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One in six. Believe it or not, that's the number of Americans who struggle with hanger To make tomorrow a little better, Feeding Action Month. As part of its 30 Ways in 30 Days program, It's asking 48 across the country to help the more than 200 food banks and 61,000 agencies in its network provide low-income individuals and families with the fuel they need to 49 .

It's the kind of work that's done every day at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in San Antonio, People who 50 at its front door on the first and third Thursdays of each month aren't looking for God-they're there for something to eat, St. Andrew's runs a food pantry(食品堂)that 51 the city and several of the 52 towns. Janet Drane is its manager.

In the wake of the 53 .the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow. It is54 that 49 million Americans are unsure of where they will find their next meal What's most surprising is that 36% of them live in 55 where at least one adult is working.“It used to be that one job was all you needed.” says St. Andrew's Drane.“The people we see now have three or four part-time jobs and they're still right on the edge 56 .”


A)survive I)formally

B) surrounding J)financially

C)serves K)domestic

D)reviewed L)competition

E)reported M)communities

F)recession N)circling

G)households O)accumulate



47. E. domestic

48. C. communities

49. O. survive

50. H. gather

51. M. serves

52. N. surroundings

53. J. recession

54. K. reported

55. I. households

56. F. financially



Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement

contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.

You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by

marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Caring for elderly parents catches many unprepared

[A ] Last July, Julie Baldocchi,s mother had a massive stroke and was paralyzed. Baldocchi suddenly had to become a family caregiver, something that she wasn“t prepared for. “I was flying by the seat of my pants,” says Baldocchi, an employment specialist in San Francisco. Both of her parents are 83, and she knew her father couldn’t handle her mother’s care. The hospital recommended putting her mother in a nursing home. Baldocchi wasn’t willing to do that. But moving her back into her parents’ home created other problems. Baldocchi, 48, is married and lives about a mile away from her parents. She has a full-time job and has back problems that make it difficult for her to lift her mother. “I couldn’t do it all,” she says. “But I didn’t even know how to find help.”

[B] With help from the Family Caregiver Alliance, she eventually hired a live-in caregiver. “But even if you plan intellectually and legally, you’re never ready for the emotional impact,” Baldocchi says. In the first two months after her mother’s stroke, she lost about 30 pounds as stress mounted. More than 42 million Americans provide family caregiving for an adult who needs help with daily activities, according to a survey by the AARP. An additional 61.6 million provided at least some care during the year. And many are unprepared.

[C] While many parents lack an advance care directive, it’s the most basic and important step they can take. The directive includes several parts, including: a durable power of attorney, which gives someone legal authority to make financial decisions on another’s behalf; a health care proxy, which is similar to the power of attorney, except it allows someone to make decisions regarding medical treatment; and a living will that outlines instructions for end-of-life care. (For example, parents can say if they want to be kept alive by artificial measures.) “It’s invaluable for the kids, because it’s hard to make those decisions for a parent,” says Jennifer Cona, an elder- law attorney at Genser Dubow Genser & Cona in Melville, N.Y. An advance care directive is the first line of defense if a situation arises, says Kathleen Kelly, executive director of the Family Caregiver Alliance, which supports and educates caregivers. Without an advance directive, the family will have to petition the court to be appointed the parent’s legal guardian, says AgingCare.com.

[D] It’s important for families to talk about long-term care so the adult children know their parents,preferences, wishes and goals, says Lynn Feinberg, a caregiving expert at AARP. But it’s not an easy conversation. Elderly parents are sometimes suspicious of their children’s financial motives, says Susan John, a financial planner at Financial Focus in Wolfeboro, N.H. One client asked John to hold a family meeting because they needed an intermediary to talk about financial issues, she says. And when there are many siblings, the family decisions can become a three-ring circus with much acrimony, says Ann-Margaret Carrozza, an elder-law attorney in Glen Cove, N.Y. Families who need information and help sorting out disagreements can call on elder-law attorneys, financial planners, geriatric care managers and caregiver support groups. In February, AARP said it will offer its members a new caregiving support service through financial services firm Genworth.

[E] Many families are unprepared for quick decisions, especially when they find out that Medicare doesn’t pay for long-term care, Feinberg says. The median cost of a year in a private room at a nursing home in was $77,745, according to Genworth. And only those who have spent most of their assets can qualify for Medicaid to pay for the nursing home.

[ F] Assisted living is another option. Residents can have their own apartment to maintain some independence. But the facilities generally provide personal care services, such as meals, housekeeping and assistance with activities. Still, it’s not cheap: The national median cost in 2011 was $39,135, according to Genworth. Assisted living isn’t covered by Medicaid.

[G ] If they have a choice, at least 90% of elderly parents prefer to stay at home as long as they can, according to

AARP research. But if the parents can no longer safely live at home, it can be hard for children to move them into an adult care facility. There may be another option. Sometimes the home can be modified so a parent can stay there. For example, Baldocchi put in a chair lift for her mother. She also arranged for a home caregiver.

[H] Family caregivers take over many responsibilities. One might manage a parent’s finances, while another sibling will take the parent to doctors” appointments and shopping. Those who move in with a parent take on a significant and sustained burden of care. Jan Walker moved into her mother’s home in Leesburg, Fla. After her mother, who is 83, had fallen, she wasn’t able to get around as well. Walker, 55, has three brothers. But she is the only daughter, is divorced and has no children. “I always knew that this was the role that I would have, and I guess my mind was prepared for it,” says Walker, who now is a full-time caregiver and works from home as a tutorial instructor for a digital scrapbooking website. “When you get into the trenches, it’s literally baptism by fire,” she says. “New things come up. It’s not just about advance planning for finances or medical care. It’s everything,” she says.

[I ] Caregivers need to also watch their own health. “There is such a thing as caregiver burnout, ” Cona says. Among female caregivers 50 and older, 20% reported symptoms of depression, according to a study on working caregivers by MetLife. “It’s a hard job,” Walker says. “But most worthwhile things are hard. She was always there for me when I needed a helping hand. It’s only natural that I be here for her now.”

46. When elderly parents cannot live at home safely, their children can change their home instead of sending them to an adult care facility.

47. To talk about long-term care is not easy because sometimes aged parents are suspicious of their children’s financial motives.

48. Besides advance planning for finances or medical care, family caregivers take over many other responsibilities.

49. The difference between a durable power of attorney and a health care proxy is that the latter allows someone to make decisions regarding medical treatment.

50. Baldocchi did not want to send her mother to a nursing home, but she had difficulty taking care of her.

51. Over 42 million caregivers helped an adult with everyday activities in the USA in 2009.

52. If a family needs information or help to sort out disagreements, there are many people they can call on.

53. Caregivers should pay attention to their own health, or they may burn out or become depressed.

54. One will have to petition the court to be the parent’s legal guardian, if there is no advance directive.

55. The national median cost of assisted living in 2011 was $39,135 and it is not covered by Medicaid.


46. [G]。题干意为,当上了年纪的父母住在家里不安全时,他们的孩子可以改变他们的家,而不是将他们送 到成人看护中心去。注意抓住题干中的关键词live at home safely和adult care facility。文章段落中,[G]段提 到了上了年纪的父母住在家里不安全和成人看护中心的内容,该段第二至四句提到,如果上了年纪的父 母住在家里不再安全,对于孩子来说将他们送到成人看护中心也很难,不过有另外一种选择――可以改 变他们的家以适合他们在那里度过晚年。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[G]。

47. [D]。题干意为,谈论长期护理问题并不容易,因为有时老年人会怀疑自己孩子有金钱方面的动机。注意 抓住题干中的关键词talk about long-term care、suspicious of和financial motives。文章段落中,[D]段提到了 谈论长期护理和老年人会怀疑自己孩子的内容,该段前三句指出,家庭成员谈论长期护理问题是很重要 的,这样才能了解父母的喜好和意愿等,但是这并不容易,有时候父母会怀疑子女有金钱方面的动机。由 此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[D]。

48. [H]。题干意为,除了提前进行资金和医疗方面的规划,家庭护理人员还有其他许多责任。注意抓住题干 中的关键词planning for finances or medical care和many other responsibilities。文章段落中,[H ]段首先就提到 了家庭护理人员要承担许多责任,该段最后指出,家庭护理不仅仅要提前做好资金和医疗规划,一切问题 都要考虑到。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[H]。

49. [C]。题干意为,永久授权书和医疗保健代理委托书的区别在于,后者允许某人做出有关医疗方面的决定。 注意抓住题干中的关键词a durable power of attorney和a health care proxy。文章段落中,只有[C]段提到了 这两个专有名词,该段第二句指出,护理指示应该包含a durable power of attorney、a health care proxy和a living will。在介绍health care proxy时提到,它与durable power of attorney相似,只是它允许某人做出有关医疗方面的决定。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[C]。

50. [A]。题干意为,Baldocchi不想将母亲送到疗养院,但是她又很难照顾她。注意抓住题干中的关键词 Baldocchi和nursing home。文章段落中,有几段都提到了 Baldocchi,但是提到她不想将母亲送往疗养院但 自己照顾母亲又有困难的只有[A]段。题干内容是对原文第一段的总结,故答案为[A]。

51. [B]。题干意为,,美国有超过4200万护理人员帮忙照料成年人的日常生活。题干中的关键词为Over 42 million caregivers和help an adult with everyday activities。文章段落中,[B]段倒数第三句提到 了 More than 42 million Americans provide family caregiving for an adult who needs help with daily activities,其中 More than 42 million和daily activities分别与题干中的Over 42 million和everyday activities为同义互换。故答案为[B]。

52. [D]。题干意为,如果一个家庭需要解决纠纷的信息或帮助,他们可以向很多人求助。注意抓住题干中的关 键词sort out disagreements和call on。文章段落中,[D]段倒数第二句提到,如果一些家庭需要解决纠纷的信息或 者帮助,他们可以向老年法律师、金融规划师、老年人护理经理和护理人员组织求助。由此可知,题干是对 原文的同义转述,故答案为[D]。

53. [I]。题干意为,家庭护理人员应该注意自己的身体健康,否则他们可能会累垮或者变得心情抑郁。注意抓 住题干中的关键词their own health、burn out和depressed。文章段落中,提到要护理人员注意自己身体的是[I] 段,该段前三句指出,家庭护理人员也要注意自己的身体,有的时候护理者可能会累垮。对年龄在50岁及以 上的女性护理人员的调查显示,有20%的人称自己有抑郁症状。由此可知,题干是对原文这三句话的同义转 述,故答案为[I ]。题干中的 pay attention to their own health和原文中的 watch their own health对应。

54. [C]。题干意为,如果没有提前准备一份护理说明,那么想成为父母的合法监护人需要向法庭申请。注意 抓住题干中的关键词petition the court、parent’s legal guardian和no advance directive。本题比较简单,这几个关 键词均在文章[C ]段中直接出现,该段最后一句提到,Without an advance directive, the family will have to petition the court to be appointed the parent’s legal guardian。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案 为[ C]。

55. [F]。题干意为,,全国生活协助的平均花费为39,135美元,而且这项花费也不在医疗补助计划的范 围之内。注意抓住题干中的关键词2011、$39,135和Medicaid。本题也比较容易,扫读全文,可以发现在[F] 段出现了2011和$39,135这两个关键词,并且后面也提到生活协助并不包含在医疗补助计划之内。由此可 知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为[F]。



Teaching children to read well from the start is the most important task of elementary schools. But relying on educators to approach this task correctly can be a great mistake. Many schools continue to employ instructional methods that have been proven ineffective. The staying power of the “look-say” or “whole-word” method of teaching beginning reading is perhaps the most flagrant example of this failure to instruct effectively.

The whole-word approach to reading stresses the meaning of words over the meaning of letters, thinking over decoding, developing a sight vocabulary of familiar words over developing the ability to unlock the pronunciation of unfamiliar words. It fits in with the self-directed, “learning how to learn” activities recommended by advocates (倡导者)of “open” classrooms and with the concept that children have to be developmentally ready to begin reading. Before 1963, no major publisher put out anything but these “Run-Spot-Run” readers.

However, in 1955, Rudolf Flesch touched off what has been called “the great debate” in beginning reading. In his best-seller Why Johnny Can’t Read, Flesch indicted(控诉)the nation’s public schools for miseducating students by using the look-say method. He said C and more scholarly studies by Jeane Chall and Rovert Dykstra later confirmed C that another approach to beginning reading, founded on phonics(语音学), is far superior.

Systematic phonics first teachers children to associate letters and letter combinations with sounds; it then teaches them how to blend these sounds together to make words. Rather than building up a relatively limited vocabulary of memorized words, it imparts a code by which the pronunciations of the vast majority of the most common words in the English language can be learned. Phonics does not devalue the importance of thinking about the meaning of words and sentences; it simply recognizes that decoding is the logical and necessary first step.

36. The author feels that counting on educators to teach reading correctly is _____________.

A) only logical and natural B) the expected position

C) probably a mistake D) merely effective instruction

37. The author indicts the look-say reading approach because _________________.

A) it overlooks decoding B) Rudolf Flesch agrees with him

C) he says it is boring D) many schools continue to use this method

38. One major difference between the look-say method of learning reading and the phonics method is _______________.

A) look-say is simpler B) Phonics takes longer to learn

C) look-say is easier to teach D) phonics gives readers access to far more words

39. The phrase “touch-off” (Para 3, Line 1) most probably means _____________.

A) talk about shortly B) start or cause

C) compare with D) oppose

40. According to the author, which of the following statements is true?

A) Phonics approach regards whole-word method as unimportant.

B) The whole-word approach emphasizes decoding.

C) In phonics approach, it is necessary and logical to employ decoding.

D) Phonics is superior because it stresses the meaning of words thus the vast majority of most common words can be learned.


36. C)本题的线索是第一段的第二句话,其中的relying on educators与题干中的counting on educators 完全是同样的意思。

37. A) 作者先在第一段的最后一句说“look-say”或“whole-word”的阅读教学方法是失败的,第二段分析了这种方法失败的原因,是因为它“stresses the meaning of words over the meaning of letters, thinking over decoding…”

38. D) 文章在最后一段谈到了phonics method的特点和好处,本题线索见该段的第二句话“Rather than building up a relatively limited vocabulary of memorized words, it imparts a code by which the pronunciations of the vast majority of the most common words in the English language can be learned”,可见这种方法能使学习者获得更大的词汇量。

39. B) 本题要求利用上下文猜测单词的意思。根据第二段的最后一句,在1963年以前,出版的东西都是教授使用whole-word的方法的,紧接着用了转折词however,说在1955年,Rudolf Flesch“touched off”一场争论,因此此处的touch off必然是“引起”的意思。

40. C) 本题要求有较好的综合能力才能做得既快又准。从第二段中综合出whole-word阅读方法的特点:强调单词的意思、没有decoding;由此即可知B)、D)是错的;在文章的最后一句话,作者指出Phonics does not devalue the importance of thinking about the meaning of words and sentences,所以A)也是不对的。


1. 【模拟】We expect students to be able to exhaust the reference ___ in the library.

A. selections

B. collections

C. sources

D. origins

2.【真题】 Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were ____ deeply.(.6)

A. appreciated

B. approved

C. appealed

D. applied

3.【模拟】 I can’t ____ on my studies with all that noise going on.

A. absorb

B. concern

C. involve

D. concentrate

4.【真题】 It is said that math teacher seems ____ towards bright student.(.6)

A. partial

B. beneficial

C. preferable

D. liable

5.【模拟】 She was ___ to divorce,but she couldn’t tolerate her husband any more.

A. willing

B. reluctant

C. hesitant

D. determined


1. 【解析】答案为C





【联想】source和origin均有“来源”之意。Source强调事物的来源,出处(the place),如:the source of the news;origin强调事物的来源(the beginning point),起因,如:the origin of thecustom,origin还表示“出身,血统”





n.呼吁,恳求;感染力,吸引力,申诉,上诉 vt.将……上诉,将……移交上级法院审理 vi.呼吁,恳求;有吸引力,有感染力;上诉,申诉; (to)诉诸,诉请裁觉(或证实等)

【搭配】appeal to sb for sth为某人呼吁;appeal to sb to do sth呼吁某人做某事;appeal to sb对某人有吸引力;make an appeale for…恳请


be absorbed in全神贯注于;be concerned with 与……有关;be involved in使卷入;concentrate on全神贯注于。



vi.全神贯注,全力以赴;集中,聚集 vt.集中,聚集;浓缩 n.浓缩物,浓缩液

【联想】concentration n.专心;集中浓度

【搭配】concentrate on (doing)sth全神贯注于某事


be partial towards偏袒;be beneficial to对……有利;be preferable to更合意/倾向,be liable to易于……的。




【联想】be liable to sth易于……的;be liable for sth有……的责任/义务;be liable to do sth有做……的倾向,易于做……






【联想】(近)unwilling a.不情愿的;reluctance n.勉强

【搭配】be reluctant to do sth不情愿做某事


Hardly a week goes by without some advance in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago. And we can expect the rate of change to accelerate rather than slow down within our lifetime. The developments in technology are bound to have a dramatic effect on the future of work. By , new technology will have revolutionized communications. People will be transmitting messages down telephone lines that previously would have been sent by post. Not only postmen but also clerks and secretaries will vanish in a paper-free society. All the routine tasks they perform will be carried on a tiny silicon chip so that they will be as obsolete(已废弃的) as the horse and cart after the invention of the motorcar. One change will make thousands, if not millions, redundant.

Even people in traditional professions, where expert knowledge has been the key, are unlikely to escape the effects of new technology. Instead of going to a solicitor, you might go to a computer that is programmed with all the most up-to-date legal information. Doctors, too, will find that an electronic competitor will be able to carry out a much quicker and more accurate diagnosis and recommend more efficient courses oftreatment. In education, teachers will be largely replaced by teaching machines far more knowledgeable than any human being. Most learning will take place in the home via video conferencing. Children will still go to school though, until another place is created where they can make friends and develop social skills.


Choose correct answers to the question:

1.According to the writer, the rate of change in technology______.

A.will remain the same

B.will slow down

C.will speed up

D.can not be predicted

2.The writer expects that by new technology will have revolutionized communications and ____

A.people needn’t telephone each other

B.the present postal system will have disappeared

C.people will no longer send letters

D. the postmen will have been replaced by silicon chip.

3.The word “they” (Line 6,Para. 1) refers to _____.

A. the tiny silicon chips

B.the letter written on paper

C. the postmen, clerks and secretaries

D.the routine tasks performed by the postmen

4.From the second paragraph, we can infer that _____

A. professionals won’t be affected by new technology

B.doctor won’t be as efficient by the postmen

C. computers cannot replace lawyers

D.experts will lose job in the future

5.In the writer’s view, _______.

A.people should get prepared for the future

B.there exists no real threat of unemployment

C.the advance of technology is not desirable

D.machines will have control over men


1.[C] 事实细节题。只要知道第1段第2句中的关键词accelerate意为speed up“加速,加快”,就可以排除其他选项。

2.[B] 事实细节题。本题考硕员却ΑW髡咴诘1段第5句中通过previously将过去与现在作对比,指出现在传递消息的途径与过去不一样了,由此可判断B为正确选项。本题最具干扰性的是选项C,第1段倒数第3句提到以 后邮递员将会消失,但这并不意味着人们不再写信和寄信,以后可能会有新的送信方式,因此选项C是不对的。

3.[C] 词义推断题。they所在的句子是第1段倒数第2句,本句中两个they的指代是一样的,因此,只要找到第一个they的指代就能找到答案了。根据本段倒数第3句中“Not only postmen but also clerks and secretaries will vanish”及倒数第2句中的“All the routine tasks they perform...”可推断,they是指上一句中的postmen,clerks 和secretaries 。

4.[B] 推理判断题。本题考肆芯俅ΑT诘2段,作者列举了律师、医生、教师将会受到的新技术的影响,第3句指出医生的电子竞争者会做出更快更准的诊断,从而确定选项B说法正确,而选项A和C与原文不符,选项D言过其实,且缺乏合理的原文依据。

5.[A] 观点态度题。作者举出了大量实例暗示和告诫人们:正因为人类技术的发展日新月异,许多职业的存在都将受到威胁,人们应该采取积极态度以应对这种变化。选项B显然与第1段最后一句相悖;选项C无合理的推 断依据;文中虽提到新技术会在多方面影响人类,但并不能由此推断机器会控制人类,所以选项D不对。


Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage

There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something to do. In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another. In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world.

What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained are same. The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship, mechanics, and technology. It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the world and their persistence to the present that is amazing. In Egypt, the Americas, China, Japan and among the Arctic (北极的) peoples, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations depended on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings. Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.

Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to technological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use. The progress from the wheel to the oxcart to the automobile is a direct line of ascent (进步). The progress from a rattle (拨浪鼓) used by a baby in 3000 BC to one used by an infant today, however, is not characterized by inventiveness. Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations of available materials.

6. The reason why the toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with is that ________.

A) their social roles are rigidly determined

B) most boys would like to follow their fathers’ professions

C) boys like to play with their fathers while girls with their mothers

D) they like challenging activities

7. One aspect of “the universality of toys” lies in the fact that ________.

A) technological advances have greatly improved the durability of toys

B) the improvement of craftsmanship in making toys depends on the efforts of universities

C) the exploration of the universe had led to the creation of new kinds of toys

D) the basic characteristics of toys are the same the world over

8. Which of the following is the author’s view on the historical development of toys?

A) The craftsmanship in toy-making has remained essentially unchanged.

B) Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.

C) The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.

D) Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child’s character.

9. Regarded as a kind of art form, toys ________.

A) follow a direct line of ascent B) also appeal greatly to adults

C) are not characterized by technological progress D) reflect the pace of social progress

10. The author uses the example of rattle to show that ________.

A) in toy-making there is a continuity in the sue of materials

B) even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technology

C) even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technology

D) even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the time


6-10  A D B C D













Film Shows Effort to Stop Tribes from Killing Children


Filmmaker John Rowe discovered a secret after many visits to the Omo River Valley in Ethiopia: people there thought some children were “cursed.”

Villagers blamed the children for sickness, a lack of rainfall and other problems. So they killed them.

The Omo Valley is a place of beauty. It is home to villagers with customs that date back many generations.

Rowe says the villagers believe that if a child’s teeth first appear on the upper gum instead of the lower part of the mouth, the child is cursed and must be killed. He says children are also killed when they are born to a woman who is not married, or if they are disabled or are twins.

Rowe heard about this belief from Lale Labuko, the man who helped him during his visits to the Omo Valley. Rowe made a documentary film about the practice. He called the film “Omo Child.”

Labuko says that when he was 15 years old, he saw a two-year-old child being drowned in a river. His mother told him that he had two sisters who were killed before he was born.

In the film, a woman says 15 of her children were considered cursed. She says when they were born, older members of her village took them and fed them to crocodiles.

In the film, Labuko says “I want to stop these things.”

Labuko was the first member of his village to be educated. He asked Rowe to help him end the killings. First, he persuaded some young villagers, then families and leaders of the village.

Rowe’s son Tyler filmed the documentary over a five year period. He says it was not easy. He says some people admitted they had killed their children. But others said children were not killed.

Tyler says some villagers told him, “It doesn’t happen here. We stopped it a long time ago. It only happens (in another village, not here.)”

Labuko’s work caused people to begin speaking out about the practice. His tribe agreed to ban the killings in . Rowe’s documentary shows Labuko’s efforts.

A charity group created by Labuko and his wife has saved more than 40 children. They now live in a home in Jinka, Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian government has banned the practice, but Rowe says “there are two other tribes that continue to” kill children. But because of the film, more people know about the killings and the efforts of one man to stop them.

I’m Christopher Jones-Cruise.


Words in This Story

twin n. either one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother

charity group n. an organization that helps people who are poor, sick, etc.





5.大学英语四级听力备考 练习易入误区及原则







Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a pencil.

Passage 1

How do you send a message to a submerged submarine, particularly one carrying mi Water may not look like a barrier to communications, but appearances are deceiving. Water strongly absorbs all electromagnetic waves except blue green light and extremely low frequency radio waves. The very low frequency waves now used to contract submarines penetrates only a short distance into the ocean, so the craft must either surface or send up and antenna (天线) to receive messages, thereby increasing its weakness. A laser system --- accurate over long distances and capable of carrying more data than the very low frequency waves --- would talk to submarine at their normal depths.

In the system, a very broad beam spreading out freely in all directions would be scanned (扫描) over thousands of square miles of ocean so that it wouldn't endanger boats, birds or fish――or the submarines it is supposed to reach.

Since only a small fraction of the laser system will make its way through the air and ocean, receivers mounted on the submarines must be able not only to detect the laser but also to discriminate between it and sunlight. So, military scientists are now working hard on special filter that allow through only the precise wavelengths emitted by the laser. The filtered light, when transformed into electrical signal, can then be decoded. Military planners are confident that laser communication with submarines is feasible.

1. Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Missiles carried by submerged submarines.

B. Messages sent by submerged submarines.

C. Blue-green lasers used by submerged submarines.

D. The way to send a message to submerged submarines.

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Water is a barrier to radio communication.

B. Lasers have found wide application in submarine communication.

C. Water absorbs all kinds of electromagnetic waves.

D. Very low frequency radio waves cannot be used to contact submarines.

3. Which of the following is NOT true of a laser system?

A. It is able to make its way through water.

B. It is able to communicate with submarines at work.

C. Its beam reaches a submerged submarine with the help of an antenna.

D. It is able to carry more data than low frequency waves.

4. The reference word “it” (Sentence 1, para.3) refers to .

A. the air

B. the laser beam

C. the ocean

D. the submarine

5. Who would be very much interested in the passage?

A. Missile builders

B. Military scientists

C. Fishermen

D. Ship builder

Passage 2

The West begun to take more notice of the East. The fifth volume of an enormous work re-assessing the Chinese contribution to science and technology is to be published next year. The first volume, which was published twenty years ago, set the tone for the whole work. In it, evidence was given to show that many inventions which, until then, western historians had claimed for Europe, were made first in China. The attempt to rewrite the intellectual history of the world was not received without protest by some reputable historians. However, the evidence that has been presented so far in the first four volumes has persuaded many historians who were skeptical at first. China's invention of paper, printing, the magnetic compass and gunpowder has never been disputed, but this new history has added advanced bridge design, mechanical clocks, paddle boats and many other inventions to the list.

In the four volumes published so far no attempt has been made to explain why China has not kept up with the West in science and technology in modern times. It is probable that the answer is to be found in the social and economic history of China, where a static society under a relatively benevolent regime of scholar-gentry contrasts with the potentially revolutionary and dynamic society of the West at the end of the Middle Ages. In recent years, the Chinese government has been making every effort to catch up with the West again, and there is little doubt that the gap is being reduced year by year. But will China avoid the West's mistakes?

6. So far, how many volumes have been published?

A. Five.

B. Four.

C. Three.

D. None.

7. The first volume was published .

A. ten years ago

B. last year

C. five years ago

D. twenty years ago

8. In Line 7, the word “skeptical“ means .

A. doubtful

B. worried

C. sad

D. angry

9. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. Gunpowder.

B. Needle.

C. Paddle boats.

D. Bridge design.

10. The best title for this passage is .

A. China's Inventions

B. Comparisons Between the East and the West

C. China Is Catching Up

D. Situations in China

Passage 3

Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything which goes into the dustbin would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.

The new concept of recycling waste is taking shape at the British technological laboratory at Warren Spring, not far from the north of London. Today, the laboratory spends four times as much money in studying recycling as it did five years ago.

The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well. Methods have been discovered, for example, for removing the ink from newsprint so that the paper can be used again, and for obtaining valuable oils and gases from old motor car types. All these ideas are already being made use of, but what is new is the idea of combining them on such a large scale in a single plant designed to recycle most types of waste.

Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will pass through sharp metal spikes which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that crushers and rollers will break up everything that can be broken finally, and the rubbish will pass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; finely the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.

The first full-scale giant recycling plants are, perhaps, fifteen years away. But in some big industrial areas, where rubbish has been dumped for so long that there are no holes left to fill up with rubbish, these new automatic recycling plants may be built sooner. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.

11. Projects for recycling waste in Britain .

A. will not be started for at least fifteen years

B. are being developed all over Britain

C. have not yet been fully tested

D. have been abandoned because they are too expensive

12. The purpose of the latest recycling project is

A. to prevent people from putting rubbish into holes

B. to find a way of destroying all kinds of waste

C. to extract useful raw materials from the waste

D. to find out how much raw materials should be provided of people want to recycle the waste

13. The new type of recycling plant will .

A. recycle only paper and rubber

B. not recycle metals, paper or rubber

C. recycle paper, rubber and metals

D. not recycle steel, lead or copper

14. The first recycling plants .

A. have already been built in large industrial areas

B. will not be built for at least fifteen years

C. will probably be built in the next fifteen years

D. will be too expensive to build near big cities.

15. “Well on with” in the first paragraph probably means .

A. finished with

B. nearing completion

C. getting ready to start

D. making improvements on


The Earth comprises three principal layers: the dense, iron-rich core, the mantle made of silicate (硅酸盐) that are semi-molten at depth, and the thin, solid-surface crust There are two kinds of crust, a lower and denser oceanic crust and an upper,lighter continental crust found over only about 40 percent of the Earth’s surface. The rocks of the crust are of very different ages. Some continental rocks are over 3,000 million years old, while those of the ocean floor are less than 200 million years old. The crusts and the top, solid part of the mantle, totaling about 70 to 100 kilometers in thickness, at present appear to consist of about 15 rigid plates, 7 of which are very large. These plates move over the semi-molten lower mantleto produce all of the major topographical(地形学的)features of the Earth. Active zones where intense deformation occur are confined to the narrow, interconnecting boundaries of contact of the plates.

There are three main types of zones of contact: spreading contacts where plates move apart, converging contacts where plates move towards each other, and transform contacts where plates slide past each other. Newoceanic crust is formed along one or more margins of each plate by material issuing from deeper layers of the Earth’ s crust, for example, by volcanic eruptions (爆发) of lava (火山熔岩) at mid-ocean ridges. If at such a spreading contact the two plates support continents,a rift(裂缝) is formed that will gradually widen and become flooded by the tea. The Atlantic Ocean formed like this as the American and Afro-European plates moved in opposite directions. When two plates carrying continents collide, the continental blocks,too light to be drawn down, continue to float and therefore buckle (起褶皱) to form a mountain chain along the length of the margin of the plates.


Choose correct answers to the question:

1.The Earth’s crust______.

A.can be classified into two types

B.is formed along the margins of the plates

C.consists of semi-molten rocks

D.is about 70 to 100 kilometers thick

2.The 15 plates of the Earth are formed from ___.

A.the oceanic crusts and continental crusts

B.the crusts and the mantle

C.the crusts and the top and solid part of the mantle

D.the continental crusts and the solid part of the mantle

3.Seriously-deformed zones appear _______

A.whenever the crusts move over mantle

B.when the plates move towards each other

C.in the narrow boundaries where two plates meet

D.to be the major topographical feature of the Earth

4.According to the second paragraph, the formation of the Atlantic Ocean is the example of_______.

A.spreading contacts

B.the influence of volcanic eruptions

C.converging contacts

D.transform contacts

5.This passage is probably_______.

A.a newspaper advertisement

B.a chapter of a novel

C.an excerpt from a textbook

D.a scientific report of new findings


1.[A] 事实细节题。选项A与文章第1段第2句所述一致,为正确答案。此类题可采用排除法。根据第2段第2句的内容可以知道选项B所指的只是地壳中的一种.而不是所有地壳。选C与文章第1句的内容不符。选D的主语应该是地壳和上层的地幔,不仅仅是地壳。

2.[C] 推理判断题。此题可定位到第1段倒数第3句。题干中的15 plates是原文该句中的宾语,且该句的谓语中心词是consist of(由......组成),题干的谓语是are formed from,这意思一致,但题目用的是被动语态。表明答案可从原文该句的主语得到。主语中的top和solid并列修饰part of the mantle。选项C为该句的同义替换,故正确。

3.[C] ~实细节题。选项C是对第1段最后一句的同义改写。文章中没有提到选项A中the crusts move over mantle 这种现象;选项B提到的现象在第2段第1句才讨论到,与题干无关;文中也没有提到严重变形的地区是地球的主要地形特征,因此选项D不正确。

4.[A] ~实细节题。第2段主要分成两部分:第一部分谈板块活动的三种形式,第二部分分别举例说明其中在说明spreading contacts时,引用了大西洋的例子:“The Atlantic Ocean formed like this...”,所以答案为A。

5. [C] 主旨大意题。由本文的语言风格和描述内容可以判定这篇文章既不是商业性的,也不是文学性的同时文中叙述的内容具有科普性质,不可能是太前沿性的,因此A、B、D三项都不正确,选项C为此题答案。















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