
时间:2023-12-01 07:49:05 读后感 收藏本文 下载本文
































A few days ago, I read read “The Little Match Girl,” this article。 Thelittle girl selling matches in the scene Danian Ye, deeply engraved in mymind。

“Match, Match, who will match!” Sad little girl cries hit the street。Despite this, no one to buy the girl a match。 Why should the little girl sellingmatches in the Danian Ye? That is because her family was too poor。 Look at thelittle girl, I think, is really a living hell, a life in paradise。 Danian Yelittle girl who sells matches in the cold, but me? Years in the Danian Ye motherdelicious meals for my doing, my sister urged me to the side try new clothes,the whole family played music with harmony and happiness。

Corner, the little girl again and again to wipe burning match, imagine the“warm stove, the fragrant duck, the beautiful Christmas tree, kind of thegrandmother。” This poor little girl, these are just a mirage, but it shows alittle girl life, only the cold, hunger, pain and loneliness。 How long can she,like other children their own as their own should have all the ah! However, thisshould have all but pletely dashed。 And me? In winter, sitting nice and warm inthe fire warming himself, his mother also made me rich and delicious meals;summer day, finish school work, they and the children enjoy it playing with thehospital, spread joy and laughter pound 。。。 。。。

Why do I and the little girl the same age, living environment is different?This is because she was living under the capitalist social system, and I livedin a socialist system。 They where full of cold, heartless, we are full of warmthand love here。 However, sometimes I can not very well study hard, and it was tolive in happiness, what happiness really ah! From now on, I have to pay closeattention to time trying to learn cultural knowledge, we do not have to live upto, ah, to live up to our munity, our store for the future to build a better andwork hard!



The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery contains a fairy tale whichconcludes plentiful things。The first thing we can learn from the book is theinnocence of childhood and love。Although disappointed by what his roses said,thelittle prince still loved them。In the weiter's opinion ,the roses stand for thepure love。

As the prince growed up,he made a decision to explore other planets andleave his hometown,a planet which just one person lived in。When travelling inthe other planets,he discovered that his rose is not the only one of itskind。There are abandunt kinds of roses in the garden,but he still held theopinoion that his rose is special “because it is she that I have watered;because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she thatI have sheltered behind the screen” 。

When he came to the earth ,another significant character ,the fox , teachedthe little prince to take his own responsibility bravely 。 What's more ,the foxis also the little prince's best friend and help with his understanding of themeaning of friendship。

All the story is told by a piolet ,who is another hero in the tale and metthe little prince in the Sahara 。At the end of the story ,the little prince diedon the Earth with the piolet。

The writer made the story from the child's view。Actually,what the princesaid is what the writer wanted to said。The theme of the story is to criticizethe human beings' drawbacks。As a alien, the little prince could see the humanbeings' disadvantages clearly。 In my opinion ,The Little Prince is more than afunny book written for the children。It is a kind of profound reflection ofhumans。Everyone finishing reading the book can form his thought in his mind。Therefore,I'm sure it is worthwhile to spend some time reading the bookcalmly。



The hero Holton, a plicated and contradictory young man, came into my sightwith his mouth full of dirty words。 His cynicism caused a negative rebellion。 Hebelieved that no one in the adult society was credible, all “false hypocrite”,and he longed for simplicity and sincerity, but all was false and deceptive, andhe was unable to change the situation, and finally promised and even fled to thereal society。 In the real world, go to the backcountry to pretend to be a deafand dumb person。 But he has a childlike innocence, a pursuit of a better lifeand a noble ideal。 In order to protect the children from falling off the cliff,he also longed to grow up as a “catcher in the wheat field”, giving out thevoice of “saving the children”。 In a word, he is a lonely and struggling man,but he is a man who demands the perfect man in the world and is helpless toyield to the reality。 The kind and uneasy situation of the contradictory man isjumping, bleeding, and my eyes full of sympathy。

Holton's actions and speech actions are like the “he” that we have gonethrough: cynical, cynical, but conscientious and loving, Leng son, he alwaysspeaks aloud, sometimes aloud, his restless heart of youth。

Reading novels, I seem to read the confusion and dissatisfaction ofteenagers on their way to life。 Looking back at our current life, are there anystruggles like Holton? There must be a lot of it。 The confusion of puberty mustbe faced。 Everyone in youth is probably Holton。 They walked through a lot ofcurves, narrow roads, dangerous roads, even cliffs, and then stood, sprint andrun in a bitter struggle, and finally set foot on the road of life。 Perhaps handand foot injury, perhaps head broken blood, perhaps exhausted, but finally wille over, his face has a firm smile。

The catcher in the Rye is a twilight of youth's lost journey。 The confusionand loss of Holton are always the confusion and loss of the growing people。 Ihope that the realities of Holton will correct the deviations in the journey,step on the right track, and walk on the journey of life。



Read the red and black “is a time too long process, because time alreadygave writers and works most selfless and impartial judge, I like readingattitude to bestseller since can’t, and can’t be like that unbridled fiction wasnonmittal on that。 I’m in with the mind talking with that era, the key is inhistory outside of the inquiry and thinking

Lead me finish the book is gnaw its own great charm。 The authors from apaper simple criminal case showed that time data broader social screen, turn anordinary criminal improve to early nineteenth century French bourgeoisie socialsystem, make the level of the research history and philosophy。 Novel makes mesee history books in curt inability to feel, that France and bourgeois big noblealternating the key period of ruling the condition。 I learn realistic works ofanother kind of artistic characteristics of the world of people - 1783 stendhal”soul dialectics“; This and I had from the high old man ”, “ouye ni · latticelang sets of Balzac in” the experience “caused a person’s circumstances” verydifferent。

The most dazzling encyclopedia is literary history famous characters, inSuoLeiEr natural is even higher, “civilian background, culture, as happened withthe hostess governess, relationships, dew, the shot that lover, was sentenced todeath” is his life’s skeleton, “pursue” happy “warm” and “perseverance and classdifferences revolt showed almost hero’s spirit is moving flesh and blood。 Theauthor USES desalt material description and highlight the gimmick of mindtracking, it is to strengthen the impulse even in youth pursuit of ”the hero’sdream“ experience, this is the social form of resistance, but also for proudlly,our lost youth rebellion。

For ambition in social reality when hampering only two choices: retreats orresistance。 Those small staff in advance, not all the youth is plaining lifetedious withdraws person, they maybe mediocrity fortably was social forwardeliminated。 Can continually establish a life goal, decided to achieve the idealof life is and YuLianYou masculine-looking same protesters。 The era of coursenot wele false words as the method, but still need enthusiasm for life to opposeempty to live。 So, in the end even tragic except shows ”personal rebellion won’twork“ outside, the more practical significance in today’s society。

Write so far, leads to the novel to a ”firsts“ -- made with DE pepe reinain even Mrs ”spiritual love“ and to connect with DE la Moore young lady ”mindlove“ set each other off bees an interest。 Although the two aristocratic way oflove, a very different deep, a frantic, they in these two basic points isconsistent, that is: to this class of disgust, MenFa system and rebelliousfeudal。 Remember when julien jeanvier find their love is morphing into vanitysaid ”I put their tools can be destroyed“, after the detail is ”a proud withmalicious expression between the most sincere quickly replaced the most intenselove, look。“ The noble from miss is always slow as the tortoise climb, likelife, with a loss of dignity method。 Evoked love Book two paragraphs of tragiclove has always been with the progress of the upstart dominated and eveninferiority in the suspect, until brought life shall be the end, love that brokethe futility of primitive sparks, a illnesses。

When I will put pen to write with consciousness, found that when the timealready can feel with the time with a psychic reading the original pared。 I’mexcited to gain against mediocre revelation, moved by those although distortionand still heroic love segments。 When someone mentioned ”red and black“, I canproudly in response to ”I read“ behind plus a ”I also YanJuan meditationof"。


































《为中华之崛起而读书》教学设计 (北师大版二年级下册)2023-01-25
