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如今中国想进入高附加值产品和服务业的行列,就意味着下一阶段的经济发展需要在人才上投放更多的资源,官方已经明确表态,他们将以建设高速公路的决心来建设人才队伍。自以来,北京已经大规模地将资源投放到教育上,投放总额接近GDP总量的三倍。近十年来,中国的高等院校已经翻番,学生增加五倍,从的100万增加到的550万。中国遴选出9所顶级高校组成中国版的常春藤。当欧洲和美国的大学受到大规模减免预算的冲击时,中国反其道而行之。今年早些时候,耶鲁大学校长Richard Levin在一次演说中指出:“中国高校的扩充规模史无前例,她仅用的时间,就建立了世界上最大规模的高校体系。自新千年以来,中国大专院校学生所增加的人数超过美国同类别学生的总数。”

这种对教育空前的投入,对中国还有美国意味着什么?诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、芝加哥大学教授Robert Fogel预测,受过良好培训的工人对经济影响深刻。在美国,与一个受过9年义务教育的工人相比,一个高中毕业生的产能是其1.8倍,大学毕业生是其3倍。中国正在不断地扩充其高中和大学毕业生的人数。中国的服务业与印度相比还有相当大的差距,因为印度学生的英语和技术培训更占优势。但中国的公司最终将打入这片广阔的领域,因为中国学生的语言能力和技能培训正在逐步提高。Fogel相信,随着中国高技术工人的增加,中国经济的年均增长率将大幅度增长,到2040年,其GDP将会去到令世人惊叹的123万亿美元。按他的预测,届时中国将成为全球最大的经济体。




The global economy

How to stop a currency war

Keep calm, don’t expect quick fixes and above all don’t unleash a trade fight with China

Economist Oct 14th

IN RECENT weeks the world economy has been on a war footing, at least rhetorically. Ever since Brazil’s finance minister, Guido Mantega, declared on September 27th that an “international currency war” had broken out, the global economic debate has been recast in battlefield terms, not just by excitable headline-writers, but by officials themselves. Gone is the fuzzy rhetoric about co-operation to boost global growth. A more combative tone has taken hold. Countries blame each other for distorting global demand, with weapons that range from quantitative (量的;用量表示的;与数量有关的) easing (printing money to buy bonds) to currency intervention and capital controls.

Behind all the smoke and fury, there are in fact three battles. The biggest one is over China’s unwillingness to allow the yuan to rise more quickly. American and European officials have sounded tougher about the “damaging dynamic” caused by China’s undervalued currency. Last month the House of Representatives passed a law allowing firms to seek tariff protection against countries with undervalued currencies, with a huge bipartisan(两个政党的) majority. China’s “unfair” trade practices have become a hot topic in the mid-term elections.

A second flashpoint is the rich world’s monetary policy, particularly the prospect that central banks may soon restart printing money to buy government bonds. The dollar has fallen as financial markets expect the Federal Reserve to act fastest and most boldly. The euro has soared as officials at the European Central Bank show least enthusiasm for such a shift. In China’s eyes (and, sotto voce, those of many other emerging-market governments), quantitative easing creates a gross distortion in the world economy as investors rush elsewhere, especially into emerging economies, in search of higher yields.

A third area of contention comes from how the developing countries respond to these capital flows. Rather than let their exchange rates soar, many governments have intervened to buy foreign currency, or imposed taxes on foreign capital inflows. Brazil recently doubled a tax on foreign purchases of its domestic debt. This week Thailand announced a new 15% withholding tax for foreign investors in its bonds.

Jaw-jaw, please

For now, these skirmishes fall far short of a real currency war. Many of the “weapons” look less menacing on closer inspection. The capital-inflow controls are modest. In the rich world only Japan has recently resorted to currency intervention, and so far only once. Nor is there much risk of an imminent (危险等逼近的;即将发生的)descent into trade retaliation(报复). Even in America, tariffs against China are still, with luck, a long way off―both because the currency bill is milder than it sounds and because it has yet to be passed by the Senate or signed by Barack Obama.

Still, there is no room for complacency(满足;自满) Today’s phoney war could quickly turn into a real dogfight. The conditions driving the divergence(分歧) of economic policies―in particular, sluggish(怠惰的 )growth in the rich world―are likely to last for years. As fiscal austerity(朴素, 节俭;苦行)kicks in, the appeal of using a cheaper currency as a source of demand will increase, and the pressure on politicians to treat China as a scapegoat will rise. And if the flood of foreign capital intensifies, developing countries may be forced to choose between losing competitiveness, truly draconian(古代执政官的, 严峻的)capital controls or allowing their economies to overheat.

What needs to happen is fairly clear. Global demand needs rebalancing, away from indebted rich economies and towards more spending in the emerging world. Structural reforms to boost spending in those surplus economies will help, but their real exchange rates also need to appreciate(增值). And, yes, the Chinese yuan is too low. That is hurting not just the West but also other emerging countries (especially those with floating exchange rates) and indeed China itself, which needs to get more of its growth from domestic consumption.

It is also clear that this will not be a painless process. China is right to worry about instability if workers in exporting companies lose their jobs. And even reasonable choices―such as the rich world’s mix of fiscal austerity and loose monetary policy―will have an uncomfortable impact on small, open emerging economies, in the form of unwelcome capital inflows. This flood of capital will be less devastating to them than the harm they would suffer if the West descended into deflation(通货紧缩)and stagnation, but it can still cause problems.

Collective Seoul-searching

All this cries out for a multilateral approach, in which institutions such as the IMF and the G20 forge consensus among the big economies. The hitch is that the multilateral route has, so far, achieved little. Hence the chorus calling



As the climate warms, glaciers shrink. That is a problem for those who rely on melt water from them to irrigate their crops: farmers living in the valleys in Jammu and Kashmir, for example. Most of the lower-lying glaciers in the area they inhabit have disappeared. The melt water that farmers need to irrigate their newly sown crops used to arrive in March or April. Now it does not come until June.


Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer who lives in the area, thinks he has the answer: if the natural glaciers have gone, why not build artificial ones? That is what, for the past decade or so, he has been doing.


He noticed that a stream in his garden had frozen under the shade of a poplar grove, though elsewhere it flowed freely, he realized that the way to build a glacier to slow water's flow and shield it from the sun, and that is what he and his team of engineers are now doing. They have diverted several streams in the worst-affected areas into canals. As the spring thaw sets in and the canals fill up, this over spill freezes into a layer of ice. And as the process repeats itself over the ensuing months, these ice sheets stack up and get thicker.


So far, Mr. Norphel and his team have built a dozen artificial glaciers in this way. The largest of them is a kilometer and a half long and two meters thick. Melt water from these glaciers helps sustain the livelihood of thousands of farmers.





今日关注:geoengineering (地理工程学)和全球变暖



如今,人类改造地球会造成何种后果还不得而知,但科学家认为,目前全新世已不复存在,人类目前处于人类世 (Anthropocene)。这是一个新的地质纪元,在这个纪元,人类的活动正威胁着地球的自我调节能力。此外,人类此前对地球所做地理工程学改造已出现弊端。

The geoengineering genie

Mason Inman

Like any human endeavour, geoengineering carries hefty doses of uncertainty, doubt and fear.

How to Cool the Planet: Geoengineering and the Audacious(大胆的,无畏的) Quest to Fix Earth's Climate by Jeff Goodell

Only a couple of years ago, geoengineering seemed like science fiction. Some scientists talked about cooling the planet using massive shields to reflect sunlight back into space or by loading the atmosphere with aerosols(汽雾剂 ['??r?s?l]), but few thought of these planetary-scale projects as real contenders(竞争者) for averting climate catastrophe. But ― perhaps because the challenge of mitigation(缓和,减轻) is now fully recognized ― geoengineering has gone mainstream. Increasingly, scientists are turning their attention to it: last month at the Asilomar conference centre in Monterey, California, experts met for the first time to consider how the field can be regulated. Meanwhile, governments are holding parliamentary hearings on the subject and venture capitalists are looking to it as an investment opportunity.

“I don't especially want to work on geoengineering. But now that the genie is out of the bottle, I feel I have to,” says climate modeller Raymond Pierrehumbert of the University of Chicago in Eli Kintisch's “Hack the Planet”, one of the first books to cover this burgeoning (['b?:d??ni?] 增长迅速的,发展很快的)subject for a popular audience. Though potentially capable of rapidly reducing temperatures, the numerous technologies that come under the geoengineering umbrella would probably have unintended ― and potentially disastrous ― consequences. Despite its promise and perils(危险,冒险), however, geoengineering is a virtual(['v?:tju?l] 事实上的,实际上的,实质上的 )unknown among the general public, so Kintisch's book and another, Jeff Goodell's “How to Cool the Planet”, both published this month, have come at a crucial time. These two fast-paced tours through the science of geoengineering will help inform growing debates about whether governments should fund large research projects into climatic cooling and about how the various methods might be tested.

Both Goodell and Kintisch make it clear that geoengineering is at best(充其量,至多)a complement to drastic cuts in carbon dioxide emissions. “We have to immediately launch a worldwide program to stop polluting our atmosphere with this surprisingly pernicious(有害的,有毒的;恶性的,致命的)trace gas,” Kintisch argues. Most scientists feel much the same, viewing geoengineering strictly as a possible emergency backup plan that should be used only if things get really dire. And because of the risks involved, the idea of doing field trials, especially of technologies for so-called 'solar radiation management' ― that is, blocking out sunlight in one way or another ― is still contentious(爱争论的',有异议的;引起争论的)among scientists. But Goodell makes a strong argument in favour of at least some limited tests. He tells the tale of Charles Hatfield, a travelling rainmaker who won acclaim across the United States in the early 1900s. When Hatfield tried to bring rain to San Diego and torrential(奔流的;猛烈的;汹涌的)floods ensued( [in?sju:]接着发生,接踵而来,因而产生), he was hounded out of the city, his reputation in tatters(衣衫褴褛的;被粉碎的;彻底破产的). With geoengineering, writes Goodell, “it might be smart to begin sorting good ideas from bad, lest we fall under the spell of another generation of Charles Hatfields”. That is, if we do the research, then perhaps we'll decide that some methods are best forgotten.

Hack the Planet: Science's Best Hope ― or Worst Nightmare ― for Averting Climate Catastrophe by Eli Kintisch

Dangerous journey

For the time being, however, all of the existing plans and proposals are just “armchair geoengineering”, as Kintisch puts it. And the cast of armchair geoengineers is still very small. The result is that both books cover a lot of the same ideas and quote many of the same sources, and both have in-depth chapters about two particular options: fertilizing the oceans with iron, and ships spewing cloud-brightening particles. Kintisch's book, though, offers up more examples of geoengineering. One is a proposition by the nonprofit Ice911, started by California-based engineer Leslie Field, to protect sea ice from melting by covering it with sacks full of silicon beads. Another is a scheme put forward by atmospheric scientist Brian Toon, who proposes modifying coal-fired power plants to belch the chemical carbonyl sulphide at ground level, from where, Toon figures, it will eventually be carried up to the stratosphere(['str?t?usfi?] 【气】同温层;平流层) and turn into light-reflecting sulphates.

Kintisch also digs deeper than Goodell into explaining the details of how geoengineering might work ― and why it would be so difficult to do well. A reporter for the journal Science who regularly covers geoengineering for the journal's ScienceInsider blog, Kintisch likewise takes an insider's view in Hack the Planet. That's not to say Kintisch argues in favour of geoengineering, but that he writes from firmly within the world of science, and for an audience who's comfortable with science, too. He never explains the term 'hack' in the title, for example, which is borrowed from computer hacking and reflects the idea that geoengineering involves interfering with fundamental aspects of the climate to change how the whole system works. For this reason, scientists and other science-literate readers ― especially those who already have some familiarity with geoengineering ― will probably prefer Kintisch's book over Goodell's.

In contrast, Goodell's book takes a step back, presenting an outsider's view ―unsurprising, as he is a regular reporter for Rolling Stone, the music and politics magazine. This perspective allows Goodell to be a guide to those who might reject the whole idea of geoengineering as far-fetched or crazy. “You don't need a Ph.D. in physics to understand the basic insanity of this undertaking,” Goodell writes, while emphasizing that the outlook for the planet is so bad that we have to think about these options anyway. Of the two authors, Goodell does a better job of taking the reader on a journey. Most chapters in How to Cool the Planet feature a central character, from geoengineer David Keith tinkering in his lab at the University of Calgary to environmentalist and scientist James Lovelock strolling the countryside around his quaint English home. By digging into their stories, Goodell portrays geoengineering as a human endeavour, carrying hefty doses of uncertainty, doubt and fear.

It what seems to be an odd coincidence, both books end by likening geoengineering to some kind of planetary gardening. Goodell takes some comfort in this notion, whereas Kintisch is scep


Insect Brain System Knows What You Want


The goal for a lot of tech companies today: figure out what you, their customer, want next, before you even ask. It’s driven by something called similarity search.


“If you go to Y*Tube and you watch a video they’re going to suggest similar videos to the one you’re watching. That’s similarity search. If you go to Amazon and look for similar products to the one you’re going to buy, that’s similarity search.”


Saket Navlakha, a computer scientist at the Salk Institute. He says we do similarity searches too, for example, when we scan faces in a crowd for the one we know. And even fruit files do a version, related to smell:

萨克生物研究学院电脑科学家,Saket Navlakha说,我们也做类似搜索,例如说,你可以在人群中,扫描这些人的脸面找到你所认识的那个人。甚至是水果也有一个版本,它与气味相关:

“So the fly is having to solve a similar problem, of kind of searching through its database of previous experiences and previous odors it has smelled, to determine what should be the most appropriate behavioral response to that odor.”


But flies tag incoming odors differently from the way modern search algorithms parse similarity. A small group of neurons makes an initial evaluation of the smell. Then a much larger set of neurons is activated to make a final decision about the smell. Rather than the way a computer similarity search does it, taking something with many dimensions, and simplifying it down to a few.


So Navlakha and his colleagues tweaked computer similarity search functions to do it fly style. And then pitted the fly-inspired algorithms against conventional ones. And the biologically inspired code won out, better at telling ’like’ from ’unlike’ on an image-similarity test.

因此,Navlakha和他的同事们按照蝇子的方式对电脑搜索功能进行了轻微调整。然后针对传统的方式,对受蝇子启发的算法进行标点处理。在一场类似相片的辨别 ‘相似’与‘非相似’的测试中,这种受生物启发的编码方式胜出且表现更好。

“You know evolution figured it out, it figured out a very elegant solution to this very important problem.” The report is in the journal Science.


Navlakha says he and his team are looking to partner with tech companies now, in hopes of endowing machines with the time-tested problem-solving abilities of the brain. Even if it’s a fruit fly brain.



China’s Singles’ Day tops US$1.5bil in first three minutes


It’s a shopping spree of epic proportions and all it took was three minutes for the numbers on this screen to reach 10 billion yuan.


That’s the equivalent of more than 1.5 billion dollars and it’s just the beginning forsales and Alibaba’s Singles Day, an annual online discount sales gala that’sbecome the world’s biggest spender-thon.


Once a celebration for China’s Lonely Hearts, Singles day has become a 24-hourextravaganza that outsells Black Friday and Cyber Monday US sales combined.


The event has shoppers around China scouting for bargains while delivery men and robots brace foran estimated 1.5 billion parcels expected over the next few days.

活动激动人心,吸引全中国的顾客搜罗特价商品,快递员和快递机器人预期要在未来几天派送 15亿件包裹。

Alibaba says the rise in China’s middle class consumers is driving the sales and theoverall total is likely to top last year’s, something analysts and investors will be watching closely in the coming hours.






























1)historic: famous in history, 历史上著名的 associated with past times 与过去时代有关的

a ~ event/speech/spot

historical: belong to history 历史上的

a ~ people/novel/play/film/painting

~ trend

2) electric: worked by, changed with, producing electricity 用电的,带电的, 有电的

~ current/cable

electrical: relating to electricity, an idea of a less close connection with electricity

~ engineering/apparatus

3) economic: of economics

~ policy/geography/crisis/crops

economical: careful in the spending of money and time, not waste 经济的,节俭的

an ~ housewife/store

4) industrial: of industries 工业的

the ~ revolution/products/system

industrious: hard-working, diligent

~ people

5) considerable: great much 相当多(大)的

a ~ income/distance

considerate: thoughtful 体谅的, 体贴的 周到的

She is ~ to others.

6) sensible: reasonable, having good sense 实用的, 明知的

a ~ woman/idea/ 豁达的妇女/明知的观点

~ clothes 实用的衣服

sensitive: quick to receive impression 敏感的

a ~ skin

~ paper 感光纸

7) continual: going on all the time without stopping or with only short breaks, stop and go repeatedly, 连续的,断断续续的

~ rain/noise

continuous: going on without a break, an uninterrupted flow 连续不断的

~ fight/work

8) intense: high in degree 强烈的, 剧烈的,高度的

~ heat炽热/pain

an ~ lady 热情的女子

intensive: deep and thorough 精深的, 集中的

~ reading/study彻底研究/agriculture密集农业

9) respectable: deserving respect, 值得尊敬的,有名望的

a ~ man/profession

respectful: showing respect 尊敬人的,有礼貌的,

He is always ~to the elders.

respective: belongs to each of these 分别的,各自的

They sat on their ~ chairs.

10) imaginable: that can be imagined 可象想的

~ difficulties

imaginary: existing only in the mind, unreal 想象中的, 不真实的

~ figure

imaginative: of, having, using imagination 有想象力的, 运用想象力的

a ~ writer

11) intelligent: having, showing intelligence, clever 有才智的, 聪明的

an ~ looking girl ~ answer

intelligible: clear to mind, that can be easily understood. 易了解的, 易领悟的

an ~ speech/explanation

intellectual: possessing a great deal of knowledge 知识的, 智力的

12) contemptible: deserving contempt 可卑的

a ~ lie

contemptuous: showing contempt 表示轻视的

a ~ look

13) credible: that can be believed 可信的, 可靠的

a ~ witness

credulous: too ready to believe things. 轻易相信的, 易上当的

He always cheats ~ people.

creditable: that brings credit. 可称赞的

a ~ record/deed/effort

14) alternate: changing by turns 轮流的, 交替的

alternative: giving a choice between two things 选择的, 两者选一的

15) comparable 可比较的, 有类似之处的

comparative 比较而言的, 相当的

There is no scenery comparable to that of the West lake.

He lived in comparative comfort recently.

16) politic 精明的

political 政治的

17) beneficial 有益的

beneficent 多多行善的

18) official 官方的

officious 多管闲事的

19) potent 强有力的

potential 潜在的, 可能的

20) confident 有信心的, 自信的

confidential 机密的

21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的

negligible 可忽视的

22) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的

momentous 重大的

23) memorable 值得记忆的, 不能忘却的

memorial 纪念的

24) social 社会的

sociable 善社交的

25) childish 幼稚的

childlike 孩子般的

26) distinct: clear 明显的, 清晰的

distinctive: characteristic 独特的, 有区别的

27) classic 一流的

classical 古典的

28) comprehensible 可理解的

comprehensive 全面的, 综合的

29) disinterested 公平的

uninterested 冷淡的

30) earthly 人间的, 尘世的

earthy 泥土似的

31) effective 有效的

efficient 有效率的

effectual 奏效的

32) exceptionable 反对的

exceptional 非凡的

33) fatal 致命的

fateful 决定性的

34) fleshly 肉体的

fleshy 肥胖的

35) homely 家常的

homelike 象家的

36) im(un)practical 不切合实际的

impracticable 无法使用的

37) ingenious 有独创性的

ingenuous 直率的, 天真的

38) manly 男人气派的

male 男的

masculine 男性的

39) movable 可移动的, 变动的

mobile 可动的,活动地

40) mysterious 神秘的

mystical 奥妙的

41) notable 著名的(指事)

noted 著名的(指人)

42) Practical 实际的

practicable 可行的, 通行的

43) regretful 遗憾的 (指人)

regrettable 遗憾的 (指事)

44) seasonable 及时的

seasonal 季节的

45) spiritual 精神的

spirituous 酒精的

46) tortuous 弯曲的

torturous 受刑的

47) transitory 短时间的 (指事)

transient 瞬时的 (指人)

48) elementary 基本的

elemental 自然的

49) healthy 健康的

healthful 有易于健康的

50) likely 可能的

likable 可爱的

51) desirable 合意的

desirous 渴望的

52)clean 干净的

cleanly 有干净习惯的 Are cats cleanly animals?

53) kind 慈善地

kindly 友好的,亲切的

54) temporal 一时的, 暂时的, 世俗的

temporary 暂时的, 临时的


在英语中,某些形容词词形同时也可作副词,但这些形容词还有加后缀-ly 副词的形式,因此这类词就有两种副词形式,它们在用法上有些可以互换, 有些是有区别,下面笔者对这类词做一总结。

一般地说,可以互换的这类词,形容词词形的副词表示比较具体的概念, 经常用语口语中,不太正式;后缀-ly形式的副词,表示比较抽象的概念,有引申义,并有一定感情色彩,变副词比较级时,用此类副词,如修饰动词和分词,放在它们前面。

1) cheap: often used instead of cheaply, esp. in casual conversation and with verbs like buy and sell

Do you like this shirt? I bought it really cheaply.

cheaply: I can't sell you more cheaply.

2) clean: completely, used with (1) verb forget (2) the proposition over, through (3) adv away out

I ~ forget. The ball sailed ~ over the roof.

The prisoner got ~ away. I am afraid I am clean out of food.

cleanly: precisely in a clean manner, often used with v cut.

He caught the ball ~ . The doctor cut ~ through the abdominal wall.

3) clear: not touching

Please stand clear of the gate.

clearly: distinctly, obviously, similar to the meaning of clear

I can't see ~ without my glasses.

We ~need to think again.

4) close: near

Come close, I want to tell you something.

closely: carefully, with great attention

Study this ~ it's very important.

5) dead: exactly completely, used in certain expressions

~ right, ~ sure, ` tired, ~ slow, ~ ahead, ~ drunk, ~ straight

deadly: fatally

He was ~ injured in the crash.

6) direct: used instead of directly in talking about journeys and timetables

The plane goes ~ from London to Houston.

7) easy: used in certain expressions

Take it easy. easy come, easy go.

Easier said than done.

easily: I can do very easily.

8) fair: used in the expression play ~, fight ~

fairly: justly, honestly

You must do it ~.

9) fine: well, used in some expressions

That suits me fine. You are doing ~.

finely: elaborately (细微地) (not commonly used

He studied it very finely.

10) free: without payment

You can't eat ~ in my restaurant.

freely: without limit or restriction(限制)

You can't speak ~ in front of my father.

11) hard: to show degree

He hit hard.

hardly: almost not

12) high: it refers to high position.

Don't go higher. It is dangerous.

highly: it refers to an extreme degree “very much”.

She is ~ paid. It is ~ amusing.

13) just: a moment ago I have just come here.

justly: in accordance with justice or the law.

You must do it justly.

14) late: not on time He hates arriving late.

lately: recently I haven't heard from you lately.

15) loud: used instead of loudly in informal conversation with the verbs talk, speak, shout, laugh

loudly: in a big voice They quarreled ~.

16) low: in a small voice Can you speak low?

lowly: in a humble way Don't speak to him lowly.

17) most: very Which do you like most?

mostly: mainly, most often, in most cases

18) pretty: rather ~ well, ~ soon

prettily: pleasing to people (悦人地) He danced ~.

19) quick: in informal English used instead of quickly quickly He acted ~.

20) real: in informal English used instead of really

really: Are you ~ tell me the truth.

21) right: just, exactly, all the way

The ball hit me ~ in the nose.

He arrived ~ after breakfast.

Turn right at the traffic lights.

rightly: correctly right can be used informally instead of rightly

You guessed right(ly)

22) sharp: punctually 准时地 He arrived at six o'clock ~.

sharply: 锐利地,急剧地

look ~ speak ~

23) short: suddenly

The car stopped suddenly.

shortly: soon He will come shortly.

24) slow: used in informal conversation instead of slowly

go ~, drive ~

25) sound: 彻底地 used in the expression sound asleep

soundly: 非常好地 He is sleeping soundly.

26) straight and straightly used in the same way.

27) sure: used in American English meaning certainly

surely: He speaks very surely.

28) tight: used instead of tightly in informal conversation.

hold ~, pack ~. The door was shut ~.

tightly: We'd better sit tightly.

29)wide: He opened his eyes wide.

widely: in many different places

He has traveled widely.

30) wrong used instead of wrongly in informal conversation.

You guessed wrong(ly)


Text 2

When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving “to pursue my goal of running a company.” Broadcasting his ambition was “very much my decision,” McGee says. Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group, which named him CEO and chairman on September 29.

当八月份,Liam McGee以总裁的身份从美国银行离职的时候,他的解释出人意料的直白。他没有忸怩的用平常的模糊的理由来遮掩他的离开,他很坦诚的讲他离开就是为了去追求他经营一家公司的目标。McGee说宣扬自己的目标就是自己的决定。两周后,他第一次和Hartford Financial Services Group的董事会第一次会谈,这家公司在9月29日提名他为董事会主席和CEO.

McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run. It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations. And McGee isn't alone. In recent weeks the No.2 executives atAvonand American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post. As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to move on. A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.

他说在离开的时候并没有找好后面的职位(下家),使他有时间去反思他到底想去经营一家什么样的公司。这同时也就他的激情和决心,给了外界一个清晰的信号。这样做的并不只是McGee一个人。最近几周,Avon and American Express的一些高级经理离职并解释说想需找一个ceo的职位。当董事会迫于股东的压力对一系列的计划进行审查的时候,那些计划被否定掉的经理们也会想离开。激烈的商业环境同样使得高级经理很小心,模糊的表态可能会破坏他们的声誉。

As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net. In the third quarter, CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had, according to Liberum Research. As the economy picks up, opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.


The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional. For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached. Says Korn Ferry, senior partner Dennis Carey :“I can't think of a single search I've done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”

离开高管的职位去寻找一个更好的职位,并不是传统的做法。多年以来,经理们和猎头们都认同这样一个原则:最有吸引力的CEO的竞争是那些需要去挖来的人。 Korn Ferry, senior partner Dennis Carey说道:我所做的每一次的招聘中,董事会都要求我从那些在任的CEO中寻找人选。

Those who jumped without a job haven't always landed in top positions quickly. Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana when the business became part of PepsiCo (PEP) a decade ago, saying she wanted to be a CEO. It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange. Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in with ambitions to be a CEO. He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years later.

那些没有找到工作就离开的人并不是很快就能找到顶级的职位。前,Tropicana被PepsiCo (PEP)收购了,她以经理的身份离职了,她说他想当ceo.但是花了一年的时间她才成为一家小型互联网交换公司的头。Robert Willumstad带着想成为CEO的梦想离开了Citigroup.可是三年后他才成为了一家主要的金融机构的CEO.

Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers. The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one. “The traditional rule was it's safer to stay where you are, but that's been fundamentally inverted,” says one headhunter. “The people who've been hurt the worst are those who've stayed too long.”

很多招聘的人都说对于高管而言,过去认为的丢脸的感觉(没有工作)已经慢慢消失了。金融危机已经使得跳槽,离开一个不好的工作变得更加可以接受了。一个猎头就说到: “传统的规则是待在你原来的地方会更加安全,但是现在已经彻底改变了. 那些受伤最厉害的就是那里在一个地方待太久的人。”


这篇文章来自:Business Week 商业周刊 11月5日,Top Managers Are Quitting, Without a New Job by Jena McGregor:顶级经理人在离职,新工作还没着落。

文章从Liam McGee的跳槽为引子开始,引出第二段中跳槽的人很多。第三段进一步的讲金融危机会引起更多的人跳槽。四段和五段回顾过去。六段回到现在。借别人的嘴强化观点:就是该跳,并且要“裸跳”,在没有找到下家就跳。“裸跳”不丢人。

26. When McGee announced his departure, his manner can best be described as being

[A]arrogant. [B]frank.

[C]self-centered. [D]impulsive.

解析:根据题干中的McGee announced his departure定位到这两句:When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August, his explanation was surprisingly straight up. Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses, he came right out and said he was leaving “to pursue my goal of running a company.” straight up.是第一个线索,Rather than vague excuses答案直接可以锁定:B. frank.就怕你们不认识单词啊,所以同学加油背单词!记住单词记忆只有一个方法,重复!

27. According to Paragraph 2, senior executives' quitting may be spurred by

[A]their expectation of better financial status.

[B]their need to reflect on their private life.

[C]their strained relations with the boards.

[D]their pursuit of new career goals.

解析:题干的关注点在于spur 这是在课堂中讲过的隐含因果的表达。结果是:senior executives' quitting,寻找原因:文章中很明确的with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post.这个题目中体现出来的还是一直强调的:文章表达的多样性在理解中的重要性:senior executives' quitting= the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express ;上下义词的替换;new career goals= CEO post;也是上下义词的替换。有干扰性的就是C了,后文确实说道了和board 之间的关系,但是是讲在计划不被批准的时候,并不是和董事会关系紧张。并且董事会的审查是在股东的压力下才执行的。没有理由支持这一选项。

28. The word “poached” (Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means

[A]approved of. [B]attended to.

[C]hunted for [D]guarded against.

解析:理解这句话:I can't think of a single search I've done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.用反译法:我所做的每一次的招聘中,董事会都要求我从那些在任的CEO中寻找人选。这说明那些人都是要去挖的,那么对应的单词就是hunt for 了。

29. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that

[A]top performers used to cling to their posts.

[B]loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated.

[C]top performers care more about reputations.

[D]it's safer to stick to the traditional rules.

解析:这个题是个推理题,段落推理题。几个选项都得看:第二个选项在对应第一个观点:Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers.但是对应错了: disgrace不等于loyalty。一个是丢人,一个是忠诚。第三个选项中的比较是文中没有提到的。top performers care reputations这样是可以的,但是没有说过是more.第四个选项:和原文表述反了:The traditional rule was it's safer to stay where you are, but that's been fundamentally inverted.原文中说:The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one.正话反说:top performers used to cling to their posts.高级经理过去常在一个地方呆着。

30. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

[A]CEOs: Where to Go? [B]CEOs: All the Way Up?

[C]Top Managers Jump without a Net [D]The Only Way Out for Top Performers

解析:强烈的干扰项是:[A]CEOs: Where to Go? [B]CEOs: All the Way Up?原因在于CEO在文中出现了很多次,同学们把ceo当成了主体词。这也是反反命题的一个体现。文章的主体词其实是:top manager, ceo 只是他们想去成为,而不是现在就是。不是主题词。这给了我们一个启示,要从文章的大意找结构。不要被其他的所谓技巧所迷惑。去掉A和B以后,c和d相比答案就比较容易了。只是要理解net 就是替换了new job.再无耻一点,原文的标题就是这样的top Managers Are Quitting, Without a New Job


(七) 态度题

态度观点题主要考察考生⑦理解作者的意图,观点或态度的能力.标志词: attitude , purpose等.




Opposition反对 suspicion怀疑的 Approval支持 indifference冷漠(一般不选) Optimistic乐观的 subjective主观的 objective客观的 pessimistic悲观的 biased有偏见的 impartial偏心的 sensitive 敏感的








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