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We live in a technology era, the network has gradually replaced the telephone and television, brought a lot of convenience to our lives, has become an indispensable part of our life. However, with the development of network technology, the network application becomes more and more popular and the crime base on the network also come gradually. The proportion of companies’ computer security violated is 50%.In ,our country the public security cracked hacker case nearly 100,the purpose for economy of computer crime accounted for 70%.The cyber crime can make a business failure, leakage personal privacy, or the paralysis of a national economic, this is not alarmist. Thus the network security becomes more and more important.

There are various reasons of cyber crime.First,the computer user's security awareness. Many computers do not install antivirus software and firewall, or can not guarantee the antivirus software updated daily, which give the computer criminals an opportunity. Second,for illegal money online. The implementation of network crimes is various, but from the quantitative analysis,for money, gain on the majority. Third, the difficulties to get the evidence.The limited evidence of network crime left most also only have electromagnetic records, but there is no fingerprint or DNA evidence, but such evidence is also very easy to destroy. Fourth,the crackdown is not great on the computer in majority of countries. The laws of most countries do not make efforts on the prevention and control of network crimes,and the law is not sufficient to constitute a real threat to the Internet crime. In my opinion, the prevention of cyber crime we should first of all from the establishment

of a sound outlook on life and values in the daily life, but not his.The network will occupy an increasingly important position in our future life, we should use the knowledge learning in school and life experience, to prevent and avoid being deceived. Accumulating enough Internet experience and prevention awareness of cyber crime, fully protect ourselves, away from the infringement of network crime.


Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.

For example,I can surf the internet to learn more information about the world. And I can make more friends on it. I can also talk with my teacher or my classmates some problem afterclass

However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and cant put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you cant live without Internet.

So we must be careful when we use the Internet.







Nowadays, there is an increasing number of teenagers who are addicted to online games. It is because online games are interesting and fun. These teenagers can get excitement, enjoyment and pleasure from such games. However, it is harmful and detrimental to be addicted to online games because teenagers may spend too much time on online games and do not have time for study. As a result, they are unable to study well. To curb this problem, I believe the best way is to educate them by making them realize the serious consequences of playing online games. Parents and teachers also have to help these teenagers focus on their study. With these methods, I believe that teenagers will stop playing online games and work hard for themselves.



With the popularity of Internet, cyber crimes are a serious problem, people’s computer will be easily attacked, because cyber criminals are everywhere on the Internet. The personal computer is no longer safe completely, we must take the measures to deal with cyber criminals. The government should reinforce the law to give heavy punishment to the cyber criminals. The people who are talented in computer technology should be trained to improve the computer defense system and more effective firewalls should be built up. What’s more, people should pay attention to not click the illegal websites. All these measures are working to protect the security of the Internet, there is still a long way to go.




Deal With Cyber Crime

With the popularity of Internet, cyber crimes are a serious problem, people’s computer will be easily attacked, because cyber criminals are everywhere on the Internet. The personal computer is no longer safe completely, we must take the measures to deal with cyber criminals. The government should reinforce the law to give heavy punishment to the cyber criminals. The people who are talented in computer technology should be trained to improve the computer defense system and more effective firewalls should be built up. What’s more, people should pay attention to not click the illegal websites. All these measures are working to protect the security of the Internet, there is still a long way to go.

随着网络的广泛受欢迎,网络犯罪是一个严重的问题,人们的电脑会很容易受到攻击,因为网络罪犯无处不在。私人电脑不再是完全安全的,我们必须采取一些措施 来应对网络犯罪。政府应该加强法律,给予网络罪犯以沉重的`惩罚。擅长电脑技术的人应该通过受训来改善电脑防御系统和建立更多有效的防火墙。而且,人们应该 注意不要点击不合法的网站。所有的这些措施实施是为了保护电脑的安全,但是这仍然有很长的路要走。

篇6:初二英语作文:应对网络犯罪 Deal With Cyber Crimes

初二英语作文:应对网络犯罪 Deal With Cyber Crimes

With the popularity of Internet, cyber crimes are a serious problem, people’s computer will be easily attacked, because cyber criminals are everywhere on the Internet. The personal computer is no longer safe completely, we must take the measures to deal with cyber criminals. The government should reinforce the law to give heavy punishment to the cyber criminals. The people who are talented in computer technology should be trained to improve the computer defense system and more effective firewalls should be built up. What’s more, people should pay attention to not click the illegal websites. All these measures are working to protect the security of the Internet, there is still a long way to go.




Nowadays cyber criminals seem to be everywhere,with a few clicks, committing all kinds of cyber crimes.To illustrate,some commit fraud or lift intellectual property.Others subvert deals, snatch passwords or disrupt e-commerce.Still others unleash viruses to crash computers.As a result,these hackers do a great damage to companies and computer users,causing computer losses up to 10 billion dollars per year.

Naturally,there are many causes for the cyber crimes.In addition to the wicked nature of the hackers,the fraihies of Internet partially nourish the crimes.Just because there are holes in Internet,the complex software is buggy and often infested,the cyber vandals can find out the weakness in the Website software programs and IV manipulating software glitches,gain access to Website, committing all kinds of crimes.

However,we shouldn’t tolerate these cyber criminals any more.And it’s high time for us to take all the effective steps to battle the cyber crooks.First we should reinforce the cyber laws to protect the Web,the powerful engine of economy.Besides,we should use high techniques to improve intrusion detection,encrypfion and computer security.


Nowadays cyber criminals seem to be everywhere, with a few clicks, committing all kinds of cyber crimes. To illustrate, some commit fraud or lift intellectual property. Others subvert deals, snatch passwords or disrupt e-commerce. Still others unleash viruses to crash computers. As a result, these hackers do a great damage to companies and computer users, causing computer losses up to 10 billion dollars per year.

Naturally,there are many causes for the cyber crimes. In addition to the wicked nature of the hackers, the fraihies of Internet partially nourish the crimes. Just because there are holes in Internet, the complex software is buggy and often infested, the cyber vandals can find out the weakness in the Website software programs and IV manipulating software glitches, gain access to Website, committing all kinds of crimes.

However, we shouldn't tolerate these cyber criminals any more. And it's high time for us to take all the effective steps to battle the cyber crooks. First we should reinforce the cyber laws to protect the Web, the powerful engine of economy. Besides,we should use high techniques to improve intrusion detection, encrypfion and computer security. Finally, we should train more talented people to build up more firewalls so as to make the net immune to all kinds of viruses and unalienable to all kinds of cyber criminals.





Computer network is an artificial world which is filled with our linguistic intercourse and behaving manners.The appearance of computer network is not just a change of transmitting measures,futhermore,it representing the coming of informationalized society which is a brand-new form of societies.The development of network has formed an artificial space which is independent from the reality,

network has the following features including opening,multi-levels,and communion.

The above features provided criminals with the possibility of misdeeds.Criminals on the internet is increasing sharply at present,network has become a target of criminous tools,sites and criminals themselves.Criminals on the internet utilizing the artificial space of internet,criminals can achieve their purposes without appearing in criminous sites,such criminals has a character of realistic uncertainty,this character enabled the criminals endangered anywhere in the world.

Furthermore,such criminals only needs a small cost to quickly produce a tremendous harm.Thus it can be seen that people are experiencing an unconventionally rigorous test while they enjoying the convenience brought by high-tech.We should develop our cognition of criminals on the internet through analyzing their characteristics and factors of their formation.We can protect our rights and benefits through better prevention and control of criminals on the internet.






We live in a technology era, the network has gradually replaced the telephone and television, brought a lot of convenience to our lives, has become an indispensable part of our life. However, with the development of network technology, the network application becomes more and more popular and the crime base on the network also come gradually.

The proportion of companies’ computer security violated is 50%.In ,our country the public security cracked hacker case nearly 100,the purpose for economy of computer crime accounted for 70%.The cyber crime can make a business failure, leakage personal privacy, or the paralysis of a national economic, this is not alarmist. Thus the network security becomes more and more important. There are various reasons of cyber crime.First,the computer user's security awareness. Many computers do not install antivirus software and firewall, or can not guarantee the antivirus software updated daily, which give the computer criminals an opportunity. Second,for illegal money online.

The implementation of network crimes is various, but from the quantitative analysis,for money, gain on the majority. Third, the difficulties to get the evidence.The limited evidence of network crime left most also only have electromagnetic records, but there is no fingerprint or DNA evidence, but such evidence is also very easy to destroy. Fourth,the crackdown is not great on the computer in majority of countries. The laws of most countries do not make efforts on the prevention and control of network crimes,and the law is not sufficient to constitute a real threat to the Internet crime.

In my opinion, the prevention of cyber crime we should first of all from the establishment of a sound outlook on life and values in the daily life, but not his.The network will occupy an increasingly important position in our future life, we should use the knowledge learning in school and life experience, to prevent and avoid being deceived. Accumulating enough Internet experience and prevention awareness of cyber crime, fully protect ourselves, away from the infringement of network crime.






Young boys and girls are the future of our country. It is an unremmitting task of great significance that we properly guide our youths, educate and train them so that they form a sound outlook of life and become the pillar of the state in the 21century.However, there has been a sharp increase in juvenile delinquency, which means great harm not only to the youngsters and the families concerned but also to the destiny and prospects of our nation. For this reason, it is a topic of great importance as to how we can create a sound social environment for the young, thus preventing them from committing transgression and crimes.What constitutes the four major factors leading to juvenile delinquency the society, families, schools and the psychological phsiological conditions of the youths.There is really much we can do.In the first place, we should strengthen the function and responsibility of family education.Secondly, schools should carry out plans of education for students' all round development with equal attention of teaching and cultivating.Thirdly, law education and precautionary alertness should be enhanced.Last but not least, criminals infringing upon the legal rights of the minors should be severely punished and models knowing and abiding by the law awarded.


In today's society, juvenile crime has become the focus of the society, is what causes, teachers and parents who should take responsibility for this?My point is now social pressure is so great, most of the parents are busy making money, they ha一ve no spare time to go to the children, to education to children, this let children in the process of growing up lost many of the parents and the exchange and accept education quality of opportunity.In addition, in the classroom, teachers are mostly are in this lecture knowledge, but very few of the students thought quality education to carry on the system the education and guidance, this let hasn't fully set up of the character of the teenagers in character in the process of shape on the crooked road even struggle.So, through these cases, I think, teachers and parents on a children's growth process should be true guiding education function, guide them to the way of the resolution, and create the bright future of his life.



例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以“Newspapers and Websites”为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。


1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠

2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读

3. 仅有文字和图片


1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快

2. 依赖于电脑及互联网

3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频


1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥;

2. 词数:100-120

3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video

Newspapers and Websites

Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they’re different in some ways.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What’s more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.

目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以“Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?”为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的'看法。








Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?

At present, Internet Slang, such as “GG, MM, Xia Mi”,has become popular among the teenagers.

There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.

However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.

Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don’t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations.


The society's development and prosperity depend upon the advanced technology or science and sophisticated technique.what's the transmission for knowledgegs?how do you get the information?how do you know more apart from your teacher and mentor?from Library,yes,that's only one of ways that you can try.another way which proved even more important for seeking knowledge and instill yourself is by internet,especially in modern society.Internet is a endless “Knowledge Sea” for your search and exploitation.that's also one of the biggest advantages of internet,we can get information in what we want,science,astronomy,architecture,anthropology,archaeology etc without teacher or consultor.

Besides for information obtainment,but also for doing business if you want.for instance,Taobao--the most famous shopping website of China,you can through the website of yourown to do business with others.that's can be regarded as a network shopping site of you.if there is someone wants to buy things you listed in the sale items,then you will get profit from the trade transaction.

There is another advantage which is commonplace in the world.Distance-learning,yes,distance-learning,in this way,you can register in a distinguished and prestiged school for learning through internet only by the enrollment pay without walking out of your room and take long miles of ways to attend the class,there is no time limit,no place limit,you can learn new things in which you expect only by your computer,the internet,open the computer,click the website of the school,move your mouse,switch your microphone,then you will be able to attend the class.and some of them,if the video equipment is available to the learning course,then you can also switch your video device to see exactly the teacher or professor who has the class through the internet,his or her appearance,speaking manner,actions,all you will get like that the teacher is just in front of you to has class.For the advantage of such a learning style,you can take class in where you are,and you can also make arrangement with your professor for the timetable,then you can learn to when you want.and to be more,there is also no age limit for most internet-learning school.such a learning style is very important and popular in modern society,espcially for those people who are busy or have not time to go out for regular participation in learning.

now here i also like to list some of the disadvantages of internet,as you know,everything has its two-edges,for internet,is also the same of the most disadvantages of internet is that network-game.espcially for that people in who has addicted.for same teenages,who are enchanted by the network game will get failure and deprogress or degradation in school work.and we should avoid the childen from tripping into such a volution.

another disadvantage is that internet means that somebody use the internet as a tool to doing something that threaten to society or people's secure both life and property,and we know for that common words of “Hacker” which is with the purpose to destroy,stel or monitor government or enterprise's documentations or personnal data.

In the end,i'd like to say,we should take the advantages of internet to make us progressive and sophisticated or knowledgeable,or doing business through it to make our life better,but for the disadvatages,we should definitely avoid from involving in,and say “No” to it.i wish all of you will be able to lead a more enjoyable life by internet in the future after reading the essay


With the widespread of computer, more and more people tend to use Internet to get information and learn knowledge, especially, many educational agent use online class to teacher their students. Many people think it is convenient for students to obtain knowledge by online education and can save students lots of time spending on traveling between home and school. Some people think students can’t focus on studying by online education. In my opinion, we can benefit a lot by online education.



today the crime rate in soe cities of our country is rising. many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken palce in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.

faced with criminals,some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them.however,some people are brave enough,to risk their lives to fight the criminals.their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils,saved the victims,and protected the public properties.

to reduce the crime rate,we all the people should first receive a law education.criminals must be severely punished.meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.



perhaps all criminals should be required to carry cards which read: fragile: handle with care. it will never do, these days, to go around referring to criminals as violent thugs. you must refer to them politely as ‘social misfits’. the professional killer who wouldn’t think twice about using his cash or crowbar to batter some harmless old lady to death in order to rob her of her meager life-savings must never be given a dose of his own medicine. he is in need of ‘hospital treatment’. according to his misguided defenders, society is to blame. a wicked society breeds evil- or so the argument goes. when you listen to this kind of talk, it makes you wonder why we aren’t all criminals. we have done away with the absurdly harsh laws of the nineteenth century and this is only right. but surely enough is enough. the most senseless piece of criminal legislation in britain and a number of other countries has been the suspension of capital punishment.

the violent criminal has become a kind of hero-figure in our time. he is glorified on the screen; he is pursued by the pressed and paid vast sums of money for his ‘memories’. newspapers which specialize in crime reporting enjoy enormous circulations and the publishers of trashy cops and robbers stories or ‘murder mysteries’ have never had it so good. when you read about the achievements of the great train robbers, it makes you wonder whether you are reading about some glorious resistance movement. the hardened criminal is cuddled and cosseted by the sociologists on the one hand and adored as hero by the masses on the other. it’s no wonder he is privileged person who epects and receives vip treatment wherever he goes.

capital punishment used to be a major deterrent. it made the violent robber think twice before pulling the trigger. it gave the cold-blooded prisoner something to ponder about while he was shaking up or serving his arsenic cocktail. it prevented unarmed policemen from being mowed down while pursuing their duty by killers armed with automatic weapons. above all, it protected the most vulnerable members of society, young children, from brutal se-maniacs. it is horrifying to think that the criminal can literally get away with murder. we all know that ‘life sentence’ does not mean what it says. after then years of so of ‘good conduct’, the most desperate villain is free to return to society where he will live very comfortably, thank you, on the proceeds of his crime, or he will go on committing offences until he is caught again. people are always willing to hold liberal views at the epense of others. it’s always fashionable to pose as the defender of the under-dog, so long as you, personally, remain unaffected. did the defenders of crime, one wonders, in their desire for fair-play, consult the victims before they suspended capital punishment? hardly. you see, they couldn’t because all the victims were dead.


与犯罪做斗争(Fighting Criminals)

Today the crime rate in soe cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken palce in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.

Faced with criminals,some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them.However,some people are brave enough,to risk their lives to fight the criminals.Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils,saved the victims,and protected the public properties.

To reduce the crime rate,we all the people should first receive a law education.Criminals must be severely punished.Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals.It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.







与犯罪做斗争(Fighting Criminals)

Today the crime rate in soe cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken palce in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.

Faced with criminals,some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them.However,some people are brave enough,to risk their lives to fight the criminals.Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils,saved the victims,and protected the public properties.

To reduce the crime rate,we all the people should first receive a law education.Criminals must be severely punished.Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals.It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.







The language develops as the media become various, many years ago, people used the language that was very formal, because most oral language was always the same as the paper language. But as the time by, people started to use computer, they shared the information, at the same time, many new language was created. The Internet language is in favor by people, they like to use it, because it is fashionable and very appropriate to express what they mean. I like to use the Internet language, it is so new and fun, what’s more, it is convenient, like I can use the shorten words instead of the long words. The problem of the Internet language is that it is very informal, it can’t be written in the paper, it will changes as the time goes by. In my opinion, we can use the Internet language in informal occasions.

篇21:英语作文: 逃离网络

英语作文: 逃离网络

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, the network provides us with great convenience, such as the video phone, webcam meeting, the world has become smaller and smaller. Because the network is so convenience, lots of people seem to be more relying on it than before, especially for the young generation, most of them are already addicted to it.


Maybe you can see this kind of people around you, they play computer or cell phone anytime when they are free. The last thing they do before they go to bed is play cell phone, and the first thing they get up to do is pick up the phone. They are so urge to refresh the micro-blog, they panic when they miss the latest news. Moreover, those net citizens are more prefer net socialize than the reality one, they could chat with the one in the internet for a long time about anything, but they find it hard to talk to the person face to face.


Rely on network too much could be dangerous. Many people play computer or cell phone with inappropriate pose, it could cause short eyes or other illness. What’s more, many people like to surf the internet with cell phone when they are walking, in this case, they will pay less attention to the situation around them, they might easily get hit by car.


The network bring us great convenience, still, we live in reality. We should get far away from the internet sometimes, it is better to feel the reality, even though it might cruel to you.



A couple of years ago, individuals can only take courses at real schools. In other words, only when they go out to schools by themselves will they have lessons which they want to have. However in recent years, with the development of internet and education mode, online teaching has become increasingly common. This kind of teaching mode means that a student just needs to have classes sitting in front of a computer at home, which appealing to lots of people.

It is widely acknowledged that online teaching has its apparent merits. First and foremost, shared resources online are accessible to all people, which costs a little at the same time. This feature brings about significant benefits especially to those who fail to afford that many courses at real schools. Secondly, online teaching makes it come a reality that one is able to study at the best pace suitable for him according to his own schedule. Last but not least, studying at home without going out is much more comfortable as well as convenient to busy people in contemporary society.

Meanwhile, there is no denying that online teaching also has demerits that cannot be dismissed. For one thing, online teaching, not like face-to-face teaching, lacks interaction between teachers and students, causing teachers not to receive feedbacks from students in time. For another thing, for people who are poor at self-discipline, learning online at home will be a less effective way since they are easier to be distracted by other things. Besides, all of online teaching courses are ready-made rather than custom-made, that is to say, it is troublesome to be flexible when changes are needed.


Nowadays, there is a widespread debate about the influence of the Internet upon peopleslife. Undoubtedly, there are both advantages and disadvantages in the Internet.

Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are two major positive aspects of the Internet asfollows. Firstly, the Internet has provided us with easy access to the necessary information andmaterials we want for living, learning and entertament. And secondly, the Internet haspromoted greatly the efficiency of our daily affairs such as shopping and communicating,saving us a lot of time, energy and money.

However, as a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, and the Internet is noexception. The negative aspects of the Internet are also quite apparent. To begin with, thecomfort and convenience we get from the Internet is gradually making us lazy and dependtoo much on it. In addition, the Internet is a fertile soil where many dishonest people are bornand grow.

To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of the Internet into full play, and reduce thedisadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, We will definitely make a betteruse of the Internet .


Online games in China will have to begin registering with their real names due to the new government regulations. Netizens may no longer post their comments on websites anonymously either. Because authorities will implement the real-name registration in communication sectors of cyberspace, such as bulletin board system, also known as BBS in short.

The new regulations have provoked different reactions from the public. Some people say that they will benefit the healthy and orderly development of China’s Internet, e.g. protecting minors from Internet addiction and helping prevent irresponsible expression online .Others, however ,oppose the regulations .They are concerned about web users’ private information and personal safety .

Personally, I think we should tread online real-name registration separately. For example, it’s necessary to use your real name on games shopping websites. but online forums are designed to encourage web user to express their views freely .if required to use real names on bulletin boards, web user may not feel free to express their real thoughts.


Hardly does a day pass when we don’t surf online, which seems to be an integral part of the modern way of living. Beneficial as it is, the widespread use of Internet has posed many a problem. To tackle those problems, network real-name system is put forward as a potential solution.

People in favor of network real-name system maintain that if one has to register his real name before he logs on to the Internet forum or post a remark, it is definite that he will be more prudent. Thus, many negative consequences can be avoided. On the contrary, others oppose to this notion, arguing that it will restrain people from revealing their opinions, for their being afraid of possible troubles in real life.

As far as I’m concerned, network real-name system only addresses the symptoms, not the causes. Deprived of anonymity, Internet will lose its inborn attractiveness and openness and therefore ceases to be as lively as it is now. Just as one will never stop eating for fear of choking, online activities should remain anonymous.




Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.

For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies.

However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and can't put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can't live without Internet.

So we must be careful when we use the Internet.

我们生活中的互联网(The Internet in our life)

Internet plays a very important role in everybody's life, It has made a huge difference in the world, But the Internet has some advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, The World Wide Web contains huge amount of information. It is extensive, relatively easy to access, And provides virtually unlimited information. If we need some information, We can acquire information online. The Web provides us an excellent resource to gain knowledge, From this way we can gain current information we need it now.

Online education is very important in our life, It can gives us excellent sources of information, saves our time, money and it is extremely convenient. In addition, we also can exchange thoughts, opinions and information with our classmates without leaving our house. Sometimes, If we feels very stressed and depressed, We can listen to songs, In order to have a well-balanced life.

But the Internet also has some harmful. Somebody indulges in the network games. They standing in the internet bar day and night ,At the end they leaves uncultivated the studies.

Overall, Internet has become an inseparable part of our life. Only when we can make it serve our needs. Can we benefit most from it. So, please use the Internet in a proper way.


In modern times,the Internet is becoming more and more popular,especially,for the middle school students.Some students think it is good for them to get the useful imformation and study on the Internet.Besides, they can know about the latest news,widen their field of vision,and gain their knowledge.

On the other hand,some students chat, paly computer games even scan the bad network raher than study.Meanwhile,a long-time searching on the internet makes their health badly.

In my opinion,every coin has two sides,that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is good.

So I think combining the entertainment with the study is the best.





















