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New words:

1. genius n.1)天才 [u] 可加a

be a genius at sth. 做某事是天才

have a genius for (doing) sth.又(做)某事的天才

He had a wonderful genius for painting./mathematics.

2) 有天才的人 [c]

Shakespeare is a genius.

He is considered to be a genius at maths.

2. undertake (undertook, undertaken)

1)着手做;从事;承担(责任)作某事start on work ;

take up a position

undertake n. /pron.

to do

We could undertake the job for the time being.

He undertook the leadership of the team.

We cannot undertake to do that.


undertake to do

agree /promise to do

He undertook to finish the job by Friday.

He undertook to improve the working arrangements.


We cannot undertake that we shall finish it in time.

I can undertake that you will enjoy it.

3. obvious adj. 明显,显而易见easy to understand; clear

It is obvious that…

It was obvious that he was not going home.

It is obvious that he is lying.

obviously adv. 显而易见地can be easily seen

Obviously you didn’t read it.

4. curious adj. 好奇的,好求知的,爱打听隐私的

be curious about

to do

The boy was curious about everything he saw.

He was curious to know what was happening in the office.

curiously adv.好奇地,说也奇怪

Philip looked curiously at the people.

Obviously enough he had never seen the little girl.

5. debate n.辩论;争论 [c]

a long debate

vi. 1) debate about sth.

argue with sb.


I debated (about) the question with Mary.


debate whether to do


I debate whether to accept the job.

We were debating where we should go.

I’m just debating whether to go or stay.

2)argue sb. into (out of ) doing说服某人做(不做)某事

He argued her into( out of ) going.

6. promising adj. 有希望的,有前途的

a promising leader


promise sb. sth 接双宾语

to do


He promised his daughter a present for her birthday.

You must promised me to take a thorough rest.

I had promised Mary to attend the show.

You must promise me that you won’t do that again.

比较: He promised me to go.

He permitted me to go.


It promises to be fine tomorrow.

This promises to be an interesting evening.

The clouds promise rain.

The sky promised a storm.

come true

continue fine

turn out to be


7. research n. v.探索,调查,研究

do research in/into 对 进行研究

make on 在…方面进行研究

carry out

he has done a good deal of research on that subject.

research into/on

He is researching into the reading problems of young school children .

to research into (on ) the effects of cigarette smoking.

8. disable vt.使丧失能力

disabled adj. 有残疾的

the disabled 有残疾的人

disability n. 残废people with disability

He was disabled in the accident.

An accident disabled him from playing football.

The disabled are to receive more money.

9. seek (sought, sought) vt.i.寻找,探求,追求(多用书面语)

seek opportunities/employment/advice

seek to do设法,企图,试图

I have never sought to hide my views.

We sought to change his mind.

search for/ look for/ hunt for

10. observe v.


observe n./ pron.

sb./sth. doing

sb. / sth. do/ to be


They are observing stars.

They were observed entering the bank.

They didn’t observe Peter come in and go upstairs.

The only thing that I have observed to be without limit is the businessman’s desire for profits.

We observed that it had turned cloudy.


The doctors observe this rule.


Do they observe/celebrate Christmas in that country?

11. match v.


He matched his brother against (with) the champion.

2)相配=go with

She matched the carpet with some very nice curtains.

These shoes do not match; one is large and the other is small.


链接:go with/suit/fit/agree with

12. patient adj. 耐心的

patiently adv. 耐心地

patience n. 耐心,忍耐力 [u]

1) be patient with sb. 对某人耐心

You are very patient with me.

Just be patient a while.

2)The girl waited patiently for his decision.

3) He had no patience with her.

He showed the greatest patience.

13. experiment n. v.


carry out experiment in chemistry




Some people learn by experiment and others by experience.

Making a difference有所作为


1. Albert Einstein (1879-1955), was born in Ulm Germany, German-born American physicist and won the Nobel Prize. Best known for his theories of relativity. He is perhaps the most well-known scientist of the 20th century.

2. Marie Curie (1867-1934), Polish scientist, was born in Warsaw. She got married in 1895 with the French physicist, Pierre Curie. The Curies together with another scientist obtain the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. In 1911 she again got the Nobel Prize but for chemistry.

3. Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)was born in Ohio, a great American inventor. When he was a child, he was always asking questions and trying out new ideas. No matter how hard it was, he never gave up. He would keep trying out different ideas until he invented what he wanted. When he invented an electric light. He tried over two thousand materials before discovering one that would work. He had 1093 inventions.

4. Alfred North Whitehead (怀特黑得1861-1947),British mathematician, logician and philosopher best known for his work in mathematical logic and the philosophy science and contributed to twentieth-century logic and metaphysics.

5. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was born in Pisa, Italy, famous astronomer and physicist. He is the first person to use a telescope to study the skies. At that time it had been taken foe granted that the earth was the center of the universe. His discoveries made sure that the earth goes round the sun.

Warming up

1.Nothing in life is to be feared…

a. be to do


We are to hold sports meet next week.


You are to / must be back at six.

All these things are to be answered for.

b. be about to do最近的将来,不同时间状语连用

I’m about to leave.

不说I’m about to leave in ten minutes.


be about to do…when…

I was about to leave when the telephone rang.

In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ___. A. have survived A. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive

c. be going to

d. will


Tomorrow will be Sunday.


---I forgot to post your letter.

---I’ll post it myself.

2. similar adj. like or alike, of the same kind类似,相似,差不多

be similar to …同…差不多

We have similar opinions; my opinions are similar to his.

His views are similar to mine.

alike adj. like one another m, the same(仅用作表语) adv.

The two brother are very much alike.

The two office buildings are alike in size and shape.

She treats all her children alike.

链接:be familiar to sb, / sth. 熟悉

be the same as 同…一样

be the same to sb.对…来讲一样

It’s all the same to me. 对我来说无所谓,什么都可以.

be different from与…不同,

be different in 在…方面不同

similarity n.

1) [u]类似性,相似性

How much similarity is there between the two brothers?

There is not much similarity between two brothers.

2)相似之处 [c]

There are other similarities.

3.What’s the English word for this object?

What’s the word for “travel” in French ? “travel”这个词法语怎么说?


1) v. be uncertain (about)怀疑,不相信


I don’t doubt /question that he is telling the truth.

I doubt /question whether

if it is true.


I doubt that he will come.


肯定用if/ whether / that

2) n. There is no doubt that …

There is some doubt whether…

There is no doubt that he is guilty.

There is some doubt whether he is guilty.

3)There is no doubt about/of

4)without doubt毫无疑问

in doubt不一定,不能肯定

The whole matter is still in doubt.

throw/cast doubt on使人对。。。产生怀疑

6. more than

1) more than one作主语时位于用单数

More than one was/ were killed in the accident.

2) one and a half + 复数名词 谓语用单数

One and a half dollars is / are the tip.

One and a half hours is / are enough.

3) more than = over超过(反)less than不到

He is more than/ over / less than fifteen.

4)more than不仅仅, 极其

Bamboo is used for more than building.

He is more than pleased.

5) no more than

a. only仅仅,只有

There are only /no more than five people in the bus.

b. 同…一样都不

He is no richer / taller than his brother.

6) not more than

a. at the most指多,最多

There are not more than ten people in the bus.


He is not richer than his brother. 他没他哥富有.(他也富有)

7.Most of us would probably feel very sad…



I knew you would agree.

I thought you would be sleeping.


Would you kindly send me his address? 劳驾把它的地址给我。(请求)

You’d like some tea, wouldn’t you?你喝点茶吧,好吗?(请求)

Would you please lend me your pencil? (请求)

When would be convenient for you to come?你什么时候来方便?(请求)

I’m sure he wouldn’t mind your going.我相信你去他不会在意。(看法)

Wouldn’t be better to leave tomorrow?明天去是不是更好?(建议)

They wouldn’t have anything against it. 他们不会有什么反对意见。(看法)


If I were you, I would go.

If you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t have failed.



used to 过去常常,而现在不.(可同be连用)

He would sit there for hours sometimes, doing nothing at all.

I used to get up at six.

There used to be a river in the village.


The window wouldn’t open.

The wound wouldn’t heal. 伤口老不愈合.


That would be his mother. 这大概是他妈.

I thought you have finished this by now.

8.would probably feel

1) possible只有可能性,不管大小



a. It is possible (for sb.) to do

It is possible that (should) do

It is possible (for us) to study English well.

It is possible that we study English well.

b. It is probable that…

It is probable that it will rain today.

不能说: It is possible for him to come.

It’s possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn’t seem probable.有可能下雨,但眼下晴空万里不像是下雨的样子。

c. sb./ sth. be likely to do

It is likely that

He is likely to come.

It is likely that he will come.

It is likely that it will rain.

It is likely to rain.

2) a) perhaps & maybe都当“也许”,“可能”解。但maybe一般用于非正式文体,而且主要用于美国英语。在表示“尽可能快地”时,只能使用短语

as soon as maybe=as soon as possible

不能说as soon as perhaps

b) perhaps一般用于句首,不与形式主语连用,后面不接从句,通常只接sb. 或sth.

Perhaps they will help us after all.

Perhaps the letter will come today.

maybe可放句首, 或后接从句

Maybe we’ll see you tomorrow.

I think maybe they don’t want him, he’s so cross.

c) perhaps表示 “或许”, “可能” 是一种推测,相当于maybe, 固不能与may连用,以避免语义重复

Perhaps they will help us.

3) probably不能用在not后

possibly 和can, could连用,起强调作用

---Could you ___ take care of my dog while I’m away? ---Sure. Leave it to me, please. A. perhaps B. possibly C. maybe D. probably (B) (could, can, may, might连用)

9. give up vt.

1) give up sth. 放弃

doing sth. 不再做某事

She gave up her rights .

This maths problem is too difficult. I’ll give it up.

Then he remembered he had given up smoking.

2)give up on sb. 对…不抱希望

I gave up on you; you’ll never know anything about dictionaries.

3)give up sth. to… 交出.让给

We gave him up to the police.

连接: give in vi. 屈服, 让步

give in to

He never gave in to difficulty.

10.There did not seem much point in working on…

There be的一些特殊用法:

1)There be ( live, stand, fly, come, lie) 表存在

Once upon a time, there lived a man known by the name of Joe.

One night there flew over the city a little swallow.

There came a knock at the door.

2)*There seems to be…好像又,似乎有

There seems to be no trouble.

There doesn’t seem to have been any difficulty over the money question.

*There used to be

There used to a cinema here before the war.

*There is sure to be 一定有

There is sure to be a place somewhere.

*There appears to be

There appear to be a war between his heart and his head.

*There have/has to be

Why do there have to be poor people like those?

3)There is no doing没法做某事

There is no knowing/telling…没法知道/说…

There was no knowing how long he might be away.

There was no arguing with Mary.

From now on, there was no looking back. 没发向后看

4)There is no need to do没必要

There is no need for you to worry.

5)There be在分词中的用法

There being nothing else to do, we went home.

There being no buses, we had to walked home.

6)There be再不定式中的用法

I expected there to be no argument about this.

It is impossible for there to be any more.

You wouldn’t want there to be another war.

7)There is no( a lot of ) sense/point/good/ use in doing sth.做某事没有道理(好处/用处)

There is no sense in worrying.

What’s the sense of doing that?


There’s very little point in protesting.

There’s no point in arguing future.

11.that long


I wasn’t that clever.

同so…that …但省略 that

I was that angry I could have struck him .

He was that weak he could hardly stand.

how/so/too/that +a/an +单数可数名词

12. that much worse

修饰比较级的词有: rather, much, still, even, far, any(用于否定和疑问),no, a lot, a little, a great deal, by far, a bit, three times etc…

修饰最高级的有:序数词,by far,

13. engage



vt. vi.


They engaged a cook for the summer.

He engaged / rented a room in the hotel.

2)吸引, 引起

The new toy engaged the child’s attention.

engaged adj.

1)(指人)忙的;从事…的; 有事

(be) engaged in n. / doing = be busy in doing/ with n.

Can you come on Monday? No, I’m engaged.

be engaged in politics/ trade从事政治/ 忙于做买卖


My time is fully engaged with my daily work.

Sorry! The line/number is engaged.

Is this seat engaged/ taken?


be(get) engaged to sb.

John got engaged to her when traveling last winter.

He returned home to learn that his daughter had just got engaged.

marry vt.

1) marry sb.

2) be /get married ( to sb.)

Is he married?

He has been married to Jane for three years

3) marry sb. to sb.

He married his daughter to a doctor.

14.instead of 代替,而不(后接名,代,动名词,介词短语等)

in place of 代替in one’s place

rather than 而不是,与其…宁愿

instead adv.

take the place of

He gave me an English book instead of a Chinese book.

He walked home instead of taking a taxi.

I go to school by bike instead of on foot.

=I don’ t go to school on foot. Instead I go to school by bike.

Use water in place of/ instead of milk.

Will you go in my place / instead of me?

He ran rather than walked / instead of running.

Rather than cause trouble, he left.

Plastics have taken the place of wood.


1) go on with n.


to do

keep on doing 反复做

2) continue to do


n. He continued hi s walk.


He didn’t continue with his explanation.

To be continued.待续

*继续(处于某种状态) link-v.

The weather continued damp and wet.

He continued silent.

3) carry on doing She carried on talking.

n. They would carry on the struggle for freedom.

with 把…进行下去,继续干

Carry on with your work.

carry on with your plan.

16.stop… from doing


keep …from

hold back… from

17.be /become famous for/as

be well known for / as

be famed for

be noted for a town noted for its beauty

a noted performer

18.make a discovery= discover

make a promise = promise

make a decision = decide

make a suggestion = suggest

make preparations for = prepare for

make repairs = repair

make an answer /reply = answer/ reply

19. since I. prep. 自从…以来


I haven’t been home since 1972.

She had been out only once since her illness.

Charles has worked hard since leaving school.

Since my coming to London I have not been well.

He had been there since before the war.

3) It is/has been +一段时间+ since + did

It was + 一段时间 + since + had done

It is / has been five years since I came here. 我来这五年了.(终止性动作表动作延续)

= I have been here for five years.

= I came here five years ago.

It is five years since I smoked. 我不吸烟五年了.(延续性动词表该动作结束 )

I have smoked for five years. 我吸烟五年。

It was five years since we had such a wonderful time.

*since then

* since when

*ever since从那以后(一直)

I’ve always been on my guard since then.

Since when have you been living in this country?

John caught cold Saturday and has been in bed ever since.

20. please vt. 使高兴,

pleased adj. 高兴(人作主语)

pleasing adj. 使人高兴(物,人作主语)

pleasant adj. 使人高兴,愉快的,招人喜欢,可爱

pleasure n.

1)It is hard to please all.

Do it to please me.

2) be pleased to do



Helen was pleased to see him.

I’m very much pleased with what he has done.

I’m glad you’ve decided to come.

3)The flowers in the park were pleasing.

She was very pleasing in her appearance.

4) I hope you’ll have a pleasant holiday.

have a pleasant journey

The weather was pleasant.

I found him a very pleasant little man.

I have thought it would be a pleasant place to live.

5)*my/our/a pleasure是我(们)高兴做的事,甭客气

“Thank you to help me.” “My pleasure( It was a pleasure).

*with pleasure高兴地

I will help you with pleasure.


“Could you put me up to-night?” “ With pleasure.”

Will you take this along to the office for me?” “ With pleasure.”


1)---I’m very ___ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.

---Mum, it does have a ___ smell. A. pleasant ; pleased B. pleased; pleased C. pleasant; pleasant D. pleased; pleasant

2)---It’s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much.

---___. A. My pleasure B. I’m glad to hear that C. No, thanks D. It’s Ok

1) pleasant


have a pleasant journey


He is a pleasant young man.

I have thought it would be a pleasant place to live .


The flowers in the garden were pleasing.


be pleased to do

be pleased with 喜欢,满意

be pleased that

4)pleasure n.

*at one’s pleasure

You may go or stay at your pleasure.

*have the pleasure of

=give sb. the pleasure of (客套语)有幸能

May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?

*my (our/a )pleasure

It’s a pleasure.


*Take (a) pleasure in

*with pleasure 1)愉快地,高兴地

I shall do it with pleasure.


Will you pass me the newspaper, please? --- With pleasure.

1) 高兴得Her eyes shone with pleasure.

14.keep back留下,隐瞒

21.on the other hand用以引起与上文表达的意见不同的看法,同but & however的意思相同 ,可同on the one hand连用,也可单独使用. “另一方面”

on (the) one hand, on the other hand一方面…另一方面却又

1)On the one hand, I like the colors of the painting, but on the other hand, I don’t like the background of it.一方面,我喜欢这幅画的颜色,另一方面,我不喜欢画的背景.

2)It is not a very nice flat. On the other hand, it’s cheap.这套房子不大好,可是它便宜.

4) Rafting can be exciting, but on the other hand, it can be dangerous sometimes.乘筏漂流令人激动,但另一方面它有时也是危险的.

22.turn out


He turned out the light and followed his wife upstairs.

2) (to be) 结果是,证明是prove to be

It was cloudy this morning, but it turned out fine.

As time went on, Einstein’s theory proved to be correct.

Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day.

The examination turned out to be easy.

It turns out that he was never there.

It turns out that this method doesn’t work well.


This factory turns out bicycles.

23.find it difficult to understand him…


1)find + it + adj./ n. + to do/ doing / that

常见的动词有:find/feel/ think/consider/make/take

a. I felt it my duty to report it to the leader.

At first I found it difficult to go on.

All these noises made it impossible for me to go on with the work.这样吵杂使我无法继续工作.

b. They felt it a waste of time arguing about it.

Do you consider it any good sending more people over?


c. They found it strange that no one would take the money.

I think it a pity that she didn’t show up at the meeting.

I remember I made it quite clear to you that I was not coming.

2) sth.+ be easy/difficult/hard/fit/comfortable +to do

The book is easy to understand.

I bought a book yesterday. I found it easy to understand.

= I found the book easy to understand.

比较: I found it easy to understand the book.

3)在like/love/hate/ appreciate + it +when…结构中,没有宾补不像句型1)

(98) I hate ___ when people talk with their mouth full. A. it B. that C. these D. them

(04) I like ___ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. A. this B. that C. it D. are

I love it when you sing.

24.take measures to do sth.

What measures were taken to prevent fires?

take actions to do

25.I.ruin vt


The storm ruined crops.

The fire ruined the house.

The bad weather ruined our holiday.

ruin one’s health

an ancient ruined city

She poured water all over my painting and ruined it.


I’m only ruin you. I can’t give you happiness.

n.1)(be ) in ruins 是一片废墟,落空

The house across the street were in ruins.

The town is in ruins.

2)fall into ruin 已成废墟

The house fell into ruin.

II. damage

1) n. harm, loss损害,损失

The storm caused great damage.

The new law has done a lot of damage to the government’s popularity.这条新法律给政府的声望带来很大损失.

cause / do damage to

2)damage vt.损坏

Mind you don’t damage it.

Many of the books were damaged by fire.

III. destroy vt.摧毁,毁掉,消灭

The enney destroyed the city.

The forest was destroyed by fire.

IV. harm

n.1) 损坏(同damage), 伤害(可指人)

He means no harm.他本无恶意.

do harm to

It wouldn’t do him any harm to work a little harder.他工作再努力一些对他没有害处

vt. hurt, spoil, damage伤害,损害,危害

Smoking will harm you.

be harmful to

26.mean v.


What does this word mean?

What do you mean by this word? 这个词是什么意思?

What is meant by this word?

What’s the meaning of this word?

2) mean to do 打算做某事

mean doing 意味着

I don’t mean to hurt you.

Missing the train means waiting for another hour.

3) had meant to do=mean to have done本打算

I had meant to come earlier.

had meant to do

had wanted to do

had thought to do

The cause of the fire was a cigarette-end. had expected to do

had hoped to do

had intended to do

4) mean a lot to sb. 对…很重要

a great deal


mean everything to sb. …是某人的一切

My garden means a great deal to me.

My dog means everything to me.

27. cause v.引起,造成,使发生

1)What ( cause d / made ) you change your mind?

2) make sb. mad

cause X



3)cause sb./sth.

cause sth. to sb.

I’m not causing you any real trouble.

4)cause n.1).起因,原因,缘故,理由,根源[c]

着重是指产生某种结果的原因:the cause of

The cause of the fire was dry. 起火的原因是干燥。

The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving two fast.事故的原因是他开车太快了.


the reason for /why

Give your reason for the plan.把你计划的理由讲一下.

The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus.

The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.


There is no cause/reason for alarm.

You have no cause for complaint.


the answer won’t satisfy her.

be satisfied with …

I’m not at all satisfied with the present situation.

2)满足:satisfy one’s needs/demand/curiosity

adj. satisfying 使人满意a satisfying meal

29.what if= what will happen if要是…怎么办?假使…怎么办?

What if he doesn’t come? (用一般现在时)

30.be described as

31. believe相信,认为

1) believe (that)

I believe you’ll regret leaving London.

She believe what I said.

2) believe sb. / sth.

You can ask Mr Smith if you believe me.

Mother could hardly believe her eyes.

3) believe sb./ sth. to be/ to have done

I believe him to be innocent.

I believe him to have done it.

I believe it to have been a mistake.

They are believed to have discussed this problem.

4) “Will everything be finished tomorrow?” “Yes, I believe so.(No, I believe not.)

5) What do you believe he is?

What do you believe is he? X

Do you believe what he is? X

Do you know what he is?

Do you know what is he? X

What do you know he is? X

6) believe in信仰,相信

Christians believe in Jesus.

I don’t believe in the theory.

You can’t believe in him.

7) believe in doing主张,认为…是好的

I’ve always believe in being broad-minded.

He believed in the child being taught on the translation method.

32. the other way around

33.only by …

34. have something in common

35. come up with


News Media

New words:

1. reliable adj. able to be trusted; dependable可信赖的,可靠的


He looks a nice, reliable man.

Is this information reliable?

reliance n. 依靠,信赖

have/ place / put reliance on sb.

A child has reliance on his mother.

You can put no reliance on Tom.

Do you place much reliance on your doctor?

2. fire vt. 解雇, 开除dismiss from a job(反)take on , hire, employ

Get out! You are fired / dismissed!

vi. shoot off bullets发射(子弹),射击

fire at sb./ sth.

fire a gun at sb.

He is firing at us.

He ran into the bank and fired his gun into the air.

Don’t move or I’ll fire.

3. face n. 1)脸,面孔 [c] 2) 表面,面貌

*face to face

She stood face to face with him.

a face-to-face interview

hide one’s face (由于难为情或羞愧)低下头或把脸躲开

*in one’s face当面,迎面

“It’s your own fault!” he shouted in her face.

*in the face of

What could he do in the face of all the difficulties?

*look in the face正面看某人(而不羞愧),正视

If he knows ---how can I look him in the face?

I want you to look the facts in the face.

*lose (one’s) face

*make a face / faces

*pull / wear a long face

vt.1) 面向,朝着

The kitchen faces north.

2) 面临(形式,问题)

Such was the situation we were facing.

*be faced with面临,面对

We are all faced with the same problem of rising costs.

4. reason n. 意思是理由,原因,缘故着重指产生某种行为或想法的理由:

the reason for /why

Give your reason for the plan.把你计划的理由讲一下.

The reason for my lateness is that I missed my bus.

The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.


There is no cause/reason for alarm.

You have no cause for complaint.

cause n.1).起因,原因,缘故,理由,根源[c]

着重是指产生某种结果的原因:the cause of

The cause of the fire was dry. 起火的原因是干燥。

The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving two fast.事故的原因是他开车太快了.

reason vt.i. 说服,推理,劝说

She can reason very clearly.

I reason that since she had not answered my letter she must be angry with me. 我推断既然她不给我回信,她一定是生我的气了.

reason with sb. (try to persuade by fair argument)以理说服;劝说

You should reason with the child instead of just telling him to obey.

5. injure vt.

1)injure vt.事故中受伤或器官,the injured


2)hurt vt.身体的内伤和精神上的伤

vi. 痛

3)harm vt.人们已认识到的客观害处,


4)wound vt.肉体上的外伤 (多指刀枪伤) the wounded

a) When I fell , I _____ my leg.

b) His words _____ her.

c) He was badly _____ in the accident.

d) Doctor says getting up early won’t

_____ you.

e) He got ________ in the war.

6. inform vt. to tell or give the information to (正式)告知,通知,报告

inform sb. that


疑问词+ to do

n. / pron.

She informed him that she was to send for it the next day.

He informed them of his arrival.

He will informed us where to go.

If you saw the accident please inform the police.

a well-informed man消息灵通的人

*say, tell, inform, speak, talk用法

*say vt.只能用话语(不能用人)作宾语:

He said, “I’m tired.”

He said a few words then sat down.

*tell vt. 接宾语或双宾语

He told us that he was tired.

*inform vt. 宾语是人

He informed us that he was tired.



speak, talk 不及物,有时可及物但绝不是人作宾语.

Do you speak French?

informed adj.有知识的,见闻广的,了解情况的

7.relate vt.

1) to tell a story讲述(故事)

relate to sb. sth.

relate +clause

He related (to us) the story of his escape.

The witness related what he had seen.

2) show a relation between把…联系起来,看出或显示出…与…的关系

I can’t relate those two ideas. 我看不出那两个想法之间的关系。

*relate to 1)和… 有关,涉及

This letter relates to the sale of the house.

I don’t know to what this relates

2)和…相处很好, 和...合得来 (通常用否定)

She doesn’t relate very well to her mother.

*be related to


All things were related to all other things.


Are you related to Mr Smith?

8. talent

genius – 是一个很重的词,只用于少见的才华或有天才的人:

Einstein had genius./was a genius.

She has a genius for mathematics.

talent-- 也表示特殊才能(她不指人本身not the person who has it),但不如genius重

a young actor with a lot of talent

She has a talent for music.

He is a talented football player.

skill -- talent和genius都是某人天生的能力,而skill指一种可以学到的本领,技能,只可以做好某事的能力

a skilled worker

gift-- a natural ability to do sth.天赋,天才

He has a gift for music.

a gifted painter

9. switch vt.i. change or exchange改变,交换

They switched the positions.

He got tired of teaching and switched to painting.

*switch off = turn off

电器用品的开关用turn on, turn off或switch on / off


水龙头或煤气的开关用turn on或turn off

10. interview n.会晤,接见

have an interview with sb.

Father had an interview with the teacher about John’s work.

receive an interview受到采访

give an interview to sb. 接受某人的采访

He refused to give an interview to the journalist.

a face-to-face interview

interviewee n.

interviewer n.

11.present /pri’zent/ vt.


He presented a silver cup to the winner/ presented the

winner with a silver cup.

2)bring to one’s attention, offer for consideration呈递,提交

The committee is presenting its report next week.

3)introduce (正式) 介绍

May I introduce Mr. Johnson ( to you)?

introduce sb. to

make oneself known

present adj.

1) in the place talked of出席的,到场的opp. absent

How many people were present at the meeting?

People present will get a gift each.

be absent from

Four students are absent from class.

2)现存的, 现在的

What’s your present address?

present n. 现在,当前,目前

We learn from the past, experience the present, and hope for success in the future.

at present= at this time = now现在

for the present暂时

12.truthfully yours

13. effort ---努力,尽力the use of strength

with (without)effort 费(不费)力

He lifted the heavy box without effort.

make an/ every effort to do努力做某事

spare no effort不遗余力

The prisoner made an effort to escape but he failed.

power-1)动力doing work, driving a machine, producing electricity

Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.

2)力量 Knowledge is power.




14.ignore 不顾,不理,忽视refuse to notice, take no notice of

比较:ignore : He ignored the s peed limit (=he knew about it, but paid no attention to it) and drove very fast.它无视时速限制,车开得很快。

ignorant :无知的,不知道的

He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that (= he didn’t know that) there was a speed limit. 他车开得很快,因为他不知道有时速限制。

15.attention n. 注意 (力)[u]

pay (close) attention to注意,重视

draw / catch / call /attract attention to

devote one’s attention to专注于

turn one’s attention to注意力转向

give attention to

concentrate / hold one’s attention upon将注意力集中在

fix one’s attention on留意,专心于02

Now they stopped to pay attention to him.

He is very quiet and doesn’t draw much attention to himself.

All his attention was concentrated upon the great blue circle.

16.tolerate vt.忍受,容忍is used of people or behavior , but usually not of suffering (用于忍受人或行为,通常并不指忍受痛苦)

tolerate doing

I find it hard to tolerate your behavior.


He bore/ stood the pain as long as he could. 他尽力忍受

痛苦. 还可同can连用,表非常讨厌的事情

I can’t bear/ stand strong coffee.

17. 1)affair事,事情[c]多指已发生的大小事情或必须去做的任何事情;

Leave me alone: mind your own affair.

It’s no affair of mine.


international affairs

affairs of state / family affair

current affairs时事

2)event 事件,事[c]

The important event of the year was the big earthquake.


July 7th Incident


by accident偶然

business n.商业,生意上的事

18. concern vt.

1)关于,关系到,与…有关to be about(无被动)

The story concerns a man who is wrongly imprisoned.这个故事是关于一个被冤枉入狱的人.

Does this concern me?

2)过去分词作表语be concerned with … 和…有关,牵涉

I’m not concerned with that matter any longer.

His work is concerned with the preparation of the documents for

3)过去分词作后置定语: 有关的

The man concerned was her husband.

We shall have to consult the other countries concerned.


concern oneself with / about

be concerned about /with /for / over

Please don’t be concerned about me.

We are concerned about/for her safety.

5) so(as) far as … is concerned就…来说, 就…而论

So far as I’m concerned some other arrangement would have been satisfactory.

It is impossible as far as we are concerned.

n. 担心,焦虑 [u]

There is no reason for concern.

Mother’s concern over her sick child kept her awake all night.

19. telegram n. 电报

He sent me a telegram yesterday.

比较: telegraph n. [u]

The news was sent by telegraph.


We telegraphed her the news.

20. locate -v.

1)to learn the position of确定…的地点,找到…的位置

We located the library, schools, and stores as soon as

we moved into the town. 我们一搬到这个城镇里,就


2)使…坐落于, 把…设置在fix/ set in a certain place.

be located位于

Where is it located?

The firehouse is located on Main Street.

The house is located next to the river.这房子坐落在河边.

21.look up to =respect=admire

(opp.) look down upon

look into

look on

look forward to

look on …as

look out

look through

22.bore vt.使厌烦make sb. uninterested

The lesson was boring.

The students were bored (by it).

23.fall in love with

be in love with

24.attitude n.

(1) a way of feeling态度,表现

attitude to( towards)

What ‘s you attitude towards this idea?

(2) a position of the body (正式)姿态,姿势

25.disappoint –vt.

1)使失望, 使计划受挫unhappy at not seeing hopes come true

I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t come after all.


2)disappointed adj. 失望的

*be disappointed about/ at/ in / with sb. /sth.

be disappointed to do

Are you disappointed about/ at losing the race?

My parents will be disappointed in/ with me if I fail

the examination.

She was very disappointed to hear it.

3) disappointing adj.令人失望

Her acting was disappointing.; I hoped she would do better.

What disappointing news !

He was disappointing , so his parents were very disappointed with him.

to one’s disappointment

The film made all of us ___. It is really ___.

A. disappointing; disappointed

B. disappointed; disappointing

C. disappointed: to be disappointed

D. fell disappointing; disappointing


1. generous 1) 慷慨,大方 (opp) mean

It is generous of sb. to do

It is generous of you to lend me your car yesterday.

be generous to sb.

The poor are usually generous to each other.

be generous with sth.

She is not very generous with the food.


He gave me a generous meal.

2.rob sb. / sp. of sth

不能说:rob sth.

Mrs Smith was robbed of her 4 3,000 designer watch at her west London home.

steal sth from sb./sp.

不能说:steal sb.

She was caught stealing food from the shop.他在商店偷食品时被发现了.

pick one’s pocket掏腰包

3.Food prices are going up.

go up go down vi.

上涨 rise 下降 bring down (the prices) vt.

get higher reduce vt.

The prices have been brought down.

The price is too high/ low.

The shirt is too expensive / cheap.

4. burn down (a building) be destroyed by fire烧毁 (强调破


The building was burned down and only ashes were left.

burn out make hollow by fire烧光,烧掉

The building was burned out and only the walls remained.

burn up destroy completely by fire烧完,烧尽 (强调结果)

All the wood has been burned up.所有的木头都已烧完.

5. experienced pp. used as an adverbial分词作定语

1) When shall we send the corrected papers back to them?

2) The unexpected arrival of the letter made us jump with joy. 那封信突然的到来使我们高兴得跳了起来.

3) He made an inspiring speech at the meeting.

4) The inspired audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause.受到鼓舞的听众站立起来,对他报以长时间的热烈掌声.

6.relate to sb. / sth. 能理解或同情某人(某事物)

Students find it difficult to relate to the life of a scientidt. 学生们发现理解科学家的生活很难.

relate… to有关联的, 相关的

It refers to something in the past which is directly relate

to the present time. 它指的是发生在过去但与现在有直接关系的某件事.

If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple. 如果你把结果与援引联系起来看,你会发现事情并不那么简单.

7. for once=just for once=for this once=this once (至少)这一次(平时不这样)

1) For once, they broke the rule.

2) For once ,you are wrong.

3) For once, Brown, the toughest man, was asking for support.只有这一次Brown这个硬汉,开口求人了.

at once/immediately/

all at once/ suddenly/ all of a sudden

8. 1)rather than 而不是,与其…宁愿 instead of

The color seems green rather than blue.

He is a write rather than a poet.

He ran rather than walked.

Rather cause trouble, he left.

2)rather than连接两个并列主语时与前者一致

He rather rather you is to blame.

3) A rather than B = more A than B与其说B,不如说A.

He is an artist rather than a philosopher.

=He is more an artist than a philosopher.与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家.

4)would (had) rather … than宁愿…不愿

He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would

beg in the streets.

9.keep + adj. (present p./past p.) 使保持,继续(处于某种状态)

Will you take these home and keep them safe?请你把这些带回来,安全保管好吗?

Keep the fire burning.

Would you keep me informed of how things are going? 你随时通知我事情的进展好吗?

10. make sure that 确保,设法做到

Please make sure that the house is locked when you leave.

Before she called on her friends, she rang to make sure that they were home.

make sure of / about

Make sure of all the facts before you write the report.


There is just one or two details that I would like to make

sure about. 只有一两个细节我想弄明白.

11. bring back 1)带回, 送回

He always brings me back something nice when he goes overseas.

4) 使回忆起来,使恢复

Her heart stopped three times, but they brought her back.

Talking about it brings it all back.一谈起这件事就全想起来了.

12. adapt to改变,使能适应change so as to be suitable for new needs

It is not easy to adapt oneself to new conditions. 要使自己适应新环境是不容易的。

When you go abroad, you are often obliged to adapt yourself to foreign habits and customs. 一个人出国后往往被迫适应外国的风俗习惯。

13….it was the first time that I had written with real passion…


1) That /It is the first /second …time that + have done

was had done

This is the first time I’ve come here.

It was the third time(that) he had made the same mistake.

2) It is / has been + 一段时间 + since did

was had done

It is ( has been) two weeks since I came here.


It is five years since I smoked.


I have smoked for five years.吸烟五年

She said it was five years since she had finished her work.完成工作五年了

It is ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.十年没这么快乐了

3) was/ were about to do when + did

was/ were doing

was/were going to do

was / were on the flight

We were about to leave when the telephone rang.

4) Hardly had…done when did

No sooner than

Scarcely when/ before

Hardly had I got home when it rained.

5) It won’t be/take + 一段时间+before do用不了多久就

It will be/take + 一段时间 +before… 用了多久就...

It won’t be long before he comes back.

It will be two hours before he comes back.

It wasn’t + 一段时间 + before did 没过多久就...

It was + 一段时间 + before did 过了多久就...

It wasn’t ten years before they met again.

6)It is time that should do/ did

It is time that they went to school.

13.be/ get / become addicted to sth.… 对…有(上)瘾unable to stop having, taking

Soon he became addicted to cigarettes.

The children are addicted to television.

addiction 嗜好

14. on all sides = on every side 在各方面,四面八方

On all sides there was great enthusiasm over his speech. 他的演讲及其各界人们极大的热情.

They were trapped with enemies on every side.他们陷入困境四面楚歌.

15. respect 1) vt.

He respect every opinion his friend held.

2) n. 尊敬 [u, 可加a ] 重视

have (no, much) respect for sb. /sth.

I have much respect for him.

He has no respect for his promises.

3)n. (pl) 敬意,问候 =regards

Give my respects/ regards to your wife.

16. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.示威者们在场外与工人们交谈,积极呼吁保护地球,表现出了勇气和力量。

brave and strong表句子主语在talk和leave a message时的情形, 即:when the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth, they were brave and strong..

eg. The old man went to bed hungry last night. (The old man was hungry when he went bed last night. 这种结构与副词作状语结构不同.前者主要说明主语,后者主要说明谓语.

The old man went to bed slowly. (The action of “ going to bed” is slow)

He went home, tired and hungry.



New words:

1.content-n. the ideas of a book, paper etc. 内容;目录; 要旨

I like the style of this book, but I don’t like the content. (内容)

Before buying a book, I look at the table of the contents. (目录)


1)satisfied; happy 满足的;满意的

a)be content to do

be (well) content with

John seems content just to sit in front of the television all night.


She is not content with the explanation.(不满意)

b)be satisfied with 对。。。感到满意

You’ve done well at school. I’m very satisfied with you.

I’m not at all satisfied with the present situation.

c)be pleased with 满意

I ’m very pleased with what he has done.

We are very pleased with our new house.

d) be happy with 满意的satisfied because one thinks that sth is being done in the right way

He wasn’t happy with her work and he made her do it again.



Simple praise is enough to content him.

*content oneself with 使对。。。满足,满足于

He contented himself with that work.

He contented himself with one glass of wine.

We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.

There is no contenting some people. 有些人是很难满足的。

There is no doing …没法做某事

There is no stopping him. 没法阻止他。

2)meet one’s need/ demands/ expectation


Does the hotel meet your expectation?

The new book meets our needs.

2.access – n.

1)[c]means of entering; way to; entrance 进入;通路

The access / entrance/ passage / way / solution / attitude / key/ visit to

The only access to their house is along a narrow road.

2)[u]means or right of using, reaching, or entering 使用,接近或进入的方法或权利(机会):

Students need easy access to books.学生需要得到图书的方便途径。

3.rural ---adj.乡村的;农村的like the countryside

people living in the rural areas



urban---of a town or city 都市的;城市的

urban life

suburb---n.(通常pl) an outer area of a town or city, usu. Where people live rather than work 郊区

I live in the suburbs.


1)责任,义务 [u]

take responsibility for 对。。。承担责任

take on responsibility 承担责任

have a responsibility/ responsibilities for/towards 对。。。有责任

Parents take most of the responsibility for the children.

I take fully responsibility for breaking the window.我对打破窗户负全责。

I take fully responsibility for this action.

Parents have responsibility for their children.


The mother of a family has many responsibilities.做孩子的妈妈要尽多方面的责任。


1)be responsible (to sb.) for sth./sb.对某事/某人(向。。。)负责

I am responsible to the director for making sure that the company is profitable.我对董事负责,保证公司赚钱。

She is my child. I’m responsible for her.

Who is responsible to the parents for the education of children?

2)be in charge of 负责

I’ll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director’s away.

be in the charge of 由。。。负责

The factory is in the charge of Mr. Smith.

3)answer for= be/ become responsible for对。。。负责,承担。。。后果;受惩罚

I’ll answer for his safety.

You will have to answer for your violent behavior in court.


4.take action

take measures / take a step

We have to take action before it is too late.我们必须采取行动,否则就太晚了。

The government has promised to take measures to help the unemployment. 政府已经答应采取措施来帮助失业者。

5. willingness ---n 愿意,心甘情愿 willingly –adv.

be willing to

be ready to

be content to

be prepared to do=愿意的

be glad/happy/ pleased to do sth.

I shall be well content to do so.

Mary seems content to sit in front of the television all night. 乐意

My grandparents are content to live quietly in the countryside.

I’m not prepared to listen to your weak excuses. 站不住脚的

She’s always ready to help others.

6.harmony-n. 协调,和谐[u]

The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.

She had a sense of harmony.

There can be no harmony between two selfish people.

*in harmony 和谐, 和睦

Bob and I work together in harmony for years.

My cat and dog never fight---they live together in perfect harmony.我的猫和狗从来不打架,它们和睦相处。

*in harmony with 和。。。一致

His tastes are in harmony with mine.

7. put an end to结束(不好的事),制止

We must put an end to this foolish behavior.

come to an end结束

The meeting came to an end at last.

come to… end有。。。的结局

If you don’t give up, you’ll come to a bad end.

make (both) ends meet使收支相抵

come to a stop

The car came to a stop at last.

8.wipe away 擦掉;清除掉

Wipe away your tears.

wipe (…) off

Wipe the dirt off your shoes.

She wiped off the dust.

wipe on 在。。。上面擦

He wiped his dirty hands on a rag.

9.per-a/an / for each

Our charge for the work will be $6 per hour/ an hour.

10.alternative- adj.两者(或以上)择一的,供选择的

We returned by an alternative road.我们是从另一条路回来的。

They are alternative ways of expression the same idea.


They are several alternatives to your plan.


There is no alternative but to fight.

I had no alternative but to walk out.

改错:There is no alternative but wait. (to wait)

The only alternative is coffee and tea. (and -- or)

You have the alternative of going and staying. (and – or)


You have the alternative of coffee, tea, or milk. (有of 用 or)


The alternatives are coffee, tea and milk. (没有of用and)


11.defend –v. 1) vt.

a) defend… against/ from 保护。。。使不受:

defend sb. from harm

We defended ourselves against a surprise attack.

She defended her children from the mad dog.

b) protect… from/against 保护;保卫

He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow. 他抬起胳膊挡住向他脸部打来的一拳。

She protected the children from every danger. 她保护孩子们免遭任何危害

c) guard …from/ against 防卫;警卫;保护(使不受损害)

The wall guards the place from the thieves.

The dog guarded the house ( against strangers).


Wear a hat to guard your face against the sun.

guard against 防止

2)辩护;答辩 vt.为。。。辩护

I have no intention defending myself to you.

That lawyer is defending Mr. Smith.

12.1)affect vt.

2)have an effect on

effect-v. produce 产生

She effected several changes in the company.她使公司发生了几个变化。

3)influence sb./sth.

sb. to do sth.

have an influence over sb.

1)Smoking affects health.

2)Smoking has a bad effect on him.

3)Don’t let me influence your decision.

What influenced you to do it?

He has a strange influence over the girl.




give advice

I advised her that she should wait.

I advise waiting till the right time.

I recommend you to buy this dictionary.

Let me give you a piece of advice.




1.share ideas交换意见

compare notes

2.1)since then/ since when 同完成时连用

I have not been much in that country since then.

Since when have you been living in this country?

2)ever since从那以后(一直)(同完成时连用)

John fell off his house a week ago and has been in bed (ever) since.

2)It is + 一段时间 + since + did

It’s a long time since I met you last.

It’s just a week since we arrived here.



Two weeks had passed since Mary had seen him.


It was years since I had seen her.


Since she came to me, we had been very happy.


He was sick last week but has since recovered.

Her husband died ten years age, but she’s since married.。。。后来又结婚了。

3.1)or 即;也就是;用于补充说明上文内容。

The company is paying the rent or at least contributing to it.公司在付房租,或者至少再付一部分房租。

That is (to say),


Only one people can do the job, namely you.

2)or (else) 否则

He had to have a job or go hungry.

Hurry up or else you’ll be late.

3)or rather 更确切的说

He arrived late last night or rather in the early hours this


4)or so 大约;左右(放在量词后)= more or less

I want a hundred or so.

Mr. Smith will be back in a week or so.

about/ around/ some (放在前)

5)or something (somewhere)大概是…这类东西(在…这类地方)

He’s an engineer or something.

I put it in the cupboard or somewhere.

4. without doing 再没发生。。。的情况下

They left the school in a hurry , without saying goodbye to anyone.

He locked the door without making a sound.

*do without /go without 没有。。。也可以;对付

People cannot do without food.

I don’t have enough money to buy a car, so I’ll just have to do without one.

I’m afraid there’s no coffee, so we’ll just have to go without (it).

If I can’t find it, I shall have to do without it.

5.20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.世界上20%的人口喝不上清洁的饮用水。

access to 进入;接近

The dead-only street was the only access to her home.那个死胡同是通往她家的唯一的路。

Access to the mountain-town is often difficult because of the bad roads. 由于路况不好,进入山城往往很难。


He alone is not responsible for it.

Money alone cannot make you happy.

(all) alone 单独一人(放在动词后)

I had to work all alone.

She likes to go it alone in everything.她凡事都喜欢一个人干.

7.If we are to

be+ to do sth. 安排;命令;职责;义务;目的;用途;可能性;命中注定:

We are to meet at the school gate.

You are to be back by 10 o’clock.

The prize is to honor him for his great discovery, 奖品是为了表彰他的重大发现。

A knife is to cut with.刀是用来切割的。

They were never to meet again. 它们注定以后永远再也见不着面了。

8.do whatever one can= do what one can= do all that one can

9.Without international cooperation, developing countries cannot prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible.

倒装:nor; neither, not, hardly, seldom, never

Never have I met him before.

Seldom have we seen such big melons.

Hardly had she entered the house when she heard the dog barking.

10.Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.

Only in this way can you work out the maths problem.

Only when Tom returns this afternoon will the meeting begin.

11.Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.


1)Jack didn’t understand why his mother was angry with him until she told him everything.(陈述句)

2)Not until his mother told him everything did Jack understand why she was angry with him. (倒装句)

3)It was not until his mother told him everything that Jack understood why she was angry with him.(强调句)

12.A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.更好地了解环境情况是必要的,意愿行动也是必要的。

as= so

He is a patriot, as are his brothers.他是个爱国者,他的兄弟们也是一样。

He believed, as did his family, that you were telling the truth.

13.in harmony with (与。。。)和睦相处

反义:out of harmony with

The goal, he says, is to live in harmony with the world around us. 他说目标是与我们周围和谐相处。

He soon found himself in harmony with his new co-worker.

14.put an end to 结束;制止

We must put an end to this foolish behavior.

The chief task of the moment is to put an end to the terrible pollution in the rivers.当务之急是制止河流的严重污染。

15.There is a chance (that)…

1)chance 可能性[c;u]

There is a chance that…有可能发生某事

There is a good chance that I’ll finish the work tomorrow.

There is a chance that the sick child will get well.

There is just a chance that he’ll help you.

同义词:possibility 可能性(多作不可数名词,有时可加a)


a) There is a possibility of doing…

There is a possibility of his coming for Christmas.

I don’t think there is any possibility of your getting away before midday tomorrow.

b)There is a possibility that…

There is a possibility that the train may be late.

There’s always the possibility that he won’t come.

2)chance机会 [c; u] 同义词 opportunity

Chance/ opportunity to do

of doing

I had the chance / opportunity of visiting Paris.

I had no chance/ opportunity to see him.

I wish I’d had your chances / opportunities!

I don’t get many chances to talk to him these days.

The train was so full that we had little chance to compare notes.

There was no chance of his getting scholarships.


New words:

1.prediction –n.预言

predict –vt. to see or describe ( a future happening) in advance预言,预测

She predicted that he would marry a doctor.

Can you predict when the work will be finished?

predictable –adj.

2.forecast vt. to say with some kind of knowledge(what is going to happen at some future time)预报,预测


The teacher forecast that15 of his pupils would pass the examination.

Heavy rain has been forecast for tomorrow. 天气预报明天有大雨.

3.1)glimpse –n. 无意识地一瞥,看到的粗略印象, 瞥见,强调结果.

catch / get a glimpse of

I only caught a glimpse of the thief, so I can’t really describe him.我只是瞥了小偷一眼,因此我无法把他仔细描述.

I caught a glimpse of Meg at the station this morning.我早上在车站看见梅格了.

I caught a glimpse of the Town Hall clock as we drove quickly past.

2)glance –v.匆匆地看一眼或粗略地扫一眼,强调动作

glance at =take a glance at/ take a quick look at

He glanced at his watch once again and then looked at the front entrance.

n. 一瞥One glance at his face told me he was ill.

at a glance看一眼, 一眼看出

She saw at a glance that he’d been crying.

3)gaze –凝视,盯着看 gaze at

4)stare-凝视,盯着 stare at

5)glare –瞪着 glare at

She ___ shyly at the young fellow from behind her fan.

A. glanced B. glimpsed C. gazed D. copied

I ___ her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight.(glimpsed) 就在他消失在人群当中之前,我瞥见了他。

I caught (get) a glimpse of his face as he ran past.

We caught a glimpse of a river as the train passed over a bridge.

The angry father glared at his son.

Children should be taught not to stare at handicapped people.

4. trend –n. general direction, tendency趋势,倾向

the trend of rising unemployment失业上升的趋势

the latest trends(=fashions) in women’s clothes女装最新趋势

5. contemporary --adj. 当代的,现代的,同时期的modern , of the present

contemporary history / art/morals现代历史/艺术/道德

contemporary building


a new building/ law/ book

recent-描绘不久前发生或出现的事物 ,主要用于事件:

our recent vacation我们不久前的假期

We elected a new senator in the election. 在最进的选举中我们选了一位新参议员。


an examination in modern history

Modern science has conquered many disease.


contemporary art/politics 当代艺术/政治


the government’s current ideas on defense政府当前对国防的看法


1) to show by sign; make clear暗示,表明

I indicated that his help was not welcome.

2)( 开车转弯时用手,灯光或箭头)表示方向:

He is indicating left.

At the crossing there is an arrow ___ the direction to the Andrew Farm.

A. indicating B. to indicate C. indicated D. indicate

3)point at, draw attention to指示,指出

I asked him where my sister was, and he indicated the store across the street.

7.ensure –vt. make sth. certain to happen保证,担保

ensure that

ensure sb. sth

ensure sth.

ensure doing

If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi.

His ability ensures his success.

The medicine will ensure a good night’s sleep.

Come early to ensure getting a good seat.

We ensure to fulfill the task on time. ×

I ensure to help him. ×

8. necessity ---n.

1) need, the condition of being needed需要, 必要(性)[u]

necessity to do/ of / for

Is there any necessity for another election?

There is no necessity to hurry.

What’s the necessity of leaving so early?

2) necessity --something one needs to have 必需品,必不可少的东西[c]

指客观上必不可少的东西; 生活必需品

Food is a basic necessity of life.


a. Food and clothing are ___of life. (necessities)

b. Sleep is a ___. (necessity)

c. We packed those necessities for future use.

d. A motorcar is a ___of life nowadays. (necessary)

f. Things that are luxuries of one generation become the ___ of the next, such as television, telephone, etc... A. necessary B. necessaries C. necessity D. necessities

9. crowd –n. a large number of people gather together人群, 一群人

a crowd waiting for a bus

There were crowds of people at the theatre.

v. (of people) come together in large number拥挤,聚集

People crowded around the scene of the accident.

crowded –adj. complete full; filled with a crowd

be crowded with

be packed with

The bus was crowded with people.

The stadium was packed with people.

10. goods --n. (pl)商品,货物 (作主语,谓语用复数)

All the goods in the store ___ ( is / are ) expensive.

The shopper delivered four goods to me this afternoon. ×

The shopkeeper delivered some goods to me this afternoon.

1)必须用复数的有: sports, sales, goods, clothes

sports man , sports car, salesgirl


a) 某些表无生命的集体名词,如 machinery, jewelry, poetry等,用单数:

b) 某些表有生命的集体名词:

如cattle, police, 等,用复数

His cattle were feeding.

c) 某些表有生命的集体名词,如audience, class, couple, crew, family, government, majority, public看作集体用单数,看作成员用复数。

The audience have taken their seats.

The audience is requested to remain seated.

3)由两部分构成的物体名称,如 compasses, glasses, jeans, pants, trousers, scales (天平),scissors 通常看作复数

4) 以ings 结尾的名词,如belongings, surroundings, takings (收入)等,作复数

5)单复数同形的名词, 动词要与该名词在句中的单复数保持一致。

a) 某些动物,物体名称,如dear, sheep, fish, craft, aircraft

b) 以-ese (-ss) 结尾的民族名称, 如 Chinese , Swiss

c) means, works

Every means has been tried.

All the means have been tried.

11. purchase –v. (fml) to buy (正式) 购买;购置(指购买比较贵重的东西,如珠宝,房子,名贵的书等,也可用于购买股票等,不用于买菜,肉等)

He purchased a new house in the country.

The employees are encouraged to purchase shares in the company.该企业号召职工购买其股票.

purchase sth. with sth. 以某物换(买)某物

n. 1)[c](.pl.通常用复数)something that you buy 所购买的物品

I have some purchases to make in town.

She made several purchases in the store.

2) n.[u] the act of buying things购买行为

We began to regret the purchase of such a small house.

12. cash –n. money in coins and notes, rather than checks现金,现款

cash/ check/ cheque/ note/ coin/ credit card

I don’t have any cash on me . Can I pay by check?

v. 把…兑换成现金,兑现

Can you cash that check for me?

Where can I get this cashed?

13. remain vi.保持不变,仍是, 剩下,(人) 逗留

She likes to remain home. ×

She likes to remain at home.

可以说: remain at home / stay home / stay at home

不可以说: remain home

remain doing 具有主动性

sth. remain to be done 某事有待去做

可以说:It remains to be seen. 这尚待以后见分晓.

She remained sitting.

不可以说: It remains being seen.

She was remaining here after we left. ×


应说: She remained here after we left.

- ing 形式作前置定语: 剩下,留下

the remaining money

left-the money left

remainder –n. 剩余物,其余人

The remainder of the books are in the box.

作系词:continue to be仍然是,依旧是

Peter became a judge, but John remained a fisherman/ remained


It only remains for sb. to do sth. “某人说要做的是…” remain”剩下,留下

It only remains for me to sign the paper that you gave me.


It only remains for him to say that he agrees to the plan


Everything has been done. It only remains for them to come and enjoy the meal.


14. cure –vt. n.治愈,治疗cure sb. of a disease

不说: The doctor cured her from her cough.

This medicine cured me my cold.

而说: The doctor cured her of her cough.

This medicine cured me of my cold.

treat vt. 治疗

treat sb. for a disease

treat sb. with …用…治疗

The doctors were treating her for heart trouble.

I’ll treat you with Chinese medicine.

15. distance --n. 远方,远处,距离

1) 问距离

不说: how long / how much

而说: what

What’s the distance between London and Paris( from London to Paris)

2)表示 “在远处”

可以说: in the distance

at a distance / from a distance

不说: at the distance

Can you see a deer in the distance?

3)在表示远近时用long , short修饰, 不用near , far

It is a long / short distance from here.

=It’s near / far from here.

4) a long distance / a long-distance call长途电话

distant –adj.

16. cheat –v.


cheat sb. (out) of sth.

His father was cheated of his land.

He cheated me my money.×

He cheated me of my money.

2) cheat sb. into sth./doing sth. 骗取某人做谋事

He cheated her into believing that he loved her.

17. require (正式)请求,命令demand ,order

request 要求,请求demand politely(比ask正式,比demand客气)

demand (有权)要求 ,(强烈)要求ask for sth. strongly

ask 要求,请求(普通用语)

beg 乞求

*require vt.


a) require sb. to do sth.

I require you to speak this to no one.

They required me to keep silent.


You are required to say what is good for him or what isn’t.

All passengers are required to show their tickets.

b) require + n.

This requires great effort on the part of its people.

c) require that should do

He requires that they (should )work all night.


The floor requires washing.


You should pass the required examination to become a doctor.

4) require of对…的要求

I will do all that is required of me.

I am willing to do whatever my country requires of me.


1)request sb. to do sth.

I requested him to bring his daughter here.

Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.

Passengers are requested to take their seat immediately.

2)request that should do

She requested that the boxes should be taken to the upstairs.

3)request + n.

The judge requested silence.

4)n. make a request

He made a request for help / that I should help him.

*at one’s request /at the request of根据…的请求

I bought it at your request/at the request of my father.

He was writing at the request of Mr. Brown.

*by request应(观众)请求

She sang a song by request.

The piece was played by request.

*in great request/need有极大需求

These materials are in great need/ request.

*on(upon) request 应请求,被要求时

The band will play on request.

*demand 要求,(强烈)要求

demand sth.

demand to do

demand that ( should ) do

eg. I demand my rights./ an answer.

I demand to know the truth.

They demand that they get more money.


the demand for

in great demand

Is there much demands for teachers in this town?

Oil is in great demand these days.


ask for 要求得到

ask to do

ask sb. to do

ask that (should) do

He has asked for an interview with the present.

I ask to speak to Mr. Baker.

She asked him to wake her at six o’clock.

I ask that he leave.

*beg 乞求,恳求,请求

beg sb. to do

beg to do 请允许

beg that

She beg him to remain home.

I beg to point out that your facts are incorrect.

I beg that he leave.

18.programme v. plan, arrange 1)计划,安排,

We’ve programmed you to appear on his show next week.

2) 使按程序工作, 编制程序

The computer is programmed to accept data in any or all of these media.

Please program the computer to give me more information.请给计算机编程序以便为我提供更多的信息.

n. 1)节目单,节目,表演

What’s your favorite television program?


Meetings are held to explain the program to the villagers.


19. reality n. not imagination

turn sth. into reality

in reality 实际上

Everyone liked the stranger but in reality he is a criminal.


1.what happens to sb.?

what becomes of sb.?

what’s wrong with sb.? 某人怎么了

What’s the matter with sb.?

What’s the trouble with sb.?

2.It would be bad for society if people had doubles.

1) If I were you, I wouldn’t go.

2) If I had time, I would go.

3)If it rained tomorrow, I wouldn’t go.

If it should rain tomorrow, I would go.

If it were to rain tomorrow, I would go.

3) If you had taken the doctor’s advice, you wouldn’t have caught a cold.

3. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict,

What should a good friend be like?

1)What is sb. like?问某人如何,个性特征,既可以是内在品质,也可以是外在特点,回答是可针对其中的一方面,也可两方面都回答。

---What’s she like?

--- She is very kind and beautiful.


What’s the weather like today?

What’s his handwriting like?

2)What does sb./sth. look like? 某人/某物看上去如何?(外表,长相)

---What does she look like? ---She looks like her mother.

3)How does sb. like?

How do(did) you like…? 你觉得…怎么样?

=What do you think of…?

What / How about…?

How do you like the film?

4. make forecast about sth. =forecast

the weather forecast

v. forecast that forecast/ forecast, forecasted/ forecasted

The teacher forecast that 15 of his students would pass the examination.

to forecast the weather

to forecast election results

链接:forehead, forefather, foresee

5. indicate vt.

1) to suggest the possibility or probability of: be a sign of有…的可能性,象征

In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot. 在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。

2) to show or point to sth. 指给…看,指示

With a nod of her head she indicated to me where I should sit.

6. amaze vt. To filll with great surprise; cause wonder in使惊奇, 使吃惊

. sth. amaze sb.

sb. be amazed at sth. 某人对谋事惊讶

be amazed by sth. 某人被某事震惊

be amazed to do sth. 吃惊地做某事

His knowledge amazed me.

The visitors were amazed at the achievements of the city during the past ten years.

amazing adj. amazed adj.

7. environment means all the things around you, esp. as they influence your feelings and development 指周围的一切,尤指环境对人心情及发展的影响

Children need a happy home environment.

Brought up in a happy environment 在幸福环境中长大

surroundings simply the physical things which surround a place or person.指一个地方或一个人周围的具体东西:

a hotel set in pleasant surroundings 位于舒适环境里的饭店

She grew up in comfortable surroundings. 他在舒适的环境中长大。

比较: to grow up in beautiful surrounding 在美丽的自然环境中长大

to grow up in a happy environment 在快乐的生活中长大

8. keep in touch with

in touch with = in communication with 同。。。联系

out of touch with 失去联系

get in touch with 取得联系

lose touch with 失去联系

Let’s keep in touch with each other.

We are in close touch with our office in USA.

We have been out of touch with Lilian.

9. pay more attention to

call one’s attention to

attract one’s attention

draw one’s attention

invite one’s attention

give one’s attention to

fix one’s attention on

focus one’s attention on

center one’s attention on

devote one’s attention to

bring sth. to one’s attention 使某人注意某事

10. With a better understanding of the human body,…

with prep. at the same time or rate as sth. else 随着

Good wine will improve with age.佳酿越陈跃醇.

With the approach of sunset, the shadows lengthened. 随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长.

11. understanding n.


According to my understanding of the letter, he owes you money.

2) agreement, nor formal 协议,谅解

reach an understanding ( with sb. about sth.)

come to (与某人对谋事)达成正式协议

arrive at

We have come to an understanding.(= reached an understanding)

12. be sure (that )

be not sure whether

I’m sure smoking hurt you.

I’m not sure where he lives.

I’m not sure whether he will come.

13. come true of a hope, prediction, etc) really happen, become fact

His dream came true at last.

14.1) on the air 广播着;播送中

send (put) on the air 广播,播送

What’s on the air this evening? 今晚有什么广播节目?

2) by air

3) in the air a)在空中 b) 渺茫 The plan is quite in the air.计划还很渺茫。

4)take the air a)兜风,散步 b)飞机起飞

15.prepare sth.

prepare for

prepare sb. for

be prepared for

be prepared to do

make preparations for

16.*in store(for sb./ sth.)

1)(kept ready for future use) 储存着; 备有

have /keep sth. in store

He always keeps several cases of wine in store.他总是备有几箱酒。

A bright future is in store for you.

2)coming in the future; about to happen 必将到来,快要发生

I can see trouble in store.我预见到要有麻烦发生。

There is a surprise in store for you. 你一定要大吃一惊的。

* a store of (sth.)积累而成的巨大数量

a library with a store of rare books

She keeps a store of stories in her head.

*store up

A squirrel stores up food for the future.

17.get back 1)回来,归来 =return

2)取回,收回 He got his money back after struggle.



The British Isles

New words:

1.consist of, be made up of, include包含,包括,由….组成

1)consist of -- 不用进行式,无被动式no pass.

= be made up of

The book consists of ten parts. 本书共十章.

is consisted of ×

is consisting of ×

The city of New York consists of five boroughs.


North America consists of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.(=these are all the parts that make it up)北美包括美国,加拿大和墨西哥.(他们是构成北美的所有部分.

2) include

The United States includes Alaska and Hawaii.(= these are two of the states that make up the United States)美国包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷.(他们是组成美国各州的两个州)

2.form vt. vi.1)形成,组成,构成,养成

form the habit of

form a sentence

A plan began to form in his mind.

School helps to form a child’s character.(比喻)上学可以帮助培养孩子的品德。

2)form …from由…构成,由…组成.

form … into组成,排成,分成,做成

She formed a clay into a bowl.

She formed a bowl from the clay.

3)form up排好队伍

Form up in line.

3.general adj.1)普遍的,公众的,普通的

It’s a matter of general interest.

The cold weather has been general.


get a general idea获得大意

Give me a general idea of the work.

as a general rule一般说来

general knowledge常识,人所共知的事

in general一般说来,总的说来

Women in general like to shop for new clothes.

3) generally adv.

generally speaking

Generally speaking, women live longer than men.

4.influence n. 1)影响 [u],表某种影响可作[c]

have influence over/ with/ on/ upon

A teacher has great influence over his pupils.

He had great influence with the miners.

2)a person with this power有影响的人

He is a good / bad influence on my daughter.


under the influence of在(人,东西).. 的影响下

3) v.影响,感化

Don’t let me influence your decision.

What influenced you to do it?

5.basis/ bases(复)基础,根据

What’s the basis of/ for your opinion? 你的看法的根据是什么?

base n.基础,底部

base sth. on sth.

be based on根据

The text is based on the novel written by Luxun.

be taken from摘自于

The text is taken from the play written by Shakespeare.

be set in以…为背景

The film is set in a small village.

6.judge v.

1)judge by 以…来判断,从…来看

Don’t judge a man by his looks.

judged by…

Judged by the ordinary standards, he was reliable.

2)judge from从…来看, 根据…可以看出

Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.

Judging from the number of caars, he thought, there were not many people at the club yet.


a. 跟不定式的复合宾语(多和to be 连用)

I judge him to be loyal.

I judged them to have finished.

He judged time to be about noon.

b. 跟带形容词或名词的复合宾语:

He judges it safer to go away than to stay.

c. 跟从句

I judged that you had forgotten to come.

7.1)own v.

a.拥有,占有,是…的主人have, possess

Mr. North owns that company.


I own I was weak.

I own that I may have made mistakes.

2)adj. 自己的

I saw it with my own eyes.

They had given their lives to save children not their own.


This house is my own.

I only borrow it , it is not my own.

*of one’s own 自己的

I wish I had a little lab of my own.

I want a book of my own.

*on one’s own


He got the job on his own.

You came to London on your own?


He likes to be on his own.


9.namely adv. 那就是,这就是说 that is,

Only one person can do the job, namely you.

Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.

There are three colors in the British flag, namely red, white and blue.

10.approach .

1) 走进,接近,快到

A boy of eighteen is approaching manhood.

As people approach old age their energy may diminish.

As winter approached the weather became colder.

The time is approaching when we must leave.




A garden of poems

New words:

1. intention n. 意图,意向,打算,本来的想法(不可数,或用复数形式)

1)have (no) intention of doing sth.打(不)算做某事

I’ve got no intention of changing my mind.

2)It is one’s intention to do sth.

It was my intention to have stopped there.

It wasn’t my intention to make you miss your train. 我不是故意让你误了火车.

3)He is full of intentions but can do nothing to help you. 他满心好意,但什么忙也帮不了你.

v.1)to plan, mean to do打算,想要,计划

intend to do


I intended to catch the early train, but I didn’t get up in time.

I intended to report to the police.

2)to mean to be意指,意思是,原意

The flowers were intended for you, but my mother thought they were for her.

It was intended to be cooked slowly.那本来是要慢慢煮的.

2. mad adj. 1)crazy, ill in mind

go mad

--What’s up? --She has gone mad.

2)angry( informal ) 生气的,发怒的,气得要命

be(get) mad at / with

I got mad at him for being late.

Mother gets mad with me for coming home late.


be mad about

He is mad about football.

4)be mad with …得不得了

She was mad with hunger.

She was mad with pain.

5)drive sb. mad使某人非常生气annoy sb. very much

like mad = very hard拼命地

I ran like mad to catch the train.

3. have a dialogue

make / create a dialogue

4. absence n.

1) 缺席,不在[u]in one’s absence, 一次缺席或不在[c]

During his absence from Guangzhou his co-workers did a lot of work.

I shall take your place in your absence.

He acted as chairman in my absence.


Darkness is the absence of light.

In the absence of these conditions, it won’t work well.没有这些条件,它的效果不会好.

absence of mind心不在焉

adj. absent

be absent from

He was absent from the meeting.

Why were your absent from school?



6.apart adv.

1) 相距,相隔

Their houses are two miles apart.

The two brothers were farther apart than ever in their ideas.


During that time they were never apart.

Let’s keep the two things apart.

3) apart from

a. 除…之外 (=besides)

Apart from them, I had no one to talk to.

Apart from that, he had no private income.

Apart from the cost. it will take a lot of time.

b. 只是…(否则),除掉(=except for)

Apart from that, all goes well.

*tell / know apart区分开


1. whether …or…



I don’t know whether/ if you like it.

Ask him whether/ if he can come.


This is certainly the case but whether it is a fault or not I don’t know.


It all depends on whether we can get their co-operation.

I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.


Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.

It was uncertain whether he could come.

The first question was whether he had arrived yet.

The question whether we ought to call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.


I don’t know whether to accept or refuse.

He wondered whether to come or not.

6)(引起状语从句) 不管…是否, 不管… 还是

I’ll do it whether you like it or not.

Whether we go or whether we stay, the result is the same.

eg.---Dad, I’ve finished my assignment. --- Good, and ___ you play or watch TV, you mustn’t disturb me. A. whether B. whenever C. whatever D. no matter

2. get through –pass though通过

We managed to get through the forest with their help.

They succeeded in getting the bill through.

I couldn’t get through to you yesterday. The line was busy.

I ‘ve got through the book in one evening.

3. call up

1)telephone sb./ring up

Please call me up tomorrow.


The letter calls up the days when we worked together in the countryside.

The picture called up memories of our class trip.

4. stand out突出,引人注意

David stands out as a computer program designer. David是个出众的计算机编程员.

In this list two names stand out particularly.在这个名单中有两个名字很显眼.

5. when you have read some Chinese poems, you’ll have seen and heard…

will/ shall have done

By the end of this month, we’ll have finished the work.

We’ll start at five o’clock if it has stopped raining by then.

eg.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics ___ by .

A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed

6.follow vt.i1)跟着,跟随,沿着

follow sb. into sp. 跟随某人去某处

不能说follow sb. to do sth.

I followed her to go to the office. ×

I followed her into the office.

2) 接着…发生

May follows April. 四月之后是五月.

3)领会,懂understand, grasp one’s meaning

I don’t quite follow you.

4)as follows是as it follows省略. 如下

The person who were late this morning are as follows.

follow one’s advice/ orders/ instructions

follow one’s example=follow the example of

following adj.

the following day

7.1) remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事,使某人想起

The film reminded him of what he had seen in Paris.

变被动只能把sb. 提前

We reminded him of the agreement.

He was reminded of the agreement.

不能说:the agreement was reminded him (of).

2) remind sb. of doing使某人想起做过某事

Henry reminded me of my seeing the film.

3)remind sb to do sth. 提醒某人要做某事

Please remind me to post the letter.

I wish you had reminded me to telephone her.

4) remind sb. that不可直接接that

We reminded him that the meeting had been put off.

Please remind me that I must call him up before noon.

8.lead to

1)导致,产生=result in

Eating too much sugar can lead to/result in health problems.

result in & result from

Careless driving result in the accident.

The accident resulted from careless driving.

9. comparison

1) n. 比较 [c,u]

make a comparison

The traveler made a comparison between Beijing and Xi an.

That’s a good dictionary, but won’t (can’t) stand comparison with this.

2)in comparison with和…比起来

I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last year.

3) vt. vi

compare …with和…相比,

compare … to 把…比作,说…像

How does your new house with your old one?

Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.

He compared the heart to a pump.

4)compared to (with) 和…比起来(相比) (作状语)

Compared to/ with many women, she was indeed very fortunate.

Comparing ×

5) compare notes交换意见

Mother and Mrs Brown likes to compare notes about cooking.

10.more and more

11. no matter wh- “不管,无论” 在句中作让步状语从句,可同wh- ever替换

No matter when/ whenever you leave the room, don’t forget to turn off the gas.

No matter who/ whoever told you about some news, you can’t make any comment on it before you check it up.


Wherever you go makes no difference.

She’ll do whatever she can.

eg.1. ___, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

A. However the story is amusing

B. No matter amusing the story is

C. However amusing the story is

D. No matter how the story is amusing

eg.2.You can eat in my restaurant ___ you like. A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however


Art and architecture

New words:

1. design vt. 设计,计划

1) vt.设计

He had designed all the scenes.


a) be designed for

to do

This found is designed to help worthy students.

The course of study ids designed to help those wishing to teach abroad.

b)be meant for打算给(谁),打算(作什么用)

What (Who) is this meant for?

Is this picture meant for me?

The room was originally meant for workers’ reading-room.


be intended for (原)打算给(某人),准备让…干

I intended ( meant ) that for you.

I intended these flowers for your mother , but as she is away I’d be glad if you would accept them.

This gift is intended for you.

The movie is intended for the adults only.

n. 1) 设计[c,u]

2)图案,图样,式样[c] pattern

I like the design of your furniture.

The cloth has a pattern of red and white squares.

*by design有意地 (反) by accident 无意地

Did you do it by design or by accident?

2. furniture n. [u]

The room was small and contained far too much furniture.

The furniture was moved in.

a piece of / an article of furniture 一件家具

3. convenient adj. suited to one ‘s needs 便利的, 适宜的

a convenient house/ time/ store

It is convenient to do sth.

be convenient to sb./ for sb. 不能人作主语

Will the 3:30 train be convenient for you?

Come whenever it is convenient to you.

It is convenient to live in the modern house.

convenience n. 方便, 合适 [u]

at one’s convenience在方便的时侯,以方便的方式

Deal with it at your convenience.

We’ll meet at your convenience.

4.construct vt. build, more formal than make

construction n.

under construction

There are two new hotels near here under construction.

5.impress vt.

1) fill sb. with admiration给人深刻的印象,引人注目

be impressed by/ at / with被…所感动

I was very impressed by/ with their new house.

We were deeply impressed by his deeds.

2)铭刻,铭记, 让明白(…的重要性)

impress on sb. sth.=impress sb. with sth.

My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.

He impressed me with the importance of the work.

=He impressed on me the importance of the work.

3) be impressed on one’s mind/ memory被印在脑海里,留下很深印象

What he said that day was deeply impressed on my memory.

6. belong to (1.不能用被动2.只有一般时,不用进行时)

That dictionary belongs to me.

is belong to me.×

is belonged to me.×

is belonging to me.×

belongs to mine.×

is mine.

China is a country belonging to the third world.

belongs to×

which is belonged to×

belonged to×

which belongs to


1. If …were/ did …, … would …

If I were you, I would go with him.

If she stayed at home now, she would be watching TV.

If …did/ should/ were to…, … would…

If …had done…,…would have done…

2. I’d prefer


1) prefer+ n.

Would you like to live in a modern flat or do you prefer a traditional house?

2) prefer + to do

In which house would you prefer to live?

3) prefer + doing

I prefer working on my own.

4) prefer sb./ sth. to sb. / sth.

Even today, most Americans prefer coffee to tea.

5) prefer doing to doing

I prefer staying at home watching TV to going shopping out.

6) would prefer that

I’d prefer that the job were a little closer to my home.

3. I’d rather

1) would/ had rather do

I’d rather go myself.

2) would rather have done宁愿做过

I’d rather not have said that.

3) would rather do ..than ..do

I’d rather stay at home than go out.

Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the streets.

4)would rather did

I’d rather you went there.

4.take examples from模仿

His designs tale examples mainly flowers and plants.

follow ( copy) example of 以…为榜样

set an example to

take … for example

5. have sth./ sb. do

have sb. / sth. doing

have sth. done 1)让别人来做某事2)遭到某种情况

have sth./ sb. to do

won’t have sb. doing容忍

1) I won’t have him cheat me.

2)He had the fire burning all night.

I had a car waiting at the gate.

3) I’ll have my bike repaired.

Why didn’t you have your suit cleaned?

King Charlie had his head cut off.

She had her watch stolen.

4) Do you have any clothes to wash?

Do you have any clothes to be washed?

5) I won’t have you saying like that.

get sb. to do sth.

get sb./sth. doing

get sth. done

get married /changed/drunk

eg. Mrs Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had ___ went wrong again.

A. it B. it repaired C.repaired D. to be repaired

6. 1)find + O + adj.

I found English hard to learn.

2)find +O + n.

I find it a hard book.

3)find + O + doing

We found him waiting to receive us.

4)find + O + done

On his return from his office, he found the house deserted.

He found the door closed.

5)find + O + adv.

We went to her house but we found her out.

6)find + O + prep. phr.

I found myself in prison.

7)find + O + to be

I find the Chinese people to be happy and cheerful.

We found him ( to be ) dishonest.=that he was dishonest.

8)find + O + that

I called on her this evening ; but I found she had gone to the country on a visit.

7.go against 1)违背,违反

You can’t go against nature.

Her father is so strict that she is scared to go against his wishes.

2) 对…不利

The case may go against you.

The game was going against us.

8.While in traditional architecture materials such as earth, stone, brick and wood are used, the materials of modern architecture are steel, glass and concrete. 传统建筑使用土石和砖木等材料,而现代建筑的材料是钢铁和混凝土等。


Jane was dressed in brown while Mary was dressed in blue.

Books were everywhere on the floor while magazines covered the table.

9. include包括,包含(部分,可能还有别的)

contain 1) to hold装2)包含,含有(强调整个)

The plan includes most of your suggestions.

The price includes both house and furniture.

Everyone laughed, me included.

including me.

This bottle contains two glasses of beer.

His paper contains no mistakes at all.

Hamburger is a kind of food containing fat

contains ×

contained ×

to contain ×

which contains

10. 1) despite

He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.

2) in spite of

He came to the meeting in spite of rain.

3) although

Although my car is very old, I don’t want to buy a new car.

4) though

Though it is hard , I enjoy it.

5) as

Young as (though) he is, he knows a lot.

Hard as he studied, he failed.

Try as he might, he failed.


Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such

a good one already? 你已经有了这么好的工作,


7) while尽管,虽然(多放在句首)

While they are my neighbours, I don’t know them well.

While I understand what you say, I don’t agree with you.

11.refer to

12.pull down

13. decorate…with… 用…装饰

be decorated with

She decorated her room with flowers.

All the walls of her room are decorated with pictures of pop stars.

14.remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事,使某人想起

remind sb. to do sth.

remind sb. that

This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.

Remind me to write to Mother.

The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.

The sight of the clock reminded me to leave at once.

15.compare …with…

compare… to…

compared with/ to…同…相比

When ___, the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being Completed D. to be completed

16.set aside

1) save for a special purpose把…放在一边,搁置;留出

She set aside a little money every week.

He set aside the book and turned off the light.

2)pay no attention to无视,不管

Setting aside what I think, what would you like to do?不用管我怎么想,你想干什么?

17. of different sizes

of + n.用来表示人或事物说具有的特征或性质,作表语或后置定语

a. 指人,物(表语)

They were both of middle height.

be of different sizes, weights, shapes

b. (定语)

He is a man of character.

I don’t find anything of interest (anything interesting)?

c. be of great value/ interest / use/ importance/benefit/ help

be very valuable/ interesting/ useful/ important /beneficial / helpful

The book is of great value.

The book is very valuable.

18. far from 1)远

How far is it from your office to the bank?

2) 远远不是,不仅不…(而且)

a. far from doing

She is far from being pleased about it; she is very angry.

Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them intensely.强烈地

b. far from + adj.

It is far from perfect.

She was sure that she was far from happy.

But I was still far from satisfied.


New words:

1.deadly –adj.

1)极其危险的,致命的 dangerous, likely to cause death

Cancer is a deadly disease.


A deadly silence filled the auditorium.

3)死气沉沉,very dull

a deadly conversation


1)very 极度,非常,十分

deadly serious 十分认真

deadly dull 非常枯燥

2)like dead 死一般的

deadly pale

dead/ die/ death/deadly

die of hunger/cold/ starvation/ a disease /

die from a wound /polluted air/

die in an accident/ a battle

die by drowning

be dying for have a real wish for/ to do

be dying to do 恨不得马上,非常想

I’m dying for a cigarette .

The shock was ___ to him. (dead/ died/ deadly/death)

She has for three years. (died/ been dead/ been deadly)

2.quiz quizzed quizzing quizzes

n. a competition or game where questions are put 问答比赛或游戏,小型考试

competition/ race / match

He took part in a television ___ and won several prices. A. match B. race C. quiz D. championship

2) vt. (about) ask questions about sb.对(某人)提问,盘问

quiz sb. about sth

He quizzed me about where I’d been last night.

3false -- adj. 错误的,假的,伪造的

Spies may a number of __ names and papers. A. imitation B. artificial C. false D. man-made.

right or wrong

true or false

4.infect vt.

1)影响(指坏影响 ),感染(指好的)affect

One bad boy may infect a whole class.

Violence is infecting our society.

Her spirit infected/ affected him.


The disease infected her eyes, and she became blind.

Infection n. She is suffering from a l lung infection.

5.inject vt. with/into 注射,注入

They are injecting him with a new drug.

We hope to inject new life/ interest into our work.

Injection n.

The nurse gave him an injection for / against fever.

6.via prep. by way of 经由,经过

We flew to Athens via Paris and Rome.

I sent a message to Mary via her sister.

7.persuade sb. to do sth./ into doing sth.

persuade sb. not to do sth./ out of doing sth.

try to persuade sb. to do = advise sb. to do

Try to persuade him to come with us.

They persuaded us into / out of going(= to go/ not to go) to the party.

The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ___ to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded

比较:convince 说服,使信服


The newspaper article has convinced me ( made me believe) that smoking is a dangerous habit.

The doctor persuaded me to give up smoking.

8.contract v.

1)make a legal agreement with sb.与某人签订 (合同或契约)

contract with sb. for sth.

contract with a firm for the supply of fuel.

We have contracted to build a bridge across the river.


My son contracted a severe fever.


contract debts

contract bad habits

n. 合同,契约

enter into/ make a contract (with sb.) (for sth./ to do sth.)

You shouldn’t enter into/ make a contract until you have studied carefully.

We have a contract with the government for the supply of vehicles/to supply vehicles.

9.specialist (a person) with special knowledge or training in a field of work or study

a heart specialist

He is a specialist in Rome coins.

expert : be expert at/ in / on

She is (an) expert on/ in/ at teaching small children.

10.fierce adj.

1)angry, violence and cruel残忍的,凶猛的

a fierce dog

a fierce-looking man

2) very great or strong激烈的,强烈的

the fierce heat of the sun 太阳的炽热

Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce.



11.invisible ,visible

in sight / out of sight

12.recover v.

1)get back(something lost or taken away) 重新得到,取回 ,恢复:

The police recovered the stolen jewelry.

She recovered consciousness soon after the accident.

2)to return to the proper state of health, strength, ability, etc.


Has the country recovered yet from the effects of the war? 哪个国家已从战争的影响下恢复了吗?


1..1)infect sb./sth. with 感染 ,传染

2) be/become infected with 被。。。感染

These animals have been infected with the bacteria.


She infected the whole class with her laughter.

The spreading disease infected eyes, and she became blind.

2.live with sb. 与…在一起=live together

live with sth. = accept, tolerate sth. 忍受

You’ll have to learnt to live with it, I’m afraid.

3.What if…? 要是。。。怎么办 ?

What if he comes?

What if it rains when we can’t get under shelter? 假如下起雨来 ,我们没处躲雨怎么办?

4.break down

1) cause sth to collapse, destroy 使。。。瓦解 ,毁坏(改变某物的化学成分)

Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.


Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances.


2)(因机械,电力等故障 )停止运转,失灵 ,失效

The telephone system has broken down.电话失灵了。

Our car broke down on the high way.

3) (身体)跨了(of one’s health) become very bad

Her health broke down under the pressure of work.

4)感情失控 lose control of one’s feelings 感情失去控制

He broke down and wept when he heard the news.

She broke down and sobbed aloud.


The conversation broke down at this point. 这时候谈话中断了。

Telephone communication with other cities has broken down..


break in –

1)enter a building by force 闯入 ,强行进入

He broke in and stole my money.

2)interrupt 插嘴 ,打断

She broke in with some ideas of her own.

break into

1)enter by force 闯入

to break into a house


to break into a conversation

3)=burst into –begin suddenly to sing, laugh etc.

to break/burst into a song/laughter

break off –

1)end, interrupt 中止,中断

Those two countries have broken off relations with each other.


2)折断 He broke off a branch.

break out ---to begin suddenly

War / A fire broke out.

break through –force a way through突破

Have our soldiers broken through the enemy’s defenses?

break up-

1)cause to divided into smaller pieces (使)分开, 分解(物理)

The ice will break up when the warm weather comes.

2)to cause to come to an end (使)结束

The police broke up the fight.

The party broke up when the police arrived.


5.defense 保卫 ;防卫

a defense of one’s country

in defense of 保卫,维护

He spoke in defense of justice. 他发言维护正义。

a defense against

Mountains are a defense against the wind.山是防风的屏障。

6.keep –(cause to) stay, remain, or continue (使)保持 ,(使)持续


keep fit/ calm/ cool/ silent/ quiet/ awake/ warm/ open/ fresh/ fine

The weather is keeping fine.

We must keep fit.

I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep awake.

How long do the shop keep open?

It is hard to keep warm in such cold weather.


We keep in during the cold weather.

Keep away from the fire, children.


We’ll keep in touch with you.


I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.

We’d better keep the fire burning.


You must keep us informed of how things are going with you.一定要我们经常了解你们情况。

We must keep the documents locked up.


Please keep the door open.

Keep the clothes clean.


Her sickness kept her in the hospital for six weeks.

A cold kept him in bed for three days.


I’m sorry to keep you up so late.

They kept us out.

7.1)infect-put disease into the body of (sb.) 传染,使感染 ,染上细菌,影响(用于比喻)

The disease infected her eyes, and she became blind. 这病感染她的双眼,他瞎了。

The flu virus infected almost the entire class.

The meat is infected.

Violence is infecting our society.

2)contract –get an illness 感染;患病

My son contracted a fever. 我的儿子发高烧。

Xiao hua’s mother contracted HIV.

3)transmit –to send or carry from one person, place, or thing to another. 传送,传染

to transmit a disease

Insects can transmit disease.

Rats transmit disease.

Certain mosquitoes transmit malaria.

4)spread 传播

Flies spread disease.

8.as with …正如。。。一样

=as it is the same with…

=as is the case with…

As with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing this job.正如画画一样,在做这件事时,你应当耐心细致。

As with running, learning English needs will.


9.through birth

birth-n. 出生,分娩

the date of one’s birth

at birth 出生时

The baby weighed seven pounds at birth.

from birth/ though birth

He has been blind from birth.

give birth to 生,生产

She gave a birth to a boy last night.

birth control

French by birth 具有法国血统

出身 [u] He is English by birth although he was born in France.


10.spread- vt. Vi.


Flies spread disease.

Who spread these rumors?


The fire soon spread to the other building.

The illness spread quickly in that country.

News of their victory spread throughout the country.


The bird spread its wings. 鸟儿伸开翅膀。

比较:The bird beat its wings.

The field spreads out before us.田野展开在我们面前。

11.hope –n. 1)希望 [c.u]

While there is life there is hope.

There is a hope of success.

He has some hope(s) of success.

in hopes of= in the hope of

I went there in hopes of meeting some friends.

12.support –vt.


The old man stood up, supported by his son.


I support your suggestion.

链接:be in favor of : I’m in favor of your suggestion.

back –v. He always backs his friend in an argument.

be on one’s side – He is always on my side.

side with支持,支援 It’s safer to side with the stronger party.


take sides 袒护,支持

No one takes sides with him.

3) 养活,维持生活support/ keep/ provide for

He had a wife and three children to support./keep/provide for.

keep/ feed / raise

He has five children to feed/ keep/ raise.

13.1)受。。。之苦suffer from

He suffered most from lack of rest.

He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger in the old days.


We learned that he was suffering from cancer.

I suffer from high blood.

3)受到,遭受 (vt)to experience(sth) painful

The army suffered heavy losses in the battle.

endure-to bear pain忍受,忍耐

go through经受,忍受

14.fear n.

*for fear of 由于害怕,以防

They were afraid to speak for fear of making errors.

Shut the window for fear of rain.

He left an hour early for fear of missing the train.

He ran away for fear of being hurt.

*for fear that 唯恐,怕的是,以防

She worried for fear that the child would be hurt.

Shut the window for fear that it may rain.

*in fear and trembling 胆战心惊的

He stood there in fear and trembling.

*in fear of 害怕,担心

The thief was in fear of the police.

The thief passed the day in fear of discovery.

fear –v。1)be afraid of

fear +n.

+ for 担心

+(that) 恐怕, 担心=I’m afraid

He has always feared nice.

She feared for the lost child.

I fear we’ll be late.

I fear I must go.

It’s raining, I fear.


Is she very ill? I fear so.

Will he get well? I fear not.

15.immune-adj. 免疫的;有免疫力的;不受影响的 (同 to, from连用)unable to be harmed because of special powers in oneself

immune to disease不生病

immune to unhappiness不会不快乐

This medicine will make you immune to (from) the disease..

He has had the disease once, so he should be immune to it now.

When once you have had the disease you are immune from it for the rest of your life.

16.1)disrupt –to bring or throw in disorder扰乱

An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.意外事件扰乱了进出那个城市的铁路服务。

2)disturb-to break in(esp. someone is working)妨碍,打扰

I’m sorry to disturb you. 对不起,打扰了。

3)bother-to cause to be nervous, annoy or trouble, esp. in little ways打扰,麻烦

That’s what bothers me most. 这是最困扰我的地方。

I’m sorry to bother you , but can you tell me the time?

4)interrupt-to break the flow (of sth. continuous ) 阻断,打断

Traffic was interrupted by a snowstorm.

His speech was constantly interrupted by applause.

17. contrary --adj. 1)completely different; wholly opposed 相反的,格格不入的

contrary suggestions

n. the opposite相反;反面

They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary.

On the contrary (used for expression strong opposition to what has just been said用来对刚说的话表示强烈反对) not all, no 恰恰相反

--- I hear you like your new job.

---On the contrary, it’s terribly uninteresting.


1)on the contrary 用来对刚说过的话表示完全不同意

“Does it rain a lot in the desert?”

“On the contrary, it hardly ever rains.”

2)on the other hand 对说做的陈述补充新的相反的事实

It rarely rains a lot in the coastal areas. 沙漠里很少下雨,但反之沿海地区经常下雨。

3)in contrast 用来说明两个根本不同的事实之间的(惊人的)差别:

It is hot in the desert in the day, but in contrast it is very cold at night. 沙漠里白天很热,但是相比之下夜里却很冷。

18. for the moment 暂时,目前

I have nothing to do for the moment.

We can leave it open for the moment.

*at the moment = at the present time; now

I’m busy at the moment.

I know his address, but I cannot think of it at the moment.

*the moment (that) =just as soon as; at exactly the time when

I recognized him the moment (that) I saw him.

*at any moment 任何时候;随时

He might come back at any moment.

He will be here at any moment.


New words:

1.frightening adj.

fright---n. the feeling of fear 惊吓;恐怖

with fright =with fear

I was shocked with fright/ fear.

frighten-vt. fill with fear 使吃惊;惊吓

frighten sb.

sb. be frightened by


to do


You frightened me.

The explosion frightened me.

The child was frightened by the big dog.

She was frightened by the height of the cliff.

He was frightened at the thought of his coming examination.

She was frightened to look down from the top of the tall building.

The little girl was frightened that her mother wouldn’t come back.


He has had a ___ (frightened, frightening) experience.

He threw me a quick ___ ( frightened, frightening )glance.

The ___ (frightened; frightening) horse ran away from the fire.

*frighten sb. into/ into doing 吓得某人做某事/不做某事

persuade sb. into doing

argue sb. into (out of ) doing

He frightened the old lady into/ out of signing the paper.


*be frightened of= be afraid of

She was frightened of police.


typhoon –n.台风

volcano –n。火山



tornado –n.龙卷风


under threat of 在。。。的威胁下

I obeyed, but only under thread of death. 我仅仅是在死亡威胁下 屈服了。

make a threat 威胁

2)possible danger 可能的危险;凶兆(常用单)

The killer is a threat to everyone.

The flood was a thread to our homes.


There is a threat of rain.

The clouds brought a threat of rain.

threaten –v. 威胁;有。。。的危险

threaten to do

sb。with 威胁着要。。。

She threatened to murder me.

I was threatened with punishment if I don’t obey. 如果我不服


The clouds threatened rain.云显得要下雨了。

4. on end –1)of time continuously(指时间)连续地

He sat there for hours on end.

He studied for days on end.

2)up right直立;竖起来

stand on end (使)竖起来

We had to stand the table on end to get it through the door.

When he heard the strange cry, his hair stood on end.

The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.

*come to an end

*come to … end

* in the end

*make ends meet

*put an end to

v. end in 以。。。告终;结果。。。

The plan ended in failure.

The match ended in a win for us.

The battle ended in a victory(in everyone going home.

end up 最后(有某种结局);最后(成了)

If you drive your car like that, you’ll end up in hospital.

If you go on doing that kind of thing you’ll end up in prison.

end up with =close with 以。。。结束

We started with soup, and had fruit to end up with.

We ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee.

5.terrify-vt. 使害怕;使惊恐

Your views terrified me.

be terrified by

She was terrified by his appearance.

Terrified by the sight of lion, Bill climbed a tree.

be terrified of 害怕

The old lady was terrified of crossing such a busy road.

定语:The terrified girl ran home.

That must have been a terrifying experience for you.

6.bury-vt.埋葬put into the grave;掩藏hide away esp. in the ground

After the battle they buried the dead.

He buried his head ( face) in his hands.他用手捂住头(脸)。

7.at hand


When he writes he always keeps a dictionary at hand.

I haven’t my book at hand, but I’ll show it to you later.

2)就要到来,不远了on the way; be upon sb.

around the corner (同just连用) 即将来临,在拐角处(Unit17SI)

The examinations are at hand/ on the way/ upon us..

Christmas is at hand./ upon us/ on the way

But changes were just around the corner.

by hand手工(做的);送来的(不是寄来的)

My shoes were made by hand.

The note was delivered by hand.

from hand to hand 从一个人传到另一个人

give (lend) sb. a hand 帮一下忙

Could you lend me a hand with the parcel?

hand in hand

hands up

hands off不要碰;不要干预

on hand 手边(有。。);手头(有事做)

I have no cash on hand to pay for the gas。

on the one hand…on the other一方面。。。另一方面

On the one hand I admired his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment.

on the other hand (可是)另一方面

He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.

8.flee/ fled/ fled –vi. vt.(正式)逃跑;逃走

=escape from

=get away from

The frightened people fled from the fire.

Over the years, thousands of citizens fled to the neighboring countries.

The enemy fled in disorder.敌人溃逃。

He fled the kidnappers and phoned the police.

They all fled ( from ) the burning ship.

9.urge –vt. 敦促;恳求;强烈要求 beg or strongly persuade

urge sb. to do sth.

that do


They urged us to go with them.

My mother urged me not to tell you anything about it.

He urged that they go to Europe.

She urged that he write and accept the post.

They urged prison reform.


an urge to do

She felt an/ the urge to hit him. 她感到一股冲动想揍他。

He a sudden urge to go to Italy.

10.arrival –n.到达;到来[u]

upon arrival 后跟表动态的名词或动名词,表“ 在。。。时;当发生。。。时

Upon arrival, they went in search of a hotel.

She was joyful upon seeing her child take his first steps.她看到孩子开始走路了,很开心。

They gave him a warm welcome on his arrival.

On my arrival home, I was greeted by my parents.

as soon as one arrives

on arriving

链接:refusal/ survival

11.bath –n. an act of washing one’s whole body at one time

take/ have a bath

bathe/ bathed/ bathing vt. vi

He is bathing the baby.


at once

right away


without delay We must leave without delay.

in no time I’ll come back in no time.

In no time will I come back.

13.board –n.船舷;木板;边缘

on board 上船(火车;公共汽车;飞机等)in or on (a ship or public vehicle)

They got on board the train.他们上了火车。

She enjoys life on board ship.她在船上过得很愉快。

14.knock about接连的打击

knock about/ around 漫游(各地)

knock back狂饮,痛饮

knock sb./sth. down摧毁;拆除;推倒

Our house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.

knock off 1)停止做(某事,尤指工作)2)削价

knock out 使某人睡觉

knock into把。。。敲入;撞到某人身上

He walked in the dark and knocked into a man.

15.all of a sudden

all at once


16.live through度过;经受住

He managed to live through two world wars.

live with 忍受;接受

I don’t enjoy the pain but I can live with it.


1)in a voice that may be heard出声;高声

The teacher asked him to read the poem aloud.

2)in a loud voice大声

The pain caused him to cry aloud.

loud-adv. in a loud way 大声地;喧闹地;响亮地

Try to sing louder.

adj. noisy; not quiet响亮的;高声的;吵闹的

loud music

a loud radio

loudly –adv.

18.swear –swore/ sworn

1) vi (at)use bad language咒骂;说脏话

Stop swearing in front of children.

2)vt. 发誓:cause to take an oath

I can tell you anything about it; I’ve been sworn to secrecy.

3)宣誓:promise formally or by an OATH

swear to do/ that

He swore to obey.

swear / take an oath 宣誓


1.frighten 使害怕



alarm-We don’t wish to alarm the child.

make sb.’s hair stand使人惊吓得毛骨悚然

make one’s hair stand on end

panic-The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.

be afraid of / to do / that害怕

be frightened (to death) / of / to do / by / at / that

be scared (to death) / by / of / to do / that

be terrified by/ of / at

be fearful of / that

2….my mother drew my uncle’s attention to…我母亲让我叔叔注意

draw / attract (one’s) attention (to) (使某人)注意。。。

He drew attention to the rising unemployment rates.

I drew her attention to her dirty fingernails.

call ( one’s) attention (to) 引起某人注意某事

He called my attention to some new evidence.他促使我注意到某些新的证据。

Before I closed I must call your attention to a problem we have to face.

catch/ arrest one’s attention引起某人的注意

The bright light caught/ arrested the boy’s attention.明亮的灯光吸引了孩子的注意力。

pay attention to

He didn’t pay any close attention to the details.

devote attention to 关注;重视

Much attention has been devoted to the matter. 对于这个问题已经给予了足够的重视。

turn one’s attention to把注意力转向

His attention was turned to the pretty young girl.

focus/ center/ concentrate (one’s) attention on 把注意力集中在。。。

All his attention was focused on the stars.

bring sth. to one’s attention 使某人注意到谋事

I feel it my duty to bring to your attention the following facts.我感到要你注意下面这些事实是我的职责。

3.The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.。一看到这种情景,叔叔身上的科学精神被唤醒了,他要靠近火山去看个究竟。(拟人,sight唤醒 the scientist in my uncle常见

The study says there must be a complete overhaul of air traffic control system.研究表明必须对航空控制系统作全面,彻底的修正。

Dusk found him crying in the street.

4.way out (克服困难的)办法,出路

He was trying to think of a way out, but it was impossible to find one.它试图想出解决问题的办法,但不可能找到。

In fact, I’m sure that’s the only satisfactory way out. 我肯定那是唯一令人满意的办法。

5. at hand 在手边;在跟前

I haven’t the dictionary at hand, but I will show it to you later.

I want you to be at hand during my interview with the applicants.申请人面试时我希望你在跟前。

6.call for 要求;需要

The workers are calling for strike action.工人们要求罢工行动。

The work calls for endurance and patience.这工作需要耐力和耐心。

7.darker and more, the closer they went

The more… the more

The more you practice, the more perfect you will be. 你越练习就越熟练。

9.the other way 另一个方向;相反

He turned the other way when he saw the police coming.她看见警察后转向另一方向。

the other way around 相反地;从相反方向;用相反方式(Unit1SII)

Galileo’s observations show that Copernicus, another great astronomer, was right and that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.

He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just the other way.他以为去时用的时间比来时短,其实正相反。

right 径直地;立即地

The ship went right to the bottom. 轮船直沉江底。

He turned on the TV right after he came into the room.

10. a rain of 量词,表burning rocks 的量之多

a shower of rock

11. It was daylight now in other parts of the world, but there the darkness was darker and thicker than any night.

注意:night前没有other.这是因为it 指daytime而不是night.如指night,就不能少other.

12.Helped by two slaves he stood up, and immediately fell down dead.

He returned home, full of fear.

Strong, proud and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.圣彼得堡的人民坚强,自豪,团结一致,他们是当代的俄罗斯英雄。(当主语比较短时,常放句首)

Confident,selfless and honest, she is my good role model.她自信,无私,诚实,是我的楷模。

Capable and warm-hearted, she is always helping my grandma with the housework. 她能干而且热心,总是帮助我奶奶做家务。

He returned home, tired and hungry. (形容词说主语的状态,副词说谓语)

The old man went to bed slowly.

13. more A than B与其说 B,不如说 A

A rather than B与其说 B,不如说 A

Don’t be too hard on him. He is more misled than stupid. 不要对他太苛刻。与其说他傻倒不如说他是被误导了。

He is more an artist than a philosopher.

=He is an artist rather than a philosopher.


It was what he meant rather than what he said.

14.You can pick out the important bits for it is one thing to write a letter, another to write history, one thing to write to a friend, another to write for the public.你可以从中挑选重要的片断。写信跟写历史是两码事,写信是给朋友的,而书是为公众的写的。

It is one thing to do…, another to do…


It is one thing for you to stay here, another for me to ask you to stay here. 你要留下是一回事,我请你留下是另外一回事。

15There is some dirt weather knocking about.坏天气马上就要来了。

knock about 漫游,闲逛,接连打击,(浪等)冲击,碰撞

He’s knocked about in Africa for years.他在非洲漫游了好几年。

As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty, He used to knock about at the market, trying to find a job for a few coins.年轻时他很穷,经常在市场里闲逛,找些零活挣些小钱。

16.come on 开始

I can feel a cold coming on.

The movie comes on at eight o’clock.

17.incredible 不相信



18.The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, and found this little ship in its path. 飓风威力无比,它能沉掉船只,推倒墙,飓风一路风驰电掣来到小船前。

with its power to sink…walls 是定语,修饰hurricane

see, find 等动词的主语有时是物:

This old house has seen better days. 这些老房子曾有过风光的日子。

National Day found people singing and dancing happily in a street


篇10:Unit1习语及语言点总结 (人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

1.What is sb. like?

What does sb. look like?

What does sb. like?

How does sb like/find sth?

2. argue with sb. about sth 因…和某人争执

3. enjoy/hate sth/ doing sth

4. so / nor/ neither + 系动/助动/情动 + 主语

So it is with...; It is the same with...

5. be into 对…深感兴趣 =be interested in; have/show interest in

5. be fond of 喜欢 care for; like; enjoy;

6. surf the internet 上网冲浪

7. all the time 一直 总是

8. imagine that...; imagine (sb/sb’s) doing sth

imagine sb to be 想像某人是


7. cast away 抛弃

8. so…that…/such…that… 如此…以致…

He was so excited that he could not speak.

So excited was he that he could not speak.

It was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing.

It was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing.

It is amusing that such little birds eat so much food.

9. the Pacific Ocean; the Atlantic Ocean;

the Indian Ocean; the arctic Ocean;

10. survive the crash 在空难中幸存

11. a deserted island 荒岛

12. all alone 独自 = all by oneself

区别: alone 单独的;独自的 lonely 孤独的;寂寞的

13. hunt for 搜寻 寻找 search for;

12.make fire 生火

13.in order to 为了 so as to; in order that; so that

14.even though/even if 即使,纵然 as if / as though

15.treat…as/like… 把…当作 regard...as...; think of...as

16.share sth. with sb. 与…分享 share (in) sth 分享

17.care about/for 关心,照顾,喜欢

care to do sth 愿意做;care for sb to do sth 愿意某人做

care + 从句 愿意;介意

18.should have done 本来应该 =ought to have done

19.make friends with 与…交朋友

20.such as 例如 for example;for instance


21. keep...as a pet

22. regard ...as...; treat...as; think of...as; consider...as/to be

23. be loyal to; be faithful to;be devoted to 忠诚于

24. be quick in mind and action 思维敏捷行动迅速


25. have fun; enjoy oneself; have a wonderful time

26. drop me a line 给某人写短信


27.keep…in mind 把…记住 learn...by heart; remember

28.in error / by mistake 由于错误或疏忽

29.tie up (one’s hair) 扎起来 do up

30.run into 偶然遇见; 遭遇;与...相撞

come across; meet by chance; happen to meet

31.be proud of 以…而感骄傲 take pride in

32.run a restaurant 开餐馆 start a restaurant

run a business 做生意

33.skip classes 逃课

33.keep an eye on 照顾; 注视;stare at 盯着看

34.make fun of 取笑某人; laugh at

35. It is possible (for sb) to do;

It is possible/probable/likely that...

Sb. + is (most) likely to do sth.

Sth. + is probable

36.be curious about 对…感到好奇 be curious that...

have the curiosity about

37. have problems with 在... 有问题

38. even if you are thousand miles apart即使你们分别在几千英里

39. despite = in spite of 尽管;不管 regardless of

篇11:高二11单元教案 (人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

Unit 11 Scientific achievements

I. 单元教学目标


▲ Talk about science and scientific achievement

▲ Practise expressing intentions and wishes

▲ Learn about Word Formation (1)

▲ Write a persuasion essay

II. 目标语言

式 1.Talk about science and scientists

2. Practise expressing intentions and wishes

If I got the money, I would……

My plan is to…….

I hope that…….

I want/ wish/hope/intend/plan to……

I’d like to……

I’m thinking of……

词 汇 1. 四会词汇

Engineering, solar, significant, mankind, constitution, likely, zone, private, grasp, master, perfect , arrange, rely, failure, locate, valley, brand, luggage, achieve, organ, boom, breakthrough, agency, announce, evolution, supercomputer

2. 认读词汇

Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, eureka, economic, hi-tech, technological, overseas, IT, Lenovo, Founder, silicon, Nokia, Motorola, rejuvenate, impressive, genome, element, byte, humanoid

3. 词组

set foot (in), rely on, put forward,


significant, likely, private, grasp, master, perfect , arrange, rely, failure, locate, achieve,

breakthrough, announce

结构 Word formation

子 1.Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing.

2. Not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they represent are more important than money.

III. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

通过学习了解人类的科学成就,帮助学生认识到这些成就深刻地改变了人类生产和生活的方式及质量,同时也深刻地改变了人类的思维观念和对世界的认识,改变并继续改变着世界的面貌,极大地推动了社会的发展。激发学生学科学,爱科学,把科学知识转化成科技成果,报效祖国, 为祖国的繁荣富强贡献自己的力量。

1.1 WARMING UP 通过讨论一些科学成就,帮助学生认识到这些成就怎样改变了我们生存的世界,对我们又将有什么样的影响以及所有科学成就的共同之处是什么。

1.2 LISTENING是一些科学发明的具体事例。

1.3 SPEAKING是一个任务型教学活动。提供了4种科研项目,让4位同学做为代表发言,通过介绍和辩论,说明自己的项目最重要,从而学会表达自己的意图和希望。

1.4 PRE-READING是开放性问题,要求学生开动脑筋,勤于思考,小组讨论找出问题答案。

1.5 READING是关于中关村科技园的介绍。通过学习了解中关村的发展,激发学生的民族自豪感。教育学生要以振兴民族产业为己任,为改变中国这个拥有13亿人口的大国的科技面貌产业,为由“中国制造”向“中国创造”迈进而努力学习。

1.6 POST-READING第一个题是5个选择题,目的是训练学生的事实核对能力;第二题是开放性问题比较中关村-中国的硅谷和美国硅谷的异同,此题可以很好的培养学生自主学习的习惯,还可以训练学生的概括能力,训练学生开放性思维,要求学生学会多角度的去思考问题,更能开阔学生的思路,丰富学生的视野。

1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Word study 是一个英语释义练习,旨在培养学生的英语思维能力,有助于养成英语思维的习惯。Grammar构词法知识介绍。本单元的语法训练设计是从易到难,呈阶梯状,由构词法知识介绍到篇章中的猜词义连习,设计得非常科学,可操作性强。

1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS中的Reading介绍了近十几年来中国在不同领域取得的一些重大成就。WRITING部分要求学生给《现代科学》(Modern Science)杂志写一篇关于最伟大科学成就的文章,说明原因并且解释为什么你认为它是最伟大的。

1.9 TIPS 介绍了怎样写persuasion essay。

2. 教材重组


2.2把WARMING UP 作为SPEAKING的热身练习,将WARMING UP与SPEAKING整合在一起,通过谈论科学成就,讨论最重要的科学成就,练习表达自己的观点和愿望,上一节“口语课”。



2.5 将INTEGRATING SKILLS 设计为一节“综合实践课(一)”。


3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,本单元可以用6课时教完)

1st Period Grammar

2nd Period Warming up, Speaking

3rd Period Listening

4th Period Reading

5th Period Integrating Skills (1)

6th Period Integrating Skills (2)

IV. 分课时教案

The First Period Grammar

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言:

Learn the Grammar--- Word formation (I)

2. Ability goals能力目标: Study the ways of forming a word and enlarge students’ vocabulary.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标:Enable students to use context clues and what they know about word parts to guess the meaning of new words.

Teaching important points教学重点

The ways of forming a word.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to guess the meaning of a new word.

Teaching methods教学方法

Explaining and practising

Teaching aids教具准备

1. a projector 2. a computer

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Lead in

T: Good morning afternoon, class!

Ss: Good morning afternoon,Mr/Ms…

T: In this class, we are going to start Unit 11 Scientific achievements .Now pay attention to the two words. Will you please tell me how the two words are formed?

S1“Scientific”is the adjective form of” Science”.

S2:“Achievement “ is the noun form of “achieve”.

T: Observe them carefully; can you explain how they are formed?

S3:” Science” is a noun, if we add –fic to it, then we get its adjective.

S4: “achieve” is a verb. If we add –ment to it, we get its noun.

T: Excellent ! That is how the two words are formed. The basic part of any word is the root; to it, you can add a prefix at the beginning and/or a suffix at the end to change the meaning. For example, in the word ”unflattering,“ the root is simply ”flatter,“ while the prefix ”un-“ makes the word negative, and the suffix ”-ing“ changes it from a verb into an adjective (specifically, a participle).This is the grammar we are going to learn in this class.(Show Word Formation on the powerpoint.)

Step II Grammar

Ask students to observe the given words carefully and find out how words are formed.

T: How do learners improve their vocabulary? There are no super shortcuts to vocabulary, but there are various forms of support. Here is one example. Increasing your vocabulary is so important that you just can't forget about it. Don't bury your head in the sand. OK.. Please look at the following words and tell how they are formed. (Show the following words on the PowerPoint.)





Teacher explains the following.

T: What do these words (nouns) have in common?

Ss: All of them contain the root “fix”.

T: Well, they do have a number of things in common. Let's settle for the most obvious, the 'fix' at the end. So if we split them, this is what we get

af + fix

in + fix

pre + fix

suf + fix (These will be shown on the PowerPoint)

T: What does 'fix' mean?

Ss: Fix means attach to, fasten, stick, glue.

T: What about 'af' , 'in' , 'pre' , 'suf' ? in' and 'pre' are understandable, aren't they ?

'in' a room, 'in' a sentence, 'in' a word.

'pre' means before like in pre-war, pre-school, premature.

So what do infix and prefix actually mean? infix - to attach something inside (a word).prefix - to attach something at the beginning of (a word)

What about 'af' and 'suf'?

That's a bit more difficult to explain. 'af' is actually from the beginning the Latin word 'ad', and the meaning is the same as the English word add. Add 4 and 5 and you get 9.

'suf' is the Latin word 'sub', like in submarine, subway, suburb. The meaning is under, after (outside).

Why have the d in 'ad' and the b in 'sub' changed into f?

The reason is really quite simple. 'adfix' and 'subfix' are difficult to pronounce. There is economy in everything! You simply leave out the d and the b, but in order to mark their existence the words are spelt with an extra f .

So what do affix and suffix actually mean?

Ss: affix - to attach something to (a word)

suffix -to attach something at the end of (a word)

T: We have now fixed the fixes, haven't we? affix - something you add (stick) to a word

There are three kinds of affixes:

added inside the word - infix

added at the beginning of the word - prefix

added at the end of the word – suffix

Ss: What's this good for then?

T: Well, there are thousands of words with prefixes and suffixes. The infixes are fewer and less useful to you.

The English vocabulary basically consists of words of Latin and Germanic origin. There are prefixes in both groups.

If you know the basic meaning of a prefix or a suffix you can often 'guess' the meaning of an English word. There are a limited number of Latin prefixes and suffixes. If you learn the meaning of them, and learn to recognize them in English words, you will increase your vocabulary much faster.

Here are some of the most common Latin prefixes (for the meanings of the Latin roots, look up the words in a good dictionary): (Show the following on the PowerPoint.)


(away) abstain, absent, absolve


(to) adverb, advertisement, advance, adjoin

in /il-/im-/ir-

(not) incapable, indecisive, intolerable , illegal, impossible, irrugular


(between, among) international, interaction interdependent, interprovincial


(before) prerecorded, preface prefer


(after) postpone, postscript, postwar


(under, not quite) subsoil, subscription, suspect ,subway, subnormal


(across, to a changed state) transfer, transit, translate, transport ,transform

Step III Practice

T: Are you ready for some exercises? Open your books and look at Page6. Let’s do the exercises. Let’s do Exercise 1 first .How are these words formed? (Or show the following words on the PowerPoint).

international= inter-+national telephone= tele-+phone

mankind=man+kind broadband= broad+band

extremely=extreme+-ly manned= man+ -ed

hi-tech= high+technology email= electronic mail

IT= information technology CSA= Chinese Space Agency

S1:I think international and telephone are formed in the same way. We add prefix inter- to national and tele- to phone.

T: Good! What about the others?

S2: Mankind and broadband are formed in the same way. Each is made up of two words.

S3:Extremely and manned are formed by adding a suffix.

S4:Hi-tech is the shortened form of high technology and e-mail is the shortened form of electronic mail.

S5: IT stands for information technology. We use the first letters of the two words to form a new one .We use the first letters of Chinese Space Agency to form the word CSA.

T;Well done .So we know that words are formed in these ways. When you come across a new word, you can easily guess the meaning. Ok ,let’s come to Exercise2.

Deal with the rest of exercises in the same way.

Step IV Workbook


(If there isn’t enough time, please print it out and give the handouts to students as homework)

T: I’m very glad you’ve done the exercises quite well. Would you like to try some difficult ones?

Now look at the following exercises. You are given 8 minutes. Then we will check the answers together. If you have any difficulty, you may work with your partner or refer to a dictionary.

( Show the following exercises on the powerpoint.)

Use the word at the end of each gap to form a new word with which to fill the gap. While doing this exercise, look for clues which tell you what kind of word is missing (adjective, noun, verb, adverb). Make sure to take into consideration forms using various prefixes and suffixes, as well as negative forms.


This text was taken from ”The Picture of Dorian Gray “ by Oscar Wilde

In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait of a young man of _____(ORDINARY) personal beauty, and in front of it, some little _____(DISTANT) away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden _____(APPEAR) some years ago caused, at the time, such public ______ (EXCITE), and gave rise to so many strange conjectures. As the painter looked at the ______ (GRACE) and comely form he had so _______

(SKILL) mirrored in his art, a smile of ______ (PLEASE) passed across his face, and seemed about to linger there. But he ______(SUDDEN) started up, and, closing his eyes, placed his fingers upon the lids, as though he sought to _______(PRISON) within his brain some curious dream from which he feared he might ______(WAKE).


This text was taken from ”The Time Machine“, by H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells

`It is simply this. That Space, as our ______(MATHS) have it, is spoken of as having three dimensions, which one may call ______(LONG), Breadth, and _______(THICK), and is always definable by _______(REFER) to three planes, each at right angles to the others. But some philosophical people have been asking why THREE dimensions _______ (PARTICULAR) --why not another direction at right angles to the other three?--and have even tried to construct a Four-Dimension geometry. Professor Simon Newcomb was expounding this to the New York Mathematical Society only a month or so ago. You know how on a flat surface, which has only two dimensions, we can represent a figure of a three-______ (DIMENSION) solid, and ______(SIMILAR) they think that by models of thee dimensions they could represent one of four--if they could master the _______(PERCEIVE) of the thing. See?'

Keys to EXERCISE # 1

Extraordinary, distance, disappearance, excitement, gracious, skillfully, pleasure, suddenly, imprison, awake

Keys to EXERCISE # 2

Mathematicians, Length, Thickness, reference, particularly, dimension, similarly, perspective

Eight minutes later check the answers.

Show the answers on the PowerPoint so that students can have a better understanding of word formation.

T: After doing theses exercises I’m sure you have a better understanding on word formation. I hope this will help you to improve your vocabulary. When you come across a new word, try to guess its meaning in this way. Good luck to you! Today’s homework Finish all of the Vocabulary and Grammar exercises on the workbook That’s all for today.

Step VI Homework: Finish all of the Vocabulary and Grammar exercises on the workbook. Learn vocabulary on scientific achievements.

The Second Period Warming up & Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target Language目标语言:

a. 重点词汇和短语

solar energy, breakthrough, organ

b. 交际用语

Practise expressing intentions and wishes.

If I got the money, I would……

My plan is to…….

I hope that…….

I want/ wish/hope/intend/plan to……

I’d like to……

I’m thinking of……

2. Ability goals能力目标: Enable students to talk about scientific achievements. Help them learn to express intentions and wishes.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标:Talk about great scientific achievements that have changed the world. Practise expressing intentions and wishes by talking about which scientific project is the most important .

Teaching important points教学重点

Talk about great scientific achievements. Learn the patterns used to express intentions and wishes.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to express intentions and wishes.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Group work Discussing (cooperative learning)

Teaching aids 教具准备

a tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Teaching procedures & ways 过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the homework. Check the answers on the workbook with the whole class.

Ask some students to name some great achievements.

Step II Warming up

Show the photos of some great scientific achievements that have changed the world on the PowerPoint. Divide students into groups and ask them to discuss which one is the most important and what these achievements have in common. (The exercises in warming up on Page 1).Students may have different opinions. The most important thing is to encourage them to think and express their opinions.

T: Please look at these great achievements and work in groups and discuss the following questions. You may have different answers. But you will have to tell us your reasons. (Show the following questions on the PowerPoint.)

1. Among the great scientific achievements that have changed the world, which one do you think is the most important? Why?

2. What are some other scientific achievements that you think are important?

3. Do these achievements have anything in common? If so, what?

Five minutes later ask some students to speak out their opinion.

T: Ok. Please stop here. I’d like to listen to your opinions.

S1: I think electricity is the most important. The modern world cannot work without electricity. Electricity has changed our way of life. This summer in some areas there wasn’t enough electric power, so some factories had to close and people had lot of problems in life.

S2: In my opinion the most important is Radio and television. Radio and television have changed the way we look at the world.

S3: That’s true. But I still think the most important is solar energy. Because by using solar energy, we can save other energy resources. And what’s more we can protect our environment.


T: Good! Do these achievements have anything in common?

Ss: These great achievements have changed the world.

S8: And all these great achievements were made by westerners/ foreigners.

T: That’s true. My dear students please think thousands of years ago our ancestors made 4 great inventions that changed the world. We are proud of them. But among the recent 75 greatest achievements, none was achieved by us Chinese .So I hope you study hard and make great scientific achievements. I will be very proud of you. Every Chinese will be proud of you.

Step III Speaking

T: Ok. Suppose we are in the year of . You are scientists. You are working on different projects. All of you need money and want to get money to complete your project. You will introduce your project and explain why it is the most important. One member will listen to all the scientists and ask questions .At the end of the discussion, he or she must decide who will get the money and why .Now turn your books to Page 2, look at the Speaking part and work in groups of five .Please don’t forget the useful expressions. You are given five minutes to do it. Then I will ask some groups to act it out.

Show the useful expressions on the PowerPoint.

If I got the money, I would……

My plan is to…….

I hope that…….

I want/ wish/hope/intend/plan to……

I’d like to……

I’m thinking of……

Five minutes later, some students are asked to act it out

Sample of the speaking:

Official: I know all of you have your own reasons. Now I’d like each of you to state your reasons and answer my questions truthfully so that I can decide who will get the money.

Dr Wilson: Ok. I’ll speak first. Our team is working on a cure for AIDS. As everyone knows, this is an issue for everyone. AIDS as a disease is not affecting only minority groups - gay men, drug users and prostitutes. The latest figures from the World Health Authority and UNAIDS show that HIV infection is now the fastest-growing serious health condition in many countries around the globe, where women are particularly at risk of becoming HIV-positive. It's clearly no longer the 'minority' disease it once was. I hope to find a cure as soon as possible. So our research is extremely important.

Official: We’ve spent a lot of money on many programs which help people fight AIDS in poor countries.

Dr Wilson: That’s true. But our research is to find a cure for this deadly disease. If we got the money, we would do more experiments and find a solution sooner. Then we would save thousands of lives.

Official: OK. Let’s listen to what Dr Jones will say.

Dr Jones: Our research project is about cloning and how to use the new technology to cure disease. The main reason to clone plants or animals is to mass produce organisms with desired qualities. Other reasons for cloning include replacing lost family pets and repopulating endangered or even extinct species. And we are thinking of using the new technology to cure diseases.

Official: Could you give us an example?

Dr Jones: The number of pandas is becoming smaller and smaller. Even though the Chinese government has been trying hard to provide pandas a suitable environment, the number remains samll. If we find a way to clone pandas, they won’t die out. We can help to keep the balance of the world. So I think our group should get the money.

Official: Ok. I think it’s Dr Smith’s turn.

Dr Smith: Without water, man cannot live. Water is very important to us. But many areas are short of water. In some places, people cannot have enough drinking water. So I want to develop new technology that will make it possible to grow food in areas where there is very little water. This new technology would help us save the natural resource.

Official: How are your experiments going?

Dr Smith: The experiments are going as expected, but at present we are short of money. I need your support.

Official: Let’s listen to Dr Winfrey’s explanation about his project.

Dr Winfrey: Once the moon has been reached, Mars seems the next obvious destination. We are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars. It would be very difficult for one country to carry out such a program. A mission to Mars would require funding.

Official: Neil Armstrong's ”One giant step for mankind“ defined a generation. The project is very interesting and I am not turning it down. I support it, and it should be further developed. The money goes to Dr Winfrey’s group. Congratulations!

Dr Winfrey: Thanks. You will be proud of us.

T: Well done. Many of you can express intensions and wishes very well. After class please practice these useful expressions more often.

Step IV Workbook

Step V Homework

Surf on the internet or use the library to find some information of Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, Ray Tomlinson and more about scientific achievements in groups.

The Third Period Listening

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target Language目标语言:

constitution, Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, Ray Tomlinson, eureka

2.Aility goals 能力目标:

Introduce some great scientists and their achievements to students by doing some listening exercises.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标:

By listening to the introduction of some scientists and their achievements help students learn more about scientific achievements. Improve their listening ability by doing listening exercises.

Teaching important points教学重点

Listen to materials about some great scientists and their achievements.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to improve their listening ability

Teaching methods教学方法

Listening, speaking, discussing

Teaching aids 教具准备

a tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Teaching procedures & ways 过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the homework.

Ask some students to express their intensions and wishes using the patterns learned in this unit.

Ask students to say more about scientific achievements.

Step II: Leading in

After students talk about some great scientific achievements, show the pictures of Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, Ray Tomlinson. Ask students to say something about the three great men.

T:Do you know anything about Neil Armstrong?

S1: He is the first man to land on the moon.

T: Good! What about Alexander G Bell?

S2: He was the inventor of telephone.

S3: Ray Tomlinson invented e-mail.

T: Quite good! Now let’s listen to some materials about them and then finish the exercises on page 2.

Step III: Listening

Part 1

Play the tape for students to listen and give students several minutes to finish the exercises. If students have any difficulty in listening, explain the difficult points and play the tape again where necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.

T: Well done! I would like to learn more about Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, Ray Tomlinson. .Which group will introduce Neil Armstrong to us?

S1: Our group has found something about Neil Armstrong.

T: Good. Please introduce something to us. Let’s read together. (Ask students to show the following on the PowerPoint or print them out)

In 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first man to walk on the moon, uttering the immortal phrase, ”One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.“

NAME: Neil A. Armstrong

NASA Astronaut (former)

PERSONAL DATA: Born August 5, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Married. Two sons.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from Purdue University; Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering from University of Southern California. He holds honorary doctorates from a number of universities.

SPECIAL HONORS: He is the recipient of many special honors, including the Presidential Medal for Freedom in 1969; the Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy in 1970; the Robert J. Collier Trophy in 1969; and the Congressional Space Medal of Honor, 1978.

EXPERIENCE: From 1949 to 1952, he served as a naval aviator; he flew 78 combat missions during the Korean War. During 1971-1979, Armstrong was professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati, where he was involved in both teaching and research. Currently serves as Chairman, AIL Systems, Inc. Deer Park, N.Y.

NASA EXPERIENCE: Armstrong joined NACA, (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), NASA's predecessor, as a research pilot at the Lewis Laboratory in Cleveland and later transferred to the NACA High Speed Flight Station at Edwards AFB, California. He was a project pilot on many pioneering high speed aircraft, including the 4,000 mph X-15. He has flown over 200 different models of aircraft, including jets, rockets, helicopters and gliders.

In 1962, Armstrong was transferred to astronaut status. He served as command pilot for the Gemini 8 mission, launched March 16, 1966, and performed the first successful docking of two vehicles in space.

In 1969, Armstrong was commander of Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing mission, and gained the distinction of being the first man to land a craft on the Moon and the first man to step on its surface.

Armstrong subsequently held the position of Deputy Association Administrator for Aeronautics, NASA Headquarters Office of Advanced Research and Technology, from 1970 to 1971. He resigned from NASA in 1971.

As a young man, Alexander Graham Bell taught deaf students in schools and universities and tutored them privately to help them communicate. He was trained in this work by his parents.

In 1862, Bell enrolled as a ”student teacher“ at a boy's school near Edinburgh, Scotland. There he taught music and elocution in exchange for instruction in other subjects. Later, he became a full-time teacher, using Visible Speech in teaching a class of deaf children. In April, 1871, Bell went to Massachusetts, where he met with great success.

As a teacher of the deaf, Bell was determined to help deaf people speak, so that they could take part in the speaking world, rather than be isolated and alone. To do this, he tried to find a way to make sound visible. Bell got his idea for making sound visible from his knowledge of how the ear hears.

Ray Tomlinson Inventor of Email

Email has become one of the most commonly used forms of communication, yet its invention passed with little note. Unlike some other communications breakthroughs, like the telegram or phone, nobody thought that email would grow as big as it has. Even the inventor of email, Ray Tomlinson, didn't know he was creating something important. But despite its humble beginnings, email has become an important part of our world. Whether it is used by a business for important messages, or by a disabled person simply to communicate, email is definitely here to stay.

After learning something more about the great people, go on dealing with the rest of listening exercises.

Part 2

Play the tape for students to listen and give students several minutes to finish the exercises. If students have any difficulty in listening, explain the difficult points and play the tape again where necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Part 3

Students are encouraged to think creatively and give different answers.

Step IV: Workbook

Deal with the listening exercises on workbook.

Homework: Remember the three great men and their achievements.

Learn words and expressions in the text.

The Fourth Period Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target Language目标语言:

a. 重点词汇和短语

likely zone, private, grasp, master, perfect, arrange, rely, failure, locate, valley, set foot in, rely on

b. 重点句型

1.Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing.

2. Not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they represent are more important than money.

2.Aility goals 能力目标: Learn about the development of Zhongguancun and great achievements China has made in recent years. Encourage students to become interested in hi-tech.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标:Students are divided into different groups. Each group will be assigned different tasks. They are asked to collect Zhongguancun’s information from different resources outside of class. Each group member should be involved. Through these activities students should learn to be involved, co-operate and solve problems.

Teaching important points教学重点The development of Zhongguancun and great achievements China has made in recent years.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the text.

Teaching methods教学方法

Listening, reading, discussing

Teaching aids 教具准备

a tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Teaching procedures & ways 过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the homework..

Go over the three great names Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, Ray Tomlinson and how they changed the world.

Ask some students to read words and expressions in Unit 11.

Step II Pre-reading

Deal with the questions in the pre-reading part.

T: Good! In this class we are going to learn about the development of Zhongguancun First I’d like to make a survey. If you wanted to do research or start a hi-tech company, what kind of support and environment would you need?

S1: I think I will need support from academies of science.

S2:I think I will need support from the government, i.e. special policy to support my company.

S3: In my opinion, competition will help companies develop very fast. So I will set up my company in a science and technology center.



T: Good! Why are scientific achievements important? How do they improve our life? How do they improve society?

S8: Scientific achievements can improve our life and change the world. For example before areoplanes and cars were invented, it took years to travel around the world. Now it is very convenient for people to travel.

S9: Scientific achievements make our life colorful. Scientific achievements make life more comfortable.

S10: Scientific achievements change our way of life. We are living a life quite different from our ancestors’.

S11: Scientific achievements also change our way of thinking.


T: So scientific achievements are very important. Then you will good answers to this question:

Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?

S15: Because they like to do something valuable.

S16: Then they turn their wishes into reality.

S17: They are doing something to strengthen the social development.

T: They are very great. I hope you study hard and in future you will make some scientific achievements to benefit the world.

Step III Leading in

Help students to learn something about the symbol of Zhongguancun..

T: Now look at the picture. ( Show the picture of the statue in Zhongguancun on the powerpiont.) Do you know where it is? It is a statue of a DNA molecule. It is the symbol of the Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Garden. In this class we are going to learn something about Zhongguancun.

Step IV Reading

Deal with the reading part.


Ask the students to scan the text and find the information aboutZhongguancun. Then fill the information in the form. It is not necessary to write in whole sentences. Key words will do. Students will finish the task independently and then they will compare their notes with their group members.

T: First I’d like you to do the scanning and then finish the form with the information you get from the text. You don’t need to write in sentences. Key words are OK. After you finish, please compare your notes with the other group members.

Show the form on the PowerPoint.

Zhongguancun is located in Northwestern Beijing

What is it? China’s Silicon Valley

In the early 1980s Chen Chunxian opened a private research and development institute

Set up as a special economic zone

Zhongguancun is home to A growing number of overseas Chinese;

A number of science parks;

Many IT companies

The number of IT companies in Zhongguancun More that 8,000 hi-tech companies

Its effect On business& science

Several minutes later, students compare their information with each other in groups. Then show the following form on the PowerPoint.

Zhongguancun is located in Beijing’s Haidian Distric Northwestern Beijing

What is it? New center for Chinese science and technology China’s Silicon Valley

The science center got started In the early 1980s Chen Chunxian opened a private research and development institute

Set up as a special economic zone In the late 1990s Leader of China’s hi-tech industry

Zhongguancun is home to Some famous research institutes and universities A growing number of overseas Chinese;A number of science parks;

Many IT companies

The number of IT companies in Zhongguancun More than 4,000 IT companies More that 8,000 hi-tech companies

Its effect positive On business & science

T: From this form we can have a clear image of Zhongguancun. Let’s come to the post reading questions.


Ask students to skim the text and then finish the post-reading questions.

T: Look at the post reading questions first. Then skim the text to find the answers.

Then check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

1. A.B.C.D 2. D 3.C.D 4.B 5. C.D

Sum up the main idea of each part.

Ask the students to read through the text and grasp the main idea of the text. Before giving students the answers, ask them to discuss first.

In this procedure, students should sum up the main ideas by themselves first, then discuss with group members.

(Cooperative learning)

T: Now let’s sum up the main idea of each part. While reading, please think carefully and decide how many parts the text should be divided into.

After reading the text, Ss will think carefully and then they will discuss with their group members. Then some spokesmen will stand up and speak out their opinions.

T: OK. I’m glad you have thought actively and had a heated discussion. Let’s look at the suggested answers.

(Show the suggested answers on the PowerPoint.)

The main idea of each part

Part1 (Paragraph1-2)

General introduction of Zhongguancun.

Part2 (Paragraph 3-7)

Why Zhongguancun attracts more and more overseas Chinese.

Part3 (Paragraph 8-9)

The positive effect Zhongguancun has had on both business and science & the spirit of Zhongguancun.

T:I hope you will remember the spirit of Zhongguancun.I hope it will encourage you to study hard and be the guide of your life.

Step IV Explanation

During this procedure Teacher will play the tape for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences. After listening to the tape, Teacher will explain the text and deal with language problems.

T: We have learned the main ideas of the text. This time we will deal with some difficult language focuses. Now I will play the tape for you .Please make a mark where you have difficulties.

After listening to the tape, explain the difficult sentences to students. Before explaining the difficult points, students are asked to refer to the notes to the text.

T: Do you have any difficulties with the text?

S1In the first sentence Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing. can I replace “likely” with “possible”?

T: Yes, you can. It is the same. We can say “It is possible that something will happen” But when we say “Somebody is likely to do sth “or “Something is likely to happen.”.

E.g. The train is likely to be late.

She is not likely to come next month.

S2: In the last paragraph the second sentence” Not all the new companies can succeed”, does “not all “mean “none”?

T: No, “not all” means” some”.Do you have any other questions?

Ss: No.

T: Today’s home work Surf on the internet and find more about Chen Chunxian and Zhongguancun .That’s all for today.

Step VI Homework

Surf on the internet and find more about Chen Chunxian and Zhongguancun.

The Fifth Period Integrating Skills (1)

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target language目标语言:

a. 重点词汇和短语 boom, rejuvenating, impressive, genetic, genome, byte, broadband, humanoid, put forward

b. 重点句型

In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.

2. 能力目标: Help students to learn about scientific achievements in different fields made by Chinese.

3. 学能目标: After learning about scientific achievements, students should realize scientific achievements rely on science and education and knowledge will help them to achieve their goals.

Teaching important points教学重点

Help students to learn about scientific achievements in different fields made by Chinese.

Help students to realize scientific achievements rely on science and education and knowledge will

help them to achieve their goals.

Writing: Write a persuasion essay.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to write a persuasion essay.

Teaching methods教学方法

Task-based teaching method

Teaching aids教具准备

1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the homework.

T: Yesterday I asked you to find more about Chen Chunxian and Zhongguancun. Have you done your homework?

S1: Chen Chunxian was called “Father of ”China's Silicon Valley”. He died on August 9, in Beijing.

S2:He was China's Silicon Pioneer, but he had had many failures.

S3: He is publicly recognized as the first mover in China’s IT industries in the 1980s. He was born in 1934. In 1953, he entered the University of Moscow to study physics. At the time of his study, it was the heyday of Russian research and development. Sputnik, the first satellite, was launched in 1957. After he finished his degree in 1958, he started his career as a researcher at the Institute of Physics in the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), the most preeminent research institute in China.

S4: Chen Chunxian, along with 10 fellow CAS scientists took academic tours to the U.S. soon after the Open Door Policy was established in 1978.

S5: In 1980 he started up the Advanced Technology Service Department, a technology-consulting firm in the Zhongguancun area of Beijing, with 15 staff members from CAS. Many scientists and researchers followed Chen’s example in the early 1980s


T:I’m glad to share your information. You’ve done very well. Here’s a piece of news on his death. Please read it. (Show the following on the PowerPoint.)

Father of “China's Silicon Valley” Dies

Chinese scientist Chen Chunxian, founder of Beijing's Zhongguancun hi-tech area, has passed away at the age of 70.

The physicist died Monday morning. He made his last contribution to society by donating his corneas to a medical institution.

In 1980, 46-year-old Chen Chunxian tabled the proposal of building Zhongguancun into China's “Silicon Valley”.

He left Chinese Academy of Sciences the same year to establish the first private scientific institution in the country, the precursor of China's hi-tech enterprises.

Chen Chunxian's efforts to develop China's hi-tech industry have given him the name “father of Zhongguancun”.

(CRI August 11, 2004)

Step II Leading in

T: Though he had many failures, his spirit inspires thousands of people to work hard to build a new future. Just as a motto says: “Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure”, great scientific achievements are the results of years of failures, years of trying to create something that has never existed before. Now let’s look at the great achievements we Chinese have made in different fields.

Step III Integrating skills

Students are requested to look through the text in the given time and then finish the exercise on Page 8. Students are given several minutes to discuss their answers with their group members. Several minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.

T: Look through the text on page 7 quickly and then finish the exercise on page 8.Eight minutes later we will check the answers together.

Suggested answers:

Field Achievements Importance

Exploring space Developed Long March rocket series Safe; used to send satellites into space; prepare for the nation’s first manned flight

Genetic research A new kind of rice which allow farmers to increase production;

Completed part of the international human genome project in A leader in the field of genetic research;

Proving that Chinese scientists are among the world’s best

Computer engineering A new high-speed broadband network was recently started;

Developed the supercomputer Shenwei; built the nation’s first humanoid robot The internet is becoming increasingly popular.

Medical science Created a chemical element that can fight cancer cells Gives hope to cancer patients all over the world; makes China one of the world leaders in the battle against the deadly disease.

After finishing the exercises, play the tape for students to follow. Then explain the questions students ask.

Step V Writing

T: Now let’s come to Writing. First read the tips. Then finish writing an essay for the magazine Modern Science.

After the brief introduction, students will discuss in groups. Then they will write an outline by themselves. Students will finish the writing outside class. After every student finishes his writing, their work will be collected and on display.

Step VI Homework Finish writing your essay.

The Sixth Period Integrating Skills (II)

附 件


1. Whatever great achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern Beijing.无论中国将来会有什么样的伟大成就,很有可能其中很多就诞生在北京的西北部。

1. whatever conj. regardless of what , no matter what 引导让步装语从句。

Eg. Whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.( Whatever happens= No matter what happens)


Whatever you do, I won't tell you my secret. (Whatever you do= No matter what you do )

不管你做什么, 我都不会把我的秘密告诉你。

注意:当whatever 引导名词性从句时, 不可用no matter what 替换, whatever= anything that 。

You may do whatever you want to do.(whatever= anything that)


Whatever can be done has been done. (Whatever= Anything that)已经做了能做的一切。

2. likely adj. probable可能的

1.) sb be likely to do sth

sth be likely to happen

2).. It is likely that ……

Eg. The train is likely to be late.这趟火车很可能晚点。

She is not likely to come next month.她下月很可能不来。

They are likely to become angry with him.他们可能会对他发怒

It is very likely that he will not consent.


like possible probable


likely 系常用词, 指“从表面迹象来看很有可能”, 如:

It is likely that she will ring me tonight.(= She is very likely to ring me tonight.)很有可能她今晚给我打电话。

possible 指“由于有适当的条件和方法, 某事可能发生或做到”, 强调“客观上有可能”, 但常含有“实际希望很小”的意思, 如:

It is possible to go to the moon now.


probable 语气比 possible 强, 指“有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物, 带有‘大概’、‘很可能’”的意思, 如:

l don't think the story is probable.


2.In1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education” and it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.


1. put forward 1)提出(意见、建议)

“In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.”



Shall we put Mr Willinton forward as the candidate for chairman of the committee?


2. rely(与on, upon连用)依靠;依赖;信任;信赖

rely on one's own efforts依靠自己的努力

You may rely on me.你可以信赖我。

rely depend


rely 指“在过去经验的基础上, 依赖、相信某人或某事物, 希望从中得到支持或帮助”, 如:

He can be -lied on to keep secret.


depend 指“出于信赖而依靠他人或他物, 以取得其支持或帮助, 这种信赖可能有过去的经验或了解为根据, 也可能没有”, 如:

He can depend on his wife for sympathy.


2. breakthrough n..1) 突破,冲破防线

a military breakthrough军事突破


a scientific breakthrough科学成就

Surgeons have made a great breakthrough in the kidney transplantation.


II. 文化背景知识

Ray Tomlinson(born 1941) Inventor of Email

Frequently Asked Questions

Did you send the first network email?

Why did you do it?

Why did you choose the at sign?

What was the first message?

Did you receive any rewards, patents, etc.?

What were the early uses of email?

Did you send the first network email?

As far as I know, yes. However, there are a few qualifications. Network should be included because there were many earlier instances of email within a single machine. Computer networks, in any real sense, didn't exist until the ARPANET was built starting in 1969. Dick Watson proposed a form of email in July 1971 (RFC 196). I don't think that was ever implemented. It differed in that the mail was directed to numeric mailboxes. RFC 196 also suggests that the final product would be a printer output (i.e. ink on paper). SNDMSG sent messages to named individuals (computer users).


Why did you do it?

Mostly because it seemed like a neat idea. There was no directive to “go forth and invent email”. The ARPANET was a solution looking for a problem. A colleague suggested that I not tell my boss what I had done because email wasn't in our statement of work. That was really said in jest because we were, after all, investigating ways in which to use the ARPANET.


Why did you choose the at sign?

The primary reason was that it made sense. at signs didn't appear in names so there would be no ambiguity about where the separation between login name and host name occurred. (Of course, this last notion is now refuted by the proliferation of products, services, slogans, etc. incorporating the at sign.) The at sign also had no significance in any editors that ran on TENEX. I was later reminded that the Multics time-sharing system used the at sign as its line-erase character. This caused a fair amount of grief in that community of users. Multics used IBM 2741 terminals which used EBCDIC character coding. They did not have a “control” modifier key and didn't have many (any?) non-printing characters beyond space, backspace, tab, and return. The designers of Multics were constrained to using printing characters for line-editing.


What was the first message?

The first message of any substance was a message announcing the availability of network email. The exact content is unknown, but it gave instructions about using the at sign to separate the user's name from his host computer name.


Did you receive any rewards, patents, etc.?

Not unless you consider the current interest in the origins of email a reward.


What were the early uses of email?

The early uses were not terribly different from the current uses: The exceptions are that there was only plain text in the messages and there was no SPAM.

A Conversation With The Inventor Of Email

By Sharon Gaudin

Ray Tomlinson gave society one of the greatest communication tools in history. He invented email back in 1971 -- essentially fostering global business communication and turning the Internet into a digital kitchen table for far-flung family members.

The MIT grad is one of the forefathers of the Internet, working on ARPANET, the forerunner to the Internet, along with workstations, super computers and a slew of protocols.

But email may be his greatest legacy -- if not the toughest project he's ever worked on. Alexander Graham Bell became a household name -- someone children learn about in school -- because he invented the telephone. But consider that in this high-tech era there are more emails sent every day than telephone calls. That definitely gives Tomlinson his own place in history, if not a life of fame and fortune.

In this Q&A, the man who was honored earlier this year for a lifetime of innovation by Discover magazine, says he's irked by spam and hopes for a technical solution. He also talks about his vision for the future of email, dismisses claims that he's changed society and updates us on the distributed computing project he's working on today at BBN Technologies in Cambridge, Mass., where he's worked for the past 35 years and is their much-lauded principal engineer.

Q: What was your vision for email, and has the reality of it lived up to your expectations?

I'm not sure there was a vision there. It was a hack -- a neat thing to try out. ...It probably took four, five, six hours to do. Less than a day spread over a week or two -- when I had a spare moment. The idea was this facility had proved its usefulness sending messages to the same computer. What about when someone was on another computer, maybe across the country? It would be like the telephone but they wouldn't have to be there to answer the phone.

Q: When did you realize how big email was going to be?

It never seemed big at the beginning because there weren't many computers. It was only as big as the network. It depended upon having people with access. As an idea, it caught on right away, but there were so few people on the network... We didn't call it email. If we called it anything we called it mail or messages. The contrast with snail mail wasn't necessary then... I never documented the creation of the program. In 1993, someone started to ask where email started. I knew I had done the program... but later various people came along and there were a lot of additional ideas that went into it.

Q: How many email addresses do you have?

I have three that I use and three that I don't. They're three come-along-for-the-ride email addresses that you get from an ISP.

Q: How do you feel about spam and what should be done about it?

I get irked when I get spam. It's a tough problem and I'd like to see a solution come along. So far the solutions aren't working. Either they filter too much or they're not effective when they should be. They don't do what humans would do. Why did that email come through? And why didn't that legitimate one get through? No, I don't think legislation will work. I hate legislative solutions. It just doesn't sit well. I'd like to think people have the common sense not to spam, but obviously they don't. It's still possible we may have a technological solution for it. I would like to see that. I'm not spending any time on it myself. The other stuff I'm working on now is more interesting to me. I didn't have any association with email after the late '70s. I watched it from afar but I didn't participate.

Q: How do you see email evolving? What will it look like 10 years from now?

If it doesn't get killed off from spam, it probably won't be a lot different. You may see it more closely integrated with other forms of communication, though, like instant messaging. Once email is answered, you could continue the conversation more immediately, like with instant messaging. Simultaneous correspondence is a lot better than a few emails in a few hours. Or maybe you'll get an email and press a button and make a phone call... not with Verizon, but over the Internet. People would like more seamless interaction between the tools. They don't like being in a particular mode and having to switch to another. I want to specify what I want to do. I don't care how it happens... Bandwidth will go up. DSL is becoming more common. Cable modems are more common. Technology there will improve those services.

Q: What do you think of instant messaging?

I don't use it myself. I got turned off when I installed some browser that insisted with cluttering my screen up with instant messaging. The closest I've come to IM is some chat services. They were not fast enough. They weren't instant to me. I think people who use it are very happy with it. It fills an important niche.

Q: What can be done to make email more secure and cut down on the distribution of viruses and worms?

The insecure part of email is not something you can fix with technology. It's just so convenient. You can have an attachment in an email that does something for you. The attraction with that tempts people to click on an application... and get a virus. Anything you can think of to tag that as a virus is not going to be used. You'd have to have the cooperation of the hacker for that to work. And if your ISP threw away every attachment, that wouldn't work because email would lose its utility as a communication tool.

Q: A lot of people say email has changed society. Do you buy into that?

I think there will never be an answer to that. It's had an effect. I don't think people are fundamentally different now than they would have been. They simply communicate more. Maybe they've made friends and maintain relationships that they wouldn't have. But bad guys are still bad guys. Good guys are still good guys. Friendly people are still friendly. Just because they can be friendly over email and not a telephone [isn't that much of a difference]. You just have a larger community to draw from. If you have problems or are looking for answers, you have additional opportunities to find those answers. It's like having a library in your hometown or not. If it's not there and you have to make a trip to another town, you might not do it. You can tap into resources more readily. People have found answers to questions and email has been part of that solution.

Q: Is high-tech research as exciting to you now as it was back in the late '60s and early '70s when you were working on ARPANET and email?

Yeah, the subjects are different. This may be more exciting because there's so much happening all at once. We have this wonderful tool - the Internet. It's been around in one form or another since about '74. That's when the first networks were hooked together. It's just a wonderful resource. Think of ways to hook things together. Think of ways to get information.

Q: What are you working on now?

Distributed systems that use tools in various places around the country and work out solutions to problems. Trying to get it to happen is a challenge, but getting it to happen is tremendous. The system is based on agents, which are software applications that have certain expertise to work out solutions, like scheduling. Other agents know how to take a problem and break it down into smaller problems. They talk with each other and give each other answers. One agent will have access to specific information so it will be able to answer specific questions. We're actually working on solving the Department of Defense's logistical problems. We have a particular focus, but the overall techniques are general and could be adapted to other scenarios... We're working on both Linux and Windows and it's written in Java so it's relatively platform independent.

Q: Does it bother you that Ray Tomlinson is not a household name despite the contributions you've made?

No, it doesn't bother me. It's a geek thing. Computer nerds know that I've done this. I've gotten emails from individuals who've run across this fact. They say, 'It's great what you did. Why don't you do something about spam?' I'm not a household name. I wouldn't say it has brought me no fame and fortune, but it's not what most people think of when you say those words. It's kind of neat to have people talking about what you did and have people interested in it. It's not the center of my life.

Q: What is the center of your life?

I'm not sure I have a center. I just do what I do. I play around with computers and do some music and a little golfing.

Q: Was email the biggest thing that you've worked on?

I think there were bigger things -- things that took more effort. The workstation that I designed and built back around 1980 -- that was the biggest single thing I've done. It was a two-year effort. And it worked and it was useful. We never tried making a product out of it but it did serve our researchers... It was fun playing around with the super computer design. It didn't pan out, but it expanded my own knowledge. Everything has been interesting. I can't single out any one thing.

Q: What else interests you right now?

I read about anything I can get my hands on, from biology to archeology. I see none of these as something I'll directly work on... but biological computing is intriguing. And I'm interested in quantum computing too.

Chen, China's silicon pioneer, dead at 70

By Mike Clendenin

EE Times

August 11, 2004 (8:00 AM EDT)

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Chen Chunxian, the scientist credited with setting up China's “Silicon Valley,” died Monday (Aug. 9) at the age of 70, according to state media reports.

In 1980, four years after the death of Communist Chinese leader Mao Zedong and the opening of China, Chen walked away from a coveted position at the national Chinese Academy of Sciences to launch a high-tech development company in the Zhongguancun area of Beijing.

Chen, a Soviet-trained scientist and one of China's top plasma researchers at the time, was apparently inspired to set up the firm after a visit to California's Silicon Valley. Although his company eventually failed, his pioneering effort is credited with helping other tech-minded entrepreneurs.

Sitting on the northwest outskirts of Beijing, Zhongguancun eventually transformed from a sleepy academic district into a bustling electronics bazaar, with a mlange of privately funded retail shops driving its growth. In 1988, the city government officially established the Haidian Science Park within the Zhongguancun area and about a decade later the central government created the Zhongguancun High-tech Zone, encompassing about 100 square kilometers and making it Beijing's largest tech-oriented zone.

Considered the cradle of China's fabless industry, Zhongguancun also houses more than half of the countries Internet firms and the park administration believes some 6,000 companies - 70 percent of which are tech firms - have offices within its borders. In 2000, the park's revenue of $14 billion accounted for 60 percent of Beijing's industrial growth, according to the park administration.

More than a decade after Chen's pioneering endeavor, the failure of his company still registered more with Chen then the IT legacy he had been a part of. He was quoted as saying: “I don't consider myself a hero. A true hero should be rewarded with success.”

State media did not report the cause of Chen's death.

Zhongguancun, China's Silicon Valley

A statue of a DNA molecule. It is the symbol of the Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Garden.

The numerals 0 and 1 represent the idea that Zhongguancun will rely on computer technology to develop itself.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as a dozen famous colleges and universities, including Beijing and Qinghua Universities are located in Zhongguancun in Beijing's Haidian District. The area has a dynamic economy that focuses on the knowledge and information industries. The average age of the several hundred thousands of employees in Zhongguancun is about 30; and the area of Zhongguancun is popularly known as the Silicon Valley of China.

Since 1978, when China started to implement the policies of reform and opening-up, various special economic zones were established, such as the city of Shenzhen in Guangdong Province in the 1980s, the new district of Pudong in the Shanghai Municipality in the 1990s, and Zhongguancun in Beijing in the late 1990's. It has been forecasted that Zhongguancun will become the leader of China's hi-tech industry in the 21st century.

Similar to Silicon Valley in the United States, Zhongguancun is a product of the development of the market economy. Twenty years ago, the Chinese government decided to focus its attention on economic development, and so began the nationwide implementation of reforms. On October 23, 1980, Chen Chunxian, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, founded a technological development service department under the Beijing Society of Plasma Physics in Zhongguancun. It was the first civilian-run scientific and technological institution in the area. By the end of 1986, 100 non-governmental scientific and technological enterprises, specially engaged in the development and marketing of electronic products, were set up along the sides of a street which was later called the Zhongguancun Electronics Street.

An office of a large enterprise in Zhongguancun.

Wang Xuan (second from left) is one of the most famous scientists in Zhongguancun. He has developed the technology of laser photo-typesetting of Chinese characters and has made contributions to the technological revolution of China's printing industry.

Cultivating Chinese kale for bioengineering research. Bioengineering will become Zhongguancun's next important area of economic growth.

In order to accelerate its development, the densely populated Zhongguancun Garden designed a new development pattern and established five subsidiary scientific and technological gardens. The Haidian Garden, where the Zhongguancun Electronics Street is located, is responsible for the research and development of hi-tech products. It has set up the 1.8-square-kilometer Shangdi Information Industry Base and the 4-square-kilometer Yongfeng Experiment Base. The other four subsidiaries are the Fengtai Garden, the Changping Garden, the Yizhuang Scientific and Technological Garden in the southern suburb, and the Electronics Garden in the nort

篇12:unit1 That must be a record 语言点讲解(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

Unit 1 That must be a record

1. settle

a. make an agreement about sth, deal with sth, arrange sth 解决,安排 vt.

eg: We have settled that we will leave next week


You should settle your affairs before you leave.


It’s time you settled your problem with him.

什么也没定下来。Nothing is settled yet

b. Make one’s home in place vi. 安家,


After years of travel, we decided to settle here.

c. come to rest on sth, vi. 停留

The bird settle on a branch.

d. settle(sb )down : (cause sb to )become calm, less restless

Wait until the children settle down before you start the lesson.


The chairman tried to settle the audience down.


2. conclude

a. come to an idea after thinking 下结论, 称…… (不能用进行时)

conclude +that-clause

eg: The police concluded that he was the criminal of the murder.


b. to bring or come to an end vt.& vi 结束,完结;使终止,

conclude ….with…., conclude with

eg: He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.


The book concluded with a happy ending.


c. conclusion n. 结论, 决定

arrive at/ come to / draw / reach a conclusion获得结论

leap / jump to a conclusion 冒然断定, 过早下结论

n. 结束,结尾

come to a conclusion 结束

bring …to a conclusion 使……结束

in conclusion = lastly, to conclude 最后,总之

In conclusion I’ d like to say that you did it very well.

=To conclude, I’d like to say that you did it very well.

3. send

a. send sth in : send sth by post to a place where it will be dealt with寄送某 地进行处理

eg: Have you send in the application for the job?

Send sb. in: order sb to go to a place in order to deal with a situation 指示某人去某地处理某局面

Eg: Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.

b. send sth out: give sth out from itself 发出(光热等)

eg: The sun sends out light and warmth.

c. send sth off: send sth by post 寄出或发出某物

eg: Have you sent that letter off yet? There’s something I want to add to it.

send sb. off: send a footballer etc off the playing field for breaking the rules of play

d. send for sb/sth : ask or order that sth be brought or delivered or that sb. should come 要求或指示将某物取来或送到,或使某人来到, 派人去拿/请

eg: send for a taxi, send for a doctor

4. set

a. set sth. down =write down , put down 写下来

eg: Why don’t you set your idea down on paper?

set sb. down : 停车让人下车

eg: The bus stopped to set down an old lady.

b. Set sth aside: Place sth to one side ; save or keep (money or time ) for a particular purpose(放在一边)

eg: She set the book aside and lit a cigarette.

She sets aside a bit of money every month.

c. Set off / out: leave a place and begin a journey

Eg: She set out/off at dawn.

d. set sth off: cause ( a bomb, mine etc) to explode使爆炸

eg: A slight touch will set the bomb off.

e. set out to do sth: begin a job, task etc with a particular aim or goal

eg: She set out to break the worldland speed record.

f: set about sth/ doing sth: begin, start doing

eg: The new government must set about finding solutions to the country’s economic problems.

g: set sth up : place sth in position

eg: set up a monument/ statue.

5. keep track of:

a. record sth; write down

b. keep informed of sb./sth.

c. keep in touch with


1) Don’t feel bad if you make a mistake. Keep track of (i.e. write down) your mistakes and learn from them

2) Her mother used to keep track of (i.e. write down) every penny she spent.

3) Mr. Stevens kept track of (ie:keep informed of) his business by telephone when he was in hospital.

4) It’s hard to keep track of (ie: keep in touch with)all one’s old school friends

6. fade

a. 凋谢, 枯萎

eg: The flowers faded for want of water. 花儿因缺水而凋谢了。

b. (颜色) 褪去

eg: The color fades when exposed to light. 这颜色曝光后会褪色。

c. (声音等) 变微弱;(光等) 变暗淡; 逐渐消失 (+away)

eg: The sound of the footsteps faded away. 脚步声渐渐消失了。

d. 使褪色

eg: Sunshine faded the tapestry. 阳光晒得挂毯褪了色

7. in a row 连续, 一连串

in rows 成行, 成排

eg: Chinese women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.

They planted the trees in rows

8. make for意为“向……走(冲)去;有助于造成(某种关系、情况),可成为”。

Eg: The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond.

The climate makes for good health

9. apply

a. apply(to sb)(for sth)申请

Eg: You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.

Apply to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract

Apply for a job/post/passport/visa

b. apply sth to sth 运用

eg:The results of the research can be applied to new developments in technology.

c. apply oneself/sth(to sth/doing sth)专心

eg: You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.

We must apply our minds to finding a solution. 动脑筋

d. apply to sb/sth 适用

eg: What I have said applies only to some of you.


1 These chopsticks are both delicious and environmentally friendly.这些筷子又好吃又环保。

点拨:friendly 除了表示“友好的,朋友般的”含义,还有“友善的,表示赞赏的,不反对的”含义。

e.g.1.A friendly argument on any disputes is beneficial to the further understanding of the mutual views.


e.g.3.It’s a government friendly to our interests.这是一个符合我们利益的政府。

2.throw away:1)抛弃,扔掉:作为无用而除去:threw away yesterday's newspaper.扔掉昨天的报纸

2)To fail to take advantage of:丧失,错过:未能利用:

threw away a chance to make a fortune.丧失赚大钱的机会

throw up:To vomit.呕吐

3 Are you tired of carrying around a heavy laptop computer?你厌倦了随身携带一个沉重的笔记本电脑了么?

点拨:tire作为动词,为使役动词,意思是“使某人劳累”。词组tire sb.of sth.是“使某人厌倦了某事”的意思。所以sb.be tired of sth./doing sth.意为“某人厌倦了某事/做某事”。

e.g.1.When a man is tired of London,he is tired of life.当一个人厌倦了伦敦的时候,他也就厌倦了生活。

e.g.2.I am tired of your stupid remarks.我听烦了你的蠢话。

拓展:sb.be tired of sth.意思是“某人厌烦了某事”,但是sb.be tired with sth.是“某人做某事累了”。因此,应从上下文中推断应该采用哪一个词组。

考题:-Do you like your new job as a shop assistant?

-Very much.But I am tired standing all day.

A.of B.with C.by D.about 答案:B

5 If you use our inflatable bike,you can simply let the air out and put your bike in a bag.


点拨:1)let out 在此为“放掉”的意思。

e.g.1.There seemed a man in the garden. Let the dog out.好像有个人在花园里,把狗放出来吧。

e.g.2.Let the air out of the balloon and put it into the plastic bag.释放气球中的空气,把它放在塑料袋里。

2).let sth.out 还有“使知道;泄露”的含义:

e.g.Who let that story out?是谁泄露了消息?

3).let sth.out 还有“放大(衣服);增大(例如衣服的)尺寸”的意思

e.g.I want to let out a coat.我想放大一件外衣。

4).let sth.out还有“出租(房屋等)”的意思

e.g.I want to live outside London.Do you know there is any house let out?


6 How do they come up with ideas for new inventions?人们怎么会想出新发明的主意呢?

点拨:come up with 有两层含义


e.g.1.He couldn’t come up with an answer.他答不上来。

e.g.3.People can put ideas together in many ways and can come up with new ideas.


e.g.4.He first came up with the good idea of going to visit the factory.


拓展:1.come up with 还有“赶上”的含义

e.g.We are making our efforts to come up with the advanced level.


2.come up 有“显现;出现,提升,靠近”的含义

e.g.The question never came up.这个问题未从曾发生过。

e.g.The sun came up.太阳升起来了。

e.g.a general who came up from the ranks按等级晋升的将军

e.g.came up and said hello靠近并打招呼

3.come down的含义:传递;传给;减价

e.g.The song comes down to us from the 10th century.这首歌从10世纪一直传到我们这一代。

e.g.These legends came down to us from the 15th century.这些传说是从15世纪流传下来的。

e.g.I don’t think TV sets will come down this year,do you?我看今年电视机的价格不会跌,你看呢?

7 Instead,it seems that creative thinking,which is one of the most highly valued skills in society,is a matter of habits.


1)点拨:a matter of 此处用来表示“正常或经常的事情; 理所当然的事情”。

e.g.1.Answering the question is just a matter of using your intelligence.回答这个问题只不过要运用一下你的智慧。

e.g.2.To solve the problem is just a matter of time.要解决这个问题仅仅是个时间问题。

拓展:1.a matter of 还可以表示“大约,大概”的含义。

e.g.We only had to wait a matter of 10 minutes.我们大约只等了10分钟。

3.词组a matter of life or death 生死攸关的事情

4.a matter of opinion 看法不同的事情, 见仁见智的事情

5.as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上

2) highly high作副词的区别

Highly is describing how we think of something or someone. adv.


a highly scientific approach高度科学性的方法

It is highly important for us to combine revolutionary sweep with practicalness.



a highly paid official薪金优厚的官员

He spoke very highly of her.他高度赞扬了她。

Our department store has always been very highly commended.我们的百货商店一向受到高度赞扬。

He is highly estimated among his fellows.同事们对他的评价很高。

High: 1)At, in, or to a lofty position, level, or degree:(位置、水平高度、程度)高地:

saw a plane high in the sky; prices that had gone too high.看见高空中那架飞机;价格简直太高了

2)In an extravagant or luxurious way:挥霍地:以奢侈的、豪华的方式:

made a fortune and lived high.交了好运且生活奢华

3) value: vt. 估价;定价

He valued the ring at $80.他估计这枚戒指值80美元。

2)尊重;珍视I value your advice.我尊重你的劝告

8 To “think outside the box” is to try new ways to solve a problem.破旧立新的意思就是要用新方法解决问题。

点拨:此句型中的think outside the box 在此意思为解放思想,思维方式要突破陈规,破旧立新。另外,此句型中是由to think outside the box 不定式作主语,表语是to try new ways to solve a problem,这是因为作主语的动名词、不定式有对称使用的特点。

e.g.1.眼见为实可以表示为Seeing is believing.或To see is to believe.

e.g.2.To know everything is to know nothing.样样皆通,样样稀松。

e.g.3.To respect the others is to be respected.尊重别人就是尊重自己。

e.g.4.To love nature is to love mankind itself.爱自然就是爱人类自己。

e.g.5.To teach is to learn.教即是学。

考题:It is better to lose one’s life than .

A.if you lose your spirit B.losing his spirit C.to lose one’s spirit D.your spirit getting lost 答案:C

9 Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try“impossible ”or“crazy”solutions.


点拨:allow for有 “考虑;顾及;把某事算在内”的含义。

e.g.1.We must allow for his inexperience.我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验这一点。

e.g.2.It takes about two hours to get to their office building,allowing for possible traffic delays.


e.g.3.Allowing for the train being late,we should be back by 10:30.

把火车晚点考虑在内, 我们应该在十点半之前回来。

e.g.4.Allowing for wastage,the gas will last 3 weeks.留出损耗,这些汽油可以维持3周。

allows of: The poem allows of several interpretations.这首诗可以有好几种解释


permit作动词用时相当于allow,用法相似。同是 allow/permit sb.to do与allow/permit doing sth.


e.g.1.I’ll visit him tomorrow if weather permits.如果天气条件许可,明天我要去拜访他。

e.g.2.Each student was allowed five minutes for free talk.每个学生被允许五分钟自由谈话。

e.g.3.Smoking is not permitted in this cinema.本电影院不许吸烟。

考题: is not allowed here. You are not allowed here.

A.To smoke B.Smoking C.To be smoking D.Having smoked 答案:BA

10 otherwise: adv.1)不同地

We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.


I was otherwise engaged last Sunday evening.



He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy.他爱吵闹,但在其他方面倒是一个好孩子。


We'll go early, otherwise we may not get a seat.我们得早一点去,不然就没有座位了。

I've got one more page to write; otherwise I've finished.我又多写了一页,不然的话已经完成了。

12 attempt:v attempt to do attempt +n

I attempted to read the entire novel in one sitting.我试图一次读完整本小说

We attempted the difficult maneuver without assistance.


n She made an attempt to cook the dinner.她试着做这顿饭。Make an attempt on /at doing sth

13 If we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that don’t provide a complete answer,we may get stuck.


点拨:1.及物动词reject 后面通常接名词, 在此意思是拒绝接受,屈服。

e.g.1.He rejected their invitation point-blank.他直截了当地拒绝了他们的邀请。

e.g.2.We rejected his idea for a music club,and decided to have an art club instead.



e.g.The boy will feel rejected if you refuse to come.如果你拒绝来的话,那男孩会感到被抛弃的。

比较: resist vt., vi.抵抗;反抗;敌对 抵御;阻止

the power to resist disease抗拒疾病的能力

2)忍住;顶住She could hardly resist laughing。她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resist baked apples.我顶不住烤苹果的诱惑。

2.stuck 是stick 的过去式和过去分词,sb./sth.be stuck 在此表示某人、某物被难住;保持或变得静止;被固定、卡住、塞住或阻住。

e.g.1.We are late because we have been stuck in traffic for an hour.我们迟到了因为被卡在交通阻塞中达一个小时。

e.g.2.The door is stuck-I can’t open it. 门卡住了, 我打不开。

e.g.3.He was stuck in the mud and can’t move. 他陷在泥里,动不了。

比较:be stuck in 与be caught in, be trapped in 的侧重点不同。

be caught in 通常表示碰巧遇到暴风雨、交通阻塞等。

e.g.We were caught in a storm on the way home.我们在回家的路上碰巧遇到了暴风雨。

be trapped in 更强调被困在一个具体的空间内,或落入圈套。

e.g.She was trapped in the burning house.她被困在燃烧着的房子里了。

14 Creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possibilities. 创造性思考的作用是很明确的--破旧立新。

点拨:break away表示逃走;逃脱 break away from 表示摆脱某物, 从……中脱离开来

e.g.1.The robbery suspect broke away from the lockup.抢劫嫌疑犯从拘留所逃脱了。

e.g.2.Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules.现代音乐如爵士乐摆脱了旧的传统规则。

拓展:break away 还可以表示“断裂;开裂”的含义

e.g.A large piece of ice broke away from the main block.一大块冰从整个大冰块上断裂开来。

15 Unfortunately,it is easy to limit the possibilities of a new idea by connecting it to only one area of our previous knowledge.很不幸,我们很容易把一个新的想法仅局限于我们先前知识的一个方面。

点拨:connect在此处表示连接或系在一起。搭配为 connect sth.to/with sth.

e.g.1.There is no reason to connect the two events. /There is no reason to connect the event to/with that one. 没有理由把这两件事联想在一起

拓展:还可以表示:用通讯工具联系或连接,搭配为connect sb.to sb.

e.g.1.Please connect me to the number in San Diego.请给我接圣地亚哥这个电话号码。

另外,connect 还可以作为不及物动词

e.g.2.Two streams connect to form a river.两条小溪汇流成一条大河。

名词为connection,词组 in connection with 表示“关于……,与……有关”。

e.g.Do you believe that there’s a connection between smoking and heart disease?你相信吸烟与心脏病有关系吗?

16 apply vt., vi. applied, applying

1) 请求;申请I want to apply for the job.我想申请这项工作。

2)应用;使用;适用to apply a nickname用绰号

The principle of diligence and frugality applies to all undertakings.勤俭节约的原则适用于一切事业。

3)涂,敷,抹Apply medicine to his wound.在他伤口上涂药。

A nurse is applying some medicine to his wound.有个护士正在给他的伤口敷药。

4)产生作用;有直接关系What I have said does not apply to you.我说的话与你无关。

This rule does not apply.这个规则不适用。

4)专心;集中精力apply oneself to专心从事,埋头于…

The new comer applied his mind to the job.新来的职员工作专心致志。

Students should apply themselves to their study.学生们应该专心致志地学习。

Application: n应用;

The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.



This has no application to the case这不适用于那个案子。


an application for a job求职书



He worked with great application.


17 Most famous scientists and thinkers are very productive and studies have shown that our most respected scientists produce not only some of the best ideas,but also a great many bad ones.


点拨:respected 过去分词作定语,修饰scientists,单个分词作定语,相当于一个定语从句的省略形式。our most respected scientists=our most scientists who are respected,一般放在被修饰词的前面,分词短语作定语一般放在被修饰词的后面。

e.g.1.A watched pot never boils.心急锅不开。

e.g.2.Don’t laugh at his crippled walk.不要笑他的跛行。

e.g.3.Father looked at the child with a pleased expression.父亲带着满意的表情看着孩子。

e.g.4.The suggestion sent to the committee was adopted.呈送给委员会的建议被采纳了。

e.g.5.Children disciplined when they are young will become good citizens.小时候受过训练的孩子会成为好公民。

Respect :n1)(与of, for连用)尊敬;尊重

to show respect to those who are older尊敬长者

The students have great respect for their history teacher.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。

2)关心;注意 to pay (have) respect to关心

3) (pl) 敬意;问候 Give my respects to your wife.请代我向你太太问好。

in all respects无论从哪方面来看

in respect of关于;就…来说

pay one's respects拜访

without respect to不管;不考虑

with respect to谈到

with respect to the recent flood谈到最近的洪水

respect vt.尊敬;尊重

I respect his courage.我敬佩他的勇气。

I'll respect your wishes.我尊重你的愿望。

Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant."一般来说人们看不起那种唯命是从,唯唯诺诺的人。

18 We are said to be living in the “Information Age”,a time of new discoveries and great changes.


比较:age, time, days


e.g.1.Bronze Age 铜器时代 the Ice Age 冰河世纪

age 用作复数时,表示长时间,相当于for a long time。

e.g.1.I haven’t seen her for ages.我有很长时间没有看见她了。

e.g.2.It’s been an age(=ages)since we met.我们好久未见面了。

time作“时代”解时,常用复数形式,如本句中的 in modern times(在现代)。但有时也有用单数形式表示“时代”的,如 in Shakespeare time(在莎士比亚时代)。

e.g.1.In quite old times people lived on hunting and fishing.在古代,人们以渔猎为生。

e.g.2.His thought is ahead of his times.他的思想走在时代前面。

e.g.3.We should try to meet the requirements of the times.我们应当力争符合时代的要求。

e.g.4.It happened at the time of King Alfred.它发生在阿尔弗雷德王的时代。


e.g.1.We studied the tactics used in Napoleon’s day.我们研究在拿破仑时代用过的策略。

e.g.2.In grandmother’s day, skirts were long.在祖母那个时代,裙子都很长。

e.g.3.in my school days在我读书的时代


Warming up

1. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.戴皇冠的人良心不安。

(1)此句是个全倒装句. uneasy译为“不安的”,是个表语形容词,当表语置于句首, 而谓语动词又是不及物动词时,倒装结构为“表语+助动词+主语”。 例如:

Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests.出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授和许多其他客人。

(2)lie在此的含义为“存在;在某种情况下”。故有词组lie in(在于) 如:

His success lies in his hard work.他的成功在于他勤奋的努力。

2. deny vt.否认;不承认, 拒绝 (常用搭配:deny doing, deny that …. )

I deny that the statement is true.我不承认这话是真的。

He denied attempting to murder his wife. 他否认企图谋杀妻子。


3. What makes a play a masterpiece is that the ideas behind the play are about problems which are still important to people of different ages in modern times.一部戏剧成为杰作的关键在于,戏剧的主题思想所反映的问题对不同年龄段的现代人仍是重要的。

(1)masterpiece n. 杰作;名著 如:

Which masterpiece made Mark Twain famous? 马克吐温因哪部杰作而成名?


如: What you have done might do harm to those who are in their teens. 你所做的事可能对那些青少年有害。

(3)in modern times译为“在现代”,time作“时期、时代”讲时,是个可数名词,常用复数。 如:

in ancient times在古代

in the time(s) of the Stuarts在斯图亚特王朝治理时期

4. It sometimes happens that people are in a position where they can make an important decision about a person they hate.有时有这样的事发生,处在某个位置,这个位置可使他们对所恨的人做出重大的决定。

It (so) happens that从句表示“某事(如此)偶然发生”,其中It是形式主语,而that所引导的从句才是真正的主语。

It happened that he had left his keys in the office. 他碰巧把钥匙落在办公室了。

5. It is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.夏洛克必须要乞求公爵来挽救他的生命。

(1)“It is/was+ 被强调部分+ that(指人可用who)从句”是强调句型的基本结构,它可以强调主语、宾语、状语。如:

Was it you that/who I saw last night at the concert? 昨天晚上我在音乐会上看见的是你吗?(强调宾语)

I’ve already forgotten where it was that you put the dictionary. 我已经忘记了你把字典放哪里了。(强调状语)

(2) beg(for) (sth.) (from/ of sb.)可译成“乞求;乞讨”。 如:

He was so poor that he had to beg (for) his bread. 他非常贫穷,所以不得不乞食。

beg (of) sb. to do sth.可译成“恳求某人做某事”。 如:

They begged us not to punish them.他们恳求我们不要处罚他们。

6. Despite the fact that nobody really likes Shylock, the Duck does not want to kill him.尽管没人真正喜欢夏洛克,公爵还是不想处死他。

despite(=in spite of)译为“不管”,“不顾”,后面只能接名词、代词,不能接句子。 如:

Despite (In spite of) all efforts he failed.他虽然做了各种努力,仍然失败了。

7. marry vt. & vi 结婚;娶;嫁(表示结婚的动作,它的完成时不能与for, since等表示一段时间的词连用。类似词还有:come, go, die, join, buy等;表示“结婚”的状态,与一段时间连用,要用be married) 如:

John is going to marry Jane.约翰要和简结婚。

They have been married for 10 years.他们已经结婚了。


8. mercy仁慈;怜悯 (常用搭配:have mercy on/upon sb./sth.(怜悯/宽恕某人/某物);show mercy to sb./ sth.(怜悯/宽恕某人/某物);at the mercy of sb./sth. (任由……摆布;在……的掌握中) 如:

They showed little mercy to their enemies.他们对仇敌毫无怜悯之意。

The ship was at the mercy of the waves.船在浪涛中随波漂流。

(2)[C]幸运;恩惠 如:

We must be thankful for small mercies.我们对小惠也应感激。

9. It’s useless trying to argue with Shylock.和夏洛克争论没用。

It is useless/no use/no good+ doing sth.是个主从复合句,其真正的主语是其后动词的v.-ing形式,译成“做某事没用/好处”。 如: It’s no use crying over spilt milk.(谚语)覆水难收,悔恨无益。

10. judge n.法官;评判员 vt. & vi. 审理;评判

如: the judges at a flower show花卉展览会的评判员

judge a case审理案件

注意:当judge用于非谓语作状语的情况时,要用judging(表示其他人判断)即组成词组judging from/ by “从……判断”。 如:

Judging by/from the number of copies sold, the book is a great success. 从销售量判断,这本书很成功。

11. Please be seated.请坐。

常用表示“请坐”的词组有:seat oneself; be seated, sit down; take one’s seat; take one’s place。其中seat可作及物动词或名词,意为“使……坐;容纳;座位”。sit为不及物动词。 如:

Our hall can seat 1,000 people.我们大厅能容纳1,000人。

He seated himself near the side of the river.他在河边坐了下来。

I found him seated (sitting) on the bench.我发现他坐在凳子上。

12. hope for sth 希望,盼望

After this dry weather people all hope for rain. 经过了这段干旱,人们普遍希望下雨。

13. envy vt.羡慕;嫉妒 (envy sb. sth. 羡慕/嫉妒某人某事)n.[U].嫉妒;羡慕 ,令人羡慕的东西 如:

I don’t envy him his bad-tempered wife. 我不羡慕他有个坏脾气的妻子。

He was filled with envy of me/at my success. 他十分羡慕我(我的成功)。

His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends. 他那部豪华的新车是他所有的朋友羡慕的东西。

14. accuse 控告;告发(常用搭配:accuse sb. of sth.)

The man accused her of theft.那个人控告她盗窃罪。

15. consequence n.(某事)后果;影响 (常用搭配:as a consequence) 如:

If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take the consequences. 如果你这样愚昧下去,你必须准备自食其果。

Two hundred people lost their jobs as a consequence of the merger. 由于合并,200人失去了工作。


以3倍为例:1) A is 3 times larger than B. 2) A is 3 times as large as B. 3) A is 3 times the size of B.

Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。

This street is three times the length of that one. 这条街是那条街的三倍长。

The meeting room is three times bigger than our office.会议室是我们办公室的三倍大。

17. tear up (把某物)撕毁;取消(合同) Let’s tear it up.让我们把它撕了吧。

18. offer up: present献出;献上 如:offer up a sacrifice 奉献;牺牲;献祭

19. surgeon n. 外科医生; physician医生(尤指内科医生)


20. on one condition意为“规定一个条件”。 如:I will let you go on one condition. 我让你去,但有个条件。

on condition (that)= provided that,条件是…… 如:

You can go swimming on condition (that) you don’t go too far from the river bank.你只有在不远离河岸的条件下才可以去游泳。

21. pay back(=repay)意为“偿还”,“报答”。 如:

He worked hard to pay back his debt.为了偿还他的贷款,他努力工作。

此外,由pay组成的其他常见词组还有;pay for付款;pay off全部还清;成功,奏效 等。

如: You must pay for what you eat and drink.你必须付你吃喝的费用。

After ten years of hard work, she eventually paid of all her debts. 经过10年艰苦的工作,她终于还清了所有的债务。

It really pays off to study abroad. 出国留学是值得的。

22. at sea表示“在茫茫大海上”,意指“离海岸很远”。

Several ships were lost at sea owing to the hurricane. 由于飓风,好几艘船在海上失踪。

23. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.他很年轻,但是,我过去从来不知道有这么年轻又如此聪明的人。

在一个带有形容词的名词词组中,不定冠词a/an通常放在形容词的前面。 如:a young lady一位年轻女士

但是,如果形容词前有as, so, too, how时a/an就该放在形容词后,其结构是:as/ too/ so/how+ adj. +a/an +n. 如: Did you notice that you had made so serious a mistake? 你注意到你已经犯了一个很严重的错误吗?

How wonderful a plan it would be!多好的一个计划啊!

Integrating skills

24. flesh与meat

(1)flesh n.[U]通常指人或动物身上的肉。meat指提供食用的兽类的肉(区别于鱼或禽类的肉)。

Tigers are flesh-eating animals.老虎是食肉动物。

I like meat while my sister likes fish.我喜欢肉,我姐姐喜欢鱼肉。

25. be worthy of “值得”,其后接褒义名词或动名词的被动语态。 如:

The question is worthy of consideration/ being considered.这个问题值得考虑。

此外,还有be worthy to do/ to be done结构。 如:

He is a man who is worthy to have a place in the team. 他是一个值得在该团体获得一个位置的人。

“be worth”也表示“值得做某事”,但其后只能接动名词的主动语态,代替被动意义。即be worth doing。 如:The book is well worth reading.这本书很值得读。

26. Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.夏洛克必须许诺,他一死,就把钱留给他的女儿及女婿。

句中“upon one’s death”译为“某人一死/死后”,即on/upon+ doing/n.表示“一……就……”。 如:: On arriving in Beijing, I’ll telephone you. 一到北京,我就给你打电话。


1. agree to, agree with与agree on区别

(1)agree to意为“同意”,后面往往接计划、安排、建议、意见、条件之类的名词或动词原形,含愿意协助工作之意。如:Do you agree to this arrangement / proposal? 对于这个安排/建议你同意吗?

He didn’t agree to her taking up the job.他不同意她担任这项工作。

(2)agree with意为“与……(意见)一致”,后面一般接人,也可接意见,看法等。但不含协力合作之意,不用于被动。 如:I don’t agree with your idea.我不同意你的主意。

(3)agree on表示“就……取得一致意见”。 如:The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations. 双方商定了谈判的日期。

2. immediately 作连词时的用法

Immediately可以做一个连词,意思是:“一……就…… ” 如:

We must act immediately.我们必须立刻行动。

You may leave immediately he comes.他一到来,你可以立即离开。

类似能引导时间状语从句的连词还有;the last time, each time, the first time, next time, the moment, instantly, the minute, the instant等。 如: You’ll be struck by her beauty the moment you see her. 你一见到她,就会被她的美丽而打动。

Every time he came to Shanghai, he would pay a visit to her. 每次他来上海,都要去拜访她。


Warming up

1.What kind of entertainment did they have?



e.g.Jenny is interested in the news of entertainment.詹妮对娱乐新闻感兴趣。


e.g.1.This hotel is famous for its entertainment.这家旅馆因为殷勤待客而出名。

e.g.2.He gives numerous entertainments to his friends.他常常宴请很多客人。


1.使娱乐,助兴e.g.We were all entertained by his tricks.大家对他的把戏都很感兴趣。

2.款待,招待e.g.He plans to entertain his friends to dinner.他计划设晚宴招待他的朋友们。

3.心存,考虑 e.g.1.to entertain an idea/to entertain a hope 怀有一个主意/怀有一个希望

e.g.2.I refused to entertain such a foolish idea.我拒绝考虑这样愚蠢的主意。


e.g.She loves to talk,dance and entertain.她喜欢说话,跳舞和招待客人。


entertaining 是形容词,意思是“娱乐的,有趣的”。

e.g.We spent an entertaining evening at the theatre.我们在这家剧院度过了一个有趣的夜晚。

entertainingly 是副词。

2. decoration [U] 装饰,装潢 home decoration 家居装饰

decorate v. 装饰;点缀。例如:decorate a Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树

3. artefact [C] 人工制品(尤指有考古价值的工具或武器)

prehistoric artefacts made of bone and pottery 史前的骨制及陶制器具

4. unearth vt.(从地下)发掘;揭露。

例如:unearth buried treasure 发掘埋在地下的宝藏

unearth new facts about Shakespeare 发现有关莎士比亚的新资料 unearth a plot 揭露一个阴谋

unearth 由un-加上名词 earth构成,类似的词语主要有以下几个。

unhand 意思是“放手,松手”。e.g.Please unhand me!别拉着我。

unglove 的含义是“脱下的手套”。 e.g.Her hand,when ungloved,glitters with heavy rings.


unhair 的意思是“拔掉头发”。unmask 的意思是“揭除面具或者伪装”。

unglue 的意思是“取掉(粘着之物),剥”。

e.g.1.to unglue a stamp from an envelope by steaming 借着蒸气来取掉信封上的邮票

e.g.2.to unglue the children from a TV set使孩子们离开电视机


5. else adv. 此外,另外(与不定代词、疑问代词或否定副词连用)。例如:

Do you want anything else? Where else can I get it?

构成所有格时,’s加在else之后。例如: Who else’s fault could it be then?


6.I’d like to know more about life as it was two hundred years ago.

as conj. 像……一样的;如……的。例如: I’d like to go abroad as you do.我想跟你一样出国。


Object as you may, I’ll go. 纵使你反对,我也要去

He was late, as usual. 他如往常一样迟到了。

7.be curious to… 极想……

be curious about… 对……有兴趣

curious adj. 奇异的,奇怪的,好奇心强烈的,渴望知道的,爱探究的。例如:

curious eyes 好奇的眼神 curious behaviour 奇怪的举止

I’m curious to know what is written in his letter. 我极想知道他在信中写什么。

Children are naturally curious about everything around them. 小孩子对周围的每件事感到好奇。

curiosity n. 好奇(心);古玩;珍品。例如:

arouse curiosity 引起好奇心 a curiosity shop 古董店

8. What I’d really like to find out is whether people would sometimes want to go on a holiday, as we do. That sort of thing 我真正想发现的是人们是否有时候会和我们一样想去度假那一类事情。

as在这里是连词,引导一个方式状语从句。 请看以下由as 引导的方式状语从句的例子:

e.g.1.You’d better do as I did.你最好按照我做的去做。

e.g.2.As what she said before,it was really difficult to persuade him to go with us.



e.g.1.Twelve days later,millions more Indians lined the railway tracks as a slow train took the jar containing his ashes 584 kilometers to a place by the river.


e.g.2.Three million people watched as the ashes of this great man were gently poured into the brown waters of the river that would carry them to the ocean.


辨析:as,when 和while

这三个连词都可以连接时间状语从句,但有差别:如果主句和从句的时间相同,以选用as较宜,表示随着……;而when只有一般时间意义,还可以表示at that time的含义;while是个连词,它所表达的时间通常是指整个一段时间或过程,相当于during which time的用法。从句中常常使用进行时,还可以表示主从句的对比。

e.g.1.They came up stair as we went down.他们上楼,我们下楼。

e.g.2.As one grows older,one becomes more experienced.人长大了,经验就更丰富了。

e.g.3.When one man is in difficulty,the thousands come to his aid.


e.g.4.The weather was fine while we were in Shanghai.我们在上海的日子里,天气晴朗。

e.g.5.We were watching TV while they were playing chess.我们在看电视,而他们在下棋。



e.g.1.She works in the same building as my sister.她和我的妹妹在同一栋大楼上班。

e.g.2.This is the same as it was before.这个与以前一样。


e.g.such animals as cats and dogs 诸如猫、狗之类的动物


e.g.As the weather is fine,let’s go fishing.既然天气变得好起来了,咱们去钓鱼吧。

辨析:because,since,as 和for


because 引导的从句表示直接的、根本的原因,用来回答why 提出的问题,为全句重心所在。since引导的从句表示显然的或已知的理由、原因,相当于汉语的“既然”。主句是全句意思的重心,从句次之。as 引导原因状语从句,与since没多大区别。它们引导的原因状语从句,其原因已很明显,不必加以强调。由as表示的原因,语气最弱,往往译成汉语的“由于”。

for 是个并列连词,引导并列句,是对前句内容的补充说明。


e.g.As you know,we have the right to vote.正如你知道的,我们有权选举。




再次,当从句中有the same,such,so 时,只能用as。

比较:It is no use arguing with them,as we all see.和他们争论是没有用的,正如我们所看到的。(既可后置)

As we all see,it is no use arguing with them.(又可前置)正如我们都看到的,和他们争论是没有用的。

It is no use arguing with them,which we all see.



e.g.1.He works as a driver.他以开汽车为业。e.g.2.The kitten uses that box as a bed.小猫把那盒子当作床。




2.用来举例,比如用来代替for example的时候;

3.用来引导某些动词,如:look upon,regard,consider,treat,think of等的宾语的补语的时候。

e.g.1.As a writer,he has no equal.作为一个作家,他是首屈一指的。

e.g.2.Languages(such)as English,German,Dutch belong to the same family.


e.g.3.The teacher considered your son as being too small.


比较:The prisoner was hanged like a murderer.这个囚徒像杀人犯那样被处以绞刑(=…as if he were a murderer)。

e.g.4.The prisoner was hanged as a murderer.这个犯人作为杀人犯被处以绞刑。(这个犯人就是杀人犯)

1.I didn’t feel just you. A.as B.like C.such D.so

2. a teacher,I have to set a good example for my students.

A.Like B.Be C.As D.Have

3.It must have rained yesterday the ground is wet.

A.as B.since C.because D.for答案:1.A 2.C 3.D


9. date back to: = date from 始自某时期, 追溯到,上溯到(无被动语态)

Our school dates back to 1953. Our friendship dates from childhood.

out of date过时的;旧式的 up to date时新的;新式的

10. bury vt. 埋葬

Many men were buried underground when there was an accident at the mine.


bury oneself in 专心致志于, 埋头于(in)

be buried in thought 沉思 He buried himself in his work.

Buried in his book, he didn’t notice me entering the room.

11.Some of the objects found in the grave give us an idea of how he was dressed when he was buried


(1)give sb an idea of 使某人明白

The book will give you an idea of what everyday life of ordinary Americans is like.


dress v. 穿衣。例如:

be dressed in (表状态)穿着 dress sb. 给某人穿衣服

dress oneself in… 穿着……(表动作) dress up 盛装,打扮

dress well 穿着得体

dress [C] 连衣裙;女装 in formal (evening) dress 着礼服(晚礼服)

a silk dress 一件丝绸的礼服

12. clothing n.衣服(集合名词,无复数形式) an article of clothing 不能讲a suit of clothing

clothes n.(复)衣服,服装指具体的衣服;无单数形式,不与数词连用但可和many ,a few等表示

不确定的数词连用many clothes, a piece of clothes ,a suit of clothes一件衣服不能讲an article of clothes

Cloth做衣服用的材料,不可数名词, 当作为台布抹布时是可数名词.

13. find [C] 发现,发现物。例如:

Our new gardener was a marvellous find. 我们新找到了一个很出色的花匠。

finding [C] & [U] 发现,发现物

14. dozen n. 一打,十二个 (与数词或many, several等连用时,复数不加s )

two (many, several) dozen pencils 两(好多,几)打铅笔

dozens of 几十,许多 for dozens of years 好几十年以来

pack in dozens 成打地包装 sell by the dozen 论打出售

15. spare adj. 备用的;额外的;多余的;剩下的。例如:

a spare room 预备的房间 a spare tire 备用轮胎 In one’s spare time 在某人闲暇的时候

I have little spare time. 我没有什么余暇。

spare vt. 匀出,分出,省下 例如:Can you spare me just a few minutes? 你能腾出几分钟时间给我吗?

There’s no time to spare. 没有多余的时间了 spare no efforts 不遗余力

Spare the rod and spoil the child. [谚]孩子不打不成器,娇养忤逆儿。(省了棍子坏了孩子。)

16. a variety of / varieties of形形色色的,种种的。例如:

a collection of a variety of butterflies 收集各式各样的蝴蝶

There are a wide variety of people on the earth. 地球上有各种不同的人。

17.The biggest stones weigh 20 tons and came from a place not very far




e.g.1.Let me weigh it.It’s quite a bit overweight.让我来称称它。超重还不少呢。

e.g.2.The goods were carefully weighed at the time of shipment.货物在装运的时候都是仔细称过的。


e.g.1.A giant panda can weigh as much as 150 kilos when fully grown.


e.g.2.Some of the fish already weigh ten kilograms.这些鱼有的已经有10千克重了。


e.g.1.The matter weighed heavily on my mind.这件事情沉重地压在我的心上。

e.g.2.The decision has been weighing on my mind all the week.这项决定整整一个星期都压在我的心上。


e.g.1.All the difficulties and risks had to be carefully weighed.所有的困难和风险都要仔细考虑。

e.g.2.They weighed the matter seriously.他们认真考虑了这件事情。

18. link vt., vi.(常与together, to, with连用)连接, 联合

(1)The two towns are linked by a railway.

(2) The new bridge will link the island to the mainland. 新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。

be linked to / have links with 与…有联系

Sichuan have trade links with the Yangtze River. 四川和长江流域有商贸联系。

19.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he may have had a hand in planning the monument,or in helping transport and pull up the stones





e.g.1.You are Jack’s best friend.You must know where he is.你是杰克最好的朋友,你一定知道他在哪儿。

e.g.2.Can you hear the loud voice?They must be quarrelling.你能听到那声音吗?他们在吵架。

e.g.3.If you had come earlier,you might have been told the good news.你早来一会儿,就会听到那条好消息了。e.g.4.There is no light in the room.They might have gone out for a walk.屋里没开灯,他们可能出去散步啦。

1.Jack yet,otherwise he would have telephoned me.

A.mustn’t have arrived B.shouldn’t have arrived C.can’t have arrived D.need not have arrived

2.-I stayed at a hotel while in New York.

-Oh,did you?You with Barbara.

A.could have stayed B.could stay C.would stay D.must have stayed

3.-There were already five people in the car,but they managed to take me as well.

-It a comfortable journey.

A.can’t be B.shouldn’t be C.mustn’t be D.couldn’t have been答案:1.C 2.A 3.D

20. have a hand in 参与,插手;对某事负部分责任。例如:

I bet he had a hand in it. 我敢说他一定参与了此事。

I can’t promise much. I’m not the only one that has a hand in this town.


关于hand 的词组还有:

lend a hand 帮助

give sb. A hand 给予帮助

at hand 在手边

by hand 用手

in hand 手头上的,在进行中

hand in hand 手拉手,联合

from hand to hand 从一人之手转到之手

hand down/on 把…传下来

hand in 交上

hand out 把…拿出来,分派

hand over 移交

join hands 携手联合

on one hand,…on the other hand

一方面 , 另一方面

21. in terms of 用……的话;以……的观点;就……而说。

例如:He thought of everything in terms of money. 他每件事都从钱的角度考虑。

bring a person to terms 使某人接受条件(就范)

come to terms=make terms 达成协议;和好

in the long term 就长期而言

on no terms 无论如何不,决不

on good terms with sb 和某人关系融洽

22. At first it was thought that it was through war and armed conflict,but it is now believed to have happened through trade and cultural links


e.g.1.The thief came in through the window.小偷从窗户进来。

e.g.2.The troops marched through the town.军队从城中走过。

e.g.3.Fish swim through the water.鱼游于水中。

e.g.4.The men cut a tunnel through the mountain.那些人穿山凿了一条隧道。


e.g.1.He traveled through Europe.他游遍欧洲。

e.g.2.Other birds and animals stay with you,but you will not see all the animals all through the winter.



e.g.1.It was all through your being late that we lost the train.我们没有赶上火车,完全是因为你来晚了。

e.g.2.It happened,through no fault of mine.这件事情之所以发生,并非是我的过错。


e.g.1.He became rich through hard work.凭着努力的工作,他致富了。

e.g.2.I obtained my position through a friend.我靠一位朋友的帮忙而得到了这份工作。


e.g.1.He worked from dawn through the day and into the night.他从天亮一直工作到晚上。

e.g.2.He read through the novel carefully.他细心地读完了这本小说。

e.g.3.The rain lasted through the night.雨下了一夜。



e.g.1.Last week,we started our trip across this country.上个星期,我们开始了横跨这个国家的旅行。

e.g.2.We can’t travel through the forest by road,because there aren’t any roads.


1.The boy is so good at swimming that he can swim the sea.

2.He walked the forest and disappeared into the valley.答案:1.across 2.through

23. in the eyes of sb. (=in sb.’s eyes): in the opinion of sb.在某人的心目中,在某人看来

In your father’s eyes you’re still a child.

相关词组:keep an eye on sb. 留神,看守,看管

shut (close) one’s eyes to sth. 闭目不看…,装着没看到…,视而不见


1.base…on… 把……基础放在……上;以……为基础。例如:

You should base your conclusion on careful research.你应该以审慎的研究为基础。

This story is based on facts.这故事是有事实根据的。basic adj. 基础的,基本的;根本的

basis [C] 基础;根据

Language study

1.thanks to 多亏,幸亏。例如:

Thanks to modern technology, to find out more facts about the man buried in the grave is possible.


表示原因的结构还有: because of as a result of owing to due to

Integrating skills

2.roots of Chinese culture 中国文化的根源

root [C] 根源,来源;根,根茎。例如:the root of the problem 问题的根源

The love of money is the root of all evil. 爱钱乃万恶之源。(语出《圣经》)

a plant with very long roots 根部很长的植物

Many Americans have roots in Europe. 许多美国人祖籍在欧洲。

get at/to the root of 追根究底

take/strike root 生根,扎根;定居

root and branch adv. 连根地,完全地,彻底地

3. serve as “担当;充当”

4.dig up 挖出;掘起。例如:

We dug up the tree by its roots. 我们将树连根挖起。

An old Greek statue was dug up here last month.


dig at 讥讽,挖苦 dig for 挖寻 dig into 详细调查,探求



e.g.1.He covered himself with a blanket.他给自己盖上一床毯子。

e.g.2.A rather cold north west airstream will cover our province.一股偏冷的西北气流将覆盖我省。

e.g.3.When he returned,his body was covered with bruises.他回来的时候全身都是伤痕。


e.g.1.They covered the distance to the place at a run.他们一路小跑,赶到了那个地方。

e.g.2.Here is ten dollars;the extra will cover the bus fares.这儿是10元钱,多余的可以用作坐公共汽车费用。


e.g.1.What are the chief points you are to cover in your talk?你的报告主要有哪些内容?

e.g.2.The discussion covered a wide range of subjects.这项决定涉及到很多别的问题。


e.g.1.The city covers ten square miles.这座城市的面积是10平方英里。

e.g.2.His burnt area covered 70 per cent of his body surface.他全身的烧伤面积达到了70%。


e.g.He ordered us to cover the other people’s withdrawal.他下令让我们掩护其他人撤退。


e.g.They sent a large number of reporters to cover the conference.他们派遣了大量的记者去报道大会的消息。

Our new school almost 54 square miles,making it the largest school in the province.

A.lies B.stands C.has D.covers答案:D





e.g.1.It’s ten o’clock.现在十点钟了。

e.g.2.It is twenty miles to London.到伦敦有二十英里。

e.g.3.She couldn’t stand it.她真是无法忍受。


e.g.1.Where is my book?Have you seen it?我的书在哪儿?你看见我的书了吗?

e.g.2.He pretended to study,for he thought it would please his mother.



e.g.1.She got a baby and it was ten-pound.她生了个十磅重的婴儿.

e.g.2.A tall man stood up and shook hands with her.It was the general manager.



e.g.1.It is certain that we shall succeed.我们一定会成功的。

e.g.2.It is necessary for older people to understand what the young think and feel.



e.g.1.You’ll find it difficult to learn Japanese.你将发现日语很难学。

e.g.2.I make it a rule to take a walk in the morning.我规定自己每天早上散步。


e.g.1.It is I who am fortunate.幸运的是我。

e.g.2.It was three weeks later that he learnt the news.三个星期以后他得知了这个消息。

◇It is+被强调部分+that…


It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.

=Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star.

◇ It is clear (obvious, true, possible, certain…) that…


It is very clear that he’s round and tall like a tree. =That he’s round and tall like a tree is very clear.

It is important that we (should) learn English well

It is necessary that he (should) remember these words.

◇ It is said (reported, learned…) that…


It is said that he has come to Beijing.

It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.

It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off.

◇ It is time (about time, high time) that…


It is time that children should go to bed. =It is time that children went to bed.

◇ It is the first (second…) time that…



It is the first time I have been here. =This is the first time I have been here.

It is…since…


It is (has been) 5 years since his father died.

It is 5 years since he joined the army.自从他参军5年了。

▲ It is 5 years since he was in the army.自从他退伍已经5年了。

◇It be…before…


It was 3 days before he went to Beijing.

It will be not long before he finishes his job.

◇It happens (seems, looks, appears) that…

该句型中it是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句,主句中的happen, seem等词是不及物动词。例如:

It happened (so happened) that he met his teacher in the street.

It seems that he will be back in a few days.

◇It is no good (use) doing sth.

主句中的表语可以是no good, (not any good), no use (not any use)。例如:

It is no good learning English without speaking English.

◇It doesn’t matter whether (if)…

该句型中whether (if) 引导的从句是真正主语,该句型常译为“不论(是否)……没关系……”。例如:

It doesn’t matter if they are old.

◇ It is kind (of sb.) to do sth.

常见的这类形容词有:bad, brave, careless, clever, cruel, foolish, good, honest, kind, lazy, nice, polite, rude, wise, wrong等。

该句型中的不定式短语是真正主语,如果不定式的逻辑主语是由of引起,主句中的形容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的形容词。这个句型可以改写为:sb. is kind to do sth.例如:

It is kind of you to say so.=You are kind to say so.

◇ It is necessary (for sb.) to do sth.

常见的这类形容词有:important, necessary, natural, easy, safe, common, normal, hard, difficult, dangerous, impossible, pleasant等。


It is important for her to come to the party. =It is important that she (should) come to the party.

◇ We think it important to learn a foreign language.

主句中常用的动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel



We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day. He felt it important learning English well.

They found it difficult that they would finish their work in two days.


Warming up

1. Cube n立方体;立方形;正六面体

The cube of 5 is 125. 5的立方是125。 The cube root of 27 is 3

Cubic adj.立方体的, 立方的 a cubic meter 立方米 引申:square n.正方形平方


2. benefit n.利益, 好处vt.有益于, 有助于vi.受益a public benefit公益disability benefits残废抚恤金(pl)救济金

be of benefit to the people对人民有好处[U]

This dictionary will be of great benefit to me.这部字典将对我有很大裨益。

Exercise benefits our health.运动有益于我们的健康。

We benefit by [from] daily exercises.每天做操对我们有益。

It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health.据说瑜咖功对人体健康有极大好处。

The plants benefited from the rain. 植物得益于这场雨。

3. range n.山脉vt.排列vi.平行, 延伸

range from… to…从……到……不等 vary from to

Tempertures here range from 10℃to 30℃ Prices ranged from 5 to 10 dollars.

a range of mountains一列山脉 a range of pictures 一系列画片

the annual range of temperature每年的温度变化范围 a wide range of knowledge广博的知识

4. all the way adv.从远道, 自始至终, 一路上all the time adv.始终

Jack climbed all the way to the top of the tree.他一直爬上了树顶。

5. property n.财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性

This car is my property. 这车是我的财产。

Many plants have medicinal properties. 许多植物具有药性。

6. break down 分解; 出故障,失败,垮掉,破坏,把。。。分类,

引申: break a way (from sb/sth) 突然挣脱,逃脱;脱离;背叛

break in 强行进入,打断,搅扰 break into sth 强行闯入,break off 断开,折断;突然终止

break out 爆发;break through 冲破,突破;break up 粉碎,破碎,结束;解散;拆开,绝交

7. whatever(=anything that)作为连接代词引导名词性从句,“无论什么,任何东西,一切事物” ,语气比what强烈。

Whatever is left over is yours. You must do whatever is best for you.

Whatever book you want to read will be sent to your office. She is against whatever I am fond of.

8. Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point. 注意此句子的冠词。

9. pure adj.纯的, 纯粹的, 纯净的, 无垢的, 纯洁的, 完美的, 抽象的

pure gold 纯金 The water in mountain rivers is usually pure. 在山间河流中的水通常是纯净的。

pure English 纯正英语a pure mind 心地纯洁 It was a pure accident.这全然是一次意外事故。 by pure chance 全凭运气 pure science 纯科学

10. dense adj.密集的, 浓厚的 density n.密度

Densely populated 人口密集的

11. mass n.块, 大多数, 质量, 群众, 大量

adj.群众的, 大规模的, 集中的vt.使集合vi.聚集

Before the rain, the sky was a mass of clouds. 下雨前,天空有一团云。


a mass of hot air一团热空气

I've masses of work to do.我有大量工作要去做。

the masses群众, 民众

Troops are massing on the frontier.军队在边境集结。

Dark clouds massed, and we expected rain.乌云密集, 我们企盼下雨。

mass production大宗生产

a mass-circulation magazine大量发行的杂志

12. absorb vt.吸收, 吸引

This job absorbs all of my time. 这件工作占有了我的全部时间。

to absorb the full meaning of a remark 理解一句话的全部意义take in

He is absorbed in study.他专心读书。

be absorbed in全神贯注在..., 一心从事, 热衷于put heart into

absorb sb.'s attention吸引某人注意

13. give off 发出(蒸汽、光等)

Boiled water gives off steam. The flowers gave off a pleasant smell

引申:give sb/sth away 赠送,捐赠,泄露,暴露;give sb/sth back 还,归还; give in (to sb /sth) 屈服; give off 放出,发出(气味,热,光等);give out 用光,耗尽,分发,散发; give up 放弃;

Integrating skills

1. sensitive 感觉敏锐的,神经过敏的,敏感的 (~ (to sth))

She is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. 她很能体谅他人的感情。

He’s very sensitive about his weight. 他很忌讳别人说他胖。

She’s very sensitive to criticism. 她一听批评就急。

Health care is a politically sensitive issue. 医疗卫生是政界的一个敏感问题。

My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. 我的牙齿对冷食过敏。

an actor’s sensitive reading of the poem 演员对诗歌富有表现力的朗诵。

2. a variety of (同一事物)不同种类,多种式样

There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from. 有种类繁多的图案可供选择。

He resigned for a variety of reasons. 他由于种种原因辞职了。

3. contribute (sth) to 捐献,捐赠;增加,添进(到某物);为。。。撰写稿件

contribute to 是。。。的原因;

We contributed 5 000 to the earthquake fund. 我们给地震基金捐赠了5000美金。

Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death. 据说医务人员的玩忽职守是她死亡的原因之一。

Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways. 移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。

She contributed a number of articles to the magazine. 她给这家报纸撰写了一些稿件。

Unit 13 the water planet 知识清单

Warming up

1. Cube n_____; _________;正六面体

The cube of 5 is 125. The cube root of 27 is 3

Cubic adj.________ a cubic meter _______ 引申:square n.__________


2. benefit n. ______ vt. ______ vi.受益a public benefit_____disability benefit_____

be of benefit to the people [U]This dictionary will be of great benefit to me.

Exercise benefits our health We benefit by [from] daily exercises

It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health. The plants benefited from the rain.

3. range n. _________ vt_________ vi.平行, 延伸

range from… to…_________ vary from to

Tempertures here range from 10℃to 30℃ Prices ranged from 5 to 10 dollars.

a range of mountains a range of pictures the annual range of temperature

a wide range of knowledge

4. all the way adv. __________, 一路上

Jack climbed all the way to the top of the tree. all the time adv.

5. property n._________, 所有权, __________

This car is my property. Many plants have medicinal properties.

6. break down 分解; 出故障,失败,垮掉,破坏,把。。。分类,

引申: break a way (from sb/sth) _____________break in _____________

break into sth_____________,break off _____________ break out_____________;break through _____________break up _____________

7. whatever(=anything that)作为连接代词引导名词性从句,“无论什么,任何东西,一切事物” ,语气比what强烈。

Whatever is left over is yours.You must do whatever is best for you.

Whatever book you want to read will be sent to your office.She is against whatever I am fond of.

8. Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point. 注意此句子的冠词。

9. pure adj. _____________, 无垢的, 纯洁的, 完美的, 抽象的

pure gold The water in mountain rivers is usually pure.

pure English a pure mind It was a pure accident. by pure chance pure science

10. dense adj. _____________ 浓厚的 density n.密度 Densely populated _____________

11. mass n. _____________, 群众, 大量

adj. _____________, 集中的vt.使集合vi.聚集Before the rain, the sky was a mass of clouds.


a mass of hot air I've masses of work to do. the masses

Troops are massing on the frontier. Dark clouds massed, and we expected rain.

mass production a mass-circulation magazine

12. absorb vt.________

This job absorbs all of my time. to absorb the full meaning of a remark take in

He is absorbed in study. be absorbed in absorb sb.'s attention

13. give off _________

Boiled water gives off steam. The flowers gave off a pleasant smell

引申:give sb/sth away ______;give sb/sth back _______; give in (to sb /sth) ______; give off ____________;give out ____ give up __________;

Integrating skills

1. sensitive ___________ (~ (to sth))

She is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. He’s very sensitive about his weight.

She’s very sensitive to criticism. Health care is a politically sensitive issue.

My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. an actor’s sensitive reading of the poem

2. a variety of ___________

There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from. He resigned for a variety of reasons.

3. contribute (sth) to ________________

contribute to ______________;

We contributed 5 000 to the earthquake fund.

Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death.

Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways.

She contributed a number of articles to the magazine.




1. 肯定的推测一般用must, should, may(might)或could(不用can),其中,must的语气最强,译为“肯定”、“准是”、“想必是”;should的语气次之,译为“很可能”、“应该”,指按常理推测;may(might),could的语气最弱,译为“也许”、“可能”。

①Helen _______ go on the trip with us but she isn’t quite sure yet. (2005年安徽卷)

A. shall B. must C. may D. can

②-I’ve taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.

-It ___ Harry’s. He always wears green. (2005年广东卷)

A. has to be B. will be C. mustn’t be D. could be

③I have lost one of my gloves. I _______ it somewhere.(2005年北京春季卷)

A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropped

④If I ____ plan to do anything I wanted to ,I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible. (2005年湖北卷)

A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to (Key: C D B B)

2. 否定推测分为两种情况:

1)语气不很肯定时,常用may not, might not或could not,译为“可能不”、“也许不”。

You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ______ not like the design of the furniture. (2004年上海春季卷)

A. must B. shall C. may D. need Key: C


①-Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

-Well. He ______ have gone far--his coat’s still here.(2005年湖北卷)

A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. wouldn’t

②- Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

- No, it _______ be him I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses. (2004年全国卷Ⅰ)

A. can’t B. must not C. won’t D. may not ey: C A

3. 疑问句中的推测,往往用can或could。

Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How ______ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?(2001年上海春季卷)

A. can B. should C. may D. must Key:A

4. 对已发生事情的肯定推测常用“must, may, might等+完成式”;否定推测常用“can, could, may, might等+完成式”。

①I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They _______ at least 150 kilometers an hour.(2005年重庆卷)

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing C. could have done D. would have done

②He _______ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by seaside. (2005年北京卷) A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

③-Tom is never late for work. Why is be absent today? -Something ________ to him. (2005年江西卷)

A. must happen B. should have happened C. could have happened D. must have happened

④ My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he_____your lecture.(2000年上海卷)

A. couldn’t have attended B. needn’t have atterded

C. mustn’t have attended D. shouldn’t have attended Key: B B D A


1. “should(ought to)+完成式”表示本应该做某事而实际上没有做。其否定式表示某种行为不该发生但却发生了。

①-I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. - You________ her last week.(2004年福建)

A. ought to tell B. would have told C. must tell D. should have told

②Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I _____ so much fried chicken just now. (2002年上海春季卷)

A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat Key: D C

2. “could+完成式”表示本来能够做成某事的但结果没能做成,含有遗憾的意味。

He paid for a seat, when he ______ have entered free. (2005年山东卷)

A. could B. would C. must D. need Key:A

3. “needn’t+不定式的完成式”表示本来不必做某事而实际上做了某事。例如:

You needn’t have watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.你本不需要浇花的,因为天就要下雨了。

- Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.

- Thanks. You ______ it. I could manage it myself. (2005年福建卷)

A. needn’t do B. needn’t have done C. mustn’t do D. shouldn’t have done Key: B


1. shall用于一、三人称疑问句表示征求对方意见;用于二、三人称陈述句表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁等。

①“The interest be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides,” declared the judge. (2004年重庆卷)

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

②-Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

- You ______ have my computer if you don’t take care of it. (2004年湖南卷)

A. shan’t B. might not C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

③ - The room is so dirty. ______ we clean it?

- Of course. (2003年北京春季卷)

A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Do Key: D A B

2. must用于疑问句,表示责备、抱怨的感情色彩,意思为“偏偏,偏要”;mustn’t表示禁止,是说话人强有力的劝告。

①John, look at the time. _______ you play the piano at such a late hour? (2005年全国卷Ⅲ)

A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need

②Tom, you leave all your clothes on the floor like this! (2005年全国卷Ⅰ)

A. wouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not Key: A B

3. needn’t表示“没有必要”。

- Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary.

- She ______. I’ve already borrowed one. (2005年湖南卷)

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t Key: C

4. would表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向。

When he was there, he ___ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.(1996年上海卷)

A. would B. should C. had better D. might Key: A

5. 表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作,只能用was/were able to,而不能用could。

The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _____ get out. (1997年全国卷)

A. had to B. would C. was able to D. could Key:C

6. 考查情态动词用作答语的情况

①-Write to me when you get home. - _______. (2001年北京春季卷)

A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can

② - Could I call you by your first name? -Yes, you ______. (1998年上海卷)

A. will B. could C. may D. might Key:C C










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