How to Deal with Sub-health
With the acceleration of global modernization, people are enjoying a constantly improved material life. At the same time we may gradually find ourselves confronted with the threat of sub-health, a state between health and disease.
One typical symptom of sub-health is continual fatigue; the victims always feels tired and suspicious of some disease, which, however, the active followers of material life yielded through their tense and hard work.
How to Deal with Sub-health
With the acceleration of global modernization, people are enjoying a constantly improved material life. At the same time we may gradually find ourselves confronted with the threat of sub-health, a state between health and disease.
One typical symptom of sub-health is continual fatigue; the victims always feels tired and suspicious of some disease, which, however, the active followers of material life yielded through their tense and hard work.
Nowadays, as people’s live standard is much better than before, people no longer struggle for hunger, but the new problem comes.
Many people suffer from sub-health, which can result in both physical and mental diseases, the worse situation is that some people may die of sub-health prematurely.
Sub-health is not easy for people to perceive, it is potential, the cause of it owes to the pressure and the unhealthy life style that people face. Today, people are working so hard, they are under great pressure, they always forget to eat and busy with their work.
In the long run, their life style is irregular, their bodies change and then comes the illness. People need to pay attention to their health.
How to Deal with Sub-health
With the modernization of the world, people’s standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of sub-health among people which poses a new threat to them.
There are some symptoms for people who are in a state of sub-health. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest frequently. What upsets us most is that, the situation spreading countrywide. As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.
Then how can we solve this problem? Experts suggest that the best way to keep ourselves healthy is to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy.
With the modernization of the world, people’s standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of sub-health among people which poses a new threat to them.
There are some tpical symptoms for people who are in a state of sub-health. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest frequently. What upsets us most is that, the situation spreading countrywide. As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.
Then how can we sovle this problem effectibely? Experts suggest that the best way to keep ourselves thealthy is to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy.
with the acceleration of global modernization, people are enjoying a constantly improved material life.
at the same time we may gradually find ourselves confronted with the threat of sub-health, a state between health and disease.
one typical symptom of sub-health is continual fatigue; the victims always feels tired and suspicious of some disease, which, however, the active followers of material life yielded through their tense and hard work.
周萍 湖州二中
关键词:文学作品 阅读前 阅读中 阅读后
现行的高中英语新课标教材中选编了多篇文学作品,其中有Guy de Maupassant(莫泊桑)的The Necklace《项链》,Shakespeare(莎士比亚)的The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》, Charles Dickens(查尔斯狄更斯)的A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》和A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》(后者被编入Workbook部分),O Henry(欧亨利)的The Gift of The Magi《麦琪的礼物》(教材中采用的标题是A Sacrifice for Love《为爱做出牺牲》)和英国小说家Wilkie Collins(威尔基柯林斯)的The Moonstone《月亮宝石》等。
1) 介绍作者的个人经历和作品
作者的个人生活经历对于他们作品的主题思想和作品风格都有很大的影响。因此,笔者认为,在阅读文学作品前,介绍作者的个人生活经历是相当重要,也是相当必要的。对于非常有名的,或者学生已经在语文课上接触到的作家,例如Shakespeare,Maupassant, Dickens等,教师可以布置学生在课前利用多种途径查找出与他们相关的信息。查找信息的过程能锻炼学生搜索信息,概括信息的能力。上课时,教师再采用“头脑风暴法”的形式迅速集中地获得作家的信息。但有些作家的相关信息比较难找,教师最好进行简单介绍,例如Wilkie Collins。此外,有些作家的其他作品也非常适合高中生阅读,可以作为课外阅读,布置学生假期完成,例如短篇小说家O Henry的The Last Leaf《最后一片藤叶》,The Cop and the Anthem《警察和赞美诗》,Shakespeare的戏剧Hemlet《哈姆雷特》和Dickens的Oliver Twister《奥列弗特威斯特》等。
2) 介绍作品完成的背景及故事发生的时代
在选编了A Sacrifice for Love的新课标高三英语第10单元的Language study中,第3题选词填空就是介绍作者O Henry如何在穷困潦倒的状态中写出这篇小说的。正因为作者经历过这种穷困,他才能把一贫如洗的年轻夫妇为爱情做出牺牲的这则小故事写得感人至深,令读者看后含泪微笑。所以,教师最好把这个练习安排在阅读课文之前,便于学生体会作者的深意。
再如,在节选的莎翁的名著The Merchant of Venice中,放高利贷的商人Shylock的冷酷给学生留下了深刻的印象。实际上,他坚持那样一条令人发指、也招来后人耻笑的条款,是出于被压迫者强烈的报复心理。“在商场上你时常的辱骂我贪财好利,我总是耸耸肩忍受下去,因为忍耐是我们民族的标记。你骂我是宗教叛徒,凶残的走狗,在我的犹太袍上唾痰,因为我会善用我的财产。”(第一幕第三场)这是夏洛克对安东尼奥的控诉。教师有必要介绍在故事发生的年代里,犹太人处处受到排挤与歧视的情况,或者指导学生在课文学习前,课外阅读此剧节选前一部分的内容,否则,学生就无法对Shylock这个人物做出比较客观的评价。
3) 介绍作品的体裁与特点
从选编的文学作品来看,小说与戏剧占据了重要位置。有些文章在两者之间进行了转换,如课文The Necklace就是将小说改编成了戏剧。教师可以简单介绍一些小说和戏剧的特点。如小说有五个要素:Time, Place, Characters, Event和End。戏剧则具有三个特点:高度集中地反映社会生活;具有强烈尖锐的矛盾冲突和人物语言动作化和性格化等。这些知识有助于学生阅读文学作品。
The Mystery of The Moonstone是根据长篇小说The Moonstone改写的,关系复杂,人物众多。所以教师根据人物间的关系,画出以上这张人物关系图,清楚地呈现小说人物之间的关系及人物之间的纠葛,帮助学生进一步阅读和理解文章。其他的文学作品也可以采用这种方法来理顺人物关系。
快速阅读文章,找出人物的相关信息,也是理清人物关系的一种方法。在阅读The Mystery of The Moonstone这篇小说时,教师还可以依据人物出场的时间先后列出以下人物,然后要求学生阅读文章,找出与这些人物相关的信息:
An Englishman and his sister
Rachel Verinder
Dr Candy
Some strange Indians
Sergeant Cuff
列出人物信息,要求学生阅读后填空也是一个很好的方法。如A Tale of Two Cities的练习:
Dr Mannette He was the _______ of ________. As a young doctor he witnessed how a peasant ______ and ______ were killed by___________. To keep this secret he was put in prison for ______ years.
Lucie Mannette She was the _______ of _________.When her father eas put in prison, she was brought to________ where she grew up. She was loved by _________ and _______,but in the end married ___________.
Mr Degarge He was married to Mme Defarge and was the former servant of Dr Mannette. With his wife he lived in _______ where they ran a _________. Mr Defarge and his wife were two of many _______ of the French Revolution.
Madame Defarge Her husband was called_________. She hated the______ and wanted to kill __________ and all members of his family in revenge for the murder of the present boy who was her_______ and the peasant girl who was her________.
Marquis St Evremonde He and his _______, who was the father of ________, badly treated and killed the sister and brother of _________. To keep this secret he had_________ put in prison.
Charles Darnay He was the _______ of the cruel _________.He had left_______ and moved to________ because he hated the cruelty of the French rules and the way they treated poor peasants. He married _________.
Sydney Carton A single man. He looked very much like________. He fell in love with__________, but could not marry her. In the end he gave his own life to save ________ from the guillotine.
2) 理清故事的脉络
以地点为线索最为典型的可以说是A Tale of Two Cities, Two Cities指的是London和Paris,所以,只要学生找出分别发生在伦敦和巴黎这两个城市的事情,整个故事的脉络就一目了然了。
这是理清故事脉络最常用最快捷的方法,尤其是在阅读长篇小说时。在A Tale of Two Cities的练习中就有一道题:Draw a timeline for the most important events in the story.阅读文章后学生找出以下一些重要事件:
1757 Dr Mannette was thrown in prison.
1767 Dr Mannette wrote an account about the bad bahaviour of Darney’s uncle.
1776 Lucie Mannette married Charles Darney.
1789 The French Revolution started.
1792 Charles Darney was sentenced to death and Sydney Carton took his place to be taken to the guillotine.
长篇小说常常气势恢弘,场面宏大,人物众多,而短篇小说则以短小精悍,语言凝练见长。A Sacrifice for Love这篇短篇小说就体现了凝练生动的语言。如小说一开始是女主人公Della在数她节衣缩食攒下的钱,由于钱少得可怜,完全不够给丈夫买圣诞礼物,她感到非常伤心。She stood by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey fence in a grey backyard. 这一个句子中,作者用了三个grey“灰色”,使人读来既更具节奏感,又暗示了Della心情极度郁闷,沮丧与无奈。此外,从一个侧面说明这对年轻夫妇的居住环境比较糟糕。又如She hesitated for a minute and stood still while a tear or two fell on the worn red carpet.一句中,作者用hesitate, stand still, tear..fall等词,将Della对于剪去自己头发的千般不舍万般无奈的矛盾心理生动地体现了出来。类似的句子在小说中还有很多,所以,在完成全篇阅读后,教师应引导学生细细揣摩作者用词的深意,并且要求学生背诵优美的语句,鼓励学生在今后的写作中加以运用。
此外,听录音也可以帮助学生体会文学语言的独特魅力。笔者曾经请学生完整地听了一遍A Sacrifice for Love的录音,朗读者富有感情的朗读深深地吸引了学生。笔者发现,当录音结束时,学生们抬起头来,一脸陶醉和感动的表情。难怪有同仁认为,英语学习者在阅读文学作品时,容易进入欣赏的角色,而一旦进入欣赏的角色,也就自然进入了学习的角色。英语就会随着文学作品的思想感情、内容和艺术形式直接印在学习者的脑海里,让人想忘都忘不掉。(康明,2005)这也是许多教师盼望着在学生身上出现的最佳境界。
2) 分析人物的性格命运
文学作品中的人物不同于一般生活中的人物,他们大多个性鲜明,具有典型性。所以值得教师花时间与学生共同来分析人物的性格或命运。如对于The Necklace这篇小说的女主人公Mathilde,有的学生同情她被现实残酷的生活所摧残,有的学生批判她爱慕虚荣,才会有此下场。但很少有人认为她是一个诚实的,勇于承担责任的人。如Mathilde在知道项链丢了之后,并没有买一条假项链来欺骗朋友,也没有一走了之,以逃避生活的变故。许多人说,性格决定命运,但女主人公Mathilde的命运告诉我们,她身上的确有些品质值得我们钦佩和赞美。通过仔细分析,学生对于这个悲剧性的人物有了更深入的了解。
3) 讨论文学作品的主题思想
A Christmas Carol并不是Charles Dickens最著名的小说,但它的象征意义十分深远。它与Dickens的另两部圣诞小说《钟声》(The Chimes ) 和《炉边的窸蟀》(The Cricket on the Hearth)一起奠定了现代圣诞节的寓意内涵。阅读完这部戏剧之后,教师可以组织学生展开讨论:Why did writer write this novel?或What did the writer want to tell us?这既能加深学生对于作品本身的理解,又能拓展学生的思维。通过分组讨论或全班讨论,学生体会到狄更斯写作此小说的真正意图是要告诫人们,自私的人应去掉自私,正直的人要慷慨,本性善良的人要广泛播撒爱心。它同时也告诫人们,要拥有一颗善良、仁慈、怜悯、容忍之心。因为只有善良和仁慈、乐善与好施才能带给人们真正的无穷无尽的幸福。(孔丽霞 ,2005)
[2]姜忠平《新课改下挖掘英语课程资源的情感因素之探索》,《当代教育论坛》 第7期第143-144页.
The children go to school from Monday to Friday.
I don't think you can find it at home.
Father was not at home till 5o'clock.
Mother is cooking at the kitchen.
Be careful,young man!It's dangerous.
Boy,come here and join us!
The students play football after school every Tues- day.
They like playing basketball and volleyball.
Some students in our class often go to school by bus.
We'll visit Shanghai this holiday by plane.
高一英语专题辅导:must, have to和have got to的区别
1)表示主观的义务和必要, 主要用于肯定句和疑问句, 意思为 “必须……,得……,要……”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to, 否定回答要用needn’t或don’t have to, 意思是“不必”;must的否定形式mustn’t表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。如:
We must find a good method to learn computer well.
—Must I finish the task right now?
—Yes, you must. / Yes, you have to. 是的。
(—No, you needn’t. / No, you don’t have to. 不,不必。)
You mustn’t come here without permission. 未经允许,你不能来这儿。
2)表示肯定的猜测,常用于肯定句中,意思为 “一定是, 必然……”。
Your sister must be a doctor in this hospital. (现在的猜测)
He must be reading newspapers in the reading room now.
It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. (过去的猜测)
二、have to / have got to 的用法
1)must表示一种主观的需要,而have to 表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。 如:
I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon.
Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop.
2)have to 的否定形式是don’t have to, 相当于needn’t。如:
They don’t have to buy a computer at present.
3)have to 与have got to 常可以互换。
1. Mike, you ______ play with fire. You______ burn yourself.
A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may
C. don’t have to; must D. have got to; shouldn’t
2. You ______ see the doctor, Joe. You don’t look very well.
A. must B. shall
C. may D. can
3. —Must I clean the window now?
—No, you ______.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t
C. can’t D. may not
4. Jack’s ill, so they ______ change their plans.
A. must B. should
C. have got to D. ought to
5. Harry has been reading all day —he ______ be tired.
A. should B. has got to
C. has to D. must
Key 1: 1-5 BABCD
With the modernization of the world, peoples standard of living has improved a lot. Then there appears a state of sub-health among people which poses a new threat to them.
There are some tpical symptoms for people who are in a state of sub-health. First of all, those who suffer from it often have a headache or backache. Secondly, they feel like having a rest frequently. What upsets us most is that, the situation spreading countrywide. As a result, more and more workers in big cities are harassed by it, with a percentage of 75 in Beijing, 72 in Shanghai and 70 in Guangzhou respectively.
Then how can we sovle this problem effectibely? Experts suggest that the best way to keep ourselves thealthy is to do exercises. It is also very important that people should form a good living habit, for example, getting up early and going to sleep early. Only doing so can we keep us healthy.
my daddy was not happy because he thought it was not good for my study.Sometimes I felt I was not a free boy when my daddy was so strict with me,so I tried to talk to my daddy,and he said he was happy because I talked to him,and now he let me play games if I study well.From this,I understand a friendly talk can help people get along well.
I was born on March 18. My family is nithr vry rich nor vry poor. My parnts ar pasants. Thy work hard to support th family. Thy ncourag m to study wll. My childhood was happy. I lik larning. I lik music and sports, too. I can run vry fast and am th fastst runnr in my class. I am good at nglish, Physics and Math. I want to b a scintist. Scintists hav mad rcordrs, TV sts, and so on. Thy hav also invntd th computr. All ths mak our lif rich, intrsting and asy.
例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以 “Newspapers and Websites” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。
报 纸
2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读
网 站
3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频
2. 词数:100-120
3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video
It is well known that exercise is important. In our school, we have to do an hour's exercise every day. Many students are very happy. In the one hour, some of us play basketball, football and ping pong, and some run around the playground. Everyone is talking and laughing. I love this activity very much. I also hope that there will be more and more sunlight sports in our life after school. That not only makes us happy, but also makes our body healthier.
I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in _________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).
Every one agrees that it was you who__________(给出细节).
Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude.
Yours sincerely
Li Ming
★ 同学关系范文
★ 同学关系的作文
★ 广东省小升初面试
★ 结构化面试试题