人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great women Period 1(说课稿)

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人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great women Period 1(说课稿)((整理12篇))由网友“跟我走”投稿提供,下面小编给大家带来人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great women Period 1(说课稿),希望能帮助到大家!

人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great women Period 1(说课稿)

篇1:人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great women Period 1(说课稿)

Content: SEFC Student’s Book 1B Unit 17 Great women

Theoretical basic:

1. Aim structure of SEFC’s course

2. Task-based instruction

3. Co-operative learning

ⅠIntroduction of teaching material

1.Status and function:

The topic of this unit is “Great women”, including Helen Thayer who traveled alone to the North Pole, the story of Oprah Winfrey who is a successful TV personality in the US and so on. Language skills and language knowledge are all about this topic. Women from all nations have made outstanding contributions to the world; some of them are excellent scientists, artists, politicians or athletes. There’re so many great women in the world. Ss have learnt about many great women not only from schoolbooks, but also from other information. So Ss are familiar with this topic and it can stimulate their interest. This lesson is the first period of this unit. It has three parts: warming-up, listening and speaking.

Warming-up uses the pictures of four famous women from all over the world to lead to the topic of this unit--Great women. Through the discussion of three questions, a group of information about great women was formed in Ss’ mind. Ss can use it to understand the functions of women in society correctly. The part can activate Ss’ memories, obtain a good effect, and also improve Ss’ speaking ability.

Listening is a dialogue about a photograph. Alice introduces her old school friends to Lily. This part designs two exercises: filling the blanks and completing the table. The practice can improve Ss’ listening ability. From this part, Ss can find out some useful adjective words.

Speaking has two parts: the first one asks Ss to talk about three women in three pictures, practice how to use specific words to describe qualities of people, the positive words and negative words like a scaffold for Ss; the other one is a guessing game. Through this practice, Ss could grasp some useful words and expressions, and use them to describe different people, so as to improve their speaking ability.

2.Teaching important points:

1). Train the students’ listening ability

2). Master some words describing people and use them correctly

3.Teaching difficult points:

1). How to improve the students’ listening ability

2). How to carry out the task of speaking

ⅡTeaching aims and demands

1.Teaching aims:

1). Knowledge objects: Learn and master some adjectives and expressions

2). Ability objects: Train Ss’ listening and speaking ability

3). Moral objects: Train Ss’ co-operative learning ability, and make Ss know the fact that they will succeed as long as they work hard

2.Ss’ ability

ⅢTeaching methods:

1.Teaching methods

1). Communicative method

2). Aural-oral method

3). Heuristic method

2.Studying ways:

1). Co-operative learning

2). Happy learning

3.Teaching aids:

Computer; OHP (overhead projector); Software; PowerPoint; Tape recorder

ⅣTeaching Procedures:

Step1 Greetings & Lead-in

Show some pictures of great women to activate Ss’ memories and improve their interesting.

Step2 Warming up

1.Brainstroming about great women: Ask Ss to discuss the 4 pictures in small groups; improve Ss’ speaking ability and co-operative ability

2.More discussion about other Qs, let Ss know they’ll succeed if they work hard.

Step3 Listening

1.Listen to the tape for 3 times, ask Ss to finish the exercise. The training can improve Ss’ listening ability.

2.Ask Ss to find out some adjective words used to describe people from the answers.

Step4 Speaking

1.Learn some other positive and negative words.

2.Learn some expressions, make some sentences to describe the 3 women.

3.A guessing game, let Ss use the useful words freely.

Step5 Practice

Let Ss appreciate some pictures of great women with a piece of music, they would describe the women with the useful words and expressions one by one.

Step6 Summary & Homework

By Xu Han


篇2:高一 Great women Period 1 教学设计

高一 Great women Period 1 教学设计

Unit 17 Great woman

Period 1


1. Learn how to describe people in English.

2. Improve the students’ abilities of listening and speaking.


Step 1 presentation

People often admired great persons, especially great women. Why? It has often said that life is difficult as it is. For women it sometimes twice as difficult. That is, it is more difficult t for women to become famous or get jobs in high positions. What do you think?


Step 2 warming up

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures of the four great women and tell who they are?

2. Divide the students into small groups to discuss the questions given.

Step 3 listening

1. Listen to the tape and fill in the form.

2. Listen to the tape again and do true-or-false exercises.

Step 4 speaking

Look at the pictures and tell what kind of people they are by using the words and useful expressions given.


1. Work in groups and play a game of question-and –answer only by answering “yes” or “no”.

2. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

3. Talk about a great women you admire and explain why.



1. That house is ____. There is nothing in it now.

2. Your uncle is not _____ about this money. He is very ____ to buy you that expensive car for your birthday.

3. The new employee was ____ and quick to learn.

4. He was so ____ that he can move such a heavy stone easily.

8. In the past, the Chinese people lived a ____ life.


1. empty 2. mean; generous 3. smart 4. tense 5. hardworking 6. blind 7. strong 8. miserable

篇3:高一 Unit 17 Great women reading 教案

高一 Unit 17 Great women reading 教案




“读前”(Pre-reading)设计了三个有关旅行和南北极的.问题,具体涉及极地探险、动物等内容, 能够诱发学生的探索精神和想象力。通过学生的讨论、探究,自主地发现下面阅读故事的背景,有助于学生正确理解文章的深层意思,真正体会主人公Helen Thayer的伟大。

“阅读”(Reading)材料是一篇记叙文,故事描叙的是作者Helen Thayer在她60岁时,独游南极洲的冒险经历。在恶劣多变的气候条件及险恶的地理状况中,作者在危急关头,虽感孤独恐惧,但表现出冷静、顽强、乐观的态度,最后克服险境。对学生今后的人生道路、心理素质、生活态度起到了陶冶和积极的导向作用。

Teaching Aims:

1  Train the students’reading ability.

2  Learn and master the following words and phrases;

1) Words: mile  Antarctic  threaten  optimistic  somehow  shelter  regret  extreme  climate  value

2) Phrases: struggle through   threaten to do sth  lie down  be thankful for    in good health   struggle to one’s feet   make a decision

Teaching Important Points:

1.      Improve the students’ reading ability.

2.      Enable the student to understand the text better.

3.      Let the students have strong wills and determination by reading the passage.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.      How to improve the students’reading ability.

2.      The use of some useful expressions.

Teaching Methods:

1.      Discussion before reading to make the students be interested in what they learn in class.

2.      Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

3.      Careful reading to answer some detailed questions.

4.      Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.          a map of the world

2.         a tape recorder

3.         a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step I   Greeting and speech

Greet the students as usual and the student who is on duty give a speech before class.

Step II   Lead­-in

1            Do you like travelling ?

Where do you like to travel best ?

How will you travel ?

2   Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole, what will you take with you ?

3          Why do polar bears never eat penguins ?

Step III   Fast C reading

Ask the students to read the text quickly and silently, find the answers to these three questions .

1          How did the writer celebrate her 60th birthday ?

2          When was the writer is 60th birthday ?

3          Why did she say it was an experience she would never forget and would value for the rest of her life ?

Step IV   Careful-reading

Ask students to read the text again carefully and finish three tasks:

1  Finish Exercise 1 of post-reading on page 32.

2  Fill in the form on the screen .



What did she do?/What happened to her?

began her almost 200-mile journey

3rd --11th

celebrated her 60th birthday

13th --21th






3.  Do some T/F exercises on the screen.

1). She celebrated her fiftieth birthday by traveling alone to the South Pole.

2). She went to Antarctica with the dog team pulling her sled.

3). Everything went all right during the first few days.

4). During the next week the wind grew so strong that it blew away her tent.

5). She had an accident after her birthday.

6). It was all her training that helped her out of danger

Step V   Listening and Consolidation

Play the tape for the students and ask them to read the text after the tape in a low voice, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Step VI  Discussion

1. What kind of woman is Helen Thayer ? Describe her in a few sentences.

2.          Do you admire her?  Why ?

Step VII   Reading together.

“If you have a goal without a plan, it's only a dream. Once you set a goal, you have to keep going. There have been a lot of times where I was determined to just take the next step. Those who can take that next step are the successful people in the world.”

-------Helen Thayer

StepVIII   Homework

1.      Reading the text again and again after class.

2.      Finish the exercises of Grammar.

Step IX   Record after Teaching


篇4:人教版高一Unit 17 Great Women教学案例







3 。教学重点及难点






难点 :1 .形象准确描述人物。

2 .讨论:男女平等性开放性话题。

3 .了解男女平等,美国黑人问题及黑人妇女状况等问题。

4 。课时计划

Period 1: warming up & listening

Period 2: speaking

Period 3&4: pre-reading , reading ,post-reading.

Period 5: language study.

Period 6: integrating skill.

5 .Teaching plan

Period 1 Warming up & Listening

Goals: 1. To know briefly some famous women

2.To know the reason why we admire them

3. To catch the key words to describe persons

Step one : Warming up

1. Daily report

2. Lead-in this unit by asking questions as follows

This month is March .Can you tell me the festivals of this month in the world ?

Can you tell me some days about women ?

In the world , do you know a woman who really inspires you ?Can you explain the reason ?

Can you tell me other famous women ?

Look at the pictures ,who are they ?

3. Listening

Now , I’d like you listen to some information about these four persons .After listening , tell me who I just describe .

She was born in Warsaw on Nov,7,1867. When she was 24 years old , she went to Paris to continue her studies in Physics and Mathematical sciences . There, she got married to Pierre .After the death of her husband , she took the place as Professor of Physics .She discovered polonium and radium. She received the Nobel Prize twice.-Madame Curie.

She was born in West Virginia, but she spent most of her life in China. In 1920s she began to publish stories and essays in magazines .Her first novel ,East Wind ,West Wind was publish in 1930. The Good Earth , her 2nd novel won her the Pulitzer Prize . She won the Nobel Prize in literature .She published over 70 books in her life time .---Pearl S. Buck

She was born on August 27 ,1910. When she was12,she determined to help the poor and India was her destination . At 18, she went to India and took her initial vows as a nun . She devoted herself to this place . She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She died in -Mother Teresa .(To keep a lump burning ,we have to keep putting oil in it –Mother Teresa)

She was born into a rich family . As the widow of Sun Yatsen , she became an important member of the elite of P.R.C. She was the vice-chairperson of the P.R.C. and devoted herself to the welfare activities for women and children.-Song Qinglin

4. Discussion

It has been said life is difficult as it is .For women it seems twice as difficult .Is it more difficult for women to become famous or get jobs in high positions. What do you think?

Step two : Pre-listening

Now ,we have few chances to talk with the famous women face-to –face . With the help of modern machines, we know of them . Yet in our daily life ,we have more pictures of our dear friends . Now Alice and Lucy are talking about the old friends .Listen carefully.

Step three : Listening (Extensive listening)

1. First time listening. Finish the blanks .

At first, Alice didn’t like lily because she thought she was very ____

Sandra and Lily were like ___ and ____

Jane and Rose could ___ ____ well .

Sandra ___ ___ a lot . She has her own ___together with a ____ of hers.

2. Second and third times listening. Finish the form

3. Group work: every group just chooses one role






篇5:人教新课标 高一book 2 Unit 1 Cultural relics period 1

Teaching Plan for New Senior English for China

Unit 1 Cultural relics (the 1st period )(Book 2)

Teaching Goals:

Ⅰ.New words and expressions

Ⅱ.Talk about cultural relics

Ⅲ.SS can understand the text totally and talk about the story of the Amber Room.

Ⅳ.Help the SS have the sense of protecting cultural relics.

Teaching Important Point:

Make sure SS can understand the text

Teaching Difficult Point:

Talk about cultural relics and what should be done with it

Teaching Methods: listening, reading, cooperative learning

Teaching Aids: a recorder, and computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ. Revision

Review words and expressions in this unit

Step Ⅱ. Warming up

Raise SS’ awareness that there are some well-known cultural relics both at home and abroad. Ask the Ss to name some cultural relics. After a short discussion, show the following cultural relics: (pictures in PowerPoint)

Mount Taishan

Mount Huangshan

The Great Wall

The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Ding Dynasties in Beijing and Shenzhen

The Mogao Caves

The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors

The Peking Man site at Zhoukoudian

The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area

Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace,Lhasa

The Classical Gardens of Suzhou

The old Town of Lijang

The Summer Palace

The pyramids in Egypt

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Amber Room

Step Ⅲ. Pre-reading


T: OK, class, do you think these cultural relics beautiful?

SS: yes.

T: suppose one of them got lost , how would you feel and what will you do with it?

(Have a short discussion)

T: (show the picture of the Amber Room again) Mow, I’m sorry to tell you that the Amber Room is now missing. And how did it get lost? Now read the text quickly and let’s get more details.

Step Ⅳ. Reading

Ⅰ. Fast reading

Play the tape for the Ss, they can read after it or just listen to it, then finish exercise I in comprehending.(SB. Page 2)

Ⅱ. Careful reading (intensive reading)

Before reading, show the following questions:

How many tons of amber were used to make the Amber Room?

What else were used to make the room besides amber?

How long did it take to make the Amber Room?

When and why did Frederick William I give the Amber Room to Peter the Great?

What did Peter the Great give in return?

What did Catherine Ⅱ do with the Amber Room?

When and how was the Amber Room supposed to have been lost?

True or False:

The Amber Room has a strange history.

The Amber Room was first built to be a gift.

100,000 pieces of the room were put inside twenty-seven golden boxes.

What really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

Nowadays, a new “Amber Room” has been made.

Step Ⅴ. Homework

Find out the language points in the text.

Finish exercise 1 on Page 3.


篇6:人教新课标 高一Unit 1 Good Friends

Unit 1 Good Friends

Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of friends and friendship;

b. Learn to express likes and dislikes and make apologies:

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

Direct and indirect speech

Lesson 1

Step 1 Presentation and discussion (warm-up)

Put some new words on the blackboard and tell them something about a friend.

Kind honest brave loyal happy wise strong

beautiful handsome rich smart funny

Then ask some questions around the class and discuss with them.

What should a good friend be like?

What qualities should a good friend have?

Should they be funny, smart and strong?

Step 2 Reading

Ask the students to read the dialogue in the part SPEAKING. Ask some questions:

1.What doesn’t John like?

2.What does Joe think of music and skiing?

And then fill in the form on page 3.

Then ask the students to express their ideas freely. Encourage the students to say more about friends.

Step 3 Listening

Ask the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in the listening part.

Step 4 Talking/Practice

Ask the students to page 85. Make a similar dialogue as in exercise 2.

Some useful expressions :

Why did you…? Why didn’t you…? You said that you would…

Please forgive me. You promised to … I’m very sorry… It won’t happen again. I forgot.

Step 5 Homework

Finish Exercise 3 in the workbook.


Step1 Revision

Ask several students to present a speech about friends as a revision.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Present the students a picture to illustrate the situation on a lonely island. Ask them to list three items in the box and ask them to give the reasons using the sentences listed on page3.

Step 3 Reading

Before asking the students to read the text, first give the students a brief introduction about Tom Hanks, his films and the film Cast Away.

Then students read the text, and answer the following questions.

1.How does Chuck Noland come to a deserted island?

2. In order to survive on the island alone, what does he need to learn?

3. What does he understand at last?

4. For us, what lesson we can learn from Chuck?

At the same time explain the language points if necessary.

Step 4 Post-reading

Discuss the following questions in the Part POST-READING.

Step 5 Homework

Prepare a talk about Tom Hanks or something about one of his film.


Step 1 Revision

Get the students to give a talk about Tom Hanks or something about one of his films.

Step 2 Language Study

Ask the students fill in the blanks with proper words.

Step 3 Grammar

Illustrate to the students the use of Direct and Indirect Speech.

Then ask the students to do the exercise in the Part Grammar on P5.

Step 4 Practice

Ask the students to act the exercise2 in the part Grammar out.

Step 5 Homework

Ask the students to finish the exercise2 in their workbook.


Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

Present simples of e-mail to get the students a general idea of e-mail.

Step 3 Explanation

Tell the students some tips of writing an e-mail by learn the above e-mail simple.

Step 4 Writing

Ask the students to write an e-mail message.

Step 5 Homework

Ask the students to try to write an e-mail to their e-pal.

篇7:NSEFC 高一Unit 17 Great Women重难点的讲解


1. It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.


①“It is said that …”是常见的句型,意思是“据说,人们说”再如:

It is said that the population of males is larger than that of females in China. 据说中国男性人口高于女性人口。

It is said that he has gone abroad. 据说他已出国了。

这种句型其实是“People say that …”的被动语态。类似结构还有:It is thought that…;It is reported that …;It is believed that …;It is hoped that…等。

②as it is 也是固定的结构,解释“根据现在情况看;就以现在样子”,常用于句子开头或结尾。例如:

I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse.


2. For women it sometimes seems twice as difficult.


该句相当于For women life sometimes seems twice as difficult as it is.


The room is twice bigger than mine.

The room is twice as big as mine.

The room is twice the size of mine.


例句:The house rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying ______ here.

A. as three times much B. as much three times

C. much as three times D. three times as much

分析:本句为as…as 比较结构,much后省略了as I paid at home.

表示:“我现在所付竟然是原来的三倍”,three times 应放在as much 之前。故选D。

3.Do you know a woman who really inspires you?



We’re trying to inspire him with confidence. 我们在努力鼓舞他的自信心。

inspiring 鼓舞人的,感动人的,是一个形容词,例如:

We regard Abraham Lincoln as an inspiring leader.


4.What has become of her ?她发生了什么变化?

become of解释“发生……情况;……怎么啦!”相当于happen to …

What will become of the children now that the parents are dead?


I don’t know what has become of him. 我不知道他的遭遇如何。

5.What kind of people do you think they are?



如:Tom is the kind of person who likes outdoor games.


This is the kind of room that I feel at home in.


②本句为常do you think的特殊疑问句用法,其语序为“疑问词+do you think+疑问句的其他部分(陈述语序)”。如:

Who do you think has taken his wallet?


What do you think I have bought for you?


可以这样用的动词还有suppose, guess, believe, imagine, expect.

6.What else, but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica?


①这是一句省略句,完整的结构是:What else would I do but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica?句中的but是介词,意为“除了……”,相当于except,常与不定代词、疑问代词等连用。例如:

In winter, bears can do nothing but lie down and sleep.


②else是个形容词,意为“其他的,别的”,不作前置定语,只能用在疑问词where, what, which, who等或不定代词something, anything等后,表示追加说明。如:

Is there anything else you want to say? 你还有什么要说的话吗?

Where else did you go besides Beijing?除了北京,你还到过哪? else的所有格是else’s, 如:

Who else’s advice do you want to take? 你想听谁的劝告?

I’ll have to borrow someone else’s car. 我得借别人的车。

7.Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.



②be about to do即将发生的动作或动作刚要开始。如:

The teacher is about to write down the new words.

注意:be about to do 不与表示时间的副词或其他时间状语连用,但可以用在be about to do when…结构中,如:

I was about to leave when the telephone began to ring.

8.But changes were just around the corner.天气即将要变了。

just around the corner意为“Likely to happen soon(即将来临)”,再如:Victory was just around the corner. 胜利即将在眼前。

A big storm was just around the corner.


9.On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a day in my tent.



Seeing a girl struggling in the river, he jumped into the water to save her.


②find oneself ……的意思是“发现自己(处于某种状态);不知不觉地…”例如:

When day broke, we found ourselves in a village at the foot of the mountain.


Suddenly I found myself at the water’s edge.


Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.


10.I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the wind became too strong.


①when 表示过早发生某事(常可译为“还没(刚刚)……就”)。例如:

I had hardly opened the door when the dog barked.


The students hadn’t played football long when the bell rang.



A few days later, I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.



The moon appeared from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层后面露出了脸。

A rat ran out from under the bed. 一只老鼠从床底下跑了出来。

He swam from across the river. 他从河那边游了过来。

②put up 作“举起,抬起,搭起盖房子”讲。例如:

They are putting up several new houses on our street.


Put up your hands if you have any questions.


11.I had fallen into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled.



例句:-Is this raincoat yours?

-No, mine - there behind the door.

A. is hanging B. has hung C. hangs D. hung


②the ropes tied to the sled= the ropes which were tied to the sled.

12. I was in good health and all of my equipment was working well.


①be in good health是个有用短语,意为“身体状况良好”

be in bad/poor health身体状况不好。


This is a factory with modern equipment.


13.I thawed a frozen cake over my fire, placed a candle on the top , lit it and sany “happy birthday to me” at the top of my voice.



He made a fire to thaw out the frozen earth.


The ground has thawed out.地面解冻了。

②light 作为及物动词,意为“点燃”,如:

He stopped to light a cigar. 他停下来去点一支烟。


She put a lighted candle on the top of the cake.


③at the top of one’s voice高声喊叫,大声地

14.Wait to get better or give up?


完整的句子应该是Should I wait to get better or should I give up?

①get better是get well的比较级形式,表示身体状况有所好转。

②give up作及物动词时可接动名词,作宾语意为“放弃”如:

We’ll try to persuade him into giving up smoking.


The young man gave up his seat to an old man.


15.I couldn’t stand on my left leg and my head was woozy from hitting the ground.


①stand on的意思是“用……站立”。例如:

stand on one’s head 倒立

stand on one leg like a cock金鸡独立


They do something from necessity, not from a sense of duty.


16.It’s an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.


①experience 作“经历”讲为可数名词;作“经验”时,为不可数名词。

Have you had an unforgettable experience?

Experience is the best teacher. 经验是最好的老师。


The students have always valued their teachers.


The house is valued at $100.000.


17.The sun does not go down in Antarctica, …北极的太阳不落…

go down意为“下降,降落”,可以指太阳,月亮的落下,也可指船只的沉没,价格的下跌。例如:

The sun is going down in the west behind the mountains.


Prices don’t seem to be going down.物价似乎不会下跌。

The ship has gone down in the storm. 船在风暴中沉没了。

18.Life seemed to hold no promise.



He is dishonest and he always breaks a promise.他不诚实,总是食言。

The crops are full of promise.庄稼丰收在望。

跟“诺言”有关的短语有:keep a promise信守诺言;carry out a promise履行诺言;break a promise不守诺言

19.Her father showed her how hard work and discipline could lead to self-improvement.


lead (sb. / sth ) to后跟名词,表示“引起(某人/某物)产生……”。例如:

Junk food will lead you to disease. 不健康食品会使你得病的。

Too much work often leads to illness.劳累过渡可导致疾病。

20.Her life shows us that hard work and discipline are the road to self-improvement.


road, street, path与way和辨析:





篇8:人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great woman 本单元教材内容分析和处理

Unit 17 Great woman



admire, cheerful, mean, tense, dishonest, dull, mile, bottom, regret, extreme, extremely, value, pianist, promise, kindergarten, graduation


Inspire, champion, Antarctica, expedition, shelter, climate hardship, bear, scholarship


Subject-Verb Agreement


Describing people


本单元中心话题是famous women--“著名女性”。介绍了世界上不同民族、不同领域中的非凡女性及其成就的取得,各部分的内容都是围绕这一中心话题而进行设计的。

Warming up部分呈现四幅著名女性的照片,它们分别是Song Qingling, Madame Curie, Pearl S. Buck and Mother Teresa。引出著名女性这一话题。在这个阶段的语言实践中着重培养学生概述人物特征的能力。

课前预先设计一个任务(Task):Collect information about the famous women。发动学生通过各种渠道(杂志、图书、因特网等)收集有关这四位女性的资料。这个任务的目的是使学生主动学习,扩展和利用学习资源,从多渠道获取信息, 为Warming up 作铺垫,是热身的预热。它的完成便于在后面的小组活动中有话可说。小组活动要求学生分别说出她们的姓名、简要经历及主要成就。小组活动结束后由小组长汇总报告。这样,学生通过参与、合作与交流的学习方式使这一任务得以完成,对这四位著名女性有比较深入的了解,并明白伟大女性取得辉煌的成就必须付出艰辛这个道理,以此激励自己。


Listening部分的内容是一则对话,谈论old school photos 中的人物及其过去和现状。用pre-listening 导入听力内容,然后要求学生根据听力材料,正确记录所谈及人物的特征、专长及现状,并对陈述的句子进行正误判断。让学生通过“听”学习描述人物的形容词,并在Post-listening中结合实际运用,在这过程中发展学生的实践能力和语言运用能力,让他们活学活用,感受成功。

Speaking 由两部分组成。一是小组活动。一学生想出一个著名女性人物,其他学生轮流提问并通过对方Yes/No的回答判断该著名女性人物是谁,这一活动旨在激发学生的兴趣,激活他们的思维。二是看图描述人物。呈现了三幅不同身份普通女性的照片,要求学生根据照片对人物进行描述,训练学生恰当使用形容词描述人物的能力。前一节课课外的一个任务是要求学生查找尽可能多的描述人物的形容词,学生从描述著名女性到普通女性,学习使用各种描述不同人物品质的形容词,满足不同类型和不同层次学生的需求,提供机会让学生大胆、充分表现自我。

针对Speaking 部分设计了一个课堂任务:谈话节目(talk show)。小组成员分别担任主持人、著名女性、普通女性和一名男士,就“Women, their achievements and their difficulties”这一话题展开讨论,各自抒发自己的观点意见等。目的是让学生通过讨论交流,发展语言技能,提高语言实际运用能力。












B)给出6个 statements, 让学生听录音,根据文章内容判断正误。




Title Alone in Antarctica

Par Outline Detail

1 The journey of challenge and danger began 1.What did she do at 50? 2.What would she do at 60? 3.When did she begin her journey?

2 The first days of the journey 1.What was the weather like? 2.How was the wind later? 3.How many hours did she travel when the winds increased?

3 Her birthday in Antarctica 1.When was it? 2.How did she spend her birthday?

4 Self rescue 1.What happened when she was moving forward over a slope? 2.How did she rescue herself?

5 A bad accident 1.How did she hurt herself? 2.What’s the result of the accident?

6 Making a decision How did she make a decision?

Post-reading 部分里有两种练习。第一部分是针对文章的理解,设计了五个选择题,检测学生对文章理解的程度。第二部分是学生评价文中的人物,旨在培养学生的概括能力,有条理地描述人物,并表达个人的见解,与此同时,可不失时机地渗透德育教育。



Nov.12, / Nov. 22, 1997

2、“Famous Women”杂志社记者采访Helen Thayer,并为此刊写一篇报道。

Language study分词汇和语法两部分。为配合这部分的词汇教学,在这部分的Warming up 中设计了小组猜词汇竞赛。词汇部分设计了10个语境,帮助学生加深对新词汇的理解和记忆,训练学生在语境中理解词汇的能力,指导学生养成通过语境记忆词语的方法。



然后是机械性操练(Mechanic drill)。用动词的适当形式填空,检验学生自主学习的结果,强化群体名词一致规律的掌握。让学生自己发现、得出这一单元的语法规律,并提供其他类似的群体名词供拓展使用。


为引导学生对本单元语法进行有意义的操练(Meaningful drill)设计了一个学生会的通知。

通 知






Integrating skills 部分包括读、说、写三种。其中读说结合,要求学生阅读文章,找出Oprah Winfrey 是怎样步入成功的,用台阶的图表说明她从出生到步入辉煌的成就,以及取得这一切的坚实基础。

a successful TV personality a woman who has inspired millions

work for television talk about /great moments/ difficulties help / come to terms with program about literature / popular win many prizes

go to university Host a talk show AM Chicago → The Oprah Winfrey Show for over 20 years.

a bright girl 6-14 hard won a college scholarship part-time job on a radio program

black born in a poor family

skip second grades

hard work discipline self-improvement success

完成阅读后,做一个role play-Oprah Winfrey 的现场工作实况。学生遇到麻烦(与同学的相处,与父母的相处,如何成名等)请求现场解答帮助。这一活动以学生的生活为出发点,所遇到的都是发生在学生身边的事,贴近学生的生活,具有真实性,可以发展学生用英语解决实际问题的能力,同时培养学生综合语言运用能力。

通过阅读和讨论,掌握用典型事例刻画人物性格特征的写作手法,了解成功女性应具备的条件和品质,进一步培养概括能力和描写能力。强调叙述人物时做到观点与材料相统一,善于用具体生动的事例去表现人物。随后提供范文,要求学生会写fan letters(慕名信), 旨在让学生运用写作方法。





模块一:Warming up. (问答方式).

T: In March, there is an important international festival. Do you know what the festival is?

S: Yes. It’s Women’s Day.

T: Very good. Now we’re going to talk about some famous women in the world. Open your books and turn to Page 22. Please look at the pictures. Talk about them in groups of four. You’re given three minutes to discuss them. After that, I’ll ask some students to talk about them. Is that clear?



模块二:Warming up.(辩论形式)

T: As is known, women didn’t have high positions in ancient times and were not allowed to receive education and have jobs. But nowadays the situation for women has greatly changed. And a lot of successful women have appeared in all kinds of fields. Do you think women are able to do more than men or not? Now let’s have a debate: Girls are pros: women are able to do more than men. Boys are cons: women are not able to do more than men.



模块二:阅读(Reading) 解读标题

When I first read the title ALONE IN ANTARCTICA. I was a bit puzzled. My first question is “Where is Antarctica? ” What questions do you have?

Where is Antarctica?

Period 1


1. Learn how to describe people in English.

2. Improve the students’ abilities of listening and speaking.


Step 1 presentation

People often admired great persons, especially great women. Why? It has often said that life is difficult as it is. For women it sometimes twice as difficult. That is, it is more difficult t for women to become famous or get jobs in high positions. What do you think?


Step 2 warming up

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures of the four great women and tell who they are?

2. Divide the students into small groups to discuss the questions given.

Step 3 listening

1. Listen to the tape and fill in the form.

2. Listen to the tape again and do true-or-false exercises.

Step 4 speaking

Look at the pictures and tell what kind of people they are by using the words and useful expressions given.


1. Work in groups and play a game of question-and –answer only by answering “yes” or “no”.

2. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

3. Talk about a great women you admire and explain why.



1. That house is ____. There is nothing in it now.

2. Your uncle is not _____ about this money. He is very ____ to buy you that expensive car for your birthday.

3. The new employee was ____ and quick to learn.

4. He was so ____ that he can move such a heavy stone easily.

8. In the past, the Chinese people lived a ____ life.


1. empty 2. mean; generous 3. smart 4. tense 5. hardworking 6. blind 7. strong 8. miserable

Period 2


1. Read about the great woman Helen Thayer.

2. Train the students’ abilities of reading.

3. Learn the subject –verb agreement.


Step 1 presentation

It is freezing cold in the North Pole and the South Pole. Few people, in the world have ever been there. However, there was a brave woman who had traveled alone to the North Pole and the South Pole. Do you know who she was? Right, Helen Thayer. She was the first woman who traveled alone there. Today we are going to read about the great woman the great woman, Helen Thayer.


Step 2 pre-reading

Get Ss to discuss the questions above the passage with their partners before reading the text.

Step 3 reading

Get Ss to read the passage fast and in silence.

Step 4 post reading

Ask the students to answer the questions given after reading.

Step 5 language study

1. Go through the passage together with the students and deal with the language points in it.

2. Dead with word study.

3. Learn grammar (the subject-Verb-agreement)


Step 6

1. Write a summary of the text.

2. Do the exercises in Wb.


1. The teachers each _____ a computer (have, has)

2. The students ____ a Chinese- English dictionary. (Have, has)

3. Each of the students ____ a Chinese-English dictionary. (have, has)

4. ____ either of your parents written to you recently? (has, have)

5. Not only the father but also the children ____ sick.(are, is)

6. All the anxious to know the result of our English test.(are ,is)

7. All of the fruit ____ good. (taste, tastes)

8. Many a student _____ sure that our team will win.( is , are)

9. Six and six ___ twelve. (make, makes)

10. Everybody ___ what they have to do after the meeting. (knows, know)

11. The dollars ____ not enough for the ten –speed bicycle. (is ,are)

12. The rest of the speech ___ not very interesting. (sound ,sounds)

13. In that country the poor ___getting poorer and poorer .(is ,are)

14. She as well as her two sisters ____ music. ( like ,likes )

15. A professor with four children ____ in the lab this morning. (was, were)

16. The singer and dancer ___ come this afternoon. (has have)

17. The singer and dancer _____ going to give the performance this evening. (are ,is)

18. My family ____ not large.(is ,are)

19. My family all ____ music.(loves, love)


1. have 2. have 3. has 4. has 5. are 6. are 7. tastes 8. is 9. makes 10. knows 11. is 12. sounds 13. are 14. likes 15. was 16. has 17. are 18. is 19. love

Period 3


1. Get the students to know about the great woman Oprah Winfrey.

2. Let the students know what is needed to e a successful man, especially a successful woman.

3. Train the student’s ability of writing.


Step 1 presentation

At the beginning of this unit, we’re got to know about several great women, such as Song Qingling, Madame Curie, and pearl S. Back, mother Teresa and Helen Thayer. Today we are going to read about another great woman named Oprah Winfrey; Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the US but also a woman who has inspired millions of people.


Step 2

Read the text careful and then do the writing exercises below the passage.

Step 3

Learn to write a fan letter, read the tips about describing people before beginning to write.

Step 4

1. Tell the students again tips about how to describe people.

2. Finish the exercises in Wb.


Write a letter to Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei in about 100 words.



inspire vt. 鼓舞、感动、激发、启示 admire vt. 赞美;钦佩;羡慕

regret. vt. 为……感到遗憾;后悔 increase vt, vi 增加;增大

value vt. 估价;评价;重视 threaten vt. 恐吓;威胁;预示危险

bother vt. 烦扰;打扰 vi. 烦恼;操心 generous adj. 慷概的;大方的

cheerful adj. 愉快的;高兴的 mean adj. 卑鄙的;吝啬的

warm-hearted adj. 热诚的,热心的 cold-hearted adj. 冷漠的;无情的

tense adj. 紧张的,拉紧的 miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲惨的

dishonest adj. 不诚实的 dull adj. 迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的

optimistic adj. 乐观的 extreme adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的

stormy adj. 暴风雨的;多风暴的;激烈的


be about to do. 即将,正要做某事 around the corner. 很近

struggle through. 艰难地渡过 find…doing. 发现---处于(状态)

increase to.增加到 none of毫无,一个也没有

lie down躺下;(风)渐息 at the top of one’s voice以最大的嗓音

tie to系在,栓在 (be) in good health身体状况好,健康

put up a tent 搭起,架起帐蓬 make a decision作为决定

give up放弃 think of考虑、想起、记起

come to terms with 甘心忍受(不愉快的处境) rise to fame 出名

lead…to… 通向,导致


inspire (vt) → inspiring (adj) inspired(adj)

inspiration(n) admire (vt) → admiring (adj)

admirer(n) admirable (adj)

admiration(n) value (vt) → valuable (adj)

valuation(n) valuables(n)

valuer (n) valueless(adj)

extreme (adj) →extremely (adv) extreme(n)

extremist(n) extremism(n)

cheerful (adj) → cheerfully (adv) cheerfulness(n)

cheerless(adj) cheery(adj)


(1)It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.

(2)…during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

(3)I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world

dropped out from under my skis.

(4)In her television shows she makes it possible to talk about great moments and difficulties in

people’ lives.

(5)I had travelled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent

up before the winds became too strong.

篇9:人教新课标高二 Unit 1 短语

Unit 1P 1-2

1. 如上引用 the quotes above

2. 关于科学的引言quotes about science

3. 使得一名科学家成功 make a scientist successful

4. 在他自己的内心中 within himself

5. 对…充满热情/激情 be on fire for

6. 与…类似 be similar to

7. 由于…而出名be known for

8. 有共同之处have sth. In common

9. 代表一个科学分支represent a branch of science

10. 对社会最重要、最有用the most important and useful to society

11. 辩论开始let the debate begin

12. 毫无疑问…There is no doubt that

13. 很难说It’s hard to say

14. 我怀疑…I doubt if…

P 3-4

1. 壮心无涯no boundaries

2. 试想imagine this

3. 很有发展前途的研究生a promising graduate student

4. 世界一流大学the top universities in the world

5. 患不治之症have an incurable disease

6. 最多活12个月may not have more than twelve months to live

7. 大多数人会感到非常伤心Most of us would probably feel very sad.

8. 放弃对未来的梦想和憧憬give up our dreams and hopes for the future

9. 做某事没有意义There did not seem much point in doing

There is no point in doing sth.

10. 取得博士学位work on my PhD

11. 我不盼望活那么久I did not expect to survive that long.

12. 过去go by

13. 情况转好go rather well for

14. 订婚be/ get engaged to

15. 阻碍某人做某事stop… from doing

16. 梦想dream of

17. 作报告give lectures

18. 给大学生作演讲speak to university students

19. 坐在已驰名天下的轮椅里sit in his now-famous wheelchair

20. 通过计算机说话speak through a computer

21. 对重大问题的看法thoughts on some of the greatest questions

22. 黑洞black holes

23. 二十世纪七十年代初in the early 1970s

24. 做出新的发现make new discoveries

25. 探索宇宙本质问题seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe

26. 普通人ordinary people

27. 科学如何运作how science works

28. 科学发现make scientific discoveries

29.改变世界change the world

29. 霍金认为according to Hawking

30. 永无止境be never finished

31. 另一方面on the other hand

32. 证明是错误的prove/ turn out to be wrong

33. 科学方法的产物the result of the scientific method

34. 创立理论build the theory

35. 预测未来predict the future events

36. 实际测试test sth. in a practical way

37. 直接观察observe directly

38. 测试理论test the theory

39. 发觉深奥难懂find it difficult to understand him

40. 对…满意be happy/satisfied with

41. 提高我的英语水平improve my English

P 5-6

1. 用光use up

2. 采取措施解决问题take measures to solve the problem

3. 破坏我们的星球ruin our planet

4. 查明find out

5. 犯罪现场the crime scene

P 7

1. 有所作为make a difference

2. 向…学习learn from

3. 世界上顶尖人物的头脑the best minds in the world

4. 对…感到满意be satisfied with

5. 始终在寻找新的问题are always looking for new questions

6. 更仔细观察大大小小的事物take a closer look at things both great and small

7. 通过探寻所以然,如何然by asking why, how

8. 设想前因后果ask what if

9. 知识就是力量knowledge is power

10. 被描述成be described as

11. 运用那种力量的能力the ability to use that power

12. 始终all the time

13. 画天体图draw a map of the heavens

14. 随季节变化 change from season to season

15. 相信believe in

16. 取笑laugh at

17. 承认他的伟大recognise his greatness

18. 而不是相反的not the other way around

19. 讨论观察结果discuss his observations

20. 公认的科学界先驱be known as scientific pioneers

21. 帮助我们更好地认识了世界help us better understand the word

22. 达到目标reach our goals

23. 真正有所作为truly make a difference

篇10:人教新课标 高二unit 17 disability reading

Unit 17


Disabled? Not me?

Teaching Aims:

1 Learn and master the following words and expressions: disability, guidance , gifted, assist, cooperate, etc.

2 Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching important points:

1 Improve the students’ reading ability.

2 Enable the students to understand the text better.

3 How to master the useful expressions.

Teaching difficult points:

Let the students understand the real meaning of “disability”.

Teaching Methods:

1 Use multi-media to help the teaching.

2 Fast reading to get the general idea.

3 Competitive activity to get the detailed information.

4 Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead –in

Show the students the programme“Qian Shouguanyin”(a video) 3 minutes before class.

Enjoy and ask: * Are they dancing well?

* Can they hear people’s warm welcome?

(transition) They are disabled, “Disabled people” mean the people who can’t see/hear/speak/walk. etc.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Two simple questions to lead them.

Q1: Do you know of any famous people who are disabled?

( show the students a video about Zhouzhou and Steven Hawking )

Q2: How many kinds of disabilities do you know in your daily life?

( transition ) Now let’s move on to the next picture-a girl sitting in a wheelchair. Ask the students to guess who she is.

Step3 While-reading

① Questions to get the general idea.

Q1: What’s the trouble of Zhong Xiaowen?

Q2: How does she get around?

Q3: What’s the teacher’s aim in the special college?

Q4: How does Ye Zijie like the magazine?

② Games-playing

In this part, there are 3 rounds. Give each group his name and let them have a competition.

Round 1 Word-guessing

Show clues ( the explanations and paragraph numbers ) about the words.

* that may happen , possible ( para 2 ).

* guiding or being guided ( para 3 ).

* feeling of pity ( para 3 ).

* having a talent / an ability ( para 3).

* damaged or weakened ( para 5 ).

* inspire , lead to do sth ( para 5 ).

Round 2 Listening and note-making ( para 4-5 ).

A magazine





best-known reader

Round 3 Choice-making

There are 5 exercises in this part.

( transition ) Give congratulations to the winner and go on to the next period- Post-reading.

Step 4 Post reading ( pair work ).

Read again and discuss in pairs about the following questions.

Q1: What are some of the difficulties Xiaowen and other disabled students have to overcome?

Xiaowen and others

people’s attitudes

their bodies



Q2: Compare Xiaowen’s case with the other two pictures. What do you think of them?

( transition ) Anyhow, we should show our love and care to the disabled people. Since they have so many difficulties, let’s move on to the designing part.

Step 5 Designing

& Ask them to design products for helping disabled people and show them their love to them.

& Show the students one example.

Step 6 Doing gestures together.

Students can show their love to disabled people.

Step 7 End with quotations.

① We should love our body, love our life.

② It is not frightening if you are disabled in body, but it is so if you are not healthy in mind.

篇11:人教新课标高二unit 17 Reference for Teaching

Reference for Teaching


Disabled People in Britain

In Britain there are about six million adults with one or more disabilities.About 400 000 (seven percent)of these live in communal establishments(公共住宅).Local social service authorities(当局)provide certain kinds of personal and social services for disabled people and help them recover normal abilities of social life.They are also required to establish(确定)the number of disabled people in their area and to publicize(宣传)services,which may include advice on personal and social problems with disability.Besides,they provide occupational, educational, social and recreational (娱乐的) facilities at day centers or wherever space is available(可供使用的).

The authorities may also provide adaptations(适合物)to homes(such as ways for wheelchairs and ground floor toilets),the delivery of cooked meals and help in the home.In case of social need,help may be given to set a telephone or a television.Local authorities and voluntary organizations may provide badly-disabled people with convenient houses or temporary facilities to allow those who look after them relief from their duties;and specially designed housing may be available for those able to look after themselves.

Many authorities provide free travel for disabled people on public transport,and they are very actively encouraged to provide special means of access to public buildings.Government regulations cover the provision of access for disabled people in the construction of new buildings.

Two new trusts(信托基金机构)were set up in April 1993 to replace the Independent Living Fund,which provided financial help to very severely disabled people who needed paid domestic(home)support,those once receiving help from the Fund.The second helps the most severely disabled people of working age to live independently in the community.


1.would like的用法归纳


would (should) like (love) +名词;

would (should) like (love) to do sth.;

would (should) like (love) to have done sth.;


would(should)like (love) sb. to do sth.。如:

What would you like,a cup of tea or a glass of water?


I would like to go swimming this afternoon.


I would like you to come a little earlier next time.


(2)在使用would like时,应注意以下几点:

①would like的否定式是would not like或wouldn’t like。如:

I wouldn’t like to go to the theatre tonight.


②like与would like的区别是:like多指经常性或一贯性的动作,而would like多指暂时性或一次性的动作。

试比较:Do you like coffee?


Would you like a cup of coffee?


③I’d like to…是I would like to的常见省略式,也可看作I should like to的省略式。



e.g.The teacher prepared the exam.



e.g.The students prepared for the exam.



①prepare for为……作好准备

e.g.I am preparing for the trip.



e.g.We are preparing to receive foreign visitors.


②prepare sth. for sb.为某人准备某物

e.g.We must prepare a welcome meeting for our guests.


③be prepared for指“作好了准备”,表示状态。

e.g.They are well prepared for the examination.


④be prepared to do sth.指“准备做某事”,表示意愿。

e.g.I am not prepared to accept the argument.




e.g.Can you tell me the way to the library?


He is on the way home.


Foreign countries have a different way of life from ours.



①in the way的意思是“在道上,碍事”,也可用in one’s way的形式(in the/one’s road也有这个含义),用来阻止你想去某地的人或物。如:

Please don’t stand in the kitchen door-you are in my/the way.


②on the way后常接介词to引起的短语,它可以是“在去……的途中”的意思,定冠词the可以改为one’s;也可以是“即将”的意思,此时定冠词the不能改为one’s。如:

He is now on his way to London.


He is on the way to success.


③by the way的意思是“顺便说”,用来提起与先前谈话无关的题目。如:

By the way,I have something to tell you.


④in a way的意思是“在某一点上,在某种程度上”。如:

The work was well done in a way.


(3)in no way的意思是“决不,一点也不”。例如:

Teaching in school can in no way be separated from practice.






e.g.I cannot accept your gift.



e.g.I can accept your reasons for being late.



e.g.I received a letter from a strange.



e.g.He received a heavy blow on the head from a falling stone.


He was received as an honoured guest.





e.g.If the sky appears blue to us on earth,it is because the earth’s atmosphere scatters a certain number of blue rays of sunlight.


They looked tired.


They seemed to have finished the work.


(2)这三个词的句型结构比较:共同点是可接形容词;不同点如下:接不定式时,seem和appear后都可接to do或to be,而look后只接to be。

e.g.The whole world seemed/appeared to be black and empty.


She looks to be the best person for the job.



e.g.There seems to be a mistake in these figures.


It appears/seems that he has been ill for a long time.


look和seem后可接like短语,也可接as if引导的从句,appear两者都不用。

e.g.It looks/seems like rain.


It seems as if he knew nothing about it.


3.get rid of;deal with;do with


(1)get rid of表示“处理”时,其宾语既可以是指具体事物的名词,也可以是指抽象事物的名词,侧重于把某物(事)“除掉”。

e.g.We should get rid of the bad habit.


(2)deal with表示“处理”时,侧重于解决问题,强调处理问题的方法或方式,一般与how连用。

e.g.The teacher doesn’t know how to deal with his students.


注:deal with还可表示“对付、论述、和……打交道、涉及”。

e.g.Deal with a man as he deals with you.


(3)do with表示“处理”时,侧重于对某事物的利用,常与what连用。

e.g.What did you do with your old furniture?





e.g.This plant is common in South Africa.


He has always rated himself above ordinary musicians.




(1)She didn’t work hard,so she failed passing the exam.

答案:将passing改为to pass。句中的fail作“没有,没能够”解时常与不定式连用,表示“未能做某事”。

(2)I’m sorry,I can’t receive your invitation.


(3)We hope to improve our work better.


(4)Such people as he is to be punished.

答案:将is改为are。句中的as he修饰such people,故谓语动词要用复数。

(5)He suggested us to go home as soon as possible.

答案:将us to go改为our going。suggest不能和“宾语+动词不定式”结构连用,它后面跟动词-ing形式或that从句。

(6)A heavy rain made the river overflowing its bank.




He talks__________ __________he bad known the secret.


__________ __________ __________ __________by turning off the radio.


This factory produces__________ __________ __________ the electricity in the country.


It__________to me that they are right.


Such people are difficult to__________ __________.


She is__________ __________beautiful,__________ __________kind.

答案:(1)as if (2)Do me a favour (3)one third of (4)seems (5)deal with (6)not only,but also








Annie is laughing happily.Helen is touching Ann’s face in order to feel the movement of her laughing.This is how Ann learned words.When Helen knew the meaning of the word,Ann was going to teach how to spell it.She spelled the word into the girl’s hand with her fingers.

Now Helen is touching Ann’s throat and lips while Ann is speaking.This is how the deafblind child learned to speak.She tried to copy Ann’s movements of lips and throat so as to form speech.Look!Helen is saying“Mother”.That makes her parents and teacher very happy.

Helen is now at school.Ann is helping her.She spelled out for her the things that the teachers taught,because most books were not printed in Braille at that time.


1.(北京春)There at the door stood a girl about the same height__________.

A.as me B.as mine

C.with mine D.with me

简析:选B。“the same…as…”为习惯性搭配,再根据句意为“这个姑娘的身高和我的身高一样”,mine为my height,故应选B。又因此句并没有使用“It is the same with…”句型,故排除C和D。

2.(2004北京春)We’re going to__________with some friends for a picnic.Would you like to join us?

A.get in B.get over

C.get along D.get together

简析:选D。get in with意为“和……亲近”,get along with意为“与……相处”,get together with意为“与……聚合”,get over与with不搭配,根据句意应选D。

3.(2004上海春)Victor apologized for__________to inform me of the change in the plan.

A.his being not able B.him not to be able

C.his not being able D.him to be not able

简析:选C。根据appologize for sth.(或doing sth.…),应排除B和D,又因在v.-ing的否定用法中,否定词not应放在v.-ing之前,故选C。

4.(2004上海春)We need to consider what__________we will be using for language training.

A.abilities B.appliances

C.facilities D.qualities


5.(2004上海春)Words__________me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house.

A.failed B.left

C.discouraged D.disappointed

简析:选A。表示“不知说什么来表达自己的想法”时,常用句型“words fail sb.”来表达。根据本题句意,应选A。

篇12:人教新课标 高一Unit 8 Sports

Unit 8 Sports

Teaching aims and demands:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of sports and the Olympics;

b. Learn to express likes and interests and hobbies:

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s book

d. Grammar:

the passive voice

Period 1

Main points


stand for; well-known; host; shooting; interest; test; examine✓ match; sport; congratulation; fill in; information; while; beat&win

2.Sentence patterns

would rather…

be worth…


3.Functional item

talk about interests&hobbies

Difficult points

would rather…


Teaching procedures

Step 1 lead-in

Ss : talk about sports

T : Do you like sports?What sports do you know?

How much do you know about the Olympic Games?

Many of you are sports fans.And we all know China will host the Olympics in 2008.Next I will give you a quiz to see which of you knows most about the Olympics.

Step 2 Warming up

1.Ss finish the multiple choices in given time.

2.Check the answers

Step 3 Listening

T : Most sports fans like to listen to sports news.How about you?Next you’ll listen to three sports reports.

1.Go through each task and understand what to do.

2.Play the tape two or three times as necessary.Pause at important points and give the students help as necessary.

3.Let the Ss discuss in pairs and then check the answers.

Steps 4 Speaking

1.Go over the useful expressions listed.T asks and Ss answers.

2.Ss practice asking and answering in pairs.

3.Set an example of an interview.

4.Ss practice in groups of 4.Using the expressions.

Step 5 Language points

1.would rather

(1)+do (d’rather do)

EP:He said he would rather play football.

I’d rather stay here with you.

(2)+not do sth

EP:He would rather not listen to jazz.

2.Prefer to do rather than do

EP:I prefer to write to her rather than telephone her.

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

Homework :Review useful expressions and practice.

Period 2

Main points


take part in; competitor; rank; prtpare; every 4 years; in modern times; further&farther; event; history-making; make change; whole&all; honour.

2.Sentence patterns

…the same as…


Difficult points

…the same as…

every 4 years

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Ask students to talk about interests and hobbies.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1.T:Which sport event do you like to watch most?Why?

2.T:Are the Olympic Games important to our society?Why or why not?

Possible answer:Yes,they are important.It is an opportunity to show how strong you country is and how much the people in your coutry love sports.

Step 3 Reading

Today we are going to learn more about the Olympic.Ask students to read quickly in silence and find the answer to the following question.

Q :Which would be another title for the text?

A .The Summer Olympic Games

B .The Winter Olympic Games

C. The World’s Greatest Sports Games

D. A Great Victory for China (c)

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask students to read the text again and answer the following questions.

1.How have the Olympic Games changed since the old Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece?

A :The Olympics have changed in many ways.Many sports are the same,but new sports have been added.Women are now allowed to take part in the Games.In 2000,over 10,000 athletes form 227 countries participated in the Olympics.

2. What will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing?

A :New buildings and sports venues will be built,more trees will be planted and new roads will be built.

Step 5 Language points

1.take part in; join in; attend

(1) John takes part in many school activities. He takes an active part in politics.

(2) Join in sth./join sb in sth.

All the family join me in wishing you a happy future.

(3) attend a meeting;

attend the concert ;

attend a class

2 .in modern times time pl.

Times have changed,and we shouldn’t fall behind them.It is the fastest computer of modern times.

3. the same as…

The jacket is the same as mine.

She goes to the same university as her father did.

Step 6 Listening to the tape

Homework:Review words and language points in the text.

Period 3


Ask several students to say something about what he will do for the 2008 Olympics.

Grammar : The Future Passive Voice

1. Structure:will+be+v.-ed

2. Model-making

T:The classroom is very dirty.I will clean it.So it will be cleaned.

3. Drill&practice

Do exercise on P54-55 in book.Grammar Ex 1.

Homework :Ex 2 on P55.

Period 4

Main points


height; point; skill; facial; live; live his dream; speed

2.Sentence patterns

more than

Difficult points

more than

Theaching procedures

Step 1 Recision

Review the structure of the future passive voice.

Step 2 Lead-in

Ss talk about their favorite sports stars.

You have your favorite sports stars.Would you like to know something about Yao Ming.

In this period,we’ll read the profile of Yao Ming.

Step 3 Ask students to read the profile and make a summary.

Step 4 Teach students how to read and write a profile.

Step 5 Language points

1. height n.

What is its height?(What height is it?)

It has a height of 5cm,a length of 10cm and a width of 4cm.

2. more than

We were more than happy to hear of your success.

He is more than our teacher.He is also our best friend.

Step 6 Listening

Homework : Revise all the words and expressions in this unit.











人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great women Period 1(说课稿)
《人教新课标 高一Unit 17 Great women Period 1(说课稿).doc》

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