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篇1:You need a password你需要一个密码

A: I've connected the cable from my laptop to the telephone point, but I still can't get on the internet. Can you help me?

A: 我已经用线把我的笔记本电脑和电话接口连接上了,但是我还是上不了网。你能帮我吗?

B: Yes, just a moment. What does it say on your computer screen?

B: 当然,请稍等。你的电脑屏幕上显示什么?

A: It says I need a password.

A: 显示我需要一个密码。

B: Yes, you need a password. Just key in your room number. That's your individual password.

B: 是的`,你需要密码。只需键入你的房间号码。那就是你的个人密码。

A: OK. I'll try that. Yes, that works. I'm connected. Thanks very much.

A: 好的,我试一下。是的,行了。我连接上了。非常感谢。

B: You're welcome.

B 不客气。



1. Remember the use of still / still, when something continues, e.g. I still can’t connect / I still can’t connect; He moved to Beijing in and still lives there / He moved to Beijing in 2005 and still lives there.

记住当某事处于持续状态时用still /仍然,还是。例如I still can’t connect / 我还是连接不上; He moved to Beijing in 2005 and still lives there /他搬去了北京,现在仍然住在那里。

2. You can use It / It when you are talking about something like a computer screen, or a sign, e.g. It says . . . / It says . . . e.g.: (a computer) It says you need a password / It says you need a password; or a sign C It says turn left / It says turn left.

当你在谈论像电脑显示屏或者标牌之类的东西时可以用It /它。例如It says . . . / 它显示. . .例如(一台电脑)It says you need a password / 它显示你需要密码;或者一个标志牌 C It says turn left /它说向左转。

3. Key in / key in or type in / type in: You key in your password or type in your password.

Key in / 键入或者type in /敲入:键入你的密码或者敲入你的密码。



A: Hello, Mr. Clark.Are you busy today?

A: 你好,克拉克先生。你今天忙吗?

B: Hello, Lin. Yes, I've got a meeting this morning at eleven o'clock.

B: 你好,林。是的,我上午十一点将参加一个会议。

A: Ok, then. Perhaps I'll see you later. Bye.

A: 那么好。也许我过会再见你。再见。

B: Goodbye, Lin.

B: 再见,林。

A: Good morning!

A: 早上好!

B: Hello, Ping. How are you?

B: 你好,平。你好吗?

A: Busy! I'm meeting a friend at 12 in Starbucks.

A: 忙! 我12点将在星巴克见一个朋友。

B: Ok, see you this evening.

B: 好。今晚见。


1. Are you busy today? You can ask someone this to find out what their plan are for today or to find out what they are doing. (你今天忙吗?) 你可以这样问某人今天的计划是什么或者某人正在做什么。

2. Perhaps... you can use this to indicate possibility. Maybe is another word you can use. (也许)这是用来表示可能性的.。Maybe (可能)是另一个用来表示可能性的词。

3. Again, another way of saying goodbye informally, especially if you know when you will see the person again, you can say:See you this evening. 另一种道再见的非正式说法是See you this evening (今晚见)。尤其当你知道何时还会与某人相见时使用这种说法。


A Hi, Sue. How are you this morning?

A 嗨,苏!你今天早晨好吗?

B Hi, Yan. Morning! I'm fine. And you?

B 嗨,燕!早上好!我很好。你呢?

A I'm good. What would you like to do today?

A 我很好。你今天想做什么?

B I'd like to buy some presents for my children.

B 我想给我的孩子们买些礼物。

A That's a good idea. What kind of things do you want to buy?

A 好主意。你想买什么?

B Some clothes, perhaps. And maybe some traditional Chinese gifts.

B 也许买几件衣服。也可能买一些中国的传统礼物。

A Ok. I know a good place to go to.

A 好。我知道一个好地方。

Notes 注释

1 If you want to ask someone about what they would like to do, e.g. today (or tomorrow, or the weekend, or next week), you can say: What would you like to do today? / What would you like to do today?

如果你想问某人想做什么,比如今天(明天,周末或者下周),你可以说:What would you like to do today? /你今天想做什么?

2 And if you want to say what you would like to do, you can begin your sentence: I'd like to . . . / I'd like to . . . e.g. I'd like to buy some presents / I'd like to buy some presents; I'd like to go shopping / I'd like to go shopping.

如果你想说你想做什么,你可以这样开始:I'd like to . . . / 我想…例如I'd like to buy some presents / 我想买一些礼物; I'd like to go shopping / 我想去购物。

3 You can use What kind of things . . . ? / What kind of things . . .? in many contexts, e.g.: What kind of things do you like to wear? / What kind of things do you like to wear? What kind of things do you like to do? / What kind of things do you like to do?

在很多情况下,你都可以使用这个句型:What kind of things . . . ? / 什么样的'东西 . . .?例如:What kind of things do you like to wear? /你喜欢穿什么样的衣服? What kind of things do you like to do? / 你喜欢做什么?

4 Perhaps / perhaps is similar to maybe / maybe.

Perhaps / 也许 和 maybe / 可能的意思非常接近。

Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子


A: I graduated from university about 5 years ago.

A: 大约5年前我从大学毕业。

B: What did you do after university?


A: After university? Well, first I came to Beijing. I thought there would be more job opportunities here.

A: 大学毕业后?哦,我首先来了北京。我想这里会有更多的工作机会。

B: And then what did you do? Did you find a good job?

B: 那以后你做了什么?你找到好工作了吗?

A: Yes, I managed to get the job I am doing now. I've been working here ever since.

A: 是的,我找到了一份工作,也就是现在的工作。从那时候开始我一直在这里工作。

B: It sounds as if you made the right decision to come to Beijing after university.

B: 听起来好像你毕业后来北京的决定是对的'。

Notes 注释

1. Remember when you are talking about the past, you use the past forms of the verbs, e.g. I graduated about 5 years ago / I graduated about 5 years ago; I came to Beijing in / I came to Beijing in 2002.

记住当你谈论过去的事情时,用动词的过去式。例如:I graduated about 5 years ago / 大约5年前我毕业了;I came to Beijing in 2002 / 我来了北京。

2. In questions about the past, remember to use did / did, e.g.: What did you do when you came to Beijing? / What did you do when you came to Beijing?; Did you find a good job? / Did you find a good job?

在关于过去的问句中记得用did。例如What did you do when you came to Beijing? /你来北京的时候做什么?;Did you find a good job? /你找到一份好工作了吗?


A Hi Sue. Have you had a nice day?

A 嗨,苏。 你今天过得愉快吗?

B Yes, thanks, Ping.

B 是的,谢谢你,平。

A What kind of food would you like to eat tonight?


What do you suggest?


If you like hot and spicy food, you could try Sichuan food.


Let's try that.



B I don't know. What do you suggest?

B 我不知道。你有什么建议?

A Well . . . if you like hot and spicy food, we could try Sichuan food.

A 哦…如果你喜欢辛辣的食物,我们可以尝尝四川菜。

B Hmmm . . . I like spicy food. Let's try that.

B 嗯….我喜欢辣的食物,咱们就尝尝四川菜。

Notes  注释

1 To ask someone politely about their day, you can say several things: Have you had a nice day? / Have you had a nice day?; Did you have a nice day? / Did you have a nice day?

要礼貌地询问某人一天过得如何,你可以用几种说法:Have you had a nice day? / 你今天过得愉快吗?; Did you have a nice day? / 你今天过得愉快吗?

2 Remember What kind of . . . ? / What kind of . . . ?. e.g.: What kind of food would you like to eat tonight? / What kind of food would you like to eat tonight?

记住What kind of . . . ? / 什么种类的…? 例如:: What kind of food would you like to eat tonight? /你今晚想吃什?

3 You can describe certain foods, e.g. Sichuan food, as hot and spicy / hot and spicy.

你可以这样描述某种食物的.特点,例如四川菜,hot and spicy /辛辣的。

Key phrases and sentences


Have you had a nice day?


What kind of food would you like to eat tonight?



Where are you going?


A: Hi, Neil.Where are you going?

A: 嗨,尼尔。你去哪里?

B: To the Forbidden City.

B: 我去故宫。

A: Oh, you'll do a lot of walking!

A: 哦,你要走很远的路!

B: Well, I guess it's good excercise.

B: 哦,你想这是很好的锻炼。

A: Thanks. See you later.

A: 谢谢。再见。

A: Bye.

A: 再见。


1. If you want to ask someone where they are going, the simplest way is: Where are you going? 如果你想问某人去哪里,最简单的说法是:Where are you going?(你去哪里?)

2. When you talk about something in the future, you use will: You will do a lot of walking. 当你谈论未来的'某事时,用will:你将走很远的路。



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