouses

Reader's Digest

Employment History

Advertising Executive - Present

Dallas Weekly Publications, Dallas, TX

Sold advertising space to a diverse group of clients and built contentfor three publications. Monitored and provided constructive suggestionsfor increasing magazine's circulation and standing in the market. Builtlasting relationships with important community advertisers, whichresulted in measurable revenue growth.

Advertising Sales Coordinator 1993 - 1998

Tri Star Media, Austin, TX

Supported the sales process by seeking out potential businessopportunities and staying up-to-date on industry information.Researched contact, product, and general information on prospectiveadvertisers. Served as primary contact for clients and advertisingagencies on requests and inquires regarding schedules, invoices,pricing, etc. Managed customer account database and maintained clientcontracts and files. Interacted with multiple departments includingProduction, Credit, Accounting and Marketing. Conducted ongoingmonitoring of competitor’s brands. Managed territory forecasting,revenue, and prospect reports. Monitored, tracked and managedpositioning reports. Prepared and maintained sales and marketingmaterials for sales team.

Project Manager 1992 (Contract Position)

Ambrosino Muir & Hansen (Political Advertising Agency), Washington, D.C.

Scheduled and managed art work, web and offset printers, mailing housesand freight companies to insure on-time delivery of political printmaterial for National and State-wide political campaigns. Responsiblefor proof reading all political literature. Responsible for gettingcost-analysis of print and freight


B.A., Business & Communications, 1992

University of Texas, Austin, Texas


Personal Information Name: XXX Sex: XXX Age: XXX-year-old

E-mail: XXX Phone: XXX Address: XXX Zip Code: XXX

Work experience:

XXX on 1XXX years - now


Duties: primarily responsible for food and beverage sales channels, direct negotiations with the end-users, services such as star hotels, airlines, wholesale markets, in restaurants, fast food shops, such as group purchase. Provided for the completion of each company's products sales channel and product penetration degree appear

With dealers and customers to maintain close contact, collection development, conversion, service in one

Sales company responsible for 15 kinds of brand products industry

Lead the sales force and distributors to develop new sales channels

Sales force management of the five provinces and regions to achieve corporate goals

Grasp the latest market developments, in line with market competition in the Department of conversion brands


1XXX-XXX Beijing responsible for the management of the sales force and distributors to develop

XXX has been responsible for five provinces and regions in the sales management

XXX is the XXX in sales in 200%

XXX annual sales growth rate for the highest intra-company

XXX key customers such as airlines, XXXX Hotel, Hyatt Hotel, for the use of internal national model for most species one of the channels

Sales force from the very beginning of XXX to XXX people who

Some former regional distributors XXX to XXX family home development

Educational background

XXX on XXX years - XXX on XXX in XXX Bachelor of Economics and Management

Professional expertise and skills:

Has a wealth of industry sales experience

A world-renowned multinational food company XXX in XXX work experience management experience in

Customer demand for the patient but also a keen sense of proficiency in: Windows, word, excel, powerpoint, Internet


Years of experience in sales of consumer goods, rich professional knowledge and skills to effectively complete the company issued sales targets, keen market insight, diligence, effort.



简历编号: 更新日期: 无照片
姓 名:大学生个人简历国籍:中国
户口所在地:湖南身材:160 cm? kg
婚姻状况:未婚年龄:25 岁
培训认证: 诚信徽章: 
月薪要求:2000--3500希望工作地区:广州 湖南 湖南
公司名称:华润雪花啤酒(广东)有限公司起止年月:2007-04 ~ 2009-08
担任职务:技术质量部 工艺员 
工作描述:2007.4-2007.8  包装物原料进厂检验及半成品、成品检测;

2007.8-2008.4  技术质量部包装车间工艺员;

2008.4-至今    糖化酿造车间工艺员。 

最高学历:本科获得学位: 学士毕业日期:2007-07-01
起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号
外语:英语 良好  
 英语水平:四级 578分






电子邮件: 个人主页: 





















