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play________ run__________ swim _________make__________

go_________ like________ write________ ski___________

read________ have_________ sing ________ dance_________

put_________ see________ buy _________ love__________

live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________

stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________


1.The boy __________________ ( draw)a picture now.

2. Listen .Some girls _______________ ( sing)in the classroom .

3. My mother _________________ ( cook )some nice food now.

4. What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?

5. Look . They ________( have) an English lesson .

6.They ____________(not ,water) the flowers now.

7.Look! the girls ________________(dance )in the classroom .

8.What is our granddaughter doing? She _________(listen ) to music.

9. It’s 5 o’clock now. We _______ (have)supper now

10.___Helen________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is .


1. They are doing housework .(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句) _____________________________________________________________

2.The students are cleaning the classroom . ( 改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答) _____________________________________________________________________

3.I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问) _________________________________________________________________

4.Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)



1) 刘涛的父亲正在浇花。

Liu Tao’s father is ______ ______.

2) 看,孩子们正在操场上踢足球。

Look! The children ______ ______ ______ in the playground.

3) 她正在公园里散步吗?是的。

- _____ she______a walk in the park?

-Yes, she______.

4) Jack正在哪读书?在他书房。

- ______ ______ Jack ______ the book now?

-He is______ ___ ___ ______.




1.Please wait for me. ___________walk so fast.2._________quiet, please.

3._________ sit straight.4._________ go shopping now.

5.__________spitting.6.__________ talking, class begins.

7.__________ a good time!8.__________ talk to your mum like that!


1. Let’s go,____________? 2. Don’t make such noise, _____________?

3. Teacher, let us go out to play,_____________? 4. Let’s go together, ____________?

5. Let each man decide for himself, _____________? 6. Let us go together, _____________?

7. Come and join us, ____________? 8. Don’t fight with others, ___________?


1.咱们一起玩吧! ______________________________


3.回答这个问题. ______________________________

4. 别那么写!______________________________

5.告诉我你的名字! ______________________________

6. 一定要勇敢! _______________________________

7. 来加入我们吧!______________________________

8. 别浪费时间!______________________________

9. 我们周日去游泳吧!______________________________

10. 禁止吸烟!______________________________




1. 30 000 dollars is a lot of money, but it’s ______ than we need.

A. far more B.far much C.far less D.far little

2. The news _____ be true. I know everything about it.

A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not

3. We hope Mary _____ to us as soon as she reaches London.

A.write B.to write C. will write D.writes

4. I’m sorry I can’t _____ the pen you lent me yesterday.

A.look for B.look out C.find D.find out

5. When did Jack _____ Joan?

A.marry with B.marry to C.get married with D. get married to


It was the final examination for physics at a school. The examination was two hours long, and exam papers were given. The teacher was very strict and told the class that any exam paper which was not on his desk in two hours would be refused(拒绝) and the student would fail(不及格). A half hour into the exam, a student came rushing in and asked the teacher for an exam paper.





1. able __________ 2. accident _________ 3. against ____________

4. allow_________ 5. alone __________ 6. already ___________

7. amazing _________ 8. anyone _______ 9. anywhere ________

10. area ____________ 11. argue _____________ 12. Asian __________

13. asleep __________ 14. Australian ___________ 15. autumn _______

16. awake ___________


1. accident (复数)____________

2. area (复数)________

3. allow(第三人称单数形式)_________、(现在分词)________、

(过去式)_________ 、(过去分词)________

4. argue(第三人称单数形式)_________ 、 (现在分词)________、

(过去式)_________ 、(过去分词)________

5. Asian (名词形式)________

6. awake (动词形式)_________

7. asleep(动词形式)_______

8. Australian(名词形式)____________


1. Tom was ______ (able) to ride a bike when he was five years old.

2. There were many traffic _________ (accident) on the road because of heavy snow.

3. They will play _______ (against ) a football team from No. 2 Middle School next Friday .

4. You are never __________ (allow) to throw litter anywhere in the city.

5. ----I have _______ (already) finished my homework. Have you finished yours ?

----No, not ______ (already).

6. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn’t that ______ (amaze)!

7. ---Is there _______ (someone) over there now , Tom ?

----No. No one is there.

8. ---Have you ever been to ________ (somewhere) interesting before ?


9. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China’s rural _______(area).

10.Yesterday, Tom ________ (argue) with his best friend, Mike in the classroom.

11. China is an ________ (Asia) country and it lies in the east of ________(Asian).

12. He doesn’t often ________ (asleep) well in the night. But last night he fell _______ (sleep) early.

13. An __________ (Australia) comes from ___________ (Australia).

14. It’s better to see lions and foxes during the daytime because they’ll probably be ________ (wake).


When you go to Australia, you can see a kind of special animals----Koala bears. Koala bears are valuable _____1____ (澳大利亚的)animals. They are cute. It’s very ____2___ (令人惊异的) that you always see them falling ____3___ (睡着的)in the trees when you go to the zoo there. It seems that they don’t have enough time to sleep. When they are __4____ (醒着的), they are eating leaves of the trees.



1. baby ____________ 2. bathroom ________ 3. become__________

4. bedroom __________ 5. been ___________ 6. bell _____________

7. besides ________ 8. bought __________ 9. brave __________

10. break __________ 11. bright __________ 12. brought _________

13. building____________


1. baby __________(复数形式)

2. bathroom ___________(复数形式)

3. became ________(动词原形)

4. bedroom ___________(复数形式)

5. been_______(一般现在时形式)_________(过去式)________(原形)

6. bell_______(复数形式)

7. bought ____________(动词原形)

8. break _________(动词过去式)__________(动词过去分词)

9. brought________(动词原形)

10. building __________(复数形式)


1. ______ (baby) are needed to take care of because they are too young.

2. Tom has a big house with two _________ (bathroom)and three _______ (bedroom).

3. Jim__________ (become) a teacher when he left college.

4. Students _____________(be) running for about three hours.

5. The _______ (bell) rings. It’s time for class. Let’s go to the classroom.

6. He has many history books ________(beside) English books.

7. My mum _________(buy) a computer last week.

8. The boy called Yang Yang was very _______(brave) and he saved a few people’s lives after the earthquake.

9. Mr. Smith wanted to find out who _______(break) the window.

10. Our classroom is _______(brightly) and clean.

11. Li ping _________ (bring) his photos to the school yesterday.

12. Now there are more and more high _________(build) in our city.


Mr. Green ___1____(成为) an office worker after he left college. Now he works in the city. He ____2__(买) a house in the country two years ago. His house is very big and it has five _____3___(卧室), two ____4___(浴室) and a large garden. Mr. Breen thinks that the air in the country is clean and he can enjoy the ____5___(明亮的)sun on weekends. He thinks there are no high ___6___(建筑物)here and there. So no pollution and noise can be ___7____(带来)

His wife, Mrs. Green doesn’t work now. She has ____8____(是)babysitting her ___9____(小孩)at home. Of course, ____10___(除……之外)babysitting , Mrs. Green does housework and ____11____(购买) everything for their family.



1. cake_________ 2. came __________ 3. capital_________

4. careful ________ 5. certain _________ 6. chance _________

7. child __________ 8. choose __________ 9. clearly __________

10. climb _________ 11. close ___________ 12. coin ____________

13. collect _________ 14. company ________ 15. copy __________

16. cost ___________ 17. cough_________18. could ___________

19. cross ___________


1. cake ___________(复数形式)

2. came _______(第三人称单数形式)

3. careful __________(改为副词)

4. certain_________(改为副词)

5. child ____________(复数形式)

6. choose_________(过去式)_________(过去分词)


8. close _________(现在分词)

9. collect ___________(改为名词)

10. company_________(复数形式)

11. cost ____________(过去式) ___________(过去分词)

12. cough __________(第三人称单数形式)

13. could___________(动词原形)

14. cross___________(现在分词)___________(第三人称单数形式)


1. Here are two _______(cake) . You can eat either of them.

2. Did you _______(come) to Jim’s birthday party?

3. Some country had two ________(capital) .

4. He is a _________(care) man and he does everything very _______(careful).

5. I’m _________(certainly) I will be there for the Olympic Games in 20xx.

6. After school , many ________ (child) are playing in the ground.

7. Mr. Smith _________(choose) to be an engineer after he graduated from the college.

8. We can see the highest building ________(clear) in a long distance.

9. _______(climb) the high mountain is not easy for everyone.

10. We should _______ (close) the factory because it polluted the river.

11. He likes________ (collect) and he has many kinds of _______ (coin) .

12. There are many ________(company) on each side of the street.

13. I don’t like my friend who _______(copy) everything I do.

14. That coat ________ (cost) me 2,000yuan.

15. I have had a bad _______(cough) and ________(cough) day and night. _______(can) you help me do the chores?


When we talk about the food, we always think of the food in Beijing , C______(1) of China. There are many kinds of favorite foods there. They are all delicious, especially c______(2). If you have a c______(3) to c_______(4) to Beijing. I think you’re c_______(5) to taste them.

The workers usually c__________(6) good materials before they make them. Then they make them c__________(7). Each kind of Beijing cakes is original and it doesn’t c______(8) others. But the cakes are very cheap and they can’t c________(9) you much money. Some even cost you a few c_______(10). Many old people and c_________(11) like Beijing Cakes very much.. So every morning, you c________(12) see many people c_________(13) the street to buy them. Some of them eat them in the restaurant, others take them away in a paper bag.



1. danger __________ 2. dark ___________ 3. decision ___________

4. discover ___________ 5. door ___________ 6. dress _____________

7. drop _____________


1. danger____________(形容词)

2. dark________(比较级)

3. decision __________(动词)

4. discover ________(现在分词)

5. door _________(复数形式)

6. dress _______(第三人称单数形式)

7. drop_______(现在分词)________(过去式)


1. There is much _______ (dangerous) in space.

2. A cat can see in the ________(dark).

3. She knew she’d made the right _________(decide).

4. We have ___________(discover) that he’s quite careless in his work.

5. Please close the ________(door) when you leave the room.

6. The kid can __________(dress) himself.

7. He __________(drop) his wallet in the train.


It’s ____1____(危险的)when you walk in the _____2___(黑暗) by yourself. So when you make a ____3___ to get out of your _____4___(门) alone, you must take some useful things, such as torch(手电筒), an umbrella or ____5___(穿衣) yourself in a raincoat. When you take the things , you can ____6___(发现) that all these things are very useful . A torch can give you light , a hat can keep out something that may____7___(落下) on your head and an raincoat or an umbrella can help you not to get wet in rain.



1. earth __________ 2. either _________ 3. electric _________

4. encourage_________ 5. enter ________ 6. environment ________

7. especially ________8. European_______ 9. even ________

10. everything______11. everywhere______12. excellent ________

13. except _______ 14. experience ________ 15. explain ________


1. encourage ___________(写出名词形式)

2. especially ____________(写出形容词形式)

3. European ____________(写出名词形式)

4. excellent __________(比较级)________(最高级)


1. He doesn’t come from France. I don’t _____________(too).

2. We should ___________(encourage) students to study by themselves.

3. We saw him __________(enter) the room just now.

4. It’s our duty to love our _____________(environment) .

5. ___________(especial), you should communicate with your parents when you are upset.

6. Most of ____________(Europe) don’t like Chinese food.

7. _________(electricity) toothbrush seemed impossible one hundred years ago, but now it came true.

8. I had a very unusual ____________(experience) on Sunday. And I __________(experience) a amazing trip with my friends.

9. You must ___________(explain) to your parents why you have done that.


Now more and more cities can be seen on the e_________(1). When you e_______ (2) a city, you can see high buildings e_________(3), straight streets , huge colorful e________(4) advertisement boards(牌) on the wall of e_______(5) side of the road. You can play , eat, hang out or e______(6) sleep in the mall. E_______ (7)in the city seems wonderful and e_________(8).

But busy cities bring many problems to the e___________(9), e________(10) air pollution, water pollution and light pollution. Most people find out when they go into a city, they will have a unhappy e________(11). The noise will make you bored, bright light from the glass window will make you feel very hot. The air in the city is not fresh like it in the country. And you can see waste things here and there. So E_________ (12) don’t like living in a city. They like living in the country. They e__________(13) that the country has e_________(14) environmental living conditions. They think everything is good e_________(15) work. Some scientist e_________(16) people to live in the country. They say that living in the country is good for people’s health.



1. factory ___________ 2. fail ___________ 3. fall ___________

4. fan ____________ 5. fat _______________ 6. fear ____________

7. fell ___________ 8. fewer ___________ 9. film _____________

10. fit ______________ 11. flew ___________ 12. flower __________

13. fly ______________ 14. follow ___________ 15. football __________

16. foreigner ________ 17. fox ______________ 18. freedom __________


1. factory___________(复数形式)

2. fail ________(过去式)

3. fan ________(复数形式)

4. fall _________(过去式)_________(过去分词)

5. fat________(比较级)_________(最高级)

6. fewer __________(原级)

7. film ________(同义词)

8. fit __________(现在分词)

9. flew ___________(原形)_______(过去分词)

10. flower ________(复数形式)

11. follow __________(第三人称单数形式)

12. football __________(同义词)

13. foreigner _________(形容词)

14. fox____________(复数形式)

15. freedom ____________(形容词)


1. Many new _________(factory) are being built in Chongqing .

2. Although Tom worked hard at his Chinese, he _______(fail) in the exam.

3. The old man ________(fall) asleep as soon as he went to bed.

4. If you eat too much junk food , you’ll become _______(fat) and ______(fat).

5. The man _______ (fear) to die.

6. We can use _______ (few) people and less money to complete the work in a short time.

7. This coat looks very nice and it _______(fit ) you very well.

8. Yesterday Jim and his friends ________(fly) kites in the park.

9. Spring comes and there are many _________(flower) here and there.

10. First look at the picture, then answer the _________(follow) questions.

11. More and more _________( foreign) are interested in Chinese and they begin to learn Chinese.

12. Now you can hardly see any _______(fox) in a forest.

13. Children needs ________(free) to relax, so we shouldn’t push them too hard.


Li Pin left school last year, but he ____1_____(失败) in the entering the high school. His family was very poor, so he had to leave his home and work in the ____2___ (工厂). Li Pin is a ____3___ (迷)of ___4____() and ____5____ (电影). He often goes to watch the movies and football match in his free time. He hopes to have a free life like ____6____ (外国人)in the movies. But he doesn’t have such a chance. He has to ____7___(适应) the new environment. He has to ____8___(跟随)other people to work in the workshop.

One day , an accident happened. A ____9___ (飞行)plane ___10____ (落下). It broke into pieces. But luckily, no people was killed in the accident and there were ___11_____(更少的)houses around the factory. Only one ____12____(肥胖的)____13____(狐狸) was killed.



1. gave ___________ 2. given __________ 3. goodbye_________

4. got__________ 5. happen _________ 6. heard __________

7. hero ____________ 8. holiday ________ 9. hometown __________

10. housework __________ 11. huge _________ 12. human ________

13. husband _________


1. happen_________(过去式)

2. hear________ (过去式)

3. hero________(复数形式)

4. holiday __________(复数形式)

5. huge _______(比较级)

6. get______(过去分词)

7. give _________(过去式)_________(过去分词)


1. Jim ________(give) a gift to his friend just now.

2. Mrs. Smith usually _______(get) up early, but this morning she _______(get ) up late.

3. A great traffic accident __________(happen) on the high way yesterday.

4. He ______(hear) a great noise and got up to see what took place last night.

5. To these people he was a great __________(hero).

6. We are leaving for Shanghai for our summer _______(holiday).


Maybe you know the name of Yang Yang. Now he a great ____1__(英雄)in our ____2___(家乡). Many newspaper and TV station interviewed him and he often comes on TV. Yang Yang had to say ____3___(再见)to his parents to work for money when he left school. He went to Qinghai in 20xx and found a job there. One day an earthquake ____4____(发生). Many building fell down and many people were under the buildings. Yang Yang was passing a house when he ___5___(听见)some people to ask for help. He began to save people without thinking anything. The people were saved and he left without ____6___(给)his name to the people. Later, people found him and thanked him very much.



1. imagine _________ 2. impolite ________ 3. impossible ________

4. include _________ 5. Indian ________ 6. influence ________

7. instead ________ 8. interested _________ 9. interview ________

10. island _________


1. imagine __________(现在分词)

2. impolite ________()

3. impossible _________(反义词)

4. interested ________ (比较级)

5. interview ___________(动词过去式)

6. island_________(复数形式)


1. You can _________(imagine) how strange a UFO was .

2. It’s _________(polite) to throw litters everywhere.

3. We found it _________ (possible) to finish the great work in one day without any help.

4. Most children take part in activities _________(include) sports, language learning, music and math classes.

5. An __________(Indian) comes from India.

6. Yang Lei likes being a good _________(influence ) in the children’s lives.

7. He went to play soccer _________(instead) of basketball.

8. More and more people are ___________(interesting) in collecting stamps.

9. A reporter is ___________(interview) Xiao Wang over there.

10. These ________(island) belong to China.


You can’t ____1___ (想象) that a man lived in a alone ____2___ (岛屿) for a year without any help. Maybe you think it’s ___3____(不可能). But it’s true. It’s said that an ____4___(印度人) did that. The Indian man was always _____5___(对……感)in living in a place far away without any people. So he took part in an activity that experienced the alone life without any help. He was wanted to take one match and a knife . Finally , he succeeded. Later a TV station reporter _____6__(采访)him and he talked about his experience in the island.



1. jump__________ 2. kill _________ 3. kitchen ___________

4. kite _____________ 5. land ____________ 6. least ________

7. line ____________ 8. litter _____________ 9. low _____________

10. lucky ________


1. jump________(现在分词)

2. kill_______(过去式)

3. kite _________(复数形式)

4. land _________(动词过去式)

5. least _______(原级)

6. line _________(复数形式)

7. kitchen_________(复数形式)

8. low ________(比较级)

9. lucky _________(名词) ___________ (副词) __________(反义词)


1. Look! A cat _________(jump) down from the tree.

2. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was _______(kill) in the city of Memphis in America.

3. Mum is cooking in the _______(kitchen).

4. On a sunny day in spring, you can many_______(kite) in the sky.

5. The plane ________ (land) safely just now.

6. A child sleeps at ________(little) eight hours a day.

7. It’s polite to stand in a _______(line).

8. There is lots of _______(litter) on the ground. Please clean it.

9. you should talk in a _______(low) voice when you are at table in a western family.

10. ________(luck), he failed in the driving exam.


Mrs. Green has a cat. Its name is Davy. It’s a lovely cat and Mrs. Green loves it very much. Why? Because it is good at catching mice. One day, Davy found a mouse in the ___1____(kitchen). He quickly ran up to the mouse and ____2__ (jump) up to it. The mouse was caught and Davy ___3___ (kill) it. Davy helps Mrs. Green to catch at ___4____(little) 200 mice now.



1. made _______ 2. meaning __________ 3. mention _________

4. message __________ 5. met _________ 6. meter ____________

7. miss ____________ 8. modern __________ 9. moon ________

10. mouse __________ 11. murder _________ 12. myself __________


1. make_____(现在分词)

2. meaning ______ (动词原形) _______ (动词过去式)

3. mention __________(过去式)

4. message _________(复数形式)

5. met____________(动词原形)

6. meter_________(复数形式)

7. miss___________(动词第三人称单数形式)

8. mouse __________(复数形式)

9. murder__________(名词形式)

10. myself__________(复数形式)


1. Students _______(make) a decision yesterday. They decided to go out this Sunday.

2. Do you know what the word _________(mean)? If you know its ________(mean), please hands up and tell me.

3. Nobody ________(mention) going out to help him because he often made us angry.

4. ----Can you leave a ________(message) for your friend?


5. Last Sunday I ________(meet) one of my old friends in the street.

6. ----How long is the bridge ?

----Oh, it’s about 200 ______ (meter) long.

7. She _______(miss) her son very much and hopes to get a message about him.

8. My pet cat caught 2 ________ (mouse) yesterday.

9. The man ________(murder) two people.

10. I can drive a car by ________(I ).


Do you know the m_____(1) of the round m______(2)? In China, it means that all the people in a family get together and it also stands for one’s good wishes that could come true. So when we m_____(3) one of our relative or best friends, we will look up at the moon in the sky on the fifteenth in Chinese lunar calendar. Here’s a short story about the moon.

There was on old woman in far away village. After her son grew up, he left his home and worked in a m_______(4) city thousands of m_______(5) away from the village. He hardly came back home to m______(6) his mother and he didn’t took any m_______(7) to his mother, either. And his mother alone lived in an old house and nobody could speak to her except running m_______(8)in the room . That m______(9) his mother very sad. When someone m______(10) his son, she always said that she had no son.



1. natural_________ 2. nearly __________ 3. neither __________

4. nervous __________ 5. noon __________ 6. note ____________

7. open _____________ 8. own ______________


1. natural ____________ (名词形式)

2. nearly _________(形容词)

3. neither ____________(反义词)

4. nervous__________(副词)

5. note _____________(复数形式)

6. open ___________(反义词)


1. We should love our ________(natural).

2. It’s ________(near) 2 o’clock .

3. _______ (either) of them is Chinese. They are both Japanese.

4. He is always _________(nervously) when he meets a teacher on the way.

5. As a student, you should learn to make ________(note) when you have a class and listen to the teacher.

6. The shop usually ________(open) at 8:00 am. Now it’s ______(open).


Mr. Green had an unusual experience last Sunday ____1___(中午). That day, Mr. Smith came back home to eat his lunch in his car. When he reached his house and got out of his car, it was ___2___(几乎)12:00 am. He was very hungry and went to his house quickly. But when he reached the door of his house. He found that the door was open. He was a bit ___3____(紧张的). His wife left for a business yesterday and she couldn’t be in. Who ____4___(打开) the door? While he was thinking about the problem, his ____5___(自己的) dog, Mickey , ran to meet him happily. Oh, my God! It was his dog. It even opened the door!



1. pair __________ 2. paper __________ 3. perhaps. __________

4. personal __________ 5. pet ___________ 6. pick ____________

7. pig _______________ 8. plane ____________ 9. play __________

10. playground ________ 11. polite _________ 12. poor _______

13. population ________ 14. possible _______ 15. present ________

16. probably ________ 17. progress ________ 18. public ________

19. push ________


1. personal _________ (名词形式)

2. pet_______ (复数形式)

3. pick ________ (过去式)

4. pig_________(复数形式)

5. plane ______(复数形式)

6. play _______(第三人称单数形式)

7. possible __________ (反义词)

8. present _________(复数形式)

9. probably __________ (形容词)

10. polite _________(反义词)

11. push______((第三人称单数形式)


1. He wants to buy two ______(pair) of socks in the supermarket.

2. There is much _________ (paper) on the desk.

3. This is a _________(person) letter.

4. I want to keep many _______(pet) in my house in the future.

5. He _______ (pick) cottons for his uncle yesterday.

6. Raising _______(pig) can bring you much money.

7. We have made the most modern ______(plane) .

8. He usually ______ (play) CDs while he is working at home.

9. It’s _________ (impossible) that you remember one word in a day.

10. It’s _________(impolite) to help others.

11. You’d better take a ________ (present) when you visit a foreign family.

12. He _______ (probable) read the message.

13. What’s the _______(population) of China? It’s over 1.3 billion.

14. Now parents in China ________(push) their kids too hard.


To many kids in the city, p______(1) sports on the p_______(2) is p_______(3) a happy time. They play basketball, soccer and fly model p________(4) . They can have their own p______(5) such as parrots, cats or dogs. They can get many p_______(6) on their birthdays. But the kids in the village are different. They must help their parents do farm work, such as p______(7) cottons , feeding p______(8). They can’t get any presents on their birthday, especially p_____(9) kids. They only have one wish that they can make great p______(10) in their study. P_____(11) that causes the p_______(12) to pay attention to them and that can bring them things.



1. quarter __________ 2. quite _________ 3. rabbit _________

4. raise __________ 5. ran ____________ 6. rang __________

7. rather _________ 8. receive __________ 9. return _________

10. review _________ 11. robot ________ 12. rode ___________

13. Russian __________


1. quarter________ (复数形式)

2. rabbit________(复数形式)

3. raise _______ (现在分词)_______ (过去式)

4. ran _________ (动词原形)_______(动词现在分词)

5. receive________(动词现在分词)

6. rode _________(动词原形)________ (动词现在分词)

7. Russian __________(国名)


1. Three ______(quarter ) of the population live on the land.

2. The man shot two _______(rabbit) in the mountain last night.

3. They are ________(run) to _______ (raise) money for the poor people.

4. When she _______ (return) to her house, the phone ________(ring).

5. He _______ (ride) his bike to school every day.

6. The boy ________ (receive) a bike as his birthday present.

7. Let’s _________ (review) the new words of Unit 6.

8. The __________ (Russia) made some special _______ (robot) to work for the space ship.


1) Three ____1___ (四分之一) of the people live in China. China has the largest number of population in the world. China is becoming more and more crowded in the world as well. It’s ____2__(相当)difficult for China to solve the population problem. Thanks to the more people , we have to feed more mouths and build more houses for them. Of course, we have to ___3___(筹集)more money for the people so that we can help them.

2) An ____4___ (俄罗斯人)told us a story last week. The story was about a ___5____(兔子). It sounded very funny.

One day, the Russian ____6___(回来)after he finished his work in the city. He went into his house. He felt a little tired because he ___7___(骑)his bike back that day. He wanted to rest for a while before supper. At that time, the door bell ___8____(响). When he opened the door, he found it was his neighbor. The Russian was surprised when he saw a rabbit in the neighbor’s hand. He didn’t know what the neighbor wanted to do. The neighbor told him that he found the rabbit sitting under a tree , but it didn’t ____9__(跑)when he walked up to it. That made him surprised, so he took it back and wanted to send it to the Russian as a present. The Russian was very happy after he heard that. He ___10___(收下)the rabbit. But he didn’t kill the rabbit. Why ? Because he loved animals very much, he kept it at home.



1. sang ___________ 2. scientist ___________ 3. season __________

4. seem __________ 5. seen ___________ 6. send ______________

7. several __________ 8. shape__________ 9. shout __________

10. silence ___________ 11. simple _________ 12. since _________

13. slow _________ 14. smoke ____________ 15. snake __________

16. sound _________ 17. space __________ 18. special _________

19. spring _________ 20. stamp _________ 21. start __________

22. store __________ 23. strange _________ 24. such _________

25. suggest ________ 26. suppose ________ 27. surprise ________


1. sang _________ (动词原形)__________ (现在分词)

2. scientist________ (复数形式)

3. season _______(复数形式)

4. send __________(过去式)

5. seen _________ (动词原形)________ (动词过去式)_______ (现在分词)

6. slow __________ (比较级)

7. special _________(副词)


1. If you are interested in ________(scientist) , you will become a ________ (science).

2. There are four _________(season) in a year.

3. It _________(seem) that you have no ways except studying.

4. he has already ________(see) my photos.

5. China can _______(send) spaceships into the space now.

6. “ Don’t ________(shout) at me” said the doctor.

7. His words _________ (sound) very good.

8. Collecting ________(stamp) is a good hobby.

9. You can’t imagine how _________ (strange) it was !

10. I was very ________(surprise) when the alien went into a souvenir shop.


____1___(春天) is the best time of the four ___2___(季节) around a year. When spring comes , everything ___3___(开始) to grow. The days get longer and longer and the weather is becoming warmer and warmer. You can ___4____(看见)children running , ____5____(唱着) , jumping and___6___(高喊) in ____7___(这样的) beautiful season. You can hear the ____8__(声音) of the bell coming from a temple far away in the morning and see some ___9____(烟)rising from the house in the village in the evening. It ___10____(似乎)that all things are nice and good.

Spring is a good time for you to excise. If you often don’t feel healthy, doctors will ___11___(建议)you to go out in spring. Doctors ___12____(认为) that everything in spring will _____13__(使惊奇) you and make you happy. Spring is the first season of a year and spring is a hopeful season. So you must have a good beginning in spring.



1. temperature_________ 2. themselves________ 3. thin_________

4. thought_________ 5. thousand ___________ 6. ticket ___________

7. told __________ 8. tonight __________ 9. took _______________

10. traffic__________ 11. tree _________ 12. true____________

13. unpleasant ___________ 14. until ___________


1. thin_______ (比较级)_________ (最高级)

2. think __________(过去式)

3. tell ________(过去式)

4. take_______(过去式)________ (过去分词)

5. true_________(副词)

6. unpleasant___________(反义词)


1. They learn English by __________(they)

2. She is becoming ________(thin) and ________ (thin) because she has been ill.

3. Every year ____________(thousand) of bird flies to the south in winter.

4. I have two __________ (ticket). Could you go and see the movie with me ?

5. More and more _______(tree) are planted in Chongqing every year.

6. That was an _____________(pleasant ) trip. Everybody was unhappy.


Tom hoped to see the two movies called Nobody Slept __1__(今夜) and One ___2____(一千) Nights . Tom ___3___(认为) the two movies were wonderful. But he had no time to watch them because it always ____4__(花费) them lots of time to do his lesson on weekdays. And Either of the two movies weren’t on when he was free. Last Sunday, Tom’s uncle, Mr. Carpenter ___5___(告诉) Tom that he had two ___6___ (票) for Nobody Slept Tonight in the evening and asked him if he wanted to watch. Tom was very happy and said that he wanted to go. His uncle ____7__(给) the tickets to him. Tom invited his good friend Jimmy to go together.

But that night was an ____8____(使人不愉快) night. That night , the ___9______(气温) was very low and the ____10___(交通) was terrible when Tom and Jimmy took a bus to the cinema. There were too many buses and cars on the road. And the bus drove very slowly. They didn’t reach the cinema ____11____(直到) 9:00 pm. And the movie had been on for ten minutes already !



1. village _______ 2. voice _________ 3. wake __________

4. whenever __________ 5. which ________ 6. while _________

7. will___________ 8. window ___________ 9. winner ________

10. wonderful _________ 11. wrong __________ 12. wrote _______

13. yard___________


1. village _________(复数形式)

2. wake_______(过去式)_________(过去分词)

3. window_________(复数形式)

4. wonderful____________(副词)

5. write ___________(过去式)_________(过去分词)


1. More and more _________(village) have left their _________(village) to work in the city.

2. The boy _________(wake) up and dresses himself every morning.

3. There are three __________(window) in the wall of our classroom.

4. That was a ___________(wonder) soccer game and every player played very ________(wonderful) on the ground.

5. Her ________(sound, noise, voice ) sounds very beautiful.

6. _______(when, while) we were doing our homework, Mr. Wang came in.

7. I think our dream _________(come) true.

8. He won the game and he is the ________(win) .

9. Last month he _______(write) to me.


The life in the ____1___(乡村) is very nice. _____2____(无论何时) you ___3____(醒来) up, you can breathe the fresh air and you can see many___4____(极好的) things through the _____5___(窗户) in the wall. You can keep many cocks and hens in your ____6___(院子). Nobody ___7___(将;会) bring unpleasant things to you. If you are a writer , you can ___8____(写作) your novels quietly. And you can make friends with the farmers in the village. The farmers are very kind and honest. They are very friendly to you. They will help you look after everything ____9__(当……时候) you are away. Come to live in the village and you’ll be a ____10____(胜利者) of your life.



一. 1.能、能够;2.事故;3.反对;对……不利;4.允许;准许;5.单独地;孤独地;6.早已;已经;7.令人惊异的;8.任何人;9.任何地方;10.地区;地域;11.争论;争吵;12.亚洲的;亚洲人的;13.睡着的;14.澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的;15.秋天;16.醒着的

二. 1.accidents; 2.areas, 3.allows; allowing; allowed; allowed; 4. argues; arguing; argued; argued; 5.Asia; 6. wake; 7. sleep; 8.Australia

三. 1.able; 2.accidents; 3.against; 4.allowed; 5.already; yet; 6.amazing; 7.anyone; 8. anywhere; 9.areas; 10. argued; 11. Asian;Asia; 12.sleep ; asleep; 13. Australian; Australia; 14. awake.

四. 1.Australian; 2.amazing; 3.asleep; 4.awake


一. 1.婴儿、小孩;2.浴室;3.成为、变得;4.卧室、寝室;5.是;6.钟、铃、门铃;7.而且、除……之外;8.买;9.勇敢的;10.打破、违背;11.明亮的'、发亮的;12.带来;13.建筑物、楼房

二. 1. babies; 2. bathrooms; 3. become; 4. bedrooms; 5. am/is/are; was/were; be; 6. bells; 7. buy; 8. broke; broken; 9. bring; 10. buildings

三. 1. Babies, 2. bathrooms, bedrooms; 3. became; 4. have been ; 5. bell; 6. besides; 7. bought; 8.brave; 9. broke; 10. bright; 11. brought; 12. buildings

四. 1. became; 2. bought; 3. bedrooms; 4. bathrooms; 5. bright; 6. buildings; 7. brought; 8. has been; 9. baby; 10. besides; 11. buys



一. 1. 、糕; 2.来; 3.省会、首都;4.小心的、细心的;5.确实的、无疑的;6.机会、机遇;7.小孩;8.选择;9.清楚地、明显地;10.攀登、爬;11.关闭;12.钱币、硬币;13. 、搜集;14.公司;15.复制、抄袭;16.价值、花;17. ;18.能、会、可以;19.穿过、横过、越过

二. 1. cakes; 2. comes; 3. carefully; 4. certainly; 5. children; 6. chose; chosen; 7. climbing; 8. closing; 9. collection; 10. companies; 11. cost; cost; 12. coughs; 13. can; 14. crossing; crosses

三. 1. cakes; 2. come ; 3. capitals; 4. careful; carefully; 5. certain; 6. children; 7. chose; 8. clearly; 9. Climbing; 10. close; 11. colleciong; coins; 12. companies; 13. copies; 14. cost; 15. cough; cough; Could

四. 1. Capital. 2. cakes; 3. chance; 4. come; 5. certain; 6. choose; 7. carefully; 8. copy; 9. cost; 10. coins; 11. children; 12. could; 13.crossing



一. 1.危险; 2.黄昏;黑暗; 3.决定;决心;4.发现;发觉;5.门;6.穿衣;7.落下;掉下;使落下

二. 1. dangerous; 2. darker; 3. decide; 4. discovering; 5. doors; 6. dresses; 7. dropping; dropped

三. 1. danger; 2. dark; 3. decision; 4. discovered; 5. door; 6. dress; 7. dropped

四. 1. dangerous; 2. dark; 3. decision; 4. door; 5. dress; 6. discover; 7. drop



一. 1.地球; 2.两者之中任一的;3.导电的;电的;4.鼓励;激励;5.参加;进入; 6.环境;7.特别;尤其;8.欧洲的;欧洲人的;欧洲人;9.甚至;10.每件事情;11.各地;到处;12.卓越的;极好的;13.除;把……除外;14.经历;体验;15.解释;说明

二. 1. encouragement ; 2. especial; 3. Europe; 4. more excellent; most excellent

三. 1. either; 2. encourage; 3. enter; 4. environment; 5. especially; 6. Europeans; 7. Electric; 8. experience; experienced; 9. explain

四. 1. earth; 2. enter; 3. everywhere; 4. electric; 5. either; 6. even; 7. Everything; 8. excellent; 9. environment; 10. especially ; 11. experience; 12. Europeans; 13. explain; 14. excellent; 15. except. 16. encourage



一. 1.工厂;2.失败;3.落下;跌落; 4.迷;狂热者;5.肥胖的;6.恐惧,害怕;7. fall的过去式;8.较少的,更少的;9.电影;10.适合;适应;11. fly的过去式;12.花; 13.飞行;14.跟随;追随;15.足球;16.外国人;17.狐狸;18.自由

二. 1. factories; 2. failed; 3. fans; 4. fell; fallen; 5. fatter; fattest; 6.few; 7. movie; 8. fitting; 9. fly; flown; 10. flowers; 11. follows; 12. soccer; 13. foreign; 14. foxes; 15. free

三. 1. factories; 2. failed; 3. fell; 4. fatter; fatter; 5. fears; 6. fewer7. fits; 8. flew; 9. flowers; 10. following; 11. foreigners; 12. foxes; 13. freedom

四. 1. failed; 2. factory; 3. fan; 4. football; 5. film; 6. foreigners; 7.fit; 8. follow; 9. flying; 10. fell; 11. fewer; 12. fat; 13. fox



一. 1.动词give的过去式; 2.动词give的过去分词;3.再见;4.动词get的过去式;5.发生;6.动词hear的过去式;7.英雄;8.假日;假期;;9.家乡;10.家务;家务事;11.巨大的;庞大的;12.人;人类; 13.丈夫

二. 1. happened; 2. heard; 3. heroes; 4. holidays; 5. huger. 6. gotten; 7. gave; given

三. 1. gave ; 2. gets; got; 3. happened; 4. heard; 5. hero; 6. holiday

四. 1. hero; 2. hometown; 3. goodbye; 4. happened; 5. heard; 6. giving



一. 1.想象;设想; 2.无礼的;粗鲁的;3.不可能的;不会发生的;4.包括;包含;5.印度的;印度人(的);印第安语(的);6.影响;7.代替;而不是;8.感兴趣的;9. ;面谈;10.岛;岛屿

二. 1. imagining 2. polite; 3. possible; 4. more interested; 5. interviewed ; 6. islands

三. 1. imagine; 2. impolite; 3. impossible; 4. including; 5. Indian; 6. influence; 7. instead; 8. interested; 9. interviewing; 10. islands

四. 1. imagine; 2. island; 3. impossible; 4. Indian; 5. interested; 6. interviewed


J, K& L

一. 1.跳跃;2.杀死;3.厨房;4.风筝;5.陆地,着陆;6. little的最高级;7.排;队;列;8.垃圾;9.低的;10.幸运的

二. 1. jumping; 2. killed; 3. kites; 4. landed; 5, little; 6. lines; 7. kitchens; 8. lower; 9. luck; luckily; unlucky

三. 1. is jumping; 2. killed; 3.kitchen; 4.kites; 5.landed; 6.least; 7. line; 8. litter; 9. low; 10. Unluckily.

四. 1. kitchen; 2.jumped; 3.killed; 4.least



一. 1.动词make的过去式; 2.意思;3.提到; 4.消息;5.动词meet的过去式;6.米;7.思念;错过8.现代的;9.月亮;月球;10.老鼠;11.谋杀;12.我自己

二. 1. making; 2. mean; meant; 3. mentioned; 4.messages; 5. meet; 6.meters; 7. misses; 8. mice; 9.murderer; 10. ourselves

三. 1.made; 2. means; meaning; 3. mentioned; 4. message; 5. met; 6. meters; 7. misses; 8. mice; 9.murdered; 10. myself.

四. 1. meaning; 2.moon; 3.miss; 4.modern; 5. miles 6. meet; 7.message; 8.mice; 9. made; 10. mentioned


N & O

一. 1.的;自然界的; 2.几乎; 3.二者都不;也不; 4.紧张的;不安的; 5.中午; 6.笔记; 7.打开; 8.自己的

二. 1. nature; 2. near; 3. both; 4. nervously; 5. notes; 6. close/shut

三. 1. nature; 2. nearly; 3. Neither; 4. nervous; 5. notes; 6. opens; open

四. 1. noon; 2. nearly; 3. nervous; 4.opened; 5. own



一. 1.一对;一双; 2.纸;纸张;3.或许;大概; 4.私人的;个人的; 5.宠物; 6.采;摘;挑选;7.猪; 8.飞机;9.播放,玩,弹奏;10.运动场;操场;11.有礼貌的;客气的;12.贫穷的;贫困的;13.人口;14.可能的;15.礼物;16.或许;大概;17.进步;进展; 18.公众;19.推

二. 1. person; 2. pets; 3. picked; 4. pigs; 5. planes; 6. plays; 7. impossible; 8. presents; 9. probable; 10. impolite; 11. pushes

三. 1. pairs; 2. paper; 3. personal; 4. pets; 5. picked; 6. pigs; 7. planes; 8. plays; 9. possible; 10. polite; 11. present; 12. probably; 13. population; 14. push

四. 1. playing; 2. playground; 3. probaly; 4. planes; 5. pets; 6. presents; 7. picking; 8. pigs; 9. poor; 10. progress; 11. Perhaps; 12. public


Q & R

一. 1.四分之一; 2.相当;十分;3.兔;野兔; 4.筹集; 5.动词run的过去式;6.动词ring的过去式;7.相当;颇;而不是; 8.收到; 9.归还;返回;10. ;评论; 11.机器人; 12.动词ride的过去式; 13.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人的;俄语的;俄语;俄罗斯人

二. 1. quarters; 2. rabbits; 3. raising; raised; 4. run; running; 5. receiving; 6. ride; riding; 7. Russia

三. quarters; 2. rabbits; 3. running; raise; 4. returned; was ringing; 5. rides; 6. received; 7. review; 8. Russians; robots

四. 1. quarters; 2. quite; 3. raise; 4. Russian; 5. rabbit; 6. returned; 7. rode; 8. rang; 9. run ; 10. received



一. 1.动词sing的过去式; 2.科学家; 3.季节; 4.看上去; 5.动词see的过去分词; 6.派遣;送; 7.几个;若干; 8.外形;形状; 9.呼喊;大叫; 10.寂静;沉默;11.简单的;简易的; 12.自从;自……以来; 13.慢的;缓慢的; 14.抽烟;吸烟; 15.蛇; 16.声音; 17.太空;空间; 18.特别的;特殊的; 19.春天;20.邮票; 21.开始;开端; 22.商店;储存; 23.奇怪的;陌生的; 24.这样的;这种; 25.建议; 26.假定;认为;期望; 27.使惊奇;使意外

二. 1. sing; singing; 2. scientists; 3. seasons; 4. sent; 5. see; saw; seeing; 6. slower; 7. specially

三. 1. science; scientist; 2. seasons; 3. seems; 4. seen; 5. send; 6. shout; 7. sounded/ sounds; 8. stamps; 9. strange; 10. surprised

四. 1. Spring; 2. seasons; 3. starts/ begins; 4. see; 5. singing; 6. shouting; 7. such; 8. sound; 9. smoke; 10. seems; 11. suggest; 12. suppose; 13. surprise



一. 1.温度;2.他(她,它)们自己; 3.稀薄的;4.动词think的过去式;5.一千; 6.票;入场券; 7.动词tell的过去式;8.今晚;今夜; 9.动词take的过去式;10.交通;11.树;树木; 12.真实的;13.令人不愉快的; 14.直到......

二. 1. thinner; thinnest; 2. thought; 3. told; 4. took; taken; 5. truly; 6. pleasant/happy

三. 1. themselves; 2. thinner; thinner; 3. thousands; 4. tickets; 5. trees; 6. unpleasant

四. 1. Tonight; 2. Thousand; 3. thought; 4. took; 5. told; 6. tickets; 7. gave; 8. unpleasant; 9. temperature; 10. traffic; 11.until

V, W & Y

一. 1.乡村;村庄; 2.嗓音; 3.醒来;唤醒;4.无论何时; 5.哪个;哪几个; 6.当……时候;7.将;会;要; 8.窗户;9.胜利者;10.极好的;11.错误的;有毛病的;不适合的; 12.动词write的过去式;13.院子

二. 1. villages; 2. woke; woken; 3. windows; 4. wonderfully; 5. wrote; written

三. 1. villagers; villages; 2. wakes; 3. windows; 4. wonderful; wonderfully; 5. voice; 6. While; 7. will come; 8. winner; 9. wrote

四. 1. village; 2. Whenever; 3. wake; 4. wonderful; 5. window/ windows; 6. yard; 7. will; 8. write; 9. while; 10. winner

































4你的电话号码是多少?6678954。_______your telephone_____?______6678954.

5请原谅,这是你的钥匙吗?____________,____________your key?

6你好,我叫Tony,见到你很高兴。Hello,______Tony,____to meet_____.

7这是他的铅笔刀吗?不,是她的。________________pencil sharpener?___,____her pencil sharpener.


9你叫什么名字?我叫王培。_____your name?My______Wang Pei.




2This is a red pencil case.(划线提问)

3His pencil is yellow.(划线提问)

4My family name is Zhang.(划线提问)

5His telephone number is 4212257.(划线提问)

6This is a blue pen.(否定句)

7That’s a yellow quilt.(一般问句,肯定回答)

8His first name is Jim.(一般问句,否定回答)

9Are you Mike?(肯定回答)

10Alice is my sister.(一般问句)

11Is he your friend?(否定回答)

12This is an orange in English.(划线提问)

13That’s a UFO.(划线提问)


15Spell it,please.(同义句)

16I’m Jim.(同义句)HeisTony.(同义句)

17This ruler is green.(同义句)

18.Is that his brother?(肯定句)


20This is my dictionary.(一般问句,肯、否回答)





1 时间:3 月1日星期五下午3 点至五点

2 地点:阶梯教室(lecture theatre)

3 讲座人:北京大学李平教授

4 报告的内容:怎样学英语

5 要求大家准时出席 (attend),并且可以向他咨询有关的问题



Girls and boys / Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attention,please ? / Attention,please.

I ve got announcement to make./ I m very glad to tell you that an English lecture will be held in the lecture hall / theater from 3 p.m .to 5 p.m. on Friday,March 1st.It will be given by Professor Li Ping from Beijing University. The topic is How to learn English well .You may take notes if you like. And you may ask any question on English learning / study after the lecture. Please attend the lecture on time / don t be late.

That s all,thank you.



英语一般过去时专项练习 姓名_______























