
时间:2022-08-08 08:00:59 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文








5. How many tickets would the man like to have?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

6. What does the boy have to do first?

A. To clean his room. B. To finish his homework. C. To invite some friends.

7. How many times has the man been to France before?

A. Two times. B. Three times. C. Four times.

8. Why can’t Daniel lend the book to Sandy?

A. Mary has borrowed it. B. He doesn’t have one. C. He hasn’t finished it.

9. Where is the woman going?

A. A park. B. Her friend’s house. C. The second turning.

10. Who did Sandy go to Disneyland with?

A. Her parents. B. Her classmates. C. Her friends.



11. How will the woman go to Nanjing?

A. By bus. B. By train. C. By air.

12. How long has the airport been in use?

A. Since 1979. B. Since . C. Since .


13. What are they going to discuss?

A. Who to cook meals. B. Where to spend holidays. C. Where to have meals.

14. Which city will they visit?

A. Sydney. B. London. C. Paris.

15. Who thought of the idea of traveling abroad?

A. Tom. B. Tom’s father. C. Tom’s mother.


16. Where does Mrs Green work?

A. In a primary school. B. In a cartoon shop. C. In a library.

17. How old was she when she began to watch cartoons?

A. Ten years old. B. Eight years old. C. Six years old.

18. How many cartoons has she watched?

A. 200. B. 215. C. 250.

19. Which cartoon is her favorite?

A. Tom and Jerry. B. Kung Fu Panda II. C. Making Havoc in Heaven(大闹天宫).

20. How did she use to watch cartoons?

A. On the Internet. B. She went to cinemas. C. She watched CDs.


Spring is a good season for hiking. __21__ you like to go hiking, you must visit South Hill. This 900-meter-high hill is the only hill in Sunshine Town. It takes about 2 hours to walk from Sunny Street to South Hill. It is a(n) __22__ walk. You’ll see the beautiful view of the country from the hill. If you find that it takes too long to __23__ there, you can also ride your bike to South Hill. Lots of people like to do that because it is much __24__ than walking.

As I said before, South Hill is the only hill in Sunshine Town. In fact, it is the only hill close to Moonlight Town and Starlight Town as well. Many people from these __25__ towns love to go hiking there. It is a beautiful place with open space and fresh air. You can hear __26__ singing when you go there in the morning. You can also play hide-and-seek there. The grass is green and the flowers are colorful. You can fly kites on the flat land and go fishing __27__ the lake. All these activities are fun.

Every year, a special event called the Kite Festival takes place at South Hill in__28__. You will see lots of beautiful and colorful kites there. Last year, a young girl who lives in Starlight Town __29__the Best Kite Award. She made a very special kite that looked like a very big star. Here’s a picture of her. Look! How __30__ she is smiling!

Come and visit South Hill any time. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun there.

21. A. Because B. So C. If D. Though

22. A. good-looking B. unimportant C. happy D. delicious

23. A. protect B. drive C. walk D. climb

24. A. more interesting B. exciting C. faster D. more natural

25. A. two B. three C. four D. five

26. A. students B. birds C. animals D. women

27. A. over B. in C. by D. through

28. A. January B. March C. July D. October

29. A. made B. gave C. won D. provided

30. A. happy B. happily C. comfortable D. comfortably



A. 根据要求变换句型

91. He uses the Internet to send and receive emails almost every day. (对划线部分提问)

How ___________________ he use the Internet to send and receive emails?

92. The visitors have been in the Fantastic Land for two hours. (对划线部分提问)

How _________________ the visitors been in the Fantastic Land?

93. Did Lucia leave Donghai two days ago? (同义句转换)

________ Lucia __________________ from Donghai for two days?

94. His wife has been dead for four years. (同义句转换)

His wife __________ four years ago.


95. 这些渔民到澳大利亚去了,他们以前还没有去过这个国家。

The fishermen have ______ to Australia. They have __________ to the country before.

96. 这个欧洲国家由英格兰、苏格兰和其它几个地区构成。

This European country______________ England, Scotland and some other districts.

97. 警方已经决定如何处理这些护照了吗?

Have the police _________ what __________________ with the passports?

98. 具备了这些经验,我有了足够的信心,也不再像原来那样羞涩了。

With the experience, I had enough _____________ and was not _____________ I used to be.

99. 位于卧龙的这个自然保护区为野生动物提供食物和庇护。

The__________________ in Wolong ____________ food and cover for wildlife.

100. Baucus先生(美国新任驻华大使)已经习惯于北京严重的空气污染了吗?

Has Mr Baucus __________________ the serious air pollution in China?

101. 就在他试图寻找出口的时候,Jim突然听到了兴奋的喊叫声。

As he _____________ to find a way out, Jim suddenly _________ excited shouts.

102. 我们乘大巴到黄山将用多长时间?

How long ______________________us to go to Huangshan Mountain by coach?

103. Daniel必须在这么短的时间内查出如何拯救国王(的方法)吗?

________ Daniel find out how to save the king in _______________________?


假设你们班本周的Daily report由你介绍好朋友Lily的读书习惯。请根据以下内容完成一份报告:

内容要点:1、很高兴在这里介绍Lily的读书习惯;她每周读书超过八小时,书籍的种类繁多,但主要是历史和科学;2、喜欢读书胜过看电视和上网(search the Internet),每天睡前都要读书半小时;3、经常到晶都书店买书,该书店就在她家对面,那里有成千上万本书;由于她不但有礼貌,还乐于助人,所以书店经理经常让她在店里免费读书(read for free);她有时也在网上买书;4、她和我经常讨论读什么书,读书帮助我们……



Hello, everyone. It’s my turn to give the daily report. It’s my ________________


Thank you for listening.



一、1-5 CCCAA 6-10 ABAAC (每题1分) 11-15 CBBAA 16-20 AABCB(每题2分)

二、21-25 CCCCB 26-30 BCBCB (每小题1分,共10分)

三、31-35 BCABC 36-40 ADACC 41-45 DCCCB (每小题2分,共30分)

四、单词拼写及用法(共35题;每题1分,共35分. 出现任何错误都不得分)

46. misses 47. to relax 48. touched 49. has written 50. to improve 51. will / is going to return(填returned不算对,因其不合常理:出国务工的各项费用可观,通常不会打短工就返回;这一题还有把学生的学习导入实际生活的意图) 52. woke (up) 53. will refuse 54. managed 55. booking 56. continued / were continuing / continuing 57. Printing / To print 58. to prevent 59. has, received/got 60. are communicating 61. lonely 62. darkness 63. either 64. really 65. pollution 66. invitation(s) 67. except 68. southern 69. flight 70. relatives 71. the most delicious 72. Asia 73. unable 74. Luckily 75. However 76. screens 77. ours 78. importance 79. until 80. its / the



81. Is getting ready for 82. got excited 83. A couple of 84. kept in touch with 85. to ask for 86. will be tired out 87. herself 88. have taken place 89. Does, look like 90. more carefully



91. often does 92. long have 93. Has; been away 94. died 95. gone; never/not been 96. is made up of 97. decided; to do/deal 98. confidence; as shy as 99. nature reserve; provides 100. got/been used to 101. tried/was trying; heard 102. will it take 103. Must; such a short time /so short a time






Hello, everyone. It’s my turn to give the daily report. It’s my pleasure to introduce Lily’s reading habit(1分). She spends over eight hours reading every week(1分). She reads many types of books but they are mainly about/on history and science(1分). She likes reading better than watching TV and searching the Internet(1分). She reads for half an hour /a half hour before going to bed every day(1分).

Jingdu Bookshop /Bookstore is opposite her house(1分), and there are thousands of books there(1分). So she often buys books from the shop(1分). Because she is not only polite but also helpful(1分), the manager often lets her read in the shop for free(1分). Sometimes she buys books on the Internet(1分).

She often discusses what to read with me(1分). Reading helps us relax. It also opens up a whole world to us(1分).

Thank you for listening.


57. 反身代词: she -- _____, We--____, they -- ____

71. He attended DIY lessons and found the courses were not only fun but also useful.

S: 105. Do you hope they can accept our invitation and join us?

R: 111. Does the nature reserve provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife?

118. Is this helping people understand the importance of the wetlands?

133. I caught a bad cold and coughed a lot. Luckily, I didn’t have a high fever.

158. As he was trying to find his way out, he suddenly heard excited shouts above him.

8B Unit 1 Past and present (现在完成时I)

R: 3. He has lived in the northern part of the town center since he got married.

5. The waste and pollution from the steel factories are turning the blocks into a dirty area.

6. Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation.

7. In some ways, the life is much better than before. However, it has become impossible for them to see each other as often as before.

8. Does he feel a bit lonely from time to time?

I: 10. She went abroad last year and has just returned from the USA.

11. – How do you keep in touch with each other under such conditions? (肯定不考现在时)

-- We mainly communicate by email.

12. -- Does the Internet make communication much easier? -- Yes. Exactly.

13. Have you got used to the open space since you moved to the countryside(U2生词)?

14. How many changes have taken place in your hometown?

掌握下列动词的过去式和过去分词: make eat sell write think

8B Unit 2 Traveling (现在完成时II)

W: 15. Is Hobo getting his things ready for the holiday at present?

R: 16. Kitty misses Millie so much because they haven’t seen each other for a week.

17. How long have they been in the fantastic city?

18. The indoor roller coaster moved at high speed and was really exciting.

21. Everybody got excited and couldn’t stop taking photos.

23. At the end of the day, I bought a couple of key rings and watched fireworks.

25. Lily is not at home at the moment. She has gone to her primary school.

28. Did they arrive in Donghai yesterday? = _____ they ______ Donghai ___ a day?

29. Did she leave her home last week? = ______ she __________ home for a week?

30. When did he borrow the book? = How long ____________________ the book?

32. His wife died two years ago. = His wife ____________________ for two years.

I: 34. She likes places of beauty, such as Mount Tai. She can go there in any season except winter.

35. My dad has been to the city on business twice.

36. Are you going to take a direct flight to Chengdu tomorrow?

37. How long will it take us to get to the mountain?

T: 39. Have they bought any presents for their relatives at the airport?

40. The seafood is the most delicious in this restaurant. (级的问题)

8B Unit 3 Online tours (复习一般过去时和现在完成时)

W: 41. Does it look like a TV?

43. I use the Internet to send and receive emails almost every day. (对划线部分提问)

R: 44. Click on the “Tour” icon and you can visit Asia, Africa, Europe in eight hours.

45. Is the world-famous trade center at the southern end of the island?

46. Thousands of people gathered on Times Square to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness.

47. With several lakes and a large lawn, it’s a good place to relax after …

48. Broadway has been famous for its theaters since the early twentieth century.

49. So much for the use of screens, keyboards, mouses and main units.

I: 52. Australian seasons are the opposite of ours. (ours是考点)

53. Would you mind showing me how to sail to the coast?

54. It’s my pleasure to introduce my friend’s reading habit.

T: 55. Have you booked a ticket for the queen, the ruler of England?

56. Is the old European country made up of England and Scotland?

8B Unit 4 A good read(特殊疑问词+不定式)

W: 59. Have you decided what to do with these books?

60. In his spare time, the writer used to read books about Germany to improve his …

61. The story of the ugly man in this novel touched them.

63. He was tired out and fell down on the beach.

64. He woke up and found his arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground.

65. The tiny man moved up over his stomach until it was standing near his face.

67. Did the loud noise make them all fall over and unable to move?

68. He finally managed to lift his left hand into the air.

69. The huge army continued coming straight towards Gulliver.

G: 70. Is Sandy wondering where to ask for help?

72. Must he find out how to travel around the world in such a short time at the moment?

73. You do not have to return or renew the book on time either.

I: 74. The series isn’t a success. So far the publishing house opposite his flat has refused to publish it.

76. With the experience and advice, I have confidence and am not as shy as I used to be.

77. The habit of reading classical novels opens up a new world to me.




Jamie was born in a small village in the north of England. He is nine years old. He likes playing basketball very much. When he is free, he always plays basketball with his friends in the open air. Sometimes he walks in the forest and picks some flowers by himself.

Last Friday, Jamie finished his work after the second class in the morning. He hurried to play basketball. The playground was wet. After some time his basketball was dirty and his hands were dirty, too. It was 9: 45 and the third class began. Jamie had no time to wash his hands and ran into his classroom. Mr Black, his English teacher, told Jamie to write some new words on the blackboard. Jamie stood in front of the blackboard and started to write. Mr Black saw his right hand was dirty.

“Oh, dear!” said the teacher. “Your right hand is dirty. I'm sure it's the dirtiest in our class.”

“You are wrong! Mr Black,” said Jamie. Then he showed his left hand and it was dirtier.

31. From the first paragraph (段) we know Jamie __________.

A. lives in the south of England B. likes playing basketball

C. doesn't like flowers D. plays basketball every day

32. When did Jamie play basketball last Friday?

A. After the first class. B. After the third class.

C. Between the 2nd and 3rd classes. D. In the afternoon.

33. Jamie's hands were dirty last Friday because __________.

A. the playground was wet B. he picked flowers in the morning

C. he cleaned the classroom D. he didn’t wash his hands at breakfast

34. Mr Black asked Jamie to __________.

A. wash his hands B. write some words

C. show his right hand D. stop talking

35. What's the best title (题目) for the passage?

A. Writing new words B. Can you play basketball?

C. You are wrong! D. A wet hand.


Experts(专家) say that students usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard, but not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger with his eyes still closed, begging(请求) for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of “early birds” in China, he has to get up before six every morning.

A report shows that without a good night’s sleep, students seem to be weaker than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night.

Experts have said that the students should have good study habits. Some clever students never study late, and they are able to work well in class.

36. The 10-year-old boy begged for one more minute to sleep because __________.

A. he didn’t have enough sleep B. it wasn’t time for him to get up

C. he didn’t want to go to school D. he wanted his mother to wake him up

37. In this passage we know if students don’t get enough sleep, they may __________.

A. become less clever B. work well in class

C. go to bed early D. be weak in their studies

38. In this passage “early birds” means “persons who ___________.”

A. get up early B. get up late C. sleep less D. don’t want to sleep

39. “Stay up late” here means “__________”.

A. study late B. watch TV late C. not sleep until late D. stay outside

40. According to the passage, which of the following is right?

A. If you want to study better, you must work hard at night.

B. Sleeping less means working hard.

C. Students with good study habits are able to work well in class.

D. Students don’t have enough sleep because they have lots of homework.


Peter wondered why he didn’t have many friends. The reason was he was selfish. He was always taking, never giving.

One day Peter told Bill, “I’d like to give a party on Saturday. I’d like you to come and bring Martha, too.” “Thanks, Peter. We’d be happy to come.” “Perhaps you’d like to bring your violin. You and Martha sing well together. I’m sure everyone will want you to sing for us.” That was how Peter began to plan his party. Next he asked another friend, Betty, to bring a cake. “You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.” Peter invited a few other friends to come to his party. He didn’t forget to ask something from each one of them. He even asked Jim and Mary Jackson to let him give the party at their house! They agreed.

The party was a big success. However, as the guests were leaving, they said “Thank you ” to Bill and Martha for the music, Betty for the cake, the Jacksons for the use of the house and to others for their hard work. To Peter they just said, “Thanks for the invitation.”

41. The party was held ________.

A. at Peter’s house B. in a large hall

C. in a secret place D. at Peter’s friend’s house

42. Which of the following is not true?

A. Betty made the best cake. B. Bill played the violin well.

C. Mary Jackson sang well. D. The Jacksons did hard work for the party.

43. ________ liked Peter but he didn’t know why.

A. Many of his friends B. Everyone

C. Few people D. All his friends

44. Peter ________ the party.

A. tried his best to hold B. did nothing to prepare for

C. only invited some friends to D. did everything for

45. The word “selfish” in the first paragraph means ________.

A. warm-hearted B. caring about only himself

C. helpful and polite D. active and fantastic



A.动词的谓语形式和非谓语形式 (确立“动词形式↔功能”的对应关系!)

46. The baby dog ___________(想念) its master so much because it hasn’t seen the man for a week.

47. With several lakes and a large lawn, it’s a good place ____________ (放松) after a hard day’s work.

48. The Old Man and Sea by Hemingway ___________ (触动、感动) the boy and he didn’t eat anything for lunch.

49. Sam ________________ (写) some emails to me since I was ill last month.

50. When did the government realize the problem and take action ________________ (改善) the situation?

51. Last year, she went abroad to work and support her family. I wonder when she _________________ (返回) to China.

52. Gulliver ____________ (醒来) and found his arms, legs were tied to the ground.

53. We are sorry to say that your novel is not a success and we are sure other publishing houses ________________ (拒绝) to publish it too.

54. It was very difficult for the father to get enough money to send his son to hospital, but he ___________________ (设法完成) to borrow some.

55. ---- Would you mind ___________ (预定) a ticket online for me?

---- Of course not. What day will you leave?

56. Gulliver lifted his head and found a huge army of small men _______________ (继续) coming straight towards him.

57. ___________ (印刷) more money will finally lead to a higher price level.

58. As a result, the government decided ____________(阻止) fishermen from fishing in the area.

59. How many cards ______ the girl ___________ (收到) since she told her classmates about her birthday?

60. Look at the children over there! How excitedly they _________________ (交流) with each other!


61. Does he feel a bit __________ (alone) after all his neighbors moved away?

62. People gathered on Times Square to see the huge glass ball falling through the _______________ (dark).

63. You do not have to return or renew the book next week __________ (too).

64. The tourists kept screaming because the roller coaster moved at high speed and was ______________ (real) exciting.

65. Are waste and ______________ (pollute) from the steel factories turning the blocks into a dirty area?

66. Do you hope they can accept our _____________ (invite) and join us?

67. Mount Tai is a famous place of beauty. You can go there in any season _________ (除了) winter.

68. Has he lived in the ___________ (south) part of the town since he got married?

69. Are you going to take a direct __________ (fly) to Chengdu tomorrow?

70. ---- Have you bought presents for ____________ (亲戚) before leaving for home?

---- Oh, how can I? That will be a lot of money.

71. Many thanks! This is __________________ (美味的) food I’ve had in recent years.

72. Click on the icon and you can visit _________ (亚洲), Africa, Europe in eight hours.

73. His cry was so loud that it made all the small men fall over and __________ (able) to move.

74. The baby caught a cold and coughed. __________ (luck), he didn’t have a fever.

75. In some ways, the life is much better than before. _____________ (然而), it has become impossible for them to see each other as often as before.

76. So much for the use of ______________ (屏幕), keyboards, mouses and main units.

77. Are Australian seasons the opposite of ___________ (we)?

78. Do children need to understand the _______________ (important) of saving money?

79. The tiny man moved up over his stomach _____ (直到) it was standing near his face.


look like;  keep in touch with;  get excited;  ask for;  be tired out;

a couple of;  get ready for;  take place;  care ;  she

81. ---- _____ your grandmother ______________________ the trip at present?

---- I think she is.

82. The old man __________________ when he thought about becoming healthy again.

83. __________________ weeks after his granddaughter moved to Europe, she felt quite lonely.

84. ---- Does your grandpa know anything about Zhou Yongkang?

---- No. He hasn’t _________________________ him for several months. But I hear Zhou is in great trouble.

85. Does he know where __________________ help if he gets lost in a foreign country?

86. If they take some much water and food with them, they __________________ when they get to the top of the mountain.

87. The poor girl cut _____________ when she was preparing for the family’s breakfast.

88. How many changes ____________________ in your hometown over the past years?

89. ---- ______ it ____________ rain outside, Mum?

---- Yes. You should take a raincoat with you.

90. The fear of causing such a terrible accident made people drive much _______________ from then on.










2、单项选择:难度适中且知识覆盖面大,出错较多的有21,27,29,33,35小题。其中35小题中的how soon为生词组,而该词组是能否作对本题的关键。























听力部分:此题满分20分,18―20分的约20%,45%左右的学生得分15―17分,12―15的约25%,10分以下的约10%。错题主要表现在第3、6、7、9、13小题。第6小题的听力材料提供的不是直接答案,需要学生听懂其中两句话后进行思考才能作答,另外,提供的选项都是录音中提到的,因此扰乱作用很强。第9小题主要是要区分in style与out of style两个词组的区别。第10小题大多数学生错选B,因为从录音中能捕捉到can单词。



此题共15个小题15分。做对20个的大约15%,60%的学生得分为15分,30%的学生得分10――14分。错题主要是第4、5、6、11小题。第4小题主要区别either,also,too。第5小题题意在考查英语中argue with的用法。第6小题主要区别in a hour,after an hour,an hour ago。第11小题考查have been to ,have gone to、








满分共10分,约占30%,5―9分的有40%,20%的学生得分为1―5分,10%的学生得零分。失分主要表现在A部分的第47、49和B部分的第55小题。A部分的错误原因归结起来有两点:一是看到汉语能准确拼写出单词,而忽略了该单词放入此句子中的适当形式变化,如第47小题:asleep。二是看汉语写错单词,如第49小题:allow的拼写不对。B部分的动词形式填空,略显简单,每个句子都给出了明显的时间标志词,或者较明显、简单的基本句型。第55小题学生不注意make sb、 Do sth、的结构。

























五.单词拼写。 (共5小题,每小题1分)


56. u ______ v. to know or get the meaning of (something)

57. F ______ n. the second month of the year

58. f ______ n. popular way of dressing or behaving at a certain time

59. j ______ n. trousers made of strong cotton cloth (denim)

60. s ______ adj. unhappy


61. She bought some books for me last Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ she ____ for you last Sunday?

62. Mr.Black teaches in a middle school.(改为一般疑问句)

____ Mr.Black ____ in a middle school?

63. My uncle worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. (就画线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ your uncle ____ in Shanghai?

64. Mike went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)

Mike ____ ____ to the park yesterday.

65. The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday.(就画线部分提问)

____ ____ the students ____ ____ ____ next Sunday?


66. 躺着看书对你的眼睛有害。 read,in bed,bad,your eyes


67. 我出生于1980年6月18号。 I,born,June 18,1980


68. 你最好不要在这条河里游泳。 you,swim,in the river


69. 今天是几号? what,the,today


70. 凯特昨天在回家的路上买了一些蔬菜。Kate,buy,some,vegetables,way,home,yesterday




1. 第1格要求至少写出两个完整的句子;

2. 第2、3、4、5格要求将句子补充完整,单词数不限;

3. 第6格要求将You'd better…补充完整后,再至少写出一个完整的句子。

It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my house. We danced and sang together. We enjoyed ourselves very much. How time flied! It was time for us to exchange(交换) our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom go get the presents. When I went into the room,to my surprise,I found my friend Ben 71 my diary. It was impolite to do that! But Ben was laughing! I was

72 that I was about to cry. Ben felt a bit sorry when he found me standing 73 him. I hated him and shouted at him. He went out of my room at once and went home without saying goodbye to any of us. One of my best friends Any asked me why Ben 74 so early. I told her what had just happened. She seemed to know what should do. She said to me,“Don't shout at him. You'd better 75 .”



一. 看图拼写单词

1. envelope 2. skating 3. college 4. stamps

5. flower 6. coin 7. window 8. emperor

9. fast10. kite

二. 单项填空

11. D 12. D 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. C

21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. B

三. 完形填空

31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. D 40. D

四. 阅读理解

41.B 42.C 43.C 44.D 45.A

46.A 47.C 48.C 49.B 50.B

51.B 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.B

五. 单词拼写

56. understand 57. February 58. fashio 59. jeans 60. sad

六. 句型转换

61. What,did,buy 62. Does,teach 63. How,long,did,work

64. didn't,go 65. What,are,going,to,do

七. 看词组句

66. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes. 67. I was born on June 18,1980.

68. You'd better not swim in the river 69. What's the date today?

70. Kate bought some vegetables on her way home yesterday.

八. 书面表达

71. was reading 72. so angry 73. in front of 74. went back / home / away

75. pardon him / get on well with him / say sorry to him.











(五) 选择单词并用其正确形式补全短文。此题失分最多,很多学生不会,少部分会写词但没按正确的时态写出来,同时造成了分的损失。



考生在书面表达中所反映的问题主要有:(1)基础不扎实,表达不妥当。主要表此刻:语序混乱、语法结构错误、基本句型没掌握、单词拼写错误、时态错误等,还有的考生只写出 了几个单词,这些错误都导致语言表达不流畅或产生歧义。(2)答题不规范,卷面不整洁.












(一) 听力测试 共25道小题。(25分)

本道大题全部是单项选择。听力材料语速比较快,考题的梯度性很强,难度不大,失分的原因,大部分是基础太差,听不懂,部分学生精力不集中,没有听清楚,影响了学生的成绩。。本卷的听力部分对考生提出了较高的要求。从试题的卷面情景分析,听力部分所考查的资料与生活密切相关,考查学生理解信息并对信息进行综合处理的本事,其中有不少题是考查学生的灵活应用本事,并且干扰项的设置很具迷惑性, 要求学生在对全文整体理解把握的基础上进行选择。此外,同学们虽然对于一些简单的对话、句型掌握了,但对于一些需要转变的题目却来不及反应,再就是单词发音记得不牢固,故此该大题的得分率欠梦想,原因除了主观因素以外还有一个客观因素,那就是听力部分的测试在语速上整体显得较快,学生一时光没能进入状态。这要求我们在平时课堂上的课堂用语速度也要相对加快,给学生有一个循序渐进的适应过程。

(二 )语言知识的运用(共两节)

第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题)


第一单元的考查资料有30题、34题和35题;第六单元的考查资料有27题、32题和40题;第二单元的考查资料有29题和36题的短语辨析 (too much  too many much too );第五单元的考查资料有28题;第四单元的考查资料有31题的 depend on ;38题的“花费take”;第三单元的考查资料有39题的finish doing ;另外还有不定时做后置定语的33题和37题。学生对这部分知识错误不是太多,总体掌握还是能够的。失分率比较高的是第26题,虽然在上课的时候有讲过,可是学生没有真正掌握。得分率最高的是第29题。本学期第二单元所学的目标句型,很多同学都掌握到了。经过对这次单项选择试题的分析,能够发现,单项选择题依然坚持传统的单纯语法知识考查,未能真正体现英语的交际功能。该部分试题坚持了所考查的知识,覆盖面广。失分的原因在于粗心大意,审题不够认真,再者就是基础不够扎实。

第二节 完形填空 (共10个小题)

此题比较简单,取材贴近生活,把所学知识加以运用,上下文逻辑关系清楚,试题针对事情的发展设空,考生只要理解事情的情节和脉络,就能够顺利作答。试题考的知识面较广,其中47题考查used to的用法,学生不认识,失分较高,说明学生知识拓展较差,50题考查try one’s best to do 课堂上讲过,可是练习不够,失分也多,掌握不彻底。42,43,44空出错较多,估计百分之五十多的学生都所以而丢分,主要原因是上下文没有连贯。

第三部分 阅读理解 (共15个小题)


第二卷 (非选择题)

第四部分 书面表达 (共四节)

第一节 词汇运用

66题出现拼写错我,68题没有理解题意,69题because of之后需要名词,概念不清晰,说明基础部扎实,词汇拼写可是关。综合填空,这个题失分最多,主要考查比较级,部分学生72,73,76,77,78 只明白填单词,不明白词形的变化,充分说明了学生运用知识的本事较差。

第二节 阅读表达 部分学生都能看懂,可是回答问题欠全面,不准确,满分较少

第三节 翻译句子 全部考察基础,失分较高,主要是学生粗心,丢三落四,这个题比较简单,可是满分也较少。 这一题主要是考查同学们一些重点词组的掌握程度,虽然大部分同学会写词组可是语法错误,失分的主要原因就是基础知识掌握的不好。

第四节 写作

书面表达难度不是很大,平时都有写过关于健康的作文,基础好的学生都能很好地完成,但对于基础不扎实的学生,语言表述不清楚。 学生存在的问题是照搬书上的资料,不懂按照考试要求变通。目标词汇运用少,条理不清,结构散乱。主要表此刻:语序混乱、语法结构错误、基本句型没掌握、单词拼写错误、时态错误等。





二、 客观题专项




5。 Where are the two speakers?

A。 In a hospital。            B。 In a shop。               C。 In a library。

W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: I'd like to buy a thick sweater for my father。 Have you got some?

6。 What does Diana advise the boy to do after class?

A。 To plete the notes。      B。 To do more exercises。      C。 To listen to the tape。

M: Diana, what should I do to get good grades?

W: Maybe you could pay more attention to the teachers in class。

M: I can’t follow the teachers although I try my best。

W: Well。 You should plete your notes after class by asking your teachers or classmates。

M: OK。 I’ll have a try。

W: And I think you should also stay away from the puter games to make sure of the time on study。

M: You are right。 I’ll study harder and harder from now on。







上述单选试题具有以下特点:1。单题单考点;2。强化语境,对话为主;3。淡化纯语法,干扰项均具有可带入性;4。 话题广泛,贴近生活,对学生的学习生活充满正面导向。


26。 -- Which city will you choose to spend your winter holiday?

-- It’s hard to say。 I ________ stay somewhere warm in the south。

A。 might         B。 must       C。 need        D。 should

28。 On clear days, my grandma likes reading novels ________ the window。

A。 through        B。 from      C。 by       D。 with






One year, I went to Grandfather’s to celebrate my     31    with my brothers and sisters。 They all liked eating strawberries。 When they went to     32    them, I liked to go too。 But I didn’t like working on the farm, so I always took the     33    basket。 While the others were picking, I just     34    under the trees。

33。 A。 cheapest           B。 smallest         C。 hugest       D。 nicest

34。 A。 studied              B。 talked            C。 relaxed      D。 waved






44。 What’s the best title of the passage?

A。 A Cool Afternoon   B。 A Broken CarC。 A Kind Doctor    D。 A Helpful Boy

48。 How many customers mentioned the driver in the ments?

A。 One。              B。 Two。       C。 Three。             D。 Four。

【With EK4KIDS’, I don’t worry about my children any more because I know the possible people that will be driving them。】

52。 Who is the passage written for?

A。 Parents。             B。 Doctors。          C。 Teachers。         D。 Children。

【As you can see, there are both good and bad sides about sharing a bedroom。 So, talk with your family to see what works better for you and your brother or sister!】

其中第44题考察文章标题。经过数据看出不少学生把答案选择C项“A Kind Doctor”,事实上这篇文章主要介绍一个名字叫John的男孩如何经过自我的努力帮忙到那位医生及时把车修好去救治病人。所以文章题目应当是“一位乐于助人的男孩”。考察文章标题的题目,学生很容易一看就会,一选就错,究其原因主要是对语篇主旨大意把握不到位。其次是第48题的得分率也很低,一方面是学生审题不严谨,没有把握48题题目中核心词汇“……mentioned the driver in the ments”,另一方面则是因为对于信息变化形式之后的意义不够理解,无法将people that will be driving them 和drivers 进行迅速地匹配。





56。 Sometimes doctors and nurses may take r         (冒险) to help people in need。

60。 All these accidents w           (警告) us that we should be careful when driving。

61。 She _________ (throw) the ball up and caught it again。

62。 The Amazon Rainforest is one of the _________ (wet) places in the world。

64。 She looked at me _________ (serious) and said I must be on time next time。

65。 The local government has trouble _________ (solve) all these problems because of money。

67。 The ice is not thick enough for us to skate on it。 (改为同义句)

The ice is __________ thin __________ we can’t skate on it。

70。 You mustn’t lift up the heavy furniture。 (改为祈使句)

__________ __________ __________ the heavy furniture。

单词拼写中高频错词的risks 和warn均为教材和课标共有词汇,且均为高频实词,这样的错误反映出学生基础词汇掌握的不足和结合语境变化单词形式的不足。同时用所给单词的适当形式中的错误反映出学生对于动词过去式的不规则变化,重读闭音节的形容词的最高级别形式,以及形容词和副词的句法功能等难点语法知识掌握的不足。句型转换中对于常见句型结构的敏感度不足,对于祈使句的语用功能,辨析don't构成的祈使句和no构成的祈使句的本事不足。








1。中式表达,牵强翻译。比方说“不要去人多的商店”被表达为“don’t go to the have many people shop”。

2。语法混乱,错误频出。比方说很多学生都将“食品安全”译为“food safe”,“我们的健康”译为“our healthy”,“这些提议”译为“these advice”等。

3。结构凌乱,详略不当。有些同学在表达提议的时候,喜欢一句一段,甚至使用“1。 2。 3。”这样的表达方式。有些同学不按要点写作,没有主题句,扩充资料太多。

4。审题粗略,我行我素。开头明明已经说了“Here is my advice”,但仍有不少同学续写为“Winter holiday is ing, what should we do in winter holiday”等这样毫不相关的句子。题目中已介绍Mike为英国笔友,但仍有同学提提议让他寒假在家多练习发音,提高英语。















本次期中考试试卷题目难易适宜,试题大部分都是基础题。从总体上说,试题出题范围很适合八年级学情。但要在90分钟的时光内完成80道题目的再加上一篇小作文,这对于刚升入八年级的学生来说确实有些难度,所以,这也是这次考试许多同学分数不梦想的原因。从分数上看,本次考试108分以上的优生仅一名考生,九十分以上的同学也仅有寥寥几人,平均分还未及格,仅有51分,整体情景不是很好,当然考试中也暴露出了一些问题: 第一部分:听力部分

听力部分是本次考试失分最多的一道题,如听力II,情景反应部分学生只能做对一、两道题,究其原因,是学生听力训练少、基础知识掌握得不好,考试经验不足所致。 第二部分:笔试部分。

单项选择 本题为基本题型,但考查的是基本的语法点,所以,语法知识欠缺的学生此题就完成的不好,得分也不是很高。

完型填空 本体是此次考试中得分率最高的一道题,文章相对简单,易于理解,学生做题时也最有信心。

阅读理解 本题##第1篇阅读理解篇幅较长,学生失误教多。部分学生不能根据上下文猜测词义,对于常见用语掌握的熟练程度不够,基本功不扎实,知识掌握不到位。应注意加强培养学生的课外阅读习惯。






































