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篇1:The Opinion of Buying

The Opinion of Buying Cars

Nowadays, we can often hear the discussion whether buying cars should be encouraged. Some people suggest that we should buy cars. But others claim that driving cars is not a wise idea. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter opinion.

To begin with, there are few parking lots, so the streets are made narrower by the cars parked along the roads. For example, my father could not find any places to park when we went to the supermarket.

Moreover, many drivers do not obey regulations, because people do not pay enough attention to the rule of traffic. For instance, I often see people cross the road when the traffic lights are still red.

Last but not least, the growth of new roads' construction is usually slower than the increasing number of cars. For example, the length of the road has gone up by 20% in . However, the number of cars increased by 50% in the meantime.

From what has been discussed above, we could draw a conclusion that encouraging buying cars is not fit for today.


1.opinion的基本意思是“意见,看法,主张”,可指个人的判断,也可指权威性的评论,往往含有“起初的,不十分肯定的”意味,多与介词 of, on 或about连用,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。


3.opinion与good, high, bad, low等词连用时表示“评价”。

4.opinion有词组in one’s opinion,属于正式的用法,表示在某人看来;


I am confirmed in my opinions by what you told me.


Her opinion coincides with mine.


His opinion accords reasonably with yours.



There was a difference of opinion over who had won.


In my opinion, it's a very sound investment.


You seem to have a high opinion of yourself!


The boss has a very high opinion of her.


She has a very low opinion of her own abilities.


篇4:in ones opinion可数吗

The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.


The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum.


Judging by the opinion polls, he seems to be succeeding.



And what of the effect on U。S domestic opinion?


He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday。


The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion。


篇6:My opinion on Campus Love

Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: My opinion on Campus Love. You should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below in Chinese:

1. Some people are strongly against campus love.

2. Some people accept it.

3. My view.

篇7:My Opinion on Cheating in Examinatio

My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations(我对考试作弊的看法)

My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school

As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations whichare too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't work hard at our lessons. So when taking examinations, some students sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it break the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations.  What's more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations. (121 words)







n. 意见;主张

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things.


来自:学生是否应该在网上交朋友 Should Students Make Friends On Lin

These people are of the opinion that one can never do his work well unless he is devoted to only one job in his lifetime.


来自:我对跳槽换工作的看法英语作文My View on Job-hopping

Let me explain my opinion step by step.


来自:工作和家庭谁更重要career and family which is more important

They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong.


来自:一本有趣的书An Interesting Book

They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life.


来自:生活压力 Stress in life

What's more,cheating will make people become lazy,as it gives students an opinion that they canstill get good grades without working hard.


来自:对作弊的看法 Cheating in Exams

In my opinion of the view, I do not advocate that students have a company before their graduation.


来自:大学生开公司 Having a Company before Graduation

Some of them even hold the opinion that e-books will replace traditional books one day.


来自:电子书将会取代纸质书籍 E-books Will Replace Traditional Books

Some people hold the opinion that students should put their study in the first place.


来自:是否支持大学生恋爱 Should We Approve of Dating in University?

As far as I am concerned, I do not agree with their opinion that university education is a springboard.


篇9:Humble Opinion On Preparing Lessons

Humble Opinion On Preparing Lessons



Preparing a lesson well is the prerequisite to a lesson. As a teacher of English we must grasp the spirit of the textbook; go through the whole unit and prepare lessons – one unit as a whole; use the teacher’s book well and add something new according to what the students need. We must proceed from Presentation; devote a lot of time and energy to Reading and Practice; devote much attention to Consolidation and Summing up afterwards. In this way, we can reach the goal of English teaching and achieve good teaching efficiency.

Key words:

preparing lessons – one unit as a whole; practicing design ; summing up afterwards ; teaching efficiency;

As it is well-known to all of us, preparing a lesson well is the prerequisite to a lesson. I know it only after many years of teaching. I began to teach English 25 years ago. In SEFC (Senior English for China) started to be widely used all over our country. I felt it is an honor for me to teach it for three rounds. After eight years of teaching I have found that it has a lot of advantages compared with the old one. The students can get to know much daily spoken English and written English. It provides the students with a lot of vivid and instructive teaching materials. It is a perfect combination of contents and formation. If we don’t try our best to grasp the spirit of the textbook; If we don’t understand well the purposes of the editors; If we don’t transit the traditional teaching method to the modern communicative approach, we can not use the textbook well and we can not make full use of the advantages it has .I think that a good lesson given by a certain teacher is based on a good preparation. If you prepare the lessons well, you will have been half way to success . Your students will surely like the lessons you given. In this article, I would like to talk about something on how to prepare the lessons.

1. Getting to know the unit

As you know, it is very important to get the lessons well prepared. I think it is good and helpful to prepare one unit as a whole. We know the teaching material provides a very new teaching system which is combined with small systems of several units. Every unit has its task to finish as part of the whole system of the book. And every unit has its own small system which has four lessons with different teaching requirements. Each lesson has a clear teaching goal which is always connected with the goals of the whole unit. That is why we have to think about our teaching plan within the whole unit. We should try to improve the students’ English level step by step. We know from the book that one unit has only one topic. Everything goes around this topic. So first, we should go through the whole unit, including the notes to the texts, and get to know what it is about; how many new words and expressions for the students to have; what words we need to give more explanations; what grammar we are supposed to teach in this unit and what connection it has with other units; what kind of teaching aids we will need in class, etc. In this way, we will have some idea of when and how to teach the certain new knowledge.

2. Preparing

The teacher’s book gives us some advice and suggestions on how to teach. They are very good and practical. But in my understanding, they are only suggestions. You do not have to do exactly the same. So when I read through the teaching plan for one unit in the teacher’s book, sometimes I make some changes and I choose some of the suggestions and sometimes I add something new myself according to what my students need. But the spirit and purposes should be almost the same. Usually we have five steps in one period such as Revision; Presentation; Drill or Reading; Practice and Consolidation. If we do not understand them well, it will be very difficult to reach the teaching goal of the textbook. Now let me tell you how I usually do in class.

The first step: Revision: I think it is very important to get the students to revise what they have learned in last few units. I usually deal with this step orally. The teacher’s book gives us some directions. I often do something according to what I have asked the students to do in the class before. Only after many times of revision, can the students really learn it. As we know, language can be mastered only after a period of time, not in a short time. I usually do one or two of the following three ways (A,B,C) in this step in one class.

A) Question bombardment – a kind of free talk according to what the students have learned or what they will learn. Sometimes we talk about our daily life. I’ll ask a lot of questions in English very quickly and get my students to answer them quickly. For example, in Lesson 91 Unit 23 in Book II , I say: “Yesterday we learned a passage about telephones. We have known something about the telephones, especially the developing history of the telephone and how the telephone works. Now I’ll ask you some questions. Please listen carefully.

Q 1: What do you call a book with all the telephone numbers in it? (We call it a telephone directory.)

Q 2: How were the first telephones connected with each other? (They were connected with each other by thick heavy wires.)

Q 3: How are the telephones connected with each other today? (They are connected with each other by satellite and by very thin glass pipes.)

Q 4: Why did a person have to wind a handle at the side of the old telephone? (Because she must produce enough electricity to make a call.)

Q 5: What is the problem with using metal wires to send electrical signals? (The problem is that electrical signals get weaker and weaker as they travel along metal wires.)

B) Free-talking – ask the students to raise questions freely about one topic I give them. Usually this topic has something to do with our previous units.

C) Homework checking: We often find we don’t have enough time to finish all the exercises in the workbook in class, so I usually check those left in the previous class after the students finish them at home. From this we can know how well they have understood.

The second step: Presentation. In this step, the teacher should be a demonstrator. He / She should try to make some situation to let the students know naturally and clearly the new words and expressions and also some language points. When I prepare my lessons, I always spend a lot of time on presentation, thinking about it for quite a while before I get down to writing them down. This is a step to form a connecting link between the proceeding and the following. If you present it well, the students will show great interest in what you are going to teach. During the presentation, the students can get to know the knowledge supposed to be taught in this unit. I always have something to say before I ask the students to open the book whether the teacher’s book gives us certain suggestions.

Again let me take lesson 91 unit 23 Book II for an example. I show a mobile phone to the students while I say: “Look, What’s this? You can answer in Chinese.” Some of the students may answer: “手机”. I say: Yes. In Chinese we call it “手机” while in English we call it a mobile phone. (Bb: Mobile phone) And I again ask them: “Can you guess the meaning of the word “mobile”? The students: Yes. “mobile” means “可移动的” in Chinese. Then I say: “ Very good. Today we are going to read a text about mobile phones. They are new models of telephone. Please turn to page 64. Look at the passage. I’ll give you five minutes to read the passage quickly and silently. And then answer the following questions:”

Answer the following questions: (Write down the questions on the blackboard:)

Q 1. Which new type of mobile phone is described in the text? (The mobile phone with a small computer which remembers the telephone numbers of people you want to ring.)

Q 2. What is a mobile phone? (A mobile phone is a phone that has no wires and can be carried about in your pocket or your bag.)

Q 3. What is the difference between a mobile phone and an ordinary phone? (A mobile photo is smart and you can take it with you wherever you go. But you can’t take an ordinary phone with you.)

Q 4. What is cordless phone? (A cordless phone is a phone which also has no wires and be useful

in the office or in the factory.)

Q 5. What can the new model phone do? Why can it do so? (The phone can recognize the name you say and then dials the correct numbers. Because it has a computer in it.)

The third step: Drill / Reading. I usually teach in the way the teacher’s book suggests. But if it is about the reading , I often have something different to do in class in order to get more information from the passage and understand it better. Besides the way the teacher’s book tells us to, I sometimes ask my students to read the passage and choose the best answer. Now let me take lesson 90 unit 23 Book II for an example.

Read the passage <> and choose the best answer

( ) 1. The number of telephone in 1990 is nearly times as large as that in 1877 .

A. 1000 B. 10000 C. 100 D. 100000

( ) 2. People prefer to use light signals because .

A. they are lighter B. they are cheaper to send

C. they are simpler D. they are clearer

( ) 3. How is a message transferred on the telephone ?

A. Sound waves electrical signals sound

B. Voice electrical signals light signals electrical signals sound

C. Sound waves light signals voice

D. Sound waves light signals sound

( ) 4. The handle of an old telephone was used for .

A. producing enough electricity to make a call

B. making a note of the length of the telephone call

C. telling the operator which number is wanted

D. changing the waves of your voice into electrical signals

( ) 5. The job of an operator is .

A. to wind the handle for customers and charge the phone call B. to connect the two numbers and make a note of the time and charge the call C. to mend telephones and telephone wires D. all of the above

The fourth step: Language points learning and practice. I always lead the students to deal with the language points and then let them do some translations designed by me to these points. Take Lesson 89 Unit 23 Book II. for an example:

Explain some difficult points of the dialogue:

1. I’m sorry, I think I dialled the wrong number. 对不起, 我拨错了电话号码了. dial vt / vi拨(电话号码) 例如: If you wish to call the United States, dial 0011 and then the number. 如果你想打电话去美国, 先拨0011, 再拨你要拨的电话号码. I dialled my friend’s number, but the line was busy. 我打电话给我的朋友, 但电话占着线.

2. Would you like a word with her? 你想和她谈谈吗? = Would you like a few words with her? =Would you like to speak to her? like a word / a few words with sb. = have a word / a few words with sb. 和某人说几句话. *** have words with sb. 和某人吵架; 试比较: He is waiting to have a word with you / like a word with you. 他正在等着想和你讲几句话呢. They said that Mr. Smith and Miss Allen had words with each other last Friday. 他们说上周五史密斯先生和艾伦小姐吵架了.

3. Hold on. I’ll go and get her. 请稍侯, 我去把她找来接电话. hold on (可接 a moment ; a minute ) 请稍侯; 别挂电话; 例如: Hold on a moment, I’ll tell you Lin Mei’s telephone number. 请稍侯, 我来告诉你林梅的电话号码. Hold on Li Fang, I’ll check answers to the maths problems with you. 别挂电话李芳, 我来与你对一下数学题的答案. 坚持; 继续; 例如: Heavy snow held on the whole night. 大雪下了整整一夜. In the storm, people were told to hold on till the PLA men came. 在暴风雨中人们被告知要坚持到解放军战士的到来. hold on to 抓住 …… 不松开 例如: The little boy held on to his mother’s hand while crossing the street. 过马路时, 那个小男孩紧紧抓着他妈妈的手. get 叫来; 找来; 请来; 例如: Shall I go and get a taxi? 要我去叫辆出租车吗?

4. The speaker’s supposed to be excellent. 这个演讲者据说很不错. be supposed to be 被认为是……. ; 应该 …… ; 理应 …… (表示根据规定人们不得不做的事情, 或期待发生的事情). 例如: He is supposed to be there on time. 人们认为他会准时到的. They are supposed to be away from home. 大家认为他们出远门去了. You are supposed to start work at 8 o’clock every morning. 你应当在上午八点钟开始干活. I’m supposed to be at home by ten o’clock at night. 晚上十点时我应当在家. ***主动语态用法例句: All the students suppose him to be bright. 所有的学生都认为他聪明. People in old times supposed the earth to be flat. 古时候人们认为地球是平的.

5. I’ve already got something on that evening. 那天晚上我有些事. 句中的 on 表示 “有某种活动正在进行” 例如: Have you got anything on this evening? 你今晚有事吗? We’ve got a very important piece of work at the moment. 此时我们有项重要工作在进行.

6. We must get together some other time for a chat. 我们得找个别的时间聚在一起聊聊. chat vi 聊天 get together 相聚; 例如: The whole family got together for the Mid-Autumn Festival. We need less chat and more work. 我们必须少说话多干事.

7. All the best! 祝你万事如意! 再如: All the best with your family!祝你全家都好! All the best with / in your study / business! 祝你学习进步! / 事业有成!

Put the following into English or Chinese :

1. 你姐姐似乎想和你讲几句话 .

(Your sister seems to have a word / a few words with you.)

2. 他们和她吵过架 .

(They have had words with her.)

3. 对不起, 先生. 请别挂电话, 我找一下钢笔 .

(Excuse me, Sir. Hold on, please. I’m looking for a pen.)

4. 坚持下去. 一切都会好起来的.

(Hold on, everything will be all right soon.)

5. The wind was blowing so hard that I had to hold on to my hat when I went home .

(我下班的时候风特别大, 我不得不一路抓着帽子.)

6. 珍妮被认为是我们班里最好的学生 .

(Jenny is supposed to be the best student in our class.)

7. Professor Smith is supposed to be the main speaker at the conference .

(据猜测, 史密斯教授将是大会的主要发言人.)

8. 我们的飞机应在上午十点半起飞 .

(Our plane is supposed to take off at 10 a.m.)

9. 你不可以在公共汽车上抽烟 .

(You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.)

10. 祝你在新的工作岗位上一切顺利 .

(All the best in your new job!)

Sometimes I ask them to work in pairs or in groups to discuss and find out the main idea for each paragraph or ask them to do “asking and answering questions” according to the passage. For example, to ask and answer one or two questions for each paragraph, I’ll ask them to practice in pairs first, then do the chain-work. They may ask any student in class to answer his /her question. In these two steps, the teacher should be the conductor and listener.

The fifth step: Consolidation. If time permits besides what is told in the teacher’s book I will sometimes give the students some “T” or “F” statements to do so that I can check how well they understand the passage. Sometimes I ask my students to retell the dialogue or the passage. I usually give them some hints or just ask them to do it according to the main ideas of each paragraph or the questions given as clues. (If there is not enough time, I’ll leave this as their homework. When they come back the next day, I’ll check it.) I’ll ask them to practice in groups first, then one or two groups demonstrate in class. In lesson 79 Unit 20 book II, I ask the students to find out the main idea in each paragraph after class . The students like to do this. They learn a lot from this.

Find out the main idea in each paragraph: (the following is the answers)

1. People with disabilities are not stupid and disabilities are very common / usual .

2. Disabilities are not total .

3. We must make life easier for the disabled people .

4. We must bring disabled children back into normal school and we should take care of them .

3. Summing up

From my experience in my teaching for many years, I find it is very important to sum up afterwards what you have taught. Many teachers may think they have finished teaching when the class is over and after finishing grading the students’ homework. But in fact it is not completely right. If we consider the preparation as the teaching plan, grading the students’ homework as evaluation of the teaching procedure, then the teaching notes after the class should be considered as the rethinking of the teaching procedure. Without rethinking, we cannot evaluate our own teaching efficiency and we cannot find the strong points and shortcomings of our teaching. I often make notes after class. Sometimes, you know, we feel after class it has been very successful. And sometimes we also find it has not been so good. I make some notes in order to improve my teaching in the future. By and by, I have a lot of experience. This is a teaching research for myself. It is also for the research in the field of English teaching. I’ve realized if we have a small summary for one lesson or one unit, after one semester we’ll have a big summary for the whole teaching. This is not only good for the students, it is also good for the teachers. In this way, we can improve our teaching method to reach the goal of the English teaching. Only by doing this, can we see clearly how the new teaching material will meet the need of the new teaching situation.

Now my students are becoming more and more interested in English. They say they never feel sleepy in the English classes. They are always in high spirits from the beginning to the end of the class . The students are not passive to receive the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. They are very active to participate in the activities in class to use the language through practice. It clearly improve their abilities of listening and speaking. The study of English is no longer dull to them. They don’t have to try very hard to remember the new words and grammar rules. They get to know customs, culture, technology and achievements by learning English. They master a very important weapon to get more information. They have become more confident, more interested in learning English. They will try very willingly to find more materials to read to improve their English and become more cultured. They enjoy the happiness of their success through the study of English.

What I have been doing in my classes has no doubt brought good results. Their marks always stay at the top of the ten classes in the same grade in my school. Maybe it has something to do with the proper teaching method.

What I have talked about above is only a superficial understanding about the teaching of the textbook in the past eight years. If there is anything helpful to you, I’d be very pleased. I sincerely hope to get some feedback from all of you, teachers and experts.

篇10:My opinion on Campus Love

Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: My opinion on Campus Love. You should write at least words according to the situation given below in Chinese:

1. Some people are strongly against campus love.

2. Some people accept it.

3. My view.


opinion的用法1:opinion有词组in one’s opinion,属于正式的用法,表示在某人看来;

opinion的用法2:属于正式英语的结构还有of (the) opinion that ... , of the same opinion以及I am of your opinion等;

opinion的用法3:public opinion是公众意见,舆论的意思,前面没有冠词,也没有复数形式,属于抽象名词。

opinion的用法4:opinion的基本意思是“意见,看法,主张”,可指个人的判断,也可指权威性的评论,往往含有“起初的,不十分肯定的”意味,多与介词 of, on 或about连用,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。


opinion的用法6:opinion与good, high, bad, low等词连用时表示“评价”。


1. And what of the effect on U.S domestic opinion?


2. He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.


3. The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.


4. Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.


5. Frank is of the opinion that the 1934 yacht should have won.


6. The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest.


7. The majority of sex offenders have a low opinion of themselves.


8. He mobilized public opinion all over the world against hydrogen-bomb tests.


9. Medical opinion varies on how many tablets it takes to overdose.


10. Weber gave a fair hearing to anyone who held a different opinion.


11. Members of Parliament are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies.


12. An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.


13. Opinion polls are an unreliable predictor of election outcomes.


14. The fans are entitled to their opinion but booing doesn't help anyone.


15. Such a motion is considered a test of backbench opinion.




n. 意见,主张,评价,鉴定,判定



opinion的基本意思是“意见,看法,主张”,可指个人的判断,也可指权威性的评论,往往含有“起初的,不十分肯定的”意味,多与介词 of, on 或about连用,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。


opinion与good, high, bad, low等词连用时表示“评价”。


I can't agree with your opinion in this respect.在这方面,我不赞同你的意见。

No matter what you say, I shall stick to my opinion.不管你说什么,我都坚持我的主张。

I'd like to have your opinion on the 1995 World Expo.我想听听您对1995年世界博览会的看法。

opinion词组 |习惯用语

public opinion 民意;公众舆论

in my opinion adv. 依我看来,在我看来

opinion about 有关…的意见

opinion poll 民意测验;选举投票

personal opinion 个人见解,个人意见

in the opinion of 据……的见解

public opinion poll 民意测验

in one's opinion 根据某人的看法;在……看来

expert opinion 专家意见;内行意见

second opinion 其他人的意见;补充性的意见

a matter of opinion 看法不同的问题

legal opinion 法律意见书;合法认定

advisory opinion 顾问意见,咨询意见

opinion survey 意见调查

opinion leader 意见领袖;舆论领袖

considered opinion 信念;考虑后的意见


1.Public opinion polarised into completely opposite opinions on the issue of mercy killing.公众舆论在安乐死这一问题上分化成了完全不同的对立观点。

2.What is the basis of your opinion?你的观点的根据是什么?

3.They have the courage of their opinions.他们敢于提出自己的主张。

4.His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox.他的观点时常带有明显的异端色彩。

5.The drift of opinion was against war.舆论的趋势是反对战争。

6.She invited our opinion of her story.她征求我们对她的故事的意见。

7.You should revise your opinion of him.你应该纠正对他的看法。

8.Opinion on this question began to solidify.对这个问题的意见开始具体化了。

9.One shouldn't act without caring for public opinion.一个人的行为不能不顾及舆论。

10.Most of my classmates accord in that opinion.我们班大多数同学都是那个意见。

11.Is there any coincidence between the two opinions?这两种观点有无一致之处?

12.In my opinion, the curvature was determined experimentally.依我看,这种曲度是根据实验确定的。

13.He was too diffident to express his opinion.他太不自信,不敢发表自己的见解。

14.He is very discreet in giving his opinions.发表意见他十分慎重。

15.He has an erroneous opinion about the problem.他对那个问题有错误的看法。

16.The general opinion is in favour of us.舆论普遍对我们有利。

17.Public opinion was against the old feudal system.公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。

18.I incline to his opinion on this matter.对这件事我倾向于他的观点。

19.This is an act that outrages public opinion.这是违反民意的做法。

20.Parker was not overly regardful of public opinion.帕克对舆论并不过分关注。




1、opinion的基本意思是“意见,看法,主张”,可指个人的判断,也可指权威性的.评论,往往含有“起初的,不十分肯定的”意味,多与介词 of, on 或about连用,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。


3、opinion与good, high, bad, low等词连用时表示“评价”。

4、opinion有词组in one’s opinion,属于正式的用法,表示在某人看来;


I am confirmed in my opinions by what you told me.


Her opinion coincides with mine.


His opinion accords reasonably with yours.


篇15:My opinion on copying others’ homewo

It is known to us all that some students copy others' homework. We students have to do a large amount of homework both at home and at school. It is also true that sometimes we have some problems which are too difficult for us to work out. On the other hand, lazy and uninterested in their lessons, some students copy others’ homework both to finish the assignments and please their teachers.

In a word, copying others’ homework is a bad habit. We should be honest and work hard to achieve high grades. If we have difficulties, we can turn to our teachers or our classmates for help. And what is more, we will fail to consolidate what we’ve learnt and lose the ability to think if we often copy others’ homework. So, we should get rid of the bad behavior and try to prevent it from spreading.








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