高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

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高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)(合集12篇)由网友“更在瑶台十二层”投稿提供,这次小编给大家整理过的高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计),供大家阅读参考。

高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

篇1:高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)





rush sb.off his feet, change, action, repair, work on, fix up


1) It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.

2) What is more, this “information line” operates 24 hours a day.

3) It did not take the firefighters long to put out the fire, and they at once started to look for causes of the fire.

4) They had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plates, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam.

3.语法 复习ing形式,to do和表达等


1) May I speak to…? 2) Hello.Who's that speaking? 3) I called to tell you…4) Hold on, please 5) Wait a moment.6) Can I take (leave) a message?

三、 难点讲解

The man who had fixed up the air line was also questioned.

1.fix up


1) They are busy fixing up the lights.他们在忙着安装灯光设备。

2) Wait until I get fixed up.稍等一下,我把仪容打扮整齐。

Let's fix up a date (a time and place ) for the meeting.我们来决定聚会的日期(时间和场所)吧。


I will fix you up for the night。我来为你安排今晚的住宿。


They are fixed the matter up now.他们现在已把问题解决了。

2.fix…up with为……准备(提供)。例如:

1)I fixed him up with a job.我给他安排了一个工作。

2)Can you fix me up with a room for three nights? 你能替我安排住三个晚上的房间吗?



1.foreign A.chain B.remain C.receive D.bargain

2.frequent A.repay B.relative C.remind D.declare

3.position A.explode B.prison C.honour D.condition

4.danger A.language B.orange C.blanket D.single

5.fuel A.cruel B.tour C.due D.pure

6.In order to ______ the flood, the soil on the hillside must be held by planting more trees.

A.clear up; in order

B.hold up; in place

C.put up ; in the place

D.call off ; in time

7.______ the Party's help, the villagers moved into new houses soon after the big flood.

A.Thank to

B.Thanks to

C.To thank

D.Thank for

8.----______ can I do with such a situation?

----Take ______ measure you consider best.

A.How ; whichever

B.What ; whatever

C.How; Whatever

D.What; whichever

9.You look ______ in blue while red clothes are nice her.

A.well; for

B.good ; on

C.well ; to

D.good ; at

10.You'll make mistakes if you do things ______.

A.in a short while

B.in a minute

C.in a hurry

D.at the same time

11.The manager, ______, stopped to apologize to the workers.

A.realize his mistake

B.realized his mistake

C.to realize his mistake

D.his mistake realized

12.Hardly ______ to the cinema ______ the film began.

A.had he got; than

B.he had got; when

C.did he get; than

D.had he got; when

13.All life on the earth ______ on the sun.





14.That boy works hard, I ______ him to succeed in the exam.





15.Father will not ______ us to use his recorder.





16.______ plastics, the machine is light in weight.

A.To make of

B.Having made

C.To be made of

D.Made of

17.I'm sure all will go well as ______.

A.to be planned

B.being planned


D.having planned

18.----We are having our daughter's wedding at the end of the summer.Do you think you ______?

----I'll do my best, but I think I'll be away then.

A.can see it

B.can make it

C.can see to that

D.can make that

19.Although she was listening, she didn't hear ______ because there was so much noise.

A.what he says

B.what did he say

C.what he was saying

D.what was he saying

20.Where and how to find him ______ to us.

A.is not known

B.are not known

C.don't know

D.doesn't know

21.Liverpool ______ yet.What's wrong?

A.don't score

B.doesn't score

C.hadn't scored

D.haven't scored

22.______ we should close the shop has not been discussed.





23.They decided not to make a trip to Tibet ______.

A.but stay at the present place

B.instead of staying at the place

C.but to remain where they were

D.so they remained at the place they were now

24.Come here and stay with us for a moment, ______?

A.will you

B.shall you

C.don't you

D.aren't you

25.----You did very well on your test.


A.Oh, no ! I was worried

B.That's terrific ! I was worried

C.That's all right.Thank you

D.Sure.That sounds good


A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office. 26 nearly fifty persons who came for the 27, the man selected (挑选) one and dismissed(打发)the 28.

“I should like to 29 ,” said a friend, “the reason you 30 that boy, who brought not 31 a letter, not a single recommendation (推荐信).”

“You are wrong,”said the gentleman.“He had a great 32.He wiped his feet in front of the 33 and closed it 34 him, showing that he was 35.He gave his seat immediately 36 that old man, showing that the was kind and 37.He took off his cap 38 he came in and answered my 39 quickly, showing that he was 40 and gentlemanly.”

“All the 41 stepped over the book which I had purposely put on the 42.He picked it up and 43 it on the table; and he waited of his 44 instead of pushing and crowding.As I 45 him, I 46 his tidy clothing, his neatly 47 hair and his clean 48.Can't you see that these things are 49 recommendations? I consider them more 50 than letters.”

26.A.In B.For C.Of D.Among

27.A.job B.office C.work D.advertisement

28.A.all B.some C.boys D.others

29.A.see B.have C.tell D.know

30.A.asked for B.preferred C.took D.brought

31.A.yet B.still C.even D.already

32.A.many B.a lot C.so D.such

33.A.door B.house C.window D.room

34.A.before B.behind C.at D.by

35.A.kind B.helpful C.strict D.well-mannered

36.A.up B.to C.for D.in

37.A.thankful B.friendly C.ordinary D.hopeful

38.A.as B.while C.which D.where

39.A.questions B.telephone C.letter D.advertisement

40.A.silly B.foolish C.bright D.slow

41.A.friends B.people C.gentlemen D.workers

42.A.desk B.tale C.ground D.floor

43.A.lay B.placed C.threw D.dropped

44.A.place B.work C.turn D.position

45.A.spoke B.said to C.talked to D.told

46.A.noticed B.realized C.knew D.recognized

47.A.washed B.combed C.made D.cut

48.A.finger nails B.shoe C.hats D.jacket

49.A.false B.very C.indeed D.right

50.A.interesting B.exciting C.attractive D.important




Tom was a writer.He wrote detective stories for magazines.One evening he could not find an end for a story.He sat with his typewriter (打字员) in front of him, but he had no idea.So he decided to go to the cinema.

When he came back, he found that he had a visitor.Someone had broken into his flat.The man had a drink, smoked several of Tom's cigarettes and had read his story.The visitor left Tom a note: “I have read your story and I don't think much of it.But if you become a successful writer, I'll return.”

Tom read the burglar's (资贼) suggestions.Then he sat down and wrote the rest of the story.He is still not a successful writer, and he is waiting for the burglar to return.Before he goes out in the evening, he always leaves a half-finished story near his typewriter.

51.The man came to Tom's flat to ______.

A.steal something

B.have a drink

C.see Tom

D.read Tom's story

52.The man thought that Tom's story was ______.

A.rather poor

B.quite good

C.too short

D.not worth thinking of

53.The man threatened (威胁) to ______.

A.steal Tom's story

B.write more stories

C.come back every night

D.come back and do stealing again

54.Tom found the burglar's suggestions were very ______.





55.Tom would like to ______.

A.meet his visitor

B.get more idea from him

C.have his stories stolen

D.be robbed more often



AM 640 KHz

09:00 Top Chinese Songs

11:00 Foreign Light Music

14:15 World-famous Music

15:10 Chinese Songs Sung by Peng Liyuan

AM 720 KHz

09:00 Music World

13:00 Window on Chinese Music

15:00 Foreign Classic Music

17:00 Chinese Songs by Famous Singers


CCTV-1 Channel 2

17:20 Programmes for Children

19:00 News and Weather Forecast

20:05 23-part Serial (连续剧): The Times of Pecac (8)

23:00 News in English

CCTV-3 Channel 15

12:00 Music Knowledge: Piano

14:00 Music Bridge

18:00 Opera Fans Garden

19:00 Peking Opera Stars

CCTV-4 Channel 32

19:00 News and Weather Forecast

21:00 Chinese News

CCTV-6 Channel 18

16:28 Chinese Movie: Singing at Midnight

19:50 American Movie: Speed

23:31 Chinese Movie: Hardships of the Hainan Island

BTV-1 Channel 6

17:12 12-part Serial: The Third Bridge (4)

18:30 Beijing News and Weather Forecast

56.If you want to enjoy yourself in the morning, you can ______.

A.see movies on TV

B.listen to music on TV

C.listen to some excellent Chinese songs on radio

D.listen to some foreign music on TV

57.By CCTV-6 you can

A.learn what has happened in our country

B.enjoy music

C.see a lot of movies

D.see operas

58.You know what the weather will be like all over the country if you turn on ______.

A.your TV at 7 p.m.

B.your radio at 8 A.m.

C.your TV at 6:30 p.m.

D.your TV at 9 p.m.

59.Which of the following is not true?

A.Children may like CCTV-1 Channel 2.

B.You can enjoy good music only on radio.

C.From BTV-1 Channel 6 you can get to know something that happens in Beijing.

D.CCTV-6 is a movie Channel.

60.If you want to know more about China, you can choose

A.Channel 2

B.Channel 32

C.Channel 18

D.Channel 27


61.Great ______ (变化) have taken place in our country.

62.It's ______ (肯定的) that he'll pass the examination.

63.He asked the man in the water to ______ (抓住) the rope.

64.There are seven ______ (奇迹) in the world.

65.We have friends ______ (遍及) the world.

66.How many b______ of beer are there on the table?

67.Beijing is the c______ of China.

68.He t______ me on the forehead with his left hand.

69.He wrote an a______ on reading.

70.He has a large q______ of books.


After a day of work, the body need to have a 71.______

rest.Sleep is necessary for well health.The rest 72.______

you get while sleep makes your body be able to prepare 73.______

itself the next day.There are four levels of sleep. 74.______

Each is little deeper than the one before.As you 75.______

will sleep, your body relaxes (放松).Your heart 76.______

beats more slowly and your brain slows down.If you 77.______

have troubles falling asleep, some people suggest 78.______

breathing slowly and deeply and the other people 79.______

believe that drink warm milk will help make you 80.______

sleepy.Will you try them both?

篇2:高三复习教案SBⅢ unit 19-20(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)



by sea relate to share(v.) mark with long before turn to apart from tour (be)busy with ( be)determined to do sth. disobey key figure in peace oppose think up take up arms work on keep one’s promise with the purpose of


You’d better(not)… Let’s …

You need to… What/How about…?

(I think)you should/ought to…

Shall we…?

I suggest(that)you…

Why not…? Why don’t you…?

I will…

I have decided to /that…

I have (not)decided wh-clause / wh-word to…

I insist on /that…





1.settle vt.定居,解决(事端,矛盾等)安排,决定

We have settled a party on Wednesday evening.


This medicine should settle your nerves.


They settled their quarrel in a friendly way.


2.make up 创造,编造,弥补,化妆,构成,占有

John made up that joke about the talking dog.


The number of the college students in the country makes up only 1%of the population.


I have to make up the test I missed last week.


John and Tom quarreled, but make up after a while.



make sense有意义 make faces/a face做鬼脸

be made of /from由……制成 be made into把……制成……

make it成功,达到目的 make out理解;勉强分辨出

make up one’s mind下定决心


We must keep the good revolutionary traditions alive.


How can we keep the fish alive?我们如何使鱼活首?

拓展:keep+宾语+宾补(v.-ing/v. –ed/adj. / adv. / prep. phr)

I’m sorry for keeping you waiting all the afternoon.


Keeping the door and windows closed all the time is not good for your health.



keep an eye on 留神照看 keep body and soul together勉强生活

keep in touch with与……保持联系

keep time/regular hours守时(有规律)

4.be of +adj. +抽象名词表性质、特征,其作用相当于be + adj.

常用抽象名词:use, value, interest, importance, education, quality等

This book is of no use( / useless).


The young man is of good education( / well educated).


Customers don’t show any interest in goods that are of poor quality.


对比:be + of +具体名词 表类属,常用名词:size, colour, age, shape等。

The two children are of an age / the same age.(= This child is as old as that one.)


All of these rooms are of a size.


5.be related(to)和……有联系,和……有关

The Dutch language is closely related to German.


They are related to me by marriage.


拓展:n. relation


Doctors think there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer.



I have had business relations with h im. 我和他已有业务联系。


My immediate relations are my parents.我的直系亲属是父母。

6.out of work失业

He was been out of work for over three months.


In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people out of work in that country.


拓展:be out of work = lose one’s work失业be in work在业,有工作

7.apart from(= besides/in addition to)除……之外(表示加上,否定句中与except通用)

The children hardly see anyone apart from their parents.


Apart from them, I had no one to talk to.


Apart from the price, the hat doesn’t suit me.




except for:说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正,其后一般接名词。

except that:用来表示理由后细节,修正前面所说的情况,其后须接从句,可以与except for互换。

except when:除了……的时候

Everybody except John was able to answer it.


Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.

( = Your composition is very good except that there are a few spelling mistakes.)


I know nothing about him except that he comes from Africa.


He goes to work every day except when he is ill.



way of life生活方式 all the way一路上,自始至终

any way无论如何

by the way 顺便说 bay way of 通过……经由

ways and means办法

get in one’s way 妨碍 in a (one)way在某种程度上

in no way决不

lose one’s way迷路 way through 克服困难的途径

under way在进行中

way out出路 ways out of (摆脱困境等)的方法

on one’s way to在去……的途中

feel one’s way摸黑走,谨慎行事 make one’s own way取得成功,发迹

e.g. Tom will get used to the way of life in the U.S.A. soon.


9.key figure关键人物

figure 指有影响力的人物。key原意为钥匙,在此词组中作定语,可译作“关键的”。

figure 的复数形式是figures.

Public figures there welcomed the statement.


He became one of the leading figures in the country.



He was unable to govern his temper.


Don’t be governed by what other people say.


The rise and fall of the sea is governed by the movements of the moon.


11.on / upon(one’s )n./v.-ing一……就……

On his return to the lab, he set to work.


On arriving in Paris, he was put into prison.


The students stood up on the entrance of the headmaster.


12.play an important role in 在……方面起重要作用

Such strikes have played an important role in the development of the trade union movement.


For twenty years, Gandhi played an important role in working for equal right for Indians.


同义词组:play a part in…/play an important part in…



The laws were designed to make life difficult for non-whites.


The room was designed for children.


The road was not designed for heavy trucks.


(2) n.图案设计

The building is poor in design.这幢楼设计很差。

14.in prison([u])监禁之中,prison 前不加冠词,表示被监禁的状态

He has been in prison for three years.


Law-breakers are put in prison.


对比:go to prison坐牢 break(out of )prison越狱

cast…into prison(put…in/into prison)把……关进牢里(表动作)

类似短语:in school/go to school 求学 in hospital/go to hospital住院/去看病

15.march v./n. 游行示威,行进,行军

She was very angry and marched out. 她很生气,大步从屋里走了出去。

The soldiers marched on after a short rest.


短语:a hunger march反饥饿游行 a forced march强行军

on the march在行进中 a long and difficult march一次长距离的艰难行军

steal a march on/ upon(口语)偷袭(尤指以不正当手段)

e.g. The two firms are trying hard to steal a march on the other.


16.be honoured as… 作为……而受到尊敬

He was honoured as a teacher.


Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and was honoured as a hero.


拓展:v./ n honour-dishonour adj. Honourable-dishonourable(反义词)

常用短语:show honour to 向某人表示敬意

a sense of honour廉耻心

an honoured guest贵宾

do honour to向……表示敬意,带来荣誉

on/upon one’s honour以名誉担保

pay/give honour to向……致敬

honour system无监视的考试制度

in honour of…纪念……

with honour光荣地

for the honour of 为顾全……的荣誉

17.oppose v.(反义词:support)反对,反抗

People there opposed their government.


I oppose this plan because I think it is impractical.


同义词组:be opposed to / object to /be against

His father is very much opposed to her going abroad.他父亲强烈反对她出国。

He objected to working on Sundays.


We are for peace and against war.


另:opposition n.(位置)面对,反对

the house in opposition to each other面对面的房子

find oneself in opposition to sb. on a question


18.possess v.拥有(东西,特性)

They asked him whether it is true that he had possessed two cars.


He never possessed much money, but he is possessed of good health.


同义词(组):own/belong to/have/be possessed of

e.g. He owns a very good dictionary. = A very good dictionary belongs to him.

19.as follows 如下

He received a letter which read as follows.


The game rules are as follows.


His arguments are as follows.他的论点如下。

20.value vt.珍视,重视

I value his advice on how to study English well.


The may or valued public opinions.


Gandhi valued ordinary people.



题1 (上海春招)

Mr . Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to some schools for poor children.

A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up


题2 (NMET 北京)

Tow middle-aged passengers fell into dead sda. , neither of them could swim.

A. In fact B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Naturally


题3 (NMET 2001)

It is generally believed that teaching is it is a science.

A. an art much as B. much an art as

C. as an art much as D. as much an art as


题4 (NMET 春招)

-It’s good idea. But who’s going to the plan?

-I think Tom and Grey will.

A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through


题5 The mother didn’t know was to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.

A. who B. when C. how D. what

分析:A。根据句意,空白处应填指人的who, who与to blame构成逻辑上的“动宾”关系。全句意为:由于打破玻璃(杯)的事是母亲不在家时发生的,所以她(母亲)不知道该责备谁打破了破璃(杯)。

题6 (NMET 北京)

The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to .

A. make it out B. make it off C. make it up D. make it over

分析:A。make it out发现真相,因为受到迷惑,所以试图发现真相。

题7 (NMET 2002)

The taxi driver often reminds passengers to their belongings when they leave the car.

A. keep B. catch C. hold D. take


题8 (NMET 2001 北京)

-Why haven’t you bought any butter?

-I to but I forgot about it.

A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected


题9 (NMET 2001 北京)

Have a good rest. You need to your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.

A. leave B. save C. hold D. get


篇3:高三复习教案SBⅢ unit 23-24(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)



lose the path for ever get away wherever succeed in had best(do) set…on fire blow out as long as clear up at one’s own expense on(the)one hand…on the other(hand) end up(in) (be)suited to/for (be)worth doing open up personally be used to(doing) rely on further prevent from remind although



I guess/believe… It seems(that)…

It looks as if… It certainly is.

She/He/They must have done…

Will you be free All right. See you then.

On Monday/tomorrow? Yes, I’ll be free then.

How about tomorrow morning/afternoon?

Yes, that’s all right. No, I won’t be free

Shall we meet at 4:30…at? Then, but I’ll be free at…





1.fine adj./adv./n./v.


It’s fine today.今天天气很晴朗。

What a fine view it is!多么美丽的风景!

-How are you?


-Fine, thank you.


First there was a fine rain but then it rained heavily.



Everything went fine.一切顺利

(3)[c]罚金a traffic violation fine违反交通规则罚款


If you make such a mistake again, you’ll get fined.


短语:fine and 非常,极(强调后面所接的形容词)

one fine day/morning有朝一日



She found a wallet lying on the ground.


We found her still asleep.


He found her left behind.



I made a great find in a second-hand bookshop yesterday.


对比:find多指偶然发现,碰见;后可接名词、复合结构或从句。find out指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相、真情,通过调查找出原因,或发现秘密、错误等;一般接名词、代词或从句。discover指发现客观事物的存在,发现已存在而不为人知的事情;多用于好的事物。

Have you found the book you have been looking for?


Have you found out why he was late?


Columbus discovered America.




The old man died at the age of 80/when he was 80 years of age/when he was 80 years old.


He is young for his age.


What is the age of the church?


He was the greatest poet of the age.


(2)vi./vt. 变老

He is aging fast. Worry ages a man.


I found him greatly aged.


拓展:(1)adj. aged……岁的,年老的

a boy aged ten 一个10岁的男孩

an aged man老人


baby→infant→child→youth→manhood→middle age→old age


4.come down下来,流传下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,减价

The song comes down to us from the 10th century.(流传下来)


The roof of the house came down during the night.


5.clear up(天气)放晴,使明了,收拾整理,解决,了结

The sky cleared up just after the rain.


Don’t expect me to clear up after you.


The police haven’t cleared up the murder case.


His face cleared up as she heard the news.(引申义)


对比:clean up打扫干净,整理,获利,赚钱

The students cleaned up the classroom after class.(打扫干净)


6.as long as/so long as只要


You may borrow the book as / so long as you keep it clean.


As long as you study hard, you’ll make great progress.



This rope is as long as that one.这条绳子和那条一样长。

This bridge isn’t so/as long as that one.这座桥和那座不一样长。


The old couple have been living in the small town as long as 50 years.


7.tear out撕下,撕掉

He tore some of the papers out of the book.他从书中撕下了几页。

对比:tear up撕碎,撕毁,连根拔起

She tore up the letter.


The trees were torn up by the hurricane.


另:tear down拆除(建筑物等) tear sth. in two/half 把……撕成两半

8. get sb. / sth. doing使某人/某物开始活跃或使某物开始工作

Let me try now, I will get the car going


拓展:get sb. to do sth. = have sb. do sth.让/使某人做某事

get sth. done = have sth. done请人做某事

I’ll get him to do the job.我会让他做这项工作。

When did you get your hair cut?


9.date back to / date from


The tower dates back to 1173.


The old church dates from the first century A.d.


My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays.


10.find one’s way(to sp.)找到;设法找到去……的路

Can you find your way to the post office?


Rivers find their way to the sea.


拓展:make one’s way非常困难地前进

feel one’s way 摸索着前进

force / fight one’s way突破……而前进

push one’s way排开……而前进

11.congratulate v.


常用短语:congratulate sb. on / upon sth. / doing sth.为某事向某人祝贺

congratulate oneself that…因……而自己庆幸


I’d like to congratulate you on your success.


I’d like to offer my congratulations on your success.


You really should congratulate yourself on your appearance.

(= You really should congratulate that you are so handsome.)


对比:celebrate sth.庆贺某事

We’ll celebrate the New Year with a dance party.


拓展:in celebration of… 庆祝……

hold a celebration举行庆祝(会)

12.admire(= respect / praise)vt.羡慕,钦佩,夸奖

admire sb.(for sth.)佩服某人某事

Visitors to Beijing greatly admire our Palace Museum.


I admire him for his wisdom.我佩服他的智慧。


对比:envy(= jealous)vt.嫉妨,羡慕

envy sb.(sth.)嫉妒/羡慕某人某事

We all envy you your good future.



(1)就我个人来说(= in my personal opinion),用于表示个人的意见,通常于句首。

Personally, I don’t see much difference between the two.



The manager went personally to the hospital to see the worker who was seriously ill.


拓展:person/ c. /人personal adj.个人的

personality / c. u. / 个性,品格;人物

14.end up 结果,结束

He started as an employee and ended up as head of the firm.


The party ended up with a song.


If you continue to drive so carelessly, you’ll end up in hospital.






Let’s end the discussion.

The meeting was closed by the chairman’s speech.

Try to finish your homework before 9 o’clock.

Have you completed your new programme?

15.open up


open up = open the door开门

open up the parcel打开包裹


A beautiful view opened up before us.



open up a new situation / a bright future / more waste land



She never opened up to me on the subject.


16.rely on / upon相信,信赖

He relied on his parents’ advice.


I rely on you to tell me all about it.


Such people are not to be relied on.


对比:rely on / upon指由过去的经验,使人相信对方必定能完成所交代的事情;depend on指依赖别人的支持或援助;trust(in)指深信绝对不会发生被出卖或令人失望的事情。

I rely on his ability.我相信她的能力。

She depends on her friends to make a decision.


He is a man to be trusted.


It depends on whether you want to do it or not.这得看你是否想做。

17.be worth doing = be(well)worthy of being done / to be done(很)值得做

The city is worth visiting.这个城市值得参观。

(= The city is worthy of being visited. = The city is worthy to be visited.)

18.as we say正如我们所说



As we know, the earth is round.


Leaves are turning yellow, which means autumn is coming.


19.as is the case with = as with ……就和……的情况一样

As is the case with his mother, he is fond of music.


As with human, animals also love their babies.



题1 (2003 上海春)

Unless to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited

分析:A。此句考查非谓语动词在省略句中的用法,完整的表达方式为unless you are invited,…

题2 (NMET 2002上海)

Though money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in


题3 (NMET 2003 北京,31)

I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it.

A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. While

分析:C。as long as 表示“只要”。句意为:只要我知道钱是安全的,我就不会担心。even though即使;unless如果不;while当……的时候。

题4 (NMET 2003 上海,33)

-How far apart do they live?

- I know, they live in the same neighborhood.

A. As long as B. As far as C. As well as D. As often as

分析:B。as far as 表示程度,范围,意思是“就……,尽……,至于……”,as far as I know 就我所知;as long as 表示时间长度或表示“只要”;as well as 和……一样好;as often as和……一样经常。

题5 (2002上海春)

The famous scientist grew up he was born and in 1980 he came to Shanghai.

A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever

分析:C。 where引导的是地点状语从句。

题6 (NMET 2003 北京 30)

He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation it got worse.

A. until B. when C. before D. as


题7 (NMET 2003 上海,35)

A good storyteller must be able to hold his listener’s curiosity he reaches the end of the story.

A. when B. unless C. after D. until


题8 (2001 上海,37)

He’s got himself into a dangerous situation(境遇) he is likely to lose control over the plan.

A. where B. which C. while D. why


题9 John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes .

A. open B. to be opened C. to open D. opening

分析:A。该题考查考生对形容词作宾语补足语的掌握情况。当open作宾补时,一般用它的形容词,不用它的现在分词。如:with the windows open/closed

题10 You will succeed in the end you give up halfway.

A. even if B. even though C. as long as D. unless


篇4:高三复习教案SBⅢ unit 21-22(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)




step into take one’s place pick out build up divide up wealthy go through look into turn up check out to the point care for surround to one’s astonishment exact recover one after another tell apart set up come to light


I / He /She /can /may… It is possible that…

I/ He /She may not… He/ She is not likely to…

It is likely that… I am not likely to…

You can’t / musn’t… Don’t smoke. Look out!

If you…, you’ll… Don’t be late Take care!

You’d better(not)do it. Be careful. No noise, please!





1.leave sth. to sb.(在死后)将……留给某人;请某人负责某事

His aunt left all her property to him after her death.


I’ll leave it to you to buy the tickets.我委托你负责买票。

2.in one’s will在某人的遗嘱中


Her death is god’s will, I suppose.


His strong will enables him to refuse all the worldly pleaseres.


Where there is a will, there is a way.


3.by one’s first marriage 通过或由于某人的第一次婚姻


He left by the first train.


The electricity supply is operated by a switch.供电由一个开关控制。

4.check out清点;结账;核实;检查;开票提款

Ask him to check the information out for us.请他为我们核实一下信息。

We’d better check the whole room out in case it has been bugged .


The trainees checked out all right.


She checked out 6000 dollars.她提款6000美元。

5.for a start/to start with首先,第一点

You have no right to be here, to start with.


It won’t work:for a start, we don’t have so much money and secondly we cannot get the permission.


6.go through 浏览;经历;历经

He went through several houses, but haven’t bought one yet.


The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家已经历了太多的战争。

The plan must go through several stages.


拓展:go through with完成

He hasn’t gone through with his composition yet.


7.be present at 出席

How many people were present at the meeting?多少人出席了会议?


What present do you want for Christmas this year?



Now that the sports meet is over, our principal will present the prize.



I’m not going to buy a car at the present high prices.


(4)presently(adv.) = soon

She will be here presently.



at the present time = at present目前,现在

for the present暂时


Please pass me the bread and butter.


Pass the word to him that Napolean will come himself.



Because of the large crowd in the street the truck was unable to pass.



Nobody can go into the hall without a pass.


9.pick out认出;显眼;挑选

Can you pick out your brother in the crowd?


The houses in the painting picked out in white.


It’s so beautiful!How did you pick it out?


10.troop n./v.

(1)n. 一群,大量,许我troops军队,部队

A troop of school children went into the museum.


The local people demand the withdrawal(撤退)of foreign troops.



The students trooped up on the sports ground.


We all trooped into/out of the hall.



(1)vt.飞跃 +地点或距离作宾语:驾驶(飞机);(用飞机)运送;放(风筝)

fly the Atlantic / the English Channe/ a distance of km


Supplies of food have been flown to the refugees.


The children are flying their kites.



Time flies like an arrow. 光阴似箭。

The little girl flew to her grandmother.





fire(火)+fly(苍蝇)= firefly(萤火虫)(=lighting-bug,美语)

12.communicate v.


communicate information/feelings/news…to sb.把信息、感情、消息……传递/传达给某人

I’ll communicate the news to you directly.



communicate with sb.(by)用……与某人联络/沟通

We communicate with each other by telephone/letter.


拓展:communication n.[u]通讯[c]消息pl.通讯系统

Radio and television are important means of communication.


Communications satellite helps the human a lot in many ways .


13.beeline n.两地之间的直线;捷径(指蜜蜂采蜜后径直飞向蜂房,这条路叫beeline)

(1)make a beeline for sb./sp.走近路;走直路;向……直行

As soon as the meeting was over, he made a beeline for the pub.


If you want to catch up with them, you’d better make a beeline for them.


(2)in a beeline 成直线地,笔直地

The pupils went to the museum in a beeline.


14.come to light 发现,暴露(= be discovered / exposed /found out / be brought to light)

Much more new evidence has come to light(has been discovered/has been exposed/has been brought to light),so the judges have to sentence the man to death.


When the old woman died, it came to light that she was actually very rich.


15.be different from与……不同

Your idea is different from mine.


对比:make sb./ sth. different from使某人/某物不同于……

Her special accent makes her different from others.


16.one after another一个一个地,表示数量多并连续出现

School was over and students went out of the school gate one after another.


对比:one by one表示按顺序逐个进行或出现

Don’t hurry! You should enter the office one by one.


拓展:by and by一点一点地,逐渐地 little by little一点一点地

step by step 一步一步地,循序渐进地

17.amaze vt.使……惊奇 = astonish, surprise

The news amazed us greatly.这条消息使我们感到很惊奇。


They were all amazed at the amazing news.


(2)amazement n.

to one’s amazement令人吃惊的是

To my amazement, they have gone to Xishuangbanna.


类似短语:to one’s happiness/excitement/sadness/puzzlement


18.the more…,the more… 越……就越……

The harder you study, the more progress you’ll make.


对比:more and more… 越来越……

Our school is becoming more and more beautiful.


19.again and again = time and time again = over and over = over and over again再三地

The old man thinks of his happy past again and again.



题1 (NMET )

As we joined the big crowd. I got from my friends.

A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed

分析:A。get separated from sb.和某人分开。

题2(NMET 北京)

-How are the team playing?

-They’re playing well, but one of them hurt.

A. got B. gets C. are D. were

分析:A。got hurt意为“受伤”。get后接过去分词表示被动,受伤的事发生在过去,要用一般过去时。

题3 (2002 上海春季)

It long before we the result of the experiment.

A. will not be; will know B. will not be; knew

C. will not be; know D. is; know

分析:C。It will not be long是主句,意为不久;在before引导的时间状语从句中,要用一般现在时表示将来。

题4 (NMET 2001北京)

at the door before entering, please.

A. Knocked B. To knock C. Knocking D. Knock


题5 (,北京春)

We’re living in an age many things are done on computer.

A. which B. that C. whose D. when


题6 (2002 上海,35)

There is a feeling in me we’ll never know what a UFO-not ever.

A. that B. which C. of which D. what


题7 (2003 上海)

It is believed that if a book is , it will surely the reader.

A. interested; interest B. interesting; be interested

C. interested; interesting D. interesting; interest

分析:D。interesting有趣的;interest vt.使……感到有趣。

题8 (2003 上海春)

It was because of bad weather the football match had to be put off.

A. so B. so that C. why D. that

分析:D。这是一个强调句,对because of bad weather进行强调,强调句的结构是It is/was + 被强调的部分+that(who)…

题9 (2001 上海春)

It was for this reason her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in small village.

A. which B. why C. that D. how

分析:C。这是一个强调句for this reason进行强调,其明显标志是介词for.

篇5:高三复习教案SBⅢ unit 15-16(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)



dip into here and there in a word once again look out for above all refer to shut up key to in other words take turns look over one’s shoulder remind sb. of offer(n.) fix a date for on one’s way to show sb. around have a gift for offer…to lead to so long as hear sb.’s advice value(v.) call in after all eat up report sb. to sb. work out


Will you come to…?

Yes, I’d love to…

Would you like to…?

Yes, that’s very kind/nice of you.

I’d like to invite you to…

I’d love to, but…

I’m sorry… That’s nothing

I apologize… Never mind.

Please excuse me… It’s not important.

I’m afraid… That’s all right/OK

I ought to… Don’t worry.

What a shame! Forget it !





1.swallow vt.吞吃;不嚼就吃下去

She swallowed the medicine with the help of some water.


He just swallows his food; he is always in a hurry.


2.dip into 蘸进;随便翻阅;稍稍研究

I haven’t read that book properly. I’ve only dipped into it.


I’ve only dipped into politics.


3.in a word总之=in one word

In a word, I don’t trust him.


Tom is brave, careful and calm. In a word, he is admirable.


4.belong to属于

无被动结构,也不用进行时态。下列单词和词组也无被动形式:appear, disappear, happen, take place, break out等。

The house belongs to him.这所房子归他所有。

The book belongs to my deskmate.


5.be likely to 易于……;有可能的.


I shall be likely to catch cold if I go out tonight without my overcoat.


Is that magazine likely to interest you?


6.get a general idea of 对……了解大意(大概情况)

Read the chapter quickly to get a general idea.


I have a general idea of that town.


7.come across=meet with(meet…by chance/accident)无意中碰到,找到,想到

Perhaps I shall come across him somewhere in the park.


He came suddenly across an idea.


8.in other words换句话说

In other words, they failed to pass the exam.


He became, in other words, a great hero.


9.take turns = take in turns轮流(做某事)

The two boys took turns at digging the hole.


The three men took turns to drive so one would not be too tired.


10.talk things through把话说完;充分讨论

You’d better talk things through. I will listen with complete attention.


If I had enough time, I would have talked things through.


11.on one’s way to…正在到……,动身往……,在往……的路上

He was on his way to school when suddenly a policeman stopped him.


They telephoned to say that they were on the way, but they might be late.


I called on a friend of mine on my way back.


You mustn’t forget to call in at Brown’s on the way home.


拓展:by the way顺便说;in the way挡道;in a way 某种意义上;lose one’s way迷路;by way of 途经,经由;work one’s way 通过苦干……;no way决不;make one’s way 前进;all the way to…一路至……

12.lively adj.生动的,活泼的

He told a lively story about his life in Africa.


Young children are usually lively.



friendly 友好的;lovely可爱的;orderly井然有序的;comradely同志般的;motherly母亲般的;daily每天的;weekly每周的;monthly每月的;yearly每年的;lonely寂寞的,偏僻的;deadly致命的;likely可能的。



He was alive when he was taken to the hospital.


Although he is old, he is still very much alive.


live(1)(动、植物)活着的,作前置定语;如:a live fish一条活鱼

(3)实况的,现场直播的;如:a live report现场报道


Her grandfather is still living at the age of 93.


13. make money = earn money赚钱

He made a lot of money by playing music.


It is very easy to make money in that city.




零用钱:pocket money 外币:foreign currency

硬币:a coin 纸币:a bill(美),a note(英)

零钱,找头:change 伪钞:counterfeit money, bogus money


lose money 亏本;for love or money无论如何;

put money into… 投资于;put money on… 在……上打赌;

spend money like water挥金如土;earn good money赚大钱


Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。

Money talks.金钱万能。

Time in money.一寸光阴一寸金。

14.lead to(prep.)+n./v-ing引起,造成,导致

Too much work or too little rest often leads to illness.


Difference of opinion led to a heated argument.


15.so song as/as long as 只要……

You will succeed so long as you work hard.


It is a good idea to start a part-time job.


16.in time及时(=not later than),终究(=sooner or later)

I hope you will arrive in time for the meeting .


Work hard and you will succeed in time.


17.affect(=have an effect on sth.)vt.影响(effect n.影响)

This may affect your health.


My throat is always affected by bad weather.


18.be ready to do sth.(=be willing to do sth.)乐意做某事

Tom is always ready to help others.


If I’ve made any mistake, I’m ready to apologize.


19.play a trick on sb.= play with sb.捉弄某人,耍弄计谋

He is always playing tricks on others.


Don’t play tricks on me. I want to know the truth.


up 的用法:adv.守全,彻底

Time is up.时间到了

Have you used up you money?


常用短语:eat up吃光;tear up撕掉;use up用光;lock up锁住;burn up烧光;get up起床;up and down上上下下,来来往往。


题1 (NMET 2003 北京)

-How long at this job?

-Since 1990.

A. were you employed B. have you been employed

C. had you been employed D. will you be employed


题2 (NMET 2003 上海)

By the end of last year, another new gymnasium in Beijing.

A. would be completed B. was being completed

C. has been completed D. had been completed

分析:D。“by the end of last year”到去年年底,是过去的过去,故用过去完成时。

题3 (NMET 2001 上海春)

Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up

I could answer the phone.

A. as B. since C. until D. before


题4 -How are the team playing?

-They’re playing well, but one of them hurt.

A. got B. gets C. are D. were

分析:A。got hurt受伤,get 后接过去分词表示被动。受伤的事发生在过去,需用一般过去时。

题5 (NMET 2003 北京)

-I’m sorry I’m calling you so late.

- okay.

A. This is B. You’re C. That’s D. I’m

分析:C。此题考查道歉与应答,That’s okay.这晨相当于That’s all right.(没关系)。

题6 (NMET 2003 北京春)

-What happened to the priceless works of art?

- .

A. They were destroyed in the earthquake

B. The earthquake was destroying them

C. They destroyed in the earthquake

D. The earthquake destroyed them


题7 (NMET 2003 上海)

After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for an hour, thinking of her thinking of her young and happy days.

A. as long as B. as soon as C. as much as D. as many as

分析:A。指时间“长达”应用as long as 表达。

题8 (NMET 2001 全国)

I was really anxious about you. You home without a word.

A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left

C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave

分析:B。shouldn’t have done表示本不该做某事,而实际上做了。

篇6:高三复习教案SBⅢ unit 17-18(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)



simple-minded human being burst into laughter reach out bring sb. into touch with look back upon as well as ill-formed no matter what all over again keep on doing sth. rather than especially take an action fix up provide into the open put out question(v.) make ends meet


May/Can/Could I…?

Of course./ Yes. /Sure./Certainly.

I wonder if I could…

Go ahead. That’s OK/all right.

Would/Do you mind if I…?

Not at all.

I’m sorry you can’t.

I’m sorry, but…

You’d better not.

Hello. Is…in/there? Hello, this is…(speaking).

May/Could I speak to …? I’m sorry, she/he isn’t here

Hello, is that…? right now.

Hello. Who is that /it? Hold on please.

Could you give her/hima message? Can I take a message(for you)?

I called to say/ask/tell you…




1. simple-minded头脑简单的,纯朴的

The white-haired girl was named Xi’er.


The milddle-aged woman is warm-hearted and is always willing to help others.



(1) adj+n.+ed:cold-blooded冷血的middle-aged中年的

(2) n. +pres.p.(现在分词):English-speaking说英语的man-eating吃人的

(3) n. + adj:snow-white雪白的world-famous世界闻名的


(5) n.+ past p.(过去分词):man-made人造的

(6) adj.+ pres. p.:good-looking好看的

(7) adv. + past. P. :well-known著名的

2.human(being)[c]人,与动物等对比的人(the human人类)

A human being tells the machine what to do, when to do and how to do.


In the story human beings were replaced by robots.


3.look back upon/on回顾,回想过去

I like to look back upon my high-school days.


Perhaps some day it will be pleasant to look back upon these days.



look as if /as though看起来好像

look around环视四周

look after照顾;照看 look out当心

look behind回头看 look through浏览

look down向下看 look up 向上看;查寻

look into调查;研究

4.believe in(=trust/trust in)信赖;信任;信仰

Tom is honest. I believe in him.


He doesn’t believe in anybody in the world.


We believe in socialism.


对比:believe sb.相信某人的话是真的。

I believe what he said this time though he often tells lies.




The fact remains that she is a liar.


They went off but she remained three days in that country.


(2)link v.(continue to be)+pred.(表语)(n./adj./pres. p. /past. p/ prep.p等)

The weather remains cold and wet.


Pollution in the city remains a problem.


You can’t let your room remain like this.



e.g. Let’s stay here until he appears.


拓展:remaining adj.剩下的the remaining money = the money left剩余的钱

remainings n.(复数)剩余(物),残骸,遗迹

the remains of ancient Rome 古罗马的遗迹

the remainder(of)=the rest(of)剩下的东西/其余的人


I owe a great to my parents.


He owes his success to good luck.


I owe thanks to you for your help.


拓展:owing to由于

The old professor couldn’t attend the meeting owing to illness.


7.dream v./n.做梦,迫切希望

As he slept, he dreamed a dream.


W e dream of peace.我们梦想和平。

拓展:dream a pleasant/sweet/horrible dream 做好梦/甜梦/噩梦

live a happy/quiet/hard/normal life 过幸福/平静/艰苦/正常的生活

die a glorious death死得光荣

8 .or else = other wise = if not否则

Hurry up or else you’ll be late.


Study hard or else you won’t pass the exam.


Put on more clothes or else you’ll catch a cold.多穿些衣服,否则你会感冒的。

9.Wht is more更重要的,而且

It’s a useful book, and, what is more, not an expensive one.


We invited a new speaker and, what is more, he was happy to come.


同义短语:moreover, in addition, besides, what’s wore

10.carry out进行,实行,执行

It was important to carry out the work quickly.赶快进行这些工作是重要的。

He did not carry out his promise to us.


用out构成的短语:look out向外看,小心work out算出来,实行。

leave out遗漏,忽视 take/bring out拿出来

thinking out想出 hold out伸出,支持,抵抗到底

11.as a result结果(发生某情况),可置于句首,也可置于句末

She got up very early. As a result, she was able to catch the early bus.


He has won the game. He is in high spirits as a result.


拓展:result from结果,来自…… result in 导致 as a result of……的结果是

His illness resulted from overwork.


Hard work results in success.努力终归成功。

(= Success results from hard work.成功来自努力)

The flight was delayed as a result of typhoon.该次班机因台风而延误。



Space research has progressed greatly.


(2) n. make great / little / no / much progress

He has made rapid progress in English this term.


Tom is not making much progress at school.


13.put out


It book the firefighters more than three hours to put out the big fire.


The book will be put out soon.


The police have put out a general call to the public.


The company put out 13 new machines every week.


The government will put out a new statement next week.


常用词组:put down 记下,写下,镇压 put up 举起,张贴,修建

put on 上演,穿上,戴上 put away 储存,收拾起来

put aside 存储,留下 put off推迟,延期

put up with忍受

对比:come out(vi.)bring out(vt.)publish(vt.)出版

14.question vt.询问,盘问,提问

You have no right to question me.


He was questioned by the police.


The teacher question us on verbs.


常用短语:ask sb. a question问某人问题

question(v.)sb. on就……提问某人


out of question(certainly)毫无疑问

without question毫无疑问

out of the question(quite impossible)不可能


(1)vt. The road connects London and Edinburgh.


The two cities are connected by a canal.


A good student must connect what he reads with and what he sees around him.


(2)be connected with与……有关系;与……有亲戚关系

She is connected with the Smiths.



Every family is joined to the world by Internet.



The soldier managed to escape by running into the woods.


You were lucky enough to escape punishment / being punished.



have a narrow escape 九死一生,死里逃生

17.once conj.一旦……(就……)

Once you began, you couldn’t stop.


Once you object to a man, everything he does is wrong.


对比:once强调条件意味;as soon as强调时间的紧接

As soon as you come to Beijing, please let me know.


18.(1)cause n.(大家为之奋斗的)事业

Helping the poor is a worthy cause.


World peace is the cause he works for.



The sound caused me to jump back.



题1 (NMET 北京)

All the people at the party were his supporters.

A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important


题2 (NMET 北京)

-I’m very with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.

-Mm, is does have a smell.

A. pleasant; pleased B. pleased; pleased

C. pleasant; pleasant D. pleased; pleasant

分析:D。pleased常用于形容人,pleasant 常用于形容物。第一句话表示对自己的烹调感到满意,第二句话表示所做的食物很好闻。

题3 ( 上海)

As I know, there is car in this neighborhood.

A. no such B. no a C. not such D. no such a

分析:A。not和可数名词单数连用时,要加不定冠词a(an),no和可数名词单数连用时,不用冠词。There is no such car.或There is not such a car.

题4 (NMET 2001 北京)

I’m surprised that you should have been fooled by such a (an) trick.

A. ordinary B. easy C. smart D. simple


题5 (NMET 2000)

If you want to change for a double room you’ll have to pay $ 15.

A. another B. other C. more D. each

分析:A。“再付十五美元”用“another + 基数词 + 复数名词”或“基数词 + more + 复数名词”。

题6 (春季高考题)

the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.

A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given

分析:A。此题考查过去分词短语作条件状语从句的用法。从题意来判断,前部分是条件,后部分是主句,其主语是to recover from the operation,而不定式的逻辑主语是him,因此可以用过去分词短语来表示被动。

题7 (2002全国高考题)

The research is so designed that once nothing can be done to change it.

A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. began

分析:D。once表示条件,意为“一旦……”,题干中once后面的部分可以完全地写为:once it is begun,其省略形式为once begun.

题8 (2000全国)

It’s always difficult being in a foreign country, if you don’t speak the language.

A. extremely B. naturally C. basically D. especially


题9 (2000 北京)

-Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard?

-NO, dear. They don’t well. Put them in the fridge instead.

A. keep B. fit C. get D. last

分析:A。don’t keep well意为“不能很好地保存”。

题10 Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

分析:D。more than twice表示数量,放在as…as结构前,是……的两倍多。美国人现在每人所吃的蔬菜果19的两倍多。

篇7:-高考复习教案 Unit 9 Book1A(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

Unit 9 Technology

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. Key words: agree,depend,remind, add, succeed

2. Important phrases: stay /keep in touch with, call for, in case of, according to, take over, break down

3. Classic Patterns: whatever(whoever,whomever, whichever)leads the noun-clauses/ no matter what(who, which…)

4. Differences between words and phrases:

1) Latest/ late/ last/ lately/newest/ later/latter

2) more than/ more…than

5. Grammar: the passive voice of continous

6. Communicative phrases:

Agreement and disagreement

Teaching Steps:

Step 1 Have a dictation of the words and expressions.

Step 2 Translate the following sentences with the words and expressions in the text.

Step 3. language points.

1. agree v


with one’s idea (opinion, what sb. said )

to one’s plan / arrangement/ suggestion

on /upon sth. 就。。。。。达成协议/共识

to do sth.同意做某事

that …同意做某事(从句)

agree 的反义词disagree, 名词为agreement

food/ climate… agrees with sb.食物/气候适合某人

The climate here doesn’t agree with sb.

Sth. agree with sth. 与。。。。。。一致

They say your report doesn’t agree with the fact. But I don’t agree with them on this point.

2. depend的用法。depend on/upon是固定词组,意为“依靠”,“依赖”,“信任”,不能用于被动语态或进行时,常见搭配有:depend on/upon sb. to do sth.指望某人做某事;depend on/upon+wh-从句,取决于;depend on/upon it+that从句,指望,对……深信不疑;It/That all depends. 是习惯用语,表示“视情况而定”;dependence n. 依赖;dependent adj有依赖性的;independence n.独立;independent adj.独立的。


31. --Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation﹖--It all depends on.

32. Whether we’ll go camping tomorrow depend on the weather.

33. Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.

34. You may depend on that he will join the club.

35. Health is depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep.

3. remind/remember


A.①The story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had.

②I'll have to remind my son to do his homework.

③The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.

4.add vt/ vi

add … to…

add to The bad weather added to our difficulty.

add sth.up/ together

add up to

5. success n cn/ un

succeed in doing sth.

be successful in doing sth.

have success in doing sth.

do sth. successfully

Sb. (Sth.) is a success.

Take off / come off / pay off / work out well

Manage to do sth.

Was/were able to do sth.

5. ①Although many families became separated, people still stay /kept in touch with each other.(=people were still in touch with each other.)

②We have been out of touch with them for about two years.

③They have lost touch with the astronauts in the space ship.They are trying to get in touch with them again.

6. .①This problem calls for careful thought.

②People were calling for freedom of all slaves.

③I’ll call for it on my way home this evening.

④Yesterday I called at his house but he wasn’t at home.I’m going to call on him again this afternoon.

⑤I’ll call you up at about 7 o’clock.(=ring you up)

⑥Lincoln called on his people to fight against slavery.

⑦Because of bad weather, the sports meeting was called off.(取消)

⑧We called in a doctor.(找来,请来)

⑨call out to sb./ call back

7. .①He might not come this evening.In that case, we won’t hold the party.

②You’d better take your umbrella in case it rains.(以防)

③In case it rains, I won’t come back tonight.(如果)

④In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.(假使;如果发生)

⑤ In any case you mustn’t tell a lie.(无论如何)

⑥We will in no case use nuclear weapons first.(=never)

⑦In no case will we use nuclear weapons first.

7. take over 接受,接管;借用,承袭

I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday.我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。

take back 拿回来

take back one's words 收回(刚讲的话)

take A for B 把A误认为是B

take in sth 接受;吸收

take in sb 欺骗,领会,理解

take off 起飞,取消;脱下, 完成

take on 呈现,承担

take on sb 雇用 take up 占据(时间,地方),从事于

8. ①A fire broke out last night.

错误:A fire was broken out.

②The First World War broke out in 1914.

③The leaders of Taiwan attempt to break away form another state.

④You should break away from such habits.

⑤The car broke down.So we were late.

⑥A thief broke in during the night and stole some money.

⑦A thief broke into his house and stole some money.

⑧Don’t break in while others are speaking.

⑨The police broke up the crowd in the street.

9. ①I wonder what you call these flowers.

②She wondered why they hadn’t given her an answer.

③I was wondering how to get there quickly.(=I was wondering how I could get…)

④I wonder that she didn’t come to see you.(=I think it strange that she didn’t…)

⑤I don’t wonder at his anxiety.(=I don’t feel strange that he is anxious.)

⑥The Great Wall is one of the wonders that the Chinese people have worked / done.

⑦It’s a wonder that you didn’t get lost in the forest.(说来也怪)

⑧He studied harder this term than last term.It’s no wonder that he got the first in the final term exam.(难怪;不足为怪)

10. Fill the blanks with the words late/later /latter/ latest /last/lately.

1.On TV is broadcasting the ______ news about the war.( latest )

2.I was 10 minutes late for class this morning because I got up late

3.Later he became a lawyer.

4.She is wearing the latest.

5.Which do you prefer, the former or the latter ?

6.Which do you prefer, the first or the last ?

7.Have you ever heard from him lately/ recently ?


late adj. adv. I was 10 minutes late for class this morning because I got up late.

late --- later ---latest

later adv. Later he became a lawyer.

latest adj. the latest newspaper the latest Paris fashion

n. the latest the latest about the war

She is wearing the latest in hats.

at the latest 最迟

late ---latter---last

Which do you prefer, the former or the latter ?

Which do you prefer, the first or the last ?

late ---- lately / recently Have you ever heard from him lately/ recently ?

11. .①That mountain is more than 1 500 meters high.(=over)

②More than one person was invited.

③She is more than pleased with her daughter’s performance.(=very)

④Bamboo is used for more than building.(=Bamboo is not only used for building.)

⑤She is more hardworking than wise.(意为“与其说……,不如说……”, 舍后者取前者)

⑥His whole school education added up to no more than one year.

cf..less than也可以表示“与其说……,不如说……”, 舍前者取后者

而more … than…意为“与其说……,不如说……”, 舍后者取前者.

12. ①You can do whatever you like.(=You can do anything that you like.)

②Whatever you do, do your best.

③No matter what you do, do your best.

④Whatever I have is yours.(=Anything that I have is yours.)

篇8:Unit 1 单元标题(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)

--湖北省应城市杨岭高中杨 柳老师






(1) From the passage we know that ______.

(2) The best title of the passage should be ______.

(3) The main idea of the Paragraph is to _______.

(4) The main purpose of the passage is to _______.

(5) Which of the following best describes the main point of the passage?



(1) According to the passage, the author mentions _______.

(2) Which of the following does the author discuss?

(3) Choose the right order of the events.

细节问题询问的是作者说了些什么,其答案在本文中已明确表述过,此时最好的办法就是在文中找出相关的细节,虽然答案中有的细节在文中很清楚,但可能与问题无关。如果问题采用的是反向思维,题中含有not 或except等表示否定意义的词,则要更加注意。


(1) This article is particularly written for ______.

(2) The writer is trying to tell us ______.

(3) When the writer says----, he really means ______.

(4) The writer regards -----as ______.

(5) The writer’s attitude toward ----is _______.

做推理判断题时,要透过字里行间把握文章的真正内涵,客观地反映文章的思想,克服主观臆想。特别注意那些最能反映句子之间,段落之间的逻辑关系的连词。深刻而准确地把握文章 的重点内容。


(1) The author uses the word “……” to mean ______.

(2) According to the passage , “……” probably means _____

(3) The word “……” in paragraph ---- refers to _______.

(4) The underlined word “……” means ______.

(5) The underlined phrase “……” means _____.



Text A

HONG KONG----Students from Hong Kong and Taiwan are clamoring(喧闹) for places in mainland universities following China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, a news report said on Monday.

The number of students from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao applying for postgraduate course on the Chinese mainland leapt(跃过)71.5 per cent in to 1,828, according the Hong Kong based South China Morning Post.

The number of Hong Kong students applying for degree places on the mainland has risen from 40 in 1992 to 252 last year, according to the territory’s (边境) examinations authority.

While the number of Taiwan applicants has exceeded(超过) 700, more than double last year,s total of 296, Xinhua reported.

The most popular universities are Beijing’s Peking University and Qinghua University, where US President George W. Bush delivered a speech to students on February 23, Jinan University in Guang zhou, Shanghai’s Fudan University and the Shanghai Medical University .

The newspaper quoted Deng Penghuai, head of School of International Education Tianjin University, as saying China’s WTO entry boosted(提高,促进)interest in Chinese universities in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

“ Many multinational(跨国的)corporations have entered or are about to enter the Chinese mainland,” he said. “They need people who know both sides of the world. Hong Kong and Taiwan students have advantage in this respect.”

“ So we see a lot of them now coming to the mainland to study. Many of them will then work for these companies on the mainland.”

1. The students from HK and Taiwan who come to study in mainland mainly ______ .

A. postgraduates B. university graduates

C. fresh-men D. middle-school students

2. More HK and Taiwan students have come to mainland for study mainly because ______ .

A. the territory examination is not out so strictly now

B. the mainland have more well-known universities

C. they want to help increase the understanding of the two sides

D. China’s entry of the WTO has provided more chances of employment

3. The rate of _______ students applying for degree places on the mainland increases the fastest.

A. Hong Kong B. Taiwan C. Macao D. Singapore

4. It can be inferred that after graduation some of the HK and Taiwan students will _____ .

A. come back home B. work in the mainland governments

C. settle down in the mainland D. stay and work in the multinational corporations

Text B

Have you ever wondered what you would look like if you were an Asian, Middle Eastern, black, white or Indian person? By stepping into the Human Race Machine, you can find out. When you sit inside it, the machine creates a digital image (数字影像) of your face. After pushing certain buttons, the machine uses various photos of people of a certain ethnic group mixed with your own facial features. From this, it can come up with an image showing how you would look as a member of a different race.

The machine is part of a traveling retrospective (回顾展) called “ Seeing and Believing: The Art of Nancy Burson.” Burson is a famous American photographer and inventor. The show of 100 photos and multimedia works was on view at the Grey ArtGallery in New York on April 20.

“ It is a strange feeling, just like stepping into someone else’s skin.” Said Hathy Zajchenko, a museum visitor from Pennsylvania, US. As soon as she sat down, she tried out a range of ethnic groups. “ The Middle Eastern image worked pretty well for me,” she said with a smile.

According to Burson, the machine is a prayer for unity. It is about seeing through differences to find the things we all share in common. Burson added the database (资料库) of Middle Eastern faces, both Arab and Jewish, after the terrorist attacks (恐怖袭击) on September 11. “ I have always wanted to allow people to see differently. I am a photographer. I am recording the unseen, because what we can not see is so much more interesting than what we can see,” Burson said.

For those who missed the show, the Human Race machine will be on view at the New York Hall of Science in the Queens district full-time as of June.

5. The Human Race Machine can ____ .

A. tell you what you would look like if you were a member of another ethnic group

B. create a digital image of your face and change it

C. turn your pray into reality

D. let people step into someone else’s skin

6. The phrase “ come up with” in the first paragraph means ____.

A. get nearer B. produce C. come out D. change

7. When Kathy Zajchenko said that the Middle Eastern image worked well for her, she meant that ____ .

A. she would like to change her face B. she had a strange feeling

C. she was satisfied with what she looked like as a Middle Eastern person

D. she could buy the Human Race machine

8. The sentence “ The machine is a pray for unity” means _____ .

A. the Human Race machine can unite the facial feather of a different ethnic group with your own

B. the machine shows that no matter what race people are , there are some things we all have in common

C. one can pray before the machine

D. if you want, the machine can change your face

9. Burson added the database of Middle Eastern faces after the September 11 attack because ____.

A. she wanted to show people what terrorists look like

B. she wanted to record what people can not see

C. she wanted to be famous as a photographer

D. she wanted to let people see the foreign people

Text C


Products for a Safe Environment


You are going to love this natural soap. There are no chemicals in it. It is very good for your hands and face. D4545-GARDEN SPRAY

Insects are going to run away from our new chili garlic spray. It is safe and natural.


You are not going to need 5 or 6 chemical cleaners. You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!


You are going to say, “ No paper or plastic!” You have this excellent heavy canvas shopping bag.

Item Code Price

Natural shampoo T6762 $3.00

Garden spray D4544 $2.50

Canvas bag A2104 $4.00

Hand soap A2477 $1.00

Home cleaner B2377 $2.25

Postage: $3.50

10. Dr clean is _______.

A. an expert in cleaning everything B. a newly-invented machine

C. a can of cleaning powder D. a magic cloth for cleaning

11. According to the ads, where can you mail your letter to if you want something to kill ants?

A. D4545 Garden Spray B. Sunshine Company

C. Safe Environment Product D. The Dr Clean’s

12. According to the ads. How much do you have to pay for three shampoos and two canvas bags totally?

A. $ 12.25 B. $ 20.50 C. $ 13.50 D. $ 17.00

Text D

Pat Brown went to her bank to ask for an ATM card. It looks like a credit card. A few weeks later, the bank posted her a card and a four number personal identification number (PIN) .Her PIN is 1234。

As Pat was getting ready for bed one night, she remembered that she had only$2 in her bag. The next day she had go pay$10 for a lunch for a co-worker. She didn’t want to get up early to go to the bank. So she went to the bank that night. She used her ATM card to withdraw (take out) $50 from her checking account.

These are the steps she followed to withdraw money. First, she put her card in the lower slot on the right side of the machine. She made sure her card was facing the right way. Second, the computer screen (window) said,“Please enter (put in) your PIN.”Pat pressed the numbers 1,2,3,4. Next the screed said,“Please select the type of transaction you want by pressing the correct keys.”Pat pressed the bottom key for withdrawing money.

Then the screen said,“From which account?”The choices it gave were “Checking”,“Saving”,and“Money market”.Pat pushed the key for “Checking”.Next, the screen said,“Please select (choose) amount of transaction.”Pat pushed the number“5”and then“0”three times, until the screed read,“50.00.”The scr5een then read,“Please wait.”In less than a minute , it read,“Please lift (rise) the lid and take your money.”

Pat lifted the lid marked“Withdraw”.She counted her $50 to make sure the ATM hadn’t make a mistake. Then she waited for her withdrawal slop to come out of the slot at the upper right corner of the machine. Pat checked the slip to make sure was correct. Then her ATM card was returned through the card slot. She put it in her bag and walked away. If Pat had made a mistake at any point by pressing the wrong button (number), she could have pressed “Cancel”and started over again.

13.What did Pat do immediately after choosing the account?

A. Selected whether to withdraw, deposit, of transfer money.

B. Lifted the lid and removed her money.

C. Selected the amount of money she wanted to withdraw.

D. Got back her ATM card.

14.When did Pat enter her PIN?

A. Right after inserting her card.

B. Right before selecting the account.

C. Right before selecting the amount of money.

D. Right after selecting withdrawal.

15.When did Pat enter her PIN?

A. Right after selecting which account she wanted.

B. Right before receiving her withdrawal slip.

C. Right before selecting the amount.

D. Right after recording her PIN.

16.What did Pat do when the screed said,“Please lift the lid …”?

A. Got out her card. B. Took her $50.

C. Selected the type of transaction she wanted.

D. Picker up her withdrawal slip.

Text E

One hundred new bookstalls that will sell newspapers as well as books have been making their debut on city streets since Saturday morning.

The newsstands are part of the city’s efforts to improve the appearance of streets and neighborhoods. The news-stands’ design, featuring large glass window, will help the customers to see what is on sale at a glance.

An electrical screen on the newsstands will announce immediately the arrival of the latest papers. The newsstands will also help collect utility fees. There will be 1,000 newsstands by the end of the year. The newly formed Oriental Books and Papers Service Co. Ltd will manage the stalls. According to sources from the company, over 80 percent of the people hired to operate the stands will be recruited from laid-off workers. This means the project will help ease the city’s unemployment pressure, sources said.

All recruited will undergo a training programme and be clad in green uniform. Municipal Vice-part Secretary Gong Xueping said the installation of the 100 stands was just the first step towards the objective of setting up 1,000 stands in the city by the end of the year.

He said the creation of the stalls would be of particular significance to the enhancement of the city’s spiritual civilization. He also made some suggestions regarding the location, design, and construction of the new stands, and the renovation of the existing newsstands.

17. One hundred new bookstalls are set up to _______ .

A. classify the bookstores B. beautify the streets and neighborhood

C. enrich people’s minds with knowledge D. increase people’s purchasing power

18. The newsstands are made of large glass windows to ______ .

A. beautify the streets B. differ from other shops

C. let the customers browse through what they want

D. reduce the expenses of the construction

19. Which sentence is not true?

A. The newsstands also help gather together other public service charges

B. The newsstands will make known the arrival of the current issue of paper.

C. These kinds of newsstands will widely set up.

D. The newsstands just sell newspapers and magazines.

20. What is the other purpose of building these newsstands? Give the laid-off workers a chance

to _______.

A. make a living B. take up hobbies

C. ease their pressure D. enrich their minds

Text A

1B。 因为是申请读研究生,所以这些申请人自然是大学毕业生

2D。 由第六段可以推出。

3A。 香港申请的学生增长了212人,增长率为530%,为三地最大。台湾增长率为50%,其他两地没提到。

4D。 从文中最后一句可知。

Text B






Text C

10C。 在B2377-HOME CLEANER中提到You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!


12B。这是一道计算题3*3+4*2=17, 17+3.5=20.5,别忘了加邮资

Text D

13C. 根据第一段第二段内容可知答案为C


15D。PIN=person identification number, 结合第一段,故选D


Text E

17B。 根据第二段to improve the appearance of streets and neighborhoods, 可以判断答案为B

18C。根据第二段 the newsstands’ design, will help the customers to see what is on sale at a glance. 可知答案为C。

19D。文章告知sell newspapers and books, 故D为错误。


Text A

Art Exhibition: The 16th Asian International Art Exhibition from Dec.18, 2001 to jan.10, at the Guangdong Museum of Art.

The exhibition will highlight over 300 works from Japan, Korea, China Mainland, China HongKong, China Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippine, Indonesia and Australlia.

RMB 70,90,100

Booking Tel: 88677766

Concert: Christmas Concert performed by German organist Thorsten Macder and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Yu Feng.


8pm on Dec 23,

Symphony performing Hall. Guangdong Xinghai Concert Hall.

Booking Tel: 87352222

Hotel: Thailand cuisine festival: in the Greenery Café at Garden Hotel from Dec.20,2001 to Feb 20,2002.

Booking Tel: 87675443

Performance: The night between him and her

At Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall; 8pm on December 6,7,9

RMB 100,160,200,260

Tel: 89785656

21. The group of the advertisements are mainly on ______ in Guangzhou Morning Post.

A. sports B. business trade C. city life D. city guide

22. If you want to go to the concert with your two friends, you will at least carry ______ yuan with you.

A. 240 B. 160 C. 80 D. 190

23. The countries in the 16th Asian International Art Exhibition are all in Asia except ______.

A. Korea B. China Macau C. Indonesia D. Australia

24. If you want to enjoy yourself on December 7, you will probably dial the telephone number ___ ____.

A. 89785656 B. 87675443 C. 87352222 D. 88677766

Text B

Michael, a typical American, stays home on workday. He plugs into his personal computer terminal in order to connect with the office. After work he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Michael does not talk to any other human beings, and he does not see any people except the ones on television. Michael is imaginary, but his life style is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.

The world of business is one area which technology is isolating us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents and accountants could do their fobs at display terminals in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people they’re dealing with. In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers’ salaries will be automatically paid into their band accounts, making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts.

Another area that technology is changing is entertainment. Music, for instance, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them.. Movie entertainment is changing, too. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living rooms.

25. The sentence,“Michael is imaginary, but his life style is very possible”means _______.

A. Michael is a person full of imagination and he can make his dreams come true.

B. Michael is not a real person but the life style does exist.

C. Michael has ambitions but he can’t make his dreams come true.

D. Michael is a person full of imagination and his style is common nowadays.

26. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Clerks will be able to work at home.

B. One can play baseball on the computer.

C. One can listen to music without disturbing others.

D. One can borrow books from libraries at home.

27. What will the author most probably discuss after the last paragraph?

A. Games and sports. B. Personal banking. C. Music and films.

D. International business.

28. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. We may no longer need to communicate with other human being.

B. Modern technology seems to be separating human being.

C. We any no longer need to work in the office.

D. Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home.

Text C

The Internet is a system of electronic communication. It helps people share information, communicate with family and friends, and start businesses. But these people must have use for a computer, and know how to use it. And they must have a connection, usually through a telephone line or an Internet center. All of this costs money. For many poor people, a so-called“digital divide”exists. People who cannot connect to the Internet become poorer, while those who can become richer.

The United Nations is working to solve this problem. In December, it will hold a conference in Geneva, call the World Summit on the Information Society. Political and business leaders will come together will delegates from nongovernmental organizations, educational groups and others.

They will discuss the fast-growing information technology industry and its effects on the world.

UN organizers say they hope the gathering will lead to a political declaration and action plan. The goal is to bridge the digital divide between rich and poor nations. A second conference, to examine progress, will take place in Tunisia in .

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan recently spoke to business leaders at a meeting in New York. Mister Annan urged them to take part in the World Summit on the Information Society. He told them that industry can play an important part in limiting technological differences between countries. He noted that some companies already made efforts to improve Internet skills among poor Americans. The UN Secretary General urged businesses to also look for projects in developing countries.

Cisco Systems in San Jose, California, is one company that already does that. In , Cisco began a special program to teach Internet technology skills to people around the world. Today, the Cisco Networking Academy has spread to 145 nations.

Mister Annan says more ideals like this are needed to close the digital divide. He says information technology is not a magic answer for poor nations, but it can lead to peace and development. He says news and information provided through the Internet help build trade, employment, good government and democracy around the world.

29. According to the passage, the so-called “digital divide” here mainly refers to it that _______.

A. people in poor countries do not know how to use computers

B. the rich countries have more money than the poor countries

C. there is not Internet system in poor countries

D. as a result of economic factor, poor nations can not share information technology with rich nations equally

30. According to Kofi Annan, we can know ________.

A. without question information technology can provide a chance for the development of the world

B. all the business leaders will look for projects in developing countries

C. all the people in rich countries have mastered Internet skills

D. poor countries can have magic power on the Internet

31. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The World Summit on the Information Society will be good news for developing countries

B. All the people with enough money can enjoy the Internet.

C. Perhaps there is a long way to go for the development of poor nations

D. The company Cisco has done a good job in teaching Internet technology skills to people around the world .

32. Which of the following can be the proper title for the passage?

A. The poor Becomes Poor, the Rich Richer

B. Digital Divide in Developing Nations

C. Meeting on Internet Technology

D. Internet Technology in Developing Countries

Text D

Will be the year of the first human clone? An Italian fertility expert says a patient will give birth to a cloned baby early next year but experts, including one who helped create Dolly, the sheep, are skeptical.

Dr. Senerino Antinori told a news conference in Rome on Tuesday that the cloned baby is due in January.

The maverick doctor gained fame nearly a decade ago when he helped a 62-year-old woman give birth following fertility treatment with a donated egg, but he has revealed few details about his latest project. All he would say was that the cloned fetus was healthy and weighed roughly 6 pounds.

Other experts in the field have grave doubts.

Cloning experts doubt Antinori or his unknown colleagues have the expertise to clone a human. Although sheep, mice and pigs have been cloned, scientists have not yet produced a carbon copy of any primate.

Antinori did not produce any evidence so scientists do not know if he has achieved anything or if he is just seeking publicity.

Dolly, the sheep was cloned using a technique called nuclear transfer. The nucleus of an egg cell was removed and replaced with the nucleus from a cell of the animal to be cloned.

It is a skilled and risky technique. Only a small percentage of clones result in pregnancies(怀孕) and there is a high percentage of miscarriages (流产) and deformities (畸形).

Even animal clones that look healthy may have genetic abnormalities (变态) or be predisposed (偏向于) to a decreased life span because the cell used in the cloning process acquire DNA damage as they age.

Antinori has not given any clues about how the human embryo was cloned nor who the progenitor, the person who has been cloned, is. “ We will wait and we see what the DNA studies show if a baby is born.” One of the experts said, “ I just hope it will not have abnormalities.”

33. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Scientists Welcome Birth of Human Clone

B. Scientists Doubt Birth of Human Clone

C. Dr. Severino Antinori, the Great Cloning Expert

D. The First Human Clone Is Coming

34. From text, we know that the writer ________.

A. is sure the cloned baby is due in January

B. is not sure whether the cloned baby is due in January

C. is glad the cloned baby is due in January

D. feels sorry the cloned baby is due in January

35. The underlined word “ skeptical” probably means ________.

A. believable B. doubtful C. certain D. excited

36. Experts doubt Antinori because ________.

A. he is just seeking publicity

B. he has revealed few details about his latest project

C. he does not have the expertise to clone a human

D. they are not sure whether he has the expertise

Text E

In one very long sentence, the introduction to the United Nations Charter (宪章) expresses the idea and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the United Nations. “ We the people of the UN determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to mankind, and to reaffirm (重申) faith in fundamental fights, in the dignity (尊严) and worth of human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties (条约 )and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in large freedom, and for these ends, to practise tolerance (宽容) and live together in peace with one anther as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and instruction of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save (except) in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.”

The essential functions of the UN are to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally in solving international economic, social, cultural and human problems, promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and to be a center for coordinating the actions in attaining these common ends.

No country takes precedence over anther in the US. Each member’s rights and obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international disputes, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use of force against other states. Though the US has no right to intervene in any state’s internal affairs, it tries to ensure that nonmember states act according to its principles of international peace and security. UN members must offer every assistance in an approved UN action and in no way assist states against which the UN is taking preventive or enforcement action.

37. The first stated aim of UN was _______.

A. to assist the developing countries

B. to prevent a third world war

C. to revise international law

D. to watch and direct peace treaties

38. Under its Charter, the UN guarantees (保证)________.

A. never to use arms

B. better standards of life

C. to promote economic and social advancement

D. to employ international machines

39. The basic functions of the UN ________.

A. are including coordinating actions where necessary

B. B. are only concerned with human fights

C. Are economic and cultural

D. Are limited to discussions and debates

40. A country’s native politics ______.

A. are often changed by the UN

B. must be controlled by the UN

C. are not allowed to benefit from UN advice or assistance

D. can not be changed by force by the UN




24A。文中有 “At Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall; 8pm on December 6,7,9”.所以选 A。



27A。文章中谈到了B,C选项的事情,接下来作者最有可能谈A项中的事情,文章 中主要谈现代科技对个人生活方式的种种影响,故排出D

28B。文章 第一自然段中提到The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings. 此句是全文的中心,故最佳答案是B









37B。全文讲述联合国宪章与宗旨,有一定的难度,但各题在文中都能找到 supporting sentence. 本题是细节判断题。第二句提到建立UN的初衷,其后有“ 拯救后代不受战争蹂躏,它已两次给人类带来难言的灾难”,从中可以判断选B,其它三部分没有提到。



40D。 推理判断题。第三段说任何国家不能凌驾于其它国家之上,UN也无权干涉他国内务,但所有非成员国也必须以世界和平与安全为宗旨。

篇9:3B Unit 20(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

Aims and demand:


Importance and difficulty:

1. Words and expressions

Design, permit, think up , make a point , more than badly , throw off, lack , struggle

2. Sentences:

A. Even before India won independence from its British rulers, it was clear that Gandhi was the key figure and leader in the struggle of 380 million Indians to govern themselves.

B. He was a model of a different kind of political leader.

C. It was the duty of everyone to disobey this law, but without using violence.

D. On his return to India he had the chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case.

3. Grammar

A. We elect him monitor of our class.

B. I ordered them to go away at once.

C. I can hear the girl singing.

D. We consider him to be a great leader.

4. Useful expressions

A. What do you plan to do?

B. Why do you think it is possible….?

C. I decided …..

D. I insist on….

E. I will…..

Unit 20 Lesson 77 Gandhi : His life

Aims and demands:

1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability

2. Get the Ss know something about Gandhi’s life

Importance and difficulty:

Have a deeper understanding of the text.

Develop the Ss’ reading skill.

Teaching aid: tape recorder and slides.

Teaching method: reading and understanding

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Warming up

( Listen to a tape <听力强化训练> page 5 )

T: Where did these voices come from?

------ Perhaps they were on a strike or they were gathering in a place to ask for sth.

T: What did they want to have ?

----- The blacks wanted to be equal as whites.

Apartheid means ( policy of ) racial segregation ( in South Africa ).

T: Once in South Africa, blacks were badly treated by South African whites. Blacks had not rights to vote. They were not allowed to take the buses or trains for whites. Do you think the blacks and whites are equal?

----- No. Of course not.

T: The blacks were lack of equality. And this is called the racial discrimination.

T: Do you any great leaders who led the black people to let them live a better life?

----- Lincoln , Martin Luther King , Gandhi ……

T: Who were they ?

T: Do you know anything about? Where was Gandhi born?

----- He was born in India.

T: India was once ruled by the British . It was Gandhi who led the Indians to govern themselves.

Today we are going to read Gandhi’s life.

Step 2. Reading for general understanding

I. Questions:

1. In which countries did Gandhi work for the liberation of Indians?

------- India and South Africa.

2. What successes did Gandhi gain?

------ He became a lawyer; he won a victory over the Pass Law in South Africa: he won a victory over the law that did not allow Indians to make salt: he won independence for India.

II. Find out what happened to Gandhi in the following years:

In 1869 Gandhi was born in India.

In 1882 Gandhi was married at the age of 13, following the local custom.

In 1888 He sailed to England in September 1888.

In 1891 Gandhi became a lawyer.

In 1915 Gandhi returned to India and was honoured as a hero.

In 1948 Gandhi died on January 30 th ,1948.

Step 3. Careful reading

1. Do the comprehension exercises ( WB and paper comprehension )

Reading comprehension for Unit 20 Lesson 77 (3B) CBBDD CAC

1. This text is about ___.

A. Gandhi’s political life B. Gandhi’s family life

C. Gandhi’s life D. Gandhi’s professional life

2. What custom is mentioned in the text?

A. Dining B.Marriage C.Family D.Education

3. Gandhi had traveled from ___ to India.

A. England, India and South Africa

B. India, England and South Africa

C. India, South Africa and England

D. South Africa, India and England

4. Gandhi was ___.

A. a lawyer

B. a leader for equal rights

C. a leader in the struggle of Indians to govern themselves

D. all of the above

5. Gandhi did not want his people to get equal rights trough ___.

A. articles B.publicity C.marches D.violent fights.

6. Gandhi was ___ when India won her independence.

A. over 80 B. over 60 C. over 70 D. over 65

7. Gandhi was shot by ___.

A. an Indian who was against his ideas

B. a white man who hated him

C. an Indian who was sent by the British government

D. a white spy from England

8. The two movements in paragraph 5 are actually ___ movements.

A. economic (经济的) B. cultural

C. political D. Educational

2. Note making

Step 4. Practice ( Wb )

Step 5. Interview


Lesson 78 Gandhi: His beliefs

Aims and demands:

1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability

2. Get the Ss know something about Gandhi’s beliefs

Importance and difficulty:

Have a deeper understanding of the text.

Develop the Ss’ reading skill.

Teaching aid: tape recorder and slides.

Teaching method: reading and understanding

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision


1. Where was he born?

2. How old did he get married?

3. When and where did he go to study law? ---- In England in Sep. 1888.

4. Later he went to South Africa. Why did he go there?--- to work on a law case

5. How long did he stay there ? ---- 20 years

6. Did he do any writing at that time?

7. What did he write?------ He wrote about socialism in newspaper and started a magazine call “ Indian Opinion”.

8. When did he return to India? ---- 1915

9. What kind of things did he persuade Indian people to do?----- to be independent, to make their own cotton cloth to refuse to buy cloth made in England, to make their own salt

Step 2. Presentation

T: What do you think of Gandhi?

T: He was so great a man that all Indians respected him and he had become “father” to all Indians.

Step 3. Fast reading

Read the text fast and do the comprehension exercises:

1. text book ---Page 46 ( true or false )

2. reading comprehension

Reading comprehension for Unit 20 Lesson 78 I (3B) DCACB DCB

1. Gandhi was not ___.

A. a clever lawyer B. a determined fighter

C. a political leader D. a common leader

2. What drove Gandhi to struggle against all the unfairness?

A. His material desire.

B. His religious (宗教的)belief.

C. His belief in truth.

D. Other people’s expectations.

3. We can infer from the text that Gandhi seldom __.

A. lied B. talked with others

B. made mistakes D. praised himself

4. The first sentence in paragraph 2 means that ___.

A. he refused to be famous

B. he never made use of his position

C. he didn’t work for his personal interests

D. he liked to be a common person

5. Gandhi’s efforts for equality didn’t enable all Hindus to _____.

A. draw water from the same village well

B. be dressed the same

C. go to the same temple to pray

D. marry each other

6. Paragraph 5 talks about ___.

A. how Gandhi fought for the equality of women

B. how many unfair laws existed at that time

C. how people could escape from the punishment for their beliefs

D. how people should fight against unfair laws

7. The word “father” in paragraph 6 means ___.

A. all Indians became his sons

B. all Indians regarded him as their father

C. all Indians respected him

D. all Indians felt that he was above them

8. Einstein’s words mean ___.

A. Gandhi was only understood by few people

B. Gandhi was so great and outstanding that he can hardly be imagined

C. Future generations will not believe in his ideas

D. Gandhi could only be understood by the people of his times.

Reading comprehension II (Lesson 78) 3B ACDBC

1. Gandhi decided to live as a poor man because he ___.

A. did not have expensive tastes

B. valued ordinary people much

C. didn’t want to make money

D. believed in non-violence

2. What did Gandhi mean by “the force of truth”?

A. Great attention should be paid to the equality of women.

B. When people made mistakes he should admit them willingly.

C. Everyone should disobey the unfair law,, if any, but without using violence.

D. Everyone should be prepared to do heavy work , from leaders to the poorest peasants.

3. Which can be inferred from the 6th paragraph?

A. At that time the Indian burial customs were quite unusual.

B. Gandhi’s death aroused great unrest among the Indian people.

C. It seems quite ridiculous that he called for non-violent resistance , but was violently killed.

D. Gandhi was deeply loved and respected by his people, who showed great sorrow for his death.

4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Future generations will no longer believe in his ideas.

B. His contributions to the world are so great that it’s beyond our imagination.

C. Albert Einstein thought nobody but himself really understood Gandhi.

D. Gandhi could only be understood by the pjeople of his times.

5. “The secret lies in the title of the book…” The underlined word refers to ___.

A. how he became such a successful political leader

B. how he got over so many failures or difficulties in his life

C. why he was regarded as a model of a different kind of political leader

D. why he entitled his book The Story of My Experiments with Truth


1. What did Gandhi mean by “ the force of truth ”?

---- If an unfair law existed, it was the duty of everyone to disobey this law, but without using violence.

2. Which event is described in the text?

----- The Indian customs following his death.

Step 4. Careful reading

Read it again and do the comprehension 3 ----Page 46

Describe the character of Gandhi using the information from the text

1. His simple life: He refused to make any personal gain from his political work. He decided to live as a poor man and not to possess wealth. When he travelled across India, he travelled “hard-seat, unreserved”, together with peasants and other ordinary people. In cities he refused to travel in a rickshaw. He ate simply and never ate meat. He rose early in the morning and worked at his wheel, making cotton thread.

2. His interests: Gandhi was interested in all spiritual matters, not only in the Indian gods. All his life he reached out for the truths of spirits and gods.

3. His belief: Gandhi believed that one should be able to “love the most ordinary being on earth as oneself”. Gandhi hated the custom that had divided Hindu society into separate groups for thousands of years and his goal was to end this.

Step 5. Practice

Workbook --- Ex 2


Lesson 77

Aims and demand: Grasp the usage of the language points

Step 1. Text reviewing

T: Where was Gandhi born? ----- India.

T: Following the Indian local custom, what age should one get married? ----- 13

T: That is to say. Gandhi got married at 13.

T: What age is the Chinese boy / girl usually married?

Do you want to know my age of marriage ? ----- That’s a secret.

What age are you going to get married?

1. marry sb.

be married

get married

be married to sb.

T: Try to guess : When did I get marred?

When did your parents get married?

How long has his / her parents been married?

What is your father? ---- a worker, a teacher……

Then his mother has been married to a worker for … years.


They got / were married at the end of the war.

---你和露西结婚多久了?--- 了。

--- How long have you been married to Lucy?

--- For twenty years.

T: Gandhi sailed to England to study law and stayed there for 3 years. As soon as he came back to India , what did he do?

----- On his return to India, he had the chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case.

T: What is the first thing you will do on your arrival at home this Friday afternoon?

2. on one’s return …

on one’s arrival …

on the enterance …

on hearing …

on reaching…


He heard the news on his arrival at the airport.


On hearing the news , he hurried home.


The Ss stood up on the entrance of the teacher. ( true )

……………… on entering the teacher. ( wrong )

3. work on = be engaged in sth.

work on = work continuously


We are working on a new plan for travel.


He stayed in the lab and worked on till midnight.

He worked on in the lab until midnight.

T: What made him change his life?

--- The chance to travel to South Africa to work on a law case made him change his life.

This experience was to change his life.

4. “be + 不定式” 通常表示计划安排要做的事

I’m go meet him at the airport.


Worse was to come.-------( “Roots”) Page 8


You are to do your homework before you watch TV.

T: This experience was the turning point in his life. Listen to the tape and deal with the following language points.

5. insist on doing

insist that

He insisted on going there alone.

He insisted that he should go there alone.

He insisted that he was right.

He insisted that he had finished his homework.

6. play an important role in…

play an important part in …

7. be put in prison

be thrown in prison

8. have a gift for …

9. think up 想出 ,编出 ( invent , make up )

think of (考虑)打算,想出,想到,想着,想起

think about (考虑)回想(过去), 考虑某事是否可行

think over 仔细思考一遍

think of ……as 把……看作

Most of the masters thought of their slaves as animals that could be bought and sold.

Mary, are you thinking of marry Tom?

Who thought of/ up the plan?

We mustn’t think about your this matter any more.

I’ll think about your suggestion, and give you an answer tomorrow.( if it is possible )

Think over, and you’ll find a way.

10. with the purpose of 怀着……的目的

for the purpose of 为着……的目的

on purpose 有意地

11. following this 在。。。 之后

T: What will happen following the examination?

-----The result will come out.

T: What will happen following the heavy rain ?------ The river will be flooded.

Following the hot weather?----- Crops will die.

Step 2. Exercises

Correct the mistakes: ( Lesson 77)

1. Joan is going to marry with Hubert.

2. Gandhi was married at the age of 13, followed local custom.

3. Followed the doctor’s advice, my father has given up drinking.

4. The villagers still following the customs of their grandfathers.

5. In his return to India he had the chance to travel to South Africa.

6. In reaching the city he called up Mr. Smith .

7. After he returned home, he was honoured for a hero.

8. He had a gift in thinking up ways of making political points.

9. He was thrown off a train for insisting traveling in the whites-only section.

10. For twenty years he played important role in working for equal rights for Indians.

11. South Africa passed further laws were designed to make life difficult for non-whites.

12. Some of the Indians publicly burnt their permits and many of them were put in the prison.

13. Thousands of Indians, joined him when he led a march to the coast, on the purpose of “making a little salt.”

14. Follow this , 60,000 Indians , including Gandhi, were put in prison.

Lesson 78

Step 1. Deal with the language points

1. (translate) Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader.



Both of them are much more than schoolmates, they are close friends.

They were more than glad to help.


This more than satisfied me.


2. lie in 在于

T: He didn’t pass the exam, where did the problem lie?

Ss: It lies in his laziness.


That is where the real danger lies.

3. reach out for


He reached out for a book from the top of the shelf.

4. (translate ) One should be able to “love the most ordinary being on earth as oneself.”


being c生物(特指人)

a human being/ human beings

Men , women, and children are human beings.

All birds and animals are living beings.

on earth 在世界上,在人世间

in the world 。。。


They consider themselves the wisest men on earth.


Beijing will become the largest city on earth in area.

5. take up arms

6. as follows 固定词组 “如下” 以引出下文


Their suggestions are as follows.



There is hardly any wine in the bottle.

He hardly works at all.

He works hard at his lessons.

Such …as 象。。。这样的,诸如。。。这类


He wished to be such a leader as Gandhi.


Such a picture / photo as this should be kept in museum.

Step 2. Exercises

Fill in the blanks with a correct word ( Lesson 77~78)

1. He was busy ____ his work and did not notice me come ____. with, in

2. We should take ___ arms and fight ___ the Japanese invaders. up , against

3. Alice Green has been married ____ John Smith ___ ten months. to for

4. Diligence leads ___ success and failure often lies ____ laziness. to in

5. He demanded an end ___ the British rule ____ India. to over

6. Please let me go on ___ my work __ peace. with in

7. He reached __ his pocket __ some money. Into for

8. ___ last the enemy had to give ___ and we won the battle. at in

9. ___ her return __ the office, she began to work. On to

10. The notice reads ___ follows. as

Choose the correct answer ( Grammar exercises for object complement ) Lesson 77~78

1. Jane devoted her life ___ the sick.

A. to caring for B. to care for C. to caring D. caring for

2. The mother wanted her son ___ without delay.

A. to operate B. to be operated on C. to operate on D. being operated on

3. The father forbade the child ___ out of doors during his absence.

A. to go B. go C. goes D. will go

4. She was glad to see her child____.

A. taking care of B. taken care C. taken care of D. take care of

5. When she returned home, she found the window open and something____.

A. stolen B. missed C. to be stolen D. to steal

6. Although he tried, Bob still couldn’t make himself ____ .

A. being heard B. hearing C. heard D. hear

7. We can depend on the workers ___ the plan.

A. carried B. to carry C. carry D. carrying

8. The government calls on us ____ our production.

A. increased B. increasing C. increase D. to increase

9. Do you hear someone ___ at the door?

A. knocked B. knocking C. to knock D. knock

10. Did you notice the boy ___ the street just now?

A. crossed B. to cross C. cross D. crossing


篇10:unit 13 The USA(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)


1. 目的与要求


(1)了解有关the USA , New York的一般情况,如:人口,历史,政府以及the bison等


(3)在帮助学生提高阅读能力的同时,帮助指导学生如何运用英语介绍某一地区(城市或国家)的能力并能缩写课文(100-150 words ).




c.将课文改写成100-150 words短文;

(以上能力目标,a. 三会, b. 二会,c.一会。)

2. 本单元重点知识:

(1)单词和词组:tear v. turn v. rot vi. shoot n.

tear down ,turn away ,have an effect on

take the possession of ,a handful of ,give in ,

make an agreement with ,have trouble with ,

now that ,


① tear : to break by pulling apart 撕开,撕裂

tear down :to destroy a building 拆毁(建筑)

Paper tears easily . 纸容易撕破。

She tore the table cloth in half . 她把那块桌布撕成两块。

The boy tore the letter open . 把…撕开

He tore the picture into pieces . 把…撕成碎片

John torn up his test paper so that his mother wouldn’t see his low grade . 撕碎

They tore the old building down in order to build a new one . 拆毁

② turn v. or link v.


turn on / off / up /down (用于电流水的)

开 / 关 / 开大 / 开小

turn up : appear

The pop star didn’t turn up at the party . 出场

turn away (本单元为”to refuse to admit “)


The hotel porter turned away anybody who wasn’t wearing a collar and tie . 拒绝……进入

He turned up his coat collar to keep out the wind . 翻起

She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood. 转身不看

I turned in bed all night ,I couldn’t sleep because of the heat . 辗转反侧

She turned the car into a narrow street (onto the highroad ). ……开进一条狭小街道(开上高速公路)

I found that the milk had turned sour . 变酸(link v. )

The young soldier didn’t turn against his country ,instead he gave his life to his country . 背叛

Mary picked up a wallet on her way home and she turned it in to the teacher the next morning . 上交

The thief was turned over to the police. 移交

He is a good man you can turn to for help . 求助


③ rot vi. : go bad corrupt 烂,腐败;Vt. 使……烂

Some apples rotted on the tree .

The wood of the stairs has rotted away in pieces .

④ shoot n. 幼芽,幼枝;

shoot vi. vt. 开枪,射中;


There are a lot of new shoots on the tree .

The old man heard two shots walking through the woods.

The soldier fired a shot . ……开了一枪

The man shot at the bird ,but he didn’t shoot it .


⑤ have an effect on 对……产生影响

Punishment will have a bad , but not a good effect on a child who does something wrong .

⑥ take the possession of 占有;夺取

⑦ a handful of 少量的

⑧ give in 屈服,让步

⑨ make an agreement with 与……达成协议

⑩ have trouble with 因苦恼;同……有矛盾

now that 既然

3. 本单元应掌握的难点知识:



A bison is a large animal found on the American plains .(名词)

This is the room Mr Lu Sun once lived in .(代词)

She is a quick girl .(人称代词)

The old are taken good care for in their own family . (形容词)

Two times five is ten .(数词)

Fishing is interesting . (动名词)

To save money now is impossible to us students .(不定式短语)

What surprised me most was that it seemed to be a few days before a new house was set up . (主语从句)




① 由and连接的名词作主语时

a. 如果由and连接的两个名词(不同概念)作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:

Tom and Jack live in Room 305.

Both you and I are to be sent to Tibet.

What he said and what he did agreed with each other.

b. 当and连接的两个名词指同一个人、同一件事或一概念,这时and后面的名词前没有冠词,其谓语动词用单数形式(这里and相当于as well as )。如:

The singer and composer is coming to our school .


Bread and butter is often served for breakfast in our dining hall .

(比较:The boy and the girl were given a book each .每个同学都分得一本书。其中 “each”是同位语,句中主语为复数。)


常见的由and连接的两个名词指由一个概念的形式有:the needle and thread针线,salt and water盐水,the or and knife刀叉,soap and water肥皂水,iron and steel钢铁等。

C. 由and连接的两个并列主语为单数概念。主语前面分别由each , every ,no等词来修饰时,其谓语动词为单数形式。

Each doctor and each nurse was sent for .


Every boy and every girl is able to go to school in that village .


注意:more than one和many a 修饰的单数名词后面的谓语用单数形式,但其意义是复数。


More than one student is fond of folk- music .


Many a boy enjoys playing foot-ball .


② 当主语后面接说明主语的修饰词或插入语时,谓语动词的数不受修饰成份的影响,仍同主语的关系一致。

这些修饰成分常见的有:with, along with , togeth whit (和…一起);as well as (还) ;like (像);no less than (不亚于);rather than (而不是);more than(多于);as much as (如…一般多);but ,except(除了……);besides (除了……还……);including包括;in addition to(另外)等引导的一个修饰结构,放在主语后面。如:

The old man , along with his two grandsons, often have a walk in the evening .

Jenny , as well as her friends , is going abroad .

The house ,including the garden and the garage ,was sold out .

③ 当集合名词作主语时


如:# The whole nation regard Premier Zhou Enlai as one of the greatest leaders .

(句中 “nation” 表示“全国人民”谓语用复数)。

注: 集合名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数,取决于它强调的内容,如果一个名词作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,表示“全体一致的行动”或者“群体关系”;当谓语动词表示“身份”、“情感”或强调“每个成员”时,用复数形式。如:

The audience was in good order .


The audience were greatly encouraged .


常用的集合名词有:group ,class ,team ,family ,nation ,army ,crowd ,audience ,public, government , majority(大多数)等。


④ 就近原则

以连词or either…or neither…nor not only…but also…连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与其相邻的那个名词的数一致。

如: # Among the boys ,one or two are able to jump 1.6 metres .


⑤ 以 “某些不定代词或表示数量的词 + of + 名词”的结构,谓语形式要与of 后的名词保持一致。

常见的这类词有:all , some , a lot , plenty , any , part ,the rest ,one-third percent + of

如: 70 percent of the surface is covered with water .

70 percent of the farmers have impoved their living conditions .

⑥ 有些不定代词或表示数字的名词修饰的名词或词组作主语时,句中谓语动词用复数。这类词组常用的有:few (of ) , a few , both , both of ,a number of + 复数名词+谓语动词(复数)

如: # Few of the students were in the classroom yesterday , for it was Sunday .


[注]:在 “ a number of + 名词(复数)” 结构中,“复数名词”是中心词,“a number of ”作定语,谓语用复数形式;而在 “ the number of + 名词(复数)” 结构中, “the number “是“中心词”,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

A number of questions were always asked when the manager got to his office .

The number of the students in this school is 1,560.

[注] 当 “the number”.表示“…数量或号码”时,谓语动词用单数。如:

The number of the key is 207.

⑦ “the + 形容词(分词或数词)” 结构起名词作用时


The young are able to create their own future.

There was an old lady and a young girl in the park . The young was the daughter of the old .

The wounded were taken to hospital without delay .

⑧ 表示重量、距离、金钱,一段时间及由one and a half修饰的复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

Twenty dollars isn’t enough to buy the book .

Ten miles isn’t far .

Five times six is thirty.

One and a half apples was left on the plate .







________want to work in Xinjiang after graduation.

A. Not only Ann but also her friends B. Neither Ann nor Tom

C. Either Ann or her friend D. Nobody but Ann





1. 检查方式

(1) 按课文有关人口,历史,政府等分项复述课文,然后,再复述全文;

(2) 群体复述课文 ( Retell in group )


2. 同步训练

① 课文要点训练

I. 单词拼写(计分10)

1. Many Europeans e______ the continent of Africa in the 19th century. 1___________

2. The moment old Jonh put a h________ of sweets on the chair by the bed , little Tom ran towards to it . 2___________

3. India gained i_______ from Britain in 1947. 3___________

4. Marx once said that labour c________ man itself . 4____________

5. After reading the letter from her boss , Jane t______ it up and threw

it into the dustbin. 5____________

6. I wouldn’t think it w______ to ask him join the club─he’ll only refuse. 6____________

7. Bob was a shy boy ,and he always sat a _____ from the other children. 7____________

8. This medicine has an u_____ taste , but it is of great help. 8____________

9. Ann asked Jim to give up smoking not only because she o___ to the smell. 9___________

10. About 70 percent of the p_______ in China are peasants . 10___________

Ⅱ. 单项选择(计分15)

11. Will you please ______ the radio ? The baby is sleeping.

A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D. turn on

12. The husband coughed day and night .It’s the wife’s fault for giving______ to him so that he didn’t stop smoking .

A. up B. off C. in D. out

13. -Why ______ they ______ the building?

-Because another new one is to be built there .

A. have been destroyed B. did pull down

C. do remove D. are turning down

14. -It is the people who ______ history.

-And labour ____ man itself .

A. create created B. created invented

C. discover made D. invent creates

15. ─I have much difficulty _______ maths.

─Well , I have some trouble________ the English pronunciation.

A. in with B. in learning with C. with in D. in in

16. -You shouldn’t ______ from the girls in your class.

-But I don’t like ______ .

A. keep away being laughed at B. keep to laugh at

C. turn away to be laughed at D. return laughing

17. Last year some over _____ buildings ______ in the city.

A. 20-story were set up B. 20-storey set up

C. 20-storied had set up D. 20-floor had been set up

18. The old mother was _______ to hear that her daughter had a ____ journey.

A. pleasant pleasant B. pleased pleased

C. pleased pleasing D. pleased pleasant

19. -The young mother ______ her baby Jimmy.

-Really ? My brother ______ Jimmy , too .

A. calls names B. named is named

C. named was named D. called calls

20. Old Jack made a living _____ waste paper ,while his brother _______on slaves .

A. by selling made money B. to sell was rich

C. with lives D. on earns his living

21. _____ about three hundred people _____ the local illnesses ____ in that area.

A. As is known to us die from one year

B. It is said that die of a year

C. As we know are killed per year

D. It is reported that kill every year

22. _____ you are unwell , I’ll go to the meeting instead .

A. Because B. For C. Now that D. Though

23. We come to realize that we have to try our best to create a new life _____ our own and ______our own .

A. with , by B. on with C. of by D. for on

24. Don’t you think what to learn in class ____ the same effect ____ the character of the students ______ what to learn through practice ?

A. has on as B. have for as C. is in that D. are to from

25. Which of the following is NOT correct ?

A. Japan faces the Pacific on the east .

B. Taiwan lies in the east of Fujian belonging to China.

C. North of the United States lies Canada .

D. Britain stands to the northwest of France.



26. All of the work _____ finished and neither the teacher nor the students _____ enough time now .

A. is , has B. is , have C. are , has D. are ,have

27. What I saw ______ two boys running after the thief .

A. is B.are C. are D. were

28. This exercise on agreement of subjects and verbs ______ easy for you .

A. is B. was C. was D. were

29. Here _______ the papers you ask for .

A. is B. was C. were D. are

30. There ______ to be many arguments on both side.

A. seems B. is C. seem D. are

31. Half of the money ________ to you and half of the books _______ to you , too .

A. belong, belong B. belongs , belongs

C. belong, belongs D. belongs, belong

32. Taking pictures _______ not only young men but also many of the old people .

A. are interested in B. are interesting

C. interests D. is interested in

33. Ten minutes _______ more than enough time to complete this exercise.

A. are B. is C. were D. was

34. One hundred and fifty pounds _______ what you should weigh.

A. are B. maybe C. should be D. is

35. You are the one who ______ wrong that Susan is one of those people who ______ out of their way to be helpful .

A. are , goes B. are , go C. is , go D. is , goes

36. Where and when to go ______ Jack since his graduation from college .

A. has been troubling B. has been troubled

C. have troubled D. have been troubling

37. Six eights _____ forty- eight , while six times nine _____ fifty - four .

A. is , are B. are , is C. is , is D. are ,are

38. Nobody but you _______ going to London on business next month.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

39. It ________ Tom and John who ______ here yesterday preparing for today’s experiment.

A. were, were B. are , were C. was , were D. is , were

40. None of the four boys ______ a good swimmer two years ago , but now all of them ______ able to swim across the river .

A. was , are B. is , are C. are , are D. was ,is

Ⅳ. 完型填空(计分20)

Chicago --- lying in the east of the USA--- is a rather young American city . It was 41 completely rebuilt 42 the Creat Fire of 1871. One’s first impression of the city may 43 streams of cars running to and 44 on the highways , skyscrapers and the wide green water of Lake Michigan , 45 lies to the northeast of the city . The 46 of the city is over 228 square miles 47 a population of about 3 million .

The 48 of Chicago on the whole is almost the same as 49 of Beijing with 50 hot days in summer , 51 and fresh days in 52 and icy but often 53 days in winter . The spring in Chicago is 54 changeable in temperature. For instance, I saw a snowfall in early 55 this year 56 some of the flowers were already in 57 bloom . Chicago is also famous 58 its frequent strong winds , and 59 it has got the name of “ the 60 City .”

41. A. most B. almost C. mostly D. merely

42. A. before B. since C. after D. when

43. A. have B. mean C. be D. include

44. A. from B. above C. down D. along

45. A. when B. that C. which D. where

46. A. land B. measure C. area D. size

47. A. having B. with C. for D. and

48. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. season

49. A. which B. it C. the one D. that

50. A. fairly B. rather C. much D. too

51. A. colorful B. colorless C. colour D. coloured

52. A. spring B. winter C. fall D. summer

53. A. clean B. clear C. cleaning D. clearly

54. A. little B. bit C. a lot D. a little

55. A. April B. May C. January D. June

56. A. and B. but C. when D. while

57. A. full B. filled C. filling D. full of

58. A. as B. for C. of D. with

59. A. in fact B. in a word C. as a result D. above all

60. A. Snowy B. Windy C. Rainy D. Sunny

V. 阅读理解(计分25)

( A )

Christopher Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October , 1492. He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful voyage which he made a cross the Atlantic Ocean .The Spanish king and queen ,who were interested in finding a sea route to India ,offered him ships and men so that he could carry out his plan . He crossed the Ocean and discovered strange islands ,inhabited ( vt. 居住于) by people unknown to Europeans .He believed these islands to be part of India.

Early in 1493, Columbus returned to Spain. There was great rejoicing(欢庆)in the country , and he was hailed(欢呼)as the hero who had made an epoch-making discovery .Crowds of people lined the streets to do him honour , and the king and queen welcomed him to their palace. Never had such respect been shown to any common man.

61. Christopher Columbus discovered America ________.

A. on the 12th of November

B. more than 800 years

C. at the beginning of the fifteenth century

D. by the end of the fifteenth century

62. He had spent ______ in planning for the wonderful voyage .

A. eighteen days B. eighteen months

C. eighteen years D. much time

63. Finally the Spanish king and queen offered him ships and men so that _____.

A. he would have faith in himself

B. he could work out his new plan

C. he could display his courage

D. he could put his plan into practice.

64. He crossed the ocean and discovered strange islands , inhabited ______.

A. by a people unknown to Europeans

B. by a people already known to Europeans

C. by Europeans

D. by his fellow-countrymen

65. After returning to Spain he was hailed as the hero ______.

A. who had conquered(征服)nature

B. who had made an epoch-making discovery

C. who had discovered a new planet

D. who had made a great invention

( B )

The United States became a rich industrial nation toward the end of the 1800s . There were more goods ,more services , more jobs ,and a high standard of living . There was more of everything, including problems .One problem was monopoly(垄断). In some cases ,several companies that made the same product would agree not to compete with one another .They would all agree to charge the same price .These agreements made it impossible for buyers to shop around for lower prices for certain products .

Some people decided that huge companies had too much power and controlled too many markets . Because of their wealth and power , they could see to it that governments passed laws favorable to them . Many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad for buyers and bad for the country so that they should be broken up .

Such laws and government action didn’t entirely do away with monopoly. Nor did they stop the growth of huge companies . But they did show the American people had decided that some of the changes that taken place were harmful .

66. From paragraph 1, we can know that big companies ______.

A. produced certain kinds of goods

B. sold the same goods at the different prices

C. formed only one big company

D. reached and agreement on prices

67. Because of the agreements between big companies ,______.

A. people had to buy things at certain shops

B. the prices of their goods were much lower

C. people had no choice but to buy goods at fixed prices

D. there were fewer markets in some states

68. According to the laws passed by the national government , companies _______.

A. were not allowed to control the markets

B. could not force people to buy their products

C. should have fixed prices for their products

D. must produce the same kind of goods for the same markets .

69. Some American people thought that ________.

A. the government should make some of the huge companies much smaller

B. the country’s industry was growing too rapidly

C. shops should have the same price for the same kind of goods

D. their country’s getting rich was both good and bad to the people.

70. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?

A. Big companies could not have any effort on the governments .

B. A certain number of markets were still controlled by big companies .

C. Many Americans were worried about the changes in their country.

D. Some of the laws were in favor of buyers .


One afternoon in April , 1912, a new ship set off 71_______________

from England to America on it first trip . It was one of 72_______________

the largest and first ship at that time . 73_______________

It was cold , but the trip was pleasant and people are 74_______________

enjoying themselves . The next day was even cold . People 75_______________

could see icebergs here or there . It was night , suddenly 76_______________

the man on watch shouting “Look out ! Iceberg !” 77_______________

It was too late ,a ship hit the iceberg and came to 78_______________

a stop . There that was a very big hole in the ship and 79_______________

water began to come .Slowly the ship stated to go down . 80_______________


1. explored 2. handful 3. independence 4. created 5. tore 6. worthwhile 7.apart 8. unpleasant 9. objected 10. population

11-15. B C D A B 16-20. C A D B A 21-25. B C D A B 26-30. B B A D C 31-35. D C B D A 36-40. A B C C A

41-45. B C D A C 46-50. C B A D B 51-55. A C B D A 56-60. D A B C B

61-65. D C D A B 66-70. D C A D A

71. √ 72. on it --- on its 73. ship ---ships 74. Are --- were 75. Cold---colder 76. or --- and 77. shouting ---shouted 78. a ship --- the ship 79. that 80. come --- come in

Unit 13 The USA

一、 同步题库


1.Their wedding yesterday. Many friends came to congratulate them on their marriage.

A.was taken place B.was to happen C.took place D.would hold

2.Since he is ready to help you, you should say“thank you”.

A.at last B.at first C.at most D.at least

3.Mr Smith with his wife goes to the cinema .

A.day by day B.now and again C.here and there D.day and night

4.Drivers,of course,want to travel miles with petrol and


A.many,a little,few B.more,fewer,less

C.more,less,fewer D.many,less,fewer

5.The rain has my new dress.

A.damaged B.hurt C.destroyed D.failure

6.He was sorry to fail again in the driving test. His only was that he was too nervous.

A.reason B.cause C.regret D.failure

7.Good advice is price.

A.over B.cause C.destroyed D.ruined

8.The basin of water won't freeze, the temperature is well above zero.

A.unless B.because C.even if D.as though

9. put the medicine the little boy can't reach it.

A.Do,where B.Don't that C.Just,which D.Do,there

10.Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle.

A.to ride,riding B.ride,to ride C.ride,ride D.riding ride

11.You can fly to London this evening you don't mind changing planes in


A.except B.if C.until D.unless

12.It's rule that comes home first cooks the dinner for the whole family.

A.who B.somebody who C.whoever D.anybody

13.Beautifully ,the little girl tried to make herself .

A.dressed,noticed B.what will man look like

C.dressed,noticing D.dressed,notice

14.The weather turned out to be very good, was morethan we could expect.

A.what B.which C.that D.if

15.No one can be sure in a million years.

A.what man will look like B.what will man look like

C.man will look like what D.what look will man like


1. my horror,I noticed two men trying to break my office.

2.- the same,I expect you'll come to visit my hometown.

-I'm looking forward that.

3.Farmland is becoming smaller day day several reasons.

4.Don't drive into the bush plenty of water and never throw your cigarette

of the window .

5.We must try all means to get rid flies.

6.Generally speaking,a newly-built house is likely to fall ,

the case of an earthquake.

7. 1920,people from Italy have come to Australia great numbers.

8.The village used to be rather poor.One every three children could

not go to school and most families were debt.

9.-How do farmers round their sheep or cattle?

-It depends the size of their farms.

10.No one has far been brave to enter the forest alone.


1.The long fence is used to keeping out a kind of wild dog.

2.Cattles are kept in some countries mainly for beef.

3.They pay peasants very a little money to work in the fields for them.

4.He had to have a job, or go hunger.

5.Their mother can't afford to feed them to meat and fish every day.

6.New types of plants have been developed in Egypt to grow in desert land.

7.Live by hunting, they are very experienced at killing wild animals.

8.In area, Australia is about the same size of the USA, which has more than thirteen times as many people.

9.In Australia fruit and vegetables are grown in areas where is enough water.

10.What surprised me was that he spoke English so well.

11.Mr White slowed down his car, for he saw a blind man cross the road.

12.Why did she keep on wipe her eyes with a damp towel?


Agatha Christie seldom went out at night. She never(1)the night when she met a(2)many years ago.

That evening she was (3)to a birthday party which (4)until 2 o'clock in the

morning.Agatha(5)in the quiet street alone.Suddenly from the shadow(阴影)of a (6)building a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand (7)out at her.“Good morning,lady,” the man said in a (8)voice,“I don't think you wish to (9)here!”

“What do you(10)?”Agatha asked.

“Your earrings(耳环).Take them off!”

Agatha suddenly had a (11)idea.She tried to cover her necklace (12)the collar(衣领)of her overcoat while she used(13)hand to take off her earrings and then she quickly(14)them on the groud.“Take them(15)let me go.”The robber(16)that the girl didn't care for the earrings at all,only trying to (17)the necklace.He thought the necklace (18)cost more,so he said,“Give me your necklace.”

“Oh,sir,It's(19)worth much.Please let me(20)it.”“Stop rubbish(废话).Quick!”

With (21)hands,Agatha took off her necklace.As soon as the robber (22),she picked up her earrings and ran as (23)as she could to one of her friends.The earrings (24)480pounds and the necklace the robber had taken(25)was worth six pounds.

1.A.minded B.forgot C.remember D.regretted

2.A.friend B.murderer C.robber D.stranger

3.A.invited B.asked C.going D.walking

4.A.delayed B.ended C.began D.lasted

5.A.walked B.drove C.waited D.watched

6.A.small B.dark C.old D.low

7.A.looked B.shouted C.stepped D.ran

8.A.loud B.low C.die D.cry

9.A.suffer B.quarrel C.die D.cry

10.A.like B.mean C.want D.say

11.A.bright B.foolish C.funny D.safe

12.A.under B.by C.with D.below

13.A.her right B.her left C.the other D.another

14.A.dropped B.put C.laid D.threw

15.A.and B.but C.so D.then

16.A.knew B.saw C.observed D.thought

17.A.wave B.hid C.defend D.protect

18.A.would B.must C.should D.could

19.A.really B.actually C.even D.not

20.A.wear B.keep C.have D.take

21.A.nervous B.little C.shaky D.beautiful

22.A.signed B.permitted C.disappeared D.nodded

23.A.calmly B.quietly C.quick D.fast

24.A.worth B.valued of C.sold D.cost

25.A.away B.out C.off D.down

答案:(一)1-5 C D B C D 6-10A C B A B 11-15B C A B A

(二)1.To,into 2.All,to 3.by,for 4.with,out either 5.by,of 6.less,down,in 7.Since,in 8.in,in 9.up,on 10.so,enough

(三)1.keeping鰇eep 2.Cattles鯟attle 3.去掉a 4.hunger鰄ungry 5.to鰋n 6.对 7.Live鯨iving 8.of鯽s 9.is前加there 10.对 11.cross鯿rossing 12.wipe鰓iping

(四)1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.A



Time of Lesson: 45 minutes

Students: Senior Grade One

Teaching Material: How Did Postage Stamps Come Into Use

Teaching Objectives:

1. To train Ss' reading ability(such as guessing the meaning of new words in the context, the speed of reading.)

2. To train Ss' reading comprehension(To get messages from what they read.)

Teaching Points:

1. Ss get used to three reading skills.

2. Ss understand the given passage.


Stamps, letters, postcards, work sheets, OHP

Teaching Method:

Communicative Approach

Lesson Type:


New Words and A Phrase:

postage, put forward, proposal, seal, deliver, system, postal


Step 1. Warm-up(6')

1. Lead-in

Show some stamps, letters and postcards and have free talk to arouse students' motivation.

2. Dealing with some new words

Q: Do you know the postage of a letter?

Explain “postage”, and write postage on the Bb.

postage: payment for the carrying of letters

A: Fifty fen for any place in China except Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.

Q: What do the postmen do with the letters?

A: They take the letters from the postbox and carry them away to the places on the envelopes and deliver them to the addressed people.

Explain “deliver”, and write deliver on the Bb.

deliver: take letters or goods to the addressed people.

Q: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps? Use OHP to project the question onto the screen.

Explain “put forward” and “proposal”, and write them on the Bb.

put forward: put an idea before people for thinking over

proposal: sth. proposed, plan or idea, suggestion

Again: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps?

Step 2. Skimming(4'30“)

1. Instructions

T: Now I give you a passage to read, and for the first time you should only find the answer to the question. You have only two and a half minutes to read. So don't read word for word. Read quickly. Just try to find the answer.

2. Handing out the reading material and reading

3. Checking

Q: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps.

A: Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England.

Step 3. Scanning(6')

1. Instructions

T: This time I give you three minutes to read the passage. When you are reading, find the answers to the two questions.

Use OHP to project the questions:

1. Why was the postage high in the early nineteenth century when people did not use stamps?

2. When was postage stamps first put to use?

2. Reading

3. Checking

1) Pair work

2) Class checking

Ans. to Que.1. Because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.

Ans. to Que.2. On May 6, 1840.

Step 4. Full reading(21')

1. Instructions

T: Now I give you ten minutes to read the passage for the third time and you should read it carefully. Before reading, let's go over the questions on the work sheet.

Give Work Sheet 1 to the Ss. Explain the new words in Que. 4.

prevent: stop, not let sb. do sth.

reuse: use again

T: Try to find the answers to the questions. But don't write the answers down, you can put a sign or underline the sentences concerning the questions.

2. Reading

3. Checking

1) Group work: Checking the answers in a group of four Ss.

2) Class work: Checking the answers in class.

Possible Answers:

1. Why were people unhappy to pay postage for letters in the early nineteenth century?

Because they had to pay postage when they received letters, especially when they paid for a letter which they did not wish to receive at all. The postage was high.

2. Why was it much easier for people to use stamps for postage?

Because people could go to the nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on envelopes before they sent the letters.

3. Why was the postage much lower using stamps?

Because in this way, the post office did not need to send postmen to collect postage. It only needed to send fewer postmen to deliver letters.

4. How could the post office prevent people from reusing the stamps?

The post office could simply put seals on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again.

Check the understanding of the word ”seal“, and write it on the Bb.

seal: 邮戳 5. Did other countries take up the new postal system?


Check the understanding of ”postal“ and ”system“, and write them on the Bb.

postal: of the post

system: a set of working ways

6. Does every country in the world has its own stamps?


Step 5: Rounding-off(7')

1. Answering Ss' questions on the passage if any.

2. Making a guided-dialogue with the information given from the passage.

Hand out Work Sheet 2. Do it in pairs.

3. Asking two or three pairs to read their dailogues.

A possible completed dialogue:

A: Oh, What a beautiful stamp!

B: Yes, it's from the U.S.A..

A: Do you know in the early nineteenth century people did not use stamps?

B: Then how did they pay the postage?

A: They had to pay the postage when they received letters.

B: Was the postage very high then?

A: Yes. Because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.

B: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps?

A: Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England.

B: Why do post offices put seals on the stamps?

A: They can prevent people from using the stamps again.

B: When did post offices begin to sell stamps?

A: On May 6, 1840.

B: Thank you for telling me so many things about stamps.

Step 6. Assignment(30”)

Ask the Ss to shorten the passage within four or five sentences after class, and to write it in their exercise books.


Reading Material:

How Did Postage Stamps Come Into Use

When you send a letter or a postcard, you have to put stamps on the envelope or on the card. When did people first begin to use stamps? Who was the first to think of this idea?

In the early nineteenth century, people did not use stamps. They had to pay postage when they received letters. They were unhappy about this, especially when they paid for a letter which they did not wish to receive at all. The postage was high at that time, because the post offices had to send many people to collect the postage.

Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England, was the first to put forward a proposal to use stamps. He thought it would be much easier for people to use stamps to cover postage. They could go to the nearby post office to buy stamps and put them on envelopes before they sent the letters. The post office could simply put seals on the stamps so that people could not use the stamps again. In this way, the post office did not need to send postmen to collect postage. It only needed to send fewer postmen to deliver letters. That was a good idea and the government finally accepted it.

On May 6, 1840, post offices throughout England began to sell stamps. Soon this new postal system was taken up by other countries. Now each country has its own stamps. And there are many people who collect stamps all over the world.

Work Sheet 1:

Find the answers to the following questions from the passage:

1. Why were people unhappy to pay postage for letters in the early nineteenth century?

2. Why was it much easier for people to use stamps for postage?

3. Why was the postage much lower using stamps?

4. How could the post office prevent people from reusing the stamps?

5. Did other countries take up the new postal system?

6. Does every country in the world has its own stamps now?

Work Sheet 2:

Complete the dialogue with the information you have got:

A: Oh, What a beautiful stamp!

B: Yes, it's from the U.S.A..

A: Do you know ____________________ people did not use stamps?

B: Then how did they pay the postage?

A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Was the postage very high then?

A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Who put forward the proposal to use stamps?

A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Why do post offices put seals on the stamps?

A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: When did post offices begin to sell stamps?

A: ___________________________________________________________.

B: Thank you for telling me so many things about stamps.

篇12:高考文言文复习教案 (人教版高三教案教学设计)








【 教学设想】



3.在学生掌握了 “ 信、达、雅 ” 三字翻译目标和 “ 六字翻译法 ” 的基础上,针对学生在文言翻译中的盲点, 力图引导学生总结归纳出解决翻译疑难的技巧,并通过训练验证这些技巧的可操作性,使学生能举一反三,从而增强文言文翻译的信心。

4.为调动学生的学习兴趣,发动 学生积极参与,在教学中,让学生变换角色,通过师生互动、生生互动的教学模式,完成教学内容,提高课堂复习效率。

【 教学时数】






1、 让学生从整体上了解高考文言文的几种题型

2、 在学习中发现自己在翻译中碰到的困惑和不足




高考语文《考试说明》对文言实词,虚词,句式的能力层次均为B级。分别要求做到“理解常见文言实词在文中的含义”“理解常见文言虚词在文中的意义和用法”“理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”。“理解并翻译文中的句子”,能力也为B 级。这部分题目学生感觉难度最大。











译文:① 不久郭崇韬进来(向庄宗)谢罪,通过冯道化解了与庄宗的冲突。










3、直译的方法-- “留”、“换”、“删”、“补”、“调”、“贯”六个字。



















①     此沛公左司马曹无伤言之。不然,籍何以至此?(《鸿门宴》)











予:我。           斯:这。        徒:只。      记:记载

明:使……明了。   匹夫:百姓。    社稷:国家。






























①  甚矣,汝之不惠! (主谓倒装)

② 保民而王,莫之能御也(宾语前置)

③  宋何罪之有?(宾语前置)

④ 青取之于蓝,而青于蓝。(介词结构后置)

⑤  石之铿然有声者(定语后置)


























[高考文言文复习教案 (人教版高三教案教学设计)]


高三复习:模块1 unit 1 重点词汇复习(人教版高考复习英语必修一教案教学设计)









高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)
《高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计).doc》

【高三Unit 18教案及练习(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)(合集12篇)】相关文章:









