
时间:2023-10-29 08:32:04 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文






A.At an airport.B.On a plane.C.On a bus.D.In a department store.

A.He is suffering a pain in the neck.

B.His roommate walks in his sleep.

C.His roommate’s bed is always in a mess.

D.He doesn’t like sharing a room with anyone.

A.The woman was fully absorbed in the movie.

B.The woman lost her way to the cinema that evening.

C.The woman couldn’t understand the movie very well.

D.The movie was no better than what the woman had imagined.


A.He really likes his wife’s new hairstyle.

B.His wife didn’t take his sensible advice.

C.He didn’t want to cut his wife’s long hair.

D.His wife often complains about everything.


A.A job offer.B.An entry form.

C.An excellent résumé.D.The position of system engineer.

A.Mr.James talks a lot about gardening.

B.Mr.James likes boasting of his cleverness.

C.The woman is not interested in what Mr.James says.

D.Mr.James isn’t very straightforward in what he says.

A.The elderly are expert at using apps.

B.The elderly don’t know how to use apps.

C.The elderly can help to develop smart apps.

D.The app developers can’t afford to ignore the elderly.

A.Mr.Johnson’s ideas are nonsense.

B.He quite agrees with Mr.Johnson’s views.

C.He has his own opinions on social welfare.

D.Mr.Johnson is skillful in expressing his ideas.


Questions are based on the following passage.


A.In multi-cultural countries.B.In developing countries.

C.In developed countries.D.In densely-populated countries.


A.Lack of communication facilities.B.Temporary shelter.

C.Power failure.D.No access to recreation.


A.Features of different types of poverty.B.Approaches to poverty elimination.

C.Changes in three poverty categories.D.Ways to calculate the poverty line.

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Because of the course materials.

B.Because of the discussion topics.

C.Because of others’ misuse of technology.

D.Because of a rule the speaker made for his class.


A.The speaker’s history class received low assessment.

B.The students think highly of the speaker’s history class.

C.The speaker made the rule because he was against technology.

D.The speaker made the rule just because of his unpleasant experiences.


A.It may improve teaching and offer more help.

B.It may allow students to get on well with each other.

C.It may distract students from being involved in class.

D.It may help students to better understand complex themes.


Questions are based on the following passage.


A.She bumped into a coffee table.

B.She chatted with the cafe owner.

C.She talked with someone she knew.

D.She was listening to a lively debate.


A.Newspapers were given out to customers.

B.An entrance fee was charged for getting in.

C.It was the meeting place for debating clubs.

D.It was first started in Oxford in the 16th century.


A.Partly right.B.Extremely interesting.

C.Very unfair.D.A bit unreasonable.


A.By providing free laptops for use.

B.By making sofas comfortable to sit on.

C.By engaging them in stimulating conversation.

D.By transporting customers to various destinations.


Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

The Best Way of Losing Weight

Forget what the skinny movie stars and the TV adverts say - losing weight is hard work.1.you do it through exercise, diet, or a bit of both, it’s extremely challenging to lose those pounds and then to keep them off.Sometimes it can involve 2.(change) huge parts of your day-to-day life and it can mean breaking decades-old habits.

But it turns out there’s one little thing you 3.do to help you achieve your goal and it’s got nothing to do with food or exercise.The experts at Weight Watchers did research which shows many of their members were more successful and 4.(discouraged) when they shared regular updates on their new healthy lifestyle online.They found people who shared a diary of their daily lives with friends and followers were stimulated and inspired by positive feedback 5.they lost some pounds and kept them off.

More than 50 per cent of people said the support of a weight loss community was crucial when it came 6.changing their eating habits and 53 per cent shared photos of their meals on social media.With this knowledge under their belts, Weight Watchers 7.(launch) a series of short films lately which show people recording their daily weight loss journey.

One of the members who shared her journey was Danielle Duggins, and her video shows her enjoying a range of healthy meals and a few treats, while 8.(play) with her children.

The company’s marketing director Claudia Nicholls said: “The support of a community has always proved to be an effective way of forming and sustaining healthy habits, but there has never been an easier or more affordable way 9.(tap) into the power of the crowd for support and inspiration with the explosion of online communities.Weight Watchers owns a social community for members, Connect, 10.sees over 14,000 daily posts in the UK alone, and provides our members with instant access to a community of people who are on similar journeys to them.


??? Technology is playing a vital role in preservation and ecology research.Drones (无人机) hold huge _______ in the fight to save the world’s remaining wildlife from extinction.So researchers can now track wild animals through dense forests and monitor whales in vast oceans.It’s estimated that up to five living species become extinct every day, making it urgent that universities develop new technologies to capture the data that can persuade _______ to act.

The British International Education Association hosted a conference in January to _______ the importance of technological solutions in protecting vulnerable (易受伤害的) species and ecosystems.Speakers underlined how technology can help _______: drones can circle high above the ocean to spot whales, while certain cameras can identify members of an individual species.

According to Claudio Sillero, biology professor at Oxford University, technology is changing how preservation research is done ― but it’s in a(n) _______ way.As technology gets better and cheaper, researchers become better at doing what they were already doing._______, remote sensing used to be a very technical tool but is now widespread, and everyone uses global positioning system (GPS) for surveying.

But teaching preservation and ecology courses in university _______.Some teach drone surveying methods in depth while others don’t even mention them.“The fact is, using drones is quite a(n) _______ to the interdisciplinary (跨学科的`) ‘unknown’ of engineering, and potentially an area where lecturers may not feel confident to teach yet,” Serge Wich, an expert in primate biology says.“Students are taught about _______ technologies such as automatic sound recorders, but drones are often missing from university teaching.Consequently, drone use among researchers is still fairly ________ and focused on getting photos.”

Wich’s team of researchers used techniques to develop a fully automated drone technology system that ________ and monitors the health of endangered animals globally.It’s designed to be cheap, stable and simple to use, so that local communities in developing countries can operate it ________ without technical background.Yet it’s not more widely used on the grounds of researchers’ lack of skills to use this technology.In biology, where drones are used, few can program an algorithm (算法) specifically for their preservation or research problem.“There’s much that needs to be done to ________ those two worlds and to make AI more user-friendly so that people who can’t program can still use the technology,” Wich says.

________, the sad truth is that better technology alone will not save any more species from dying out, Greengrass warns.“As human populations increase, so do threats and pressure on wild places.Preservationists are ________ for not doing enough but it’s often an issue of people, conflict and governance.” Technology may help provide far greater knowledge, but governments still need to act.






6.A.As a resultB.In conclusionC.On the contraryD.For example











A Different Kind of Spring Break

For many American university students, the week-long spring break holiday means an endless part on a sunny beach in Florida or Mexico.In Panama City Beach, Florida, a city with a permanent population of approximately 36,000, more than half a million university students arrive during the month of March to play and party, making it the number one spring break destination in the United States.

A week-long drinking binge is not for everyone, however, and a growing number of American university students have found a way to make spring break matter.For them, joining or leading a group of volunteers to travel locally or internationally and work to address problems such as poverty, homelessness, or environmental damage makes spring break a unique learning experience that university students can feel good at.

During one spring break week, students at James Madison University in Virginia participated in 15 “alternative spring break” trips to nearby states, three others to more distant parts of the United States, and five international trips.One group of JMU students traveled to Bogalusa, Louisiana, to help rebuild homes damaged by Hurricane Katrina.Another group traveled to Mississippi to organize creative activities for children living in a homeless shelter.One group of students did go to Florida, but not to lie on the sand.They performed exhausting physical labor such as maintaining roving invasive plant species that threaten the native Florida ecosystem.

Students who participate in alternative spring break projects find them very rewarding.While most university students have to get their degrees before they can start helping people, student volunteers are able to help people now.On the other hand, the accommodations are far from glamorous.Students often sleep on the floor of a school or church, or spend the week camping in tents.But students only pay around $250 for meals and transportation, which is much less than some of their peers spend to travel to more traditional spring break hot spot.

1.How many university students travel to Panama Beach City every March for spring break?

A.Around 36,000.B.Around 50,000.

C.Around 500,000.D.Around 10,000.

2.The underlined word “binge” in paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A.doing too much of somethingB.studying for too long

C.refusing to do somethingD.having very little alcohol

3.Which of the following gives the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.One group of JMU students worked on homes damaged by a hurricane.

B.Children living in homeless shelters enjoy creative activities.

C.Some students work to help the environment on alternative spring break trips.

D.University students do different types of work on alternative spring break trips.

4.What is implied in this article is that ______.

A.university students spend more than $250 for traditional spring break trips

B.university students complain about the accommodations on alternative spring break trips

C.university students may take fewer alternative spring break trips in the future

D.university students would prefer to wait until they have their degrees to start helping people

Cropping (修剪) an Image With the Snap Shot Program

Welcome to the world of photo-editing!

Cropping an image allows you to zero in on (对准,聚焦) just the portion that is important to your project.For example, you may want to an image of a covered train in a report but may not want to include the whole train.Cropping the image allows you to select only the small area you wish to retain (保留) and eliminate all other portions of the original picture.

Option 1: Cropping by Placing the Image in a Shape

Screen Shot 1

Using one of Snap Shot’s standard shapes as a photo-editing tool requires no special abilities.To crop an image with a standard shape:

a.Click Cropping & Orientation from the Effects menu.

b.Click to select one of the six shapes to frame your image.

c.Use the mouse pointer to draw a frame around the portion of the image you wish to retain.Re-size the frame by dragging the shape’s sizing handles.When you are satisfied with the results, click Cut It.

d.Snap Shot will automatically return to the project that is open.(You may also copy or cut the cropped image and paste it into another application.)

Option 2: Freehand Cropping of an Image

Screen Shot 2

If you want to trace the shape of an object in order to crop out everything else, freehand cropping is the way to go.To crop an image freehand:

a.Click Freehand Crop from the Cropping & Orientation option on the Effects menu.

b.Using the mouse pointer, trace around the shape you want to crop.Be sure to completely enclose the image by ending at the same place you began outlining.

c.Click Cut It.Snap Shot will automatically return to the project that is open.

1.The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A.describe the features of Snap Shot

B.explain how to use Snap Shot to select sections of a picture

C.show that Snap Shot is an easy tool to use

D.discuss how to use the features of Snap Shot

2.To perform Option 2, one should first ______.

A.select the image

B.use the mouse pointer to draw a frame

C.select Cropping & Orientation from the Effects menu

D.re-size the frame by dragging the sizing handles on the shape

3.Why is freehand cropping discussed after cropping with shapes?

A.To introduce a simpler technique before moving on to a more complex one.

B.To proceed from a more useful technique to one with fewer practical applications.

C.To order the options alphabetically.

D.To arrange the text, making space for the screen shots.

??? Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers? The American Society of Newspaper Editors is trying to answer this painful question.The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project.

Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.

But the sources of distrust go way deeper.Most journalists learn to see the world through a set of standard patterns into which they report each day’s events.In other words, there is a traditional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.

There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers, which helps explain why the “standard patterns” of the newsroom seem foreign to many readers.In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle-size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area.Then residents in these communities were phoned at random and asked the same questions.

Replies show that compared with other Americans, journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods, have maids, own Mercedeses, and trade stocks, and they’re less likely to go to church, do volunteer work, or put down roots in a community.

Reporters tend to be part of a broadly defined social and cultural elite (精英), so their work tends to reflect the traditional values of this elite.The alarming distrust of the news media isn’t rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily conflict of world views between reporters and their readers.

This is an explosive situation for any industry, particularly a declining one.Here is a troubled business that keeps hiring employees whose attitudes vastly annoy the customers.Then it sponsors lots of symposiums (讨论会) and a credibility project devoted to wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers.But it never seems to get around to noticing the cultural and class prejudices that so many former buyers are complaining about.If it did, it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Needs of the readers all over the world.

B.Causes of the public disappointment about newspapers.

C.Origins of the declining newspaper industry.

D.Aims of a journalism credibility project.

2.The results of the journalism credibility project turned out to be ______.

A.quite trustworthyB.somewhat conflicting

C.very informativeD.rather shallow

3.The basic problem of journalists as pointed out by the writer lies in their ______.

A.working attitudeB.traditional lifestyle

C.world outlookD.educational background

4.Despite its efforts, the newspaper industry still cannot satisfy the readers owing to its ______.

A.failure to realize its real problemB.tendency to hire annoying reporters

C.likeliness to do inaccurate reportingD.prejudice in matters of race and gender


Directions: Read the passage carefully.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

If you shower before bed, you’ve probably wondered whether sleeping with damp hair is a problem.Maybe you’ve heard it could make you sick, or that it can damage your hair or skin.

What’s the truth? Let’s address the “it can make you sick” myth first.“1.” says Dr.William Schaffner, a professor of medicine.While this idea persists, Schaffner says it was long ago disproved.It’s true that you’re much more likely to catch a common cold during the winter months.But this has to do with the ways respiratory (呼吸的) viruses spread, he says.

2.Illness-causing bacteria and viruses don’t appear naturally, and so you’re not going to make yourself ill by getting your pillow a little damp at night, Schaffner says.But there is a possible exception.Some research has shown that pillows―especially those made with synthetic materials―can contain asthma- or allergy-triggering molds (哮喘或致敏菌) and fungus, which tend to do well in damp environments, and so do dust mites, says Dr.Payel Gupta, a spokesperson for the American Lung Association.

Gupta says there’s no evidence that people who sleep with wet hair experience more allergy or asthma symptoms.3.But if you wake up with a stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, breathing problems or other allergy or asthma symptoms―or even if you don’t―you should wash your pillow cases and sheets in hot water at least once a week to reduce your exposure to any potential irritants (刺激物).

When it comes to the health of your hair and skin, there may be a few other reasons to worry about wet hair.“Generally, it’s thought not to be good for hair to sleep with it wet,” says Dr.George Cotsarelis, a professor of dermatology (皮肤病学), “4.”

It’s also worth noting that almost anything you do to your hair―from brushing and blow-drying it to coloring it or exposing it to the sun―can damage it.

A.Hence, any concerns about wet hair are theoretical.

B.In some cases, wet hair may actually be a helpful sleep aid.

C.Over time, it can lead to breakages, as well as a loss of shine.

D.There may be some mild risks associated with going to bed with wet hair.

E.Another wet-hair rumor (谣传) is the idea that harmful bacteria will colonize your pillow.

F.This idea seems to fit into the old bit of custom that getting yourself chilled and wet will cause you to come down with a cold.


Directions: Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words.Use your own words as far as possible.

What comes first: the optimism or the good health?

Optimism, defined as the general expectation that the future will be favorable, could provide ways to improve health, some researchers believe.But scientists remain unsure if optimism goes ahead of health improvements, or vice versa.

A recent study suggests that most people can’t help but to think optimistically.This study was conducted by Ed O’Brien, a social psychologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.The findings suggest that people have a natural tendency to think positively about their future.

Participants were asked to create a list of imaginary personal experiences that would make them happy or unhappy over the course of the next year.They then ranked how difficult it was to plan that list and how happy they believed they would be in the future overall.The easier it was for people to think of positive future experiences, the happier they imagined they would be.However, there was no relationship between easily developing negative future experiences and expecting to be unhappy as a result.

O’Brien concluded that people seem to discount the possibility that future negative events will make them happy overall, suggesting that optimism might come more naturally.“We’re not as used to thinking about the future in terms of things that are going to go wrong.” O’Brien’s study is one of many to find that people are consistently optimistic about their future, predicting pleasant experiences and discounting unpleasant ones.If optimism may lead to better health and people generally tend to think optimistically, what does this mean for the connection between mental and physical health? “If we can make sure that optimism comes before healthy states, we might be able to involve and improve people’s optimism,” Boehm explained.However, it’s difficult to determine what comes first: the optimism or the good health.



Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



2.除非你注意言行,不然你会发现很难和新同事和睦相处。(get along)




4.让教练倍感欣慰的是,队员们并没有因为球迷的吹毛求疵而垂头丧气,而是取长补短,更加努力地训练。(make up for)



Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.










A. Teacher and student.B. Father and daughter.

C. Manager and secretary.D. Customer and shop assistant.

A. In a museum.B. In a taxi.C. On a bus.D. On a bridge.

A. Get into the car.B. Carry the bags.

C. Hurry to drive the car.D. Search for the bags.

A. Reading newspapers.B. Writing up local news.

C. Talking about sports.D. Putting up advertisements.

A. She will have coffee at school.B. She will stay for breakfast.

C. She loves to grab a coffee on the way.D. She needs to eat before school.

A. He partly agrees with the woman.B. He’s missed an important point.

C. He considers the woman competitive.D. He’s wholly been lost in a colorful life.

A. Mary must be caught in heavy traffic.B. Mary probably will not come.

C. The woman was obviously not fond of Mary.D. The woman forgot to tell Mary to come.

A. The tennis game won’t last long.B. Weather forecasts are not reliable.

C. They could stick to their plan.D. They’d better change their mind.

A. Stay till tomorrow evening.B. Leave for Beijing with Jack.

C. Go to the airport after work.D. Ask someone else for help.

A. The man doesn’t like his new suit.B. The new suit is a reminder for the man.

C. The new suit doesn’t fit the man.D. The man forgets to wear his new suit.


Questions are based on the following speech.


A. Educators from South Africa.B. Teenagers fond of cooking.

C. Students eager to make friends.D. Photographers around the world.


A. Brainstorming ideas in one’s group first.B. Avoiding using cooking oil.

C. Sending a sample dish before May.D. Creating one’s own dish.


A. To announce a cook competition.B. To start a cook festival on campus.

C. To advertise a local cook course.D. To organise a cook show in South Africa.

Questions are based on the following speech.


A. Guitarists are vital to a pop group.B. Guitar tutors aren’t difficult to find.

C. Guitar players have more chances to travel.D. Beginners don’t make noise with the guitar.

2.A. About 60 years.B. About 500 years.C. About 1000 years. D. About 20xx years.


A. Indians played the lute with a bow.B. The guitar originated in Spain.

C. The sitar took root in British music.D. The Beatles relied a lot on the brass.


A. Reasons for the popularity of the guitar.B. Some interesting facts about the guitar.

C. Various kinds of guitars in the world.D. Stories of some famous guitar players.


Questions are based on the following speech.


A. It sells things from ancient Egypt.B. It looks like an Egyptian giant.

C. It brings a feel of a different world.D. It offers a wide range of cheeses.


A. Produced by the department store itself.B. Supplied by a nearby small town.

C. Collected from the outside of the building.D. Obtained from the numerous light bulbs.


A. Customers spend £1.5 million or so per day.B. Around 30,000 customers come per day.

C. There is a big increase in customers and sales.D. Customer flow and sales are quite unsteady.


Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

To any soldier,I served as a second lieutenant (少尉) in a war thirty years ago. Married for only a year and a half, I missed my wife and baby daughter a lot. In the years before cell phones and Wi-Fi, we had limited opportunities 1. (communicate) with loved ones.

One night while sitting by myself, I investigated the “Any Soldier” mailbox, a cardboard box with letters and packages from Americans. I chose one shoebox-size package. Inside I found about 20 greeting cards 2. children. At the bottom was a letter written by their teacher 3. (explain) how her kids had put the box together and how they supported our efforts in the war. Truly touched at that very moment by this gesture, I decided to write a letter of gratitude. I thanked the teacher for 4. her children had done―its impact on my patriotism, my morale, and, 5. (significantly), my uplifted faith. For security reasons, I was able to sign only my name.

Around 20xx, I received a Facebook friend request from a woman with 6. I shared no contacts. I replied that 7. we were friends, I could not accept her request. She responded with one question: “Are you Second Lieutenant Bartholomew” I replied that I had been at one time.

“Dear sir,” she wrote. “We have never met, but thirty years ago I was a second-grade teacher at a school in Ohio and our classroom sent a care package 8. (address) to ‘Any Service Member.’ The thank-you letter you composed was framed and it 9. (post) on the wall of the school for more than 20 years. I wanted to again thank you for your service to our country.”

We never spoke again, but this gracious teacher strengthened my belief in doing what my mother always taught me: Write thank-you notes― 10. never know how many people your kindness can touch.


Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Keeping it in the family.

“You understand grandmother when she talks to you, don’t you, darling” The girl nods. I met her, her Japanese mother and English father on a plane to Japan. The parents were eager to ____ their experience of bringing up their daughter bilingually (使用双语地) in London. It isn’t easy: the husband does not speak Japanese, so the child hears the language only from her mother, who has come to ____ that the girl will reply in English. This can be painful. Not sharing your first language with loved ones is hard. Not passing it on to your own child can be especially tough. Many immigrant parents feel a sense of ____.

Children learn languages easily, but this doesn’t mean that ____ exposure is enough. They must hear a language quite a bit to understand it―and use it often to be able to speak it comfortably. This is mental work, and a child who doesn’t have an intention to speak a language will often avoid it. So languages often die when parents move abroad. In the past, governments discouraged immigrant families from keeping their languages. These days, officials tend to be ____; some even see a valuable resource in immigrants’ language abilities. Yet many factors ensure that children still lose their parents’ languages, or never learn them. A big one is institutional ____. A child’s time spent with a second language is time not spent on their first. So teachers often discourage parents from speaking their languages to their children. Parents often ____ obey, worried about their children’s education. This is a(n) ____, for children really can master two languages or even more. Research does indeed suggest their vocabulary in each language may be somewhat smaller for a while, but other studies hint at intellectual advantages among bilinguals. They may be more skillful at complex tasks, better at maintaining attention.

Even without those side effects, ____, a bilingual child’s connection to another culture is a good thing in itself. How to ____ When both parents share the native language, the strategy is often to speak that at home, and the national language outside. But when they have ____ languages, perhaps the most common approach is “one parent, one language”. Francois Grosjean, a language expert from Switzerland, ____ the necessity. He recommends reserving occasions on which the only language that may be spoken is the one that needs ____. Sabine Little, a language expert at the University of Sheffield, puts the emphasis elsewhere. Making the native language yet another task ____ by parents can lead to rejection, she argues. She recommends letting the child form their own ____ connection to the language, for languages are not just another thing to be drilled into a young mind, but a matter of the heart.

1.A. concealB. publicizeC. discussD. imagine

2.A. acceptB. argueC. decideD. ensure

3.A. excitementB. inferiorityC. failureD. injustice

4.A. momentaryB. maximumC. repeatedD. continued

5.A. less stimulatedB. less controllingC. more relievedD. more discouraging

6.A. engagementB. featureC. prejudiceD. pressure

7.A. cheerfullyB. faithfullyC. immediatelyD. reluctantly

8.A. instanceB. shameC. ambitionD. suggestion

9.A. thoughB. henceC. besidesD. otherwise

10.A. keep it upB. carry it onC. figure it outD. bring it about

11.A. multipleB. differentC. foreignD. target

12.A. removesB. challengesC. emphasisesD. ignores

13.A. preservationB. restrictionC. rejectionD. connection

14.A. performedB. imposedC. sharedD. recommended

15.A. skillfulB. powerfulC. apparentD. emotional


The bus screamed to a stop in Nazareth, Israel. Five Australian backpackers boarded and struck up a conversation with me. They asked typical travelers’ questions―where was I going and why was I traveling alone My plan was to travel with a friend of a friend, I explained, but when I called her that morning, she didn’t pick up and I had no other way to reach her. My stomach was in knots, but I decided to head out anyway, thinking I might run into her if I traveled to Tiberius, where we had planned to go together.

“Why don’t you travel with us” one of the backpackers offered. They were experienced adventurers who would work for a few months, save, then travel for as long as they could. Their current plan was to explore the Middle East and Europe in three months while working in London.

It seemed risky to travel with strangers, but my instinct said yes. For the next two weeks, I explored Israel with the backpackers and learned to trust my instincts in all types of new and interesting situations. When they hook a ride, I took the bus, but when they wanted to steal into the King David Hotel’s swimming pool, I led the way. The world opened up to me because I chose to travel alone. I joined complete strangers, who become close friends. Years later, one couple from the backpacking group even flew from Sydney to Phoenix to be in my wedding. The trip was such a special experience that it gave me confidence in all areas of my life. Since then, I’ve backpacked alone across South Africa, sky-dived from 12,000 feet in New Zealand and even moved across the U.S. with no job lined up.

On my third day wandering in Israel with my new friends, I bumped into the woman I was supposed to meet. Though I was happy she was all right, I was grateful she hadn’t picked up the phone.

1.By “My stomach was in knots” (in paragraph 1), the author most likely means that she was ______.

A. sick of riding on a bumpy busB. nervous of meeting strangers

C. upset about the sudden changeD. sorry about the impractical plan

2.Which of the following best describes the backpackers the author met.

A. Courageous but disrespectful.B. Jobless and poorly educated.

C. Warmhearted and trustworthy.D. Homeless but lighthearted.

3.The author’s sixth sense told her that ______.

A. she would get along with the backpackersB. it might cause trouble to have a swim

C. she ought to stay away from the backpackersD. it could add excitement to get a free ride

4.What can be inferred from the passage.

A. Most of the backpackers became the author’s lifelong friends.

B. The author gathered the courage to be a fulltime backpack traveler.

C. The woman missed the phone call with the purpose of traveling alone.

D. The author considered it the best decision of her life to travel on her own.

Is it wrong―either grammatically or in terms of style―to mix the simple past tense with the past perfect in one sentence To give an example, the following seems a bit heavy and awkward to me: “There had been a time when she had been happier.’ I prefer: ‘There had been a time when she was happier.’ Any thoughts―ALEX

I think the second version is the correct one―it’s shorter and clearer. Rather than focusing on tenses, focus on the clean, short sentence. If something seems heavy and awkward to you, the writer―then it probably is. Always short sentences.―DIANA

I have constructed texts for a range of children’s picture books all based on working profession: bus driver, postman, footballer, cleaner, teacher, policeman to list a few. I’ve listed about thirty professions so far. I thought of titling them as Mr Bus Driver, Mr Postman and so on. Would I be infringing (侵权) the Mr Men titles if I did or should I think of something else.―RAJIV

The Mr Men stories are based on characteristics, not on jobs―Mr Lazy, Mr Noisy, etc―so they bear no relation to your projects. However, you will come under fire from gender equality supporters―every job you list could equally be done by a woman. No teacher and few parents would find work useful if it implies that all professions are open only to men. I advise you to look at modern children’s books in a library or bookshop.―DIANA

1.Alex wants to know how to ______.

A. avoid uncertain terms in writingB. use tenses properly in one sentence

C. improve grammatical skillsD. focus on clear and short sentences

2.Diana reminds Rajiv that he will be severely criticized for ______.

A. tending to hold gender prejudiceB. breaking the law using Mr Men titles

C. not characterizing enough professionsD. not running a project related to education

3.Which of the following questions is not supposed to be asked if you email Diana.

A. Is there a good market for traditional poems these days

B. Can you possibly evaluate my recently written novel enclosed

C. Where can I get some instructive books on writing for my son

D. How can I write an appropriate acknowledgement for my book

Studies show that older people tend to remember the positive things in life rather than the negative things, while younger people remember the positive and negative equally well. The dominant psychological theory to explain this is that older people are aware of their limited time left, so they prioritize positive emotional experiences. But about a decade ago, I worked with biologist Robert Trivers on his idea that there was an evolutionary basis for older people’s increased positive outlook. Our research took us in the fascinating direction of exploring how the body uses its energy.

When our ancestors needed more energy than usual, perhaps while being chased by a tiger, they had to get that energy from somewhere in the body. Could they borrow it from the brain That organ uses 20 percent of our metabolic (新陈代谢) output, whether we are solving math problems or watching television reruns. Due to this constant energy requirement, borrowing energy from the brain when our need surpasses the available supply is not an option. Perhaps we could borrow energy from our muscles. Because we use far more muscle energy when we are active than when at rest, in principle, we could borrow energy when we are sitting. But the problem is that most of the energy-demanding emergencies of our ancestors required a muscular response. There was no way to borrow energy from our muscles during an emergency because relaxing when a tiger showed up was not an effective response. This brings us to our immune system, which, when strong, protects us from many illnesses and diseases. Like the brain, the immune system works at great metabolic cost, but largely in the service of keeping us healthy in the future. We have an enormous number of immune cells coursing through our body, a momentary break from production is fine. So, when our body needs extra energy, one of the places it goes is our immune function. When you’re being chased by a tiger, you don’t need to waste energy making immune cells to fight off tomorrow’s cold. What you need is to shift all available energy resources to your legs, with the hope that you will live to experience another cough or sneeze.

As a result, our immune system evolved to run in maximum amounts when we’re happy, but to slow down dramatically when we’re not. With this background in mind, Trivers supposed that older people evolved a strategy of turning this relationship on its head, becoming more focused on the positive things in life in an effort to enhance their immune functioning. This was helped along by their knowing much more about the world than younger adults, so they can deal with some of the unpleasant things in life more easily.

1.According to Robert Trivers, when our body needs extra energy, ______.

A. muscles will respond to it by relaxing a little bit

B. organs will speed up metabolic processes to answer it

C. immune system will temporarily shut down to fulfill it

D. brain will satisfy it by sharing optional metabolic output

2.In paragraph 3 “this relationship” most probably refers to the one between ______.

A. experiences and related knowledgeB. happiness and biological evolution

C. immune function and healthD. optimism and length of life

3.What can be concluded from Robert Trivers’ study.

A. Younger people adopt strategies of handling tense situations from everyday life.

B. Our ancestors evolved their immune systems in fighting against fierce animals.

C. Realizing that their days are numbered, older people prefer being positive.

D. Being negative drains energy from our body, lowering resistance to disease.

4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage.

A. Brain, muscles and immune systemB. Age, health and happiness

C. Ancestors, emergency and evolutionD. Energy, effort and response


Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.


Most people don’t know that the anniversary of an important event in space exploration occurred last month. On March 18, 1965, spaceman Aleksi Leonov became the first human to complete an Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) or spacewalk. It marked the first time that a human was able to leave a spacecraft and operate in the emptiness of space. It is a dangerous procedure, but one that is vital for the success of manned space missions.

1. In space, a spacesuit must protect people from extreme cold and heat, provide air to breathe, and remove extra carbon dioxide. 2. Too much of it, and the spacesuit becomes firm and difficult to move in. Too little of it, and astronauts can become dangerously sick after returning to their spacecraft.

Astronauts now perform complex jobs in the emptiness of space in modern spacesuits. They have logged many hours repairing and upgrading equipment on satellites during EVAs. 3. On July 20th, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon for the first time. There is no atmosphere on the moon, but there is gravity―about 17 percent of Earth’s, which means Neil needed a special suit for walking on the moon’s surface. Suits for the moon are equipped for exploration far from any vehicles, including tough boots that can resist cuts from the rough surface while walking. But sharp rocks weren’t the only danger to astronauts.

The moon surface is covered with a fine and flour-like dust which consists of small particles (颗粒) left over from the numerous meteorite (陨石) strikes on the moon. 4. When astronauts would leave the moon’s gravity, the dust on their suits began floating all over. It got into delicate equipment inside the spacecraft and the astronaut’s eyes and lungs. As different space agencies plan for returning people to the moon, new EVA suit designs will have to take something else into account. Keeping astronauts safe also means keeping their suits clean.

A. However, EVAs don’t just happen in empty space.

B. It sticks to everything, eventually causing joints and seals to fail.

C. Spacesuits also have to maintain ideal air pressure during a spacewalk.

D. Unfortunately, most people have no idea about space exploration or spacesuits.

E. Without the ability to work in space, we are unable to keep our space programs functional.

F. There are a few things that must be taken into account to make an EVA both safe and effective.


Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Holding Parents Responsible―An Unfair Punishment

The rise in teen crime suggests that some parents are failing at their parental tasks. To correct the problem, lawmakers in some states require parents to serve jail time. They hope that this punishment will motivate parents to take their responsibilities seriously.

Despite public support for parental responsibility laws, many people think that the laws are unfair. They suggest that parents should not be punished for the criminal acts of their children, unless it can be shown there is a related fault on the parents’ part. For example, if young teenagers are arrested for drinking alcohol supplied by parents, then parents should be held responsible because they helped the teenagers break the law. People who oppose parental responsibility laws also believe that punishing parents is unlikely to create a change in the kids’ behavior. These people argue that parents may not be at fault. The children of good parents can fall in with the wrong kids and get into trouble, they say. Worse yet, if mom is in jail, there may be no one at all to control her kid. That lack of control may then lead to more crime.

The unfortunate fact is that jailing a mom or dad punishes the rest of the family. The jailed parent cannot work to help feed the family or pay the rent. A parent who is sent to jail for the crimes of a teenager may also be fired from a job for missing too much work. Furthermore, little evidence exists to support the idea that the threat of punishment improves a parents’ ability to control a teenager. The problem is that some teens cannot be controlled by their parents, even if the parents try hard to control them. These struggling parents are not ignoring their parental responsibilities. Opponents of parental responsibility laws say that parents who are in this situation need help, not a jail sentence.



Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



2.在上海处处可见行人为坐在轮椅上的'老人或残疾人让路。(make way)







Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.








Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Curiosity is part of human nature. Children are famous for wanting answers 1. tons of questions. People keep reading or watching 2. they want to find out what happens. But curiosity also provides many practical benefits.

Learning is easiest if you have a genuine desire for knowledge. Curiosity can create that desire when you have a question.

Many of history greatest discoveries 3.(make)by curious people. People wondered 4. processes worked or how certain tasks could be done more effectively. Thanks to their curiosity, people now know far more about the world and have useful technology 5.(help)them.

Even if you don’t plan to be an inventor of researcher, curiosity can still help you in the classroom. If you develop the joy of learning, classes will become more fun. And you’ll excel because you will be fully engaged in the process of learning. Even if you’re no longer a student, curiosity will make you better 6.(inform)and thus a more capable worker.

What do you do if you’re not already curious? Fortunately, curiosity is a skill that can be improved. If you act like you’re curious, you’ll quickly start to actually feel curious. Often, the more you learn about a topic the 7.(interesting)it becomes.

As you learn about a topic, gather information from as many sources as possible. Read a variety of books, watch or listen to lectures and ask questions. Don’t always get your information from the same source. Instead, learn to appreciate facts that different people know and the different opinions 8. they express.

Ask a lot of questions, Remember, everyone knows 9. that you don’t. Find out what that is, and ask about it. This lets you learn something and makes the other person happy by letting them show off their knowledge.

In the classroom or out of it, 10.(develop)curiosity is sure to be worthwhile.


Serendipity - an unexpected delight C is the word that comes to mind when describing the seven-day hike my wife and I recently did in the wild and undeveloped northwest coast of Galicia, Spain.

Simply ________, anyone who is adventurous, loves traveling to Europe and is fit enough to do 10-mile hikes should seriously consider doing this hike.

Before this experience, I had never heard about On Foot Holidays programs that allow hikers to go at their own pace, with maps and detailed hiking ________, but without a guide or other travelers, while still enjoying a high level of local support.

What ________ caught my attention was an announcement about On Foot Holidays’ newest hike, the Lighthouse Way, which they described as a journey along“the last ________ coast of Europe.”This particular hike sounded both challenging and rewarding enough to ________ a try.

On Foot Holidays booked our lodging each night and ________ a taxi to take our baggage to the next destination, so we just had to carry our daypack essentials. Each day we ________ or spoke with the company’s local expert who was available ________ emergency, but whose main function was to keep us informed about the daily weather forecast and to make special taxi arrangements when we decided to ________ a couple of 14-mile hikes to less than 10 miles.

The ________ of the trails and scenery made every hike a delight. One of our hikes followed a narrow trail along a steep, rocky cliff ________ the steel-blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean that thrash against jagged rocks hundreds of feet below us. We stopped to picnic and watch the only living things we saw that whole day: a herd of goats above us, and a group of dolphins jumping in the waves below. In the distance, many of mountain peaks ________ sparkling wind turbines(涡轮机)like candles on a cake.

Silence and loneliness were the features of each day’s accommodation. The only sounds we heard were birds singing, the wind blowing through trees or the waves breaking against the shoreline. The air was clean and the temperature brisk, with frequent ________ of cloudy, cool, windy and rainy weather interspersed(点缀)with glorious bursts of sunshine.

There was remarkably little litter, the exception being spots along the shore where ocean currents ________ mostly fishing items.

My wife and I realized that we are pilgrims searching for meaning, awareness and joy on our journey through life, and our Galician hiking ________ had moved us further down that path in ways we won’t forget.

1.A. lostB. movedC. urgedD. put

2.A. stringsB. instructionsC. devicesD. materials

3.A. initiallyB. graduallyC. smoothlyD. firmly

4.A. recommendedB. developedC. unspoiledD. discovered

5.A. warrantB. provideC. imagineD. evaluate

6.A. prepared forB. arranged forC. paid forD. turned to

7.A. negotiatedB. discussedC. contactedD. texted

8.A. in addition toB. in need ofC. in case ofD. in favour of

9.A. shortenB. extendC. decreaseD. expand

10.A. appearanceB. varietyC. characterD. route

11.A. displayingB. reflectingC. followingD. overlooking

12.A. establishedB. lightenedC. sportedD. structured

13.A. changesB. intervalsC. adaptionsD. interactions

14.A. stretchedB. withdrawnC. floatedD. deposited

15.A. experienceB. techniqueC. investigationD. experiment


Many people prefer eating out instead of cooking at home. A change appears to be taking place, though, and millennials are leading the way. According to one survey, more young people are starting to cook at home for three basic reasons: They can save money, eat healthy and waste less food.

Popular TV chefs are also getting millennials excited about learning some basic cooking skills. Many millennials view cooking as a form of entertainment and self-expression. They proudly post pictures of their cooking creations on Facebook or and invite friends over to share the cooking experience.

Many millennials have also found ways to avoid wasting food. After roasting a chicken, they put the leftover bones in their freezer instead of the garbage can. Later, they use the bones to make chicken stock which is an important ingredient in many dishes.

They also hate throwing out fruit that’s too old. To avoid that situation, they bake ripe fruit like berries and bananas for 15 minutes at 175 degrees C. Then they freeze it overnight. After that, they place the fruit in plastic bags and store it their freezer for later use.

Now any millennials only eat at restaurants that have excellent food-waste policies. These servants use every part of the vegetables they buy, including their stems and roots, in dishes. They also use beef, chicken and pork bones to make their own stock.

Millennials also reduce food waste by only buying what they require. Before going to a market, they write down what they need and don’t buy anything else. They way they won’t purchase more food than they can consume.

1.What is the main subject of this article?

A. A cooking trend that has attracted millennials.

B. A plan that millennials have for donating food.

C. A novel cooking technique that millennials like.

D. A food production system favored by millennials.

2.What do millennials with fruit before freezing it?

A. Mix it with other ingredients in a bowl.

B. Carefully remove the skin and seeds from it.

C. Use a sharp knife to chop it up into pieces.

D. Put it in an oven at the proper temperature.

3.According to this article, when do millennials make careful choices?

A. When they dine out together

B. Whey they vote for candidates

C. When they choose an employer

D. When they plant a new garden

4.According to this article, how do millennials avoid purchasing too much food?

A. They select small cans and packages.

B. They prepare a practical shopping list.

C. They leave their credit cards at home.

D. They weigh produce before buying it.

Families should reduce exposure to synthetic chemicals found in food colorings, preservatives and packaging materials as a growing body of research shows they may harm children’s health, according to a policy statement and technical report from the American Academy of Pediastrics released online.

The statement also suggests improvements to the food additives regulatory system, including updating the scientific foundation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations safety assessment retesting all previously approved chemicals.

Leonard Trasande ,the author of the policy statement, to tell us more about these concerns.

Q: What are the growing number of studies showing us?

A: Over the past two decades, an accumulating body of science suggests some food additives can interfere with a child’s hormones, growth and development.

Potentially harmful effects of food additives are of special concern for children because they are more sensitive to chemical exposures because they eat and drink more relative to body weight, than adults do and are still growing and developing. An early injury to their organ systems can have lifelong and permanent consequences.

Q: What additives does the statement highlight?

A: The additives of most concern, based on rising research evidence cited in the report, include:

Bisphenols, such as BPA, used to harden plastic containers and line metal cans, can act like estrogen(雌激素)in the body which may potentially change the timing of puberty, decrease fertility, increase body fat and affect the nervous and immune systems. BPA is now banned in baby bottles.

Phthalates, which make plastic and vinyl tubes used in industrial food production flexible, may affect male genital development increase childhood obesity and contribute to cardiovascular disease. In 20xx, the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned the use or some phthalates in child-care products such as teething rings.

1.According to the American Academy of Pediatric’s report, people should ___ to cope with the problem of food additives.

A. try to avoid food additives in daily life and revise relevant rules on food additives

B. the food safety assessment program and check the approved chemicals again

C. improve the food additives regulatory system and retest all approved chemicals

D. reduce the usage of food additives and establish new food protection system

2.Leonardo Trasande holds the view that food additives do more harm to children than adults because study shows ___.

A. children are more sensitive to what they eat and drink than adults

B. children usually eat and drink more unhealthy food than adults

C. children are just too young and weak to protect themselves

D. children’s organs are easier to be damaged and hard to recover

3.How many specific kinds of harmful effect caused by the additives are mentioned in the passage?

A. 2B. 7

C. 8D. 3

The koala is an unusual creature. Native to Australia and a bit bigger than a rabbit, it spends most of its time in eucalyptus trees(桉树),feeding on leaves that are poisonous to nearly every other animal on the planet.

The koala sleeps about 22 hours a day and spends the remainder of its time eating and resting. It might spend 10 minutes a day moving, experts say, usually from one tree to another. It has a soft pad at the end of its spine and extra thick fur on its rear end to make the effort, of sitting more comfortable.

Threats and protective measures

The unique lifestyle of the koala has helped it prosper, but today the cute and iconic creature is facing threats from habitat loss, disease and a changing climate. Koala populations are expected to decline by 50 percent in the next 20 years according to the Australian Museum.

To help protect these animals, which bring in an estimated $1.1 billion to Australia each year through koala-related tourism, an international team of researchers has published the first complete genome(基因组)of the koala. Their hope is that the keys to the marsupial’s(有袋动物)long-term survival might be planted in its genetic code.

“The ultimate goal is that we won’t have to…rescue them from the edge of extinction,”said Rebecca Johnson of the Australian Museum Research Institute in Sydney, who led the work.

“Now we have a really good understanding of the koala genome, and we are in a fantastic position to use that knowledge to help us manage them.”

Early findings

An elementary analysis of the koala’s genome, published in Nature Genetics, has already yielded some interesting findings.

For example, the authors found that, compared to other mammals, the koala’s DNA includes an expansion in the number of genes that encode for enzymes involved in anti-poison. That allows them to have a diet that depends almost entirely on eucalyplus leaves which are unusually high in poison. However, it also means that koalas metabolize(代谢)medicines like anti-chlamydia antibiotics faster than other animals.

The koala genome also revealed why koalas are such famously picky eaters. They are known to consume leaves from just 20 of Australia’s 60 known eucalyplus species. And even when they are in one of their preferred trees, koalas take leaf selection very seriously.

Information waiting to be discovered

Johnson said that the information encoded in the koala’s DNA is already being included in management strategies by conservation groups. However, she said the findings described in the new paper represent the early stages of what can be gleamed from the marsupial’s genome.

“The data is public, and I would love for anyone to start mining it and see what other amazing things they can find,”she said.“Once you have a genome of this quality, the sky’s the limit with what you can do with it.”

1.What can be concluded from the passage?

A. The research on the Koala’s DNA has prevented its extinction successfully.

B. Scientists are trying to rescue Koalas by providing more eucalyptus leaves.

C. Koala’s extinction is being controlled effectively in Australia.

D. Scientists are trying to find a way based on Koala’s gene to save them.

2.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Koalas can digest poisonous leaves thanks to their gene.

B. Koalas are particular about leaves because of their taste.

C. Koalas are being extinct just due to human’s activities.

D. Koalas will move to other continents in order to survive.

3.“The sky’s the limit”in the last sentence most probably means ___.

A. The sky is the restriction

B. The sky is too high to reach

C. There is no limit

D. There is no possibility

4.The passage is mainly about ___.

A. Koala-a Special Creature in Australia

B. scientific research on Koalas

C. scientific efforts to save the Koalas

D. Koala’s Characters and Preference


Directions:Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentences can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Can just one person make a difference? You bet! In a community every person counts, and getting involved is not difficult. Take stock of your own talents and interests. 1. Don’t wait for someone else to act first. Take the initiative! Once you see what you can accomplish, you’ll want to keep going.

Here are just a few ways to make a difference in your community. How many more ways can you come up with?

Clean up the community. People often throw litter in places where there is already litter. And the problem only becomes worse until someone gets fed up and does something. Could your neighborhood use a cleanup? Neighborhood cleanups are often sponsored by local businesses or schools. But if your community doesn’t have a cleanup program, get together with friends to organize one. You could pick up garbage in a larger area twice a year, or you could clean a smaller area every few months. 2.

Include the isolated. Do you know anyone who is housebound? Almost all neighborhoods have a few people who have to stay at their homes. These people are often elderly and unable to leave their homes to perform simple tasks. 3. By letting them“borrow”your legs and eyes, you can make them feel included. You can run errands for them like shopping or paying bills. They might like you to read to them if their eyesight is failing. Governments provide some of the services these people need, but programs cannot give them friendship; that’s what communities are for!

4. Reading clubs are popular all over Europe and North America. Members might read at home to prepare for discussion, or they might read aloud to each other and talk about what they just read. Either way, a book or article can spark lively discussion and this often challenges people to take action.

A. Cleaning your community will have a positive effect on others in society.

B. They find a need or an issue you really care about.

C. But they belong to the community, too.

D. Living in a clean neighborhood will be its own reward.

E. Don’t hesitate to take part in the community’s activity.

F. Round up some readers.


Directions:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Small businesses hold the key to employed happiness. As the calendar flips to another year, many employees will consider starting the new year on the hunt for a new job.

In today’s changing workforce, it is more important than ever for companies to realize that a salary alone is no longer enough to attract or retain strong employees.

According to a survey by Aflac, small business deserve a round of applause for their ability to keep employees happy. The report found that 85 percent of small-business employees are happy in their current job, and more than half(51 percent)agree that most of or all of their happiness in their current job is a result of working for a small business.

Nearly a quarter of participants(23 percent)stated that the feeling of importance was the best part of working for a small business. Small businesses have the unique ability to make employees feel appreciated, respected and valued on a personal and professional level.

In a small-business environment, there are typically fewer layers between newcomers and leadership. This tight-knit structure can create a family-like atmosphere that allows employees to feel that their opinions matter and that they play a significant role in the business’s mission.

Flexibility is also vital in creating employee happiness. According to the report, 30 percent of respondents noted that flexible scheduling was the best part of working for a small business. A workplace that promotes healthy work-life balance can create happier, less stressed employees and can also increase productivity.

Although small business excel at keeping employees happy, there is always room for improvement. In a small-business community, money does not seem to be the only motivator. In fact, 65 percent of small-business employees indicate that an improvement in their benefits offerings would make them happier.

By offering a great benefits plan that includes voluntary benefits, small business can ensure that their employees are able to find the right benefits to meet their individual needs.



Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.








自唐开元年间起,唐人上自天子,下至黎民百姓,几乎所有人都不同程度地饮茶。唐人饮茶已开始注重品饮艺术,这与唐之前的茶主要作为药用或者是粗放型解渴的饮用形式相比,是一个质变的过程。唐朝中叶盛行煎茶法,煎茶用的是饼茶,将饼茶加工成细末状的茶末,再进行煎煮。陆羽的《茶经》将饮茶分为赏茶、鉴水、列具、烹煮、品饮等若干环节,每个环节都使人置身于美的境界之中,这就把饮茶的方法程序化了,并辅以美学思想, 从而形成优美的意境和韵律 ,将饮茶上升到艺术的高度。

在宋代,茶不仅成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的物品,是“开门七件事”之一,而且饮茶的风俗深入到民间生活的各个方面。当时,开封、临安两都茶肆、茶坊林立,客来敬茶的礼俗也已广为流传。与唐代相比,宋代茶文化有了明显的变化,饮茶方法在唐代陆羽的基础上又迈进了一步, 由原来的煎茶法发展成为更为高雅的点茶法。点茶法比唐代煎茶法更讲究,追求茶的真香、真味,不掺任何杂质,当时的时尚还十分注重点茶过程中的动作优美协调。较之于唐代煎茶,宋人更喜爱典雅精致的点茶艺术。

元代虽然历史较短,但在饮茶法上却进一步走向成熟。唐宋时期人们饮茶时加入葱、姜、盐等调料与茶混煮的习惯, 到了元代逐渐被摈弃,采用更为简单的“清饮”方式。元代人已开始普遍使用茶叶或茶末煎煮饮茶,不加或少加调料。这种简便、纯粹的“清饮”方式被越来越多的人接受。

茶文化发展到明代,发生了具有划时代意义的变革。随着茶叶加工方法的简化,茶的品饮方式也走向简单化,盛行了几个世纪的唐宋煎点饮茶法变革成了用沸水冲泡的瀹饮法,“瀹”有“浸、渍”的意思。瀹饮法, 即以沸水直接冲泡茶叶的方法。这种沸水冲泡散茶的饮用方法逐渐取代了煎点法的主导地位,成为中国人至今都普遍使用的饮茶方法。


















A、结庐在人境,而无车马喧。 (陶渊明《饮酒》)

B、岩扉松径长寂寥,惟有幽人自来去。 (孟浩然《夜归鹿门歌》)

C、杏树坛边渔父,桃花源里人家。 (王维《田园乐》)

D、雨里鸡鸣一两家,竹溪村路板桥斜。 (王建《雨过山村》)
































A、低者麟次 次:有次序地排列着

B、莫则以钱市酒肉 莫:通“暮”,晚上

C、砺青风之节 砺:磨炼

D、且古之君子敦廉洁之行 敦:督促

























南宋 戴复古












A、姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。 (张继《枫桥夜泊》)

B、去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。 (崔护《题都城南庄》)

C、何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。 (李商隐《夜雨寄北》)

D、伤心桥下春波绿,曾是惊鸿照影来。 (陆游《沈园二首》)

3、戴复古的《赤壁》与苏轼的《念奴娇 赤壁怀古》都是与赤壁之战有关的怀古诗词,请比较两首诗词在思想内容方面的异同。


① ,将有事于西畴。 (陶渊明《归去来兮辞》)

② ?往事知多少。 (李煜《虞美人》)

③ 好雨知时节, 。(杜甫《春夜喜雨》)

④ 今年欢笑复明年, 。 (白居易《琵琶行》)

⑤ ,微冷,山头斜照却相迎。 (苏轼《定**》)

⑥红酥手,黄g酒, 。 (陆游《钗头凤》)

















A、逼仄:指山崖逼近 B、彪炳千秋: 指古道的文化风采流传千秋万代

C、诡异:指时间变化奇异 D、笃定:指苏轼流放后的从容不迫


























A After a terrible electrical accident, which caused him to become both blind and deaf, the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years. The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life. His family, especially his wife, did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.

One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk with a stick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once. He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet, but he was struck by the lightning. Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree. He was trembling badly, but when he opened his eyes, he could hardly believe what he saw a plough and a wall. When Mrs. Edwards came running up to him, shouting to their neighbors to call for help, he could see her and hear her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.

The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread, and many doctors came to examine him. Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning. However, none of them could give a convincing answer as to why this should have happened. The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that, since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock, perhaps, the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock.

The reason for Robert’s attempts to kill himself was that _________.

A. a terrible traffic accident happened to him

B. he had to live in a dark and silent world

C. he was struck by the lightning once more

D. nobody in the world cared about him

What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?

A. Sheltering from the rain under a tree. B. Driving a car.

C. Taking a walk with a stick. D. Lying on the ground.

We can infer from the text that ________.

A. there was no accurate explanation for Robert’s recovery

B. many doctors came because Robert was badly injured

C. Robert’s wife sent for doctors immediately after the shock

D. a sudden injury in the head led to Robert’s recovery

What’s the best title of the whole passage?

A. A Terrible Electrical Accident

B. Robert Edwards and His Wife

C. What a Sudden Shock

D. An Unforgettable Experience





The Z Hotel is in the heart of London’s West End and has comfortable accommodation in a contemporary design.

All rooms include handcrafted beds, 48-inch Samsung HD TVs with free Sky Sports and Movie channels, and free Wi-Fi. Each room also has under-bed storage for an overnight bag, and wall-mounted hanging space for clothing. The Z Hotel also offers wheelchair accessible rooms.

Continental breakfast is served in The Z Cafe every morning, including smoked salmon, fresh bread, fresh fruit salad and bacon rolls. A selection of salads, sandwiches and hot dishes are on offer throughout the day.

The hotel is a 5-minute walk from Prince of Wales Theatre and Chinatown London, Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. Heathrow Airport can be reached directly from Piccadilly Circus Underground Station.

This is our guests,favorite part of London, according to independent reviews. This area is also great for shopping, with popular brands nearby: Apple, H&M, Zara, Burberry and Chanel.

The Z Hotel is rated for the best value in London! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other hotels in this city. Come and stay with us!

Most popular facilities:

◆ Luggage storage ◆ Heating ◆ Free Wi-Fi ◆ Air conditioning

◆ 24-hour front desk ◆ Daily maid service ◆ Parking ◆ Lift


Room types



Double room―non-smoking



Good Breakfast £ 9.50

Twin Room―non-smoking



Good Breakfast £ 9.50

Queen Room―disability access


Pay at the hotel

(no prepayment needed)

Good Breakfast included

1.When staying in this hotel, you will enjoy all of the following EXCEPT ________.

A. free Wi-FiB. a TV with some free channels

C. under-bed storage spaceD. airport pick-up service

2.If a man in a wheelchair wants to stay in this hotel for two nights, he should pay ________.

A. £ 404B. £ 358

C. £ 438D. £ 370

3.From the passage we can learn ________.

A. the hotel is close to Heathrow Airport

B. the hotel is good value for guests’ money

C. the hotel serves Chinese-style breakfast

D. there is a shop with popular brands in the hotel

Dream in Heart

On the first day of school our professor introduced a new classmate―a wrinkled little old lady―to us. Her name was Rose, and she was eighty-seven years old.

After class Rose and I walked to the Student Union Building and shared a chocolate milk-shake. She told me she always dreamed of having a college education and now she was getting one. We became instant friends. Every day for the following months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always attracted, listening to this “ time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.

Rose became famous and easily made friends wherever she went. She tended to be highly motivated,responsible, and deeply involved in class participation. In spare time she had someone hang out or go to bars with. She even participated in some form of athletic activity. She said that extra-curricular activities can form a vital part of her experience, creating unique chances for friendship and learning.

At the end of the term we invited Rose to speak at our football meal. A little embarrassed, she leaned into the microphone and simply said, “ I’ m sorry I’ m so nervous.” As we laughed, she cleared her throat and began, “ We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you’ re nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year, you will turn twenty. If I’ m eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year, I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. It’ s non-optional but that doesn’ t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the chance in change. In this way the elderly don’ t have regrets for what they did, but rather for things they did not do.” Rose concluded her speech by courageously singing “ The Rose” . She challenged us to study the words of the song and lived them out in daily lives.

At the year’ s end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in honor of the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’ s never too late to be all you can possibly be.

1.Why does the author compare Rose to “ time machine” in Paragraph 2

A. To stress her old age and knowledge of life.

B. To describe the close friendship between them.

C. To show that she always enjoyed her active life.

D. To explain why she took on a challenge in college.

2.Rose was invited to speak at the football meal most probably because ______.

A. she was a great football fan

B. she was the smartest student

C. she tried hard to achieve her dream

D. she became more educated than the others

3.We can learn that Rose agreed with the idea that ______.

A. growing older means growing up

B. it takes talent and ability to grow up

C. receiving high education helps to be courageous

D. one grows older at the same time when he grows up

4.The passage is intended to ______.

A. provide an example for the elderly B. discuss how to grow up quickly

C. tell the importance of attending college D. inspire the readers to live up to lives

A new restaurant in Indonesia is on a mission (使命) to support locals trapped in poverty, many of whom are earning less than $25 a month, by providing them with an alternative way to pay for their food.

The Methane Gas Canteen, run by husband and wife team Sarimin and Suyatmi, is located in an unexpected place for an eatery ― Jatibarang Landfill. The landfill is a mountain of purifying waste, where poor locals spend their days collecting plastic and glass to sell. Meanwhile, the couple, who spent 40 years collecting waste before opening the restaurant, is busy cooking.

What makes the restaurant unusual, aside from its location, is that no cash is required to pay for meals. Poor people have the option to pay for their food with recyclable waste instead of cash. Sarimin weighs the plastic customers bring in, calculates its worth, and then deduct that value from the cost of the meal, giving any extra value back to the customer. The scheme is part of the community’s solution to reduce waste in the landfill and recycle non-degradable plastics.

“I think we recycle 1 tonne of plastic waste a day, which is a lot. This way, the plastic waste doesn’t pile up, drift down the river and cause flooding,” said Saimin. “It benefits everyone.”

The restaurant seats about 30 people and serves meals that cost between $0.40 and $0.80 each. Since opening the canteen Sarimin and Suyatmi have seen their daily income more than double to $15 a day.

“I’m happy to see our customers enjoying their meals,” Sarimin told NHK World. “The poor must also have the right to enjoy healthy eating. I want to give them that chance as much as possible.”

1.What do we know about Jatibarang Landfill

A. It is a good place for people to eat meals

B. It is a place where locals collect plastic and glass to sell

C. It is a mountain which attracts many tourists

D. It is a modem plastic recycling plant.

2.What makes the Methane Gas Canteen different

A. Its location and the way to pay for meals.

B. The delicious food and the kind-hearted owner.

C. Its location and those strange customers.

D. Its customers and the way to pay for meal.

3.What does the underlined word mean

A. IncreaseB. Replace

C. RemoveD. Equal

4.Which of the following is NOT true

A. Sarimin and Suyatmi recycle plastic waste only to make money.

B. The plastic waste may cause flooding.

C. The restaurant seats around 30 people at present.

D. Sarimin and Suyatmi have seen an increase in their income.

Technology offers conveniences such as opening the garage door from your car or changing the television station without touching the TV.

Now one American company is offering its employees a new convenience: a microchip implanted (植入) in their hands. Employees who have these chips can do all kinds of things just by waving their hands. Three Square Market is offering to implant microchips in all of their employees for free. Each chip costs $300 and Three Square Market will pay for the chip. Employees can volunteer to have the chips implanted in their hands. About 50 out of 80 employees have chosen to do so. The president of the company, his wife and their children are also getting chips implanted in their hands.

The chip is about the size of a grain of rice. Implanting the chip only takes about a second and is said to hurt only very briefly. The chips go under the skin between the thumb and forefinger. With a chip in the hand, a person can enter the office building, buy food, sign into computers and more, simply by waving that hand near a scanner. The chips will be also used to identify employees. Employees who want convenience, but do not want to have a microchip implanted under their skin, can wear a wristband (腕带) or a ring with a chip instead. They can perform the same tasks with a wave of their hands as if they had an implanted chip.

Three Square Market is the first company in the United States to offer to implant chips in its employees. Epicenter, a company in Sweden, has been implanting chips in its employees for a while.

Three Square Market says the chip cannot track the employees. The company says scanners can read the chips only when they are within a few inches of them. “The chips protect against identity theft, similar, to credit cards.” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the chips back in 20xx,so they should be safe for humans, according to the company.

In the future, people with the chips may be able to do more with them, even outside the office. Todd Westby is Chief Executive Officer of Three Square Market. He says, “Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.”

1.What is the third paragraph mainly about

A. The substitutes of the chips.

B. The advantages of the chips.

C. The places to implant the chips.

D. The potential risks of implanting the chips.

2.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 5 refer to

A. the handsB. the employees

C. the scannersD. the credit cards

3.We can infer that ________.

A. the chips have magic powers

B. the chips are very popular among the employees

C. the price of the chips is reasonable

D. most people suspect the application of the chips

4.Which of the following best describes Todd Westby’s attitude towards the chips

A. Defensive.B. Disappointing.

C. Optimistic.D. Casual.


When we were kids, if our parents wanted us to stop the screen time, they would turn off the TV. 1. They grab the cell phone, the tablet or the laptop. Here we will talk about how to control their screen time.

First, limit the time they use screens. 2. Kids are smart. Once you go back to your daily routine, they will quickly be back on a screen. Because they just don’t understand that when you tell them to get off the tablet or computer, you mean for the rest of the day.

3. It can be going outside to play, reading a fun book or cleaning their room. Presenting them with an alternative helps the under-developed planning part of their little brains get past what they can’t do and see what else is possible.

And third, hide the screen device. That one may not seem very fair. 4. If they don’t see the device around the house, they can’t grab it. This way, works for us adult-types who may be a little too addicted to screens ourselves.

Ultimately, the best way to help kids recognize how much is too much screen time is to limit our own. Yeah, you may have to stare at one all day for your job, but do you really have to come home and immediately turn on the TV or answer that email on your phone Don’t think your kids aren’t taking excuses from your actions. 5.

A. Second, give them an alternative.

B. So, it’s necessary to set a limited time.

C. It may seem easy, but it can be challenging.

D. Now, kids often have a choice of which screen they want.

E. They watch you just as closely as they watch those screens.

F. Now go to find a screen and turn it off, for you and for your kids.

G. But the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” actually works sometimes.


As I sat motionless on the steps of the pool, watching everyone else swim back and forth, I realized that I had spent most of my life watching others enjoy themselves. It was then that I _______ a little girl staring at me with a look of confusion. I smiled at her, hoping to _______ the ice by talking to her. Unfortunately, my _______ failed and she just kept on staring. My _______ increased as a little boy swam up to me and said, “I feel sorry for you.”

After the _______, a thought struck me, I had to change _______ the world viewed me. Because it was children who stared at me the most, I decided to write a children’s book that taught them about _______ in a fun way. This is when KatGirl, a super hero in a _______ who helps children that are being bullied, came into my mind.

I quickly _______ inside my apartment and began creating the story. As I wrote each word, I could ________ my future as a world-renowned author and public speaker. My excitement ________ like wildfire. Over the next two years, the story ________ many changes before it saw the world in the spring of 20xx. My perseverance ________ paid off.

One day I was invited to speak to the students at a neighboring school. I confidently wheeled into a classroom filled with students who ________ at me just like the little girl in the pool. “How do you feel when you see me ” I asked them. The kids bravely ________ “ I feel sorry for you.”

I opened my book and started reading. Immediately I noticed the children’s stares turned to ________. “ How do you feel when you see me ” I asked again. Without ________ they replied, “You are so cool! Does your ________ fly too ” I just smiled, “No, not yet, but maybe some day.” I knew in my heart that this was ________. The past two years had proven to me that with ________ anything is possible.

1.A. suggestedB. noticedC. watchedD. appreciated

2.A. forgetB. breakC. removeD. deliver

3.A. projectB. angerC. adviceD. attempt

4.A. reliefB. curiosityC. awkwardnessD. encouragement

5.A. encounterB. competitionC. argumentD. interview

6.A. howB. whatC. whenD. why

7.A. disabilitiesB. potentialsC. paintingsD. manners

8.A. poolB. carC. wheelchairD. spaceship

9.A. walkedB. wheeledC. rushedD. raced

10.A. regardB. realizeC. pictureD. consider

11.A. foldedB. recoveredC. spreadD. declined

12.A. turned downB. went throughC. looked upD. got around

13.A. generallyB. carefullyC. separatelyD. eventually

14.A. calledB. staredC. glimpsedD. laughed

15.A. greetedB. agreedC. continuedD. responded

16.A. smilesB. doubtsC. jokesD. tears

17.A. hesitationB. discussionC. intentionD. imagination

18.A. bodyB. chairC. dreamD. book

19.A. funnyB. strangeC. trueD. false

20.A. generosityB. popularityC. harmonyD. determination



One of China’s largest hanfu-themed 1. (event), the annual Hanfu Cultural Festival in Xitangancient town, East China’s Zhejiang Province. 2. (hold) from October 28 to 31 last year. According to statistics from the organizer, 157,326 visitors attended 3. festival, many of 4. were hanfu-wearing enthusiasts, called “tongpao”.

5. (original) from the collection of ancient Chinese Poetry Book of Songs, the word tongpao is-now used to describe whoever appreciates 6. (tradition) Han Chinese clothing. 7. (forbid) during China’s last feudal (封建的) dynasty,the Qing Dynasty, hanfu clothing has been little known 8. the public for many decades.

Nowadays, hanfu is making a comeback.Tongpao has risen in number over the past 15 years 9. a worker in Central China’s Henan Province named Wang Letian made a hanfu-style suit and wore 10. in public in 20xx.






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Steven,

I really appreciate that you have been paying close attention to the Calligraphy Contest. I’m writing provide you with some relevant informations.

Aimed at encouraging us to learn traditional culture but attach great importance to handwriting, the Calligraphy Contest of our school enjoying a huge success. A large number of students and even some teachers took an active part in it, which the participants handed in our satisfying works which were later graded by Calligraphy masters. And then the excellently ones were exhibited to the public. As far as I’m concern, this kind of activity benefit us a lot. Calligraphy is very meaningful and gives us peace of mind as well.

The contest will also be held the next year. You’ re welcome to enter for it, too.

Best wishes!


Li Hua




1. 赞赏对方介绍中国文化;

2. 指出错误;

3. 希望更正;

4. 词数100左右。

参考词汇:赛艇 ― rowing boat 龙舟 ― dragon boat



假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。北京冬奥组委会正在招募志愿者,其职责为接待各国运动员及宣传中国文化,组委会要求志愿者能够熟练运用英语,请你用英文写一封 申请信。

内容包括:1. 申请原因2. 你的优势3.? 相关经历

注意:1. 词数不少于 502. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数

Dear Sir/Madame,

I have learned that volunteers? for? Beijing Winter Olympic Games are needed.








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



注意:词数不少于 60。

提示词:京剧 Beijing opera;脸谱 facial makeup











(1)一箪食,一瓢饮, __________。人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。(《论语》)




(1)小明克服病情,在考试中取得了比较好的成绩,同学想表示祝贺,以下内容合适的一项是( )。(2分)





(2)将下列编号的语句依次填入语段空白处,语意连贯的一项是( )。(3分)






A.④②①③ B.①④②③

C.③①②④ D.②④③①

二 阅读 70分









4.下列关于原文内容的理解和分析,正确的一项是( )(3分)


B. 文化元典提供永恒的精神因子,能产生不朽而深远的影响,以解决困扰人的问题。



5.下列对原文论证的相关分析,不正确的一项是( )(3分)





6.根据原文内容,下列说法不正确的一项是( )(3分)































12.下列关于本诗的说法不正确的一项是( )。(2分)





13.以下对本诗风格的评价贴切的一项是( )。(2分)

A.慷概豪迈 B.清丽朦胧

C.平淡自然 D.清淡空灵









(1)令恣取内府物( )

(2)第遣一使问之( )



A.典故 B.事故

C.旧例 D.杜撰的事情


A.粗鲁 B.质朴

C.郊外 D.不受拘束





19. 第②段叙写了张俭的多件事,概述其中详写的两件事。(4分)









21.可填入第①段方框处的虚词是( )(1分)

A.而 B.之

C.则 D.既

22.下列对文意的理解和分析,正确的一项是( )(2分)





23. 分析第②段在文中的作用.(4分)

24. 第③段中”客“是如何层层推进地进行说理的?请加以分析。(5分)

三 写作70分





1.(5分)(1)在陋巷(2)凤凰台上凤凰游 登金陵凤凰台(3)独上高楼 望尽天涯路





























16.(2分)(I)C (2)B


















官署的东面有一个园子,一直以来有很多的野草,都没有去治理它。我到了那里,开始开辟己经荒芜的土地。用粪便浇灌贫瘠的土地,用水浇灌干枯的地方,然后种上十几畦农作物,另外种植了各种花草树木。正是春天,植物开始有萌芽的迹象,这时守园人给我提出意见,说:”这园子里生长着朽树,根茎粗壮,枝叶繁茂。根茎粗壮就妨碍了地下的流通,要消耗很多大地的精气,使得你新栽的农作物都得不到营养的滋润。枝叶繁茂就使得地上的阴影面积更大,让新栽的农作物得不到充足的阳光照射,而无法正常生长,又因为樗树的形状并不直,反而弯曲,看起来十分臃肿的样子,这样的木材中间纹路稀疏,导致重量很轻,而且很不坚固。(这样的树木)不值得栽种,应该把它砍掉。“我听了他的意见,把核树砍掉了。第二天,他乂对我说:”园子南面的那棵杏树,它的根茎所占的面积半径都有六七尺大,而 它所在的地方却是这里最好的土地,让杏树长在那里而不能种植农作物,是很可惜的,应该 把它也砍掉。“我说:”哈哈!如今正是杏树生长最好的时期,而且长得繁华。它也即将结果,你就不能为了这片杏林而放弃几畦菜地吗?“所以没有将它砍掉。























1.狠抓三基,过好课本 在课堂教学中要认认真真过教材,扎扎实实夯基础。重视基本概念和基础理论的教学,深入挖掘教材的内涵和外延,指导学生学会对所学知识的归纳和总结,形成知识体系和网络,全面理解概念、原理之间的联系和区别。坚持课堂内深化理解,课堂外强化记忆。




3.明确考点,把握考纲 根据学生实际和教学现状,对资料的使用和练习题目的选做要有针对性,结合知识点和考点,以近几年的高考题目(以全国卷为主)为例,帮助学生分析解题思路,熟悉解题方法,掌握解题规律,充分发挥高考题的示范作用。

4.强化重点,突破难点 复习教学中要力争处理好重点知识、难点知识和主干知识的关系。要突出重点,突破难点,拼弃细枝末节,突出主干脉络,形成知识体系和网络。重点知识应反复强调,难点知识宜分散突破,薄弱环节要滚动练习。

5.重视练习,规范书写 针对考试中经常出现的问题布置书面练习,严格要求按时完成。通过书面练习来规范解题思路和答题要求,利用习题课加强审题思维和解题方法的'指导,力求使学生在考场上答题时能够做到会者求对,对者求全。坚持经常督促和检查,纠正学生课堂上动口不动手的不良习惯,及早养成良好的应试心理和答题习惯。

6.优化一轮复习课的课堂模式,提高课堂效率。 针对部分学生学习缺乏积极参与、主动探索精神的现象,老师要有意识安排时间,让学生去“自主学习”、“独立思考”。教师应改变教学方法,根据考纲将教材基础知识系统地梳理并做好专题复习,同时,教师要大胆取舍,给学生留下思维空间少,要多让学生多思考、多总结。教师不仅仅是给学生传授知识,更重要的是教会方法;不仅关注学生成绩,而且关注学生心理、情感。“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔”。























