人教版高三英语复习教案(8)(SB I-Units 15-16)

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人教版高三英语复习教案(8)(SB I-Units 15-16)(精选17篇)由网友“明年”投稿提供,下面小编给大家整理过的人教版高三英语复习教案(8)(SB I-Units 15-16),供大家阅读参考。

人教版高三英语复习教案(8)(SB I-Units 15-16)




willing ,devote,cure,disadvantage,shock,institute,admire,debt,expedition,

merchant, exist,chart,botany,disaster,crew.


devote…to 把……用在;把……献给

succeed in (干)……成功

give off 发出(光、热等)

in honour of 为了纪念……;为向……表示敬意

above all 首先;首要

set off 使爆炸;引起;出发

pay off 偿清(欠款等)

at sea 在大海上;在航海

take…by surprise 使……吃惊;出奇兵攻占

in charge of 主管;负责

set out 出发;开始

in search of 寻找


(1)I’m (not)sure… I’m not sure whether/if…

(2)I doubt if/whether…

(3)Making a map of the east coast was an important job.

(4)The men often fall ill and suffer fever.

(5)They will provide us with eggs and meat.


(1)I doubt if he’ll be asked to speak again next year.

(2)Perhaps I’ll go to that one.

(3)Maybe it was useful for some people.

(4)How did you find the talk this morning?

(5)I shall insist on leaving at 7 a.m.sharp.

(6)We’ve decided to do sth./that…

(7)Have you decided which boat to take?

(8)I suggest doing sth.


1.have something(nothing,much,little)to do with与……有(没有,有很大,有一点)关系。

①I have nothing to do with that young man.

②His job has something to do with telephones.

③This has little to do with what we are talking about.

④Do you have anything to do with that club?

2.doubt v.& n.怀疑,不相信



doubt 从句在否定句及疑问句中多跟that



①I doubt the truth of this report.

②They have never doubted of success.

③I don’t doubt that you are honest.

④Can you doubt that he will win?

⑤I doubt if that was what he wanted.


beyond(all)doubt毫无疑问;in doubt怀疑,犹豫,不肯定;no doubt肯定地,想必;without doubt毫无疑问,一定地

①The truth of the story is beyond doubt.

②I was in doubt about what to do.

③No doubt I learned a lot from that lecture.

④Without doubt these theories were all wrong.

3.How do (did )you find…?(你觉得/认为……怎么样?)是征求对方对某人、某事的看法或意见的用语。回答时在find 后要跟复合宾语。

How did you find the dishes?

(I found them)Tasteless.

How do you find Peter Gray?

I found him dishonest.

4.admit vt.①接纳,许可……进入(allow sb./sth.to enter)

He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.


I admit my fault.She admitted having read the letter.He admitted that his comprehension was weak.You must admit the task to be difficult.

5.be remembered as…作为……而被人们怀念

He will always be remembered as a national hero.

6. ( be)determined to do sth.下定决心做……

determine to do sth.决定(心)做……

①I was determined not to follow their advice.

②I left him,determined never to set foot in that house again.

③She determined to go that very afternoon.


①He didn’t come for a certain reason.

②A certain person called on me yesterday.

③She will do it on certain conditions.

some 也可以作此意讲,但前面无冠词

①He is living at some place in East Africa.

②I’ve read that story before in some book of other.

8.succeed in sth.(doing sth.)(干……)成功,其反义词组;fail in sth.(doing sth.)或fail to do sth.;名词success;形容词successful

9.give off,放出(光、烟、气味等)、散发,

give out,放出,发出(声音,光线,气味等),(食物、燃料、力量等)用尽、筋疲力尽。

①These red roses give off a sweet smell.

②This device gives out flashes of light in the fog.

③Both my strength and money gave out.

10.in honour of sb.(sth.) 为了纪念或表示敬意而举行某活动。

①A memorial meeting was held in his honour.

②It is only a dance in honour of my birthday.

11. devote…to…把……献给,把……用在

devote oneself to…致力于,献身于

be devoted to…专心致志于,献身于,忠于

①Mary devotes too much time to eating.

②He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.

③He devoted himself entirely to music.

④He was still devoted to the study of chemistry.

⑤He is very devoted to his wife.

12.believe in 信任

①We believe in Marxism.

②You can believe in him.

③We believe in our government.

set off (for)出发,动身(去某地)

set off 引爆

13. set out to do sth.着手……


set about


①We’ll set off fox Xi’an at six tomorrow.

②Polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.

③He set out to break the record for the crosschannel swim.④I don’t know how to set about this job.

14.have effect on 对……有影响,相当于affect:

It has had such a bad effect on him.

15.above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是

after all 到底,毕竟

at all (用来加强语气)与not连用,表示“一点也不,完全不”。

in all 总共

all but 几乎,差点没(=almost,nearly)

①We have all but finished the work.

②The day turned out fine after all.

③Children need many things ,but above all they need love.

④He wasn’t at all tired.

⑤Do you feel ill at all(真的,确实)?

⑥There were twenty in all at the party.

16.order food 叫食物

order n.&vt./vi.订购……

place an order for sth.订购……

order sth.from…向……订购……

order sb.sth. order sth.for sb.为某人订购……

I have ordered you some new clothes.

17.insist on doing sth.坚持做……

suggest doing sth.建议做……

enjoy doing sth.喜欢做……



up,can’t help,imagine, leave off,mention,mind,miss,postp

-hone,practise,put off, resist,risk,can’t understand,und



Look forward to,object to ,be used to,in addition to,prefer…to,according to,stick to,etc.

18.live animals活着的动物


live adj. (置于名词之前)



alive,(more alive,most alive)活着的;有活力的,活泼的;(不置于名词之前)常作表语。

a live (living) fish 一条活鱼

不能用an alive fish

a live TV broadcast实况转播的电视节目

catch a lion alive活捉狮子

①Although old,he is very much alive.

②My grandmother is more alive than a lot of young people.

③The wounded soldier is still living.

lively adj.精神的,有生气的,活泼的,生动的

a lively boy,

a lively discussion.

Her talk was lively and interesting.

19.throw away抛弃

throw in插进(话语)

throw off脱

throw out 抛出,丢弃

throw over把……抛过去(抛回),抛弃(朋友)

20.Provide sb.with sth.供给某人……

provide it 供给……,提供……


n.eg.The hotel will provie tents.

n.+for sb. sb.+with sth.

eg.They provide food and books for the children.

They provide the children with food and books.

provide for赡养,抚养

He had to provide for a big family

supply vt.提供……供给……



sth.to sb. sb.with sth.

They didn’t supply those children with books for studying.

They didn’t supply books to those children for studying.

21.go bad 变坏

类似的:go wrong,go mad,etc.

go 通常表示不好的变化。

Alice’s face went red with anger.

My husband’s hair is going gray.

22. at sea 在航海中,在海上

at the sea 在海边


go to sea 当水手,当海员

go to the sea 到海边去

keep house 料理家务

keep the house呆在家中不出门

in bed 睡着,躺在床上

in the bed在床上

at play在玩,正在游戏

at the play 在看戏

23.fall ill 生病,得病

①Tom is absent,for he has fallen ill.

②John was caught in the storm and he fell ill.

24.keep sb.healthy使……保持健康


①I was so tired that I could hardly keep myself awake.

②I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

③Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

④They kept us out.

⑤Once a cold kept him in bed for three days.

25.take an interest in 对……感兴趣

have an interest in 对……感兴趣

lose interest in 对……失去兴趣

①He has a great interest in stamp-collecting.

②I lost my interest in history.

③His father took no interest in him.

26.pay for 付……的货款,为……付代价

pay off 全部还清,偿请(借款)

①Did you pay 300 yuan to him for that bicycle?

②I have just paid off my loan from the bank.

③You’ll have to pay for your mistakes.

27.suffer v.受苦,遭受。

①She suffered greatly as a child.

②He suffered the loss of a leg during the war.

③She suffers from stomach-aches.

28.break out(战争、火灾、疾病、瘟疫等的)爆发

①The American Civil War broke out in 1861.

②Fire broke out in the neighbour last night.

break out in (into)…忽然(做出)……

break out in laughter突然放声大笑

break in (强盗等)强行闯入

break into闯入;打碎(打破)成……

break up 分开,分割

29.take…by surprise对……突然袭击,出乎……意料。

His parents took him quite by surprise when they suddenly appeared at the door.

30.in charge of prep.担任……,管理……,负责

in the charge of a personin a person’s charge由(某人)照料(管理)

take charge of 担任……,接管。

My father is in charge of this company.

31.set sail 扬帆启航

The ship set sail for Europe.

32.head south向南行

head vi.向……前进,朝某方面行进。后面接for,forward的介词短语,或表示方向的副词east,eastward等。

①Where are we heading?

②Those ships are heading for HongKong.


题1(上海 )

Although the working mother is very busy,she still______a lot of time to children.

A.devotes B.spends C.offers D.provides

分析:A。offer sb.sth.(offer sth.to sb.)提供某人某物;provide sth.for sb,提供某物给某人;spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事。

题2(上海 )

Washington,a state in the United States,was named______ one of the greatest American presidents.

A.in honour of B.instead of

C.in favour of D.by means of


题3(上海 )

I______ping-pong quite well,but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.

A.will play B.have played C.played D.play


题4(上海 1992)

He has always insisted on his______Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.

A.been called B.called C.being called D.having called

分析:C。call sb.sth.为固定短语,这里用被动形式。


I insist that a doctor______ immediately.

A.has been sent for B.send for

C.will be sent for D.be sent for


题6(北京 )

-Excuse me ,sir.Would you do me a favor?

-Of course.What is it?

-I____if you could tell me how to fill out the form.

A.had wondered B.was wondering

C.would wonder D.did wonder

分析:B。此题主要考查过去进行时在实际交际中的用法。I was wondering…表示我刚刚正在想……(对现在有一定影响),此外在此题中它也是委婉寻求别人帮助的好方式。

题7(NMET 1995)

-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

-Well,now I regret______that.

A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done


题8(NMET 1994)

-I must apologize for______ahead of time.

-That’s all right.

A.letting you not know B.not letting you know

C.letting you know not D.letting not you know





repeat lady

serious joke

world-famous college

funny unable

note medical

earn gentleman

attend organize

suppose organizer

copy pound

live ton

African sail

fly non-stop

further concert

sale persuade

provide practise

total fortnight



send out 发出

get through 完成;通过;接通电话

ring back 回电话

out of breath 上气不接下气

turn down 拒绝;调低音量

call back 回电

ring off 挂断电话

for free 免费

start doing sth. 开始做

come to 总共;复活;谈到


Will he make himself known to me ?

Would you mind giving a talk today about DNA?

There must be over two hundred here.

His greatest success has not been in singing but in organizing…

By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were sent to Africa.


Can you ring up…?/I can’t get through.

The line’s busy./I’ll try again later.

Could I speak to…,please?

Hold on please.

Can I take a message?

This is …speaking.

Can you…to ring me back ,please?

I’ll ask… to call you.


学习must, may, might, can’t , could等情态动词的用法。


1.send out 发出;放出

Some unknown flowers in the garden send out nice smell.


The sun sends out light and heat.太阳发光发热。

send 构成的其他词组:

2.ring up n.给……打电话

Could you please ring me up as soon as you come back?


Please ring up the train station and find out whether the train from Guangzhou has arrived or not.




3.get through 接通电话;完成 ;通过

I can’t get through. The line’s busy.


get through the work/ the exams/ the book



Can you ring up…?你能给……打电话吗?

I can’t get through.我没能接通(电话)。

The line is busy.(电话)占线。

I’ll try again later.一会儿我再试试。

Could I speak to…please?我找……接电话。

This is … speaking.我是……

Hold on ,please.请等一等。

Can I take a message .我可以捎个口信吗?

Could you ask…to ring me back.please?


I’ll ask… to call you .


They are talking on/ over the phone.他们在通电话。

You are wanted on the phone.有电话找你。

She answered the phone.。她接了电话。

4.make up 编(造);构成;化妆

It’s a lie. He made up the story.


Ten doctors made up a medical team.


Although she doesn’t make up,she looks beautiful.


5.surprised adj.感到惊奇

They were surprised to hear the news.


He was surprised at their visit.


We are surprised that she can finish all these things in such a short time.


6.attention 短语

7.expert n.专家,能手 adj.精通的

an expert on computer science 计算机方面的专家

She’s expert at/ in looking after babies.


8.[辨析] can/ may/ must表推测的用法


must语气最肯定,指“一定,必定”,只用于肯定句中。“must + 动词原形”表示对现在情况的推测;“must + have +done”表示对过去情况的推测。如:

Mum must be cooking supper now.


He must have finished his work.


may/ might 表示“或许,可能”。如:

Tom may go abroad next year.汤姆明年可能要出国。

She might have finished the work.


He can’t know the answer.他不可能知道这个答案。

can/ could表示“可能,会”,多用于否定和疑问句中。如:

Could she he at home?她可能在家吗?

9.suppose vt.认为;猜测

we all supposed him to be honest.我们认为他老实。

I don’t suppose that I shall come back until eight o’clock.


-Will he come?他会回来吗?

-I suppose so.我想他会。

I suppose not./I don’t suppose so.我想他不会。

10.earn v.赚;得到


He earns $ 10,000 a year.他一年赚10,000英镑。

His honesty earned him great respect.


She earned her living by singing in a nightclub.


11.play vt. n. 弹,奏;打,玩

12.idea n.注意,想法

He thought and thought, and then he had an idea.


She had the idea of discussing the problem with her husband.


I have an idea that he will lose.我认为他会输的。

Do you have any idea where he has gone?


13.[辨析] manage to do/try to do

manage to do sth.意为“设法完成或做到某事”,含有成功之意。

He managed to organize a live concert.= He succeeded in organizing a live concert.


try to do sth.意为“试图做,尽力做某事”,是否成功,并不肯定。

He tried to work it out ,but he failed.


14.realize vt.意识到;实现

realize one’s mistake 认识到自己的错误

realize one’s meanings 领会某人的意思

I didn’t realize that my English was limited until I was abroad。直到出国以后我才意识到自己的英语水平很有限。

She managed to realize her dream at last.


15.persuade vt说服

Do you think you can persuade me?


She has persuaded her husband to give up smoking and drinking.


The young man was persuaded out of the wrong idea.


[辨析] persuade/ advise

persuade sb. to do sth.意为“说服某人做某事”,强调劝说成功,说服;advise sb.to do sth.意为“劝说某人做某事”,不涉及劝说是否有效,相当于try to persuade sb.to do sth.如:

The doctor persuaded my father to give up smoking.


The doctor advised my father to give up smoking, but failed.


16.provide vt.提供;供给

The government provided food and houses for those who were homeless.


The school provides the students with textbooks./The school provides textbooks for the students.


17.come to 达到,共计

The total cost of repairs came to about $ 100.


The things I bought came to 100 yuan..


The cost of the trip totaled/came to /added up to 1000 dollars.



1.They decided to_______ a large medical conference.

A.found B.form C.set up D.organize

解析:organize 为“组织”之意。又如:

organize a football team/a concert/ a get-together



2.I was about to ______the phone when it was________.

A.reply; rung off B.receive; rung up

C.answer; rung off D.answer; rung up

解析:从句意可知,不能选择B、D。“接电话”应为answer/ reply to the phone.句意为“我正准备接电话,电话挂断了”。


3. John_____the examination,which made his parents happy.

A.got through B.carried on

C.stuck to D.kept on

解析:carry on继续开展,进行下去;stick to 坚持;keep on 继续,都不适合句子语境意义。


4.The exciting performances attracted the passers- by’s _________.

A.notice B.attention C.patience D.taste

解析:notice的搭配为:take notice of 注意;patience耐心;taste口味,胃口。


5. Peter________ come with us tonight, but he isn’t sure.(NMET 1993)

A.must B.may C.can D.will

解析:从he isn’t sure yet可知,应用may.


6. -There were already five people in the car , but they managed to take

me as well.

-It ______ a comfortable journey.(NMET1995)

A.can’t B.shouldn’t be

C.must have been D.couldn’t have been



7. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it a(n) _________ of courage.

A.example B.sign C.mark D.symbol



8.He _________me to keep away from cigarette and to morning exercises every day.He really did.

A.agreed B.suggested C .promised D.wished

解析:A promises B to do 中to do为宾语,其逻辑主要为A。A wishes B to do 中to do 为宾补,其逻辑主语为B。agree,suggest不用于“动词+sb. + to do”结构。


9. It’s important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the _______ in language studies.

A.situation B.expression

C.condition D.translation









bring in 引入;增加 hand in hand 并进;联合

try out 试验 think up 想出

at the last moment 在最后一刻 get rid of 处理;去掉

break up分解;腐蚀 break down出毛病;不运转;分解

at one time(以前)有过一段时期

a mountain of/mountains of (一)大堆;大量的

shut down (放下)关上;关闭(企业等)


(1)Since production in creases,the price can be reduced.

(2)Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertise


(3)There have been major changes in advertising in the past sixty years.

(4)No matter how much you want to bathe(in the sea),it just isn’t safe.

(5)I suppose it is better to be safe than sick.

(6)It will be many years before the chemicals start to escape from the containers.





1.I think it would be a good idea to(do sth.)


A:I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.

B:I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing moning exercises.

2.Do you think so?


think等及It appear…,It seems和I’m afraid连用。

“Will they go to see him?”

“I believe so.(I believe[that]they will go to see him.)”

②表示否定时,用not代替so,但在believe,suppose,think等动词之后,如I don’t think(believe,suppose)so等,通常仍可与so连用。


I doubt about it.(√)

I doubt so.(×)

3.agree with同意……,(气候,食物等)适合于某人;和……相一致(常用于否定句)。

The climate here doesn’t agree with me.

agree to …赞成……

agree on 就……取得一致意见或看法

4.persuade sb.to do sth.


persuade sb.into doing sth.


try to persuade sb.to do sth.

advise sb.to do sth

①We try to persuade him to stop smoking,but he still smokes now.

②He persuaded me into lending him all my savings.


Persuade sb.out of 说明(人)停止,劝阻


His parents persuaded him out of his foolish action.

5.express one’s satisfaction with对……表示满意

be satisfied with对……感到满意

The officials expressed their satisfaction with the preparation for the exhibition.

6.at the top of在……的顶部,上方

at the top of a mountain在山顶

She is (at)the top of her class in French.

at the top of one’s voice高声地,尖声地

7.bring in 把……拿进来;收获;赚入……;获利

They bring in one million dollars a year from their new company.

8.carry out 搬出;进行

①Would you please carry the chairs out?

②The plan should be carried out at once.

9.ask for 要求,请求

ask sb.for sth.向(某人)请求 (要求)……

She asked for some advice on how to learn English well.

10.It is a waste of time/money to do sth.干……浪费时间(钱)

It’s a waste of time to fix this watch.

11.instead of,prep.代替……,而不是

I don’t like beer;Please give me cola instead.

12.would say总是会说……

would有过去、常常……之意,但它与used to 的用法不相同的。

①表示过去持续的状态或感情总是used to 而不是would。因此,would不与表示状态的动词连用。

There used to be a hospital/here.(√)


There would be…(×)

②used to 和would都可以表示过去规则的行为,但通常would是在过去不大规则的行为时,或主语的关心、感慨等主观因素较强时使用,而used to 则在客观地陈述相当期间的规则行为时使用。

“I’ll leave this job for a better one”,he would say when he was scolded by his boss.

③“would”常与“often,sometimes,for hours”等表示时间的副词(短语)连用。

④与现在或将来比较而表示“以前经常……”的意思时,用used to。

He will not have the money to spend on books as he used to.

13.think up 想出,想起(办法等)

The students try to think up an idea to play football without being seen.

think over熟虑;think out 想出,想透(问题等)

think of考虑,认为,想起think about 考虑,想出

think aloud自言自语

14.in the past sixty years在过去的60年里(常与现在完成时连用)

Great changes have taken place in the past few years.

15.start with 以……开始

Today’s class starts with a question.

16.at the last moment在最后关头

at the moment 此刻;正在那时 for a moment片刻;一会儿for the moment 目前,暂时in a moment立刻,马上

17.point out 指出(to+n.)

The teacher pointed out my mistakes to me.



He quietly pointed his gun at the deer.

18.be crowded with 挤满……

crowded 还可作adj.

The bus was crowded with people.

a crowded train(street)

(交通拥挤是heavy[busy]traffic,不能说crowded traffic)

19.admire sb.for…佩服某人的……

We admire him for the boy’s courage.

be shocked

20. be astonished at sth.(to do,从句)

be surprised



search for:look for寻找

The police searched the room for the thief.

22.remind sb.+than-clause.使人想起(某事),提醒

remind sb.to do sth.使(某人)想起做(某事);提醒某人做(某事)

I reminded him to work hard.

23.It looks as if…看起来好象……

It seems as if…似乎……It seems that…It appears as if/that…

It looks as if it’s going to snow.

24.no matter how 无论怎样……引导让步状语从句。

类似的no matter who,no matter what,no matter when,no matter where…ect.

No matter what he says,I won’t believe him.

25.suppose+that-clause 以为,假如

suppose vt.以为,猜想,假定

suppose sb.+(to be)+adj./n


①I supposed that she was an English teacher.

②All the students supposed him to be the headmaster.

26.not+adj./adv.+enough+不定式 不够……,(以致)不能……

大体相当于 too…to …

He is not old enough to go to school.

(=He is too young to go to school.)

27.deal with 对付,处理(常与疑问代词how连用)

do with处理(常与疑问副词what)

She knows well how to deal with her parents.

28.get rid of 除去,除掉,摆脱(疾病等麻烦事物)

How can I get rid of the pain in the chest?

29.break up驱散;分散,破坏(关系)

break down毁坏;分体;故障

The police used teargas to break up the demonstration.

30.against the law违反法律

be against反对,违反

be for赞成,支持

Abraham Lincoln was strongly against slavery.

31.at the bottom of 在……底部,下端

at the bottom of a hill在山脚下

She is always at the bottom of the class.

32.at one time 往昔;曾有一时

At one time there wer not so many cars on the streets.

33.set up建立,设立,创设

A new government was set up after the civilwar.

34.fight against(with)与……战斗

fight for 为……战

fight against与……搏斗

35.seek to 尝试,试图


seek for(after)+n.找寻


We must seek (for)a solution to the problem.

36.be active in在……方面很积极

take an active part in积极参加

①He was active in helping others.

②He takes an active part in all kinds of sports.

37.multiply A by B A乘以4。

Mulitiply 3 by 4.3乘以4。

4 multiplied by 2 is 8.

38.take out去除(污点等)(本课的用法)


My parents are taking me out to a show tonight.

You will have to have the tooth taken out.

39.shut down关闭……;停止营业

①This factory has shut down.

②Shut down the window.

Shut off 关掉

40.be disappointed with(at,about)对……失望

I was disappinted at (in,with)the result.

be disappointed to do做……而感到失望

His uncle was disappointed to hear the news.


题 1(上海 )

What he has done is far from________.

A.satisfactory B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfy

分析:A。far from(远非)+sth./doing sth..

题2(上海 )

I was really anxious about you.You_______home without a word.

A.mutsn’t leave B.shouldn’t have left

C.couldn’t have left D.needn’t leave

分析:B。该项考查具有特殊意义的谓语形式。“情态动词+完成式”表示对过去所发生事情的推测。“shouldn’t+完成式”表示过去不该做而实际上已做的事。说话人常为之表示一种责怪或遗憾的情感。“couldn’t+完成式”有时表示无论如何也不可能做到。根据前句I was really anxious about you 的语境可以确定,最佳答案为B。

题3(NMET 1995)

It was not until 1929_______regular radio broadcasts began.

A.while B.which C.that D.since

分析:C。这是一个强调句型。强调句的结构是It is(was)+that(who)…。that既可指代也可指代物;who只能指代人。

题4(上海 2001)

_______ is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A.It B.As C.That D.What





smooth, opposite, state, replace, ashamed, remark, delight, burst, envy, crazy, steadily


keep off 让开;不接近fall to pieces 崩溃;倒塌

take on 呈现 once in a while 偶尔

watch over 查看;监视 in a poor state 境况很差

masses of 大多数;大部分 at war 作战;打仗

to make things worse 更糟糕的是 change one’s mind 改变主意

burst into tears 突然哭起来 on board 在船上

on the point of 正要……的时候 but for 要不是;若不

make it 约定;赶得上 upon one’s word 保证


What can we do to make it look less ugly?

I think we should paint it white.

It looks a bit ugly as it is.

-I’m sorry to have done that. I don’t mean to be so rude.

-It doesn’t matter.

You just don’t consider anyone but yourself.

I was so disappinted not to be going out.

What good fortune that I travelled with you as my captain!

And in the end he did land us safe.






1.watch over


Will you watch over my clothes while I go shopping.

Watch out(for sth.)意为“注意”,“监视”,“当心”。如:

The doctor told her to watch out for anything unusual.



I don ‘t want to go out for a walk. Besides, I’m feeling tired.

3.take on; take sth. on意为“从事”,“担任”,“承担”。如:

①He is taking on a new job.

②You’ve taken on too much.


take sb. on接受挑战

如:He took Jack on at golf.

take on a new look呈现新面貌

如:Our country has taken on a new look every where.

4.there is no need…

need 在此为不可数名词,意为“需要”、“必须”,使用时应该注意它使用的句式结构,即我们只能说“There is no need for +n./(for sb.)to do ...”

不能说“It is no need (for sb.)to do sth.”

5.unless与if … not

unless 经常用来代替if…not.如:

He will accept the job if the salary’s not too low/unless the salary is too low.

6.be ahead of


He is well ahead of all the other students in English.

7.as good as

as good as 作为固定词组意为“几乎一样”,“实际上等于”,作为同级比较结构,意为“和……一样好”。如:

①He is as good at English as me.

②My bike is as good as yours.

8.to one’s delight

该词组意为“使某人高兴”,还可以表达为“to the delight of sb.”。

能这样表达的还有to one’s joy,to one’s surprise,to one’s sorrow等。如:

To my shame, I completely forgot our date.

9.nowhere can there be…


Nowhere is there a place for him to settle down.

类似的副词还有hardly scarcely, no sooner,seldom, never, little等。

10.up until…


Up until yesterday two sides had agreed on all the items of this contract.

11.where necessary

这是一省略结构,它的完整表达为:where it was necessary to do so, where,when,if等连词引起的从句,特别当主谓语是it is/was时,主谓语常可省略,只保留从句中的必要成分。如:

We can discuss it again if necessary.

12.keep one’s word

该动宾词组意为“守信”,“遵守诺言”。词组里word不能用复数形式words.同义词组为“keep a promise”,反义词组为“break one’s word”。如:

Once you promise someone to do something,you should keep your word.

13.change one’s mind


If one always change one’s mind, he succeeds in nothing.

14.apologize for doing sth.

apologize是不及物动词,意为“道歉”,其表达式为“apologize to sb.for sth.”。如:

You must apologize to your sister for being so rude.

它的名词形式是apology, 复数形式是apologizes.

make one’s apologies to sb. for sth.= make an apology to sb. for sth.如:

He make his apologies to me for coming late.

15.mean to do sth.


I’m very sorry if I hurt your feelings in fact.I didn’t mean to.

16.keep off


A board stands by the house on which were written “keep off”.

At night they made a fire to keep wild animals off.

17.masses of…

该词组意为“大量的”,与lots of 相同,后接可数名词或不可数名词。如:They saved masses of money by improving technology.

a mass of…意为“一大堆……”,“一大片……”。

18.…as it is

该固定词组表达意思是“就以(现在)这个样子,”“根据现在的情况”。如:He decided to buy the house as it is.

19.at war


The U.S.A.and Iraq are at war again.

20.fall to pieces


①Most buildings fell to pieces in the earthquake in this city.

②Most organizations fell to pieces after political reform.

21.burst into tears



①He put too much air into the balloon and it burst.

②The funny joke made the children burst their sides with laughing.


burst into tears/laughter(突然大哭/大笑)

burst into song(突然唱起歌来)

burst into angry speech(大发雷庭)

burst into bloom(开花)

burst into view/sight(景象,奇观的)突然出现

burst into the room(闯入房间)

burst out/forth laughing(捧腹大笑)

burst out/forth crying(突然大哭)

如:On hearing the sad news, she burst into tears.

22.so long as

so long as = as long as 作为词组有两层意思,一是“只要”(=on condition that),引导条件状语从句;二是“在……的时候”(=while),引导时间状语从句。如:

You shall never enter this house as /so long as I live in it.

另外,so/as long as 还可构成同级比较句型。as long as 可用于肯定句和否定句中,而so long as 只用于否定句中。如:

①This rope is as long as that one.

②I can’t walk so long distance as you.

23.to be honest

该固定词组意为“老实说”,是动词不定式结构,与“to tell the truth”同义,它常用来表达某人的期望。如:

To be honest, I didn’t go there.

24.take charge

该词组意为“掌管”,“负责”,常与of介词连用,后接宾语,与“be responsible for”同意。如:

Betty took charge of all the preparations for the exhibition sales.

25.like crazy


In order to finish his work on time, he worked like crazy.


Most youths are crazy about famous stars.

26.but for

该短语介词意为“要不是……”,后接名词(=without + n.),but for…短语相当于一个虚拟条件句,因此,句中谓语动词用虚拟语气。如:

The boy would have drowned but for your help.

如果接的是句子,but for要换用成but that… 如:

He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time.(= if it had not been the fact that he was…)

27.on the point of…

该短语常在句中作表语,意为“正要(去做某事)”,意思相当于be about to do sth.。如:

We were on the point of calling him up when he came.


①if/when it comes to the point如果/当时机到来(时)如:

When it comes to the point,he refused to help.

②from sb.’s point of view从某人的角度来看 如:

Try to look at school from the child’s point of view.


题1 (上海 2001)

A computer can only do __________ you have instructed it to do.

A.how B.after C.what D.when

分析:C。该题考查引导宾语从句的连接词的用法。how 和when可作连接副词引导宾语从句,并在从句中作状语。what为连接代词,意思是“……的”,既引导宾语从句,又在该句中作及物动词do的宾语。

题2 (NMET )

-Hey, look where you are going!

-Oh, I’m terribly sorry. ___________.

A.I’m not noticing B.I wasn’t noticing

C.I haven’t noticed D.I don’t notice



题3 (NMET )

-Hi, Tracy, you look tired.

-I’m tired. I__________ the living room all day.

A.painted B.had painted

C.have been painting D.have painted

分析:C。从题干中I am tired和all day 这一时间状语,不难看出该空的时态应用现在完成进行时,表明“我一整天在油漆起居室”。

题4 (NMET 2000春)

-You’re drinking too much.

-Only at home. No one___________ me but you.

A.it seeing B.had seen C.sees D.saw


题5 (MET 1992)

-Do you know our town at all?

-No. This is the first time I ________ here.

A.was B.have been C.came D.am coming

分析:B。此题考的是“That/This/It is the first/second…time + that从句”这一固定句式,that从句里面用现在完成时,若将is 改成was则从句用过去完成时。

题6 (NMET 1998)

Shirley __________ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A.has written B.wrote C.had written D.was writing

分析:D。根据时间状语last year和后达的“是否完成”判断,应用过去进行时。

题7 (NMET )

I first met Lisa three years ago. She _________ at a radio at that time.

A.has worked B.was working

C.had been working D.had worked

分析:B。由时间状语three years ago 和at that time判断,此题应用过去进行时。

题8 (NMET 1995)

-Your phone number again? I _________quite catch it.

-It’s 9563442

A.didn’t B.couldn’t C.don’t D.can’t

分析:A。根据again一词来推断,对方已说了一遍电话号码,所以是“刚才”没听清,应用过去时,而couldn’t 表示“不能够”,不合题意。

题9 (NMET 1992)

-We could have walked to the station, it was so near.

-Yes.A taxi________ at all necessary.

A.wasn’t B.hadn’t been C.wouldn’t D.won’t

分析:A。could have walked 意为“本可以步行去”。由此推断并没有步行去,再看下句可知,不是“步行”而是坐出租车去的车站,动作已发生,故用过去时。

题10 (上海 2001)

_____________ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered







fix up 安顿;修理好 hand down 把……传下来

give birth to 生,产生 round up 赶拢;使聚拢

work out 算出;估算;制订出 leave…free 让……空着;闲置起来

result in 导致……;结果导致 make sense 讲得通;有意义

in debt 负债;欠账


(1)Until very recently no school lessons were held in languages rather than English.

(2)Today they were more usually known as Kooris.

(3)Kooris do not believe in owning possessions of lands.

(4)Whenever the Kooris defended their rights,they were killed.

(5)Australia is as old as time.

(6)There is no sense in quarreling.

(7)It’s well known that pests continue to eat crops,causing damage.

(8)It has been suggested that…


(1)Sorry.I wasn’t thinking.

(2)That’s OK.But you mustn’t smoke here.

(3)Look out!There’s a kangaroo!

(4)Missed it!That was lucky.

(5)I’d like to invite you to dinner at my flat.

(6)Have you ordered yet?

(7)Then I’ll take your order,OK?

(8)Anything to follow?



①作宾补 ②作状语



1.go camping 去露营


go fishing 去钓鱼 go riding去骑马

go boating 去划船 go climbing去登山

go swimming去游泳 go shooting去射击

go walking 去散步 go hunting去打猎

go shopping去买东西 go cycling去骑车

go dancing去跳舞


go farming务农 go nursing当护士



①Go about 200 metres beyond the house and you will find the hotel on the left.

②I want to buy a bag beyond these clothes.

3.fix up vt.搭起、安装,修理,安排(住宿等),提供,本课中fix up=put up(搭起)。

We must fix the house up before we move into it.


We got there,we tied our boat to a big rock.

tie tied tied tying系,绑

lie lied lied lying说谎

lie lay lain lying躺

lay laid laid laying放,产卵


5.make sure 确保,安排妥,务必


①We’ve made sure of our seats for the movie.

②Make sure(that)you pick the child up at five.

6.hand down(=pass down)相传、传给


In poor families,clothes may be handed down from one child to the next.

hand back 把……归还……;hand in 面交,提出;hand on 传阅,依次传递;hand out 分发;hand over 移交。

7.live by it赖……为生;以……为生(Δ不可用于被动语态)

Live by(one’s)pen 以笔耕为生

live out 活着,熬过

live through(it)活过,度过……而不死 (Δ不可用于被动语态)

The patient will not live through the night.

8.become experienced at对……有经验

experienced adj.有经验的,老练的

be experienced in

He’s very experienced in money matters.

experience n.经验,体验(in(of)/doing)

My father has ten year’s experience in teaching.

9.make up 组成,构成。

The government is made up of ten members.

make up还有“化妆、打扮;编造(故事等),弥补”之意

She made up a story to avoid being examined.


“no matter when” 只能引导让步状语从句,no matter what(who,where,which,when,how) 也同样。

①Whoever leaves the room last must close the door.

②Whoever came here,he will be welcomed.

11.be separated from被分割


His mother separated the big eggs from the small ones.


feed on(动物)以……为食


feed a dog on meat


feed meet to a dog

Cows feed on hay during winter.

13.give birth to 生……;造成……的原因。

①She gave birth to a baby last week.

②His illness gave birth to his absence.

14.cover an area of ..,占地……


①My mother covered the baby with a blanket.

②She tried to cover the fact that she had been to the place.

③I’m covering the accident.

15.depend on 依靠;指望

depend on sb.to do sth.指望(某人)做……


depend on 取决于,视……而定


①His parents depend on him to make progress.

②Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.

16.all the year round 全年,一年到头

In the west coast of Canada,it rains all the year round.

17.look forward to vt.期待……,盼望

I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

18.all the same adj.都一样;无所谓(to+n.)

①You can stay or leave now;It’s all the same to me.

②It’s all the same to me whether we’ll go there today or tomorrow.


Thank you all the same.

19.help oneself to“自行取用(食物等),随意使用”

Help yourself to more cakes.

20.now and again 时而

from time to time

means now and then


21.fix a date 确定日期

fix a time确定时间

fix a place确定场所

fix vt.决定,确定

fix+n./wh-/to do sth.

My uncle is fixing to set up a company.

22.earn one’s living,make one’s living 谋生,挣钱过活。

The professor earns his living by teaching at a language school.

23.The problem is how to feed…

how to do sth.是由“疑问副词+动词不定式”构成的复合结构,在此句中作表语。

How to deal with it hasn’t been decided.

My question is how to feed so many people.

24.in the form of 以……的形式呈现,prep.take the form of 以……形式呈现,vt.

The cookies are all in the form of stars.

The cookies all take the form of stars.

25.make efforts to do sth.努力(尽力)干……

make an effort (at)尽力,努力……

spare no effort不遗余力

I made every effort to get it (at getting it)

26.remove sth.to…把……移向……

remove it去除;脱掉

remove sb.(sth.)from+n.


You should remove your coat in the warm room.


enough…to do sth.足够……,可以……


He is too old to walk himself.

28.work out解决(问题;)计算出(总计等);周密地想出

They worked out all the details of the project.

work at 从事……

work on 从事……,继续工作

29.be lost损失,失去

lost adj. 逝去的,弄丢的;遗失的,迷路的,输掉的,沉迷于……的(in+n.)(Δ不置于名词前)

It is useless talking about our lost youth.







She pat the boy on the head,for she took him for John.

31.in debt(to)欠债,欠人情

out of debt还清负债,没欠债

get(run,fall)into debt,vi.借债,负债

pay off the debt还清债务

She was always in debt when she was out of work.

32. day by day一天天地

day after day日复一日,一天又一天

①Day by day he seems to grow a little stronger.

②I have to do this work day after day.

33.make sense讲得通;很有意义

This sentence doesn’t make any sense.


题1(上海 )

If you are ________about Australian cities,just read the book written by Dr Johnson.

A.interested B.anxious C.upset D.curious

分析:D。be interested in 对……感兴趣; be anxious about为……着急;be upset at对……苦恼(不安)。

题2(北京 )

It is so nice to hear from her. ______, we last met more than thirty years ago.

A.What’s more B.That is to say

C.In other words D.Believe it or not

分析:D。believe it or not信不信由你。

题3 The world is _________seven continents and four oceans.

A.made up of B.made out of

C.made from D.made in


题4(上海 春)

While building a tunnel through the mountain,______.

A.an underground lake was discovered

B.there was on underground lake discovered

C.a lake was discovered underground

D.the workers discovered an underground lake


题5(上海 春)

______from heart trouble for years,Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.

A.Suffered B.Suffering C.Having suffered D.Being suffered

分析:C。suffer与逻辑主语之间表主动,且动作先于has to take…。

题6(NMET 1992)

The salesman scolded the girl caught_______and let her off.

A.to have stolen B.to be stealing C.to steal D.stealing

分析:D。该题考查分词作宾补的用法,但题干中的caught使句子结构复杂化了。实际上只要掌握scold sb.doing sth.这一表达法,便可知caught一词是过去分词在句中作the girl的定语,其作用相当于the girl who was caught。句子的意思是“售货员斥责这位被抓住的女孩的偷窃行为并将她赶了出去。”

题7(上海 1999)

______your composition carefully,some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

A.Having checked B.Check C.If you check D.To check


题8(上海 2001春)

______blood if you can and many lives will be saved.

A.Giving B.Give C.Given D.To give

分析:B。该题极易选A。实际上“_______blood if you can”这一部分表示祈使意义,即“祈使句+and…”。

题9(北京 2002)

We will be shown around the city:schools,museums,and some other places,______other visitors seldom go.

A.what B.which C.where D.when


题10(上海 2001)

Little Tom was reluctant to tell the schoolmaster______he had done the day before.

A.that B.how C.where D.what


题11(上海 2001)

________is no possibility_______Bob can win the first prize in the match.

A.There;that B.It;that C.There;whether D.It;whether

分析:A。possibity后应引导一个同位语从句,因其前有no修饰,所以其后不用whether。“存在有……”应该用“There is…”。

题12(上海 2001)

What the doctor really doubt is________my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.

A.when B.how C.whether D.why





fortunate, require, steady, glance, gain, actual, loose, pause, aloud , calm, flight, reception


keep one’s balance 保持平衡 catch on 绊住,钩住

require sth. of sb. 对某人要求…… lose one’s voice 失音;噪子哑

do/perform gymnastics做/表演体操 in actual fact 事实上

in a flash 一刹那间 hold out 伸出(手等);坚持

the moment 一……就…… break off 打断;折断

glance over the shoulder回头一瞥;回望一眼

for fear that 恐怕的是……以防


It was time for her performance on the high and low bars.

He recognized me the moment/minute/instant/immediately/directly/as soon as he saw me.

Something may have happened to her.

It is not like her to have missed two days of class.

On his arrival he went straight to the counter.





1.Something may have happened to her. She might have had an accident.

两句中都用的“情态动词may/might +完成时”的结构,有以下用法:

①may/might + have + 过去分词表示推测过去某动作“可能”发生了。如:

I can’t find my sunglasses, I may/might have left them at the

restaurant yesterday.


He may have heard of it from Jack.

He might have heard of it from Jack.

在下列情况下,may和might 用法有区别:



He says that she may/might have misunderstood him.

He said that she might have misunderstood him.

②might + have + 过去分词,表示对本来可能发生而实际并未发生的动作的感叹或遗憾含有“责备”、“抱怨”之意,而may + 完成时无此含义。如:

You might have told us earlier.

This medicine might have cured your cough

2.must + have + 过去分词


-They quarrelled quite often and whenever they quarrelled they threw glasscup at each other.

-They must have broken a lot of glasses.

3.fall over意为“跌倒”,“跌跤”。如:

When he was skating, he fell over some times.

4.It was in Greece that Olympic competitions started.

这是强调句型,其结构为:It be + 被强调部分+that-clause.该句型可以对一个句子里的主语、宾语、状语(介短或从句)进行强调。

5.n.+ being performed in China.

该结构中being performed 是动记号-ing形式的被动语态,在一句子中用在名词之后,作定语。它常可改写成一个定语从句。如:

The prices of the TV sets being shown(= which are shown)are still unknown.

6.prepare sb.for…


Mother is preparing me for my journey.

prepare 作为动词,既是及物动词,又是不及物动词且常与for连用。如:

Mother asked my sister to prepare lunch.

7.preform exercises to music.

短语意为“伴随音乐做体操”,从中可知“do sth. to music”判决书为“伴随音乐做某事”。如:

She likes dancing to music.


8.There are safety measures to follow while training.


①while training 是从属连词与分词连用,在句子中做时间状语。结构“when/while + -ing 或过去分词短语”的使用条件是:

when/while 从句中的主语与主句中的主语相同。如:

You should have dropped in on me when staying here.

除了when/while 外,其他的从属连词如if,as if, though, as


If heated, ice can be turned into water.

②to follow 是不定式做定语,修饰名词measures,是主动表被动。在There be 句型中,用不定式做的定语时,即就是不定式与所修饰的名词之间是动宾关系,也常用不定式的主动语态形式。如:

There is a lot of work to do.

9.think to oneself


She was thinking to herself how cold the room was.

Think aloud意为“自言自语”(=talk to oneself)。如:

He stood there with his lips moving as if he talked to

himself/thought aloud.

10.the moment主语 +V。

此结构中,the moment 用作连词,引导一时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”(=as soon as)。相同意思和用法的表达形式还有:the minute, the instant 和the second。如:

Telephone me the moment you get the results.

11.break off


He broke off in the middle of a sentence.

break sth.off/break off sth. with sb.


The mast broke off /was broken off when the ship was moving.

12.be busy doing sth.

该结构意为“忙于做某事”。应注意的是be busy 后只能接动词-ing形式,不能接动词不定式to do,相同结构的形容词还有worth。如:

①He is busy writing his composition.

②She keeps busy working on a new novel these weeks.

③This book is well worth seeing.

13.The first thing she did was go up to her trainer…and thank her…

该句中,go up to…是动词不定式短语作表语,省略了不定式符号to,这是因为主句的主语被定语从句she did修饰的缘故。语法规定,解释doing 精确意思的分句,可用不带to 的动词不定式。如:

What I can do is (to)help him (to)clean the floor.

14.at the doctor’s

该结构为介词+名词所有格,意为“在诊所”。所有格-’s后一般接名词,如her mother’s bike ,但有时这个名词可省略,主要表现在以下两个方面:


She is at the hairdresser’s.


I have read some of Shaw’s plays,but none of Shakespeare’s.

15.knock into

该短语意为“把……敲人” ,也可意译为“撞着某人/某物”如:

①The wall is so hard I can’t knock nails into it.

②He was reading while he eas walking and knocked into a tree.

16.it looks as if…

意为“看起来好像……”,as if可用as though替换,在此引导表语从句,另外它们也可引导状语从句,从句既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气。如:

①It looks as if /though it’s going to rain.(陈述语气)

②You look as if you’d seen a ghost.(虚拟语气)

17. It’s (just)like sb. to do sth.


It is just like her to think of others before thinking of herself.

18.in a flash


In a flash. I realized where we had met before.

19.on one’s arrival…

该词组意为“一到达……就……”(= on arriving…)。如:

On her arrival she helped me to prepare supper.

20.with fear

该介词短语意为“由于害怕”,with + n.有时用来表示原因,其中的n.常是表示情感的名词。

如:Her face turned pale with fear.

21.by name


①He met a man, John by name.

②I knew him only by name.

22.Training by yourself in a game can be highly dangerous.





greedy, court, mercy, desire, greeting, comfort, troublesome, relation, downtown , hibernate , suit, fairly


at the mercy of 在……的支配下 play the role of 扮演……角色

do the deed 付诸行动;生效

take pride in 以……自豪;对……得意

according to 根据……

on condition that 条件是……;在……条件下

at the time of 在……时侯 lie in 在于

a couple of weeks 两个星期 large quantities of 大量;许多

make use of 利用 far below 远远低于


She dressed herself as a lawyer’s clerk.

I offer you six times what you have just offered.

I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.

You shall get justice.

It’s silly of sb. to do sth.

He has no choice but to cry.

I’d come to if I had time to spare.




1.make a promise

该动词短语意为“允诺”,其中的promise为名词,与它搭配的词组还有keep one’s promise(守信)等。如:

He’s always making promises and then breaking them.

Promise 也可是动词(vt.& vi.)意为“允诺”,“答应”。


promise to do sth(不定式作宾语)

promise sb. to do sth.(后接双宾语)

promise (sb)that – clause


如:①He promises me to buy a bike for my birthday gift.

②He promises me that he will buy a bike for my birthday gift.

2.pretend to be a lawyer

该结构中pretend 意为“装扮”,“装假”,后跟不定式或宾语从句 。其中不定式(有时态变化)是试题中的重点考查形式。如:

When mother came in, be pretended to be writing .

3.have mercy on/upon sb.

该短语意为“宽恕(或可怜)某人”,类似的词组还有show mercy to sb.。

He always has mercy on the poor.

at the mercy of …任由……摆布,在……的掌握中。

如:They were lost at sea,at the mercy of the winds and the waves.

4. go down on one’s knees 双膝跪地

go down on one knee单膝跪地

如:①The son went down on his knees, begging his father for


②Some football players celebrate their“goal”by going down

on one knee.

5.play the role of…

该短语意为“扮演……角色”(=play a part of…)。如:

In this film he will play the role of a policeman.

6.x times + n.


①A is x times the size(height, length, width…)of B.

②A is x times as big(high,long, wide…)as B.

③A is x times + adj.-er than B.

④The size (height, length, width…)of A is x times that of B.如:The meeting-room is three times the size of our office.

The size of the meeting-room is three times that of our office.

7.when you show none



How can I help them to understand when they won’t listen to



③when是并列连词(=and then)意为“就在这/那时”,连接两个句子。如:We are about to go to city when it is raining.

8.so young a body

说明:在一个带有形容词的名词词组中,不定冠词a/an 通常放在adj.的前面。但是,如果adj.前有so, too, how,quite时,a/an应放 adj.的后面。其结构是:so/too/how/quite+adj.+a/an +n.。如:

①He is so good a student.

②It is too difficult a job for me.

9.be seated

意为“坐下”(=sit down),是正式用语,而sit down是非正式用语。如:Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen.

10.take…in one’s arms


He went into classroom, taking some books in his arms.

11.be in love with sb.

该短语意为“爱上某人”,其中的be可用fall替换,即fall in love with sb.也意为“爱上某人”。如:

Henry was/fell in love with Mary.

make love to sb .向某人示爱

12.on one condition


He allowed me to do it on one condition.

on condition that这是一短语连词(=only if),引导条件状语从句。如:I’ll give you the day off on condition that you work on

Saturday morning.

13.a driving permit


You won’t get into the conference hall without a permit.

14.help to do sth.

该动宾结构意为“有助于干某事”,且不定式符号to 可以省略,即构成help do sth.的表达形式。如:

①This book helps to understand this question.

②Exercises help build up.

15.far below + n.


The production of this factory was far below the normal level last year.

16.show off

该短语动词意为“炫耀”,而show sb./sth.off意为“显示……的优点”。如:

He is a man who is always showing off.

由show 构成的短语动词有:

show up出现/出席,显眼



如:Only three of the people we invited to the party didn’t show up.

17.keep up


①keep sth.up使不低落,遵守

如:Even if we fail we should keep up our spirits.

②keep sb.up使晚睡

如:It’s wrong to keep the children up so late.

③keep up with sb.赶上,不落后,保持联系

如:I still keep up with my college classmates far away.


18.have no choice but to do sth.


如:You have no choice but to obey me.

19.more than


如:Flag is more than a piece of cloth. It stands for a state.

More than 与one 连用,构成词组more than one 后接单数的名词和动词。如:

More than one person is going to lose his job.

20.lie in

短语动词lie in 意为“在于”。如:

The way out lies in the development of educati8on.

21.make use of

该短语动词意为“利用”,其中use 前可被good,the best, much,little no修饰。如:

You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practi-

sing English.

以 use为核心,组成的词组有:

in use 在使用中;out of use(目前)不使用

come into use 开始被使用;go out of use 不再使用。


题1 (上海 )

We all know that __________speak louder than words.

A.movements B.performances C.operations D.actions

分析:D。Actions speak louder than words.是谚语,意为“行动胜于空谈”。

题2 (NMET )

I would love __________to the party last night,but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone


题3 (NMET 1992)

Little Jim should love _____________to the theatre this evening.

A.to be taken B.to take

C.being taken D.taking

分析:A。表示将来的意愿,little Jim是动词take 的承受者,故应用不定式的被动式。

题4 (NMET 1999)

Robert is said ___________abroad, but I don’t know which country he studied in.

A.to have studied B.to study

C.to be studying D.to have been studying


题5 (NMET 春)

___________late in the morning,Bob turned off the alarm clock.

A.To sleep B.Sleeping C.Sleep D.Having slept


题6 (上海 1999)

-Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?

-___________enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.

A.Get B.Getting C.To get D.To be getting

分析:C。因为下句为表示目的的句子,即相当于in order to。

题7 (上海 2001春)

Sandy could do nothing but ____________to his teacher that he was wrong.

A.admit B.admitted C.admitting D.to admit

分析:A。do nothing but + 不带to的不定式。



1.now that; due to; because of; owing to; since; as

now that作“既然”讲时,相当于since。now that中的that 可省去。如:Now(that)you are well again, you can travel, 你既然恢复了健康,就能够旅行了。

due to作 “起因于、归功于”时,常作表语或跟在名词后,如:

His failure is due to the fact that he lacks experience.他的失败源于他缺少经验。

Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious results.粗枝大叶造成的错误可能带来严重后果。

The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。

because of“由于、因为”,在句中作状语或表语。如:

Lincoln is admired because of his good leadership.林肯由于其出色的领导而受到人们的赞赏。

His anger is because of your bad deeds.他是因你的失礼行为而生气。

owing to“由于、因为”,常在现代英语中与because of, due to换用。如:

Owing to unfavourable weather, I was unable to carry on with it.由于天气不好,我不能把它进行下去。

2.combine; connect; join; unite



We must combine theory with practice.我们必须把理论和实践联系起来。

He combines botany with chemistry.他把植物学和化学联系起来了。


The two cities are connected by a railway. 两座城市由铁路相连。

He connected the gas stove with gas pipe.他把煤气和接在煤气炉上。


We had better join the island to the mainland with a steel bridge.我们最好建一座钢筋桥把这个岛与大陆连接起来。

Where does this stream join the Changjiang River?这条河和长江在哪里会合?


The two companies will unite into one.这两家公司将合并成一家。

The whole family united to help him.全家齐心协力帮助他。

3.repair; mend


Ask him to repair my watch/TV set.请他给我修一下手表/电视机。

The garage charged forty dollars to repair the car. 修车行修理这辆车收了四十美元。


How can I repair the damage I have caused?我怎样才能弥补我造成的损失?

I’d like to repair our differences .我想我们应该重归于好。


His clothes need mending.他的衣服该补了。

She mended the broken jar with cement. 她用水泥把破碎的缸补好了。

mend 还可意为“改正、纠正、治愈、使恢复健康”等。如:

The prisoner is mending his way.囚犯在改过自新。

It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。

4.worth; worthy



a worthy rival值得较量的对手

(2)worth后面直接跟名词(多为表示钱或代价的名词),其作用相当于介词;worthy后面接名词时须与of连用(一般不接表示钱的名词)。例如:This second-hand book is worth 100 dollars.这本旧书值100美元。

His deed is worthy of praise.他的事迹值得赞扬。


This book is worth reading./ This book is worthy of being read./ This book is worthy to be read.这本书值得一读。

The city is worth visiting./The city is worthy to be visited./ The city is worthy of being visited.


The film is well worth seeing.这部电影很值得一看。

5.create; invent; discover



Shakespeare created many famous characters.莎士比亚创造了许多有名的人物。


who invented the telephone?谁发明了电话?

He invented a new teaching method.他发明了一种的教学方法。


I discovered an unopened letter in the drawer.我在抽屉里发现了一封未拆的信。




The mother didn’t leave the room until the child fell asleep.

I didn’t know the truth of it until the next day.


Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.

Not until the next day did I know the truth of it.


It was not until the child fell asleep the mother left the room.

It was not until the next day that I knew the truth of it.


①在not…until句型中,主句中的动词均为短暂性动词,如leave,start等。而在until的肯定句型中,主句的谓语动词一定要用延续性动词,因为until作为连词和介词意为up to the time when; up to“直到……时”。如:


We walked until the edge of the forest.(误)

Our classroom can hold until fifty students.(误)



On his arrival he was sold to farmer and worked in the fields.


The moment he reached the country,he started his search.


以上例句中的On his arrival和The moment均含“一……就……”“刚……就……”之意。下面就该意义的四种表达方式予以归纳。

(1)as soon as 归纳:

①as soon as 引出的时间状语从句既可以放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,表示它所指的动作发生在另一分句所指的动作之前。

②as soon as 可以与动词的一般现在时,一般过去时或完成时态连用,主句的动词使用相应的动词现在时,过去时或将来时。如:

He started as soon as he received the news.


As soon as he had got into the car, I said“good morning”to him in French and he replied in the same language. 他一上车,我就用法语向他道了声早安,他也用法语作了回答。

(2)hardly/scarcely/barely…when/before…no sooner…than…归纳:

①注意搭配关系;hardly/scarcely/barely和no sooner不可以放在when/before和than之后。

②hardly/scarcely/barely和no sooner否定词位于句首时,句中的主语和谓语必须部分倒装。

③hardly/scarcely/barely和no sooner引导的是主句,表示它的动作发生在从句之前,故常用过去完成时;而when/before和than引导的从句只能与一般过去时连用。


Mrs Winthrop had no sooner left the room than they began to gossip about her.温思罗太太刚离开房间,他们就议论起她来了。

Scarcely/Hardly/Barely had he begun to speak when I sensed that he was in trouble.


No sooner had we set out than a thunderstorm broke.我们一动身就遇上了大雷雨。

(3)the moment/the instant归纳:

名词短语the moment/instant/minute/second和副词immediately/

directly可以用做连词,相当于as soon as,引导的是时间状语从句;从句既可放在句首,也可放在句中。如:

The moment I saw him, I knew that there was no hope.一见到他,我就知道没希望了。

The instant you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise. 你一出账篷,便会大吃一惊。

We will leave the minute you’re ready.你一准备好,我们就走。

She returned immediately she heard the bad news.她一听到这个坏消息,就返了回来。

I left directly the clock struck twelve.钟一敲十二点我就离开了。

(4)on + 动名词(或表示动作的名词)归纳:

动名词(或名词)结构表示它所表达的动作刚一发生或完成,句子谓语所表示的动作就接着发生。它相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句。如:

On arriving in England, they were taken to the Grystal Palace by train.他们一到英国便乘火车去水晶宫。

On his return from Europe, he set to work in earnest.他一从欧洲回来,便开始认真工作。

He was greeted by the Prime Minister on his arrival at the airport.他一到机场,便受到总理的欢迎。

另外,each time, every time如同上面四种类型一样,可直接用作从属连词,引导状语从句。如:

Every time I listen to his advice, I get into trouble. 我每次听了他的劝告,都会遇到麻烦。

I’ll think of my hometown each time I listen to that song.我每次听这首歌,都会想起家乡。


题1 (NMET 1999)

___________you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A.Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as

分析:A。本题的意思是“既然你已得到一次机会,你还是充分利用它为好”。可以看到,句里含有一个状语从句。now that=since意为“既然”。

题2 With the old stone bridge_________,a new steel one was going to be built there.

A.torn down B.tearing down

C.was torn down D.being torn down

分析:A。该题考查with + 宾语 + 宾语补足语这一结构。tear down 是“拆毁”的意思。bridge与tear down是被动关系,因此tear down应用过去分词,即torn down。

题3 Those who were going to _______refused to leave.

A.turn away B.be turned away

C.turn up D.be turned back

分析:B。该题考查由turn组成的词语辨析。turn away“解雇”,turn up“发生”,turn back“折回”。此句意思是:那些被解雇的人拒绝离开。

题4 It was food and water __________once a day.

A.that were given out B.which was given out

C.which were given out D.that gave out

分析:A。该题是一个强调句型,主语是food and water,谓语动词应用复数。give out“分配”,与主语是被动关系,所以答案应选A。

题5 (NMET )

You didn’t let me drive. If we _______in turn, you _________so tired.

A.drove; didn’t get B.drove; wouldn’t get

C.were driving; wouldn’t get D.had driven; wouldn’t have got

分析:D。含有if从句的虚拟语气表示过去发生的事,从句用过去完成时,主句用过去将来完成时,即would + have + 过去分词。这句话意思是:你不让我开车。如果我们轮流开车,你不会那么累。

题6 (NMET 2001)

Visitors___________not to touch the exhibits.

A.will request B.request C.are requesting D.are requested

分析:D。该题考查时态和语态。题干所表示的是经常性的动作,须用一般现在时,主语是谓语动作的承受者,须用被动语态,所以答案选D。空白后的not to touch the exhibits是不定式的否定式,在句中作宾语补足语。题7 The matter___________your fate cannot be taken for granted.

A.relating to B.related to C.relate to D.to relate to

分析:B。该题考查动词relate用法。relate to…“与……有关”,此处是过去分词作matter的后置定语,相当于一个定语从句:The matter which/that is related to your fate…take.for granted“想当然”。由此可以判断B为正确答案。

题8 If you keep on, you’ll succeed__________.

A.in time B.at one time C.at the same time D.on time

分析:A。该题考查介词短评的辨析。in time有“及时”之意,还有“迟早、总有一天”的含义,相当于sooner or later。其他选项均不合题意。






yard,horse-drawn,sign,film-maker,strict,button,castle,garage, beard, imagine, in t he hope of, take along, bring on, lose heart, day after day, used to, pick up, go through,go straight ahead,be well-known as an artist, be pleased with, have no idea, in this way smoker,packet, chance, public, club, cigarette, typewriter, nation, habit, therefore drug, smelly, share,give up, persuade sb. to do sth., go ahead, ask sb.for permission, at present,millions of, be caused by, sales of tobacco, fall asleep, catch fire,burn down, one third of, a packet of cigarettes, one third of/a third of, persuade sb.to do sth., die from, be reduced by, compared with, remain in business, encourage sb. to do sth., give up, be used to, get sb. into the habit of, call for.


(1)Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…?

(2)Excuse me. How can I get to …→

(3)Go through the gate and you’ll…

(4)Excuse me, please. Where’s the…?

(5)Do you mind if I do…?

(6)Would you mind if I did…?

(7)Do(would)you mind(one/one’s)doing…?

(8)I wonder if I can/could do…





(1)Go straight ahead till you see…

(2)It’s about…yards/metres down this street.

(3)Excuse me. How can I get to …?

(4)Excuse me, please. Where’s the nearest men’s room?

(5)Do you mind if I do…?

(6)I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed.

(7)Would you mind if I did…?No. Go ahead.

(8)I wonder if I could use your phone. Sure, go ahead.


1.take 短语归纳

take along 带着,带在身边;take one’s place 坐某人的座位,代替某人的职位;take medicine 吃药;take steps采取步骤;take measures采取措施;take advice 接受建议;take a taxi坐出租车;take a look at 看;take a bath/walk/rest/trip洗澡/散步/休息/旅行;take away拿走; take down拿下,记录下;take back 带回,收回(话);take off脱下(衣、鞋、帽),(飞机)起飞;take out取出;take place 发生;take the place of代替,取代;take up 开始,拿起;take a deep breath深呼吸;take one’s temperature量体温;take a photo照像;take a photograph of给……拍照;take one’(a)seat 坐下,坐好;take aim at 瞄准;take charge of 负责(管理某事或照顾某人);take…for把……误当作;take hold of 抓住;take interest对……发生兴趣;take it easy别紧张,别过累;take notes作笔记;take notice of 注意;take office就职;take a new look on呈现新面貌;take on workers 雇佣工人;take part in参加(活动);take pride in 为……而骄傲;take the lead带头;take trouble费劲(力);take the side of 支持某人(方);take a day off某一天休假,不工作;take one’s time从容行事,慢慢来;take turns轮流。



Why don’t you ________ _______ your mother__________to the concert?

②墙上的地图太旧了,取下来吧。The map on the wall is to old. _________ _________ ________.

③对不起,我收回我刚才的话。Sorry. I _______ _______ what I said just now.

④我把他当成我弟弟了。I ________him _________ my younger brother.

Key:①take,along ②Take, it ,down ③take, back ④took,for


1)用作名词:traffic signs交通标志;road signs 路标;

signs for the rest rooms厕所标志:signs of heart trouble 心脏病的迹象,signs of rain/earthquake下雨/地震的预兆。

2)用作动词,表示“签名,作手势”。如:sign one’s name签名;sign the agreement 签署协议;sign to sb.朝某人做手势;sign to sb.to do sth.做手势让某人干某事。


①董事长在文件上签了名。The president_______ ______ ______to the paper.

②警察做手势叫我停下。The policeman ________ ________ ________ _______.



go ahead朝前走,请便(同意对方继续干或同意对方的请求);go ahead (on)with… 继续;ahead of在……前面,早于,优先;ahead of time提前


①他朝前走去看看发生了什么事情。He ________ ________ to see what had happened.

②我可以坐这个座位吗?请坐吧。May I take this seat?________ _______.

③汤姆的数学比玛丽好。Tom is ________ _______ Mary in maths.

④她比我早到2个小时。She arrived two hours _______ _______me.

⑤他们已提前三周完成了设计。They have completed the design ________ _______ ________ _______time.

Key:①went,ahead ②Go,ahead ③/ ④ahead,of ⑤three,weeks,ahead,of



Work hard,and you’ll be successful in time./If you work hard,you will be successful in time.




Get ready or you won’t pass the test./ If you don’t get ready,you won’t pass the test.




1)动词:admit,advise,consider,delay,enjoy,excuse,escape, finish, forbid, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, suggest, understand

2)词组:insist on, think of, give up, dream of, hear of,depend on,feel like,devote to, be used to,can’t help,prevent… from,look forward to, put off, be worth


①The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ________.

A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch

②Only one of these books is _________.

A.worth to read B.worth being read C.worth of reading D.worth reading

③I really enjoy ________ that kind of job.

A.do B.doing C.to do D.to be doing

④“What are you going to do this morning?”

“I’m thinking of _______ to visit my aunt.”

A.go B.going C.having gone D.my going

Key:①C ②D ③B ④B



agree,ask,choose, decide, demand,expect, hope,learn,long, manage,offer,plan,promise, pretend, refuse,wish,set out, determine, would love.


①We agree _______ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.(MET’95)

A.having met B.meeting C.to meet D.to have met

②She pretended __________ me when I passed by.(MET’89)

A.not to see B.not seeing C.to not see D.having not seen

③Little Jim should love ______ to the theatre this evening.(met’92)

A.to be taken B.to take C.being taken D.taking

Key:①C ②A ③A

8.in the hope of

该短语表示“期待,抱有……的希望”,后接名词、代词或动名词,可替换成:in the hope that 从句或hoping to…。对比:

They got up very early in the hope of catching the first bus.


注意:have the hope of…/There be hope of…有希望

对比:She has the hope of success.


There is still hope of persuading him to change his mind.




He went there in the hope of buying some fresh fish./He went there in the hope that he could buy some fresh fish./He went there hoping to buy some fresh fish.


1)接名词、代词:You can’t imagine the life on the island.你无法想象岛上的生活。

2)接动名词:She never imagined her going abroad for further education.她从没设想过会出国深造。

3)接从句:You can’t imagine how worried I was those days.你想象不到那几天我是多么焦虑啊。

4)接复合宾语:The boy imagined himself to be a hero. 这男孩把自己想象成了英雄。

[应用] 选择正确答案

I can hardly imagine Peter ______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(MET’91)

A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed



at work 在工作;at table在吃饭;at play 在做游戏;at sea 出海;at university/college在上学;at night school在上夜校;at dinner/table在吃饭;at peace处于和平状态;at war在交战,在打仗



Don’t make any noise while others are ______ ________.


The children were ______ ________ while their parents were_______ _______.

Key:①at, work ②at,play,at,dinner


1)用作动词:open a door/window/a small shop/one’s hand/one’s eyes/one’s mouth/fire开门/开窗/开一家小商店/张开手/睁开眼/张开嘴/开火;be opened to traffic通车;open up开采(发)

2)用作形容词:keep open开着门;be open开门、开业;cut…open切开;leave the door open 开着门;in the open air 在野外;an open secret公开的秘密;keep one’s eyes open睁眼


①John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes________.(MET’92)

A.open B.to be opened C.to open D.opening

②Some new oilfields ________since 1976.

A.were opened up B.has been opened up C.have been opened up D.had been opened up

③The computer center, _________ last year,is very popular among the students in this school.

A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened

Key:①A ②C ③D


1)as(so)far as 和……一样远,远至(原级比较或表示距离);就……来讲

2)as(so)long as 和……一样长(原级比较);只要(引导条件状语从句)

3)as well as和……一样好;既……也……(连接并列成分)

4)as good as和……一样好;事实上(作状语)


①他们实际上已经答应帮助我们了。They have ________ _______ ______ promised to help us.

②油漆后的这辆自行车和新的一样。Painted, this bike is _______ _____ ______ a new one.

③小李英语说得和汉语一样好。Xiao Li speaks English ______ ______ _____ she speaks Chinese.

④他和他的父母对我都很好。He _______ ______ ______his parents is kind to me.

⑤晚饭后我们一直到走山脚下。After supper we walked _______ ______ ______the foot of the hill.

⑥就我所知,他将离开两个月。______ ______ ______I know, he’ll be away for two months.

⑦只要努力,你一定会成功。________ _________ ________you work hard, you’ll succeed in time.

⑧这座新建的桥据说和旧的一样长。This newly – built bridge is said to be ______ _______ _____the old one.

Key:①②as good as;③④as well as ⑤as far as ⑥As, far,as ⑦As/so,long,as ⑧as,long,as


be pleased with sb./sth.对……满意;be satisfied with 对……满意;be busy with sth.忙于某事;be careful with 对……注意、细心;be connected with与……有联系;be lined with 排列,站队;be patient with sb.对某人有耐心;be popular with受欢迎;be strict with sb.对某人严格要求;be wrong with 出毛病,不顺心;be disappointed with对……失望;be angry with sb.生某人的气


①作为一名老师你应该对学生有耐心。As a teacher you should_______ _______ ______ your students.

②每条路旁都栽上了树。Every road ______ ______ _____ trees.


Our teacher is not only strict _________ his work but also________his students.


Both husband and wife _______ ______ ______their work,so they have no time to care for the child.

Key: ①be, patient,with ②is, lined,with ③in, with ④are,busy,with


lose heart 失去信心;lose one’s heart to sb./sth.爱上某人/事;give heart to sb.鼓励某人;give one’s heart sb./sth.爱上某人/事;put one’s heart into 一心扑在某事上;heart and soul全心全意地;have a kind heart有一幅好心肠;break one’s heart使某人伤心;learn…by heart 记住,背诵;with a heavy/light heart 心情沉重地/轻松愉快地


①这个队一场比赛未赢,结果灰心了。The team had won no game and it ________ ________.


We wonder why she ________ _________ ________ _______an old foreigner.


Nothing is too difficult in the world if you _______ _______ ________ _______it.


It’s the duty of a Party member to serve the people ________ _________ _________ __________.

Key:①lost,heart ②lost,her,heart,to ③put,your,heart,into ④heart,and,soul

15.in the last few years.

该短语意为“最近几年”,常和现在完成时连用,表示以前某时开始一直延续至说话时的动作或状态。in可被during或over 替换。常用的还有:during the past ten days过去的10天里;over the last 5 months过去的5个月里;in the past few weeks 过去的几周里如:

We’ve learned quite a lot of English over the past three years.



①Many factories were built in the last ten years in my hometown.

②Both my father and mother have been busy since the past few weeks.

Key:①改were 为have been ②改since为for/in/over


reduce the number of减少……的数量;

reduce the cost/one’s weight/the price/speed降低成本/减肥/降价/减速




The number of smokers has been reduced _________30%.


Now the cost of a bike has been reduced _______50 dollars.

Key:①by ②to



give sb.a chance给某人一次机会;

have a chance to do sth.有机会做;

miss a chance错过机会;

lose a chance失去机会;


The chance is that…/ The chances are that…表示“有可能……”(句型中的The和That 可省略)。如:

The chance is (that)she’s already heard the news. 可能她已听到那则消息了。

Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow. 新机器可能明天到。

3)后接of 或that从句表示“可能性”。如:

He has no chance of winning the match. 他不可能赢得这次比赛。

There is a chance that I will see him. 我有可能见到他。



The chances are that there is a snake over there.

There is a chance of a snake hiding there.

There is a chance that a snake is over there.

18.cause v.导致,引起

1)接名词:cause an accident/trouble/death/a fire/a serious illness/damage引起事故/惹麻烦/导致死亡/引起大火/导致重病/造成损害

2)接双宾语:cause sb.pain/trouble/damage给某人带来痛苦/麻烦/损害

3)接复合宾语:cuase sb. to do sth使某人做某事


①什么使她改变了计划? What _______ _______ ______ _______her plan?

②地震使所有的楼房倒塌了。 The earthquake ________ all the buildings ________ _______.

Key:①caused,her,to,change ②cuased,to,fall


ask for permission请求许可;

ask sb.for permission to do sth.请求某人允许做某事;

ask permission to do sth.请求得到允许做某事;

give sb.permission to do sth.允许某人做;

with one’s permission经某人允许;

without one’s permission 未经允许;

如:You have to ask the teacher for permission to do that.你应该得到老师的同意再去做那件事。

You have to ask permission to go there.你应该请求许可到那里去。


No permission has _______ for anybody to enter the building. (MET’88)

A.been given B.given C.to give D.be giving



1)remember doing/having done记得曾做过某事remember to do记住去做某事 对比:

Do you remember meeting me at a party last year?

Please remember to write to your parents when you get there.

2)regret doing/having done 后悔做了(或没做)某事/regret to do遗憾地去做某事 对比:

I regret telling her the truth.

I regret to say that you are completely wrong.

3)try to do 尽力去做/try doing 试着去做

对比:She tried to learn it by heart.

She tried adding more salt to the soup.

4)forget doing 忘记曾经做过/forget to do忘记去做

对比:I forget reading about it in a magazine.

Don’t forget to shut off the gas when you finish cooking.

5)stop doing 停止做/stop to do 停止某一动作去作另一动作(说明停止的目的)

对比:They didn’t start until it stopped raining .

We stopped to see what was going on.

6)mean doing 意味着/mean to do 打算,意图做

对比:Missing the train means waiting for an hour.

I meant to come, but a friend of mine went to see me .

7)want doing 需要(物作主语,动名词主动表示被动)/want to do 想做(人作主语)

对比:The wall wants painting. I want to paint the wall myself.

21.go/do without



①他没钱买电视,只能过着没有电视的日子。He had no money for a TV set,so he had to ____ _____ _____.

②我们没有地图也行。We have no map but we can ________ ________

Key:①go,without,it ②do,without


1. These photographs will show you_________.

A.what does our village look like B.what our village look like

C.how does our village look like D.how our village looks like


精析:该题考查两方面的内容:a)宾语从句的语序问题;b)表示“……看起来像……”时,该用什么结构。通常情况下,宾语从句中应用正常语序,即:主语+谓语,不用倒装语序,A、C应排除。当我们要表示“某人或某事物像……”之意时,须用“what…look like”的结构,D不符。

2._________him and then try to copy what he does.(NMET 12)

A.Mind B.Glance at C.Stare at D.Watch


精析:该题考查两点:a)检查使用祈使句+and…,祈使句+or的掌握情况;b)考查表感观一组词之区别。根据词义A可排除;“glance at”表“看一看”,指“一看”的动作,显然不合题意舍去。“stare at”表示“盯”



3.-Do you mind my taking this seat? -__________. (NMET 199513)

A.Yes,sit down please B.No,of course not C.Yes,take it please D.No,you can’t take it


精析:此题考查的目的是:检查考生对由that引起的问句应如何回答。通常,回答这种问句的方式有两种:1)如果表示同意某人做某事(即表示不反对、或不介意)常可答:No,of course not. Certainly not.No,not at all. Oh,no,please.或No,go ahead;2)如表示不同意某人做某事(即表示介意),可答:I’m sorry,but…Sorry,but I’m afraid you can’t.从所提供答案来看,A、C、D均不合题意,删除。B与题意相符。

4.Go and get your coat. It’s __________ you left it.(NMET 199115)

A.there B.where C.there where D.where there


精析:此题是考查表语从句的用法。A.there不能引导表语从句,排除;C.there where you left it,there之后不能用where引导的从句来修饰,故排除;D.where there,既用了引导词where,就不能再用there,所以D也须舍去。

5.-Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? -___________.

A.I’d rather you didn’t,actually B.Of course not,it’s not allowed here C.Great!I love pets D.No,you can’t



6.We all agree with him on_______he said.

A.what B.that C.why D.how



7.I won’t go with you. It’s _________ cold outside today.

A.so much B.too much C.very so D.much too


精析:因cold为形容词,不能用so much来修饰。very to为错误表达方式,故排除。too much 可用来修饰名词、动词。much too表“实在太”之意,用来修饰形容词与副词。

8.It’s wrong ________ help him.

A.for you to B.for you not to C.of you to D.of you not to



nice,good,wrong,careful,careless,foolish,clever等。这类形容词之后的不定式复合结构常用介词of,其常用结构为:It’s+此类形容词+of sb.to do…;另一类是描述主语的性质特点的,如:


9.-Would you go to the concert with me? -_________,but I’m very busy now.

A.I’d like to B.Sure C.No problem D.Certainly






handshake agreement Asian guest custom proud manner disagree comfortable nod wave fist manage distance composition type juice rose check magazine fix hand rail chief event immediately develop addlorry weekly suitable speed daily


take…for example 以……为例 accept…as 认为……是 kiss sb.goodbye 吻别

obey the customs 遵守习俗 keep a certain distance 保持一定的距离 face to face 面对面地

take a photograph 照……相 get down 开始(认真做某事) as well as 也,又

be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎 work on 从事


What (How)about…?

make oneself understood


either…or;not… but…

They are said to be very good.

There is no more time left for adding new stories.


Can /shall I help you?

Would you like some help?

Would you like me to do…?

Where is the best place to meet?

Shall we meet at six?

What time shall we meet?

Do you know what they are?



with + n. + 补足成分构成独立主格结构;





1.manage vt.经营;设法;对付

She managed the house very well. 她把家管理得很好。

We managed to finish the work ahead of time. 我们设法提前完成了任务。

I shan’t be able to manage without help. 没有人帮助,我无法办到。

[辨析] manage to do sth. /try to do sth.

manage to do sth.强调已达到目的或出现了结果,含“成功”之意。try to do sth.意为“试图或尽力做某事”,多表示一种企图或决心,而不表示一定成功。如:

we’ve managed to make up for the lost time. 我们设法把失去的时间补了回来。

He tried to pass the examination,but failed. 他努力想通过考试,但没成功。

2.pleasure n.荣幸;愿意

It’s my pleasure to help you.愿意为你效劳。

It’s a pleasure for me to be invited to the party.应邀参加晚会我深感荣幸。

3. You can take it for example that he always helps the old. 你可以把他帮助老人这件事作为一个例子。

Take Peter as an example, he is brave and kind. 以彼得为例,他既勇敢又善良。

4.not…but … 不是……而是……

Shakespeare was not a musician but a writer.莎士比亚不是音乐家而是作家。

Not the students but the teacher is hoping to visit the Great Wall.不是学生而是老师希望去参观长城。

He can’t read or write in English,but can speak English fluently.


They neet not money but time. 他们所需要的不是钱,而是时间。

5.[辨析] for example / such as

for emample 用来举例说明,例子通常是一个。它可放在所举例子的前面,也可放在后面;such as 用来列举事物,只能放在所列举的事物的前面。另外,只列举有代表性的事物,并不全部列出。如:

Some students are often late for school, Li Ling ,for emample .


He can speak several foreign languages, such as English, Janpanese,

German and so on.


6.distance n.距离;远处

When they finish their talk, the two may be quite a distance from the place where they were standing.当谈话结束时,两个人离他们原来站的地方可能有相当一段距离了。

The waterfall can be heard at a distance of two miles.


Hills are blue in the distance.远处的山呈蓝色。

The lion looks dangerous, so I decide to keep a distance away from it.狮子看起来很危险,所以我决定离它远点儿。

What’s the distance between Beijing and Shanghai?


7.[辨析] chief/ main


chief 主要用于人,表示“为首的,有最高地位或权力的”。


He is the chief policeman. 他是警长。

This is our main teaching building. 这是我们的主教学楼。

8.[辨析] event/ accident/ incident


The broadcaster is broadcasting the news on current events. 广播员正在播报时事新闻。

He was badly injured in the traffic accident. 在那起交通事故中,他严重受伤。

There was an incident on the bus: a man fought with the conductor.


Have you heard of Xi’an Incident?你听说过“西安事变”吗?

9.fix vt.安排;修理;准备;安装;固定

We have fixed the time and date of the party. 我们已经确定了聚会的日期和具体时间。

Something has gone wrong with my tape-recorder. I must have it fixed. 我的录音机坏了,我得请人修一下。

Mother decided to fix them something to eat. 母亲决定给他们准备点吃的。

It’s not polite to fix your eyes on others. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。

It is necessary for a child to form the habit of fixing his attention on/ upon what he is doing.


10.[辨析] work on/ work at

work on与work at可通用,表示“忙于……”。但在work on sth.中,sth是work的具体对象;而在work at sth.中,sth. 只说明所从事工作的性质,即时间、精力用在某一方面的事情上,而不在于说明正在做什么。如:

He is working on/ at a novel. 他正在专心写一部小说。

They have worked at this subject for many years. 他们从事这项课题的研究已经好多年了。

Bob worked hard on organizing other singers to sing for him for free.


11.[辨析] take photograph of/take photograph for

take photograph of 表示拍照的内容。 take photograph for 表示拍照的目的。如:

He took some photographs of these beautiful flowers. 他拍了一些这些美丽的花的照片。

He took some photographs for the foreigners. 他为那些外国人拍了一些照片。

12.[辨析] as well/ as well as

as well 表示“也”,是副词短语,用作状语,通常放在句末,也可放在主语之后,相当于too,但一般无标点符号与句子隔开.as well as 通常看作一个复合并列连词,连接两个成分相同的词、短语或句子,表示“既……又……,不但……而且……”当它连接两个主语时,谓语动词的人称和数要与第一个主语保持一致。如:

The children learn to read, write and they play games as well.孩子们学习读书写字,他们也做游戏。

With television,we can see a picture as well as hear sound. 利用电视,我们既能听到声音,又能看到图像.

Tom,as well as his parents,likes pop music. 汤姆以及他的父母都喜欢流行音乐。

13.[辨析] besides/except/but




如:Besides knowing some Greek,she was fluent in Italian. 她除了懂些希腊语之外,意大利语也说得很流利。

Do you play other games besides tennis? 除网球之外,你还进行其他的运动吗?

It wasn’t a good hotel;besides,it was very expensive. 这不是一家好旅馆,况且房价也很贵。

Harrison had thought of everything except the weather. 哈利森什么事情都考虑到了,惟独没有考虑到天气。

Under the soil there is nothing except/but sand. 土壤下面只有沙子。


题1(NMET )_________production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.

A.As B.For C.With D.Though

分析:C. production 之后为up,它是一个副词,for不能位于句首且常引导原因状语从句。A、D不适于“介词+宾语+宾补”这一结构。

题2(NMET )I would love_____________to the party last night.But I had to work extra hours to fnish report.

A.to go B.To have gone C.going D.having gone

分析:B.动词不定式的一般式to go表示动作发生在谓语动词之后;to have gone是动词不定式的完成式,表示动作发生在谓语动词之前。这里有“愿做某事但未做成之意”。

题3(上海 1999)She can’t help___________the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A.to clean B.cleaning C.cleaned D.being cleaned

分析:A.此题的句意是:她不能帮忙打扫房子,因为她忙于做蛋糕。can’t help cleaning是“忍不住要打扫”,与下文矛盾。

题4(NMET 1999)The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _______ it more difficult.

A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make

分析:B.空白处以后部分与to make life easier为并列成分,因此后面也用不定式。

题5(NMET 1999)Robert is said___________abroad,but I don’t know what country he studied in.

A.to have studied B.to study C.to be studying D.learning

分析:A.从studied in可知不定式的动作指过去,应用完成时。

题6(NMET 1997)She __________his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

A.looked up B.took for C.picked out D.picked up


题7(上海 1997)-What do you think made Mary so upset? - __________her new bicycle.

A.As she lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing


题8(上海 春)When you turn on the TV set ,clear picture will______________appear on the screen.

A.rapidly B.hurriedly C.lately D.immediately





line appearance set storm film director siage bury uncertain

lifetime search wooden mouthful excite manager honour particular

silent act shape ring collection bank material cheaply pack hide

shame penny coin trade silver possible mine whenever whatever afford


set off 动身,启程 in a hurry 匆忙地,很快地

have on 穿着,戴着 pick out 挑出

in(one’s)search 寻求;寻找 bring up 教育;培养

so far 至目前为止 hand out 分发

here and there 到处 look through 仔细查看

sooner or later 迟早 pick up 收集;买到

plenty of 大量的 date from 始于……

mix…with… 把……和……搅拌(混合) trade with sb. 与某人做买卖


be of this kind

One of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed.

What a pity/ What a shame…

It’s a pity that…

It’s great fun…

be of +(大小、形状、重量、新旧、颜色等)名词


What do you do?(表示询问职业)

Could you…?(表示请求)



1. search;search for; look for


They searched their homes without any reason.他们毫无理由地搜查了他们的家。

They searched him but found nothing.他们搜了他的身,但没有找到什么。

(2)search for 则指“搜寻、搜索某人或物”。如:

They searched for him everywhere.他们到处搜寻他。

The police searched the wood for the lost child.警察在树林里寻找走失的孩子。

试比较:They searched his clothes.他们搜查了他的衣服。(看是否藏有东西)

They searched for his clothes.他们在搜寻他的衣服。(要找到衣服)

另外,search也可用做名词,in search of “寻找、寻求”是个常见短语。如:

The boys went in search of something to eat.孩子们去找东西吃。

(3)look for意为“寻找”,同search for意义大体相同。但search for 意味较强,用很大注意力搜寻。而look for则较为通俗,常用于日常用语。如:

I looked for my missing pen everywhere. 我到处找我丢失的那支笔。

2. be certain…; be sure

be uncertain about意思是“对……不确定(没把握)”


(1)be certain(sure) to do sth.“肯定会做……”(表示某事将要发生)。如:

He is certain(sure) to come next Sunday.

(2)be certain(sure) of/ about sth.“确信、有把握”(表示某个人的思想状态)。如:

We are certain/ sure of victory.


It is certain that he will come.

3. “喜欢”的表示方法


(1)love 意为“热爱”,指引起深厚的、强烈的感情的爱,并有一种依附意,语气最重。如:

His mother,whom he loved deeply,died when he was only a small boy.他深深爱戴着他的母亲,当他小的时候,她与世长辞了。

I love doing comedies .我喜欢演喜剧。

(2)be fond of 表示“喜欢” “热爱”,也表示对某人或某事有感情,语气次于“love”。如:

Ants are fond of sweet food. 蚂蚁喜欢吃甜食。

I’m fond of this child.我喜欢这个小孩。

(3)care for意为“喜欢、对……有兴趣”。如:

The girl cares much for new clothes.这个女孩很喜欢新衣服。

They do not care very greatly for art.他们对艺术不是很感兴趣。


Do you like reading?你喜欢阅读吗?

I like to read in bed.我喜欢在床上看书。


I enjoy foreign music.我喜欢外国音乐。

Most students enjoy asking questions in English.大部分学生喜欢用英语问问题。

(6)go in for“喜欢(做某类事)、有某种习惯或做法”。如:

What sports do you go in for?你喜欢哪些体育运动?

We don’t go in for that sort of thing.我们不喜欢那种事情。

4. as;which引导定语从句异同

as, which 都能引导限制性或非限制性的定语从句。



Then grow some tomatoes in one box which has plant food in the soil and some in another box which doesn’t.

But the studios(which)he started are still busy today,producing

more and more interesting films.

②as从句的先行词是the same/such或被the same/such修饰;as可作主、宾、表语,一律不可省略。如:

Many of the sports were the same as they are now.(as作表语)

He uses the same map as I (use).他和我用的是同一份地图。(as作宾语)

Such as beautiful park as is being built was designed by two young engineers.正在建造的如此漂亮的公园是由两个年轻的工程师设计的。(as作主语)

The printed newspaper was not such as the chief editor had expected. 印好的报纸并非如主编原来所期望的那样。(as作宾语)



At present,the biggest nature park for milu deer in China is in the Nanhaizi Milu Park,which is about 20 kilometres south of Beijing.(位置)

China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.(用途)

One of Charile Chaplin’s most famous films was“The Gold Rush”,which was made in 1925.(时间)

Now, however,the maters of this great lake,which is also the World’s deepest(over 1,740 metres),have been dirtied by waste from a chemical factory.(特征)

②which从句还可表示说话人的看法,也可对主句作意义上的补充;which=and it/ this/ that/ they;which代表的是先行词、主句或主句的一部分;which从句只能放在先行词或主句后。如:

He said she could speak 4 foreign languages, which(=and it)is not true.他说她会四门外语,这是不可能的。(说话人看法,which代表宾语从句部分)

比较:He said she could speak 4 foreign languages, which(=and that)surprised every one of us.他说她会四门外语,这使我们每个人都很惊讶。(补充主句,which 代表主句)


The Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge,as we all know, was compl-

eted in 1969.我们都知道南京长江大桥,它建成于一九六九年。(as代表先行词)

To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish.(如)你们许多人(所做的那样)对事实视而不见是愚蠢的。(as代表主语部分)

5. would like; should like


(2)would like 可用于各种人称;而should like则主要用于第一人称。例如:

He would(不用should)like to be a doctor.他希望当大夫。

We would(不用should)like to hear your views about it.我们想听听你对这个问题的看法。

(3)在疑问句中常用would like,而不用should like。例如:

What would you like for breakfast?你早饭想吃什么?

(4)这两个短语常常简略为’d like,后面可接名词、代词或动词不定式,不接动名词。例如:

Would you like to leave a message?你要不要留话?

误:Would you like leaving a message?

(5)在省略回答中,would like to 中的to 不可省略,只省略to后面的词语(但be 除外)。例如:

①-Would you like to join us tonigh?

-Oh, I’d like to (join you),but I have a friend to see off at the station.

② -Would you like to be a singer?

-Yes,I’d like to be (a singer).

6. shape;form; figure


shape 着重指人或物等的比较具体的整个外形,不太正式;form指有实体结构和看得见的某种特殊形状或是抽象的形式;figure指物时,侧重指轮廊,指人时,着重指姿态。如:

Coins may be of different sizes,weights, shapes, and of diff-

erent metals. 硬币可能大小、轻重、形状不同,铸造的金属也可能不一样。

The shape of Italy is like a leg.意大利国的形状像一条腿。

Change these sentences into the Present Perfect Passive,putting the verbs into the correct forms.用动词的正确形式将下面的句子变成现在完成时的被动语态 。

Ice,snow and steam are forms of water.冰、雪、蒸气是水的几种形态。

You can see the tall stone figures and visit the temples of the gods.你可以看到那些高大的石雕像,参观那些神殿。



7.be of…结构小结

(1)be of + 表示年龄(age)、大小(size)、颜色(color)、重量(weight)、高度(height)、价格(price)、意见(opinion)、形状(shape)、种类(kind)和方法(way)等名词,说明主语的特征,of表示“具有”之意,有时可省去。例如:

They are both of middle height.他俩都是中等个儿。

When I was of your age, I was a teacher.当我是你这个年龄时,我当老师了。

These flowers are of different colors.这些花朵颜色不同。

Tom is of a different way of thinking.汤姆的思维方式与别人不同。

注意:此结构中,如果of后面的名词前有不定冠词a/an,则a/an=the same.例如:

The two boys are of an/the same age.这两个男孩同龄。

These bottles are of a/the same size.这些瓶子大小一样。

(2)be of + 物质名词,表示主语是由某材料制成或某成分构成,相当于be made of, be built of或be made up of等。例如:

The necklace is(made)of glass.这项链是玻璃制的。

The bridge is (built)of stone.这桥是由石头构筑的。

Our class is (made up)of over 50 students. 我班有50多个学生。

(3)be of + 抽象名词(如value, importance,use, help等),of表示“具有、具备”等意思,of不能省,这一结构相当于be+该抽象名词相应的形容词。例如:

They are of great help/ very helpful to learners of English.他们对英语学习者来说是很有帮助的。

In fact, sports and games can be of great value/very valuable.事实上体育运动是很有价值的。

The book is of no use/useless to us.这书对我们无用。

It is of great importance/very important to study English.学习英语很重要。

因此,根据上述(1),(2)点可以看出,课文句中第一个be of 结构表示“具有”,第二个be of(承前省去be)表示“由……制成的”。全句汉语意思为:“硬币的大小、重量、形状可能各不相同,并由不同的金属制成。”

8. whatever用法小结

whatever 是一种用法较特殊的代词,兼有连接词和关系词的作用,主要有以下三种用法:

(1)引导主语从句和宾语从句,意思是“凡是……的事物(=anything that)”.

Whatever I have is yours.我所有的东西就是你的。(主语从句)

Go to stamp sales and buy whatever you can afford.到邮票销售处去把你能买得起的邮票都买下来。(宾语从句)

She would tell him whatever news she got.她会把所听到的任何消息都告诉他。(宾语从句)

Talk to me about whatever is troubling you.把任何使你烦恼的事都对我谈谈。(介词宾语从句)



Don’t change your plans, whatever happens.无论怎样,你都别改变计划。

Whatever I am, it’s useful to know foreign languages.无论我做什么工作,懂外语总是有用的。

So don’t lose heart, whatever you do。因此无论你做什么,都不要丧失信心。

Whatever the old man was like, most of his scientific work was sound.无论那位老人怎么样,他大部分的科研工作是好的。

You have to go on,whatever difficulties you meet.无论你遇到什么困难,你都必须干下去。



The country is always beautiful whatever the season(is).无论哪个季节,这个国家总是很美。



(1)What 引导的感叹句

What 用做定语,修饰名词,其引导的感叹句句型结构为:


What an orphan he is!他是个多么可怜的孤儿啊!

②What+a (an)+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!如:

What a beautiful voice she has!她的声音多美啊!


What kind doctors they are!他们是多好的医生啊!


What good news it is!

(2)How 引起的感叹句

How 用做状语,修饰形容词、副词和动词,其引导的感叹句句型结构为:


How clever you are!


How well she dances!

③How +形容词+a(an)+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!如:

How good a student he is!


How the teachers worked!教师们工作多么努力啊!


How many books you have read!

⑥How much(little)+不可数名词+主语+谓语!如:

How little money the coat cost!


What a clever boy he is!

How clever a boy he is!


What a fine student!

What mountains!

How wonderful!

How brave!



She is such a nice girl!她是一个多好的姑娘啊!(陈述句)

Who do you think you are!你算老几!(疑问句)

“Stop the train! Stop the train!”(祈使句)


Happy New Year!(词组)


题1 (NMET 1995)When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _______.

A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken


题2 (NMET 1997)The two strangers talked as if they _______ friends for years.

A. should be B. would be C. have been D. had been


题3 The sun is the centre of the universe, __________ we all know.

A. for B. as C. that D. what


题4 He paid the boy washing ten windows, most of _________ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

A. these B. those C. that D. which


题5 (NMET 2000)These wild flowers are so special that I would do__________I can to save them.

A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever

分析:A。句中I can后省略了do.即应为I can do to save them, do后没有宾语,所以应用whatever,意为“任何事情、不论什么”。

题6 (上海 ) There’s a feeling in me_________We’ll never know what a UFO is-not ever.

A. that B. which C. of which D. what

分析:A。that的先行词是a feeling in me ,是一个定语从句。

题7 It’s no use _______the small matters again.

A. discuss about B. to discuss C. discussing D. having a discussion

分析:C。It’s not use doing sth…做某事没有用。

题8 Very few can_______ the difference between the two words.

A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk

分析:C。四个选项在词意上有区别。speak(讲)和say(说)均为不及物动词;tell(告诉)为及物动词;talk(谈话)为不及物动词。tell和can或can’t 连用,表示“分辨”。




settle, struggle, freeze, exploit, refer, block, average, be famous for, a great deal of, make use of, clear up, from time to time, tell the difference between, tell…from…,generally speaking, sound/look strange, the second largest, struggle against, all the year around, refer to, live on, settle down, breath, injure, lay, wound, safety, wherever, quantity, ought to, take it easy, first aid, muth-to-mouth, deal with, running water, out of one’s reach, hold up, throw up, stay still, give first aid, lie on one’s back, out of reach, get sb. to do sth., by mistake, pay attention to, leave her where she is.


(1)You mean it looks strange!

(2)I’ll tell you something that does sound strange.

(3)The population of Canada is…

(4)As in China,the weather is different from area to area.

(5)I think she must be injured.

(6)Leave her where she is.

(7)Repeat this as often as necessary.

(8)Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.

(9)If anyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.



(2)复习情态动词must和should的用法,学习ought to的用法


(1)A lof of people can’t tell the difference between…

(2)Are there many differences?

(3)What do you mean by…

(4)I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow you.

(5)Do you use American or British spelling?

(6)American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.

(7)We must carry her to the side of the road.

(8)You should/ shouldn’t

(9)I ought to go home.

(10)Don’t try to get up.




a drop of blood一滴血;drop by rop/in drops一滴一滴地;drop from the tree从树上掉下来;drop to the ground 落在地上;drop the letter into the mailbox把信投进信箱;drop a handkerchief/stone掉下手帕/石头

习语:drop in 顺便拜访;drop in on sb.顺便走访某人;drop in at his school顺便拜访他的学校。


①我看见一个苹果从树上掉下来。I saw an apple______ _______ the tree.

②他们这样做是搬起石头咂自己的脚。In doing so they are lifting a rock to ______ _____on their feet.

③你路过的话,千万要来。Do _______ _______ if you happen to be passing.

Key:①drop,from ②drop, it ③drop, in


average 可用作名词,表示“平均数,一般水平”,也可作形容词,表示“平均的”。如:

the average of the pay平均工资;above/below the average平均以上/以下;

the average age of the girls姑娘的平均年龄;

the average temperature平均气温;



① 这个厂的工人平均每月收入700元。

_________ _________,one worker in this factory gets 700 yuan every month.

②他的功课一般以上。He is_________ _________ in his lessons.

Key: ①On, average ②above, average

3.reach sth./reach for sth.

(1)reach sth.表示“够得着某物”,reach是及物动词。如:reach the top of the shelf够得着架子顶部;reach the apple on the tree够得着树上的苹果。

(2)reach for sth.表示“伸手(脚)去够某物”,其中的reach是不及物动词。亦可替换成reach out for sth.或reach out one’s hand(foot)for sth.,意义相同。

(3)reach还可用作不及物动词表示“延伸”。如:The woods reach as far as the river.树林子延伸到河边。

(4)短语:reach an agreement达成协议;

beyond/out of one’s reach够不着,力所不及;

out of the reach of sb.某人够不着;

within one’s reach够得着,力所能及。


①他伸手去够树枝,但是够不着。He ______ ______ the stick but could not_______it.

②你最好把吃的东西放在小孩够得着的地方。You’d better have the food _______the boy’s ________.

Key:①reached, for, reach ②within, reach


generally speaking一般说来;strictly speaking严格说来;honestly speaking诚实地说来;personally speaking就我个人而言;exactly speaking准确地说来。to tell you the truth说实话;to be honest老实说;believe it or not信不信由你;judging from his appearance从他的相貌来说


① 严格说来,加拿大英语和美国英语并不完全一样。

② _______ ______,Canadian English is not just the same as American English.

②老实说我不赞同你的想法。_______ _______ ________,I can’t agree to your idea.

③一般地说,青年人喜欢流行音乐。___________,young people enjoy pop music.

Key:①Strictly,speaking ②To,be,honest ③Generally, speaking


1)tell the difference between A and B.说出A和B的区别;辨别A和B

2)tell A from B.区别、辨别A和B

3)What’s the difference between A and B?A和B什么不同?

4)There be some differences between A and B.A和B 之间有不同之处。

5)A be different from B.A和B不同

6)make sb./sth.different from使某人/物不同于……

7)do sth. differently from…做起某事与……不同

8)make no difference无关紧要


①我几乎讲不出这两个单词之间的区别。I can hardly_____the difference________ these two words.

②绵羊和山羊有什么不同?________ ________ ________between a sheep and a goat?

③哪一边赢对我都不重要。It _______ ________ ________ to me which side may win.


You are rich indeed, but that doesn’t _________ __________ __________ ________ __________.

⑤事实和他所说的大不一样。The fact _______quite________ _________ what he said.

⑥你能分辩出她和她的姐姐吗?Can you _________ her________her sister?

Key:①tell, between ②What’s,the,difference ③makes,no, difference ④make, you,different,from,others

⑤is,different,from ⑥tell,from

6.ordinary, common


in ordinary dress穿着平常的衣服; in an ordinary way以通常的方式;an ordinary – looking man相貌平常的人; an ordinary event平常的一件事; common excuse常用的借口; common knowledge常识;

common people普通人,老百姓; have a bathroom in common合用洗澡间。


①那是一首普通的舞曲。 It was a piece of______dance music.

②这种天气在南方是很常见的。 This sort of weather is quite _________in the south.

③这弟兄两个没有什么共同之处。 These two brothers have nothing ________ _________.

Key:①ordinary ②common ③in common



Water freezes below freezing. 冰点以下时水结冰。

It was freezing cold that morning.那天早晨非常地冷。

The roads are frozen in places.路上多处结冰。


①above/over freezing ②freezing weather ③be frozen to death ④give sb. a freezing cold

⑤freezing machine ⑥frozen meat ⑦I’m frozen,so I can’t write ⑧I’m freezing,so I’ve to put on a heavy coat.

Key:①零度以上 ②很冷的天气 ③被冻死 ④冷冷地看某人一眼 ⑤制冷机 ⑥冻肉

⑦我冻坏了,不能写东西了。 ⑧我觉得冷极了,我得穿件厚大衣。

8.refer to, refer…to

1)refer 可用作及物动词,用于refer… to,表示“将……提交给”。如:

refer this problem to the school把这个问题提交学校;

refer the matter to the United Nations.将这件事情提交联合国

2)refer表示“谈到,涉及;查阅,参考,指”时是不及物动词,需用refer to结构。如:

The book which you referred to is not in the library. 你所指的那本书不在图书馆。

His report refers to the situation in the Middle East. 他的报告谈到中东的形势。

短语:refer to the map/one’s notes/the dictionary 查阅地图/参考笔记/查字典

注意:look up word in the dictionary 查字典

对比:refer to 指语言、内容与某人(物)有关;而point to表示用手指向某人(物)。如:

I didn’t know whom she was referring to. 我不知道她指的是谁。

She pointed to the map and explained to the students. 她指着地图给学生做出解释。



A friend of mine often ______ _______ Dr.Bethune when I was in Canada.

②两国把这件事提交给了联合国。The two countries. _______the matter _______the United Nations.

Key:①referred,to ②referred,to



in a clear voice以清楚的声音;

be clear about sth.对……清楚,明白;

be clear to sb.对某人来说很清楚;

make one’s meaning clear 说明自己的意思;

注意两个句型:A:make it clear that…声明,说明;B.It’s (was)clear that…很明显(清楚)……。


clear one’s room/a table/a street/the desk 整理房间/收拾桌子/清扫大街/整理书桌;

clear away the dishes/waste把餐碟收走/把垃圾清除

(3)clear up 的三个意义:


The dustmen were busy clearing up the snow on the road. 清洁工正在清除路上的积雪。

This book has cleared up many problems for me. 这本书给我解决了许多难题。


It’s snowing now, but I think it will clear up soon. 现在正在下雨,但是我想天气很快会晴的。


Her face cleared up as she read the letter. 她看信的时候面露喜色。


①她对下一步干什么十分清楚。 She is _________ _________what to do next.

②很清楚敌人是不会放弃他们的计划的。______ ______ ______that the enemy wouldn’t give up their plan.

③他明确表示他要离职。He _________ _________ ________that he would leave office.

④在离开办公室以前,请把你的桌子整理一下。_________ ________your desk before you leave the office.

Key:①clear,about ②It, is, clear ③make , it clear ④Clear,up


lay the person on one’s back让这个人仰卧着; lie on one’s back/stomach/side仰卧/趴着/侧着身躺着;

sleep on one’s side 侧身睡; stand on one foot 一条脚站着; stand on one’s head倒立


①她趴在床上,哭个不停。She ______ _______ ______ ______in the bed,crying all the while

②你想倒立几个小时是很不容易的。It’s difficult for you to _____ ______ ______ ______ for several hours.

Key:①lay, on, her, stomach ②stand,on, your,head

11.deal with,do with


We don’t know what to do with the waste materials./We don’t know how to deal with the waste materials.


What’s the best way of dealing with thieves? 对付小偷最好的办法是什么?

(此句中的deal with不可替换成do with)

2)deal with还可表示“论述,涉及到;与……相处”等意义,而do with 无此用法。如:

The books dealing with Asian problems sell well in colleges. 论述亚洲问题的书在大学里很畅销。

That man is easy to deal with. 这个人容易相处。


① 你是怎么处理这类事情的?

_________did you deal with matters of this sort? What did you ________ _________matters of this sort?

②我们要处理的棘手事太多了。 There are too many difficulties for us to _________ ______.

Key:①How/ do,with ②deal, with


1) 用作形容词,意为“静止的,不动的,平静的”。

如:keep(stay) still保持不动;lie(stand)still躺着(站着)不

动;a still lake/evening平静的湖/寂静的夜晚。


be still busy仍然很忙;win still greater success取得更大成功。

3)辨析still,quiet,silent;still侧重“一动不动”,quiet指“安静”,无动作,无声音,无骚乱,其反义词是noisy(吵闹的、喧哗的);silent指不出声,不说话。对比:sit still坐着不动;Be quiet,and the class will begin.请安静,马上就要开始上课了。

Hearing the answer,be was silent for a minute or more.听了回答之后,他沉默了一两分钟。


①他个子高,他哥哥更高。He is tall,but his brother is _________ _________.

②我已经考虑了几个小时,但仍然不能决定。I have been thinking for hours, but I ______can’t decide.

Key:①still, talker ②still




be badly wounded in the battle 战斗中受重伤;

wound sb.to death 使某人受伤致死;

hurt one’s back摔伤了后背;hurt one’s feeling伤害某人的感情;be hurt by his words被他的话所伤害。


have a wound in the chest胸部受伤;receive a serious wound受重伤;the wounded伤员。


The girl fell off her bike. She hurt one of her legs hurts. 姑娘从自行车上掉下来,有一条腿疼得厉害。


① 这位战士头部受了伤.

The soldier ______ ______ _____in his head.

The soldier ______ _______in the head. The soldier head ______ ______.

②他们说我的那些话使我很伤心。I was rather__________by what they said about me.

③我右腿疼。My right foot ________.

④他的伤似乎是很重。It seemed that he _________badly_________.

Key:①received,a, would/was, wounded/was wounded ②hurt ③hurts ④was, hurt/wounded


(1)happen to do sth.(主语常为“人”),意为“碰巧。恰好”。to 后可用不定式的一般式to do,完成式to have done进行式to be doing如:

You happened to be out when I came to your house. 我到你家时,你正好出去了。

She happened to have just finished reading the book. 碰巧她刚刚读完那本书。

The two salesmen happened to be quarrelling when the manager entered.


(2)It(so)happen that…“(如此)碰巧,恰好”。如:

It happens that he is a teacher of English. 恰好他是位英语老师。

It so happened that he was going that way too. 如此碰巧的是他也往那边走。


I happened to have no money with me./It happened that I had no money with me. 我碰巧身上没带钱。

(3)happen to sb./sth. “某人/物出事,发生了……情况”。

如:What has happened to your hand?你的手怎么了?

Be careful not to let anything happen to that child. 小心别让那个孩子出任何事。


①(MET’91) -We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time. -What do you suppose __________to her?

A.was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.having happened

②They happened to _______for Tianjin when we got there.(MET’)

A.leave B.have left C.leaving D.had left

③If anything __________you,let me know.

A.is happened to B.is happening C.happens on D.happens to

Key:①C ②B ③D


1)用作名词:by mistake由于差错;make mistakes 出错;make no mistake没出错;correct one’s mistake改正错误;recognize one’s mistake承认错误;make mistake about sb./sth.误会(解)某人/事

2)用作动词:mistake one’s meaning误解某人的意思;mistake sb./sth.for错当成,误以为是……;be mistaken 弄错,错误的。


题1 (上海 2001) Time will _________ whether I made the right choice or not.

A.seee B.say C.know D.tell


题2 (NMET )They ___________the train until it disappeared in the distance

A.saw B.watched C.noticed D.observed

分析:B。题干中until it disappeared in the distance 表明“他们在注视着火车,直到它在视野中消失。”see(be able to use your eyes to look at things and know what they are);watch (look at and pay attention to something that is happening;);notice(see,hear,or feel something);observe(see and notice sth.)从上面内容可知答案为B。

题3 (上海 1994)Either you or the headmaster__________the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.

A.is handing out B.are to hand out C.are handing out D.is to hand out

分析:D。句中表按预定的计划做某事,而hand out 不是表示“出发、动身”等意的瞬间动词,因此不能用现在进行时表示将来时,不能选A或C。另外either…or + 主语 + v.结构中的动词单复数形式应与靠近的主语一致。

题4 (上海 2002)It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I __________in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.

A.wouldn’t have fallen B.had not fallen C.should fall D.were to fall


题5 (MET 1992) We _________last night,but we went to the concert instead.

A.must have studied B.might sutdy C.should have studied D.would study


题6 (NMET 1995) It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack ___________be here at any moment.

A.must B.meed C.should D.can

分析:C。题干中有be expected to,或具有一种对现在的推测意味,可用should.

题7 (NMET 1994) I told Sally how to get there,but perhaps I________for her.

A.had to write it out B.must have written it out C.should have written it out D.ought to write it out


题8 (NMET 1998)

-When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon. -They ________be ready by 12:00.

A.can B.should C.might D.need





fit mile Russia bank present dirty pour test separately square

lecture damage area pollution cattle desert cause limit gradually sight power living probably entire run choice note change fool order right pleasant assistant customer fault foolish tailor trust judge apologize bill perfect bottom powerful equal pure serve


turn…into… 把……变成 blow away 刮走,吹走 go off 走开 die out 灭绝

be fit for 适合于 time and time again 多次;不断地 lose one’s sight 丧失视力

to one’s joy 令人高兴的是 in danger 处于危险境地 depend 依靠,依赖 get off 脱下

put down 记下 keep back 留下 give back 退还 or else 否则 be after 追寻,寻找

change … for 用……来换 do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙 drop in on 拜访某人

make … to one’s own measure 依照某人的尺寸做……put sb. to the trouble of doing 麻烦某人做某事

take … as 把……当作 make an apologize to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉


What is … like?/How is /are … ?

How do you like/find?/What do you think of ?/It’s thought that/once…

Why can’t you …? Why don’t you …?

Is there anything the matter?

So does this one.


There seems to be something wrong with it. I can’t possibly use it.

I would like you to change…

You sold me a … that I can’t use any more.

I insist you give me my money back.

Why can’t you do something about it?



no matter +疑问词引导的让步状语从句;直接引语变间接引语;as if引导方式状语从句和表语从句。


1.die out 熄灭;绝种;逐渐消失。如:

①The fire died out .火灭了。

②That talkative man’s voice died out.那个健谈的人的声音渐渐地听不见了。

2.the + 形容词(分词)表示一类人的用法。


the old(young; rich; poor; learned; living…).如:

The living should carry out what the dead unfinished. 活着的人(后人)应该把前人未竞事业进行到底。

3.no more than①(=noly)仅仅,不过。②两者都不。如:

①What can I do, I’m no more than a citizen. 我能怎么样,我只不过是个平民百姓。

②Tom is no cleverer than Jack. 汤姆和杰克都不聪明。



Ⅳ. Practice

1. Now letslook at the words in the three boxes.

Let some Ssread the words in the boxes.

S1: the,this, that…

S2: yellow,green, purple…

S3: T-shirt,hat, trousers…

2. Now can you make sentences in the chart with thewords in the three boxes? You should pay attention to the single or plural formof the words. First, you can make ten sentences.

Ss ask questions using the words in the boxes thenwrite down the words in the chart.

3. Let some Ss read their questions. Then check theanswers.

4. Let Ss say the rules:

① the/this/that + 表的颜色形容词 +名词单数

② the/these/those +表的颜色形容词 +可数名词复数

5. Now letsmake another ten sentences on your workbook.

Ⅴ. Practice

1. Look at the pictures in 3b. Theyre nice things. Doyou want to buy them? Suppose you are a sales boy or girl your partner wants tobuy them. Ask and answer about the prices about these things in pairs.

2. Who can make a model? Pay attention to the sentencestructure:

① How much + is + the/this/that(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 名词单数?

② How much + are +the/these/these(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 可数名词复数?

S1: How muchis the hat?

S2: Its fivedollars.

S1: How muchare the socks?

S2: Theyrethree dollars.

3. OK. Now first ask and answer about the prices aboutthe thing in the picture. Then write the sentences in the chart.

4. Ss write the sentences on the chart. The let someSs read their questions and answers.

Ⅵ. Pair work

1. Work with your partner. You look at the pictures in3b for a minute and then close your books. Your partner asks you questions andyou try to answer his/her questions.

2. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about things inthe picture.


1. Review the Grammar Focus after class.

2. Make six questions and answers about the schoolthings you have.



教 学 目 标


技能 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice usin g the target language.


方法 1. According to listening to train students’ listening skill.

2.According to oral practice to train students’ speaking skill.




重点 1. Listening practice using the target language.

2. Oral practice using the target language.


难点 Train students’ l istening skill and speaking skill.

教学内容及问题情境 学生活动 设计意图

Step1 Revision

1. Dictate some vocabulary words in units 1~5.

2. Choose four or five words. Encourag e students to make sentences with them.

Step 2 Presentation.


1. Check that they understand what they need to do by having one or two students complete other answers.

2. Ask the student s to do the crossword individually or in pairs.

3. Check the answers.


1.Explain to students that they need to write clues like the clues for the crossword in activit y 1a.

2.Ask the students to work in pairs.

Ⅲ. 2a

1.Ask the students to pay attention to the four pictures.

2.Play the recording ,students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxes.

3.Check the answers.


1.Set a time limit of two minutes. Students go through the lists of questions.

2.Ask t he students to listen to the same recording again, complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

3.Let students check their answers in pairs, and then with the whole class.

Ⅴ. 2c

1.Read the instructions to the class.

Point out the sample conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students to work with a partner and use the information in activity 2b.

3.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Step 3 Summary

Train students’ listening skill and speaking skill.

Step 4 Homework


Write some vocabulary on their exercise book ,and make sentences with some of them.

Read the cl ues and complete the crossword.

Choose words from units 1-5 and write a clue for each word . Read the clues to your partner. He or she guesses the words.

Listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the b oxes.

Listen again . Complete the four different questions next to the pictures in Activity 2a.

Role play ,

Practice the conversations in activity 2b with their partner.







Review of units 1~5

The First Period

Target Language:

A: What would you do if you saw a big bicycle accident?

B: If I saw a bicycle accident I would...



1. 打招呼用语

Good morning. Hello! How are you? How do you do? Nice to meet you.

2. Mr,Mrs,Miss

3. Excuse me.Are you Mrs White?

4. What’s your name?My name is Li Lei?

5. ---Sit down, please.--- Thank you.

6. What’s this?It’s ….

7. Where’s “ B”?It’s here.

8. Can you spell it please?

9. --- Thank you. --- You’re welcome.

10. 介绍用语 This is Lucy. ---Who is that?--- This is Jack speaking.

11. Welcome to China.

12. What’s … plus/and/minus….?

13. What class/grade/row are you in?

14. How old are you?I’m twelve.

15. Is this/that an egg?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.


1. be 动词的缩写

2. numbers

3. this ,that.it 的用法


I. 选择

1. --- Good morning. Han Mei! How are you? --- ______

A. How are you? B. Good morning. C. Nice to meet you! D.I’m OK.Thank you.

2.---Nice to meet you. --- ______.

A. Fine B. Thank you C. Hello D. Nice to meet you too

3.This is my teacher,____ Gao. She is Chinese.

A. Mr B. Miss C. Mrs D. Teacher.

4.---____.Can you tell me the way to the cinema?

---________.I don’t know. I’m new here.

A. Excuse me, Excuse me B. Sorry, Sorry

C. Excuse me, Sorry D. Sorry, Excuse me

5.--- What ____ are you in? --- I’m _____.

A. class, in Grade 1,Class 3 B. class, on Class 3,Grade 1

C. class, in Class 3,Grade 1 D. class, on Class 3,Grade 1.

6.--- Can you spell your name, please?


A. Yes,L-I,Li,L-E-I,lei B.Yes,I am C.Good D.OK

7.What’s ____ over there?____ is a cat.

A.this,This B.that,That C.This,It D.that,it

8.Hello!Han Mei,____ is Kate.

A.This B.It C.it D.this

9.This is ____ English boy.

A.a B.an C.x D.the

10.---What’s this in English?--- ____ a pen.

A.This is B.This’s C.Is D.It’s

11.Are you Li Lei?---______.

A.Yes,he is B.No,he isn’t C.Yes,I’m D.No,I’m not

12.There is _____ “f” in the word “knife”.

A.an B.a C.the D./

13.--- Nice to meet you.---_____.

A.Thank you. B.Good morning. C.Me,too. D.How are you?

14.You are very nice.---______.

A.Yes,I am B.Good morning C.Thank you D.Fine,thank you

15The boy is ______.He is in _____.

A.number 8,Class one,Grade one B.Number 8,Class 1,Grade 1

C.8 number,Class 3,Grade 1 D.8 number,Grade 3,Class 1

16.--- Good morning____.---Good morning,Tom.

A.Mr B.Mrs C.Miss D.sir

17.---_____ is this? ---It’s “E”.

A.How B.Hello C.What D.What’s



18.---____!Are you Wei Hua?--- Yes,I am.

A.Excuse me B.OK C.Hello D.Hi

改错:My name is Li Ping.I am a Chinese.


1) He speaks English very well.

2) The old man knew some Japanese when he was young.

3) You are in Grade Three.

4) This is a bag.

5) Two plus two is four.

6) It’s not your pencil.(否定句)

7) Kate is 6.

8) I’m Number 3,Row 1.(一般疑问句)


1.一个铅笔盒_______ 2.一张地图______ 3.一个桔子__________

4.一把尺子________ 5.一辆中国吉普车__________ 6.一辆英国自行车________


______bus,_____o1d bus ______apple ,____ nice apple _____orange,

______good orange , _____English name , _____Japanese name

_______answer , ________wrong(错误的)answer


1。“_____that?”“It’s a banana.”

2.“1s this your desk?”“Yes, ____is.”

3.“Is that your book?”“No,it____ .’’

4.“whats that__English?” It’s____ desk.”


1._____you a teacher? 2.I_____in C1ass 5,Grade 6.

3.You_____in Row 1. 4.My name ____Fangfang.I ____ elever.

5.What ___2 plus 3.


( )1.初次相见时应说:

A.How are you? B. How do you do? C.Whats your name?

( )2.清晨起来见到妈妈,你应该这样问候:

A.How are you,Mum? B.Are you fine,Mum? C.Good morning,Mum?

( )3.路遇友人Jim向你打招呼,“How are you?”你应该有礼貌地回答:

A.Fine,thank you,Jim. And how are you?

B.I’m fine,too,Jim.

C.Thank you,Jim.Are you fine,too?

( )4.告别时应说:

A.Oh,good! B .Hello! C. Coodbye!

( )5.打听对方是否是王伟时,应说:

A.Hi,Wang wei! B.Sorry,are you Wang Wei? C.Excuse me.Are you Wang Wei?



Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Showstudents some colors on the screen.

T: These are different colors. What colors are they?

Ss: They are black, white, red, green, blue, yellow,brown and purple.

(Showsome clothes on the screen, or show some clothes pictures)

T: How much is the T-shirt?

Ss: It's ten dollars.

T: How much are the socks?

Ss: They are three dollars.

Now ask and answer the price of the clothes your partnerwears.

S1: How is your hat?

S2: It' s five dollars.

S1: How much are your trousers?

S2: They're 30 dollars.

Ⅱ. Grammar Focus.

1. 阅读指导:询问物品的价格常用特殊疑问词how much来提问,根据主语的不同分两种类型的句式结构:

① How much + is + the/this/that(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 名词单数?

② How much + are + the/these/these(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 可数名词复数?

2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

①那顶帽子多少钱?____ _____ is that hat?

②五美元。_____ five ______.

③这件T恤衫多少钱?是七美元。 ____ _____ __ this T-shirt?

④是七美元。It's ______ ______.

⑤那件棕色的毛衣多少钱? ____ _____ is that _______ ______?

⑥是八美元。______ eight ________ .

⑦这些袜子多少钱? How much_____ _____ _____?

⑧两美元。_____ two dollars.

⑨那黑色的裤子多少钱? ______ _____ are those ______ _________?

⑩ 是九美元。_______ nice ________.

3. Check the answers with the class.

Ⅲ. Presentation

T: (Showing a white T-shirt priced nine dollars on thescreen) What color is this T-shirt?

Ss: It's white.

T: Yes. How much is this white T-shirt?

Ss: It's nine dollars. (Write “this whiteT-shirt” on the Bb)

(Showing a pair of black socks priced two dollars onthe screen).

T: What color are those socks?

Ss: They're two dollars.

T: Yes. Those black socks are two dollars. (Write“those black socks” on the Bb)

Note: the/this/that/these/these(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 名词



Ⅳ. Practice

1. Now let'slook at the words in the three boxes.

Let some Ssread the words in the boxes.

S1: the,this, that…

S2: yellow,green, purple…

S3: T-shirt,hat, trousers…

2. Now can you make sentences in the chart with thewords in the three boxes? You should pay attention to the single or plural formof the words. First, you can make ten sentences.

Ss ask questions using the words in the boxes thenwrite down the words in the chart.

3. Let some Ss read their questions. Then check theanswers.

4. Let Ss say the rules:

① the/this/that + 表的颜色形容词 +名词单数

② the/these/those +表的颜色形容词 +可数名词复数

5. Now let'smake another ten sentences on your workbook.

Ⅴ. Practice

1. Look at the pictures in 3b. They're nice things. Doyou want to buy them? Suppose you are a sales boy or girl your partner wants tobuy them. Ask and answer about the prices about these things in pairs.

2. Who can make a model? Pay attention to the sentencestructure:

① How much + is + the/this/that(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 名词单数?

② How much + are +the/these/these(等限定词) + 表颜色的形容词 + 可数名词复数?

S1: How muchis the hat?

S2: It's fivedollars.

S1: How muchare the socks?

S2: They'rethree dollars.

3. OK. Now first ask and answer about the prices aboutthe thing in the picture. Then write the sentences in the chart.

4. Ss write the sentences on the chart. The let someSs read their questions and answers.

Ⅵ. Pair work

1. Work with your partner. You look at the pictures in3b for a minute and then close your books. Your partner asks you questions andyou try to answer his/her questions.

2. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about things inthe picture.


1. Review the Grammar Focus after class.

2. Make six questions and answers about the schoolthings you have.

篇15:人教版 高三英语复习教案SBⅠ-Units 9-10

高三英语复习教案SBⅠ-Units 9-10


1. 词汇:

although, believe, necessary, greatly, correct, form, repair, complete, information, improve, a waste of time, make a decision, bring down, thanks to, keep a record of, at one time, make a plan for, go up, the information on the computers, prefer to travel by air, shooting, gold, unusual, prize, have sports, horse-riding, in modern times, take part in, hand in, every four days, more and more, do one’s best to do sth .

2. 句型:

(1)And it’s bigger, although it’s more expensive.

(2)Can you try to get them to bring down the price?

(3)You might not be able to. . . until three days. . .

(4)It’s much easier to make plans for your trips.

(5)I prefer horse-riding to shooting.

(6)After that more and more countries joined in the game.

(7)They do their best to win medals.

(8)The place I used to go to is 7 kilometres away.

(9)the same as. . . /the same. . . as. . .

3. 交际用语:

(1)In my opinion, we should. . .

(2)What’s your opinion?

(3)I believe we should. . .

(4)I don’t think it’s necessary to buy.

(5)We must decide. . .

(6)I hope we can make a decision.

(7)Which do you prefer, . . . or. . .

(8)I prefer. . . to. . .

(9)Do you often have sports at school?

(10)Would you please let me know when. . .

(11)My favourite sport is. . .


1. bring短语归纳

bring down(风)刮倒,降低(降落);bring up 养大,呕吐;bring about带来,引起;bring along捎来,带来,bring back 归还;bring out 拿出;bring in 赚(钱),带进,传入;bring on 端上(饭菜),引起(火灾),使……成长;


①He felt terribly ill and brought ______ what he ate.

②Surely the new railway will bring ______ many changes

in this less developed area.

③Next time you come to China, be sure to bring ______your


④All the library books must be brought_______ before June20.

⑤Selling newspapers brings ______ enough money for my


⑥Enough water can bring the rice _______ .

Key: ①up ②about ③along ④back ⑤in ⑥on

2. 动词 + up

go up(物价等)上涨,上升;build(up)one’s health使身体强壮;turn up 出席,到场,开大音量;divide up 分配;分给;set up 建立;come up走近,发芽;pick up 拾起,用车接,收听(节目);send up发射;get up 起床;grow up 长大;look up仰望,查阅;eat up 吃光;drink up喝光;use up用光;stay/sit up熬夜;give up放弃;take up占空间,从事,开始干;keep up保持,继续;put up举起,建起;hang up挂起来;hold up举起;join up 连接起来;rise up奋起反抗;move up向前移动;lift up扶起;do up包,捆;hurry up赶快;call up 打电话;break up拆散,破裂;make up组成,化妆,编造;bring up抚养大;dress up打扮;add up加起来;warm up变暖,热身。



Prices are_____ _____ day after day.


The clothes are often_______ ______ near a fire.


The mother_____ the baby______ and took him away.


He went and stayed in the countryside for a period of time and _____ ______ ______ _______.

Key: ①going, up

②hung, up

③lifted, up

④built, up, his, health

3. 否定转移

I/We think, believe, suppose, imagine接宾语从句时,通常否定主句谓语;但变反意问句时,却必须和从句的人称、谓语保持一致,而且要考虑主句中有无 not。如:I don’t think she is right, isn’t?/I believe that they will win the match, won’t they?





①I don’t suppose there will be rain this night.

②We don’t think America will agree to our peace plan.

5. improve


improve one’s English/the living conditions/one’s method of study/oneself in maths提高英语水平/改善居住条件/改进学习方法/提高教学水平。


After two days’ rest his health is improving.


3)用作名词:improvement of soil土壤改良;make improvement in 在某方面作出改进





①His Chinese is improving. /He is improving his Chinese.

②You’d better improve your article. /You’d better make

improvement in your article.

6. 常用的单位量词

a piece of diary一则日记;a sheet of paper 一张纸;a suit

of clothes一套服装;an article of clothing一件衣服;a crowd

of people一群人;a basin of water 一盆水;a block of wood一块木头;a cake of soap 一块肥皂;a bottle of ink一瓶墨水;a grain of sand 一粒沙子;a group of tall trees 一片高树;a team of players一队运动员;a copy of China Youth 一分《中国青年》;a drop of oil 一滴油;a loaf of bread一块面包;a pack of cigarettes一包烟;a pair of socks一双短袜;a tin of beer一罐啤酒;a set of equipment一套设备;a bucket of water一桶水;a couple of eggs两个鸡蛋;a pile of old books 一堆旧书;a bowl of rice 一碗米饭;a handful of sand一把(少量的)沙






①Piles of old books were sold when we moved.

②Three pieces of important news were printed in the front page.

7. complete, finish

二个词都有“完成”之意,但complete更突出使一切完备、没有欠缺、多指完成工程、设计等。而finish是一般用语。常用短语有:complete the work完成工作;complete the new railway 修完铁路;complete one’s collection of stamps完备集邮;finish one’s homework/middle school/writing the article 完成作业/中学毕业/写完文章。

注意:complete还可用作形容词,意为“完全的,彻底的、完成了的”。completely 是副词,“完全地、彻底地”。如:a complete sentence/strange/success/failure完整的句子/完全陌生/完全成功/彻底的失败。This job is completely new to me. 这项工作对我来说是完全陌生的。


①You have to finish to read the whole passage in five


②Professor Smith has been complete successful in working out the problem.


①改to read为reading, 因为finish后只能接动名词。


8. necessary

necessary主要用于两种句型:①It’s necessary for sb. to do

sth. 某人有必要做某事②It’s necessary that…有必要……。注意:that从句中谓语用should + 动词原型,should 可省略。另外:不能使用sb. is necessary to do 结构,因为通常是“某事或做某事有必要”,而非人有必要。误:He is necessary to return home this afternoon. 正:It’s necessary for him to return home this afternoon.





①It’s necessary for him to improve his method of study:/It’s necessary that the should improve his method of study。

②If necessary, we’ll employ more men for the harvest.

9. repair


①可用单数和复数形式,但不和数词或不定冠词连用。This car

needs a lot of repairs before you can use it. 这部汽车需要大修之后才能使用。/The repair of the ship cost much money. 这艘轮船的修理花了很多钱。

②短语:make repairs/do repairs 修理(必须用复数);under repair 在修理;be out of repair失修


注意:repair, mend, fix三者的区别。

①repair多指修理的物体较庞大,构造较复杂或损坏严重的东西。如:repair a bridge/house/car/TV set/watch修桥/房子/汽车/电视/手表。习惯上可用于指补鞋,但不用于指补衣服。

②mend 多用于指修理的物体较小,结构较简单的日常用具,或缝补衣服、袜子等。如:mend a shoe/sock/basket/box/pen补鞋/袜子/篮球/修补箱子/修钢笔。

③fix 是美国英语,可与repair替换。如:fix a machine/chair/typewriter修机器/椅子/打字机。



The swimming pool won’t be open today because they are_____.


This house has been____ ______ _____ for many years。


You can’t go through because the bridge is _____ _____.

Key:①making, repairs

②out, of, repair

③under repair或:being, repaired

10. 表示“决心、决定做”的几个用法

1)decide to do 决定做

We decided to put off the trip to the U. S. 我们决定推迟美国之行。

2)make a decision to do :

He has made a decision to buy a new computer.


3)make up one’s mind to do

The doctor made up his mind to go abroad for further education.


4)determine to do

We have determined to get the work done before National Day.


5)be determined to do

He is determined to give up smoking.


6)decide that……(从句中动词用should + 动词原形)

We decided that we should widen the road.




The young scientist was determined to go on with his

research. /He determined to go on with his research. /He

decided that he should go on with his research. /He made up

his mind to go on with his research. /He made a decision to go on with his research. /He decided to go on with his research.

11. welcome

1)welcome sb. warmly/give sb. a warm welcome热烈欢迎某人;have a rather cold welcome 受到冷遇

2)You are welcome to …欢迎光临某地;Welcome to China. 欢迎到中国来;You are welcome. 不用谢,别客气(回答感谢)。



We didn’t expect that they_____ us such a warm _____.


You are ____ _____ our school.

Key: ①gave, welcome

②welcome, to

12. 疑问词 +不定式

what , how, when, where, whether, which等疑问词 + 不定式构成的短语相当于名词从句,多用在ask, decide, know, tell, explain, find out, consider, wonder后作宾语,可以改换成相应意义的宾语从句对比:

①Please show us how to use it. /Please show us how we will use it.


②We don’t know whether to accept his invitation. /We don’t

know whether we should accept his invitation.



①There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind______ to buy. (MET’92)

A what B. which C. how D. where

②Last summer I took a course on _______. (MET’90)

A. how to make dresses

B. how dresses be made

C. how to be made dresses

D. how dresses to be made

Key:①B ②A

13. hold短语归纳

hold one’s hand 抓住某人的手;hold me by the arm抓住我的胳臂;hold one’s breath屏住气;hold back one’s tears 忍住泪水;hold a meeting 开会;hold 100 passengers容纳100名乘客;hold a position守住阵地;hold back 阻止;hold one’s head high昂首,趾高气扬;hold up the wounded part 抬高受伤的部位; hold it tight 抓紧;hold everything in secret 对一切都保密;catch/get/take hold of a rope 抓住绳子;hold a child in one’s arms 怀抱孩子;hold a final examination举行期末考试


①Nothing can hold______the wheel of the history.

②I held her _____ the hand and tried to follow her.

③He was saved by taking hold______ the big stick.

④Please hold______ your hand if you have any questions to ask.

Key: ①back ②by ③of ④up

14. time


most of the time 大部分时间;enough time 足够的时间;ahead of time 提前;spare time 抽出时间;spend time 度过时间;take some time 花一些时间;pass time 度过一段时间;waste time 浪费时间;devote time in时间用在某方面;save time 节省时间


three times 三次;how many times 几次;five times as large as…五倍的大小;this time 这一次;last time 上一次;next time 下一次;each/every time 每一次;for the first time 第一次;


in the old times 在古时候;in ancient/modern times 在古代/现代;in one’s time 在某人那个时代;be ahead of one’s time 在时代面前;at the time of 在……时代;New York Times纽约时报

注意:have a good time 过得愉快,have a hard time/have hard times 日子过得艰难



____ _____ I called on him, he was busy with his work.


This is ______ ______ _____ _____ I have been to Beijing.


______ _____ ______ women could not go to school.


In the 1960’s the people there_____ _____ _____.

Key: ①Each, time ②the, first, time, that ③In, her, time,

④had, hard, times

15. 比较级 + and + 比较级

more and more countries 越来越多的国家;fewer and fewer students越来越少的学生;less and less time 越来越少的时间;more and more beautiful越来越漂亮;get thinner and thinner 变得越来越瘦;fly higher and higher 飞得越来越高;run more and more slowly跑得越来越慢,become stronger and stronger 越来越强大;





①More and more people realize the importance of

learning a foreigh language well.

②The plane flew higher and higher until it was out of


16. be on

on 表明所处的状态,意为“为……工作,在……服务”可用be a member of, work for, belong to 替换。

I’m on the school team.


She is on Times newspaper.



①Which team do you belong to ?

Which team______you_____?

②She is a member of the city team.

She______ ______ the city team.

Key: ①are, on ②is, on

17. prefer宁愿,更喜欢


Which do you prefer, rice or bread? I would prefer rice.



Jake preferred to have some Chinese food.



I prefer doing some writing in my spare time.



I should prefer you not to stay there too long.



We prefer that we (should)have the discussion after the lecture.




I prefer popular songs to folk songs.


She prefers singing to dancing.


②prefer-rather than…宁愿……而不愿(prefer后接带to 的不定式,rather than后省略to)

I prefer to write my letter rather than type it.



①Rather than _____on a crowded bus, he always prefers _____a

bicycle. (MET’94)

A. ride, rode B. riding, ride

C. ride, to ride D. to ride, riding

②They would prefer_____ with them.

A. her not going B. her not to go

C. she didn’t D. she not to go

Key:①C ②B

18. game, race, match



①play games

②play a game of basketball

③the Asian Games

④horse race.

⑤a 1, 500-metre race

⑥run a race

⑦have a volleyball match

⑧watch a match

Key:①做游戏,比赛 ②进行一次篮球比赛 ③亚运会 ④赛马 ⑤一千五百米赛跑 ⑥赛跑 ⑦举行排球比赛 ⑧观看比赛


1. If______, we’ll go.

A. necessary B. being necessary

C. to be necessary D. it necessary

解析:此题考题“it+形容词或分词”作状语的结构。在英语中由if it is+adj引起的条件从句可以省略it is, 直接用“if+adj或分词”的结构来代替类似的用法是when和while引起的时间从句中也可用“when/while+adj或分词”来代替“when/while it is. . . 句型”。本题答案为A。

2. At what time shall we______?

A. reach B. arrive C. get to D. arrive in

解析:此题考查reach, arrive, get to等词的用法。reach是一个及物动词,get to 也是一个及物动词短语,表示“到达某地”时后面都应该加上一个宾语。而arrive 是一个不及物动词,后面可以不用宾语,如表示到达某地则用arrive in/at。本题答案为B。

3. _____to call.

A. You are enough B. You are so kind

C. It’s very kind of you D. It’s kind for you

解析:此题考查it is+adj+of/for sb. to do sth. 的结构。在“it is+adj+of/for sb. to do sth. ”的结构中。介词的使用很容易出现差错。一般来说如形容词是用来修饰人、表示人的特性特征的话用介词of , 如形容词是用来修饰to do sth. 的话用介词for。故本题答案用C。

4. Is this factory _______ he worked in last year?

A. that B. which C. the one D. where


5. This is the library______ we can borrow books.

A. which B. that C. from which D. in which

解析:此题考查的是定语从句中关系代词的用法。关系代词在句子中的选择要根据先行词在从句中的作用(即充当的句子成分)来决定。其基本规律是先行词在从句中作主语或宾语时用that/who 或 which, 作介词宾语时用介词+which或介词+whom(人)。本句意思是“我们可以从这家图书馆借到书。”故用介词+which (物)。所以本题答案为C。




1.now that; due to; because of; owing to; since; as

now that作“既然”讲时,相当于since。now that中的that 可省去。如:Now(that)you are well again, you can travel, 你既然恢复了健康,就能够旅行了。

due to作 “起因于、归功于”时,常作表语或跟在名词后,如:

His failure is due to the fact that he lacks experience.他的失败源于他缺少经验。

Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious results.粗枝大叶造成的错误可能带来严重后果。

The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.该队的成功在很大程度上是由于她的努力。

because of“由于、因为”,在句中作状语或表语。如:

Lincoln is admired because of his good leadership.林肯由于其出色的领导而受到人们的赞赏。

His anger is because of your bad deeds.他是因你的失礼行为而生气。

owing to“由于、因为”,常在现代英语中与because of, due to换用。如:

Owing to unfavourable weather, I was unable to carry on with it.由于天气不好,我不能把它进行下去。

2.combine; connect; join; unite



We must combine theory with practice.我们必须把理论和实践联系起来。

He combines botany with chemistry.他把植物学和化学联系起来了。


The two cities are connected by a railway. 两座城市由铁路相连。

He connected the gas stove with gas pipe.他把煤气和接在煤气炉上。


We had better join the island to the mainland with a steel bridge.我们最好建一座钢筋桥把这个岛与大陆连接起来。

Where does this stream join the Changjiang River?这条河和长江在哪里会合?


The two companies will unite into one.这两家公司将合并成一家。

The whole family united to help him.全家齐心协力帮助他。

3.repair; mend


Ask him to repair my watch/TV set.请他给我修一下手表/电视机。

The garage charged forty dollars to repair the car. 修车行修理这辆车收了四十美元。


How can I repair the damage I have caused?我怎样才能弥补我造成的损失?

I’d like to repair our differences .我想我们应该重归于好。


His clothes need mending.他的衣服该补了。

She mended the broken jar with cement. 她用水泥把破碎的缸补好了。

mend 还可意为“改正、纠正、治愈、使恢复健康”等。如:

The prisoner is mending his way.囚犯在改过自新。

It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。

4.worth; worthy



a worthy rival值得较量的对手

(2)worth后面直接跟名词(多为表示钱或代价的名词),其作用相当于介词;worthy后面接名词时须与of连用(一般不接表示钱的名词)。例如:This second-hand book is worth 100 dollars.这本旧书值100美元。

His deed is worthy of praise.他的事迹值得赞扬。


This book is worth reading./ This b

篇17:人教版高三英语复习教案(5)(SB I-Units 9-10)


1. 词汇:

although, believe, necessary, greatly, correct, form, repair, complete, information, improve, a waste of time, make a decision, bring down, thanks to, keep a record of, at one time, make a plan for, go up, the information on the computers, prefer to travel by air, shooting, gold, unusual, prize, have sports, horse-riding, in modern times,take part in, hand in, every four days, more and more, do one’s best to do sth .


(1)And it’s bigger, although it’s more expensive.

(2)Can you try to get them to bring down the price?

(3)You might not be able to...until three days...

(4)It’s much easier to make plans for your trips.

(5)I prefer horse-riding to shooting.

(6)After that more and more countries joined in the game.

(7)They do their best to win medals.

(8)The place I used to go to is 7 kilometres away.

(9)the same as.../the same... as...


(1)In my opinion, we should...

(2)What’s your opinion?

(3)I believe we should...

(4)I don’t think it’s necessary to buy.

(5)We must decide...

(6)I hope we can make a decision.

(7)Which do you prefer,...or...

(8)I prefer...to...

(9)Do you often have sports at school?

(10)Would you please let me know when...

(11)My favourite sport is...



bring down(风)刮倒,降低(降落);bring up 养大,呕吐;bring about带来,引起;bring along捎来,带来,bring back 归还;bring out 拿出;bring in 赚(钱),带进,传入;bring on 端上(饭菜),引起(火灾),使……成长;


①He felt terribly ill and brought ______ what he ate.

②Surely the new railway will bring ______ many changes

in this less developed area.

③Next time you come to China, be sure to bring ______your


④All the library books must be brought_______ before June20.

⑤Selling newspapers brings ______ enough money for my


⑥Enough water can bring the rice _______ .

Key: ①up ②about ③along ④back ⑤in ⑥on

2.动词 + up

go up(物价等)上涨,上升;build(up)one’s health使身体强壮;turn up 出席,到场,开大音量;divide up 分配;分给;set up 建立;come up走近,发芽;pick up 拾起,用车接,收听(节目);send up发射;get up 起床;grow up 长大;look up仰望,查阅;eat up 吃光;drink up喝光;use up用光;stay/sit up熬夜;give up放弃;take up占空间,从事,开始干;keep up保持,继续;put up举起,建起;hang up挂起来;hold up举起;join up 连接起来;rise up奋起反抗;move up向前移动;lift up扶起;do up包,捆;hurry up赶快;call up 打电话;break up拆散,破裂;make up组成,化妆,编造;bring up抚养大;dress up打扮;add up加起来;warm up变暖,热身。



Prices are_____ _____ day after day.


The clothes are often_______ ______ near a fire.


The mother_____ the baby______ and took him away.


He went and stayed in the countryside for a period of time and _____ ______ ______ _______.

Key: ①going, up

②hung, up

③lifted, up

④built, up, his, health


I/We think, believe,suppose, imagine接宾语从句时,通常否定主句谓语;但变反意问句时,却必须和从句的人称、谓语保持一致,而且要考虑主句中有无 not。如:I don’t think she is right,isn’t?/I believe that they will win the match, won’t they?





①I don’t suppose there will be rain this night.

②We don’t think America will agree to our peace plan.




change one’s clothes换衣服;

Change places with me, please.



Passengers to London will change at this station into another train.



She changed her money before going abroad.



I have made up my mind and nothing will change it.


⑤用于change into,表示“变成”

Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day.


⑥用于chang...into,表示“ 把……变成”

We can change water into steam by heat.


⑦用于change...for,表示“把……换成(替代)”change it for

a bigger one


change his old car for a new one.


⑧用于change from...to, 表示“由……变成”

change from ice to water由冰变成水。


①用于make a change,表示“修改,改变”,a 可换成any,some,no.如:

We have made some changes in our plan for travel.


The poem seems perfect. We won’t make any change.


②与take place连用,表示“发生变化”

Great changes have taken place in my hometown.



Do you have any change on you?



①I seldom carry changes with me. You’ve to change your note in a bank.

②Your coat is too old. Change it into a new one ,please.

③In autumn the leaves change green to brown.

④Some change are to be made in the report.

Key: ①改changes为change






improve one’s English/the living conditions/one’s method of study/oneself in maths提高英语水平/改善居住条件/改进学习方法/提高教学水平。


After two days’ rest his health is improving.


3)用作名词:improvement of soil土壤改良;make improvement in 在某方面作出改进





①His Chinese is improving./He is improving his Chinese.

②You’d better improve your article./You’d better make

improvement in your article.


a piece of diary一则日记;a sheet of paper 一张纸;a suit

of clothes一套服装;an article of clothing一件衣服;a crowd

of people一群人;a basin of water 一盆水;a block of wood一块木头;a cake of soap 一块肥皂;a bottle of ink一瓶墨水;a grain of sand 一粒沙子;a group of tall trees 一片高树;a team of players一队运动员;a copy of China Youth 一分《中国青年》;a drop of oil 一滴油;a loaf of bread一块面包;a pack of cigarettes一包烟;a pair of socks一双短袜;a tin of beer一罐啤酒;a set of equipment一套设备;a bucket of water一桶水;a couple of eggs两个鸡蛋;a pile of old books 一堆旧书;a bowl of rice 一碗米饭;a handful of sand一把(少量的)沙






①Piles of old books were sold when we moved.

②Three pieces of important news were printed in the front page.

7.complete, finish

二个词都有“完成”之意,但complete更突出使一切完备、没有欠缺、多指完成工程、设计等。而finish是一般用语。常用短语有:complete the work完成工作;complete the new railway 修完铁路;complete one’s collection of stamps完备集邮;finish one’s homework/middle school/writing the article 完成作业/中学毕业/写完文章。

注意:complete还可用作形容词,意为“完全的,彻底的、完成了的”。completely 是副词,“完全地、彻底地”。如:a complete sentence/strange/success/failure完整的句子/完全陌生/完全成功/彻底的失败。This job is completely new to me.这项工作对我来说是完全陌生的。


①You have to finish to read the whole passage in five


②Professor Smith has been complete successful in working out the problem.


①改to read为reading,因为finish后只能接动名词。



necessary主要用于两种句型:①It’s necessary for sb. to do

sth.某人有必要做某事②It’s necessary that…有必要……。注意:that从句中谓语用should + 动词原型,should 可省略。另外:不能使用sb. is necessary to do 结构,因为通常是“某事或做某事有必要”,而非人有必要。误:He is necessary to return home this afternoon. 正:It’s necessary for him to return home this afternoon.





①It’s necessary for him to improve his method of study:/It’s necessary that the should improve his method of study。

②If necessary,we’ll employ more men for the harvest.



①可用单数和复数形式,但不和数词或不定冠词连用。This car

needs a lot of repairs before you can use it. 这部汽车需要大修之后才能使用。/The repair of the ship cost much money.这艘轮船的修理花了很多钱。

②短语:make repairs/do repairs 修理(必须用复数);under repair 在修理;be out of repair失修



①repair多指修理的物体较庞大,构造较复杂或损坏严重的东西。如:repair a bridge/house/car/TV set/watch修桥/房子/汽车/电视/手表。习惯上可用于指补鞋,但不用于指补衣服。

②mend 多用于指修理的物体较小,结构较简单的日常用具,或缝补衣服、袜子等。如:mend a shoe/sock/basket/box/pen补鞋/袜子/篮球/修补箱子/修钢笔。

③fix 是美国英语,可与repair替换。如:fix a machine/chair/typewriter修机器/椅子/打字机。



The swimming pool won’t be open today because they are_____.


This house has been____ ______ _____ for many years。


You can’t go through because the bridge is _____ _____.

Key:①making, repairs

②out,of, repair

③under repair或:being, repaired


1)decide to do 决定做

We decided to put off the trip to the U.S.我们决定推迟美国之行。

2)make a decision to do :

He has made a decision to buy a new computer.


3)make up one’s mind to do

The doctor made up his mind to go abroad for further education.


4)determine to do

We have determined to get the work done before National Day.


5)be determined to do

He is determined to give up smoking.


6)decide that……(从句中动词用should + 动词原形)

We decided that we should widen the road.




The young scientist was determined to go on with his

research./He determined to go on with his research./He

decided that he should go on with his research./He made up

his mind to go on with his research./He made a decision to go on with his research./He decided to go on with his research.


1)welcome sb.warmly/give sb.a warm welcome热烈欢迎某人;have a rather cold welcome 受到冷遇

2)You are welcome to …欢迎光临某地;Welcome to China.欢迎到中国来;You are welcome. 不用谢,别客气(回答感谢)。



We didn’t expect that they_____ us such a warm _____.


You are ____ _____ our school.

Key: ①gave, welcome


12.疑问词 +不定式

what ,how, when,where,whether,which等疑问词 + 不定式构成的短语相当于名词从句,多用在ask,decide,know, tell, explain, find out, consider, wonder后作宾语,可以改换成相应意义的宾语从句对比:

①Please show us how to use it./Please show us how we will use it.


②We don’t know whether to accept his invitation./We don’t

know whether we should accept his invitation.



①There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind______ to buy.(MET’92)

A what B.which C.how D.where

②Last summer I took a course on _______.(MET’90)

A.how to make dresses

B.how dresses be made

C.how to be made dresses

D.how dresses to be made

Key:①B ②A


hold one’s hand 抓住某人的手;hold me by the arm抓住我的胳臂;hold one’s breath屏住气;hold back one’s tears 忍住泪水;hold a meeting 开会;hold 100 passengers容纳100名乘客;hold a position守住阵地;hold back 阻止;hold one’s head high昂首,趾高气扬;hold up the wounded part 抬高受伤的部位; hold it tight 抓紧;hold everything in secret 对一切都保密;catch/get/take hold of a rope 抓住绳子;hold a child in one’s arms 怀抱孩子;hold a final examination举行期末考试


①Nothing can hold______the wheel of the history.

②I held her _____ the hand and tried to follow her.

③He was saved by taking hold______ the big stick.

④Please hold______ your hand if you have any questions to ask.

Key: ①back ②by ③of ④up



most of the time 大部分时间;enough time 足够的时间;ahead of time 提前;spare time 抽出时间;spend time 度过时间;take some time 花一些时间;pass time 度过一段时间;waste time 浪费时间;devote time in时间用在某方面;save time 节省时间


three times 三次;how many times 几次;five times as large as…五倍的大小;this time 这一次;last time 上一次;next time 下一次;each/every time 每一次;for the first time 第一次;


in the old times 在古时候;in ancient/modern times 在古代/现代;in one’s time 在某人那个时代;be ahead of one’s time 在时代面前;at the time of 在……时代;New York Times纽约时报

注意:have a good time 过得愉快,have a hard time/have hard times 日子过得艰难



____ _____ I called on him, he was busy with his work.


This is ______ ______ _____ _____ I have been to Beijing.


______ _____ ______ women could not go to school.


In the 1960’s the people there_____ _____ _____.

Key: ①Each, time ②the, first, time,that ③In, her, time,

④had, hard,times

15.比较级 + and + 比较级

more and more countries 越来越多的国家;fewer and fewer students越来越少的学生;less and less time 越来越少的时间;more and more beautiful越来越漂亮;get thinner and thinner 变得越来越瘦;fly higher and higher 飞得越来越高;run more and more slowly跑得越来越慢,become stronger and stronger 越来越强大;





①More and more people realize the importance of

learning a foreigh language well.

②The plane flew higher and higher until it was out of


16.be on

on 表明所处的状态,意为“为……工作,在……服务”可用be a member of, work for, belong to 替换。

I’m on the school team.


She is on Times newspaper.



①Which team do you belong to ?

Which team______you_____?

②She is a member of the city team.

She______ ______ the city team.

Key: ①are,on ②is, on



Which do you prefer, rice or bread? I would prefer rice.



Jake preferred to have some Chinese food.



I prefer doing some writing in my spare time.



I should prefer you not to stay there too long.



We prefer that we (should)have the discussion after the lecture.




I prefer popular songs to folk songs.


She prefers singing to dancing.


②prefer-rather than…宁愿……而不愿(prefer后接带to 的不定式,rather than后省略to)

I prefer to write my letter rather than type it.




②由于 prefer本身含“比较,更”之意,不用more,most修饰。

误:Which do you prefer most?

正:Which do you prefer?

误:I prefer tea more to coffee.

正:I prefer tea to coffee.


①Rather than_____on a crowded bus,he always prefers_____a


A.ride, rode B.riding, ride

C.ride, to ride D.to ride, riding

②They would prefer_____ with them.

A.her not going B.her not to go

C.she didn’t D.she not to go

Key:①C ②B

18.game,race, match



①play games

②play a game of basketball

③the Asian Games

④horse race.

⑤a 1,500-metre race

⑥run a race

⑦have a volleyball match

⑧watch a match

Key:①做游戏,比赛 ②进行一次篮球比赛 ③亚运会 ④赛马 ⑤一千五百米赛跑 ⑥赛跑 ⑦举行排球比赛 ⑧观看比赛


由-ing或-ed结尾的分词转化来的形容词,其意义不同。由-ing结尾的通常表示“某事/物令人感到……”;而-ed结尾的则表示被修饰词自身的感受。常用的有:exciting令人激动的;excited 激动的,兴奋的;astonishing 令人惊讶的;astonished 惊讶的;deighting 令人高兴的;delighted高兴的;disappointing令人失望的;disappointed感到失望的;encouraging令人鼓舞的;encouraged 受到鼓舞的;frightening令人可怕的;frightened吓坏了的;interesting令人感兴趣的;interested感兴趣的;moving动人的;moved受感动的;pleasing令人满意的;pleased满意的;shocking令人震惊的; shocked感到震惊;tiring使人疲备的;tired 疲劳的;worrying令人担心的;worried 担心的;satisfying 令人满意的;satisfied感到满意的。


①The young lady stood________ for a moment when she saw

a beggar before her suddenly.

A.surprising B.to surprise

C.surprised D.having surprised

②She took a deep breath to calm herself,but her voice

still sounded________.

A.excitement B.excited

C.exciting D.excitedly

③He had spent a ______ day.

A.more worry B.most worrying

C.more worrying D.more worried

④The tiring trip made all of us rather_______.

A.tiring B.tired C.tire D.to be tired


②B。句子的涵义是:Her voice showed that she was still


③C ④B


1.If______, we’ll go.

A.necessary B.being necessary

C.to be necessary D.it necessary

解析:此题考题“it+形容词或分词”作状语的结构。在英语中由if it is+adj引起的条件从句可以省略it is,直接用“if+adj或分词”的结构来代替类似的用法是when和while引起的时间从句中也可用“when/while+adj或分词”来代替“when/while it is...句型”。本题答案为A。


又如:When possible,I’ll help you with your English.

While waiting for you, I read newspapers.

2.At what time shall we______?

A.reach B.arrive C.get to D.arrive in

解析:此题考查reach, arrive,get to等词的用法。reach是一个及物动词,get to 也是一个及物动词短语,表示“到达某地”时后面都应该加上一个宾语。而arrive 是一个不及物动词,后面可以不用宾语,如表示到达某地则用arrive in/at。本题答案为B。


又如:They arrived in Beijing yesterday.

3._____to call.

A.You are enough B.You are so kind

C.It’s very kind of you D.It’s kind for you

解析:此题考查it is+adj+of/for sb.to do sth. 的结构。在“it is+adj+of/for sb.to do sth.”的结构中。介词的使用很容易出现差错。一般来说如形容词是用来修饰人、表示人的特性特征的话用介词of ,如形容词是用来修饰to do sth.的话用介词for。故本题答案用C。


又如: It is important for them to get up early in the morning.

It is necessary for us to learn computer.

4.Is this factory _______ he worked in last year?

A.that B.which C.the one D.where


点评:解这类题时,有的学生会将this factory 当作先行词而误用that或which,但本句为一般疑问句,因此this factory 为主句主语。若将此句改为Is this the factory-he worked in last year?则用that或which.

5.This is the library______ we can borrow books.

A.which B.that C.from which D.in which

解析:此题考查的是定语从句中关系代词的用法。关系代词在句子中的选择要根据先行词在从句中的作用(即充当的句子成分)来决定。其基本规律是先行词在从句中作主语或宾语时用that/who 或 which,作介词宾语时用介词+which或介词+whom(人)。本句意思是“我们可以从这家图书馆借到书。”故用介词+which (物)。所以本题答案为C。


江苏省李堡中学高三年级主备课unit 2(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)


高三复习:模块1 unit 1 重点词汇复习(人教版高考复习英语必修一教案教学设计)





高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)



人教版高三英语复习教案(8)(SB I-Units 15-16)
《人教版高三英语复习教案(8)(SB I-Units 15-16).doc》

【人教版高三英语复习教案(8)(SB I-Units 15-16)(精选17篇)】相关文章:










