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篇1:看电视的好处 英语作文2

看电视的好处 英语作文2

The Advantages of Watching TV(看电视的益处)

The Advantages of Watching TV

First of all, watching TV is good relaxation.

After a day of hard work, we look forward to

good relaxation. Watching TV can meet our requirements by easing our





bodies because the pleasant music and pictures can keep us away from tension and fatigue.

Besides, watching TV is entertaining. There are so many kinds of entertainment, such as sports activities, performances, plays and movies, etc. in the world. Of course,it is impossible for us to be on every spot, even with the best means of transportation of our time. However, TV can bring them right in front of us and with them our life is full of joys.

Above all, watching TV is educational. Education TV service offers teaching programs on all subjects for people of different professions as well as for students, children and aged people. No doubt, it provides the widest education and has the largest audience. Everyone of us, more or less, benefits from watching TV.

Indeed, TV has a great influence on people's lives, work and study.






篇2:看电视的好处 英语作文

看电视的好处 英语作文

Advantages / Disadvantages of Watching Television

Hope someone kind will read my essay and fix my grammatical errors.

Nowadays, television has become the most popular media of human kind. It’s  also the indispensable device in our daily life. By watching TV , we can see many things happened in the surrounding us world , therefore it help us to catch and avoid being dropped back from the world of information. Everyone must agree that the advantages of watching TV are very considerable .But beside those benefits , there are some disadvantages that we must notice to be sure that we watch TV most effectively.

Beginning from the first one, I must say that television is one of the most important invention in transforming information history . From very long ago, people had already known how to transform information in many different ways but only when the first television programme  was broadcasted , a new age had begun , the age of image transformation. Television nowadays has been very popular, and almost every family have the access to it. By sitting ideally at home , watching TV , you can get a whole look all over the world. The appearance of television and television broadcasting enriches our entertainments . Many events and competition can be watched “live” and many exclusive movies are presented as well (although it’s a bit late in comparison with seeing those movies in the cinema) , but all are legal and you’re free to enjoy them. In addition, if you want to travel but do not have enough money, I suggest you can enjoy traveling in the TV (for example watching the discovery channel or national geography channel) , they’re screened 24/24.

Furthermore  , the television deserve considered as the unlimited source of information . There are a lot of scientific channel which is suitable for all ages. Those are the fastest and cheapest way to improve your knowledge. Today,  Television specializes into many channels , each channel satisfies the different audience’s view such as news , sport, and film . So that, we do not have to be a passive  viewer. By pressing several simple buttons , you can see your appropriate programme that fit your taste.

Everything contains good side and bad side and television has no exception . Wasting time  is one of  the inherent disadvantage of watching TV. Let’s imagine : if one day , one person spends  a hour watching TV without gaining any useful information , then in one year he will waste 365 hours and in 10 year is 3605 hours. With that time , you can learn several language as well as finish some studying course. On the other hand , television programme are not always suitable for all ages.Sometimes , there are some movies contain sexual material and violence which affected the stormy phase of  growing of children and teenagers and should not be watched ,even by some adults. It will be extremely dangerous if parents neglect their children to discover the TV programme themselves as they will immediately take influence of what they see .  To rectify this situation , parents must supervise their children ‘s TV watching throughout their childhood and adolescence period. In the aspect of health , spending hours watching TV is harmful to your eyesight . Why don’t play some sport and breathe the fresh air .When your eyes are tired , you ‘d better let them rest than continue to paste them in the screen.

In my summary, I have reached a conclusion that nowadays, television is indispensable Although it will be replaced by computer someday, but TV’s benefit to our life sill guarantee it as the most important device which people need , in order to be up-to-date.



看电视的利与弊 看电视虽然有好处,但是也有坏处。看电视的好处是:看电视可以让我们放松心情,减轻压力,还可以学到很多知识,了解国家大事,还可以促使人动脑,动手对我们智力开发是很有好处的。 看电视的坏处是;如果老盯着电视看会使视力下降,严重时可能成绩会一落千丈。而且电视中有些对我们儿童不宜的电视不能看。我们要看一些娱乐节目呀,新闻呀,最好不看那些打打杀杀和恐怖片,那些有可能会使人铤而走险,走上了盗窃,抢劫的犯罪道路。 看电视虽然有它的好处。但是也有一些危害性,希望大家良好的把握好自己,要学习电视里面的知识,不要被电视里那些不健康的节目埋葬自己的花样年华。 同学们,你们是不是也在电视里面学到了很多知识呢?也了解了很多国家大事,比如说这次的4.14玉树大地震,如果没有电视,我们就不会有那么快的速度知道,也就不会有那么多志愿者和武警官兵,以最快的速度到达那里,赢取最佳的抢救时间。 同学们让我们一起学习里面的好处,忘掉里面的坏处。


小学生要不要看电视 电视可以让我们放松情绪,我们累了看看电视并不是件坏事。它可以为我们的日常谈话提供话题和经验;它能提供来自世界各地的信息,扩展我们的眼界;它还可以提供一些有趣的游戏和活动。 看电视可以增长知识,不论是动物世界,还是有奖猜谜,知识面特别广,对参赛者、助威者和电视观众,都是智力的锻炼。 看电视还可以锻炼身体。一部电视剧起码三十集,一集起码四十五分钟,加上广告共一个小时。坐在沙发上,松松软软的,舒舒服服的,背靠沙发背,腰抵沙发垫,腿放茶几上,一看两三个小时。腰部肌肉得到长时间的、紧张的、高强度的锻炼,虽然站起来有点儿酸困,甚至有点儿疼,但你不能否认你的某些肌肉得到了锻炼。全身的健康正是这少数肌肉的健康组成的。 看电视可以锻炼眼睛。五颜六色,光怪陆离,激光四射,彩袖乱舞,你聚精会神,捕捉精华,你左顾右盼,瞻前顾后,眼肌灵活转动,瞳孔随机放缩。 适当的看一点,电视会让我们长见识,也可以学到很多东西,如看看《人与自然》可以学到对自然的知识,看看学英语的节目,我们能在轻松中学一些英语。 从电视上可以接收很多消息,适量的看对每个人都有好处的,小学生也是如此,小朋友也有小朋友的世界,如果你不让他看电视,也许他和他的朋友们就会少了不少共同话题,这也是一种社交啊! 可以丰富知识,增加生活的乐趣,丰富课余生活 看电视作为一项现代社会中信息传播的方式,已经渗透到大多数人的生活中,所以看电视很有必要,起码它是了解自己不能直接接触到的外部世界的最直观、最有效的手段。小学生应该看些动画片、科教片、内容健康的故事片以及一些无伤大雅的娱乐节目(比如《同一首歌》),在掌握得好的情况下,小学生看电视会很有收获呢。






























我觉得,书与电视剧的最大区别在于想象空间的大小。看电视呢?被迫接受的全是导演、编剧的创作,自己的想象力都给关进那个叫电视机的东西里了;看书,却可以穿越字里行间,任自己天马行空地无限想象《景阳冈武松打虎》中,那月黑风高的景阳冈上,骨健筋强、高大威猛的`武松一手揪住老虎的顶花皮,另一手抡起铁拳,直将恶虎打得七窍流血、一命呜呼。那场面,让读者何等的酣畅淋漓!而不像电视剧里那只“温柔而又和蔼可亲的” 老虎,给人以不真实的感觉。又例如读到《花和尚倒拔垂杨柳》















commercial break


reality show












quiz show










turn on

turn off



你一定要会说的Top 10场景句

1. That commercial is really attractive.


2. Let's order a pizza at the commercial break.


3. There are so many reality shows nowadays.


4. I like this performer a lot.


5. My show is on the other channel.


6. The news starts in five minutes.


7. They have got a rerun on tonight.


8. Can we switch the channel please?


9. Please turn off the television.


10. You can only watch TV for one hour tonight.


篇5:英语作文:看电视 Watch TV

英语作文:看电视 Watch TV


Today, I was watching TV at home. I saw the monkeys on TV climbing up and down the trees happily. It reminded me of the monkey-playing I had seen before.


Those little monkeys are different. They work hard to perform for us. If they stop, the master will beat them with a whip. Looking at that man beating a monkey, I really want to say to him, “Don't hurt small animals, they can do things for people, can help you pick peaches, please don't hurt them.”


After that, I no longer hurt small animals.



I like watching TV. When I sit in front fo the TV set, life becomes wonderful and colorful. TV brings the outside closer to my home. The world becomes smaller than before because of TV.

Turn on the TV, and you will know what is going on in the other countries, how people live in places far away, and whether there is a good game somewhere. We can see a lot and learn a lot.

Of course, we can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV, we can learn better and easily. Why? Because we can hear and watch at the same time.


With the development of technology, today, people has many fast ways to have access to the knowledge, such as click on the computer, what we want to know can immediately present in front of us. The fast reading way is very convenient, but students start to read outside the college less, because it takes time. Readingoutside the college is necessary, we can’t ignore.


First, reading outside the college can broaden our visional field. What we learn from class is limited, we need to read as more as possible to fulfill our mind. So when we do some research paper, we will have different ideas and provide some creativity. What’s more, such books are interesting, we will have fun outside the class.


Second, reading outside the college can cultivate people’s reading behavior. We read in school because we are forced, we have teachers to look at us. Once we are out of school, no one’s watching us, we’ll leave the books behind easily. Books are profound and we can gain much knowledge, we need to read them all the time, the reading behavior should be cultivated.


Readingis important to us, we should increase interest in reading outside the college.



People have to spend so many years to go to school before they can be independent and earn money. We are told that reading books is good for us, but the fact is that we may find many bosses go to work in the early age and they don’t read many books. In fact, reading books doesn’t mean the person can make a lot of money, but reading books can broaden a person vision.

Books provide us all kinds of knowledge, we can see the different sceneries, reading the books is like traveling to different places. What’s more, we can considerate things in different viewpoints. When we face difficulties, we will treat them in the peaceful way, we won’t lose our way, because we believe things will change one day, we have hope in our hearts. Reading books makes us have a good attitude towards life.


We all know that reading has a lot of benefits .First of all,from reading some kinds of extra.

readings,we can horizon our outlook,we can know this world in a better way.Secondly,as for a student we can rich in knowledge from reading a large number of books ,such as history,geography,physical books.Thirdly,reading can cultivate the habit of thinking which makes us smarter.Reading has a great many of other advantages of course ,it is wise for us to develop the habit of reading.


With the development of technology, today, people has many fast ways to have access to the knowledge, such as click on the computer, what we want to know can immediately present in front of us. The fast reading way is very convenient, but students start to read outside the college less, because it takes time. Readingoutside the college is necessary, we can’t ignore.

First, reading outside the college can broaden our visional field. What we learn from class is limited, we need to read as more as possible to fulfill our mind. So when we do some research paper, we will have different ideas and provide some creativity. What’s more, such books are interesting, we will have fun outside the class.

Second, reading outside the college can cultivate people’s reading behavior. We read in school because we are forced, we have teachers to look at us. Once we are out of school, no one’s watching us, we’ll leave the books behind easily. Books are profound and we can gain much knowledge, we need to read them all the time, the reading behavior should be cultivated.

Readingis important to us, we should increase interest in reading outside the college.


I Like Reading

I like reading very much.

When I was a small girl, I was interested in reading picture books on science and history.

At the age of seven, I entered a primary school and began to read more books.

Now I am a middle school student.

I have many subjects to learn.

Every day I must finish a lot of homework.

I am very busy.

But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books.

One day my young sister brought me a book Xl YOU J I.

I read the book with GREat interest.

I like Monkey King very much.


In this summer, I fall in love with reading。

In my opinion, reading can help us to form a good habit of studying English。

What’s more, it is of great benefit to improve my study。

Reading have enriched my knowledge and enlarged my horizons, which is of vital importance to improve my English。

There is no doubt that book is our friend, I get along well with it every day。

I like it very much。 When I read a very interesting story。

I will share it with friends and parents。

Secondly, Reading can help me calm down my heart, it’s very important for me。

I think if you are perseverent in reading every day, you will grasp more learning English skills and means。


Extracurricular reading is very useful for Chinese learning.

Since it is said to be extra-curricular reading, that is to learn the lessons of many have not learned knowledge.

The book has its own gold house.

“ It is no use learning a Chinese book.

Because a Chinese book inside, a lot of text need to find out the relevant information.

Only in this way can we fully understand what the text is talking about, what is the meaning of the author to write this article.

Learn a little more knowledge, read more books, slowly accumulated down, understand the truth will be more, it will become mature, stable and sensible.

In addition, extracurricular reading is also very useful for writing.

After reading some of the good words on the sentence, in writing a composition, you can use up, will make their own articles become more vivid, vivid, specific.

Or in the extracurricular reading to see others used writing methods and rhetoric, but also can be written down, in order to write a composition with up.

The so-called ”There is no end for learning".

Knowledge is never finished.

After class reading can not only learn more extra-curricular knowledge, can improve their writing level, to learn the text to help outside; can also travel in the fairy tale world, looking for happiness, looking for fun.

You can know the biographies of famous people.

Therefore, the extracurricular reading is very helpful for Chinese learning.



Travel is beneficial to us in at least three ways. First, by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places. We will see with our own eyes many places read of in books, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.

Second, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people, taste different foods and local flavours if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live.

Third, travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, which will arouse our deep love for our motherland, but also will help us keep healthy and make u s less narrow-minded . Travel does benefit us both mentally and physically .

With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ever in China.


Our school will hold a sports meeting soon.It will be held from March 1st to 3rd in our school gym.I think a lot of athletes who are the best of our school will compete for the prize.This meeting will have a lot of sprots,including basketball,running,footbal,high-jump,long-jump and others.It is obvious that I am not good at any of it.But you,Jack,I konw you are good at running.Can you take part in the 400-metre-run to honour for our class?If you agreed,you must go to the gym at 3:00p.m..Don't be late,or you won't able to enter it.Good luck!All of the class hope you can get any of the prize!





As the world gets globalized, English has become a worldwide language, in China, English is a subject for students to learn. The reason we learn English is that it has many good sides. First, knowing English helps you more about the world. It is known that English is the first language in the world, if we master it, we can travel around the world without communication problem. Second, if we learn English well, we can study abroad easily. Today, more and more families choose to send their kids study abroad, the first thing for the qualification is that the student must master English at the certain level, if he is not doing well, he have to be wait until he is good at English. In all, knowing English is important.




The zoo provides the animals the comfortable and safe living conditions that can not be found in other places.

If the animals get hurt or ill, certain people will take care of them to prevent futher danger caused by the diseases.

Good opportunities for the people in the city especially those children who don't have the chance to set foot in the wild world

Watching the animals in the zoo may give the parents a good chance to teach their children to love the animals and the world

The parents can get the children know more about the animals in the zoo by watching listening even smelling instead of just looking at the dull pictures in the books.

The zoo is a good place to know the rules in the wild world. We can be much more closer to the nature.

By doing this we may be given deeper impression on the great power of the nature. To know how precious the animals are , and how to love them and live with them to keep the balance in the nature.


English is the most widely used international language of today. It is spoken by more than half of the people of the world. Some speak English as their own language, and some speak it as a second language.

By learning English we can enlarge our mental horizons and increase our knowledgebecause we shall have a better chance of reading a wide variety of books, newspapers, and magazines.

English is also useful in other different fields of life such as businessand commerce. Indeed, many businessmen build their success upontheir good knowledge of English. Students sometimes study their subjects in English. Businessmen use English at their meetings; scientists and doctors write articles in English; tourists speak English when they go abroad, it helps them enjoy their tripsand communicate with other people to develop better understanding and establish new friendships.

Moreover, English helps us follow television programs and enjoy interesting films, and read the literature of other people. English is particularly important in the fields of science and technology. There are many scientific books that we shall not be able to enjoy withou good knowledge of English. Besides, technology of the modern world is, as a matter of fact, available in English. We would be completely ignorant of many scientific facts without knowledge of English.


As the world gets globalized, English has become a worldwide language, in China, English is a subject for students to learn. The reason we learn English is that it has many good sides.

First, knowing English helps you more about the world.

It is known that English is the first language in the world, if we master it, we can travel around the world without communication problem.

Second, if we learn English well, we can study abroad easily. Today, more and more families choose to send their kids study abroad, the first thing for the qualification is that the student must master English at the certain level, if he is not doing well, he have to be wait until he is good at English. In all, knowing English is important.






看电视是件好事吗 Is Watching TV a Good Thing?

Is Watching TV a Good Thing?

Television has changed people's life much since it was invented. Now it has become one important part of modern life.

People enjoy themselves after hard work by watching TV. They can see some plays, some stories, some sports matches without going out of home, and without spending much money in buying tickets. TV programmes make people's life more interesting.

People learn much from TV, students can study by watching some educational programmes. People can see news, weather reports, programmes about science and computers. People all over the world can learn from each other and get knowledge when they are watching TV.

But not all the programmes are good enough. Today, there are too much programmes about love and crime. Some people become bad because they learn from the bad people in those programmes. And watching TV usually takes too much time. It's not good for people's work and study. It's not good for their eyes, either.

People all over the world are watching TV. Is watching TV a good thing or a bad one? I think it depends on people themselves. If one can choose good programmes and he doesn't spend too much time on TV, it can be a good thing for him.









May I have your attention, please? I’m going to talk something about students watching TV.

As we know, TV plays an important part in our daily life. It’s quicker and more convenient to get information from TV than from newspapers. Providing us with lively and interesting moving pictures, TV enables us not only to see what is happening in the world but to learn many things, including foreign languages. So it is not reasonable to forbid students to watch TV. But watching TV too long is not good. Sitting in front of TV all day does harm to our eyes and wastes our time for study.

So we should take a correct attitude to students watching TV.

Thank you for your listening.



In China, almost every family has TV set in their house. Television has made great contribution to people’s daily lives and children’s education. Some people even think that television is one of the greatest inventions in the world. But there is a good side and a bad side to everything and that includes the television. 在中国,几乎每个家庭都有电视机。电视在人们的日常生活和孩子的教育上面做出了巨大的贡献。一些人认为电视是这个世界上最伟大的发明之一。但任何事情都有好坏,电视也不例外。 On one hand, TV is a powerful educational tool that through it people know what is happening in the rest of the world. Because of television, people begin to understand different cultures and current affairs. They know about the things they never knew before, they create their own opinions and form their sense of worth. The TV opens a brand-new door for them to explore the things they want to know. Many people may go traveling due to watch the beautiful scenes in TV. 一方面,电视是一个强有力的教育工具。通过电视,人们得以知道到世界的其他地方发生了什么。因为电视,,人们了解到不到的风俗习惯和时事政治。他们知道自己从未了解的事情,形成自己的见解和价值观。电视为他们开启了一扇新的大门,等待着人们去探索想要知道的事物。因为电视,很多人想去各地旅游。 On the other hand, some people may find them addicted to television, especially the young people. They spend most of their free time watching TV programs instead of playing outside with their peers. In this case, the children may lack of the ability of communicate effectively with others. TV makes them isolated. What’ more, sometimes the TV programs may contain se-xual scenes or bloody scenes that not suitable for children to watch. This will cause negative effects on them. 另一方面,一些人或许会发现他们沉迷于电视中,不能自拔,特别是青少年。他们的大多数空闲时间都用来看电视了,而不是与同伴们一起玩。在这样的情况下,他们或许会缺乏与人高效沟通的能力。电视让他们变得更加孤单。更重要的是,有时候一些电视节目会包含一些血腥的镜头,不适合小孩子观看。这会对他们造成负面影响。 To sum up, I think television has both advantages and disadvantages, people should find a balance between it. Make the most use of it, don’t be the salves of it. 总的来说,我认为电视有利有弊。人们应该在其中找到平衡点。充分利用电视,而不是成为它的奴隶。


Nowadays, television has become the most popular media of human kind. It’s also the indispensable device in our daily life. By watching TV , we can see many things happened in the surrounding us world , therefore it help us to catch and avoid being dropped back from the world of information. Everyone must agree that the advantages of watching TV are very considerable .But beside those benefits , there are some disadvantages that we must notice to be sure that we watch TV most effectively.

Everything contains good side and bad side and television has no exception . Wasting time is one of the inherent disadvantage of watching TV. On the other hand , television programme are not always suitable for all ages.Sometimes , there are some movies contain se-xual material and violence which affected the stormy phase of growing of children and teenagers and should not be watched ,even by some adults.

In my summary, I have reached a conclusion that nowadays, television is indispensable Although it will be replaced by computer someday, but TV’s benefit to our life sill guarantee it as the most important device which people need , in order to be up-to-date.





English is becoming more and more important to us! Now more and more Chinese young people learn English.

When I was 6,I started to learn English, so far I have learnt it for 7 years , and I have learnt more than 3,000 English words.

If I am free I will go to the English club to learn English,because there are many English learners and foreigners , we can help each other and learn from each other.

Every morning I read English loudly to improve my English.I also learn English by listening to the English songs. That's a lot of fun.

What about you?

在一个讲英语的国家学习英语(Studying the English Language in an English-Speaking Country)

Studying the English Language in an English-Speaking Country is the Best but Not the Only Way to Learn the Language. Do you Agree or Disagree with This Statement?

Learning English in an English speaking country has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to learn English in Britain or America. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language.

To begin with, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English in high schools or universities. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when later they come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language.

However, it is obviously advantageous to learn English in English speaking countries where, every day, students will have ample chance to practise listening and speaking. In addition, students can experience the foreign culture, which greatly helps understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with an English or American family. Still, since students are taught by native speakers, their reading and writing skills will improve as well.

As every coin has two sides, learning English at home also proves effective. At home students will have less stress and fewer problems in accommodation, expensive tuition and living costs.

In conclusion, it is preferable to study English in an English speaking country, but a reasonable level of English can be achieved at home, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study



Learn to smile(Don’t forget to smile)

Smiling is an attitude toward life.In our life,there may be some unpleasant things.For example,you fail in an exam;or another time,you are misunderstood by your friends.These unpleasant things may make you feel sad.Then what will you do?Why not learn to smile?Smiling to yourself can bring back your confidence.Sometimes,the greatest enemy is yourself;that’s to say,sometimes,you are beaten by yourself.We should also learn to smile to others.It will help us get closer to others.Smiling is the most widely understood language.


English is becoming more and more important to us! Now more and more Chinese young people learn English.

When I was 6,I started to learn English, so far I have learnt it for 7 years , and I have learnt more than 3,000 English words.

If I am free I will go to the English club to learn English,because there are many English learners and foreigners , we can help each other and learn from each other.

Every morning I read English loudly to improve my English.I also learn English by listening to the English songs. That's a lot of fun.

What about you?

在一个讲英语的国家学习英语(Studying the English Language in an English-Speaking Country)

Studying the English Language in an English-Speaking Country is the Best but Not the Only Way to Learn the Language. Do you Agree or Disagree with This Statement?

Learning English in an English speaking country has many advantages. It is, therefore, a good idea to learn English in Britain or America. However, I believe it is not the only way to learn the language.

To begin with, most students in non-English-speaking countries learn English in high schools or universities. Although their spoken English is not usually of a very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. This is certainly useful when later they come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language.

However, it is obviously advantageous to learn English in English speaking countries where, every day, students will have ample chance to practise listening and speaking. In addition, students can experience the foreign culture, which greatly helps understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with an English or American family. Still, since students are taught by native speakers, their reading and writing skills will improve as well.

As every coin has two sides, learning English at home also proves effective. At home students will have less stress and fewer problems in accommodation, expensive tuition and living costs.

In conclusion, it is preferable to study English in an English speaking country, but a reasonable level of English can be achieved at home, if a student is gifted and dedicated to study




Most likes the movement in swimming,because swimming can regardless of the season,do not find a partner,an activity can now own,swimming is to exercise,before it,is to play.Go swimming at the time,spending almost 3 - 5 cents.Tickets 1 wool,round-trip fare 1 wool,swim out of the Arctic Ocean will generally buy a bottle of soda for 1 - 5 cents.Sometimes in order to save travel expenses,often several small partners to walk,not too far away,about half an hour.There is no swimming pool,is open,the sun is very small,however,is not afraid of sun,often play clear so far.

The child much happiness now,learn to swim a coach,then all is oneself thump will,no who taught,anyway you cant swim,there would have been little friends joke,others play without you,think you bad.So in order to play together with you,and I will be to learn,children learn things quickly,not a few times can swim dozens of meters,action is not standard,until now with the coach and school many times,the action is also correct not to come over,when a basis for fast.

The love in the pool is in the key of the game,a man lost in the water,we find,who first found even who won.Also played water polo,because then swim more people,so the ball often play to others,often disagreeable.The most interesting is to fight,a group of three five,splashing each other play,splash,sub group is not necessarily,sometimes fighting,anyway you beat me,I hit you,in the course of contacts,everyone was a mess,if the water is too large,will also bring an administrators criticism.

Think of a child to swim,feel really fun,thats how parents so rest assured,let us go,now see the children swimming,mostly parents accompany,and spend a lot of money newspaper classes,all kinds of swimming will,to learn to swim as a task to do,as students learn English,mathematical Olympiad,few board myself,I estimate the children now is not to enjoy the fun of our time.

An era characteristic of an era,perhaps we read our times happy in the product,now the children may not to regard it as right,because they are the times have their happiness,such as PSP,such as online games.Cherish their own lives,let every child can enjoy a happy life.





















