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《I'm in New York now》

Teaching objectives:

1. Words: arrive taxi flat building made again

2. Sentences:

Grandma made Chinese food for me.

I want to try American food.

I will write again soon.

3. Practise to pronounce ‘wh’ ‘wr’.

4. Learn the song: It’s a big exciting world.

Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder pictures

Teaching procedures


1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1.

2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense.


T: Daming goes to New York.

Ss: Daming went to New York.

T: Grandma meets Daming.

Ss: Gradma met Daming.

Teach the text:

1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What is it ? Where is it?”

Guide the students say: It’s the statue of Liberty. It’s in New York”.

T: Daming is in New York now. Let’s see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat.

2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books.

3. Teach the new words.

4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions:

⑴Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon)

⑵What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people)

⑶What food did he want to try? (American food)

5. Complete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer in pairs)

6. Practise to pronounce 'wh' 'wr'.

7. Learn the song: It’s a big exciting world.

8. Complete exercise 1 in AB.


Practise the following sentences in pairs:

Where are you from?

Where are you going to go?

Where are you going to go there?

Where are you going to do there?


Module 10 Unit 2 I’m in New York now

Arrive Grandma mad Chinese food for me.


Flat I want to try American food.


made I will write again soon


1.there be

There is a tall tree in front of our teaching building.

There are some students playing football on the playground.

2. think/find it + adj for sb to do sth

(1).I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.

(2).I feel it important to have some working experience.

(3).I found it impossible for me to work out all the problems in such a short time.

3. not…until

(1).I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.

(2).Yesterday I didn’t go to sleep until midnight.

4. Some…others

(1).Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.

(2).There are many foreign students in our class. Some of them are from Europe, others come from America.

5. not only…but also

(1).In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s degree.

(2).Forests can not only fresh the air but also reduce noises.

6. such…that / so…that

(1).He is such a good student that everyone likes him.

(2).We were so deeply moved that we could not fall asleep that night.


(1).They were too angry to say a word that day.

(2).He is too young to go to school.

8. in order to

(1).He worked very hard in order to realize his dream.

(2).In order to get there on time,we set off early in the morning.

9.be about to do sth when…/be doing sth when…

(1).I was about to go out when the telephone rang.

(2).I was walking in the street when I heard a lady cry “Help,help”.

10.used to

(1).He used to live in Shanghai.

(2).There used to be a tree in front of my house.

11.see/hear/watch/find sb do sth/doing sth

(1).I heard someone laughing.

(2).I saw him put the key in the lock,turn it and open the door.

12. have some difficulty in doing sth/with sth

Do you have any difficulty in understanding spoken English?

13.be busy doing sth/with sth

He was busy getting ready for his journey.


1.a) Go to see the doctor at once.

b) Your cold may get worse.

Go to see the doctor at once, or your cold may get worse.

2. a) Alice was the first to complete her paper.

b) Alice made quite a few mistakes in her paper.

Alice was the first to complete her paper, but she made quite a few mistakes in it.

3. a) We were about to start off last night.

b) The phone in the living room began to ring.

We were about to start off last night when the phone in the living room began to ring.

4. a) Unfortunately, John’s car broke down on the way home.

b) John had to stop a car for a lift.

Unfortunately, John’s car broke down on the way home, so he had to stop a car for a lift.

5). a) He has made great progress in his studies.

b) All the teachers praise him.

He has made such great progress in his studies that all the teachers praise him.

6. a) Some people waste food.

b) Other people haven’t enough food.

Some people waste food, while others haven’t enough food.

7. a) It’s too late to go to the cinema now.

b) I have an important meeting to attend after lunch.

It’s too late to go the cinema now. Besides, I have an important meeting to attend after lunch.

8. a) Your aunt has no other thought but what is best for you.

b) I have no other thought, either.

Neither your aunt nor I have any other thought but what is best for you.

练习二:1、用but,then,instead,the next moment,when填空:

The accident happened at 7:15 on the morning of February 8, . I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the opposite side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a sudden right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the old man. He fell down with a cry. But the car didn’t stop to save the old man. Instead,it drove off at great speed.

2、用at last,then,so,up to now,that,when填空:

Don’t Lose Your Courage

Never shall I forget the first English lesson given by Miss Liu. On that day, when she entered the classroom, we found that she was a young and beautiful lady with a big smile on her face. Then she introduced herself saying that we should call her Miss Liu instead of Teacher Liu, a moment later, she let all of us go to the blackboard and say something about ourselves in English in turn. When it was my turn, I felt so shy and fearful that I didn’t dare to say a word before the class. She came up to me and said kindly, “Don’t be afraid. I believe you can do it. Come and have a try.” My face turned red when I heard that. At last, I went to the blackboard and was able to do it quite well. She praised for what I had done. Up to now, I can still remember her words in the first English lesson: “Practice makes perfect. Don’t lose your courage when you meet with difficulties. Try on and on until you succeed.”

篇3:Listening for workbook(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

Part 1

Before a record is accepted by the Guinness Book of World Records, it must pass the following tests. First of all, there must be at least two witnesses. The witnesses must be known to the public, so they can’t be simply friends or members of your family. In fact, relatives are not allowed to act as witnesses to a Guinness world record. The best witnesses are usually people who work for the city or government, such as policemen, judges, or leaders. The witnesses must read the Guinness rules before the attempt is made, and then write and sign their statements. Second, you must be able to prove that you broke the record in some other way, usually by sending in an article about the attempt from the local newspaper. It’s also important to take pictures of the record attempt and film it if possible. If you want to break a record, the most important thing to remember is to ask for the rules before you do anything. The Guinness Book of World Records has rules for all sorts of attempts, and you will need to know exactly what you should and shouldn’t do. The editors at Guinness can also help you by giving you the latest information about a certain record. If you are trying to break an existing record, you need to know if the record has already been broken. If you are trying to set a new type of record, you need to find out if the editors will accept it. If the record is dangerous, you must know about strict safety rules and follow them. There are many strange records in the Guinness Book of World Records, but the editors will not allow any records that are very dangerous.

Part 2

Even if you do set a new record, it isn’t sure that your record will be included in the book. There are a few basic rules for Guinness records. First, officials must be able to measure the record. Second, as mentioned before, independent witnesses must observe the record and send in a statement. Third, a record must be objective. That means that a record such as “most beautiful girl” or “best friend” won’t be accepted. A record should also be interesting to as many people as possible. Records that have to do with things that happen only once, such as “the first…,” won’t end up in the book. It is also important that the editors can make rules so that anyone who wants to try to break the record will have a fair chance. If these basic rules are met, the record will be accepted as a Guinness world record. However, a record won’t appear in the book unless it is chosen by the editors. The editors of the Guinness Book of World Records have to make many difficult decisions. People are very creative and send in all kinds of exciting records. It isn’t always easy to choose the right ones for the book. The book is read by people all over the world, and the editors must select records that represent the spirit of the Guinness Book of World Records-that is, amazing feats and achievements that show just how wonderful the world of world records is!



H: Henry M: Mike, an elephant hunter

H: Mike, what was it that you heard about my brother’s journey?

M: I heard that he went looking for Solomon’s Mines.

H: Solomon’s Mines? Where are they?

M: I don’t know. I know where they’re said to be.

H: Tell me, please!

M: Well, South African elephant hunters usually don’t care much for the life and culture of native blacks. But sometimes you meet a man who takes the trouble to listen to them, and understand the history of this dark land. It was such a man who first told me the story of Solomon’s Mines, now thirty years ago. His name was Brown. I listened carefully to him, for I was young at the time, and this story of an ancient civilisation and its treasures took a great hold upon my imagination. He asked me whether I’d ever heard of the Suliman Mountains up in the northwest of the country. He said that that’s where Solomon really had his mines, his diamond mines. I asked him how he knew that. He answered that an old witch had told him all about it. She said that there were great wizards among the people who lived across those mountains. The wizards had learnt what they knew from white men a long time ago. They also had the secret of a wonderful mine of “bright stones”.

H: So did you go and look for that place?

M: No, I didn’t. I laughed at this story at the time, but I didn’t forget it. Twenty years later I heard something more about it from a man passing through. When he left he said that if we would ever meet again he would be the richest man in the world. One evening, while sitting in front of my tent, I saw a figure, apparently that of a European, for it wore a coat, coming out of the desert. The figure crept along on its hands and knees, then it got up and walked a few yards on its legs, only to fall and crawl again. Who do you suppose it turned out to be?

H: That man, of course.

M: Yes, or rather his skeleton and a little skin.

“Water! please, water!”he begged.

I gave him water with a little milk in it, and then he fell asleep. He had a fever and in his dreams he talked about Suliman’s Mountains, the diamonds, and the desert. “There it is!”he cried, pointing with his long, thin arm, “But I shall never reach it, never. No one will ever reach it!”

Unit 3

Listening text

Part 1

(Woman, Australian accent)

Bush fire

An Australian woman is talking on a radio programme about her escape from the bushfires near Sydney in 1994.

The first thing I did when I woke up in the morning was to watch the TV news. I could see that the situation was bad, and they showed a map where the fires were. Outside in the garden I couldn’t see the sun, as the sky was full of smoke.

I decided I’d better prepare to leave. My daughters were staying in town and my husband was abroad, so it was up to me to decide what to do. I packed a suitcase of clothes and another case of useful things. It’s difficult in this kind of situation to know what to take with you. So, I took my passport and my bankbook and all the money I had. I took also my diary, my address book and my camera. Finally I took our wedding photographs, as I didn’t want to lose those.

Out in the garden the sky was getting blacker, and the wind which had been blowing hard for two days was getting stronger. I could now hear the sound of the fire which was only a mile or two away. I was expecting the police to drive by and warn people. Suddenly I noticed little pieces of burning wood falling out of the sky. They landed on the ground and started to burn the grass. I didn’t wait a moment longer. I got into my car and drove down the road. The smoke was thick and at times it was difficult to see the road. Animals were running across the road, trying to escape the fire. There were dogs, a few horses, and lots of kangaroos. Five miles down the road I came to a long bridge over the river. Once on the other side, I knew I was safe.

Part 2

(A = Radio announcer; male or female, Australian accent)

A: Good morning, listeners. Still hot and dry today and we would like to remind you that people in the following areas may need to leave their homes: Green Hill, Jonestown, and Wesley. The fire is still burning and we advise you to stay tuned for more information. You may have to leave the area if the winds change, so please take the following actions:

If you have a car, check that it is working properly and park it where you can easily get to it. Close all doors, roll up the windows, and leave the keys in the car. Put emergency supplies in the car. You will need water, some food, a first-aid kit, a radio and a flashlight. Put important documents, such as your bankbooks and passports, in a plastic bag.

Make sure that you are wearing good clothes. Put on heavy shoes, long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and gloves. Bring a towel that you can use to protect your face.

Call a friend or relative who lives in a safe area and ask if you can stay with them.

Close all windows and doors in your house and remove the curtains.

Turn off the gas.

Fill buckets, bathtubs, and other containers with water.

If you are asked to leave the house, you must do so immediately. Bring only what you need and tell someone when you leave and where you are going. Try to stay calm and listen to the radio for instructions. Choose a road that looks safe and keep an eye on the fire and the wind.

Unit 4

Listening text

G = Guide V = Visitor

V: Excuse me, can you tell us something about the history of Kew Gardens?

G: Botanical gardens have a long history in the UK, beginning with the foundation of the Oxford Botanical Garden in 1621. Kew Gardens was developed (built) in the 16th century. International importance came under the guidance of Sir Joseph Banks. He changed Kew from a royal collection of strange plants to a serious scientific research centre.

V: So what is the purpose of Kew Gardens today?

G: The motto forming the inspiration for Kew Gardens is simple but clear: “All life depends on plants.” The main purpose of Kew is to come to a better management of the earth’s environment. We try to do that by increasing knowledge and understanding of plants. After all, they form the basis of life on earth.

V: How can Kew Gardens reach this goal?

G: Kew wants to achieve this by:

developing a global collection of plants and show it to the public;

undertaking worldwide research into botany;

supporting the conservation of plants in the UK and overseas;

and informing and educating the wider public about Kew Gardens and their work.

V: If I may ask, what is there to see at Kew Gardens?

G: Kew has many plants in glasshouses and more than 20 different specialized gardens, such as the Rock Garden, Rose Garden, Woodland Garden and the Winter Garden.

V: I hear that they also have a Grass Garden. What can be interesting about that?

G: The Grass Garden shows a great number of different grasses. In economic sense, (Economically speaking) the grass family is one of the most important plant families. It provides most of our food, feeds our cattle and provides building materials such as bamboo and straw. Only three different bamboos are shown in the Grass Garden. More can be found in the Bamboo Garden. Over 120 species of bamboo planted there come from all over the world.

V: Well, I’m afraid that’s a bit boring for me. I think I’d have a look at the Rose Garden.

G: Of course, the Rose Garden attracts most visitors. It has 54 rose beds, each containing a different variety of rose. The roses are all arranged by the colour of their flowers. Shades of red are closest to the Palm House, while the lighter-coloured roses, such as the white and yellow ones, are planted near the edge of the garden.

Unit 5

Listening text

Part 1

Harry, Jenny, and Brian are discussing their advertisement plans for a new product.

H = Harry; J = Jenny; B = Brian

H: So, how much money have we got to spend?

B: Seven hundred and fifty thousand pounds. Jenny, what do you suggest?

J: I suggest that we use mainly TV, cinema, and print.

B: I see, magazines and newspapers. Can you give us your reasons?

J: Sure. First, our product looks good. So it would be a waste of money to use radio. Second, our product moves well, and it moves fast. So I want people to see it on the roads in our ads, going through the hills, that kind of thing.

B: What about advertising boards?

J: No. I prefer magazines and newspapers, and we haven’t got the money to do all three. So people will see the ad on TV and in the cinema. Then they’ll be able to read about it when they’re sitting down, reading their newspapers and magazines.

H: I get the idea. Then customers can read the detailed product information and check the prices.

J: Exactly.

H: So no advertising boards. When do you want the advertising to start, Brian?

B: May the 1st. That gives us three months to run to August 1st when most people like to buy their new cars.

J: I see. So we’re talking about three months. And have you thought of a headline?

H: What about this one: “The new Century 505 - the car you always promised yourself”?

Part 2

Four people in an advertising firm are discussing a future advertising programme.

B= Bob

A: OK. Our plan is to produce an advertisement for this computer which is made by one of China’s biggest computer producers, FFQ Computer Corporation. Any ideas?

B: I think it would be a good idea to have comments from people who are already using it. They can express their satisfaction with the product.

C: Well, maybe that’s not such a good idea. Do you think managers want to read what users think about a new piece of office equipment?

D: I agree with Bob. I think we should have a picture of the computer and give a description of the product.

B: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. That’s a good way of giving information, but it’s not a good way of persuading people. For one thing, it’s boring, and people aren’t going to read an ad that looks boring. For another thing, one computer looks very like another. People aren’t going to remember the name of the product.

A: So what exactly are you suggesting?

B: I suggest that we ask users of this machine what they think about it. We can photograph them using it too. Then we can put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print. We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads.

D: The disadvantage with carrying out interviews is that it may take a long time. No problem, we can do some telephone and email interviews with our users.

C: How can we find out who are using these computers?

A: Easy. I’ll ask the company for a list of recent customers.

Unit 6


R = Reporter O = Mrs Ouyang

Mrs Ouyang runs a little restaurant in southern Yunnan. Five years ago she lost everything in an earthquake. Listen to her experiences and how the restaurant was rebuilt.

R: Mrs Ouyang, five years ago a heavy earthquake struck this area and destroyed almost all buildings in this village. The earthquake also hit your house badly. Can you tell us what happened?

O: In two weeks’ time it will be exactly five years ago that the earthquake destroyed our village. My husband and I had been running a restaurant for several years. Before that, he had worked as a taxi driver. All his savings had gone into the restaurant, and on that terrible day everything was destroyed. My husband was killed in the second shake. He shouldn’t have gone back into the restaurant. It was a stupid thing to do, but he thought he would have enough time to save a few important things.

R: What happened in the weeks after the quake and how did you get over it?

O: I moved to a nearby village with my sister. The death of my husband was of course the worst thing. I cried for many days. I wished I had died in his place. I lost all hope of a happy life.

R: What made you decide to reopen the restaurant?

O: There were two reasons. First of all, I had to make a living. But more important, I did it to honour my husband. The restaurant had been his great achievement. I felt there was no better way to remember him than by reopening the restaurant and continuing the business.

R: Was it easy to reopen the restaurant?

O: No, it wasn’t. My friends and relatives put some money together, a total of about 30,000 yuan. I received 8,000 yuan of financial aid from the local government and 25,000 from a foreign disaster relief organisation. I was also able to take out a loan of 50,000 from the bank. With the money and all the help I got, I opened the restaurant on the same location where our old one had been.

R: Do you often think about the disaster?

O: Yes, I do. I thought the earthquake was the day my life ended, even though I had not lost my life. But look here, I managed. I did not know I had the strength to pull through.

Unit 7


S = Cook O = Oliver B = Mr Bumble

Nine-year-old Oliver lives in a workhouse where the boys are given three meals of thin porridge a day, with an onion twice a week, and half a roll on Sundays. The workhouse is run by Mr Bumble, the headmaster. The room in which the boys are fed, is a large stone hall. The cook, assisted by one or two women, uses a big spoon to pour the porridge into the bowls. One spoonful, and no more -- except on holidays, when two spoonfuls and a piece of bread are given.

The bowls never need to be washed. The boys clean them with their spoons till they shine again, and when they have performed this operation, which never takes very long, the spoons being almost as large as the bowls, they sit staring at the cook. Boys usually have good appetites. Oliver Twist and his companions suffered this slow starvation for three months. At last they got so wild with hunger, that one boy, who was tall for his age, said to his companions, that unless he had another bowl of porridge per day, he was afraid he might some night eat the boy sleeping next to him. He had a wild, hungry eye; and they all believed him. The boys hold a meeting, casting lots who should walk up to the cook after supper that evening, and ask for more. The lot falls to Oliver Twist.

The evening arrived; the boys took their seats. The cook served the porridge, and the boys prayed. The porridge was eaten, and the boys whisper to each other, and nod at Oliver, while his next neighbours push him. Child as he is, he is desperate with hunger, and feels miserable. He rises from the table and advancing to the cook, bowl and spoon in hand, he says:

O: Please, sir, I want some more.

C: What!

O: Please, sir, I want some more.

The cook was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. Amazed, he stares at Oliver before aiming a blow at his head with the large spoon and screaming for the headmaster.

C: Mr. Bumble, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more!

B: For MORE! Calm down, sir, and answer me clearly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten his supper?

C: He did, sir.

B: That boy will be hung. I know that boy will be hung. I was never more convinced of anything in my life, than that that boy will come to be hung.

Unit 8

Listening text

1 Part 1

(Female; since this is supposed to be a Chinese student, I suggest that we use a Chinese person who speaks English well.)

A: I am an International Business major at a Finance and Economics University. My major courses focus on international trade and finance, but English is also very important. Many of the textbooks we use are in English and some of our courses are taught in English, either by Chinese professors or visiting foreign teachers. At first, it was very difficult to understand what the teachers were saying. We take most of our courses here in China, but we also have the opportunity to study abroad for one year. Our university cooperates with universities in Europe, New Zealand, and the USA. I would like to study in Europe, perhaps in Germany or France, because I believe that the European Union will be an important business partner for China in the future. If I study in Germany or France, I can also learn a third language, which would be very useful.

The most difficult thing, in my opinion, is to understand all the technical terms. I was pretty good at English in middle school, but we only learned everyday English. Now I have to read long articles and textbook chapters that deal with difficult issues. Some of the words are only used in business, so most dictionaries don’t explain what they mean. I sometimes fell as if I had two majors-English and business. First I have to understand what the terms mean in Chinese, then learn the English words for them. Still, I like my major and I think that it will help me find a good job. My dream is to work in a Chinese import and export company and travel around the world.

2 Part 2

(Male; since this is supposed to be a Chinese student, I suggest that we use a Chinese person who speaks English well.)

B: Before I went to college, I thought that university life would be fun and easy. My friends told me that we would have lots of fun once we passed the entrance exam. If anyone ever says that to me again, I will let them know how wrong they are! Sure, it’s fun to be a university student, but it is also hard work. We have a lot of homework, and we have to write many papers and essays. I’m an English major, so most of my courses are about English. The first two years, the courses were similar to studying in middle school. We learnt more grammar and vocabulary, but we also had spoken English classes. In my junior year, I began studying other courses. I chose Linguistics because I am interested in languages, and I also took a few non-major courses. I like English best, but I know that I also need to learn more about other subjects.

Studying a language in college is different from studying other subjects. It is difficult to improve, so you have to spend a lot of time on reading, writing, and speaking. You almost have to “live in English,” that is, you have to use English all the time, not just in class. Our university offers a lot of help: there are many books, DVDs, and tapes that we can borrow, and there are different activities that help us practice our English, such as debate competitions, the university radio station, and conferences and meetings. I decided to become a teaching assistant for one of my foreign teachers. As a teaching assistant, I meet with a small group of freshman students every week. The meeting is their homework for their speaking class, and my job is to lead the discussion and help the students with their English. It is a wonderful way to practice my English-you learn a lot when you have to help others-and I enjoy making friends with students from other majors.

Unit 9

Listening text

Part 1

In , the World Health Organisation, WHO, warned of a possible outbreak of another serious disease which may be even more deadly than SARS. The WHO believes that it is likely that bird flu will spread to human beings in the next few years. If it does, up to seven million (see note 1)people could die from the disease.

Diseases like bird flu are caused by viruses, that is, tiny things which change and become more dangerous over time. When a new type of a common virus changes, it may be able to get past the body’s immune system. If that happens, humans are in great danger until a cure or treatment becomes available.

There have always been viruses and people have always gotten sick, of course, but as we saw with (???What’s your question? As explained in the next sentence, SARS spread very quickly etc.) SARS, the situation is more difficult today. People travel more than ever before, which means that the diseases can spread quickly and across large areas - in fact the whole world.

Scientists are already working on drugs that will prevent or limit the effect of a new virus, but the process takes time. It is just as important to make sure that countries, especially poor countries, are prepared to deal with the disease. New diseases usually affect poor areas the most, so we must help develop health care in all countries.

One reason for the WHO warning is that big new diseases tend to happen regularly, usually every 20 to 30 years. In the 20th century, there have been three large outbreaks: the Spanish flu in 1918-19, which killed between 20 and 40 million people(note 2); the Asian flu of 1957, killing one million (note 4) people; and the 1968 Hong Kong flu, which killed about 750,000 people (note 3). It has been 36 years since the Hong Kong flu, so scientists and doctors think that the next deadly challenge is just around the corner.

Part 2

There are three kinds of viruses that cause flu: A, B, and C. Type A is the virus that causes bird flu. As the name suggests, the virus is usually found in birds. It can also infect humans, pigs, horses and other animals. There are several different kinds of the Type A virus. (Only Type A has several kinds? Yes. Only type A has “subtypes,” but both B and C are “groups” of viruses. If you think it is confusing, or unnecessary, you can delete the stc. Influenza Type B Unlike influenza A viruses, these viruses are not classified according to subtype. Influenza Type C These viruses are not classified according to subtype.) Type B viruses are usually found only in human beings. They have been responsible for some flu outbreaks, but they are not considered as dangerous as Type A viruses. Type C viruses are not considered very serious. They are found in humans, but do not cause serious illnesses.

The most dangerous thing about the flu viruses is that they change. When humans are infected with a virus, the body develops a defense for it. If viruses didn’t change, we would not have the worry about the viruses we know. Unfortunately, every new generation of virus is slightly different from the older ones. That means that our body doesn’t recognise the virus and can’t protect itself from it. This kind of change is not very fast and doctors and scientists can change the medicines we use to help prevent the virus from causing serious illness.

The other kind of change, however, happens very quickly and is more serious. If a virus changes in this way and becomes a new type of virus, the body is defenceless. The virus can spread easily from one person to another and reach far across the world. Fortunately, this kind of change doesn’t happen very often.

The WHO now believes that a new, dangerous virus will appear soon and that we must prepare the best we can. We must improve health care in all countries and cooperate with each other so that we can discover and prevent new viruses.

Unit 10

Listening text

G: Welcome to the Mark Twain House and Museum. Mark Twain is America’s most famous writer. Do you know any books written by Twain?

S1: Ehm, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and eh, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

G: Yes, very good. Twain wrote these books while he lived in this house. He loved the house because it reminded him of his youth, and from the window he could hear the sounds of his own children and their friends playing on the banks of the river.

M: Is the house still the way it was when Twain lived here?

G: Yes. The house has been restored to the way it was when Twain lived here, between 1881 and 1891.

M: How long will the tour take?

G: The tour takes about two hours, and the group must stay together. Please, don’t touch anything.

M: Oh, can you make it a bit shorter? I don’t think the kids will stay quiet for such a long time.

G: Fine. Entering the house from the south, we are now in the hall. Immediately on the right is the drawing room, a rather formal room, where Twain received guests. The door on the left leads to the guest bedroom. The two doors in front lead to the rooms on the north side of the house: the dining room through the door on the right, and the library through the door on the left. Let’s first take a look in the library.

S2: I think I don’t want to see the library.

M: Shut up, Dave.

G: As you can see, the room called the library does not very much look like a library as we know it. The library is one of the nicest rooms in the house. Here, Twain recited poetry or read aloud stories to his family and friends.

S1: Look, they’ve got greenhouse.

G: Yes. The small room on the west side, off the library was filled with large, green plants. Twain’s daughters called it The Jungle. From the library, we can pass on to the dining room. Twain and his family had most of their meals here. The kitchen is located off the dining room, to the north.

M: Can we have a look at the kitchen, please?

G: I’m afraid the kitchen is closed to the public until the summer of next year.

M: Oh, what a pity.

G: Let’s go and have a look upstairs.

M: I think the children are getting tired. What is there to be seen upstairs?

G: The second floor has three bedrooms, another guest room and the schoolroom. The third floor has a servants’ room, a guest room and the largest of the rooms, where Twain wrote his books.

M: Shall we go upstairs?

S1: I want to go to the bathroom.

G: You can have a look at the bathroom on the second floor.

S1: Can we use it?

G: I’m afraid not.

M: Shall, we just go and have a look at the school room then?

S2: No, thanks. I want to go home.

M: Well, OK then. Let’s visit the museum shop. Then you can go to the toilet, and we can eat an ice-cream before we go home.

Unit 11


Dialogue 1

T: Teacher J: Jeff

T: Take a seat, Jeff. What can I do for you?

J: Well, I’d like to have another talk with you about my career choices.

T: If I’m remembering well (not wrong), you are going to be a sales assistant, right?

J: Yeah, well. I’ve changed my mind again. I want to become a vet. I really like working with animals.

T: Oh, but that’s quite a big change from what we talked about last time. Are you sure about this?

J: Yes. I think working as a vet I can earn much better wages.

T: But Jeff, look here. You aren’t that good at maths, and last time you said going to college was not for you. How will you be able to do that? (The purple parts seem to be not closely related to becoming a vet?)

J: I will work very hard.

T: Listen, Jeff. This may be a disappointment, but I think this is not a good idea. I know it sounds good, but it requires many years of study to become a vet. I’m not sure whether you can manage that. Think it over, will you?

Dialogue 2

L: Lizzy M: Ma Lin

L: Hi, Helen. How are you doing? It’s only a few more months.

M: A few more months? What do you mean, Lizzy?

L: The exams, of course! Aren’t you getting nervous?

M: Nervous, why?

L: Well, don’t you think it’s all (they’re) important?

M: It’s ( They’re) important, but why should I worry? I think I’ve always been quite a good student, so I think (delete this?) I have nothing to fear.

L: Quite good is not good enough, you know. If you want to go to Peking University, you’ve got to come out first.

M: I don’t want to go to Peking University. I want to go to a local university, here in our own province.

L: How can you say that? You’ve got to try your best.

M: I will, but I’ve already made up my mind. I don’t want to live in a big city far from home. Even if I get a top score, I will stay here. You know, studying at a local university you’ll have less competition and better chances of graduating as the No 1. (more opportunities)

Unit 12

Listening text

Part 1

Conversation at a private education institute between Julian (J) and a female teacher (T)

J: Good morning, I saw your advertisement in the paper for Chinese courses and I dropped by to get some more information.

T: Great, which course are you interested in -General Chinese or Business Chinese?

J: Well, I’m not sure, what’s the difference between them?

T: The General Chinese course is for beginners. It covers everyday situations – you know, shopping, booking tickets, ordering food in a restaurant, things like that. It’s very popular with people intending to visit China for a holiday.

J: I see, so is it mainly Chinese conversation, or does it include learning to read and write as well?

T: It mainly deals with spoken Chinese for beginners, but students do learn to recognise about 300 characters – enough to read simple passages.

J: Mmm, and the Business Chinese course?

T: That’s a more intense course for people who need to use Chinese for business situations (delete “situations”?). Most of the students work for corporations who have projects in China. It teaches a specialised vocabulary that’s used in meetings, reports, letters and so on. There’s a lot of speaking practice in this course too, but it places more stress on developing reading and writing skills than the General Chinese course.

J: Is it suitable for beginners?

T: Well, some beginners do choose this course, but they find the workload quite tough. I suggest you take the General Chinese course first because most students find it helps them to have a basic knowledge of the language.

J: I see. And what about the cost? . . . [fade out]

Part 2

Professor Smith is giving an informal presentation to a group of students aged about 17 or 18.

Hello everyone, thanks for coming. Well, we all know that exams are stressful and cause anxiety. Today, I’m going to explain what happens to your body when you feel anxious, and then give you some advice that might be helpful to you.

To start with, it’s important to understand that anxiety is a normal, natural response to stress or fear, and in fact it’s quite useful. Anxiety causes physical changes which prepare your body and mind to face challenges. So feeling anxious about an exam is okay and actually helps you to perform well.

Anxiety becomes a problem, however, if you experience it too frequently or over a long period of time. In this situation, it becomes difficult to concentrate and you may find you get upset easily or lose confidence. It’s also common to suffer from extreme tiredness and to have difficulty sleeping.

Now, I recommend a 3-step approach to beat anxiety: Firstly, use breathing exercises to reduce your body’s physical stress. Secondly, use positive thinking methods to calm your mind and improve your concentration, and thirdly, plan your study schedule using the “Eating an Elephant” approach.

[titters and ‘eating an elephant?’ from audience]

What do I mean? Well, if I asked you to eat an elephant, you’d probably feel you couldn’t do it. You’d start to worry, feel stressed and experience anxiety. But if I gave you an elephant steak – say, about this size – could you eat it?

[murmers of agreement and ‘yes’ from audience]

Yes, so eating an elephant is easy if you cut it into smaller pieces and just eat one piece at a time. And when you study you should “cut up” your workload into small pieces and concentrate on one piece at a time, rather than the “whole elephant”.

Ok, let’s look at each of the 3 steps in more detail . . .[fade out]

Unit 13

Listening text

Dialogue 1 Two teenage girls

J: Julie L: Lucy

L: Hi Julie, Oh no! Aren’t you ready yet? You know, Colin will be offended if we’re not on time.

J: Sorry, but I can’t make up my mind what to wear. What do you think – this or the dress?

L: Well, the blue skirt and pink blouse are very pretty, but I think your red dress is better for a party, it’s more elegant.

J: Right, the red dress it is, have a seat, I’ll only be 5 minutes.(Can we say so?) Its quite common in informal speech

L: Ok, but be quick . . .Oh what a lovely necklace!

J: Thanks, my grandmother gave it to me, and before that it belonged to her mother. It’s over a hundred years old.

L: Really? But the way it shines it looks like new!

J: That’s because it’s a real diamond, don’t you know that diamonds last for ever, they never look old!

L: I didn’t know that th (???) … Look lets go, and you can tell me about it on the way, it’ll be embarrassing if we’re the last to arrive.

Dialogue 2 Two teenage boys

D: Hello Alan, what’s that you’re reading?

A: It’s called The Woman in White.

D: Oh, that’s a novel by Wilkie Collins isn’t it; we’ve been reading about the Moonstone in class. Is the Woman in White a detective story too?

A: Well sort of, but in this story the person who investigates is not a policeman like Sergeant Cuff, he’s an art teacher.

D: What is it about?

A: Well, I haven’t finished yet, but at the beginning of the book the art teacher meets a mysterious woman dressed in white while he is out walking one night. It turns out that the Woman in White looks very similar to his student – Laura - so he tries to find out more about her. He discovers that the man Laura has just married knows the Woman in White and is responsible for some terrible things that happened to her. It seems that Laura’s husband is a very wicked man.

D: Sounds exciting!

A: Yes, I hope the art teacher finds out the truth before Laura’s husband does anything bad to her.

D: Mmm, can I borrow it after you finish it?

A: Sure, it may take me a while though, because it is in English and I have to read slowly.

Unit 14

Listening text

Part 1

A bee-keeper talks about collecting honey from bees.

Once upon a time, bee-keepers killed their bees every autumn. Why? You may ask. Well, the answer is this. To get some honey, bee-keepers and farmers used to put out small wooden boxes in a corner of the farmyard. Bees would come and fill the box with honeycomb. However, there was no way of getting the honey out without killing the bees. So they used to burn a chemical close to the box in order to kill the bees and then take the honey.

Now, bee-keepers use beehives to collect honey. In the beehive there are a number of wooden squares with spaces between them which can be lifted out. In late summer, the squares, which are now full of honeycomb, are lifted out. The squares are put in a special machine and turned round and round very fast for several minutes. Turning the squares round and round like this forces out the honey. The honey is then collected and poured into jars. After that, the empty squares are returned to the hive for the bees to fill with honey the following year.

Bees need food to live through the winter. That’s why they make honey. Bee-keepers can do one of two things. Either they can leave some of the honey in the hive for the bees to eat during the winter. Or else they can remove all the honey and provide the bees with a mixture of sugar and water for the bees to eat instead.

Part 2

J : James, a birdwatcher, R: Reporter

(Forrest sounds and birdsong in the background)

R: Welcome to Poyang Lake in northeastern Jiangxi. We are here with a group of people who have come to look at the famous white cranes that nest here every year. Before we talk more about the cranes, we will ask James, one of the birdwatchers, to tell us about his hobby. Hello, James.

J: Hello. It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it?

R: Yes, it is. James, you have been a birdwatcher for many years. What made you choose this hobby?

J: Well, I’ve always loved the outdoors. When I was a child, my mother would always tell me about the birds we saw. I wanted to learn about the birds, too. This hobby is a great way to combine travel, learning, and exercise.

R: Why are you here in Jiangxi today?

J: As you know, Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. There are some 116 species of birds that coming Poyang Lake in winter. After spending the winter here, they return home. It’s a paradise for birdwatchers!

R: Why do the birds choose this place?

J: Well, it’s warm here, and there’s lots of water and food.

R: So this must be a very important place for the birds?

J: Yes, it is. The government has made laws to protect the birds and to make sure that this remains a

safe place for birds in winter.

R: Many of us know that the famous white crane comes to Poyang Lake in winter. What can you tell us about the white crane?

J: It’s one of the fifteen species of crane in the world. China is home to eight or nine of the species, including some rare and very beautiful cranes like the white crane. It is one of the most endangered crane species, and we must do what we can to protect it. The white crane divides its time between Russia and China, and Poyang Lake is one of the most important places for them.

R: Thank you. Now let’s go look at the birds!

Unit 15

Listening text

X: Xiaoyi – young adult female radio presenter *

J: Jiawei – young adult male radio presenter *

C: Chen Yu – a male middle school student*

L: Liu Yue – a female middle school student*

Part 1

J: Hi, it’s Sunday, 20 past four and it’s time for 16:20, the weekly youth culture programme for young adults presented by young adults. I’m Jiawei . . .

X: And I’m Xiaoyi. Welcome to 16:20.

J: We hope you are having a good weekend. We’ve got a great programme for you today, so sit back for the next two hours and enjoy!

X: Yes, indeed. We’ll be reporting on spring fashions, including all the latest trends that appeared in the Shanghai Fashion Week. And then it’s Jiawei’s regular “Sports Round Up” when he’ll be bringing you all the news from the world of sport.

J: Yup, and this week I’ll be taking a special look at winter sports and talking to Wang Lei, China’s top snowboarder.

X: All right! You know, I really want to try snowboarding sometimes. Now, don’t forget that at 5:50 it’s “Sounding Off’, when you can phone in and tell us what you think about a current issue. Today we’ll be discussing the Internet and young people. There’s been a lot of talk recently about kids spending too much time on-line, and even becoming addicted to some games. We want to hear your views, so give us a call on 5628 3131.

J: Yeah, how can we solve this problem? Let’s hear your suggestions - the phone lines are open. That’s 5628 3131. But right now, let’s have some music. It’s time for “Listener’s Choice”.

Part 2

J: Listener’s Choice is your chance to hear the music you wanna listen to. So send us your requests.

X: First up is a request from two students at No 3 Middle School in Nanchang: Chen Yu and Liu Yue wrote to us saying . . .[reading] “ Please play something by the 12 Girls Band. We think the girls are great, and we really like the way they are mixing traditional sounds with pop music.” Thanks for your email guys, we totally agree with you.

J: We certainly do. For anyone listening who doesn’t know, the 12 Girls Band is a group of 12 young - and very beautiful - women who are using traditional musical instruments in a new way. Their music is a mixture of old and modern styles.

X: Isn’t it great that this is a type of music that all the family can enjoy together, from the very young to the elderly!

J: In fact Xiaoyi, it’s a type of music that people all over the world are enjoying together. The 12 Girls Band is so popular in Japan that all the tickets for 32 concerts were sold in just 10 minutes!

X: Wow, so what have you got for us to listen to?

J: Well, I’ve been listening to their album “Eastern Energy”. It’s a fantastic CD, with so many great tracks, but I finally decided on the 12 Girls Band’s cover version of a hit song by the British group “Coldplay”. It’s called “ Clocks”.

X: OK then. For Chen Yu and Liu Yue and everyone at No 3 Middle school in Nanchang. Here is “Clocks” from the 12 Girls Band’s album “Eastern Energy” . . .

[Musical extract from the start of track “Clocks”, Eastern Energy album, 12 Girls Band]

Unit 16

Listening text

Extracts from a presentation given by a female careers advisor.

Part 1

So, you’ve seen a job you want. You sent in your application and now you have been invited for an interview. What should you do and say to make your interview a success?

Well, first of all, consider the way you present yourself. When we meet someone for the first time, we get an instant impression about what type of person he / she is. This happens in the first five minutes, and once we have decided, we don’t usually change our opinion. So when an employer meets an applicant for a job, those first five minutes are vital.

To make a good impression, you need to pay attention to two things: the way you look and your body language.

Appearance is very important, so think carefully about what to wear. This will depend on the type of job you are applying for, but as a general rule, I’d recommend that men should wear a tie. I think it’s best to avoid jeans and casual trousers; they might make some employers think you also have a “casual” attitude towards work. Women, please don’t wear short skirts or anything too tight, and don’t choose anything that is too decorated – keep it simple.

Decide what you are going to wear a few days before the interview. This will give you time to check your clothes and make sure there are no stains on them or buttons missing.

Remember the “look” you are aiming for is neat, clean and tidy. And if you look good, you will feel confident.

Part 2

Now a few tips on body language.

Two very important things that will happen in the first five minutes of your interview are the handshake and eye contact. Both of these are important if you are to make a good impression.

You should look the employer straight in the eye as soon as you enter the room, give him or her a friendly smile and shake hands firmly. (Some people think a weak handshake shows a weak personality, so do give a nice firm grasp.)

Don’t sit down until invited, and then sit up straight and look interested. Leaning forward slightly when the interviewer is speaking is a good way of showing you are listening carefully, and don’t forget to keep as much eye contact as possible throughout the interview.

You will probably feel quite nervous about your interview – don’t worry, that’s completely natural. However, nervous tension can affect your body language. Please watch out for this. It is quite common that you move about in your chair and gesture with your hands a lot, so sit fairly still and hold your hands gently together in your lap if necessary.

One last hint: Our body language always shows when we aren’t telling the truth – our eyes and body move in different ways – and some interviewers are quite skilled in spotting this. A lot of us have a tendency to, er, expand the truth a bit when we want to get that great job, but believe me honesty really is the best policy!

篇4:3B Unit19(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

Aims and demands:


Importance and difficulty:

1. words and expressions:

hand down, sign an agreement with, take a degree, share, times, live, go doing

2. sentences:

A. The language which the Maori speak is related to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaii.

B. This is how they keep their way of life alive.

C. In size it is bigger than Guangdong Province, yet has a much smaller population.

D. Apart from their milk, the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing.

3. Grammar:

A. The search party found the missing child.

B. I enjoy swimming in summer.

C. I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.

D. I’ll get the letter mailed first.

4. Useful expressions:

A. You’d better ( not )……

B. You should / ought to ……

C. I suggest you ……

D. Shall we……

E. How / what about…….

Lesson 73 The Maori of New Zealand

Aims and demands:

Develop the Ss’ reading and speaking ability.

Importance and difficulty:

Have a good and deeper understanding of the text.

Teaching aid; a tape recorder and some slides

Teaching methods: reading

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Presentation

Find out how much the Ss know about New Zealand by asking a few rapid questions around the class.

T: Where is New Zealand?

----- East of Australia.

T: How many islands is New Zealand made up of ?

----- Two large ones.

T: What is the capital?

----- Wellington.

T: What money is used in New Zealand?

----- NZ dollar.

T: Name one sailor who landed on New Zealand several centuries ago.

----- Captain Cook.

T: What are the earliest people of New Zealand called? ( first settlers )

----- Maori .

T: Where did they come from?

----- Polynesia.

T: Where did the first settlers in the USA come from?

… in Australia

Step 2. Fast reading

Read the text fast and find the answers to the questions.

1. From which countries have the people of New Zealand come?

Polynesia / Oceania and Europe , mainly Britain.

2. What parts of Maori life are mentioned in the text?

Kindergartens, customs, way of life, the marae, the meeting house, family life, special days ---- huis, weddings, conferences, deaths and burials.

Step 3. Careful reading

1. Read it and do the reference

( Which words and phrases do the words in bold in the text refer to?)

2. Note making

Step 4. comprehension

1. paper comprehension

Comprehension for Unit 19 Lesson 73(3B) CDDCB BBDCC BD

1. The passage is mainly about ___.

A. why the Maori chose to settle in New Zealand

B. what the European settlers had done to the Maori

C. the history, life-style, languages and customs of the Maori

D. the rare animals and plants in New Zealand

2. The population is mainly made up of ___.

A. the Maori and Europeans

B. the Maori and Kooris

C. the Maori and Pacific Island

D. the Maori, Europeans and Pacific Islanders

3. When the Maori came to settle in New Zealand, they did NOT take ___ with them.

A. the way of life

B. dogs and rats

C. plants like the sweet potato

D. written records of their history

4. In the 19th century the Maori population dropped as a result of ___.

A. their improper way of life

B. the bad weather in the island

C. many fierce battles and diseases

D. lack of money and medicine

5. Which is WRONG about the languages spoken in New Zealand?

A. English is widely used as the official language.

B. The children in New Zealand are greatly encouraged to use the Maori language.

C. At least three kinds of languages are spoken in the country.

D. Maori children can learn to speak English at school.

6. It can be figured out that the population of New Zealand is about ____.

A. 435,000 B. 3,346,100 C. 5,5655,000 D. 170,000

7. We can learn what the text is about from ___.

A. the first paragraph B. the title

C. the last paragraph D. the whole passage

8. What did the Maori not take to New Zealand ?

A. Plants like the sweet potato B. Dogs

C. Rats D. Potatoes

9. How many kinds of languages are spoken in New Zealand according to the text?

A. one B. two C. three D. four

10. The difference between the Maori’s life and the Europeans’ life is in their ___.

A. dining habit B. clothing

C. family size D. living condition

11. What is written in details in the text?

A. Wedding B. Burial

C. Conference D. None of the above.

12. The Maori’s burial service is different from the European’s because ___.

A. they give speeches at the funeral

B. they go to see the dead

C. they share their memories of the dead

D. there’s always someone staying with the dead

2. work book


Maori ----- Polynesia


New Zealander European (British )----- Europe / Britain

Pacific Islanders----- Oceanis


Lesson 74 New Zealand

Aims and demands:

1. Get the Ss to read a text very fast in order to find out what the different sections about .

2. Train the Ss to obtain information from a diagram.

3. Develop the Ss’ reading ability.

Importance and difficulty:

1. Have a deeper understanding of the text.

2. Finish the comprehension exercise

Teaching methods: reading and understanding

Teaching aids : tape recorder and some slides

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision

Answer the questions:

1. What’s the other name for New Zealand? ----- Aotearoa

2. When did the first traveler reach New Zealand, 950, 1050 or 1150? -----950

3. What did early travelers bring with them?

---- Dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato.

4. Which is warmer, North Island or South Island? Why?

---- North Island is warmer because it is closer to the equator.

5. What is the name of the earliest New Zealand people? ------Maori.

6. Where did they come from? ----- Polynesia

7. Why did settlers and the Maori fight? ----- Over land rights

Rearrange the following sentences:

1. Following his discoveries many islanders travelled 3,500 kilometres by sea in their narrow boats to this new country between 1100 and 1350.

2. As a result of these wars and diseases, the Maori population fell from 100,000 to 4,200.

3. In Maori history, the first traveler to reach New Zealand in the year 950 was a man called Kupe.

4. By 1840 about 2,000 Europeans, mainly British, had come to settle in New Zealand and the Maori signed and agreement with these settlers.

5. However, in later years there were fierce arguments over land rights and many battles were fought between the settlers and the Maori.

6. He named the country “ Ao-tea-roa”, which means “the land of the long, white cloud”.

7. They took with them dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato, and settled mainly in North Island where the weather was warmer.

8. Their population has now increased to 435,000 , and today they make up about 13% of the population.


Step 2. Reading for general understanding ( 3 minutes )

The purpose of this task is to get the Ss to read a text very fast in order to find out what the different sections are about. It is a speed-reading exercise.

Give the Ss a time limit of 3 minutes for this exercise.

Answers: Politics – Agriculture – Sports and free time – Natural beauty – Wildlife

Step 3. Careful reading

1. Read it carefully and finish the paper comprehension exercises.

Reading comprehension for Unit 19 Lesson 74 (3B) ACBCA CABDB BD

1. Which is correct about New Zealand?

A. Before 1893 women couldn’t enjoy the same voting rights just as men.

B. There are about 50 million sheep in the country, more than 14 times the population.

C. People over a certain age can all receive a weekly “old-age pension” nowadays.

D. The government is quite successful in controlling the unemployment rate.

2. Which is not the reason for the question “Why New Zealand is thought to be an important agricultural country”?

A. Animal farming is well developed.

B. There are more sheep than people.

C. Deer are kept for their meat and fur.

D. The main exports are agricultural products.

3. According to the passage, which is most likely to happen in New Zealand?

A. The country imports wood pulp(纸浆).

B. Earthquakes will shake the country.

C. Winter vacation starts from December.

D. Farmers begin to keep deer instead of cattle.

4. There are flightless birds in New Zealand because___.

A. these birds are kept in cages for a long time and lose the ability to fly

B. they caught the strange diseases which settlers took with them

C. they had no natural enemies until the arrival of humans

D. as in Australia, the climate there is quite suitable for birds to live on the land

5. After reading the text you cannot have a picture of ___.

A. the history of New Zealand

B. the climate in New Zealand

C. the agriculture in New Zealand

D. the strange animals in New Zealand

6. What is not true about New Zealand?

A. New Zealand is the first the allow women to vote in the world.

B. New Zealand exports mainly agricultural products.

C. All the people can receive the :old-age pension”.

D. All the people above a certain age can receive the “old-age pension”.

7. What is not included in the exported agricultural products?

A. Pork B. Lamb C. Beef D. Butter

8. What fruit is implied (暗指) in the text?

A. Apple B. Grape C. Pear D. Banana

9. In New Zealand only the kiwi is ___.

A. ancient B. flightless

C. voiceless D. the national bird

10. Who made the birds flightless?

A. The birds themselves. B. Nature.

C. Some biologists. D. Natural enemies.

11. The main school holidays in New Zealand are about ____ month(s).

A. one B. one and a half

C. two D. two and a half.

12. It can be inferred that New Zealand is not an ideal place for ___.

A. having sports B. going sight-seeing

C. keeping cattle and goats

D. developing heavy industry

2. True or False statements.

a. New Zealand is an important agricultural country with a small population. In size it is bigger than Guangdong Province, yet has a much smaller population.

b. In 1893, many countries, including New Zealand, allowed women to vote.

c. In recent times the “ old-age pension” has only been paid to the poorest people because these people are usually very old.

d. The main school holidays are from mid-December till early February because the weather is usually very cold.

e. Tourists from all over the world come to New Zealand because they are attracted by the natural beauty of the country.

f. The Kiwi, New Zealand’s national bird is flight-less because this kind of bird is very huge and it cannot fly.

Answers: T F F F T F

Step 4. Practice Workbook Ex 2

Step 5. Diagram Page 40


Lesson 73~ 74

Aims and demands: Review the text and deal with the language points.

Importance and difficulty: Get the Ss know the usage of the language points.

Teaching aid: some slides.

Teaching methods: practicing and comparison

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Revision

Say as quickly as possible and tell if the following statements are True or False.

1. All the people of New Zealand came from the Islands of Polynesia in the Pacific.

2. The Maori had no written language.

3. By 1840 about 2,000 British had come to settle in New Zealand.

4. Now the Maori makes up about 13% of the population.

5. They have a population of 4, 200.

6. The Maori have given up their own customs and ways of life.

7. New Zealand is an important industrial country with a small population

8. New Zealand was the first nation in modern times to allow women to vote.

9. North Island is famous for its hot springs.

10. New Zealanders like to go swimming, sailing , horse-riding during the months of December-February.


Step 2. Useful expressions

Fill in the blanks ( Lesson 73~ 74)

1. Ireland lies to the west of Great Britain. They are separated from each other by the Irish sea.

2. I have bought a dictionary for you and I’ll send it to you by mail as soon as possible.

3. The two tables are of the same size, but they are different in colour.

4. They have made much money out of keeping fish.

5. Apart from the garden, I’m quite satisfied with the house.

6. Their customs were handed down/on from generation to generation.

7. Their population has now increased to 420,000 . That makes up about 13% of the whole population.

8. I insist on him changing his learning methods, but he sticks to it.

9. Can you explain the sentences to me which are marked with red lines?

10. Would you like to stay with us for a few more days?

Step 3. Language points:

Fill in the blanks ( Lesson 73~74)

1. They took with them dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato and settled mainly in North Island.


我没有带钱,请你借我10 元好吗?

2. The language which the Maori speak is related to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaii.

relate vt. 把 … 联系起来

be related to 和 … 有联系

3. Maori family enjoy sharing what they own and looking after one another.

enjoy doing consider , dislike , finish , go ,mink , practise , risk , suggest , avoid , appreciate, feel like , give up …

4. This is how they keep their way of life alive.




5. The fish is still alive .

6. This is a live fish .

7. All living things need sunlight , water and air.

8. Although he is sixty, he is still alive.

9. Many people will sleep and eat on the marae during these three days and share their memories of the dead person.

10. She is always happy and never shares his parents’ worries ( 从不分担父母的忧愁 )


We should share joys and sorrows.

11. New Zealand is an important agriculture country with a small population.


China is a developing country with a large population.

12. It is bigger than Guangdong province in size.

13. The two countries are of the same size, but they are different in population.

14. The main exports of the country are wool, lamb, beef butter, forest products, fruit and vegetables ( 水果和蔬菜 ).

15. Some farmers have turned tokeeping deer (养鹿).

16. Whenever he had difficulty, he turned to the teacher for help( 他就去向老师求助 ).

turn to

turn on

turn off

turn down

turn into

turn out

turn over

17. New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.

be of high quality =high-qualified

be of great help =helpful

be of importance =important

be of great value =valuable

18. Apart from their milk, the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing.

19.Apart from English , he is good at French. ( Besides )

20. There were ten people at the meeting apart from me. (besides)

21. The composition is good apart from a few spelling mistakes. ( except for)

22. North Island is famous for an area of hot spring, some of which throw hot water high into the air.

23. Hongzhou is famous for its West Lake.

24. Helen Keller was famous as an American writer.

Step 4. Correct the mistakes:

1. All things are related with all other things.


2. Mary and I will share with a room. /

3. Besides from the cost, it will take a lot of time. ( Apart ) from /

4. We have reported the matter to the master but he considers it of no important. (importance )

5. In this factory the workers are paid by hour. ( by the hour ) (by hours)

6. The rice is sold by the weight. /

7. When time went on, Einstein’s theory was proved to be correct. ( As )

8. After he left school he became a teacher , but later he turned to drive. ( driving )


篇5:3B Unit17(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

Aims and demands:

通过本单元教学,学生能熟练地运用表示“请求允许”的常用语;复习表语,连习动词的用法;了解海伦 凯勒自强和她的老师的敬业精神。

Importance and difficulty;

Words : born, bring…into touch with, look back , get back, pity

Important sentences:

1. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.

2. What a difficult case I must have been to this young teacher!

3. One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.

4. It took great imagination as well as patience for Annie to teach me to speak.


1. Fish goes bad easily in Summer.

2. The news sounds exciting.

3. The shop stays open until 10 p.m.

4. The tree grows taller day by day.

5. The theory proved true.

Useful expressions:

1. May / Can / Could I …?

2. I wonder if I could ……?

3. Do you mind if I…?

4. Sure.

5. Go ahead.

6. I’m sorry, but…

Lesson 65 My teacher

Aims and demands:

Develop the Ss’ reading ability.

Importance and difficulty:

Have a good understanding of the text.

Teaching method: reading

Teaching aids: Tape recorder and some slides.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Warming up


T: If a person cannot see anything at all, that person is said to be blind.

If he can’t hear anything at all, he is said to be deaf.

Do you know any people who cannot see well or can’t hear well? (Beethoven)

(later) People who are blind can learn to read books that are printed in a special way.

What is the name of this writing system?

------ Braille.

How do people read Braille books?

------ By touching raised dots on the paper with their fingers.

Talk about the picture in the text book.

Step 2. Fast reading

Read it quickly and find the answers to the questions.

1. What was the writer’s problem?

------She was deaf and blind and couldn’t speak.

2. What did the writer learn during this period of her life?

----- She learned the meaning of words, she learnt to play and to laugh.

Step 3. Comprehension

Read it carefully and do the comprehension exercises.

Comprehension exercises for Unit 17 (Lesson 65) 3B CCCBB ABBC

1. Helen Keller seemed simple-minded ___.

A. after Annie came to stay in her house

B. so she was often made fun of by others

C. because she struggled in a silent, dark world

D. just because she couldn’t hear anything

2. Helen Keller came to understand the meaning of the word “water” ____.

A. in the kitchen B. in a river

C. at the well D. in her own house

3. According to Paragraph 3 , the following mistakes EXCEPT “ ____” can be found in the picture at the top the page.

A. Helen was holding a cup, not a jar

B. Helen and her teacher seemed to be indoors, not at the well

C. Helen was smiling, not being moved to tears

D. Annie was holding Helen’s hands, not pumping

4. Annie put the writer’s hand on her face so that Helen could ___.

A. know what she looked like

B. connect the movement of her laughing with its meaning

C. laugh in the same way as she did

D. feel how happy she was when teaching Helen

5. What impressed Helen Keller most was Annie’s __.

A. patience B.wisdom C.imagination D.character

6. Annie Sullivan came to Helen’s house ___.

A. in March, 1887

B. in April, 1887

C. in May, 1887

D. when Helen was 19 months old

7. Which words in Paragraph 4 show that the writer was eager to learn more?

A. reach out B. beg for C. joy D. touch

8. As the writer learned more and more, ___.

A. she could speak

B. she enjoyed learning

C. she could “heard” sounds

D. She became a teacher, too

9. Which happened last?

A. The girl learned how to jump

B. The girl “heard” the sound that one hears on a farm

C. The girl learned words like soil, wood and silk

D. The girl met her teacher, Annie Sullivan

Correct the mistakes in the article if necessary:

Helen Keller was born a healthy normal child in 1880.

However,an illness strikes her when was only 19 months, 1.___

thus leaving her deaf, blind and unable to speak. For little 2.___

Helen, the world suddenly became a dark, frightened place. 3.___

Several years late, Annie Sullivan,a strong-minded and loving 4.___

people, became Helen’s teacher.Miss Sullivan’s teaching 5.___

changed a wild child into useful human being. 6.___

By her help, Helen Keller learned to talk with those 7.___

around her.As she was grew older, she became a writer. 8.___

People benefited her works and her courage.Helen 9.___

Keller died in 1968,and her spirit lives on. 10.___

1. paper comprehension

2. Listen to the tape and explain the phrases .

Step 4. Practice

1. Word study

2. Workbook

Homework: Workbook

Lesson 66 My teacher (2)

Aims and demands:

Develop the Ss’ reading ability.

Importance and difficulty:

Have a good understanding of the text.

Teaching method: reading

Teaching aids: Tape recorder and some slides.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Warming up

What do you think of Helen’s teacher?

Step 2. Reading for general understanding

1. Where did the writer’s teacher Annie grow up?

------ In a children’s home and an institution for the blind.

2. What did Annie help the writer to do?

------ to understand words, to get information from books that were not printed in Braille, and to speak.

Step 3. Comprehension

1. Workbook

2. paper comprehension

Reading comprehension for Unit 17 Lesson 66 ( 3A ) CCCDC DBABD D

1. Annie entered an institution to learn Braille ___.

A. in 1866 B. in 1876 C. in 1880 D. in 1872

2. Which of the following is TRUE about Braille?

A. It was Annie who invented Braille.

B. It is special writing system for both the blind and the deaf.

C. Blind people can read by touching raised points on paper.

D. Annie helped to develop the writing system.

3. Why did Annie decide to go to stay with Helen?

A. Because she needed a highly paid job.

B. Because she was deaf-blind herself and sympathized (同情) with Helen.

C. Because it was the very job she had expected.

D. Because she was deeply moved by the letter from Helen’s dad.

4. Annie did NOT help Helen Keller to ___.

A. understand words

B. read books printed in Braille

C. learn how to speak

D. develop the writing system of Braille

5. Which is TRUE about the period when Annie worked as Helen’s teacher?

A. The disabled were all well educated

B. A god many books were printed in Braille.

C. Few people realized the hidden strength in blind people

D. Many deaf-blind children had the chance of being taught to speak like normal people

6. Annie would praise Helen when she ____.

A. decided to go to college

B. had a very difficult time

C. understood the meaning of words

D. did things as well as a normal person

7. Braille is a ____.

A. book for blind people

B. kind of printing for blind people to read

C. copy of reading for the deaf and the blind

D. book for the teacher of the blind people

8. Annie learned Braille because ___.

A. she had been sent to study in an institution for the blind

B. she wanted to teach the blind people

C. she wanted to be the writer’s teacher

D. she loved the blind people

9. How did Annie treat the girl?

A. She always pitied and praised her.

B. She treated her with much care, great patience and encouragement.

C. She treated her just like normal child.

D. She treated her with imagination.

10. How did Annie teach the girl?

A. She spelled words into the girl’s hand.

B. She put the girl’s hands in her face and let the girl feel the movements of her lips and throat.

C. She let the girl hear her voice.

D. Both A land B.

11. What words that Annie said helped the girl to be successful all through her life?

A. Never fail.

B. Never be disappointed.

C. Never forget to read Braille.

D. Keep on beginning.

Step 4. Note making

1. What did Annie learn to do?

----To read/ learn Braille, teach deaf-blind children (and spell out words by hand.)

2. What did Annie teach the writer?

Skills: Understand words, read Braille; speak

Ideas: blind people should be treated like normal human beings; keep on trying until you succeed.

Step 5. Writing

Story telling------ write a passage according to these pictures. You may begin like this:

Ann Sullivan was born in 1866 and became an orphan when she was young. She spent her childhood in a children’s home. Then she went to an institution for the blind. There she learnt…Braille and studied the teaching of deaf-blind children. One day the head of the institution for the blind handed over a letter to Ann. The letter came from Helen Keller’s parents. They wanted to invite a teacher for Helen. Ann was glad to accept the invitation. Ann taught Helen by asking her to touch the teacher’s face, throat and lips so as to know the meaning of the words and to form speech. Later, Helen could say “mother” , which made her parents very happy. In the school, Ann sat beside Helen in every class during her school years. She spelled out for her the things that the teachers taught, because most books were not printed in Braille at that time.

Lesson 65~66 My teacher

I. Describe the life of Annie Sullivan using information from the text.

1. Date of birth

2. Her childhood

3. Her education

4. How she became the writer’s teacher

II. Describe how Annie Sullivan taught the little girl .

1. How did the little girl learn her first word?

2. What had Annie done in order to teach the little girl some water?

3. How did Annie teach the little girl to laugh, to jump and so on?

4. What did Annie encourage the little girl to do and how did Annie help her?

I. suggested answers

1. Annie was born on April 4th, 1866.

2. Her family was very poor. When she was eight years old, her mother died and her father disappeared two years later. Annie, together with her brother, was sent to a children’s home. But unfortunately, her brother died there later.

3.When she was fourteen, she left the children’s home and entered an institution for the blind. There, she learnt Braille, which is a kind of printing that blind people can read by touching groups of raised points that are printed on paper.

4. One day the school where Annie was received a letter. The letter asked for a teacher for a seven-year-old girl who at the age of 19 months had become deaf and blind. Annie considered this was just the kind of demanding job she wanted.

II. suggested answers

1. It happened that one day the little girl was holding a jar while Annie pumped water. As the water flowed onto the little girl’s hand, Annie kept spelling w-a-t-e-r onto the girl’s other hand with her fingers. Suddenly the little girl understood!

2. Many times Annie had tried to spell words into the little girl’s small hands in order to teach her some words.

3. One day Annie came into the girl’s room laughing happily. Then she put the girl’s little hand on her face and spelled l-a-u-g-h. Then Annie touched the girl lightly on her arm and made her burst into laughter. Next Annie took the girl by the hand and taught her how to jump. She then immediately spelled the word j-u-m-p for the girl.

4. Annie encouraged her when the little girl made up her mind to go to college. At school, Annie sat beside her in every class. She spelled out for the little girl the things that the teachers taught. Annie herself read the books to her by spelling into her hand what was written in the books.

Lesson 65~66 My teacher ( Language points )

Aims and demands:

Grasp the important language points

Importance and difficulty: let the Ss know the usage of them

Teaching aids: some slides

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Language points:

Fill in the blanks:(Lesson 65~66)

1. Some people thought the writer was simple-minded because she was deaf and blind.

2. Being a born teacher she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.

3. I understood what the teacher was doing. That mean: The teacher reached my understanding.

4. I reached out to Annie’s hand to beg for new words.

5. She touched me lightly on the arm and made me burst into laughter.

6. My teacher took me by the hand and taught me how to jump.

7. She also brought me into/in touch with everything that could be felt---- soil, wood, silk.

8. As I look back upon these years, I am struck by Annie’s wisdom.

9. Later, an operation helped her to get back part of her sight, but she remained at the institution for six years more.

10. Annie considered this was just the kind of demanding job she wanted.

11. Annie was among the first to realize that blind people never know their hidden strength until they are treated liked normal human beings.

Never …until 只有… 之后才 ,比 not … until 的否定意味更强

12. I owe thanks to Annie for this priceless gift of speech.

13. My teacher’s gifted instruction lived on after her death.

14. Annie often said, no matter what happens, keep on beginning.

Step 2. Language points ( on the Bb )

1. simple-minded 头脑简单的

absent-minded 心不在焉的

noble-minded 思想高尚的

small-minded 气量小的

2. a born teacher 一位天生的老师

3. reach one’s understanding 达到、触及

reach out ( one’s hand ) for sth. 伸手去够、、、

4. burst into laughter

burst out laughing

5. take sb. by the hand

touch sb. on the arm

hit sb. on the head

hit sb. in the face

v. +sb. on/ in / by + the + part of a body

6. bring…… into / in touch with 使、、、触摸, 使、、、接触

7. look back upon / on

8. strike –struck – struck 给、、、印象

strike –struck –stricken

9. get back return to a former condition 恢复

come back 回来

move backwards or away 后退

regain 收回

10. for six years more

for six more years

for another six years

11. a demanding job 要付出努力的工作

12. not …….until 直到、、、才

never ……until 只有、、、之后才

13. owe……to sb 欠某人某物(钱,债)

owe thanks to sb. for sth. 归功于、、、 对、、、感激

14. live on 继续存在, 流传下去

live on sth. 以、、、为食

15. no matter ……

16. keep on doing 不可接表示静止状态的-ing形式

keep doing

(It’s not allowed to say keep on waiting / sleeping/ sitting)

Step 3.Practice ----- Exercises

Fill in the blanks with a proper word ( Lesson 65~ 66)

1. Beethoven was gifted in music, so he was thought to be a born musician.

2. He reached out and took down a dictionary from the shelf.

3. The boy reached out his hand for an apple.

4. At last they reached a decision. ( an agreement )

5. When she arrived home, she began to do cooking.

6. She touched the baby lightly on the arm in order to make her burst into laughter.

7. The stone hit him on the head, and he was sent to hospital at once.

8. This can bring me into / in touch with many workers.

9. Her love of music brought her into touch with the pop. Star.

10. As we looked back upon the school years we spent together , we were very excited./we were filled with excitement.

11. He looked back upon / on his childhood with mixed feelings.

12. All of us were struck by the professor’s speech.

13. The performance of the singers struck the audience greatly.

14. She has got her strength back after her illness.

15. I will get back at 7 o’clock this evening.

16. I decided to get back the dictionary.

17. I need five minutes more to finish the job.

I need five more minutes to finish the job.

I need another five minutes.

18. Although this was a demanding job which others were unwilling to do, she didn’t refuse it.

19. Don’t get off the bus until it stops. 停车之前不要下车。

Never get off the bus until it stops. 停车之前千万不要下车。

20. ----How much did you owe to the American couple? Shall I pay it for you?

---- Thank you. I can manage it myself.

21. We all owe our happy life to the Party.

22. This custom will live on for centuries.

23. LeiFeng is dead, but he will live on in the hears of the people forever.

24. No matter what you do, do it well.

25. Don’t give up , keep on trying.

26. The teacher kept on asking the students questions until the bell rang.

27. He caught such a bad cold that he kept coughing all morning.

Homework :Do the workbook exercises

篇6:3B Unit18(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

Aims and demands:


Importance and difficulty:

1. words and expressions:

rush sb. off his feet, change, action, repair, work on, fix up

2. important sentences:

A. It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.

B. What is more, this “information line” operates 24 hours a day.

C. It did not take the firefighters long to pot out the fire, and they at once started to look for causes of the fire.

D. They had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plate, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam.

3. Grammar: review –ing form, to do form and predicative

4. Useful expressions:

A. May I speak to …?

B. Hello. Who’s that speaking?

C. I called to tell you…..

D. Hold on, please.

E. Wait a moment.

F. Can I take ( leave ) a message?

Lesson 69 The office

Aims and demands:

Develop the Ss’ reading ability

Importance and difficulty: Have a deeper understanding of the text.

Teaching aid: tape recorder and some slides

Teaching methods: reading, speaking

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Riddle

I can store and recall as much information as possible, and I can work at a very high speed. In modern times, you can’t work without me. What am I? ( computer )

Step 2. Warming up

T: Where can you find computer?

S: They are mostly found in offices……

T: What else may you expect find in a large modern office?

( write these words on the blackboard and read after the teacher)

the office

fax machine


word processor

answering machine

choose the right title for each section

Step 3. Deal with the text

T: What is the fax machine? How does it work?

S: When you place a sheet of paper in a fax machine, the machine “reads” the writing on the page and changes the shapes of letters into electronic signals. It then sends these signals down an ordinary telephone line to another fax machine, which changes the signals back into the shapes of letters.

T: What are the advantages of sending a fax?

Ss: Speed. You can send texts, pictures, diagrams, designs maps and so on .

T: What are the disadvantages of sending a fax?

Ss: It is expensive and not private. ( it can be read by anyone)

T: What is the photocopier? How does it work?

Ss: It can copy a long report and sort the copies and pin them together.

T: What can modern photocopying machines do?

Ss: Modern machines can make the copy bigger or smaller , lighter or darker and copy onto both sides of the paper.

T: What is the word processor? How many parts is the word processor made up of?

Ss: It is made up of three parts . ( a typewriter keyboard, a printer and a computer )

T: What are the advantages of a word processor?

Ss: You can make changes easily and can print a report very quickly.

T: What is the answering machine?

Ss: It is a telephone with a tape recorder.

T: What are the advantage of an answering machine?

Ss: It can receive messages when no one is in the office and can give information.

Step 4. Listening for general understanding

Listen to the tape and write down the headings above the right sections of the text.

Step 5. Comprehension

1. Work book on Page 93

2. Paper comprehension


Comprehension exercise for Unit 18 Lesson 69 (3B)

I. Main facts: DBAC

Read fast to get a general idea of the passage and fill in the following blanks with one of the four choices below.

A. The word processor

B. The fax machine

C. The answering machine

D. The photocopier

1. ____ is a type of machine used to make copies from newspapers, books or reports.

2. ____ is used to send messages including words , pictures, designs and maps.

3. ____ is a kind of machine used to type materials, save them for future use and make changes if necessary.

4. ____ is used to record telephone messages when the receiver is absent.

II. Further comprehension CCADC DBBD

1. Which is WRRONG about learning to use office equipment?

A. It can make the work in offices go smoothly .

B. It is necessary for beginners in offices.

C. It should be learnt during a busy period.

D. It may help you to get a promotion (普升机会).

2. Which is correct about sending a fax?

A. It can be done only during working hours.

B. Sometimes it might take a week or so.

C. It isn’t a good choice to send top-secret information by fax machine.

D. Reports in English cannot be faxed.

3. A word processor ____.

A. can type a long report and make changes

B. can produce colour copies when necessary

C. can send information both at home and abroad

D. includes a keyboard, a photocopier and a computer

4. ____ can be used to answer a phone call automatically (自动地) when you are out.

A. The photocopier B. The fax machine

C. The word processor D. The answering machine

5. What is one disadvantage of sending a fax?

A. We can send a fax only in the office hours.

B. Message sent by a fax are hard to read.

C. We cannot send secret information through a fax machine.

D. Foreigners cannot understand Chinese letters sent by a fax.

6. What can’t a word processor do?

A. Typing a letter.

B. Printing documents.

C. Coping a on report.

D. Sending picture.

7. What does “be rushed off one’s feet” mean in paragraph 1?

A. be on business B. be busy and tired

C. be tired out D. run out of the office

8. The writer says “The fax has greatly changed office work, especially in China.” Because ____.

A. it can send information quickly

B. it is much easier to change Chinese characters into electronic signals

C. it can do a lot of work for the Chinese people such as making copies, posting letters

D. it makes office work easy to do

9.“The fax has greatly changed office work,especially in China.” The underlined word means ____.

A. properly B. immediately

C. slightly D. particularly

Lesson 70 What causes the fire

Aims and demands:

Aims and demands:

Develop the Ss’ reading ability

Importance and difficulty: Have a deeper understanding of the text.

Teaching aid: tape recorder and some slides

Teaching methods: reading, speaking

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Presentation

Talk about the picture

T: What may cause a fire?

---- smoking, playing with fire ……

T: What is often used to put out the fire?

---- Water, CO……

T: What kind of gas do we breathe?

( Name some of the gases in the air we breathe. )

---- Oxygen, hydrogen……

People may be in danger if there is not enough oxygen. But too much oxygen may cause danger to people , too.

Step 2. Reading for general understanding

Read the text and find out :

1. Where did the fire happen?

----- In a ship which was in a port in Scotland for repairs.

2. What started the fire?

----- A worker fixed the air-line to a supply of oxygen instead of compressed air.

Step 3. Problem solving

See which pair of Ss can find out the correct answer before the others.

---- The man actually connected the air-line to the oxygen supply line.

Step 4. Comprehension

1. put these events in the correct order


2. workbook Ex I

3.reading comprehension

Comprehension for Unit 18 Lesson 70 (3B) BDBCD ACAB

1. An extra team of men were sent to repair the ship because ___.

A. this ship was a huge ship

B. this ship needed to be repaired quickly

C. they were skilled workers

D. there was a lot of work to do

2. The man took a long time to connect the rubber pipe to the air supply pipe because ___.

A. he smoked a cigarette during the working hours

B. he had to drill holes and lay electrical wires first

C. he found something strange in the air and stopped to have a check

D. the fittings did not match

3. There was a strange smell when one man lit a cigarette because ___.

A. the cigarette had the smell itself

B. the smell was caused by the oxygen

C. there was something wrong with the man’s nose

D. the ship was beginning to burn

4. Which of the following is true?

A. The fire caused great damage to the ship.

B. There was an explosion happened inside the ship.

C. No damage was done to the deck at the end of the ship.

D. The fuel on ship caused the fire.

5. What measures were taken to prevent a fire accident?

A. Talks on safety were given to new workers.

B. Smoking was not allowed in the workplace.

C. All the supply lines and taps were marked with signs and warnings.

D. Both A and C.

6. In the ship the “air-line” provides ____.

A. compressed air B. water and steam

C. fuel and gas D. fresh air

7. When the fire broke out, ____.

A. some men sounded the fire alarm

B. all the men jumped into the sea

C. most of the men managed to escape

D. they fought against the fire

8. The men’s cigarettes burned strangely and tasted bad because ____ .

A. there was too much oxygen inside

B. something was wrong with the cigarettes

C. oxygen had a strong smell

D. lots of compressed air was inside

9. What was the real cause of the fire?

A. The third person struck a match for a cigarette.

B. The air-line was fixed to a supply line of oxygen instead of compressed air.

C. Too many workers smoked in the ship.

D. The fittings the workers had used to repair the ship didn’t match.

4. slides

Rearrange the following events ( Lesson 70 )

a. It took him some time to connect the long rubber pipe to the air supply pipe that ran round the port, but at last it was done and as a result work was able to progress much faster.

b. Half an hour later, another man struck a match for a cigarette and this time the whole of the inside of the ship caught fire.

c. They had to work inside the ship.

d. A navy ship was in a port in Scotland for repairs.

e. It was important to carry out the work quickly, so an extra team of men were asked to work on the repairs one evening.

f. Another man lit a cigarette but it burnt strangely and so he too put it out.

g. One man was told to fix up an “air-line” to provide compressed air for the machines they were using.

h. After three hours, the men stopped for a meal break. When work continued, one man lit a cigarette as he was working, but, finding it had a strange taste, he put it out.


Step 5. practice ----- Ex 2


Lesson 69~70

Translate the following sentences (Lesson 69~70)

1. 一旦他作出决定就不会改变。

Once she made the decision, she wouldn’t change her mind.

2. 我到过那儿一次。

I have been there once.

3. 这是她父亲曾经工作过的地方。

This is the place where her father once worked.

4. 该去的是約翰而不是杰克。

John should go rather than Jack.

5. 这些鞋子穿起来很舒服,但并不漂亮。

These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.

I love swimming rather than skating.

I decided to write rather than ( to ) telephone.

We ought to check up, rather than just accept what he says / accepting what he says.

6. 与其让这些蔬菜烂掉,他宁愿以一半的价格把他们卖掉。

Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.

Would / had rather do sth than do…

Would / had rather sb. did…

I would rather you knew that now than afterwards.

7. 他们播种忙得个不可开交。( rush sb. off one’s feet )

They are rushed off their feet with the sowing.

8. 没有必要对这个计划作出修改。

It is not necessary to make any changes in the plan.

9. 我觉得是我该采取行动的时候了。

I felt it ( was ) time for me to take ( an ) action.

10. 我没有去看望王先生,因为那天下大雨. 再说,我身边也没有他的地址。

I didn’t go to see Mr. Smith , because it was raining hard. What’s more, I didn’t have his address.

11. 中国有许多人正在从事一项“希望工程”,帮助穷苦孩子们上学。

Many people in China are working on a “Project Hope” , helping poor children to go to school.

12. 他在致力于发明一种办公用的新式机器。

He is working on inventing a new type of machine for office work.

13. 他不得不工作到六十多岁。

He has to work on until he was sixty.

14. 政府给无家可归的人提供食宿。

The government provided food and shelter for those who were homeless / the homeless.

The government supplied (provide ) the homeless with food and shelter.

15. 他们在忙着安装电灯。

They are busy fixing up the lights.


A. He fixed up the broken chair. 修理

B. I can easily fix you up for the night. 给…... 安排住处

C. We have fixed up a date for the picnic. 确定

D. I’ve fixed up a visit to the theater for next Friday. 安排

E. Do I have to fix up to go to the party. 打扮

16. 花了我一整天的时间修理这台彩电。

It took me a whole day to fix up the colour TV set.

17. 你应该争取尽快赶到那儿。

You should try to get there as soon as you can.

You should try to get there as soon as possible.

18. 许多人逃出大火着火了。

Many people escaped from the big fire, with their clothes on fire.

19. 老师走进教室,手里拿着一本书。

The teacher came into the classroom, with a book in his hand.

( book in hand )

20. 她似乎(已经)听到了这件事。

She appeared / seemed to have heard about it already.

It seemed / appeared that she had already heard about it.

21. 房子烧了,准是有什么原因。

The house was burned down. There must have been some cause.

22. 这婴孩昨夜哭个不停,他准是得了病。

The baby kept crying last night . He must have been ill.





1、在踢足球这个课余活动的话题中,掌握单词soccer ball, soccer shoes的准确读音,及框架句型Can you…?Yes, I can、 No, I can’t的用法。




1、词汇:soccer ball,soccer shoes,play soccer.

2、句型:Can you play soccer? Yes, I can.








1、歌曲热身:I can skate and I can jump.师生共同唱歌。



初听课文:由“猜球”游戏,过渡到本课课文,带着问题“What do they want to do?”初听课文,同时,教师配相应的动作,帮助学生理解课文大意。


1、根据初听课文的任务,再利用动作,让学生明确play soccer的含义,并利用不同的图片进行短语读音的操练。

2、精听学说:带着问题“Does Robo know them?”精听课文。

(1)学说soccer ball:利用角色转变,练习读音,以及单数问句和回答。

(2)学说soccer shoes:利用词卡,开火车练习读音,以及复数问句和回答。





4、 chant小结









1、 总结:在众多运动图片中,学生自由选择,并表达能做的运动。




写:写一写,写1-3个问题,下节课向同学和老师提问:Can you…?



(1)There are lots of bicycles in China.

(2)There is a famous river.




(1)There are lots of bicycles in China.

(2)There is a famous river.


用“There is/ There are”介绍事物







随音乐传递物品,音乐停该同学用there be句型说句子








5、重音的学习:请学生听SB unit 2活动3的录音,之后让学生试着跟读一遍。要求他们注意重读的地方。请学生把书翻到SB unit 2活动3,仔细看书上的句子以及每句话中用黑体标出的地方,比较一下自己刚才跟读时重读的位置与书上的标注是否一致。老师再放录音,学生边听边看书,认真体会。




完成SB unit 2活动4,请学生欣赏并学习一首歌曲。放录音前,请学生们先试着通过文字和图片猜测歌曲的内容。





Where are you from?



本单元的核心教学项目是“语言”(Language),涉及到国家、国籍、所使用的语言和姓名使用习惯等项内容。从某种意义上讲,本单元的内容也可以看成是对第一学期关于交流个人基本信息  (如年龄,姓名,电话号码等)方面学习的扩展。关于交流个人基本信息的技能和知识是初一阶段必须掌握的一项重要的语言应用内容。




第96课的第一、二部分是语音和语调的常规训练,主要涉及元音字母i和u及字母组合的拼读规则、句子重音和语调。本课的听力材料是来自不同国家的朋友聚集一堂彼此介绍的对话。本课的第五部分提供一段阅读材料,是Jack  Wilson谈论学校中不同国籍的学生和他们所用语言的电子邮件(e―mail)。供选用的第六部分是另一份电子邮件,学生将要在这份电子邮件的基础上做完形填空的练习。第七部分要求学生给Jack写信,讲述自已学校和同学的情况。



那么,在十分简单的语言知识基础上,学生能不能进行语言应用的实际训练呢? 回答是肯定的。下面,我们就为教师提供几个语言应用的教学设计案例:


1) 教师提出语言任务:向同伴介绍自己在国外的笔友。

2) 学生在心中默想一位自己感兴趣的某国的同龄友伴。

3) 教师提供样本:(如果可能的话,本任务可以包括对人的外貌的描述。)



6) 学生以小组的形式制做表格,填写自己笔友的基本信息。




教师可以结合本单元的话题  (Language)引导学生谈论对于英语学习的态度,这是一种真实的谈论,因为,不同的学生对待英语学习的态度将是不同的,由此就可以形成学生之间的信息沟通。


2)教师帮助学生解决个别词汇问题 (如interesting)。






A (for some of the students in the class)

B (for the other students in the class)

以上这些任务型的活动(Task-based activities)  具有明显的交际性。这类活动较之机械性练习的优越之处在于:学生可以知道交际的真实动因,可以在语言活动中找到真实的感觉,了解自己在交谈中究竟与谈话的对方是一种什么关系,可以关注交谈的过程变化以及自己在这种变化中所起的作用,他们会自觉谋求交谈所应获得的结果。




要想使学生对句型能够熟练、灵活的掌握和运用,就要在实际操作中尽量避免“明知故问”的倾向,要创设一个合乎逻辑、现实生活中常出现的语境,从实际出发,减少纯句型的练习。这样更能突出应用性原则。在以Where  are you from? I’m from England/America/China.及 Where do you come from? I come  from England/ America/ China. Do you come from…? Are you come from? What do you  like about China? How do you like Chinese food?  为主的功能性会话的训练上,要让学生在口语训练的过程中记忆本单元所出现的句型及语法,逐步加深对句型的理解和运用。为了使口语训练更加有趣、贴近生活,教师不妨让学生先进行以下一些活动:

1)利用多媒体及世界地图,让学生扮演成不同国家的学生进行对话练习。如:Where are you from? I am from … Where do  you come from? I come from…Are you from…? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Do you come  from…? Yes, I do. No, I do not.

2)让学生把自己的喜好以表格的形式表达出来,并利用不同的表格,让学生表达喜好、厌恶 如:I like… I don’t like…并进行问答练习如:Do  you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. How do you like Chinese food? /What do you  like about…?

3)让学生自己设计名片或明信片,并进行两个学生之间或小组之间的问答如:Do you speak Japanese/English? Do you  live…? Where do you live? What do you like? 等句型的操练。从而为语法的教学作乐很好的铺垫。


本单元语音教学的主要内容是元音之母i和u的发音,字母i在开音节中读/ai/,在闭音节中读/i/。字母u在开音节中读/u:/ /u/  /∧/。练习单词重音、句子重音和语调时候,让学生跟随录音练习,模仿句子重音和语调,体会英语语流的节奏感





一般现在时的时间搭配: every day/week/year, on Monday, on Sunday morning; usually,  often, always, in the morning/afternoon/evening

一般现在时的构成是比较难于理解、掌握的,因为它分为:当主语是非第三人称单数及主语是第三人称单数,关于主语是第三人称单数的概念必须向学生讲清楚、讲透彻。可以采取对比的形式如:I----  my mother; he ----- his friends; the teacher---- the teachers; you--- your  brother; she ---- her classmates Tom ----- Tom and Kate; he ----- they;

当主语是非第三人称单数 时, 行为动词的一般现在时的句型变化如下:

(1)肯定句: 用行为动词原形来表示,如:We know a little English. Li Hai and Liu Hua come from  China. They learn Chinese.

(2)否定句:用助动词don’t + 动词原形表示。如:They don’t go to school on Sundays. The students  don’t speak French. I don’t read the books in the evening.

(3)一般疑问句是把助动词do 提前至句首,后面动词用原形。回答时,肯定用“Yes, 主语 + do ”; 否定用“No, 主语 + don’t ”  如:Do you like apples? Yes, I do. Do the teachers speak English? No, they don’t.  Do they stay at home every day? Yes, they do.

当主语是第三人称单数 时, 行为动词的一般现在时的句型变化如下:

(1) 肯定句: 用行为动词原形后加--s来表示,如:He knows a little English. Li Hai comes from  China. My father learns Chinese.

(2) 否定句:用助动词doesn’t + 动词原形表示。如:Your sister doesn’t go to school on Sundays.  The student doesn’t speak French. Tom doesn’t read the books in the evening.

(3) 一般疑问句是把助动词does提前至句首,后面动词用原形。回答时,肯定用“Yes, 主语 + does ”; 否定用“No, 主语 +  doesn’t ” 如:Does your friend like apples? Yes, he does. Does the teacher speak  English? No, she doesn’t. Does Tom stay at home every day? No, he doesn’t.

在学生理解的基础上,再配以适量的汉译英的练习,加以巩固提高。需要说明的是:在本单元的知识范围内,主要是以:当主语是非第三人称单数时的变化为主,它是本单元的重点。而当主语是第三人称单数时,  行为动词的一般现在时的句型变化只作为一般性的了解,但应告知学生,他们之间的差异和联系,为今后的教学(第二十五、二十六单元)作好铺垫工作。





2. speak表示“说,讲”的意思, 她可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。

(1)当它作“讲某种语言”时用作及物动词。如speak,English/ Chinese / Japanese等。

(2)在下列情况下作为不及物动词:a. 与某人打招呼 b. 打电话用语 c.在会上发言。例如:He often speak to the old  man./ Can I speak to Mr Wang? / Our English teacher is speaking at the  meeting.

3.little 用作形容词,表示“几乎没有,很少的”,常用来修饰不可数名词,而a little则表示有一些,相当于some,例如:there is  little water in the bottle.(几乎没有) / there is a little water in the  bottle.(有一些)



2.熟悉实义动词一般现在时的陈述句、疑问句及其答语,以及介词短语to her, from Lily, on Sundays 等状语的运用。





Where’s he from? 他从哪儿来?

be from =come from意为“从……来”或“是……人”,常用来询问某人来自哪个地方或籍贯(包括国籍)。be from =come from.  be from 强调状态;come from强调动作。如:

―Where are you from? (=Where do you come from?) 你是哪儿的人?你来自哪儿?

―I’m from Changsha.(=I come from Changsha.) 我是长沙人。/我从长沙来。

2. How do you like…?

此句型动词like后可接某人或物的词作宾语,意为“你觉得某人或某物怎么样?”表示询问对某人或某物的印象、看法。相当于What do you think  of…? 如:

―How do you like Tom? 你觉得汤姆这人怎么样?

―I think he's a good student.我认为他是一个好学生。

3. What do you like about China? 你们都喜欢中国的哪些方面?

―The people―and the food! 这里的人们一还有吃的。

people常泛指“人”“人们”,作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式;people还有“(多少)人”之意,受two以上基数词的修饰,本身就是复数形式:the  people是“人民”之意;表示“民族”时,people有单、复数之分。

People work in the day.人们白天工作。

“What do you like about…?”(你喜欢……哪些方面?)用来询问对方喜欢某人、某物的哪些方面。如:

―What do you like about your school?你喜欢学校哪些方面?

―The teachers and the students. 老师和同学。

How do you like…?侧重于询问对某人或某物喜欢的程度,答语常用a little或very much。What do you like  about……?侧重于询问对方所喜欢的内容,答语要用具体说明所喜欢的人或物的陈述句。如:

(1)―How do you like Beijing?

―Very much.

(2)―What do you like about the school?

―I like teachers in this school.

4. We teach them English and they teach us Chinese. 我们教他们英语,他们教我们中文。

teach可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词,作及物动词时,可用teach sb., teach sth., teach sb. sth.,  如果宾语是人称代词,要用宾格。如:

Mr. Wang teaches Chinese. 王老师教语文。

Miss Gao teaches us. 高老师教我们。

Miss Gao teaches us English. 高老师教我们英语。

5. Chinese put our family name first. 我们中国人把姓放在前面。

在西方,人们的全名往住由三部分组成:given name (名)+ middle name (中间名)+ family name  (姓)。中间名又叫教名,往往可以省略。注意:名在前,姓在后, Mr.、Mrs.和Miss要和姓连用,而不能和名(given  name)连用。而中国人的全名由两部分组成:family name (姓)+given name(名)。姓在前,名在后。学习时要注意英汉两种文化的差异。

称呼某人时,要说Mr./ Mrs. / Miss + family name,如:Mr. Wang王先生。

6. Our friends ask us to go to their homes for dinner. 我们的朋友请我们到他们家吃饭。

此句中的词组是“ask sb. to do sth.”(叫/请某人做某事),此词组的否定式是“ask sb. not to do  sth.”(叫/请某人不要做某事)。注意词组中的sb.如是代词,要用宾格。如:

Mr. Brown asks us to clean the room. 布朗先生请我们打扫房间。

My parents ask me not to talk in class. 我父母叫我在上课时不要讲话。

7. 给某人写信,要说write (a letter) to sb., 而收到某人的来信,要说get a letter from sb. 或hear  from sb.。

8. I want to make friends in China. 我想在中国交朋友。

make friends意思是“交朋友”。表示“和某人交朋友”时,要用make friends with sb.。如:

Can you make friends with me?你能和我交个朋友吗?

9. 说汉语,用speak Chinese;学汉语,用learn Chinese;教日语;用teach Japanese;教某人汉语,用teach sb  Chinese。语言名词Chinese,English等都是不可数名词,可以用(a) little,much, a lot of修饰。
















English and French










注:1) American、Australian、Canadian的复数形式分别是:Americans, Australians,  Canadians.

2)表示一个英国人时用an Englishman,一个英国妇女用an Englishwoman.

它们的复数形式是:Englishmen. Englishwomen。类似的还有:

一个法国人an Frenchman 一个法国妇女 an Frenchwoman

它们的复数形式是:Frenchmen, Frenchwomen

3)Chinese, Japanese的单复数同形。

Lesson 93教学设计示例(一)



2.句型:1)where are you from?

2)they are from….

3) what’s about you/he/her ?


1)一where are you from?

-I am from…..

2)are you/ they from….?

3)do you / they come from..?

4)what about you /he/her…?






3.教师拿出中国地图世界,并提出问题:where is Taiyuan? 学生回答。然后让学生相互之间根据地图中各个城市的地理位置进行句型操练。

4.教师拿出世界地图,指着地图上的国家和城市说:This is Paris.并问学生:Where is  Pair? 同时教师板书France该词,学生反复跟读。教师继续教授新单词USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan,  America。当确信大家已初步掌握之后,教师再次拿起地图与学生进行如下问答练习:

T:where is …?


T: How do you spell it?


5. 教师拿出课文图片,放课文第一部分对话录音,教师给出听前提问(Pre-listerning question) Where is he (David)  from?

Where are Tom and Ann from?



6.教师问A学生Where are you from? 要求学生用新学习的英语国家名字来回答问题并反复操练。然后教师又问B学生:Where is he/  she from? What about him/ her? 这种问答要,使学生通过不断重复的手段,达到记住、记牢的目的。

7.教师引导并帮助学生相互之间使用新学习的句型Where are you from? What about you?来介绍自己的家乡地理位置。






1)Where are you from?

Be from = come from 意思是“从……来”,常用来询问某人来自何地方或籍贯。如:

I am from Shanghai and he is from Beijing.

They are from Australia.

2) Are you from the USA? No, I come from England.

Come from 是“从……来”,come是行为动词,在否定局,疑问句和肯定句中,其随主语的变化而变化。如

He comes from Nanjing.

Lesson 93教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

1. New words: USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America, a little

2. Sentence Patterns:

(1)Where are you from?

(2)Where do you com from

Difficult Points

How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, the slide-showing, tapes, pictures, map

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Revise the days of the week and their spellings with the help of  cards.

3. Revise the dialogues in SB lesson92,Exx.3

Step 2 Presentation

1.Teach Where’s Taiyuan? It’s in Shanxi.etc Divide the class into two halves  and have a competition. Get the students to ask each other where the places  are.

2.SB Page 36, Part 1. Point to the countries and cities on the map of the  world and say: This is Pairs. Then ask Where is Pairs? The students may answer  in Chinese. Teach France and get the students to repeat after you . This part  aims at giving students exposure to more English names of countries and cities  in the world.

Step 3 Ask and answer

1.Book closed! Teacher ask: Where’s David from? Where are Tom and Ann from?  And play the tape. Check the answers .(David, USA; Tom and Ann, UK)

2.Practise saying the names of countries by asking some students Where are  you from? Tell them to use the name of a foreign country in their answer. Then  ask the class Where’s he/ she from? What about him / her ?

Step 4 Presentation

Tell the students about yourself. Say I’m from Beijing.(etc.) Ask students  Where are you from? What about you ? Help them to answer, using the name of  their own hometown.

Step 5 Listen, read and say

Teacher play the tape, and students listen and repeat. Then students practise  the dialogue in pairs. They talk about themselves in groups.

Step 6 workbook

1. Do Ex. 1 with a student to demonstrate how to make the dialogue. Then get  the students to work in pairs. Encourage them to use their own imagination and  create different dialogues.

2. For Ex.2, let the students read through the three short passages before  they fulfill the task.


1. Copy the new words.

2. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Lesson 94教学设计示例(一)





1.教师向学生展示地图,复习第93课的对话。让学生相互之间问问题:Where are you from? I am from…. Where do you  come from? I come from….etc. 问答的方式教师可以自便,可采取多种形式如: 教师---- 一个学生; 教师----- 部分学生;  教师---- 全体学生;一个学生---- 一个学生; 部分学生-----部分学生等形式来进行操练。

2.教师指着地图上的国家的名称如:Canada. 说: Canadians come from Canada. They speak English  and French. 然后又指着另一个国家如:Japan.说: Japanese come from Japan. They speak  Japanese.教师反复地说出不同的国家的名称,让学生反复操练句型。帮助学生提问和回答有关国家的相关语言。如问Do you speak  French?等等.教学生回答: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.又如Do they learn maths? Yes, they do./  No, they don’t.Does Kate study Chinese? Yes, she does./ No, she  doesn’t.同时,教师在黑板上写出这些句子并比较这些句子的结构,用彩色粉笔强调句中出现的do/ does

3.打开课本37页,第一部分,1让学生练习句型 Do Americans speak Japanese? No, they don’t. What do  they speak? They speak English. Do you like eggs? Yes, I do. I like it very  much./ a little. No, I don’t. I don’t like it at all.

4.让学生听第94课的录音。听录音的时候,教师要求学生不看课文只听录音,然后让学生跟读。之后学生打开课本对照课文内容进行问答练习。最后学生以小组形式进行操练。在学生听完对话录音后,教师提问:  Is Bob from the USA? Does Bob speak Chinese?  教师放录音两遍并让学生跟读。教师指出中国姓名与西方国家的姓名的不同之处:在西方国家,人们习惯将姓放在名之后如Jim Green, Green  就是姓Jim是名,而中国人的姓名和西方国家的习惯正好相反,比如Zhou Jian. Zhou是姓 Jian 就是名。  然后让学生操练课文对话并请学生上讲台作演示。


6.学生听课文第三部分的录音并且跟读, 注意录音中的英文发音,语调和节奏。

7.教师总结这一节课的教学内容,要求学生掌握句型:Where are you from? Where do you come from? Do you  speak French? I like …..very much / a little etc.课文板书如下

Unit 24  Where are you from  ?

Lesson 94

the Great Wall Where are you from? Do you  speak French?

hotel, building I am from…. Yes, I do./ No,  I don’t.

follow, call Where do you come from? I like milk  very much./ a little.

FirstI come from….I don’t like it at  all.


掌握交际用语:Do you speak English?肯定回答: Yes, I / we / they do

否定回答: No, I / we / they don’t..

Lesson 94教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

1.New words: great, hotel, building, follow, call, first

2.Sentence Patterns:

(1) (1)Do you speak Chinese?

(2) (2)Yes, I do / No, I don’t

Difficult Points

How to use the question form of the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, the slide-showing, tapes, map

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Look at the map, revise Where are you from? What about you ? Where is he /  she from?

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show a card with the name of a country : e.g. China. Say Chinese come from  China. They speak Chinese. Let students repeat with other cards with different  country names on them.

2. Teach the students with cards I speak Chinese / English / French. Ask  Where are you from? What do you speak? Help the students to answer with the  appropriate language for the appropriate country. Ask What does he / she speak?  Do you speak English / French.etc. Help the students to answer Yes, I do / No, I  don’t.

3.Write down They speak English. What do they speak? Do they speak English?  on the Bb and compare the sentence structures. Highlight do with coloured  chalk.

Step 3 Ask and answer

Book closed! Students listen and repeat. Play the tape again, students open  the books and listen and repeat, then ask and answer in pairs.

Step 4 Presentation

Ask Do Australians speak Chinese? What do they speak? etc. students answer  No, they don’t Then ask what do they speak? the students answer They speak  English..

Step 5 Read and act

1.Teacher play the tape, ask Is Bob Scott from the USA? Does Bob speak  Chinese? Play the tape again and get the students to repeat.

2.Teacher point out that in western countries, a person’s family name. This  is the opposite order than in China, where the family name comes first, such as  in Hu Dong.

3.Get the students read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

4.Do Ex.1. of Wb Lesson 94 .

Step 6 listen and chant

1. play the tape and have the students repeat, as they repeat, pay attention  to their pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

2. let some students read out in class if time permits.

Step7 Workbook

Do Ex.3 in class


1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2.Learn the dialogue in SB Lesson 94 by heart.

Lesson 95教学设计示例(一)






2.教师复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French?  等等。或者教师复习课文第94课第2部分的对话,并让学生演示对话内容。

3.教师拿出一张明信片,在黑板上把明信片的基本格式画下来,同时教学新单词postcard。 教学Dear….和Love from…并向学生解释love  from  仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。教师向学生讲明用英语书写地址的方法。并提醒学生,写地址的时候,要把单位或地区小的信在前面,大的写在后面。然后举例并写在黑板上。

4.教师放课文录音,并提出问题。学生回答完问题之后再放一遍录音,让学生听读同步进行。请学生把课文的英文信件翻译成中文,并向学生解释Linclon  Drive 是指林肯大街。







Lesson 95教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

New words: teach, postcard, dinner, soon, stay.

Difficult Points

How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, tapes, pictures.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Revise Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French?  etc.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw the “writing” side of a postcard on the Bb. And teacher show the real  card to Ss, teach the word postcard. And Explain that Love from…is only used  between family members and good friends.

2. Point out the way to write an address in English. Note that the name of  the person comes first. Write the school address on the Bb, e.g. :

Miss Li Manhua

No. 27 Middle School

Donghuamen Street

Beijing, 100009

People’s Republic of China

3. Get the students to write their own address, and check their work each  other.

Step 3 Read

1.Before playing the tape, let the students read the questions.

2.Then give them several minutes to scan the postcard for the answers. At  last play the tape, students listen and repeat.

3.have the students translate Lily’s letter into Chinese.

Step 4 Practise

1.Students work alone and then check the answers in pairs.

2.Get the students to correct “Wrong” answers.

Step 5 Talk and write

1.revise some telephone greetings.

2.have the students work in pairs and write their telephone conversation.

3.choose several pairs to act out their dialogue for the class.

4.as they practise, remind the students to pay attention to their  intonation.

5.tell the students in Chinese that even though it is a phone conversation,  people do different things when they speak on the phone, e.g. some people pace  back and forth, others twist the telephone cord around their finger, etc.

Step 6 Workbook.

Do Ex. 3.in Wb Lesson 95 in the class.


1.Finish off the Workbook exercises after class.

2 Go over the language items listed in Checkpoint 24.

Lesson 95教学设计示例(三)

Teaching aims


Key points


Difficult points

Five days a week, teach sb. Sth., on Sundays, ask sb. To do sth,, write to  sb.

Teaching methods


Teaching aids


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

1.复习Where are you from? What do you speak? Do you speak French?等等。


Step 2 Presentation

1.教学新单词postcard,教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》,向学生展示英文明信片的基本格式。并向学生说明Love  from….仅限于家庭成员及好朋友之间使用。



4.教师打开ppt多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson  95》,让学生熟悉了解英文信件的格式。然后让学生对两种不同的格式进行比较,总结出其中的不同之处,加深学生对英文明信片和英文书信格式的印象。

step 3 read


2.请学生把lily 的信件翻译成中文,并向学生讲Lincoln Drive 是林肯大街/道。

Step 4 practice


Step 5 reading

教师打开多媒体课件《unit 24 lesson 95》让学生掌握信件的格式。同时让学生比较一下postcard, letter and mail  的区别。教师让学生作练习。

Step 6 summary






Lesson 96教学设计示例(一)






1. 学生作值日报告。

2. 教师写出单词:ride, write, Friday让学生找出他们含有的共同的音素 /ai/。

3. 教师总结板书/ai/ : ride, write, Friday. 再以同样的方式总结出:/i/, /ju:/, /u:/..

4. 教师领读这些音标,使学生更好的掌握单词的正确发音。

5. 学生听录音并跟读这些音标。

6. 学生听第二部分录音并跟读。让他们用手势表示出重音和语调。

7. 教师提出问题:Where is this postcard from? 并帮助学生回答I think it’s  from…等等。然后再请学生以小组的形式对课本上的明信片进行问答练习。

8. 教师播放第四部分录音,让学生做练习册第116页第3题。教师指导学生共同完成课后练习。

9. 教师播放第五部分录音,学生合上书本听录音,然后跟读,教学词组make  friends,然后让学生以自己的身份写一封回信,写在课本第七部分,同时复习明信片和信件的格式。

10. 教师放第六部分录音,让学生听录音,反复跟读并完成书上的短文。然后以两人为一小组互相检查答案。

11. 最后教师复习课本“复习要点24”中的内容,学生讨论并教师帮助学生解决可能出现的问题。向学生解释清楚一般现在时态的用法.


1.USA(完整形式)______________ 2.come from(近义词组)______________

3.French(国家)______________ 4.Englishman(复数)______________

5.has(原形)______________ 6.people(复数)______________

7.teacher(动词)______________ 8.Canada(国家的人)______________

Answers: 1. the United States of America 2. be from 3. France 4. Englishmen  5. have 6. people 7. teach 8. Canadian






Writhe on blackboard

Lesson 96

i/ai/   ride, writeu/ju:/ student, Tuesday

/i/    milk, swim /u:/ blue, ruler

igh/ai/ high, light/Q/ run, jump

/u/ put, full



( ) 1. I learn English ______ my American friends.

A. from B. and C. to D. for

( ) 2. Tom, Jack and I ______ students.

A. are all B. all are C. am all D. all am

( )3. I know only _______Chinese.

A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

( )4.Are they ______ in the river?

A. swim B. swimming C. swimming D. are swimming

( )5. Lily and I ______at home.

A. am staying B. are staying C. is staying D. be staying

( ) 6. They often watch TV ______ Sundays.

A. on B. in C. at D. of

( )7.______are you doing? I'm doing my homework.

A. Where B. What C. How D. Who

( )8.______books do you have?

A. How much B. How many C. How D. What many

( ) 9. She ______ any friends.

A. don’t have B. has C. doesn't have D. not have

( ) 10. ______there ______water here?

A. Is, some B. Are, any C. Are, a lot of D. Is, much

( ) 11. Do you want ______shopping with me?

A. go B. going C. to go D. goes

( ) 12. I would like ______ .

A. two pieces of breads B. two piece of bread

C. two pieces of bread D. pieces of two bread

( ) 13. They often teach ______ Chinese.

A. I B. me C. mine D. my

( )14.______she have a ruler? No, she______.

A. Does, does B. Do, don't C. Does, doesn't D. Is, isn't

( ) 15. Whose books are these? They are ______.

A. we B. us C. our D. ours

( ) 16. Do they have ______friends? Yes, they ______.

A. a lot, have B. much, do C. many, are D. many, do

( ) 17. ______do you like China? ______.

A. How, I like it very much B. What, I like it a little

C. How, The foodD. What, It's great

Answers: 1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.D  16.D 17.A

Lesson 96教学设计示例(二)

Teaching Objectives

The expressions of place.

Main Points

New words: city, foreigner, city , word , well, why, English-speaking,  letter

Difficult Points

How to use the Simple Present Tense correctly. And how to writer an English  postcard correctly.

Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder, tapes,

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Revision

1. A duty report.

2. Revise the words, expressions and the postcard from Lesson 95.

Step 2 Word families

let students read out these words, and pay more attention to the English  pronunciation, or let students listen to the radio and repeat.

Step 3 Stress and intonation

1. Students listen and repeat.

2. Get them to show the stress and intonation with gestures.

Step 4 Guess and game

1.have the students look at the postcard in the SB. Teacher ask: Where is  this postcard from? Help the students to answer I think it’s from Sydney/ Paris/  Toronto. Now get the students to talk about the postcards.

2.in pairs, have the students make their own postcards. Each pair should  choose a place in China to draw their postcards of the same place. They do need  to be from the same place..

Step 5 Listen and answer

1.have the students look at the table in Wb Lesson 96, Ex. 3 before playing  the tape.

2.help the students with the spelling of place names.

Step 6 Prsentation

1.teacher explain to students that E-mail is a way to talk to people from  around the world. And ask Does anyone have e-mail? Do you e-mail people from  other countries?

2.have the students make up their own e-mail addresses. Encourage them to be  creative.

Step 7 Read

1.give the students 3 minutes to skim. Then ask some students to give the  main idea.

2.have the students read the passage. Ask comprehension questions such as,  How old is Jack? Where does Jack like? How many students are in his class?  etc.

3.have students read the text aloud together. Pay attention to pronunciation  and intonationl.

Step 8 Read and complete

1.before playing the tape have the students fill in the blanks with the words  they think. Then paly the tape and have them listen and change the words in the  blanks if they guessed something.

2.have the students discuss their first answers with the answers on the tape  in groups.

3.have the groups make a list of the words they think could be put in the  blanks.

4.at last teacher check the answer with the students.

Step 9 Write

Have the students write this letter as homework. And the next day teacher  give the students a chance to read each other’s letters.

Step 10 Checkpoint 24

Go through Checkpoint 24 on the book and discuss any problems. Explain that  the Present Indefinite Tense is used to give general information. And give some  examples to students on the Bb.

Step 11 Workbook

Revise the map on the SB and do Ex.2., Ex 4.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.


1、活动 猜图游戏

任 务:猜猜“我”在哪?

目  标:通过这个任务,激发学生主动参与学习的热情,提高学生的记忆能力和听说能力,并让学生熟悉常见的英语国家的地理位置,促进学生之间的交流,培养他们的分析判断能力和自信心。

语言技能: listening, speaking, reading and writing,

材 料: 彩色世界地图分别四至六张(不表明国家和城市名称),几张标有各个国家和城市名称的小卡片




2.  老师给出一分钟的时间准备,然后请第一组第一位同学,第二组第一位同学,第三组第一位同学等等以此类推到地图前粘贴好所听到的第一个国家或城市的名称。

3. 接下来,老师又请出第一组第二位同学,第二组第二位同学 等等粘贴好第二个国家或城市的名称。

4. 以此类推,等学生都粘贴完国家或城市的名称了以后,和全班同学一起检查哪一组的同学最快最好的完成任务。

5. 戏结果出来后,教师可根据情况给予一定奖励和鼓励







































Period1:Vocabulary and Listening、Pronunciation and Speaking

Period2:Reading and Vocabulary









Step 1 Revision

复习Whats he/she doing? He/She’s making a cake.叫三名学生到讲台上。A表演动作,B问Is he reading/playing. ..? C答Yes, he is./No, he isnt.让学生三人一组做类似的练习。

Step 2 Presentation

教师通过具体的动作教一些单词,如 talk, talk with, open, close, take photos等。然后用这些单词或词组造句子,反复练习。也可以让几个学生到讲台上表演,然后问同学Whats he/she doing? Is he/she opening the door? What’s he/she doing? He/She is closing the window. What are they doing? They are taking photos.

Step 3 Practice

* 打开书23页第一部分, 让学生边听录音边找正确的图片。

* 第二部分,让学生看彩图三,两人一组进行对话练习

Step 4 Consolidation


1. We clean our classroom in the afternoon. But we don’t do it now. It’s still early in the morning. (画线部分改为现在进行时)

We______ ______our classroom now. It’s dirty. It needs cleaning.

2. They are playing football at school. (画线部分改为否定句)

They ______ ______football at school. They’re playing football somewhere else.

3. Im doing my homework now. (画线部分改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

______ ______doing ______homework now? ______, ____________.

4. Speak in English. (画线部分改为否定句)

______ ______in English now. These old men don’t understand English.

5. The twins are singing in the room. (对画线部分提问)

______are the twins ______in the room?

Answers: 1. are cleaning 2.aren’t playing 3. Are you, your. No, I’m not 4. Don’t speak 5. What, doing

Blackboard Handwriting

Blackboard Handwriting

Lesson 83

You arent talking.

He/She isn’t writing.

Is he/she opening the door?

Yes, he/she is.

No, he/she isn’t.

篇12:unit6 teaching plan(人教版高二英语教案教学设计)

I.Brief Statements Based on the Unit

The topic of this unit is about the human being’s 1ife in the future.This unit is made up of warming up,listening,speaking,pre-reading,reading,post-reading,language study and integrating skills.These tasks will be finished in five periods.

In the first period,we’ll do warming up,listening and speaking to improve the student’s listening and speaking abilities.At the same time.arouse the students’interest in the topic of this unit.

In the second period,we’ll finish the task 0f pre-reading,reading and post-reading.In post-reading,let the students give free rein to their imagination by discussing some questions.We’11 read a passage about 1ife in the future.It will tell us what the human being’s life will be like in the future.In the meanwhile we’ll learn some useful words and expressions.

The third period consists of two parts:Word study and Grammar-Noun Clauses.

Through word study we’ll revise some words and phrases,which are related to the topic of this unit.As to the grammar:Noun clauses,we can master them by doing more practical practice given in the textbook and workbook.

The main purpose of the fourth period is to train the students’reading and writing abilities by reading and writing a short pas-sage about 1ife in the future.

In the last period,we’ll deal with the grammer in this unit-Noun C1auses.

In a word,we can train the students’listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities by doing the exercises the textbook and the workbook provide.

Ⅱ.Teaching Goals

1.Talk about life in the future.

2.Practise making predictions.

3.Learn about Noun Clauses(2).

4.Write a definition paragraph.

Ⅲ.Teaching Time:Five periods:

Ⅳ.Background Information

1.World in the Future

Scientists think that wonderful things may come true in the future.Future means a time that not yet come.It can be a short time from now or a long time from now.Some of the underwater wonders are almost ready to come true now.Others won’t come true,we think,until a long time from now.Some,of course.may never come true-but

who knows for sure?They may.What are some of the wonders that may come true in the future?

Let’s go back to dry land and take a future journey the other way--up instead of down.

Huge rocket liners take you into space to visit the Moon Camp.You walk around on the moon in s special moon suit.You visit an observatory where a giant telescope looks far into space--farther than anyone has ever been able to see from Earth.You go deep down into one of the moon mines.

After you have visited the moon,you visit the Mars Colony and the Venus Explo-ration Outpost.

Let’s go back to Earth.

In the far,far future,girls-and boys,too--may be playing with dolls that look like the people of the planets visited by our space-man.

To control or run all kinds of toys,boys and girls may learn to use special ccmputers--machines that answer questions and do arithmetic faster than you can think.

Bicycles and perhaps skates may be run by jet power,and a new thing to ride may be a small flying saucer.Imagine a race between them!

There may be telepathy helmets that send thought waves from your brain to that

of your friend miles away.You just think a thought and your friend knows it!You can have secrets with each other that nobody else can turn it on!

There will be other surprises in the future.How would you like to have a robot


Having robot playmates may not be so much fun as it seems.But maybe a boy with a wrench and a screwdriver can fix the robot so that it won’t be too perfect!

What about the food of the future? Scientists think that much of it will be artificialmade in factories from such surprising things as coal.1imestone。air and water.

You don’t think that ice-cream or cake or candy or even bread and potatoes made out of these things will taste very good.You may be wrong.These artificial things will be blended so skillfully be food chemists that the food of the future probably wi11 be delicious.It probably will also be healthful be-cause life will be put into it.

Scientists of the future will almost certainly find other ways to make life last longer.They probably will find cures for most diseases.Hospitals will probably have“body banks”that can give you almost any new part you need to keep on living.People of the future may live to be a lot older than 100 years.

Are you wondering whether there’11 be television in the future? There’ll almost certainly be wonderful programs. Television screens probably wi11 be large and flat,hanging on the wall or going across the four walls of a room.People on the screen will look real as if they were right in the room with you.What about highways of the future? Well, a very small child probably will be able to drive a car.Nobody will need to steer.Electric signals will hold each car on the right road to get wherever the“Driver”wants to go.And it probably will be impossible for cars to smash together。Controllers that won’t even have to be touched will make all speeding cars miss each other or will put on the brakes.Driving in a car will be as safe as being at home.

But maybe the most wonderful surprise in the future will be weather control,Cities may have giant plastic domes over them to keep out snow,rain,or storms.

When you plan a picnic in a park。you won't have to worry about rain.It will rain only when the“ weatherman”thinks it is needed to freshen the air inside the city.All other days will be fair and warm.

The future should be a wonderful time in which to live.But the time you are living in now was also“ a wonderful future”to the people who lived 100 years ago.

2。Three Things That Will Change Your Life

Today our lives are changing faster than at any time in history.Here we report on three important changes that will have a big impact on our everyday lives in the future.

The cashless society Cash and bank-notes wi1l disappear almost completely.They will be replaced by smart cards--plastic cards with microchip processors“loaded”

with some money.When we pay for goods.the retailer w1l insert our smart card into a payment terminal and money w.1l be transferred from our card to the retailer's card.When all the money is used up,we will be able to“re-load”it by inserting it into a telephone,dialing our bank account and transferring money to the card from the account.1f we want to transfer money from our card to a bank ac-count.we will use the same method.Smart cards will be able to hold several different currencies at the same time.so if we go aboard.we will use our smart cards in the same way.

Interactive telephones Human telephone operators will be sharply replaced by talking computers.These computers will recognize speech.ask us what information we need,access the information from a database,and convert it to speech.If we want to book a flight or pay a bill by phone,we will interact with a talking computer to do SO.Of course,this won't happen until all the technology is

in place,but when it is we will soon get used to interacting with computers in this way.Human telephone operators will be used only for more complex operations

such as dealing with complaints or solving concrete problems.

Intelligent cars Traffic congestion in cities will be reduced because drivers will use electronic route maps to find the quickest route to their destination and avoid traffic jams.Congestion will also decrease when electronic systems start changing motorists for driving in cities.As soon as motorists have to pay to drive in cities,they will stop Using their cars and use public transport instead.

Speed control systems will be built into cars.These systems will automatically regulate the speed of the car to take account of traffic and weather conditions and prevent accidents.It will be many years before these changes bring results but when they do,there will be a titanic improvement in road safety.

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.EnCoLlrage the students to use their imagination to talk about life in the future.

2.Train the students'1istening ability.

3.Improve the students’ speaking ability by practising making predictions.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Train the studcnts'1istening ability.

2. Let the students give free rein to their1 imagination.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How do improve the students' listening ability.

2.How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.some pictures

2.a tape recorder

3,a projector

4.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings and Lead-in

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

Ss:Good morning/afternoon,teacher.

T:Sit down,please.Now we're having a class in a bight and spacious class-room with modern equipment such as radios and computers.And we all live a happy life today.We can get whatever we want.Do you know how did people live in the past?

(One student stands up.)

S:When I was a child,my great-grandfather often told me the stories of him in the past. He often got hungry and didn’t have enough money to go to school and had no chance…I think people live a miserable life in the past.

T:Yeah.People lived a hard in the past.With the development of science and technology, people's life has changed a lot.Now we all live happily. What do you imagine life will be like in the future? Today we are going to study Unit 6 Life in the future. (Bb: Unit 6 Life in the future)It will tell us what life will be like in the future.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T:Now let's first have a discussion about the future of one of the areas in our books.Discuss them in groups of four.After a while,I'1l ask one of you to re-

port the results.

T:Now please discuss some questions.(Show the picture and questions on the screen.)

How will people travel in the future?

Where will they go? Why?

(Give the students another two minutes to discuss.)

T:Who’d like to tell me how people will travel in the future and where they will

go and why?

(One Student puts up his hand.)

T:Oh,Li Jun,you have a try.

S:I think people will travel by using public transport.Electric cars will be

traveling through the streets day and night.Anybody will be able to stop one and take it.They can go wherever they want.

S:I think people will travel by car,which doesn't burn gas,but solar energy.In-

stead of wheels,the car needs a Cushion of air.Thus。it can float in the air.You

can go wherever you want as long as you press a button on the computer in the

car.What's more,it won't cause any pollution.

(And then ask some Students to re-port.)

How wi1l people communicate in the future?

S: People will communicate with each other with computers, which are set in the watches.

Where will people work in the future?

What kind of jobs will they have?

S:People wil1 work at home.The only thing that people do is to control the robots by pressing the buttons on t11e computer and let them work for us.

How will people do business in the future?

What kind of money will they use?

S:By the year 2l00,shops will no longer exist.Computers will have replaced them,and people will order goods from home.Instead of paper money,they will use credit cards.

What languages will people speak in the future?

Will people still speak Chinese and Eng1ish?

S:Instead of any language,people Will use code to talk with each other.If they use a language to communicate,I think t11ey Will speak Chinese.Because our country will be the strongest one.

What will schools be like in the future?

What subjects will people study?

S:Schools will be set up on the Internet.Students can stay at home and use computers to study.We can also down-load some information.We'll study social sciences,natural sciences and so on.Schooling wi11 be much more interesting and effective.

(After discussing all the questions,the teacher says the following.)

T:In spite of all these changes,man in the future will still have a lot in common with us.They wi1l have thoughts and emotions similar to ours.Anyhow,they will be human beings.

Step Ⅲ Listening

T:Now open your books at Page 42.Let's do some Listening.First Part 1.You're going to listen to a letter about Mekanika's life.Listen carefully and pay

attention to the year when she is living,the place where she 1ives,the things that happened to the people on the earth and the reason why she is writing you this letter.Write down what you hear.At last I'll check the answers with you.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let's begin.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.Then plays for the second time,during which time teacher may pause for the students to write down the in-formation

.Finally teacher checks the answers in Part l with the whole class.)

T:Next listen to Part 2 and do the two exercises in them.

(Teacher lets the students go through the Exx in Part 2 and then plays the tape for the students.At last check the answers.)

Step Ⅳ Speaking

T:NOW look at the picture in Speaking Part.There are two girls in the picture.One girl is working on the computer.The other is making a phone call.Can you find anything different between them?

Ss:No.They are the same.Maybe they are twins.

T:No,they aren't twins.One of them is cloned.With the development of technology,scientists will be able to clone persons as well as animals.Suppose the year is 2089 and scientists have discovered how to make“doubles”,ex-act copies of a person that can do everything the original can do.Now work in groups of four to discuss the question whether the new techno1ogy should be used.First give your opinion and tell the reason.Write it in your textbooks.After that make up a short dialogue,

using the information in your books and the useful expressions on the blackboard.

(Bb:It would be wonderful if…

It would be bad for…if…

It’s possible/impossible to predict…

No one can predict what/when…

Just imagine if…

We can only guess…)

(Teacher gives the students four minutes to prepare in groups of four and then asks some groups to read their dialogues before the class.)

Sample dialogue:

SA:With the development of science and techno1ogy,the double would be made in the future.I think it would be a good idea to have a double. Because we could use the double to do the things we don't enjoy,for example, we could let the double finish our homework.

SC:I agree with you.I would 1ike to have a double, too,because I don't have time to do all the things I'd like to do.For example,if I didn't have time to watch an exciting football game, I would let the double watch it.

SB:I don't agree with you.I think having a double might be dangerous because you don't know what the double might do.For example,the double might steal what they what they want or kill the person they hate.

SD:Yes,they might do something wrong. What's more,having doubles would make people confused,because no one would know who the double really was or how to treat it.For example, the double wouldn’t have any parents and no one would see to them.

SC:But having a double would be wonderful,because you could let the double do whatever you want them to do.

SA:Having a double would also be good because the double could attend an important meeting instead of you if you were ill.

SD:But I think it would be bad for society if people had doubles because they would make trouble for our society.

Step V Summary and Homework

T:Today we've done some listening and speaking and known how to make pre- dictions.Besides,we've also learnt some useful expressions on the black- board.After class.write down the dialogue you made in your exercise books and preview the reading passage on Page 43.

Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 6 Life in the future

The First Period

Useful expressions:

It would be wonderful if…

It would be bad for…if…

It's possible/impossible to predict…

No one can predict what/when…

Just imagine if…

We can only guess…

Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching





篇13:unit4 teaching plan(人教版高二英语教案教学设计)

The Fifth Period

Grammar: The Past Participle Used as Adverbial

Teaching Aims:

1. Enable the students to master the usage of the Past Participle when it is used as Adverbial.

2. Enable the students to master the transformation between the past participle phrase and the adverbial clause.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to use the Past Participle

2. How to tell the difference between the Present Participle and the Past Participle.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to choose the Present Participle and the Past Parthciple.

Teaching Methods:

1. Comparision method to get the students to know how to use the participle clearly.

2. Discussion method to get the students to master what they've learned.

3. Pair work or group work to make the students active in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a computer

2. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step II Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step II Revision and Presentation

T: In the third period of Unit 4, we learned the Past Participle used as Attributeand Adverbial. Now look at these sentences. Can you tell me which past participle is used as Attribute and which is used as Adverbial?

(Show the following on the screen.)

1. Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.

2. Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.

3. The professor came into the classroom, followed by his students.

4. The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language

came out in the 16th century.

Ss: Yes, we can.

T: Who can tell us in the first sentence what the Past Participle is sued as?

S1:I know. It is used as Attribute, modifying the noun “artists”.

T: Yes. OK. Li Lu, you try, please.

S2: I think it is used as Adverbial in the second sentence.


S3: It is used as Adverbial in the third sentence, too.

T: (To the rest of the class.) Is that right?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good. No problem. Now, the last sentence. Who knows?

S4: Let me have a try. I believe it is used as Attribute. It modifies “ the first


T: (Ask another student.) Do you agree with him/her?

S5: No, I don't think so. I think it is used as Adverbial.

T: Yeah, now, we have two different opinions. which one is correct? Whose opinion do you agree with?

Ss: The first answer is correet. It is used as Attribute, not Adverbial.

T: Why?

Ss: Because it modifies the word, “textbooks”.

T: Good. It is used as Attribute. I agree with the first student.

Step III Explanation

T: We know that the Past Participle can be used as Adverbial. Now look at these sentences on the blackboard.

(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)

1. Don't speak until spoken to.

2. Given more time, we could do the work much better.

3. Destroyed by the earthquake, the house had to be rebuilt.

T: What are these past participle used us?

Ss: They are all used as Adverbial.

T: Yes, You're right. And we know that the Past Participle used as Adverbial can express different adverbials, such as: time, cause, condition, manner and so on. Do you know what the Past Participle in each sentence expresses? Who knows?

Sa: The Past Participle in the first sentence expresses time. The second one expresses condition. And the last one expresses cause.

T: Very good. Now, I'll give you a few minutes to discuss with your partner

about how to replace these past participles by using adverbial clauses.

T: (A few minutes later.) Who'd like to try the first sentence?

Sb: I'd like to. “Don't speak until you're spoken to. ”

T:Good. Please sit down. What about the second sentence? Who knows?

Sc: I know. If we were given more time, we could do the work much better.

T: OK. Sit down, please. Now, the last sentence. Who wants to have a try?

S: Beeause the house had been destroyed by the earthquake, it had to be rebuilt.

T: Good.

(Teacher writes the sentences above on the blackboard.)

Step VI Comparison

T: As we all know, the Past Participle and the Present Partieiple can be used as Adverbial, for example: (Teacher writes the following examples on the

blackboard. )

1. Seen from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.

2. Seeing from the hill, we can see our beautiful school.

T: Look at these two sentences carefully. Can you tell us the difference between them?

S: The first sentence uses the Past Participle as Adverbial while the second sentence uses the Present Participle as Adverbial.

T: Good. Do you know why?

S: Because the subject in the first sentence is “our school”, but in the second sentence the subject is “we”.

T: Very good. When we are using participles, we should pay attention to the subjects in the sentences, and the participle we use must have the same logical subject as the subject in the sentence. If the subject in the sentence receives the action, we should use the Past Participle as Adverbial; if the subject in the sentence does the action, we should use the Present Participle as Adverbial. Do you nderstand?

Ss: Yes.

Step V Practice

T: Look at the sentences on the screen. Join each of the following pairs of

sentences turning one of them into a participle phrase and making other

necessary changes. Do it in pairs or groups. Example: We were disturbed by the noise and had to finish the meeting early.

→Disturbed by the noise, we had to finish the meeting early.

Rewrite the sentences, using the Past Participle.

1. They were surprised at the idea and began to discuss it among themselves.

2. Mary was much interested and she agreed to give it a try.

3. I was deeply moved, and thanked them again and again.

4 The two men were delighted and they thought up many other ideas, too.

5. We had been taught by failure and mistakes and have become wiser.

6. I was shocked at the waste of money and decided to leave the company.

7. He was persuaded by his friends to give up smoking and threw his remaining cigarettes away.

Suggested answers:

1. Surprised at the idea, they began to discuss it among themselves.

2. Much interested, Mary agreed to give it a try.

3. Deeply moved, I thanked them again and again.

4. Delighted, the two men thought up many other ideas, too.

5. Taught by failure and mistakes, we have become wiser.

6. Shocked at the waste of money, I decided to leave the company.

7. Persuaded by his friends to give up smoking, he threw his remaining

cigarettes away.

T: OK. Now look at the screen. Let's do more exercises. You may discuss with

your partner.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Choose the best answers:

1. ______some officials, Napolean inspected his army.

A. Followed

B. Followed by

C. Being followed

D. Having been followed

2.__________ by his teacher, he has made great progress in his lesson.

A. Helped B. To help

C. Helping D. Help

3. The computer center, ________ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.

A. open B. opening

C. having opened D. opened

4. The visitor expressed his satisfaction,___________ that he had enjoyed

his stay here.

A. having added B. to add

C. adding D. added

5.___________ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A. Losing B. Having lost

C. Lost D. To lose

6.__________ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch

with Bill.

A. Not knowing

B. Knowing not

C. Not having known

D. Having not known

7. If_________ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.

A. giving B. give

C. given D. being given

8. in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

A. Being founded

B. It was founded

C. Founded

D. Founding Suggested answers

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C

(Teacher then asks some students to do them one by one.)

Step VI Test

T: Now let's have a test. Complete the following sentences. Write your answers on a piece of paper. Later, we'll check it together.

(Teacher uses the micromedia equipment to show the following on the screen.)

Complete the sentences:

1._______ (只要看一次),it can never be forgotten.

2._______ (被认为是这个城市里面最好的),the factory was given a medal.

3._______ The visitor came in ,________(后面跟着一群年轻人)。

4._______ (在党的领导下),the people have improved their living conditions greatly.

5._______(在她的话的鼓励下),the boy later went up to his teacher and said “sorry”.

6. If_______(加热)to a high temperature, water will change into vapour.

7._______ (从太空中望去),the earth is a water covered globe.

8. The object on the table is a fan ______ (由羽毛制成的)。

Suggested answers:

1. Once seen

2. Regarded as the best in the city

3. followed by a group of young fellows

4. Led by the Party

5. Encouraged by her words

6. heated

7. Seen from space

8. made of feathers

(A few minutes later, teacher asks some students to say their answers. If some students make any mistake, the teacher should give the correct answer and give some explanation, too)

Step VII Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we've discussed the use of the Past Participle. That is, how to use it and its transformation with the adverbial clauses. After class, we should do more practice about this to master them. OK. Time is up. So much for this clas. See you tomorrow.

Step VIII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 4 A garden of poems

The Fifth Period

Grammar: The Past Participle

I. 1. Don't speak until spoken to.

Don't speak until you are spoken to.

2. Given more time, we could do the work much better.

If we were given more time, we could do the work much better.

3. Destroyed by the earthquake the house had to be rebuilt.

Because the house had been destroyed by the earthquake, the house

had to be rebuilt.

II. 1. Seen from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.

2. Seeing from the hill, we can see our beautiful school.

Step IX Record after Teaching



篇14:unit 13 The USA(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)


1. 目的与要求


(1)了解有关the USA , New York的一般情况,如:人口,历史,政府以及the bison等


(3)在帮助学生提高阅读能力的同时,帮助指导学生如何运用英语介绍某一地区(城市或国家)的能力并能缩写课文(100-150 words ).




c.将课文改写成100-150 words短文;

(以上能力目标,a. 三会, b. 二会,c.一会。)

2. 本单元重点知识:

(1)单词和词组:tear v. turn v. rot vi. shoot n.

tear down ,turn away ,have an effect on

take the possession of ,a handful of ,give in ,

make an agreement with ,have trouble with ,

now that ,


① tear : to break by pulling apart 撕开,撕裂

tear down :to destroy a building 拆毁(建筑)

Paper tears easily . 纸容易撕破。

She tore the table cloth in half . 她把那块桌布撕成两块。

The boy tore the letter open . 把…撕开

He tore the picture into pieces . 把…撕成碎片

John torn up his test paper so that his mother wouldn’t see his low grade . 撕碎

They tore the old building down in order to build a new one . 拆毁

② turn v. or link v.


turn on / off / up /down (用于电流水的)

开 / 关 / 开大 / 开小

turn up : appear

The pop star didn’t turn up at the party . 出场

turn away (本单元为”to refuse to admit “)


The hotel porter turned away anybody who wasn’t wearing a collar and tie . 拒绝……进入

He turned up his coat collar to keep out the wind . 翻起

She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood. 转身不看

I turned in bed all night ,I couldn’t sleep because of the heat . 辗转反侧

She turned the car into a narrow street (onto the highroad ). ……开进一条狭小街道(开上高速公路)

I found that the milk had turned sour . 变酸(link v. )

The young soldier didn’t turn against his country ,instead he gave his life to his country . 背叛

Mary picked up a wallet on her way home and she turned it in to the teacher the next morning . 上交

The thief was turned over to the police. 移交

He is a good man you can turn to for help . 求助


③ rot vi. : go bad corrupt 烂,腐败;Vt. 使……烂

Some apples rotted on the tree .

The wood of the stairs has rotted away in pieces .

④ shoot n. 幼芽,幼枝;

shoot vi. vt. 开枪,射中;


There are a lot of new shoots on the tree .

The old man heard two shots walking through the woods.

The soldier fired a shot . ……开了一枪

The man shot at the bird ,but he didn’t shoot it .


⑤ have an effect on 对……产生影响

Punishment will have a bad , but not a good effect on a child who does something wrong .

⑥ take the possession of 占有;夺取

⑦ a handful of 少量的

⑧ give in 屈服,让步

⑨ make an agreement with 与……达成协议

⑩ have trouble with 因苦恼;同……有矛盾

now that 既然

3. 本单元应掌握的难点知识:



A bison is a large animal found on the American plains .(名词)

This is the room Mr Lu Sun once lived in .(代词)

She is a quick girl .(人称代词)

The old are taken good care for in their own family . (形容词)

Two times five is ten .(数词)

Fishing is interesting . (动名词)

To save money now is impossible to us students .(不定式短语)

What surprised me most was that it seemed to be a few days before a new house was set up . (主语从句)




① 由and连接的名词作主语时

a. 如果由and连接的两个名词(不同概念)作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:

Tom and Jack live in Room 305.

Both you and I are to be sent to Tibet.

What he said and what he did agreed with each other.

b. 当and连接的两个名词指同一个人、同一件事或一概念,这时and后面的名词前没有冠词,其谓语动词用单数形式(这里and相当于as well as )。如:

The singer and composer is coming to our school .


Bread and butter is often served for breakfast in our dining hall .

(比较:The boy and the girl were given a book each .每个同学都分得一本书。其中 “each”是同位语,句中主语为复数。)


常见的由and连接的两个名词指由一个概念的形式有:the needle and thread针线,salt and water盐水,the or and knife刀叉,soap and water肥皂水,iron and steel钢铁等。

C. 由and连接的两个并列主语为单数概念。主语前面分别由each , every ,no等词来修饰时,其谓语动词为单数形式。

Each doctor and each nurse was sent for .


Every boy and every girl is able to go to school in that village .


注意:more than one和many a 修饰的单数名词后面的谓语用单数形式,但其意义是复数。


More than one student is fond of folk- music .


Many a boy enjoys playing foot-ball .


② 当主语后面接说明主语的修饰词或插入语时,谓语动词的数不受修饰成份的影响,仍同主语的关系一致。

这些修饰成分常见的有:with, along with , togeth whit (和…一起);as well as (还) ;like (像);no less than (不亚于);rather than (而不是);more than(多于);as much as (如…一般多);but ,except(除了……);besides (除了……还……);including包括;in addition to(另外)等引导的一个修饰结构,放在主语后面。如:

The old man , along with his two grandsons, often have a walk in the evening .

Jenny , as well as her friends , is going abroad .

The house ,including the garden and the garage ,was sold out .

③ 当集合名词作主语时


如:# The whole nation regard Premier Zhou Enlai as one of the greatest leaders .

(句中 “nation” 表示“全国人民”谓语用复数)。

注: 集合名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数,取决于它强调的内容,如果一个名词作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式,表示“全体一致的行动”或者“群体关系”;当谓语动词表示“身份”、“情感”或强调“每个成员”时,用复数形式。如:

The audience was in good order .


The audience were greatly encouraged .


常用的集合名词有:group ,class ,team ,family ,nation ,army ,crowd ,audience ,public, government , majority(大多数)等。


④ 就近原则

以连词or either…or neither…nor not only…but also…连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词与其相邻的那个名词的数一致。

如: # Among the boys ,one or two are able to jump 1.6 metres .


⑤ 以 “某些不定代词或表示数量的词 + of + 名词”的结构,谓语形式要与of 后的名词保持一致。

常见的这类词有:all , some , a lot , plenty , any , part ,the rest ,one-third percent + of

如: 70 percent of the surface is covered with water .

70 percent of the farmers have impoved their living conditions .

⑥ 有些不定代词或表示数字的名词修饰的名词或词组作主语时,句中谓语动词用复数。这类词组常用的有:few (of ) , a few , both , both of ,a number of + 复数名词+谓语动词(复数)

如: # Few of the students were in the classroom yesterday , for it was Sunday .


[注]:在 “ a number of + 名词(复数)” 结构中,“复数名词”是中心词,“a number of ”作定语,谓语用复数形式;而在 “ the number of + 名词(复数)” 结构中, “the number “是“中心词”,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

A number of questions were always asked when the manager got to his office .

The number of the students in this school is 1,560.

[注] 当 “the number”.表示“…数量或号码”时,谓语动词用单数。如:

The number of the key is 207.

⑦ “the + 形容词(分词或数词)” 结构起名词作用时


The young are able to create their own future.

There was an old lady and a young girl in the park . The young was the daughter of the old .

The wounded were taken to hospital without delay .

⑧ 表示重量、距离、金钱,一段时间及由one and a half修饰的复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

Twenty dollars isn’t enough to buy the book .

Ten miles isn’t far .

Five times six is thirty.

One and a half apples was left on the plate .







________want to work in Xinjiang after graduation.

A. Not only Ann but also her friends B. Neither Ann nor Tom

C. Either Ann or her friend D. Nobody but Ann





1. 检查方式

(1) 按课文有关人口,历史,政府等分项复述课文,然后,再复述全文;

(2) 群体复述课文 ( Retell in group )


2. 同步训练

① 课文要点训练

I. 单词拼写(计分10)

1. Many Europeans e______ the continent of Africa in the 19th century. 1___________

2. The moment old Jonh put a h________ of sweets on the chair by the bed , little Tom ran towards to it . 2___________

3. India gained i_______ from Britain in 1947. 3___________

4. Marx once said that labour c________ man itself . 4____________

5. After reading the letter from her boss , Jane t______ it up and threw

it into the dustbin. 5____________

6. I wouldn’t think it w______ to ask him join the club─he’ll only refuse. 6____________

7. Bob was a shy boy ,and he always sat a _____ from the other children. 7____________

8. This medicine has an u_____ taste , but it is of great help. 8____________

9. Ann asked Jim to give up smoking not only because she o___ to the smell. 9___________

10. About 70 percent of the p_______ in China are peasants . 10___________

Ⅱ. 单项选择(计分15)

11. Will you please ______ the radio ? The baby is sleeping.

A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D. turn on

12. The husband coughed day and night .It’s the wife’s fault for giving______ to him so that he didn’t stop smoking .

A. up B. off C. in D. out

13. -Why ______ they ______ the building?

-Because another new one is to be built there .

A. have been destroyed B. did pull down

C. do remove D. are turning down

14. -It is the people who ______ history.

-And labour ____ man itself .

A. create created B. created invented

C. discover made D. invent creates

15. ─I have much difficulty _______ maths.

─Well , I have some trouble________ the English pronunciation.

A. in with B. in learning with C. with in D. in in

16. -You shouldn’t ______ from the girls in your class.

-But I don’t like ______ .

A. keep away being laughed at B. keep to laugh at

C. turn away to be laughed at D. return laughing

17. Last year some over _____ buildings ______ in the city.

A. 20-story were set up B. 20-storey set up

C. 20-storied had set up D. 20-floor had been set up

18. The old mother was _______ to hear that her daughter had a ____ journey.

A. pleasant pleasant B. pleased pleased

C. pleased pleasing D. pleased pleasant

19. -The young mother ______ her baby Jimmy.

-Really ? My brother ______ Jimmy , too .

A. calls names B. named is named

C. named was named D. called calls

20. Old Jack made a living _____ waste paper ,while his brother _______on slaves .

A. by selling made money B. to sell was rich

C. with lives D. on earns his living

21. _____ about three hundred people _____ the local illnesses ____ in that area.

A. As is known to us die from one year

B. It is said that die of a year

C. As we know are killed per year

D. It is reported that kill every year

22. _____ you are unwell , I’ll go to the meeting instead .

A. Because B. For C. Now that D. Though

23. We come to realize that we have to try our best to create a new life _____ our own and ______our own .

A. with , by B. on with C. of by D. for on

24. Don’t you think what to learn in class ____ the same effect ____ the character of the students ______ what to learn through practice ?

A. has on as B. have for as C. is in that D. are to from

25. Which of the following is NOT correct ?

A. Japan faces the Pacific on the east .

B. Taiwan lies in the east of Fujian belonging to China.

C. North of the United States lies Canada .

D. Britain stands to the northwest of France.



26. All of the work _____ finished and neither the teacher nor the students _____ enough time now .

A. is , has B. is , have C. are , has D. are ,have

27. What I saw ______ two boys running after the thief .

A. is B.are C. are D. were

28. This exercise on agreement of subjects and verbs ______ easy for you .

A. is B. was C. was D. were

29. Here _______ the papers you ask for .

A. is B. was C. were D. are

30. There ______ to be many arguments on both side.

A. seems B. is C. seem D. are

31. Half of the money ________ to you and half of the books _______ to you , too .

A. belong, belong B. belongs , belongs

C. belong, belongs D. belongs, belong

32. Taking pictures _______ not only young men but also many of the old people .

A. are interested in B. are interesting

C. interests D. is interested in

33. Ten minutes _______ more than enough time to complete this exercise.

A. are B. is C. were D. was

34. One hundred and fifty pounds _______ what you should weigh.

A. are B. maybe C. should be D. is

35. You are the one who ______ wrong that Susan is one of those people who ______ out of their way to be helpful .

A. are , goes B. are , go C. is , go D. is , goes

36. Where and when to go ______ Jack since his graduation from college .

A. has been troubling B. has been troubled

C. have troubled D. have been troubling

37. Six eights _____ forty- eight , while six times nine _____ fifty - four .

A. is , are B. are , is C. is , is D. are ,are

38. Nobody but you _______ going to London on business next month.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

39. It ________ Tom and John who ______ here yesterday preparing for today’s experiment.

A. were, were B. are , were C. was , were D. is , were

40. None of the four boys ______ a good swimmer two years ago , but now all of them ______ able to swim across the river .

A. was , are B. is , are C. are , are D. was ,is

Ⅳ. 完型填空(计分20)

Chicago --- lying in the east of the USA--- is a rather young American city . It was 41 completely rebuilt 42 the Creat Fire of 1871. One’s first impression of the city may 43 streams of cars running to and 44 on the highways , skyscrapers and the wide green water of Lake Michigan , 45 lies to the northeast of the city . The 46 of the city is over 228 square miles 47 a population of about 3 million .

The 48 of Chicago on the whole is almost the same as 49 of Beijing with 50 hot days in summer , 51 and fresh days in 52 and icy but often 53 days in winter . The spring in Chicago is 54 changeable in temperature. For instance, I saw a snowfall in early 55 this year 56 some of the flowers were already in 57 bloom . Chicago is also famous 58 its frequent strong winds , and 59 it has got the name of “ the 60 City .”

41. A. most B. almost C. mostly D. merely

42. A. before B. since C. after D. when

43. A. have B. mean C. be D. include

44. A. from B. above C. down D. along

45. A. when B. that C. which D. where

46. A. land B. measure C. area D. size

47. A. having B. with C. for D. and

48. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. season

49. A. which B. it C. the one D. that

50. A. fairly B. rather C. much D. too

51. A. colorful B. colorless C. colour D. coloured

52. A. spring B. winter C. fall D. summer

53. A. clean B. clear C. cleaning D. clearly

54. A. little B. bit C. a lot D. a little

55. A. April B. May C. January D. June

56. A. and B. but C. when D. while

57. A. full B. filled C. filling D. full of

58. A. as B. for C. of D. with

59. A. in fact B. in a word C. as a result D. above all

60. A. Snowy B. Windy C. Rainy D. Sunny

V. 阅读理解(计分25)

( A )

Christopher Columbus discovered America on the 12th of October , 1492. He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful voyage which he made a cross the Atlantic Ocean .The Spanish king and queen ,who were interested in finding a sea route to India ,offered him ships and men so that he could carry out his plan . He crossed the Ocean and discovered strange islands ,inhabited ( vt. 居住于) by people unknown to Europeans .He believed these islands to be part of India.

Early in 1493, Columbus returned to Spain. There was great rejoicing(欢庆)in the country , and he was hailed(欢呼)as the hero who had made an epoch-making discovery .Crowds of people lined the streets to do him honour , and the king and queen welcomed him to their palace. Never had such respect been shown to any common man.

61. Christopher Columbus discovered America ________.

A. on the 12th of November

B. more than 800 years

C. at the beginning of the fifteenth century

D. by the end of the fifteenth century

62. He had spent ______ in planning for the wonderful voyage .

A. eighteen days B. eighteen months

C. eighteen years D. much time

63. Finally the Spanish king and queen offered him ships and men so that _____.

A. he would have faith in himself

B. he could work out his new plan

C. he could display his courage

D. he could put his plan into practice.

64. He crossed the ocean and discovered strange islands , inhabited ______.

A. by a people unknown to Europeans

B. by a people already known to Europeans

C. by Europeans

D. by his fellow-countrymen

65. After returning to Spain he was hailed as the hero ______.

A. who had conquered(征服)nature

B. who had made an epoch-making discovery

C. who had discovered a new planet

D. who had made a great invention

( B )

The United States became a rich industrial nation toward the end of the 1800s . There were more goods ,more services , more jobs ,and a high standard of living . There was more of everything, including problems .One problem was monopoly(垄断). In some cases ,several companies that made the same product would agree not to compete with one another .They would all agree to charge the same price .These agreements made it impossible for buyers to shop around for lower prices for certain products .

Some people decided that huge companies had too much power and controlled too many markets . Because of their wealth and power , they could see to it that governments passed laws favorable to them . Many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad for buyers and bad for the country so that they should be broken up .

Such laws and government action didn’t entirely do away with monopoly. Nor did they stop the growth of huge companies . But they did show the American people had decided that some of the changes that taken place were harmful .

66. From paragraph 1, we can know that big companies ______.

A. produced certain kinds of goods

B. sold the same goods at the different prices

C. formed only one big company

D. reached and agreement on prices

67. Because of the agreements between big companies ,______.

A. people had to buy things at certain shops

B. the prices of their goods were much lower

C. people had no choice but to buy goods at fixed prices

D. there were fewer markets in some states

68. According to the laws passed by the national government , companies _______.

A. were not allowed to control the markets

B. could not force people to buy their products

C. should have fixed prices for their products

D. must produce the same kind of goods for the same markets .

69. Some American people thought that ________.

A. the government should make some of the huge companies much smaller

B. the country’s industry was growing too rapidly

C. shops should have the same price for the same kind of goods

D. their country’s getting rich was both good and bad to the people.

70. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ?

A. Big companies could not have any effort on the governments .

B. A certain number of markets were still controlled by big companies .

C. Many Americans were worried about the changes in their country.

D. Some of the laws were in favor of buyers .


One afternoon in April , 1912, a new ship set off 71_______________

from England to America on it first trip . It was one of 72_______________

the largest and first ship at that time . 73_______________

It was cold , but the trip was pleasant and people are 74_______________

enjoying themselves . The next day was even cold . People 75_______________

could see icebergs here or there . It was night , suddenly 76_______________

the man on watch shouting “Look out ! Iceberg !” 77_______________

It was too late ,a ship hit the iceberg and came to 78_______________

a stop . There that was a very big hole in the ship and 79_______________

water began to come .Slowly the ship stated to go down . 80_______________


1. explored 2. handful 3. independence 4. created 5. tore 6. worthwhile 7.apart 8. unpleasant 9. objected 10. population

11-15. B C D A B 16-20. C A D B A 21-25. B C D A B 26-30. B B A D C 31-35. D C B D A 36-40. A B C C A

41-45. B C D A C 46-50. C B A D B 51-55. A C B D A 56-60. D A B C B

61-65. D C D A B 66-70. D C A D A

71. √ 72. on it --- on its 73. ship ---ships 74. Are --- were 75. Cold---colder 76. or --- and 77. shouting ---shouted 78. a ship --- the ship 79. that 80. come --- come in

Unit 13 The USA

一、 同步题库


1.Their wedding yesterday. Many friends came to congratulate them on their marriage.

A.was taken place B.was to happen C.took place D.would hold

2.Since he is ready to help you, you should say“thank you”.

A.at last B.at first C.at most D.at least

3.Mr Smith with his wife goes to the cinema .

A.day by day B.now and again C.here and there D.day and night

4.Drivers,of course,want to travel miles with petrol and


A.many,a little,few B.more,fewer,less

C.more,less,fewer D.many,less,fewer

5.The rain has my new dress.

A.damaged B.hurt C.destroyed D.failure

6.He was sorry to fail again in the driving test. His only was that he was too nervous.

A.reason B.cause C.regret D.failure

7.Good advice is price.

A.over B.cause C.destroyed D.ruined

8.The basin of water won't freeze, the temperature is well above zero.

A.unless B.because C.even if D.as though

9. put the medicine the little boy can't reach it.

A.Do,where B.Don't that C.Just,which D.Do,there

10.Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle.

A.to ride,riding B.ride,to ride C.ride,ride D.riding ride

11.You can fly to London this evening you don't mind changing planes in


A.except B.if C.until D.unless

12.It's rule that comes home first cooks the dinner for the whole family.

A.who B.somebody who C.whoever D.anybody

13.Beautifully ,the little girl tried to make herself .

A.dressed,noticed B.what will man look like

C.dressed,noticing D.dressed,notice

14.The weather turned out to be very good, was morethan we could expect.

A.what B.which C.that D.if

15.No one can be sure in a million years.

A.what man will look like B.what will man look like

C.man will look like what D.what look will man like


1. my horror,I noticed two men trying to break my office.

2.- the same,I expect you'll come to visit my hometown.

-I'm looking forward that.

3.Farmland is becoming smaller day day several reasons.

4.Don't drive into the bush plenty of water and never throw your cigarette

of the window .

5.We must try all means to get rid flies.

6.Generally speaking,a newly-built house is likely to fall ,

the case of an earthquake.

7. 1920,people from Italy have come to Australia great numbers.

8.The village used to be rather poor.One every three children could

not go to school and most families were debt.

9.-How do farmers round their sheep or cattle?

-It depends the size of their farms.

10.No one has far been brave to enter the forest alone.


1.The long fence is used to keeping out a kind of wild dog.

2.Cattles are kept in some countries mainly for beef.

3.They pay peasants very a little money to work in the fields for them.

4.He had to have a job, or go hunger.

5.Their mother can't afford to feed them to meat and fish every day.

6.New types of plants have been developed in Egypt to grow in desert land.

7.Live by hunting, they are very experienced at killing wild animals.

8.In area, Australia is about the same size of the USA, which has more than thirteen times as many people.

9.In Australia fruit and vegetables are grown in areas where is enough water.

10.What surprised me was that he spoke English so well.

11.Mr White slowed down his car, for he saw a blind man cross the road.

12.Why did she keep on wipe her eyes with a damp towel?


Agatha Christie seldom went out at night. She never(1)the night when she met a(2)many years ago.

That evening she was (3)to a birthday party which (4)until 2 o'clock in the

morning.Agatha(5)in the quiet street alone.Suddenly from the shadow(阴影)of a (6)building a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand (7)out at her.“Good morning,lady,” the man said in a (8)voice,“I don't think you wish to (9)here!”

“What do you(10)?”Agatha asked.

“Your earrings(耳环).Take them off!”

Agatha suddenly had a (11)idea.She tried to cover her necklace (12)the collar(衣领)of her overcoat while she used(13)hand to take off her earrings and then she quickly(14)them on the groud.“Take them(15)let me go.”The robber(16)that the girl didn't care for the earrings at all,only trying to (17)the necklace.He thought the necklace (18)cost more,so he said,“Give me your necklace.”

“Oh,sir,It's(19)worth much.Please let me(20)it.”“Stop rubbish(废话).Quick!”

With (21)hands,Agatha took off her necklace.As soon as the robber (22),she picked up her earrings and ran as (23)as she could to one of her friends.The earrings (24)480pounds and the necklace the robber had taken(25)was worth six pounds.

1.A.minded B.forgot C.remember D.regretted

2.A.friend B.murderer C.robber D.stranger

3.A.invited B.asked C.going D.walking

4.A.delayed B.ended C.began D.lasted

5.A.walked B.drove C.waited D.watched

6.A.small B.dark C.old D.low

7.A.looked B.shouted C.stepped D.ran

8.A.loud B.low C.die D.cry

9.A.suffer B.quarrel C.die D.cry

10.A.like B.mean C.want D.say

11.A.bright B.foolish C.funny D.safe

12.A.under B.by C.with D.below

13.A.her right B.her left C.the other D.another

14.A.dropped B.put C.laid D.threw

15.A.and B.but C.so D.then

16.A.knew B.saw C.observed D.thought

17.A.wave B.hid C.defend D.protect

18.A.would B.must C.should D.could

19.A.really B.actually C.even D.not

20.A.wear B.keep C.have D.take

21.A.nervous B.little C.shaky D.beautiful

22.A.signed B.permitted C.disappeared D.nodded

23.A.calmly B.quietly C.quick D.fast

24.A.worth B.valued of C.sold D.cost

25.A.away B.out C.off D.down

答案:(一)1-5 C D B C D 6-10A C B A B 11-15B C A B A

(二)1.To,into 2.All,to 3.by,for 4.with,out either 5.by,of 6.less,down,in 7.Since,in 8.in,in 9.up,on 10.so,enough

(三)1.keeping鰇eep 2.Cattles鯟attle 3.去掉a 4.hunger鰄ungry 5.to鰋n 6.对 7.Live鯨iving 8.of鯽s 9.is前加there 10.对 11.cross鯿rossing 12.wipe鰓iping

(四)1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.A





















I am M Follow me ,please.持有字母N的学生应立刻站在持M卡片学生的后面,并说:I am N. Follow me. please,依次类推,对的给10分,错的不给分,这个游戏也可以倒着排次序,也可说 I am M. Who is before me? 持字母L的学生应立刻站在持M卡片学生的前面。











15 抢凳子


16 字母滚雪球




18 字母书写传递比赛




20 找元音


21 找伙伴


22 摘苹果,学音素





以每一纵行为一组进行竞赛,教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,再从中抽出一张放在身后,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a plane (bus, bike)?”回答:Yes it is.或No,It isn’t.等。哪个组猜对了就给记10分,然后接着往下猜,第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜,最后得分最多的组为优胜。做这个游戏时,还可以找一位学生来主持,由他让学生们猜。














教师从书包中拿出一件东西放入一只不透明的袋子里,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以问:“Is it a banana(an apple, orange)?”猜对了为优胜。




教师先出示一些单词的图片,然后收起来,请一名学生到前面猜,猜的学生面对全班,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中。猜的学生可以问全班:“Is it a plan(ship,bike)?”等,全班学生答:“Yes.”或“ No.”猜对后可以换另一位学生继续猜。


教师先准备一些单词的图片。如白色的飞机,红色的小汽车,黑色的鞋,绿色的上衣等。游戏开始,请一名学生到前面来猜,猜的学生面对全班站立,再请另一名学生上前站在他身后,抽出一张图片高举在手中并说:“This is a plane(car).What colour is it?Please guess.”猜的学生可以问全班:“Is it red (black)?”等,全班学生答:“Yes.”或“No.”猜对后可以换另一位学生继续猜。


这是训练学生记忆力的游戏。教师出示一些实物,放在讲台上,让上来猜的学生先看半分钟,然后背向讲台面向学生站立,再让另一位学生上来取走一样东西。然后说:“Pease guess What is missing?”猜的学生要在10秒钟内用英语把缺的东西说出来。








这个游戏的玩法与“摸鼻子差不多,在学了run, walk, sit, stand, swim, skate, play, football, play, basketboll等动词和动词词组后,教师可快速说出这些动词或词组,学生听到便做动作,最快最准的获胜,这个游戏同样可以用竞赛的形式进行,每组抽一名学生到前面做动作,做错了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或两人为优胜。






教师事先准备好一批人物的图片,如Mike,Kate等,在图片的反面写上数字,如5,8,11,15等。这个游戏可以每一纵行为一组进行竞赛。由教师或一位学生出示一张图片,由每组的第一名学生轮流猜,可以说:“Is he(she)twelve(eleven)?”等。哪个组的学生猜对了就给该组记10分,然后接着往下猜。第一排的学生猜过后第二排接着猜。最后哪个组得分最多为优胜。


将全班分成若干个小组,对抗赛在两个小组中进行,在教师宣布游戏开始后,第一组的第一名学生立即出一道加减题,如:Three and four.等,第二组的第一名学生应立即用英文将答案说出来,如:seven,three等,然后,该学生出另一道题,由第一组的第二名学生回答,答错或不能迅速答出的记负分,最后哪组扣分最少优胜。














教师出示一个单词锭,如there door under,要求学生在一定时间内将单词链拆成最多的单词。如:the, he, her, here, there, red, door, or, run, under.


教师给出一个单词,根据该单词中的字母,组成新单词,看谁组成的单词多,例如:late(5):a, at, ate, let, tea下列单词可供参考,括号中的数字是可组成的最低单词数:team(5),table(10),woman(10)answer(10),strong(10),mountain(20),honest(15),nothing(15),father(20),cart(5).





篇16:unit 5 教案(人教版高一英语教案教学设计)

一、 教学内容分析


本单元围绕the Silver Screen(影视) 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性的教学主题。

本单元所选的语言素材涉及中外名片、著名演员、著名导演, 具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解外国文化,增强世界意识。正如新课程标准中的教学建议所提:学习中文影视文化有利于“拓展学生的文化视野,发展他们跨文化交际的意识和能力”;在利用现代教育技术观看影视片断、影视海报的教学过程中,“拓宽了学生学习和运用英语的渠道”;同时本单元的教学对教师本身的中外文化修养、广阔的知识面等方面有非常高的要求。


1. 语言知识重点与难点




2. 综合知识重点与难点

(1).对国外著名影星、导演及他们作品的了解。如教材中涉及的Meryl Streep,Keanu Reeves,Steve Spielberg等,以扩大学生知识面、文化视野。如何填补学生这方面知识缺乏的信息沟。



二、 教学目标


1. 学习、掌握关系副词when,where.,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。

2. 学习掌握一些有关影视的词汇:

如: career, director, script, play a role in ,Oscar, award, studio, scene, follow-ups等。


如:graduate, attack, creature, owe…to…, take off等。

3. 学习掌握一些用于讨论、评价电影的结构句式:

如:What’s the film about?

What do you think about the story of the film?

How do you feel about the film?

I like / don’t like the film because…

The film is about… I think the ending of the film is …

4. 提高学生语言听、说、读、写的能力及扮演角色、编写剧本、撰写影评等的综合语言运用能力?

(二). 情感态度

1. 学习几位著名影星、导演执著于艺术、献身于艺术的敬业精神和对人类艺术的巨大贡献。

2. 从Keanu Reeves 艰辛的成功途中(In the begin did many small jobs, then played in many cheap films.)我们可以学习到:要成就事业需付出辛勤劳动,要有持之以恒、坚持不懈的恒心与毅力。

3. 通过学习国外著名影视界人物,培养学生了解、尊重异国文化,体现国际合作精神。

4. 通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。


1. 认知策略


2. 调控策略


3. 交际策略


4. 资源策略



1. 了解英语国家影视界艺术家的成长经历、成就和贡献。

2. 通过学习,了解世界著名影视文化,培养世界意识。

3. 通过中外影视文化对比,加深对中国影视文化的理解。


(一) Warming up



1.师生互动:教师提一些问题如Do you like seeing films? How often? Favorite actor? Actress? Film? 在此过程中教师可展示一些学生熟悉并喜欢的名演员、名片的海报,从视觉上激发学生对本话题的兴趣。

2.小组活动:教师选取几副不同题材的电影画面(可选取教材外的其它画面),要求学生进行小组合作,每小组选一幅画面进行讨论What is happening in this scene? What happens before/after the scene? 要求学生不拘泥于已知的电影内容,发挥自己的想象力,给出各种不同的观点。



本单元的听力是培养学生捕捉特定信息的能力,并让学生熟悉interview这种形式。Task: To discuss what questions the reporters will ask when interviewing famous directors.


1. 师生互动:教师设置开放性的问题,进一步启发学生思考,并为过渡到听力部分做准备。问题可设置为:Of course these films now are very popular and successful, and what does the success of the films bring to the actors? 学生各抒己见,金钱、荣誉、名气,成为公众人物后带来一个问题They received a lot of interviews。

2. 小组活动:教师引出问题What questions will you ask when interviewing an actor?通过小组讨论,收集尽可能多的问题,一方面让学生预测听力中可能会出现的问题,同时也对interview这种形式有所了解。

3. 班级活动:完成听力练习





Task: To interview famous actors and directors in different ways.


1、 师生互动:教师可设置问题了解学生对电影大奖及获奖演员的了解程度,为接下来的两位演员的介绍作好铺垫。问题可为Can you tell me some famous awards to the films in the world? Try to tell the famous actors, actresses and the films you know that have won the Oscar.

1. 班级活动:教师可为学生播放分别由Meryl streep和Keanu Reeves主演的电影Out of Africa《走出非洲》和 speed《生死时速》片段,并可展现他们主演的其它电影的海报,让学生在视觉上对这两位演员及他们的表演有所了解。

2. 个人活动,但先把学生分成两组,分组阅读,然后完成下面表格中的信息。

Birth (time/place)


Beginning of the acting career



3. 小组活动:选两位学生,一位当主持人,一位当Meryl streep/Keanu Reeves,其他同学充当观众,模仿央视“艺术人生”的形式作一访谈,要求主持人留一些时间给观众提问。

4. 师生互动:教师可引导学生讨论下列问题:

1) Why are they so popular and successful?

2) What is needed to be an actor/actress?

3) Would you like to be an actor/actress one day? Why(not)?

6. 小组活动:教师播放电影“home alone”《小鬼当家》片段,将原声消去,让学生分组给出对白及表演,最后可让学生互评哪一组做得最好。

(四) Word Study(提前):




在教学过程中,先利用图片,实物等教具对学生进行直观的教学,使之有更清晰的认识后,再辅之以语境,利用语境来推测词义,达到猜词的效果。如给出The Matrix和The Matrix Reloaded的电影海报,学生很容易得出:The Matrix Reloaded is the follow-up of The Matrix。通过这样的铺垫,学生在做第七小题时,只要利用好文中的线索Speed II, Jurassic Park III就可以轻而易举的得出follow-ups。



作而突出导演的重要作用。Task: To experience being a director (write one scene of the film and act it out).


1.师生互动:教师提问If you want to make a film, who do you

need to invite?通过此问题引出电影制作过程中所需的各种角色,如photographer, actor/actress, editor, director等等


1)教师可设置这样的讨论题:What part would you like to play in making a film?根据选择分组,让他们讨论选择各角色的理由。同时讨论各角色在电影制作中所做的不同工作。通过讨论,学生不难发现,在电影的制作过程中,导演起了非常关键的作用。


Think of one scene you are quite familiar with and act it out.

a. What would the scene be like and what happens in it?

b. Who are the main actors in that scene and what do they do?

c. Write a short dialogue and act it out


本篇阅读材料是人物传记,介绍了著名导演Steven Spielberg 的成长经历以及他的主要成就和作品。通过文章的学习,旨在了解西方的电影文化背景以及学习名导Steven Spielberg的那种对自己的事业坚持不懈、孜孜以求的精神。



分别给出阅读材料中提到的五幅电影(Jaws, E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan)的图片,把学生分成不同的小组,对图片进行预测,各个小组根据不同的图片猜想影片的大概内容及主题。


快速阅读课文的Para3-5 , 查找出有关这5部电影内容和主题的信




1) When and where was he born?

2) When did he start making films?

3) What did he use to make films at first? and later?

4) What was his dream?

5) What did he study?

6) When and with what did his career take off?

7) What does Spielberg owe his success to?

(七) Post-reading

该部分可分成两块,其中第二块内容可以提前到阅读中去完成,也可在读后总结,当学生读完影片内容时,可以根据自己的理解写出五部影片的内容是什么(写尝试应用定语从句,体验定语从句的结构)。第一块(Questions)中第1,3,5三个问题比较难,从文中直接找不到答案,也是学生理解上需要升华的部分。可以通过分组,让学生讨论来理解这几个问题。让学生领会以下几点:1)、英语作为工具的重要性 2)、不懈努力、持之以恒 3)、成功需要家人的支持,合作、互助精神。

(八)Language study

这部分的重点是学习掌握关系副词when,where,why 引导的定语从句及介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。Task: To talk about some famous directors in China and some of their most famous and popular films, using attributive clause.


1. 师生互动:教师提一些问题如What Chinese directors do you know?

What are their well-known films? 在此过程中教师可展示一些学生熟悉的国内知名导演的海报,从视觉上激发学生的兴趣。然后谈论某个导演及他的代表作品,引出定语从句。

如Zhang Yimou is the famous director who successfully directed the film Hero.

2.小组活动:教师选取几副大家熟悉的国产大片的电影画面,要求学生进行小组讨论,分别来自什么电影,他们的男、女主角(main actor/actress)分别是谁。然后用定语从句知识来谈论。如:Shaolin Soccer is a funny film in which Zhou Xingchi plays the main role.

3.班级活动:给出几副图片及几个关键词(key words),用所学定语从句来描述图片。如:

北京申奥成功图 Beijing the city Beijing is the city where/in which the 2008 Olympic Games will be held.


(九)Integrating Skills

该部分主要阅读张艺谋的影片Not One Less并学习如何评价电影及写影评。Task: Make comments on films and write reviews about them.

1. 师生互动:教师可设置问题了解学生对张艺谋及其主要作品的熟悉情况,为接下来阅读Not One Less 作铺垫。问题可为 What does he do? What is famous for? What films has he directed? What is his recent film? What else do you know about him? 同时呈现张的有关信息表格,为后面的Survey 作铺垫。通过提问谈论《一个也不能少》有关情节,为阅读作铺垫。

2. 个人活动:阅读Not One Less ;回答问题,填写信息表。

3. 班级活动:学习写review 的有关建议。并以Not One Less 作为例子写影评一篇。

4.个人活动:Survey--Your favorite director and his film in china

5.小组活动:讨论关于Your favorite film What’s it about? What kind of story do you think it is? How do you think of the actors/ actresses?...

6.个人活动:模仿前面所学,写一篇影评 My Favorite Film




Unit 1 That must be a record

Words and expressions

beard n. the hair which grows on a man's face (下巴上的)胡须;络腮胡子

Sailors often grow beards. 船员常爱留胡子。

cheetah n. 猎豹;印度豹

sailfish n. 旗鱼

voyager n. 航行者;航海者;航天者;旅客

tight adj. firm so that you can not untie or undo it easily 紧的;牢固的

These shoes are too tight----I need a bigger pair. 这鞋太紧--我需要一双大一点的。

tightrope n.[c] 拉紧的绳索/钢索

a tightrope walker 走绳索 (表演) 者

gorge a deep, narrow passage with steep rocky sides; a ravine 峡谷

the Three Gorges 三峡

edition n.[c] form in which a book is published 版本;版次

The first edition of Robinson Crusoe was printed in 1719.


moustache n.[c] 髭(蓄在上唇之须);小胡子=(美)mustache

have [wear] a mustache [a pair of mustaches] 留着小胡子 [留着八字胡]

Urumqi [uXrumqi] n. 乌鲁木齐(即迪化,中国新疆自治区首府省会)

brewery n. an establishment for the manufacture of malt liquors, such as beer and ale

啤酒厂 pl. breweries

conclude vt. to bring or come to an end 结束

The meeting was concluded yesterday. 会议昨天结束了。

vt. come to an idea after thinking 推断出;断定

We concluded that the animal was dead as it did not move.


hire vt. pay to use something, or to use someone's help 租;雇佣

He hired a car with a driver. 他租了一辆带司机的汽车。

send in send to the proper person or authority; hand in 递送;呈送;提交

Have you sent in your application? 你的申请书送上去了吗?

set down to write down; copy; record in writing or printing 写下;抄下;记下

You had better set your idea down before you forget it.


feat n. an act of skill, endurance, imagination, or strength; an achievement 技艺;本领

feats of horsemanship 马术

a notable act or deed, especially an act of courage; an exploit 功绩

a feat of arms 战功

length n.[u] the distance from one end to the other 长;长度

What is the length of the car? 这辆汽车有多长?

hectare n. a metric unit of area equal to 100 ares (2.471 acres) 公顷 [等于100公亩(2.471英亩)](合十五市亩)

athletic adj. of, relating to, or befitting athletics or athletes 运动(员)的

athletic sports 体育运动

adj. physically strong; muscular体格健壮的

an athletic girl 身强力壮的女孩

fade vi. to lose strength, colour, freshness, etc. 凋谢;褪色

Flowers fade when they come to an end. 花儿开过就凋谢了。

vt. cause to lose colour 使褪色

The sunlight has faded my tie. 阳光晒得我的领带褪了颜色。

in a row 一个接一个地;连续不断地

sit in a row 坐成一排

in the first place adv. 首先;第一

account n. saying or writing about what happened 叙述;描写;报道

He has given me an account of what happened. 他对我讲了事情的经过。

n. a record of money owned or owed in a bank, hotel, etc. 账目;账户

A shop keeper must keep accounts. 店主必须记账。

attempt vt. to try 尝试;试图;努力

They attempted to finish the work within a month. 他们试图在一个月内完成这项工作。

n. the act of trying 企图;试图

He made an attempt to pass the exam, but it was too difficult.他试图通过考试,但考试太难了。

suitable adj. right for a person, happening, place, etc合适的;恰当的

Thick clothes are not suitable for hot weather. 厚衣服不适于热天穿。

apply for ask for 申请; 请求

He applies to the consul for a visa. 他向领事申请签证。

inspect vt. look at something carefully 检查;细看

Ted inspected the car before he bought it. 特德仔细看了那辆车之后才买。

vt. visit people or places to see that work is done well 视察;参观

Several years later, they heard that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them.


confirm vt. make certain 证实;确认

The statement is confirmed by testimony. 这个说法由证据所证实了。

certificate n. piece of paper with writing that tells something about someone 证书;证明

I received this certificate when I passed the exam. 我考试及格以后领到了这份证书。

gradual adj. happening slowly and step by step; not sudden 逐渐的;逐步的

It didn't happen suddenly; the change was gradual. 这事情不是突然发生的,是逐渐变化的。

blank adj. empty; with no writing on it 空白的

Give me a blank sheet of paper, please. 请给我一张空白的纸。

n. a space left empty or to be filled in 空白处

Fill in the blank with prepositions. 用介词填空。

enthusiastic adj. with enthusiasm 热情的;热心的

The imperialists are enthusiastic about the war. 帝国主义者热衷于战争。

bid n.[c] the amount offered or proposed; an offer or proposal of a price投标;出价

Bids were invited for building the bridge. 为新桥的建造而进行招标。

vi. to make an offer to pay or accept a specified price 投标 (bid; bid)

Several companies will bid for/on the contract. 数家公司要投标争取合约。

decade n.[c] a period of 10 years十年

Prices have risen steadily during the past decade. 过去十年中价格已稳步地上涨。

committee n. small group of people chosen by others to plan and organize委员会

The bill has passed through the committee. 该提案已在委员会通过。

fascinate vt. to attact; to charm 使入迷;吸引

The monkeys in the zoo fascinated me. 动物园里的猴子使我着了迷。

burst vi. to break because of the force inside 炸破;胀破

The bag was so full that it burst open. 袋子那么满,都胀裂了。

vi. explode 爆炸

I had an accident when a tyre burst. 车胎爆了,我出了事故。

burst into begin suddenly or violently 突然开始;爆发出

They were so moved that they burst into tears. 他们都感动得哭了起来。

underline vt. draw a line under a word, sentence, etc.在(词、句子等)下面划线

Underline all the sentences you do not know. 在你不懂的句子下面划一条线。

globe n. anything round like a ball 球状物;地球;地球仪

I'm interested in studying the globe in my spare time. 闲暇时我对研究地球仪很感兴趣。

bush n.[c] plant like a short tree, with many branches灌木

My coat caught in a bush. 我的衣服被矮树丛钩往了。

n.[u] wild country with small trees 灌林地带;荒野

There is much bush in Australia and Africa. 在澳洲和非洲有许多未开发的丛林。

spaceman n. 宇航员;太空人

ramp n. an inclined surface or roadway connecting different levels. 斜面;斜坡

a place where a sharp change in level or direction occurs 弯道

skilful adj. experienced 熟练的;有技巧的;灵巧的

The child has become skillful in reading and writing. 那个小孩变得善于读写。

He is skillful with his fingers. 他的手指灵巧。

skateboard n. long piece of wood or plastic on wheels on which one stands while it runs quickly over the ground 滑板

skateboarder R n. 玩滑板的人

administration n. management, especially of business affairs; the activity of a sovereign state in the exercise of its powers or duties 经营;管理;行政

permission n.[u] allowing someone to do something允许;许可;同意

May I have permission to leave early? 可以让我早点走吗?

schoolmate n. a companion or an associate in one's school 同学;校友

They are my schoolmates. 他们是我的同学。

grandparent n. a parent of one's mother or father; a grandmother or grandfather (外)祖父(母)

recently adv. lately; not long ago 最近地;近来地

This book was published recently. 这本书是最近出版的。

familiar adj. usual, that you often see, hear, etc. 熟悉的;常见的

I am familiar with this idea. 我晓得这个意见。

The singer is familiar to every one of us. 这位歌唱家是我们大家熟悉的。

capture v. catch and hold someone or something 捕获;占领

Our army captured 1,000 of the enemy. 我军俘虏敌军一千人。

to attract and hold 吸引

tales of adventure that capture the imagination 引起想象的探险故事

centre on/upon 将某人/谋事当作中心/重点

factor n. any of the things that cause or bring about a certain result因素;要素

Time is an important factor to consider in cooking. 烹调过程中掌握时间是很重要的。

concentrate vt. bring together into one place 集中

We concentrated our forces against the enemy's position. 我们集中兵力攻击敌人的阵地。

vi. meet in a common centre 集中

He's tired and can't concentrate. 他累了,注意力不能集中。

concentrate on fix one's efforts and attention on把…集中在…上;全神贯注于

We are concentrating our efforts on socialist construction. 我们正集中力量建设社会主义。

helmet n. a head covering of hard material to protect the head头盔;钢盔;防护帽

The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet. 骑摩托车的人戴了一顶头盔。

teenage adj. of, relating to, or applicable to those aged 13 through 19 十几岁的;


a teenage girl 一个十几岁的女孩

truly adv. really; sincerely; genuinely 真正地;真诚地;真心地

Are you truly happy in your work? 你真的对你的工作满意吗?

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience. 我们真心为不便感到抱歉

delight vt. make someone very pleased, happy, etc.给人快乐;使欣喜

Her dancing delighted everyone. 她的舞蹈使人人高兴。

n.[u] great pleasure or happiness 快乐;欣喜

She read the book with delight. 她读了这本书感到非常满意。

delighted adj. very pleased; happy高兴的;快乐的

I am delighted to see you. 见到你很高兴。

energetic adj. 精力旺盛/充沛的;充满活力的

an energetic person 精力充沛的人

an energetic performance 充满活力的演出

cautious adj. careful 小心的;谨慎的

The students should be cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling.


outgoing adj. eager to mix socially with others; friendly好交际的;外向的

an outgoing personality 开朗的性格

register v. to enroll officially or formally, especially in order to vote or attend classes; to set down in writing; record 登记;注册;记录

He registered the birth of his child. 他登记了孩子的出生日。

skim v. to read or glance through (a book, for example) quickly or superficially浏览;略读

The book is worth skimming through. 这本书值得浏览一下。

the Tour de France 环法自行车赛

Unit 2 Crossing limits

Words and expressions

evaluate vt. to examine and judge carefully; appraise; to ascertain or fix the value or worth of 评价;估计

The research project has only been under way for three months, so it's too early to evaluate its success. 这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。

various adj. of different kinds各种各样的;不同种类的

There are various ways of cooking rice. 做米饭有各种不同的方法。

in the name of acting for 以…的名义;代表…

We're very glad to greet you in the name of the Chinese people.


key adj. of crucial importance; significant 关键的;极重要的

key decisions 意义重大的结论 the key element of the thesis 论文的中心成分

origin n. beginning; start of anything 起源;来源

What was the origin of Man? 人类的起源是什么?

n. parentage, birth, or ancestors 出身;来历

He is a researcher of working class origin. 他是工人出身的研究员。

equip vt. put in a place, or give someone, all the tools, instruments, etc. that are needed 装备;配备

Our factory is equipped with modern machines. 我厂是用现代化机械装备的。

endeavor n. an earnest attempt 努力;尽力

We make every endeavor to satisfy our customers. 我们尽全力使顾客满意。

v. to attempt by employment of effort 努力;尽力

We must always endeavour to improve our work. 我们总要努力改进自己的工作。

puzzle n. problem; something that is difficult to understand; game where you must find an answer 难题;谜

It is a puzzle to me how he could come here. 我不知他是怎么到这里来的。

vt. make you think a lot because you do not understand it 使困惑;使糊涂

I am puzzled by the difficult question. 我被难题难住了。

wealthy adj. having much wealth富有的;富裕的

Wealthy men are not always happy. 有钱人未必总是幸福的。

Asian adj. native of Asia 亚洲(人)的

What's the difference between the Asian elephants and African elephants?


n. a native or inhabitant of Asia 亚洲人

in exchange for in the place of something that you have given to someone 交换;互换

I'll give you three sweets in exchange for an apple. 我拿三块糖换你一个苹果。

spice n. things like ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, etc. that are put into food 香料;调味品(如姜、胡椒等)

Pepper is a spice. 胡椒是一种调味品。

Arab n. a native of Arabia 阿拉伯人

adj. of the Arabs or Arabia; Arabian 阿拉伯(人)的

westernmost adj. 最西 (端) 的

African n. a native or inhabitant of Africa 非洲人

adj. of or relating to Africa or its peoples, languages, or cultures 非洲(人)的

ambassador n. a diplomatic official appointed a as representative by one government to another 大使;使节

He was appointed ambassador to Japan. 他奉派为驻日大使。

Roman adj. of or relating to ancient or modern Rome or its people or culture


n. a native, inhabitant, or citizen of ancient or mod

ern Rome 罗马人

empire n. a group of countries under one ruler, usually an emperor 帝国

the Roman Empire 罗马帝国

rhinoceros n. 犀牛

horn n. a hard, pointed thing which grows on the head of some animals(羊、牛、鹿等动物的)角

Horns are usually in pairs, one on each side of the head.


n. an instrument for making loud warning noises 喇叭

The taxi driver blew his horn to tell us that he had arrived.


wander vi. to go from place to place with no special purpose 漫游;闲逛

The boys wandered around the town with nothing to do.


motherland n. one's native land 祖国

awareness n.[u] 觉察;意识;知道

awareness of one's ignorance 意识到自己的无知

existence n.[u] being 存在;生存

The tree owes its existence to soil. 树木依赖泥土生存。

accurate adj. conforming exactly to fact; errorless 准确的

deviating only slightly or within acceptable limits from a standard 精确的

Is this watch accurate? 这只表准吗?

navy n. all the warships of a country, with officers and men 海军

the army, navy and air force 陆、海、空军三军

treasure n. store of gold, silver, jewels, money, or other valuable things 财宝;财富

They were looking for buried treasure. 他们在寻找埋在地下的财宝。

fleet n. big groups of ships; a number of ships, airplanes, automobiles etc. moving together 舰队;船队;机群;汽车队

The Sixth Fleet of the United States Navy was ordered to the South Sea.


command n. an order; the act of commanding 命令;指挥

The policeman gave the command to stop. 警察下令停下。

n. ability to control; mastery 控制;精通

He has a good command of English. 他英语掌握得很好。

vt. order; control 命令;指挥;控制

The policeman commanded the car to stop. 警察命令汽车停下。

set sail (from/to/for) on a voyage 启航;扬帆

The liner set sail for New York at 8:30. 轮船在八时半启航开往纽约。

royal adj. of or relating to a monarch. 王室的;皇家的

a royal family/palace 王室/宫 a royal house 皇家

embassy n.[c] place where embassy people live and work 大使馆

To go to the United States, you must get a visa at the U.S. embassy.


zebra n.[c] an African mammal related to the horse and having dark stripes on a light body 斑马

The zebra is a kind of horse that lives in Africa. 斑马是生活在非洲的一种马。

in return in exchange 作为回报

She presented me a dictionary in return. 她送给我一本词典作为答谢。

symbolic adj. of, relating to, or expressed by means of symbols or a symbol象征的;


The dove is symbolic of peace. 鸽子象征和平。

symbolic language 符号语言

volunteer n. someone who volunteers to do a job or to join the army 自愿者

That man is a volunteer fireman in this town. 那个人是这个镇里的志愿消防队员。

v. offer to do a job that is unpleasant, difficult, or dangerous 自愿从事

Two men volunteered to search for the missing climber.


radium n. a chemical element that gives off rays 镭

Radioactivity is a special quality of radium. 放射性是镭的一种特性。

sum n. an amount obtained as a result of adding numbers 总数;和

Eleven is the sum of six and five. 十一是六加五的和。

n. amount of money一笔(金额)

He paid a large sum for the house. 他出一笔巨款买了这所房子。

dam n.[c] a barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow or raise the level of water 水坝;堤

There are several dams across the Huai River. 淮河上有几座水闸。

bring up look after and educate children, etc 教养;培养

I was brought up by my aunt. 我是我姑姑抚养成人的。

introduce to notice or consideration, mention 提出

Why don't you bring this up at the meeting? 你何不在会上提出这个问题?

horizon n. line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky 地平线

The sun sank below the horizon. 太阳落到地平线以下了。

navigation n. the act of navigating; the passage of ships, etc. over the sea, etc. 航行;航海;航空

aerial navigation 空中航行;航空 ocean navigation 远洋航行

Korea n. peninsula in east Asia, extending south from northeast China 朝鲜;韩国

suggest vt. give someone an idea; say that something will be possible 建议;提议 I suggested that we (should) hold a meeting tonight. 我提议我们今晚开个会。

vt. bring to mind 使人想起;暗示

Smoke suggests fire. 有烟就有火。

accomplish vt. finish something; complete; carry out 完成;实现

You have accomplished a purpose. 你达到了目的。

apart from prep. with the exception of; besides 除…外;除…外还

Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time. 除了费钱以外,还要花很多时间。

sickness n.[u] the condition of being sick; illness 疾病

Viruses and germs cause most sicknesses. 病毒与细菌引起大部分的疾病。

n.[u] be overcome by a feeling of sickness 恶心

unable adj. not able to do something不能的;不会的;无能为力的

He was unable to walk. 他不能走。

the Himalayas n. 喜马拉雅山脉

sacred adj. of god or religion; holy神圣的

A church is a sacred building. 教堂是一个神圣的处所。

Sherpa n. 夏尔巴人(西藏的一种族)

Tibet n. 西藏

honesty n. the condition or quality of being honest; freedom from deceit or cheating


(prov.) Honesty is the best policy. (谚)诚实为上策。

dedication n.[u] the act of dedicating奉献

His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his students.


n.[c] words used in dedicating a book or other work 题献;献词

The book's dedication reads “To Mother”. 本书献词写道:“献给母亲”。

ideal adj. very best, exactly right 完美的;理想的

This place is ideal for a picnic. 这个地方野餐最理想。

refer vi. speak about something 谈到;涉及;所指

This is not the dictionary which I referred to. 这不是我所指的那本词典。

vt. hand over to (someone) for a decision; send or direct to (someone or something) for help or action 呈交;提交

We refer the question to them. 我们把这个问题提交他们处理。

refer to 提到

Don't refer to that problem again, please. 请不要再提那个问题了。

run out become exhausted or used up; come to the end of a supply, etc. 被用完;耗完

The aircraft will run out of fuel in another hour. 飞机再过一小时燃料就将用完。

technological adj. 技术的

technological development 科学技术的发展

aircraft n. machine that flies; aeroplane; helicopter 飞行器;飞机

arise vi. happen; start发生;产生 (arose; arisen)

How did the quarrel arise? 争吵是怎样发生的?

vi. move upward; ascend 向上;上升

When I started off, the sun was arising. 我出发时太阳正在升起。

evidence n.[u] proof; something that shows what has happened and why it has happened 证据;证明

There is no evidence that he is guilty. 没有证据证明他有罪。

chairman n. the person who is in charge of meeting 主席;董事长

chairman of the meeting 会议主席 a bank board chairman 银行董事长

praise vt. say that something or someone is good表扬;称赞

The teacher praised Tom for his homework. 教员表扬汤姆的家庭作业做得好。

n. the act of saying that a person or a thing is good, words expressing admiration, applause

赞美;称赞 He had a lot of praise for Tom's work. 他十分称赞汤姆的工作。

Christopher Columbus [XkristRfR kRXlVmbRs] 克里斯托佛哥伦布(西班牙航海家)

Marco Polo [XmQkRu XpRulRu] 马可波罗(意大利旅行家)

Ceylon n. 锡兰(现称斯里兰卡)

Unit 3 The land down under

Words and expressions

Canberra n. 堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)

outback n. [the ~] (澳大利亚)内地 adj. 内地的

territory n. land that belongs to one government 领土;领域

This island is our territory. 这个岛是我国领土。

Queensland [‘kwI:nzlEnd] n. 昆士兰 (澳大利亚州名)

Victoria n. 维多利亚(澳大利亚州名)

Tasmania [tAz’meniE] n. 塔斯马尼亚(岛)(澳大利亚地名)

Aborigines n. (尤指澳大利亚的)土著居民

strait n. a narrow piece of water connecting two larger bodies of water 海峡

The strait is narrow. 这个海峡很窄。

Torres [‘tRrEs]Strait 托雷斯海峡

islander n. an inhabitant of an island 岛上居民

fellow adj. being of the same kind, group, occupation, society; having in common certain characteristics or interests 同事的,同类的

fellow workers 同事

n. people of the same sort, friends; a man 同类;伙伴;家伙

We are fellows at school. 我们是同学。

What a nice fellow he is! 他是个多么好的人啊!

Portuguese adj. 葡萄牙(人)的;葡萄牙语的 n. 葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语

Dutch adj. 荷兰(人)的;荷兰(语)的 n. [the ~] 荷兰人;荷兰语

claim vt. say that you should have something 要求

He can fairly claim to have more. 他可以正当地要求多给些。

vt. to say that something belongs to you 认领

I lost my umbrella, but claimed it at the lost property office.


vt. state as a fact, despite objections; assert; maintain 声称

He claims to have written the article in two days. 他声称只用两天就把文章写成了。

n. a demand for something to which one has a real or supposed right 要求

They made a claim for higher pay. 他提出更高报酬的要求。

criminal n. a person who has done something seriously against law 罪犯;犯人

The judge imposes a punishment on the criminal. 法庭处罚这个罪犯。

adj. law breaking 犯罪的

Criminal parents could corrupt any child. 犯罪的父母可使孩子变坏。

govern v. to make laws for a country, to rule统治;治理

Who governs this country? 谁治理这个国家?

governor n. someone who rules a state or province 州长;省长;总督

Who is the Governor of Hong Kong? 香港总督是谁?

newcomer n. one who has only recently arrived 新来的人;新手

a newcomer to the big city 刚来到大都市的人

a newcomer to politics 政界的新人

as a consequence (of) in consequence 作为/由于……的结果;因而

She worked hard at her lessons and as a consequence got high marks.


resemble vt. to exhibit similarity or likeness to 像;类似

She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.


commonwealth n. 共和国;联邦;共同体

the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦

diverse adj. differing one from another; different 不同的;多种多样的

have diverse interests 有多种兴趣

transform vt. change the shape of someone or something; make something look different 改变;转变

Heat can transform water into steam. 热能使水变为蒸汽。

immigration n.[u] the act of coming into a country; the place where you enter a country移民

After the Customs, you must show your passport to the office at Immigration.


strengthen vt. to make strong or increase the strength of 加强

The fence was strengthened with wire. 这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。

vi. to become strong or stronger 变强

Our enemy has greatly strengthened during the truce talks. 和谈期间,敌人力量已大为增强。

differ vi. not to be the same 不同;相异

I must differ from you. 我不能同意你的意见。

pronunciation n. how you say a word or words 发音

His pronunciation is very bad. 他的发音很糟。

vocabulary n.[c] all the words in a language 词汇

He has a vocabulary of only a few hundred words. 他掌握的词汇只有几百个字。

n.[c] list of words in a lesson or book 词汇表

There is an English Chinese vocabulary at the end of the book. 书末附有英汉词汇表。

n.[c] all the words that one person knows 词汇量

A young child has a small vocabulary. 小孩子的词汇量小。

mate n.[c] friend; someone who works or learns, etc. with you 伙伴;同事

His mates waited for him by the gate. 他的同事在门口等他。

n.[c] husband or wife 配偶

She has been a faithful mate to him. 她一直都是他忠实的妻子。

v. to join closely; pair. (使)密切结合;(使)配对

sheila [5Fi:lE] n. ( Australian) a girl or young woman 少女;少妇

female n.[c] woman or girl; animal that can have baby animals; plant that has fruit 女子;雌性植物

A daughter is a female child. 女儿是女性孩子。

adj. of, relating to, or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young. 女的;女性的

wilderness n. an unsettled, uncultivated region left in its natural condition荒野;荒地

billabong n. a dead-end channel extending from the main stream of a river死河;


aboriginal adj. of or relating to aborigines 土著的

aboriginal races 原始种族

concept n. a thought; an idea; a general notion 概念;观念

A small baby has no conc ept of right and wrong. 小孩不懂什么是正确和错误。

break out start suddenly 爆发;突然发生

A fire broke out near here yesterday. 昨天此地附近发生了一场火灾。

chew vt. to bite and grind with the teeth; masticate 咀嚼

You must chew your food well before you swallow it. 你吞下食物以前必须要好好咀嚼。

vt. to meditate on; ponder 深思

The judge chewed the matter over before making a decision. 法官在判决前仔细考虑过此事。

chairwoman n. a woman presiding officer of an assembly, meeting, committee, or board 女主席;女董事长

feed ... on to serve as food for 喂养;饲养

We feed the sheep on grass. 我们给羊吃草。

koala n. 树袋熊;考拉(澳洲产无尾熊,即koala bear)

entire adj. complete; whole; without anything left out 完全的;整个的;全部的

The ship sank with the entire crew. 轮船及全体船员都沉没了。

Alaska n. 阿拉斯加(美国州名)

mine n.[c] big hole in the ground that people make when they are looking for coal,

metal, diamonds, etc. 矿井

There are many coal mines in the north. 北方有许多煤矿。

n.[c] a bomb placed in the ground or water for destroying enemy soldiers or ships 地雷

The lorry was destroyed by a land mine. 这辆卡车被一个地雷炸毁了。

v. dig for coal, gold, etc. in the ground 采矿

Gold is mined from deep under ground. 黄金是在很深的地下采的。

fence n.[c] a barrier round a garden or field 篱笆;围栏

We built a fence around the yard to keep the dog in.


dingo n. 澳洲野犬

round up to bring together; to collect in one place 赶拢;使集拢

They try to round up a scattered herd of cattle. 他们试图把分散的牲口赶在一起。

outdoors adv. in the open air, outside 在野外;在户外

They often worked outdoors. 他们常常在户外工作。

birthplace n. the place where someone is born or where something originates


outing n.[c] short journey to enjoy yourself 出外游玩;短途旅行

The children had plenty of outings during the summer. 孩子们夏天常外出游玩。

lemonade n. a drink made of lemon juice, water, and sugar 柠檬水

barbecue a social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame 户外烤肉餐;烧烤

vt. to roast or grill (meat or seafood) over live coals or an open fire 烧烤

roast vt. to cook with dry heat, as in an oven or near hot coals 烘烤

The meat is roasting. 肉正烤着。

adj. roasted 烘烤过的

roast duck. 烤鸭

steak n. a thick slice of meat or fish cut for frying, grilling, etc 肉排;鱼排 (尤指)牛排 =beefsteak

barrier n.[c] a divider between two things障碍

The police put a barrier across the road. 警察设了路障。

the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁

logical adj. reasoning; reasonable 合逻辑的;合乎情理的

His argument seems logical. 他的论据似乎有道理 [合逻辑] 。

wombat n. 袋熊

pointed adj. with a sharp end尖的

That is a pointed stick. 那是一根尖棍。

adj. sharp; clear and direct 直截了当的;率直的

His pointed remarks about the party were not polite. 他对聚会直率的议论显得很不礼貌。

claw n. one of the pointed nails on the feet of some animals and birds; hand on a crab, etc. (禽兽)爪;脚爪;(蟹等)钳;螯

Cats have very sharp claws. 猫有着锋利的脚爪。

A crab has two claws. 螃蟹有两个钳。

v. to scratch, dig, tear, or pull with or as if with claws 搔;挠;抓

The cat clawed the chair. 猫用爪子抓椅子。

hairy covered with hair or hairlike projections 多毛的;(似)毛发的

a hairy caterpillar 一条毛茸茸的毛虫

medium adj. middle, not big and not small 中等的

He is a man of medium height. 他是一个中等身材的男人。

bushy adj. covered with bushes 灌木丛生的

Unit 4 Green world

Words and expressions

procedure n. a manner of proceeding; a way of performing 程序;手续

This is the correct procedure for obtaining a visa. 这是取得签证的正确程序/手续。

a series of steps taken to accomplish an end 步骤

a long therapeutic procedure 长期治疗过程

tulip n. 郁金香

rose n.[c] a beautiful flower, which is red, white or yellow 玫瑰(花);蔷薇(花)

Father planted roses along one side of the garden. 父亲沿着花园的一边种了玫瑰。

You lie upon roses when young, you'll lie upon thorns when old. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

peony n.[c] 牡丹;芍药

She blushed like a peony. 她脸红得像一朵牡丹花。

strawberry n.[c] small, soft, red fruit 草莓

Her favourite fruit is strawberry. 她最喜欢的水果是草莓。

lemon n. 柠檬

a slice of lemon 一片柠檬

bunch n. a number of things of the same kind fastened or growing together 串;束

a bunch of flowers 一束花 a bunch of grapes/keys 一串葡萄/钥匙

merely adv. only仅仅;只不过

I didn't stop to speak to him--I merely smiled. 我没有停下来和他说话--我只是微微一笑。

herb n. 草药;草本植物;香草

classify vt. to arrange or organize according to class or category 分类

We usually classify types of character as good or bad.

我们通常把 (人的) 性格之类型分为善与恶。

identification n. the state of being identified 鉴别;验明

the identification of high yielding seeds 高产量种子的鉴别

n. proof or evidence of identity 身份证明(缩写 ID)

His only means of identification was his passport. 他唯一证明身份的证件就是他的护照。

male adj. of the sex that does not give birth to young ones 男(性)的;雄性的

A cock is a male bird. 公鸡是雄性家禽。

n. man or boy; animal that cannot have baby animals; plant that does not have fruit 男人;雄性动物/植物

A bull, a cock and a he goat are males. 公牛,公鸡,公羊都是雄性动物。

promote vt. to contribute to the progress or growth of 促进;推进

Kindness promotes peace. 亲切的行为可以促进和睦。

vt. to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank 提升

Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 我们的老师已被提升为校长了。

botanical adj. of or relating to plants or plant life; of or relating to the science of botany 植物的;植物学 (上) 的

the botanical garden(s) 植物园

privilege n. a special advantage, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, a class 特权;优惠

Our members have the privilege of using the lending service of the library.


cozy adj. comfortable; easy 舒适的;安逸的

I felt cozy watching the hearth fire. 看着炉火我感到温暖而舒适。

appetite n. a desire for food 食欲;胃口

Exercises give one a good appetite. 运动增进食欲。

n. a strong wish or liking 爱好;欲望

He has an appetite for writing. 他好从事写书。

wealth n.[u] (lots of) money; valuable things 财富;财产

Some were owners of great wealth and property. 有些人拥有万贯家财。

Oceania n. the Pacific Islands 大洋洲

appointed vt. to select or designate to fill an office or position 任命;委派

We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.


vt. to fix or set by authority or by mutual agreement 约定;指定

They appointed a place to exchange stamps. 他们约定一个地方交换邮票。

Venus n. the second planet from the sun 金星

n. (Roman Mythology) the goddess of sexual love and physical beauty


the V of Milo 米罗的维纳斯雕像

calculate vt. find an answer by working with numbers 计算

Let me calculate the cost of the journey. 让我计算一下旅途的用费。

astronomy n. the scientific study of matter in outer space 天文学

expense n. the act of spending money; cost; money used or needed for sth.花费;


The expense of running a car has risen recent years.近几年来使用汽车的费用增加了。

look our for to be careful of 当心;注意;警惕

Look out (for the car)! 留神(汽车)!

on a large scale 大规模地;大范围地

cocoa n. brown powder from the beans of a tree, made into chocolate 可可粉

n. drink that you make with cocoa powder and milk 可可茶

hemp n. 大麻

involve vt. to contain as a part; include 包括;涉及

All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的剧。

vt. to engage as a participant 使牵涉;使卷入;使参与

Don't involve other people in your trouble. 别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。

enterprise ] n. an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk; a business organization 事业;企业

government enterprise 公/国营企业 private enterprise 私/民营企业

small-to-medium-sized enterprises 中小企业

settlement n. group of homes in a place where no people have lived before 拓居地;定居点

The first settlements were on the east coast of America. 最初的殖民地是在美洲的东海岸。

n. agreeing about something after discussing it 解决(方案)

After long talks about pay, the managers and workers reached a settlement.


Kew [kju:] n. 克佑(伦敦之西郊,为皇家植物园之所在地)

accumulate vt&i. to gather or pile up; amass; to mount up; increase


He accumulated a fortune by hard work. 他靠努力工作积蓄了一笔财富。

Snow accumulated to a depth of 10 feet. 雪已积到十尺深。

abandon vt. leave someone or something; give up; desert 离弃;放弃;抛弃

The driver abandoned his car in the snow. 司机把汽车抛在雪地里。

straw n. dry, cut stalks of wheat, etc. 稻草;麦秆

Everyone of us had a straw hat on. 我们人人都戴草帽。

n. thin tube of paper or plastic for drinking a cold drink 麦管;吸管

He sucked Coke through a straw. 他用吸管吸可口可乐。

pineapple n. 凤梨;波萝

year after year adv. 年年;一年又一年(= year in year out)

We have visited this island year in year out and we never get bored.


classification n. the act or result of classifying; a category or class分类;类别

pass away die 去世

He passed away during the night. 他在晚间逝世。

Oxford n. 牛津[英国牛津郡 (Oxford shire) 的首府, 为牛津大学 (Oxford又作Oxford University) 所在地]

tone n. a sound; the quality of a sound; the voice, as expressing feeling音调;语调

She spoke in an angry tone. 她用恼怒的口气说话。

reward n. present or money that you give to thank someone for something 报酬;报答

He was given a reward for passing the examination. 他因考试及格而得到奖品。

He worked hard all his life but without much reward. 他辛勤一生,但得到的报酬却很少。

vt. give something in return for 酬谢;奖赏

He was well rewarded by the kind things people said about him.


name… after 给……取名;命名

technician n. expert who works with machines, instruments or tools技术员;技师

Charles Darwin 查理士达尔文(英国自然科学家) beagle n. 小猎犬

nowhere adv. at, in, or to no place; not anywhere 任何地方都不;什么地方也没有

He was nowhere to be found. 什么地方也找不到他。

n. an unknown place 不知道的地方:

a cabin in the middle of nowhere 不知在什么中心的小屋

altogether adv. on the whole; all things considered 总共;总而言之

There were five of us altogether. 我们共有五人。

Altogether, the book is quite interesting. 总的说来,这本书相当有趣。

adv. totally; completely 完全;全部地

Some of what you say is true, but I don't altogether agree.


finch n.雀科鸣禽

beak n. 鸟嘴

appearance n. what someone or something looks like 外貌;外表

Do not judge by appearances. 别从外貌判断事物。

n. being seen; coming 显露;出现

At the sight of his appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.


output n.[u] amount of things that you have made 产量;产品

We must increase our output to meet people's needs. 我们必须增加产量来满足人们的需要。

dandelion n. 蒲公英

latter adj. 后者

Of the two, the former is better than the latter. 两者之中前者较后者为佳。

distinguish vt.& vi. show the difference in; show the difference; make a distinction 区别;辨别

He could not distinguish cotton from wool. 他不能辨认是棉花还是羊毛。

You are confusing things, let me distinguish. 你把事情越弄越糟,让我来把它区分出来。

in detail with all the facts 详细地

The teacher explained the text in detail. 老师详细地解释了课文。

millimeter [`milimitE] n. 毫米

Carl Linnaeus [`kB:l li`nI:Es] 卡尔林尼厄斯(瑞典植物学家)

Daniel Solander [ sE`lAdE] 丹尼尔索兰德(瑞典植物学家)

Tahiti n. 塔希提岛(位于南太平洋)

Galapagos [gE`lApEgEs] n. 加拉帕戈斯(群岛)

Gregor Mendel [`gregE `mendl] 格雷戈门德尔(奥地利遗传学家)

Gote Turesson [`ge:tE tE`ri:sn] 约特杜尔松(瑞典植物学家)

Unit 5 Getting the message

Words and expressions

convey vt. carry; take from one place to another; transport 传送;运载

A bus conveys passengers from the train to the boat. 一辆公共汽车把旅客从车站送到码头。

vt. serve as a means of carrying; conduct; transmit 转达;表达

Please convey my thanks to your wife. 请向你的妻子转达我的谢意。

advertise vt. to make public announcement of, especially to proclaim the qualities or advantages of (a product or business) so as to increase sales 做广告

It has been advertised in the magazine. 已在杂志上刊登了广告。

vi. to call the attention of the public to a product or business做广告

The company advertised for a new secretary. 公司登广告招聘一名新秘书。

advertiser n. 广告商;登广告者

The report gives advertisers a new picture of women today.


brand n.[c] a trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer商标;牌子

What brand of soap do you like? 你喜欢什么牌子的肥皂?

consideration n.[u] thinking about something 考虑

After much consideration, I accepted the offer. 经过仔细考虑我接受了这个提议。

n.[u] being thoughtful and careful about people's feeling 体谅;关心

We should have consideration for the rights of others. 我们应当为别人的权利着想。

take …into consideration 考虑……

charge n. words that a policeman says when he catches someone who has done wrong 指控;控告

The man went to court on a charge of stealing. 这人被指控盗窃,进了法院。

n. payment asked for something 收费;要价

These books are free of charge. 这些书是免费的。

n. responsibility; trust 责任;委托

I put the children in your charge. 我将孩子委托你照顾。

in charge of 负责

I am in charge of this department. 我负责这一部门。

loss n. losing 丧失;丢失

He told the police about the loss of his car. 他告诉警察他的小汽车丢了。

n. something that is lost; waste 损失;浪费

His death is a great loss to the country. 他的逝世对国家是一个巨大的损失。

blame vt. to say that a person did something wrong 责怪

The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。

n. the state of being responsible for a fault or an error; culpability 责备;谴责

The car driver took the blame for the accident. 汽车的司机承担了事故的责任。

mislead to lead into error of thought or action, especially by intentionally deceiving 使误解;使误入歧途

Don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.


misleading adj. tending to mislead 使人误解的;欺骗的

Your words were rather misleading. 你所说的话颇容易引起误解。

broadcast vt. to send out or communicate, especially by radio or television播放;播出 (broadcast, broadcasted; broadcast, broadcasted)

The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.


vi. to transmit a radio or television program for public or general use; to be on the air播放(节目)

The station begins broadcasting at 6 a.m. 电台早晨 6:00开始播音

post vt. fasten (a notice) up in a place where it can easily be seen 张贴

The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.今天将贴出这个队成员的名单。

hand in hand holding each other's hands; together 手拉手;共同地

They walked away hand in hand. 他们手拉手地离去了。

react vi. to act in response to or under the influence of a stimulus or prompting:反应;作出反应

Our eyes react to light. 我们的眼睛对光起反应。

vi. 反对;反抗[against]

The people soon reacted against the cruel system. 人们不久便起来反抗暴政。

annoy vt. to cause slight irritation to (another) by troublesome, often repeated acts


These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇真让人讨厌。

vi. to be annoying 招人讨厌;惹人烦恼

A fly keeps annoying. 一只苍蝇总在烦我。

annoying adj. causing vexation or irritation; troublesome 讨厌的;恼人的

an annoying cough 一声恼人的咳嗽

critic n.[c] a person who is critic by profession 批评家,评论家

These critics have agreed to his arguments. 这些评论家已同意他的论点。

accuse vt. charge with doing something wrong or having broken the law 控告;告发

She accused him of theft. 她控告他行窃。

associate vt. to connect or join together; combine联合;结合;联系

They are associated with him in business. 他们在工作上与他有关系。

vi. to connect in the mind or imagination 联想

What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 这样一场大雪你有什么联想?

get across (a viewpoint, etc.) become clear or understandable; make(a viewpoint,etc.)clear or understandable 被人理解;传播

He got his meaning across. 他把意思讲清楚了。

appeal vi. to make an earnest or urgent request, as for help恳求;呼吁

The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。

vi to make or apply for an appeal 上诉,申诉

The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court.


vi. to be attractive or interesting 有感染力;有吸引力

Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?


n. an earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or supplication 呼吁;恳求

n. a resort or application to a higher authority, as for sanction, corroboration, or a decision


a court of appeal 上诉法庭 a direct appeal 直接上诉

n. the power of attracting or of arousing interest 吸引力;感染力

a city with appeal for tourists 对游客有吸引力的城市

appeal to v. 呼吁;上诉;有吸引力

He appealed to us for support. 他恳求我们的支持。

This poem makes an appeal to the emotions. 这首诗有动人情感的力量 [有感染力] 。

frequent adj. common, habitual, repeated many times 常常发生的;频繁的

Snows are frequent in this area during December. 这个地区十二月下雪是常事。

figure n.[c] a written sign for a number 数字

The figures are not accurate. 这些数字不精确。

n.[c] how much money something costs 价格

We bought the house for a high figure. 我们高价买了这栋房子。

n.[c] a shape or drawing 图形;画像

That is a geometrical figure. 那是个几何图形。

n.[c] shape of a person or animal in stone, metal, or wood 塑像,雕像

This is the figure of Lu Xun in marble. 这是鲁迅的大理石雕像。

n.[c] a person, a character, 人物

He was one of the great figures in history. 他是历史上的伟大人物之一。

salesman n. someone whose job is to sell goods售货员;推销员

The salesman showed her nearly all the hats in the shop.


saleswoman n.女售货员;女推销员

profit n. the return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met盈利;利润

Newspapers make a profit from [out of] the advertisements they carry.


v. 有利/益于

A wise person profits by [from] his mistakes. 智者由自己的过失中得到教益。

It will not profit you to do so. 那样做对你不会有益处的。

campaign n. a battle战役

a campaign to take the enemy city 攻克敌人城市的战役

n. a movement with a political or business purpose (政治或商业上的)运动;活动

a campaign to stop people drinking when they drive 禁止人们在开车时饮酒的运动

an advertising campaign 广告活动

vi. take part or serve in a campaign 从事活动;参加运动

They campaigned for human rights. 他们参加了人权运动。

policy n.[c] the general plan of a government, business, company, etc. 方针;政策

What is the government policy on education? 政府的教育政策是什么?

n. a course of conduct; a plan of action 计策

Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是上策。

spokesman n. a man who speaks on behalf of another or others发言人;代言人

spokeswoman n. a woman who speaks on behalf of another or others


illegal adj. wrong, not allowed by law 不合法的;犯法的

It is illegal to drive when you are drunk.. 喝醉了酒开车是违法的。

keep an eye out for 当心;警惕

bait n. 诱饵;鱼饵

target n. what you are trying to hit when you shoot a bullet or arrow 靶子;目标

The hunter's target was a wild animal. 这个猎人的目标是一只野兽。

n. something we aim to do or get 目标;指标

This book will be the target of bitter criticism. 这书会成为严格批评的对象。

bullet n.[c] a shot fired from a gun 子弹;枪弹

Every bullet has its billet. 每颗子弹都有归宿。

sneaker n. a sports shoe usually made of canvas and having soft rubber soles运动鞋

nutritional l adj. 营养(品)的

nowadays [`nauEdeiz] adv. during the present time; now 现在;当今

Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.


nephew n. son of your brother or sister 侄子;外甥

He was a nephew of my friend. 他是我朋友的侄子。

waitress n.[c] a woman or girl who serves food in a restaurant女服务员

The waitress is bringing the soup. 女服务员正把汤端来。

hostess n. a female host; the wife of the host女主人

The hostess brought us out a pot full of steaming coffee.


bridegroom n. a man who is about to be married or has recently been married新郎

heroine n. most important woman in a story, play, etc. 女主角;女主人公

n. very brave woman or girl女英雄

goddess n. female god 女神

Venus was a goddess worshipped by the Romans. 维纳斯是罗马人信奉的女神。

promotion n. the act of promoting or the fact of being promoted促进;促销

the promotion of learning 学术的促进

n. advancement in rank or responsibility 晋升

Our teacher has got a promotion. 我们的老师被提升了。

attach vt. to fasten, secure, or join系;附;粘[to, on]

The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。

vt to adhere, belong, or relate.附属 [to]

This hospital is attached to our medical department. 这所医院附属于我们医学系。

vt. to ascribe or assign 认为有(重要性等)

attached no significance to the threat 不重视这种威肋

legend n. an unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical 传奇;传说

There is a legend that… 有一个传说,说是…。

slogan n. a phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, an organization, or a candidate; a motto标语;口号

a phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion 广告语

catchy adj. attractive or appealing 吸引人的

a catchy idea for a new television series 为一部新电视系列剧出的吸引人的主意

adj. tricky; deceptive 有圈套的;欺骗的:

a catchy question on an exam 考试中设有陷阱的题目

point out tell about or show something 指出

He pointed out the importance of the work. 他指出这一工作的重要性。

discount vt. to sell or offer for sale at a reduced price 打折

n. a reduction from the full or standard amount of a price or debt 折扣

n. attributive. often used to modify another noun(定语名词)

a discount market; discount merchandise 打折商场;打折商品

make sense have a meaning that you can understand 有意义;讲得通

I can't follow these instructions----they don't make sense.


bonus n. something given or paid in addition to what is usual or expected 额外给予的东西

n. a sum of money or the equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation 奖金

n. a sum of money in addition to salary that is given to a professional athlete for signing up with a team 津贴

Those who put in many hours of overtime will receive a percentage of their salary as a bonus.


context n.[c] the parts directly before or after a word or sentence上下文

We can often tell the meaning of a word from its context.


Tetsuya Komuro [`testjB: `kRmurEu] 小室哲哉

Unit 6 Going west

Words and expressions

perseverance n. steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose; steadfastness 毅力;坚持

Great works are performed, not by strength, but perseverance.


quit vt. to give up; abandon 放弃

He has not quit smoking, but is holding down to three cigarettes a day.


vt. to depart from; leave 离开

You and I are on the point of quitting the theater of our exploits.


vt. to cease or discontinue 停止;中断:

The teacher asked them to quit talking. 老师要求他们不要说话。

apply (…) to … use; put into practice 应用;运用

We should apply theory to practice. 我们应当把理论运用到实践中去。

add up find the total of 总计;加起来

Add up 6,7 and 8 and you'll get 21. 把六、七、八相加,总数是二十一。

circumstance n. a condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it 环境;情况(常用复数形式)

It depends on [upon] circumstances. 这要视情况而定。

lose heart become discouraged 沮丧;灰心

Don't lose heart at any failure, but try again. 失败时不要灰心,要再接再厉。

assessment n. the act of assessing; appraisal 评估;估价

environmental assessment 环境影响评估

take it easy 放松些;别紧张

When the teacher found some of his students get nervous at the examination, he told them to take it easy. 老师发现一些学生考虑时焦急不安,就叫他们不要紧张。

keep up retain(one's spirits, strength, etc); (one's spirits, strength, etc.)not decline 维持;保持

The mountaineers' spirits kept up against heavy odds.


Robinson Crusoe n. 鲁滨逊克鲁索

common sense natural good thinking 常识;情理

Although she's not very clever she's got lots of common sense. 她虽然不很聪明,但很有见识。

survival n. the act of surviving; continuance of life 幸存;存活

He stayed eight days in an open boat with no food, and he was still alive; his survival was a miracle. 他在无遮档的小船上呆了八天,又无食物,还活下来了,这真是个奇迹。

biscuit n. a small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda饼干;小点心

alcohol n. a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid; intoxicating liquor containing alcohol 酒精;含酒精的饮料

goat n. a sort of hollow-horned, bearded ruminant mammals of mountainous regions山羊

On the ground lay an old sick goat. 地上躺着一只生病的老山羊。

flour n.[u] a powder made from wheat and used to make bread and cakes 面粉(或其他谷物磨成的粉)

Flour is used in making breads and cakes. 面粉用来做面包或糕饼。

axe n. 斧子

nail n. the hard substance at the end of a finger or toe 指甲;趾甲

Our fingernails need cutting now and again. 我们的手指甲有时需要剪一剪。

n. small piece of metal with one pointed end, which you hit into wood to fasten things together 钉子

The nail went right through the wall. 钉子直接穿过墙壁。

razor n. a sharp-edged cutting instrument used especially for shaving the face or removing other body hair 剃刀;刮胡刀

bedding n. bedclothes 寝具;床上用品

beyond prep. on the further or other side of 在较远的一边;在另一边

The post office is beyond the bridge. 邮局在桥的那一头。

prep. (of time)later than; more advanced than(时间)晚于;超过

Some shops keep open beyond midnight. 有些商店营业到半夜以后。

prep. out of the reach of; outside one's understanding 为…不能及;超出…理解力之外

He was beyond the help of the teacher. 他使老师束手无策。

prep. (negative and interrogative) except 除…之外

I know nothing beyond this. 除这之外,我什么也不知道。

adv. farther away 在远处

look beyond 向远处看

the Rocky Mountains 落基山脉

wagon n.[c] cart on four wheels, which a horse or an ox pulls; an open railway freight car 四轮马车(牛车);无篷铁路货车

The wagon was full of vegetables. 这辆运货马车装满了蔬菜。

leave behind cause to remain behind; forget to take or bring along; abandon in a retreat 留下;忘带

She left her bag behind in the train. 她把提包丢在列车上了。

ox n. (pl. oxen) bull used for farm work公牛;耕牛

He is as strong as an ox. 他像牛一样强壮。

Kansas n. 堪萨斯州(美国洲名)

frontier n.[c] the border, the line between two countries国境;边境

We must show our passports at the frontier. 在边境我们必须出示护照。

lose one’s way become lost 迷路;迷失

Lily lost her way in the woods. 莉莉在森林里迷了路。

barren adj. lacking vegetation, especially useful vegetation 不毛的;贫瘠的

The desert is barren land. 沙漠是贫瘠的土地。

salty adj. tasting of salt; containing salt 盐的;咸的;含盐的

Sea water is salty. 海水是咸的。

pond n. a body of still water smaller than a lake池塘

There is a flock of waterfowls on the pond. 池塘上有一群水鸟。

patch n. small piece of ground 小块地

They grow their own vegetables on a small patch of ground. 他们在一小块土地上自种蔬菜。

n. pieces of cloth that you put over a hole in clothing, sheets, etc. 补钉

I sewed a patch over the hole in my jeans. 我给我工装裤上的洞打了个补钉。

burden n. something that you carry; a heavy load 负担;包袱

It is a burden to the people. 这对人民是一种负担。

n. a duty which is hard to do well 责任

The burden fell on me. 责任落在我身上。

desperate adj. having no hope and ready to do any wild or dangerous thing 绝望的;不顾一切的

The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to escape. 那些囚犯拼命企图逃亡。

adj. very serious 极严重的;危急的

The country is in a desperate state and we must work hard.


beast n. an animal (四足)兽;牲畜

The tiger is a beast of prey. 老虎是食肉兽。

accustomed adj. being in the habit of习惯[于…]的[to]

I am not accustomed to walking long distances. 我不习惯于长距离的步行。

thirst n.[u] wanting to drink something; a strong desire 渴;渴望

I drank a cup of tea to relieve my thirst. 我喝了一杯茶止渴。

The artist thirsted for fame. 艺术家想出名。

starvation n. suffering or death caused by extreme hunger 挨饿;饿死

The cat died of starvation. 那只猫饿死了。

anxiety n.[c] worry and fear 忧虑;担心;焦急

We waited with anxiety for our examination results. 我们焦急地等待考试结果。

n.[c] something that makes you worried and afraid 担心的事;焦虑

He has been relieved of his anxieties. 他已消除了忧虑。

shallow adj. not deep; with not much water 浅的

The river is shallow here; we can walk across. 这里河水很浅,我们可以趟过去。

came to an end stop结束;终止

All good things must come to an end. 一切好事迟早都会结束。(天下没有不散的宴席。)

legendary adj. based on, or of the nature of a legend 传奇的;传说的

tax n. money that the government takes from your pay or from the sale of some goods 税

There is a large tax on cigarettes. 香烟的税很重。

anniversary n. the annually recurring date of a past event, especially one of historical, national, or personal importance 周年纪念;周年纪念日

Anchorage n. 安克雷奇(美国港市)

Nome [nEum] n. 诺姆(美国城市)

front-page [.frQnt `peidV] adj. worthy of coverage on the front page of a newspaper 头版的

front-page news 头版新闻

granddaughter n.[c] the daughter of your child孙女;外孙女

flu n. influenza 流行性感冒

He caught the flu. 他患了流行性感冒。

throat n. the front part of the neck 喉咙;咽喉

I have something stuck in my throat. 我有什么东西刺入了我的喉内。

diphtheria n.[医]白喉[症]

vaccine n. 痘苗;疫苗

catastrophe n. terrible thing that happens suddenly 大灾难;大祸

The forest fire was a catastrophe. 那场森林火灾是场大灾难。

relief n. the removal or ease of worry, pain ,etc. 解除;减轻

The medicine brought me relief. 这药减轻了我的痛苦。

n. help given to people in poverty of trouble 救济

They are in need of relief. 他们需要救济。

deliver vt. take something to the place where it must go 投递;送交

Every day the milkman delivers milk to our house. 每天送牛奶的人都把牛奶送到我家。

vt. give forth in words 发言

He delivered a speech at the meeting. 他在会上讲了话。

vt. to help in the birth of 接生

she delivered the child. 她接生了这孩子。

Nenana [ni`nB:nB:] n. 美国城市

Arctic adj. of the north polar regions 北极的

n. the regions round the north pole 北极;北极圈;北极地方

the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋 the Arctic Regions 北极地区

tough adj. able to withstand great strain without tearing or breaking; strong and resilient 坚韧的 demanding or troubling; difficult 困难的 physically hardy; rugged 强壮的

(tougher; toughest)

wrap vt. to cover completely with 包裹;缠绕

I wrapped the present in red paper. 我把礼物用红纸包了起来。

n.[c] an article of dress to be folded round a person 披在身上的衣物

Don't forget your wra

篇18:Teaching plan for Unit16(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

Aims and demands:


Importance and difficulty:

Words: gift, value, doubt, so long as, solve


1. There is no doubt about the correct thing to do.

2. It is the duty of everyone in a work unit to report another worker to the manager if he / she does anything wrong, or tell lies.

3. I’m afraid it is quite common that people steal things from their wok place.

4. There is no need to say anything to the other worker.


1. The rooms are being painted now.

2. A new hotel will be built in one month.

3. All the means have been tried, but it is still no use.

4. Supper had been prepared before they came back.

Useful expressions:

1. I’m sorry….

2. I’m afraid……

3. I apologize……

4. Never mind.

5. That’s all right./ OK.

6. Don’t worry.

Lesson 61

Aims and demands:

Develop the Ss’ four skills : reading , listening, speaking and writing ability.

Importance and difficulty :

Have a deeper understanding of the text.

Teaching aids: a tape recorder and some slides

Teaching methods: reading and understanding

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Warming up

T: What kind of work would you like to do when you leave school / college / university?

Now you are Senior 3 middle school students , half a year later , most of you will go to universities or colleges.

What are you going to do if you are a university / college student?

Ss: Study hard. ( Studying is your full-time job.)

Find a part-time job.

T: What kind of part-time jobs are you going to look for/ be after?

Ss: ……

T: If you are studying in a Teachers’ college, then you’d better do the home-teaching for middle school students.

If you are studying in a tourist university , you’d better find a part-time job in a tourist agency ---- to do the guide service to tourists / to show the visitors around.

There are different jobs for you to do in the society. Let’s come to the text and the example is a true story about an Englishman, Fred Pearson, who started the tourist service “Take-a-Guide” in London after leaving Oxford University.

Step 2. Pre-reading questions

Ffind the answers to the questions:

1. What part-time job is mentioned as an example?

A guide service to tourists.

2. Find one reason for taking a part-time job.

Any of the reasons listed below in part 3.

Step 3. Careful reading

Read it carefully and do the comprehension exercises: (Unit 16 --- 3B)

I. Main facts:

Tick some good reasons for taking part-time jobs mentioned in the passage.

□ You can be financially (在经济上) independent from your parents.

□ It is good preparation for the outside world.

□ You can learn the value of the money.

□ It greatly helps you with your studies.

□ You learn to work with others in a team.

□ It can surely earn enough money to start your own business after graduation.

□ You have a greater chance of finding a suitable job.

II. Do the note-making .

Find out the reasons for taking a part-time job by completing the following.

1. If you earn money, you will not ____________.

2. If you have money, you can buy ____________.

3. It is good preparation __________.

4. We should learn the value of money and _____________.

5. It is good to learn to work _____________.

6. You will get some _____________.

7. Employers prefer _______________.

8. You will have a greater chance ____________.

III. Further comprehension CBCDCC

1. What’s the passage about?

A. It gives some tips about how to find a suitable part-time job.

B. It tells about how Fred began his part-time job.

C. It proves that taking part-time jobs is really helpful.

D. It’s mainly about the advantages and disadvantages of working part-time.

2. Fred Pearson was going to ___ when a tourist stopped him and asked for directions.

A. attend classes

B. listen to a lecture

C. deliver a lecture

D. visit the university town of Oxford

3. ___ main good reasons for taking part-time jobs are mentioned in the passage.

A. Five B. Four C. three D. Two

4. Fred decided to show the tourist around the university town because ____.

A. he was very kind and ready to help others in trouble

B. he wanted to make money by doing it

C. he did not want to listen to the boring lecture

D. he found it enjoyable walking and talking with the tourist

5. Taking part-time jobs is helpful, and it can help students ___.

A. make a fortune

B. be dependent on their parents

C. prepare themselves for the future

D. get nothing but some work experience

6. What is the writer’s opinion about work?

A. It is boring and unpleasant.

B. It is not enjoyable, but necessary.

C. It is interesting and enjoyable.

Step 3. True or False statements: TFFTT FTTTT

1. Fred Pearson was a student of Oxford University.

2. After the lecture, Fred showed the tourist around the university.

3. Fred spent the whole day with the tourist.

4. Fred earned ten pounds for showing the tourist around.

5. Fred found a good way of making money.

6. When he graduated from the university, Fred started his won business as guide.

7. It is good for a student to begin a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.

8. Taking a part-time job has another advantage for learning to work with others in a team.

9. Companies usually prefers to employ experienced workers.

10. If you have done some part-time jobs while studying in the university, it’s easier for you to find a suitable job.

Step 4. Workbook Page 85

Step 5. Listening

Listen and language points

Step 6. Discussion: 3B --- Unit 16

1. Do you think that college students should take part-time jobs? Why / Why not?

2. Make a list of as many different part-time jobs as you can . At the end discuss which job you would like to do most and which job you would hate to do.

3. What do you think of Fred?

Which of these adjectives will you use to describe Fred ? Why?

serious hard-working fun-loving

lazy crazy organized

easy-going clever energetic


hard-working------in the morning he worked and in the evenings he studied.

fun-loving------they spent a very enjoyable morning together.

organized------he worked and studied at the same time.

easy-going ------they got on well.

energetic------he worked and studied at the same time; he earned enough money to start his own business.

educated------he passed his exams.

Step 7 . Homework

Text book and paper exercises:

1. He found out that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively. In other words, he was by nature a good guide.

2. Hard-working------in the morning he worked and in the evenings he studied.

fun-loving------they spent a very enjoyable morning together.

Organized------he worked and studied at the same time.

Easy-going ------they got on well.

Energetic------he worked and studied at the same time; he earned enough money to start his own business.

Educated------he passed his exams.

3. A part-time job which results in a full-time job, or interesting developments.

4. A part-time job; you learn the value of money; you learn to work with others in a team.

5. They value someone who leads and active life and is anxious to learn.

6. To be independent.

7. C

Step 6. Rearrange the following events

a. At lunchtime, the tourist thanked him and gave him ten pounds, which was a lot of money in those days.

b. He passed his exams, and even better, when he left university he had warned enough money to start his own business. Offering guide services to tourists.

c. They got on so well that Fred decided not to go to the lecture but to show the tourist around the university instead.

d. Fred realized that he had discovered an interesting and enjoyable way of making money.

e. They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively.

f. Fred Pearson was walking through the university town of Oxford one morning in 1961.

g. In the evenings, he studied hard for his exams, and most mornings he took tourists around Oxford.

h. He was on his way to his lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked him for directions. As Fred was going in the same direction, he walked along with the tourist.

Step 7. Workbook


Lesson 62 Letters

Aims and demands:

Review how to write a letter and know develop the Ss’ four skills

Importance and difficulty:

Have a good understanding of the text and let them discuss how to deal with the difficult situation.

Teaching aids: tape recorder and some slides

Teaching method : reading

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Warming-up : story-telling (listen to the tape )

I’ve been working at a meat factory for about two months now. It’s a part-time job, so I only work evenings. I’ve recently noticed that one of my workmates is stealing. From time to time, I notice that he puts a piece of meat down his trousers just before he leaves the factory. Now the manager has found that things are missing. He says that all this happened after I started work.

What should I do?

Ss: discuss the question.

Step 2. Reading comprehension

Read the text ( three letters ) and do the comprehension exercises:

Workbook:------Exercise 2 . True or false

Paper exercise:

D 1. The two friends are writing to ______.

a) tell each other stories B. give each other information

C. persuade each other to change mind D. ask for and give advice

D 2. From John’s letter we can tell that _______.

A. he relies in friends B. he is not brave or independent enough

C. he doesn’t know how to solve the problem D. all of the above

A 3. Which of the following wards has the same meaning as “position” in John’s letter?

A. condition B. attitude C. job D. opinion

A 4. From Marty’s second letter we know he is _______.

A. brave and willing to fight for truth B. selfish

C. understanding, clever and careful D. brave but careless

A 5. The job that is not a part-time job is called ________.

A. a full-time job B. a half-time job C. a full-day job D. a half-day job

B 6. If someone says “ I am afraid that…” he / she is ________.

A. frightened B. polite C. worried D. unhealthy

Step 3. Exercises

Practice 4 in page 22 Exercise 3 in page 86

Step 4. Grammar

Passive voice and active voice

Do the exercises


Lesson 61~62

Aims and demands: Deal with the important language points.

Importance and difficulty: Grasp the usage of the language points

Teaching aids: some slides

Teaching methods: practicing

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Deal with the language points

Fill in the blanks: (Lesson 61~62)

1. Fred showed the tourist around the university instead of going to the lecture.

2. He had a gift for making the visit lively and interesting.

4. It is a good idea to start a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.

5. We should learn the value of money and learn how many hours’ work has to be done before we can buy something.

6. The employers value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn.

7. It’s a part-time job, so I only work evenings.

8. Maybe I should have told ( tell )that workmate I knew what he was doing. Or possibly I should have gone ( go ) to the manager and told him who was stealing meat.

9. It is quite possible that the thief might pot some meat in your bag, hoping ( hope ) you will be caught and called a thief.

10. In my personal opinion,( 依我个人的意思 ) you should have done this as soon as you found out he was stealing.

11. There is no doubt about ( 对于……没有疑虑/ 怀疑 ) the correct thing to do.

Step 2. Explanation (on the Bb )

1. show … around

show …in

show … out

2. have a gift for

have no gift for

3. so long as


4. value n. 价值

value v. 珍视,器重

3. be anxious to do sth.

be anxious about / for sth.

4. evenings adv. 每天晚上

5. should have done

ought to have done

could have done

might have done

must have done

6. hoping 伴随状语

7. catch

catch sb. by the arm

catch sb. doing

be caught in the rain

catch what one said

catch it

8. in one’s personal opinion

in the opinion of sb. ( me , her, him , us…… )

11. There is no doubt about…… ( a set phrase ) 对于……没有怀疑/ 疑问

There is no doubt as to …… ( 关于 )

There is no doubt that……

Doubt vt.

Eg. There is no doubt as to the truth of the story. 故事的真实性无可置疑。

There is no doubt that he is a thief.

I doubt whether he will come.

Step 3. Exercises : Fill in the blanks ( Lesson 61~62 )

1. The doctors are anxious about / for his health.

2. I am anxious to have a new car.

3. He is a polite boy, whenever a guest leaves his home, he shows him out.

4. We’d better value the friendship between us.

5. She has a gift for music.

6. Most parents know the value of a good education .

7. You can go out so long as you promise to be back before 9 o’clock.

8. In the opinion of most people, the plan is good. So do I. So I stick to my opinion.

9. He studied days and worked evenings.

10. If your father sees you doing that, you’ll catch it.

11. Yesterday, on his way home, he was caught in the rain.

12. There is no doubt about / as to his honesty.

13. I believe what he said. That means I don’t doubt what he said.

There is no doubt about what he said.

14. The examination turned out easy.

15. The English evening turned out a great success.

16. I should have phoned ( phone ) Jack this morning, but I forgot.

17. The light is on. He must be ( be ) at home.

18. The light is on. He can’t have gone ( go ) out.

19. We could have walked ( walk ) to the station. A taxi wasn’t necessary at all.

20. I shouldn’t have used ( use ) your computer without your permission.

21. She shouldn’t / couldn’t have used ( use ) your computer without your permission.

Step 4. Workbook.




















新起点英语一上:Colours three Lesson 33教案2023-01-22


