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Unit 11 综合测试


一、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)


( ) 1.It was ________ exciting game.We enjoyed watching it.

A.a B.an C./ D.the

( ) 2.Lily bought anEnglish dictionary ________ me.

A.to B.for C.on D.of

( ) 3.In the village,I saw a lot of animals like ________,chickens

and horses.

A.flowers B.stars C.bananas D.cows

( ) 4.Bob,don’t use the computer in the ________ room.It’s bad

for your eyes.

A.small B.warm C.dark D.noisy

( ) 5.Everything inthe museum ________ about animals.

A.is B.are C.have D.has

( ) 6.--Is your uncle an artist?

--Yes.His ________ are very popular.

A.books B.houses C.foods D.paintings

( )7.Don’t ________,Bill.We’ll help you finish the job on time.

A.talk B.relax C.fight D.worry

( )8.This is a________train.It stops at alot of places.

A.quiet B.slow C.scary D.dirty

( )9.In the morning,the guide showed us ________ the zoo.

A.around B.with C.from D.about

( )10.I ________ astudent last year but now I ________ a teacher.

A.am;am B.was;am C.am;was D.was;was

( )11.My brothertaught me how ________ a model plane yesterday.

A.make B.to made C.made D.to make

( )12.They can’t see________ in the dark.

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

( )13.Sam thinkshistory is an ________ subject.He is ________in


A.interesting;interesting B.interested;interesting

C.interesting;interested D.interested;interested

( )14. --Did you go to the zoo last weekend?

--________.I went to the farm.

A.Yes,I do B.No,I don’t

C.Yes,I did D.No,I didn’t

( )15.-- How was Jim’s trip?


A.It is OK B.He was fine

C.It was great D.He had a trip

二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)


I had a school trip with my classmates today.We went to the Sea Museum by ____16____.It took us an hour to get there.First we ____17____ in front of the museum.We were so happy and the photos were very ____18____.Thenwe went inside(往里面)and ____19____the museum.We also wentto the 4D cinema and ____20____ an exciting movie.

At noon we had lunch at a restaurant.I ate a large bowl ____21____beef noodles.They were very ____22____! My friend Jackalso thought they were great.

It was 3:00 p.m.We went backto the bus.It took ____23____back to our school.We were tired,____24____we had great fun.

I hope I can go there ____25____.What about your school trip? Can

you tell me?

( )16.A.bike B.train C.bus D.car

( )17.A.tookphotos B.went shopping

C.had breakfast D.played games

( )18.A.dark B.beautiful C.small D.popular

( )19.A.heard B.described C.visited D.drew

( )20.A.used B.read C.put D.watched

( )21.A.for B.in C.of D.with

( )22.A.delicious B.terrible C.heavy D.expensive

( )23.A.you B.us C.me D.them

( )24.A.but B.so C.and D.or

( )25.A.early B.before C.too D.again

三、阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)



Our farm is open to you on the Weekend from April l st to July31st.Our farm is very big andyou can do lots of interesting things.

We will show you around our farm and tell you have to milk. Youcan ride a horse and feed chickens.You can also pick all kinds of fruits and eat them for free,but you have to pay if you want take them sway.

Bring some food to enjoy your lunch under the trees,but be careful of our cats.They are always in the trees.And remember to put comfortable shoes,a hat for sunny days,and maybe your coat.well,don’t bringyour pets to the farm.It’s notallowed.

( )26.The farm isopen for ________.

A.twomonths B.four months

C.half a year D.eight months

( )27.You can’t ________ on the farm.

A.ride ahorse B.feed chickens

C.pickfruit D.go fishing

( )28.The writerasks people to ________.

A.work on thefarm B.milk the cows

C.wearcomfortable shoes D.drive their cars

( )29.What can welearn about the farm?

A.The farm isbig and near the city.

B.People canvisit the farm on Monday.

C.There are somecats on the farm.

D.People cantake the fruit away for free.

( )30.The underlinedword “allowed” means “________”in Chinese.

A.允许的 B.收费的 C.正规的 D.安全的


Last Sunday, our art club had a trip tothe zoo.

The zoo is far from our club.The bus ride took us about two hours to get there.The zoo is big and beautiful.There are lots of animals in it.I took many photos of the animals.Now let me show you photos.

Look at this tiger.It is elevenyears old.It wassleeping when we there.Look! Theelephants are so lovely.They’re fromSouth Africa.They’re eatingfood.What are the monkeysdoing? Oh,they’re climbingthe tree.There are many apples onthe tree.Look at these pandas.They are all about my favorite animals--pandas.They’re really cute and beautiful,right? Where is the photo of the giraffe? it’sunder the chair.The giraffe istaking a walk.The photos areinteresting.Do you like them?

( )31.The writer isin the ________ club.

A.English B.art

C.swimming D.science

( )32.They went tothe zoo ________.

A.by bike B.by car C.by bus D.by train

( )33.The elephantsare from ________.

A.SouthAfrica B.Africa

C.China D.America

( )34.The writerlikes ________ best.

A.tigers B.elephants C.monkeys D.pandas

( )35.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.They went tothe zoo last Saturday.

B.The pandas arefrom Australia.

C.There are manypears on the tree.

D.The writerfound the photo of the giraffe under the chair.



36.The ________ (机器人)can help usclean the room.

37.The rain stopped and the ________ (太阳)came out.

38.There was a ________ (火)in the hotel last night.

39.Mr..Smith is a(n)________ (优秀的)teacher.We all like him.

40.I’m sorry,I didn’t________ (听见)what you said.


41.Linda’s grandfather is a ________ (farm).

42.Tina is smart and ________ (love).We all like her.

43.Last Sunday l went ________ (fish) with my cousin Tom.

44.My grandpa ________ (grow) two apple trees behind his house lastyear.

45.I got to the station late,but ________ (luck)the train was still there.



________,it’s a goodmovie.


I ________ like rainy days ________ ________.


Today we have ________ ________work to do.


Can you ________ ________ ________,Joe?


He went ________ ________ ________ this morning.


A:Hey,Yang Lin.____51____

B:It was great.


B:On Saturday,I went to the cinema and saw a funny movie.

A:Sounds good.____53____

B:I went to the zoo.


B:I Saw tigers,lions,monkeys and elephants.


B:Yes.Do you want tohave a look?



一、1~5.BBDCA 6~10.DDBAB 11~15.DBCDC

二、16~20.CABCD 21~25.CABAD

三、26~30.BDCCA 31~35.BCADD

四、36.robot(s) 37.sun 38.fire 39.Excellent 40.hear 41.farmer

42.lovely 43.fishing 44.grew 45.1uckily

五、46.All in all 47.don’t;at all 48.quite a lot of 49.milk a cow

50.for a walk.


七、56.Countryside 57.was 58.Along 59.farmers 60.showed

61.milk 62.horse 63.feed 64.pick 65.exciting

八、One possible version:

Dear Jenny,

The weatherwas fine yesterday.I went to a park for a trip with my classmates.The park is far.We took a bus there.How beautiful the parkwas! We swam in the pool and then played volleyball.We took lots of food andate them for lunch under a big tree.In the afternoon,we went fishing and tooklots of photos.All of us had a great timein the park.



Unit2 单元测试



1. — How about taking __________walk now?

— Sounds great.

A. a B. / C. an D. the

2. —When do you go to bed?

—Usually_______ nine o’clock.

A. on B. in C. at D. to

3. —What’s the time?

—__________ six o’clock.

A. Its B. It’s

C. This is D. They are

4. —How many _________ does thebaby have?

—Two. So he only drinks some milk.

A. books B. chairs

C. groups D. teeth

5. —Is Mr. Zhang very popular (受欢迎的) with his students?

— Yes, his classes are ____interesting.

A. always B. never

C. sometimes D. seldom

6. He losthis _______ because of his age. He needs to find a new one.

A. exercise B. homework

C. work D.job

7. —Do you want to take the bigone ______ the small one?

—The small one, please.

A. and B. but

C. or D.so

8. All of them sing __________,but Mike sings ________.

A. good; well B. best; well

C. well; best D.best; good

9. —She tellsme that this food smells (闻起来)not good.

— Yes. But it __________ good.

A. sounds B. tastes

C. feels D. sells

10. It takes us ________ to get tothe National Library.

A. a half an hour B. half a hour

C. an hour half D.half an hour

11. My grandfather lives in Miamifor most of his __________.

A. life B. family C. age D. years

12. We know that 8:15 reads_________ in English.

A. eight past a quarter

B. eight to a quarter

C. a quarter past eight

D. a quarter to eight

13. —Wow! Your room is so tidy.

—Thanks. I _______ it everymorning.

A. brush B. clean C. run D. teach

14. A group of girls ________ inthat bread store.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

15. —___________?

—At eight o’clock.

A. Where do you like to doexercise

B. Why are you here

C. When is the Sports Day

D. What time do you watch TV



On Christmas Day, the Smiths go to London.They live in a big hotel (酒店).It costs 1 $80 a night. They want to go around London to 2 some great things. Mrs. Smith is interested in 3 , and she wants to buy some clothes.

On the morning of the next day,they get up 4 and go to a park (公园). There are some ducks (鸭子) in the park and they 5 on the lake (湖泊).At 10:00 a.m., theyleave the park and go to see the Big Ben. There 6 many people there. They like the Big Ben andthey take many photos 7 it. In the 8 ,they walk around the city. They see a school, a library and another two parks.What do they do in the evening? Oh, they like watching sports games, 9 they just watch sports games on TV in thehotel. They also eat 10 great food. They have a great time in London.




Dear Clark,

How are you? I’m happy to get your e-mail andknow your daily life. Now let me tell you something about my daily life. FromMonday to Friday, my day starts at 6:30. Then I get dressed and brush my teeth.After that I do some exercise for thirty minutes. At 7:30, I have some breadand milk for breakfast. Then I take the school bus to go to school. My classstarts at 8:20 and finishes at 5:30. And I like having classes and my favoritesubject is math. Most students think it’s difficult but I don’t think so. It’sinteresting and easy for me. At 5:45, I go back home and then I play tenniswith my friends for about one hour. At 7:00, I have dinner with my parents.After dinner, I watch some music games on TV.

On weekends, my life is a little different(不同的) from that on weekdays, because I don’t goto school. In the morning, I get up at 8:00 and I have breakfast at 8:30. ThenI can go shopping or go to the park with my friends or my parents. Sometimes Iam stay(待) at home and clean my room. Ilove my life.



1. What time does Laura get up onweekdays?

A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00.

C. At 7:30. D. At 6:00.

2. What does Laura think of math?

A. Easy and interesting.

B. Easy but boring.

C. Interesting but difficult.

D. Interesting and useful.

3. What does Laura do after schoolon school days?

A. Plays basketball. B.Plays tennis.

C. Watches music games on TV. D. Does her homework.

4. Laura usually does all of thefollowing on weekends EXCEPT (除了)______.

A. going shopping

B. cleaning the room

C. going to the park

D. playing computer games

5. The passage is mainly about_______.

A. Laura’s school life

B. Laura’s favorite subject

C. Laura’s weekend

D. Laura’s daily life


Dale Smith is thirty-two years old. He worksat a radio station. His home is in the center of the city, so he walks to hiswork place every day. From Monday to Friday, he gets up early, usually at sixo’clock. He needs to have a quick breakfast and then gets to the radio stationbefore half past six. People always listen to his program (节目) at that time. He works for five years atthe station and he is never late for work.

Dale Smith likes his job and he also likesdoing sports. On weekdays he usually runs for a quarter after work. On weekendshe always joins his friends to play basketball in the afternoon. It’s hisfavorite sport. Sometimes he goes swimming with his family. He does a lot ofexercise, so he is really healthy. For food, he likes vegetables with ricebest. He also likes chicken and he says it tastes good. He doesn’t like ice-creambecause it is not good for his teeth.

At night Dale often goes to bedearly. He really has a happy life.

6. How old is Dale Smith?

A. 31. B. 32.

C. 41. D. 42.

7. What time does Dale’s programstart on weekdays?

A. At 6:00. B. At 6:15.

C. At 6:30. D. At 6:45.

8. What sport does Dale like best?

A. Basketball. B.Volleyball.

C. Baseball. D.Swimming.

9. For food, Dale likes_______________.

① vegetables ②rice

③ ice-cream ④ chicken

A. ①②③ B. ②③④

C. ①③④ D.①②④

10. What’s the main idea of thispassage?

A. What Dale does on weekdays.

B. Dale’s happy life.

C. How Dale works at the radiostation.

D. Dale’s favorite sports andfood.



1. Sam walks __________ me anddoesn’t say “hi” to me.

2. John needs to _________ onSundays.

3. Scott is a _________ man. Allof us like him.

4. Bolt can ___________ veryquickly.

5. All of us want to have a happy_________.

6. My mother ___________(通常地) gets up at 6:30.

7. I think my father is the__________(最好的) man.

8. A ___________(四分之一) of them are from China.

9. He __________(从不) has ice-cream, because it’s not healthyfood.

10. Jenny doesn’t like watch TV. Idon’t like it, __________(也).



Jeff lives in Beijing and he works at aradio station. But he doesn’t like his job, because it makes him feel (感到) so tired (疲劳的)every day.On weekdays, hegets up at 6:30 in themorning. Then he gets dressed and brushes his._____1_____. His wife (妻子) _____2_____ breakfast for him everymorning. At 8:00, he takes a bus to go to work. And then he starts his busywork. For lunch, he doesn’t have much time to have it. After lunch, he goes tohis busy work again. His work always finishes at 8 o’clock. After work, he goesback to home and has dinner with his family. But he has no time to watch TV orto take a _____3_____ after dinner on weekdays. On _____4_____ he is free andhe is happy to be with his friends and family. Sometimes, he thinks maybe thatis the best _____5_____ of life.六、完成句子按要求完成下列句子。1. Mr. Li usually goes to work at7:45. (对画线部分提问)______ ________ does Mr. Liusually go to work?2. My mother often cleans my roomin the morning. (改为一般疑问句)_______ your mother often ______________ room in the morning?3. He always brushes his teethafter dinner. (用never改为否定句)He ________ ________ his teethafter dinner.4. I want to run in themorning. (对画线部分提问)_________ do you want _________________ in the morning?5. He walks to school everyday. (对画线部分提问)_________ _________ he go toschool every day?七、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。There are fourpeople in the Brown family. They live in New York,Americanow. What kind (种类) of life do they have there? Letme tell you.Mr. Brown works inan office (办公室), and his work time is from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Before his work, he goesto an English class. What about Mrs. Brown? She is at home and she takes careof (照顾) their son and daughter. Theyoften go to school from 9:00 a.m.to 3:30 p.m. They are never late for school. In the evening, Mr. Brown and Mrs.Brown often take a walk after dinner.On Saturdays, thechildren (孩子) also go to school. They need totake a piano lesson from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The piano lessons make themhappy and relaxing. Mr. Brown is free on Sundays. So he can take his family fora short trip. Sometimes they do some running or go swimming. They really have ahappy life in New York.1. Where do the Browns live?_______________________________________________________________________________2. What does the underlined word“they” refer to(指代)?_______________________________________________________________________________3. What does Mr. Brown and Mrs.Brown do in the evening?_______________________________________________________________________________4. What time fo the children havepiano lessons?_______________________________________________________________________________5. What’s the passage mainlyabout?_______________________________________________________________________________八、书面表达假如你是弗兰克(Frank),现在请根据表格提示写一篇不少于50词的文章来描写自己的日常生活,并在英语角活动中跟你的同学讲述。


一、1-5 ACBDA 6-10 DCCBD 11-15 ACBD

二、1-5 DBCCA 6-10 CBBDB

三、1-5 AABDD 6-10BCADB

四、1. past 2. work 3. funny 4. run 5. life

6. usually 7. best 8. quarter 9. never 10. either

五、1. job 2. teeth 3. walk 4. weekends 5.taste

六、1. What time

2. Does;clean your

3. neverbrushes

4. What;to do

5. Howdoes


1. Theylive in New York, America.

2. Mr.Brown and Mrs. Brown’s son and daughter.

3. Theyoften take a walk after dinner.

4. From3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays.

5. TheBrowns’ happy life in New York.


Hello, I’m Frank. I usually get up at around six ten. Then Ihave breakfast. I go to school at seven o’clock. The first class is always atseven fifty. I usually have lunch at school with my friends. At around 5o’clock in the afternoon, I go home. I do my homework from seven thirty toeight thirty. Then I go to bed at nine. That’s my busy day.


Unit 6 单元测试



1. Jim and Tim are talking _______ thephone.

A. at B. on C. with D. in

2. Today is Sunday. My family _______all at home.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

3. It’s ten o’clock in the morning. Dale_______ for a test.

A. study B. studies C. studying D. is studying

4. Look! The children are swimming inthe _______.

A. zoo B. supermarket C. library D. pool

5. —What do you like to _______?

—Someorange juice.

A. eat B. drink C. watch D. clean

6. There are three people in my _______.We are all at _______ now.

A. home; home B. home; family

C. family; home D. family; family

7. Your clothes are dirty. Please_______ them on weekends.

A. save B. leave C. wear D. wash

8. —_______ she _______ her homework?

—No,she isn’t. She is writing something.

A. Does; do B. Is; doing C. Do; do D. Are; doing

9. —What time is it now?


A. In the morning

B. It’s eight

C. It’s in May

D. On Tuesday

10. —_______?

—Theyare playing basketball.

A. What are they doing

B. What do they do

C. How are they

D. Where are they playing

11. —______

—Yes,she is.

A. What is Mary doing? B. Does Mary go to school by bus?

C. Is Mary reading or talking? D. IsMary talking on the phone?

12. Jimmy likes ______ soccer. Look! Heis ______ soccer.

A. playing;playing B. play;play

C. plays;plays D. playing;plays

13. Now I'm at the ______.I'd like tobuy a dress for my daughter.

A. library B. park C.pool D. supermarket

14. —What ______ things do you want?

—Someeggs, please.

A. other B. the other C. another D. others

15. —What's Rose doing?


A. She likes reading B. She is a doctor

C. She is eating dinner D. She does housework after school


先通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

It’s Sunday morning. My grandparents, my parents, mycousin and I are at my home. We are all __1__. What are my grandparents doing?Oh, my grandfather is exercising. He is playing __2__ two balls. My grandmotheris reading a newspaper. She is reading a story in it. The story is __3__. Look!How happy my grandmother is! And my father is watching TV. He is watching CCTVnews. It’s his favorite __4__. My mother is in the kitchen. She is __5__. Shecan cook delicious food. She is a good mother. I love __6__ very much. Mycousin Peter is my uncle’s __7__. He is 10 years old. He is listening to musicin my room. He likes music and he __8__ play the piano and the guitar. He isgood at __9__. He wants to be a singer (歌唱家). What am I doing? I’m using thecomputer, __10__ I’m not playing games. I’m writing an e-mail.

1. A. lazy B. healthy C. busy D. friendly

2. A. in B. to C. with D. at

3. A. boring B. interesting C. short D. long

4. A. show B. subject C. book D. dish

5. A. reading B. writing C. sleeping D. cooking

6. A. him B. her C.it D. you

7. A. daughter B. brother C. son D. sister

8. A. must B. can C. mustn’t D. can’t

9. A. singing B.studying C.talking D. drawing

10. A. or B.because C. but D. when



Bob: Hi, Jim! This is Bob.

Jim: Hello, Bob! Where are you now?

Bob: I’m at the zoo and watching theanimals here.

Jim: Really? That’s great. What aboutyour sister? Is she with you?

Bob: Yes. We’re here with our parents.

Jim: What are they doing now?

Bob: Well, my sister is eating an icecream. She likes it a lot. My parents are watching the pandas. The pandas arefrom China and they are very cute.

Jim: Pandas from China? Sounds great!Please take some photos of them and send them to me by e-mail.

Bob: OK. I will (会) send them toyou this evening.

Jim: Thanks! Have a good time! Bye!

Bob: Bye!


1. Jim and Bob talk ______.

A. at the zoo B. at their school

C. on the phone D. by e-mail

2. Who are at the zoo now?

A. Jim and his classmates.

B. Jim and his family.

C. Bob and his classmates.

D. Bob and his family.

3. Bob’s sister likes ______ very much.

A. ice creams B. hamburgers

C. eggs D. carrots

4. Bob thinks the pandas are very______.

A. cute B. smart

C. scary D. lazy

5. 下面的陈述哪一项是正确的?

A. Bob and Jim come from China.

B. Jim’s parents are watching thepandas.

C. Jim will get Bob’s e-mail this afternoon.

D. Bob will take some photos of thepandas.


Today is thefirst day of the week. It is in the afternoon. Mr. Read is driving his car tohis sister's school. Now he is very near the school. But he doesn't know theway to it. At this time, he sees a young woman. Mr. Read comes out of his carand goes to her. “Excuse me!Where's theschool, please?” he asks. The young woman says, “It'svery near here. I want to go with you.”

Now the youngwoman is sitting in the car. Soon they come to a small house and she says, “Stop,please!” Mr. Read stops the car and says, “Butthis is not a school.” “No,” says the young woman, “this is my house. I want toget home early before supper time. Thanks for driving me home. The school isbehind the factory. So go back to the factory and then turn right, you can findthe school.”

6. Today is ______.

A. Monday B. Saturday C. Tuesday D. Sunday

7. What is Mr. Read doing thisafternoon?

A. He is going to his sister's factory.

B. He is mending(修理)a car for the young woman.

C. He is driving his car to his sister'sschool.

D. He's driving his car to see a youngwoman.

8. What does the young woman want to do?

A. She wants to go to the school withMr. Read.

B. She wants to get home in Mr. Read's car.

C. She wants Mr. Read to go to herhouse.

D. She wants to stop Mr. Read's car.

9. Where's Mr. Read's sister's school?

A. Behind the factory. B. Near the young woman's house.

C. In front of the woman's house. D. Behindthe woman's house.

10. Which is not TRUE?

A. Mr. Read doesn't know the way to theschool.

B. The young woman doesn't get homebefore supper time.

C. Mr. Read and the young woman aren't friends.

D. Mr. Read wants to find the school, sohe must go back.


At thismoment (时刻), indifferent places of the world, people are doing different things.

InBeijing, it’s midday. People are having lunch. Some are eating rice andchicken. Some people are seeing friends or shopping.

InLondon, it’s early morning. Most people are sleeping.

InJuneau, it’s evening. People are having dinner at home or in restaurants. Someare going to watch a movie. Some are watching TV at home.

InNew York, it’s late at night. Most people are sleeping, too.

InMoscow, it’s morning. People are working. Children are starting their lessons.


11. How many places are there in thepassage?


12. Is it time for lunch in Beijing?


13. When is it in Juneau?


14. Where are most people sleeping?


15. Are people in Moscow having dinner?



一、1-5BCDDB 6-10 CDBBA 11-15 DADAC

二、1-5 CCBAD 6-10 BCBAC

三、1-5 CDAAD 6-10 DCBAB

11. Five. 12. Yes, it is.

13. It’s evening.

14. In London and New York.

15. No, they aren’t.



一. 1. Look! The koala comes from Australia.

2. — Where' s your pen pal from? - He comes from New York.

3. - What' s your brother doing? - He' s playing basketball.

4. - How' s the weather in Canada now? - It' s snowing and cold.

5. - What does your cousin want to be? -He wants to be a doctor.

二. 6. Where do people play baseball ?

7.Are you watching TV ?

8.What kind of movies do you like ?

9.What club does he want to join ?

10. Why do you like P. E. ?

三. 11. - The weather is going too bad then. - Yes, it' s raining again.

Question: How' s the weather there?

12. - Is your brother a student? - Yes. But he wants to be an actor.

Question; What does he want to be?

13. - Can you help me? I want to find a pay phone. - It' s over there, in a mall.

Question; Where is the pay phone?

14. -1 like animals very much.

- Me,too. Let's go to the zoo this afternoon, OK?

Question; Do they want to go to the library?

15. - Do you know the animals?

- They are pandas. They live only in China.

Question; Where do pandas live?


It' s a fine Sunday morning. It' s sunny and warm. Ann and her mother are in a big bus. There are many people in it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and Canada. They are all their friends. They are going to the supermarket.

There are two Chinese in the bus. One is a woman. She is driving the bus. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking a-bout the supermarket. The other people are all listen?ing to him. They want to buy some things. They are very happy.

五.Dear Maria,

Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I' m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I' m with my brother. We are swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We' re eating dinner. In the last photo I' m with my sister Gina. She' s doing homework I' m watching TV.

Ⅰ 1――5 CBAAB 6—10 AACBC 11—15 ABCCB 16—20 BCABC

21—22 BAABA


一至四题(略) 五. 1—5 BCBDB 6—10 C DCBC 11—15 D BCDB

16—20 A CDCA 21—25 CBCCC

六.完形填空: 1――5 BCCDB 6- --10 DCBCA



Dear Lin Tao,

I was happy to read your letter. You asked me for some advice on learning English.

At first, I also found it hard to remember so many words and phrases. Then I found that the best way to remember words was to learn their pronunciation. There are some useful rules in the pronunciation, and they can help me remember new words easily. I also had some grammar problems when I was in first grade. I tried to read more and practice more. Now it isn't very difficult for me to understand the sentences and passages. That's my secret of learning English. I hope it helps you. Please never give up!






6.( )A. At school. B. In the school C. Yes, I can

7.( )A. No, I’m not B. walking C. May 1st

8.( )A. Friday B. English C. Comedy

9.( ) A. In Tokyo B. The music club C. July

10.( )A. Yes, I do B. At 6:00 C. Because it’s interesting


11.( ) A. It' s raining. B. It' s windy. C. It' s snowing.

12.( ) A. A reporter. B. An actor. C. A waiter.

13.( ) A. In a police station. B. In a restaurant. C. In a mall.

14.( ) A. Yes, Tony does. B. Yes, they do. C. No, they don’t

15.( ) A. All over the world. B. In China. C. In other countries all over


( ) 16.Today is .

A. Sunday morning B. Saturday morning C. Sunday afternoon

( ) 17.How' s the weather there?

A. It's windy. B. It' s cloudy. C. It’s s sunny.

( ) 18.There are many people from .

A. England and Canada B. America and Japan C. Canada and Australia

( )19.The driver is .

A. an American B. a Chinese C. a man

( )20.People in the bus.

A. are reading newspaper B. want to play basketball C. are listening to a man


photos People What doing?

the first photo I 21

the second photo 22 are swimming at the pool

the next photo my family 23

the last photo I’m with 24 25

( ) 21.A.I’m playing soccer ball B. I’m playing basketball

C. She’s playing soccer ball D. He’s playing basketball

( ) 22.A.I’m with my brother B. I’m with my mother

C. My father and I D. My brother and my sister

( ) 23. A. Are eating dinner B. Are eating lunch

C. Are eating breakfast D. Are eating apples

( ) 24. A. Mary B. Gina C. Tom D. Bill

( ) 25. A. She’s doing homework B. He’s playing volleyball

C. She’s dancing D. He’s singing



1.in winter ______________ 2.in this heat

3. a photo of my family 4.during the day

5.a group of people 6. 散步______________

7.沙滩排球______________ 8.在度假______

9.在对面______________ 10.玩得高兴_____________


1.It’s a beautiful, ______ day. (sun)

2. This is the _______of the story. (begin)

3. They can _______the guitar well. (play)

4. How many _____can you see in the room? (man)

5. Mary enjoys _______football games very much. (watch)

6. Thanks for _____me so much help. (give)

7. Lin Tao wants ________an actor when he grows up. (be)

8. Nancy likes _____to music. (listen)

9. Can you and your brother________ ? (swim)

10. Look! The children ______happily over there. (play)


1. How' s the weather today?

the weather today?

2.The pay phone is in the neighborhood.

The pay phone is .

3. What's her job?=What is she?

What she ?

4. My aunt is from Canada.

My aunt Canada.

5.Look! They are taking a photo.

Look! They are taking .


1. There is some money for her.(改为否定句)

money for her?

2. I am doing my homework.(对划线部分提问)

you ?

3. They are some young women. (改为单数形式)

a young .

4. There is a supermarket across from the park. ( 改为一般问句)

________ __________ a supermarket across from the park?

5. I like dolphins. Because they are very intelligent. ( 划线部分提问)

_________ _________ you like dolphins?

6. Her English teacher is from the USA. ( 同上 )

___________ is her English teacher _____________?

7. She often plays soccer after school. (用now改写句子)

She __________ ____________ soccer now.

8. It’s humid today. (就划线部分提问)

____________ ___________ __________________________today?

9. It’s great. (就划线部分提问)


10. It’s nine ten. (对画线部分提问)

_________ the time?


( )1.Everyone ______him, because he is friendly.

A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking

( ) 2. —— What __________ he do? —— He __________ an actor.

A. is, is B. does, does C. does, is D. is, does

( ) 3. —— What time does she get up? —— She ___________ up at 6:10 am.

A. is getting B. gets C. to get D. get

( ) 4. ——What language does the woman speak?

——She speaks . She' s from Australia.

A. Japanese B. Chinese C. French D. English

( ) 5.—— What are you doing? —— I _____ a letter to my pen pal.

A. write B. am writing C. writes D. am write

( ) 6. —— _______ you watching TV? —— Yes, I _____________.

A. Do, do B. Can, can C. Are, am D. Are, do

( ) 7. Look! Dave _______________ on the phone.

A. talks B. are talking C. talk D. is talking

( ) 8.—— __ Mary cleaning her room? ——No, she is __ .

A. Does, reads B. Can, read C. Is, reading D. Does, reading

( ) 9. ——Let’s _ to the movies now. ――That great.

A. going, sounding B. go, sounds C. go, sound D. goes, sounds

( ) 10.—— does your aunt work? ——In a restaurant.

A. What B. How C. Where D. Which

( ) 11.Where your pen pals ?

A. are, from B. do, from C. do, come D. is , from

( ) 12.—— is the weather in Beijing now? ——It’s ____________.

A. What, winding B. How, windy C. When, winds D. Why, windy

( ) 13. ——What’s the weather _________ in Beijing?

——It’s terrible in summer, too cold and humid.

A. likes B. is liking C. like D. liking

( ) 14. Thank you for _____________ CCTV’s Around The World show.

A. join B. is joining C. to join D. joining

( ) 15.—— __________ it going? —— Great!

A. What’s B. How’s C. Why is D. Where’s

( ) 16. People are really ______________ on the beach in summer (夏季).

A. relaxed B. relaxing C. relax D. to relax

( )17. Look! The man ________ under the tree is enjoying the cool.

A. lie B. lying C. is lying D. lies

( ) 18.——Who are you _____? —— My mother.

A. wait B. waiting C. waiting for D. wait for

( ) 19.——Let’s go to see the action movies. ——_________.

A. Yes, we do B. No, we don’t

C. That sounds exciting D. No, thanks.

( ) 20.Tony is busy _____his homework.

A. doing B. do C. to do D. does


My friend Tony is an American 1 He is ten years old. He lives 2 his family in China now. There are 3 people in his family; his mother Mrs Green, his father Mr. Green and his little sister Amy. He has a white cat. 4 name is Betty. Look \ Amy is playing 5 Betty. His father, Mr. Green, is watc?hing TV. His mother is doing housework. What about Tony? He is doing 6 Chinese homework.. He can't 7 Chinese well, but he likes Chinese very much. Tony's 8 works in a TV station. His father works in a school as an 9 teacher. Tony and his sister 10 to the same school.

( ) 1. A. girl B. boy C. cat D. dog

( ) 2. A. on B. after C. with D. in

( ) 3. A. two B. three C. four D. five

( ) 4. A. His B. Her C. It's D. its

( ) 5. A. to B. with C. from D. at

( ) 6. A. her B. it's C. a D. his

( ) 7. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk

( ) 8. A. father B. mother C. sister D brother

( ) 9. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. Australian

( ) 10. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go



It' s Sunday morning. There are many people in the park, some boys are playing basketball. There are some girls under a big tree. They' re singing and dancing. What are those women doing? They are drinking tea. Look at the woman in a blue coat. Who' s she? She' s my mother. She is talking to Edward. Edward is her student. He is a good student. He studies hard . He' s good at all the subjects. And he' s friendly to all his teachers and his friends.

( ) 1. The boys are ,

A. singing B. playing basketball C. dancing D. drinking

( ) 2. My mother is .

A. a teacher B. an office C. a doctor D. a woman

( ) 3. Edward is in .

A. my home B. the classroom C. the zoo D. the park

( ) 4. —— Who' s under a big tree? —— .

A. Some people. B. Some women. C. Some girls. D. Some boys.

( ) 5.—— What color is my mother' s coat? ——It's .

A. blue B. white C. red D. yellow


Bill is from Australia. He lives in Sydney. He can speak French and English, but he can' t speak Chi?nese. He has a pen pal in the United States. Her name is Lisa and she lives in New York. Bill' s favorite sport is basketball and he can play the guitar. Lisa' s favorite sport is tennis. She can't play the guitar, but she can play the piano and sing very well.

( ) 1.Bill is from .

A. Australia B. France C. the United States D. the UK

( ) 2. Lisa is an .

A. Chinese B. American C. English D. Japanese

( ) 3. What languages does Bill speak?

A. Chinese B. French C. English D. B and C

( ) 4. What is Bill' s favorite sport?

A. tennis B. volleyball C. soccer D. basketball

( ) 5. Which sentence is NOT right?

A. Bill has a pen pal in the USA.

B. Bill can play the piano and Lisa can play the guitar.

C. Bill and Lisa like different sports.

D. Lisa lives in New York.


Bob has a good friend, Caesar. He is a brown dog. He is not very old. Bob gets him from Mr. Mason.

One day Bob’s father, mother and Bob go to the Mason’s farm (农场) for lunch. After lunch, Mr. Mason says, “I’m going to a big city. So I can’t take him there. You can’t have a young dog in a big city.”

“ Let me have him, ”Mr. Mason, “ he knows me well and we have no dog, ” Mr. Mason looks at Bob’s mother and father.

“Please , Mother, let me have him,” says Bob.

“Ask your father,” says she.

“Please, Dad?”

“Yes, you can have him.”

“Thank you, dear dad. Thanks, Mr. Mason. Come here, Caesar.”

“See! The dog is his now,” says Mr. Mason.

( )1. What color is Caesar? It’s

A. black B. yellow C. brown D. white

( )2. How old is the dog? It’s

A. very old B. not very old C. half a year D. one year and a half

( )3. Mr. Mason works .

A. in a school B. in a factory C. with Mr. Green D. on a farm

( )4. Mr. Mason wants to .

A. take the dog to a big city B. give Bob the dog

C. leave (离开) home with the dog D. sell the dog

( )5. Caesar is Bob’s

A. friend B. brother C. doll D. name

八、书面表达。假如你是Mike,正在英国学习外语。你的朋友Lin Tao在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难,向你求助。请给他写一封信,介绍一下你学习英语的方法,并鼓励他不要放弃。



1.名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词(不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数) 。 可数名词又分单数和复数。

①一般 +s;

② 以-s,-x,-ch,sh 结尾的名词 +es;

③ 辅音 +y, 把 y 变 i, 再+es;

④ 以-o 结尾的,有 生命的 +es(negro —negroes ;hero —heroes ;tomato — tomatoes ;potato —potatoes );无生命的 +s;

⑤以 f ,fe 结尾的名 词,改 f ,fe 为 v+es(leaf — leaves ;knife —knives )(例外: roofs ,chiefs )

⑥单复数同形 :sheep,deer. 不规则变化 : man—men;woman—women;child —children ;foot —feet ;tooth —teeth 等

2.would like sth. 想要某物 Would you like some …?你想要一些 …… 吗? —— Yes, please./ —— No, thanks.would like to do sth. 想要做某事“ ”。 Would you like to …你愿意去做 ? …… 吗? — Yes, I d like / love to./ ’ — I ’ d like/ love to. But I ’ m too busy. would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 “ ”。


order food take/ have one’s order In order to 为了

In the order 按顺序

Order/ book a room 预定房间

Order sb( not)to do sth 命令

4.special 和 especial Special 特别的人或事物,特别的,特殊的, specials 特色菜; specially 专门地,特地 Especial 特别的,突出的, especially 特别,尤其

5.the number of 表示“……的数量” ,后面接可数名词复数。做主语时,主语是 number 而不是 of 后面的名词复数,因此谓语 动词要用单数;

a number of 表示“许多” ,相当于 many, 后面接可数名词复数,做主语时,主语不是 number 而是 of 后面的名词复数, 因此谓语动词要用复数。

Number 前可用 large,great,small 修饰,不能用 little 。

6.仍然,还: still(肯定句) Yet(疑问句、否定句)

7.what size( +n)would you like ? Large/ medium/ small

8.大: big 体格大、笨重→ small, little 形容具体的人或物 Huge 物体体积巨大 =very big Large 物体面积、空间、范围、数量大→ small 不修饰人 Great 重大事件或行为,伟大,具有感情色彩

9.肯定句中表并列用 and 否定句、疑问句中表并列用 or

10. around the world= all over the world


1.would like + sth. 想要某物

2. would like + to do sth. 想要做某事

3. Why don ’t you + do sth.? 何不做某事?

4. the number of + 名词复数 ……的数量, a number of+名词复数 许多……


1.What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条?

2. I ’ d like beef noodles, please.我想要牛肉面。

3. What size would you like? 你想要多大的?

4. I ’ d like a medium bowl, please. 我想要一个中碗的。

5. Would you like a large bowl? 你想要一个大碗的吗?

6. Yes, please. 好吧。

7. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 假 如他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望将实现。




My Favorite Food

I ’ m a middle school student. I like to eat healthy food. I have milk, eggs and bread for breakfast. For lunch I would like rice, fish and vegetables. I like chicken, juice, rice and hamburgers for supper. Of all the food, my favorite food is chicken and apple juice.



1.你觉得下面哪种行为不是自尊的表现?( )

A.在校期间严格遵守校纪校规 B.认真完成家庭作业,做到规范、工整、正确率高



2.8月29日, 美国新奥尔良遭受飓风“卡特里娜”的袭击,致使1000多人死亡,100多万人无家可归。导致新奥尔良人民遭受挫折的主要因素是( )

A.个人因素 B.社会因素 C.家庭和学校因素 D.自然因素

3.徐悲鸿早年在法国留学时,一个法国学生对他说:“中国人愚昧无知,生就是当亡国奴的料,即使送到天堂深造,也成不了材!”徐悲鸿义愤填膺,向这个法国学生提出挑战。结果,徐悲鸿在此后的数次比赛中,成绩都名列前茅,他的个人画展也轰动了整个巴黎美术界。那位法国青年不得不向徐悲鸿认错并赔礼道歉,这件事主要说明了( )

A.这个法国学生没有自尊心 B.这个法国学生过于自负



4.月12日上午九时,发射神舟六号飞船的长征二号F型运载火箭点火。当中国载人航天工程总指挥陈炳德宣布“神舟六号载人航天飞行发射成功”时,每个中国人都感受到( )

A.中国是世界上最强大的国家 B.我国的航天技术无人可比,不需向其他国家学习了

C.美国等大国也没什么了不起的 D .一种民族的自尊与快乐

5.“困难只能吓倒懦夫懒汉,而胜利永远属于敢于攀登科学高峰的人”这句话说明了( )





6.下列对自负、自卑与自信的正确认识是( )





A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②③④

7.世界著名的发明家爱迪生晚年变得骄傲自恃,甚至对手下人说:“不要向我建议什么,任何高明的建议也超越不了我的思维。”从此以后,他再也没有什么重大发明。这说明( )

①骄兵必败 ②真正自信的人从不怕别人的批评

③自负的人等待他的将是不幸的结局 ④人要自信,但不可自负

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④

8.某地一城市信用社百万巨款遭到歹徒的抢劫。在仓皇逃跑的过程中,歹徒所驾驶的摩托车发生交通事故,现场散落近50万元人民币。面对飞来的钞票,40多个过路行人疯狂哄抢,临近现场的某汽车修理厂十几名员工则全力保护。经查明,有40万元人民币得到保护,近10万元遭到哄抢。对此事下列看法正确的是( )





A.①③B.②④ C.③④ D.②③

9.在《未成年人保护法》中,对家庭保护、学校保护、社会保护和司法保护做了明确的规定,为保护未成年人设置了四道防线,除此以外,青少年还要加强自我保护,下列做法你认为不正确的是( )






A.①②③④⑤ B.①②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④⑤

10.法律具有强制性,靠国家强制力保证实施。下列能体现这一观点的是( )





11.家喻户晓的小作家韩寒,小时候数学老是不及格。数学学得不是很好,于是他就在写作方面发展自己,最终走上了文学创作之路。他写的《三重门》等作品深受中学生的喜爱。韩寒的成功之路给我们的启示是( )

A. 学不好的科目要及时放弃,不然就是浪费时间与精力 B. 战胜自我是自强的捷径

C. 要根据自己的长处、天赋来确定自己的发展方向 D. 兴趣是自强的源泉

12.“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平为研究水稻的的增产、高产,不断探索,反复实践,取得了一个又一个突破性的进展。然而在成就和荣辱面前,他仍全身心去创造佳绩,战胜挫折,于2月荣获国家最高科技奖。袁隆平的成功的关键在于( )


C.有前人的宝贵经验 D.有探索创新的热情

13.湖南省某市一个6岁女孩由于受到虐待,多次跳楼自杀未遂,最后不堪忍受继父的辱骂、毒打、捆绑、罚跪、挨冻、受饿,终于在一次跳楼中身亡。这一事例说明( )






A.①②③④⑤ B.①②③⑤ C.①②③ D.①③⑤

14.我国体育健儿刘翔,从小个性就很强,喜欢与同学在学习、体育等各方面竞赛,每次竞赛都力争最好。如果这次不能如愿,他将加倍努力,继续争取第一,从而养成了奋发进取、永远向上、敢于拼搏的精神。在雅典奥运会上,尽管高手如云,刘翔用自己的努力拼搏创造了奥运会冠军的奇迹,证明了黄种人、中国人也能拿奥运会冠军!刘翔的事例说明( )对一个人的成长具有巨大作用。

A.自尊 B.自立 C.自强 D.自信

15.才智过人的严永明13岁时以高分考进大学,17岁又考取中科院高能物理研究所硕博连读资格。但由于长期对母亲和书本的过分依赖,他缺乏基本的生活自理能力与社会知识,20岁时就从中科院肄业回家。硕博连读天才少年,辍学中科院的事件说明( )





A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①③④

16.下列属于自信的表现的有( )





⑤当老师把办黑板报的任务交给兰兰时,兰兰微笑着说:“Yes ,I Can!”;


A.①②⑤⑥ B.②⑤⑥C.②⑤⑥ D.①②③④⑤

17.在期末考试中,小平各科都取得了优异的成绩,与以前历次考试相比,有了明显的提高。对于小平或者你自己在生活中的点滴进步,下列看法正确的是( )


②成绩并不仅仅是指奖杯与鲜花,只要今天比昨天做得好一点,这也是成绩,因为我们毕竟有了新的进步了。在生活中,只要稍加留意,我们就能感觉到,我们每天都在进步。 ③别看事情小,进步小,但它们都是我们成长的足迹。我们都应该为此感到高兴。因为它们意味着我们有了成功的可能,印记着我们克服惰性、抵制诱惑、战胜自己的业绩。 ④我们要学会欣赏自己点点滴滴的进步与成绩,不断为自己喝彩。这样,我们就会油然而生一种肯定自己、欣赏自己的感觉,从而对自己充满信心,勇敢地迎接挑战,不断地走向成功。

A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②③④

18.202月,云南昆明某大学学生马加爵在学生公寓杀害了四名同学。人民法院最终以故意杀人罪判处马加爵死刑。马加爵的行为( )

①属于一般违法行为 ②具有严重的社会危害性 ③属于犯罪行为

④违反了我国刑法 ⑤应当受到刑罚处罚

A.②③④ B.②③⑤ C.②③④⑤ D.①③④⑤

19.美国前总统卡特的独生女儿艾米,年仅14岁时就利用暑假打工。南斯拉夫已故总统的儿子19岁离家奋斗,从不利用父亲的影响谋取好处。他从普通工人做起,靠自己的奋斗,后来当上了石油公司的总经理。这些故事说明了( )

①自立人生少年始 ②我们要从小去打工挣钱养活自己

③青少年不能过分依赖父母 ④从小就要开始兼职,越早越好

⑤青少年要大胆地投身社会生活实践,多实践、多锻炼 ⑥青少年要对自己负责任

A.①④⑤⑥ B.①③⑤⑥ C.①②③④⑤ D.②③④⑤

20.下面是一些同学意志品质的表现,请找出你认为是意志品质薄弱表现的选项( )





A.②③④ B. ①② C. ①③④ D. ③④


21.史蒂芬• 霍金有着“继爱因斯坦以后世界上最著名科学思想家和最杰出的理论物理学家”美誉,但是谁能想到,这位科学家震撼世界的成就却是在轮椅上获得的。1963年,21岁的霍金被诊断患了肌肉萎缩症,不久就完全瘫痪。1985年,霍金又因患肺炎做了穿气管手术。此后,他完全不能说话,只能依靠安装在轮椅上的一个小对话机和语音合成器与他人进行交流,而看书必须依赖一种翻书的机器。读文献时需要请人将每一页都摊在大桌子上,然后他驱动轮椅如蚕吃桑叶般地逐页阅读…… 在这种一般人难以置信的身体状况下,霍金却成为世界公认的引力物理科学巨人。他在剑桥大学任牛顿曾担任过的卢卡逊数学讲座教授之职,他的黑洞蒸发理论和量子宇宙论不仅震动了自然科学界,并且对哲学和宗教也有深远影响。正是因为他的杰出贡献,他成为了英国皇家学会最年轻的会员。













24.李嘉诚,中国香港的长江实业集团主席。年, 以78亿美元的资产总额在美国《福布斯》杂志官方网站上发布的“全球十大最有影响力富人榜”排名第五。就是这样一位把事业做得如此大的商界巨人,却在他两个儿子要求到他公司施展才华、干一番事业时,无情地拒绝了孩子的要求。后来,他的两个儿子只身前往加拿大,依靠自身的努力,克服许多常人难以想象的困难,一个将一家地产开发公司办得有声有色,一个成了多伦多投资银行最年轻和最杰出的合伙人。两年后,李嘉诚把事业有成的两个儿子召回香港,并委以重任,而自己则心安理得地宣布退休。




































10. 【答案】C


11. 【答案】C


12. 【答案】D


13. 【答案】B


14. 【答案】C


15. 【答案】B


16. 【答案】A


17. 【答案】D


18. 【答案】C


19. 【答案】B


20. 【答案】A



21. 【答案】(1)霍金的故事留给我的最深刻印象是:他在丧失了活动能力和语言表达能力后,仍然坚持科学研究,不畏困难,不断拼搏,自强不息,最终获得成功。(2)他战胜厄运获得成功靠的是自强不息,奋发进取的精神。这种精神表现在:在困难面前不低头,不丧气;自尊自爱,不卑不亢;勇于开拓,积极进取;志存高远,执著追求等等;(3)霍金的故事给我的启示是:作为一个身体健康的少年,我更应发扬自强不息的精神,不断克服学习和生活中的困难,开拓进取,奋发向上,执著追求自己的人生目标,实现人生理想;真正的强者确定了自己的目标后,就会不屈不挠地坚持,矢志不移地奋斗,直到成功。(4)做一个自强的好少年要做到:①要树立坚定的理想,这是自强的航标;②要能战胜自我,这是自强的关键。要做到勇于并善于战胜自己的弱点;战胜自我,不放任自己;③扬长避短是自强的捷径。自强的人要善于发现自己的长处、兴趣,根据自己的特长选准航向。


22. 【答案】(1)画面中主人翁没能得到别人的尊重的原因是:他们的行为是一种不道德、不文明的行为,也是一种既不尊重自己又不尊重他人的行为。一个既不懂得尊重自己也不懂得尊重他人的人是不可能得到别人的尊重的。(2)为了赢得他人的尊重,我们首先必须自己尊重自己,同时也要尊重别人。因为:①自尊的人能赢得他人的尊重。如果一个人连自己都不尊重,就既谈不上尊重他人,更不会得到他人的尊重。②不尊重他人的人是不可能得到别人的尊重的,要想赢得别人的尊重,我们应该尊重别人。③为了自尊,我们需要借助于他人的眼睛作为镜子,来更好地认识自己,然后把自己感受到的他人给予的美好再传递给他人,这样,我们才能彼此尊重,相互接纳,共同在自尊的快乐中成长。④我们在对自身认识的过程中,由于知识和阅历的局限,常常面临“失聪”、“失明”等问题,我们需要他人善意、妥帖与温暖的提醒,为此,我们必须注重对他人的尊重。


23. 【答案】(1)违反了《未成年人保护法》中的家庭保护、学校保护、社会保护。(2)我国制定的保护未成年人的专门法律有《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》、《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》。


24. 【答案】李嘉诚拒绝儿子的要求主要是为了让儿子学会自立,避免对家庭的过分依赖。自立就是自己的事情自己干。自立作为成长过程,是我们生活能力的锻炼过程,也是我们心理和道德品质的锻炼过程。只有大胆投身于社会实践,在社会生活中反复锻炼,不断实践,才能逐步提高自立能力。


25. 【答案】(1)小枫改变自己是为了塑造自己更好的形象,以赢得别人对自己的肯定。(2)小芳追求表面光彩和荣耀是虚荣心。虚荣心重的人,常常将名利作为支配自已行动的内在动力,总是在乎他人对自己的评价,一旦他人有一点否定自己的意思,便会感到失去了自尊。(3)略。(4)小王的观点是错误的。因为:①人生自强少年始。少年阶段是学习知识、涵养道德、增长才干、发展自己的最佳时期;同时,自强也是一个人通向成功的阶梯,自强品质对人生有重要意义,因此,人生要趁少年的大好时光,去培养自强品质,努力学习,奋发进取。②少年能自强,因为理想是自强的航标,只要我们选准航向,战胜自身的弱点,发挥自己的特长,就能在自强的人生征途中,劈波斩浪,抵达成功的彼岸。


26. 【答案】(1)性质不一样。夏某在校期间欺负小同学、勒索小同学少量财物的行为违反了学生日常行为规范和学生守则,是违纪行为;走上社会后的打架斗殴、小偷小摸等行为违反了治安管理处罚条例,是一般违法行为(或行政违法行为);夏某后又作案20多起,违反了刑法,是严重违法行为(或犯罪行为)。(2)属于主刑的是无期徒刑。除此以外,主刑还包括管制、拘役、有期徒刑、死刑。(3)夏某的案例说明违纪、一般违法与犯罪之间没有不可逾越的鸿沟。青少年如果不严格要求自己的行为,就很容易走上违法犯罪的道路。(4)上述案例给我们的启示是:①青少年要增强自我保护意识,提高自我保护能力,学法、懂法,依法维护自身权益;②青少年要依法自律,防微杜渐,预防违法犯罪行为的发生;③青少年要努力学习科学文化知识,不断提高思想道德水平,全面提高自身素质。






1.隋朝在历史上重新统一了分裂的中国,但它却是一个短暂的王朝,其统治类似于历史上的( )

A.东汉 B.秦朝 C.北魏 D.元朝

2.隋朝对中国历史有重要的贡献,其中最重要的贡献是( )

A.创立了科举制 B.重新统一了中国

C.开通了大运河 D.发展了生产

3.唐太宗说:“人以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以人为镜,可以知得失。”这是他在失去了一位重要的大臣后说的,这位大臣是( )

A.魏征 B.杜如晦 C.姚崇 D.李靖

4.她是中国历史上唯一的一位女皇帝,曾有人评价她:政启开元,治宏贞观。她是( )

A.吕后 B.慈禧 C.武则天 D.王昭君

5.唐太宗统治时期,政治开明,物质丰富,人民安居乐业,成为中国历史上又一个全盛时代,我们称这一时期为( )

A.开元盛世 B.贞观之治 C.文景之治 D.光武中兴

6.开元通宝是唐中后期通用的货币,它有利于唐朝经济的繁荣与发展,它始铸于( )

A.唐高祖时期 B.唐太宗时期

C.唐玄宗前期 D.唐玄宗后期

7.唐朝时期有许多新的发明,其中农民创制的新的浇灌工具是( )

A.翻车 B.筒车 C.水车 D.耧车

8.在中国封建社会中,进士、举人、状元等称号主要是从下列哪种途径获得的( )

A.战功 B.辛勤劳动 C.科举考试 D.经商

9.在科举考试中,参加殿试而获得第一名的通常被称为( )

A.进士 B.榜眼 C.探花 D.状元

10.在中国延续了一千多年的科举制度,最先是在哪个朝代实行( )

A.唐朝 B.隋朝 C.秦朝 D.汉朝

11.对科举制进行重要的改革,开始设立进士科的是( )

A.唐太宗 B.唐玄宗 C.武则天 D.隋炀帝

12.隋朝开通的大运河对中国的经济文化产生了重要的影响,大运河的中心是( )

A.长安 B.洛阳 C.余杭 D.涿郡

13.就加强中央集权而言,科举制度的主要作用体现在( )





14.唐太宗在位期间实行了比较开明的民族政策,从而被西部各少数民族信服,他也被尊称为( )

A.大单于 B.天可汗 C.怀仁可汗 D.赞普

15.唐朝初期为了增强汉藏两族的友好关系,唐太宗答应了吐蕃首领求婚,将一位公主远嫁西藏,这位公主就是( )

A.文成公主 B.金城公主 C.太平公主 D.阳城公主

16.8世纪初期,给唐朝皇帝上书,称两族“和同为一家”的是( )

A.南诏 B.回纥 C.靺鞨 D.吐蕃

17.《西游记》中的唐僧是中国家喻户晓的人物,他的艺术原型就是唐朝时期远足印度、寻求佛教经书的( )

A.玄奘 B.鉴真 C.法显 D.戒贤

18.“鉴真盲目航东海,一片精诚照太清。舍己为人传道艺,唐风洋溢奈良城。”鉴真把唐文化带到了何方( )

A.新罗 B.天竺 C.日本 D.大秦

19.当今世界上现存的最古老的石拱桥建于( )

A.隋朝 B.唐朝 C.宋朝 D.元朝

20.世界上现存最早的、标有确切日期的雕版印刷品是( )

A.《古兰经》 B.《圣经》 C.《金刚经》 D.《诗经》

21.唐朝文学的主要成就是( )

A.小说 B.词 C.诗 D.戏剧

22.在唐朝产生了一大批书法家,其中成就最大的是( )

A.柳公权 B.欧阳询 C.张旭 D.颜真卿

23.有唐一代,画家迭出,其中被后人公推为“画圣”的是( )

A.吴道子 B.阎立本 C.展子虔 D.齐白石

24.唐朝时期,在诗歌创作上取得最高成就的是( )

A.李白、杜甫 B.白居易 C.柳宗元 D.陆游

25.莫高窟被称为世界上最大的艺术宝库之一,是因为( )


C.有大量的精美的壁画 D.保存了大量的古董






























题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
答案 B A A C B A B C D B D B C
题号 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25  
答案 B A D A C A C C D A A C  

26. ①唐玄宗。②唐玄宗统治时期可以分为两个阶段,前一个阶段由于他的励精图治开创了开元盛世时代,但在其后期统治中由于用人不贤、贪图享受,导致了安史之乱,国家由此衰落。③略。





29. ①“三吏”“三别”②略。















上学期九年级语文教学计划 (九年级上册)2022-05-04







