
时间:2022-05-08 12:16:22 演讲稿 收藏本文 下载本文




Good morning teachers and fellow students.

Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.

My favorite book is(Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten “monthly” stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word “love”. From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.

This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book?

My favorite book is. Have you read it before?

Oh, I haven't read this book before. What is it about?

Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending.

Can you tell us why you love this book so much?

Sure. It is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. I am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story. I have decided to learn from her from now on.

Oh I see, the story sounds very good. I cannot wait to read this book as well.

Thank you!

























































































The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. “How embarrassing. I am getting so clumsy in my old age.”

Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories of our most embarrassing moments. It came around to Frank who sat quietly listening to the others. Someone said, “Come on, Frank. Tell us your most embarrassing moment.”

Frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. “I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family. Not just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still at home.”


The Water Of Life

After that they boarded a ship and sailed over the sea. During the voyage the two elder brothers said to each other:“ Our youngest brother found the Water of Life and we didn't, so our father will give him the kingdom that's due to us and so he'll sob us of our fortunes.” And they sought revenge and plotted together to destroy him. They waited for a time when he was fast asleep, and then they took the Water of Life from him, emptying it out of his cup and pouring salt sea-water into it instead.

So when they arrived home the youngest son took his cup to the sick king for him to drink out of it and get well. But he had hardly tasted a mouthful of the salt sea-water when he fell even more ill than before. And as he was lamenting about this, his two elder sons came in and accused the youngest of having tried to poison him, but told him that they had brought the real Water of Life. So they gave it to him, and no sooner had he drunk some than he felt his sickness leave him and grew strong and healthy as he had been in his youth.

After this the two went to their youngest brother and mocked him:“ Oh yes, you found the Water of Life,” they said, “but you've had the trouble and we've got the reward! You should have been cleverer and kept you eyes open: we took it from you when you'd fallen asleep on the ship, and a year from now one of us will fetch that beautiful princess. But mind you say nothing about this; our father wouldn't believe you anyway, and if you utter a single word you'll lose your life as well, but if you hold your tongue we'll spare it.”

The old king was angry with his youngest son, believing he had tried to kill him. So he summoned all his courtiers and made them pass judgment, and it was decided that the prince should be secretly shot.

So one day when he was out hunting and suspected nothing, the king's huntsman was ordered to accompany him. When they were out there in the forest quite alone and the huntsman was looking very sad, the prince said to him, “Dear huntsman, what's the matter?” The huntsman said, “I can't tell you, and yet I must.” Then the prince said, “Tell me right out what it is, I'll forgive you.” “Oh, sir,” said the huntsman, “I'm to shoot you dead, it's the king's order.” The prince was startled and said, “Dear huntsman, let me live! Look, I'll give you my royal clothes, give me your plain ones in exchange.” The huntsman said: “I'll gladly do so, I just couldn't have brought myself to shoot at you.” So they changed clothes, and the huntsman went home, but the prince went deeper into the forest.

Sometime later, the old king received three wagon-loads of gold and precious stones for his youngest son: they had been sent by the three kings who had defeated their enemies with the prince's sword and fed their people with his loaf of bread, and who wanted to show their gratitude. Then the old king thought: can it be that my son was innocent? And he said to his servants, “If only he were still alive! How sorry I am now that I had him killed.” “Sir, he is still alive,” said the huntsman, “for I didn't have the heart to carry out your orders.” And he told the king what had happened. At this a great weight fell from the king's heart, and he had it proclaimed in every kingdom that his son might come home and that we would be graciously welcomed.

But the princess had a road made leading up to her castle, and it was of pure shining gold; and she told her servants that whoever came riding straight up the middle of it to visit her would be her rightful bridegroom and they were to let him in. But if anyone came riding alongside the road he would not be the right man, and they were not to let him in.

So when the year was nearly over, the eldest brother decided that he would hurry off to the princess and claim to be her rescuer, and then he would get her for his wife with her kingdom as well. So he rode off, and when he got near the castle and saw the beautiful golden road, he thought: it would be a crying shame to ride on a road like that. So he turned aside and rode up on the right of it. When he came to the gate, the servants told him he wasn't the right man and that he must go away.

Soon afterwards the second prince set out, and when he came to the golden road and his horse took the first step on it, he thought: it would be a crying shame, his hooves might damage the surface. So he turned aside and rode up on the left of it. But when he came to the gate, the servants said he wasn't the right man and he must go away.

Then when the year had fully passed, the third brother decided to leave the forest and ride to his beloved and forget his sorrows with her. So he set out and thought of nothing but her and wished he were there already, and didn't even notice the golden road. So his horse went straight up the middle of it, and when he reached the gate it was opened to him and the princess received him with joy, telling him he was her rescuer and the lord of her kingdom.

Their wedding was celebrated with great happiness, and when it was over she told him that his father had sent for him and forgiven him. So he rode home and told the king everything, and how his brothers had deceived him but he had said nothing about it. The old king wanted to punish them, but they had boarded a ship and set sail and never showed their faces again.

I. Translation for Reference(参考译文)









III. New Words and Expressions 生词和词组

1.revenge n. 报复

2.lament v. 悲叹

3.utter v. 做声

4.spare v. 饶恕

5.graciously ad. 热情地

6.bridegroom n. 新郎






Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in the mountains. Everyday the old man went to the mountain and collected firewood, while the old woman went to the river and did the laundry. One day, she was doing the washing when a big peach came floating down the river towards her. As it was a big and juicy-looking fruit, she thought that her husband would be glad to eat it so she took it home. When the old man came back for lunch and saw the nice peach, he was really happy. The old woman cut the big peach open with a knife. What a surprise! A lovely little boy was in the peach.

The old man and woman had no children so they were really grateful the gods had sent them a boy in this peach. Since he was born in a peach, they decided to call him Momotaro which means “peach-boy”. The old woman cooked a meal for the little boy who ate as much as he could; the more he ate, the more he grew. Soon he became a tall and strong boy.

No matter how tall or strong he was, Momotaro was a lazy boy. Day after day, all he did was sleep and eat. In the village the other boys went to the mountain and picked firewood while Momotaro was the only one doing nothing. This worried the old man and the old woman, so they asked the other boys to try to make Momotaro go and work with them.

The boys then invited him, “Momotaro, would you come with us? We're going to collect firewood.”

But he answered, “I haven't a basket, so I can't go with you” and went back to sleep.

The following day, they invited him again, “Momotaro, would you come with us? We're going to collect firewood.”

And he answered them, “I haven't any sandals, so I can't go with you” and went back to sleep. Upon hearing this, the old woman got angry with Momotaro for being so lazy, so the next day he went to collect firewood with the other boys.

While the boys were working and collecting firewood, Momotaro took a nap. When the work was finished, the boys decided to go back to the village. Just then, Momotaro awoke and said to them, “I'll collect firewood and come back with you.”

They retorted, “If you start working now, we'll get back too late.”

Momotaro turned a deaf ear to them and went to a very big tree. Holding it by the middle, he uprooted it. Astonishing! All the boys could not believe their eyes! Thus the tall and strong Momotaro carried the big tree, while the other boys carried bundles of firewood back to the village. The old man and the old woman were amazed when they saw Momotaro carrying this very big tree as if it was a mere bundle of firewood.

The county lord happened to hear about this and wished to meet Momotaro. The next day Momotaro went to see the county lord. The lord said to him, “Ogres have been threatening and robbing my peasants for a long time. If you are as strong as I heard, you shall go and punish them.” Momotaro then agreed to go to the Island of Ogres.

For his journey, the old man and woman baked some millet cookies and gave them to Momotaro. Away he went and on his way he met a dog.

“Momotaro, where are you going?” asked the dog.

“To the Island of Ogres, to punish them.”

“And what are you bringing with you?”

“The best millet cookies of Japan.”

“Can I have one and go with you?” offered the dog. Momotaro gave the dog a cookie and they went along together.

Soon they met a monkey.

“Momotaro, where are you going?” asked the monkey.

“To the Island of Ogres, to punish them.”

“And what are you bringing with you?”

“The best millet cookies of Japan.”

“Can I have one and go with you?” offered the monkey. Momotaro gave the monkey a cookie and the three of them went along together.

Then they met a pheasant.

“Momotaro, where are you going?” asked the pheasant.

“To the Island of Ogres, to punish them.”

“And what are you bringing with you?”

“The best millet cookies of Japan.”

“Can I have one and go with you?” offered the pheasant. So Momotaro gave the pheasant a cookie too.

Momotaro, the dog, the monkey and the pheasant went together to the Island of Ogres by boat. They were sailing but could not see the island, so the pheasant went up in the sky. He found the island and guided the boat. Soon they landed on the Island of Ogres. There on the island was a great big castle with a huge door. It was tightly closed, but the monkey jumped easily inside and opened the huge door.

Momotaro entered and said to the ogres, who were having a feast, “My name is Momotaro, and I came to punish you.” The ogres laughed at him, but the dog ran in and bit them as Momotaro fought using his sword. Momotaro and his companions, having eaten the best millet cookies of Japan, knew no fear and were strong.

At last the ogres cried for mercy, “We shall never be bad again, please spare our lives.”

The defeated ogres gave Momotaro their treasure. He took it and returned with his companions, who had eaten the best millet cookies of Japan and helped defeat the ogres. The old man and the old woman, who had been worrying about Momotaro, welcomed them back cheerfully.

After that Momotaro and the old man and woman lived happily together.


爷爷和奶奶没有孩子,于是欢天喜地地认为孩子是天赐的,就把他叫做“桃太郎”, 奶奶做好了饭给他吃,尽管桃太郎有点儿害怕,但仍然吃得很香甜.于是,桃太郎渐渐地长大了.


大家在山里拾柴,桃太郎却只是睡大觉.等到大家收拾好柴篓要回家时,桃太郎说:“我也想拾点儿柴,然后一起回去吧.”大家说:“天色都已经不早了,来不及了.”就在这时, 桃太郎抓住了一棵大树,突然间将它拔了出来,把大家吓了一大跳.于是,他扛着大树和大伙返回了村里.见到了这种情况,爷爷和奶奶非常吃惊.这事传到了大人的耳朵里,大人萌生了特别想见桃太郎的念头.见了面,大人说:“前一阵儿总有坏魔鬼骚扰村民,偷盗各种物品器具.因为你很有力气,那么请你去征服魔鬼吧.”因此,桃太郎伏鬼这件事就这么定了.

爷爷和奶奶作好了黄米面团给桃太郎带上.就这样他出发了.途中他遇到了一条狗, 狗问他,:



















这样,桃太郎又给了野鸡一个黄米面团. 桃太郎,狗,猴子,野鸡好不容易才到了海边,因为魔鬼们已经去了岛上,他们就划船向海岛出发了.摇啊摇,摇啊摇,怎么也看不到那个岛屿.野鸡就飞到了空中,观察到了岛屿的位置,指挥着大家向那个地方划去,这样,大家到达了岛上.岛上有一座大城,城门紧闭, 猴子敏捷地爬到了门里,将门栓摘掉,把门打开了.而魔鬼们仍一无所知地又是喝酒又是唱歌.桃太郎大声喝道:“我乃桃太郎是也,前来消除你们.

”魔鬼们见他们势单力薄,并不把他们放在眼里.但是,吃了最最好吃的黄米面团后精力充沛的桃太郎和伙伴们并肩作战, 瞬间就把魔鬼们打得落花流水.

魔鬼们赔罪说:“我们归还抢盗来的宝物,决不再做坏事了,给我们留一条活路吧.” 惩治了魔鬼后,桃太郎和伙伴们带着宝物回到了村里.正担惊受怕的爷爷和奶奶见状非常高兴.从那以后,桃太郎与爷爷和奶奶一直过着幸福愉快的生活.

III. New Words and Expressions 生词和词组

1. sandal n. 拖鞋,凉鞋

2. bundle n. 捆,束

3. ogre n. 食人魔鬼,怪物

4. cookie n. 面团

5. feast n. 宴会


The Water of life

Once upon a time there was a king who was ill, and no one thought his life could be saved. But he had three sons, and they were sad about this and went down into the palace garden and wept. Here they met an old man who asked the cause of their grief. They told him that their father was so ill that he would probably die, for nothing did him any good. The old man said:“ I know of another remedy: it's the Water of Life. If e drinks some of that he'll recover. But it's difficult to find.” The eldest brother said:“ I'll find it all right.” And he went to the sick king and asked his permission to set out and look for the Water of Life, for only that could heal him. “No,” said the king, “that quest is too dangerous; I would rather die.” But he kept on pleading till the king gave his consent. In his heart the prince was thinking: If I bring him the Water, I shall be my father' favorite son and inherit the kingdom.

So he set off, and when he had ridden for a while he met a dwarf standing in his path who called out to him:“ Where are you riding so fast?” “You stupid midget,” said the prince very haughtily, “that's no business of yours.” And he rode on. But this had angered the little man, and he had wished evil on him. Very soon the prince found himself in a mountain gorge, and the further he rode along it the nearer the mountains closed in, until as last the path was so narrow that he couldn't ride a step further; it was impossible to turn his horse or even dismount, and there he sat imprisoned.

The sick king waited for him a long time, but he didn't come. Then the second son said:“ Father, let me go out and look for the Water,” thinking to himself: If my brother is dead, the kingdom will fall to me. At first the king wouldn't let him go, but in the end he gave away. So the prince set off along the same road as his brother had taken, and he too met the dwarf, who stopped him and asked him where he was off to in such a hurry. “You little midget,” said the prince, “that's no business of yours.” And he rode on without so much as looking round. But the dwarf put a curse on him, and he got stuck in a mountain gorge like his brother and could move neither forward nor back. That's what comes of being high and mighty.

When the second son didn't return either, the youngest offered to set out in search of the Water of Life, and in the end the king had to let him go. When he met the dwarf and the dwarf asked him where he was off to in such a hurry, he stopped to give him an answer and said, “I'm looking for the Water of Life, because my father's mortally ill.” And do you know where it is to be found?“ ”No,“ said the prince. ”Since you have behaved in a proper manner and not been arrogant like your two false-hearted brothers, I will give you information and tell you how to get the Water of Life. It springs up from a fountain in the courtyard of a bewitched castle; but you will not be able to make your way in unless I give you an iron wand and two loaves of bread. Strike on the iron gate of the castle three times with the wand and it will spring open; inside there are two lions with gaping jaws, but if you throw each of them a loaf they'll become tame. Then you must hurry and fetch some of the Water of Life before the clock strikes twelve, otherwise the gate will slam shut again and you'll be locked in.“

The prince thanked him, took the wand and the bread and went on his way. And when he got there everything was just as the dwarf had said. The gate sprang open at the third stroke of the wand, and when he had tamed the lions with the bread he entered the castle and found himself in a beautiful great hall. In it were sitting princes bound by a spell, and he took the rings from their fingers; and then he found a sword and a loaf of bread lying there, and took them with him. Next he came to a room in which a beautiful maiden was standing; she was glad when she saw him, and kissed him and told him that he had freed her from the spell and she would give him the whole of her kingdom, and that if he returned in a year's time they would celebrate their wedding.

And then she told him where the fountain was from which the Water of Life sprang, but reminded him that he must hurry and draw from it before the clock struck twelve. So he went on until he finally came to a room that had a beautiful freshly made bed in it, and as he was tired he thought he would rest a little first. So he lay down and fell asleep, and when he woke up the clock was striking a quarter to twelve. He jumped up in great alarm, ran to the fountain, drew some water from it in a cup that stood beside it, and hurried to escape. Just as he was passing through the iron gate twelve o'clock struck, and the gate slammed shut with such a crash that it sliced off a piece of his heel.

But he was glad that he had got the Water of Life, and set out back home and passed the dwarf again. When the dwarf saw the sword and the loaf of bread he said:” You have got possession of very valuable things there, for with that sword you can defeat whole armies, and you can go on eating that bread and never finish it.“ The prince didn't want to go home to his father without his brothers, and he said:” Dear dwarf, can you not tell me where my two brothers are? They left in search of the Water of Life before I did, and they never came back.“ ”They are stuck in a gorge between two mountains and can't get out,“ said the dwarf. ”I wished this on them because they were so haughty.“ Then the prince pleaded with the dwarf till he released them again; but he warned him and said:” Be on your guard against them, they have wicked hearts."

When his brothers came he was glad to see them and told them what had happened to him, how he had found the Water of Life and brought a cupful of it with him and had released a beautiful princess from a spell, who was going to wait a year for him and then they would be married and he would get a great kingdom. After this they rode off together and found themselves in a country where there was famine and war and the king already thought he was on the verge of ruin, the trouble was so great. But the prince went to him and gave him the loaf of bread, and with if he fed his whole kingdom and everyone ate their fill. Then the prince gave him the sword too, and with it he defeated the enemy armies, and after that he was able to live in peace. Then the prince took back the loaf and the sword, and the three brothers rode on. But they came to two more countries that were ravaged by famine and war, and each time the prince gave his loaf and his sword to the king; so now he had saved three kingdoms.

I. Translation for Reference(参考译文)








III. New Words and Expressions 生词和词组

1.grief n. 不幸

2.remedy n. 治疗法

3.pleading n. 恳求

4.consent n. 许可

5.dwarf n. 聋子

6.gorge n. 峡谷

7.arrogant a. 傲慢的

8.slice v. 切下






















