Units 1-10重点短语对比

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Units 1-10重点短语对比(共4篇)由网友“小小的问号”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的Units 1-10重点短语对比,仅供参考,喜欢可以收藏与分享哟!

Units 1-10重点短语对比

篇1:Units 1-10重点短语对比

1. use up 表示“用完”、“耗尽”、“用尽”、“使筋疲力尽”(多用于被动语态),其中up是副词,名词作宾语时,放在up前面或后面均可;代词作宾语时,则必须放在up前面。

used to 表示“过去常常”,是情态动词,它只有过去式,强调过去存在但现在已经停止的情况或习惯,后面接动词原形。例如:

He used up his last dollar to see the movies. 他为了看电影把最后一元钱也花掉了。

We used to come on foot, but now we don't do that again. We often come by bus. 我们过去常常步行来,但是现在不了。我们经常乘公共汽车来。

2. turn out表示“结果(是)”、“证明(是)”、“原来(是)”时,作用相当于系动词,后面接形容词、副词、名词、代词、like / as短语、动名词的复合结构或that从句;表示“生产”、“制造”、“关闭”时,作行为动词用。

turn up表示“出现”、“调大(收音机、电视机等的音量)”。例如:

Everything turned out as expected. 一切都是如期的那样。

Do you think the crops will turn out well this year? 你认为今年的庄稼长势会好吗?

The missing boy turned up an hour later. 那个失踪的男孩一小时后出现了。

3. go by表示“走过”、“过去”、“按......行事”,其中by既可用作介词,又可用作副词。

go up 表示“上升”、“涨价”、“增长”,其中up是副词。

Many years have gone by since we first met. 我们初次见面迄今已有好多年了。

You should go by the rules. 你应当照章办事。

In those days prices went up practically every day. 那时候物价几乎每天都上涨。

4. work on表示“继续工作”、“从事”,后面接名词或代词。

work out 表示“制订”、“算出”,其中out是副词。例如:

How can you work on so long without a rest? 你怎么能不休息而继续工作这么久?

Can you work out this problem? 你能算出这道题吗?

We worked out a development plan.我们制订了一份发展计划。

5. burn down 表示“使烧毁”、“使烧成平地”、“(由于燃料烧尽而)火力渐弱”,强调破坏性。

burn up表示“烧尽”、“烧光”、“(火、炉等)烧起来、旺起来”,强调动作的结果。例如:

A number of houses were burned down in the fire. 在火灾中,好多房屋烧毁了。

Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up. 添些木材把火烧旺。

6. look up to表示“尊敬”、“钦佩”,后面接名词或代词。

look up表示“(在词典、参考书、电话簿中)查找”。例如:

Miss Li had taught for many years and all the students looked up to her. 李老师教学多年,所有的学生都尊敬她。

It is a good habit to look up new words in the dictionary. 在词典里查生词是一个良好的习惯。

7. compare ... with ...表示“把......和......作比较”、“把......和......进行对照”。

compare ... to ...表示“把......比作......”。例如:

If you compare this book with that one, you will find this one much more interesting. 如果你把这本书和那本书作个比较,你就会发现这本书有趣得多。

People compare children to flowers of the country. 人们把孩子比作祖国的花朵。

8. stand out表示“突出”、“显眼”、“引人注目”,其中out是副词。

stand for表示“代表”、“象征”、“主张”,其中for是介词。

stand by表示“支持(某人)”、“袖手旁观”、“站在一旁”,其中by既可作副词用,又可作介词用。例如:

Her red hair made her quite stand out in the crowd. 她的红头发使得她在人群里相当引人注目。

We like our school and all it stands for. 我们喜欢我们的学校以及它所提倡的一切。

No matter what happens, I'll stand by you. 无论发生什么事,我都会支持你的。

9. call up表示“召唤”、“使人想起”、“提出(议案)”、“调动(力量、人员等)”、“(给......)打电话”,其中up是副词。

call for表示“索取”、“要求”、“需要”、“找(某人)”,其中for是介词。

On reaching the city, he called up the office. 他一到城里就给办公室打来了电话。

When will you call for the article? 你什么时候来取稿件?

10. consist of ... 表示“由......组成”、“由......构成”,不用于进行时态,而且只用于主动语态。

be made up of ... 表示“由......组成”、“由......构成”,只有被动语态一种形式。例如:

This soup consists of tomatoes, meat and peas. 这道汤是用蕃茄、肉和豌豆烹制的。

The apartment is made up of two bedrooms and a kitchen. 这套公寓由两间卧室和一间厨房构成。

二、 误用、乱用英语标点符号


1. 她是一个十几岁的漂亮女孩。

误:She is a nice-looking girl, in her teens,

正:She is a nice-looking girl in her teens.

析:in her teens是个限定性定语,应紧跟在名词girl后面;同时句末的“,”应该改为“.”。

2. 他问我想要什么。

误:He asked me what did I want?

误:He asked me what I wanted?

正:He asked me what I wanted.


3. 他有一个勤劳的妻子,她是个工人。

误:He has a hard-working wife who is a worker.

正:He has a hard-working wife, who is a worker.



我们知道,有些单词大写和小写所表示的意思不同,如May(五月)与may(可以), China(中国)与china(瓷器)等。同时,英语句子中开头单词的首字母也要大写,如:He likes English very much.句中he在句首应大写第一个字母;English为专有名词,也应大写第一个字母。可是,在写作中有些同学常忽略这一点。如:

1. “真遗憾!”她说道。

误: “ what a pity!” She said.

正: “What a pity!” she said.

析:在直接引语中,what为开头单词,其首字母应大写;但是she said在这里不能大写。再如: “And may I ask-”said Mary, “but I guess it's better for you to ask him about it.”


2. 他今天早晨没来上学,因为他生病住院了。

误:HE didn't come to school this morning, Because he was ill in hospital,

正:He didn't come to school this morning, because he was ill in hospital.


3. 你认识她吗,妈妈?

误:Do you know her mother?

正:Do you know her, Mother?


可见,有无标点意思不同;另外,father, mother, sister, brother等用作称呼语时常要大写。再如:I'm hungry, Father.



篇2:Units 1-10 重点短语对比


1. use up 表示“用完”、“耗尽”、“用尽”、“使筋疲力尽”(多用于被动语态),其中up是副词,名词作宾语时,放在up前面或后面均可;代词作宾语时,则必须放在up前面。

used to 表示“过去常常”,是情态动词,它只有过去式,强调过去存在但现在已经停止的情况或习惯,后面接动词原形。例如:

He used up his last dollar to see the movies. 他为了看电影把最后一元钱也花掉了。

We used to come on foot, but now we don't do that again. We often come by bus. 我们过去常常步行来,但是现在不了。我们经常乘公共汽车来。

2. turn out表示“结果(是)”、“证明(是)”、“原来(是)”时,作用相当于系动词,后面接形容词、副词、名词、代词、like / as短语、动名词的复合结构或that从句;表示“生产”、“制造”、“关闭”时,作行为动词用。

turn up表示“出现”、“调大(收音机、电视机等的音量)”。例如:

Everything turned out as expected. 一切都是如期的那样。

Do you think the crops will turn out well this year? 你认为今年的庄稼长势会好吗?

The missing boy turned up an hour later. 那个失踪的男孩一小时后出现了。

3. go by表示“走过”、“过去”、“按......行事”,其中by既可用作介词,又可用作副词。

go up 表示“上升”、“涨价”、“增长”,其中up是副词。

Many years have gone by since we first met. 我们初次见面迄今已有好多年了。

You should go by the rules. 你应当照章办事。

In those days prices went up practically every day. 那时候物价几乎每天都上涨。

4. work on表示“继续工作”、“从事”,后面接名词或代词。

work out 表示“制订”、“算出”,其中out是副词。例如:

How can you work on so long without a rest? 你怎么能不休息而继续工作这么久?

Can you work out this problem? 你能算出这道题吗?

We worked out a development plan.我们制订了一份发展计划。

5. burn down 表示“使烧毁”、“使烧成平地”、“(由于燃料烧尽而)火力渐弱”,强调破坏性。

burn up表示“烧尽”、“烧光”、“(火、炉等)烧起来、旺起来”,强调动作的结果。例如:

A number of houses were burned down in the fire. 在火灾中,好多房屋烧毁了。

Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up. 添些木材把火烧旺。

6. look up to表示“尊敬”、“钦佩”,后面接名词或代词。

look up表示“(在词典、参考书、电话簿中)查找”。例如:

Miss Li had taught for many years and all the students looked up to her. 李老师教学多年,所有的学生都尊敬她。

It is a good habit to look up new words in the dictionary. 在词典里查生词是一个良好的习惯。

7. compare ... with ...表示“把......和......作比较”、“把......和......进行对照”。

compare ... to ...表示“把......比作......”。例如:

If you compare this book with that one, you will find this one much more interesting. 如果你把这本书和那本书作个比较,你就会发现这本书有趣得多。

People compare children to flowers of the country. 人们把孩子比作祖国的花朵。

8. stand out表示“突出”、“显眼”、“引人注目”,其中out是副词。

stand for表示“代表”、“象征”、“主张”,其中for是介词。

stand by表示“支持(某人)”、“袖手旁观”、“站在一旁”,其中by既可作副词用,又可作介词用。例如:

Her red hair made her quite stand out in the crowd. 她的红头发使得她在人群里相当引人注目。

We like our school and all it stands for. 我们喜欢我们的学校以及它所提倡的一切。

No matter what happens, I'll stand by you. 无论发生什么事,我都会支持你的。

9. call up表示“召唤”、“使人想起”、“提出(议案)”、“调动(力量、人员等)”、“(给......)打电话”,其中up是副词。

call for表示“索取”、“要求”、“需要”、“找(某人)”,其中for是介词。

On reaching the city, he called up the office. 他一到城里就给办公室打来了电话。

When will you call for the article? 你什么时候来取稿件?

10. consist of ... 表示“由......组成”、“由......构成”,不用于进行时态,而且只用于主动语态。

be made up of ... 表示“由......组成”、“由......构成”,只有被动语态一种形式。例如:

This soup consists of tomatoes, meat and peas. 这道汤是用蕃茄、肉和豌豆烹制的。

The apartment is made up of two bedrooms and a kitchen. 这套公寓由两间卧室和一间厨房构成。

11. take notes 表示“做笔记”、“做记录”,常与of连用,相当于take a note of或make a note of。

take note of表示“注意到”。例如:

You have to take notes of my new address. 你得记下我的新地址。

I took note of what he was doing. 我注意到了他在做的事。

12. feel as if表示“觉得好像”,其中as if是连词,引导表语从句,从句的谓语动词常常用过去式(be用were)用来比喻或夸张一件事,也可以用as though代替as if。

feel like表示“想要”、“摸起来像”,后面接名词、代词或V-ing,其中like是介词。例如:

He felt as if he were floating in the air. 他觉得仿佛飘在空中。

I feel like taking a rest.我想休息一下。

13. clear up表示“收拾”、“清理”、“整理”、“(天气)放晴”、“使清楚”,其中up是副词。

clear out表示 “清空”、“离开”,其中out是副词。例如:

He cleared up his desk after school. 放学后他整理了他的书桌。

You must clear out the things in the cupboard. 你必须把壁橱里的东西清除一空。

14. catch fire表示“着火”,强调动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。

on fire表示“着火”,强调状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:

When she was doing the experiment, her hair caught fire. 当她在做实验时,她的头发着了火。

The building has been on fire for an hour. 那栋楼着了一个小时的火了。

15. on the way表示“即将到来”、“在途中”,是介词短语,其中the可以用one's替换。

on the way to表示“就要......”、“去......的路上”,后面接名词或V-ing。

in the way表示“造成不便,碍事”。

in a way表示“在一定程度上”。

by the way表示“顺便问(说)一下”。例如:

I think help is on the way.我想救援就要到了。

She is on the way to turning professional writer. 她就要成为一名职业作家了。

You'd better not stand in the way. 你最好不要挡着路。

In a way, I agree with what you said.在一定程度上,我同意你所说的。

By the way, have you been to Beijing? 顺便问一下,你去过北京吗?

16. on earth“究竟”、“到底”,用在疑问句中,加强语气。

in the earth表示“在地下”、“在地里”。

on the earth表示“在地球上”。例如:

What on earth are you doing? 你究竟在干什么?

We buried the body of the deer in the earth. 我们把那只鹿的尸体埋在了地下。

We live on the earth. 我们生活在地球上。

17. put an end to表示“使结束”、“使终止”,其中to是介词,后面接名词或代词,用指人的名词或代词作主语。

come to an end表示“结束”、“完毕”,用指事物的名词或代词作主语。例如:

They should put an end to that war.他们应该结束那场战争。

The meeting came to an end at midnight.那场会议深夜才结束。

18. wipe out表示“擦洗......的内部”、“除去”、“歼灭”、“消除(污点、疾病、印象等)”。

wipe off表示“擦掉”、“还清”、“(从......)擦掉”、“抹掉”。

wipe up表示“擦干”、“(把溅出的水等)抹掉”。例如:

It was wiped out from his memory. 那件事从他的记忆中被抹掉了。

I have wiped off my debts. 我已经还清了债务。

Would you please help me to wipe up the dishes? 请你帮我把这些碗碟擦干,好吗?

19. at hand表示“在附近”、“在手边”、“即将到来的(常与near或close连用)”。

by hand 表示“用手”、“靠人工”、“由专人递送”。

in hand表示“在手里”、“在进行中”、“在掌握中”。例如:

New Year's Day is near at hand. 新年快到了。

My sweater is knitted by hand. 我的毛衣是手工编织的。

His father went out for a walk, walking stick in hand. 他的父亲拄着拐杖外出散步去了。

20. run over表示“(液体)溢出”、“在......上面开(压)过”、“匆匆看(复习)一遍”,其中over是介词。

run out表示“(某物)用完”、“过期失效”,其中out是副词。例如:

You'd better run over these materials before you go. 在你走之前,最好把这些材料粗略看一遍。

Our supply of food has already run out. 我们的食物供给已经没有了。

The contract runs out at the end of the year, so it will have to be renewed. 这份合同在年底失效,所以它将不得不被更新。



1. happen to 后面接指人或物的名词(代词)时,表示“某人(某物)发生了什么事”、“某人(某物)怎么了”,其中to是介词。

happen to后面接动词原形时,表示“碰巧”、“恰好”,其中to 是不定式符号。例如:

What has happened to him? 他出什么事了?

What has happened to your computer? 你的电脑怎么了?

All the lights happened to go out. 所有的电灯碰巧熄灭了。

I happened to see her in the city yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在城里看见了她。

2. keep in touch with... 表示“与......保持联系”,强调状态,可以与一段时间连用。

get in touch with... 表示“与......取得联系”,强调动作,通常不能与一段时间连用。

lose touch with... 表示“与......失去联系”,强调动作,通常不能与一段时间连用。

be out of touch with... 表示“与......失去联系”,强调状态,可以与一段时间连用。例如:

I have kept in touch with my friends for ten years.十年来我一直和我的朋友们保持联系。

As soon as I get there, I'll get in touch with you.我一到那儿就会和你取得联系。

We have lost touch with him. 我们已经和他失去联系了。

I have been out of touch with them for years.我已经和他们失去联系多年了。

3. be prepared for... 表示“为......做好准备”,在prepared前加well,表示“为......做好了充分准备”,强调状态。

be prepared to... 表示“准备好......”,后面接动词原形。

prepare for... 表示“为......做准备”,强调动作。例如:

We are prepared for the worst.我们为应付最坏的情况做好了准备。

He is prepared to have a talk with the manager. 他准备好了要和经理谈一谈。

I am preparing for the get-together of the old classmates. 我正在为这次老同学聚会做准备。

Units 6-7 日常会话考点与热点练与析



前两期,我们对进行预测(Making predictions)和谈论假想的情景(Talking about imaginary situations)这两个话题在英语中的常见表达法进行了学习。本期将对其考点与热点问题进行专题练习。请做下面的单项填空题,并阅读题后的参考答案与简析。

1. -Will you go abroad after graduation?

- ________

A. Who told you that?

B. It depends.

C. Maybe you're right.

D. And you?

2. - ________ , what would the villagers do?

- They would do nothing but wait for the soldiers to come and rescue them.

A. If they meet a big flood

B. If it was a flood

C. Should there be a flood

D. When they had met a flood

3. - ________

-I don't think he would have been so upset.

A. Do you think he'll win?

B. Where has he gone on earth?

C. He must feel too tired.

D. What if he hadn't failed in the competition?

4. - ________

-But it turned out to be fine!

A. The weather bureau predicted rain for that day.

B. How's your baby?

C. We had an unpleasant journey because of rain.

D. I thought your dog got ill.

5. -I accepted his invitation and joined in their weekend party.

- ________ if you had refused it?

A. What would be the result

B. What would have been the result

C. Who would have invited you

D. Do you think it's right

6. -Imagine you won a big lottery, how would you deal with it?

- ________ I'd use it for my further study abroad.

A. Really?

B. It's impossible!

C. Me?

D. Maybe you're right.

7. -His demand might have been turned down. He looks unhappy.

- ________

A. I guess so.

B. Nonsense.

C. No, he mustn't have been turned down.

D. No, it can't have.

8. - Strong is still sleeping. It's already 9 o'clock.

- ________

A. So he did.

B. He might sleep well last night.

C. You might have predicted it.

D. He must have stayed up.

9. - Wang Yifu is in the best condition.

- ________

A. No, he's possible to win the championship.

B. Yes, he's likely to win the championship.

C. Yes, he's impossible to win the championship.

D. No, you're wrong. He's won the championship.

10. -Supposing you were on a desert island, what would you do?

- ________ , but I think I would try to live on.

A. If so

B. Yes, I would

C. Hard to say

D. Well, of course


1. B。It depends. 的意思是“那要看情况而定。”

2. C。这是省略if的虚拟条件句(主、谓要倒装)。

洪水只能用“是否有(即存在)”来表示,所以要用There be句型,故选项B不妥。

3. D。这是一个虚拟假设句。从后面的答语可知这是对“他要是在比赛中不失败”的假设。

4. A。后一句中的it turned out to be fine的意思是“结果是个晴天”,所以前一句应该是关于天气预报的内容。

5. B。这是与过去事实相反的虚拟假设。C尽管时态一致,但在意思和逻辑上讲不通。

6. C。“Me?”在此是表假设的反问句。而“Really?”


7. A。也可以说“I think / consider so.”等。C有语法错误,应说“can't have...”。D项语法无误,但与语境(He looks unhappy.)不符。

8. D。对过去事情的推断,应用“情态动词+have +V-ed”的形式表示。

9. B。只有此选项符合语境(王义夫处于良好的状态)。

10. C。完整的形式是“It's hard to say.”(这很难说)。与前面的假设以及后面的内容(尤其是转折词but)在逻辑上相符。


11. make the bed整理被物

12. doone’sbest尽某人最大的努力

13. bebusywith忙于干某事

14. bebusydoingsth忙于做某事

15. bybus/car/plane乘公汽打的.乘飞机

16. catchupwith迎头赶上

17. catchacold感冒

18. day afte rday一天又一天

19. do some cleaning使干净

20. eatup/useup吃光用光

21. intheend最后最终

22. fall ill生病

23. on foot步行

24. make friend swith sb.与某人交朋友

25. in frontof在。。。。前方

26. getback/in/off/on返回、得到

27. get on with与某人相处

28. give up放弃

29. goondoingsth.继续干某事

30. go shopping购物

31. be goodat在某方面擅长

32. handin/out交上承上

33. have agood time旅途愉快

34. have break fast/supper吃早餐/午餐

35. have sports做运动

36. hear from收到某人来信

37. hereandthere到处

38. hold ameeting举行会议

39. hold on坚持抓住

40. hurryup匆忙

41. keep on doing sth.继续做某时,保持…状态

42. all kinds of各种各样

43. akind of一种

44. laug hat嘲笑

45. listen to sb.听某人说

46. nolonger不再

47. lookafter/at/for/up照顾看注视寻找查询查找

48. makea mistake犯错误

49. make anoise发出。。。声音噪音

50. in the middle of在中间

51. neither…nor既不也不

52. from now on从现在开始

53. anum berof大量的

54. atonce立即,马上

55. once upona time很久以前

56. puton/sthdown/up穿上放下搭起张贴

57. get/beready准备做某事

58. take/havearest休息

59. ring up打电话

60. send for派人去请

61. by theside of在什么旁边

62. go to sleep睡觉

63. stop sb.fromd oing sth.阻止某人干某事

64. take awalk散步

65. take away带走

66. take out注意小心拿出来

67. takedown/off关小关掉

68. takeatrain/bus乘火车乘公汽

69. think about思考有关…问题

70. all the time一直

71. on/intime按时及时

72. too…to太。。。而不。。。。

73. try on试穿

74. turn off关掉

75. wake up醒来

76. by theway顺便

77. onethe/one’swayto…在…路上

78. write down写下来

79. take amessage for sb.为某人带个口信

80. Whatapity!很可惜

81. ofcourse当然

82. turn left向左转

83. feel well感觉好

84. neck and neck肩并肩

85. fall behind落后

86. take turns轮流按顺序

87. hand sup举起手。投降

88. asusual像平常一样

89. prefera.tob.A与B相比较起来更喜欢A

90. You’dbetternotdosth.你最好不要做某事

91. Help oneselftosth.用餐自便

92. changeone’smind改变主义

93. make amistake犯错误

94. takeone’stime花掉某人时间

95. knoc kinto sb.撞上某人

96. coveredwith被。。。覆盖

97. withone’shelp在某人帮助下

98. wear out使疲倦厌倦

99. sell out脱销卖完

100.be in surprise使惊奇











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