
时间:2022-05-06 22:02:32 个人介绍 收藏本文 下载本文













Dear Sir:

The reason why I want to go Singapore is I like to learn some different culture and I can meet a lot people from all around the world, that way I can make more friends. I like the weather in Singapore also. I will go back to china, the reason is very simple, because I am a Chinese I will never forgot my country. Be honestly, I will pick Tsinghua University, because to go to Tsinghua University is one of the biggest dreams in my life and Tsinghua University is the best University in my country.

If I like literature, I probably will like comedies more, beacuse I am an optimism and I want to make reader happy when they ready my essay. I want to be success in every single class in the university, when I graduate me want to be a business administration.

I like to read the novel in my spare time.

My goal is to graduate as soon as possible, and find a good job, a husband and make allot money. I do have idol in my mind, she is my mother, she is very great woman and she will do every thing for me.

I think high school entrance examination is very easy, but I know I still have allot think should learn.


Dear sir:

Good morning/afternoon everyone! it is my honor to be here and i really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .now i will introduce myself first .my name is……from xiangfan in hubei province. im an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. i can adapt different environments quickly .second i like this kind of field very much and i take it as my career .till now i have one year experience in this field. as a 21 years man, id like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .there is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. at the same time, i am really proud of myself applying for this job. i hope you can give me a chance and i will try my best to do it better. finally , i hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry.

Thanks for your time.




◇ rgは、5分から15分以内 --- I战UYのLさによります。学sは学校名、学科名程度。中心はI战UY。内容にメリハリをつけてまとめます。冗Lなは、マイナス印象大。自分のUYしてきたことを、わかりやすく具体的にす

◇ 社名、ポジション(自分の役割)、何についてどういうgをい病⒑韦蜓Г螭坤 ---「○○社で、パッケ`ジu品のIをやりました。」はNG。「○○社で、主力u品であるセキュリティパッケ`ジ□□の法人向けIを3年UYしました。I手法は、主として。成果としては、人_成率が150%中でも、A社案件についてはは、かなりGOODです。特に、苦氦筏郡长取⑹・筏郡长取それをどう克服してきたか等のエピソ`ドは力なアピ`ルにつながります。

◇ 退社理由も、かならず流れの中で付加する --- 会社を退した理由は、面接rの要チェックポイント。低レベルな不(愚痴)として受け取られない配]が必です。はっきりとした口{で、堂々と。自分のしてきたことに自信と莞扭颏猡盲皮い欷小⒆匀护让骼胜苏Zることができるもの。逆に、後悔や不氦芜^去であれば、暗いZり口になってしまいます。

◇「やってきたこと」だけではなく、「できること」もしっかりアピ`ルする --- 最後にまとめとして、「これらのUYを通して得たことは」、「Y果、今自分ができることは」とはっきりと具体的に述べましょう。



边是我给你翻译的,你说希望按要求写,我把你想说的都表达了,我以前也差不多是这样说的。你记住不需要要用太复杂的语法和太难的单词,因为是自我介绍,简单明了把自己介绍清楚最佳!还有你最后一句 希望以后有机会再见, 建议你不要加!你要说的自我介绍,多了没用反而可能会有反效果。加油吧!上边是日语,下边是中文,简单明了就好!把下边的句子连起来就可以了!至少我认为是这样,你也可以参考别的意见!先生:こんにちは。 老师你好私の名前は00と申します(もうします)。 我叫000今年(ことし)は23r(にじゅうさんさい)になりますが、今00大学の三年生(さんねんせい)です。 我今年23岁,是00大学的3年生私(わたし)の性格(せいかく)が朗らか(ほがらか)で趣味(しゅみ)もいろいろあって歌(うた)を歌ったり(うったり)、本(ほん)をiんだり(よんだり)、それに、アニメを见たり(みたり)することです。 我的性格比较开朗,平时爱好也比较多,唱歌,看书,还有看动漫!私は日本の文化(ぶんか)が大好き(だいすき)ですから、よろしいければ、 これから日本文化について もっと勉强しようと思って(おもって)います。 我很喜欢日本文化,如果可以的话,希望以后能多学习以上(いじょう)です。今日はありがとうございました。 以上是我的自我介绍,今天谢谢老师了!先生:こんにちは。 私の名前は00と申します(もうします)。 今年(ことし)は23r(にじゅうさんさい)になりますが、今00大学の三年生(さんねんせい)です。 私(わたし)の性格(せいかく)が朗らか(ほがらか)で趣味(しゅみ)もいろいろあって歌(うた)を歌ったり(うったり)、本(ほん)をiんだり(よんだり)、それに、アニメを见たり(みたり)することです。 よろしいければ、 これから日本文化について もっと勉强しようと思って(おもって)います。以上(いじょう)です。今日はありがとうございました。


私は嵇海东と申します、今年18r、独身、出生は烟台市(えんたい し)です。20xx年1ヶ月は北大青鸟门学校を卒业してなります、攻はソフトウェアエンジニアリングです。私の日本语は独学で、最初からk音が荬颏膜堡胜盲たが、现在のところ”か”と”が”このような清浊音(せいだくおん)のk音がはっきりしない、でも、ドキュメントの见ることさえできます。私は,勉强のことをすさまじい意蒉zみのせいで、日本の软(なん)文化にたいへん兴味があります、だから、今後の日本语の勉强を绝に顽张るのうえでk音问题を改められるように决まっています。大部分のg语k音が忘れてきたでも、多数の文法や思惟(しい)ならまたえています、勉强のことやk音问题の改めることも早めにできられるしたいですが、これは弊社の培养するのを期待しています、そそ、この前に少しjavaの项目もしてさせていただいきます。私の兴味は本をiむことと音Sです、强い责任感や饨嵝力能力も持ています。私は弊社にたいへん兴味がありますが、ぜひ加わさせて仆にチャンスをください。


1.学术背景(Your Academic Background)

1) 请聊一聊你上的课程。你中学最喜欢的科目是什么,为什么喜欢这些科目?或者哪些课程你觉得最难且最具挑战性?(Tell me something about your classes / course work .What is your favorite subject in high school? Why? What courses have you found the most challenging?)

2) 你喜欢你的中学吗?你会怎么描述你的学校?如果给你一个机会改变学校的某一方面,你想改变什么?(Do you like your high school? How would you describe your school? If you could change one thing about your school, what would it be?)

3) 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(Who is your favorite teacher? Why?)

4) 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(What is your greatest academic achievement or failure?)


4. 关于高中的问题(Questions About High Schools)

1) 你挑选学校时,最看重哪些标准?(What are your most important criteria when looking at high schools? )

2) 我们学校哪一点最吸引你?你为什么就想到这所学校来读书?(What interests you most about our school? Why do you want to attend this particular high school?)

3) 课余时间你都喜欢做什么?(What do you like to do in your free/spare time?)

4)我们学校的课程,你最喜欢哪些?有哪些特别的课程和活动非常吸引你?(What did you like most about our school’s subjects/courses? What specific classes or activities appealed to you?)

5)你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(What do you think you will study/major in college?)

6) 你的事业目标是什么?五年或者十年后你觉得你在做什么?(What are your future career goals? Where do you see yourself in five/ten years?)

7) 你还考虑哪些其他学校?(What other schools are you considering?)

8) 为什么我们该录取你? (Why should we accept you?)

9) 你有什么问题想问的吗?Do you have any questions for me/us?


2.个人生活(Your Personal Life)

1) 聊一聊你自己。你的家庭背景以及你的成长环境是怎样的?(Tell me about yourself. Tell me about your family. Where did you grow up?)

2) 你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一步电影或电视剧?为什么?(What is your favorite book, author, movie or TV show? Why? )

3) 你定期阅读什么杂志或报纸吗?(What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?)

4) 哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?(What person has most influenced you?)

3. 关于课外活动(Your Extracurricular Activities)

1) 你曾在哪项课外活动中贡献最大呢?(What has been your greatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?)

2) 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?(Do you have any hobbies or special interests?)

3) 你如何描述自己的家乡?(How would you describe your hometown?)


If I like literature, I probably will like comedies more, beacuse I am an optimism and I want to make reader happy when they ready my essay. I want to be success in every single class in the university, when I graduate me want to be a business administration.

I like to read the novel in my spare time.

My goal is to graduate as soon as possible, and find a good job, a husband and make allot money. I do have idol in my mind, she is my mother, she is very great woman and she will do every thing for me.

I think high school entrance examination is very easy, but I know I still have allot think should learn.







Why you choose this subject of our university?

Do you have any relevant experience related to this subject?









Personal statement:

Good morning teachers! My name is XXX. I’m in Class Eleven, Grade Three from Dalian No.XX Senior High School in Liaoning Province. It is my great honor to be here for this presentation. To be admitted to the University of Hong Kong, I have always experienced trials and hardships with no regret for many years.

It is really a good memory for me to visit Hong Kong when I was still a primary school student, because Hong Kong has its own excellent geographical location. It has a perfect financial system, information network and mature legal system. The University of Hong Kong is succeeding in front among the famous universities in the world.

I'm eager for going to the University of Hong Kong, and I make a good achievement in Grade One and Grade Two-“get the first and the second”, moreover, I also make a good mark in Grade Three. I’ve got ten top students in every grade for many times, and I won the first prize in the national innovation in the English competition in .

I take an active park in the school club activities, the vice minister of Astronomy department. I also participated in social practice, and joined the Dalian charity federation volunteer branch and actively participate in volunteer activities. “To study for learning” that I have always thought, but most important thing is I love English, that is my interest. It is I was obsessed with the language that I make the firm confidence to go to the University of Hong Kong. I hope that 4-year professional study in Hong Kong can make me know more about foreign language deeply, improve my translation level, and after graduation, I want to become a qualified translator and I hope I can do what I can do a drive that the angel of the sino-foreign cultural exchanges, let more foreign friends understand our Chinese great nation and long culture. In the foreign friends’ eyes, I hope that “a dream of red mansions” is no longer only difficult language symbol, the foreign novel in Chinese people’s eyes isn’t also difficult to understand, and this will be my greatest glory in my life!

In the future, I believe that I can definitely become a member of the University of Hong Kong someday with my hard work and effort, the passion and dream. I believe I can do it.


私は**大学の级の卒I生 (そつぎょうせい)です。私の门は**です。私の性格は外向(がいこう)で、人との付き合いが好きです。私の最大のd味(きょうみ)はi(どくしょ)で、他は旅行、水泳、インタ`ネットにもd味を待つ。大学4年の中に、成绩(せいせき)がよくて、连Aして学校级のX学金を@得(かくとく)し、多くの社会g践(じっせん)活动に参加した。*******。とても苦しい仕事だけと、同时に私も多くの贵重(きちょう)なUY(けいけん)を学んだ。今后の目标としては、仕事にまじめで、诚g(せいじつ)で、中身(なかみ)のある人になりたいと思います。お忙しいところ、お邪魔いたしたしました。最後に、F社のご繁眩à悉螭àぃ─颏祈り申し上げます。


私は嵇海东と申します、今年18r、独身、出生は烟台市(えんたい し)です。20XX年1ヶ月は北大青鸟门学校を卒业してなります、攻はソフトウェアエンジニアリングです。私の日本语は独学で、最初からk音が荬颏膜堡胜盲たが、现在のところ”か”と”が”このような清浊音(せいだくおん)のk音がはっきりしない、でも、ドキュメントの见ることさえできます。私は,勉强のことをすさまじい意蒉zみのせいで、日本の软(なん)文化にたいへん兴味があります、だから、今後の日本语の勉强を绝に顽张るのうえでk音问题を改められるように决まっています。大部分のg语k音が忘れてきたでも、多数の文法や思惟(しい)ならまたえています、勉强のことやk音问题の改めることも早めにできられるしたいですが、これは弊社の培养するのを期待しています、そそ、この前に少しjavaの项目もしてさせていただいきます。私の兴味は本をiむことと音Sです、强い责任感や饨嵝力能力も持ています。私は弊社にたいへん兴味がありますが、ぜひ加わさせて仆にチャンスをください。





I am Duan Zexu. I hope to apply for International Business Management major of your graduate school. I would like to introduce myself first.

I finished my undergraduate degree in Yanbian university of JiLin Province which is a key university in our country. I laid a solid foundation in our school with excellent education quality. My luck is inseparable from my endeavor. The competition for undergraduate school was very fierce at that time. I stood out from numerous students and outstandingly finished the first challenge of my life. At present, I have made good preparation for another challenge. That is to enter my ideal graduate school to study the major that I long for.

I have been longing to studying further in the Netherlands which inexplicably left me a favorable impression. In order to achieve my goal, I am strict with myself. In my university stage, in addition to finishing the study school assigned, I paid special attention to two things: the news about the Netherlands and information about business management. At that time, I always edited and stuck the content of the two aspects to a big notebook. Students made fun of me, but I knew it was not a joke nor momentary impulse but my plan

and choice for the future.

Everyone pays attention to something. I have been a person who takes study as the main part of my life. I feel that there is a kind of strength which drives me to persist in my dream and strive towards it. My strong interest in business management derives from my character and specialties. I have become a person who likes sorting out materials and is good at summarizing and researching.

My father asked what I would like to do in the future. At that time, I told him that I wanted to engage in work involving communication skill, organization and management ability instead of some simple and easy work. I hope to study new knowledge and constantly improve myself in work and study. Gradually, I found that business management can fulfill my desires.

I apply for your graduate school not only for my future work which is really an important part of my life but also for the learning process. It will be the greatest happiness for me if I can study my favorite major in the city I long to be in. After eiching my processional knowledge and realizing my ideal, I will fully apply my learned knowledge to work. I hope to make some achievements in the future.

I believe that the distance between dream and reality and personal endeavor vary inversely. I am willing to try my best to narrow the distance between dream and reality. The Netherlands is remote as well as close. It is remote as I have never been to it. It is close as I am quite familiar with it. At last, thanks for your reading.

October 29, 20xx



XX時代から、日本のアニメが好きです。私はアニメの趣味を持っています。例えば、XXXXXXXXなどが好きです。そして、私はアニメをきっかけで大学で日本語を学びます。去年の12月、私はN2を合格しました。後1年、私はこの学校を卒業しますので、将来の進路を考えなければなりません。いま私は社会で仕事をしたくないですから。将来は日本に留学したいです。 だから、夢を叶えるために、頑張ります。






面试之前也要准备一些英国大学招生官会问道的问题,比如之前曼彻斯特大学的招生官大多会问:Why you choose this subject of our university?

Do you have any relevant experience related to this subject?






























