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Li An is Chinese very famous male movie director, he is also winning reputation all around the world. Li An’s great success catches people’s attention on his past life of what has made him today. Though his career is extremely successful, Li An is very humble, he owns his success to his family.


Before Li An gains success, his life was hard, he had to rely on his wife. In his early life, Li An studied in a art school, he majored in movie, but it was so hard to have someone give him a movie to shoot, especially he is nobody. After graduation, he kept making some research on the movies, hoping to make some satisfying scripts. The situation had last six years, still no one asked him to shoot movie, he thought of giving up many times, he found another job to make a living. When his wife found these, she was very angry and told him he must make a good movie, all the difficulties deserved to be come through.


Then the rest of the story is known to us, people start to get to know Li An for his movie, the first movie he made is successful and wining many awards. Since then, he keeps moving so fast, he starts to gain fame in America, and then winning the highest fame—the best director of Oscar. This is so crazy, Li An’s legend is still going on, he won the Oscar director once again! All his success, according to him, thanks to the support of his family.



What is the definition of success? I believe different people will have different opinions about it. If anyone asks me what is success for me, I will tell him progress is success for me. I can have small goal or great aim in my whole life. If the goal what I set is too large for me, I will not taste the feeling of success. Or I always set small goals, so I will feel success all the time, which may make me become autophilia and without ambitions. Therefore, I think if I can be better than yesterday or last time, then I am successful.



I like singing. I like POP music. My favorite singer is Avril Lavigne. I wanted to be a singer many years ago. This dream is just a dream.

I have a lot of dream about my job. I like writing. I have my own blog on the Internet. I want to be a news reporter. I think that this job is very colorful. Im going to bring truth to my audience. Ill interview people from all walks of life. Maybe I will meet Avril. Thatll be exciting. I will visit a lot of cities in China or a lot of countries in the world in the future. Ill be like a cosmopolite traveler.

I hope Ill learn English well, because English is very important in job and in life. If I become an English teacher, like my tutor. Its also a good choice. But its very difficult for me. Well, Ill become a hard-working student.

At last,I hope Ill enjoy my life with my family. We have health and luck. Our life will become become better and better in future.


Failure is so common in our life.No one can avoid it. When we fail in doing something, we often feel sodepressed that we have no interest in other things. Sometimes failure can alsomake us lose heart. Therefore, no one wants to be a failure.

Success is what we all hope for,because it can bring us a sense of pride and a good reputation. The moment wesucceed, we always feel so proud, as if having everything in our hands. If oneenjoys his continuous success in his career, he will be famous and worshiped byothers.

However, failure is the mother ofsuccess. One failure doesnt mean you can never be successful. It depends onwhat we do to deal with failure. Those who are always afraid of failure andcant go through it will never win. But as long as we can get some lessons andexperience from our failure, well be sure to succeed.


If you love music, then the name of Lady Gaga must be familiar to you. Lady Gaga is the world famous female singer, she is from America. She is well known by her dance songs and her dramatic dressing styles.The young are crazy about her, her great success is not gaining by chance.

Lady Gaga is popular by her creative dressing styles. The traditional popular female singers are thought to be the image of the sweet girls, who are good-looking outside. But you cant find nothing like the sweet girls in Lady Gaga, she always dresses like the monster, her styles are exaggerating, which helps her win numerous fans. Today, people are chasing individuality and Lady Gagas image caters to this trend.

Lady Gaga is also talented in writing songs. Listening to her songs, you will have the desire to dance, her music seems to have the magic. Lady Gaga write her songs, in fact, before she get famous, she wrote songs for many famous popular singers.

Lady Gaga is successful because she is not only creative in her image, but the more important is that she is very talented.


When we talk about those famous people, we all like to know how they succeed. Meanwhile we all admire their personal special virtues which lead them to triumph. And it is obvious that many successful people have some personality characteristics in common. As far as I concerned, I deem that persistence, prudence, confidence and courage are the most important.

Firstly, I think persistence should come first before the other three personality characters. As we all know that a person cannot always successfully reach his aim at his first try, there are many barriers waiting for him. Therefore the person will fail many times before he gets his victory. If he doesnt persist in trying again and again and make a breakthrough, thus he will stay still, no progress. He may not move forward or even regress. A person without the personal character of persistence cant finally succeed in getting his goal.

Secondly, a man who wants to be successful should also own the characteristic of prudence. The inventor of the electric bulb gives a good example for explaining that. It is said that the inventor tried to use thousands kinds of metal to make electric bulb filament in order to find the most suitable metal which can let the lamp light longer and brighter. I suppose that without the very prudential work, the inventor could not triumph in the end. A self- made man should do his jobs with prudence, sometimes even should be careful doing a very trivial thing. Like when those scientists or mathematicians are dealing with a complex matter, if they make a small mistake, the efforts which they made before will be in vain. Accordingly, cautiousness is necessary.

In addition, the self- made men all are self-confident and courageous. As the saying goes, “fortune never helps the man whose courage has failed.” Supposed that a soldier loses his confidence and gallantry to fight when he is in the field of the battle, I am sure that he does not have the fortune to survive successfully. Therefore people who want to achieve their goals in their work all should be self-confident and courageous.

In a word, my view regarding those famous peoples success is that they persist in working hard, do their jobs with prudence, are confident in themselves and have courage to overcome any kinds of difficulties; it is the reason that they can make themselves into a celebrity and admired by others.


Self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. If you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your ability. Otherwise, you may hardly achieve anything. Some people always complain about how difficult their tasks would be and how incapable they are. They often refuse to have a try, and therefore have no opportunity to overcome difficulties in order to get themselves improved. Apparently, this shows their lack of self-confidence.

There are several reasons why people feel frustrated or discouraged in face of difficulties. Firstly, they underestimate themselves. Second, they tend to overestimate the difficulties. Third, they are afraid of making mistakes or getting failures.

It is important for young people to build up self-confidence. As a proverb goes,“ confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.” we should make sufficient preparations and encourage ourselves before setting about doing anything in order to achieve success, which may help us gain self-confidence. We should have a right attitude toward our ability and should never look down upon ourselves. In addition, we dont have to be afraid of mistakes or failures, for we can learn from mistakes and “failure is the mother of success”.


When we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on.

Dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. Reality always frustrates us to be successful. We need to balance them. First, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. Second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality.

In this way, our dreams can achieve. Lets work hard together to make our dreams come true.


What is the definition of success? I believe different people will have different opinions about it. If anyone asks me what is success for me, I will tell him progress is success for me. I can have small goal or great aim in my whole life. If the goal what I set is too large for me, I will not taste the feeling of success. Or I always set small goals, so I will feel success all the time, which may make me become autophilia and without ambitions. Therefore, I think if I can be better than yesterday or last time, then I am successful.

I have some good advice for your work. If you can do the following things, you will succeed in doing everything.

Firstly, whatever you do, you must be punctual and hard-working. If you sow a good seed, you will get a good harvest. If the seed is in poor quality, the harvest will also be very bad. And if you sow nothing, you will get nothing at all. Nothing.

Secondly, you must be honest. As honesty is the moral tuition that everyone should have. If you treat other people friendly and sincerely, others will also respect you.

Thirdly, you must be tolerant to others, since no one is perfect in the world. Everyone has his own faults, but if you can see everything on other persons perspective, there will be no problem at all.

Whats more, when you are in a big company, you should not only respect the leaders, but also get on well with the colleagues. Sometimes, you should try to please your boss, so that you could have more chances to be promoted.

Last but not the least, dont ignore the little things, because such a little thing will have a great effect on your life. So you should start yourselves at the bottom, in order to get enough working experience. As you have enough working experience, nothing you will be afraid.



every body wants to succeed. but when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers.

some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success. they hold the idea, as a proverb saying, “man proposes, god disposes”. because almost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities, they believe that opportunity is a leading condition of the success. if seizes and makes the best use of opportunity available, one can succeed surely. in summary, to them, chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success.

however, others maintain that “no pains, no gains” .without exerting oneself, one could never expect to achieve success in no matter what one is doing. as is known to all, there is no royal road to the summit of success.

oneis likely to succeed only when one has worked with whole-hearted devotion and perseverance. those who are lazy, sloppy and indifferent to their work, those who never concentrate on work will definitely end in failure. on the whole, as far as they are concerned, hard-working is the decisive factor to success.

in my view, both hard work and opportunity eventually matters. they are inseparable from each other, and put together, they make a great success. hard work is to luck what fish is to water, and can be seen as an interior precondition of success. it lays the corner-stone for building a house while luck serves to cement it, to make the building bricks adherent to one another. they are the twins that contribute to success together.

they are the factors from within and without respectively. we must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. when opportunities come, meet and make full use of them. only in this way can we succeed one day.



Everybody is eager to be a successful person in his life. But not all people can always succeed. People who are lazy and want to succeed only by daydreaming can hardly succeed. A successful person must possess some good characters, such as diligence, strong will, perseverance, etc. He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations. All in all, serf-confidence is thefirst step on the road to success. And hard work is the key element of success.


Once I asked my father what the secret of success was. He didn't say a word, but wrote a few words on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at the paper. on it was written:A=X+Y+Z.


“What does it mean?”I asked.


“A means success, ”explained my father. ”X means hard, Y means good ways, and Z means you must stop talking and start to work."


That's right. From then on, I tried my best to be better.



Success in Life

Success means different things for different people. Some may equate it with money, some with work and still some with ohter. For me, it means fulfilling ones dreams. Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus all your attention on it. Dreams bring you hope and happiness. May be you cry, sweat, complain or even curse, but the joy of harvesting makes you forget all the pains and troubles you have gone through.

So an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal.There are several keys to success. First, your goal must be practical and practicable. If you set your goal too high, maybe that you will never attain it. Next, you have to make a plan of doing it. Since the dream is quite tough, you need to be hard, Even if you meet with some difficulties, just take them in your stride. You can always tell yourself that there is nothing about. With this will and determination, success is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!















过来人感言 英语是考研成败的关键2023-01-21






