
时间:2023-07-02 08:03:34 更多作文 收藏本文 下载本文




Low-carbon Life

Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment,I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides,I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it‘s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment,I believe the earth will be a better place.


My Low-carbon life

With the development of society,low-carbon life becomes more and more important. Some people think it is very difficult to do.In fact,we can do a lot of things .

First, as a student,some of us can ride a bike to go to school, or walk to school every day.It can not only save energy but also it is good to our healty. Second,when we leave the classroom,remember to turn off the lights, so it can save electricity.And third, we can use the water circulary. Fourth,we can use the paper adequately .

I think if everyone does something for the low-carbon life,the world will become more and more beautiful.


Low-carbon Life

Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags 【少用塑料袋】to reduce white pollution【减少白色污染】. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】. At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we don't need to cut down more trees.

篇4:初中英语作文 低碳生活

Low-carbon lifestyle :

Nowadays, there are a considerable number of individuals who prefer to lead a low-carbon lifestyle which find expression in the fact that more and more commuters are using public transportation system in their daily life.

Low carbon lifestyle can endow us and our society with numerous benefits. Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that low carbon lifestyle contributes a lot to the environmental protection and it is a favorable way to slow down the rate of climate change of our earth, which also means a lot to our health.

We are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. And there is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such an environmental-friendly life. For one thing, we are expected to minimize the use of private cars, which emit a large amount of greenhouse gases. For another, we are supposed to cultivate the public awareness of energy conservation for energy in the world today is decreasing rapidly. For instance, we can turn off electrical appliances if not necessary as well as using renewable materials. Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide.

In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.

Low-carbon lifestyle :

Low-carbon as a new and fashionable word has gone into our everyday life and drew our attention. People are in high spirit to pursue a new lifestyle of low-carbon. Low-carbon life refers to a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon greenhouse gas emissions.

Low-carbon lifestyle has become a trend among some groups of people in the world. This is because low-carbon lifestyle is of significance for the world environment. Firstly, low-carbon lifestyle can save energy and reduce carbon emission. Secondly, this lifestyle can protect our environment from serious greenhouse effect. In addition, it can make people on earth keep sustainable development.

Nowadays, low-carbon lifestyle is considered to be the best way forward in the long term. People should have awareness of saving energy, using less paper and less disposable dishes. Even we can go to shool and go to work on foot. Only by doing so can we create a lovely earth and better living condition.

Low-carbon lifestyle :

With the advent of the global environmental protection campaign, “low-carbon” has become an increasingly popular expression, a catch phrase, among the environmentally-conscious people. White-collar workers pride themselves on going to offices on bicycles, on foot, or even on roller skates instead of being “the men behind the wheel”. Housewives save water after washing vegetables or clothes for flushing the toilet. Everybody seems to be an environmental activist nowadays.

By “low-carbon lifestyle”, we refer to a pattern of life involving minimum emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas produced by human activities, primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is detrimental to human, animal and plant life because it is the primary contributor to global warming that threatens to raise the sea level, leading to the extinction of animals and plants, and ultimately to that of human beings. There is only one Mother Earth for human beings and, literally speaking, preserving the Earth means preserving humanity itself.

The pursuit of a low-carbon lifestyle seems to be a vogue to many people but, in essence, it is a long-term necessity. As college students, there are many ways we can become involved in low-carbon endeavors. We can conserve water, recycle our textbooks, and turn off lights on leaving our classrooms. We can resort to public transportations like buses and subways instead of taxis or private cars. Most importantly, we should reduce the use of computers by rejecting meaningless computer games. Even as students, we have a whole range of channels to pursue a low-carbon lifestyle that is beneficial to ourselves and to humanity as a whole.




所谓“低碳生活方式”, 是指一种仅涉及最低限度二氧化碳排放的生活模式。二氧化碳是人类活动 (主要经由化石燃料的燃烧)所产生的最主要的温室气体。二氧化碳之所以对人类、动物和植物的生命有害,因为它是全球暖化的主要推手,威胁着致使海平面上升,导致动植物灭绝,并最终导致人类本身的灭绝。对于人类而言,只有一个地球母亲,因此,就事论事地讲,保护地球亦即意味着保护人类自身。



1. with the advent of sth.:随着某物的出现

2. a catch phrase:口头禅

3. pride oneself on doing sth:对于做某事倍感骄傲

4. the men behind the wheel:呆坐在驾驶舵后面的有车一族

5. is detrimental to...: 对……有害的

6. it is the primary contributor to global warming:它是全球暖化的主要推手

7. in essence: 本质而言

8. a long-term necessity: 一项长期的必然

9. resort to: 依靠

10. a whole range of channels: 一系列广泛的渠道

11. is beneficial to...:对……有益的

Low-carbon lifestyle :

Low-carbon becomes a high-frequency and fashionable word which gets the greatest concern in the world after the promulgation of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol. Meanwhile, a series of related words, such as low-carbon economy, carbon footprint, low-carbon technology, low-carbon lifestyle, low-carbon society, low-carbon city and so on, comes with the tide of fashion. Low-carbon life and low-carbon economy is also one of the hot topics in National People's Congress (NPC) and National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in .

What is low-carbon life ? First of all, we should understand low-carbon. Low-carbon refers to a minimal output of greenhouse gas emissions into the biosphere, specifically refers to the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. So, low-carbon life means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon greenhouse gas emissions. Low-carbon economy is an economy model based on low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission.

Why do we advocate and pursue low-carbon life ? Because of the development of the world industrial economy, the fast increase of population, the unlimited increase of the human desire and the unrestrained production and lifestyle, the human living environment, health and safety are becoming more and more worse, for example, the resources that people rely on to survive dwindle, water pollution becomes worse, the Earth's ozone layer suffers an unprecedented crisis, the glacier is thawing, the catastrophic global climate changes appear repeatedly. So, we can say, the high-consumption and high-pollution economy model and life style is becoming the killer of the earth and human beings.

Therefore, low-carbon life is needed by man's own health, harmony between human beings and nature and the development of mankind.

Then, how can we live a low-carbon life? Firstly, we should recognize that low-carbon life is not only a kind of lifestyle but also life attitude. Each of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions. Combating climate change has to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet. Secondly, we should develop good habits in our daily lives. We can select products with longer shelf life when we shop. This can reduce waste and ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Paper cups are made from cutting forests. We should try not to use them, or select the smaller ones when we do because trees can absorb carbon dioxide and reduce greenhouse gas. We should use efficient light bulbs which use about one-third of the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long. And the lights should be turned off when not needed. This will greatly reduced electricity consumption. We print things out only when necessary, and print double-sided and reduce the margins. All motorized travel is carbon-intensive. Buses and trains are better than cars, but walking or cycling is better still. It's also better for our health and cheaper. Air travel is an environmental disaster. As well as carbon dioxide, planes emit nitrogen oxide, another nasty gas. There are so many low-carbon life actions that it is impossible to list all of them. Low-carbon life can be summarized as moderate food, house, transportation, more sports and not wasting. In terms of traditional Chinese culture, the concept of low-carbon life can also be simplified as industry and thrift.

[初中英语作文 低碳生活]


Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it.

We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon life.

First, we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Saving water also matters much.

Besides, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal. In addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down.

More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.


Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.

As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car.

I'll use fewer plastic bags to reduce white pollution. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher.

I'll take less lift and reuse water.

At last l will use second-hand books,so we don't need to cut down more trees.


Low-carbon Life

Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags to reduce white pollution. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water. At last l will use second-hand books,so we don't need to cut down more trees.

If everyone takes action, our enivronment will be better and better. Our world will be more beautiful


With the development of society,low-carbon life becomes more and more important. Some people think it is very difficult to do.In fact,we can do a lot of things .

First, as a student,some of us can ride a bike to go to school, or walk to school every day.It can not only save energy but also it is good to our healty. Second,when we leave the classroom,remember to turn off the lights, so it can save electricity.And third, we can use the water circulary. Fourth,we can use the paper adequately .

I think if everyone does something for the low-carbon life,the world will become more and more beautiful.


Low-carbon Life

Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it.

We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon life. First, we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Saving water also matters much. Besides, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal. In addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down. More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.


Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste.

A no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy.As students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time,and reuse our textbook and so on.

we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”。

All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice.Let‘s do it now.








低碳生活初中英语作文一:My Low-carbon Life

My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I go to school on foot every day. I always remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans when I leave the classroom. When I am not using water, I always turn off the tap. I often reuse water, for example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers. I never use plastic bags. I think saving paper is necessary, so I often make full use of paper. It’s important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment.

低碳生活初中英语作文二:Low-carbon Life

Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags 【少用塑料袋】to reduce white pollution【减少白色污染】. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】. At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we don't need to cut down more trees.

低碳生活初中英语作文三:Low-carbon Life

Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it.

We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon life. First, we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Saving water also matters much. Besides, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great deal. In addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut down. More importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world.

低碳生活初中英语作文四:Low-carbon Life

Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment,I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides,I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it‘s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment,I believe the earth will be a better place.


Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags [少用塑料袋]to reduce white pollution[减少白色污染]. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water[循环用水]. At last l will use second-hand books[使用二手书],so we don't need to cut down more trees.


My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I go to school on foot every day. I always remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans when I leave the classroom. When I am not using water, I always turn off the tap. I often reuse water, for example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers. I never use plastic bags. I think saving paper is necessary, so I often make full use of paper. It's important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment.


My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I go to school on foot or by bike every day. I always remember to turn off the lights ,the TV and the electric fans when I leave home or the classroom. When I am using water, I always remember to turn off the tap after I use it. I often reuse water, for example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers. I never use plastic bags. I think saving paper is necessary, so I often make use of paper. It’s important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment.


As is known to us all,our environment is getting worse and worse,and a low carbon life is becoming more and more popular among people.A low carbon life can be of great use for us.It can help save energy and cut down the pullution.It can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is the main cause of greenhouse effect,and can help keep our environment beautiful and clean

Therefore,we should live a low carbon life.First of all,when we go out,we should take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving a car.Cars not only let out carbon dioxide but also waste energy.Second,we had best not use plastic bags which can bring about the white pollution.We should use the environmentally friendly bags.Third,it's of great use to plant trees.Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.Finally,we should start with small things,Therefore,as students,we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave,turn off the tap in time,and reuse our textbooks and so on.


Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags to reduce white pollution . In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water . At last l will use second-hand books ,so we don't need to cut down more trees.

If everyone takes action, our enivronment will be better and better. Our world will be more beautiful.



篇17:初中英语作文 低碳

Low-carbon Lifestyle:

With the advent of the global environmental protection campaign, “low-carbon” has become an increasingly popular expression, a catch phrase, among the environmentally-conscious people。 White-collar workers pride themselves on going to offices on bicycles, on foot, or even on roller skates instead of being “the men behind the wheel”。 Housewives save water after washing vegetables or clothes for flushing the toilet。 Everybody seems to be an environmental activist nowadays。

By “low-carbon lifestyle”, we refer to a pattern of life involving minimum emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas produced by human activities, primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels。 Carbon dioxide is detrimental to human, animal and plant life because it is the primary contributor to global warming that threatens to raise the sea level, leading to the extinction of animals and plants, and ultimately to that of human beings。 There is only one Mother Earth for human beings and, literally speaking, preserving the Earth means preserving humanity itself。

The pursuit of a low-carbon lifestyle seems to be a vogue to many people but, in essence, it is a long-term necessity。 As college students, there are many ways we can become involved in low-carbon endeavors。 We can conserve water, recycle our textbooks, and turn off lights on leaving our classrooms。 We can resort to public transportations like buses and subways instead of taxis or private cars。 Most importantly, we should reduce the use of computers by rejecting meaningless computer games。 Even as students, we have a whole range of channels to pursue a low-carbon lifestyle that is beneficial to ourselves and to humanity as a whole。

Low-carbon Lifestyle:

Nowadays, there are a considerable number of individuals who prefer to lead a low-carbon lifestyle which find expression in the fact that more and more commuters are using public transportation system in their daily life.

Low carbon lifestyle can endow us and our society with numerous benefits. Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that low carbon lifestyle contributes a lot to the environmental protection and it is a favorable way to slow down the rate of climate change of our earth, which also means a lot to our health.

We are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. And there is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such an environmental-friendly life. For one thing, we are expected to minimize the use of private cars, which emit a large amount of greenhouse gases. For another, we are supposed to cultivate the public awareness of energy conservation for energy in the world today is decreasing rapidly. For instance, we can turn off electrical appliances if not necessary as well as using renewable materials. Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide.

In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.

[初中英语作文 低碳]




Low carbon life, is a good idea, it can protect the environment well let us long life of the earth. Low carbon life also is to let our little less air conditioning, watch less TV, drive a car, let's schedule energy reduction, which can make the tree more absorb carbon dioxide, create more fresh air. Let us live in a world of low carbon.

In normal times, we are going to drive a car less, walk and ride a bicycle, advocate environmental protection, protect the ecological environment, can't litter, pay attention to health, also can't disorderly cut down trees. Under the call of the low carbon life, our family also started the “low-carbon journey: in a cool, don't open air conditioning, save electricity; Dad also began to ride a bike or walk to work, mother also go to work by bus.

I am a girl who like plush toys, knot every water washed wool toys. I see on the computer, using the method of coarse salt wash plush toys is ”pour some salt into a solid point of big plastic bag, then put the need to clean the plush toys in sway back and forth seven to eight times, salt black is found, the plush toys are clean.“ I tried it myself really is like this. Cleaning with a knot plush toys province water, washing powder, not only save water resources, and reduce the pollution of the environment. Why is coarse salt can have clean effect? Dad told me: ”because the use of salt or sodium chloride adsorption of dirt.“

We need to take good care of our common earth, let us start from around things, cherish resources, reducing energy consumption, protect the environment, make our life more beautiful!


在平时我们要少开汽车,多走路和骑自行车,提倡环保,保护生态环境,不能乱丢垃圾,注意卫生,也不能乱砍伐树木。在低碳生活的号召下,我们家也开始了 “低碳之旅”:在有凉风时,不开空调,节约用电;爸爸上班也开始骑自行车或走路了,妈妈也是坐公交车上班。



Low carbon life begin from me

The earth is our home, we should protect it, don't pollute it. Low carbon life is life, less energy consumption, to reduce the emission of carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions, reducing air pollution, slow deterioration of the environment.

Low carbon life, actually very simple. Students, when you take a shower, shampoo and wash my face and brush my teeth when I, you ever can have thought, to save every drop of water? When you use the lights, TV, computer, you may have thought to save electricity each? Participate in low carbon life is not for the moment, but the eternal topic.

Now the humanity faces the problem of global warming, carbon is causing global warming killer, and this is because the human act recklessly and care for nobody waste of resources, make carbon emissions increased, therefore, the real arch-criminal should be human. But human can't produce carbon, therefore, must take the environmental protection, and civilized way of life -- low carbon life.

Low carbon life as long as the attention of 4 sections: electricity, water, oil, solar term on the line.

Previously, I do not know how to save, all the love and light, from day to black; water, is often a waste … … To promote low-carbon life, know that there are many benefits to save.



现在人类面临着全球变暖的问题,碳就是导致地球变 暖的凶手,而这正是因为人类肆无忌惮的浪费资源,使得碳的排放量增加,所以,真正的罪魁祸首应该是人类。可是人类不能不产生碳,所以,就要采取环保、文明的生活方式——低碳生活。





Now we are facing two problems of global warming and a shortage of natural resources, both of which are getting more and more serious day by day. Thus, it is important for us to promote a low-carbon lifestyle.


Low-carbon lifestyle covers many aspect of our life like transportation, traveling, home-heating, and so on. In order to promote a low-carbon life, some plans must be carried out as follows. Firstly, don’t waste any electricity and water. Remember to turn off the lights and water taps unless we use them. Secondly, we had better take the subways or bus to work, so as to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. Thirdly, we should use cloth bags for shopping instead of plastic bags, and use recyclable bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones, for it can not only save resources, but also reduce pollution. What’s more, it is of great significance to plant more trees, since trees can balance the carbon dioxide emissions

. 低碳生活方式包括了我们生活的很多方面,比如交通、旅行、室内取暖等。为了促进低碳生活,我们应该采取以下的行动。首先,不要浪费水电。要记得随手关灯,用水完后随手关闭水龙头。其次,我们坐地铁或是公交车上班,这样可以减少碳排放。第三,我们购物时应该用布袋替换塑料袋;使用可循环利用的碗筷,不使用一次性用品。因为这样不仅节约资源,也减少污染。此外,大量植树也很重要,因为树木可以平衡二氧化碳排放量。

In a word, if we live a low-carbon life from now on, we will have a better environment and more resources left for our descendants.



Now more and more people get to know it's important to protect our living environment.As a student,it's my duty to do something for the earth. From now on, I'll go to school by bike or on foot instead of in a car. I'll use fewer plastic bags 【少用塑料袋】to reduce white pollution【减少白色污染】. In order to save energy I'll plant more trees so that the air will be fresher. I'll take less lift and reuse water【循环用水】. At last l will use second-hand books【使用二手书】,so we don't need to cut down more trees.

低碳环保初中英语作文2:Low-carbon Life

Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment,I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides,I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it‘s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment,I believe the earth will be a better place.



























您的儿子 胡涵




































初中环保作文 :低碳行动








考研英语写作备考 循序渐进三步走2023-03-21






