
时间:2022-09-30 08:00:34 更多作文 收藏本文 下载本文






一、营造快乐 氛围,让课堂充满爱




美的东西总能让人赏心悦目,让人快乐、爱美、求美,也是儿音的基本心理。创设情境,让学生在学习中欣赏美,享受美,于不知不觉中受到美的熏陶,充分享受学习英语的快乐,也是小学英语教学的'一个重要方面。这就突出的表现在教师的语言运用,情境创设,板书设计等方面。例如训练“How  are  you ?”“Fine ,Thank you.”时,可以使用升降调向学生发问,也可以转换角色进行操练,由于教师注意了语调的变换,设问的丰富多彩,这样学生既学习了新知识,又复习了旧知识,另外,板书设计在小学英语教学中也非常重要,学生往往会模仿教师的字体,所以教师的板书应规范,设计要合理,重点突出,使学生一目了然,恰到好处地运用彩色粉笔简笔画等,增强美感,充分享受学习英语的快乐。




传统的课堂教学,往往很注意课堂纪律,课堂上学生静静地坐在那儿,师云亦云,这样学生很容易失去学习的兴趣。所以,教师应根据小学生好动,好玩,好胜的特点和思维发展规律,采用多种活动形式,如做游戏,讲故事,绕口令,谜语,唱歌,跳舞等。特别是游戏,因为游戏是小学生生活的重要组成部分,90%以上的小学生喜欢课堂教学游戏,这是因为游戏 给他们的英语学习带来了快乐,

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Happiness is a kind of enjoyment. I'm particularly happy, because I'm going to enjoy the Spring Festival this year! I didn't stay on the night before, and this year I gave my mother a proposal to watch the night. Beauty!

We live at the top, and the people in the yard have fireworks, and we can all see it! Last year put the fireworks, our whole family stood on the balcony, suddenly, a fireworks put up, let us look, it is really big! We almost didn't smoke our windows! When it was just put up, my house was flickering, Jane was just so beautiful!

We also eat dumplings in the new year, parents always call me to elders to speak blessings, the harm of my little beautiful face is red! Don't say it to others.

I look forward to the new year every day.

I love the happiness of the New Year!



“ crackling - crackling - crackling” spring festival salute rang! The new year is coming again. The children put on new clothes and the trees put on new green clothes. Children happily follow father, mother or relatives to visit friends and family, some also go to the zoo, happy valley to play! Let me tell you where I went for the spring festival.

Spring festival is coming, our family went to the green world to play.

There are many fun games in the green world, such as goldfish, big shoes, iron rings, bamboo dancing and so on.

The most interesting thing is: get goldfish, first he will give you a net made of paper, you want to use this net to get goldfish, get he will give you a bag, put the little goldfish you get there.

There are not only fun games, but also good shows. For example: soul sign language to drive singing, environmental protection percussion and so on.

I think my journey to the green world today has been fruitful because I have learned not only how to be an environmentally friendly citizen, but also sign language.










This summer, I move to a new city with my parents, and I transfer to a new school.

I used to live in the countryside, so my new life is so different from before. The school is a little far from my home, so I go to school by bus. After school, I have many activities in school. Classmates are friendly to me. I learn English now. It’s so interesting that I like it very much. Besides, life in city is different. There are many interesting places to go. At weekends, my parents take me outside. We go to the park, the zoo or go shopping. But we are not so familiarwith our neighbors. I think we should build good relationship with them.



I’m happy.But I am not a snail.I’m a pretty girl,I’m only do works slow.

Why need so hurried? If we run quickly.we’ll get to the terminal point quickly. But if we walk slowly. We’ll see the beautiful view.

After class.I put the book on the desk. Books and the pencil-case are in my bag.I’m only doing work slowly,but I never lose the schoolthings at school.

When I do homework, I write slowly. I haven’t got times. So I haven’t got other homeworks. I exam is one hundred.

When I wash my face. I’m slow,too. I have not only the clean face,but also the new thing. Look! Put the toothbrush in front of the two big teeth like a big rabbit. My mother sees my face,she laughs to me.

If you don’t like to be slow,Must shout me “snail”.You must remeberr,please. I’m happy.



The Spring Festival is China's traditional festivals, every Spring Festival couplets to our home, with character, fireworks. Every family is decorated, bursting with happiness.

This year's Spring Festival is in our family, the family of grandma and sister all come to our family to eat dinner.

At six o'clock, the clock struck, and grandma said, “eat the night dinner.” I, my sister and my brother, three people, scrambled to the table, and there were all kinds of dishes on the table, with turtle and duck. Grandma also made our favorite stewed pork ribs. Before the three of us sat down, they couldn't wait to turn the chopsticks to the braised pork ribs. In the blink of an eye, there was only one empty dish left on the plate. The adults looked at us and laughed.

The most interesting moment came, I and my sister and my brother, each with a firecracker on the empty space. “Bang” with a loud noise, a huge Dragon flew into the blue sky. “Bang” a sound, the Dragon turned into smoke fly away.

At this time, the cry of grandma was heard, “the money is split up!” We also went to the three woman, happily took her grandmother's red, then, my father and mother, grandmother, one of them gave us a gift money, we are happy in the heart, I said: “today I make a fortune.” People laughed and said: “it is really a” small. “”

I love fireworks, love the money and love the Spring Festival.



January 13 20xx

It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.

January 14 20xx

It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I’m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.


The elusive secret of happiness could be as simple as remembering the good times and forgetting the regrets, a new university study reported yesterday.

For people who look at the past through rose-tinted glasses are happier than those who focus on negative past experiences and regrets, according to a new study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.

The study helps explain why personality has such a strong influence on a person's happiness and the findings suggest that people with certain personality traits are happier than others because of the way they think about their past, present and future.

The study examined how peoples' ratings on the “Big Five” personality traits relates to their approach to time and life satisfaction.

The “Big Five” model assesses how extroverted, neurotic, open, conscientious and agreeable a person is, and rates individuals as high or low on each personality trait rather than assigning them a personality type.

“We found that highly extraverted people are happier with their lives because they tend to hold a positive, nostalgic view of the past and are less likely to have negative thoughts and regrets. People high on the neurotic scale essentially have the exact opposite view of the past and are less happy as a result,” said Ryan Howell, assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University, who authored the study with SF State graduating senior Jia Wei Zhang.

“This is good news because although it may be difficult to change your personality, you may be able to alter your view of time and boost your happiness,” Howell said.

The authors suggest that savoring happy memories or reframing painful past experiences in a positive light could be effective ways for individuals to increase their life satisfaction.

Numerous studies over the last 30 years have suggested that personality is a powerful predictor of a person's life satisfaction. These latest findings help explain the reason behind this relationship.

“Personality traits influence how people look at the past, present and future and it is these different perspectives on time which drive a person's happiness,” Howell said.












see through rose-tinted glasses: view in an excessively optimistic light (以极度乐观的精神看待)

elusive: difficult to find, define, or achieve(难找的.;难以解释的;难以达到的)

extroverted: lively and confident; outgoing, overtly expressive(性格)外向的

neurotic: not behaving in a reasonable, calm way, because you are worried about something(神经质的;神经过敏的)

agreeable: pleasant and easy to like(愉悦的;讨人喜欢的;宜人的)

reframe: frame or express (words or a concept or plan) differently(再构造)


“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness。” The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth living。 William James, the first American psychologist, echoed this emphasis on happiness: “If we were to ask the question: 'What is human life's chief concern? One of the answers we should receive would be: 'It is happiness。'” Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group。 Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues! Today, scientists have joined the dialogue to seek answers about what contributes to happiness or, as they call it, “subjective well-being”。

If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence。 – Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay。 But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill。 The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never promised。 As captured by Eric Hoffer, a misguided search we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of happiness。


I am on a Sunday is a happy Sunday.

That day, I went to my father's friend camping.

We brought all sorts of food: fish, sausages, cakes, eggplant, cabbage, and so on ............

We ate and played, I curl of smoke, and stood, like a coal gods. The smoke makes my stomach badly, choking me sick anxious. I almost threw up, when to eat, we eat with relish children! So I did not think it odd things! I do not have time to eat pleaded with him to go fishing. In a small stream there are so many fish I caught a total of more than forty small fish, but I have mercifully gave a little sister. I have a lot of rice and soup, and rice mixed together to eat, very delicious! But eat some fish that I did not catch, and if the fish I caught, I think, must eat very fragrant, very delicious!

I finished on the shore after the net, ready to catch fish and then, after a few minutes, I went to see the network, several fish have been above the net, and I am pleased stage, ready to harvest game.

Happy home! This is my - Sunday, a memorable and enjoyable Sunday!

















这节英语课刚开始,黄老师就给我们放了一首英文歌《lemon tree》,顿时,教室里弥漫着快乐的气氛,同学们都陶醉在音乐之中,有的打起了节拍,有的身体开始轻轻摇摆了,听着听着,有同学就跟着这轻快的旋律唱了起来,越了越多的同学加入其中,最后全班同学竟都唱了起来。看,同学们的脸上都洋溢着热情的笑容。听,那声音多么的洪亮、轻快。








看,操场上人山人海,车水马龙!一开始,我像一张滚烫滚烫的大饼,可过了一会儿,我却像一个痛苦的冰棍。为什么呢?因为我快冻僵了,转眼间,我完成了四项,可我觉得最有趣的还是“会话小精灵”,那是我走到小姐姐的面前,看着她严厉的目光,像一位法庭上的法官,我又被吓了一跳!我说“point to the A B C ,poite to the door...........”小姐姐说:“不错呀!”说着给我打上了三颗星。在接下来的三项比赛中,我不再那么紧张了,心情放松下来了,比赛也变得如鱼得水。看着这八项一共得的二十四颗星,甜甜得笑了。




Summer vacation is like a happy note, always accompanied by my side; summer vacation, like a blooming flower, makes my life full of sunshine and hope; summer vacation, like a bird, I feel free every day.

Summer vacation is happy, happy, beautiful, interesting... If the summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, flying freely in the blue sky. If the summer vacation is the sea, I am the little fish swimming in the vast sea. If the summer vacation is knowledge, I will never stop learning it.

In the summer vacation, I almost spent all my thoughts on my study. Every morning to get up early to read English, look up information, do homework, read a Book... In order to get good grades in the next semester, I do it every day. I think this is the truth of “bitterness and sweetness first”.

In the summer vacation, I have learned a lot of knowledge. Every day I have a very happy life, no trouble, no pressure, no doubt, free.

I still understand: although it is summer holiday, but can not relax too, at least for some time to review the knowledge learned every day, so don't put the knowledge learned to forget the light, it is best to try to understand, to understand what “after the first bitter sweet”. I love a happy summer vacation, and I love endless knowledge.



Just after the Happy Mid Autumn Festival, it ushered in the long-awaited national day. On this day of national celebration, I would like to attend a party. I am very happy.


In the evening, the teacher led us to make up. We put on our make-up and came to the square. Wow, the square is so busy! There are a lot of people and flowers everywhere. Under the bright and colorful light, it looks very beautiful. We are all ready for the party. With the happy music, we all jumped up. After a while, I threw my nervous mood out of the sky. Once we finished jumping, there was a warm sound under the stage Applause, the teacher also said that we danced very well. We were all happy in our hearts. As the party went on, it was going to be over. My heart was a little reluctant!








Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest.




Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time.

In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water. After supper I began to do my homework, I didn't think it is difficult, so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed.




















小学英语作文:奶奶的生日(Grandmas Birthday)2023-01-15

