穿出个性的情景对话Unit 02

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穿出个性的情景对话Unit 02(精选9篇)由网友“光怪与陆离”投稿提供,今天小编在这给大家整理过的穿出个性的情景对话Unit 02,我们一起来看看吧!

穿出个性的情景对话Unit 02

篇1:穿出个性的情景对话Unit 02

A: Hey, do you have a plan for tonight?

A: 嘿,你今晚有什么安排没?

B: Not yet.

B: 没有啊。

A: There is a fashion show in Ladies Club tonight. Let's go there together.

A: 今天晚上女士俱乐部有一场时装秀,我们一起去看看吧。

B: Fashion show? I'm not interested in it.

B: 时装秀?不感兴趣。

A: God! You dress yourself like a house wife every day. I think this show is just held for you.

A: 天啊!你看你现在每天穿得跟家庭主妇似的,我觉得这种活动最适合你了。

B: I'm busy with my job. So, I have no time to go shopping.

B: 我每天忙着工作,哪儿有时间出去逛街啊!

A: You always have a lot of reasons. Although work is important, you should pay attention to your dressing. Your clothes do not match with each other at all.

A: 你总是有一大堆的理由。虽然工作很重要,不过你总得在穿衣方面讲究一下吧。你看看你,衣服和衣服之间一点儿都不搭配。

B: Are they?

B: 有吗?

A: It's really difficult to find another girl like you.

A: 现在再想找到一个像你这样的女孩儿,真是太难了。

B: Ha-ha.

B: 哈哈。

A: Starting now, I will change you into the trendiest girl.

A: 从现在起,我一定要把你改造成一个时髦女郎。

A: May I help you?

A: 有什么可以为您效劳的吗?

B: I'd like to see that white skirt.

B: 我想看看那件自裙子。

A: You really have a sharp insight. This model is popular with young ladies.

A: 您真有眼光。这款深受年轻女士的追捧。

B: Does it match with my shoes?

B: 它和我的鞋配吗?

A: Why don't you try it on? The fitting room is over there.

A: 为什么不试试呢?试衣间就在那边。

B: OK!


A: Wow! You look great. It's just the right size, a perfect fit.

A: 哇!你看起来棒极了。大小非常合身。

B: Thank you. How much is it?

B. 谢谢。这裙子多少钱?

A: 368 yuan.

A: 368 元。

B: Can you give me a discount?

B: 可以打折吗?

A: I'm afraid not. It's the latest style.

A: 恐怕不行,这是今年的新款。

B: It's nice , but I suppose it's quite expenslve.

B: 漂亮倒是漂亮,就是价格有点儿贵了。

A: But it's perfect on you. And it is a very famous Japanese brand.

A: 但你穿起来非常不错。而且这是一个日本知名品牌。

B: Anyway, I am satisfied. I will take it

B: 不管怎么说,我对它很满意。我买了。


A:We have made some adjustment on the prices ,and this is renewed price list.


B:Thank you for allowing us 3%reduction ,but still we find your price is on the high side.


A:This is our rock-bottom price and we can't make any further reduction .


B:If so.we find it different for us to go with our talks.


A:Then ,what's your countr-offer.


B: We are sincere to make business with you. but the difference between your counter-offer and our price is too great.


B: So are we. Our counter-offer is in line with the world market.


A: How about meeting each other half-way in order to conclude the business.


B. Aareed.


A: Here is the draft contract.Mr. Brown. Let's discuss the clauses to see if we agree on all of them. Then I will make out an original of the contract. After that. what's left is to fill out the contract and sign our names.


B That's OK.


A: The contract is to be written in Chinese and English. Both languages are equally effective.


B: Fine. If you'll excuse me. “d like to go it over first. ( After about 15 minutes ) Hmm .you've done a pretty good job. It's well prepared.


A: Thank vou.


B: Well.l suggest that we discuss only the clauses and points where we have different opinions.just to save time.


A : That's a good idea.


B : First.let's read Clause Two about packing. lt's our usual practice to ship our products in containers. That'II save time and money. but your contract stipulates the use of wooden cases.So. we'd like to have the words containers are allowed-in the contract.


A: Agreed.


B: For shipment.you know we are producing a complete sel of equipment for you and it won't all be finished at one time. So would you allow us to make partial shipments.


A: I understand your position.



A: the company is selecting three employees to attend the marketing seminar next month. Did you put your name in for it?

B: no, I don't really care too much for seminars…I find them to be either boring ot useless. I mean, how much can you really learn in one afternoon?

A: it's not just about the things that you learn, you know...seminars are a really great opportunity to mingle and network with professionals in our industry from all over the nation. You can learn a few things, but more importantly, you rub shoulders with the business leaders and make contacts that could lead to potential sales or patnerships in the future. The social mixers are always more important than the seminars anyway.

B: I'm still not too jazzed about going…I feel kind of awkward in those cocktail party situations.

A: well, what if I told you the seminar is going to be held in Hawaii? Does that perk your interest?

B: now you're talking.







Mingle: to move among people and talk to them, especially at a social event (尤指在社交场所)相交往,混杂其中

The princess was not recognized and mingled freely with the crowds.


If you'll excuse me, I must go and mingle(= talk to other guests).


Potential: that can develop into something or be developed in the future 潜在的;可能的

potential customers


a potential source of conflict


the potential benefits of European integration


a potential prime minister


First we need to identify actual and potential problems.


Marriage should be an equal partnership.


the school's partnership with parents


a partnership between the United States and Europe





(Peter回到座位坐下,便细心地研究起公司的产品来。Time flies as1 an arrow,再举手看看手表,已经12点了。大家纷纷离开座位,向门外走去。这时,Jack2走过来。)

Jack: Hei, Peter, It's time for lunch. Would3 you like to go with me? I'll show you the restaurant.

Peter: Sure, thank you.




Jack: This restaurant is open to the clerk4 working in this office building. Our company5 pays6 our lunch. First we should go to the corner to take a plate.



Jack: Then we go to that window.



Jack: You should tell the waiter what you would like to have.


(Jack指着fruit salad对waiter说。)

Jack: I'd like some salad and ---

杰克:我要一些沙拉 ------


Jack1: Peter, it's your turn.


( Peter选了自己喜欢的东西,回头看看Jack正在后面等着。)

Jack:Ok, let's go to find a seat.


( 餐厅里人很多,两个人正苦苦寻找坐的地方,忽然听见有个声音传来。)

Speaker: Hi, Jack, come here.


( 原来是公司的会计Terry和市场部的Kevin。Jack 和Peter走过去。)

Jack: Hi, Terry and Kevin, this is Peter. He is new. And we work in the same department.

Jack: Peter, this is Terry, accountant. And this is Kevin. He is in marketing2 department.

Terry and Kevin: Nice to meet you.

Peter:Nice to meet you.



泰瑞和开文: 很高兴认识你。


( Ok,介绍完毕,大家坐下吃饭。)


A resume is a summary of your life to date and includes details of your education and work experience. A resume is also called a CV (Latin: Curriculum vitae) in some countries, especially in the UK.

The rule to resume writing is: there is no hard and fast rule! You can choose to list your career history in chronological1 order, to highlight your skills, or even to target your resume to one particular job. However, always include a cover letter with your resume.

Make sure your resume is up-to-date. Always use a PC to compile it, and try not to clutter2 it up with different font styles or clip-art. Sober and simple is best for most jobs, although, there is more flexibility3 for jobs that call for creativity. Keeping it simple also helps you to edit and personalize your resume for each future job that you apply to. If possible, use the company's language ?reflect the qualities that they emphasize in advertisements and pamphlets etc.

A resume should always include:

Contact details

An educational history

An employment history

Your skills, talents and interests


Don't forget to spell- and grammar-check your resume and get a qualified4 friend to go over the grammar for you. You can write brief and concise5 descriptions of your experiences as well as what you have achieved through these experiences. You can illustrate6 this with certificates, diplomas, degrees, awards, and/or portfolios7.

The educational history should be brief. If you have a master's degree, your high school grades are irrelevant8. Don't use superficial adjectives, such as ”excellent sales results.“ Try to turn this around by using positive verbs instead, such as ”achieved 200% increase in sales.“

Here are some adjectives that always look good on resumes:


Initiative taker

Independent worker

Team player




Good communicator

For example: ”planned sales strategy with team of three and coordinated9 implementation10.“



A: Well, we've settled the question of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?

A: 好吧,我们已经谈妥了价格、质量和数量问题。现在谈谈付款条件,怎么样?

B: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.

B: 我们只接受不可撤消的凭装船单据付款的信用证。

A: I see. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P?

A: 哦,你们能不能来个例外,接受承兑交单或付款交单?

B: I'm afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit.

B: 恐怕不行,我们坚持用信用证条款。

A: To tell you frankly, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import. When I open a letter of credit with a bank, I have to pay a deposit. That'll tie up my money and add to my cost.

A: 坦率地说,信用证会增加我方进口货的成本,要在银行开立信用证,我得付一笔押金。这样,那一部分资金就无法周转,因此会增加成本。

B: Consult your band and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum.

B: 你和开证行商量一下,是否把押金设法减少到最低限度。

A: Still, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit. It would help me greatly if you would accept D/A or D/P. You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit. It makes no great difference to you, but it does to me.

A: 即使那样,开立信用证还要付银行手续费。假如你能接受承兑交单或付款交单,这就帮我大忙了。你就当作有信用证一样,向我开汇票,这对你来说区别不大,但是对我关系可大了。

B: Well, Mr Schmidt, you must be aware that an irrevocable letter of credit gives the exporter the additional protection of the banker's guarantee. We always require L/C for our exports. And the other way round, we pay by L/C for our imports.

B: 史密特先生,你一定知道,不可撤消的信用证给出口商增加了银行的担保。我们出口一向要求用信用证;反过来讲,我们进口也采用信用证付款。

A: To meet you half-way, what do you say to 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?

A: 我们都退让一步吧,货价的百分之五十用信用证,其余的用付款交单,你看怎么样?

B: I'm very sorry, Mr Schmidt, but I'm afraid I can't promise you even that. As I've said, we require payment by L/C.

B: 很对不起,史密特先生。即使那样,我恐怕也不能答应。我已经说过了,我们要求用信用证付款。




A: How do you do. I need your help in selec.ting a toreign market to invest!


B: Fine I have your letter.acid ”ve made Some notes .


A: How can I find out xvhat countrie to invest?


B: We have quite a lot of import and export informationand can give you figures on population consuniption production and foreign exchange reserves.


A: Great want to qet an idea of the purchasing ability in various countries


B: But you're also going to have to give some attention to tracje restrictions. You can get much information about environment of invesment.



A: Excuse me. Prof. Ren.l want to ask you a question?


B: Go ahead.


A: What will happen after your country joins WTO?


B: Essential changes will take place at the core of this ancient country. WTO will put an end to our country's economic isolation once and for all. Our country's WTO entry w川 boost investor's confidence and open even more markets and areas for foreign firms.


A : WTO offers challenges as well as opportunities.


B:That's right. Since the beginning of the reform.our country has proceeded bit by bit on its way to WTO membership and has become more open-minded in the process.




conclude and expand business 做生意和扩大贸易

a: welcome to our company, mr. white. my name is yan hua, the secretary of mr. wang.

b: nice to meet you!

a: would you like to have a cup of tea or coffee?

b: thank you, i'd like chinese tea very much.

a: glad you like it. by the way, is this your first time to china, mr. white?

b: yes, as a representative of ibm, i hope to conclude some business with you.

a: we also hope to expand our business with you.

b: this is our common desire.

a: i think you probably know china has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade.

b: yes, i have read about it, but i would like to know more about it.

a: right. seeing is believing.

b: sure.


representative n. 代表

representative 与of 连用,意为“…… 的代表”















A: How do you do': Nice to meet you . Diane.


B: How do you do.Jack. Nice to meet you.


A: Well.l think you' ve reconsidered our proposal, Diane.


B: Yes.you are right. After all.the quality of your air conditioner is good. The only problem is price.


A: I should not be surprised. many customers have the same opinion. Do you have any suggestion in mind': Our salesman told your secretary that the price could be negotiable.


B: That's why I came to your office today. We think for your model WE- 506. $ 590 would be reasonable. because air conditioners of the same kind sold by other companies are usually about -. 579-649.


A: That's true. But if you understand that quality is the most important aspect of a product. you'II agree that 679 is not high.especially when we allow you a 10% discount.


B: I see your point. That's to say s 611 each set. Still it's much higher than the market price. Could you see your way to reduce the price.Jack"


A: Well. considering the quantity of your order we could further reduce the price to -. 600. That's the best we can do. What do you think of thatT


B: All right. We accept it. So $ 600 for each set.


A: Very well. Thank you.




Dialogue 1

A:I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what time is the meeting start? where is anyone anyway?

B:Didn't you hear about that, our meeting was postponed until Friday.

A: What? the meeting was postponed? No one told me anything about it.

B: Did you get the memo?

A: What memo? They havn't any memo this whole week, I check my inbox every day.And I havn't seen anything.

B: The memo went out 3 days ago. It should have made to your inbox, but maybe lost in all collectors on your desk.

A: You know how things get pilot about my desk when I'm busy. I know sometimes I do many please things,but I always read all the memos go arround, they go directly to my inbox. Are you sure were send to whole office?

B: It should have got arround to every body, they also post a copy of the memo in the break room. Don't you ever look at meassages post on the bulletin board?

A: I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of cofee break by the watercooler, Anyway, I'm sure the memo never get to my inbox, I'll have to talk our secretary about it.

B. That's right, You will never know what your missing out of it if you don't read the memos.

Dialogue 2

A: Ms. Dorsen, I need to take a dictation for me,

B: Yes, sir;

A: They should go out intra office memorandum to all employee by this afternoon, are you ready?

B: Yes, sir, Go ahead.

A: Attention all staff:effective immediately, all office communication are restricted to email correspondance as official memos, the use of instance message porgram by employee during work hour are strictly prohibited.

B: Sir, Does this apply to intra office communication only or relate also restrict external communications?

A: It should apply to all communications. Not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communciations.

B: But sir, many employees use instance messaging to communcate with clients.

A: This were just have to change the communication methods, I don't want any one use instance messaging in this office, it waste too much time. Now, please, continue the memos. Where were we?

B: This apply to internal and external communications.

A: Yes, any employee who persist using instance messaging, will first recieve a warning, and placed on prohibition, and the second sense, the employment will be termination. Any question regarding this new policy maybe dirctly to the department of his.

B: Is that all?

A: Yes, please give this memo type out and distribute to all employees before 4:00 PM.








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