
时间:2023-01-17 07:51:54 初一作文 收藏本文 下载本文




I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship. Then I’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there. They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes. Then I do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. Then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. I’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.




初一下册英语单元作文精选二:我的英语老师 My English Teacher

Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.


初一下册英语单元作文精选三:我的寒假打算 My Winter Holiday Plans

My Winter Holiday plans well. Winter holiday is coming. So what I am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day。And first I am going to finish my homework 。In addition, I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days。And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park。That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited。How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?


初一下册英语单元作文精选四:互联网与我们的生活The Internet and Our Life

We know the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.

On the Internet, we can get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. Besides, on the Internet we can read books, enjoy music and watch ball games. We can also do shopping without leaving our homes. But many students spend too much time playing Internet games. They waste a lot of time.

We must make good use of the Internet.





My father is very busy, but he doesn't forget to accompany me. When he is free, he helps me do my homework. On holidays he often takes me to parks. I grow up with the love and care of my parents. I love my warm family.


初一下册英语单元作文范文五:我们只有一个地球We have only one globe

Don't you see the heavy smokes from the big chimneys? Don't you smell the gas from the motors all around the streets? We've got much dirtier air! the icebergs are melting from the warmer winter because of the air pollution!


Don't you see there are less lives in the water? Don't you see that we must pay higher cost in water processing? We've got much darker water running around! The oceans are in at danger.


Don't you see the montains getting bald? Don't you see our ground becoming hollow? We've been exhausting the resources beneath the earth. Our grandchildren will live on nothing.

难道你没看到山峰变得越来越秃了吗?难道你没看到我们的地面变凹了吗? 我们已经耗尽地球的资源。我们的子子孙孙将什么都没有。

We have only one globe. Treasure the mother nature!



Unit 1   Where’s your pen pal from?


be from= come form 来自...

pen pal=pen friend 笔友 l

ike and dislike 好恶;爱憎。

live in +地点 在...居住

speak +语言 讲某种语言

play sports 做体育运动

a little French 一些法语

go to the movies 去看电影

write to sb 给某人写信

an action movie 一部动作片

on weekends 在周末

tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事

Excuse me 对不起,打扰

get to 到达、抵达。




2、Where do/does+主语+live?

主语+live/lives in…

3、What language do/does +主语+speak?


4、主语+like/likes+doing/to do…

5. What is your favorite subject/sport?

My favorite subject/sport is…

6.Is that your new pen pal?

-Yes, it is.


Unit 2 Where’s the post office


post office 邮局

pay phone 投币式公用电话

next to 在...隔壁

across from 在...对面

in front of 在...前面

between…and… 在...和...之间

on a street 在街上

in the neighborhood 在附近

on the right/left 在右边/在左边



go straight 一直走


have fun 过得愉快

turn right/left 向右/左转

take a walk 散步

have fun 玩得开心

the way to …去...的路

take a taxi 打的/乘出租车

go down(along)…沿着...走

go through...穿过..

have a good trip 旅途愉快

arrive at(小地方) /in(大地方)到达

at the beginning of 在...开始的时候

at the end of 在...结束的时候


1、Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is .It’s on Centre Street. /No, there isn’t.

2、Where’s the supermarket? It’s next to the library.

3、Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.

4、I hope you have a good trip.

5.If you are hungry,you can buy food in the restaurant.

6、Talk a walk though the park..

7. I know you are arriving next Sunday. 我知道你下周日要来。


1、Is there a ….?

-Excuse me.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood. -Yes, there is. No.there isn’t

2、Where is …?

-Where is the park,please?

-It’s behind the bank.(肯定回答)

-I’m sorry I don’t know. (否定回答)

3、Which is the way to +地点?

- Which is the way to the library.

4、How can I get to +地点?

-How can I get to the restaurant?

5、Can you tell me the way to +地点?

- Can you tell me the way to the post office?

6、Let me tell you the way to my house.

7、Just go straight and turn left.


Unit 4   I want to be an actor.


want to be+a/an+职业 想要成为…

shop assistant店员

work with 与…一起工作

help sb (to) do sth/sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

work hard 努力工作

work for 为…而工作

work as 作为…而工作

get.. from…从..获得…

give sth.to.sb /give.sb.sth 把某物给某人

in the day 在白天

at night 在夜间

talk to /with 与…讲话

go out to dinners 外出吃饭

in a hospital 在医院

newspaper reporter报社记者

movie actor 电影演员


1.-What do/does+某人+do?

-What do you do?-I’m a student./-What dose he do? He’s a teacher.

2.-What do/does+某人+want to be?

What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher.

3.-Where does your sister work?

-She works in a hospital.

4.-Does he work in the hospital?

Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t

5.-Does she work late?

-Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t


What do/does …do?/What is…?

What is your father’s job? /What’s one’s job?


Unit 5 I’m watching TV.


do one’s homework 做家庭作业

watch TV 看电视

clean the room 打扫房间

talk on the phone 电话聊天

sound +形容词 听起来…

thanks for+n/doing为某事感谢某人

go shopping/swimming去购物/游泳

read newspaper/a book 看报纸/看书

write a letter 写信

wait for 等待;等候

talk about 谈论。。。。

play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球/踢足球

take photos 拍照

Some of…中的一些

be with 和。。。一起

with sb 和某人在一起


1.-What+be+主语+doing? ….正在做什么?

-主语+be doing。。。 …正在做某事。

2.-Here are/is…

Here are some of my photos.

Here is a photo of my family.

3.-Do you want to go to the movies?


4.-When do you want to go?

–Let’s go at seven.

5.-Where do people play basketball?

–At school.

6.-What’s he waiting for?

-He’s waiting for a bus.

7.-What’s he reading?

He’s reading a newspaper.

8. You can see my family at home.

Can +do(动词原形) 可以…






-I’m watching TV.



-They are not playing soccer.




No,主语+isn’t/aren’t/am not.

-Are you reading?

-Yes,I am. -No,I am not.

5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式:


-What is your brother doing?


Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?


want to do sth .想要做某事

want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

want sth 想要某物

Let sb do sth 让某人做某事

kind of 有几分\种类

a kind of 一种…

…years old …年龄

like to do sth 喜欢做某事 like doing sth

play with … 与...一起玩

during the day 在白天

at night 在夜间

have a look at.. 看...

one…the other 一个...另一个...


1、-why do you like pandas?/

-Why dose he like koalas? -Because they’re very cure.

2. Why do you want to see the lions?

Because they’re …

3、-Where are lions from?

-Lions are from South Africa.

4、-What (other) animals do you like? -I like elephants.

other+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围

the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围.

5.-Do you like giraffes?

-Yes, I do. / No, I don’t


Pany we keep, for our habit, and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter.We may obtain knowledge by reading. The more books we read, the more we accumulate the knowledge. Is it right? I don't think so. It's not wide reading but useful reading that leads to success. And only good books can benifit us.

So choosing books is very important for reading. Many students spend a lot of time reading legends and swordsman novels.It's a waste of time. Some students even read some bad books and it is harmful for them. So be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter.



初一下册英语单元作文100词范文二:我的网友 My Net Friend

I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer. My mother is my first teacher. I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web site on the Internet. One day, mom was not at home. I turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on net. The first one I met there was a boy called Tom. He greeted me politely. When he knew that I was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on net,he started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to send e-mails. I learnt a lot from him.


初一下册英语单元作文100词范文三:父亲给我的礼物 The Present My Father Gave Me

When I was young,my father ,who always taught me how to be a true man,told me that it is essential to be tolerant in your life whatever happens.


And that remains the most valuable present he gave me,I think. To be tolerant, I need to keep calm when great trouble lies in front of me,however difficult it is to overcome it; To be tolerant ,I need to resist the temptation of all kinds of the outside world,even if it is so attractive; To be torlerant, I need to pull myself(控制自己情绪) in times of extreme sorrows and joys, no matter how they affect me.


初一下册英语单元作文100词范文四:不良的饮食习惯 Bad Eating Habits

Bad eating habits can destroy our health,lots of diseases occur because of bad eating habits. There are lots of bad eating habits in our life which we always ignore.

For example,Watching television while having meals or snacks .Doing this means you don't pay attention to your food, forget how full you are, and often eat too much.Having drinks rather than water.Fizzy drinks and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems. Water is important in making your brain cells and every organ in your body work properly.And eating in front of the computer and staying there after meals.

These are only some of them. For the sake of our health. we should conquer all ofthese bad eating habits.




初一下册英语单元作文100词范文五:我们只有一个地球We have only one globe

Don't you see the heavy smokes from the big chimneys? Don't you smell the gas from the motors all around the streets? We've got much dirtier air! the icebergs are melting from the warmer winter because of the air pollution!


Don't you see there are less lives in the water? Don't you see that we must pay higher cost in water processing? We've got much darker water running around! The oceans are in at danger.


Don't you see the montains getting bald? Don't you see our ground becoming hollow? We've been exhausting the resources beneath the earth. Our grandchildren will live on nothing.

难道你没看到山峰变得越来越秃了吗?难道你没看到我们的地面变凹了吗? 我们已经耗尽地球的资源。我们的子子孙孙将什么都没有。

We have only one globe. Treasure the mother nature!







本单元是Go for it ( 下 ) Unit 5。主要围绕“What are you doing?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出现在进行时的一般疑问句,否定句以及特殊疑问句等语言功能。本单元旨在创造一个轻松、愉快的学习、交流环境,通过听、说、读、写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。并让学生能在“做中学”(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,注意观察别人的行动,能准确地用英语来表达。


“Go for it”教材有一个比较明显的编排特点,那就是每单元由Section A , Section B 和 Self Check 三大版快组成,同时每个版快又由a, b , c 三小部分构成,内容循序渐进,符合学生的认知规律,教材又图文并茂,既能吸引学生的注意力,又能激发学生的学习兴趣,每一小部分中的C部分又是pairwork,培养了学生的合作意识,每一小部分又有听力训练,培养了学生的听说能力。Section B 中的3a, 3b 又能培养学生的读写能力,本单元的综合语言知识能力的运用,又能在此体现出来。Section B中的3c是任务性教学,体现了语言的交际性和实用性。


根据《英语课程标准》(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合本单元这部分的教学内容及基于对教材的分析,我对本单元的内容进行如下处理,目的是突出重点,使课堂节奏紧凑,衔贯。本单元分为四课时,第一课时是Section A中的1a,1b,1c,,2c),第二课时是Section A中的2a,2b,3a,3b, 第三课时是Section A 4 ----Section B / 1a---2c), 第四课时是 Section B/ 3a---4 ,最后一部分是 Shelf Check ,以学生的自测为主,然后予以校对。

二、教学 目标:



本单元要求学生掌握以下词汇(phone, mall, movies, sound, show, boring, library, soccer. watch TV, do homework, eating dinner, talking on the phone)




What are you / they doing ?

I'm / We're/ They're watching TV.

Is he/ she watching TV?

Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isn't.



(2)能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如:watch TV, read books, play soccer, talk with/ to , be boring, go to the movies, want to do sth.等。


















The First Period

(Section A 1a. 1b ,1c,2c)

Step 1 Warming up

(“良好的开端是成功的一半”, 因此,我认为能以一种新颖的问候方式或复习方式进入一节课,就能唤起学生的兴趣,使学生保持一种积极的学习状态,或循序渐进地导入所学的内容,那么可为这节课的成功打下基础,同时也能给自己适当的减压。)

T:We are having an English class now. What are we doing now?

(Help the students to answer: We're having an English class now.)接下来教师要求几个学生做一些动作,让其他学生用英语来猜测。(目的是为本节课的现在进行时作好铺垫)

Step 2 Presentation



T: He/ She is singing now.

They are playing football now.

T: What is he/ she doing ?

He/ She's playing football now


S1: What are you doing now?

S2: I'm watching TV. (ect.)

sing----singing / watch----watching / play---playing /ect.


Step 3 Practice

1. Show some pictures and let the students ask and answer in pairs.

e.g What are you doing ? I am eating.

What is he doing ? He is eating.

What are they doing? They're eating..

2. Practice Section A (1a)

3. 然后叫学生归纳出现在进行时的结构句型。

主语 + am/ is / are+ 动词的现在分词


Step 4 Listening


1.What are the people doing?

2.Write numbers from 1a below.

3.Check the answers in pairs like this:

A: What is Jenny doing? B: He is watching TV.

A: What are Dave and Mary doing? B: They are eating dinner.

A: What is John doing?

B: He is doing homework.


Step 5 Pairwork



如:Is LiLei writing? No, he isn't. ect.


然后叫学生看第26页 2C 部分的内容,让学生进行结队练习。本部分要求学生掌握一些固定的词组搭配,如: write a letter, eat dinner, do homework, talk with 等。

Step 6 Group work

接下来我设计的任务是要求三个学生为一小组, 进行问答练习。

如:What are you doing ? I am talking.

What is he/ she doing ?He/ She's talking.

Is he/ she talking?

Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isn't.




2.完成Shelf Check 3.


篇10:英语七年级下册单元复习测试卷Unit 8

英语七年级下册单元复习测试卷Unit 8


Millie _____ any help with her homework. She can do it by herself.

A. need B. doesn't need C. doesn't need to D. needn't

---______ do you go to library ---Once a week.

A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many

Yesterday I read a book _______ English reading.

A. about B. in C. on D. A or C

Don't read ______ the sun. It's bad ______ your eyes.

A. under; for B. under; of C. in; for D. in; of

---I'm sorry. I left your book at home. ---Don't forget to ____ it here tomorrow.

A. take B. carry C. bring D. bringing

I will not go to bed _______ I finish my homework.

A. when B. after C. until D. while

---______ does your pet dog weigh ---It's about five kilograms.

A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many

Which does Jimmy like ______, Chinese or Maths

A. well B. good C. better D. best

Her hair is longer than ______.

A. my sister B. my C. my sister's D. a sister

---Did you buy that camera ---No. The price is too _____.

A. large B. high C. cheap D. expensive

What about ______ Tea or coffee

A. anything to drink B. to drink something C. something to drink

I called him last night, but _______ answered the phone.

A. someone B. anyone C. not one D. no one

The motorbike is making so much ______. How ______ it is!

A. noise; noise B. noise; noisy C. noisy; noise D. noisy; noisy

The rabbit in the picture _________.

A. look so real B. looks so real C. look so really D. looks so really

Don't talk loud. The dog is sleeping ______ my knee.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

Last weekend my father visited the Great Wall and he took many _______.

A. photos B. photoes C. photo D. potato

______ the goldfish ______ is bad for it.

A. Feed; much B. Feeding; many C. Feed; many D. Feeding; much

---Is ______ here ---No, Bob was ill at home.

A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody

Tom likes _____ the goldfish _______ around.

A. watching; swim B. watch; swim C. watching; swims D. watch; swims

_____ all the dogs, mine is ______.

A. For; clever B. Of; clever C. For; the cleverest D. Of; the cleverest

Are you afraid of ______ home at night

A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left

Don't give the bird ______ food.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

It's a good room ________.

A. to live B. to live in C. living D. living in

---Who helped you fix your bike ---_____! I fix it by myself.

A. Anybody B. Everybody C. Somebody D. Nobody

I bought two _____ parrots last week.

A. many B. much C. more D. some



1.She has short hair. (改为同义句)

Her hair _________ _________.

2.I didn't hear anybody. (改为同义句)

I heard ___________.

3.I saw somebody in the house. (改为否定句)

I ___________ __________ ___________ in the house.

4.There is nothing in the box. (改为同义句)

There ___________ ____________ in the box.

5.There is no money in my pocket. (改为同义句)

There ________ ________ money in my pocket.









































Yao Ming is a famous Chinese baskeball player. He is so excellent that he joined in NBA when he was 22 years old. He is the proud of our China. His excellent performance in the match always inspire many Chinese. He looks straightforward and good-nature. And his height about 2.26 meters is as famouse as his skill in playing basketball. Because of him, I love playing basketball. He is my idol..


初一下册英语单元作文带译文篇三:假如我有时光机 If I Had a Time Machine

If I were fortunate enough to be able to travel back to the past, I would like to take a rescue team to Zhu Jiang River in Guangzhou on March, 1st, when and where Zheng Yilong had rescued the drowning man at a price of his life. To be honest, it is his bravery and selflessness that touches me. So, I long for living with Zheng together. Also, if possible I would like to make friends with him. As it is known to all, Zheng is honored as a hero. And if I had a time machine, I would do my utmost to save his life to make him live with us for good.










The First Period

Step 1. Greeting

1. Greet the Ss ,using the following :

---Happy New Year!

---The same to you.

---Nice to see you!

--Nice to see you ,too.

2. Talk about new wishes for the new year ,using the topic” The early bird catches the worm.”

Good morning, everyone! A new term is coming. Last term, we made great progress in English and our school life. After a long winter holiday, I think most of us may become lazy. That’s too bad.

As we know , the early bird catches the worm. Let’s get up early and come to school on time. Listen to our teacher carefully and do our homework carefully. Do sports and keep healthy. Let’s help each other and learn from each other, OK?

Thank you for listening!

Step 2 Presentation

1. Teach the advs about frequency by talking the T’s daily activities by presenting the following on the Bb.

I’m always busy.

I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.

I often have milk and bread for breakfast.

I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car.

I seldom go home by taxi.

I never go home by train or by plane.

2. Get the Ss to explain the meanings of the advs and then complete the chart in 1b, Section B.

3. Remind the Ss the positions of the advs in the sentences , pay more attention to “ sometimes.”.

4. Get the Ss to find out the words about means of transportation .Then ask them to say more and write them down . Then finish 2a. Section . Present the following on the Bb.

by bike / motorbike/bus /car/taxi/train/subway(underground)/plane(air)/ship(sea)/ boat (water)/on foot

Step 3 Practice

1. The T talks about how she comes to school .

My home is far from our school. So I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car because I can’t ride a bike or drive a car. Ask some Ss some questions. Then get the Ss to practice the following in a chain drill.

----How do you usually come to school?

----I usually come to school on foot/ by car---.What about you?

--- I usually come to school by bus---

2. Practice the following in pairs while the other Ss are talking about how they come to school .

---How does A usually come / go to school?

---He / She usually comes / goes to school ---

3. Look at pictures in 1b. Talk about how the kids come / go to school by asking and answering questions.

4. Choose the right sentence for each picture.

Step 4 Make a survey

Use the from in Part 3 and hand out the form to the leader of each group and get them to make a survey .Then give a report to the class.

Step 5 Listening

1. Listen to 2b. Match the means of transportation with the right people. Ask the Ss to write down the sentences is there is time.

Mr. Zhang often goes to Shanghai by plane.---

2. Listen to 1a. Answer the questions :

(1) Does Kk have a new bike?

(2) How does Kk usually come to school?

(3) How does Helen usually come to school? How about Jane?

3. Retell the dialog using the following passage:

It’s a new term . Kk meets Helen and Jane at the school gate. Kk has a new bike. It looks very nice. He often comes to school by bike. Helen usually comes to school by subway. Jane always comes to school by bus.

4. Get the Ss to practice similar conversations in groups in the next period.

Step 6 Homework

1. Copy and recite 1a.

2. Make 6 sentences with the advs of frequency.

3. Write a passage ,using the information in 2 b.

4. Preview 1a and 2a in Section B.

The Second Period

Step 1 Revision

1.Duty report The Early Bird Catches the Worm

2,Review the advs of frequency by going through the dialog in 1a .After listening and reading, circle the advs.Explain the difficult points if necessary.

3.Act out the similar dialog in 1a , Section A in groups.

Step 2 Practice

Get the Ss to practice the advs by making sentences. Try to use the advs as many as possible.

eg. I usually come to school by bike. Sometimes I come to school by bus. I never come to school by car.

Step 3. Presentation

1. Talk about the pictures in 2a ,using:

---How does Maria sometimes go home?

---She sometimes goes home by subway.

Practice the rest pictures in the same way.

2..Read the sentences in 2a. Then complete the sentences. Get them to pay attention to the similar sentences.

(1) Maria sometimes goes home _______ __________.

→Maria sometimes ________ ________ _________home.

(2) Li Xiang often comes to school ______ _____.

→Li Xiang often goes to school ______ _____ _______.

→Li Xiang often _______ __________ _______ to school.

(3) We usually go to the park _________ _________.

→We usually __________ __________the park.

(4)They always go to the zoo _______ ________.

→They always _______ _______ ______to the zoo.

3.Present more sentences like the above.

(5)They often go to Beijing by plane.

They often _____ ______Beijing.

(6)My father goes to Guangdong by car.

My father __________ ______ ___________to Guangdong.

Step 4 Consolidation

Show a form on the Bb to let the Ss learn them by heart.

Step 5 Presentation

1.The T talks about her weekends, using the phrases in Part 2 and Part 3 in Section.C. While listening, ask the Ss to find out and underline the phrases they hear.

I ‘m always happy at weekends. I usually meet my friends and go shopping with them. Sometimes I watch TV or listen to music at home. I like to cook for my family , too. It’s fun. I can cook nice food. I seldom go to the park or the zoo. I never go fishing or go swimming.

2. Get the Ss to ask and answer like the following:

---What do you usually do after school?

---I usually meet my friends. (play soccer/ play basketball/go swimming / go fishing /

go shopping/ go to the zoo / go to the park/ watch TV / see a movie /listen to music

/ play computer games---)

Step 6 Practice

1.Practice the short dialog in Part 2. in pairs.

---What does Hai Qing usually do after school?

--He usually plays soccer, but he doesn’t play basketball.

2.Teach “How often do you---?” by asking and answering questions like the following:

----Do you often meet your friends?

---Yes, I do. / No , I don’t.

----How often do you meet your friends?

----Very often. / Every day./ Seldom / Never.

Once a week. / Twice a week. /Three times a week.

3. Make sentences ,using the phrases of frequency.

Step 7 Consolidation

1. Listen to Part 3 in Section B. Then check the answers.

2.Try to retell the passage. Then ask the Ss to write down the passage after class.

Step 8 Homework Write a passage ,using the information in Part 3.Section B.

The Third Period

Step 1. Revision

1. Duty report. Get the Ss to talk about their daily activities. Try their best to use the advs of frequency.

2. Revise the similar sentences taught in 2a, Section B by translating sentences in different ways.

Step 2 Practice

1. Listen to Part 3, Section D. Then check out the answers.

2. Ask questions about the sentences.

eg. (1)How does Miss Yang always go to Wuhan?

(2)How often does Mr. Rui go to Nanjing by train?

(3)How does Mr. He sometimes go to his office?

(4)How does Ms.Wang often go to the Great Wall?

(5) How often does Tom go to Xi’an by bus?

Step 3. Practice

Ask and answer questions about the Ss daily life.

(1) ---What time do you usually get up ---

----I usually get up at ---

have breakfast go to school have lunch play soccer go home / get home do one’s homework go to bed

(3) What time do classes begin in the morning? (2) How many classes do you have in the morning and in the afternoon?

(4) What do you often do after school?

(5) How often do you play soccer?

(6) What do you often do after dinner?

Step 4 Presentation

1. Lead to the passage in Part 2, Section D. Get a student or two to change the subject “Jane “into “I “ and read the passage. While he/ she is reading, the others complete the table as quickly as possible.

2. Check out the answers by answering the questions.

What time does Jane ---?

What does she do at ----/ after---?

3. Read through the whole passage and find out the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

(1) Classes begin at eight.

(2)She takes the subway home.

(3) She gets home at five thirty.

(4) She often does her homework and then watches TV for a little while/ for a short time

Step 5. Consolidation

Guide the Ss to talk about their daily activities . If there is time,get one or two Ss to talk about it in class.

Step 6. Homework

Write a passage with the topic “ My Day.”

The Fourth Period

Step 1.Revision

1. Duty report. Get some Ss to talk about “My Day.”

2. Say something about “Jane’s Day” by using the key words on the card.

Step 2. Practice

1. Get a student to act as Michael and introduce his school life ,The passage may come from 1a. Section C.

Hello! I ‘m Michael. I come from the U.S.A. Now I ‘d like to talk about the school life of the American Ss. They usually take a school bus or walk to school. Very few Ss ride bikes to school. They often have lunch at school. They seldom eat out on weekdays. They don’t have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 1:30 in the afternoon. School is over at 3 :00. In their free time, they often play basketball or soccer, go swimming and so on, They have ball games four times a year.

2, Answer the questions in 1B after listening.

3. Get another Ss to act as a Chinese Ss and talk about the school life of the Chinese Ss.

Hello! My name is --- I ‘m from China. I think our school life is different from that of the American Ss. We usually come to school by car or by bike. We usually have lunch at home or at school. We can have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. School is over at 4:45. We can’t do many things after school because we are busy, We have to do much homework.

Step 3 Consolidation’

Show a form to compare the differences about the school life between the American Ss and the Chinese Ss.

Step 4. Presentation4. Talk about the differences according to the form

1. Present the interview in 1a . The T acts as the interviewer and one Ss acts as Michael. Act out the dialog before the class.

2. Get the Ss to listen to the dialog and underline the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

Step5.Pair work

Practice the dialog in pairs. Act out the dialog if there is time.

Step 6 Homework

Write a passage about the school life of the American Ss.




The most interesting thing

To me ,the most interesting subject is English.But I find studying English is very difficult.So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to me.My answer will be English.Now I am a student,everyday I have more than one English classes,I like studying it very much and I hope I can study it very well,so I can talk with foreigners and know the foreign countries things,it is very useful.


I like basketball

I'm a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it's interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, O'Neal and so on. Yao Ming is in the NBA, too. He's Chinese. He plays basketball well. He's a center forward. He's our pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I think.

This year's champion is Spur Team. It’s one of the strongest contenders.

I like NBA. I love basketball.


I have a dream

I'm looking for a weekend. It's happy and it's free. This is my dream.

At this weekend, I don't have to play the violin; I don't have to draw pictures; Olympic Maths is far away from me; Handwriting doesn't bother me.

I can play and I can sing; I can do everything interesting. No one can stop me.

Oh, what a happy weekend! But, it's only my dream. I hope it will come true.


The Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It’s on lunar fifth of August.

In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is a lot of delicious food on the table. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can eat moon cakes, too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very happy and excited.


When I grow up, I'mgoing to do what I want to do. I'm going to move somewhere interesting.Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. There are lots of art exhibitions there.I want to be an artist. So how am I going to do it?First, I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. Then I'm going to be a student at an art school in Paris. And I'm going to study French at the same time. Next I'm going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents. I also want to travel all over the world.One day, I'm going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.



How to protect the environment has become one of thebiggest problems in the world .

It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matterwhere we live , we should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy. We can collect waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We shouldplant more trees and we should prevent those factories from pouring waste waterinto rivers, lakes and fields. Weshouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We mustn’t pickthe flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his best toprotect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and ourlife will be better and better .


As we know , English has become an internationallanguage. It is more popular than any other language inChina. English is widely spoken inthe world and it is the most useful language around the world . But how tolearn it well ?

The best way is to use it all the time . If we cantalk in English , think in English we can learn it well . At school , we shouldlearn to hear , speak, read and write carefully . We should spend enough timein practicing English . If we keep on working hard at English , we will be ableto be good at it one day .


In recent years our life is becoming better andbetter. But our environment is becoming worse and worse. It’s very bad for ourlife. Now many people have air-conditioners and cars, they produce (give off )waste gas. More and more trees are being cut down. There are so much sand onthe earth (leaving only sand ) . We often see factories pour waste into riversor lakes. Water in the river is quite dirty. We haven’t enough clean water todrink in cities. Now we are in danger. It’s very necessary and important toprotect the environment well. I think if everyone tries his best to protect theenvironment, the world will become much more beautiful , and our life will bebetter and better .


Nowadays, working overtime is so common in many companies, especially in foreign companies, private companies, and joint ventures. As far as I am concerned, there are two main reasons of working overtime. For one thing, there is indeed too much work to do. If it is so, the boss should compensate staffs by paying them as overtime salary or giving them vacations. For another, some staffs are not suitable for their positions. In that case, the boss ought to help them to improve their working efficiency. If they are still not qualified, boss may change the positions for them, or to the worst, dismiss them. That's all what I think about working overtime.


How to Relax Yourself

As junior high school students,we go to school on weekdays.On weekends,sometimes,we must continue going to school.If not,we ususlly have a lot of homework to do.

To face with this situation,we should learn to relax ourselves.

In my opinion,firstly,you can stay in bed for a while,sleeping makes people feel good.Secondly,you can take part in some parties or talk with friends.It will make you comfortable.Thirdly,why not go out for the fresh air and beautiful scenery?

What’s your opinion about relaxing?


I like playing sports, but I enjoy skating the most, because skating is a good way to relax as well as a good way to keep fit and healthy. I began to learn how to skate when I was ten years old. Now I'm very good at skating. When I skate, I can leave behind all unpleasant things and just enjoy it. Thus, skating can not just relieve me from heavy stress, but also improve my quality of life. Every time, I feel pleasant and energetic after skating. Owing to skating, I become stronger and healthier. With a strong body, I'm able to do my work better.


For the old generation, they trend to do physical punishment when their children make mistakes. They believe that the best way to educate children is to threaten them and then correct their wrong behaviors. But the old way to educate kids is out of date. It is better to guide children to realize their mistake would bring what kinds of horrible results. The way the adults nurture them decides what personality they will have when they grow up. Violence will not solve problems but only brings more negative sides. So we need to be reasonable instead of emotional.

篇24:三月份 初一下册 教案3-教案8

三月份 初一下册 教案3-教案8

三月份初一下册  教案3――教案8 第三课时(总第3课时) 第十二课 花季中的男孩女孩(2课时) 第十二课 花季中的男孩女孩(2课时) 教学内容:  本课包括两框内容:第一框――把握青春 珍惜友谊;第二框――荡起友谊的双桨。 教学重点:如何与异性学交往,是本课的教学重点。 教学难点: 男女同学之间应正常交往,是本课的教学难点。 课时安排 计划用两课时授完,一框一课时。   第一框  把握青春 珍惜友谊 教学过程 一、引入新课 1.导入语:(详见教材P14页引言) 2、板书框题: 板书: 第一框  把握青春 珍惜友谊 二、讲授新课 1、正确认识异性同学间的交往和友谊 情境活动一:( 见教材P14页材料) 议一议:   初一(3)班男女同学在“一览众山小”之余,还会有什么收获? 谈一谈:   自己对男女同学交往的看法。 教师讲述: 男女同学交往是人类社会生活中不可缺少的重要组成部分,它在个体成长过程中的各个阶段都是不可缺少的。 2、正常交往 共同进步 情境活动二:(见教材P15页材料) 谈一谈:(指导学生讨论回答)   初一(1)班的男生和女生交往发生了怎样的变化? 说一说:    与异性同学的正常交往,对自己的学习有怎样的帮助? 教师讲述:   (按教材简要讲述后板书结论) (1)男女同学在一起学习、交流,可以取长补短,提高学习效率 议一议:(教材P16页材料) ①男同学的个性特点: ②女同学的个性特点: ③男女同学交往对自己的个性发展有何作用?请举例说明。 教师讲述:  男女同学在性格、兴趣、意志等方面各有特点,互有优势。彼此之间的正常交往可以相互影响,相互促进,从各方面完善自己,促进个性的全面发展。(板书结论) (2)男女同学的正常交往可以相互影响,相互促进,从各方面完善自己,促进个性的全面发展 做一做:(见教材p17页材料)(指导学生讨论交流) (3)男女同学正常交往,能建立起纯洁健康的友谊 教师讲述: 在现实生活中,男女同学之间一般都能够正常交往,并建立起积极向上、纯洁健康的友谊。但是,也有一些同学,由于不能以正确的态度、恰当的方式与异性同学交往。比如:有的同学不愿与异性同学接触,或与某个异性同学交往过密等。这都会产生一些情绪和行为上的困扰,以至于妨碍学习进步和身心健康。因此,我们不仅要提高对男女同学交往重要性的认识,还要学会以正确的态度、恰当的方式与异性同学交往。 三、课堂小结 男女同学的交往与友谊,是我们多彩生活的重要内容,对我们每个人的成长有着重要的意义。我们要学会以正确的态度、恰当的方式与异性同学交往。 四、作业 1、怎样认识异性同学间的正常交往?(教材P15页) 2、与异性同学正常交往对自己的成长有何意义?(教材P16――17页)     第四课时(总第4课时) 第二框  荡起友谊的双桨 教学过程: 一、引入新课 1、导入语:   男女同学的交往与友谊,是我们多彩生活的重要内容,对我们每个人的成长有着重要的意义。那就让我们荡起友谊双桨,去寻求真诚的友谊吧 2、板书框题:  第二框  荡起友谊的双桨 二、讲授新课   在现实生活中,男女同学之间一般都能够正常交往,并建立起积极向上、纯洁健康的友谊。但是,也有一些同学,由于不能以正确的态度、恰当的方式与异性同学交往。比如:有的同学不愿与异性同学接触,或与某个异性同学交往过密等。这都会产生一些情绪和行为上的困扰,以至于妨碍学习进步和身心健康。因此,我们不仅要提高对男女同学交往重要性的认识,还要学会以正确的态度、恰当的方式与异性同学交往。接下来我们就来了解一些与异性同学交中应注意的问题。 情境活动一:(教材P17页材料) 说一说:上述哪些词语可以用以描述异性同学之间正确的交往态度和恰当的`交往方式? 想一想:能够正确体现与异性同学正常交往的词语还有:     。 教师讲述: 可见与异性同学间的正常交往要自然、适度。 1、与异性同学交往要自然、适度   板书:“自然”和“适度”是男女同学交往的两个重要的原则。 自然:(见教材P18页) 适度:(见教材P18页)(教师可按教材简要讲述。) 情境活动二:受欢迎的男女同学应该是什么样的?(教材P18页材料) (指导学生讨论交流。) 相关链接:(见教材P18页材料。指导学生阅读。) 2、与异性同学交往要尊重、真诚 情境活动三:(教材P19页材料) 说一说:分别说一说,他们与异性同学交往的方式恰当吗? 教师讲述:   前者不恰当,话语中流露出瞧不起女生的、不尊重女生的意味;后者是恰当的,热情、真诚的邀请,流露出男女同学间的真挚友情。   真诚、尊重是交往的前提。只有真诚相待,彼此尊重,交往、相处才会自然顺畅,男女同学才能建立和发展真挚的友情。 名言:(见教材P19页――马克思语) 相关链接:(学生阅读相关链接材料,细心体会。) 3、与异性同学应广泛交往 情境活动四:(见教材P20页材料) 议一议:牟莉与同学的交往有何特点? 这样交往有什么好处?   (指导学生讨论回答) 教师讲述:(按教材简要讲述) 情境活动五:(见教材P20页材料)    说一说: ①小强为什么不再与女同学交往?他的处理方式对吗? ②小强今后应该怎么办?请为他出谋划策。 议一议:  同性同学之间交往的方式与异性同学之间的交往方式是否应有所不同?举例说明。 (同性同学之间交往的方式与异性同学之间的交往方式从大的原则来说,应该是相同的,只是异性同学在交往中,应该注意性别差异。) 三、课堂小结   让我们学会以正确的态度、恰当的方式与异性同学交往,建立起积极向上、纯洁健康的友谊,在和谐、融洽的氛围中健康快乐地成长。 四、作业 1、与异性同学交往时,我们应遵循哪些原则?(见教材P18――20页教材) 2、为什么说“真诚、尊重”是交往的前提?(见教材P19页         第五课时(总第5课时)   第13课 第一框 你了解自己的情绪吗?   第13课  让快乐时时围绕在我身边 教育目标 1. 情感、态度、价值观 懂得情绪的产生和变化的原因,了解积极情绪与消极情绪带来的不同结果。 2.能  力   辨别分析不同情绪可能带来的不同后果,克服考试焦虑。 3.知  识 知道人的基本情绪种类,了解不同情绪的外在表现。 教学难点:懂得情绪的产生和变化的原因 教学重点:积极情绪与消极情绪带来的不同结果 课时安排:1课时 第一课时 教学过程: 一、引入新课 1、导入语:   每一个人都始终处在一定的情绪之中,或平静,或快乐,或伤心。我们会因一些事情而满怀喜悦,也会因一些事情而烦恼万分。有句话说得好:“生活中并非全是玫瑰花,还有刺人的荆棘。”一个人有时心情不好是难免的,但是,生活中的成功者,往往懂得调节和控制自己的情绪,做情绪的主人,让快乐永驻心间!   做情绪的主人,就必须了解情绪,你了解自己的情绪吗? 2、板书框题:  第一框  你了解自己的情绪吗 二、讲授新课: 1、丰富多样的情绪天空 情境活动一:(教材P25页)生活中的不同情绪 想一想:漫画中同学的情绪有何不同? 说一说:生活中自己有过类似的情绪吗? 教师讲述: 情绪是我们对客观事物与自身需要关系的反映,即人对客观事物的态度体验及相应的行为方式。 根据人和客观事物之间需求关系的不同,心理学界一般把常见的情绪划分为喜、怒、哀、惧四类。“喜”是达到所期盼的目的时产生的情绪体验,快乐的程度往往取决于达到目的的意外性;“怒”是目的无法达到,因紧张积累而产生情绪体验,愤怒的程度往往取决于受挫者对妨碍对象的主观分析;“哀”是失去所爱、所求的对象时产生的情绪体验,悲哀的程度取决于失去对象的重要性或价值大小,也取决于个体意志、个性品质及准备状况;“惧”是在无法摆脱可怕情境时产生的情绪体验,恐惧的程度完全取决于可怕情境的状况及个人处理可怕情境的能力与手段。 在喜、怒、哀、惧这四类情绪基础上,还可能派生出许多种类,组成复合的形式,形成高级的情感。比如:惊喜、悲愤、喜忧参半、悲喜交集等。所以说,人的情绪是多种多样的,也是复杂多变的。(板书) 情境活动二:(教材P26页材料) 试一试: 人的情绪可以通过眉、眼、嘴等面部表情表现出来,请在观察他人和自己的基础上,画出人在不同情绪下的各种表情。 表情具有传递信息你的功能,因此,我们在学习、工作、生活中,要善于观察,依据他人的眼神、脸色、手势、动作、语调等所提供的信息,可以推知他人对事对物的态度和立场。从心理学上讲,表情是情绪的外在表现,分为面部表情、身体表情和语调表情三种。活动中主要体现的是面部表情。 当然,人的表情有时也并非是主体内在体验和思想的真实反映。生活中,有的人会“强颜欢笑”、“装模作样”来表达虚假的意图,有的则会以“平静如水”、“不动声色”来掩盖和隐匿复杂的思想波动 。为此要了解他人真实的思想、情绪不能仅仅依据表情,应观其各种行为表现。 写一写:不同的情绪又不同的表现形式,即使是同一种情绪,它的具体表现也不是千篇 一律的。同样是喜,有的人眉飞色舞、手舞足蹈;有的人捧腹大笑;有的人则可能只是喜在心中,比较含蓄。 同样是喜,有的人眉飞色舞、手舞足蹈、欢歌笑语、喜形于色;有的人捧腹大笑;   有的人则可能只是喜在心中、不动声色。 同样是悲,有的人痛不欲生,嚎啕大哭、;有的人唉声叹气;有的人则可能只是心中不快、目光暗淡。 同样是怒,有的人暴跳如雷,有的人却是怒目圆睁,一言不发。 同样是惧,有的人心惊胆战,大声尖叫;有的人却是心底一沉,并不言语。   由此可见,情绪是复杂的,也是多变的,它是怎么样产生,为什么又会发生变化呢!   接下来,我们共同来了解“情绪产生变化的原因”! 2、情绪产生和变化的原因 情境活动三:(教材P27页材料)   讨论:面对同样的天气,两个人的情绪



六年级(下册)第二单元教学教案(8) 主备教师:赵满合作教师:李智、李媛、刘霞 复备教师:   课 题 (2)圆锥的体积 课 型 新授 教学目标  通过分小组倒水实验,使学生自主探索出圆锥体积和圆柱体积之间的关系,初步掌握圆锥体积的计算公式,并能运用公式正确地计算圆锥的体积,解决实际生活中有关圆锥体积计算的简单问题。 教学 重点 掌握圆锥体积的计算公式。 教学 方法 指导探究。 教学 难点 正确探索出圆锥体积和圆柱体积之间的关系。 教学 用具 幻灯片、课件。 教学 环节 教 学过程 复  备  复习导入   探究 新知                         合作 交流                 拓展 练习一、复习导入 1、圆锥有什么特征?  2、圆柱体积的计算公式是什么? 指名学生回答,并板书公式:“圆柱的.体积=底面积×高”。 二、新授 1、教学圆锥体积的计算公式。  (1)回忆圆柱体积计算公式的推导过程,使学生明确求圆柱的体积是通过切拼成长方体来求得的。  (2)圆锥的体积该怎样求呢?能不能也通过已学过的图形来求呢?  (3)拿出等底等高的圆柱和圆锥各一个,通过演示,使学生发现“这个圆锥和圆柱是等底等高的,下面我们通过实验,看看它们之间的体积有什么关系?”  (4)先在圆锥里装满水,然后倒入圆柱。让学生注意观察,倒几次正好把圆柱装满?  (5)这说明了什么? 板书:圆锥的体积=×圆柱的体积=×底面积×高, 字母公式:V=Sh 2、练习四第3题。  (1)这道题已知什么?求什么?已知圆锥的底面积和高应该怎样计算?  (2)引导学生对照圆锥体积的计算公式代入数据,然后让学生自己进行计算,做完后集体订正。 3、巩固练习:完成练习四第4题。 4、教学例3。 已知近似于圆锥形的沙堆的底面直径和高,求这堆沙堆的的体积? 三、巩固练习做练习四的第6、7、8题。 四、总结 这节课学习了哪些内容?你是如何准确地记住圆锥的体积公式的?   板书 设计 圆锥的体积 圆柱的体积=底面积×高 圆锥的体积=×圆柱的体积=×底面积×高 字母公式:V=Sh   教学 反思    




1.达尔文所说的自然选择主要指( )

A 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 B 自然界找不出两株完全相同的植物

C 生物同时具有遗传和变异的特性 D 生物的适者生存,不适者被大自然淘汰的现象

2、梨、桃等的栽培通常用( )来繁育优良品种。[来源:]

A.嫁接 B.种子 C.扦插 D.压条

3、下列对青蛙生殖发育特点描述正确的是( )

A. 雌雄同体,体内受精,体内发育 B. 雌雄同体,体外受精,体外发育

C. 雌雄异体,体内受精,水中发育 D. 雌雄异体,体外受精,水中发育

4、孔雀开屏和仙鹤起舞,其主要目的是( )

A.向人们展示它的美丽 B.雄性吸引雌性,利于繁殖

C.吓走敌害 D.寻找食物

5、人体细胞内的染色体,正常来源是( )




D.与父亲相 似的人,来自父方多,与母亲相似的人,来自母方多

6. 原始大气可能形成许多简单有机物的自然条件是( )

A.高温、紫外线、雷电 B.适宜的`温度、可见光、雷电

C.低温、火山喷发放出的光 D.自然火源、水、二氧化碳

7、家族多发性结肠息肉是一种显性遗传病,双亲中一个是基因组成为Ee的患病者,另一个表现正常。那么,他们的子女发病的可能性是( )

A.25% B.50% C.75% D.全部

8、我国婚姻法禁止近亲结婚的医学依据是( )

A.近亲结婚后代必患遗传病 B.近亲结婚后代患隐性遗传病的机会增多

C.人类的疾病都是有隐性基因控制的 D.人类的疾病都是由显性基因控制的


八年级下册英语单元作文范文一:My Family

I have a lovely family and my families live a happy life. My mother is a farmer.She is fat,but she is beautiful.She has big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.She is very kind and clever, so she has many friends and she is welcome among my neighbours. My father is a worker. He works long time a day and comes home late. He is always tired.But,my mother often cooks delicious dishes for him and that makes him happy and moved. As for my mother, she regards it as her happiness. I love my parents, although we do not live a rich life, but we are satisfied.


八年级下册英语单元作文范文二:An Interesting Birthday Party

It was October 12th yesterday. My friends held a birthday party for me. In the morning, they came to my home early, and they brought many presents for me. I liked them very much. I invited them to the KTV, we sang songs, danced and played games. About 5:30 p.m., we went my home. My mother had cooked a delicious dinner for us. After dinner, we watched TV and at about 8:30 p.m. we ate birthday cake. There were fifteen candles on my birthday cake. I made a silent wish, and then I blew the candles out in one breath. I had an interesting birthday party. We had a good time in the party. I was so grateful to what they did for me.


八年级下册英语单元作文范文三:My Favourite City

Shanghai is my favourite city in China. It's the biggest cities in China with an area of 6,340square kilometers and a population of 23.48 million. Moreover, Shanghai is the central city of our country. It's the center of economy, technology, industry, finance and trade centre. Shanghai is also an emerging tourist city, with profound modern urban culture and many historical monuments. It has successfully held the World Expo. It has become an international city with its high reputation in the world. In my opinion, it looks like a highly motivated youth with courage, strong willpower and ambition. I look forward to working in such an energetic city in the future.



七年级下册英语单元作文范例一:一个热心的人 A Warm-hearted Man!

One afternoon, an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand. she was going to do some shopping.

just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down. One of her legs was hurt and she couldn't move any more. A kind cleaner saw this and rushed to her at once. He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. What a warm-hearted man he was!


七年级下册英语单元作文范例二:关于助人为乐Should we help others in need?

Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. But what’s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need. I would like to elaborate my views on this issue.

Firstly, I think people’s moral sense has degraded. When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others. Secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions. So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.

In general, I contend the idea that we should be warm-hearted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived.




七年级下册英语单元作文范例三:体育运动的好处和坏处Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports

Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, “there are two sides to everything”, and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. What's more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.


My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.


七年级下册英语单元作文范例四:我理想的一天My Perfect Day

First, I would have breakfast with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace.

Then I would go to the moon with Heller Borry in my own plane. On the moon I would take photos and sing a song with a microphone.

After that, I would come back to the earth and show my photos of the moon to my friends.

I like adventures, so I would go to Egypt to see the great pyramids.

I would go into the pyramids to see the mummies. Then I would go to the South Pole with an exploration and learn something.

After that I would climb up the Qomolangma and see the sights.

Next I would go to London to make some new English friends. At last, I would go home and sleep for a long time.


然后我会和Heller Borry用我自己的飞机一起飞向月球。在月球上我会拍照片,用麦克风唱歌。






七年级下册英语单元作文范例五:电脑能代替纸笔吗?Can Computer Replace Paper and Pen

People often say we have entered the electronic age. Computers have become the center of life. No one can live and work without computers. In the future, everyone can work and study at home before a PC. There won't be piles of files. Instead, a disc is OK enough.

With the appearance of printers, the pen becomes less useful than before. And since the computer was created, paper is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively moving things from different sides in the same picture. It is true that with the developmem of science, such products as computers and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work. But the traditional tools will also exist for a long time to supplement the function of the modern ones. At least, we still need pens to sign with and paper to sign on.






















