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Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.


篇3: 看报纸英语作文


Newspapers are an encyclopedia of current events.Through the help of newspapers, we come to understand the world without having to travel to the places where important events have taken place.

But a newspaper more than carries simple news items, it also provides, in different sections, instructions on such things as first aid, cooking, playing the chess and taking pictures.

Thus besides making us acquainted with the world, reading newspapers can also widen our scope of knowledge.Everybody should read newspapers.


i get up early every morning in order to have a quiet time to do things i like, such as writing letters, reading newspapers, listening to music and so on. you will be surprised to know that the newspaper which i read early every morning is always from the previous day. this is because, as a married woman who holds a regular job, i am busy with my work from morning till night, and during the only hour which belongs to me the newspaper-boy hasn't delivered the day's paper yet. nevertheless, i still enjoy reading my newspaper. besides domestic and international news on economy, politics, and cultural activities, there are also amusing cartoons, interesting stories and a wonderful literary section. reading my newspaper early in the morning makes me fell good for the whole day.


yesterday i read an english newspaper for the first time. when i spread it out, i didn't know where to start. all the headlines confused me and the writing style of the articles was very different from that of what we usually read. however, after looking up the new words left and right in the dictionary, i finally made out the meaning more or less.

reading newspapers was not as easy as i had epected, but it offered me a sense of achievement and aroused my interest in learning the language. the comic strip was the first part of this newspaper i read. some of them are quite amusing, some philosophical, and still others quite political. then i tried to read other parts of the newspaper, like the editorial and local news. through this eperience, i have acquired a better and newer channel of learning english.




reading newspaper every day has become a habit to me. as a student, i have no time to watch tv news. accordingly, reading newspapers becomes the only way for me to learn about things which have happened around the world. the newspapers, however, do not only carry the latest world news, they also give us a great deal of useful knowledge. reading newspapers is, in my opinion, a must for a modern man.


i make it a rule to read the newspaper every day. as a student, i have no time to watch news programs on tv. besides, watching television takes up a lot of time. consequently, reading the newspaper becomes the only way for me to learn about what's happening around the world.

there is an old chinese saying: “a scholar need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world.” while newspapers do not carry the latest, up-to-the minute world news, they give us a great deal of useful knowledge. thus, reading the newspaper is, in my opinion, a must for those who wish to keep up with the times.




Can I read your newspaper?


The floor was laid with newspaper.


Chuck me the newspaper, would you?




admim — administrative 行政的

Jr — junior 初级

ad/adv — advertising 广告 K 1000元

agcy — agency 经销商

knowl — knowledge 知识

appt — appointment 约会﹑预约

loc — location 位置﹑场所

asst — assistant 助理

Lv/lvl — level 级/层

attn — attention 给, 与…联系

mach — machine 机器

bkgd — background 背景

manuf/mf — manufacturing 制造

bldg — building 建筑物﹑大楼

mech — mechanic 机械的

bus — business 商业﹑生意

mgr — manager 经理

clk — clerk (办公室)职员

m-f — monday-friday 从周一到周五

co — company 公司

mo — month 月

coll — college 大专(学历)

nec — necessary 必要的

comm — commission 佣金

oppty — opportunity 机会

corp — cororation (有限)公司

ot — overtime 超时

data pro — data processing 数据处理

perm — permanent 永久性的

dept — department 部

pls — please 请

dir — director 董事

pos — position 职位

div — division 分工﹑部门

pref — preference (有经验者)优先

eqpt — equipment 装备

prev — previous 有先前(经验)

etc — and so on 等等

P/T — part time 非全日制

eves — evenings 晚上

refs — references 推荐信

exc — excellent 很好的

rel — reliable 可靠的`

exp — experience 经验

reps — Representative (销售)代表

exp‘d — experienced 有经验的

req — required 需要

ext — extension 延伸﹑扩展

sal — salary 工资

fr. ben — fringe benefits 额外福利

secty — secretary 秘书

F/T — full time 全日制

sh — shorthand 人手不足

gd — good 好

sr — senior 资深

grad — graduate 毕业

stdnt — student 学生

hosp — hospital 医院

stmts — statements 报告

hqtrs — headquarters 总部

tech — technical 技术上

hr — hour 小时

tel/ph — telphone 电话

hrly — hourly 每小时

temp — temporarily 临时性(工作)

HS — high school 高中(学历)

trans — transportation 交通

immed — immediate 立即

trnee — trainee 实习生

incl — including 包括

typ — typing/typist 打字/打字员

ind — industrial 工业的

wk — week/work 周/工作

inexp — inexperienced 无经验的

Wpm — words per minute 打字/每分钟

int‘ — international 国际性的 yr(s) Year(s) 年


Newspapers and Websites

Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But theyre different in some ways.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. Whats more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.








Have you ever lay in the sun, enjoying the entertainment of reading a newspaper? Have you ever sat in an underground railway, killing your boring time by turning a newspaper? If you have made it, there is no doubt that you may not deny the importance of newspapers as a popular medium.

The first reason underlying my judgment is that newspapers provide us with great convenience. Though the advent of electric media like televisions and computers offer us another way to obtaining information, their generation by electricity circumsCRIbes their uses indoors. On the other hand, newspapers may be carried wherever we intend to. In addition, their small size and light weight will surely spare our effort to take them.

Another incomparable advantage of newspapers lies in their non-pollution. It may be said without fear of exaggeration that almost all those electronic media do harm to people's health.Take televisions for example:exposures to radiations, a kind of pollution, from them in the long run will undermine people's health, and especially for pregnant women. The radiation may even affect the baby to some extent. The same case can also be found in computers without any difficulty. Newspapers, by contrast, are made of natural materials. Therefore no pollution will be given off nor are people subjected to the risk of illness when they read a newspaper.

It is true that electronic media also have some merits superior to newspapers. They can give us more direct information, not only by words but by sounds and pictures as well. But regarding newspapers as a medium of past is an apparent understanding,far from the truth.

According to what has been analyzed above, newspapers have some exclusive advantages compared with other media,which affirm their popularity and will keep it on and on.



The newspapers were full of lies. 报纸上一片谎言。

A newspaper is a publication. 报纸是一种出版物。

若不是将 newspaper 当作是供阅读或传递信息的一种东西,而只是把它当成一种“纸”来看待,也可用作不可数名词,如:

Wrap it in (a sheet of) newspaper. 把它用张报纸包起来。



What are the uses of a newspaper?

The primary use of a newspaper is its informative function①. It informs the public of news. Every day, by means of newspaper, people receive the most fresh news on the world, national, and local events.

Newspapers also warns the public of dangers of happenings like storms to come, diseases which can be spread, dangerous prisoners who come out from a prison and might hurt people. Without newspapers we might face these dangers with no warning in advance.

Another use of newspapers is to instruct. They teach us how to cook a dish, tell us how to deal with money, and show us the way to start a business, and many others. A newspaper is an inexpensive②, lifelong③teacher that comes to our homes every day.

Besides, newspapers keep us pleasantly interested in things. Humorous stories, funny talks, sports and interesting articles are printed in newspapers all the year round. We can enjoy them as we like.

In the end, newspapers provide space for advertisements. Businesses can tell people about their special sales, new stores, services, and various goods by printing their advertisements in the newspapers.

Newspapers are probably the world's greatest and most popular way to receive daily news. But not only do they inform us, they also warn us, teach us, entertain④ us,and advertise⑤ for us. These are important uses that can be of great help to the public every day.



















孩子成绩好 家长感言2022-05-04



