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Houhai is a part of Shichahai, which has experienced thousands of years. It is an idle place where there is water and can view mountains and weeping willows brush the bank. The folk houses and residents on the bank, as well as the surrounding royal houses and former residences of celebrities, lay out the infinite charm of Beijing and history. People come here only to hear the crisp insects in autumn, see the epitome of the old Beijing Quadrangle complex, and chew the Royal legacy that seems to have gone far away.

The “sea” is actually a huge artificial lake, a clear pool exclusively enjoyed by the royal family in the old days. Houhai is located in the center of Beijing. It is only four or five stops away from Tian An Men Square. It is connected with the famous Beihai Yishui, opposite Jingshan and the Forbidden City. Walking along the coast, if you dont pay attention, you will see green tiles and red walls. Outside those tall and solemn gates, you can only see the tall and luxuriant trees in the courtyard. It is mysterious. It is said that the waters of Houhai are connected with the dragon vein of the Forbidden City. It has been a treasure land of Feng Shui since ancient times. Therefore, the eminent monks of all dynasties built temples here, while the princes and ministers chose sites to build houses and gardens on the shore. Celebrities also moved to the lake and began the first water shore life on the back beach. Therefore, as the saying goes, “first there is Shichahai, and then there is Beijing”.

Similar to other bars, simple antique furniture, green plants, personalized ornaments, lazy feeling. The bars in Houhai area are not big. Maybe the space can avoid excessive noise, which is why I like to come to Houhai bars.

The moon is high, the light is ambiguous, and a faint sound of Erhu or Pipa floats from the cruise ship on the lake, adding a petty bourgeoisie atmosphere to the quiet Houhai. Whispering lovers, take wine as a song. The melodious sound of the piano reminds people of the river in their hometown and their childhood partners, and the scene of catching crickets in the summer night.

Houhai is a place suitable for nostalgia. Every time you come to Houhai, you will feel nostalgic. Taking a girlfriend to Houhai to feel the romance of Beijing is the most worthy thing to consider this season.


We often say that the back sea is the Shichahai sea, which includes the front sea, the back sea and the West Sea. In order to distinguish it from the former three seas (North Sea, middle sea and South China Sea), it is called the latter three seas.

Fortunately, I lived in the so-called west coast a few days ago. When I first arrived in Beijing, I often heard the topic of Houhai. There is a sea, I dont understand. A friend took me to the so-called sea of Beijing. Dizzy Hoo! Successive bars are crowded and crowded one by one.

Inside and outside the bar, the wanton crowd, the muddy “sea” water, and the roaring traffic from the exhaust pipe. I cant count how many bars and teahouses there are in this fart big place. Antique streets glitter with advertising lights of famous brand beer; Silver ingot bridge, Qingshiban Road, come and go.

The place I often stay should be the quietest in Houhai. Maybe people who often come to bars are not used to it. However, if you walk along the twilight setting sun along the river, you will find that sitting in the green and flowery bar in spring and summer, you cant taste the charm, which is slowly pouring into your heart at this time.

The real charm of Houhai is its profound historical concentration. This cultural feature is not tasted in other places in Beijing. It contains the deepest life and culture of this ancient capital of more than 800 years, rich and introverted.

Walking along the coast, people cant help relaxing their tense nerves and rippling a sense of peace and leisure from their hearts. On the Yindian bridge in the distance, the old people are laughing about their lives; Occasionally, a tricycle of “Hu Tongyou” passed by, and the foreigners on the tricycle took pictures blindly with a camera. He Yongs bell and Drum Tower suddenly appeared in his mind: “... Yindian bridge sucks the dust and smoke, and you can draw its face...”

The water in Houhai is still full of vitality. Prince Gongs house, Prince Yus house, Li Lianyings bath, noble ladys boudoir embroidered building, once deep house and courtyard. The relics written in history are the stories of how many wealth and dignitaries are in the state of Chu, which contains the impermanence of world affairs, the coldness and warmth of the world, blood and violence. Fashion is also a kind of violence. They once plundered the peace and tranquility of this water area.

Houhais bar, it makes your thoughts drown away involuntarily and go to the depths of culture and history. If it was Houhais last night, then this loneliness and depth is like the smell of Houhais Eve.

No matter how many civilizations Houhai remembers, “eating” has never been forgotten. It is in the streets along the water and deep in the alleys. “Yinding mountain view” -- centenary “Barbecue Season”. Think of the old season when the “lotus market” set up stalls to sell roast mutton in Daoguangs years: facing a Wang of clear water and overlooking the whirling western mountains, todays people cherish this refreshing barbecue beauty.

I dont know how many generations here have left a good time: the youth years of shaking two oars on the water, the youth fragments of embracing each other under the weeping willows, and the ordinary days of walking on the Boulevard. The light hanging bamboo curtain, hollowed out carvings, old photos, large teapots, greetings and Hawking on the street... Every bit of memory interprets a complete Houhai plot, which people cant give up and lose.








后海是指前海、后海、西海三块水面的什刹海。为了与北海、中海、南海前三海区别, 被称作后三海。后海东起地安门外大街,西至新街口大街,南起平安大街,北至北二环,总面积146.7公顷,其中水域面积34公顷,绿地面积11.5公顷。这是北京城内7以前元大都时期的古老水域。 后海是13世纪元大都规划设计的基本的依据之一,什刹海周边从元代起就是大都城的繁华商业区,它当时是漕运的终点,被称为“北京古海港”,那时沿岸处处是酒楼歌台、商肆作坊。

后海的街巷结构最早形成于元代,许多建筑年代久远,具有北京传统建筑的典型特征。如金丝套地区的大小金丝胡同,南、北官方胡同和鸦儿胡同、白米斜街、烟袋斜街等。什刹海一带,有40余处文物保护单位。两岸依依垂柳掩映着王府和历代名人故居,有恭亲王府、醇亲王府、宋庆龄故居、郭沫若故居,什刹海边的柳荫街曾住过十大元帅中的八位。这里寺庙林立,素有“九庵一庙”之称。 后海是老北京久负盛名的消夏、游玩场所。史书记载,暑夏时节,藕局、茶社、食品、商摊和曲艺等各式摊棚沿岸而设,吸引着仕宦官家、文人雅士、平民百姓纷至沓来,场面盛极一时。




Old Beijing flavor Grand Canal Terminals -Shi Sha hai

Shi Shahai Deshengmen from the North Bridge, the North Sea south to the back door, the same kind of water from the sea before and after the sea, the West Sea (Jishui Tan). Also known as “10-productive” because this area had 10 Baosha, therefore the name.

Humanities rich history here. Guan Hanqing the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu, Ming Li Dongyang, Yuan Hongdao, the Qing Dynasty Nalanxingde, Cao Yin, Liu Yong, Zhang Zhidong, the modern summer sticks nest, Guo Moruo, Zhang Boju, often to this event or long Living in this. Shi Shahai to radiation as the center of the surrounding area is also available in the Mei Lanfang Hu Guosi Street house, to Tiananmen Square Hu Shih former places of residence within metres of grain, to Tiananmen Square, Johnston (Puyi's English teacher) former places of residence, to Tiananmen Square Main Street East Wellington Koo former places of residence, east Maor backdoor alley-yu, is the University of disabilities, the home can park, the adjacent Queen's Wanrong is the last of the family house.

Shisha Hai Haidong from the former northward along the way. “Barbecue quarter,” Restaurant advertising under the bridge is Yinding Qiao, where Lotus had been planted in the late Qing Guangxu years some Daguan elite, Wenrenmoke here Shanghe, Lake Tea Tour, so set-Habitat, Qingyinchashe, blasting belly Wang, barbecue season, will be appear from time to time-of Health. Then sit here and push window will be tabled in a Lotus.

Shi Shahai now is not only the public park, and attract many tourists. “Barbecue quarter” in front of rickshaws, bicycles, cars come and go, the river grinder of the boat came in from time to time, pipa, erhu the Golden Voice, two small guys from “barbecue quarter” in carrying delivery Mu Xia barrels of embarkation, a girl with Danfen Qipao sit on the bow gracefully on the vine Quanyi embrace pipa, Chuanpeng's Cup in a note to listen or watch the boat, Zhuantou. Along the river bar sat a group blonde foreigner.

Shi Shahai retained the edge of many ancient streets. Like Yandaixiejie, Yin Dingqiao Xiecha it from the north into the axis of the bell Gulou the west side of Main Street, shape like a Yandai. This street, there are antique shops, a fish shop, jewellery shops, bath, Xiuju Pu, bookstores, Yan Mei Fong, and other shops, a cloud Shuige Liao Qi, the owner had his home is used to suit the garment shops, Beijing's first suit is produced in this shop.

Yandaixiejie from entering after the Haibei along the Arthur children alley, gradually noisy sound strip, the You-alley in an open cement board on the roads Sazhaoguhuai Posuo mottled the Shuying. Shi Shahai preserved in the alley near a dozen blocks Baosha the only preserved the most complete, the Yuan Dynasty, founded in Beijing famous ancient temples in one of the eight-Huasi. Serve in the Forbidden City, Wan Rong Zhang eunuchs had also live here.

In Shi Shahai Xianbu, especially people Huaixiang Last Emperor Puyi. And here he has a special fate. He grew up in Wales after the House of alcohol; living Liu Yin Street Prince Gong Yi Xin Pu Yi is the grandfather of six, while Baylor old Tao Tao House are masters of Pu Yi is the Qi Shu; Shi Shahai former East Sea Maor alley Is the Queen's Palace is the home Wanrong; Shufei Wenxiu and Puyi in the Puppet贵人Tan Yuling during the two were in the home of the North Prince Gong House Xiangfeng alley.

Apart from the forest of construction Palace, where the alley is definitely going to see the. South official alley, the alley Xiangfeng, the wire alley, three bridges alley, the former along the Haibei, Hainan after along with the various courtyard, because of the different grades, in the form of doors, the doors of the hall, the openings into the deep, Zan door, the threshold, Shek Mun pillow, Mendun, the Ying, Yingbi walls and Zhuandiao patterns, accessories of choice, both have different stresses.

篇24: 北京后海英文导游词


old beijing flavor grand canal terminals -shi sha hai

shi shahai deshengmen from the north bridge, the north sea south to the back door, the same kind of water from the sea before and after the sea, the west sea (jishui tan). also known as “ 0-productive” because this area had 0 baosha, therefore the name.

humanities rich history here. guan hanqing the yuan dynasty, zhao mengfu, ming li dongyang, yuan hongdao, the qing dynasty nalanxingde, cao yin, liu yong, zhang zhidong, the modern summer sticks nest, guo moruo, zhang boju, often to this event or long living in this. shi shahai to radiation as the center of the surrounding area is also available in the mei lanfang hu guosi street house, to tiananmen square hu shih former places of residence within metres of grain, to tiananmen square, johnston (puyi's english teacher) former places of residence, to tiananmen square main street east wellington koo former places of residence, east maor backdoor alley-yu, is the university of disabilities, the home can park, the adjacent queen's wanrong is the last of the family house.

shisha hai haidong from the former northward along the way. “barbecue quarter,” restaurant advertising under the bridge is yinding qiao, where lotus had been planted in the late qing guangxu years some daguan elite, wenrenmoke here shanghe, lake tea tour, so set-habitat, qingyinchashe, blasting belly wang, barbecue season, will be appear from time to time-of health. then sit here and push window will be tabled in a lotus.

shi shahai now is not only the public park, and attract many tourists. “barbecue quarter” in front of rickshaws, bicycles, cars come and go, the river grinder of the boat came in from time to time, pipa, erhu the golden voice, two small guys from “barbecue quarter” in carrying delivery mu xia barrels of embarkation, a girl with danfen qipao sit on the bow gracefully on the vine quanyi embrace pipa, chuanpeng's cup in a note to listen or watch the boat, zhuantou. along the river bar sat a group blonde foreigner.

shi shahai retained the edge of many ancient streets. like yandaixiejie, yin dingqiao xiecha it from the north into the axis of the bell gulou the west side of main street, shape like a yandai. this street, there are antique shops, a fish shop, jewellery shops, bath, xiuju pu, bookstores, yan mei fong, and other shops, a cloud shuige liao qi, the owner had his home is used to suit the garment shops, beijing's first suit is produced in this shop.

yandaixiejie from entering after the haibei along the arthur children alley, gradually noisy sound strip, the you-alley in an open cement board on the roads sazhaoguhuai posuo mottled the shuying. shi shahai preserved in the alley near a dozen blocks baosha the only preserved the most complete, the yuan dynasty, founded in beijing famous ancient temples in one of the eight-huasi. serve in the forbidden city, wan rong zhang eunuchs had also live here.

in shi shahai xianbu, eecially people huaixiang last emperor puyi. and here he has a ecial fate. he grew up in wales after the house of alcohol; living liu yin street prince gong yi xin pu yi is the grandfather of six, while baylor old tao tao house are masters of pu yi is the qi shu; shi shahai former east sea maor alley is the queen's palace is the home wanrong; shufei wenxiu and puyi in the puppet贵人tan yuling during the two were in the home of the north prince gong house xiangfeng alley.

apart from the forest of construction palace, where the alley is definitely going to see the. south official alley, the alley xiangfeng, the wire alley, three bridges alley, the former along the haibei, hainan after along with the various courtyard, because of the different grades, in the form of doors, the doors of the hall, the openings into the deep, zan door, the threshold, shek mun pillow, mendun, the ying, yingbi walls and zhuandiao patterns, accessories of choice, both have different stresses.




“先有什刹海,后有北京城”。在这座历史文化名城中,我最喜欢西城,西城我最喜欢的是什刹海,什刹海我最喜欢的是后海。 ?十七年前,我有幸一睹你的芳容。柳荫堤岸,青波泛动,在喧嚣的`繁华背后守着你独有的宁静。府邸,鼓楼,寺院,庵庙,白塔,荷花。银锭观山名不虚传也。

我曾多少次留恋忘返,只为静静的看着你。那年的我青春年少,怀着诗人的情怀,却不敢亵渎于你。我怕那留下的一丝尘埃,玷污你不可方物的美丽。 携手漫步于后海的每一条胡同,接受历史和文化的熏陶。长路,酒吧,柳林,我把我的足迹留给你,带走我对你的思念。

























































