
时间:2024-01-24 07:52:41 五年级作文 收藏本文 下载本文




May Day has been finished, the teacher ask me: “such a long holiday, do you have any harvest?” Oh, I just think, such a long holiday, what I got? I say I don't know to the teacher, the teacher is very tired, because the teacher asked me a lot of problems I always said I don't know, the teacher thought that I would not like to communicate with her, don't want to say, in fact she was wrong, I really didn't get anything, there is no harvest, at least I think so. The teacher asked me to write a composition, let me write the May Day.

In order to complete the task, say what I have to say two harvest. Even though it may be of garbage again. I wrote in the essay “a May Day to do a lot of homework, I know a lot of questions, lays the foundation for an examination.” Said a pile of meaningless words. When I finished writing the composition, and I suddenly woke up, I can't harvest is so? Harvesting can always find in done. Think of this, and I think may do one more thing - to play games. After I grew up to the big game, in the five one playing games, what do I get in? I finished the game has been played bored, also can have what? “Why don't you always play games, go outing, wanted to take you out to play, you don't go.” My mother said to me. Right! It is day and night playing games makes me so boring, feel life is meaningless, there's nothing to do, no pleasure of life. Why my extra-curricular life is too monotonous. Games let I can't find my harvest in a holiday. Right! This is what I May 1 to play games.

Really do everything there will always be it the meaning of value, is only a question of how much, can't be none. What we should think about what we have, and what you need, to enrich our life.


I like watching the cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. It’s my favorite.

Why I love it so much? I think all the animals in it are very funny. I love the goat whose name is Pleasant Goat. It's because he always gets along well with his friends. He is also very smart. He always helps them when they are in trouble. I want a friend like Pleasant Goat, too. When I am unhappy, he will talk with me and make me happy.

It always gives me so much happiness and laugh. It can really help me relax. I am fond of watching it very much.
















以上是我这学期在小学英语教学方面取得成绩与经验,但也存在许多不足,尤其是后进生的工作,做的不够好,以致成绩不够理想。 在今后的教学工作中,我会谦虚请教别老师,弥补自己的不足,争取迈上一个新的台阶,真正实现教师的自身价值,也实现我心目中教师的定位。



















(C)1.A.old B.cold C.road D. boat

(A)2 A.tall B. talk C.tail D. tell

(D)3 A.chair B.hair C.care D.clear

(B)4 A.mouth B.month C.maths D.much

(D)5 A.word B.work C.worker D.water

(B)6 A.right B.bright C.night D.tonight

(D)7 A.boy B.toy C.soy D.enjoy

(B)8 A.show B.snow C.now D.know

(D)9 A.book B.look C.good D.cook

(C)10 A.little B.letter C.litter D.listen


1.(B)A.They are going to listen to music tomorrow evening.

B. They are going to see a film tomorrow evening.

C.They are going to the concert tomorrow evening.

2.(A)A.Miss Li telephoned Mr Green yesterday.

B.Miss Li didn’t telephone Mr Green yesterday.

C.Miss Li will telephone Mr Green now.

3.(B)A.Helen cleaned her shoes yesterday morning.

B.Helen cleaned her bedroom yesterday morning.

C.Helen cleaned kitchen yesterday morning.

4.(C)A.They will meet at 8:00 a.m.

B.They will meet at 8:00 p.m.

C.They will meet at 9:00 a.m.

5.(A) A.Did you have a good time at the party?

B.Did you enjoy a good rest at the party

(B)1. Don’t touch it. It’s dangerous.

(A)2. What did you do yesterday? I cleaned my bedroom.

(A)3. What are you doing , Tom? I’m playing computer games.

(C)4. What are they doing now? They are playing basketball.



1.concert(A) A.音乐会 B.音乐厅

2.tonight (B) A.晚上 B.今晚

3. gate(A) A.大门 B.游戏

4. yesterday(B) A.明天 B.昨天

5. last week(A) A.上星期 B.上周末

6. picnic(A) A.野餐 B.图片

7. upstairs(A) A.楼上 B.楼下

8. look after(A) A.照看 B.注意

9. visitor(B) A.参观 B.参观者

10. flat(B) A.房子 B.单元房


1. you, us, join, will. → Will you join us?

2. we, shall, concert, go, to, the → Shall we go to the concert?

3.yesterday, did, what, you, do → What did you do yesterday?

4. we, shall, meet, where, when, and → When and where shall we meet?



1. What are you going to do (tomorrow)? (tomorrow, yesterday)

2.What (did) you do yesterday? (do, did)

3.I (watched) a football match yesterday. (watch, watched)

4. (Look out)! The bus is coming.(Look out, Don’t walk)

5.(Excuse me) . How can I get to the Beijing Station.(Sorry, Excuse me)

四、根据所给的单词选择填空 :

(take, have, post, shall, get off)

1.Did you (have ) a good time at the party?

2.You’ve got a bad cold. (Take ) this medicine and have a good rest.

3.Take bus No.4 and (get off) at the next stop.

4. Did you (post ) the letter for me?

5. (Shall ) we go to the park?

五. 根据所给句子,选择正确答语:

(C) 1.What’s wrong with you, Mary?

(D) 2.What about going for a picnic?

(A )3.Where shall we meet?

(B) 4.Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?

A. What about at the school gate?

B. I’d love to, but I have work to do.

C. I’m feeling ill.

D. Good idea.







本教材难易度合理,过渡平和,主要采用的是全身反应(Total Physical Response)教学法,让学生在不同的学习活动中感知并运用英语。本教材按照每单元三课时编排,每单元包含九个部分:第一部分是全单元的的主要句型、单词等语言材料及其功能的集中展示;第二部分是主要句型和单词的重点板块;第三和第四部分是巩固知识的活动板块;第五部分是阅读,是对前面的拓展;第六部分是学生间合作活动,大多是两人组活动,以便学生应用语言;第七部分是读写部分;第八部分是拼读部分;第九部分是娱乐部分。教材的设计体现了“以人为本” 的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。



















1 2.22-2.28 Unit1P.A Let’s learn, 1课时

2 3.1-3.7 Unit1P.A, 2课时/Unit1P.BLet’s learn, 1课时

3 3.8-3.14 Unit1P.B, 2课时/检测, 1课时

4 3.15-3.21 Unit2P.A, 3课时

5 3.22-3.28 Unit2P.B, 3课时

6 3.29-4.4 Unit3P.A, 3课时

7 4.5-4.11 Unit3P.B, 3课时

8 4.12-4.18 Recycle1, 3课时

9 4.19-4.25 期中复习,期中考试

10 4.26-5.2 Unit4P.A, 3课时

11 5.3-5.9 Unit4P.B, 3课时

12 5.10-5.16 Unit5P.A, 3课时

13 5.17-5.23 Unit5P.B, 3课时

14 5.24-5.30 Unit6P.A, 3课时

15 5.31-6.6 Unit6P.B, 3课时

16 6.7-6.13 Recycle2, 3课时

17 6.14-6.20 期末复习, 3课时

18 6.21-6.27 期末考试



1. many years ago 许多年前

2. live in a small house 住在一所小房里

3. enough food 足够的食品

4. how about 怎么样

5. lots of buses and cars许多公共汽车与小汽车

6. every day 每天

7. talk to 和„交谈

8. miss China 想念中国

9. four years ago 四年前

10. a television programme about China 一个关于中国的电视节目

11. last night 昨天晚上

12. talk about 谈论

13. cook on a fire 在炉火上做饭

14 work in the fields 在田地里劳作


1、There was(were)+某人或某物+某地

2、过去式:We didn’t have enough food .句型: 肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他


或主语+did not+动词原形+其他



1.have got 拥有

2.an e-mail from Linglin一封来自玲玲的电子邮件

3.about English food 关于英国食物

4.have an English breakfast 吃了一顿英式早餐

5.have …for lunch 吃„作为午餐

6.a traditional English dinner 一顿传统的英式晚餐

7.very different 非常不同

8.give …to … 把„给„

9.at school 在学校

10.cook Chinese food for Llingling 为玲玲做中式食物

11.be going to 打算 12.tell a story 讲故事


1、描述吃过某些食物:主语 + had + 食物名称 + 其他 2、询问他人打算吃 /喝什么:What are you going to eat/drink ?

3、询问他人三餐吃了什么:What + did + 主语 + have + for breakfast / lunch / dinner ?



1. in lots of Chinese cities 在许多中国城市

2. foreign language 外语

3. learn English 学习英语

4. welcome to Beijing 欢迎到北京来

5. make a cake 做蛋糕

6. do homework 做家庭作业

7. in his class 在他的班级

8. a good pupil 一个好学生

9. study hard 努力学习

10. an English teacher 一位英语老师

11. walk to school 走路去学校

12. by school bus 乘坐校车



句型例:Did she learn any foreign languages?


答:Yes ,人称代词主格+did .或 No ,人称代词主格+didn’t .

2、描述他人做过某事例: She learnt English . 主语+动词过去式+其他

3、描述他们现在在做某事例:He is learning English now .




1. send an email 发送电子邮件

2. a computer message 电脑信息

3. from…to … 从…..到…..

4. a good idea 一个好主意

5. an idea 一个主意

6. click on 点击

7. write your message 写你的信息 8. at work 在工作

9. an email from little Tom 一封来自小Tom的电子邮件

10. make a poster 制作海报

11. thank you for… 为……而感谢

12. work hard 努力工作

13. at the office 在办公室

14. be busy 忙碌的

15. be home 在家

16. at seven o’clock 在七点钟

17. on the train 在火车上 18. stand up 起立

19. run to the blackboard 跑向黑板

20. on the blackboard 在黑板上


1、another和the other : another用于三者以上的 “其中一个”,the other用于两者之间


①10:00 ten o’clock ②1:58 one fifty-eight ③7:10 ten past seven ④9:48 twelve to ten ⑤4:45 a quarter to five ⑥9:30 half past nine



Library 图书馆 find 找到 CD-ROM 电脑光盘 bring带来 use使用 card 卡片 easy简单的 information信息 timetable时间表 dictionary字典 newspaper 报纸


1. want to 想要

2. make an e-card for Mum 为妈妈制作一张电子卡片

3. be good at 擅长

4. go to the library 去图书馆

5. find a book about e-cards 找到一本关于电子卡片的书

6. at the library 在图书馆

7. the book about computers 关于电脑的书

8. on Shelf C 在C架上

9. library card 借书卡

10. bring back 带回来

11. in two weeks’ time 在两周时间内

12. use our computer 使用我们的电脑

13. be easy with 用„„很简单

14. find out 找到、找出

15. in this dictionary 在这本词典里

16. on this CD-ROM 在这张光盘上

17. in this newspaper 在这张报纸上

18. at the zoo 在动物园

19. on TV 在电视上



1、Where are the„about„,please ?

2、Where can you find out about „?

3、You can find out „ in / on „


1. 用基数词+序数词表示:


The centimeter is one-tenth of the decimeter or one-hundredth of the meter. 厘米是分米的十分之一,或者说是米的百分之一。

However, the number of the boys will be less than a third of the girls in the class. 但是班里男生的人数将比女生的三分之一更少。

.从以上例子可以看出:分子为1时,既可以用 one,也可用a。

2. 如果分子大于1,分母则要用复数形式。如:

三分之一 one-third;三分之二 two-thirds

3. 二分之一不能说 a(one) second,而要说 a(one) half。

四分之一和四分之三可以说 a(one) fourth 和 three-fourths,但常用 a quarter 和 three quarters 表示。

4. 分数修饰的名词在句子中作主语时,谓语动词是用单数还是复数取决于名词,即与名词保持一致。如:

Only one-fifth of air consists of oxygen. 氧气只占空气的五分之一。

About two thirds of the students are going to attend the meeting. 大约三分之二的学生都将参加会议。

5. 带分数的表示:

所谓带分数,实际上是整数+分数,表达时分而述之,只是整数部分与分数部分要用连词 and 连接。如:

You should finish the work within one and a fourth hours. 你应在1小时25分钟内完成工作。

6. 分数常和of 连用,作主语或宾语,但分数也可以不带of 短语直接作主语或宾语。例如:

In U.S., two-thirds continue to support death penalty. 在美国,三分之二的人仍然支持死刑。


1. 形容词原级可以被 very,quite,so,rather 等词的修饰

1)very 非常

This is a very interesting book. 这是一本很有趣的书。

注:very 也可以接形容词级,表示强调。格式是:the very + est结尾的形容词级或是不规则形容词级。例:the very lowest price 最低的价格

2)quite 相当

Its quite cold this morning. 今天早晨相当冷。

3)so 那么

You are so fast. 你那么快。

4)rather 有些,颇

I think youre rather unkind not to stay. 我想你不留下来有点太不友善了。

2. 在 asas 和 not soas 的中间形容词常用原级

1)asas 表示相等

This knife is as sharp as that one. 这把刀和那把一样锋利。

He is as tall as I. 他的个子和我一般高。

2)not soas, not asas 表示不如

Hes not so clever as his brother. 他不像他的兄弟那么聪明。



old 老的,年纪大的

young 年轻的,岁数不大的

funny 滑稽的,可笑的

kind 体贴的,慈祥的,宽容的

strict 要求严格的,严厉的

polite 有礼貌的,客气的

shy 羞怯的,腼腆的,怕生的

helpful 有用的,愿意帮忙的

clever 聪明的,聪颖的



music 音乐

art 美术

science 科学

English 英语

maths/math 数学

Chinese 语文,中文

sometimes 有时,间或

robot 机器人

speak 会说,会讲(某种语言);用(某种语言)说话


1. —Who’s your art teacher? 谁是你的美术老师? —Mr. Jones.琼斯老师。

2. —Is he young? 他年轻吗?

—Yes, he is. 是的,他年轻。 —No, he isn’t. 不,他不年轻。

3. —What’s Wu Yifan like? 吴一帆怎样? —He’s hard-working. 他很勤奋。

4. Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. 王老师会成为我们的新语文老师。

5. He is very helpful at home. 他在家很能干。

6. Robin is short but strong. 罗宾个子矮,但是身体强壮。

7. He can speak Chinese and English. 他会说中文和英语。

8. He makes me finish my homework. 他让我写作业。



一、单项选择,选出最佳答案填在括号内。(20分) 1 Jim has ____ curly hair.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

2. How is the weather in Beijing ? ______ .

A. Rain and wind B. Cloud and sunny.

C. Sunny and windy D. Rain and cloudy. 3.There___many people here___ vacation.

A. have, on B. are, at C. are , on D. have ,for 4. Thank you for ____me with my English.

A. help B. helps C. helping D. is help

5. It’s rainy. But everyone ___a good time.

A. is having B. are having C. having. D. has

6. Tom with his friends ______ computer games now.

A. is playing B. are playing C. plays D. play 7. _____ are they shopping ? - At the mall.

A. What B. Where C. When D. Who 8. He is eating ____ dinner _____ his parents.

A. a, to B. a ,at C. / ,with D. / ,for 9.Do you know___? What does_____look like ?

A. she, she B. her, her C. her, she D. she, her 10. _____ is the weather like in Jinan ?

A. How B. What C. How a D. Why 11 Listen! She ___ in the classroom.

A. sing B. sings C. singing D. is singing

12.----What does your friend look like?-----___________.

A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl

C. She likes music D. She has good-looking

13. ----Is he heavy?----No, he is a little bit __________.

A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet

D. straight 14.----Lucy doesn’t have curly hair.----Yes,, we can say she has _______hair. A. black B. blonde C. short

15.---Is Miss Gao tall?---No, she isn’t tall, and she isn’t short, too. She is _________ .

A. medium height B. medium build C. a little heavy D. thin

16. ----Tom is not very heavy.----Yes, I think we can say he is _________ heavy.

A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A, B and C

17 --Hi. How’s it going?-- .

A. I don’t like it B. I will go to school C. Not bad

18.Her mother is . She her students now.

D. a teacher, is teaching a teacher, teach B. teacher, teaches C. a teacher, teaching

19. I like koalas they’re cute. D. No

A. but B. because C. so D. why

20. Mrs Green has _______ hair.

A. black long beautiful


21.A .cool B. group C. cook D. food

22. A .always B. stop

25.A. joke C. tall D. mall 24. A. beard B. yearC. really D. hai B. nobody C. now D. know



Here is a form of the average temperature(平均温度) of four Chinese cities.

Beijing Summer Autumn Winter Spring

Shanghai 32℃ 15℃ 8℃ 15℃

Xi’an 28℃ 18℃ 6.3℃ 13℃

Yunnan 20℃ 12℃ 9℃ 18℃

Xinjiang 25℃ 10℃ ―3℃ 17.5℃

Choose the correct answers.( 选择正确的.答案)

26. The average temperature of Xi’an in December is __

A 8℃ B10℃ C6.3℃ D 12℃

27 . What is the weather of Yunnan like in autumn?

A It is cold B It is cool C It is hot D It is warm

28 Which city’s temperature is usually about 15℃ in spring?

A Shanghai B Xi’an C Yunnan D Xinjiang

29Which city is the coldest (最冷的 ) in winter? B. beautiful black long C. beautiful long black D. a beautiful long black

A Shanghai B Xi’an C Yunnan D Xinjiang

30 Which city has the best weather all the year round?

A Shanghai B Xi’an C Yunnan D Xinjiang


It’s a fine day today. Now it’s 9:00 in the morning. There’s a sports meeting (运动会) in the forest.

Look! A panda(熊猫) , a dog and a cat are running . Near the river, two tigers (老虎) are jumping . Three monkeys are climbing a tree and five birds are singing in the tree.

There are some other animals in the forest, too. A bear(熊)is sitting on the back(背部) of an old elephant (大象) . The elephant has a flag in his trunk(象鼻). Oh, look! Polly is sitting in the tree. She is watching the sports meeting. How happy the animals are! 根据短文内容,回答下列问题

31. Who are running?

32. Are the tigers jumping?

33. How many(多少) monkeys are there?

34.What are the birds doing?

35 Where is Polly?


1-5 __________________ 6-10 __________________ 11-15 __________________ 16-20 _______________ 21-25 __________________ 26-30 ___________________ 31___________________________________________________

32 ___________________________________________________

33 ___________________________________________________

34. ___________________________________________________

35 ___________________________________________________

B卷 (60分)


36. He and his mother go _________ (购物)in the supermarket.

37. Look! My brother ________ (游泳) in the pool.

38.The boys often (swim) at the pool.

39. Who is your favorite ________(音乐家)?

40 She’s a good singer. She’s very_________(受欢迎的).

41. The little dog has white_________(卷曲的)hair.

42 He likes telling_________(笑话)after class.

43. What are you doing now? I ___________ (clean) the windows.

44. Is she __________ (listen) to the teacher?

45 I like _________ (swim) very much.

46. Miss Li wants _________ (eat) some rice and two eggs.

47. Look at the picture. The children __________ (fly) kites.

48. What is the weather like? It’s r .

49. I think Zhao Wei is

50. I’m _(相当)beautiful. _(惊讶)Yao Ming is so tall.

51. In winter people like wearing sweaters and (围巾)

52. Look at the boys ______(play) football now.

53. Do you r Liu Dehua the pop singer?

54. Do you c______ your room every day ?

55. Are you t_____ about the movie?

56You can take photos for me with this c____ .


A. has B. know C. a D. wear E. asks F. says G. with H. often I. but J. heavy Do you ____1____George Jackson, the rock singer_____2_____ sunglasses? Now

George Jackson has 3__new look. He always ____4____curly blonde hair,____5___ now he is bald(秃头). He is kind of ___6___ , but now he has medium build. He likes to ___7___jeans and glasses, but now he always wears glasses.

When the reporter __8___ him about his new look, George Jackson __9__, “It’s great! I like to change my look_____10___ . That’s fun.”

1._____2._____3._____4._________5___________6______7_____8_____9__ 10























