电视广告(Advertisement on TV)(通用9篇)由网友“Nowheretogo”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的电视广告(Advertisement on TV),仅供参考,喜欢可以收藏与分享哟!
篇1:Advertisement on TV
Advertisement on TV
Nowadays there are more and more advertisements on tv ,they appear either before a TV program or after it ,and sometimes even inserted between episodes of a TV serial plays,and the time of which is becoming longer and longer ,which is so boring ,and many watchers cannot wait but switch to other channels.
But why this phenomena has appeared ,the reason may be two .At the first place ,it is a method
for businessmen in such a highly competitive market to make their goods known by customers ,which will improve the sales amounts .At the second place ,it is a chance for the tv station to earn money to support their programs .
If i am given the chance to meet the leader of tv station ,i would like to suggest them decrease the amounts of the advertisements relatively .Maybe doing this will lose some profits, but instead,the audience rating will be improved largely.
篇2:Advertisement on TV-电视广告一议
Advertisement on TV-电视广告一议
Advertisement on TVA woman takes a stained clothing item to a smartly dressed man who then washes the stain away with miracle washing powder. The immediate response from the woman is that this brand of washing powder is indeed superior to all other brands. Such is one of the ty///picmercial ads that are repeatedly shown on TV every evening. Towards this, people hold different attitudes.
Those who maintain positive opinions believe that TV ads help to bring into public view a good deal of news, mostly commercial, which might otherwise have remained unknown.Those who hate TV ads say that most of the ads, especially their repetition, have reached the point of irritation and they are just a waste of time.
In my opinion, both views are lop-sided. On the one hand, TV ads, in the form of artistic pictures, are presented in such a fantastic way and with such witty language that they not only seduce customers to buy their products, but also give people enjoyment. On the other hand, not all ads are trustworthy. A certain number of them are deceitful.
To sum up, ads seek to influence our decisions and tell us what to do sually with the aim behind them being to enrich some business. To resist this influence so as to make wise deeisions, we must rely on our own judgement and ability to reason.
If I had seen the advertisement in time I would have applied for the job.
We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper.
This will make great copy for the advertisement.
The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.
The job advertisement stipulates that the applicant must have three years' experience.
1. That would not be a good advertisement for Hungary's emerging democracy.
2. The England team were a poor advertisement for European football tonight.
3. Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local news-paper.
4. They placed an advertisement in the local paper for a secretary.
5. To their surprise, hundreds replied to the advertisement.
6. Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car.
7. This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives.
8. I learnt of the position through a newspaper advertisement.
9. TV viewers have been writing in to complain of the false advertisement.
10. I notice that the advertisement leaves out the price of the product.
11. Please post up this advertisement for our concert in your shop window.
12. I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.
13. A. D. is the abbreviation for “ advertisement ” .
A. D. 是 advertisement 的缩写.
14. Requests for information flooded in after the advertisement.
15. Advertisement helps to sell goods.
TV (1)电视是重要的娱乐手段 (2)电视可以给我们许多有利信息、知识
TV set in every home has not been merely among imaginary depiction in fantasy fiction, coming true nowadays as it has become even a thing that can be thrown away without pity. Therefore, number as the basic privilege, most entertainment corporations utilize it as the access to profits by broadcasting ads, movies or other programmes. As the proportion of atmitting and using people against the none-users is high, in most country, the TV can be grouped into one of the main medium concomitant with the peak of radio.
Main medium as we group it, it contains main infro. . The ken broaden by TV is undeniable. Without trudging in the igneous desert we “wow” the pyramid at home, no danger from sharks we visit coral reef with our mouth in shape of O and wearing pants and T-shirts, we have a glance of the Arctic, holding a cup of ice-cream. Broden easily, broaden fast, that‘s what TV bring to us.
Inferior things, however, are brought by TV as well. Left the violence on TV, which should be concerned by the government, unsaid but the health concerned by the every of us is undermined by long term watching TV. Albeit it is so, this is never to say that we should banish TV, as the advantages overweigh the counterpart.
<?xml:namespace prefix =o ns =“urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 一、活动背景 以其独特的形式吸引着孩子们,孩子们喜欢看广告、说广告,几乎所有孩子都能说上几句那上口、简短、生动的广告语,孩子们对产生了浓厚的兴趣。由此,教师将幼儿兴趣的聚集点作为语言教育的切入口,捕捉幼儿的兴趣所在,根据幼儿的兴趣爱好和认识水平,选择了学说这一为幼儿所喜爱、又具有时代气息的教育内容。 二、过程实录 (一) 活动目标 1、能初步发现广告语的特点。 2、通过学说、学编广告语,提高分析概括的能力和简练、生动的口语表达能力。 3、萌发热爱班集体的情感,感受生活的乐趣。 (二) 活动准备 1、录制3-4个与幼儿生活有关的。 2、日常生活和游戏活动中鼓励幼儿学说广告。 3、用一些废旧的纸板箱与幼儿共同制作电视机。 (三) 活动过程 1、看录像,幼儿学说广告。 ①师:请小朋友先来看一段录像,看完后说说看到了什么?(播放广告录像) 幼:看了许多的。 师:这些广告分别介绍了什么产品?(第二次看广告) 幼:介绍了两面针牙膏、雕牌肥皂、格兰仕微波炉。 ②师:广告里说了些什么?(第三次看广告,并逐个播放)请小朋友来学一学,这些广告告诉了我们什么? 幼A:洗的干净不褪色,雕牌肥皂,这个广告让我们知道肥皂的本领。 幼B:我看到了介绍两面针中药牙膏的广告,天然中药,口腔更健康,能护牙洁齿。 师:牙膏的本领真大,能保护牙齿,小朋友要天天刷牙。 (评:让幼儿了解广告要介绍产品的优点、用途和好处。同时教师依据牙膏的作用及时进行随机教育,教育幼儿要天天刷牙,培养良好的行为习惯。) ③师:为什么小朋友学广告学得非常快,听几遍就能记住了。 幼A:广告很好听;我喜欢广告。 幼B:广告说的话不长,像儿歌一样。 幼C:广告的话很有趣。 (评:通过幼儿的讨论,引导幼儿发现广告语和日常生活用语的不同之处,初步了解了广告语简短、生动、有趣、概括的特点。) 2、幼儿学说自己喜欢的广告语。 (评:由于幼儿人人都会说广告,因此幼儿纷纷踊跃发言,大胆地学说广告语,即使平时性格内向,能力相对差一点的幼儿也能大胆学说。进一步体会了广告语简练、概括的特点,锻炼了幼儿的口语表达能力,激发幼儿创编广告的欲望。) 3、组织幼儿为本班创编广告。 师:大一班有许多好玩的游戏活动区,环境也非常优美,小朋友都很能干,制作了许多有趣的玩具和作品。小朋友能为我们大一班编一个广告吗,让更多的人都能了解我们大一班,喜欢我们大一班。编广告时,要把名称介绍大家,用好听的话讲出来,讲得清楚让人喜欢。 幼A:大一班的苗苗理发屋,服务态度真正好,洗头和烫发,你都会满意。您想要理发,别忘了上大一班的理发店。 幼B:大一班,像乐园,小朋友们快快来,玩了你会不想走。 (评:教师让幼儿自由地和同伴讨论,自编广告,同时教师注意进行个别指导, 提醒幼儿在编广告时,要把对象特别好的地方用简练、生动的语言讲出来,让大家听了都喜欢。幼儿为本班创编了许多充满童趣的广告, 虽然语言幼稚,也并不是很精练,但都能态度大方自然、声音响亮、较流畅地讲,幼儿的语言和能力都得到了充分的锻炼。) 4、组织游戏活?quot;广告表演“。将幼儿分成六组,每一组小朋友在各自的”电视机"里轮流表演,一个小朋友表演时其它几位小朋友观看。最后,每组评选出1-2个最佳广告创编者,推荐到全班表演。 (评:幼儿在游戏的情景中进行创编活动,非常投入,个个都能声音响亮并配上表情和动作进行表演,创作的广告丰富多彩,趣味盎然,如:我班的巧手屋,剪剪贴贴,做做玩玩真有趣,牙膏盒变成小汽车,雪碧瓶可做储蓄罐,如果你想更聪明,可来巧手屋玩一玩。) 三、活动评价 本活动来源于幼儿的生活,幼儿对此活动产生浓厚的兴趣,并感受着生活的乐趣。整个活动结构科学合理,循序渐进,活动过程 从易到难,从观看到学说、了解广告语特点,进而创编广告,把幼儿对广告语的零散印象、无意模仿进行提炼、升华,让幼儿在使用和驾御语言的过程中品尝成功、获得愉悦,从而进一步激发幼儿对语言的热爱和求知欲望,培养幼儿分析概括的能力以及简练、生动的口语表达能力。 教师营造自然、有利于幼儿的活动氛围,提供练习的时间和空间,创造机会,鼓励幼儿大胆实践和创新,真正让幼儿成为活动的发展性主体。尤其是创编广告语这一环节,改变了以往创编活动(如:儿歌创编、故事创编)中存在的只有少数能力强的幼儿唱主角的现象,幼儿分组练习,轮流在自制的电视机屏幕里以游戏的形式表演自己创编的广告,创编活动是在宽松的氛围中进行,幼儿情绪高涨,人人都介入到愉快的创编活动之中,个个都有自己练习的机会,使每个幼儿在原有水平上都有所得益、有所提高。 同时,教师还注意教育的思想性,在培养幼儿语言表达能力的同时,注意激发幼儿热爱班集体的情感,围绕自己的班级创编广告,把语言与品德教育有机地融为一体,树立整体意识,在发展语言的同时也促进了幼儿能力、认识、情感、个性、社会性和创造性等方面的发展。大班语言活动
大班语言活动 电视广告 一、活动背景 电视广告以其独特的形式吸引着孩子们,孩子们喜欢看广告、说广告,几乎所有孩子都能说上几句那上口、简短、生动的广告语,孩子们对电视广告产生了浓厚的兴趣。由此,教师将幼儿兴趣的聚集点作为语言教育的切入口,捕捉幼儿的兴趣所在,根据幼儿的兴趣爱好和认识水平,选择了学说电视广告这一为幼儿所喜爱、又具有时代气息的教育内容。 二、过程实录 (一) 活动目标 1、能初步发现广告语的特点。 2、通过学说、学编广告语,提高分析概括的.能力和简练、生动的口语表达能力。 3、萌发热爱班集体的情感,感受生活的乐趣。 (二) 活动准备 1、录制3-4个与幼儿生活有关的电视广告。 2、日常生活和游戏活动中鼓励幼儿学说广告。 3、用一些废旧的纸板箱与幼儿共同制作电视机。 (三) 活动过程 1、看录像,幼儿学说广告。 ①师:请小朋友先来看一段录像,看完后说说看到了什么?(播放广告录像) 幼:看了许多的电视广告。 师:这些广告分别介绍了什么产品?(第二次看广告) 幼:介绍了两面针牙膏、雕牌肥皂、格兰仕微波炉。 ②师:广告里说了些什么?(第三次看广告,并逐个播放)请小朋友来学一学,这些广告告诉了我们什么? 幼A:洗的干净不褪色,雕牌肥皂,这个广告让我们知道肥皂的本领。 Nowadays, more and more advertisements appear on newspapers,broadcasting, magazines as well as streets. Advertisement is a popular way to communicate with consumers. People have different views on advertisements. Some people think advertisement guides choices of goods. Meanwhile,advertisements also offer us some new information about the product. And they help consumers to know the goods and the businessmen better. Consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment. Contrary to those people, many others think advertisements are very unpleasant. Consumers are often cheated by the false advertisement on which consumers always waste a great deal of time. What is more, consumers feel annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV play. So I suggest that there should not be too many TV advertisments. The advertisments which will be issued must be approved by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. 翻译:现在,越来越多的广告出现在报纸、广播、杂志甚至街头,广告已成为与消费者进行交流的一种流行方式。人们对广告持有不同的看法。 一些人认为,广告指导人们对商品的消费,向我们提供有关产品的新信息,使消费者更好的了解商品和商家。消费者不仅能够获得商品知识,也能得到艺术享受。 相反,另外一些人认为,广告很惹人讨厌。消费者经常被虚假广告欺骗,而且人们在这些广告上浪费了大量的时间。更有甚者,消费者觉得插播广告特让人心烦。所以我认为不应该有太多的广告。要发布的广告必须要经过工商局批准。 ADVERTISEMENTS ON TV Today more and more advertisements are seen on the TV screen. It's difficult to find a program without insertion of ads on TV. Food, clothes, domestic appliances, cars -- everything you can think of --are presented on television. Occasionally, we can also see some public welfare ads, appealing to people to respect the old or to protect the environment. In a word, whether you like it or not, the advertise ment pours into your life. In general, there are two main reasons leading to the prevalence of commer cials on TV. With the rapiddevelopment of economy, many manufacturers have realized the important role of advertisements in that they can stimulate production andwin the market. In our competitive society, consumers usually have the choice of several brands of the same product. Therefore, manufacturers are confronted with such a problem: how to make their products known to consumers. They solve it by advertising on TV, which attracts a lot of people every day. What is more, most consumers are interested in adver tisements because they wish to get from TV advertisements the first-hand infor mation about new products, which enables them to make a decision quickly and to choose the one that they like best. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of TV ads because some of them are interesting and informative. But there is no denying that some of them are tedious and not trustworthy. Therefore, I think it is really high time that the TV stationsstrengthened the control of advertisements and made them more attractive. ★ 广告法宣传标语 ★ 广告法 ★ 新广告法 代言人 ★ 广告创意论文 ★ 广告行业分析范文 ★ 广告学论文 【电视广告(Advertisement on TV)(通用9篇)】相关文章: 广告创意论文范文2023-03-05 广告调查报告格式2023-02-17 合肥市户外广告和招牌设置管理办法2023-01-09 网络广告的“虚假繁荣”?网络广告2022-05-14 汽车优秀广告语2023-12-26 未来的电视机作文500字2022-05-07 户外广告登记管理规定2023-07-20 广告法实施细则2023-03-13 广告行业分析报告2023-03-07 广告行业个人简历2022-05-08篇8:Advertisement高中英语作文