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甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(签字):_________


_________年____月____日 _________年____月____日














作为该生所在单位,XXXXXXXXX学校 XXXXXXXX学院 院长,XXXX,非常高兴能够推荐该生参加贵校博士生入学考试。



















本人应 同学请求,推荐该生参加贵校博士生入学考试。本人曾于该生攻读硕士研究生时,担任其指导教师。该同学为人和善诚恳,对人有礼貌,尊敬师长,团结同学,和同学关系融洽;能积极参加体育锻炼,参加各种体育活动,加强自身身体素质。英语基础较好,可以阅读和撰写专业文献;学习认真刻苦,成绩良好,积极进取,刻苦钻研,努力学习专业知识,平时能积极听取各学科学术报告,多方面提高综合科学素养。能够吃苦耐劳,心思细密,思维活跃,善于思考,举一反三。该生在硕士期间学习成绩优秀,进一步深化了专业方面的理论学习,具备了较为完善的知识结构和理论水平。在学期间该生参加了部分科研项目的工作,具有独立分析问题和解决问题的能力,能够对工艺方法和技术关键提出有效的解决措施,对实验现象和相关结果能够灵活运用有关理论,进行深入分析,反映出该生具有较高的业务水平和科研能力。在科学研究工作中,该同学表现出较强的科学精神,有较突出的学术能力和学术素质。该同学有较强的进取心,有强烈的进一步深造和提高的要求。作为该生的导师,本人愿毫无保留推荐 同学进入贵校攻读博士学位。


致申请人(to the Applicant)


Applicant should have two letters of recommendation submitted from professors or others who can assess the quality of his /her academic performance, capability and potential of research. Please ask to have these letters sent directly to the institution to which you are applying or returned to you with the envelope sealed.

(以下栏目由申请人填写,This section to be filled in by the applicant)

申请人姓名 申请人电话

(Name of Applicant) (Telephone Number)


(Institution of Applicant)

(Address of Applicant)


(Institution to which the applicant is applying)

(Address of the institution)

To the Referee


You are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her application of postdoctoral position in the listed institution. We would appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capability and potential in research work. Please directly send this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applicant with envelope sealed. If you prefer to write a personal letter rather than this form, please feel free to do so and attach this form to your letter.

(以下栏目由推荐人填写) The following to be filled in by the referee


(Name of Referee)


(Position and Title)


(Institution and Address)


(Relationship with the Applicant)

推荐人电话 推荐人传真

(Telephone Number) (Facsimile)



该生在硕博期间参与了多项产学研一体化科研项目,主要包括:国家发改委高新技术产业化项目“xx”[xx];国家“十二五”科技支撑项目分课题“xx”[xx];广东省科技计划项目“xx”[20xx010x005];茂名市科技重大专项“xx”[xx];国家教育部博士点基金“xx[200xx009];广东省教育部产学研项目“xx” [2011xx124]。另外,该生还参与并完成了多项校企横向合作项目,主要包括:天然植物xx剂的筛选与xx成分提取分离;xxx配方颗粒质量标准升级;xxx配方颗粒制备工艺优化与质量标准构建;xxx膏(医院制剂)质控标准升级;xx解酒保肝泡腾片、xx(抗衰老)口服液技术开发项目;xx活性成分及其质量标准构建;xx消毒抑菌有效部位提取纯化技术开发。








推荐人签字 推荐日期



Female, 31,

Education: master or above

Working lives: 8-10 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Work location: Beijing - there is no limit

Objective: product development/registered

Strong interpersonal communication skills Ability to perform Strong learning ability Have affinity The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Highly effective composed inside collect Sunshine is bright Connections to the vast Be good at innovation

Work experience (work for four months, did the 1 job)

DBN's undertaking, worth group company prosperous farmers training practice

Working hours: between January and May 2007 (4 months)

Job title: marketing specialist/manager

Working content: mainly responsible for the liaoning market research in Montenegro

Education experience

So far China agricultural university animal husbandry in school

Self description

Personal profile

XXX, female, Chinese communist party member, Dr Degree in animal science, animal nutrition biochemical postdoctoral degree. Mainly engaged in animal nutrition immune regulation in the direction of research, animal cells and microorganisms. Master of nutrition, microbiology, immunology, cell biology and molecular biology experimental technique. During the period of study for a master's, with different doses of earthworm powder to replace fish meal, explore the earthworm powder on the poultry production performance, carcass quality, immune function and lipid metabolism, anti-oxidation ability, and the influence of nutrient metabolism, and determine the earthworm powder in poultry fodder suitable amount and add mode. Through the PhD period, the 'rat liver cells model and 3 t3 - F442A prove screening of active peptide through the polymerization of 2 way to start the related signal transduction pathways, give play to the role of the growth. Through the postdoctoral period, probiotics, and the interaction between pathogenic bacteria and intestinal epithelial cells, as well as probiotics to alleviate intestinal cells infection, and study the mechanism of oxidative damage, the current related research results were published the first author SCI articles 4 (1), more than 10 Chinese core, currently in SCI 2 papers. Patent 2 items (fourth), jilin provincial scientific research item 1 (no. 11), 1 item of science and technology progress third prize in liaoning province (no. 13), 1 item of science and technology progress prize of shenyang (no. 13), apply for and presided over topic 1 items, to participate in the project application and concluding more than 20. Design 8 and mentoring undergraduate course graduation thesis URP 1 students. During the period of school served as minister of college newsroom, XueWei, monitor, assistant and so on, has been repeatedly rated as outstanding student cadres; The academic record outstanding, has repeatedly won the national scholarship, enterprise and school scholarships.



Male, 43, People in Beijing

Education: master or above

Working fixed number of year: more than 10 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Work location: Beijing - there is no limit

Objective: to other financial/banking jobs

Working for about 4 years work experience (5 months, do 1 job)

The Great Wall capital management co., LTD

Working time: in September to date (4 years and 5 months)

Job title: vice general manager

Work content: deputy general manager, orgnaization of recent projects:

(1) China resources Great Wall tour investment holding platform construction planning

The Great Wall (2) the CRC, film and television investment fund

(3) suzhou Wu Zhongguan stone of BT project asset securitization financing

(4) some main board listed companies increase investment

(5) a small and medium-sized plate will increase the financing of listed companies

(6) in provo pharmaceutical industry will increase investment

(7), dalian century park

(8) of xi 'an qujiang newly developed area soil storage center finance

Investment and financing projects (9)

(10) appropriate of dalian blue valley financing

(11) dalian hesheng chemical financing

(12) wuhan water swim city finance

(13) xi 'an west salty kunming pool project financing

Benxi underground pipe network financing (14)

(15) small refinancing company set up in liaoning province

(16) small refinancing company set up in dalian

Small loan company trust financing (17)

(18), xi 'an three-stringed investment fund

(19) in hubei xiaogan energy-saving central circular economy industrial park investment funds

Changxing island BT project financing (20)

Leasing project transfer (21) the people's livelihood

(22) in the shandong jining energy-saving investment projects

(23) MA sewage purification project bundling debt financing project

(24) peach blossom lake scenic area

(25) shaanxi hui to the manpower market feasibility

New three board (26) shaanxi large hao technology feasibility of financing

(27) Letv pictures listed feasibility

(28) in three companies listed overseas feasibility

(29) Letv entertainment investment liquidation (Beijing) co., LTD

(30) equipment industry venture capital fund of zhengzhou city

(31) xi 'an macro government Guo Na village finance

Huizhou jinjiang garden financing (32)

Industrial park (33) yulin water pipe network BT project accounts receivable factoring financing

(34) shandong embellish abundant seed industry company private financing

Education experience

In August 2012 Behavioral finance postdoctoral Harvard University

Self description

A postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University, city university of Hong Kong, PhD, master of Peking University, the financial industry, more than 10 years of work experience, once in aluminum corporation of China, Beijing, constant investment law firm, zhongtian air travel, chengxin group in leadership positions, zhong bohai investment unit, is engaged in the (outside) within the territory of the listed company, mergers and acquisitions, private equity funds and other financial and investment business, has more than 10 years working experience in financial field, accumulated the rich banking, insurance, brokerage sectors such as financial and social contacts with the project resources.



Job objectives

Search for colleges and universities or research institutes and the work of enterprises and institutions engaged in teaching or research activities.

Personal Information

Name Date of Birth Sex Male XXX ***

Graduated from Zhejiang University, academic institutions, professional Dr animal nutrition and feed science

-07 English proficiency graduation time CET6

Origin, marital status *** *** *** political landscape

Personal evaluation

I am honest sincere, character, cheerful, mature self-confidence, positive; good communication, a strong team spirit and sense of responsibility, strong organizational skills; thinking active, good at innovation, a strong practical ability, suitable for scientific research and development, teaching and business management aspects of the work of



Learning experiences

Zhejiang University .9-2007.7 animal nutrition and feed science PhD

.9-2004.7 ******

.9-2001.7 *****

Foreign language

CET-6. Solid foundation in English, I heard that a strong reading and writing skills, read a foreign language periodicals, literature, good at English writing

Professional skills

To proficiency in organization and cell culture

Proficiency in immunocytochemical technology

Good animal husbandry management and feed resources development, use of

Familiar with commonly used office software and feed formulas, SAS statistical software, etc., to carry out the maintenance of local area network

Main Courses

Molecular and Cellular Biology of animal, animal cell engineering, control the topic of animal nutrition, animal nutrition and feed the progress of scientific research, basic research techniques, such as veterinary science

Engaged in research projects

.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the National Natural Science Foundation Project “somatic cell-induced embryonic germ stem cell proliferation and differentiation mechanism of” research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.

2006.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the Ministry of Education project “poultry reproductive stem cells as the carrier of the bio-reactor research platform,” the study subjects engaged in the work of stem cell transplantation.

.1 ~ 2007.6, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province to participate in the project “reproductive stem cells for the vector of avian bioreactor platform for the establishment of” research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.

2006.7 ~ 2007.6, Zhejiang Province Office of Education to participate in the project “Effects of ginsenosides on the proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells of the very mechanism of the impact of” the subject of research, the proliferation of primordial germ cells engaged in the work of regulation.

Research experience

Mammalian oocytes and early embryos in vitro

Embryonic stem cells and primordial germ cells in vitro

Oocyte maturation and type A spermatogonia proliferation control




Job objectives

Search for colleges and universities or research institutes and the work of enterprises and institutions engaged in teaching or research activities.

Personal Information

Name Date of Birth Sex Male XXX ***

Graduated from Zhejiang University, academic institutions, professional Dr animal nutrition and feed science

2007-07 English proficiency graduation time CET6

Origin, marital status *** *** *** political landscape

Personal evaluation

I am honest sincere, character, cheerful, mature self-confidence, positive; good com#munication, a strong team spirit and sense of responsibility, strong organizational skills; thinking active, good at innovation, a strong practical ability, suitable for scientific research and development, teaching and business management aspects of the work of



Learning experiences

Zhejiang University 2004.9-2007.7 animal nutrition and feed science PhD

2001.9-2004.7 ******

1997.9-2001.7 *****

Foreign language

CET-6. Solid foundation in English, I heard that a strong reading and writing skills, read a foreign language periodicals, literature, good at English writing

Professional skills

To proficiency in organization and cell culture

Proficiency in immunocytochemical technology

Good animal husbandry management and feed resources development, use of

Familiar with com#monly used office software and feed formulas, SAS statistical software, etc., to carry out the maintenance of local area network

Main Courses

Molecular and Cellular Biology of animal, animal cell engineering, control the topic of animal nutrition, animal nutrition and feed the progress of scientific research, basic research techniques, such as veterinary science

Engaged in research projects

2006.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the National Natural Science Foundation Project “somatic cell-induced embryonic germ stem cell proliferation and differentiation mechanism of” research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.

2006.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the Ministry of Education project “poultry reproductive stem cells as the carrier of the bio-reactor research platform,” the study subjects engaged in the work of stem cell transplantation.

2005.1 ~ 2007.6, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province to participate in the project “reproductive stem cells for the vector of avian bioreactor platform for the establishment of” research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.

2006.7 ~ 2007.6, Zhejiang Province Office of Education to participate in the project “Effects of ginsenosides on the proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells of the very mechanism of the impact of” the subject of research, the proliferation of primordial germ cells engaged in the work of regulation.

Research experience

Mammalian oocytes and early embryos in vitro

Embryonic stem cells and primordial germ cells in vitro

Oocyte maturation and type A spermatogonia proliferation control



Date of Birth: May 1962

Place of Birth: Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China

Nationality: Australian

Languages: English, French, Chinese

2. Current Research Interests

Whole-plant ecophysiology (sap flow, water relations and gas exchange)

Physiological and genetic constraints to tree fruit production

Canopy processes modelling and fruit trees canopy management

Assessment and modelling of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions

Plant-based sensors for irrigation scheduling

Assessment of orchard water use, water use efficiency and productivity

Physiological mango breeding and quick screen for highly productive mango hybrids

3. Education

1992: Ph.D. in Tree Physiology, University of Nancy I, Nancy, France (Advisors: Drs. André Granier & Gilbert Aussenac, INRA-Nancy, France)

1985-1986: Master degree candidate (forest ecophysiology), Nanjing Forestry University, China (Advisor: Prof. Wenyu Xiong, unfinished owing to being offered a government scholarship for doctoral study in France).

1984: B.Sc. in Agronomy (Forest biology), Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing.

4. Employment

-present: Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Plant Industry, Darwin, Australia

-2001: Research scientist, CSIRO Plant Industry, Darwin

1994-1997: Postdoctoral fellow (ACIAR project), CSIRO Horticulture, Darwin

1991-1994: Postdoctoral fellow (EU project), Laboratory of Tree Ecophysiology and Bioclimatology, INRA, Nancy, France

1984-1987: Teaching assistant, Dept. Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, China


Good morning/ good afternoon

Everyone here.

my name is xxx. and my english name isjenny.i graduated from feng yang university, and majored in tt.though my major is not english, my level of english is fine. i have been an english teacher for about two years, my students love me very much.

i choose your school, because i want to give myself more developing field in my teaching career.

my hobbies are singdance,learn english .i hope you will give me this precious chance.

thank you!














申请生物博士 个人介绍 范文2022-08-12







