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The definition of “Healthy Life Style” include a positive living attitude towards life, eating a balanced diet, exercises regularly, which is three to five times a week with at least thirty to forty-five minutes per session. Regular social interactions and regular physical check-up. I would like to add on enrichment personal knowledge in the list.

All of us are very busy every day. Students are facing a piling up of home works and assignments. Blue collars and white collars rush to working places and offices. Traffic jammed, unsolved problems, frustrations, new challenges. Stress became the first thing in the morning. We have forgotten our own needs as human being, until the alarm of our biologic clocks been trigger off. We finally realize that we should have done a little more for ourselves earlier. Because we have ignored what our body tells us, so we paid a higher price.


Food and water are important for us to keep healthy. We must have them every day. If you are hungry, you can eat some food, such as bread, sandwiches, hamburgers, cheese, cakes and so on. If you are thirsty, you can drink some water. After playing sports, you often feel thirsty. At that time, you should drink some water or some orange juice. But you mustn’t drink anything cold; it’s not good for your stomach. If you have a cold drink, you may be ill. Your parents will worry about you, and you can’t go to school. You cant see your friends, you can’t play outside, and you can’t do anything else except lying in bed. It’s terrible for you because it’s too boring. Sometimes you must take some medicines or have injection which is very painful.

So having a healthy life-style and diet is very important for everyone. There’s an old saying; “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” It’s true. Now, let’s remember the saying and pay more attention to our daily life. I think we will be healthier, at least I really hope so.


l make sure families eat very healthily,and we often eat fruilt and vegetables.

we live near the wood ,and we have apples about three times a week .we dont eat much meat or snacks.A lot of my friends very like eating sweets. But l am banned by my father.

we like running everyday.And we often play basketball. l have to play football three times a week, because my father hope to do so.

so as you can see that lm a normal kind of person.But l make sure that l like living healthily.

What do you think of you life?


Everyone has different lifestyle, I think it’s very important for us to have a healthy lifestyle. let me tell you about the healthy lifestyle.

First, we should have good eating habits. I think we should try to eat a lot of vegetables, and we are supposed to continue eating fruit and drink wilk every day. Of course, we are not supposed to eat junk food.

Second, I think we should exercise every day . Try out best to do more sports.

Last, we should have a good sleep. So we are supposed to go to bed before 10:00 pm every day.

We should have a healthy lifestyle, it can help us get good grades. Good food and exercise can also help us to study better.


As the saying goes, you don’t know what happiness is until you lose it’ you don’t know what health is until you are ill. “Health is of vital importance to life” sounds like a cliche to everyone, but it is absolutely true. The negligence of the delicate balance of your body and soul, the harmful habits such as smoking, excessive drinking and burning mid-night oil will catch up with you someday. How many big plans are interrupted by bad health! Even a normal life is unimaginable without the guarantee of health. How to keep fit is an eternal topic of diversity and controversy. Regardless of all the different suggestions poured from all kinds of sources, one should do at least two things for him/herself.

First, hold an active and optimistic attitude toward life and maintain a mental well-being. Second, live a regular life and keep a balanced diet. Anyway, a healthy life is within reach when you begin to adjust your mind and body.


Many people dream to live a healthy life. But sometimes they do not have a full understanding of healthy life.

In my mind, a healthy life includes physical and mental health.

People need to have a healthy diet and regular exercise to make our physical more and more healthy. At the same time, people have to remember that mental health is also very important.

People need to find ways to relax themselves and keep a good mood every day. At least do not be depressed for a long time. People can have a healthy life only when they keep a good health between physical and mental.






I am always interested in traveling. My reasons are quite (extremely) simple and clear. If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint(s), I shall be GREatly surprised at his ways of thinking.

In the first place, traveling increases our knowledge. Only by traveling can we see (因为用(only)开头,主动词须颠倒)things outside our home town.

In the second place, traveling is good to our health. While we are traveling, we usually exercise our bodies.

In conclusion, I earnestly hope that everybody must seize (grasp at) the opportunity of traveling.


Which is more important, health or wealth? When given this question, different people have varied answers.

Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life, while others see more advantages arising from wealth.

The first group of people quote the old saying “Health is above wealth” to prove their idea.

They argue that, on the one hand, a strong person can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard.

On the other hand, however, rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth if their days are numbered.

In contrast, the advocates of wealth have such arguments as follows.

For one thing, wealthy people will be able to buy more healthful foods.

For another, they can enjoy better facilities to improve their health.

Take my neighbor, Lao Wang, as an example.

He had a heart attack and is in hospital.

However, he cannot afford the expensive operation, which costs as much as 100,000 yuan.

Therefore, he has to lie in bed hopelessly.

If he were a rich man, his life could be saved.

As far as I am concerned, both health and wealth are important to our life.

We should try to strike a balance between them and gain wealth with a healthy body.


The Importance of Health

Health is one of the most popular topics in our life.

In my understanding, health means not only physical fitness, but mental well-being as well, and its importance can never be overestimated, whoever and wherever you are.

A man with perfect health is always energetic and confident, harboring endless dreams, because he is less likely to be discouraged by diseases and pains, and then can be fully devoted to whatever they pursue.

Moreover, a good health is a guarantee of great achievements, for a glorious cause always demands sustained effort and long-term devotion.

However, if a person has lost his health, whether physically or mentally, chances are that he will be anxious and depressed, not to mention of aiming high or climbing along the career ladder.

From the analysis above, we can draw a safe conclusion that health always comes first in our life, and health is the precondition of a happy and successful life.

篇10:初中英语作文 健康

People often ask and are asked that what is the most important thing in life. Some people answer that family is the most important and others say love, work or money. In my opinion, health is the most important in life. However, how to keep healthy?

Firstly, being positive. A positive attitude towards life must be good to health. It also brings you power to overcome disease. Secondly, taking exercise regularly. Taking exercise regularly or even every day helps you build a strong body which is the base of health. Exercise can improve the ability of the body to fight disease. Thirdly, making friends, because friendship is an important part to influence your health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. Finally, eating properly, having good rest and building normal daily routine are aslo important to health.





Last Saturday Wang Ping went to the fields to catch frogs.Soon he caught a full bag of them. He felt very pleased because he thought he would make a lot of money after he sold them.

A few days later, he went to the fields again. But he was surprised this time. When he went up, a crowd of insects attacked him. While crying, he threw his net and bag away, and ran away as fast as possible.


Wang Ping wanted to catch frogs. He thought he could sell them and got much money. So he went to the fields to catch frogs.He caught and caught. Soon he caught a full bag of them. When he counted the frogs, he was very happy. He seemed to have a lot of money in his bag. He could buy something interesting to play and something nice to eat. Suddenly he saw crowds of insects attacking him. He ran away as fast as possible, but there were too many to shake off. He cried, Get away! Get away! I dont want to see you.

Whats the matter? someone shook him. He opened his eyes. His mother was standing by his bed. It was a dream. He decided not to catch frogs any longer.



Boys and girls,

It is very important for us students to keep healthy.

There are many ways to be healthy. We’d better eat more fruits and vegetables. Take exercise for at least one hour every day. We need enough sleep and rest so it is important to go to bed early and get up early. Besides, we should wash our hands as often as possible. In my opinion, we mustn't drink wine or smoke .They are bad for our health.

Thank you.



I'm pretty healthy. I sometimes exercise. My eating habit are pretty good. Itry to eat a iot of fruit. I eat vegeabies and drink milk every day . I never drink coffee, But I usualy drink cola. I don't love junk food too, I never eat junk food . oh and I sleep ten hours every night. I look after my health. I watch TV every day . I love surf the Internet. But I surf the Internet only twice a week.

And my heathy lifestyle heips me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better.


What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die.

That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like french fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy.

These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.


Eachof us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here aresome ways to stay healthy.

First,we should spend one to two hours a day in regular exercise; try to walk insteadof ride. Second, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruitsand so on.

They are able to help us maintain a healthy body. When we are introuble, try to relax our mood, listen to the soft music.

It also enables us tomaintain a good health. Finally there is a good sleep can also assure us ahealthy body.

We should sleep seven to eight hours a day to maintain adequatesleep. If we can do follow these advice, I believe we can have a healthy body,a better life.


Now,many people don't have good habits..So,in hospital,everyday,you can see many people.

But,how can we keep good health?Every morning,we must do some exercises.

We needn't much time on it,15 minutes enough to do it.Doing exercises is important,but I think have healthy food is much more important .

More vegetables and fruits,Less meat.Have good sleeping and you will be much healthy than before!


It’s very important for us to keep healthy in our everyday life. But why? Here are some advice for you to follow.

First you should have a healthy diet. It’s necessary to eat enough fish and vegetables, because they contain all kinds of vitamin you need every day.

But do not eat too much fat, such as butter or anything too fatty. Too many sweets can do harm to your teeth.

So you had better not eat too many sweets or chocolates and keep off coffee.

Good habits can help your keep fit. Doing regular exercise is certainly a good way to ensure your body is healthy.

After a day’s work, an eight-hour sleep is needed.

And avoid working or studying too hard. Remember smoking can damage your health .So never smoke.


It is very important for us to have a healthy diet. I think we should eat healthy food, such as vegetables, fruit, some meat, eggs and so on. We should drink enough water every day. We'd better not eat junk food or drink too much coke because they are bad for our health. We should eat three healthy meals at a regular time and eat slowly.



I began school at seven in accordance with the law in a remote village. Short of funds, the school had only a few classrooms, all poorly constructed.  to say, our teachers were few, too. As a pupil I preferred the playground to the classroom and often liked to play tricks on girls, as by hiding insects in their desk drawers. On one occasion, I even grimaced behind the back of our teacher, caing the whole class to break into laughter; however, instead of becoming angry, he merely asked why we were laughing and wondered whether there was anything wrong with him. On ather occasion, I punctured the tires of a  parked inside the school by ing something sharppointed, leaving the principal frightened and bewildered after he had ticed that. Such were the happy moments in my life at that school. The happiest moment, to me and to all of my schoolmates, however, was the one when the school was letting out at the last bell of the day and we were rhing home as if we would never be back. Once, on our way home, a bunch of naughty students found a crickets' hole and exerted themselves to inject water into it with loud cheers. The girls were  less frantic than the boys when they were having a good time at such games as jump-rope, hopscotch and battledore and shuttlecock.





















