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我发现李秋燕的学习方法好 开学到现在,老师一直勉励同学们去多看书,每天坚持看半个小时,连双休日都不例外,。我一直认为班里任何同学也不会这样做,“浪费”时间。可是一个周末,我竟遇上这样一个爱读书的人。




篇2:小学一年级作文:Good friend

小学一年级作文:Good friend

I have a good friend. she is a beautiful girl. she has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. her voice is better. she is good at singing. She is a clever girl. She likes reading books , playing computer games and chess. she is also nice. she often helps us . our classmates like her very much.



篇3:小学英语作文:A good boy

小学英语作文:A good boy

My name is Zhang Chenxu,a twelve-year-old Chinese boy with small eyes. Usually,I get up early at six twenty and have breakfast at six thirty. I like having some noodles and milk for my breakfast.

From Monday to Friday, we all go to school. There are three lessons in the morning and four in the afternoon. English is my favorite subject, so I read it every morning.

I like sports. After supper, I often go and play basketball with my friends. I like watching TV, too. But I’m just allowed to watch TV on Friday and Saturday. Then, I go to bed at about eight.

When I’m free, I always help my mother with housework.

So, you see, I’m really a good boy. That’s why my parents like me very much.

篇4:A Good Present作文

One day,a Moroccan Camel is going to meet his wife and his baby,but he thinks,when I ge thome,I shouldbring a present for them,so he telephonesh is wife and ask them what they would like,suddenly,he thinks of a present which can make his beautiful wife and smart baby happy,

That is his skillful course,Korean recipe,but he thinks over,because he doesn’t have any materials,and he only has five dollar,then he goes every-where to earn money,some Moroccan people see him,next all the people would let he to do,so he earn so much money,he goes to the supermarket to buy the material,Finally,he goes home and gives the“Good Present”,


北外附属外国语学校四年级 张洪蛟

篇5:China is good作文

China is good作文

China is good

漳州市实验小学 五(7)班  胡斯琪  指导老师 蔡风义





中国运动员所向披靡,一路过关斩将,把一个个奖牌收入囊中,包揽了51枚金牌,位居金牌榜第一,100枚奖牌,位居奖牌榜第二。如此辉煌的成绩,再次证明:China is good!如今的中国,已经站起来了!






篇6:good boy作文

good boy作文

Tony is a good boy. He often helps with his mother housework on Sunday. Today, he has already made the bad. He has already cleaned the kitchen. And he has just taken out the trash. But, He hasn’t washed the dishes yet. He hasn’t swept the yard yet. So, he will feed the dog and wash the dishes. He will sweep the yard. Oh! He is a good boy!

Tony is a good boy. He often helps with his mother housework on Sunday. Today, he has already made the bad. He has already cleaned the kitchen. And he has just taken out the trash. But, He hasn’t washed the dishes yet. He hasn’t swept the yard yet. So, he will feed the dog and wash the dishes. He will sweep the yard. Oh! He is a good boy!

Tony is a good boy. He often helps with his mother housework on Sunday. Today, he has already made the bad. He has already cleaned the kitchen. And he has just taken out the trash. But, He hasn’t washed the dishes yet. He hasn’t swept the yard yet. So, he will feed the dog and wash the dishes. He will sweep the yard. Oh! He is a good boy!







篇8:be good for后加什么

She would be good for the job.


Rain water was once considered to be good for the complexion


They argued all the time and thought it couldn't be good for the baby


Oh great! That'll be good for Fergus.


She tells Rodriguez that it might be good for someone, but not for her.


篇9:,Good Bye

育才一小小叶榕文学社 六(3)班 张佳妮 指导老师:李新





,你给我带来了那么多欢声笑语,可是此刻却要跟你说Good Bye,好舍不得。


篇10:Mr. Good

I could’ve kicked myself for chasing a woman bass player all the way to Cincinnati: a month after I got there, I left her for a twenty-three-year-old grocery clerk. A few weeks later that was over, too, and I didn’t even have money for a bus ticket back to Dallas. I hadn’t been able to find a gig since I’d moved. I tried finding work in a music store, and then started applying anywhere and everywhere—fast food, motels, convenience stores—and finally to stay out of a homeless shelter I had to pawn the only one of my guitars worth much, a 1965 Gibson Hummingbird. I stayed drunk for two days. Then I started working day labor so I could get it back. I was mixing mortar and carrying bricks, which I hated because it messed with my hands. The second week I smashed a thumbnail.

Everyday I went to the pawnshop to make sure the guitar was still there. The owner looked like a vaguely degenerate antique dealer in a movie. He wore a vest.

Every morning I got up at five and made the half-hour walk to the temp service, a trailer set up in a gravel lot. The place looked like a used car dealership without any cars and the owner was a big thick guy named Purcell who was quick to let you know he was retired Navy. The whole set up was pretty shady. Pay was always in cash and you had to get there before dawn to get a job. Except for me the crowd was all Mexican, illegals I’m pretty sure. They stayed to themselves, so I’d stand alone while we waited for Purcell to show up and smoke and drink coffee and think about how I was going to smash the guitar over a low brick wall once I got it back. My father gave it to me when I was eighteen. One afternoon, 1979, when my high school let out he was in the parking lot sitting on the hood of an old Lincoln he’d parked sideways across five spaces. You couldn’t miss him any way you looked. He was dressed in the same outfit Hank Williams was buried in. I hadn’t heard from him for seven years.

I told my friends I was supposed to meet with a teacher and went back inside and hid in the bathroom—I figured if I waited long enough he’d leave. The janitor ran me out of there so I wouldn’t interfere with his drinking. I killed some time walking the halls, then fooling at my locker. Finally the assistant principal who was locking up made me leave.

He was still outside. It was deserted now. He smiled and waved.

“Thought that was you I saw,” he said. “Figured I’d wait.”

I nodded. I didn’t know what to say.

“I hear you’re getting ready to be a high school graduate,” he said.

I nodded again.

“That’s real good.” He cocked his head, looking at me and smiling. “Your grandma don’t mind your hair being that long?”

“She hasn’t said anything.”

“First time I came in with a duck tail she chased me with the scissors.” He took a pack of cigarettes from his inside coat pocket and rapped it on his knee and a single cigarette jumped halfway out, and if he hadn’t been my father that would’ve been cool as hell.

He wanted to go get a hamburger. The inside of the Lincoln smelled like a strip club at six AM. The radio was missing. I reminded him how to get to McKenna’s, a place that had curb service. After we got our drinks he poured part of his Coke out the window and filled it back up from a pint of bourbon he pulled from under the seat. He offered me the bottle but I shook my head.

“Don’t drink?” he asked.

I shrugged.

He nodded. “Don’t seem to talk, either.”

After seven years that crawled all over me. I turned away and stared out my window.

“Ah son,” he said, “I know, I know. I . . . well,” and then I heard his cup slosh. I was looking out at a station wagon where a woman was handing around soft serve cones to her kids. A little boy in the backseat was looking back at me.

“Your grandma tells me you’re playing now,” he said.

“Yeah.” I still didn’t look at him.

“What’re you doing?”

I was in a bad cover band that played sock hops and dances at country clubs. I’d been listening to Earl Klugh and Wes Montgomery, too, trying some of that out.

“Not much,” I said.

The boy pulled his nose up with his thumb and grinned. He had braces. His mother had on a green scarf.

“I guess you don’t go in for Bob Wills and such,” he said.

“No,” I said.

“Not many do anymore,” he said. “That’s why this car’s such a piece of shit.”

Then neither of us said anything. A long minute passed, then another. The little boy kept making faces between licks of his cone. Then the mother caught him. After a glance at me, she jerked him around by the collar.

I heard him splash bourbon into his cup again.

Then the car hop brought the tray with the food and hung it on his window and I felt like I could finally turn around.

“Anything else?” she asked. She was bleach blond and pudgy—I recognized her from school a couple years back but didn’t know her. She had on white jeans and a pink shirt with the tails tied into a knot below her breasts. When you looked at her all you saw was stomach.

“You all got any ice cream left in there?” he said.

“Sure,” she said.

“Then get you one and charge it on my ticket. Girl who looks sweet as cake needs some ice cream to go with her.”

She giggled.

“Or maybe you want a drink of this special Co’-Cola instead?” he asked.

She leered, looked left and then right. “Sure,” she said. He handed her the cup and she ducked her head and took a drink.

“When they let you off here?” he said.

“Not soon enough,” she said. “The horse’s ass that runs the place keeps us here half the night.”

“Well, we’re big boys,” he said. “We get to stay up late.”

I opened my door and got out. He looked around. “Hey, where you going?”

I shut the door. My eyes met the girl’s over the roof of the car, then I ducked my head in the window. “I’ve got to go,” I said. “I’ll see you,” and I started away from the car.

“Hey!” he yelled.

But I didn’t turn around. He yelled a couple more times but I kept going. When I was far enough away I looked back. The girl was still standing at the Lincoln.

I was hoping he’d be waiting outside the house when I got home. He wasn’t.

A week later a notice came from Martin’s Drugs saying I had a Trailways package. It was a cardboard box wrapped in brown butcher’s paper and tied with string, light to carry but about the size of Shakespeare’s coffin. When I got it home and opened it I found a new calfskin guitar case packed in newspaper and inside that was the Hummingbird. The guitar was in good shape, but the words Mr Good were scratched in tall letters on the back of the body. In the bottom of the case was a note:


I wont you to have this a fine instrumint i bought it new in 1965. Maybe somday we can play together i can teech you some Bob wills. The only thing about it is i got no idee how the writing got on the back i woke up in a motel in oddessa tex 8 yeer ago and it was almost nite and their it was this is stil a good guitar.


I hadn’t heard from him since. If he was alive he’d be sixty-three, and the older I got the more I wished I could see him. We’d have something to talk about now that I’d made every mistake he had.

Once I was living with a psychologist and she started ribbing me after she saw how I took such good care of the Gibson. Better take Mr. Good to soccer practice, she’d say, or Mr. Good says he wants to order Chinese. If she hadn’t been so good-looking I wouldn’t have put up with her—she’d come home after counseling all day and make astrology charts on her clients and smoke pot. She finally drank enough coffee one morning to think to ask how I got the guitar. I told her the story about my dad.

“That’s cute,” she said.

I just stared at her.

“What is it?” she said.

I shook my head.

“No, what is it?” she asked, almost hysterical.

“Nothing,” I said. “Just looking at your hair.”

* * *

It was cold. I was in Purcell’s lot, smoking, drinking coffee, half-listening to the Spanish talk all around me. I had seven hundred dollars in my socks—after getting paid today I’d have enough to get the Gibson back, and after Monday and Tuesday I’d have enough to go back to Dallas—and then suddenly an angry shout came from behind the trailer, then another. The lot quickly fell silent. Then the Spanish started up again and most of the men walked over and looked behind the trailer but as soon they did they started leaving, some running, and in about two minutes the place was deserted except for me.

I kept watching the trailer, about fifteen yards away. Nothing. I couldn’t hear anything either but the hum of the arc lights. I didn’t know what to do. I was kind of scared, but I had to try to work that day, no matter what, so I decided to stay where I was and wait for Purcell to show up. I started to light another cigarette, then footsteps sounded on the gravel and a man staggered around the side of the trailer. He was clutching his side and when he saw me he said something in Spanish. He was big, at least three hundred pounds, and looked like a bear coming toward me. Then he just stopped and stood there. I could hear his breathing. He sank to his knees like a camel sitting down and fell over.

For about a hundred and fifty dollars I would’ve left. But there weren’t any philanthropists in the vicinity. I went over to him. He had rolled onto his back and when he saw me standing over him he started talking in Spanish. He had a rip in the side of his thin jacket and there were dark stains around it. I took off my denim coat and kneeled down, and when he saw what I was doing he moved his hands and let me use the coat as a compress. Some warm blood soaked into the denim, but not much. He seemed more panicked than anything. He just kept on jabbering.

Then I heard other voices. Two Mexicans were standing a few yards away, at the edge of the light.

“Habla ingles?” I called out.

“No much, no much,” the taller of the two said.

I got him to hold the jacket in place and right away he and the injured man started talking, arguing it sounded like. I ran the three blocks to the store where I made a point of buying my coffee every morning because I liked the way the clerk looked. I asked her to call 911.

“Sorry, the phone’s not public,” she said.

“Are you kidding?” I said.

She shook her head. “That’s the rule.”

“But a guy’s been knifed or something.”

She hesitated, then looked at her watch, a pink thing the size of a coaster. “My manager’s due here any minute now and he says you can’t let the phone thing get started or people’ll be asking to use it all the time.” She looked over my shoulder. “Could you move, please?”

I stepped over but stayed at the counter and an old black guy in a baseball cap moved up and gave her numbers for a lottery ticket.

“So you’re not going to call?” I said.

“No,” she said.

I went outside and picked up the receiver on the pay phone on the side of the building and put it to my ear even though I knew it was dead. I asked two people going into the store if they had cell phones—both shook their heads, though one had his in a holster on his belt. Then I ran back to the temp service because there wasn’t another payphone nearby and I didn’t know what else to do.

Purcell was there. He had his headlights directed onto the scene and he stood in their beams next to the injured man and the two Mexicans who were squatting over him. The shorter one, who I could now see was an older man, was crying.

“I can’t have this kind of helling going on here,” Purcell was saying.

“Mr. Purcell,” I said.

He jerked his head around and squinted into the headlights. “Hey, who’s there?” He recognized me. “So did you see what happened here?”

“No. I just tried to call an ambulance but I couldn’t find a phone.”

He waved like he was shooing a fly. “I checked him, he doesn’t need one. It’d be a waste of the taxpayers’ money. All he’s got is a little lard sliced off.” Then he put his hands on his hips and stared down at the man. He had on a white short sleeve shirt and a dark tie; I had never seen him in a coat, no matter the temperature. “Hey,” he said loudly and all three Mexicans looked up at him and he spoke to them in broken Spanish. The tall one holding my jacket answered.

According to Purcell’s translation: the two Mexicans who had stayed were from the same town in Mexico as the injured man, and the older one was his uncle or cousin or something. Two days ago the tall Mexican had heard that the injured man—who looked at least thirty—had gotten someone’s teenage daughter pregnant. The tall Mexican wasn’t sure who the girl was, but he’d heard there’d been a blow up with her father.

“I didn’t think there was anybody left who cared about that,” Purcell said. He took out a pack of Juicy Fruit and put a stick in his mouth. He stared down at the man, his face a brown study. I crossed my arms and hugged myself. I was freezing.

“This has implications,” Purcell said.

“We should probably call an ambulance,” I said.

“We might do that,” he said. “But we’ve got to move him off this property first.”

I didn’t say anything, but Purcell jerked his head around like I had.

“Just because this pussel-gut decides to tap some Mexican cheerleader, I should have to pay double and triple on my liability insurance? And as for the police,” he said, “what’d you think: Columbo’s gonna show up here at dawn?” He pulled a wallet-on-a-chain out of his back pocket and started speaking Spanish again. When he finished all three Mexicans nodded. The old one wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. Then Purcell took out two fifty-dollar bills and handed one to each of the two squatting men. They both spoke to the injured man, patted him on the shoulder, then stood up and left. Purcell bent over the injured man and slipped two bills into his pants pocket. He spoke to him and the man answered. Purcell replied, his voice angry. The man shook his head back and forth on the ground. Purcell started cursing in English. He turned to me, “Sack of shit says he can’t get up.”

“Huh,” I said.

Purcell gave the man a little kick in the hip and said something in Spanish. Then he grabbed the man’s arm and tried to haul him up. He didn’t budge. He was dead weight. Purcell dropped his arm. “All right,” he said, “you get his shoulders and I’ll get his legs,” and he stepped around the man to his feet. I didn’t move.

He waved. “Come on, let’s go.”

“That’s my coat there,” I pointed.

“Yeah? So?” he said.

“It’s ruined,” I said.

His expression deadened as he figured it out, which took about two seconds. He shook his head and cursed again. He took out his wallet and handed over a fifty.

“I need a hundred more,” I said.

If either of us had been smoking the whole block would’ve exploded. “Listen,” he said, “I wouldn’t be paying anybody anything if I could speak enough Spanish to make these tacos understand if they don’t do what I say I’ll tell the police whatever I want. But even though you’re a goddamn briar you understand me, don’t you?”

“The police might hassle me on your sayso,” I said, “but that’s about all they could do. And think about it. If I do end up talking to them, I’m such a briar I might let it slip how you run a straight cash business.”

He turned his back to me and started muttering. He stayed that way at least a half-minute. Then he turned back around holding out five twenties. His mouth was very tight.

Lifting the man was like picking up one end of a rowboat full of water, if you’ve ever done that. We carried him ten yards, rested, then went the last ten yards to the street. Purcell dropped the man’s feet and stayed bent over with his hands on his knees, huffing and puffing. He glanced up at me, then unhooked his key ring from his belt and tossed it and it hit the sidewalk right in front of me and I had to do a skip to keep it from hitting my feet. “Move my car up to the trailer,” he said.

I looked at the keys, then at him. “What?” I said.

“Do it, or I’ll tell the cops you robbed me.” He took his cell phone out of his back pocket.

“Why do you want me to do it?” I said.

“Just because I do,” he said.

“Forget you,” I said.

“All right,” he said and punched a button on the phone, and that’s when I thought of the seven hundred dollars in my socks and how great it would look on a guy without a coat.

The car was a Cadillac in name only. The last time it looked good Eddie Murphy was funny. I slid under the wheel, but didn’t close the door so the rooflight would stay on and I could find things. The seat was too far up for me to fit my feet to the pedals, so I reached down to find the lever and my hand hit a bottle under the seat. It was a half-pint of Jack Daniels and all that was empty was the neck. I unscrewed the cap, bent over like I’d dropped the keys and took a drink, then sat up again. The glove box was missing its door, a cigar with an inch of dead ash was in the ashtray, a single porno playing card was in the passenger seat, a woman who looked like she was waiting for surgery to begin. I turned the card over: seven of clubs. I bent over and took another drink. I was thinking of the last time I saw my father—one of these old boats always did that.

I discovered the seat wouldn’t move, so I managed to get situated with my legs splayed out on either side of the steering wheel. I shut the door, then pulled the car up in front of the trailer and cut the engine and the lights. I stuck the half-pint down the front of my pants. Then I looked in the rearview mirror: Purcell was still at the curb, under a streetlight, standing over the injured man talking and gesturing. It looked like he was haranguing a corpse.

I leaned over to get at my pants pocket and took out the hundred and fifty and put it on the dash behind the steering wheel. I just couldn’t abide the idea of having to think of Purcell everytime I played the Gibson. I would’ve rather seen it in the hands of Campfire Girls.

The pawn shop opened a half-hour before the liquor stores. I’d been waiting in a coffee shop across the street. I had the Gibson’s empty calfskin case and a Epiphone in its case. I was going to pawn the Epi which would give me the last fifty I needed to get the Gibson back, plus another sixty or seventy. That much would get me to Shreveport, and I figured I knew enough people in Dallas I could find someone who’d drive out and get me.

I went in the pawn shop, the bell ringing over my head, and right away I noticed the Gibson wasn’t on its stand in the line of guitars that sat on a high shelf in the back. Holding the two cases I suddenly felt like an idiot in a Norman Rockwell painting. The empty one felt light enough to throw through the display window.

The owner was still wearing his pea coat and was at the back of the long shotgun room behind a line of jewelry cases to my left. He came up front.

“It’s gone,” he said. “Girl bought it last night not long after you came in.”

I set down the guitar cases.

“She paid cash so I don’t know who she was,” he said.

I asked him what she looked like.

“I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers,” he said.

I kept looking at him. I couldn’t believe he had said that. Then he gave a police blotter description of the girl—young, long brown hair, skinny, pale, wearing jeans and a green jacket, said he wouldn’t call her pretty exactly. I asked him, if she came back in, to give her my name and the place where I roomed and to tell her I’d pay to get the Gibson back. I said I’d pay him, too, for doing that.

“Once I tell her, you got no reason to pay me,” he said.

“That’s true,” I said.

“A twenty ought to take care of it,” he said.

I felt so beat I didn’t argue. I squatted down and lifted my pants leg to get at my sock. The bell rang and a guy in a dirty overcoat and came in and set down a kit bag and started pulling out barber tools. I stood up and the owner took my twenty. I picked up my guitar cases and left.

Walking down the street, freezing, I realized I could take the money I had and buy a coat and a bus ticket and be back in Dallas by midnight or I could stay in Cincinnati and buy a coat and try to find the Gibson. I thought about it three seconds and decided to stay.

I can play guitar pretty well. And I’ve spent twenty years worth of afternoons in libraries killing time before gigs so I know the difference between Augustine of Hippo and all the other Augustines and I know that even if we do come up with a unified field theory it isn’t going to change a damn thing. But other than that, I wouldn’t take my own advice about anything.

篇11:A good idea

1. greeting.

let’s review the words we have learned. please look at the picturesand say the words.

2. t: what can yousee?

how many fuwas can yousee?

what are theirnames?

3. t: this is beibei. i likebeibei.(板书like,l-i-k-e,like)

do you likebeibei? 引导学生回答:yes, i do./no, idon’t.

t: please ask and answer one by one.

4. t: beibei and the otherfuwas are good at sports. please look, beibei likesswimming.


t: well, beibei likes swimming. let’s ask jingjing, does he likeswimming? (点击晶晶)

students ask: jingjing, do you like swimming?

点击晶晶回答:no, i don’t.

t: what do you like?(出示问题及答句)

5. 点击beijing图案,回到主页

t: now, we know beibei likesswimming, jingjing likes skiing. how about huanhuan, yingying andnini?(点击迎迎,出现3个福娃)

s: , what do you like? 点击福娃:huanhuan: i likeskating.

yingying: i like running.

nini: i like rowing.

6. let’s have a rest. pleasesay a chant.

7.t:(叫一学生)do you likeswimming?

s: yes, i do.

t: let’s go swimming.

s: …


s: do you like …?

t: yes, i do.

s: let’s go …

t: that’s a good idea. 点击揭示课题,跟读课题。

8. please open your books.turn to unit 11 part a. let’s listen to the tape, then find outwhat does david like?

david likesswimmingandskating.

9. read after the teacher.read by yourselves. read in roles.

10. t: well please close yourbooks. let’s have a story time about mimi and bobby. please watchcarefully and find out what do bobby and mimilike?

11. t: well, let’s play a gamenow. this is the sports club. let’s work in group four. who wouldlike to give an example with me?


篇12:be good at造句

be good at造句

1、A good listener must be good at asking questions.一个好的聆听者应该善于问问题.

2、Be good at harmonize social relationship between all departments, strong ability in communication.擅长协调部分之间人际关系,具有很强的沟通能力.

3、I expect to study in the US one day. Before that day coming, I must be good at English.我期望有天能到美国念书在那天到来之前我必须先将我的英文学好!

4、You could study astronomy, or space engineering, and be good at it.你可以学习天文学,或是空间工程学,可以学的很棒.

5、Wow, what a perfect girl! She must be good at flattering your GM.哇哦,好一个完美的.女人啊.她一定很会拍你老板的马屁了.

6、He is good at playing piano. 他很擅长弹钢琴。

7、What are you good at? 你擅长什么?

8、My father is good at repair 我爸爸善于维修。

9、Tony is good at singing English songs.托尼擅长唱英文歌

10、Im good at math 我善于解答数学题

11、The soldier was good at playing fife.这名士兵善于吹笛子.

12、I was good at singing when I was in primary.我上小学的时候擅长唱歌。

13、I am good at freestyle and breast stroke.我擅长自由泳和蛙泳.

14、He is good at playing tennis.他擅于打网球.

15、He is good at playing football.他擅长踢足球。

16、They were good at playing football when they were young.他们年轻的时候擅长踢足球...

17、You had to be good at something , like sport, or reading the news, or acting .你除非有擅长的东西,像是善于运动或者阅读新闻或者会演戏.

18、I am good at swimming 我擅长于游泳

19、Be good at English, both oral and written.良好的英语书写与表达能力.

20、You cannot possibly be good at everything, and your weakest areas are going to shine through, not your strongest.你不可能对所有东西都了若指掌,暴露的最明显的是你的弱点而不是你的强项.

21、He is good at talking to foreigners 他善于跟外国人交谈。

22、Im good at Chinese. 我擅长中文

23、I am good at playing football.我擅长踢足球。

24、System should be subordinated to, but be good at innovation, daring to explore even more valuable.制度虽然要服从,但善于创新,大胆探索更加难能可贵.

25、Mao proved to be good at fighting but poor at governing.事实说明毛泽东擅长指挥战斗,却无力管理国家.

篇13:A good idea

A good idea


1、  教学内容:小学牛津英语教材3B Unit11 A  good  idea

2、  教学目标:


语言技能目标:掌握询问运动方式的方法“What do you like?” 并能根据实际情况作出邀请 “Let’s  go … .” “That’s  a  good  idea.”


3、  教学重点:

a、  在交流活动的过程中掌握并运用句型:What do you like ?

Let’”sgo… .

That’s a good idea.







二 、教学过程

Step1  Sing a song

T:Let’sing a English song:”HELLO ,HOW ARE YOU”


Step2  Free talk

1、Nice to meet you..

2、How are you?

3、this is my … .

4、Do you like…?

Let’s  go … .


Step3  Presentation:

1、skiing  skating  rowing climbing  jogging  running  fishing  swimming


a、Use the computer to demonstrate: skiing  skating  rowing  climbing jogging running  fishing  swimming. Stick the pictures on the blackboard .  Devide the class into eight groups  named  after  the  new  words.


Point to word cards as the teacher and the class say them together.  Correct the students’pronounciation.

b、The teacher give the order, the students do the actions

c 、Ask the students to stick the word cards on the blackboard under the pictures


d、Show the pictures of the world champions ,such as Yangyang ,Wang Junxia, Han qiaobo and so on.,especially  China mount team .



A match:

Devide the class into two teams.The volunteers from each team should go to the front to  speak. The screen shows some confusing pictures in four seconds. If the player speaks rightly and fast ,the team can get one point.


2、That’s a good  idea.

What do you like?


a、Use the computer to demonstrate the dialogue.

(展示课本内容,展示系列动画,声像结合,生动有趣,学生带着浓厚的兴趣视听 ,既活跃课堂气氛,又练习听力。)

b、Chant  Listen to the tape and look at the screen .Say the chant after the teacher

Do you like swimming?  Do you like swimming?

No,  I  don’t.         No , I don’t

What do you like?      What do you like?

I  like  skating.       I  like  skating.

Let’s go skating.        Let’s  go  skating .

That’s a good idea.      That’s a good  idea.

c、Sing a song according to the tone of “TWO TIGERS”

Step4 Survey

1、The teacher explain how to do the survey using the patterns

Model:Iam a reporter . Excuse me, what’s your name,plese? Do you like swimming? What do you like?

2、The students contribute the personal information.

The teacher ask them to do a survey in a limited time and give summary



篇14:good friends


1 .talk about friends and friendship,and learn to make apologies.

2. discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggestion solutions.

3. practice talking about likes and dislikes.

4. Learn to write an e-mail to find an e-pal.

生词(New lexis) :

1.  From  text : honest     brave    loyal    wise

handsome   smart    argue      classical     fond

match    mirror  fry   hammer   saw   rope    movie

cast  deserted   hunt  share  sorrow   feeling   airplane

lie  in    speech   adventure    notebook   error

2.    Addition vocal :  fond of       hunt  for    in  order  to     care  about       such  as     drop  sb  a  line

句型( structure) :直接引语和间接引语(1):


“I like reading adventure stories .”said John .

John  said that he liked reading adventure  stories.

“I don’t enjoy computers ,”Sarah said to her friend.

Sarah  told her friends that she did’t enjoy computers.            2. 转述他人的疑惑―一般疑问句

“Ann  ,have you seen my blue notebook ?”Peter asked.

peter asked Ann if she had seen his blue notebook.


“what differences does it make ?”Peter asked Jim .

Peter  asked Jim what  differences  it  made.


1.likes  and  dislikes :

he  /she  likes /loves  …                     he /she  is  fond  of  …

my interests/favorites  hobbies   are  reading   and  singing .

he /she  don’t  like …

he /she  doesn't   enjoy  …                he  /she  hates …

he  /she  thinks  …is  terrible  /boring

2.making  apologies  :

you  said  that  you  would  … why  did’t /did  you …?

you  promised  to  …why  did’t you …?

please  forgive  me .

I’m very  sorry …it  happened   again .

I’m  sorry  I  forget.

热身运动(Warming up) :make a discussion

what should  a  good  friend  be  like ? What

qualities  should  a  good friend have ?  Should they be

funny ,smart  or  strong ?  Use the words in  the  box

below  to  describe a 5-star friend . You can  use other words in you like.

e.g. A:  I  think a friend should be kind.

B:  A  good  friend is someone who makes me happy.

例如:A: I think a friend should be kind.

B: A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

Describe yourself in three words and then describe one of your

篇15:On Good Manners

On Good Manners

Have you ever seen the TV series “Shanghai Beach” and do you remember the hero Wen Ge? How handsome and resolute he was! Thousands of people admired his manners. Many young people, in particular, liked him so much that they tried to imitate his gestures and copy the style of his clothes. I don't know what you think about good manners. When some young men walk down the street, wearing fine clothes and long hair, do you think they are smart? I don't think so, and I am not alone in holding this opinion. Many people are sneering at them!

What are good manners? To put it in a nutshell, good manners refer to the speech and behavior of people who make us fell comfortable. Seeing a good-mannered man, we say, “Oh, how nice he is!” We live in a colorful world, and good manners appear in different forms. Do you like Mrs. Thatcher, the British prime Minister? The late Premier Zhou Enlai was well known for his diplomatic manners. Zheng Xiaoying, a famous conductor, has impressed so many people with her artistic style. Obviously, the manners of each are different, yet each has his own charms to win admirers. Why?

One reason, I think, is that their manners are a natural expression of their character and personality, without ant trace of affection. Good manners are a representation of the beauty in people's spirits. People with different educational backgrounds have different manners. If you make a peasant imitate an artist, the result will be ridiculous. So are the young people who imitate Wen Ge.

We all know the story “Dong Shi blindly imitated Xi Shi”. Dong Shi, an ugly woman, heard that Xi Shi was as beautiful as a fairy. One day she went to see for herself. However, Xi Shi happened to be sick that day with a stomachache. She knitted her eyebrows and wore a painful expression, yet she was still surprisingly beautiful. Dong Shi mistakenly thought that her beauty derived from the painful expression on her face. So Dong Shi knitted her eyebrows in imitation of Xi Shi. Of course, she looked even uglier. The story shows us that in the pursuit of beauty we must bear in mind that truth, only truth, is beautiful. Any thing artificial of false is ugly.

Do good manners require a handsome appearance and expressive dress? Not necessarily. Of course, it's nice to have a beautiful face, but a beautiful face is not always accompanied by good manners. On the contrary, many common looking or even ugly people are known to have good manners. Sophia Loren, for instance, did not look beautiful when she began her movie career. She was nicknamed “giraffe”. Nevertheless, she was confident and never imitated anyone. She became more and more beautiful as she created vivid and convincing characters one after another on the screen. She achieved success and won the audience with her special personality. Beethoven is another example. Perhaps you all think he was a handsome gentleman. In fact , he was not. He looked ugly - very short, with a large head and ugly nose. Then why do you imagine him to be a handsome gentleman? Because when we listen to his beautiful symphonies, we are overwhelmed by the strong emotion coming spontaneously from the heart of this great artist. We are fascinated by him. Since his music is so beautiful, we take it for granted that the composer must be as charming as his music. This is Beethoven's charm, and also his own manners.

本作文共2页,当前在第1页  1  2

篇16:Good habits

good habits are good for the health. every morning we'd better get up early and do morning exercises before having breakfast. taking a walk after supper is also important. it is  not good to watch tv too long and go to bed too late. so try to have more sports in our spare time instead of staying at home. eating too much at meal is bad for our health,too. we shouldn't eat junk food. we should eat enough fruit and vegetalbes.

it's very important to keep healthy. i think we should have healthy diet every day and eat proper food. we shouldn't eat junk food because it is bad for our health. drink water and milk as often as possible. milk is a great drink that can give us more calcium that make our bones much stronger. don't eat too much because it will make you uncomfortable and fat. don't spend too much time watching tv, dvds and videos or using computers. it's good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding , swimming and so on. follow these and you can be healthy.

篇17:good friends


1 .talk about friends and friendship,and learn to make apologies.

2. discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggestion solutions.

3. practice talking about likes and dislikes.

4. Learn to write an e-mail to find an e-pal.

生词(New lexis) :

1.  From  text : honest     brave    loyal    wise

handsome   smart    argue      classical     fond

match    mirror  fry   hammer   saw   rope    movie

cast  deserted   hunt  share  sorrow   feeling   airplane

lie  in    speech   adventure    notebook   error

2.    Addition vocal :  fond of       hunt  for    in  order  to     care  about       such  as     drop  sb  a  line

句型( structure) :直接引语和间接引语(1):


“I like reading adventure stories .”said John .

John  said that he liked reading adventure  stories.

“I don’t enjoy computers ,”Sarah said to her friend.

Sarah  told her friends that she did’t enjoy computers.            2. 转述他人的疑惑―一般疑问句

“Ann  ,have you seen my blue notebook ?”Peter asked.

peter asked Ann if she had seen his blue notebook.


“what differences does it make ?”Peter asked Jim .

Peter  asked Jim what  differences  it  made.


1.likes  and  dislikes :

he  /she  likes /loves  …                     he /she  is  fond  of  …

my interests/favorites  hobbies   are  reading   and  singing .

he /she  don’t  like …

he /she  doesn't   enjoy  …                he  /she  hates …

he  /she  thinks  …is  terrible  /boring

2.making  apologies  :

you  said  that  you  would  … why  did’t /did  you …?

you  promised  to  …why  did’t you …?

please  forgive  me .

I’m very  sorry …it  happened   again .

I’m  sorry  I  forget.

热身运动(Warming up) :make a discussion

what should  a  good  friend  be  like ? What

qualities  should  a  good friend have ?  Should they be

funny ,smart  or  strong ?  Use the words in  the  box

below  to  describe a 5-star friend . You can  use other words in you like.

e.g. A:  I  think a friend should be kind.

B:  A  good  friend is someone who makes me happy.

例如:A: I think a friend should be kind.

B: A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

Describe yourself in three words and then describe one of your

篇18:good friends

I think I am_______   ________and ________.

I think he/she is ________   ________and ________.

课前阅读(pre --reading):

Imagine  that you are alone on an island .you have to survive without friends and all things you use in your everyday life. Which of the items in the box would be the most useful  to you on the island  ?list the three items and explain why you think  they would be useful.

1.I think that________would be most useful, because I  could use it_______ ,to_______and to________.

2.I also think that_______would be useful ,because I could use it to_______,to_______and _______.



In  the movie cast away ,Tom  Hanks  plays a man named Chunk is a businessman who is always to busy that he has little time for his friends .He is a successful manager in a company that sends mail all over the world .One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes ,

Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island.

On  the island ,Chuck has to learn to survive all alone .He has to learn to collect water , hunt for food ,and make fire .

perhaps the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends .In order to survive ,Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend------a volleyball he calls Wilson .

Chuck learns a lot  about himself when he is alone on the island .He realizes that he has’t been a very good friend because he was always been thinking about himself .During

his four years on the island ,Chuck learns how to be a good friend to Wilson .Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he becomes fond of him ,he talks to him and treats to have someone to care about ,he also learns that he should have care more about his friends ,when he makes friends .when he makes friends with Wilson ,he understand that friendship is about feelings and that we must give as much as take.

A volleyball is certainly to unusual friend our friend . Most of friends are human beings ,but we also make friends with animals and even things .For example ,many of us have pets ,  and we all have favorite objects , such as lucky pen or diary . The lesson  we can learn form Chunk and all the others who have unusual friends is that friends are teachers .Friends helps us understand who we are ,why we need each other and we can do for each other.


The  movie stars Tom hanks and Helen Hunt  and   is  directed  by Robert Zemeckis (also directed of forest Gump).

Hanks  plays Chunk Noland ,a workaholic Federal Express systems engineer ,who always lives by the clock . His fiancée is  often neglected . On Christmas Day , he has a call and has to board  a plane to Malaysia, leaving his fiancée . In a  terrible storm ,his plane crashes over the south seas, killing the few on board with the exception of Chunk..

The place crash leaves chuck stranded on a deserted island for four years ,cut of from all the people and  stripped of everyday day conveniences, he must first meet the basic needs of survival . He makes full use of the contents of the washed Cup FedEx packages .in  total solitude  he makes he friends with a volleyball which is also washed ashore inside a FedEx package .He communicates  with  the volleyball , names it Wilson and even paints a face on it with his own blood ,almost making a ball as a real person with real feelings.  After four years, Chuck returns to the civilization . He becomes transforms both physically and emotional .He realized  that there is much more to life than work.


1.In the movie Cast Away  Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland .在电影《荒岛余生》中,汤姆・汉克斯扮演一位名叫查克・若兰德的男子,play 在这里的意思是“扮演(角色)”=play  the  role / part  ,act  ,act   the  part  /  role  of  , take   the   part   of  .

2.one   day  chuck   is  an  a  flight  across   the   Pacific   Ocean   when   suddenly   his   plane   crashes. 一天,查克飞越太平洋时,他的飞机突然因故障而坠毁了。

Crash  :   1>vt&vi   (使)猛撞;(使)坠毁,例如:

last   night   he   was  so  drunk   that   he  crashes   his  car   into  the   iron   railings.


we    survived   although    others   died   in  the   air   plane   crash..在这次空难中,其它人都死了,只有我们几个侥幸逃生了。

3.chuck   survives   the    crash    and   lands   on  a  deserted   island   where   there  are  no   people .查克从灾难中逃生了,并且着落在一个荒芜人烟的荒岛上。

1>.desert   .v.    遗弃,抛弃,离弃,例如:

he   is   so   selfish  that   all   friends   have   deserted   him  他是如此的自私,以至他的朋友都抛弃了他。

2>desert   .adj.  无人的,被抛弃的,被遗弃的;例如:

~island,     ~street.

4.on   the  island  ,Chuck   has  to  learn  to  survive  all  alone.


alone 和lonely 的区别:





例句:1>. I  am  alone , but I  don’t  feel  lonely .我是独自一人,但我不感到孤独。

2>.we  have no idea  why  he  left  the  company . Tom alone  knows  the  secret.我们都不知道他为什么要离开公司,只有Tom 一人知道这个秘密。

3>.Chuck  Noland  lived  alone  on  the  lonely  island  for  four  years.查克・若兰德独自一人在荒岛上住了4年。

5.In   order  to  survive  ,Chuck  developed   a  friendship  with  an  unusual  friend ―a   volleyball  he  calls  Wilson.为了生存,查克和一个不平常的朋友发展了一段友谊―一个排球,他叫它威尔逊。

In   order  to … 引导一个表示目的的状语从句。意思为“为了…”

例句:He  hurried   through    his   homework  in  order  to   play   football   with  other   boys .为了和其他男孩踢足球,他匆匆忙忙的做完他的家庭作业 。

有时还可以省略in  order  ,直接用不定式表示目的状语。如:

He  hurried  through   his   homework   to  play   football    with  other  boys .

in  order   to   do  还可以用so  as  to  来代替,但是so  as   to  一般不能放在句首。

In  order   to  do  的否定形式是 :in  order  not  to  do  .如:

He   left  early  in  order  to   not  to  be  late  for  school.他离开那么早,是为了上学


in  order   还可以带不定式逻辑主语for   sb   to  so .如:

He  stopped  aside  in  order  for   me   to  pass.为了让我过去,他停下来站在一旁。

in  order  that  和so  that  句型引导的状语从句,也是表示目的的。

6.Even  though Wilson  is  just  a  volleyball  ,Chuck  becomes  fond  of   Wilson .尽管威尔逊只是一个排球,但是查克还是很喜欢它。

even  if  ,even  though 引导让步状语从句“即使,纵然”。

例句:we  can’t  get  the  work  done  even  if  (even  though)  we  stay  all  night.


7.Chuck   learns   that   we   need  friends to  share   happiness    and  sorrow.查克知道了我们需要朋友来同甘共苦。

share  常用于下面短语:

1>.share   in   sth 分享,分担(in   可以省略)

例句: True   friends   share    (in)   your  sorrows  as  well   as   (in)   your   joys.真正的朋友是能够像分享你的快乐一样的分担你的痛苦的。

2>. Share   sth  (out)  among  / between  sb 将…平均分配

3>.share   sth  with  sb  与某人共享…

例句:I  share  the  water  fee  with  my   roommates.我与我的室友共同分担水费.

8.Chuck  also  learns   that   he  should   have  cared  more   about   his   friends.查克也知道了他应该多顾及一下他的朋友们的。

should   have  done  “本该…”

例句:you  should’t  have  gone  to  bed  so  late  last  night  .


A  :  The  fish  has  gone  bad . 这条鱼已经坏了。

B  :  you  should  have  kept   it  in  refrigerator.  你应该将它放在冰箱里的。

课后习题 (Post―reading):

1.what  things  must Chuck  learn  to  survive on the island?

2.what  does  Chuck  learn  about  himself  when  he  is  alone  on  the island?

3.if  you  were  alone  on  an  island ,about  would  you  do  in  order  to  survive ?

4.image  that  four  people  are  in  an  airplane  that   is  going  on  crash ,one   is  a  police man  ,one  is  a  doctor  ,one  is  a  teacher ,and  one  is  a   scientist  ,there  is  only  one     parachute  . decide  who  should  get  parachute  and  explain  why.

语言点学习(language study)  :

Fill  in the blanks with the words and phrases you have learnt

in this unit.

1.My friend is ______.he never tells lies.

2.I like pop music ,she likes _____music ,but we are good friends.

3.I think a good friend should not only share happiness ,but also _______with me.

4.Although father and I often ______ with each other ,we are good friends.

5.many peoples keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as ________friends to people.

6.If you were alone on a desert  island ,you would have to learn to collect water and _______food.

7.The young man is very ______history ,he reads books about it almost every day.

8.she is a ______girl ,she is afraid of anything.

9.There will be many people at the theatre,so we will go there early _____  _____  _____ get good seats.

10.If someone is quick in mind and action ,we can say he is_____.


1.honest                   6.hunt for

2.rock/classical          7.fond of

3.sorrow                   8.brave

4.argue                     9.in order to

5.loyal                      10.smart

Tip writing an e―mail message:

An e―mail is less formal than a letter ,but there are still a few thins.

1.write the topic of your message on the subject line

2.keep your e--mail as short as possible

3.check your e―mail for spelling errors and other mistakes.

4.write your name at the end of your message .

篇19:On Good Manners

On Good Manners

Have you ever seen the TV series “Shanghai Beach” and do you remember the hero Wen Ge? How handsome and resolute he was! Thousands of people admired his manners. Many young people, in particular, liked him so much that they tried to imitate his gestures and copy the style of his clothes. I don't know what you think about good manners. When some young men walk down the street, wearing fine clothes and long hair, do you think they are smart? I don't think so, and I am not alone in holding this opinion. Many people are sneering at them!

What are good manners? To put it in a nutshell, good manners refer to the speech and behavior of people who make us fell comfortable. Seeing a good-mannered man, we say, “Oh, how nice he is!” We live in a colorful world, and good manners appear in different forms. Do you like Mrs. Thatcher, the British prime Minister? The late Premier Zhou Enlai was well known for his diplomatic manners. Zheng Xiaoying, a famous conductor, has impressed so many people with her artistic style. Obviously, the manners of each are different, yet each has his own charms to win admirers. Why?

One reason, I think, is that their manners are a natural expression of their character and personality, without ant trace of affection. Good manners are a representation of the beauty in people's spirits. People with different educational backgrounds have different manners. If you make a peasant imitate an artist, the result will be ridiculous. So are the young people who imitate Wen Ge.

We all know the story “Dong Shi blindly imitated Xi Shi”. Dong Shi, an ugly woman, heard that Xi Shi was as beautiful as a fairy. One day she went to see for herself. However, Xi Shi happened to be sick that day with a stomachache. She knitted her eyebrows and wore a painful expression, yet she was still surprisingly beautiful. Dong Shi mistakenly thought that her beauty derived from the painful expression on her face. So Dong Shi knitted her eyebrows in imitation of X








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