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初中英语《Where did you go on vacation?》说课稿

Good morning, dear judges. I'm number 2. I am very glad to interpret my teaching design here. The topic of this lesson is “Where did you go on vacation?”. My presentation consists of the following aspects.

At fist, I want to say something about the analysis of teaching material. This lesson is chosen from PEP English book, the first semester of grade8, Unit 1. The main topic of this unit is about holiday. This unit is very interesting because students can talk about a lot interesting things in their vacation. After students learnt this unit, they could express the past things, their speaking and listening abilities can also be improved .

The second part is analysis of students. Overall, the thinking mode of students in junior middle school has become abstract and logical, even the reflective thinking has appeared. However, to some extent, abstract thinking still needs specific image as a foundation. At the same time, the quality of thinking of junior middle school students, especially the independence and criticalness, have had a big development. But the one-sidedness and superficiality are easy to occur.

Based on the idea of New Curriculum Standard in English class, teaching aims consist of three teaching aims, so my teaching aims are made up of following three parts:

First one is knowledge aims:

(1)Students can understand the usage of simple past tense.

(2)Students can master some new sentences: where did you go on vacation? I went to….

The next one is ability aims:

(1)Students can use the simple past tense to describe things happened in the past;

(2) Students can improve their listening and speaking abilities;

(3)Students can use English to talk about the thing they did during their vacation.

The last one is Emotional aims:

(1)Can improve the confidence of learning English, and not afraid of speaking English in class;

(2)Can cooperate with others actively, and complete the tasks together.

Then let me talk about the key points and difficult points.

The key points are:

(1) the usage of simple past tense;

(2) to use the new sentences to communicate with others fluently.

The difficult points are:

(1)Can use the new sentence to communicate with others fluently.

(2)Can improve the confidence of learning English, and not afraid of speaking English;

(3)Can get the main idea of listening material, and get the useful information from material.


We know A Brief Instruction to the topic of “What should I do?”

Shangyuan Middle School Li Yi Cai

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is LiYiCai. I come from Shangyuan Middle School in Nanjing.

Today I’m going to talk about the topic” What should I do?”

I will divide the instruction into seven parts: they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures.

Part 1 Teaching material analysis

This period is from Unit 3 of 9A Oxford English. First of all,I’d like to talk about my understanding about this lesson.We have learned Star sings in Unit 1 and Colours and moods in Unit 2.We have also learned how to write a formal recommendation letter and how to write a report on the moods of people in last two units.Today we are going to learn two letters to a famous youth worker about Millie’s and Simon’s problems.So this unit links with a special meaning of Unit 1 and Unit 2.This period is the first lesson of Reading.

The main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for advice.We are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following lessons.So this period is very important in this unit.

Part 2 Teaching aims

1.Aims of the knowledge:

(1)To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases.

(2)To learn something about Millie’s and Simon’s problems.

(3)To grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to talk to others about one’s problems and how to deal with them.

2.Aims of the ablilities:

(1)To improve the ability of getting information by reading.

(2)To improve the ability of retelling the story.

3.Aims of the emotion:

(1)To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.

(2)To ask for advice to solve the problems.

Part 3 Teaching emphasis

1.To master the ‘to’-infinitives and ‘wh-’words+‘to’-infinitives.

2.To get the ability of general reading and getting information.

Part 4 Teaching difficulties

1.To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

2.To ask for advice

Part 5 Teaching methods

In this topic,I will use five-step Teaching Method and Task-based language Teaching.I design some tasks to help the students learn.I think if I want to improve the students’ oral English,I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work,group work to let the students take an active part in all kinds of activities.That is “Learning by doing,learning by using”.Let the students be the masters of the class teaching,thus,student-centered teaching method is well shown.

Part 6 Teaching aids

Projector,slide show,tape recorder and blackboard

Part 7 Teaching procedure

Step Ⅰ.Lead-in

The purpose is to arouse the students’interest of study.

Let’s have a free talk.

Txx:Have you got problems?


Txx:What is it?

Sxx:Eating too much makes me unhealthy.

Txx:What about you?


Step Ⅱ.Presentation

The purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles.

1.Ask students to read two letters and answer the following questions:

①What is Millie’s favorite hobby?(Painting)

②What is Millie’s problem?(She doesn’t have enough time for hobbies and home work.)

③When does Simon play football?(After school until late)

④How do his parents feel about it?

(They don’t like this and ask him to go home before 6 p.m.)

2.Ask students if there are words that they do not know.

Explain some new words briefly.


Step Ⅲ.Practice

The purpose is to develop the skills of scanning and how to gain the details from the articles.

1.Listen to the tape and answer some question about “True”or“False”.

2.Ask students to read the articles again and explain some important phrases.

How to solve the problems;hand in;on time;at the moment;can’t find any time for my hobbies;feel bad;give up;achieve a balance between the two;hear form;make unhappy

Step Ⅳ.Retelling

The purpose is to develop the skills of retelling with the key words

1.Ask students to make sentences with phrases that we have learned.

2.Try to retell the outline of the articles.

3.Encourage students to say something about themselves.

Step Ⅴ.Summary and homework

The purpose is to give the students a clear idea of how to express their problems and revise the articles.

1.Ask students to revise the words and phrases

2.Ask students to write a letter about himself after class.

During my teaching,I’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English. I think the general aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of using English. And I’ll use this to guide my teaching.

Thank you!

















Dear teacher and schoolmates:My name is ···.I am very glad to make a speechhere in this class again! This time, I\'d like to talk something about English.I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It hasbecome the most common language on Internet and for international trade.Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.When I wasnine, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sangEnglish songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of thelanguage, and began my colorful dream in the English world.Everyday, I readEnglish following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.On the weekend,I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I havemade more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.I hope I cantravel around the world someday.

I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the presidentWashington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England iswhere English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university,I will be very happy.I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world.I\'ll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City andQuanzhou.I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuoushard study, one day I can speak English very well.If you want to be loved, youshould learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday ,it will love me too.


Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two goodfriends. My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyeswhen I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go togetherwith me side by side through this journey of life.

As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship inour young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have alot of good friends. Especially when I had Justin as one of my best friends.Justin was my English teacher from the USA. I met him in when I was astudent who could only speak very little English. Justin was a vivid young manwith a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make theclass active and attractive. He taught us English by telling stories, playinggames, singing songs, and even dancing. I could still remember very clearly thatone afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to singsongs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve. It wasso interesting and unforgettable. Justin was an excellent teacher, because hetaught us not only how to study English well, but also the way to find out thebeauty of the world and the way to be angels to others' lives. I know there wasfriendship and pure love in our hearts. Facing this valuable emotion neithernationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith,under-standing, and care. Justin is the best friend I have ever had, and I knowI will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of mymemory.

Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is actually like a bottleof wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. It is also like a cup oftea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enoughtime to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.

However, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that.More and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty offriendship. They work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the societyand to earn more money for their work. Of course, we don't deny that it isimportant to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more peoplecould pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. All of ushave to spare some time for personal lives. We have to find the chance toexpress our emotion and love. When staying with our friends, we can releaseourselves completely. We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talktogether, and even cry to-gether. I should say that being together with our bestfriends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.

As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn't even have a friend. But itdoesn't mean we could depend on our friends all the time. There is a famousmotto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the realthing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true. We haveto work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help eachother. When we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as wecan.

Finally, let's pray together now that one day, all of us could find theperson we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in ourlives. Let's pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us wouldalways bloom brightly in our hearts.


on my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and iwould

remember them forever.

that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way tothe

classroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushedaway. that made me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on mebefore. but it was strange today.

when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quitestrange.

everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in goodorder,“happy birthday to you!” then they began to sing “happy birthday toyou~~~~~~” that made me moved. i never told anyone about my birthday, how didthey know? i believed they must have done a lot of things. at that moment, ifound nothing to say but thanks instead!

after school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way backhome. when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped mybike.i recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they allcomlained to me,“why don't you tell us about your birthday? don't you fear thatwe will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave agift and a card with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggestedhaving a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then theyleft me saying we would ask you to pay us another day!

when i got back home, i thought of everyth hing happened today. suddenly ifelt so happy because i had such great friends around me. i thanked them fromthe bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever!

i have so many feelings through that special day. the only rose withoutthorns in the world is friendship. a true friend is someone who reaches for yourhand and touches your heart. truly great friends are hard to find, difficult toleave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many,three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, for life without friends islike life on a desert island. to find one real friend in a lifetime is goodfortune, to keep him is a blessing.

thank you for your attention!


As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comesinto your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize;feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in theair. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day!And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where youare going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and takeyour life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long asyou are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you arepassionate, you are committed!

You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions,using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions.You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you willshow your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You willfocus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. Youwill never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in yourpursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best thingsin the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. Youmust do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take theactions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must doit, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I mustdo it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! Iwill do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I willsucceed!


Today, my speech is about talents,in my opinion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents.

First, i'd like to define the word“talent” in my idea, a talent is one person who is good at or expertised in some or multiple areas. nowadays, as the world developing goes on , if one country want to rank top or do a good job in the world, the country must have many talents.for example, china, the biggest developing country in the world, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by other countries, why ,the reason is that china at that time had not so many talents. if they had anti-intrusion leader talents in the war, needless to say,they would have beat those big powers.if they had talents in weapons manufacturing, nodody dares to provoke us.however, nowadays, it's a totally different situation, china has become powerfulin all over the world, why ? because there are many talents serving the country, the civilians become more and more literated.more and more people go to university,more and more people come to receive further education. so what is that in return,talents in army protect our country from invasion, talents in commerce help make our economy keep in improving, talents in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic games……

To sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,that's all,thank you.


Today a boy named __ is standing here and talking about the near future of the earth.Most people believe that we are living on a beautiful and vital palent.

Because we can find everything we need from everywhere on th earth.But some of us who study the earth are very surprised that th earth is going to die much sooner than before.It means th earth will be like the Mars in a few years.And then most animals will be exterminated ,and the organism called human may not be seen on the earth any more.Is that a lie or a joke?

No,it's serious and true .A river can be polluted by only a little trash and so little trash can be made by hundreds of families a year. But no country even America can clean the rivers as soon as we pollute them.I'm afriad we do something wrong over and over again. So we have less and less time to redress the balance of Nature.Luckily, it's not too late now. People have many things to do to stop the disaster. For example having a low-carbon lifestyle is one of the best ideas.

More and more young people like to live a low-carbon life. So you see ,life with low-carbon can be fashionable.In fact when we protect the earth , we are protecting ourselves.Thanks for listening to me.


篇11: 初中英语演讲稿

i have a dream today.

i have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

wow, what a dream it has been for martin luther king.

but the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their

dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes i personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.

however, we need dreams.

they nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality.

they keep us going.

most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great.

when we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant.

now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality.

however, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions.

well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it.

don‘t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future.

through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.

hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.

hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow.

so my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams.

whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.




















篇12: 初中英语演讲稿

Have A Dream.

I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its belief: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood; I have a dream .....

That one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state suffering from the heat of unfairness, suffering from the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice; I have a dream

That my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character; I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its evii racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and invalidity, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers;

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be gone,every hill and mountain shall be made Iow, and rough places will be made plane and crooked places will be made straight,and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.


You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!篇二Dear everyone.

Good evening, everyone!

Throughout my years of being a student, I’ve had many teachers. none of them are the same, but the one that i’ll never forget and will always miss is my chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school i attended in seattle, ms. ho. she was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. she was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unforgettable.

Ms. ho and i became friends right in the first semester i was in that middle school. at the same time, i was having a really hard time with my subjects. since i had just transferred from a bilingual school, where i had stayed for two months after arriving in the us, my english was horrible; my average grade was below c. i almost thought it impossible to learn english. then, one day she told me she strongly believed that i was capable of controlling my life, and i would be just fine. she said that she found we were much alike: both were stubborn, kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded. she believed that i had the quality of becoming wise. she even said that she didn’t have any worries about me, about my not learning english. with her encouragement, i found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder. as a result, i soon proved her right, and at the end of the semester, i got a 3.8 average grade.

Today, I still keep in touch with her, and she still tells me how she believes in me. sometimes, i’d think back, and wonder how I could handle all those things if it wasn’t for her encouragement and trust. could i be the person i am today? then, it struck me: what we need has always been trust and love of others; because these things inspire us to do our best, and to live our life to its fullest.

To sum up, i’d like to say to all of you: let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life!


Today I am going to tell you a true story about a life-altering event that happened to an old hunter from Tibet’s northern lands.

Early in the morning, the hunter saw a group of Tibetan antelopes on grass hill near his tent. He rushed out of his tent and mounted his horse with his rifle. The antelopes all quickly ran away except one. A strong, fat one ran only a few steps and came back. It looked imploringly at him, stepped up towards him and then knelt on its knees with tears streaming down from its eyes. Feeling softhearted for a flashing moment, the hunter did not pull the trigger. But after he shut his eyes, pulled the trigger and the antelope fell onto the ground in a kneeling position with discernible tears still on its face.

The old hunter restlessly cut the Tibetan antelope open. What he had saw made him choke on his breath and the knife fell on the ground with a crash. He saw a baby antelope lying in the womb, surely dead. All of a sudden he realized why the antelope was strong and fat and why it heavily knelt before him and cried: It was imploring him to have mercy on its baby!

The old hunter buried the antelope and its unborn baby together with his hunting rifle that day.

I will never forget this story. Today I told it to more people and I’d like to point out: In the world the kneeling of loving mothers, whatever of human being or animal is sacred. Lives of all kinds are equal. Let us care about the nature, care about our life with our affection and respect to the life. Hopefully we could live harmoniously, as part of nature.





















