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1. Somebody believes/argues/holds/insists/thinks that…

2. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon…

3. Different people observes it in different ways

4. As the proverb says…

5. It goes without saying tan…

6. Generally speaking…

7. It is quite clear than because…

8. It is often said that …

9. Many people often ask such question:“…?”

10. More and more people have come to realize…

11. There is no doubt that…

12. Some people believe that…

13. These days we are often told that, but is this really the case?

14. One great man said that…

15. Recently the issue of… has been brought to public attention


1. 即使青春是一枝娇艳的花,但我明白,一枝独放永远不是春天,春天该是万紫千红的世界。即使青春是一株大地伟岸的树,但我明白,一株独秀永远不是挺拔,成行成排的林木,才是遮风挡沙的绿色长城。即使青春是一叶大海孤高的帆,但我明白,一叶孤帆很难远航,千帆竞发才是大海的壮观。

2. 生命不是一篇“文摘”,不接受平淡,只收藏精彩。她是一个完整的过程,是一个“连载”,无论成功还是失败,她都不会在你背后留有空白;生命也不是一次彩排,走得不好还可以从头再来,她绝不给你第二次机会,走过去就无法回头。

3. 试试看——不是像企鹅那样静静的站在海边,翘首企盼机会的来临,而是如苍鹰一般不停的翻飞盘旋,执著的寻求。试试看——不是面对峰回路转杂草丛生的前途枉自嗟叹,而是披荆斩棘,举步探索。试试看——不是拘泥于命运的禁锢,听凭命运的摆布,而是奋力敲击其神秘的门扉,使之洞开一个新的天地。微笑着,去唱生活的歌谣。

4. 宽容,是一种坦荡,可以无私无畏,无拘无束,无尘无染。宽容,是一种豁达,是比海洋和天空更为博大的胸襟,是宽广和宽厚的叠加,延续和升华。宽容有度,宽容无价,宽以待人,这是人生处世的基本法则。

5. 巴尔扎克说过“不幸,是天才的进升阶梯,信徒的洗礼之水,弱者的无底深渊”。风雨过后,眼前会是鸥翔鱼游的天水一色;走出荆棘,前面就是铺满鲜花的康庄大道;登上山顶,脚下便是积翠如云的空蒙山色。在这个世界上, 一星陨落,黯淡不了星空灿烂, 一花凋零,荒芜不了整个春天。


1. 悲观的人,先被自己打败,然后才被生活打败;乐观的人,先战胜自己,然后才战胜生活。悲观的人,所受的痛苦有限,前途也有限;乐观的人,所受的磨难无量,前途也无量。在悲观的人眼里,原来可能的事也能变成不可能;在乐观的人眼里,原来不可能的事也能变成可能。悲观只能产生平庸,乐观才能造就卓绝。从卓绝的人那里,我们不难发现乐观的精神;从平庸的人那里,我们很容易找到阴郁的影子。

2. 如果只看到太阳的黑点,那你的生活将缺少温暖;如果你只看到月亮的阴影,那么你的生命历程将难以找到光明;如果你总是发现朋友的缺点,你么你的人生旅程将难以找到知音;同样,如果你总希望自己完美无缺,假设你的这一愿望真的能如愿以偿,那么你最大的缺点就是没有缺点。 喜马拉雅直冲霄汉,可上面有攀爬者的旗帜;撒哈拉沙漠一望无垠,可里面有跋涉者的脚印;阿尔卑斯山壁立千仞,可其中有探险者的身影;雅鲁藏布江湍急浩荡,可其中有勇敢者的故事。

3. “成功的花,人们只惊羡它现时的明艳;而当初的芽,却浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒满了牺牲的血雨。”(冰心语)我们每个人都渴望成功,那么我们就应该在刚刚起步的时候,用我们无悔的付出,去浇灌隔那刚刚萌芽的种子。

4. 每一滴水都折射出一个多彩的世界,每一双眼睛都嵌进一个多彩的世界,每一条泛着清丽的旋律的小溪都闪烁着美的光辉。不要空叹人世的无奈,且用美丽的心情来看待人世的繁华多彩,细细品味那无处不在的美吧!

5. 也许你只是一株稚嫩的幼苗,然而只要坚忍不拔。终会成为参天大树;也许你只是一条涓涓小溪,然而只要锲而不舍,。终会拥抱大海,也许你只是一只雏鹰,然而只要心存高远,跌几个跟头,终会翱翔蓝天。


1. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……而且……,最重要的是……______is necessary and important to our country“s development and constructionFirst,______What”s more, _____Most important of all,______

2. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……There are several measures for us to adoptFirst, we can______

3. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……一方面……,另一方面,Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______For one thing,______For another,______

4. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……所有这些方法肯定会……It is high time that something was done about itFor example_____In addition_____All these measures will certainly______

5. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……Why______? The first reason is that ______The second reason is ______The third is ______For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______

6. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______

7. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous

8. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______


1. Nowadays,the problem of the air pollution has been brought into focus如今,空气污染问题引起了关注。(***成为人们瞩目的焦点)

2. Nowadays,the Internet has been playing an important role in our everyday life It has brought a lot of benefits but has also brought some problems如今,互联网已在我们生活中扮演越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些问题。

3. With the development of our society,more and more people believe that knowledge is very important随着社会的发展,越来越多的人认为知识很重要。

4. A lot of people think that knowledge is very necessary很多人认为知识很必要。

5. People's opinions about the Internet are different Some think that it can bring a lot of benefits However, others think that it dose harm to our health人们对互联网的观点各有不同,有些人认为互联网给我们带来了很多益处,然而,其他人却认为他对我们有害。

6. Everything has two sides and the Internet is not an exception ,it has both advantage and disadvantage每个硬币都有两面,互联网也不例外,它既有优点有与缺点。

7. Human beings are facing a big problem ,the air pollution ,which is becoming more and more serious人类正面临一个严重的问题,大气污染,这个问题变得越来越严重。

8. On the contrary,there are some people think it not useful相反,有一些人认为它没有用。


1. 烦恼时会拿起一本书,它会告诉我开心是多么的重要;愤怒时,会拿起一本书,它会告诉我理解是多么的宝贵;无聊时,会拿起一本书,它会告诉我充实的生活是多么的难求。书啊!你是那么的美,那么的好,可我何时才能像你一样的伟大博学呢?

2. 古诗人言:“腹有诗书气自华”。一个人修养精湛,表现在外自是雍容的气度,出俗的谈吐,脸上洋溢的亦是灼人的光华(用“灵气逼人”一句不算夸张吧)还记得美国前总统林肯曾说:“一个人到了四十岁以后,就应该为自己的脸负责。”

3. 每一本书与每一本书之间的风格又迥乎不同。读《伊索寓言》后便有“柳暗花明又一村”的滋味,让你顿时豁然开朗。在笑过乐过哀过伤过每则寓言中的主人公后,你便会记住不能和这个人一样自私自立自弃自卑自负……要像那个人一样自尊自爱……

4. 人生与书本,书本与人生,两者对爱读书之人来说,是分不开的一回事。人与书的关系是非常密切的,因人的精神食粮可反映出他的内心世界。试问一个有气质的读书人又怎会沉醉于浅薄晦涩的书中呢?怎么样的人,便会看怎么样的书;相对地,看怎么样的书,便会成为怎么样的人。这或许不是个定律,但也有它的道理。


1. 无意间又看到了操场上迎风飘扬的五星红旗,在树叶的衬托下显得格外鲜艳。每当看到国旗,我的心都为之一颤,亲切尊敬,自豪与责任让我久久不能平静。小时候,祖国就刻在我心中,一个个关于中国英雄的故事,一个个关于中国的优美神话传说,将我的心勾了起来,随着历史的情节起伏。

2. 迎国庆,我无限感慨百感交集。远大的理想要实现,现在就要发奋读书努力学习,将来成为栋梁之才报答祖国,报答老师,服务人民。新年的开端,是奔跑的起点,万物生辉的开始。新的开头,要播下新的种子,这种子充满了诗意,刻画着蓝图,孕育着未来,是收获的前奏曲。有道是,良好的开头是成功的一半。我们要扎扎实实地迈好第一步,乃至每一步

3. 雪域高原的通天大道,传递了民族的期盼;抗震救灾的众志成城,创造了生命的奇迹;神舟飞船的载誉而归,成就了千年的梦想……每一个瞬间都定格成为幸福的永恒,绘制成新时代历史画卷。这是一幅超越时间与空间的画卷,画中的主角,是你,是我,是我们每一个人。仰望长空,历史的星光依然闪烁!我们的中国古老而伟大,我们的中国壮丽而永生!蔡伦纸上书写着她的智慧,指南针上旋转着她的方向,刀光剑影下她一次次回归和平,重获新生。


1. 通过实际军事训练,磨练了我的意志品质,培养了艰苦奋斗、吃苦耐劳的作风,增强了战胜困难的信心和>勇气。在队列训练时,教官言传身教,教得认真、细致,他们的军人风采和人格魅力确实让人佩服。服从命令乃是军人的天职,我对教官教的每一个姿势要领都认真领会,反复训练,做到队伍行列整齐划一,步调一致,一切行动听指挥,做到令行禁止。我和大家一起认真训练,不论多苦多累都没有丝毫退缩。

2. 短暂而又紧张的军训生活已经结束了,回顾其中的点点滴滴,让我感到精彩而充实。此时此刻,当我执笔写下这短短X天的军训感触时,深知自己不仅仅是健壮了体魄、增强了国防意识、提高了政治素质,更加是受到了一次心灵上的深刻洗礼,磨练了自己坚强的意志,培养了健康向上的心态,增强了团队意识和组织纪律观念。这也是我在军训中所获得的最宝贵的财富。

3. 军训,故名思意,就是军事化的训练,在这天里,我和同学们深深体会到了当兵人的苦与累。在军训期间里,我们历尽了“千辛万苦”度过了“千难万险”终于挺了过来,虽然是顶着炎炎夏日,但我们仍然侧耳>倾听教官的指导。虽然是冒着绵绵不断的细雨但我们依旧在一丝不苟的操练着步伐。在教官不厌其烦的一遍又一遍的教导下,操场印下了我们整齐的步伐,回荡着我们洪亮的>口号声,更有我们那铿锵有力的军歌。

4. 军训的感受像个五味瓶,酸,甜,苦,辣,咸样样都有。军训是残酷的,但我一直告诉我自己:一定要坚持下去,再忍一下就行了,要是现在放弃的话,那前面的辛苦不就白费了吗?于是我就咬着牙,硬撑了下来。必须坚持不懈,持之以恒的努力,才能到达成功的彼岸。



1. 幸福是什么?有人说,幸福就是大把大把的钞票;也有人说,幸福应该就是一种悠闲的生活。听听“唐宋八大家”之一的欧阳修是怎么说的吧,幸福就是百姓的富足安乐,能在封建社会的宋朝给出“幸福”如此定义的人,怎能不让人钦佩、感动呢?

2. 范仲淹说得好:先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐,以天下人的快乐作为自己的快乐,在天下人快乐之后我再快乐,这是多么博大的胸襟和情怀啊!幸福的真谛也就在于此吧。

3. 曾听说过一个渔夫的故事,这个渔夫整天躲在海边晒太阳,一个旅游者问他为什么不去追求荣华富贵,他说只要他现实的心理需求得到了满足就会很快了。大概这就是这位渔夫幸福的底线。

4. 幸福没有固定的标准,但是它有一个底线。幸福的底线就是快乐:我快乐,所以我幸福。

5. 有一则寓言,一个年轻人整天闷闷不乐,慨叹世之不济,他没有富豪的万贯家财。有一天,一位神仙对他说:“年轻人,把你的手给我,我给你万贯家财。”年轻人想了想:手做饭做事,怎么能给你呢?不行!神仙又说:“那把你的腿给我,我也给你万贯家财。”年轻人想了想:没了腿便无法走路,无法行动,还是不行。神仙笑了,说道:“年轻人,你是多么的幸福呀,你的手和腿可都是你万贯家财换不来的呀!”是啊,年轻人很幸福,他拥有的不只是“万贯家财”,只是他没有意识到罢了。很多时候,我们就如同这个年轻人,对自己身边的幸福缺少发现


1. 周六日可以破天荒的睡到早上十点,而我却总把这些归咎于天气,冬天了人总可以找些事情来感概的。在这样的季节里,才算真正品尝到冷的滋味寒的彻骨。想在那极寒的表层下,去找寻可以爆发的欲望,我却寻求不来。因为天冷了,人极其渴望温暖,不管是外界和内心都需要,而刚才说了,内心已近乎麻木,所以只有依赖外界,依赖于可以带来温暖的地方,温暖的被窝,温暖的房间。刻意把沙发上也放了被子,在夜里一个人拿着书一边听着音乐,衣服都忘了脱,就这样睡着,再醒已是黎明了,黎明过后的清晨又得接受周而复始的生活。当你还来不及逃避的时候,白天已经占住了你的全部。

2. 早几天见到父亲,我说不清那是怎样的一种感觉了。尽管我们才两周没见面,但父亲微笑,让我感觉好久违了。他见到精神爽朗的我,我不知否是从前的我未感知到这微笑背后的魅力,还是因为只到今天我才真正懂得父亲微笑背后所承载的东西,这么多年以后,才谛结而成的。同时见到父亲的几个朋友,看到他们善意的微笑,同时对爸讲:“你女儿看起来真是不错”。简简单单的一句话,我听起来没什么,我想父亲听来心里定然会很开心,当然我也笑了。以前从没注意过长辈的这种情绪,今天才觉得亲情在我生命里显得如此的重要。跟父亲走了一段路,便离开了。父亲有他要处理的事情,我也有。而且我更想让这种和-谐且真挚的感觉残留在心底。女儿大了,翅膀硬了……终究得逃离父母的束缚。但不管我们到了什么样的年龄在父母眼里,我终究是个孩子。

3. 儿时的记忆隐现,父亲总跟我聊起他年轻时候的岁月。为了我们家也能过上小康的生活,父亲起早贪黑的工作,而如今生活是好了,但父亲也因他的付出,而日渐的苍老。这是怎样的一种情感,我下辈子都无法还清的。再看看如今的我,过着不愁吃不愁穿的生活。虽然这当中会有太多太多的困惑,但比起曾经父亲那一代人所经过的岁月,我如今所要去承受的又算得了什么呢……

4. 世界上有一种爱,它无处不在,让你肆意索取,让你坦然接受:世界上有一个人,她默默无闻,把所有的爱都给予你,而不求任何回报。这种爱,叫母爱,这个人,叫母亲。






秋天是一个宜人的季节。深秋的时候,一切植物将度过它一生中最后的时刻,这并不表示它的生命即将终结。在山上仍能看见它的.身影,杏黄色的野菊花 ,红色的枫叶和那永久不衰的松树挺立着。虽然花瓣上已经披上了一层厚厚的霜,但是它们仍然精神抖擞。站在远处眺望,一片黄树林;一片红树林;一片绿树林;一阵秋风吹过,让我感觉到了深秋的寒冷。秋风要吹落那些残枝败叶,催促它们化成新的灵魂,孕育新的生命。这是秋的伟大所在。







我不以为然地说:“咱们也为环保出点力,要不企鹅就没地方住了。”妈妈 “咱们一辆车能有什么影响?”“人人这样做,不就会好了吗?”我说。妈妈笑着摸摸我的头,说:“儿子,你说得对,听你的,我们骑自行车去。”然后,我们高高兴兴地骑车出了家门。







英语一般过去时专项练习 姓名_______





No one will deny that human beings have benefited a lot from the invention of television. It makes people learn the latest news and allows them to follow the latest development in politics and science. Many of the TV programs are both instructive and stimulating. People can almost travel throughout the world and acquaint themselves with the strangest customs while staying in their sitting room. Radio programs might provide the similar service,but on television screen everything is much more vivid,much more real.

However,people also have different opinions on television and have argued heartedly about its advantages and disadvantages since its invention. Some even relate it to the negative influence on our children and the increasing crime rate. One anxious mother said,TV is really a nuisance to my son. He spends so much time watching TV that he doesnt do well in studying. He needs to stop!According to the police,the number of young criminals is increasing rapidly,which results in the TV programs. They said some programs were full of violence and obscenity. They have bad influences on children.


(1)因为全国人民的大力支持( )。

(2)即使这场比赛我们输了,( )。

(3)我们一方面要抓物质文明建设,( )。

(4)小草虽然没有鲜花那样香,( )。

(5)( ),运动员都坚持训练。

(6)中东发生过一次严重的蟹灾,( )。而且成群结队地侵入人们的住宅,扰乱了人们的生活。


1、( )肖邦从小就喜欢音乐,他六岁开始练习钢琴,八岁就举办演奏会了。

( )当时的`人,都惊讶于他的音乐天赋,争着要为他出版呢。

( )肖邦是波兰的一位伟大的音乐家。

( )在他十五岁那年,就已经写成了第一首圆舞曲。

( )他出生在波兰的首都华沙,父亲是一位教师。

2、( )一天,我对小明说:“咱们明天捉知了,好吗?”他愉快地答应了。

( )开始,我怎么也捉不到。

( )第二天,我们俩准备好了网罩,向树下跑去。

( )小明却一连捉了三、四只,我真羡慕他。

( )夏天一到,我们村口的大树上,从早到晚总能传来“知了——知了——”的叫声,我多么想亲手捉一只知了啊!

( )最后,在小明的帮助下,我也套住了一只,心里别提多高兴了。

3、( )他吓得躲在深宫里,好几天不敢上殿。

( )老鼠见皇帝和文武百官都怕它,胆子越来越大,甚至把皇帝穿的龙袍也咬破了。

( )听说宫里出了妖怪,皇帝吓得连金銮(luán)殿都不敢上了,满朝文武也都吓坏了。

( )天,金銮殿上忽然出现了一只老鼠,愚蠢的皇帝从来没有见过老鼠,以为是个妖怪。

( )这样一来,弄得大家更加惊慌



1. No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.没有人能否人这一事实:教育是人生最重要的一方面.

2. People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer . 人们把会使用计算机与人生成功相提并

3. Recently the problem of … has aroused people’s concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注。

4. Recently the problem of … has been brought to public attention. 最近,……问题已引起公众的广泛关注。

5. Recently, the problem of … has been brought into focus. 最近,……问题已成为关注的焦点。

6. Man is now facing a big problem—(pollution, which is becoming more and more serious. 人们现在正面临一个很大的问题—污染,而且正日益严重。

7. Have you ever thought of…? 你是否曾经想过……?

8. There will surely be no agreement among people as to the issue whether… 就 ……问题,人们肯定不会有一致的看法。

9. Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day to- day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. (互联网)已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题。

10. One of the serious problems facing us at present is… 目前,我们面临的严重问题之一是 ……


1. 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______However, from a personal point of view find______

2. 综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论……From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____

3. 如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是……If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____

4. All in all, it can be said that the Internet is very important总之,他的意思是互联网很重要。Taking all these factors into consideration, we can come to the conclusion that……把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……




假设你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天的房东Mrs Wilson不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson写一留言条,内容包括:1,外出购物2,替房东还书3,Tracy来电话留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton coffee)见面取消2)此事已告知Susan3)尽快回电 注意:1,词数100左右;2,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Mrs. Wilson, I’m going out shopping, and won’t be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 o’clock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying that she couldn’t meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Susan about this change. Yours, Li Hua



Dear Sir/ Madam, Greetings from Chian! I’m Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. I’ve been a panda lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your website. Now she’s going to be there. I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US. By the way, could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truly,Li Hua









Dear Peter,

I’m writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.

I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similar to mine. In my mind, she is someone who is interested in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Besides, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have kept one at home for some time. With such a pen friend, I think I can share with her our traveling experiences, taking care of pets, or whatever we have in common. And I believe I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her country.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Li Hua


My life, as it really is, is always filled with sadness and little joy. However, no matter what happens, I can always face__35__bravely.

In July, last year, I couldn’t believe the__36__that I was allowed to enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed to my home and told my parents. But my father didn’t seem as excited as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn’t help crying.

What I saw didn’t make me surprise. I knew very well what my family was__37__. My mum had been in bed for two years because of her disease. I knew my family lived a__38__life and couldn’t afford my tuition fee. I felt so upset at that moment but I could say__39__to my parents.

I decided to help my father with his work to support my family instead of__40__my study.

To my surprise, things completely__41__just three days before the beginning of the new term. My head teacher who had taught me three years came to my family with some money, which had been__42__by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, Always have a dream.

At the same time, my father also earned some extra money__43__he could afford part of my tuition fee.

I knew I was such a lucky dog and decided to study harder__44_return. With tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school that I had dreamed of.

I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. Whenever I meet difficulties, I always__45__my teacher and schoolmates, and I can always get enough courage to go on. Because I have a college dream and must work hard for it no matter how hard life is. Just as a philosopher’s saying goes, When one door shuts, __46_opens in life.

35. A. they B. them C. those D. it

36. A. idea B. story C. news D. plan

37. A. about B. like C. against D. for

38. A. strange B. happy C. pleasant D. hard

39. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

40. A. stopping B. continuing C. enjoying D. starting

41. A. appeared B. happened C. changed D. settled

42. A. raised B. spent C. planned D. made

43. A. so that B. even though C. what if D. but

44. A. on B. in C. at D. for

45. A. dream of B. thank for C. hear of D. think of

46. A. the other B. other C. another D. others


时态的运用比较复杂,好多同学因为做题时不知应用哪种时态而挠头皮。其实你只要把易混的时态掌握好,对你来说时态就没有什么难点可言了。而你易混的时态无非是一般过去时和现在完成时,一般过去时和过去完成时的比较罢了。这有何难?看看下面的分析,你会发现一切“as easy as A B C”。


一般过去式只是表示事情发生在过去,陈述一个事实,它可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语如:last night, in , three days ago等连用。而现在完成时表示某一完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用。

如: We have seen that film. 我们已看过那部电影。对现在造成的影响是我们对影片已有所了解。We saw the film last night. 昨天晚上我们看了那部电影。只说明昨天晚上看电影这一事实。

注意:有些时间状语,如this morning,tonight, this month 等,既可用于一般过去时,又可用于现在完成时,但所表达的意义有所不同。用于现在完成时表示包括现在在内,而用于一般过去式则与现在无关。如:I have read this book this April.(说话时仍然为四月。) I read this book this April. (说话时四月份已过。)



如: He had finished his homework before nine oclock.九点之前他已经完成了作业。实际上,一般现在时和过去完成时常搭配使用。如:When he got home, his daughter had already gone to bed. 当他到家的时候,他的女儿早已去睡觉了。

在带有after和before引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,由于从句的动作和主句的动作发生的先后顺序已经非常明确,所以可以用一般过去时代替过去完成时。如:He called on me soon after he had finished his homework. 他做完作业后不久便来拜访我。也可以说:He called on me soon after he finished his homework.




play________ run__________ swim _________make__________

go_________ like________ write________ ski___________

read________ have_________ sing ________ dance_________

put_________ see________ buy _________ love__________

live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________

stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________


1.The boy __________________ ( draw)a picture now.

2. Listen .Some girls _______________ ( sing)in the classroom .

3. My mother _________________ ( cook )some nice food now.

4. What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?

5. Look . They ________( have) an English lesson .

6.They ____________(not ,water) the flowers now.

7.Look! the girls ________________(dance )in the classroom .

8.What is our granddaughter doing? She _________(listen ) to music.

9. It’s 5 o’clock now. We _______ (have)supper now

10.___Helen________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is .


1. They are doing housework .(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句) _____________________________________________________________

2.The students are cleaning the classroom . ( 改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答) _____________________________________________________________________

3.I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问) _________________________________________________________________

4.Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)



1) 刘涛的父亲正在浇花。

Liu Tao’s father is ______ ______.

2) 看,孩子们正在操场上踢足球。

Look! The children ______ ______ ______ in the playground.

3) 她正在公园里散步吗?是的。

- _____ she______a walk in the park?

-Yes, she______.

4) Jack正在哪读书?在他书房。

- ______ ______ Jack ______ the book now?

-He is______ ___ ___ ______.




1.Please wait for me. ___________walk so fast.2._________quiet, please.

3._________ sit straight.4._________ go shopping now.

5.__________spitting.6.__________ talking, class begins.

7.__________ a good time!8.__________ talk to your mum like that!


1. Let’s go,____________? 2. Don’t make such noise, _____________?

3. Teacher, let us go out to play,_____________? 4. Let’s go together, ____________?

5. Let each man decide for himself, _____________? 6. Let us go together, _____________?

7. Come and join us, ____________? 8. Don’t fight with others, ___________?


1.咱们一起玩吧! ______________________________


3.回答这个问题. ______________________________

4. 别那么写!______________________________

5.告诉我你的名字! ______________________________

6. 一定要勇敢! _______________________________

7. 来加入我们吧!______________________________

8. 别浪费时间!______________________________

9. 我们周日去游泳吧!______________________________

10. 禁止吸烟!______________________________


In business, there's a speed difference: It's the difference between how important a firm's leaders say speed is to their competitive(竞争的) strategy(策略) and how fast the company actually moves.The difference is important regardless of industry and company size. Companies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.

In our study of 343 businesses, the companies that chose to go, go, go to try to gain_an_edge ended up with lower sales and operating incomes than those that paused at key moments to make sure they were on the right track.What's more, the firms that “slowed down to speed up” improved their top and bottom lines, averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three-year period.

How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than competitors yet performing better? They thought differently about what “slower” and “faster” mean.Firms sometimes fail to understand the difference between operational speed (moving quickly) and strategic speed (reducing the time it takes to deliver value).Simply increasing the speed of production, for example, may be one way to try to reduce the speed difference.But that often leads to reduced value over time, in the form of lower-quality products and services.

In our study, higher-performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary. They became more open to ideas and discussion.They encouraged new ways of thinking.And they allowed time to look back and learn.By contrast (相比而言), performance suffered at firms that moved fast all the time, paid too much attention to improving efficiency, stuck to tested methods, didn't develop team spirit among their employees, and had little time thinking about changes.

Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership.Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals.That kind of strategy must come from the top.

1.What does the underlined part “gain an edge” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Increase the speed.

B.Get an advantage.

C.Reach the limit.

D.Set a goal.

2.The underlined part “the laws of business physics” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A.spending more time and performing worse

B.spending more time and performing better

C.spending less time and performing worse

D.spending less time and performing better

3.What can we learn from the text?

A.How fast a firm moves depends on how big it is.

B.How competitive a firm is depends on what it produces.

C.Firms guided by strategic speed take time to make necessary changes.

D.Firms guided by operational speed take time to develop necessary team spirit.

4.Which could be the best title for the text?

A.Improve quality? Serve better.

B.Deliver value? Plough ahead.

C.Reduce time? Move faster.

D.Need speed? Slow down.


Many people believe Henry Ford invented the automobile (汽车). But Henry Ford did not start to build his first car until 1896. That was eleven years after two Germans developed the world's first automobile. Many people believe Henry Ford invented the production line that moved a car's parts to the worker, instead of making the worker move to the parts. That is not true, either. Many factory owners used methods of this kind before Ford. What Henry Ford did was to use other people's ideas and make them better. And he made the whole factory a moving production line.

In the early days of the automobile, almost every car maker raced his cars. It was the best way of gaining public notice. Henry Ford decided to build a racing car. Ford's most famous race was his first one. It was also the last race in which he drove the car himself.

The race was in 1901, at a field near Detroit. All of the most famous cars had entered, but only two were left: the Winton and Ford's. The Winton was famous for its speed. Most people thought the race was over before it began.

The Winton took an early lead. But halfway through the race, it began to lose power. Ford started to gain. And near the end of the race, he took the lead. Ford won the race and defeated the Winton. His name appeared in newspapers and he became well-known all over the United States.Within weeks of the race, Henry Ford formed a new automobile company. In 1903, a doctor in Detroit bought the first car from the company. That_sale was the beginning of Henry Ford's dream.Ford said: “I will build a motor car for the great mass of people. It will be large enough for the family, but small enough for one person to operate and care for. It will be built of the best materials. It will be built by the best men to be employed. And it will be built with the simplest plans that modern engineering can produce. It will be so low in price that no man making good money will be unable to own one.”

The Model T was a car of that kind. It only cost $850. It was a simple machine that drivers could depend on. Doctors bought the Model T. So did farmers. Even criminals. They considered it the fastest and surest form of transportation. Americans loved the Model T. They wrote stories and songs about it. Thousands of Model T's were built in the first few years.

1.What do we know about Henry Ford from Paragraph 1 ?

A. He made good use of ideas from others.

B. He produced the first car in the world.

C. He knew how to improve auto parts.

D. He invented the production line.

2.Why did Henry Ford take part in the 1901 car race?

A. To show off his driving skills.

B. To draw public attention.

C. To learn about new technology.

D. To raise money for his new company.

3.“That sale” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.

A. the selling of Ford cars at reduced prices

B. the sale of Model T to the mass of people

C. the selling of a car to a Detroit doctor

D. the sales target for the Ford Company

4.What was Henry Ford's dream according to the text?

A. Producing cars for average customers.

B. Building racing cars of simple design.

C. Designing more car models.

D. Starting more companies.


1.B 词义猜测题。许多公司都想选择提速来获取优势,而不是达到极限或设定目标,故get an advantage正确。

2.D 细节理解题。由文中第三段第一句和第二句的含义:他们怎样违反商业物理规则,比做得更好的竞争对手花了更多的时间?他们不同地看待更慢和更快的意思。可知商业物理规则应是用更少的时间做得更好。故选D项。

3.C 推理判断题。文章主要讲述了strategic speed的重要性,且在文中第四段第一句也说明了这一点:运用策略速度的公司往往在必要时作出改变。故选C项。

4.D 主旨大意题。文章围绕speed 展开,且区分了operational speed 与 strategic speed,强调了后者的重要性,故D项正确。


1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段的“What Henry Ford did was to use other people's ideas and make them better”.可知,A项符合题意。

2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“In the early days of the automobile, almost every car maker raced his cars. It was the best way of gaining public notice. Henry Ford decided to build a racing car. Ford's most famous race was his first one.”可知,B项符合题意。

3.C 词义猜测题。由第四段画线单词前的一句“In 1903, a doctor in Detroit bought the first car from the company.”以及画线单词所在的一句可知,C项符合题意。

4.A 推理判断题。根据第四段的 That sale was the beginning of Henry Ford's dream. Ford said:“ I will build a motor car for the great mass of people... making good money will be unable to own one.”可知,A项符合题意。





1. 30 000 dollars is a lot of money, but it’s ______ than we need.

A. far more B.far much C.far less D.far little

2. The news _____ be true. I know everything about it.

A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not

3. We hope Mary _____ to us as soon as she reaches London.

A.write B.to write C. will write D.writes

4. I’m sorry I can’t _____ the pen you lent me yesterday.

A.look for B.look out C.find D.find out

5. When did Jack _____ Joan?

A.marry with B.marry to C.get married with D. get married to


It was the final examination for physics at a school. The examination was two hours long, and exam papers were given. The teacher was very strict and told the class that any exam paper which was not on his desk in two hours would be refused(拒绝) and the student would fail(不及格). A half hour into the exam, a student came rushing in and asked the teacher for an exam paper.





















读罢材料,伏案于卷。材料中 ,为什么会 呢?其原因是 。由此可见 。


两只鹰饥肠辘辘。它们在空中久久地盘旋着,想找到一只兔子或一只山鸡。但是,它们什么也没有找到,连一只老鼠的影子都没有。一只山鹰忍耐不住了,落到山岩上,缩着脖子打瞌睡。另一只山鹰则继续盘旋着,一圈又一圈,终于,它发现了隐藏在草丛中的一只肥肥的兔子。当它叼着战利品落到伙伴身边时,伙伴羡慕地说:“你的运气真好!”捉到兔子的山鹰若有所思地说:“也许是吧,不过我发现,运气好像比较喜欢不辞辛劳、有耐心的人。” 题目自拟,不要套作,不得抄袭,不少于800字。




(引用名言) “ 。”这句话告诉我们(的确如此) 。(分析名言)由此可见。





要求:①立意自定;②角度自选; ③除诗歌外,文体自选。





















