新课标模块2 unit1 revision(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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新课标模块2 unit1 revision(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)(整理19篇)由网友“水水怪兽”投稿提供,下面是小编精心整理的新课标模块2 unit1 revision(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计),希望能够帮助到大家。

新课标模块2 unit1 revision(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

篇1:新课标模块2 unit1 revision(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Unit 1 [背诵要点]

1.A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed.

2. It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China.

3. It is a rare Ming Dynasty vase.

4. The man who has it insists that it belongs to his family.

5. It feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.

6. The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.

7. It took a team of the country’s best artists ten years to make it (It takes sb st to do sth).

8. In return ,the Czar gave the King his best soldiers.

9. About four meter long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.

10. She had the Amber Room moved to the palace where she spent her summers. (have sth done)

11. The room was completed the way she wanted it.

12. There was a time when the two countries were at war.

13. There is no doubt that the boxes were put on a train.

14. What happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

15. Following old photos, the new room has been made to look much like the old one.

16. The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and moving it away.

17. In a trial, you must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.

18. The judge does not consider how each eyewitness looks or where that person lives or works.

19. The judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which must be facts, rather than opinions.

20. For example, it can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world.

21. I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.

22. I don’t agree that they should return the treasure to Russia. Nor do I think they should give it to any government.

23. Besides, my father told me that any person who finds something can keep it.


一 翻译下列单词或短语

1 调查 11 认为,考虑

2 作为报答 12 拆开

3 制成… 13 移走

4 属于 14 而不是

5 保持不变 15 在…流行

6 活着,继续存在 16 除了…之外还有

7 毫无疑问 17 寻找

8 高度评价 18 处于交战状态

9 证明 19 木制的

10问题的答案 20 点亮;点燃

二 用上面的词或短语填空

1. The new Harry Potter novel __________________ middle school students throughout the world.

2. The hungry boy rushed into the house _______________something to eat.

3. I will___________ the matter and then tell you the result.

4. China is a country __________________the developing country.

5. The door __________open all night long.

6. He didn’t know to do something ____________for her help.

7. People __________Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in America.

8. His word________ to be right later.

9.The (木制家具) in the sitting room were borrowed from neighbors.

10.He (light)a candle and the (light) candle (light) the whole room.

三 完成句子

1 大火过后什么也没留下.

After the fire________________.

2 他们的年龄都一样.

They are________________________.

3 我在考虑再次去那里.

I _______________________________there again.

4 小孩子总喜欢把玩具拆散.

The children always____________________.

5 你会高度评价那些总帮助别人的人吗?

______________________those who always help others?

6 一旦被加热,琥珀可以制成各种形状.

___________________, the amber can ____________any shape.

7 当时中日双方正在打仗,因此交通变得极其困难.

At that time, _________________________-so traveling was extremely difficult.

8 从那以后琥珀屋的最终所归便成了一个谜.

After that, what really happened to the Amber Room______________.

9 他昨天买了一套家具.

He bought __________________yesterday.


Please ________________so that I can sit down.

四 翻译句子


2 我真的不想去,但他硬要我去. (insist)

3 他不可能把他的书带回家了,因为他所有的书都放在桌上. (情态动词+have done)

4 我拿不准这礼物是谁的? (belong to)

5 她给了我们食物和衣服,没要求任何回报. (in return)

6 毫无疑问,他将为他所做的受到惩罚. (doubt)

7 这是两国交战时期. (at war)

8 虽然他自己并没有觉得做了什么突出的事情,他的同事们却对他交口称赞.

9 父母进来时他假装睡着了. (pretend)

10大量的证据证实他是清白的. (prove)


Dear Classmates,

As young people, we don’t always want to think about the past. 1 we often hear our grandfathers and grandmothers talk about cultural relics. They say we 2 protect some of these relics because they are important to our culture. 3 also say that these relics are important to us because they help us remember the 4 of our ancestors and respect what they have done. I’m sure you will 5 . After all, someday we will be 6 ourselves and will want our own children to protect them. So I have a plan for 7 the painting in the old temple, which is a fine cultural relic 8 in our hometown. It should be protected because it was painted by a 9 artist of the early Qing Dynasty. My plan is to get students to take a 10 to see it on a Saturday next month and then 11 some important people to join us. 12 , we can also write an 13 about it for the town newspaper. Later, when others begin to 14 their help, perhaps we can 15 enough money to help the museum buy it. If you like my plan, please give me a note to your teacher. Thank you.


1. A. However B. Yet C. Therefore D. And

2. A. can B. must C. will D. need

3. A. Some B. We C. They D. Others

4. A. days B. dreams C. lives D. styles

5. A. refuse B. allow C. doubt D. agree

6. A. greater B. stronger C. richer D. older

7. A. surviving B. remaining C. saving D. removing

8. A. there B. here C. where D. anywhere

9. A. famous B. rare C. gifted D. skillful

10. A. trip B. look C. bus D. rest

11. A. take B. order C. beg D. ask

12. A. In a word B. Besides C. First of all D. By the way

13. A. poem B. passage C. article D. diary

14. A. prove B. offer C. supply D. provide

15. A. make B. earn C. raise D. give


1. What the king said is remained a mystery.

2. This strange vegetable belongs potato family.

3. There is some doubt that he will come tomorrow.

4. The man insisted that he not steal the money and that he should not say sorry.


look into make into in return belong to remain survive have no doubt think highly of prove the answer to the question consider

take apart remove rather than be popular among/ with besides in search of

be at war wooden light

is popular with/ among ; in search of ; look into; belonging to; remained; consider; proved; wooden furniture; lit/lighted, lighted, lit/lighted

1 nothing remained

2 of the same age

3. am considering going

4 like taking the toys apart

5. Do you think highly of

6 Once (it is) heated; be made into

7. China and Japan were at war

8. remains a mystery

9. a set of furniture;

10. remove your bag from the seat

1. Only in this way can you improve your English.

2 I didn’t really want to go but he insisted.

3. He can’t have taken his books home for all of them are lying on the table.

4. I am not quite sure who/ whom the gift belongs to.

5. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return.

6. There’s no doubt that he will be punished for what he has done.

7. This was a time when the countries were at war.

8. His colleagues thought highly of him though he himself didn’t think he had done anything special.

9. He pretended to be asleep when his parents came in.

10. A great deal of evidence proved him innocent.

五.完型填空 1-5. BBCCD 6-10. DCBAA 11-15. DBCBC

篇2:必修2 unit1 Cultural relics语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Part One : Words



1)vi 剩下,余留



4)remain + adj. ? n/ p.p./ to be done


I went to the city , but my brother remain at home.

After the fire , very little remain of my house 大火过后,寒舍所乘无几。

Let thins remain as they are 一切保持原样吧


remaining adj. 剩下的(作前置定语)

remain standing / seated (一直站着、坐着)

remain / keep silent (保持沉默)


remain 只能用作不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。表示”…留下来被做时“ 采用句式 “sth. remain to be done”


remain/ stay都指“继续停留“或”继续保持某种关系“,状态或行动。 remain常可与 stay互换,但它强调”人或物“继续停留于一处或保持原来状态,情况性质而不改变。 ”stay’强调“人在一定的场所逗留不离开”


The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ______ as the plane was making a landing. (上海春)

A seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating

2) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _______ whether they will enjoy it ( 全国)

A to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen




consider +n.

consider +v.ing

consider + wh + to do

2) vt. 认为, 把… 看作(同 think , regard)

consider sb. / sth. + adj./n.

consider sb. / sth. to be…

consider sb. / sth. as……. ? that clause

3) vt. 考虑;照顾;体谅


I’m considering going abroad. ( 我正在考虑出国)

I consider it ( to be / as ) a great honour.我认为这是极大得荣幸。

If you consider that she has only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well. 想想她学英语才一年,她的英语已经说得相当好了。


consider后接不定式作宾补时, 要用to be 或 to have done.

consider 后不能接to do作宾语。

considering prep.&conj. 就。。。而论; 照。。。来看。


consider… as…. 侧重“经过考虑而认为”, 表示“一种比较客观的看法.

regard…. as,,, 指“把。。。认为..”、“把。。。看作。。”表示“以外部形象得出认识或个人得主观认识。

treat… at…表示“在某种认识的基础上看待或对待”重在行动,而不在认识。






Many things ___ impossible in the past ate quite common today.

A. having being considered B. considered

C. to be considered D. considering

5) Charle Babbage is generally considered ____ the first computer.

A. to invent B. inventing

C. to have invent D. having invented

3. rare


adj. 稀罕的;希有的(常意味着珍贵,难得)

adj. 极好的;极度的

adj. (尤指空气)稀薄的


It’s rare for him to be late. 他很少迟到。

The rare air of the mountains makes people difficult to breathe.



short adj. 短缺的; 不足量的(常用于缺少量的前面) be short of……

rare adj. 指罕见而珍贵的事物; 很少发生的事或人的行为反常等; 关于时间,常用rare.

scare adj. 指有用而不够。


用rare ,short, scare填空

1). Gold is a ______ metal.

2) He gave me ____ change.

3)Good fruit is ____ just now, and costs a lot.

4) – How about your holiday, Lily?

-- Oh, it was great. We _____ by the seaside.

A. saw a lot of people

B. had rare fun

C. really wanted a rest

D. rarely played so well

4. furniture




They bought much new furniture.他们买了一些家具。

There are four pieces of furniture in our house.在我们房子里有四件家具。

This old French table is a very valuable piece of furniture.这张旧的法国桌子是一件很贵重的家具。


furniture 不论受什么词修饰,其前面不能加不定冠词a也不用复数。furniture若要表示其数目时,”一件家具” 表达为a piece of furniture; 许多件家具用pieces of (articles of ) furniture;“一套家具”则用a set of furniture..说多少家具时,不用many, few而用much 或little


We have a staff of 28 but there ____ in the office.

haven’t many furnitures B. aren’t many furnitures

C. hasn’t much furniture D. isn’t enough furniture

5. doubt


n. 怀疑,疑问

There is no doubt about …. / that clause

throw doubt upon…对。。。表示怀疑

without doubt 毫无疑问地

I have no doubt about… / that-clause

I have some doubt whether…

(2) vt. 怀疑,不信

doubt sb./ sth.

doubt if / whether… (肯定句)

don’t doubt that…..(否定句或疑问句)


I doubt the truth of it. 我怀疑此事地真实程度。

I don’t doubt that John will come on time. 我相信约翰一定会准时。

There is some doubt about whether John will come on time.约翰会不会准时来还不太确定。


doubt n. 在否定句和疑问句中,其后地同位语从句用that引导; 在肯定句中,则用whether引导。

doubt v. 在否定句和疑问句中,其后地宾语从句用that引导;在肯定句中,其后地宾语从句用if 或whether引导。


1)______ is no doubt that the Chinese team will win this game and become the champion team again this year.

A. It B. There C. That D. As

2) I have no doubt ______ we shall be able to do something for you.

A. that B. if C. what D. why


3) I doubt __________ . 这事实是否属实。

4) I _____________. 不相信他人老实。

5) Does any one __________________. 怀疑它原来如此吗?

6) We all have no doubt ____________ 台湾会回归中国。

Part two : phrase

1. belong to


属于; 为。。。的财产




That dictionary belongs to the library. 那本词典是图书馆的。

He belongs to the trade union. 他是工会会员。

That key belongs to the lock. 那个钥匙是开这把锁的。

注意:belong to 没有被动语态, 不用于进行时态,后面不能接名词性的物主代词。


belong vi. 合适, 对。。。合适或有用;处在适当的位置

I belong here. 我住在这里

Put it where it belongs 把它放在应放的地方

A telephone belongs in every home 电话对每户家庭都有用。

2) belongs财产,所有物;行李


1) This is a dictionary ______ me.

A. belong B. belongs C. belonged D. belonging

2) To all the people here _____ the honour for the success.

A. belong to B. belongs to C. belong D. belongs

3) If the dictionary _____ you , put it where it _______.

A. doesn’t belong to; belongs to

B. isn’t belong to ; is belonged

C. doesn’t belong to ; belongs

D. isn’t belong to; is belonged to

2. at war


(常与with连用)与。。。处于战争状态; 同。。。进行竞争


Germany was at war with almost all the countries during world War Two. 二战中德几乎同所有国家处于战争状态。

we both have been at war with each other for years.多年以来我们一直相互竞争。


介词at意为 “在。。。之中“,表状态; 有:

be at war

be at school 在上学

be at table 在就餐,在吃饭

be at peace 处于和平状态

be at work 在工作

be at rest 静止


at war 强调“处于交战德状态之中“, 常见的结构为be at war with..

in the war 意为“在战争中“

in battle 强调“处于战斗之中” 与in the war 有时可以通用,只不过battle往往指局部战斗;in the war 指全面战争。

注意: on也可表示“在。。。中”其常用搭配有:on strike(罢工), on business(出差), on leave(休假) ; on duty(值班); on show(在展览); on sale(出售), on fire (在着火); on holiday (度假中)






# 用适当的介词填空

They are ____ a friendly visit to China.

I was _____ table when an old friend visited me.

The two countries used to be _____ war, but now they are ____ peace.

Many workers were ____ strike because of poor par.

3.do with




忍受 (=bear)

(与can, could连用) 表示需要或愿望


Such people are difficult to do with.这样的人很难对付。

What have you done with the letter? 你是如何处理这封信的?

We can’t do with such carelessness. 我们不能忍受这样的粗心。

You look as if you could do with a good night’s sleep. 你看上去好像需要好好睡一觉。


deal with / do with表示“应付,处理”时可以换用。但有区别:

deal with中deal是不及物动词, 没有宾语,常跟作with搭配,所以与what连用。

do with需要接两个宾语一个作do的宾语,另一个作with的宾语,所以与what连用。







Do you know _____ to do with the rubbish?

A. where B. what C. how D. why

Part three structure

1.Why not 为什么不?


why (not) do sth. 是一个常见的句型。

why do sth? ( Why do you do…?) 有时含有责备的意味; why not do sth.?(= Why don’t you do…?)常用来表示建议。此外, Why not?还可以表示“为什么不” “为什么不行”或者“当然好呀‘。


why not study harder?

Why take the book without my permission?


―Let’s go swimming.

-- Why not?


1) You’d better do sth.

2) I think you…

3) I advise you to do sth.

4) I suggest that you (should) …

5) What/ How about….?

6) Would you like to…

7) What do you think of….,?


-Let’s go to a movie after work?

-- ___________ (山东)

A Not at all B. Why not?

C. Never mind D. What if it?

2) – We are in great need of help.

-- _______ ask them to do you a favor?

A. How about B. why don’t

C. why not D. why didn’t

3. – How about going for a walk?

-- ________________.

A. That will take us an hour for a walk

B. Walking is a kind of sports

C. I’ll go for a walk with you

D. That’s a good idea

2. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea



There is no doubt that ….表示“毫无疑问” , 是一个固定的句式


There is no doubt that he is guilty.毫无疑问,他是有罪的。

There is some doubt whether Peter will come on time. 彼得是否准时来还是个问题。

There is not much doubt about it 那件事情没有什么可疑之处。


There is no …句型

There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事

There is no difference …. 没有区别

There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有意义或没有作用

there is no time left for… 没留下时间做。。。

there is no possibility… 不可能。。。


1)____ is no possibility _____ Bob can win the first prize in the match.

A. There ; that B. It ; that

C. There ; whether D. It ; whether

2) Since you have repaired my TV set, ______ is no need for me to buy a new one. (2002shanghai春)

A. It B. there C. this D. that

3.) Can you doubt ____ he will win ?

A. whether B. if C. that D. when

3. There design for the room was if the fancy style popular in those days.【用法指南】

“be of +抽象名词” 相当于“be+ 抽象名词的形容词”,本结构常用来一个人或物的特征;其中“of+抽象名词”相当于该名词的同根形容词;此类词有:help/ helpful; value/ valuable; use/ useful; interest/ interesting; importance/ important; effect/ effective; benefit/ beneficial.


great ,good , much, some , little , no, any 等。


The decision is of great importance / very important.

I find the dictionary of great use.= I find the dictionary useful

The present is of no practical value.= The present isn’t valuable practically.)

You’ll find the dictionary is of great help to your study of English .


be of+ a/an +普通名词, 表示“同一的”,相当于”be (of) the same + 名词; 此类词有:height, shape, weight, age, size, colour, type, width.

be + of +名词, 还可以作定语或补足语。


You’ll find this map of great _____ in helping you to get round London.

A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness

2) The two students _____ had a lot discussion over the question.

A. with the same age B. as old

C. of an age D. the same age

3) This book is ________ no my translation, but that one is ______.

A. great help ; helpless B. a great help; of no use

C. important; of few importance D. very helpful; of few importance


4)The two clothes are ________ . (一样大)

5).The book is _____. (很有趣)

6.) I found your discovery _______(很重要)

篇3:必修2 Unit 2 The Olympic Games(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Period 1

Pre-class task: about vocabulary of item in the Olympic Games

Step 1 Word Game:

Part 1: Each group get 4 words to guess. one points for each.

Part 2: The quickest to match the word correctly can get 2 points for his/ her group, but if the answer is wrong,

1 points will be lost.

shot put 击剑

discus throw 摔跤

javelin throw 悬挂式滑翔

Marathon 冰球

Canoeing 举重

ice hockey 马拉松

Weightlifting 划独木舟

Wrestling 铁饼

fencing 推铅球

hang-gliding 标枪

Part 3: The quickest to guess the word correctly can get 2 points for his/ her group, but if the answer is wrong,

1 points will be lost.

Rings, high bar, side hors(鞍马)e, vaulting horse(跳马), double bar, free exercises

Step 2 Warming up

Talk about when ,where, and anything you know about the Olympics according to the pictures given.

1. get Ss to talk about pictures

Teacher can give one example

2. let 2 Ss share their understanding of the pictures and act it out for the class

Step 3. Speaking Activity 1 ( Warming up p17)

Page 49 Now turn to page 49 and look at exx.1&2

1.Read through the words and fill in the form

2.Work in pairs and make a simple dialogue using the information in the form by asking:

Do you know which sports are usually part of the Winter Olympics?

Which sports are played between team?

In which sports are Chinese athletes the best?

3.Pairs to act it out

Step 4 Speaking Activity 2

Teacher help the Ss to talk about their hobbies(about sports) by teaching them some expression.

1. show some useful express

asking about Giving answer, advice, and making decision

Taking about hobbies:

1)Which sport do you like best?

What’s your favorite sport?

What are your hobbies?

Which do you prefer, ..or..?

Are you interested in …?

2)Why do you like…?/What do you learn from…

3)How do you become good at them?

4)Can you tell me sth. about them? Giving answer, and making decision:

1)I prefer…(to)…/ I like …(best).

2)I (don’t) like (because)…

3)I (don’t) think…(it’s because)…

4)I’m sure that…

5)I’m not sure whether…

6)there is no doubt…

7)Don’t you think that…?

2. explain them if necessary.

3. give some words of sports for Ss to talk with their partner.

4. act it out

Step 6 Homework

1.Find out the fact in Warming up to the number given to you (it’ll be checked tomorrow)

2.Finish Exx.1-4 on p11-12

3.《课程探究》Exx 1&2

4.Go over the new words.

Period 2

Step 1 Number game

Have the Ss to open the book on page 9, try to match the number to the events. The one who get the closest answer will get 1 point of the group

1. show the number to the Ss

2. have the Ss write down the answers by filling with the number in the table

776 B. C. The ancient Olympic Games start in Greece.

393 A. D. The ancient Olympic Games stop

1896 The modern Olympic Games start in Greece.

311&13 The numbers of competitors & countries took part in 1896

1932 China first joined in the Games.

1984 China first got gold medal by Xuhaifeng.

10.000&119 The numbers of competitors & countries joined in Sydney Olympic

2004 China got the 2th place in Athens.

China will host the 29th Summer Olympics in Beijing.

3. check and give points to the group.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Showing the Motto of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid (北京奥运申报口号) to the whole class.

1. raise a question: “Do you know more about the Olympics history?”

2. get the Ss to read about an interview to get more.

3. get the Ss to make sure the relationship between Pausanias and Lili

Step 3 Reading comprehension

Read the Olympic Games

1. Make sure the information they have to get:

The 29th Olympics The old Olympics

The Olympic Games

The 27th Olympics The modern Olympics

1st time: Read the text quickly and find out the answers to the following Qs:

1). The old Olympics: when / where / who/what to get

2). The modern Olympics: how often / how many sets / who

3). The 27th Olympics: when / where to live/ for the spirit of…

4). The 29th Olympic: when / where/ what to get2nd time: Read the text carefully and answer the question on page 11,have the Ss:

. 1.Read the passage again and find out the answers to the questions in Ex 2

2.Discuss the answers with your partner

3.Tell the whole class the answers

Step 4 Summing up

1 individual work, take out a piece of paper to sum up the text

2.pair work: “Close the books, talk about the Olympics with what you have learnt & your own knowledge.”

3.act it out

Step 5 Homework


2.Finish Ex.1 of a table on p11

3.P50 Ex.2, P51 reading task

4.Go over notes on page 78-79.

Period 3 & 4

Step 1 Homework checking & motivating

1.check the homework

2. talk the motto of modern Olympic Games: Swifter/faster, higher, stronger

Step 2 Language points

1. Ss give the phrases and expressions according to the Chinese T gives

2. Ss raise Qs on some difficult points they found while reading the text

Reading text:

1. Take part in/join in 参加

2. The spirit of ……精神、宗旨、灵魂

3. Used to 过去常常

4. Find out 查明,找出

5. Every four years 每四年,每隔三年

6. All over the world (遍及)全世界

7. A set of 一套,一组

8. Compete with/against 和……竞争

9. compete for… 为……而竞争

10. be admitted to 获准做某事

11. be admitted as 作为…被接受

12. reach the standard 达到……水平、标准

13. play an important role/part in 在……方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)

14. as well as 和……一样

15. think you for your time 感谢您(能抽空……)

16. come from the same root 同根

17. Have (no) chance of doing sth. 有(没)做……的机会

18. Go with 伴随,与……搭配

19. relate…to… 把……与关联起来

20. relate with 和……有关

21. Run against… 和……赛跑

22. Hear of 听说

23. Make sure 确定

24. Take turns 轮流

25. One after another 一个接一个

take part in 参加

take part in, join, join in, attend的区别

take part in 指参加某种活动,如体育、比赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等,并积极地起着作用。Join指参加某组织并成为一员。Join in 指参加活动或游戏,和take part in 相当。但join sb. in… (和某人一起做某事),不等于take part in。attend表示参加会议(聚会)等。

eg: We all took part in (joined in) the sports meeting.

compete vi. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

compete in…在某方面竞争

compete for…为……而竞争

compete with/against 与……竞争

eg: He believed that nobody could compete with him.

competition n竞赛 competitor n 参赛者 competitive adj 竞赛的

host vt 主办,举办 n (待客的)主人

eg: When do you think China will the World Cup?

She was away, so her son acted as host.

英语中有许多词汇既可作动词,也可作名词:help, shop, talk 等。

used to do sth “过去常常做某事(现在已不)”

其中used to 看作情态动词,其否定形式和疑问形式为:1)否定:used not(usedn’t) to+do; did not(didn’t) use to+do 2)疑问:used+主语+to+do; did+主语+use to+do

eg: She usedn’t to play computer games, used she?

另外,1)be used to do sth.“被用于……”是use sth. to do sth.的被动形式,2)而be used to sth./doing sth.表示“习惯于做某事”。

eg: 1)Wood can be used to make desks.

2)I am used to the weather in Guangzhou.

*Every four years athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitor.

Every adj 与数词连用,“每(隔)…...”,具体用法是:


每年:every year

每两年(每隔一年):every two years/every second year

每四年(每隔三年):every four years/every fourth year

表示“每隔一“还可用every other+单数名词,如:every other day

“每隔几…..”用every few+复数名词,如every few metres,每隔几米

admit 允许(加入某组织或参加某个活动)常用被动

be admitted to(介词) 获准做某事

eg: He was admitted to the club after his tenth try.

be admitted as 作为…被接受

eg: He was admitted as a member of the baseball team.


eg: 她承认已经看过这些信。

She admitted having read the letter.

You must admit the job to be difficult.

读音规律:admit这类词的重音落在最后一个音节上,形成了事实上的重读闭音节,过去时和过去分词必须双写最后一个辅音字母,然后再加-ed。类似的还有: permit-permitted, refer-referred, prefer-preferred

all over the world (遍及)全世界

two sets of 文中译为“两种”,一般译为“两套,两组”

*Women are not only allowed to join in but (also) play a very important role especially in…

allow 可以组成几种短语:

1)allow sb. sth. 允许某人某事;

2)~ sb. in(out) 允许进入(出去);

3)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do) ~ doing sth. 允许干某事。

与此类似的动词短语还有:advise sb. to do, advise doing sth. / permit(许可“法令,规章等”) sb. to do, permit doing sth. (encourage鼓励 / forbid 禁止)

eg: Passengers are not allowed to smoke in the waiting room.


We don’t allow smoking here.


play a role(part) in “扮演一个角色,在…..起作用”

eg: 要管理好学校,校长起着重要作用。

The headmaster plays an important role in the good running of a school.

Not only…but (also)可连接各种成分,连接句子时,not only引起的部分需要倒装。如:Not only do the nurse want a pay increase, but also they want to reduce(减少) hours.

as well as 并列连词

1. 既……又;也;又。可连接两个并列成分,强调其前面的内容,因此连接并列主语时,谓语应与前面的主语保持人称和数的一致

eg: I as well as my sisters am going to the park for a picnic this Sunday.

2. 还可作“不但……而且“解,相当于not only…but also,但前者强调的中心在as well as之前,后者在but also之后。

eg: It is important for you as well as for me.

另外,as well 副词短语,意思为“也”,放在句末。当放在主要动词之前,前面有may, just等时,意为“也好,不妨,还不如”

如:He has not only finished his own work, but helped others as well.


You might just as well tell me the truth.

*It’s just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.在所有参加竞争奥运会承办权的国家中获胜就如同获得一枚奥运会奖牌。

此句由as much as引起,第二个as后省略了a competition among countries

replace 取代;放回;替换

eg: he replace the book on the shelf.

have (no) chance of doing sth. 有(没)做……的机会

go with 伴随,与……搭配

relate to… “…….与……有关联(相关)”

eg: If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simple.

注意:A relates to B A与B有联系; relate A with/to B 把A与B联系起来

marry vt(强调动作) :

1)结婚,嫁,娶; 2)使结婚(marry…to…:使…同…结婚)

eg: 1)He married a pretty girl.

2)He will never marry his daughter to anyone whose family is poor.

be/get married(强调状态)+ to(不能用with) sb 和……结婚

eg: He’s married to his job. 他全身心都投入到工作。

run against… 和……赛跑

no one will be pardon 没有人能被宽恕

hear of 听说

promise vt 1)允诺,答应 promise sb. sth.; promise (sb) to do sth.


eg: 1)He promised (her) never to tell a lie.

2) The clear sky promises fine weather.

vi 保证,有前途

eg: This project promises well. 这个工程大有前途。

n 诺言、字据,充当make, break, keep, carry out 的宾语

eg:If you make a promise, you should keep it, you ought not to break it


make sure +that clause 确定

take turns 轮流

one after another 一个接一个

Step 3 Pratice

Fill in the blank, and retell the text

The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two kinds of Olympic Games. One is __________________,The other is _________________. Both of them are _____ every __________.All countries can take part if their athletes reach the ___________________ the games.Women are not only _____ to join in but __________________. A _______________ is built for the competitor to live in, a _______for competition, a gymnasium ___________ seatsfor those who watch the games. It’s a great ____ to host the it. It’s just ________ a competition to host the Olympic Games __ to win a Olympic ______. The olive wreath has been ______ by

medals. But it’s still about being able to run ______, jump ________and __________.

Step 4 Homework

1.《英语周报》Test unit 2 all

2.Finish Ex.3 on p50


4.Finish Ex. 5 on p12

5.Go over the new words for dictation in this unit.

Period 5 & 6

Step1 Dictation

Words and expression in this unit

Step 2 Grammar


1) 一般将来时被动语态由 “shall(will)+will+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。使用时应注意下面句型由主动语态变为被动语态的方法。

(1) 主语+谓语+宾语,例如:

主动:We’ll build a new house next year.

被动:A new house will be built(by us) nest year.


主动:My mother will give me a shirt.

被动:I will be given a shirt (by my mother).


主动:My mother will give me a shirt.

被动:A new shirt will be given to me (by my mother).

(3) 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补。如果是含有复合宾语的主动句变成被动句时,将其中的宾语变为主语,宾补不变。例如:

主动:We’ll ask him to help you tomorrow.

被动:He will be asked to help you (by us).


(1) be going to be (done); be to be (done)

主动:We are to repair the machine tomorrow.

被动:The machine is to be repaired the (by us) tomorrow.

(2) shall(will)+get+过去分词(多用于非正式场合)

主动:I will get the work done.

被动:The work will get done by me.

(3) will+become+过去分词

The truth will become known..

Step 3 Listening

Material 1 p51

1. Read the following sentences (part 1)quickly

2. Play the tape 2 times. Check the answer

3. Listen to the tape for the last to have a full understanding of the story.

Material 2 p5148

1. Read the following sentences quickly

2. Play the tape 3 times. Check the answer

3. Listen to the tape for the last to have a full understanding.

Step 4. Homework

1. Finish Ex.1 on p49

2. Finish Ex. 3 on p13

3. Go over the language points and grammar in this unit.

篇4:高一模块2 unit 1-3 复习提纲(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Unit 1


文化的 幸免于 保持,仍是 稀罕的 礼物 加热

设计 奇特的 珠宝 国王 点火 镜子 奇迹

移动 家具 秘密地 木制的 怀疑,疑惑 审判

考虑 意见,看法 根据,证据 证明 假装 珠宝



look into belong to in search of in return at war take apart

think highly of get lost do with be used to do as…as… in fact

part of serve as add…to… be ready for care about rather than

the answer to question even though agree with


1. He could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.

2. Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.

3. The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.

4. It took a team of the country’s best artists ten years to make it.

5. She had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St petersburg where she spent her summers.

6. In 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted it.

7. This was a time when the two countries were at war.

8. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg.

Unit 2


诚实的 古代的 比赛vi 奖章 主办 魔力的

采访 运动员 承认 奴隶 取代 身体的

有关,涉及 做广告 愚蠢的 允诺 金色的


take part in a set of as well as one after another used to do

every four years be admitted as be admitted to compete against/for

join in reach the standard not only…but also… as a matter fact

be allowed to do so…that marry sb be married to hear of

change one’s mind ask for help pick up play a very important role


1. I lived in what you call “Ancient greece”.

2. The Winter Olympics are usually held two years before the Summer Olympics.

3. That’s why they are called the Winter Olympics.

4. It must be expensive.

Unit 3


计算 共同的 简单的 技术 革命 通用的

智力 无论如何 完全地 网络 真实地 出生

优点 打字 不同意 选择 材料 亲自地 创造

步骤 出现 头脑 漫步


in common in one’s opinion go by deal with human race

in a way make up after all with the help of watch over

sound simple share sth. with sb. at the same time since then

billions of communicate with by the Internet in the 1960s look like

in computer language second place in this way


1. As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller.

2. There were times when my size was totally changed.

3. My memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it.

篇5:新课标模块2 unit 4 三课时教案(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Unit 4 Wildlife protection

Period 1: Warming up and reading


To talk about endangered species and enable the students to say something about wildlife protection and environmental protection.

To read about wildlife protection and help the students to get to know “how to help wildlife and how to protect the environment” by reading and guessing.


I. Warming up by learning about animals

Look at the photos below and listen to me telling you about the animals, the endangered animals.

The Giant Panda is a mammal now usually classified in the bear family, Ursidae, that is native to central China.

The Giant Panda lives in mountainous regions, like Sichuan and Tibet. The Giant Panda is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a conservation organization. Toward the latter half of the 20th century, the panda also became somewhat of a national emblem for China, and is now used in Chinese gold coins.

Giant Pandas are an endangered species, threatened by continued loss of habitat and by a very low birthrate, both in the wild and in captivity. About 1,600 are believed to survive in the wild.

Milu deer is a Chinese deer. It has a long tail, wide hooves, and branched antlers. Another Chinese name for it is “four unlikes,.” because the animals were seen as having the horns of a stag, the neck of a camel, the foot of a cow, and the tail of an ass.

These animals were first made known to Western science in the 19th century, by Father Arm and David, a French missionary working in China. At the time, the only surviving herd was in a preserve belonging to the Chinese emperor. The last herd of Milu deers that remained in China were eaten by Western and Japanese troops that were present at the time of the Boxer Rebellion.

These deer are now found in zoos around the world, and a herd of Milu deer was reintroduced to Dafeng Reserve, China in the late 1980s. They are classified as “critically endangered.” in the wild, but do not appear to have suffered from a genetic bottleneck because of small population size.

A tiger is a large cat famous for its beautiful fur of orange striped with black. Tigers live in Asia and are becoming very rare. This is due to people hunting them for their fur and destroying the forests they live in.

II. Pre-reading

1. Defining wildlife

What does the world wildlife mean?

The term wildlife refers to living organisms that are not in any way artificial or domesticated and which exist in natural habitats. Wildlife can refer to flora (plants) but more commonly refers to fauna (animals). Needless to say, wildlife is a very general term for life in various ecosystems. Deserts, rainforests, plains, and other areas-including the most built-up urban sites-all have distinct forms of wildlife.

Humankind has historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways; besides the obvious difference in vocabulary, there are differing expectations in the legal, social, and moral sense. This has been reason for debate throughout recorded history. Religions have often declared certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times concern for the environment has provoked activists to protest the exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment.

2. Reading to the recording

Now turn to page 26, listening and reading to the recording of the text. Try to keep pace with the native reader, making your reading resemble that of the reader, in speed, in intonation and in pronunciation.

3. Reading and transforming

Now you are to read the text for information to fill in the form.

What did Daisy see where she was?

In Tibet in China Zimbabwe In thick rain forest

4. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read the text and underline all the collocations at the same time.


not long ago, wake up, find…by one’s side, a flying chair, get dressed, put on one’s jeans, fly away to…, turn around, with a sad face, use…to make…, kill…for…, take…from under…, take one’s picture, become endangered, destroy the farm, take photos, apply to, hunt…for…, make money for…, as a result, in thick rain forest, protect…from…, rub…over…, a powerful drug, pay attention to…, take…home

III. Closing up by matching animals to five risk categories

Different endangered species appear on different endangered species lists. And people who are trying to protecting animal use the following five risk categories to group the unlucky animal.

Now in groups of four try to group all the unlucky animals found in China.

List of Unlucky animals found in China


EXTINCT(灭绝动物)-A species formerly indigenous to Canada that no longer exists anywhere.

EXTIRPATED(根绝动物)-A species no longer existing in the wild in Canada but occurring elsewhere.

ENDANGERED(濒危动物)-A species threatened with imminent extinction or extirpation throughout all or a significant portion of its Canadian range.

THREATENED(危急动物)-A species likely to become endangered in Canada if the factors affecting its vulnerability are not reversed.

VULNERABLE(弱势动物)-A species particularly at risk because of low or declining numbers, small range or for some other reason, but not a threatened species.

Period 2: Learning about Language

(The Present Progressive Passive Voice)


To learn about The Present Progressive Passive Voice

To discover useful words and expressions

To discover useful structures.


I. Warming up by acting a text play

Good morning class. To begin with we shall put our text HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE on stage, that is, to act out our story. Now the class acting team with their text play of HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE!

II. Discovering useful words and expressions

1. Doing vocabulary exercises

Turn to page 28 and do the vocabulary exercises 1, 2 and 3. You can simply write your answers in the blanks on the very page of 28.

2. Playing a game

Let’s go on to play the game described on the top of the page 29. The following sentences are to be passed on.

▲ Plant native plants in your backyard.

▲ Do not dump weeds in the bush.

▲ Build a frog pond in your backyard.

▲ Put your rubbish in the bin.

▲ Leave your pets at home.

▲ Do not take anything out of the park.

▲ Encourage your friends to keep patches of bush as wildlife habitats.

▲ Join a community group and offer to do voluntary work.

▲ Find out about conservation activities happening in your local area.

▲ Participate in local clean-up, tree planting and weed control activities.

▲ Learn About Threatened Species

▲ Look out for wildlife

▲ Refuse to buy any rare or endangered plant or animal product.

▲ Be alert and drive slowly at dawn and dusk in rural areas where wildlife may be active.

III. Studying The Present progressive Passive Voice

1. Passive Voice

The passive voice is used when focusing on the person or thing affected by an action.

The Passive is formed: Passive Subject + To Be + Past Participle

It is often used in business and in other areas where the object of the action is more important than those who perform the action. For Example: We have produced over 20 different models in the past two years. Changes to: Over 20 different models have been produced in the past two years.

If the agent (the performer of the action) is important, use “by.” For Example:

Tim Wilson wrote The Flight to Brunnswick in 1987.

The Flight to Brunnswick was written in 1987 by Tim Wilson.

Only verbs that take an object can be used in the passive.

The following chart includes sentences changed from the active to the passive in the principal tenses.

Active Passive Time Reference

They make Fords in Cologne. Fords are made in Cologne. Present Simple

Susan is cooking dinner. Dinner is being cooked by Susan Present Continuous

James Joyce wrote Dubliners. Dubliners was written by James Joyces. Past Simple

They were painting the house when I arrived. The house was being painted when I arrived. Past Continuous

They have produced over 20 models in the past two years. Over 20 models have been produced in the past two years. Present Perfect

They are going to build a new factory in Portland. A new factory is going to be built in Portland. Future Intention with Going to

I will finish it tomorrow. It will be finished tomorrow. Future Simple

2. Passive Verb Formation

The passive forms of a verb are created by combining a form of the “to be verb.” with the past participle of the main verb. Other helping verbs are also sometimes present: “The measure could have been killed in committee.” The passive can be used, also, in various tenses. Let’s take a look at the passive forms of “design.”

Tense Subject Auxiliary Past Participle

Singular Plural

Present The car/cars is are designed.

Present perfect The car/cars has been have been designed.

Past The car/cars was were designed.

Past perfect The car/cars had been had been designed.

Future The car/cars will be will be designed.

Future perfect The car/cars will have been will have been designed.

Present progressive The car/cars is being are being designed.

Past progressive The car/cars was being were being designed.

IV. Reading and identifying

Since you are clear about Passive Verb Formation, go back to page 26 and scan the text for all the examples of The Present Progressive Passive Voice.

Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours.

She was being watched by an excited elephant.

Now try to put the following sentences into The Present Progressive Passive Voice.

▲ They are producing this new drug.

▲ Antelope is looking at her.

▲ They are killing us for the wool.

▲ They are destroying the farm.

V. Discovering useful structures

To consolidate your learning of The Present Progressive Passive Voice, turn to page 29 and do the grammar exercises 1, 2 and 3, also on the very page of 29.

VI. Closing down by playing a game

To end this period go to page 29 and play the game called “Tell me what is happening?” Ask questions containing The Present Progressive Passive Voice.

Period 3: Using Language



To read and listen about dinosaurs

To speak about helping the dodo

To write to the dodo


I. Warming up by reading to the tape

Let’s warm up by reading aloud to the recording of the text


II. Listening about DINOSAURS

Now I’d like to tell you something about DINOSAURS

■In formation about Dinosaur

Dinosaur means terrible lizard in Latin. They were called that because people used to think dinosaurs were lizards, but they were not. Dinosaurs first appeared about 200 million years ago. 65 million years ago, many kinds of dinosaurs became extinct. Birds are a special type of dinosaur and they were the only kind to live until today.

There were many kinds of dinosaurs. Some ate plants and some ate meat. The largest dinosaurs were plant-eaters like apatosaurus and brachiosaurus. They were the largest animals to ever walk on dry land.

Other plant-eaters had special weapons to help them fight off the meat-eaters. For example, triceratops had three horns on its face, ankylosaurus was covered in boney plates, and stegosaurus had spikes on its tail.

The meat-eaters all ran around on their back legs like people do. Some were very large, like tyrannosaurus, and some were small, like compsognathus. It was the smaller sized meat-eaters that evolved into birds. One of the first birds was archaeopteryx, but it looked half like a dinosaur.

There were large flying reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs called pterosaurs, but they were not closely related to dinosaurs. There were also many kinds of large reptiles that could swim, like ichthyosaurs and pleisiosaurs, but they weren’t closely related to dinosaurs either.

III. Reading and copying

Next we shall go back to the text ABOUT DINOSAURS on page 30 again to read it and copy down all the expressions into your notebook.

Useful phrases from ABOUT DINOSAURS

During the history of the earth, live on the earth, tens of millions of years ago, came into being, eggs of five species, a rare new species, a bird-like dinosaur, climb tree, tell…from…, die out, hit the earth, put…into the air, get hot, live on, know for sure, in the same way, listen to the story about…, disappear from…

IV. Reading to answer questions

Read the questions in the table below and scan the text to answer them.

When did dinosaurs live on earth?

When did dinosaurs die out?

How did dinosaurs die out?

V. Listening about the dodo

Have you ever heard of the dodo, an animal that has also disappeared from the earth?

The Mauritius Dodo (Raphus cucullatus, called Didus ineptus by Linnaeus), more commonly just Dodo, was a metre-high flightless bird of the island of Mauritius. The Dodo, which is now extinct, lived on fruit and nested on the ground.

Next we are going to listen to the tape and do exercises 1 and 2 on page 30 on dodo.

VI. Speaking in pairs about helping the dodo

Zhao Yannan: The Dodo was driven to extinction by sailors when they discovered the island of Maritius in the 17th century. It is one of the first documented human induced extinctions.

Zhao Yanfei: What a pity that we can not find any dodo now. Imagine we are with the dodo, Yannan, what could we do to help it?

Zhao Yannan: Then I would intend to hide it in a cave, so that sailors could not find it.

Zhao Yanfei: If I were there, I would try to trap them as they were catching and killing the dodo. Putting man who is harmful to the dodo in a cage and attacking him is the best way to protect and save the dodo.

Zhao Yannan: I’d like to and I’m ready to, teach man how to be friends with animals, including the dodo. The man and the dodo can be living side by side on the earth. They can be happy together.

ZhaoYanfei: I would rather not tell you what I think of man. He is selfish and cruel. He cares only for himself and that is why so many animals have disappeared from this earth. Putting the bad men in a cage is the only way out, I am sure.

VII. Closing down by writing to the dodo

All right now, boys and girls, to end this period next you are to write a letter or an email to the dodo telling him what you are going to do to save him.

By 1681, the last dodo died, and the species became extinct. After hundreds of years, no one recalled what a dodo bird was, and it was regarded as a myth invented by imaginative sailors. It wasn’t until the 1900’s when the bones were found that the dodo was believed to be real.

Today, the dodo bird is a symbol of the harm humans can bring to other living things if we are irresponsible.

篇6:高一英语必修2全部教案Unit 2 The Olympic Games(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)

Period 1: A lesson plan for reading



To talk about the history of the Olympics games

To read an interview about the Olympic Games


I. Warming up

Warming up by sharing

Morning, everyone! Today we are going to learn about THE OLYMPIC GAMES. But first, I’d like to know how much you know about the Olympics to be held in Beijing. Anything about it is ok. Oh, Li Lei, do you want a try?…Right. You know so much about the Olympics. Toady, we’ll learn more about it in ancient Greece.

Warming up by describing

Now, boys and girls. I’ll show you a video show of the 28th Olympic Games. Please tell me what it is about and describe it to the class. Ok, Wang Lin, please describe it. Wonderful. That’s Liu Xiang. The hurdle king!

Warming up by discussing

Hi, class. You know our country is trying her best to prepare for the Olympic Games. Every one is expecting and excited about it. Let’s discuss what we can do for it. And imagine what we will do at the 2008 Olympics.

II. Pre-reading

1. Asking and answering

Now, please read the three questions before the Reading. Let’s do it in turn. Let’s begin from the first row here…ok, you did a good job. Let’s summarize your answers.

For reference:

1. In Summer Olympics, there are running, swimming, shooting, wrestling, jumping, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, throwing, Javelin, weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing etc.

In winter Olympics, there are skiing skating, ice hockey, ski jumping, sledding, snowboarding etc.

2. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing on Auguster 18th, 2008.

3. To hold the Olympic Games is a rich prize for a country. And it can make a country known in the world. It can stimulate the country’s economy, and help to speed up its development.

2. Imaging and introducing

Please look at the three pictures in the reading. Please talk about them. Imagine whatever you can.

For reference: The first picture is the status of a great Greek. His name is Pausanias. He was a famous traveler and writer in the second century AD. His Guide to Greece is an extremely comprehensive guidebook for tourists, concentrating on buildings, tombs and status and including a lot of information on the mythological, religious and historical background to the monuments described. It is so informative that it may be called the foundation of classical archaeology and this ancient Baedeker is still used as a guide to classical Greece. Can you remember a famous ancient Chinese traveler and writer? He also wrote a book. Yes, his name is Xu Shake. His works is The Notes of Xu Shake’s travels.

The second picture is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Maybe this is the principle stadium. It’s large and can hold thousands of audience.

The third picture is a Chinese athlete named Yang Yang. She won a gold medal for China in the winter Olympic Games. She is a famous skating player.

3. Talking and Sharing

We know there are many differences and similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics. Do you know anything about them? You can simply guess. Yes, Lucy, try …

III. Reading

1. Reading aloud to the recording and finding the general idea

Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text AN INTERVIEW. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation as well as the pauses within each sentence. Then try to get the general idea of the passage. Have you got the main idea?

Yes, it tells us the differences and the similarities between the ancient and modern Olympics.

2. Reading and acting

Now let’s play the parts of the Greek writer Pausanias and the Chinese girl Li Li. Now boys, you are Pausanias; girls, you are Li Li. Please pay attention to the bold words.

3. Reading and finding

Now read the text again. The boys shall try to finish the task: What was the ancient Olympics like? The girls shall try to finish the task: What is the modern Olympics like?

4. Reading and collecting information

Ok, now let’s read it silently. First let’s talk about the same points between the ancient and modern Olympics. Who can answer? Any volunteers?

Then let’s come to the differences.

The similarities

① Both are held every four years.

② Both are held not for money but for honour.

③ The beliefs are the same. They are: Swifter, Higher, and stronger.

④ Men are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern Olympics.

⑤ Some events are the same, such as running, jumping, shooting and thowing.

The Differences

① There were not winter Olympics in the past.

② Now competitors are from all over the world. But in the ancient time, only the people in Greece could take part.

③ Only men were allowed to take part in the past, now woman are also allowed.

④ In the past, winners got the olive wreath as the prize. Now competitors compete for medals.

⑤ The events and athletes in modern time are more than those in the past.

⑥ There is a special village for the competitors to live in, a stadium for competitions, a gymnasium for these who watch the games now. But there were not in the past.)

5. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

Collocations from AN INTERVIEW

take part in…, gold medals, the spirit of…, be held, in order to, host the Olympic Games, on a magical journey, find out, the present day Olympic Games, used to, write about…, come to your time, be admitted as…, two sets of…, enjoy competing in…, compete against…, for the honour of…, reach the standard, be admitted to…, play a very important role, as well as, a stadium for competitions, as a matter of fact, compete for…, olive wreath, feel proud of…, make… happy

Ⅳ Closing down

Closing down by doing exercise

To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises 1 & 2.

Closing down by discussing

You know our government has tried its best to compete for hosting the 29th Olympic Games. It has cost a lot of money. Do you think it is worthwhile? Why?

For reference:

It is worthwhile to host the Olympic Games. To host Olympic Games can make our country known to the whole world. To host Olympic Games can make our culture and people understood by the other peoples. To host Olympic Games can stimulate the developing of our economy.

Closing by imagining

Imagine what we will do and what we can do for the 29th Olympic Games now.

For reference: Maybe we can serve as volunteers to help the foreign visitors and athletes from all over the world. So at present we should study hard. Especially we should try our best to learn English well.

Closing down by narrating

We can see the text is written in a conversational style. And there are two speakers. One is Pausanias, a Greek writer years ago, the other is Li Li, a Chinese girl. Now let’s change it into a narrative style. In other words, let’s describe the ancient and modern Olympic Games in our own words. Who would like to have a try?

For reference: The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece and were held from 776 B.C. to A.D.393. It was held every four years. At that time, there were not so many sports as today. And women were not allowed to take part in the games. There were not Winter Olympics at that time. Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.

The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. They’re held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.

Closing down by summarizing

As we have finished the passage we’ll sum up what we have learned. First let’s see the writing skills. It is written in a conversational style. It’s in a very interesting way. It adopts a dialogue between Pausanias who lived 2000 years ago and a Chinese gird in modern world. Through their dialogue, the differences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games are made known to the readers. Just because it is in a conversational style, there are quite a few oral spoken English and elliptical phrases.

Through the comparison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the differences and the similarities between them. Now we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can also get to know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. It’s our duty to make the Olympic Games better and healthier. We know that one of the slogans for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment.

Period 2: A lesson plan for Learning about Language

(The Future Passive Voice)


To learn about future passive voice

To discover useful words and expressions

To learn the methods of words formation


I. Warming up

Warming up by dictating

There are several important sentences in this unit. Let’s dictate them. If you can’t, learn them by heart after class.

① When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

② I live in what you call “Ancient Greece” and / used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2000 years ago.

③ All countries can take part if they reach the standard to be admitted to the games.

④ The next Olympic Games will be held in my hometown.

⑤ It is just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.

Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions

Turn to page 11 and do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 5 first. Check your answers against your classmates’.

II. Learning about word formation

1. Do exercise 4 and discover the rules.

Turn to page 12 and find out the rules of word formation.

By adding -ing to a verb, we can change the verb into a noun.

That means we can change “doing some sport” into “the name of the sport”.

By adding -er to a verb, we can change the verb into a noun. That means we can change “doing some sport” into “the person who does the sport”.

2. Means of word-formation in general

Affixation, conversion, and composition (or compounding) are the chief means of word-formation in English. Besides these, there are also other minor ways of word-formation including clipping, acronymy, blending etc.

III. Learning about Present Future Passive Voice

Turn to page 13 and do exercise 3. And tell the class the formation of present future passive voice.

For reference: Well done, class. We can follow the following formlation to turn the future tenses into future passive voice; be going to be done, be about to be done, be to be done, will / shall be done, would / should be done.

Ⅳ Closing down by summarizing

1.Present future passive voice (take “ask” for example)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative



He/she/it will be asked

We will (shall)

You/They will I


He/she/it will not be asked

We will (shall) not

You / They will not Will (shall) I

Will you

Will he/she/it be asked

Will (shall) we

Will you / they

2.The passive Voice of phrasal verb

Generally speaking, only transitive verbs can form the passive voice, for only transitive verbs can be followed by objects. But many intransitive verbs together with some prepositions and adverbs can be used as transitive verbs. So they can also be followed by the objects. Therefore they can also be used in passive voice.

But note that all the phrasal verbs are used as a whole. When using them in passive voice, we cannot drop out the prepositions and adverbs. For examples:

At last they put out the fire. At last the fire was put out.

They will put up a notice on the wall. A notice will be put up on the wall.

Have you sent for a doctor? Has the doctor been sent for?

I have never heard of such a thing before. Such a thing has never been heard of before.

We must take good care of the children here. The children must be taken good care of here.

His classmates laughed at him for the foolish mistake. He was laughed at for the foolish mistake by his classmates.

Period 3: A lesson plan for using language


To read about the ancient Olympic Games

To listen and talk about hobbies

To write about hobbies


1. Warming up

Warming up by introducing

Hi! Class. You know Greece is the world-known country with an ancient civilization. It has a long history with so much marvelous culture. The Greeks had wonderful stories about the Gods and Goddnesses who were part of their religion. They believed that these god or goddesses would help humans if they felt sorry for them or if the humans were good people. However, the Gods did not always help. They behaved like people who were unpredictable and capricious. To try to get the support of the Gods people had to pray to them and offer them present. In this story the Goddess Hera, the wife of the chief God, Zeus was sorry for Hippomenes and agreed to help him.

Warming up by sharing

Now, boys and girls. Is there anybody who can tell us some Greek mythology. You know they are so famous in human history. Or can you speak out some names of Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Prometeus 普罗米修斯 -- a son of the former chief God

Sphinx斯芬克斯 -- a being with a human face but a lion body

Pandora 潘多拉-- a beautiful girl with every ill and evil thought and deed

Zeus宙斯-- the chief God who governed the world

Hera 天后-- the wife of Zeus who governed the love

Ⅱ. Guided reading

1. Reading and judging

Read the text THE STORY OF ATLANTA, and complete the True or False guestions after the text on page14.

2. Reading and answering

Read the text again, and answer the following questions.

A. What was Atlanta’s problem?

B. What were Atlanta’s rules?

C. What was Hippomenes’ amazement?

D. What made Hippomenes change his mind?

E. Whom did Hippomenes turn to for help?

F. Can you guess what was the ending?

For reference:

A. Atlanta could run faster than any men in Greece. But she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games.

B. She promised to be married to a man who could run faster than her. If he could not run as fast as her, he would be killed.

C. Hipppomenes could not understand why so many young men wanted to risk their lives.

D. Atlanta’s beauty made him understand his amazement and change his mind.

E. He turned to the Goddess of love for help.

F. Hippomenes was killed because of losing his race.

G. He ran faster than Atlanta and married her.

3. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

Collocations from THE STORY OF ATLANA

be allowed to, run against…, will be pardoned, hear of…,be amazed, as fast as…, change one’s mind, ask… for help from…,

promise to, will be relaxed, pick up, be confident about…,share one’s pain, run past…,compete with…, cheap to marry

4. Listening

For listening turn to page 15 and be ready to do exercises 1.

First read the questions carefully and imagine what is the listening about.

When doing exercise 2, you must make clear what is wrong with the sentence. And tell the class which is correct, which is wrong and which is only half true.

5. Acting

Next we are going to put the text A STORY OF ATLANTA on stage. You know there are four charactors in the story. Who would like to be them?

Who will be Alanta’s father, the old king?

Who will be the Goddess of Love?

Ok. Li Li, you are the Greek princess. Zhang Qiang, you are the brave young man Hippomenes. Lucy, you are the Goddess of Love. Zhou Gang, you are the princess’s father. The rest of class, please prepare it in groups of four. Then act your play before class.


Time: one morning in spring

Place: at the palace

People: the old king(K), the princess (A), the young man (H), the Goddess of love (L).

F: My dear daughter, you see how beautiful the spring is! You are just like the spring flowers. Why don’t you marry? So many young kings and princess want to marry you, and they are all so rich, smart and nice.

A: Oh, dear father. I have promised that I will only be married to a man who can run faster than me. I will run against him. If he cannot run as fast as me, he will be killed. No one will be pardoned.

F: But, my dear daughter. No man has won you. They all sent themselves to death. When will you get married?

A: I won’t marry unless I am allowed to run in the Olympic Games. (Hippomenes is allowed to come in)

H: Oh, my kindest king and my prettiest princess!

I’ll marry the princess. I’ll compete with you.

A: Do you know the rules?

H: Yes, princess!

F: Oh, young man! Go away! You can’t win her. You are only losing your life!

H: No, I want a try!

F: Foolish thing! Go away! Don’t go to die! (Hippomenes was pushed away and felt sad, crying. The Goddess of Love is watching everything above him in the sky and pities him)

L: Oh, young man, what’s the matter? Why are you so sad?

H: Oh, my Goddess, can you help me? Can you help me to win the princess and marry her?

L: Ok, young man. Do you really want to marry her and love her?

H: Of course. She is so beautiful.

L: Ok, it is easy. Take these three golden apples.

Throw apples in front of Atlanta when she is running past and she will be relaxed. When she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run on and win.

H: Oh, thank you, my Goddess!

(Hippomenes returns to the palace)

K: Well, young man, why are you here again?

H: My kindest king. I want to marry her and run against her!

K: Well, young man. I repeat. Don’t be silly! Go away!

H: No. I love her. I will marry her - or die!

6. Speaking

Now, class. Let’s carry out a survey of the interests in the class and write down the names of the classmates who have the same interests. You can carry out the task like this.

Which do you like, sport, music or collection?

Which of the sports do you like best?

What is your favorite sport?

Are you interested in table tennis?

After the survey, the ones who have the same interests sit together and please work in groups of four to talk about their interest.

Why do you like this sport / music / collection?

When do you begin to like it?

What’s enjoyable about the hobby?

What have you learned from the hobby?

III.Guided writing

1. Writing an imagined dialogue

Groups 1 and 2 are going to write an imagined dialogue between the princess and Hippomenes. You may begin like this : Oh, my dear princess, I want to marry you…

2. Writing a description

Turn to page 16 and follow the direction to write a description of your favorite hobby.

Here is an example:

Swimming is my favorite sport. I like it because it can bring me much fun. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, you’ll feel cool and comfortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. It’s a healthy sport and it can build up your body. If you are a beginner, you must be careful.

You’ll better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. If you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.

IV. Closing down by finding information

Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on the Olympic Games and the ancient Greek mythology. Take notes of your finding and report to your groupmates next Monday morning.

Part Two: Teaching Resources

Section 1: The writing style of the reading AN INTERVIEW

Type of writing Conversational style

Main idea Comparing the differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics

Characteristics By comparing and contrasting

Section 2: Background information on the Olympic Games

I. Events of the Moden Olympic Games

Archery, Baseball, Badminton, Basketball, Beach, Volleyball, Boxing, Canoe/Kayak, Cycling, Diving, Equestrian, Fencing, Field Hockey, Gymnastics, Handball, Judo, Modern Pentathlon, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Synchronized Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Tae kwon do, Track & Field, Triathlon, Volleyball, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling

II.Olympic Traditions

The Olympic Anthem

The Olympic anthem was written by the Greek national poet Costis Palamas and composed by Greek musician Splros Samaras. It was first sung at the 1896 Games. The IOC adopted it as the official Olympic anthem to crown olympic ceremonies at the 1958 IOC Session in Tokyo.

The Olympic Motto

The Olympic motto “swifter, higher, stronger”comes from three Latin words”citus, altius, fortius”, which actually mean”faster, higher, braver”. The French educator, Baron Rerre de Coubertin, who revived the ancient Olympic Games and in 1896 led the first modern 01ympic Games in Athens, borrowed the phrase from a Dominican priest Henri Dinon. Mr.Dinon introduced these words while presenting athletic prizes at a college in 1891.But how did these words become the motto of the Olympic Games? It was Michel Breal who introduced this phrase at the closing dinner of the congress for the reestablishment of the modern Olympic Games on June 23,1894.Later, the International Olympic Committee formally adopted this phrase as the official motto of the Games.

The Olympic Creed

The Olympic creed was also introduced at the 1896 Games. As stated by Pierre de Coubertin, the creed is as follows:”The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”

The Olympic Flag

It was Pierre de Coubertin who conceived the idea of the Olympic flag with five coloured interlocking rings on a white backround. The rings represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes from all around the world at the Olympic Games.

Today, almost a century after the flag’s creation, the six colours, those of the rings (blue, yellow, black, green, red) and that of the white background which stands for peace, still maintain their symbolism and can be found in flags across the world. The Olympic flag was first used during the Antwerp Games in 1920.

The Olympic Oath

“In the name of all the competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.”

At the opening Ceremony of each Games, one athlete from the host country takes Olympic oath on behalf of all competing athletes. This particular gesture of sports-manship was introduced at the 1920 Games in Antwerp, Belgium. A coach or team official takes a similar oath at each Opening Ceremony.

The Olympic Flame

The Olympic flame is one of the most visible symbols of the modern Games. Its tradition has survived from the Games of ancient Greece, where a sacred flame, ignited by the sun, burned continually on the altar of the goddess Hera.

The modern Olympic flame was first lit in 1928 at the Amsterdam Olympic Games, where it burned throughout the competitions. It has become a major symbol for solidarity among nations and embodies the Olympic spirit encompassing the ideals of purity, the endeavour for perfection, the struggle for victory, friendship and peace.

The Torch Relay

During the 1896 Games in Athens, young inspired sportsmen had organised the first torch relays. However, the tradition of the Olympic torch officially began at the Berlin Games in 1936. As in ancient times, the torch is lit by the sun in Ancient Olympia, then passed from runner to runner in a relay to the host city, where it is used to light the Olympic Stadium’s flame during the Games’ Opening Ceremony. The flame then burns until it is extinguished at the Closing Ceremony.

Section 3: Words and expressions from unit 2 THE OLYMPIC GAMES


adj. 1. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent: honest lawyers 2. marked by truth: give honest answers 3. without pretensions: worked at an honest trade 4. without dissimulation; frank: my honest opinion 5. habitually speaking the truth: an honest man 6. worthy of being depended on: an honest working staff 7. free from guile: His answer was simple and honest


adj. 1. very old: an ancient mariner 2. in or of times long ago: ancient Rome and Greece 3. having existed since a very early time: ancient history/customs


v. to try to win sth. in competition with someone else: John competed for a place at their school, but didn’t get it. compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others


n. an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event


n. a man who receives guests: He acted as host to his father’s friends. China is the host country for 2008 Olympic Games. v. be the host of or for: We hosted 4 couples last night.


adj. possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers: a magical spell


n. 1. the questioning of a person (or a conversation in which information is elicited); often conducted by journalists: My interviews with teen-agers revealed a weakening of religious bonds. 2. a conference (usually with someone important) v. 1. conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting 2. discuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of an evaluation: We interviewed the job candidates. 3. go for an interview in the hope of being hired: The job candidate interviewed everywhere.


n. a person trained to compete in sports


v. 1. allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of: admit someone to the profession 2. allow to enter; grant entry to: We cannot admit non-members into our club. 3. serve as a means of entrance: This ticket will admit one adult to the show. 4. give access or entrance to: The French doors admit onto the yard. 5. afford possibilitye: This problem admits of no solution. 6. declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of: He admitted his errors. 7. admit into a group or community: We’ll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member. 8. have room for; hold without crowding: The theater admits 300 people.


v. 1. put something back where it belongs: Replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it. 2. substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected): He replaced the old razor blade. 3. put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items: The con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt. 4. take the place or move into the position of: Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left.


v. 1. have or establish a relationship to: She relates well to her peers. 2. be in a relationship with: How are these two observations related? 3. give an account of: The witness related the events. 4. have to do with or be relevant to 5. make a logical or causal connection: I cannot relate these events at all.


n. 1. a large piece of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel 2. an ocean trip taken for pleasure v. 1. traverse or travel by ship on (a body of water): We sailed the Atlantic 2. travel in a boat propelled by wind: I love sailing, especially on the open sea. 3. travel by boat on a boat propelled by wind or by other means: The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow. 4. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions: Shreds of paper sailed through the air.


v. 1. call attention to: Please don’t advertise the fact that he has AIDS. 2. make publicity for; try to sell (a product)


n. 1. grounds for feeling hopeful about the future: There is little or no promise that he will recover. 2. a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future v. 1. give grounds for expectations: The results promised fame and glory. 2. make a promise or commitment 3. promise to undertake or give: I promise you my best effort. 4. make a prediction about; tell in advance


the first period

step 1 greeting

step 2 warming up

1. within 】pre.

1:Within these old walls there was once a town.

2:She felt the anger mounting up within her.


例1:He learned to speak English within six months!

例2:Please stay within hearing.

例3:to live within one's income


例1:The house has been painted within and without.

例2:She was pure within.


例1:The door opens from within.

例2:Seen from within, the cave looks larger.

反义词 beyond pre. & adv.


:The road is beyond that hill.


:Some shops keep open beyond midnight.


:The rumour is beyond belief.

易错辨析:with 和within


例1:He lives with one's parents

例2:You must do the work with more care.

例3:The popular singer star doesn't sing with much expression.

例4:It is a coat with four pockets.

例5:He opened the door with his key.

例6:They smiled with pleasure.


He has been to the United States three times ______the last three months.

A. for B. with C. within D. since


step 3 practice listening

step 4 consoidation

review the important knowledge

step 5 homework

study before

the second period

step 1greeting

step 2presentation

step 3practice

. promising

例1:The weather is promising.

例2:He was a promising youth.

例3:What promising crops.


1) promise n.

例1:He broke his promise and did not come to see me. 。

例2:They are a group of writers of promise.

例3:Clouds give promise of rain.

2)promise vt.

例1:He has promised to behave better henceforth.

例2:She promised her brother that she would write to him.

例3:“It is not so simple, I promise you.”

例4:This year promises to be another good one for harvests.

3)promise 的相关表达法

break [go back] one's [a] promise

keep one's [a] promise

make [give] a promise

of great [high] promise

Promise is (a due) debt.

Promise little, but do much.


promise 表“许诺, 诺言; 约定”时是可数名词;

表“(有)指望, 有(成功的)希望;预兆, 预示”等意思时,是不可数名词。

试比较:The news gave little promise of peace.

He gave a promise that he would help us.

3. engage

vt. (= hire)

例如:He’d planned to engage a new secretary.

vt. (= book)

例如:They have engaged a room in the hotel.

vt. 与……订婚 (与to搭配,常用被动语态)

例如:Tom is engaged to Anne.

vt. 从事, 着手, 忙于 (与in搭配,常用被动语态)

例如:He is engaged (in his work) now.

vt. 允诺,保证 (常与that 从句连用)

例如:Can you engage that he can pay back the money in due time?

vt. 吸引, 引起(兴趣), 占用

例如:His smile engages everyone he meets.

vi. 卷入其中或参加;参与

例如:They engaged in the conversation right away.


1) be engaged by

2) be engaged in/ engage oneself in

3) be engaged on/ upon

4) be engaged to/ engage oneself to

易错辨析:注意与engage 连用的介词

请选择:He was engaged ____ a very nice girl. And later they got married.

A. with B. to C. in D. by

本题主要因为受汉语的影响,最容易选错A,英语中还有类似的短语:be/ get married to (与……结婚)。正确答案为B。

4. observe

vt. 注意到; 监视; 观察[测]

例1:I observed him going out.

例2:We are supposed to observe a child's behavior carefully.

vt. 纪念; 庆祝(节日、生日等)

例如:We observe our National Day on October 1st.

vt. 遵守, 奉行(法律、习俗、规章等)

例如:We must observe the rules at school.


observer n. .观测者, 观察员, 遵守者

例如:You can't speak at this meeting, you are here as an observer.

5. match

vt&vi. 相似;相配;相等

例1:These shoes do not match; one is large and the other is small.

例2:They are equally matched in their knowledge of Chinese.

n. 相似物;相配者;相衬之物;搭配之物

例1:He is his father's match.

例2:The shirt and blouse are a perfect match.

n. 对手

例如:The boxer had met his match.

n. 比赛;竞争

例如:There is going to be a football match between the two classes this afternoon.

n. 火柴,

例如:The little girl struck her last match.


有关match 的表达法

1)find [meet] one's match

2)let beggars match with beggars

3)make a good match

4)play a match 比赛 play off a match (

5)match against [with]

易错辨析:match与fit 、suit 区别

1) match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面相合、不相上下、势均力敌。

例如:These colours don’t match.这些颜色不相配。

2) fit指适合环境、条件、目的、要求等(即某人某物具有在工作、用途上必须的品质)

例如:The ship is well fitted up.这船陈设得好。

fit 也用于衣服、鞋帽等合身、合脚

例如:How do the shoes fit? 这双鞋穿起来怎么样?

3)suit 主要指合乎口味、性格、地位、条件等,从而使人感到愉快、满意。

例1:No dish suits all tastes. 众口难调。

例2:It’s difficult to find time that suits everyone. 很难找到一个人人都适合的时间。

Step 4 consolidation

(一) 重要短语

1. work on

【用法一】从事于, 致力于

例如:He is working on a novel.

【用法二】使人信服, 说服;对……有影响,对……起作用

例如:We managed to work on those who had erred and helped them do right.


例如:After the heavy rain, they worked on.


work 相关短语

work at 从事, 致力于, 钻研

work in 插进, 穿入;搀, 加入

work out 做出, 设计出, 制作出;算出, 得出...答案, 解决

易错辨析: work on 与work at区别


例如:He is working (hard) at his lessons.


He is working on his bike.


请选择:She was working ____ a new story. (A. at B. in)

这里其实选on或者at 都对,但表达的意思是不同的,用on时,表示“她在修改……”;用at时,表示“她在阅读……”。

2. go by


例1:As time went by, Einstein’s theory proved true.

例2:Don’t let an opportunity go by.


例如:Don't go by what she says.


例1:They quickly went by the car. (by作介词用,后带宾语the car)

例2:He was in when I went by yesterday.

(go by 用作不及物短语,by为副词)


go 相关短语

go about

go along

go at

go down

go far

go for

go in for

go on

go out

go over

go through

go up

step 5 homework

retell the story

the third period

step 1 greeting

step 2 lead in ‘

word study and grammar

step 3 practice

1give a lecture

give a lecture

例1:The professor is going to give us a lecture on how to keep the balance of nature next week.

例2:He will give a lecture on the history of the Party.

make a speech

例如:I made a speech at the meeting. 。

have a talk (with sb.)

例如:Hi, John. Our teacher wants to have a talk with you.

易错辨析:give a lecture 和have a lecture

give a lecture是相对于老师而言的,have a lecture 是相对于学生而言的。

例如:This afternoon we are going to have a lecture in the hall.


相类似的有:give a lesson(讲课)和have a lesson(听课),汉语有时都用“上课”。

4. turn out

例如:Please turn out the lights before you leave the room.

例如:A large group of protesters have turned out.

例如:The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.

例如:The cake turned out beautifully.


1)turn away

例如: The company had to turn away half of the salespersons.

2)turn back

例1:They made the uninvited comer turned back.

例2:The Red Army managed to turn back the advanced enemy.

3)turn down

例1:Turn down the radio, please.

例2:We politely turned down the invitation.

4)turn in

例1:The boy turned in the wallet he picked up on the way back home.

例2:The criminal turned herself in.

5)turn off 关闭,终止(运转、行为或流动);使厌烦

例1:Please turn off the television and let's have a rest.

例2:The play turned the audience off.

6)turn on 打开,使开始运作;开始展示,显露出,流露出

例1:It's dim here. Turn on the lights, please.

例2:The small old town takes on a new look. 。

7)turn over 翻转,翻过来;旋转,转动;考虑,思考

例1:They turned over a big stone and found ants of a family.

例2:The engine turned over but wouldn't start.

例3:She turned over the problem in her mind.

8)turn to 开始工作\

例如:If you quit dawdling and just turn to, the cleaning will be done in a day.

9)turn up 开大,调高;发现,找到;出现,到达

例1: Please turn up the public-address system so that everyone can hear the news clearly.

例2: She turned up the missing papers under her blotter.

例3:Several old friends turned up at the reunion.

例4:Something turned up and I was unable to go.

Step 4 consolidation

Step 5.homework

The fourth period

Step 1 greeting

Step 2 presentation

Step 3 practice

1 sound like

sound like 听起来象……

例1:The clicks of the train sound like singing.

例2:Your answer sounds like a reasonable one.


feel like 摸起来象……;想要……

例1:It feels like a stone.

例2:He feels like traveling abroad with his parents.

look like 看起来象……

例如:She looks like her mother. 。

smell like 闻起来象……

例如:It smells like a rose, but it isn’t.

taste like 尝起来象……

例如:It tastes something like beef.

6. make a difference

make a difference 区别,区别对待

例如:Can you make a difference between a sheep and a goat??


make no difference 没有差别;无关紧要

例如:It makes no difference to me whether you are here or not.

tell the difference between … and … 讲出……和……之间的不同,分辨出

例如:He can tell the difference between an Asian elephant and an African one

Step 4 consolidation

Step 5 homework

篇8:Module 5 Unit 2 Words & Phrases (新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Module 5 Unit 2 Words & Phrases

I. 单词拼写:

1. Britain is an advanced i___________ country.

2. Because of the global warming, the e__________________ from different countries have come together to discuss environmental protection.

3. We believe that the efforts made by the Chinese people to protect the river will be a______________ for years to come by future generations.

4. It would be b_________ to expand the recycling industry and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.

5. When talking about the environment, many people will think of greedy businessmen hiding from their r__________ to the environment and only thinking about money.

6. He has been a dedicated laboratory t____________ for many years, and because of his brilliant skills, he is recognized as a person who makes great contributions.

7. Because of the l________ natural resources, it’s high time that we make full use of them.

8. Two people were arrested yesterday for bringing animals into Europe from South America i____________.

9. If the disease is u_____________, he will be at the risk of dying.

10. All cases c___________ children are dealt with in a special children’s court.

II. 词组互译:

1. 自由发言 2. 扫除,消灭

3. 削减生产 4. 解决问题的关键

5. 原来的六倍 6. 环保的生活方式

7. 对……有持久的影响 8. 一个健康的环境和一个稳定的经济

9. 关注目前的环境状况 10. 引起国内外的关注

11. a diverse range of fish and animals 12. a nature reserve

13. be prohibited from sth./doing sth. 14. have a long way to go

15. be under way 16. combat desertification

17. be stocked with 18. run out of sth./ sth. run out

19. assess the river 20. on the lower reaches of the river

I. 单词拼写

industrial environmentalists appreciated beneficial responsibilities

technician limited illegally untreated concerning

II. 词组互译

open the floor

wipe out

cut back on production

the key to solving the problem

six times what it was

the environmentally friendly way of living

have a lasting effect on…

a healthy environment and a stable economy

be concerned about the present situation of the environment

raise concern both nationally and internationally











篇9:必修2 Unit 2 the Olympic Games全单元教案(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

The Olympic Games

Teaching aims:

1. Topic

Ancient and modern Olympic Games; physical education

2. Useful words and expressions:

honest ancient compete competitor medal host Greece Greek magical interview athlete admit set (n.) slave stadium gymnasium replace prize silver physical root relate sail poster advertise foolish promise golden

take part in a set of as well as one after another

3. Functional items:

I. Talking about interests and hobbies

What are your hobbies?

What do you like doing in your free time?

How do you become good at them?

What is enjoyable about this hobby?

What have you learned from this hobby?

II. Agreement and disagreement

I think that….

I don’t think that ….

I agree…

I don’t agree…

I’m sure that ….

I’m not sure whether…

Do you think that…?

There is no doubt that….

4. Structures

The future passive voice

When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

The Olympics will be held in China.

Teaching procedures

Period 1 (Reading)

Step 1. Warming up

1. Show the Ss the video of the opening ceremony of the 28th Olympic Games held in Athens on August 14th, .

2. Ss say something about the Olympic Games.

3. Ss finish the chart on page 9.

Step 2. Pre-reading

1. Let the Ss discuss the three questions in pre-reading.

2. Collect answers from the Ss.

Step 3. While-reading

1. First listen to the tape, paying attention to pronunciation and intonation, and try to get the general idea of the passage.

(It tells us the differences and the similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics.)

2. Ss read the passage and answer the following questions:

1). What upsets Pausanias about the modern Winter Olympic Games?

2). What amazes Pausanias about the modern summer Olympic Games?

3). Why does Pausanias think Athens, Greece and Beijing, China should feel proud?

4). Why does Pausanias think people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?

5). What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games?

3. Ss read the whole passage and fill in the table on page 11.

Step 4. After-reading

1. Ss discuss what they have learned.

Suggested answer:

Through the comparison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the differences and the similarities between them. Know we can have a deep understanding of the games. From the passage, we can also know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. It’s our duty to make the Olympic games better and healthier. We know that the principal in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment. In the coming Olympic Games, what will you do?

2. Ss discuss: what will you do for the coming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?


1. Recite the key sentences in the text.

2. Retell the text.

Period 2. (Language learning and grammar)

Step 1. Revision

Ss try to retell the text, using their own words.

Step 2. Language points

1. host (v.)

2. are to be held

3. admit (v.) admitted admitted

be admitted to be admitted as

4. as well as

5. marry sb. be/get married to sb.

6. make sure that

Step 3 Discovering useful words and expressions

1. Ss read the text and finish exercise 1 and 2 on page 11 and 12.

2. Ss read the passage on page 12, part 3 and try to complete it with appropriate words.

3. Ss do exercises 4 and 5 on page 12.

Step 4. Grammar: The future passive voice

1. Show the Ss the following sentences, then change them into passive voice.

1). I do my homework.

2). I have finished my homework.

3). I am doing my homework.

4). I will do my homework.

The basic form of the passive voice: be + P.P.

2. Ss read the sample on page 13 first and make one poster by themselves using the passive voice.

3. Ss finish the rules for the Olympic Games on page 13.

Step 5. Practice

Ss do Wb using structures: exercise 2 on page 50.


1. Review what they have learnt about the future passive voice.

2. Finish Wb exercises 1 and 2 on page 49.

3. Finish using structures, exercise 1 on page 49.

Period 3. Extensive Reading

Step 1. Revision

Check Ss’ homework.

Step 2. Reading (P14)

1. Ss listen to the tape to get the general idea.

The main idea:

The story is about a princess who races to marry the man that can run faster than her. In order to win the race, a man asks for help from the Goddess of Love.

2. Ss read and finish True of False questions.

3. Check the answers.

Step 3. Reading (page 51)

1. This reading material includes three different topic about the ancient Olympic Games. Now read the first part and tell the main idea of it.

The main idea:

It describes the opening ceremony of the ancient Olympic Games.

2. Ss read the second part and the third part and get the main ideas

Main idea for the second part:

It tells us the training life of a successful athlete and the records that he got for winning the match.

Main idea for the third part:

A woman was discovered in the Olympic Games. She aroused some argument. A law was passed that women were not allowed to take part in the Games.

3. Ss read again and fill the form on page 52.


Find the sentences which use the future passive voice from the passage.

Period 4. Listening

Step 1. revision

Check the homework

1. I will only be marries to a man who can run faster than me.

2. If he can’t run as fast as me, he will be killed.

3. No one will be pardoned.

4. Why will they let themselves be killed?

5. Throw an apple in front of Atlanta when she is running past and she will be relaxed.

Step 2. Listening (page 15)

1. Ss are asked to read fast the sentences in part 2 to get the general idea to choose the best answer.

2. Listen to the tape again to number the events.

3. Listen to the tape again and pause at key sentences. Then check the answer.

Step 3. Listening task (page 51)

1. Ss read the sentences in part 1 quickly.

2. Play the tape three times and check the answer.

Step 4. Listening (page 48)

1. Teacher can say something about marathon.

2. Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions on page 48.


1. Finish part 2 on page51.

2. Read the listening material after class.

Period 5. Speaking

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework

Step 2. Speaking (page 15)

1. Get the Ss carry out a survey of the interests in the class and write down the names of the Ss who have the same interests.

2. The Ss who have the same interests sit together and work in groups of four to talk about their interest.

3. Ask some groups to act their dialogue out.

Step 3. Talking (page 48)

Now turn to page 48. Look at the requirements first to know what you should do. Do you agree with this idea? Give your opinions using the following expressions.

I think that…

I don’t think that…

I agree…

I don’t agree…

I’m sure that….

I’m not sure whether…..

There is no doubt that ….

Do you think that…?

Step 4. speaking (page 52)

1. Divide the class into groups of three. Ss discuss their training plan.

2. Ss write their training plans in the form on page 53.

Period 6. Writing

Step 1. Pre-writing

Ss read the requirements on page 16.

Step 2. Writing (page 16)

Ss write down what they have to do to study a hobby and tell the others the good things and the bad things.

Suggested writing:

Swimming is my favorite sport. I like it because it can bring me much fun. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hokt summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, you’ll feel cool and comfortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. If you are a beginner, you must be careful. You’d better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. If you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.

Step 3. Writing task (page 53)

1. Suppose you are a coach, and you are coaching a student to prepare for a coming competition. He has practiced for some days. You need to write a report to tell him what he needs to practice to improve further. Now talk about the form and discuss them with your team members.

2. Now write a report with suitable expressions according to what you have discussed just now.

3. Choose one to read his/her report in class,


Finish the project on page 53.

Period seven

Teachers can use this period freely.

Suggestion: Teachers can use this period to let Ss sum up what they have learned and explain what Ss couldn’t understand very well in this unit. Teachers can also add more practice in this period to consolidate what the Ss have learned. Finally, ask the Ss to finish checking yourself. It is very important to improve their learning.

篇10:高一英语新教材教案Revision( Units 9-10 )(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

StepⅠ Words and phrases

.disagreement absolutely appointment behavior emergency environmental measure original amount material

Step ⅡLanguage points

1.appointment n.

by appointment

have an appointment with sb.

keep /break one’s appointment

make an appointment with sb.

2.remind v.

remind sb.of …

remind sb. to do …

remind sb. that …

3.unexcepted adj . <___>excepted adj .

as excepted

than excepted

except vt .

1).expect ﹢ n /pron

2).expect ﹢that

3)expect ﹢so/not

4).expect ﹢to do sth

5)expect ﹢sb . to do sth

4.measure n. vt

measure against

made to measure

take sb’s measure

5.environmental adj . →environment n.

natural environment

social environment

6. want v.

want doing /to be done

a typist wanted

the wanted man

Step Ⅲ Exercises

1. It’s a pleasant day for a picnic , I’m sure we’ll _____

A have a fun B have fun

C enjoy fun D.get funny

2. Tom has always thought of himself for a good cook and never fails to ______everyone of it .

A. remind B. remember C. know D. introduce

3. In summer we usually keep the window ______so that cool air come in.

A opened B to be open C open D opening

4.You must stand it , and see it through ,________it costs .

A no matter what B no matter how

C what D how

5. Mobile phones make it possible for people to stay ______very easily .

A in touch B in connection

C in communication. D in talk

6. I ______the cell phone in school, because it will be taken away from me .

A. daren’t to use B don’t dare to use

C not dare use D dare to not use

7. I really don’t think Tom will be angry ,but I’ll go and see him in case he______

A will be B does

C is D has been

8. The doctors devoted themeleves ________a better cure for the terrible disease .

A to find B finding Cto finding D in finding

9. Many people came to the meeting ,of whom _______left early .

A numbe B. the numbers

C the number D a number

10. Eating good breakfest keeps you ______for the rest of the day .

A alone B.asleep C. alive D.living

11. Put the flowers in warm rooms to _______them _________

the freezing cold.

A stop ;from B keep;from C protect;from D.rescue ;off

12. Many animals and plants ,which couldn’t ______the sudden change of the climate , die out Dinosaurs are one such example.

A.suit to B keep to C get to D.adapt to

13.The police officer wants to know what measures _____-to find the murders as soon as possible .

A to take B to be taken C taken D.being taken

14.These animals ______their environment;______, they hav learned how to live successfully in their habitat .

A are all used to ;that is

B all used to ; that is

C are all used to ;for example

D a ll used to ; for example

15.The work we are doing is quite difficult, so your support will certainly ________>

A make any difference

B make a difference

C be very different

D be of some difference

key Ⅲ1----5BACAA


11 ----15CDAAB

StepⅥ Important drills

<1>… make it possible for us to do …

not only … but also …

… as much /many as …

It’s time to do …

The plans make it possible fou us to have a good rest.

He can speak not only English but also French.

Our school has as many books as your school.

It’s time go to school.

StepⅦ Grammer

<1>The Present Continuous Passive Voice

He is being operated on in the hospital.

They are being taught English At present.

The naughty boy is always being scolded by his father.

Mary is always being praised by the teacher

<2>Review Direct and Indirect Speech

StepVIII Homework


高一英语必修I unit 1 复习提纲


点,分数 n. 列出 vt. 不理睬,忽视 vt.

( ) ( ) ( )

在户外,在野外 adv. 松散的 adj. 涉及vt.; 关心,关注 n.

( ) ( ) ( )

欺骗,作弊vt & vi. & n. 理由,原因 n. 使不安vt.&vi.;心烦意乱的adj.

( ) ( ) ( )

分享vt. 份额n, 感觉,感情 n. 德国人,德语n. 德国的adj.

( ) ( ) ( )

疯狂的,狂热的 adj. 自然界 n. 敢,胆敢 vt.& v.aux

( ) ( ) ( )

雷声n.; 打雷 vi 完全地,整个地 adv. 能力,权力 n.

( ) ( ) ( )

信任,信赖vt.& n. 在室内 adv. 遭受,忍受 vt.& vi.

( ) ( ) ( )

十几岁的青少年 n. 忠告,建议 n. 测验n.; 对…进行测验vt.

( ) ( ) ( )

情形,位置 n. 编辑 n.习惯,习性 n.

( ) ( ) ( )


合计 合计达平静下来,镇定下来

_________ _________ _________

不得不,必须 关心,挂念 遛狗

_________ _________ _________

经历,经受 躲藏,隐藏 放下,记下,登记

_________ _________ _________

一连串的,一系列 故意 为了…

_________ _________ _________

面对面地 按照;根据…所说 与…相处,进展

_________ _________ _________

相爱,爱上 参加,加入 对…疯狂的

_________ _________ _________

太多/ 太… 如此…以致于 与…交流

_________ _________ _________

考试作弊 与…交朋友 寻求建议

_________ _________ _________


1. 你的朋友把相机弄坏了,而你不得不花钱请人将它修好。

Your friend _________ the camera and you had to pay to _______ ________ __________.

2. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚,与它面对面。

It was _______ _________ _________ in a year and a half that I _______ ________ the night _______ _________ _________.

3. 安妮将日记当作自己最好的朋友。

Ann _______ her diary ______ ________ ________.

4. 有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。

When it was so warm, I _______ ________ _________ _________ until half past eleven one evening _______ _________ ________ have a look at the moon for once by myself.

5. 我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。

I ________ go downstairs ________ the window had to be ________.

6. 你英语学得怎么样了?

How _______ you ________ _________ ________ your English study?

7. 他离开的如此匆忙以至于忘记了他的钥匙。

He left in ________ a hurry _________ he forgot his key.

高一英语必修I unit 2 复习提纲


包括,包含 vt. 橡皮,橡胶n. 统治,支配v.

( ) ( ) ( )

角色,任务n. 汽油(英) n. 词汇,词表n.

( ) ( ) ( )

国际的,世界的adj. 气体,煤气 n. 使用,用法n.

( ) ( ) ( )

本地人n.& 本地人的adj.近代的,现代的adj. 政府 n.

( ) ( ) ( )

电梯,升降机n. 文化,文明n. 迅速地 adv.

( ) ( ) ( )

公寓住宅n. 事实上,实际上adv. 糖果(美) n.

( ) ( ) ( )

公寓住宅n.&平坦的adj. 现在的,出席的adj. 命令,,指令 n&v.

( ) ( ) ( )

请求,要求n.&v. 复述,重述 vt. 有礼貌的adj.

( ) ( ) ( )

老板,上司n. . 闪电n. 中西部的adj.

( ) ( ) ( )

南方的adj. 东方的 adj. 东南方的 adj.

( ) ( ) ( )

地铁,地下人行道n. 辨认出,承认vt. 口音,腔调 n.

( ) ( ) ( )

标准n.& 标准的adj 方向,指导 n. 街区,块 n.

( ) ( ) ( )


在…中担任角色 充分利用 不仅仅

_________________ _________________ _________________

因为,由于 大量的 信不信由你

_________________ _________________ _________________

尽管,即使 …的数目,…的数量 靠近,接近

_________________ _________________ _________________

与某人交流 例如… 关心,挂念

_________________ _________________ _________________

以…为基础 举例说明 与…不同

_________________ _________________ _________________

走近,上来 在17世纪

_________________ _________________


1. 英语在一段时间里为什么会起变化呢?

Why has English changed _________ __________ ?

2. 当今在中国学英语的人数正在迅速增长.

Today ______ _________ _______ ___________ learning Engish in China ______ increasing rapidly.

3. 即使在电视和收音机里,你也会听出人们说话时的差异.

Even on TV and the radio you will hear the differences _______ _______ _______ people speak.

4. 或者是你或者是他得去那里.

______ you _______ he has to go there.

高一英语必修I unit 3 复习提纲


费用 n 运送,运输 n&vt 最后,最终 adv

说服,劝说 vt 坚持; 强调 vt 适当的;恰当的 adj

海拔高度;高处 n 态度;看法 n 决定;确定 n

坚决的;有决心的 adj 短裤 n 营地;阵营n 设营;扎营 vi

记录;录音vt&vi 记录;唱片n 话题;主题 n 熟悉的 adj

勇敢的 adj


梦想 从……毕业 坚持要

说服某人做某事 对……感兴趣 在乎,在意

下定决心做某事 一次有趣的经历 决定

屈服 放弃 穿过

改变主意 如常 对某事熟悉

对某人熟悉 细节;详情 n 在半夜

搭起 一方面……另一方面 与……不同


1. My sister herself thought of cycling along the river.(就画线部分强调)

2. 一个有决心的人总是努力完成工作,无论它有多么艰难。

A _______ person always tries to ______ the job, _____ _____ _____ _____ it is.

3. 他很固执,没人能说服他去做任何事。 (so…….that)

4. The children _____ _____ _____ (急不可待)to visit the Great Wall

5. Once we have _____ _____ _____ _____ (作出决定), we should not change it.

6. 小孩子经常梦想能在天空中翱翔。


7. _____ _____ _____(首先),you shouldn’t have promised to buy him a computer. _____ _____(另一方面),you shouldn’t have broken your promise.

8. The doctor _____(劝说) him ______ _____ _____ (戒) smoking and feels better after taking his advice.

高一英语必修I unit 4 复习提纲


摇动 v 颤抖;震动 n 井 n 上升;升起 vi 增加 n

发臭的 adj 爆裂;爆发 vi 蒸汽;水汽 n

污垢;泥土 n 废墟;毁灭n 破产;毁灭vt&vi 损害;伤害 vt&vi

破坏;毁坏;消灭 vt 无用的; 无效的 adj 使震惊vt&vi 休克;打击 n

地震 n 援救;营救 n&vt 电;电流 n

灾难;灾祸 n 陆军;军队 n 组织;组织起来 vt&vi

埋葬;掩埋 vt 矿;矿山 n 煤矿

新的;新鲜的 adj 百分比;百分数 n 演说;讲话 n

裁判员;法官 n 断定;判断 vt 荣誉;光荣 n 尊敬;给于荣誉 vt 准备;预备 vt

欧洲 n 祝贺(n)


立即;马上 太…以至不能 从…跑出

寻找 跳出来 往常一样

看起来 结束;终结 毁坏;严重受损

成千上万 对…评价不高 ……的数量

掘出;发现 泪水夺眶而出 由…判断

为了纪念/尊敬某人/某事 准备做 为…做准备

作为…的准备 怎么…也不过分


1. The exhibition was so interesting that quite ______ ______ ______ (许多) people came to visit it.

2. The balloon fell on a nail, it ______ ______ (突然爆发), and it frightened us a lot.

3. _______ _______ (数以千计的) football fans came to watch the great game.

4. He was absent today. Do you know ______ ______ ______ ______(他出什么事了)?

5. I have no money ____ _____(买) this computer. You can have him ______ (买) it.

6. He is _____ ______ ______ (太小了) go to school.

He is _____ ______ _____ ______ (太小了) go to school.

7. ______ ______ (三分之二)of the class ______ (喜欢) playing football.

8. China lies _______ ______ ______ (东部) of Asia.

9. It seemed that the world was at an end .(句型转换)

The world ______ ______ at an end .

10. 不是所有的学生都喜欢学习英语。


11. ________________his appearance (从……判断), he is leading a hard life now.

12. The injured man can’t __________by himself (选择填空:raise / rise )

高一英语必修I unit 5 复习提纲


英雄,男主角 n. 质量,品质 n. 积极的,活跃的 adj.

( ) ( ) ( )

打仗,打架,搏斗n. 监狱 n. 时期,学时,周期n.

( ) ( ) ( )

法律,法学 n. 劝告,忠告vt. 继续 v.

( ) ( ) ( )

接受,认可,同意vt. 相等的,平等的adj. 恐怖,害怕n.&vt.

( ) ( ) ( )

权利 n. 总统,校长n. 领导,领袖n.

( ) ( ) ( )

乐意的/自愿的 青年 位置、形势

守卫、看守 有教养的 判决、句子


发现,找出,查明 乐于 丧失勇气,灰心

( ) ( ) ( )

处于不幸中,遇到麻烦 对抗 相信,信仰

( ) ( ) ( )

为……而战 失业 担心

( ) ( ) ( )

关进监狱 使爆炸 掌权,上台

( ) ( ) ( )

即使 设立,开业,建立 与……竞争

( ) ( ) ( )

允许做…… 能,会 不得不做,必须做

( ) ( ) ( )

事实上 被判死刑 与……相处得好

积极参与 犯法



He the black people and was _____ _______for thirty years.


The day Nelson Mandela told me and

helped me was one of the happiest days of my life.


The last thirty years _______ _______the greatest number of laws stopping our

rights and progress until today we have reached a stage______ we have almost

no rights at all.


Only then _____ ______decide to ________violence with violence.


We were put in a position ____ ______ we had ______ to accept we were less important, ______ fight the government.


Sadly I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was

whether I would be .

7. In fact I don’t like violence .(句型转换)

___ ____ _____ _____ ______ I don’t like violence

8. 每个人都应积极参与政治活动。

Everyone should ____ ______ _____ political activities .

9. 我建议我们步行回家。(advice / suggest )

I suggested / advised that we ____________________________.

10..医生建议他戒烟。(advise / suggest)

The doctor advises him___________________________.

The doctor sugggests him ___________________________.

高一英语必修II unit 1 复习提纲


文化的adj. 幸免于,幸存v. 保持,仍是vi.

赠品,礼物,天赋 热,热度n.加热vt. 设计,计划vt

点火,点燃,照亮vt. 奇迹,惊奇n. 疑惑,怀疑n.

考虑,照顾,认为vt. 意见,看法,判断n. 证明,证实

假装,装扮vt. 除……之外 希罕的

风格、类型 镜子 移动、搬开

家具 秘密地 木制的

水手 财富


考虑,关心,想起 浏览,观察

属于 搜索,寻找

做为报答 尊重,看重

处于交战中 增加,加到

在吃饭 注意,重视

同意,适合 确定,确信

调查、向里面看 拆开

供职、充当 增添

而不是 说实话




It is a Ming Dynasty vase. The man who has it ______ that it

his family.


Although it feels _____ ______ ______stone, it easily______when ______ .


Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room to the palace outside St Petersburg

She spent her summers.



Sadly, although the Amber room was one of the great _______ of the world, it is

now .


During the Tangshan earthquake, for example, he the city for all his friends

to they were safe.

6. 这条裤子是谁的?(belong to )


7. 还有很多工作要做

Much work remained___________________________.

8. 我正考虑买一座新房。

I am considering _________________________.

9. 人们认为他偷走了那幅画。

He is considered ______________________________

10. 他的话证明是对的。

His words proved _________________________.

11. 他坚持说他没有偷那幅画。

He insisted that he ________________________________.

12. 我坚持让他立刻去那。

I insisted ________________________________________.

13. 毫无疑问她被误解了。(doubt)


14. 她很少一个人出门。

Seldom ____________________ go out alone .

15. 我认为他们也不应该把它交给政府。

Nor ____________________they should give it to any government .

高一英语必修II unit 2 复习提纲


诚实的,正直的 adj. 古代的没,古老的 adj. 比赛,竞争 vi.

( ) ( ) ( )

奖章,勋章,纪念章 n 做东,主办,招待vt.主人n. 面谈,面试 vt&n

( ) ( ) ( )

运动员,运动选手n. 容许,承认,接纳vt&vi 取代,替换,代替vt.

( ) ( ) ( )

奖,奖赏n, 物理的,身体的adj 有关,涉及,使联系,发生关系vt&vi

( ) ( ) ( )

航行 vi&n 海报,招贴 n. 做广告,登广告 vt.& vi

( ) ( ) ( )

愚蠢的,傻的 adj 允诺,答应 vt&n 金的,金色的 adj

( ) ( ) ( )


参加,参与 一组,一套 也,又

_________ _________ _________

陆续的,一个接一个的 作一次…的旅行 找出,查明

_________ _________ _________

过去常常做某事 遍布全世界 作为…被接受

_________ _________ _________

获准做某事 和…结婚 为了…和某人比赛

_________ _________ _________

被允许去做某事 事实上 与…有关

_________ _________ _________

听说 改变某人的主意 向某人寻求帮助

_________ _________ _________

答应去做某事 如此…以致于 拣起

_________ _________ _________


1. 奥运会将在中国举行。

The Olympics _______________________________________

2. 她非常生气以至于她告诉她的父亲她只嫁给能比她跑得快的男人。

She was ______angry _______she said to her father that______________ who can run faster than her.

3. 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了!

So even the olive wreath ______________________.

4. 我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”。

I lived in __________________________________________

5. 每四年,来自全世界的运动员都可以参赛。

_________________ athletes from all over the world __________________________.

6. 所以才叫它冬季奥运会。

That is ______________________________________________-

7. 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。

No other countries could join in, nor _______________________________.

8. 你们学校运动会多久举办一次?


9. 他答应帮助我学英语。

He ____________________________________ my English .

10. 我梦想能够被北京大学录取。


高一英语必修II unit 3 复习提纲


笔记本,笔记簿 n. 共同的,共有的 adj. 简单的 adj.

( ) ( ) ( )

头脑简单的,笨的 adj. 无论如何,总之adv. 漫步,徘徊,迷路vi.

( ) ( ) ( )

整个地,完全地adv 网状物 n. 真实地,真正地adv

( ) ( ) ( )

优点,优势,有利条件n, 类型n,打字vt.&vi. . 不同意,不一致vi.

( ) ( ) ( )

选择,抉择 n. 材料,原料 n. 亲自地,就本人而论 adv

( ) ( ) ( )

创造,创作,完成 vt. 出现,发生vi 诞生,出生 n

( ) ( ) ( )


与…有共同点 在….看,据….认为 如此….以至于….

_________ _________ _________

处理,对付 在某种程度上 弥补,整理

_________ _________ _________

毕竟 在…的帮助下 看守,监视

_________ _________ _________

走过,过去,顺道访问 被用来做… 与…分享…

_________ _________ _________

从那时起 数十亿 与…交流

_________ _________ _________

聚集在一起 看起来像 这样的话

_________ _________ _________


1. 和许多人一样,他喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐。

______________________, many people ,he prefers classical music _______ pop music .

2. 他们彼此之间毫无共同点。

They have ________________________________________each other .

3. 依我看,这个计划很不完善。______________________, the plan isn't perfect .

4. 天可能要下雨,但不管怎样,我们照例举行比赛。

It may rain ,but we___________________________________.

5. 随着岁月的流逝,我被制造得越来越小。

____the years have gone by , I _______________________smaller and smaller .

6. 天气随季节的变化而变化。Weather changes ___________seasons.

7. With time __________________, her anxiety grew .(用 go by 完成句子)

8. He was foolish enough to accept her invitation .(改为so…that …句型)


9. He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him (改为倒装句)


10. It was such a hot day that they all went swimming in the river .

It was so _______________________that they all went swimming in the river.

11. The film is set in Shanghai ________________________(20世纪30年代)

12. 我们将如何处理这个问题呢?

____________shall we _____________________the problem .

13. 这条绳子是那条绳子的两倍长。

This rope is ______________________________________that one .

14. I never mind to be left alone at home .(改错)

15. He had no choice but turn to others for help .(改错)

高一英语必修II unit 4 复习提纲


野生的 野生动植物. 保护n..

( ) ( ) ( )

敌人. 损失n. . 面积、地区

( ) ( ) ( )

打猎、搜寻 v. 和平n. 和平的.

( ) ( ) ( )

胃 胃(复数). 申请v..

( ) ( ) ( )

建议、暗示、表明 厚的、粗的. 包含、容纳

( ) ( ) ( )

强大的、有力的 药、麻醉药 影响v. .

( ) ( ) ( )

影响 n. 咬 (过去式、过去分词) 灰尘n. .

( ) ( ) ( )

十几岁的青少年 n. 忠告,建议 n. 测验n.; 对…进行测验vt.

( ) ( ) ( )

最近无情的、刻薄的 懒散的 .

( ) ( ) ( )


灭亡 结果 和平地

_________ _________ _________

垂危 保护……不受 注意

_________ _________ _________

对……有影响 形成、产生 建立

_________ _________ _________

关心 穿上(衣服) 转过身

_________ _________ _________

醒来 飞走 毕竟

_________ _________ _________

象鸟一样的 区分、辨别 以……为生

_________ _________ _________


_________ _________ _________

高一英语必修II unit 5 复习提纲

I 写出英文单词

表演(名词) 表演(动词) 不知名的

( ) ( ) ( )

能力 (名词) 形成 赚,挣得

( ) ( ) ( )

吸引人的 名誉 额外

( ) ( ) ( )

民间的 过路人 宽松地 (副词)

( ) ( ) ( )

广告 扇子,迷 工具,乐器

( ) ( ) ( )

打击,打 分类,类别 鼓掌

( ) ( ) ( )

粘贴,坚持(写出过去 过去分词)( )( ) ( )

俗话,谚语 音乐家

( ) ( )

II 写出词组

对……说老实话 戏弄某人

打碎,分裂 碎成碎片

插话,打断 爆发

精神崩溃 突破

破门而入 在……中受欢迎

赶上,追上某人 坚持

玩得开心 首先,首要

毕竟 偶然

大约 分类

III 完成句子


If we ourselves, most of us have being famous.


They may play to passer-by in the street of subway so that they can

some money.


This also gives a group t o

becoming famous.


The musicians of whom the band was formed each other as played music.


, the band in about 1970,but reunited in the mid-1980s.


They produced a new record in , was a of their time as a real band.

篇12:Teaching Plan For Unit 1 (新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Teaching Plan For Unit 1

Teaching Materials & Analysis Contents Warming Up P1

Pre-reading P1

Reading P1-2

Comprehending P2

Learning about Language

Discovering useful words & expressions

Discovering useful structures P3-4

Using Language Listening & speaking P5-8

Reading, speaking & writing

Summing up

Workbook & Test P41-47

Importance 1. Have students learn some useful new words and expressions and let them learn effective ways to remember English vocabulary.

2. Get students to learn about the history of the Amber Room and famous cultural relics in China and abroad to stimulate their sense of cultural relics protection.

3. Enable students to learn to tell the difference between facts and opinions to train their thinking and analyzing ability.

4. Let students learn to give opinions and ask for opinions in English.

5. Let students learn the. new grammar item:the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause.

6. Develop students’listening,speaking,reading and writing ability

Difficulties 1. Train students' thinking and analyzing ability by making them learn to tell from facts and opinions.

2. Develop students’ speaking ability by encouraging them to give opinions and ask for opinions in English.

3. Develop students’integrated skills.

Teaching Aims Topic cultural relics protection;

famous cultural relics in China and abroad

Vocabulary Words race,valuable,survive,vast,dynasty,amaze,amazing,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel,artist, belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth,local,apart,painting,castle,trial,evidence,explode,entrance,sailor,sink,maid,informal,debate

Expressions in search of,belong to,in return,at war,less than,take apart,think highly of

Functional Items 1)Asking for opinions

2)Giving opinions

Structures the attributive clause


of time 1st Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending

2nd Language points

3rd Grammar

4th Using Language: Reading & talking

5th Using Language: Listening & speaking

6th Using Language: Reading & writing 1)Asking for opinions

7th Revision

1)Asking for opinions

The 1st Period

Unit 1 Contents Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words rare,valuable,survive,vase,dynasty,amaze,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel,artist,belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth

phrases in search of,be long to,in return,at war,less than

1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Let students learn about the history of the Amber Room.

Ability 1. Let students read the passage In Search of the Amber Room to develop their reading ability.

2. Enable students to learn to talk about cultural relics.

Emotion 1. Stimulate students’sense of cultural relic`s protection by reading the passage In Search of the Amber Room.

2. Develop students’sense of cooperative learning.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Let students read the passage In Search of the Amber Room and learn about the history of the Amber Room.

2. Get students to learn different reading skills.

Difficulties 1. Develop students’reading ability.

2. Enable students to learn to talk about cultural relics.

Multimedia Computer PPT CD

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussion

Teaching Procedures

The 1st Period

Step 1 Warming up

1. Warming up by looking and talking

2. Give students 4 minutes to read the passage carefully,and do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 in Comprehending on page 2.

3. Listening and reading aloud

Play the tape of the text for students to listen to and follow. Then ask them to read the text aloud.

4. Deal with some new words,expressions and structures.

5. Discussion of style. Let students discuss the following questions:,

How does this passage present facts about the Amber Room? Can you find the opinions?

What is the author's attitude towards the Amber Room? How do you know?

Step 2 Pre- reading

Turn to page 1 and finish Pre- reading part.

Step 3 Reading

1. Skimming for the general idea of each paragraph

Ask students to read the passage fast to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph and fill in the chart.

The general ideas

Paragraph The History of the Amber Room






2. Scanning for detailed information

Ask students to read the passage carefully to locate the detailed information.

Do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 in Comprehending on page 2.

3. Deal with any language problems students might meet while checking the

answers with the whole class.

4. Reading aloud and underlining

Ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebooks after class as homework.

be used to do..., be made into, make the design for the room,

feel as hard, as stone, be of the fancy style,

give the name, be made into any shape, be made with gold and jewels, in fact, as a gift of, in return,

be made to be a gift, serve as, add more details to...,

the search for, be made for, one of the great wonders,

art objects, look much like, at war,

remove... from., remain a mystery, be ready for…

Step 4 Consolidation

Go over the key words with the students and write them on the blackboard. Give students 3 minutes to prepare and then ask some to retell the story of the Amber Room to the class.

Step 5 Closing down by having a discussion

Raise the following questions and discuss them with the students.

Can you imagine the fate of the Amber Room? What is it?

Do you think if it is worthwhile to reproduce the Amber Room? Why?

Step 6 Homework

1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.

2. Read the text again and try to talk about the history of the Amber Room.

The 2nd Period

Unit 1 Contents Reading Comprehending & Learning about language

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words rare,valuable,survive,vase,dynasty,amaze,select,honey,design,fancy,style,decorate,jewel, artist,belong,troop,reception,remove,wooden,doubt,former,worth

phrases in search of,belong to,in return,at war,less than

1. Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this part

2. Let students learn some important and useful sentence patterns

Ability 1. Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.

2. Enable students to make sentences after the useful sentence patterns.

Emotion 1. Stimulate students' interest in learning English.

2. Develop students’ spirits of cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Enable students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as survive,belong,doubt,belong to,in search of,etc.

2. Get students to master the patterns:“Sadly,although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now missing,and“There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg.. .”

Difficulties 1.Let students learn the usages of the words“belong“ and“doubt”and the expression ”belong to“.

2.Get students to understand some difficult and long sentences.

Multimedia Computer PPT CD

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussion

Teaching Procedures

The 2nd Period

Learning about important language points

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask some students to tell the history of the Amber Room.

Step 2 Reading and finding

Get students to read through Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in these parts.

a cultural relic,be rare. and valuable,survive for a long time,whether... or not,an amazing history,be used to do...,the design of the room,the fancy style,popular in those days,give the name,decorated with gold and jewels,in fact,as a gift of...,in return,be made to be a gift,serve as,add more details to,the search for,be made for, one of the wonders,art objects,look much like...,at war,remove... from...,remain a mystery,be ready for.

Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book after class.

Step 3 Practice for useful words and expressions

1. Turn to page 3. Go through the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions with students and make sure they know what to do.

2. Give them several minutes to finish the exercises. They first do them individually,and then discuss and check them with their partners.

3. Check the answers with the whole class and explain the problems they meet where necessary.

Step 4 Vocabulary study

1. survive vt. & vi。

1)vi. continue to live or exist继续生存或存在

Few survived after the flood. 洪水后生还者极少。

The custom still survives. 这种风俗习惯还保存着。

2)vt. continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed


He survived the shipwreck. 在这次船只沉没事件中他幸免于难。

The plants may not survive the frost. 这些植物不经冻。

The house survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击,这所房屋并未倒塌。

3)vt. remain alive after sb.比某人长命

He survived his wife for many years. 他比妻子多活好多年。


survivor,person or thing that has survived幸存者;逃生者;残存物

survival n. 1)state of continuing to live or exist幸存;残存;生存

2) person, thing, custom,belief, etc. that has survived from an earlier time 遗老;遗习;旧风俗;旧思想

2. belong to: be the property of; be a member of 属于;是…的成员

The land belongs legally to the government. 该地依法属政府所有。

The blue sky belongs equally to us all. 蓝天为我们所共有。

They belonged to a younger generation. 他们属于年轻的一代。


belong to不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态。例如:


正:This book belongs to me.

误:This book is belonged to me.

误:This book is belonging to me.

3. in return: as payment or a reward for sth. 作为对某事的酬谢或回报

I bought him a drink in return for his help.我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。

He presented her a notebook in return. 他回赠给她一本笔记本。

4. doubt n. & v.uncertainty or disbelief; reason for not believing sth.


There is not much doubt about it. 这没什么可怀疑的。

I have doubts about his competence. 我对他的能力有很大怀疑。

He has his doubt to this being true. 他怀疑这件事是否属实。

Please dismiss all doubts about it. 怀疑是人的天性。

I do not doubt of your success. 我不怀疑你的成功。

I doubt whether/if he is at home. 我看他不一定在家.

I do not doubt that he can recite it. 我相信他能把它背下来。

Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会获胜吗?

I doubt what he said. 我不相信他说的话。

5.remain vi. usually not used the continuous tenses通常不用于进行时态

1)be left or still present after other parts have been removed or used or dealt with剩下;剩余)

After the fire,very little remained of my house. 火灾过后,寒舍所剩无几。

If you take 3 from 8,5 remains. 8减3剩5。

2)be left to be seen, done, said, etc. 留待以后去看、去做、去说等

It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确,以后可见分晓。

Much remains to be done. 要做的事情还很多。.

3) stay in the same place;stay behind停留,逗留;留下

I remained in London until May. 我在伦教一直待到五月.

She left,but I remained(behind). 她走了,我没走。

4) continue to be;stay in the same condition仍然是;保持不变

We should remain modest and prudent. 我们应该保持谦虚谨慎。

Let things remain as they are. 保持现状吧.




This place remains cool all summer. 这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。


He stayed to see the end of the game. 他一直待到比赛结束。

Step 5 Sentence focus

1. This gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.


这是一个复合句,句中which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it为非限制性定语从句,从句中又含有原因状语从句because several tons of amber were used to make it。

非限制性定语从句,修饰物时用which, whose;修饰人时用who, whom, whose。非限制性定语从句和它的先行词之间只是松散的关系,往往是对先行词作补充说明,这种从句在朗读时有停顿,在文字中通常有逗号与主句隔开。例如:

The chairman,who spoke first,sat on my right.


The speech,which bored everyone,went on and on.



On April 1 they flew to Beijing,where they stayed several days.


I'm seeing the manager tomorrow,when he will be back from New York.



They have invited us to visit their country,which is very kind of them.


They usually take a walk after supper,which does them a lot of good.


2. The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.


这是一个“主系表”结构的句子,in the fancy style...在句子中用作表语,注意介词in的用法,此处表示“以……方式,以……式样,以……风格”。类似用法有in a different way等。

popular in those days是形容词短语修饰the fancy style,形容词词组作定语时,通常都作后置定语。例如:

They have a house larger than yours. 他们的房子比你的大.

The boys easiest to teach are in my class. 我班上的男生最好教了。


a house larger than yours= a house which is larger than yours

the boys easiest to teach=the boys who are easiest to teach

3. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.


句子中的the way she wanted作状语,表示方式。此句实际为the room was

completed the way she wanted it to be completed, the way表示“方式;方法”,在定语从句中作状语时,后面的从句的引导词常常用that或in which或省略。例如:

I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted.


We have to make it work in the way(that/in which) they want it to.


He was looking at her in the way that surprised her.


4. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.


这是一个复合句,that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg是同位语从句,表示与之同位的doubt的实际内容。which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea是Konigsberg的非限制性定语从句,先行词为Konigsbergo

同位语从句常用that来引导,但随着与其同位的名词不同,也可由when, where,whether, how等来引导。例如:

They had to face the fact that the nearest filling station is thirty kilometers away. 他们不得不面对这样一个现实:最近的加油站还在30千米外。

The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient was suffering from cancer. 医生们作出了诊断结果:病人身患癌症。

I have no idea when he will return.我不知道他何时回来。

* There is no doubt that...可作为固定句型来用,意思是“毫无疑间……”。例如:

There is no doubt that he is a fine scholar.


There is no doubt that you can find a way to solve this problem.


Step 6 Using words and expressions

Turn to page 42. Ask students to do the exercises in Using words and expressions in the Workbook. The following procedures may be followed:

1. Go through the two exercises with students and make sure they know what to do.

2. Several minutes for students to finish them individually.

3. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step 7 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises. Do Exercise 3 in your exercise book.

2. Learn the useful new words and expressions by heart.

The 3rd Period

Unit 1 Contents Learning about language

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words local


1.Get students to know the structures of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

2. Let students learn the usages of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

Ability Enable students to use the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses correctly and properly.

Emotion l. Get Ss to become interested in grammar learning.

2. Develop Ss' sense of group cooperation.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Get students to master the structures and usages of the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses.

2. Let students know the differences between the restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause.

Difficulties Enable students to learn how to use the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses correctly.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning & Practice

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Dictate some important sentences in the passage In Search o f the Amber Room.

Step 2 Grammar revision

Ask students to review relative pronouns and relative adverbs and then do some related exercises.

Step 3 Learning about grammar

1. Let students pick out the sentences that use the attributive clauses from Warming up,Pre-reading and Reading,read them aloud and then translate them into English.

2. Ask students to study these sentences,and compare the sentence“This gift was he Amber Room,which was given this name because almost several tons of amber were used to make it with the others. Let them try to find the difference.

3. Sum up:Restrictive & non-restrictive clauses.

Do the following pair of sentences mean the same thing?

My uncle,who lives in London,is very rich.

My uncle who lives in London is very rich.

The first sentence has a non-restrictive clause within two commas,and the second has a restrictive clause. A non-restrictive clause simply adds more information into the sentence and does not affect the meaning of the main clause;it is therefore bracketed off with commas. Conversely,a restrictive clause defines its referent in the main clause more specifically and contributes significantly to the meaning of the sentence.

Step 4 Grammar practice

1. Let students finish Exercise 3 and Exercise 4 in Discovering useful structures on page 4 and exercises in Using Structures on page 43.

2. Check the answers with the whole class,and see how well the students did.

Step 5 Additional exercises

Provide some exercises for students to test whether they have grasped the restrictive & non-restrictive attributive clauses.

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish off the workbook exercises. Do the exercises in Using Structures in your exercise book.

2. Preview the next part Using language.

The 4th Period

Unit 1 Contents Using language: Reading & Talking

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words trial,consider,opinion,evidence,prove,pretend

phrases more than,even though

1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part

2. Let students know what a fact is,what an opinion is and the difference between them.

Ability 1. Develop students’reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials.

2. Train students’ speaking ability and enable them to tell the difference between facts and opinions and talk about something which interests them and about something which they are familiar with.

Emotion 1. Enable students to learn from Feng Jicai and protect cultural relics in their home town or city.

2. Develop students' sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Develop students’reading skills by extensive reading.

2. Train students' speaking ability by telling the difference between fact and opinion and talking about something which interests them and about which they are familiar with.

Difficulties 1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.

2. Get Ss tolearn how to tell facts from opinions.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning & Practice

3. Discussing

Teaching Procedures

The 4th Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask students to translate some sentences using the attributive clause.

Step 2 Warming up by discussing

Tell students:We are going to read a passage about fact,opinion and evidence. Before reading it,let`s discuss the following questions.

1. If you want to go in for law against somebody,and if you want to win,what`s the most important thing, you should do first?

2. What makes a judge decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe?

Step 3 Reading

1. Ask students to turn to page 5.

2. Two minutes for students to read the passage fast and try to get the main idea.

3. Four minutes for students to read the passage again and answer the questions.

What is a fact?

What is an opinion?

What is evidence?

4. Ask students to listen to the tape and read the passage aloud.

5. Photocopy a brief newspaper article,preferably one which talks about. a crime trial. Then have students pick out the facts and opinions and give reasons for their answers.

Step 4 Talking

1. Ask students to turn to page 41 and make a dialogue giving facts and opinions.

2. Let them check and practice the dialogue in pairs and then give a performance for the class.

Step 5 Reading task

1. Show students Feng Jicai`s photo and one of his novels and talk about them.

2. Ask students to turn to page 45,read the passage Big Feng to the Rescue to try to find the best summary and answer these questions.

3. Let students discuss:How can we do to help Feng Jicai with his projects?

Step 6 Summing up

Ask students to choose one of the following to prepare and then report to the class.

1. Tell the differences between facts and opinions.

2. Tell something about how Feng Jicai protected the cultural relics of his hometown.

3. Talk about something which interests you in your own life.

Step 7 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2. Read the two passages again and try to grasp the main idea of them.

The 5th Period

Unit 1 Contents Using language: listening & speaking

Teaching Aims Knowledge 1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this unit.

2. Let students learn the expressions of asking for opinions and giving opinions.

Are you sure he/she was telling the truth? How do you know that?

How can you be sure he/she was telling the truth?

Why/Why not?

I don't believe...,because...

That can't be true. It is(not) a fact.

I (don't) agree with you. I don't agree that..,

It can be proved. The truth is (not) easy to know.

I think they have said useful things.…has no reason to lie.

Ability 1. Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.

2. Develop students’ability to get special information and take notes while listening.

3. Get students to learn how to ask for opinions and give opinions.

4. Let students write a short report.

Emotion 1. Enable students to know more about cultural relics and stimulate their sense of protecting cultural relics.

2. Develop students’sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Develop students' listening and speaking abilities.

2. Enable students to master different listening skills.

3. Let the students learn how to ask for opinions and give opinions.

Difficulties 1. Get students to listen and understand different listening materials.

2. Develop students’speaking ability.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussing

Teaching Procedures

The 5th Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask some students to talk about facts,opinions and evidence.

Step 2 Warming up by talking

Ask students to talk about the story of the Amber Room and its fate. Tell the students:

No one knows exactly what happened to the Amber Room. A few people say that they were eyewitnesses who saw where the Amber Room was hidden. Listen to their stories. .-

Step 3 Listening on pages 5-6

Turn to page 6.Ask students to look at the two forms and listen to the tape,take notes of what they hear and fill in the forms.

Step 4 Speaking on page 6

Turn to page 6.Ask students to share their forms with a partner,discuss together which person gave the best evidence,write down a short list of reasons for their choice and then give a short report about their list to the class.

Step 5 Listening on page 41

Ask students to turn to page 41,look at the picture and talk about the Aswan Dam and Abu Simbel temple. Let them listen to the tape and answer the questions and then check the answers with the class.

Step 6 Listening task on page 44

1. Ask students to look at the picture on page 44 and describe it. Then play the tape for students to listen to and get the main idea of the listening text.

2. Let students listen again and fill in the chart with details.

3. Ask students to listen to the tape a third time and try to get the right answers.

Step 7 Consolidation

Show students the three listening texts,let them read the texts aloud and then retell them.

Step 8 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2. Read the listening texts again and try to retell them.

The 6th Period

Unit 1 Contents Using language: Reading & speaking

Teaching Aims Knowledge Vocabulary words treasure,besides

phrases search for,think highly of

1. 1. Get students to learn and master the new words and useful expressions:

2. Let students know the form of an English letter.

Ability 1. Develop students’writing ability by writing letters.

2. Enable students to express agreement and disagreement.

3. Enable students to express good reasoning and strong feelings.

Emotion 1. Stimulate students’sense of cultural relic's protection and encourage them to persuade others to protect cultural relics.

2. Enable students to master writing skills and write excellent letters.


of the teaching materials Importance 1. Develop students’writing ability.

2. Get students to use the expressions of expressing agreement and disagreement,and reasoning.

Difficulties 1. Get students to learn to express good reasoning and strong feelings.

2. Let students learn how to write a persuasive letter.

Multimedia Computer PPT

Teaching & Learning methods 1. Task-based Teaching & Learning

2. Cooperative learning

3. Discussing

Teaching Procedures

The 6th Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Ask students to dictate the new words and expressions:treasure,besides,think highly of,tell the truth,etc.

Step 2 Warming up

Ask students to talk about cultural relics found in their daily life. Ask them what they would do if they found a rare cultural relic.

Step 3 Reading

Let students read the letter and answer some questions according to the letter.

Step 4 Writing

Ask students to have a class debate and write a report on their debate.

Step 5 Writing task

Suppose there is one cultural relic in your hometown that is worth saving or protecting. Write a letter to all the students of your school to encourage them to help save the cultural relic.

1. Let students read the outline as a guide.

2. Give 10 minutes to them to write the letter.

3. Ask as many students as possible to read their letters to the class.

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2. Write the two letters in your exercise book.

篇13:unit 4 Body Language(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

( Warming up + Speaking in Using Language + Talking and Speaking Task in Workbook +Discovering useful words and expressions 4, “play a game in group of four”)

Hour课时:1 period

Type 课型:Speaking

Teaching goals教学目标

1. Target Language目标语言

a. important words and expressions

misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punish

b. important sentences and structures

Act out the following meanings, please.

Please show the actions, using body language.

Please guess what I meant.

Now it is your turn to show the action/gesture.

Please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.

Please use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.

2. Ability goals能力目标

a. Enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.

b. Enable the students to act out some meanings, requirements, requests or situations given in the target language.

c. Enable the students to express with the target language the meanings given in body language.

3. Learning ability goals学能目标

a. Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.

b. Help the students understand others when body language is being used.

Teaching important points教学重点

1. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.

2. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

1. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.

2. Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.

Teaching methods教学方法

1. Individual work, pair work and group work.

2. Acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement.

Teaching aids教具准备

A computer, a projector and some pictures.

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程和方式

Step1. Lead-in

After greeting, the teacher gives some instructions by body language, ( eg. call the roll, ask a student to close the curtain, etc.)

T: Just now, I didn’t say anything, but you understood what I wanted you to do. Why?

S: We know it from your body language.

T: Yes, body language plays a very important part in our daily life, so we should pay more attention to learning language.

Step2. Introduction

T: Now let’s do some TPR( Total Physical Response) activities together, I hope you will enjoy them and have as well.

Touch your head/face/eyes/nose/mouth/ears/cheeks/forehead/shoulders/stomach/legs/ feet/toes…

Shake your head/arm/hand…

Wave your arm/hand…

Open your eyes/mouth…

Close your eyes/mouth…

Twist your wrist/wais.

Cross your arms/fingers.

Nod your head. Bow your head.

Make a face to each other.


T: All right. Now let’s do them a little bit difficult. Let’s play a game together. Those who fail to follow the rule of the game will be dropped out. The game is: “Simon says”. For example, if I say “Simon says, touch your head”, then you touch your head. If not, you shouldn’t touch your head but remain still.

(Three or five minutes for the game.)

T: Ok. It’s time to take up the lesson. Please look at the screen. Let’s take a look at the following gestures:

Gesture Action Meaning

A half-closed hand with a thumb up.

Good! Well done!

A half-closed hand with a thumb



I will have to refuse you.

palm up and wave the fingers to

oneself continously

Come here!

Hold up the forefinger and the middle finger and across them

Good luck!

Point to oneself with doubting facial expression


Shrug the shoulder with the

hands out

I don’t know.

T: What are actions of the above gestures? What do they mean?

Ask the students to talk about it. Try to inspired every student to speak.

T: You have all done a good job. So you see that there are many cases or situations in which body language can convey meanings as well as spoken or written languages. If you want to know more about it, let’s come to Unit 4 Body Language.

Step3. Practice (Warming up + Talking)

T: Here is a list. On the left side are feelings or ideas. You are asked to add three of your own. Make notes on the right side of the chart and then act them out to see how you would make someone understand these feelings and ideas without speaking. Do it with your partner first. And then some of you will be asked to the front of the classroom to act them out.

Meaning Action

1. You are welcome. A smile and a handshake.

2. I am worried. A frowned or upset look.

3. I ate too much. Putting a hand on the stomach, patting or rubbing

4. I am sorry that I did something wrong. Drooping or hanging the head.

5. I’m so happy. A loud laughter with a shinning face or smiling with arms open and head back.

6. You did a good job. A thumb up.

7. You are angry. Turning your back to someone on purpose.

8. Stop here.

Putting the left palm on the forefinger of the right hand.

… …


The students can be allowed to act out the feelings or ideas without following the order in the chart so that it may be more challenging as well as more interesting.

Step4. Time for Fun

(Discovering useful words and expressions 4, “play a game in group of four”)

T: Now let’s play a game in groups of four. One thinks of a situation and asks the others to show some actions using body language. When the one choose the action that is most likely, it is his or her turn to think of some other situation for the others to show the actions so that the game may go on for a few rounds. Try to make the situations as interesting and enjoyable as you can. And show the situation as lively as possible. Besides, make sure that everyone has a turn.


S1: What are you likely to do if it rains?

(Actions) S2: puts on a raincoat;

S3: puts on a raincoat;

S4: cleans the house.

S1: Ok. I think S3 seems the most likely, so it’s his turn.

S3: What are you likely to do if the river floods?

Step5. Talking (Speaking in Using Language)

Get the students work in pairs. The situation is that you are worried about Lin Pei, who is not friendly any more, and does not want to talk to you or her other friends. She seems to be sad. She stays alone. She is not doing her homework and the teacher is not pleased with her. She doesn’t seem to care about how she looks and behaves.

T: Now class, work in pair. Discuss Lin Pei’s behavior. Think about the problems she might have. Describe her “body language” or the behavior that shows how she feels. Three minutes for you.

Ask the students to describe or act out Lin Pei’s behavior.

Step 6. Role Play (Speaking Task in Workbook)

T: Now, let’s come to Speaking Task on Page67. We’re given two situations. For each situation, prepare a role-play with your partner. Use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas. Then explain to the class what the differences are in Western and Chinese languages, and what they mean.

Work in pairs or in group of three:

1. You fall and hurt your foot while you are hiking on a lonely path. You need help, and see someone in the distance,.

2. You are visiting a strange city and need to buy some tea and oranges. You only know a little English and want to know where you can get them and how much they cost.

Step7. Homework

1. Team work: Discuss the importance of body language.

2. Go over the Reading;

1) Communication: No problem?

2) Showing our feeling.


第一章 重点词汇

第一节 动词

Ignore(1-1朋友) Upset(1-1朋友) Trust(1-1朋友) suffer(1-1朋友) communicate (1-1朋友) Include(1-2英语) Recognize(1-2英语) request (1-2英语) persuade(1-3游记) determine(1-3游记) Destroyed(1-4地震) shake(1-4地震) organize(1-4地震) burst(1-4地震) Attract(1-5英雄) accept(1-5英雄) advise(1-5英雄) shine(shone) (2-1古迹) Compete(2-1古迹) survive(2-1古迹) remain(2-1古迹) remove(2-1古迹) consider(2-1古迹) admit(2-2奥运) create(2-3电脑) arise(arose, arisen) (2-3电脑)wander(2-3电脑) Attack(2-4生物)apply (2-4生物) bite(bit, bitten) (2-4生物) protect(2-4生物) contain (2-4生物) perform(2-5音乐)

1. A cultural relic is something that survived for a long time. (2-1古迹) The buildings survived the earthquake. (1-4地震)

2. The candles lit the room. (2-1古迹)

3. What upsets you most about the project? (2-2奥运) Children will not be allowed to make a noise and upset the competitors. (2-2奥运) I do not want to upset my friends. (2-4生物)

4. What amazes you most about the modern Olympics? (2-2奥运)

5. The chair began to rise. (2-4生物) We hope the number of panda will soon rise. (2-4生物) Their number has grown rapidly. (2-4生物)

6. Don’t endanger wild animals any more. (2-4生物)

7. Rubbing protects me from mosquitoes. (2-4生物)

8. The insect contains a powerful drug. (2-4生物)

9. The drug affects mosquitoes. (2-4生物) What he did affects the wildlife in his area. (2-4生物)

10. No one could recognize me. (2-3电脑)Even when he wore sunglasses people recognize him. (2-5音乐)

11. Pretend that you are a judge. (2-1古迹) Close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li. (2-5音乐) They pretended to sing the song. (2-5音乐)

12. No one will be pardoned. (2-2奥运)

13. Make a poster to advertise a sporting event. (2-2奥运)

14. They will be given time to tour Beijing. (2-2奥运)

15. The olive wreath has been replaced. (2-2奥运)

16. We can work together to create an even better system. (2-3电脑)

17. A new situation arises. (2-3电脑)

18. My mind wanders. (2-3电脑)

19. I’d like to explore ideas about this sport. (2-3电脑)

20. They set the number of animals to be hunted. (2-4生物)

21. A bear is about to approach a boy. (1-2英语)

22. An outline will prepare you to write a better story. (1-4地震)

23. The village can’t afford to build a school. (1-3游记)

24. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights. (1-5英雄)

第二节 动词或名词

block(1-2英语) Share(1-1朋友) concern (1-1朋友) shock(1-4地震) rescue(1-4地震) trap(1-4地震) honor(1-4地震) rise(1-4地震) design(2-1古迹) interview(2-1古迹) heat(2-1古迹) doubt(2-1古迹) promise(2-2奥运) Roll(2-5音乐) form(2-5音乐) Reward(2-1古迹) (1-5英雄) injure (1-4地震)

1. Write a short reply to the letter. (2-1古迹)

2. The earthquake hit Alaska. (1-4地震) a big hit(2-5音乐)

3. The number was small before concern. (2-4生物)

4. The search for the relic continued. (2-1古迹)

5. It’s a great honor. (2-2奥运) I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑) They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震) I am honored that you would ask me for advice. (2-5音乐)

6. I have a good shot for a goal. (2-3电脑)

7. Do this several times until everyone has had a go. (1-5英雄)

8. Go straight for two blocks. (1-2英语)

9. The job was a reward for what I had done for the boss.(1-5英雄)

第三节 名词

editor(1-1朋友) series(1-1朋友) advice(1-1朋友)situation (1-1朋友) disaster(1-4地震) shelter(1-4地震) position(1-5英雄) degree(1-5英雄) Criminal(1-5英雄) Culture(1-2英语) Dialect(1-2英语) Identity(1-2英语) Transport(1-3游记) journal(1-3游记) congratulations(1-4地震) (2-5音乐) principle(1-5英雄) Quality(1-5英雄) stage(1-5英雄) cruelty(1-5英雄) Gift(2-1古迹) visitor(2-1古迹) Object(2-1古迹) Treasure(2-1古迹) style(2-1古迹) reception(2-1古迹) opinion(2-1古迹) athlete(2-2奥运) revolution(2-3电脑) intelligence(2-3电脑) Notebook(2-3电脑) calculator(2-3电脑) Advantage (2-3电脑) disadvantage(2-3电脑) Competitor(2-2奥运) competition (2-2奥运) prize (2-2奥运) beliefs(2-2奥运) Message(2-2奥运) 体育项目名称(badminton, shot-put, weight-lifting等) (2-2奥运) Network(2-3电脑) birth(2-3电脑) enemy(2-4生物)loss (2-4生物)species (2-4生物)effect (2-4生物) ability(2-5音乐) orchestra(2-5音乐) musician(2-5音乐) passers-by(2-5音乐) instrument(2-5音乐) Reputation(2-5音乐)

1. What an experience! (2-4生物)

2. They left home for safety. (1-4地震)

3. A passbook is a book that shows your identity. (1-5英雄) He wrote a new dictionary, giving American English its own identity. (1-2英语)

第四节 形容词

familiar(1-3游记) stubborn(1-3游记) fresh(1-4地震) essential(1-4地震) proper(1-3游记) equal(1-5英雄) peaceful(1-5英雄)描述人的形容词(selfish, gentle, athletic, adventurous, brave, boring, caring, cheerful, dangerous, easygoing, enthusiastic, funny, friendly, generous(1-5英雄), humorous, happy, honest, interesting, jealous (1-5英雄), unkind, loyal, lazy, mean, naughty, optimistic, open, patient, quiet, rude, sociable, smart, stupid, ugly, upset, versatile, wise, weird, thoughtful, responsible) (1-1朋友) popular (2-1古迹) Grateful(2-1古迹) Ancient(2-1古迹) modern (2-1古迹) Foolish(2-2奥运) enjoyable(2-2奥运) honest(2-2奥运) magical(2-2奥运) physical(2-2奥运) golden(2-2奥运) Simple-minded(2-3电脑)Common (2-3电脑)simple(2-3电脑) universal(2-3电脑) artificial(2-3电脑) Attractive (2-5音乐) unknown(2-5音乐)

Excellent(2-4生物) fierce(2-4生物) unkind(2-4生物) lazy(2-4生物)powerful (2-4生物) modern(2-2奥运) (2-5音乐)Attractive(2-5音乐) extra(2-5音乐)

1. A fragile head(2-3电脑)

2. It is time-consuming. (2-1古迹)

3. Well designed buildings(2-1古迹)

4. It is a rare Ming Dynasty vase. (2-1古迹) A rare new species of dinosaur (2-4生物)

5. What a lovely autumn day! (1-2英语)

第五节 副词

exactly(1-1朋友) entirely(1-1朋友) Actually(1-2英语) properly(1-3游记) sincerely(1-5英雄) besides(2-2奥运) truly(2-3电脑) totally(2-3电脑) unluckily(2-3电脑)personally(2-3电脑) Afterwards(2-5音乐)

1. They had truly become stars. (2-5音乐) I have truly been built to serve people. (2-3电脑)

2. If you don’t catch the ball, you are out.(2-2奥运)

3. The competition centres will be placed close to each other. (2-2奥运)When the bike gets too close to something it rings the bell. (2-3电脑)I landed close to the finishing line. (2-3电脑) People who are not close enough to each other(2-3电脑) Then English became closer to the language you are learning now. (1-2英语)

4. Personally, I think the other team cheated. (2-3电脑)

5. From the dictionary you will know how to use the word properly. (2-4生物)

6. It died out more recently.(2-4生物)

第二章 短语搭配

第一节 动词性

I. Be动词短语

1. I am crazy about everything to do with nature. (1-1朋友)

2. Be familiar to me(1-3游记)

3. Be proud of(1-4地震)

4. Be grateful to (1-1朋友) He is very grateful to you for the help(2-5音乐)

5. The city is known as the “Brave City of China” (1-4地震) They are known as Bikers for the Blind. (1-4地震)

6. His friends are dear to him. (2-1古迹)

7. I am expert at high flying exercises. (2-3电脑)

8. It was ready for the people to celebrate the 300th birthday of the city. (2-1古迹)

9. Be careful with your money. (2-1古迹)

10. They were very serious about their work. (2-5音乐)

11. Be honest with yourself. (2-5音乐)

12. He was very confident about his singing. (2-5音乐)

13. He is active in school activities. (1-5英雄)

14. Cambodia is in many ways similar to Laos. (1-3游记)

15. Tell him that you are concerned about him. (1-1朋友) I believe you are concerned about animals disappearing. (2-4生物) I am really concerned about the wildlife in the rain forest. (2-4生物)

16. We were tired from the long bike trip. (1-3游记)

17. His mother was worried about his health. (1-5英雄)

18. English was based on German(1-2英语) Their music is based loosely on their school life. (2-5音乐)

19. Are you willing to do public services without pay? (1-5英雄)He was willing to continue to fight. (1-5英雄)

20. Be sure to give an example(2-1古迹)

21. Be ready to(1-1朋友)

22. When the parachute was about to open there was a shout from the people. (2-3电脑)

23. Some objects in the home are the most likely to hurt us. (1-4地震)

24. The Games are about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further. (2-2奥运)I was better educated. (1-5英雄)

25. The house is well repaired. (1-4地震)

26. Be hidden(2-1古迹)

27. It is worth spending the money. (2-1古迹) All the exercise and training was worth it. (2-2奥运) A tour of the place is well worth your time.(1-3游记)

28. The programme was over. (2-5音乐)

II. 动词+名词

1. Walk the dog(1-1朋友)

2. Avoid his company(1-1朋友)

3. Raise money. (1-4地震)

4. take a bicycle trip(1-3游记)

5. Change his mind(1-3游记) Change his mind(2-2奥运)

6. Take some measures(2-1古迹)

7. Take photos(2-1古迹)

8. Tell the difference(2-1古迹)

9. Sign the book(2-1古迹)

10. Spoil the chances. (2-1古迹)

11. Host the Olympic Games(2-2奥运)

12. Reach the standard(2-2奥运)

13. Do the dishes(2-3电脑)

14. Mop the floors(2-3电脑)

15. Develop a program(2-3电脑)

16. Make progress(2-4生物)

17. Solve a math problem(2-3电脑)

18. Build a good relationship(2-4生物)

19. Make your choice(2-3电脑)

20. Make a better environment(2-4生物)

21. Make an effort to change the situation. (1-1朋友)

22. Make a decision(2-3电脑)

23. Lay eggs(2-4生物)

24. Take my picture(2-4生物)

25. Leave a note(2-5音乐)

26. Pay bills(2-5音乐)

27. I do a lot of exercise. (2-1古迹)

28. Produce a record(2-5音乐)

29. Have the flu(2-5音乐)

30. Form a band(2-5音乐)

31. Copy others’ performance(2-5音乐)

32. Earn some extra money(2-5音乐)

33. The computer can operate the bike(2-3电脑)

34. I follow instructions with cards with holes. (2-3电脑) More people follow what he does. (2-1古迹) If others follow him, so much the better. (2-1古迹)

35. Give commands(1-2英语)

36. Give some performances(1-3游记) Give a performance to a camera. (2-5音乐)

37. Music lessons will let you develop your sense of rhythm.(2-5音乐)

38. They hope to collect 1 million yuan to help the blind in Tibet. (1-4地震)

39. Spread the secrets far and wide(1-1朋友)

40. See you later(2-5音乐)

41. Support the star fiercely(2-5音乐) Support the project(2-4生物)

42. English plays a very important role. (1-2英语) Geography plays a part in making dialects. (1-2英语) Women play a very important role. (2-2奥运)

43. Ask direction(1-2英语) Give us directions(1-3游记) Give sb. the directions(2-5音乐)

44. Try to have fun with English. (1-2英语) Have fun(2-5音乐)

45. Push your way to the door(1-2英语)

46. He doesn’t easily lose heart when he is in trouble. (1-5英雄)

47. His friends offer him help when he needed it most. (2-1古迹) Offer the children free education(2-3电脑) Offer help(2-4生物)

III. 动词+名词+介词

1. Make a list of(1-2英语)

2. Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary. (1-2英语) To be a good learner, you must make full use of the library books. (2-3电脑)

3. Someone will take care of you on the river. (1-3游记) We need to take care of things properly before the earthquake comes. (1-4地震)

4. Take tourists around the place(1-5英雄)

5. We learned a lot about being a band. (2-5音乐)

6. She has a strong love for cultural relics(2-1古迹)

7. He searched the city for all of his friends. (2-1古迹)

8. Add more details to the design(2-1古迹)

9. People didn’t pay attention to cultural relics in the old days. (2-1古迹) He told all the people present to pay more attention to education. (2-5音乐) You should pay closer attention to the rain forest. (2-4生物) She paid attention to all the information she can collect. (2-4生物) The good news is that great attention is being paid to wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

10. Offer presents to the God(2-1古迹)

11. Join the computer to the Internet(2-3电脑)

12. Take the place of(2-2奥运)

13. Have a lot in common(2-3电脑)

14. Share information with others(2-3电脑)

15. All of us get equal turns in talking to the class. (2-2奥运)

16. Play jokes on sb. (2-5音乐)

17. Put an advertisement in the newspaper(2-5音乐)

18. Celebrate their time as a real band(2-5音乐)

19. Pop music has the same effect on your life. (2-5音乐)

20. The Village will be turned into a residential area. (2-2奥运)

21. The athletes will be provided with apartments in the Olympic village. (2-2奥运) The information has been provided for visitors. (2-1古迹)

22. The printer has been connected to the computer. (2-3电脑)

23. The band was formed of these musicians. (2-5音乐)

24. Be admitted to the Games(2-2奥运) He was admitted into the skating club in . (2-2奥运)Athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitors. (2-2奥运)

25. I am treated like a real person. (2-3电脑)

26. Some animals are killed for food. (2-4生物)

IV. 动词+介词/副/形+名词

1. Fall in love(1-1朋友)

2. Live in peace(1-1朋友)

3. The large city lay in ruins. (1-4地震)

4. The building had fallen in ruins(1-4地震)

5. Fill in the form(2-3电脑)

6. We had to change from our trousers into shorts. (1-3游记)

7. Look into the report. (2-1古迹)

8. It happened long before humans came into being. (2-4生物)

9. Deal with information(2-3电脑)

10. They came up with a name for their band. (2-5音乐)

11. Stay with what is true in your heart(2-5音乐)

12. Communicate with(1-1朋友) (1-2英语) Communicate with each other(2-3电脑)

13. People found it hard to do with the ruins. (1-4地震)

14. I am getting along well with a boy in my class. (1-1朋友) Do you get on well with your classmates(1-5英雄)

15. At last he came to himself. (2-3电脑)

16. Look up to the sky(2-1古迹)

17. What she said doesn’t relate to the facts. (2-2奥运)The words are related to each other in meaning. (2-2奥运)

18. Come to power(1-5英雄)

19. They can be tied to the tables or stuck to them so they won’t easily move around. (1-4地震) Make a special time for practicing and stick to it. (2-5音乐) You will be fine as long as you stick to the rules.(2-5音乐)

20. She decided to apply for some money. (2-4生物) She decided to apply for some money. As a result, a special butterfly became protected. (2-4生物) The companies applied to be allowed to hunt some of the elephants for a fee. (2-4生物)

21. Be sentenced to prison for life. (1-5英雄)

22. Be offered a ticket to the concert(1-1朋友)

23. People can find hope for a brighter future even after a bad earthquake. (1-4地震) Let’s hope for greater success(2-3电脑)

24. Ask for help from sb(2-2奥运)

25. Search for the room(2-1古迹)

26. Feel sorry for(1-1朋友)

27. The Milu deer is being well cared for in the center. (2-4生物)

28. He asked for the way to the theatre. (2-5音乐)

29. This made me feel good about myself. (1-5英雄)

30. The Russian didn’t care about the Amber room. (2-1古迹) She doesn’t care about details. (1-3游记)He cares less about himself. (2-1古迹)

31. If you are careful, you don’t need to worry about losing them. (2-1古迹)

32. Put up out tents. (1-3游记) Put up shelters for the homeless(1-4地震)

33. Pick up the apple (2-2奥运)

34. Set up a company (1-5英雄)

35. Blow up buildings(1-5英雄)

36. Make up a story(1-4地震) Make up new moves(2-3电脑)

37. Clean it up(2-4生物)

38. I had to pack up my things very quickly. (1-1朋友)

39. Hang up the phone(2-5音乐)

40. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people? (2-5音乐)Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people, with everyone clapping? (2-5音乐)I used to dream of being famous. (2-5音乐) dream about(1-3游记) Realize our dream of making all races equal(1-5英雄)

41. They thought little of the events. (1-4地震) Think highly of(2-1古迹) They thought very highly of our design. (2-5音乐)

42. They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) He will compete with other athletes from foreign countries. (2-2奥运) No one can compete with his software. (1-5英雄) Do you compete for money too? (2-2奥运)

43. The Chinese fought against Japanese invaders during World War II. (1-5英雄) He fought for his countries to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. (1-5英雄)

44. The cultural relics are well looked after. (2-1古迹) Animals have to look after themselves. (2-4生物) Looking after the forest helps with wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

45. No one could escape from the prison. (1-5英雄) Escape from technology(2-3电脑)

46. I began as a simple machine. (2-3电脑) The band began as a TV show. (2-5音乐)

47. The room served as a small reception hall. (2-1古迹)

48. She went to the stadium dressed as a man reporter. (2-2奥运)

49. What does the robot look like? (2-3电脑)

50. Their friendship has gone through tests of life and death. (1-1朋友)

51. Stay overnight(2-1古迹)

52. Watch over the child(2-3电脑)

53. Go on a picnic(1-1朋友)

54. Work on the dictionary(1-2英语) He began to work on an engine in 1918. (1-5英雄)

V. 动词词组

1. If you happen to have some cultural relics, will you give them to the government? (2-1古迹)

2. They promise to play fairly(2-2奥运)

3. Write a letter to encourage others to help save the cultural relics. (2-1古迹) Athletes are encouraged to do their best. (2-2奥运) He encouraged me to have music lessons(2-5音乐) They do not encourage violence(1-5英雄) He encouraged his children with good stories. (1-5英雄) The hanging boxes will encourage birds to visit the area. (2-4生物)

4. I intend to hide it in the cave. (2-4生物)

5. Even if I lost something, I wouldn’t expect to get it back(2-1古迹) He expects his son to get high scores for his college entrance exams. (1-2英语) Those who report the news were expected to speak excellent English. (1-2英语)

6. Some rivers are considered to be wonders of the world. (2-1古迹)

7. The building was designed to look like both a traditional and western hotel. (2-1古迹)

8. Be allowed to(1-5英雄)

9. Decide not to do(2-1古迹) tell sb not to do(2-1古迹)

10. I don’t know which to believe and which not to believe(2-1古迹)

11. You had better play in a band. (2-5音乐)

12. She made as many men as she should share her pain. (2-2奥运)

13. I would rather not tell you. (2-4生物)

14. I feel like attacking the animal. (2-4生物) I know what it feels like to be an android. (2-3电脑)

15. The athletes enjoy competing in winter. (2-2奥运)

16. You must stop your parents from eating more whale meat. (2-4生物) My heart stopped beating. (2-3电脑) We should not be stopped from studying. (1-5英雄)

17. What should you do if you are kept waiting. (2-4生物) It can keep your bicycles running into other bikes. (2-3电脑) How can we keep buildings from falling down? (1-4地震) I kept asking her. (1-3游记)

18. He spent all of their lives trying to collect words for the dictionary. (1-2英语)

19. Enjoy being famous(2-5音乐)

20. He found Alice sitting in the corner(2-5音乐)

21. Die out(2-4生物)

22. Take apart(2-1古迹)

23. We get together to play a football game. (2-3电脑) Get together(1-3游记)

24. A competition is coming on(2-3电脑)

25. The band broke up in about 1970. (2-5音乐)

26. A program that is called “top of the pops” (2-5音乐)

27. The water in the wells rose and fell(1-4地震)

第二节 名词性

I. 名词词串

1. National Natural Protection Zone(2-4生物)

2. Nature reserve(2-4生物)

3. The best quality wool sweater(2-4生物)

4. Wildlife protection(2-4生物)

5. A good environment(2-4生物)

6. A powerless drug(2-4生物)

7. Friendship and understanding. (2-4生物)

8. Classical music (2-5音乐)

9. folk music(2-5音乐)

10. country music(2-5音乐)

11. Study tour(2-5音乐)

12. A rock band(2-5音乐)

13. Musical ability(2-5音乐)

14. Solo piano concert(2-5音乐)

15. Terror and fear(1-5英雄)

16. Field trip(1-3游记)

17. The school speaking competition(1-4地震)

18. Shuttle bus(2-1古迹)

19. Rights and progress(1-5英雄)

20. The present day English(1-2英语) The present day Olympics(2-2奥运)

21. School fees and bus fare(1-5英雄) Train fair(1-3游记)

22. A sporting robot(2-3电脑)

23. Information technology(2-3电脑)

24. The starting place(2-3电脑)

25. Wooden boxes(2-1古迹)

26. Sweetest memories(2-1古迹)

27. Physical exercise(2-2奥运)

28. Healthy food(2-1古迹)

29. neighboring town(1-2英语)

30. Unexpected disaster. (1-4地震)

31. Applied physics(1-5英雄)

32. We ate an early supper. (1-3游记)

33. Artificial intelligence(2-3电脑)

34. A technological revolution(2-3电脑)

35. Electronic brain(2-3电脑)

36. A spoilt child(2-3电脑)

37. The moon gave far too much light. (1-1朋友) Too much hunting(2-4生物)

38. Free computer training(2-3电脑) free education(2-3电脑)

39. Everyday English conversation(2-5音乐)

40. Endangered wildlife(2-4生物)

41. Lively musicians(2-5音乐)

42. A Chinese saying(2-2奥运)

43. Just the thought of food made him feel sick. (1-1朋友) The sound of the name of Robben Island made us afraid. (1-5英雄) I was excited at the thought of meeting Yang Liwei. (2-3电脑)

44. China has tens of thousands of cultural relics. (2-1古迹) Tens of millions of years ago. (2-4生物)Billions of people(2-3电脑) Tens of thousands of, hundreds of thousands of(1-4地震)

45. Loss of bamboo growing areas(2-4生物)

46. A piece of music(2-5音乐)

47. A waste of time(2-5音乐)

48. Try many different style of music(2-5音乐)

49. A difficult period of life(1-5英雄)

50. A set of sentences(1-5英雄)

51. A sign of friendship(1-1朋友)

52. The rest of his life(1-5英雄)

53. the spirit of the Olympics(2-2奥运)

54. A sport of your choice(2-1古迹)

55. Two sets of Games(2-2奥运)

56. Less than two hours(2-1古迹)

57. Exercise to the music(2-2奥运)

58. gold medal for the event(2-2奥运) I won a silver medal for my performance. (2-3电脑)

59. The ticket for the concert(2-5音乐)

60. Each one has its own standard. (2-2奥运)

61. The threats to the environment(2-4生物)

62. Every four years(2-2奥运)

63. The pictures above(2-3电脑)

64. The other day(2-5音乐)

65. Read page after page of a book(2-1古迹)

66. She threw the apples one after another. (2-2奥运)

67. Sooner or later(2-5音乐)

68. A year or so(2-5音乐)

69. The dead (1-4地震)

II. 介词+名词搭配

1. In a short period of time(1-5英雄)

2. In a light rain(1-3游记)

3. In the 1600s(1-2英语) In the mid-1980s(2-5音乐) In the early 1960s(2-3电脑)

4. In the open air(1-4地震)

5. In the wild(2-4生物)

6. In peace(2-4生物)

7. In my opinion(1-5英雄) (2-3电脑)

8. In the thick rain forest(2-4生物)

9. In your free time(2-5音乐)

10. I shout in computer language. (2-3电脑)

11. Write down your ideas in any order. (1-5英雄)

12. He was not in good health(1-5英雄)

13. We ran in that direction. (1-4地震) The winds blew upon the city from every direction. (1-4地震) Go away in different directions(2-5音乐)

14. They are in danger of disappearing. (2-4生物)

15. In return, the Czar gave the king a gift of friendship. (2-1古迹)

16. The Dutch went to the island in search of supplies. (2-1古迹)

They tried to break the law in a peaceful way(1-5英雄) Our band was formed in an unusual way. (2-5音乐) In a way, my programmer is like my coach. (2-3电脑) There was one band that started in a different way. (2-5音乐) In some ways they are different from one another. (1-2英语) This will help the wildlife in one way or another. (2-4生物) Ask for advice from your teacher. In this way you will become more confident. (2-2奥运) That way he got a large part of the software market. (1-5英雄)

17. Cut the mountains into two halves(1-3游记)

18. The amber can be made into any shape. (2-1古迹)At an altitude of(1-3游记)

19. A trip into the countryside(1-2英语) (1-3游记) (1-4地震)

20. Often he would work by candlelight into the evening. (1-2英语)

21. On purpose(1-1朋友)

22. On a magical journey(2-2奥运)

23. Doctors will be on call 24 hours a day. (2-2奥运)

24. On the football team(2-3电脑)

25. There are many books on the Internet. (2-3电脑) Find the song on the Internet(2-5音乐)

26. With the help of(2-3电脑)

27. Go round the corner on your left-hand side. (1-2英语)

28. Think about the problem on your own. (2-4生物)

29. They visited Britain on a tour. (2-5音乐)

30. At about the same time(2-3电脑)He traveled to Europe to see the great buildings for himself. (2-1古迹) We have to speak for ourselves. (2-4生物)

31. During lunch breaks(1-5英雄)

32. To the north of the city(1-4地震)

33. I was worried about whether I would be out of work. (1-5英雄)

34. From his point of view(1-5英雄)

35. English changed over time. (1-2英语)

36. They moved from one place to another. (1-2英语)

37. The water went all over the floor. (1-4地震)

38. For a short while(1-2英语)

39. For health reasons(1-4地震)

40. As a matter of fact(1-5英雄) As a matter of fact, every country wants to host the Games. (2-2奥运)

41. Be at meal, be at work, be at war, be at play, be at dinner(2-1古迹)

42. At the edge of the area(2-4生物)

43. It seemed that the world was at an end. (1-4地震)

44. Go past by chance(2-5音乐) I have to admit that we won first place by chance.(2-5音乐)

45. By the Internet(2-3电脑)

46. By her bed(2-4生物)

47. Under repair, under discussion, under research, under consideration, under development(2-4生物)

III. 复合介词或副词

1. right away(1-4地震) Right away he showed an interest in mathematics. (1-5英雄)

2. They went to bed as usual that night. (1-4地震) Everything was going as usual. (1-4地震)

3. Say flat instead of apartment in Britain. (1-2英语) Sand now filled the wells instead of water. (1-4地震) She persuaded us to cycle to work instead of taking the bus. (1-3游记) Instead of flying softly to earth I began to fall faster. (2-3电脑)

4. According to me, it is necessary. (1-1朋友)

5. The largest English dictionary is Oxford English Dictionary, or OED for short. (1-2英语)

6. The information must be facts rather than opinions(2-1古迹)

7. No one knows for certain how the islanders transported the statue. (2-1古迹) Nobody knows for sure. (2-4生物)

8. Above all(2-5音乐)

9. Next to(2-1古迹)

10. They played jokes on each other as well as played music. (2-5音乐) A gym as well as seats(2-2奥运) A huge park will be planned as well. (2-2奥运)

11. Not long ago(2-1古迹) Not long ago a new species was discovered. (2-4生物) Not long ago there was a girl called Daisy. (2-4生物) Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, calling out the names from long ago. (1-3游记)

12. If others follow him, so much the better. (2-1古迹)

13. Athletes from all over the world(2-2奥运) Fans from all over China(2-3电脑) Help is given to the pandas from all over the world. (2-4生物)

14. From under their stomachs. (2-4生物)

第三章 常见句型

第一节 基本结构

I. The way句式

1. You will hear the difference in the way people speak. (1-2英语)

2. Listen carefully to the way the boy is talking. (1-2英语)

3. I don’t understand the way that the word is used. (1-2英语)

4. The room was completed the way she wanted it. (2-1古迹)

5. The computer will change the way we do things(2-3电脑)

6. I decide to change the way I work. (2-3电脑)

7. They have built a PC the way we wanted. (2-3电脑)

8. They could tell this from the way the bones were joined together. (2-4生物)

II. With+宾语+宾补

1. It has wide streets with trees in rows. (1-3游记)

2. We went to see the temple with floors made of silver. (1-3游记)

3. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people, with everyone clapping? (2-5音乐)

4. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. (2-4生物)

III. 强调结构

1. It is because I haven’t been outdoors for so long that I’ve grow so crazy. (1-1朋友)

2. It was my sister who had the idea to cycle along the river. (1-3游记)

3. It is only when we understand English that we can have a conversation with Americans. (1-4地震)

4. We did sleep in clean beds that night. (1-1朋友)

5. I do want to change the situation. (1-1朋友)

6. They were not clever but they did pass the exams. (1-5英雄)

7. Although they rebuilt the street, they did save the old buildings. (2-1古迹)

IV. Ing分词句型

1. He wrote a new dictionary, giving American English its own identity. (1-2英语)

2. Make a list of what you see, only keeping those details(1-3游记)

3. The other side doesn’t agree, saying, “No, we should not save cultural relics. ” (2-1古迹)

4. Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, calling out the names from long ago. (1-3游记)

5. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. (1-4地震)

6. Following old photos, the room has been made to look much like the old one. (2-1古迹)

7. Living in peace, Hawaiians have developed a close relationship with nature. (1-1朋友)

8. I hate others gossiping. (1-1朋友)

9. He was standing waiting. (2-2奥运)

10. I was so lonely standing there alone(2-3电脑)

11. We learn to talk to humans using basic. (2-3电脑)

12. He fell turning over and over(2-3电脑)

V. 倒装句式

1. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. (1-4地震)

2. Never in the city’s history were people so kind. (1-4地震)

3. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence(1-5英雄)

4. I think it should not be returned. Nor do I think it should be given to the government(2-1古迹)

5. No other country could join in, nor could slaves. (2-2奥运)

VI. Time句型

1. There was a time when a deep sky couldn’t keep me spellbound. (1-1朋友)

2. There were times when my size was totally changed. (2-3电脑)

3. This was a time when one had got to have a passbook. (1-5英雄)

4. This was the time when drought hit the area. (1-5英雄)

5. This was a time when two countries were at war. (2-1古迹)

6. I felt bad the first time I talked to him(1-5英雄)

7. It was the first time that I had seen the night face to face. (1-1朋友)

VII. 句子副词

1. We can keep it because the search cost us a lot of money. Besides, any person who find something can keep it. (2-1古迹)

2. He has a big heart. In other words, he is very kind. (2-1古迹)

3. I can make up new moves. After all, intelligence is what I am all about. (2-3电脑)

4. I didn’t know they were talking about. Anyway, let’s go back to my history. (2-3电脑)

5. I am as big as a human. In fact, I look like one, too. (2-3电脑)

6. The animals have enemies that kill and eat them. As a result, many of them have died out. (2-4生物)

7. The number of the deer in Britain increased year by year. As a result, Britain was able to help China. (2-4生物)

8. As a result of the terrorists’ attack, tourism has been greatly affected.(2-5音乐)

VIII. So…that…

1. He liked the Milu deer so much that he took it to Britain. (2-4生物)

2. She was so angry that she decided not to get married. (2-2奥运)

3. My memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it. (2-3电脑)

4. There are so many of the Milu deer that a new park has been opened for them. (2-4生物)

5. The chair flew away so fast that he couldn’t see it. (2-4生物)

6. I was so excited that could hardly speak to him(2-5音乐)

7. It was so quiet in the mountains that there was almost no wind. (1-3游记)

IX. 比较句式

1. The fish is about the size of a house. (1-2英语)

2. Then I was the size of a large room. (2-3电脑)

3. I am as big as a human. (2-3电脑)

4. It is just as much a competition to host the Games as to win an Olympic medal. (2-2奥运)

5. Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia. (1-3游记)

6. It has twice the population. (1-3游记)

X. Those who

1. Those who report the news were expected to speak excellent English. (1-2英语)

2. Those who ruled England at that time spoke French. (1-2英语)

3. The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震)

4. Those who do well in the Olympics can win medals. (2-2奥运)

5. There are seats for those who watch the games(2-2奥运)

XI. 同位结构

1. Jiuquxi, a river in the shape of a snake, is green and clear. (1-3游记)

2. He won first prize, a gold medal for the long jump. (2-2奥运)

3. Here is the story about the dodo, an animal that has disappeared from the earth. (2-4生物)

4. Milu deer, a species with large horns, used to be common in China. (2-4生物)

XII. leave句型

1. They are left in peace with no hunting(2-4生物)

2. Animals should be left in gardens. (2-2奥运)

3. Many children were left without parents. (1-4地震)

4. There are only 70000 antelopes left. (2-4生物)

5. Nothing is left of the city. (1-4地震)

XIII. it结构

1. It is said that this university is a center of culture in this town. (1-2英语)

2. It is not surprising that native speakers don’t know grammar very well. (1-2英语) It is not surprising that the panda sign of the WWF has been world famous. (2-4生物)

3. It has been decided that those who do not do their homework will have to return to school on Saturday. (2-3电脑)

4. It is hoped that one day it will be returned to nature. (2-4生物)

5. It occurred to me that he has grown up. (2-5音乐)

XIV. While句型

While a diary writer tries to record how he feels, a journal writer record what he sees on a journey. (1-3游记)

Other musicians sing the songs for the programme while the band pretend to sing them.(2-5音乐)

XV. 省略句型

It easily melts when heated. (2-1古迹)

第二节 其他句式

1. I stay awake in order to have a good look at the moon. (1-1朋友) We have a heart-to-heart talk in order to solve our problems. (1-1朋友) What do you think the Chinese team will do in order to win more medals? (2-2奥运)

2. They do what they can to make their company bigger. (1-5英雄) He did what he can to stop other competitors(1-5英雄)

3. Those countries speak English either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(1-2英语) We were put in a position in which we had either to accept the fact or fight the government. (1-5英雄)

4. As time went by, I realize my idea was totally wrong(2-3电脑) As the years have gone by, I was made smaller and smaller. (2-3电脑)

5. I have got to go to school on Saturdays. (1-1朋友)

6. For one thing, a journal isn’t as personal as a diary. For another, it has a different purpose. (1-3游记)

7. The spelling of English is more of a problem in the days before a dictionary. (1-2英语)

8. There is no doubt that it was moved to Germany. (2-1古迹)

9. The design was of the fancy style. (2-1古迹)

10. There are events like ice skating. That is why they are called the Winter Olympics(2-2奥运) This is why I am writing to you. (2-3电脑) I don’t wish to share my secret thoughts with others. That’s why I thought my diary a good friend of mine. (1-1朋友)

11. It is too high a price to pay. (2-4生物) The earth got too hot to live on(2-4生物) The pigs were too nervous to eat. (1-4地震)

12. They must leave Britain before it was too painful for them. (2-5音乐) Before the Nazis could get to the Palace, the Russians were only able to remove the furniture. (2-1古迹)

13. I ask for help by writing a letter. (2-4生物) She was able to replace her usual afternoon’s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运) He became rich by being a computer bully. (1-5英雄)

14. People didn’t know him but talked as if they were friends. (2-5音乐)

15. He wanted to be famous more than anything else. (2-5音乐) Music is more than just sound. It is a way of thinking. (2-5音乐)

16. The more you speak English, the better your English will become. (2-2奥运)

17. The past is not only for us to enjoy but also for the children of the future. (2-1古迹)

第三节 上佳表达

1. I wish your well on your journey. (1-3游记)

2. It is better to be safe than sorry. (1-4地震)

3. It is always calm before a storm. (1-4地震)

4. Only time will tell. (1-2英语)

5. It seems you can’t win. (1-2英语)

6. We can hardly wait to see them. (1-3游记)

7. Thank you for your time. (1-3游记)

8. Good luck on your journey. (1-3游记)

9. It was great fun. (1-3游记)

10. Sorry, I can’t follow you. (1-2英语)

11. That can’t be true. (2-1古迹)

12. That’s good news. Thank you for your time. (2-2奥运)

13. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (2-2奥运)

14. Thank you and good luck. (2-2奥运)

15. Intelligence is what I am all about. (2-3电脑) This is what wildlife protection is about. (2-4生物)

16. I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑)

17. It was very nice of you but I can’t accept it. (2-4生物)

18. Well done! (2-4生物)

19. I didn’t know that. (2-4生物)

20. The good news is that great attention is being paid to wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

21. Without music, life is a journey through a desert. (2-5音乐)

22. My son turned ten the other day. (2-5音乐)

第四章 知识点滴

第一节 高频知识


1. He came to school very upset. (1-1朋友)

2. Your dream will come true. (2-5音乐) Something would come true. (2-5音乐) The dream had finally come true. (1-3游记)

3. He fits his new software free in very computer. (1-5英雄)

4. Let your imagination run wild(2-3电脑)

5. Then things went wrong. (2-5音乐)

6. I grew crazy. (1-1朋友)

7. Stay awake(1-1朋友) (1-3游记)

8. Languages do not always stay the same. (1-2英语)

9. Our legs felt heavy. (1-3游记)

10. The fruit goes bad easily. (1-4地震)

11. It feels as hard as a stone. (2-1古迹)

12. It felt strange. (2-5音乐)

13. It sounds very simple. (2-3电脑)

14. Fall ill(2-3电脑)


1. Anne was very upset that her family had to move. (1-1朋友) Everyone was very upset. (2-2奥运)

2. We were tired but also very excited. (1-3游记) An excited elephant(2-4生物) He was an excited supporter of Coco Li(2-5音乐)

3. She gave me a determined look. (1-3游记)

4. She was amazed when they heard of the rules. (2-2奥运) Daisy was amazed. (2-4生物)

5. She will be relaxed. (2-2奥运)

6. It was painful for me and I felt frightened. (2-3电脑) I saw many frightened cows rush up Market Street. (1-4地震)

7. The waterfall is even more exciting to see. (1-3游记) She was able to replace her usual afternoon’s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运)It was so exciting when my letter became neat and tidy. (2-3电脑) A most exciting experience(2-5音乐)

8. The word is confusing to me(1-2英语)

9. Your tour sounds interesting. (1-3游记)

10. It was a frightening night. (1-4地震)

11. All his music was written for God and some of it is very moving.(2-5音乐)

三.a number of; the number of

1. English has a large number of speakers(1-2英语)

2. Such a great number of people died. (1-4地震)

3. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. (1-4地震)

4. A number of people think God moved the statues. (2-1古迹)

5. The number of English speakers is increasing rapidly. (1-2英语)

6. China has the fastest growing number of English speakers. (1-2英语)

7. The large number of English speakers(1-2英语)

8. The number of people who were killed reached more than 400. (1-4地震)

四.Used to; be used to

1. I used to write about the Games years ago. (2-2奥运)

2. Farmers used to hunt the elephants. (2-4生物)

3. Money used to go to big companies. (2-4生物)

4. I love being used to connect people(2-3电脑)

5. A keyboard is used to keep data into a computer. (2-3电脑)

6. The antelope fur is being used to make sweaters. (2-4生物)

7. Seven thousand tons of amber were used to make the room. (2-1古迹)

五. get的用法

1. Wang Wei got them interested in cycling. (1-3游记)

2. The dog got loose. (1-1朋友)

3. Have you got everything ready? (1-3游记)

4. He made speeches to get others to help him. (2-1古迹)

5. He hurried to get dressed.(2-4生物)

6. How do people get to form a band? (2-5音乐)


1. She insisted that we find the source of the river. (1-3游记)

2. We advised the parents that the child should not be taught too much. (1-5英雄)

3. He advised poor people on their problems. (1-5英雄)

4. Give some advice. (1-1朋友) Give us some advice(2-5音乐)

5. He insists that it belongs to his family. (2-1古迹)

6. I’d like to help as the WWF suggests. (2-4生物)

7. Some people even suggest we should do more. (2-4生物)

8. Read the plan and suggest ways to make it better. (2-1古迹)

9. She tried to persuade him not to fight the government. (1-5英雄) She persuaded me to buy one(1-3游记). He persuaded the government to buy some land in the center of the city. (2-1古迹)

七. Be+hard+主动不定式

1. Earthquakes are very difficult to predict. (1-4地震)

2. Water and food was hard to get. (1-4地震)

3. The air is hard to breathe(1-3游记)

4. It is difficult to prove. (2-1古迹)

5. The amber room was not easy to make. (2-1古迹)

八.参加join; take part

1. I joined the ANC Youth League as soon as I could. (1-5英雄)

2. The prison guards also joined us. (1-5英雄)

3. Dao Wei will join us there. (1-3游记)

4. Join in discussion(1-1朋友)

5. Women were not allowed to join in. (2-2奥运)

6. He sang his latest hit and joined in. (2-5音乐)

7. take part in the Olympics (2-2奥运)

8. All countries can take part. (2-2奥运)


1. He has given up many things in his life to help others. (1-5英雄)

2. He gave up a rich life for his ideas. (1-5英雄)

3. I have to give up a lot of things to win gold medals. (2-2奥运)

4. I had to give in. (1-3游记)

十.感官动词+sb+ doing sth

I often hear my grandfather talk about cultural relics. (2-1古迹)

If you find someone smuggling cultural relics, what can you do? (2-1古迹)

The man saw some Germans taking apart the room. (2-1古迹)

十一. remain

1. It remained when the rest has been destroyed. (2-1古迹)

2. The part of ancient walls remain as good as before. (2-1古迹)

3. What happened to the city remained a mystery. (2-1古迹)


I didn’t dare open the window. (1-1朋友)

I know I didn’t need to encourage her. (1-3游记)

十三. agree

1. I do not agree with your opinion. (2-1古迹)

2. I don’t agree with the writer. (2-1古迹)

3. I don’t agree that it should be returned. (2-1古迹)

4. All members have to agree with what music to play. (2-5音乐)

十四. Gone, missing, lost

1. All hope was not lost. (1-4地震)

2. San Francisco was gone. (1-4地震)

3. Two minutes later, everything was gone. (2-4生物)

4. It is now missing. (2-1古迹)

十五. include

1. Horse riding is not included in the winter games. (2-2奥运)

2. All these men and young boys came from different parts of Greece, including Athens. (2-2奥运)

3. Others went to work with Murray, including his two daughters. (1-2英语)

第二节 零散知识

1. She was able to travel far because of the flying chair. (2-4生物) They speak English because of foreign rule. (1-2英语)

2. He belongs to a trade union. (2-1古迹) The earth belongs to the living. (2-1古迹) I found the person to whom it belonged. (2-1古迹) The computer company belonged to Wang An. (1-5英雄)

3. They were seated near the bowling area. (2-2奥运)

4. The bag of food should last you 3 days. (1-4地震) People began to wonder how long the disaster would last. (1-4地震)

5. The search has cost a lot of time. (2-1古迹)

6. They decided to pass a law that all trainers must be men. (2-2奥运)

7. He died for his ideas. (1-5英雄) He died from a piece of falling furniture. (1-4地震)

8. He believed in three principles. (1-5英雄)

9. He was in prison for thirty years. (1-5英雄)

10. He entered university in 1937. (1-5英雄) The river’s delta enters the South China Sea. (1-3游记)

11. We felt very happy to have studied in college. (1-3游记)

12. The teacher asked him when he went to bed the night before. (1-1朋友)

13. They can’t understand everything(1-2英语) She didn’t like everything about the relic. (2-1古迹)

14. English speaking world(1-2英语)

15. They looked at you a little strangely. (1-2英语)

16. It doesn’t matter what English you learn. (1-2英语)

17. There is no such thing as standard English. (1-2英语)

18. You can’t meet a better man than Bill Gates. (1-5英雄)

19. They try their best to make the capital a special place. (2-1古迹)

20. They don’t believe it even though they are given a lot of evidence(2-1古迹) They understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. (1-2英语) They didn’t want to protect us even though tourists love to see us. (2-4生物)

21. The information is called evidence. (2-1古迹)

22. He can’t prove that he is right. (2-1古迹) It can be proved that China has more people than any other country. (2-1古迹) A fact is anything that can be proved. (2-1古迹) This mother proved that women trainers can be better than men trainers. (2-2奥运)

23. It must be expensive. (2-2奥运) You must be very proud. (2-2奥运)

24. People doubt that they were dragged over land. (2-1古迹)

25. Use the computer every day. (2-3电脑)

26. I am part of a football team. (2-3电脑) On this island, friendship is part of the aloha spirit. (1-1朋友) The amber room was part of the winter palace. (2-1古迹)

27. Our team got second place. (2-3电脑)

28. A special village to live in(2-2奥运)

29. How often(2-2奥运)

30. Many more things(2-3电脑)

31. In three years they may all be gone. (2-4生物)

32. Show me some place where there is some wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

33. No matter what happens, we will pay more attention to wildlife protection from now on. (2-4生物)

34. Up till now, the organization has collected millions of dollars. (2-4生物) We have written a lot of e-mails on the computer in the past year. (2-3电脑)

35. He felt very lonely(2-5音乐)

36. He couldn’t go out without being followed everywhere. (2-5音乐)

37. even more popular(2-5音乐)

38. It was the biggest work of amber art ever made. (2-1古迹)

39. The Queen had the room moved outside the city. (2-1古迹)

40. Serve the human race(2-3电脑) Food is served between 12:00 and 14:00 every day. (2-2奥运)

41. She wants to marry a king or a princess. (2-2奥运)I will be married to a man who can run faster than me. (2-2奥运)

42. He received a place to study mathematics in the university. (1-5英雄)

43. They write about their travels in what is called a travel journey. (1-3游记)I live in what you call Ancient Greece. (2-2奥运)

第五章 语法重点





篇15:Unit 5 Music --- Reading(新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Teaching aims:

1. To develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning to understand the reading material.

2. To read about the successful development of a famous band “The Monkees” s hard life from being common to get a big hit.

3. To improve the Ss’ reading skills such as skimming and scanning.

Teaching important points:

1. Help Ss to understand the passage better.

2. Learn and master some important words and phrases.

Teaching difficult points:

1. How to help Ss understand the passage better.

2. How to improve the Ss’ reading skills through some activities.

Teaching approaches: task- based approach

Teaching aids: the computer , the multi-media projector

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

1. Introduce the topic of music.

(Before class, play the Monkees’ song “I’m a believer”)

T: Do you like the music I played before class? Today our topic is music. Are you fond of music? Do you know who they are? (The teacher shows the pictures of some famous singer S.H.E,Coco li , Liu Huan, Andy Lau刘德华,Jay 周杰伦,Michael Jackson , Rich Martin)

Then what kind of music do they sing?

Do you know some other kinds of music?

How does music make you feel?( I feel inspired when listening to music , when I’m listening to music . when I’m mot having a good mood music can calm me down . when I listen to the music. I feel happy and recall some good memories and beautiful things in life ).

( I feel relaxed when listening music, music tells us the real life.)

2. Introduce “The Monkees”.

T: Excellent, I really enjoy your opinions and I also have learnt a lot from your ideas so you are really music fans. Now I have a problem. I would like you to give me some advice. I want to listen to some famous bands music. Can you recommend some famous bands for me? Or have you ever heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you have.

T: Good. Thank you for your recommendation . I have many choice to consider. But here I have a photo of an band, Can you tell me who they are? ( The Monkees)

T: Well, it seems you know little about them it doesn’t matter. Now let’s read the passage on the paper and find more information about them “The Band That Wasn’t”

Step 2 ( Task 1 ) Fast reading

Please read the passage quickly and tell us what the passage is about.

( The passage is about the successful development of a famous band “ the Monkees”.)

Step 3 (Task 2 ) Skimming

Skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1 : Dreaming of being famous musician or singer

Para 2 : How musicians form bands.

Para 3 : How the band got their start.

Para 4 : How “The Monkees became serious about their business.

Step 4 (Task 3 ) Scanning

Scan the passage and find out jwhether the following statements are True or False.

T 1.Most musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play music.

F 2.The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lovely and who could make good music.

F 3.Each week the group that was called “The Beatles” would play a song or two written by other musician.

T 4.“The Monkees” broke up in about 1960,but reunited in 1980.

Step 5 (Task 4 ) Intensive Reading

Ask the students to look through the questions on the screen and read the text silently.Students are expected to find out all the answers by themselves.

T:OK,boys and girls.Now let”s read the text in detail and answer the following questions.


1. Why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?

( Because they want to write and play music together.)

2. Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?

(Beatles & Monkees )

3. How do bands that are formed by high school students earn some extra money?

(They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.)

4. When did “The Monkees” break up and when did it reunite?

( They broke up in about 1970 and it reunited in the mid-1980.)

5. Why was “The Monkees” successful in their work?

( Because they were serious about their work and they also worked very hard.)

Step 6 (Task 5 ) Word study

Listen to the recording and then match the words or phrases with the meanings

musical instrument someone whose job is to play or write music

karaoke something used to make music

fan excited supporter of somebody

Advertisement person or thing that is very popular and successful

hit imagine something would come true

passers-by go away in different directions

dream of tell exactly what one thinks

break up public message to tell about sth. or service

be honest with person going past by chance

musician sing a song with a video

Step 7 ( Task 6 ) Retell the story

I guess you have totally understood the text.Now let”s check whether you have comprehended the text.On the blackboard,it”s the summary of our reading text.But it”s not complete.You have to think out a proper word to fill in each blank without reading your textbook.After filling the missing words,you will have a complete summary of the text.Now,I will give you 5 minutes to do this task.

If we are ______ ______ ourselves,most of us have ______ ______ being famous sometimes in our lives.Most musicians often meet and ______ a band.Sometimes they play in the street to ______ so that they can earn some ______ money and this also gives them a ______ to realize their dreams.There was once a band started ______ ______ ______ ______.The musicians of whom the band was formed ______ ______ ______ each other as well as played music,whose music and jokes were loosely ______ ______ “The Beatles”.Their exciting performances were copied by other groups.“The Monkees” played their own ______ and wrote their own music.Though it ______ ______ in 1970,it ______ in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today.

Suggested answer:

honest with;dreamed of;form;passers-by;extra;chance;in a different way;played jokes on;based on;instruments;broke up;reunited

Step 8 Summary

Today we”ve learned a passage about the band “The Monkees” and we know their success lies in their hard work and unique style of performance.The Monkees worked hard to be a famous band and their special performance styles were loved by people all over the world.


1. Read the passage over and over again and find out all the sentences with attributive clauses.

2. Read another passage “Biography of ‘The Monkees’” to get more information about the Band.

篇16:Unit 1 Cultural relics (新课标版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

Unit 1 Cultural relics

Period 1: Words and expressions from Unit I Cultural Relics


adj. 文化的 a cultural independence / cultural exchange


n. sth. old that reminds us of the past遗迹;古物 unearthed cultural / a relic of early civilization


vt.&vi. to continue to live, esp. after coming close to death; to continue to live after…幸免于;幸存;……之后还活着 survive the traffic accident / survive all her children


vi. 1. to stay or be left behind after others have gone or been removed停留;留居;留下When the others had gone, Mary remained and put back the furniture.2. to continue to be( in an unchanged state)继续;依然remain young / remain to be uncompleted; Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman. If you won’t eat you’ll just have to remain hungry! 3. It remains to be seen: we shall know later on.情况仍未明,要看怎样发展。


n. 国家;政府;州;状态 state schools / state documents /in a poor state of health

look into: to examine the meaning or causes of考察,调查 look into the matter / look into the event


adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 the rare air of the mountains / rare metals / a rare book


n. 朝代;王朝 the Qing Dynasty / the Tudor dynasty in England

belong to

to be the property of; to be a member of; to be connected with属于;为……的一员;与……有关系belong to a club / belong to a class / belong to me

in search of 寻找 in search of the cure to the disease / in search of the lost boy


n. adj. 琥珀;琥珀制的;琥珀色的 the amber traffic lights / a decoration of amber


n. 赠品;礼物;天赋 birthday gifts / gift vouchers / a gift for music


vt. vi. (使)融化;(使)熔化 melt the snow / melt the anger /melt in water


n. vt. 热;热度;把……加热;使激动 the body heat/ the heat of a debate/ heat soup for lunch


n. a plan in the mind; a drawing or pattern showing how sth. is to be made设计;图案 vt. to imagine and plan out in the mind设计;构思 curious in design / make a design for a monument; design an engine / design dresses for a queen


adj.奇特的;异样的(无最高级和比较级)vt.想象;设想;爱好 a fancy price / fancy goods / fancy his coming /fancy herself still young


n.风格;风度;类型 do things in style / in the style of / out of style.


n.珠宝;宝石 precious jewels / a jewel necklace

in return(for): in exchange (for); in payment (for)作为交换;报答;酬谢 in return for her kindness / in return for his gilt


vt. vi 点火,照亮 light a cigarette / light a torch/ light sb. on his way


n. 镜子;反映 a driving mirror / look in the mirror/ a mirror of the times


n. 奇迹;惊奇 the wonders of nature/ It’s no wonder. /in wonder

at war 处于交战状态 be at war / have been at war for long


vt. to take away(from a place); take off移动;脱掉;除去remove the cloth from the table / remove one’s hat; You’ve got to remove your shoes before you enter the room.


n.家具(总称)much furniture / a lot of furniture /a set of furniture/ a piece of furniture


adv.秘密地;背地里 have a talk secretly/ take an action secretly


adj. 木制的 a wooden bridge/ a wooden chair


n. 怀疑;疑惑;vt.怀疑;不信 there is no doubt about sb./ sth./ no doubt/ …not doubt that / …doubt whether


n.神秘;神秘的事物 make a mystery of matter / dive into the mysteries of


adv. 分离;分别地 miles apart / stand apart / keep apart from take apart 拆开 take apart the machine / take sb. apart


n.审判;审问;试验 hold a trial / trial by a military court / give sb. a trial


vt.1. to think about; examine考虑;思考I’m considering changing my job. We’ve decided to move and are considering a new house in Beijing. 2. to regard as认为I consider you a fool. I consider it a great honour to be here with you today. The boss considered Tom (to be) too lazy to be a good worker. 3. to take into account顾及;考虑到;If you consider (the fact) that she’s only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well.

opinion n.意见;看法;判断 give one’s opinion / in one’s opinion / depend on one’s opinion

evidence n.根据;证据;证物 evidence for his guilt/ call sb. for evidence/ material evidence/ verbal evidence

prove vt. 证明;证实 vi. 原来是;证明是 prove its truth / prove sb to be / be proved to be

pretend vt.假装;装扮 pretend to be / pretend that

think highly of 看重;器重 think highly of his deeds / think highly of his character

treasure n.财宝;财富;珍品 a store of hidden treasure / collect many treasures

besides adv. in addition, also此外;而且I don’t want to go; besides, I’m tired. I met some friends and other people besides. I don’t like those blue socks; what have you got besides? prep. as well as; in addition to除……之外 I have a few friends besides you. There were three others present at the meeting besides Mr. Day.

Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Reading



To read about cultural relics

To learn about The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause

I. Warming up

Warming up by defining

Good morning, class. This period we are going to read about IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Before our reading, I’d like to know:

A. What kind of old things are cultural relics?

B. Are all the old things cultural relics?

C. What is the definition and classification of cultural relics?

D. To whom do cultural relics belong?

Keys for reference:

A. Cultural relics are physical remainders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. It can also be said that cultural relics are more than works of art, they are symbols of history and the people who lived in the past.

B. No, not all the old objects are cultural relics.

C. Each kind of relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic is still a unique cultural expression and contributions.

D. In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and whole societies, not a certain individual.

Warming up by presenting

Hi, everyone. Let’s look at the screen. I’ll present you some pictures. They all belong to cultural relics. Some of them are cultural sites. Some of them are natural sites. Please think these over:

A. Can you name them out?

B. Who have the right to confirm and classify them?

Keys for reference:

A. They are cultural sites: The Great wall; The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang; The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors; The Mogao Cave. These are natural sites: The Jiu Zhai Gou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area; The Huang Long Scenic and Histioric Interest Area. The following are cultural and natural sites: Mount Taishan; Mount Huangshan; Mount WuYi.

B. Only an international professional organization from UN has the authority to confirm and classify them.

Warming up by discussing

Now, boys and girls, I met a “moral dilemma”. That means I must make a choice between the interests of the family and the interests of the society. Things are like this: My old granny happened to find an ancient vase under the tree in the earth of our garden. It’s so beautiful and special. Now, my family fell into a moral dilemma. Can you help us to make a decision:

A: What should we do?

B: Can we keep it for ourselves or report it to the government?

C: Have you come across such a situation - to make a difficult choice?

Keys: ABC questions can be answered in all kinds of ways. The answers are flexible.

II. Pre-reading

1. Looking and saying

Work in pairs. Look at the photos on the screen. All these relics are quite beautiful. But some of them were lost and ruined in history,such as Yuan MingYuan and the Amber Room. Please guess:

A. What kinds of things can result in their disappearing?

B. Why do they come into being once again?

Keys for reference:

A. Maybe wars, natural disasters, and time have damaged or destroyed them, getting them lost and changed. Many of them were even stolen and hidden while nobody knows who, where and how.

B. People get to know these. If these relics could not be found again, they would be rebuilt by people.

2. Explaining and sharing

Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates:

A. What do you know about the substance of “amber”?

B. What do you know about the cultural relics “the Amber Room”?

Keys for reference:

I am from group 2. From the knowledge we got from biology and chemistry, we know “amber” is a semi-precious stone used in jewelry and art world. Amber is really the fossil form of resin from trees. It has got its shape after a process that has taken millions of years to complete. Trees in very ancient forests produced this resin, which slowly dropped from trees and was buried. Trees use resin to protect themselves from disease and harm caused by insects and fungi.

I am from group 6. From the information of history legends and news reports, we know the Amber Room is a room built by lots of ambers. It was a gift given to Peter the Great, the King of Russia, by the King of Prussia, Frederick William I. It was given the name because almost thousand tons of natural ambers were used to make it. But during the second world war in 1941, the Nazi German army secretly stole the Amber Room and sent boxes of the Amber Room on a train to a German city. After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

III. Reading

1. Reading aloud to the recording

Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too.

2. Skimming and identifying the general idea of each paragraph

Now please skim the text to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph.

1st paragraph the introduction about the Amber Room: design, colour, shape, material

2nd paragraph the present to the Czar: a part of winter palace in St. Petersburg, a reception hall for important visitor

3rd Paragraph the relocating of the Amber Room in Catherir Ⅱ times: moved into Summer Palace, more added to its design

4th Paragraph the missing of the Amber Room: the two countries were at war, Nazi German army stole the Amber Room, 27 wooden boxes were trained to a German city, Nobody knew it from then on

5th Paragraph the rebuilding of the Amber Room: a new one but the same as the old built by the two countries, for celebrating the 300th birthday of Peterburg

3.Scanning and analyzing the characteristics of the text.

Since you have got to know the general ideas of each paragraph, can you tell me the characteristics of the passage, such as, the type of writing, the way of narrating, and the tense?

Keys for reference:

This piece of passage is a narrative prose or non-fiction article written in a narrating style. It tells the history of Amber Room in the order of time so that we can clearly learn about what happened to it. The tense used in the text is past tense.

4.Reading and understanding

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.


look into…, be used to…, make the design for the room, in fact, as a gift of…, add more details to…, remove… from the search for…,belong to…, feel as hard as stone, the fancy style, be made for…, in return, one of the great wonders, art objects, look much like…, give the name, be made into any shape, be made with gold and jewels, be made to be a gift, serve as…, at war, remain a mystery, be ready for…

5. Reading and transferring information

Read the text again to complete the table, which lists all the numbers in the text.


1716 Frederic William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift.

1770 Catherine Ⅱ had completed the adding to the Amber Room in this year.

1941 The Nazi German army stole the Amber Room in this year.

The rebuilding of the Amber Room was completed in this year.

7000 Tons The total weight of the ambers used to make the room.

55 The number of soldiers given to the king of Russia in return.

600 The number of the candles lighting the Amber Room.

2 The two countries: German and Russia.

2 In two days the Amber Room was removed to a German city.

100,000 The Amber Room was dismantled into 100,000 pieces

27 27 wooden boxes were used to contain the pieces of Amber Room.

300th The newly rebuilt Amber Room was ready for the 300th birthday of St Peterburg city

6.Reading and learning

Read the text and learn more about the following proper nouns. You can surf on the website after class:

Names of people Names of places

Frederick Ⅰ Prussia

Frederick William Ⅰ St.Peterburg

Peter the Great Konigsberg

Catherine Ⅱ Winter Palace

Summer Palace

Ⅳ Closing down

Closing down by doing exercises

To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises No. 1 and No. 2.

Closing down by having a discussion

A. Can you imagine the fate of the Amber Room? What is it?

B. Do you think if it is worthwhile to reproduce the Amber Room? Why?

Keys for reference:

A. I have no idea about the fate of the Amber Room. Because anything can happen to it. Maybe it was destroyed at war in the fighting fire. You see, ambers can be melted easily. Maybe it was kept secretly by somebody who had died without telling about it to anyone else. So maybe it is lying somewhere quietly.

B. I think it is worthwhile to reproduce the Amber Room. Because it represents the culture and a period of history in St. Petersburg. It is a trace and feature surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of a lost time.

Closing down by retelling the story of the Amber Room

Well, all of us have learned the history of the Amber Room. Let’s recall some key words and expressions on the board. You are to retell the story of the Amber Room:

Colour Style Shape

owner present move to winter palace

add to more details remove to pieces

put on trains remain a mystery 300th birthday

Period 3: A lesson plan for Learning about Language

(The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause)


To learn about the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clause

To discover some useful words and expressions

To discover some useful structures


I. Warming up

Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions

Please turn to page 3. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 first. Please check your answers against your classmates’.

Warming up by explaining

Now, class, since you’ve read the passage, could you explain to me how to use the phrase “belong to”? The word “to” here is a preposition, indicating the possession, and is always followed by nouns or pronoun. Look at Ex 3. The preposition “at” indicates a state, condition or continuous activity. So we can replace them or express them by using a present-continuous tense.

II. Learning about Attributive Clause

1. What is an adjective Clause?

An adjective clause is a dependent clause which takes the place of an adjective in another clause or phrase. Like an adjective, an adjective clause modifies a noun or pronoun, answering questions like “which?” or “what kind of?” Consider the following examples:


the red coat

Adjective clause

the coat which I bought yesterday

Like the word “red” in the first example, the dependent clause “which I bought yesterday” in the second example modifies the noun “coat.” Note that an adjective clause usually comes after what it modifies, while an adjective usually comes before.

In formal writing, an adjective clause begins with the relative pronouns “who(m),” “that,” or “which.” In informal writing or speech, you may leave out the relative pronoun when it is not the subject of the adjective clause, but you should usually include the relative pronoun in formal, academic writing:


The books people read were mainly religious.


The books that people read were mainly religious.


Some firefighters never meet the people they save.


Some firefighters never meet the people whom they save.

Here are some more examples of adjective clauses:

the meat which they ate was tainted

This clause modifies the noun “meat” and answers the question “which meat?”.

They’re talking about the movie which made him cry

This clause modifies the noun “movie” and answers the question “which movie?”.

They are searching for the student who borrowed the book

The clause modifies the pronoun “student” and answers the question “which student?”.

Did I tell you about the author whom I met?

The clause modifies the noun “author” and answers the question “which author?”.

2. Restrictive & non restrictive clauses

Do the following pairs of sentences mean the same thing?

1a My uncle, who lives in London, is very rich.

2b My uncle who lives in London is very rich.

2a The policies, which were unpopular, were rejected by the voters.

2b The policies which were unpopular were rejected by the voters.

3a My niece, whose husband is out of work, will inherit the house, which I have always treasured.

3b My niece whose husband is out of work will inherit the house which I have always treasured.

The first sentence in each pair has a non-restrictive clause within two commas, and the second has a restrictive clause. A non-restrictive clause simply adds more information into the sentence and does not affect the meaning of the main clause: it is therefore bracketed off with commas (1a = an uncle who happens to live in London). Conversely, a restrictive clause defines its referent in the main clause more specifically and contributes significantly to the meaning of the sentence. Thus it is that particular uncle who lives in London who is referred to (1b). In 2a, all policies were unpopular and all were rejected, whereas in 2b only the policies that were unpopular were rejected. Note that in restrictive clauses the non-human relative pronoun is either ‘that’ or ‘which’, whereas for human referents the relative pronoun can be either ‘who/m’ or ‘that’ (the man that/whom I will marry ....).


Directions: Combine the sentences. Use formal written English.

Use (b) as an adjective clause. Punctuate carefully.

1) (a) An antecedent is a word. (b) A pronoun refers to this word.

An antecedent ____

2) (a) The blue whale is considered the largest animal that has ever lived.(b) It can grow to 100 feet and 150 tons.

The blue whale ____

3) (a) The plane was met by a crowd of 300. (b) Some of them had been waiting for more than 4 hours.

The plane ____

4) (a) In this paper, I will describe the basic process.(b) Raw cotton becomes cotton thread by this process.

In this paper, I will describe ____

5) (a) The researchers are doing case studies of people to determine the importance of heredity in health and longevity.(b) These people’s families have a history of high blood pressure and heart disease.

The researchers are doing case studies ____

6) (a) At the end of this month, scientists at the institute will conduct their AIDS research. (b) The results of this research will be published within 6 months.

At the end of this month, scientists ____

7) (a) According to many education officials, ‘math phobia’(that is, a fear of mathematics) is a widespread problem. (b) A solution to this problem must and can be found.

According to many education officials, ‘math phobia’ ____

8) (a) The art museum hopes to hire a new administrator.

(b) Under this person’s direction it will be able to purchase significant pieces of art.

The art museum ____

9) (a) The giant anteater licks up ants for its dinner.

(b) Its tongue is longer than 30 centimeters (12 inches).

The giant anteater ____

10) (a) The anteater’s tongue is sticky.

(b) It can go in and out of its mouth 160 times a minute.

The anteater’s tongue ____

III. Closing down by taking a quiz

Quiz on Attributive clause

Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The words you choose should fit the blank in the sentence. Don’t use the HINT buttons unless you really need them.

1. As many children came were given some cakes.

A. that B. as C. who D. whom

2. The visitors saw rows of houses the roofs are red.

A. on which B. of which C. where D. that

3. I usually take a nap after lunch, is my habit.

A. which it B. as it C. as D. that

4. Please tell me the way you did the job.

A. how B. where C. which D. in which

5 Is this museum some German friends visited the day before yesterday?

A. the one B. which C. that D. where

6. The farmer uses wood to build a house to store grain.

A. in which B. where C. that D. with which

7. I shall never forget the years I spent in the country with the farmers, has a great effect on my life.

A. when, which B. that, which C. when, that D. which, that

8. Little has been done is helpful to our work.

A. that B. what C. which D. all that

9. Perhaps this is the only market you can get such cheap goods.

A. that B. of which C. by which D. where

10. We’ll put off the outing until next week, __ we won’t be so busy.

A. when B. which C. at which D. in that


Period 4: A lesson plan for using language


To learn to tell facts from opinions

To write a reply letter

To listen and speak about cultural relics


I. Warming up by questions

Morning, class. We always say, “We must respect facts and can’t wholly depend on one’s opinions”. But can you tell me:

A. What does it mean when you say, “It is a fact”?

B. What does it mean when you say, “It is an opinion”?

Keys for reference:

A. A fact must be real, objective and without any personal judgment. So it can be proved.

B. An option always expresses one’s own ideas. It is always subjunctive. So it has not been proved.

Warming up by questioning

Turn to page 5. Read the passage and tell me:

A. If you want to go in for law against somebody, and if you want to win, what’s the most important thing you should do first?

B. What makes a judge decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.

Keys for reference:

A. Searching for facts of course. The more, the better.

B. The evidences offered by the eyewitnesses make the judge decide which one is believable and which is not.

II. Guided reading

1. Reading and defining

Read the passage and define: What is a fact? What is an opinion? What is an evidence?

2. Reading and translating

Read the passage and translate it into Chinese paragraph by paragraph. Tom, you are to do paragraph 1, please…

3. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the part. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

Collocation from Using Language on page 5

in a trial, rather than, …more than…, to tell the truth, agree with, It can be proved that …, no reason to lie, a reply to a letter, think highly of, search for, return the treasure to, cost them a lot of time and money

4. Listening

Now, boys and girls, as we know, people have never stopped searching for the Amber Room. This time we’ll listen to what three people say they know about the missing Amber Room. Before we listen to them, I’ll present some related new words to you to help you understand them easily. Please look at the screen and read after me.

explode vt. 爆炸, Czch n. 捷克, mayor n. 市长, melt vt. 熔化, sub (sub marine) n. 潜水艇,水雷, survivor n. 幸存者, Titanic n. 泰坦尼克船

5. Sharing and Correcting

Well done. Now share your forms with your partner and tell me in the three forms: What are facts? What are opinions? Li Ming, do you want a try?

Keys: What they heard, saw, did are facts. And what they believe are opinions.

6. Reviewing

We often use some expressions to ask for opinions. What are they?

Oh, yes. What do you think of …?

Do you believe …?

How can you be sure of …?

How do you know that?

And we often use some expressions to give opinions. What are they? Ok, Tom, Please. Oh, yes. They are: I think… / I don’t think… I don’t agree that… / I suppose that…

7. Discussing

Please look at exercise 3, and discuss which person gave the best evidence. Use the expressions above to help you. Before we discuss, let’s deal with the following discussion:

A. What is the best evidence?

B. How can we know which eyewitness is most believable?


A. The best evidence is factual and is given by a person who is believable.

B. The most believable eyewitness is the one who has nothing to gain from telling a lie.

Well done. Let’s come to the discussion “Which person gave the best evidence?”

Keys fore reference:

Jan Hasek is less believable because he owns a little restaurant near the mine. If the search stopped, his business would suffer.

Hans Braun is also less believable because he is working for a company trying to find the ship which carried the treasures in the Baltic sea.

Of the three eyewitnesses, only Anna Petrov has no selfish reason for saying what she has said. In particular, she is not involved in any current effort to find the treasure. Therefore she is the most believable.

8. Reading and writing

Sometimes we may fall into or face a moral choice. That is a moral dilemma. Let’s read the letter on page 7 and see what’s Johann’s choice and opinion. Ok, finished? Now answer the following questions:

A. What’s Johann’s opinion about the Amber Room?

B. What’s his father’s opinion about the things found by him?

C. What happened to Johann when she was a pupil?


A. Johann thinks the people who find the Amber Room should keep it for them own.

B. His father thinks as Johann does.

C. She found a little money and kept it to himself.

9. Completing the letters A & B and then giving your own letters

When you write your letter, you may choose to agree or not agree with the writer.

You must give a reason why you agree or don’t agree with the writer.

Be sure to give an example from your own life so that the reader can better understand your opinion.

Ⅲ Closing down

Closing down by a debating

There is a long ancient wall around a less developed town.

It is reported it has a long history, dating back to over 5 century BC. The local government is collecting money to repair and rebuild the wall. It has cost a lot of money. Some of your classmates think it is not worth. Some think it’s a good way to develop the local economy. Now Group 1 and 2 against Group 3 and 4. Let’s have the debating.

Closing down by dictation

The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.

The room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.

The man who found the relics insist that it belongs to his family.

The room was completed the way she wanted it .

It was ready for the people of St. Petersburg to celebrate the 300th birthday of their city.

After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.

Is it something that more than one person believes?

A fact is anything that can be proved.

An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved.

Part Two: Teaching Resources (教学资源)

Section 1: A text structure analysis of IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM

I. Type of writing and summary of the idea

Type of writing This is a piece of narrative writing.

Main idea of the passage The history of the Amber Room

General idea of 1st Para The simple description of the Amber Room

General idea of 2nd Para The present sent to the Czar

General idea of 3rd Para The detail adding and relocating of the Amber Room

General idea of 4th Para The stolen of the Amber Room in World War Ⅱ

General idea of 5th Para The rebuilding of the Amber Room

II. A tree diagram

The Amber Room: the best and biggest work of country’s best Prussian artists


Section 2: Background information on culture relics

I. What is a culture relic? 何谓 “文化遗产”?

Cultural relics are physical reminders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. Without these relics, we could not cherish cultural traditions as much or appreciate the lives of the people who practiced those traditions. Although we may not often consider it, cultural relics are not only the possession of one culture. In a larger sense, it can be said that they belong to all peoples. For these reasons, this unit describes cultural relics not from China but other places. Looking at it from another angle, it can also be said that cultural relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic, regardless of whether the same hands created many examples of it, is still a unique cultural expression and contribution.

II. The cultural relics of China in the world heritage site list《世界文化遗产名录》中的30处中国文遗产


◆Mount Taishan(泰山),listed as a world cultural and natural site in 1987.

◆The Great Wall(长城),cultural site, 1987.

◆The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang(北京故宫、沈阳故宫),cultural site, 1987,.

◆The Mogao Caves(敦煌莫高窟),cultural site,1987.

◆The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors(泰始皇陵及兵马俑坑),cultural site,1987.

◆The Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian(周口店北京猿人遗址),cultural site,1987.

◆Mount Huangshan(黄山),cultural and natural site,1990.

◆The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area(九寨沟风景名胜区),natural site,1992.

◆The Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area(黄龙风景名胜区),natural site,1992.

◆The Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area (武陵源风景名胜区),natural site,1992.

◆The Mountain Resort and its Outline Temple, Chengde(河北承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙),cultural site,1994.

◆The Temple and Cemeter of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu (曲阜孔府、孔庙、孔林),cultural site,1994.

◆The Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains(武当山古建筑群),cultural site,1994.

◆Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa(西藏布达拉宫),cultural site,1994.

◆The Lushan National Park(庐山),cultural site,.

◆Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area(峨眉山一乐山大佛风景名胜区),cultural and natural site.1996.

◆The Ancient City of Pingyao(平遥古城),cultural site,.

◆The Classical Gardens of Suzhou(苏州园林),cultural site,1997.

◆The Old Town of Lijiang(丽江古城),cultural site,1997.

◆The Summer Palace(颐和园),cultural site,.

◆The Temple of heaven:an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing(天坛),cultural site,1998.

◆Dazu Rock Carvings(大足石刻),cultural site, .

◆Mount Wuyi(武夷山),cultural and natural site,1999.

◆Mount Qincheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System(青城山一都江堰),cultural site,.

◆Aucient Villages in Southern Anhui-Xidi and Hongcun(安徽古村落一西递、宏村),cultural site,2000.

◆Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟),cultural site,2000.

◆Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(明清皇家陵寝),cultural site 2000.

◆Yungang Grottoes(云冈石窟),cultural site,.

◆Three Parallel Rivers of Yunan Protected Areas,natural site(三江并流),2003.

◆Capital cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom(高句丽的王城、王陵和贵族墓葬),cultural site,2004.

Unit 2 The Olympic Games

Period 1: Section 3: Words and expressions from unit 2 THE OLYMPIC GAMES

Aims: Learn about the words and read the words.

Important points: The pronunciation and the use of some words.

Difficulties: Usage of “admit” and “promise”.


adj. 1. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent: honest lawyers 2. marked by truth: give honest answers 3. without pretensions: worked at an honest trade 4. without dissimulation; frank: my honest opinion 5. habitually speaking the truth: an honest man 6. worthy of being depended on: an honest working staff 7. free from guile: His answer was simple and honest


adj. 1. very old: an ancient mariner 2. in or of times long ago: ancient Rome and Greece 3. having existed since a very early time: ancient history/customs


v. to try to win sth. in competition with someone else: John competed for a place at their school, but didn’t get it. compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others


n. an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event


n. a man who receives guests: He acted as host to his father’s friends. China is the host country for Olympic Games. v. be the host of or for: We hosted 4 couples last night.


adj. possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers: a magical spell


n. 1. the questioning of a person (or a conversation in which information is elicited); often conducted by journalists: My interviews with teen-agers revealed a weakening of religious bonds. 2. a conference (usually with someone important) v. 1. conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting 2. discuss formally with (somebody) for the purpose of an evaluation: We interviewed the job candidates. 3. go for an interview in the hope of being hired: The job candidate interviewed everywhere.


n. a person trained to compete in sports


v. 1. allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of: admit someone to the profession 2. allow to enter; grant entry to: We cannot admit non-members into our club. 3. serve as a means of entrance: This ticket will admit one adult to the show. 4. give access or entrance to: The French doors admit onto the yard. 5. afford possibilitye: This problem admits of no solution. 6. declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of: He admitted his errors. 7. admit into a group or community: We’ll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member. 8. have room for; hold without crowding: The theater admits 300 people.


v. 1. put something back where it belongs: Replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it. 2. substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected): He replaced the old razor blade. 3. put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items: The con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt. 4. take the place or move into the position of: Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left.


v. 1. have or establish a relationship to: She relates well to her peers. 2. be in a relationship with: How are these two observations related? 3. give an account of: The witness related the events. 4. have to do with or be relevant to 5. make a logical or causal connection: I cannot relate these events at all.


n. 1. a large piece of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel 2. an ocean trip taken for pleasure v. 1. traverse or travel by ship on (a body of water): We sailed the Atlantic 2. travel in a boat propelled by wind: I love sailing, especially on the open sea. 3. travel by boat on a boat propelled by wind or by other means: The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow. 4. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions: Shreds of paper sailed through the air.


v. 1. call attention to: Please don’t advertise the fact that he has AIDS. 2. make publicity for; try to sell (a product)


n. 1. grounds for feeling hopeful about the future: There is little or no promise that he will recover. 2. a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do (or not to do) something in the future v. 1. give grounds for expectations: The results promised fame and glory. 2. make a promise or commitment 3. promise to undertake or give: I promise you my best effort. 4. make a prediction about; tell in advance

Period 2-3:A lesson plan for reading (AN INTERVIEW)


To talk about the history of the Olympics games

To read an interview about the Olympic Games


I. Warming up

Warming up by sharing

Morning, everyone! Today we are going to learn about THE OLYMPIC GAMES. But first, I’d like to know how much you know about the Olympics to be held in Beijing. Anything about it is ok. Oh, Li Lei, do you want a try?…Right. You know so much about the Olympics. Toady, we’ll learn more about it in ancient Greece.

Warming up by describing

Now, boys and girls. I’ll show you a video show of the 28th Olympic Games. Please tell me what it is about and describe it to the class. Ok, Wang Lin, please describe it. Wonderful. That’s Liu Xiang. The hurdle king!

Warming up by discussing

Hi, class. You know our country is trying her best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games. Every one is expecting and excited about it. Let’s discuss what we can do for it. And imagine what we will do at the 2008 Olympics.

II. Pre-reading

1. Asking and answering

Now, please read the three questions before the Reading. Let’s do it in turn. Let’s begin from the first row here…ok, you did a good job. Let’s summarize your answers.

For reference:

1. In Summer Olympics, there are running, swimming, shooting, wrestling, jumping, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, throwing, Javelin, weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing etc.

In winter Olympics, there are skiing skating, ice hockey, ski jumping, sledding, snowboarding etc.

2. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing on Auguster 18th, 2008.

3. To hold the Olympic Games is a rich prize for a country. And it can make a country known in the world. It can stimulate the country’s economy, and help to speed up its development.

2. Imaging and introducing

Please look at the three pictures in the reading. Please talk about them. Imagine whatever you can.

For reference: The first picture is the status of a great Greek. His name is Pausanias. He was a famous traveler and writer in the second century AD. His Guide to Greece is an extremely comprehensive guidebook for tourists, concentrating on buildings, tombs and status and including a lot of information on the mythological, religious and historical background to the monuments described. It is so informative that it may be called the foundation of classical archaeology and this ancient Baedeker is still used as a guide to classical Greece. Can you remember a famous ancient Chinese traveler and writer? He also wrote a book. Yes, his name is Xu Shake. His works is The Notes of Xu Shake’s travels.

The second picture is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Maybe this is the principle stadium. It’s large and can hold thousands of audience.

The third picture is a Chinese athlete named Yang Yang. She won a gold medal for China in the winter Olympic Games. She is a famous skating player.

3. Talking and Sharing

We know there are many differences and similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics. Do you know anything about them? You can simply guess. Yes, Lucy, try …

III. Reading

1. Reading aloud to the recording and finding the general idea

Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text AN INTERVIEW. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation as well as the pauses within each sentence. Then try to get the general idea of the passage. Have you got the main idea?

Yes, it tells us the differences and the similarities between the ancient and modern Olympics.

2. Reading and acting

Now let’s play the parts of the Greek writer Pausanias and the Chinese girl Li Li. Now boys, you are Pausanias; girls, you are Li Li. Please pay attention to the bold words.

3. Reading and finding

Now read the text again. The boys shall try to finish the task: What was the ancient Olympics like? The girls shall try to finish the task: What is the modern Olympics like?

4. Reading and collecting information

Ok, now let’s read it silently. First let’s talk about the same points between the ancient and modern Olympics. Who can answer? Any volunteers?

Then let’s come to the differences.

The similarities

① Both are held every four years.

② Both are held not for money but for honour.

③ The beliefs are the same. They are: Swifter, Higher, and stronger.

④ Men are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern Olympics.

⑤ Some events are the same, such as running, jumping, shooting and thowing.

The Differences

① There were not winter Olympics in the past.

② Now competitors are from all over the world. But in the ancient time, only the people in Greece could take part.

③ Only men were allowed to take part in the past, now woman are also allowed.

④ In the past, winners got the olive wreath as the prize. Now competitors compete for medals.

⑤ The events and athletes in modern time are more than those in the past.

⑥ There is a special village for the competitors to live in, a stadium for competitions, a gymnasium for these who watch the games now. But there were not in the past.)

5. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

Collocations from AN INTERVIEW

take part in…, gold medals, the spirit of…, be held, in order to, host the Olympic Games, on a magical journey, find out, the present day Olympic Games, used to, write about…, come to your time, be admitted as…, two sets of…, enjoy competing in…, compete against…, for the honour of…, reach the standard, be admitted to…, play a very important role, as well as, a stadium for competitions, as a matter of fact, compete for…, olive wreath, feel proud of…, make… happy

Ⅳ Closing down

Closing down by doing exercise

To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises 1 & 2.

Closing down by discussing

You know our government has tried its best to compete for hosting the 29th Olympic Games. It has cost a lot of money. Do you think it is worthwhile? Why?

For reference:

It is worthwhile to host the Olympic Games. To host Olympic Games can make our country known to the whole world. To host Olympic Games can make our culture and people understood by the other peoples. To host Olympic Games can stimulate the developing of our economy.

Closing by imagining

Imagine what we will do and what we can do for the 29th Olympic Games now.

For reference: Maybe we can serve as volunteers to help the foreign visitors and athletes from all over the world. So at present we should study hard. Especially we should try our best to learn English well.

Closing down by narrating

We can see the text is written in a conversational style. And there are two speakers. One is Pausanias, a Greek writer 2000 years ago, the other is Li Li, a Chinese girl. Now let’s change it into a narrative style. In other words, let’s describe the ancient and modern Olympic Games in our own words. Who would like to have a try?

For reference: The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece and were held from 776 B.C. to A.D.393. It was held every four years. At that time, there were not so many sports as today. And women were not allowed to take part in the games. There were not Winter Olympics at that time. Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.

The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. They’re held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.

Closing down by summarizing

As we have finished the passage we’ll sum up what we have learned. First let’s see the writing skills. It is written in a conversational style. It’s in a very interesting way. It adopts a dialogue between Pausanias who lived 2000 years ago and a Chinese gird in modern world. Through their dialogue, the differences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games are made known to the readers. Just because it is in a conversational style, there are quite a few oral spoken English and elliptical phrases.

Through the comparison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the differences and the similarities between them. Now we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can also get to know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. It’s our duty to make the Olympic Games better and healthier. We know that one of the slogans for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment.

Period 4: A lesson plan for Learning about Language

(The Future Passive Voice)


To learn about future passive voice

To discover useful words and expressions

To learn the methods of words formation


I. Warming up

Warming up by dictating

There are several important sentences in this unit. Let’s dictate them. If you can’t, learn them by heart after class.

① When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

② I live in what you call “Ancient Greece” and / used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2000 years ago.

③ All countries can take part if they reach the standard to be admitted to the games.

④ The next Olympic Games will be held in my hometown.

⑤ It is just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.

Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions

Turn to page 11 and do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 5 first. Check your answers against your classmates’.

II. Learning about word formation

1. Do exercise 4 and discover the rules.

Turn to page 12 and find out the rules of word formation.

By adding -ing to a verb, we can change the verb into a noun.

That means we can change “doing some sport” into “the name of the sport”.

By adding -er to a verb, we can change the verb into a noun. That means we can change “doing some sport” into “the person who does the sport”.

2. Means of word-formation in general

Affixation, conversion, and composition (or compounding) are the chief means of word-formation in English. Besides these, there are also other minor ways of word-formation including clipping, acronymy, blending etc.

III. Learning about Present Future Passive Voice

Turn to page 13 and do exercise 3. And tell the class the formation of present future passive voice.

For reference: Well done, class. We can follow the following formlation to turn the future tenses into future passive voice; be going to be done, be about to be done, be to be done, will / shall be done, would / should be done.

Ⅳ Closing down by summarizing

1.Present future passive voice (take “ask” for example)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative



He/she/it will be asked

We will (shall)

You/They will I


He/she/it will not be asked

We will (shall) not

You / They will not Will (shall) I

Will you

Will he/she/it be asked

Will (shall) we

Will you / they

2.The passive Voice of phrasal verb

Generally speaking, only transitive verbs can form the passive voice, for only transitive verbs can be followed by objects. But many intransitive verbs together with some prepositions and adverbs can be used as transitive verbs. So they can also be followed by the objects. Therefore they can also be used in passive voice.

But note that all the phrasal verbs are used as a whole. When using them in passive voice, we cannot drop out the prepositions and adverbs. For examples:

At last they put out the fire. At last the fire was put out.

They will put up a notice on the wall. A notice will be put up on the wall.

Have you sent for a doctor? Has the doctor been sent for?

I have never heard of such a thing before. Such a thing has never been heard of before.

We must take good care of the children here. The children must be taken good care of here.

His classmates laughed at him for the foolish mistake. He was laughed at for the foolish mistake by his classmates.

Period 5-6: A lesson plan for using language


To read about the ancient Olympic Games

To listen and talk about hobbies

To write about hobbies


1. Warming up

Warming up by introducing

Hi! Class. You know Greece is the world-known country with an ancient civilization. It has a long history with so much marvelous culture. The Greeks had wonderful stories about the Gods and Goddnesses who were part of their religion. They believed that these god or goddesses would help humans if they felt sorry for them or if the humans were good people. However, the Gods did not always help. They behaved like people who were unpredictable and capricious. To try to get the support of the Gods people had to pray to them and offer them present. In this story the Goddess Hera, the wife of the chief God, Zeus was sorry for Hippomenes and agreed to help him.

Warming up by sharing

Now, boys and girls. Is there anybody who can tell us some Greek mythology. You know they are so famous in human history. Or can you speak out some names of Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Prometeus 普罗米修斯 -- a son of the former chief God

Sphinx斯芬克斯 -- a being with a human face but a lion body

Pandora 潘多拉-- a beautiful girl with every ill and evil thought and deed

Zeus宙斯-- the chief God who governed the world

Hera 天后-- the wife of Zeus who governed the love

Ⅱ. Guided reading

1. Reading and judging

Read the text THE STORY OF ATLANTA, and complete the True or False guestions after the text on page14.

2. Reading and answering

Read the text again, and answer the following questions.

A. What was Atlanta’s problem?

B. What were Atlanta’s rules?

C. What was Hippomenes’ amazement?

D. What made Hippomenes change his mind?

E. Whom did Hippomenes turn to for help?

F. Can you guess what was the ending?

For reference:

A. Atlanta could run faster than any men in Greece. But she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games.

B. She promised to be married to a man who could run faster than her. If he could not run as fast as her, he would be killed.

C. Hipppomenes could not understand why so many young men wanted to risk their lives.

D. Atlanta’s beauty made him understand his amazement and change his mind.

E. He turned to the Goddess of love for help.

F. Hippomenes was killed because of losing his race.

G. He ran faster than Atlanta and married her.

3. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

Collocations from THE STORY OF ATLANA

be allowed to, run against…, will be pardoned, hear of…,be amazed, as fast as…, change one’s mind, ask… for help from…,

promise to, will be relaxed, pick up, be confident about…,share one’s pain, run past…,compete with…, cheap to marry

4. Listening

For listening turn to page 15 and be ready to do exercises 1.

First read the questions carefully and imagine what is the listening about.

When doing exercise 2, you must make clear what is wrong with the sentence. And tell the class which is correct, which is wrong and which is only half true.

5. Acting

Next we are going to put the text A STORY OF ATLANTA on stage. You know there are four charactors in the story. Who would like to be them?

Who will be Alanta’s father, the old king?

Who will be the Goddess of Love?

Ok. Li Li, you are the Greek princess. Zhang Qiang, you are the brave young man Hippomenes. Lucy, you are the Goddess of Love. Zhou Gang, you are the princess’s father. The rest of class, please prepare it in groups of four. Then act your play before class.


Time: one morning in spring

Place: at the palace

People: the old king(K), the princess (A), the young man (H), the Goddess of love (L).

F: My dear daughter, you see how beautiful the spring is! You are just like the spring flowers. Why don’t you marry? So many young kings and princess want to marry you, and they are all so rich, smart and nice.

A: Oh, dear father. I have promised that I will only be married to a man who can run faster than me. I will run against him. If he cannot run as fast as me, he will be killed. No one will be pardoned.

F: But, my dear daughter. No man has won you. They all sent themselves to death. When will you get married?

A: I won’t marry unless I am allowed to run in the Olympic Games. (Hippomenes is allowed to come in)

H: Oh, my kindest king and my prettiest princess!

I’ll marry the princess. I’ll compete with you.

A: Do you know the rules?

H: Yes, princess!

F: Oh, young man! Go away! You can’t win her. You are only losing your life!

H: No, I want a try!

F: Foolish thing! Go away! Don’t go to die! (Hippomenes was pushed away and felt sad, crying. The Goddess of Love is watching everything above him in the sky and pities him)

L: Oh, young man, what’s the matter? Why are you so sad?

H: Oh, my Goddess, can you help me? Can you help me to win the princess and marry her?

L: Ok, young man. Do you really want to marry her and love her?

H: Of course. She is so beautiful.

L: Ok, it is easy. Take these three golden apples.

Throw apples in front of Atlanta when she is running past and she will be relaxed. When she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run on and win.

H: Oh, thank you, my Goddess!

(Hippomenes returns to the palace)

K: Well, young man, why are you here again?

H: My kindest king. I want to marry her and run against her!

K: Well, young man. I repeat. Don’t be silly! Go away!

H: No. I love her. I will marry her - or die!

6. Speaking

Now, class. Let’s carry out a survey of the interests in the class and write down the names of the classmates who have the same interests. You can carry out the task like this.

Which do you like, sport, music or collection?

Which of the sports do you like best?

What is your favorite sport?

Are you interested in table tennis?

After the survey, the ones who have the same interests sit together and please work in groups of four to talk about their interest.

Why do you like this sport / music / collection?

When do you begin to like it?

What’s enjoyable about the hobby?

What have you learned from the hobby?

III.Guided writing

1. Writing an imagined dialogue

Groups 1 and 2 are going to write an imagined dialogue between the princess and Hippomenes. You may begin like this : Oh, my dear princess, I want to marry you…

2. Writing a description

Turn to page 16 and follow the direction to write a description of your favorite hobby.

Here is an example:

Swimming is my favorite sport. I like it because it can bring me much fun. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, you’ll feel cool and comfortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. It’s a healthy sport and it can build up your body. If you are a beginner, you must be careful.

You’ll better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. If you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.

IV. Closing down by finding information

Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on the Olympic Games and the ancient Greek mythology. Take notes of your finding and report to your groupmates next Monday morning.

Part Two: Teaching Resources

Section 1: The writing style of the reading AN INTERVIEW

Type of writing Conversational style

Main idea Comparing the differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics

Characteristics By comparing and contrasting

Section 2: Background information on the Olympic Games

I. Events of the Moden Olympic Games

Archery, Baseball, Badminton, Basketball, Beach, Volleyball, Boxing, Canoe/Kayak, Cycling, Diving, Equestrian, Fencing, Field Hockey, Gymnastics, Handball, Judo, Modern Pentathlon, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Synchronized Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Tae kwon do, Track & Field, Triathlon, Volleyball, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling

II.Olympic Traditions

The Olympic Anthem

The Olympic anthem was written by the Greek national poet Costis Palamas and composed by Greek musician Splros Samaras. It was first sung at the 1896 Games. The IOC adopted it as the official Olympic anthem to crown olympic ceremonies at the 1958 IOC Session in Tokyo.

The Olympic Motto

The Olympic motto “swifter, higher, stronger”comes from three Latin words”citus, altius, fortius”, which actually mean”faster, higher, braver”. The French educator, Baron Rerre de Coubertin, who revived the ancient Olympic Games and in 1896 led the first modern 01ympic Games in Athens, borrowed the phrase from a Dominican priest Henri Dinon. Mr.Dinon introduced these words while presenting athletic prizes at a college in 1891.But how did these words become the motto of the Olympic Games? It was Michel Breal who introduced this phrase at the closing dinner of the congress for the reestablishment of the modern Olympic Games on June 23,1894.Later, the International Olympic Committee formally adopted this phrase as the official motto of the Games.

The Olympic Creed

The Olympic creed was also introduced at the 1896 Games. As stated by Pierre de Coubertin, the creed is as follows:”The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”

The Olympic Flag

It was Pierre de Coubertin who conceived the idea of the Olympic flag with five coloured interlocking rings on a white backround. The rings represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes from all around the world at the Olympic Games.

Today, almost a century after the flag’s creation, the six colours, those of the rings (blue, yellow, black, green, red) and that of the white background which stands for peace, still maintain their symbolism and can be found in flags across the world. The Olympic flag was first used during the Antwerp Games in 1920.

The Olympic Oath

“In the name of all the competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honour of our teams.”

At the opening Ceremony of each Games, one athlete from the host country takes Olympic oath on behalf of all competing athletes. This particular gesture of sports-manship was introduced at the 1920 Games in Antwerp, Belgium. A coach or team official takes a similar oath at each Opening Ceremony.

The Olympic Flame

The Olympic flame is one of the most visible symbols of the modern Games. Its tradition has survived from the Games of ancient Greece, where a sacred flame, ignited by the sun, burned continually on the altar of the goddess Hera.

The modern Olympic flame was first lit in 1928 at the Amsterdam Olympic Games, where it burned throughout the competitions. It has become a major symbol for solidarity among nations and embodies the Olympic spirit encompassing the ideals of purity, the endeavour for perfection, the struggle for victory, friendship and peace.

The Torch Relay

During the 1896 Games in Athens, young inspired sportsmen had organised the first torch relays. However, the tradition of the Olympic torch officially began at the Berlin Games in 1936. As in ancient times, the torch is lit by the sun in Ancient Olympia, then passed from runner to runner in a relay to the host city, where it is used to light the Olympic Stadium’s flame during the Games’ Opening Ceremony. The flame then burns until it is extinguished at the Closing Ceremony.

Unit 3 Computer

Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)

Period 1: Words and expressions from Unit 3 Computers

Aims: Learn about the words and read the words.

Important points: The pronunciation and the use of some words.

Difficulties: Usage of “admit” and “promise”.


n. 1. an area of grassland with no fences which all people are free to use or a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area (常用于专有名词中): Every Saturday Jean went riding on the village common. Harlow Common is very beautiful in winter.哈洛公园在冬天时风景很美。2. in common: in shared possession 3. out of common: unusual adj. 1. of or associated with the great masses of people: The common people in those days suffered greatly. 2. to be expected; standard: common decency. 3. common to or shared by two or more parties: common friend. 4. of no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual: the common man. 5. belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole; public: for the common good. 6. commonly encountered: a common (or familiar) complaint. 7. being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language: common parlance. 8. lacking refinement or cultivation or taste: behavior that branded him as common. 9. of low or inferior quality or value: produced...the common cloths used by the poorer population.


n. 1. any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties 2. a person lacking intelligence or common sense adj. 1. not elaborate in style; unornamented: a simple country schoolhouse. 2. (bota


Teaching Plan of Unit 1

Making a difference

Tasks which should be achieved in this unit:

a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of science and scientist;

b. Learn to use the following sentence structures:

That’s correct /true.

There is no doubt that ……

It’s clear that…..

It’s hard to say.

I doubt that … …

Well, maybe, but … …

What’s your idea ?

Have you thought about … …

c. Vocabulary in this unit:

undertake, analysis, obvious, within, agriculture, gravity, debate, biologist, scan, boundary, promising, graduate, disable, theory, seek, misunderstand, scientific, observe, observation, match, predict, unhappiness, astronomer, curious, microscope, telescope, heaven, punish, intelligent, patient, experiment.

d. Useful expressions:

work on, go by, be/get engaged to sb. , go on with, dream of, turn out, take a look at, what if, the other way around, hope for, in fact, in the 1970s, mean to do sth. , according to , believe in, a number of, test the theory, use up, in order to , search for, stop sb. from doing sth.,etc.

e. Grammar:

the infinitive

some examples for you to illustrate its usages:

1. It’s important to learn a foreign language well.

2. Nothing in the world is to be feared.

3. It’s hard to say.

4. He offered to help us.

5. He usually has a lot of work to do on Sundays.

6. We eat to live , but we don’t live to eat.

7. In order to catch up with his classmates, he worked even harder.

8. He traveled around the world to give lectures.

9. To explain what they have seen, they built a theory about how things happen and the causes and effects.

10. Hawking explains what it means to be a scientist and how science works.

11. Readers are pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand.

12. Do you have anything more to say for yourself?

Warming up

Activities: 1. Introduce the persons you visited during the summer holiday;

2.Collect the names of as many famous scientists as you know and explain what the one you know well did in his life.

(the following questions may help you in the discussion: Who is he /she ? What is he/she?

What does / did he do in his life? )


Aim: to integrate listening

1. Make your students clear about the tasks first, and tell them what they should do after finishing the tape.

2. Play the tape once again if necessary.

3. Discussing the answers by group work.

4. Check the answers.

5. Finishing the listening tasks in the workbook.


1. Encourage your students to be brave enough to practice, and guide them to finish the speaking task in the workbook..

2. Allow them 10 minutes or more to do group work.

3. Ask every group to make one or two sentences using the words represent/ branch/ debate

Pre-reading: questions:

Have you ever heard of Hawking?

How much do you know about him?


Skim the text quickly and answer the questions:

Read the story slowly for information and answer true/ false exercise.

Discussion in group of four or six:

What can we learn from the experience of Hawking?


Ask students to develop what they have discussed into a passage of about 100 words.

Tips for writing:

Write creatively so you end the story in an interesting style(for example :funny, sad or happy)

Use correct tenses and sentence structure

Pay attention to punctuation

Check your work for mistakes

Pair activity: Improve writing by examine each other’s work and give advice.

Language study:

Ask students to study the following sentences and try to get the meaning of the sentences, encouraging them to use a dictionary if necessary.

1. The couple used up all their money to seek their 5-year-old son, who got lost months ago.

2. The police let the man go after they found out that his DNA fingerprint didn’t match what they had got from the crime scene.


Give some examples to students and ask them to study the usage of the infinitive:

1. It’s important to learn a foreign language well.

2. He offered to help us.

3. He usually has a lot of work to do on Sundays.

4. We eat to live , but we don’t live to eat.

5. He warned us not to go out at night.

6. What he wants to do is earn his own bread.

Ask them to make as many sentences as they can, using the infinitive.

Integrating skills:

Aims: improve reading and writing skills.

Explain some important sentences and help students to solve problems they met during the course of studying this unit.

Out-of-class work:

Learn the new words by heart.

Read more materials about science and scientists from newspapers or magazines.

Collect some information about a famous scientist who you are most interested in.


1. Unit 1 Festivals around the world

2. Teaching aims of this unit

Talk about festivals and celebrations

Talk about the ways to express request and thanks

Learn to use Modal verbs

Write a similar story with a different ending

3. Sentence patterns:


Could/ Would you please…?

Could I have…?

Could we look at…?

I look forward to…

May I see…?


It’s very kind of you…

Thank you very much/ Thanks a lot.

I’d love to.

It was a pleasure…

Don’t mention it.

You are most welcome.

4. Modal verbs:

May might, can could will would shall should must can

The first period Speaking

1. Teaching aims:

Vocabulary: take place, lunar, festival, Army Day, Christmas, dress up

Phrases: Would you like … Could I have…?

Might I offer help…? May I see…?

You should try…Could we like at…?

Can you suggest…? We might take…

Teaching Procedures

Step I Leading in

T: Hello, everybody! Welcome back to school! Did you have a good time in your winter holidays?

Ss. Yes. Of course!

T: When did you feel most happy and excited?

Ss: At the Spring Festival.

T: Who can tell us why? Any volunteers?

S1: Because it is the most important festival in our country.

S2: Because I got a lot of lucky money from my parents.

S3: Because I needn’t study at festivals and there was a lot of delicious food to eat. How great.

S4: Because I met my cousins and friends who I hadn’t seen for a long time.

T. Very food! I am glad to hear that. Today we will talk about festivals, which are meant to celebrate important events. Please think about some other festivals. Can you name just a few?

Ss: New year, Yuan xiao festival…

:T: Quite right. That’s called the Lantern’s Festival. How about some other festivals?

Ss: The Army Day, International Labour’s Day, National Day, Tomb Sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-autumn Day…

T: You have done a good job, boys and girls! .

Step ⅡWarming –up

Festivals are meant to celebrate important events. Different countries have different festivals. Work in groups and lost five Chinese festivals that you know. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and one thing that people do at that time. The first one is given to you as an example.

Festivals Time of year/date What does it celebrate What do people do

Mid-Autumn Festival Autumn/Fall The beauty of the full moon, harvest, time with family and friends Give/Eat mooncakes and watch the full moon with family and friends

Step Ⅲ Pre- reading

Discuss in groups of four

1. What’s your favourite holiday of the year? Why?

2. What festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you like spending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like best---the music, the things to see, the visits or the food?

Step ⅣAssignment

1. Consolidation

2. Listening to the material again after class to be familiar with it.

3. Homework: Collect as much information about festivals as possible.

The second period Reading

Teaching Aims

1.Vocabulary: starve, starvation, plenty, satisfy ancestor lamps lead feast bone origin in memory of dress up trick poet arrival national gain independence gather agricultural European custom awards watermelon handsome rooster admire look forward to religious as though have fun with daily

2.To enable the students to know the earliest festivals with reasons for them and four

different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world

3.To enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases about festivals.

4. Teach the basic reading skills: skimming and scanning.

5. Try to compare and make conclusion s of different festivals.

Step ⅠRevision

1. Greetings.

2. Review the new words of this part.

3. Check the students’ homework---festivals

Step ⅡReading


T: Open your books and turn to page one. I’d like you to do the scanning. Read the text quickly and accurately to get the main idea and answer the 6 questions on Page3.

( Ask the student to look through the questions and then read the text silently.)

( Four minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Show the suggested answers on the screen.)

2.Intensive reading

( Allow the students to read aloud and carefully this time to understand the main ideas of each paragraph and the important details)

T: Read the text loudly for a second time and them try to tell if these sentences are True or False.

1. The ancient people needn’t worry about their food. ( F )

2.Halloween used to be a festival intended to honor the dead. ( T )

3.Qu Yuan was a great poet who people honor a lot in China. ( T )

4.Mid-autumn Festival is held to celebrate the end ot autumn( F )

5.Easter celebrates the birth of Jesus. ( F )

3.Reading and discussion

T: Read the text a third time and then work impairs to do Exercise 2 on Page 3.

( Let the students have enough time to read the passage carefully and discuss the chart with their partners. Encourage them to expand their answers according to their own experiences.)


(In this part try to help the students analyse the difficult, long and complex sentences and guess the meaning of the new words; ask them to deal with the language points in the context.)

T: Now I will discuss some important sentences and phrases in the passage.

a. Some festivals are held to honor the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors, who could return either to help or to do harm.

b. In memory of

c. In India there is a national festival on October 2 to honor Mahatma Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain.

d. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter, and because a season of agricultural work is over.

e. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring.

f. The country is covered with cherry flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.

The suggested explanation:

a. An attributive clause.

The sentence means people hold some festivals either to show respect to the dead or to make their ancestors happy in case they might come back to do harm.

b. in memory of … serving to recall sb, to keep him fresh in people’ minds.

He wrote a poem in memory of his dearest wife, who died in an accident.

in honor of ( showing great respect or high public regard)

in hopes/the hope of (hoping)

in defence of (defending)

c. a noun phrase followed by an attributive clause as the appositive

d. two clauses for reason

e. energy→energetic adj. ( full of or done with energy)

look forward to ( to is a preposition here.)

devote to, be/get used to, get down to , stick to

e.g. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Step Ⅲ Listening

T: Now I will play the tape for you. You can just listen with your books closed or look at your books or read in a low voice together with the tape. It’s up to you. After listening, please write down three things that most festivals seem to have in common.( Comprehending Ex.3 on Page 3).

The third period Learning about language

Teaching aims:

1. Let the students know the usage of modal verbs.

2. Enable the students to recognize the words and expressions in the reading passage according to what mean the same as them.

Step Ⅰ Greeting and Revision

( Ask some students to retell the text we learned .)

StepⅡ. Practicing the useful words and expressions

T: As we know, there are two important kinds of verbs---transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. But many intransitive verbs have the structure “verb+preposition+objects ” Can you give me some examples?

Ss: Sure. Such as look at the picture, hear from my friends, listen to the radio and so on.

T: Ok. Now turn to page 4, Ex. 4. You are to make some sentences of your own, using the words given.

S1. I’m looking forward to hearing form my friend

S2: We are talking about verbs.

S3: Would you like to talk with me?

S4: Who can think of an effective solution to the problem?

S5: Please think about my proposal.

Step Ⅲ Useful Structures

T: Let’s come to the next part. This part is about modal verbs. You are to read the sentences in Ex. 1 and then to find out and write down different sentences with modal verbs form the reading passage and try to explain their meanings. If you have any difficulty in understanding them you can refer to Grammar in Pages 92---94

Step Ⅳ Summing up and home work

T: Boys and girls, today we have practiced useful words and phrases of this unit and the usage of modal verbs. I think it is not easy for you to master them, after class you should review them.


1. Practice of WBP42EX.1,2,3.

2. Please find out10 sentences with modal verbs, and try to get their meanings.

The fourth period Listening

Teaching aims:

1. Vocabulary: go with, the big bands, musicians, over and over again, for sale, get used to, the winners of this year’s awards for the best costumes

2. Enable the students to know how to get the key words to understand the conversation about the carnival parade, to talk about sth happened and express request and thanks.

Step Ⅰ Revision

After checking the WB Ex. 1,2,3 the teacher ask the students to give examples about modal verbs and try to explain them.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T: By the way, what’s the topic of this unit?

Ss: Festivals around the world.

T: Would you like to know something more about festivals around the world?

Ss: Of course.

T: Now I will show you several pictures. What’s the festival called?

Ss: Carnival.

T: Yes. This class we will listen to a dialogue about carnivals. First look through the four questions in listening part to find out the listening points.

Step Ⅲ Listening

T: I will play the tape for you twice. Please listen carefully and pay much attention to the important points. For the first time you are to make notes beside the questions. For the second time, you should write down the answers and then check them with your partners.

( It’s important to encourage the students to adapt their present knowledge any

skill to a variety of situations wherever they can. Make sure to allow various

expressions of the answers. Do not demand the same words form all students.)

Step Ⅳ Speaking

This part is intended to give the students the opportunity to practice a telephone conversation using the functional items for requests and thanks. The polite form of English are important and should be practiced in a variety of situations.

Step Ⅴ Listening task

T: There are about 10 minutes left. Let’s come to listening task. Turn to page 43

and look at the pictures. They have something in common. Can you find it out?

Ss: They are all about festivals bout the dead.

T: That’s right. I will play the tape for you. For the first time you should try to

write down the name of the country where the festival are held. For the next two times you should do Ex2. You can make a brief note first and then complete the chart, according to which you can make a report.

The fifth period Extensive reading

Teaching aims:

1. Vocabulary: heart-broken, turn up, keep one’s word, hold one’s breath, drown one’s sadness in coffee, set off for, remind somebody of something,

2. Learn to compare the festivals in China and in western countries.

Step ⅠRevision

Check homework

Step ⅡReading (1)

T: As we know, there are all kinds of festivals around the world. We have talked about two Chinese festivals for the dead. Today we are going ti read a sad story, which is to introduce a cross cultural view of lovers’ festival-Qi Qiao and Valentine’s Day. Now please read it quickly and find out the sentence below are true or false.

The girl Li Fang loved and waited but she didn’t turn up. But he didn’t lose heart.(F….)

Because her most lovely daughter got married to a human secretly, the Goddess got very angry. .(…T.)

Zhinv was made to return to Heaven without her husband. They were allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the tenth lunar month, .(F….)

Hu Jin had been waiting for Li Fang for a long time with a gift for him. .(…T.)

T: I think you have got the general idea of the passage. Now please read the passage once more and answer the questions on Page 8.

Some language points:

1. turn up: appear

2.keep her word: keep her promise

3.hold his breath: wait without much hope

4.drown one’s sadness/sorrow in coffee: drink coffee in order to forget the sadness/ sorrow

5.remind sb of sth: make sb think of sth

Step Ⅲ Discussion and writing

T: That’s for the reading part of the passage. Please think about the ending of the story. Are you satisfied with the ending? Different people have different opinions to a matter. Now any one of you have an opportunity to make up an ending to the story. Please engage imaginatively in the story and use your own ideas. Try to use the vocabulary and structures you have learned of you like.

Step Ⅳ Reading(2)

T: Let’s come to another passage about carnival in Quebec. Please turn to Page 44, read it quickly and answer the questions in Page 45. Five minutes for you.

Added material:

Thanksgiving Day

Fourth Thursday in November is celebrated as ‘Thanksgiving Day’ People thank God for his blessings. People can ‘Thank’ friends, foes and anyone for the experiences, happiness and sunshine they bring into their lives. Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in America during the second winter in the new world. The first winter had been bad as nearly half of the people had perished due to lack of food and bad weather. But the following year, with the help of Indians who showed them how to plant Indian corn, the pilgrims had successful harvest. Governor William Bradford decided that December 13, 1621 be set aside for feasting and prayer. The Indians were invited to share the festival. Since than, Thanksgiving Day is been celebrated in America. However, it was only in 1941, the Congress in a joint resolution named the fourth Sunday in November as the official Thanksgiving Day.

Dating back, it is known that the Council thought to appoint and set apart the 29th day of June, as a day of Solemn Thanksgiving and praise to God for his Goodness and Favour. The First Thanksgiving Proclamation was however on June 20, 1676. The governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established. By unanimous vote they instructed Edward Rawson, the clerk, to proclaim June 29 as a day of thanksgiving, It is also known that the Pilgrims set ground at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. Their first winter was devastating. At the beginning of the following fall, they had lost 46 of the original 102 who sailed on the Mayflower. But the harvest of 1621 was a bountiful one. And the remaining colonists decided to celebrate with a feast -- including 91 Indians who had helped the Pilgrims survive their first year. It is believed that the Pilgrims would not have made it through the year without the help of the natives The feast was more of a traditional English harvest festival than a true ”thanksgiving“ observance. It lasted three days.

Thanksgiving, as we know it today, has come a long way from the Pilgrim's harvest festival in 1621. It is an event that seems, as each year goes by, to reinvent itself and to expand its meaning to larger vistas. Maybe this is the real significance of the occasion; for as we continue to change and grow as a people, there are an increasing number of things for which we can be thankful.


The ancient Druids 督伊德教(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教)的教徒 who inhabited what we now call Great Britain placed great importance on the passing of one season to the next, holding ”Fire Festivals“ which were celebrated for three days (two days on either side of the day itself). One of these festivals was called Samhain (pronounced Sha-Von) and it took place on October 31 through to November 1. During this period, it was believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing spirits of the recently dead to cross over and possess the living. In order to make themselves and their homes less inviting to these wayward spirits, the ancient Celts(凯尔特人)would douse (插入水中, 把弄熄, 弄湿)all their fires. There was also a secondary purpose to this, after extinguishing all their fires, they would re-light them from a common source, the Druidic fire that was kept burning at Usinach, in the Middle of Ireland.

Samhain was considered to be a gateway not only from the land of the dead to the land of the living, but also between Summer and Fall/Winter. For the Druids, this was the last gasp (喘息, 气喘)of summer (it was also the Celtic New Year), so therefore they made sure it went out with a bang before they had to button down (把...弄清楚)for the winter ahead.

They would dress up in bizarre costumes and parade through their villages causing destruction in order to scare off any recently departed souls who might be prowling (巡游)for bodies to inhabit, in addition to burning animals and other offerings to the Druidic deities(神, 神性). It is also a popular belief that they would burn people who they believed to be possessed, but this has largely been debunked (揭穿, 拆穿假面具, 暴露)as myth.

This tradition was later brought to the North American continent by Irish immigrants who were escaping the Potato Famine in their homeland. In addition to the festival itself, the immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween -- the Jack 'O Lantern.

According to Irish folklore, there once lived a man named Jack who was known for being a drunk and a prankster(顽皮的人, 爱开玩笑的人). One night Jack tricked the devil into climbing a tree, and quickly carved an image of a cross on the trunk, trapping the devil. Jack then made him promise that, in exchange for letting him out of the tree, the Devil would never tempt him to sin again. He reluctantly agreed, but was able to exact his revenge upon Jack's death. Because of his mischievous ways in life, Jack was barred from entering heaven and because of his earlier trick, he was also barred from hell. So he was doomed to wander the earth until the end of time, with only a single ember(灰烬, 余烬) (carried in a hollowed out turnip.[植]芜箐, 芜箐甘蓝) to warm him and light his way. In Ireland, they originally also used turnips for their ”Jack Lanterns“, but upon arriving in the new world, they discovered that pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out.


On Good Friday, Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion. His body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave. The tomb was guarded and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body. On the following Sunday, some women visited the grave and found that the stone had been moved, and that the tomb was empty. Jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many people. His followers realised that God had raised Jesus from the dead.

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross buns are still made all over England around Easter time. At one time, buns with a cross on them were made all through Lent. They were banned by Oliver Cromwell and brought back again at the time of the Restoration. For a time they were only available on Good Friday but now they can be bought during the month leading up to Easter. Whole meal hot cross buns are becoming more popular each year.

The Easter Egg

As with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter Egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.

From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, colored brightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers.

Today, children hunt colored eggs and place them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs -- those made of plastic or chocolate candy.

O-bon Festival

Bon Dance

During o-bon, bon odori (folk dances) are held all over Japan. The kind of dance varies from area to area. People wearing yukata (summer kimono) go to the neighborhood shrine, temple, or park and dance around a yagura (stage) set up there. Anyone can participate in the dance. Join the circle and imitate what others are doing. Awa odori of Tokushima and bon odori at Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo are very famous.

Also, Toro Nagashi (floating paper lanterns) are held in some areas. On the evening of the 15th, people send off ancestor's spirits with a paper lantern, lit by a candle inside and floated down a river to the ocean. Fireworks displays (Hanabi-taikai) are often held during o-bon. It is a typical Japanese summer scene to see hanabi.

Since o-bon is an important family gathering time, many people return to their hometowns during o-bon. Most businesses are closed during this time. Although it is crowded everywhere, it is common for many people take trips during o-bon, too. The beginning and end of o-bon are marked with terrible traffic jams. Airports, train stations, and highways are jammed with travelers. I recommend you do not travel around o-bon!

Unit2 Healthy eating

Teaching Aims of this unit

1. Talk about healthy eating

2. Making suggestions or giving advice on diet

3. Distinguish the meanings of Modal verbs

4. Make a balanced menu

5. Vocabulary:

6. fiber,digestion,bean,slim,curiosity,lie,debt,glare,limit,benefit,item,protective get rid of, throw away, get away with, tell lies, earn one’s living in debt ,set out run one’s business ,carry on

7. Speaking: Practice talking about your ideas; practice giving suggestions and advice, practice

seeing the doctor.

8. The use o f ought to

The first period Warming up and reading

Step Ⅰ Warming up

Review the words of foods by showing their pictures. First, ask students to list the foods they like best. Then tick off 3 of them they eat most often. Second, show the three groups of foods and see which group their foods belong to. Third, ask the students to tell us in what ways their foods help them grow.

Step Ⅱ Pre-reading

Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners in this part. Then ask them to report their work. This part will help the students understand the text.

T: Please look at the slide show and discuss the questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask you to report your work. Are you clear?

Which food contains more… Examples of foods Answer

Sugar Chocolate or grapes

Cakes or bananas Chocolate


Fat Cream or rice

Chocolate or chicken Cream


Fiber Peas or nuts

Pork or cabbage Nuts


protein Potato crisps or ham

Eggs or cream Ham


Step Ⅲ Reading

Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Give the students a couple o f minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell the students to read the text silently and then ask for the main idea of the text on the slide show with their partners. Encourage the students to express their ideas.

1. Fast reading

In this part ask the students to read the text quickly for the first time and find out the main idea of the text. Then ask them to read the text again carefully to obtain some details. Before reading show the tasks and let the students read the tasks first. This text will help them have a good understanding of the text.

a. The two restaurants supplied the healthy diet.

b. The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers.

c. Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customers and decided to win them back

2. Careful reading

T: Now it is time for us to read the text carefully and decide which sentences are true. Then correct the false ones. First read the sentences.

a. Usually Wang Pengwei’s restaurant was full of people. (T )

b. Yong Hui served a balanced diet. ( F)

c. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. (F)

d. Wang Pengwei’s customers often became fat after eating in his reataurant. (T)

e. Yong Hui’s menu gives them energy foods. (F )

f. Wang Pengwei’s menu gives tem foods containing fiber. (F )

g. Wang Pengwei admired Yong Hui’s restaurant when he saw the menu. (F )

h. Wang Pengwei decided to copy Yong Hui’s menu. (F )

Step Ⅳ Comprehending

By now, the students have had a further understanding of the text. Let the students read the text again and find out the differences between the two restaurant.

T: Now please read the text again and fill in the chart together with your partner.

disadvantages advantages

Wang Pengwei’s restaurant Not giving enough foods containing fiber Provide plenty of energy foods

Yong Hui’s restaurant Not giving enough energy foods Providing plenty of fiber foods

T: Until now we have known what’s wrong with both restaurant. What does it matter if you only eat at one of the restaurant?




T: You all have a point here. But what will they do? We will see it next period. Facing the serious competiton Wang wasn’t lost in sadness and he didn’t quarrel with his competitor either. He went to the library to learn more about healthy eating and made his menu better than Yong Hui’s menu. Do you think we should follow his example?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now let’s deal with some language points. Turn to page 10, let’s look at the sentences:

a. Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.

This sentence means that the second action “ feeling very frustrated” happened together with the main action “sat”. Pay attention to the form (v-ing) of the second action.

b. Nothing could have been better.

This sentence tells us that everything has worked out the way you would like. It’s a sentence that we can use in any situation.

c. He couldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!

This sentence means that he will punish Yong Hui for her telling lies.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Try to retell the text.

2. Prepare for the language learning and do Using words and Expressions on WB (Page 49-50)

The second period Language study

Step ⅠRevision

1. Check the students’ homework.

2. Ask some of the students to retell the text.

Step Ⅱ Word study

This part is a consolidation of the words in the text. Ask the students to do the exercise individually.

T: Now please open your books and turn to page 11. Fill in the chart using the correct forms of the words which have the same root. Next activity is to match the definitions with the words we have learnt form the text. I necessary, you can discuss with your partners.

Step Ⅲ Grammar

The students will learn the usage of modal verbs. First try to make the students clear the functions of modal verbs, with the help of the practice 1on page 12. Then give them some examples.

T: Please pick out all the sentences containing modal verbs in the text.

a. By lunchtime they would have all be sold---It indicates possibility.

b. His restaurant ought to be full of people.---It indicates possibility.

c. What could have happened?--- It indicates possibility.

d. Nothing could have been better.--- It indicates possibility.

e. Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did.---It indicates guessing.

f. He could not believe his eyes. ---It indicates intension.

g. He wonder if he should go to the library to find out ---It indicates duty.

h. He wouldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!---It indicates intension.

Step Ⅳ Homework

1. Review the rules of word formation and the meanings of modal verbs.

2. Prepare the Using Structure on page 50 by making a dialogue in pairs.

The third period Listening

Step Ⅰ Revision

1. Check the using structure on page 50.

2. Ask the students to make a short dialogue in pairs.

Step Ⅱ Listening( using language)

The students will hear what Wang Pengwei did after leaving Yong

Hui’s restaurant. Ask the students to finish the chart and answer the questions.

T: OK. We have studied the text and know neither of the restaurant supplied a balanced diet. Let’s listen to the tape and see how the story went on. Go through the text quickly on page 14.

( Play the tape. Students write down the answers and check the answers with their partners.)

T: Now listen to it again and try to make sure your answers are right.

Energy-giving Body-building Protective

Rice Meat Fruit

Noodles Fish vegetables

Nuts Tofu


Step Ⅲ Listening (WB P48)

The students will heat a conversation between Hong Mei and the doctor. They are asked to do exercise according to the tape.

T: Doctor know that there are illnesses you may get if you do not eat properly. In the following part, we are going to listen to a dialogue. Hong Mei is going to see the doctor. Let’s see how the doctor gives her some advice. Listen carefully and do the exercises.

Red foods: stop (Only a little) Orange foods: be careful( some every day) Green foods: go( more every day)

Butter, cream, nuts, cakes, foods fried in fat Bread, noodles, rice, neat, cheese, egg, tofu All vegetables( potato, cabbage, carrots..)

Step Ⅳ Homework

1. Pre-view the reading(2) and reading task on Page 52. See how the story ended.

2. Find some information about healthy eating on the Internet.

The fourth period Extensive reading

Step ⅠRevision

1. Check the homework

2. Share the information the students have got form the Internet.

Step Ⅱ Pre-reading

Ask the students to read some proverbs and translate them into Chinese.

T: Today we are going to see the end of the story. First, please look at the blackboard and try to translate the proverbs into Chinese.

a. You are what you eat.

b. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

c. First wealth is health.

The students discuss with their partners.

a. 人如其食.

b. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找我.

c. 健康是人生的第一财富.

Step Ⅲ Reading

The purpose of this reading is to complete the story of Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui and show the students that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh. After the fast reading, let the students do the exercises on page 15. Then let them match the words with their definitions.

T: Eating healthily means that no food in itself is good or bad. Eating properly depends on eating the right variety of foods in the right amount. Let’s read the passage quickly and say what they did with their menu.

Ask the students to report their work.

What did they do? Result

Combine their menu and provide a balanced one

1. raw vegetables with hamburgers

2. the boiled potatoes, not fried

3. fresh fruit with ice cream 1. cut down the fat

2. increase the fibre

3. a big success

Then find the words from the text to match the definitions.

Definitions words

Stare angrily or fiercely Glare

Take a long deep breath Sigh

Keep alive in a certain style Earn one’s living

Advantage or profit Benefit

Join or mix together to form a whole Combine

Owe a lot of money In debt

Step Ⅳ Homework

1. Collect eating attitudes from the Internet

2. Practice presenting reasons to support your ideas.

The fifth period Speaking

Step ⅠRevision

Check the students’homework.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T: Work in pairs to act out the dialogue on page 13. One plays as the role of Jane and the other plays the role of Susan. You are shopping in a supermarket.

First let the students make a good preparation themselves. Then ask several pairs to act out the dialogue before the class. In this part the, try to make the class get active.

Step Ⅲ Talking

If young people are too thin or too fat, it shows that they are not eating a balanced diet. So this exercise is to encourage the students to discuss how their diets may affect their quality of life.

( Divide the class into two groups: team A and team B.)

T: Now team A will take the role o f the patient who is worried about being too fat and has gone to the doctor for advice. Team B will take the role of the doctor and advise the patient how to change his or her diet. Here are some useful expressions. Imagine what you will say to the doctor or patient. Discuss with your group members.

Doctor Patient

What’s the matter? What should I do ?

How long have you been like this? What seem to be the trouble?

I think you ought to.. Do you think you could give me some advice?

Perhaps you should…

I suppose you had better…

Step Ⅳ Speaking task

This is the opportunity for the students to discuss their reaction to the information they have received. It allows students to have their own point of view and to practice explaining why they think as they do.

T: In the reading task we have read two speakers’arguments. Now it is your turn to discuss what you have heard at the meeting in groups of four. Two of ou argue for and two against building the restaurant. The following is useful to you. Please look at the table.

I don’t agree That’s a good idea.

I’m afraid not Certainly/ Sure.

Of course not. All right.

I don’t think so. No problem.

Yes, I think so.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Review the sentence structures, new words and expressions.

2. Imagine the old local restaurant has gone. What do you think should be built there. Present the advantages of your idea.

The sixth period Writing and re-viewing

Step ⅠRevision

Check the homework and take a dictation.

Step Ⅱ Writing

This is an opportunity for students to practice their persuasive writing skills and try to encourage others to support their point of view. The idea of a new library is chosen because it would be very useful in a town.

T: You know, we have mad ea decision that we won’t build a Mcdonal’s. But what do you think should be built on the land? Can you write an article to support your idea? Give you 20 minutes and finish your articles. Pay attention to the orders.

1. Describe the new design

2. Draw a plan

3. explain the advantages of your ideas

Unit Three The Million Pound Bank-Note

Teaching aims:

1. Talk about short stories and dramas.

2. Learn how to act out a play

3. Learn how to request and order food

4. Learn noun clauses as the object and predicative

The first period Intensive reading

Step I.Warming up

1.Mark Twain is probably one of the few American writers with whom students are already familiar. This exercise makes the teacher find out how much the students know about this writer and decide how much they need to know about the author before they read the play.

T: Do you know something about the American writer Mark Twain?

Ss: A little.

T: Today we will learn something about this great writer in the American history. Now please read “About Mark Twain” on page 23 so that you can know more about him.

3. Students read the passage about Mark Twain and answer the questions given in the form on page 23.

a. What’s the real name of Mark Twain?

b. When was he born and when did he die?

c. Do you know all the places where he lived?

d. Can you name three of his famous stories?

T: As we know, Mark Twain is known as a humorist during his life. And this is reflected in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE. So, today we will learn some parts of this famous play.

Step ⅡPre-reading

Get the students to discuss the question with their partners and then ask them to report their work. Encourage to express their opinions freely.

T: If a rich person gives you a large amount of money to use as you like, for example, one million pound, what will you do? Why?

( Students have a discussion on this question. Whatever choice students make here, they should be ready to offer their classmates a good reason for it.)

T: I think all of you have a good idea. Do you want to know what happened to Henry Adams in THE MILLION POUND BANK-NOTE written by Mark Twain? Have you ever read the story? So this class we will learn the story together.

Step Ⅲ While reading

1. Scanning

Get the students to comprehend the whole scene quickly and accurately and meanwhile help them form a good habit of reading. Give the students some time to read through the scenes and then answer some questions

a. How did Henry Adams come to England?

b. Where did Henry work before? How much did he have?

c. What did the two gentlemen give Henry?

d. When can Henry open the letter.

2. After the students discuss the questions and then check the answers with the whole class.

T: Listen to the tape and try to find out the characteristics of the whole passage.

Ss: This is part of a play. So, the narration is written in the present tense.

T: OK. All of you have done a good job. Next, let’s read the scene again and do some exercises.

Step Ⅳ Post-reading

Do comprehending exercises and explain :

a. a large amount of: a large quantity of; a great deal of

e.g. They bought a large amount of furniture before they moved their new house.

b. make a bet: make an arrangement to risk money, etc. on an event of which the result is doubtful.

e.g. We made a bet on the result of the match.

c. permit sb to do something: allow somebody to do something

e.g. My mother doesn’t permit me to ride in the street after it rained.

d. by accident: as a result of chance

e.g. I only found it by accident.

e. stare at: look at somebody or something with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze( in astonishment, wonder, fear, etc)

f. to be honest: to tell you the truth; to be frank

e.g. To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Review the key sentences in this part

2. Preview the words in the second period.

3. Act out the play in groups

The second period: Acting

Step I Acting

T: Are you ready to act out the play now< class?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good. Let’s welcome the first group and the second group please get prepared.

T: Class, we should pay attention to some examples of Mark Twain’s humor in this scene, which will help us better understand the play and act it out more appropriately. Do you agree with me?

Ss: Yes, of course.

Step II Homework

Review what we learned in this unit

The Third period Watching the movie The Million Pound Banknote

Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of stars

Teaching aims:

1. Talk about the science of stars

2. Practise giving instructions

4. Learn to use noun clauses as the subject

5. Learn to write an essay to show your problems and the way to overcome them.

6. Vocabulary: astronomy, atmosphere, violent, explode, surface, disappointed, gradually, cheer, mass, harmful, presence, in time, prevent …from… depend on, now that, get the hang of, break out

The first period Intensive reading

Step Ⅰ Presentation

T: Hello, everyone! Today we will come to Unit 4, Astronomy. Before that I have a question: where do we come from? Or we can say: Who are our ancestors?

S1: Monkeys!

S2: Beijing Ren who lived many years ago.

S3: dinosaurs

T: Very good! Do you know what it was like before life appeared on earth?

S4: Full of water…

Bs: I don’t know.

T: Do you want to get more information?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Today we will learn something about how life began on earth. Turn to page 25. Let’s come to Warming up first.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

5. Read the three questions, while the students listen and follow.

6. Give the students several minutes to discuss the questions.

7. Collect answers from the class.

8. Check answers while discussing.

Step Ⅲ Pre-reading

Get the students to discuss the questions on page 25 with their partners. Then ask the students to tell their stories. Encourage them to tell different stories, If they don’t know any, tell them some.

T: Now discuss these questions with your partners. Then I will ask some of you to tell us your stories. Are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

a. Do you know each religion or culture has its own ideas about the beginning of the universe? Give an example if you know.

b. Do you know what a scientific idea is?

Read some stories to the students.

Pangu separates the sky from the earth;

The Biblical Account;




Step Ⅳ Reading

1. Scanning

Get the students to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Give the students a couple of minutes to look throuth the whole passage. Tell them to read silently and then ask some detailed questions about the text. Encourage them to express their ideas.

T: We are going to learn a passage about how life began on the earth. Now read the text quickly and then answer my questions.

a. What was there on the earth before life began?

b. Why do scientist think there has never been life on the moon?

c. Why do animals first appear in the sea?

d. Why do green plants help life to develop?

e. Why were mammals different from other animals?

Discuss the answers with the whole class.

2. Skimming

In this part, students will read the text again and finish part 1,2,3

T: Now skim the passage fast to finish part1,2,3,4 Then we will check the answers together.

Key to part 1: DBIGEHACFJ

Discuss the rest with the students.

Step Ⅴ Listening

Listen to the tape for the students to follow and have further understanding of the passage.

T: Read after the tape, then answer me some questions with your book closed.

a. How did water come into being on the earth?

b. Why is water important on earth?

Step Ⅵ Language points

T: Turn to page 25. Let’s look at the sentences:

a. It exploded loudly with fire and rock, which were in time to produce the water vapour.

Which leads non-restrictive attributive clause.

in time: sooner or later; eventually

I will see him in time.

In time ( for sth/to do sth): not late

She will be back in time to prepare dinner.

In/out of time: in/not in the correct time

The audience clapped in time to the music.

b. Nobody knew that it was going to be different from other planets going around the sun.

Be different from: not like someone or something else in one or more ways

City life is quite different from country life.

c. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.

To come: serves as attributive

She is the last person to do such a thing.

Depend on: something might only happen or be true if the circumstances are right for it

Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.

d. Walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.

Now that: because of the fact that

Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.

Now that you have grown up, you can decide it by yourself.

Step Ⅶ Homework

1. Retell the passage

2. Remember important language points

The second period Language study

Step Ⅰ Revision

1. Check retelling of the passage

2. Translate the following sentences.

a. 你迟早会成功的.

b. 我的车与你的不一样.

c. 站在门旁边的那个人是谁?

d. 他总是第一个来,最后一个走.

e. 既然你已经长大了,你自己决定吧.

Suggested answers:

a. You will succeed in time.

b. My car is different from yours.

c. Who is the person standing by the door?

d. He is always the first to come and the last to go.

e. Now that you have grown up you can decide it yourself.

Step Ⅱ Word study

This part is a consolidation of the words learnt in this unit. Ask the students to do the exercises individually.

a. Page 27. First let students finish part 1,2

b. Check the answers with the whole class.

c. Give students 3minutes to finish part 3.

d. Let the students read part 4 for a while and finish it.

e. Turn to page 63. First let the students finish 1and 2 and check the answers.

Step Ⅲ Preparation

Show some sentences on the blackboard.

a. A tree has fallen across the road.

b. You are a student.

c. To find your way can be a problem.

d. Smoking is bad for you.

e. “How do you do?” is a greeting.

f. What she said is not yet known.

g. That we shall be late is certain.

h. It’s certain that we shall be late .

T: What part does the underlined part serve as in each sentence? Or find its subject in each sentence.

Step Ⅳ Grammar

1. Give the students some time to find the sentences in the passage. The collect answers from the class.

2. Show typical examples of how to make a subject clause. Guide the Ss to find out what changes we have to make when we make a sentence or combine two sentences using subject clause. Teacher shows the example and Ss write down the sentences.

3. Turn to page 64. Read the following passage quickly and finish the eight sentences.

4. Have a discussion in pairs. The topic is My dream. One talks about the problems in his study or life, another gives some advice. Remind the students to use the following structures

a. My problem is…

b. My trouble is…

c. The question is…

d. My advice is…

e. What I think about it is…

f. The fact is…

g. My suggestion is…

Step ⅤHomework

1. Finish part 3(P23)

2. Finish part 3(P64)

Added material:


就是在宇宙中有那么一些点,这些点的体积趋向于零而密度变得无穷大,由于具有强大的吸引力,物体只要进入离这个点一定距离的范围内,就会被这个强大的引力吸收掉,连光线也不例外。因此任何进入这个范围的物体都无法再逃出来,就是说,没有任何信号能够从这个范围内传出,因此这个范围的界限被称作视界,里面的情形人类无法看到。所以科学家给它起了个名字叫黑洞,英文就是black hole。 一颗燃烧尽了的恒星由于自身的重力而不断坍缩,最后就会形成黑洞。

历时30年霍金改观点 称黑洞能“吸”能“吐”






Black holes

(1) What is a black hole? Well, it's difficult to answer this question, since the terms we would normally use to describe a scientific phenomenon are inadequate here. Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space (not a thing ) into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape---- not even light. So we can't see a black hole. A black hole experts a strong gravitational pull and yet it has no matter. It is only space ---- or so we think . how can this happen?

(2) The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point; they collapse and sometimes a supernova occurs. Form earth , a supernova looks like a very bright light in the sky which shines even in the daytime. Supernovae were reported by astronomers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Some people think that the Star of Bethlehem could have been a supernova. The collapse of a star may produce a White Dwarf or a neutron star--- a star , whose matter is so dense that it continually shrinks by the force of its own gravity. But if the star is very large (much bigger than our sun) this process of shrinking may be so intense that a black hole results. Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble, but still having the same mass and a stronger gravitational pull, and you have some idea of the force of a black hole. Any matter near the black hole is sucked in. It is impossible to say what happens inside a black hole. Scientists have called the boundary area around the hole the ” event horizon.“ We know nothing about events which happen once objects pass this boundary. But in theory, matter must behave very differently inside the hole.

(3) For example , if a man fell into a black hole, he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. However an observer at the event horizon would think that the man never reached the center at all. Our space and time laws don't seem to apply to objects in the area of a black hole. Einstein's relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena , so that there is no ” absolute“ time and space depend on the position of the observer. They are relative. We do not yet fully understand the implications of the relativity theory; but it is interesting that Einstein's theory provided a basis for the idea of black holes before astronomers started to find some evidence for their existence. It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. In August 1977, a satellite was launched to gather data about the 10 million black holes which are thought t be in the Milky way. And astronomers are planning a new observatory to study the individual exploding stars believed to be black holes.

(4) The most convincing evidence of black holes comes from research into binary star systems. Binary stars, as their name suggests ,are twin stars whose position in space affects each other. In some binary systems, astronomers have shown that there is an invisible companion star, a ”partner“ to the one which we can see in the sky. Matter from the one we can see is being pulled towards the companion star. Could this invisible star, which exerts such a great force , be a black hole? Astronomers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black holes as companions.

(5) The story of black holes is just beginning . Speculations about them are endless. There might be a massive black hole at the center on our galaxy swallowing up stars at a very rapid rate. Mankind may one day meet this fate. On the other hand, scientists have suggested that very advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. These speculations sound like science fiction. But the theory of black holes in space is accepted by many serious scientists and astronomers .they show us a world which operates in a totally different way from our own and they question our most basic experience of space and time.

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer for the following questions

1) Black holes are related to ____

A. geography B. astronomy C. physics D. economic

2) A black hole is ____

A. a dark star B. a large heavenly body

C. a region of space D. a great mass of matter

3) what causes some stars to explode, theoretically speaking ?

A. their density B. their gravity. C. their movement D. their light

4) Scientists call the area around the black hole ____.

A. a White Dwarf B. a supernova

C. the event horizon D. the star of Bethlehem

5) according to Einstein's relativity theory, there is no ”absolute " time and space. Is it true or false?

A. true B. false

6) which of the following statements is not true? The story of black holes in space____

A. is accepted by many serious scientists and astronomers

B. has to some extent been proved by research into binary star system

C. is questioning our basic idea of space and time

D. Sounds like science fiction

7) according to the passage , our earth may be swallowing by the black hole one day, is it true or false ?

A. true B. false

8) according to the passage , the human being one day may make use of the energy of black hole by advanced technology. Is it true or false?

A. true B. false

Unit 5 Canada---The true north

Teaching aims:

1. Talk about the basic information about Canada.

2. Learn how to read a traveling report and use maps.

3. Learn to express locations and directions.

4. Master the noun clauses--- appositive clause

5. Vocabulary: minister, continent, surround, dawn, booth, slightly, settle down, have a gift for, figure out, as far as, all the way, rather than

The first period

Step Ⅰ Revision

1. Check the students’ homework

2. Check the assignment.

Step ⅡLead-in and warming up

Show the students the maple flag and ask them some questions.

T: Do you know which country uses this national flag?

Ss: Canada.

T: What continent is Canada in?

Ss: In North America.

T: How large is it?

Ss: It is the second largest country in the world.

T: Yes. It occupies an area of 9,984,670 square kilometers. It is a bit bigger than China. Which country is its neighbor?

Ss: The United States.

(Show a map of Canada to the students)

T. Right. The United States is . Canada is a beautiful country. First let’s have a quiz and see how much do you know about Canada.

( Give the Ss one minute to finish the quiz.)

T: OK. Time is up. Let’s check the answers.

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A

Step Ⅲ Pre-reading

T: Now I want to ask you a question: Do you like travelling?

Ss: Yes.

T: I know most of you do. So have you ever been abroad?

Ss: Yes/No.

T: What’s the longest trip you have ever taken?

T: Very good. If we want to make our motherland more beautiful and more developed, we should know more about other countries. Here are two questions, you may ask your partner for answers and give your answers to him/her.

a. If you take a trip to Canada, what do you expect to see?

b. What three words would you use to describe Canada?

(Ask some pairs to tell their ideas to their classmates.)

Step Ⅳ Fast reading

Get the students to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading.

T: Do you feel puzzled when you read the title? What is the true north? Now read the passage and get the general idea of the passage. Underline the main places mentioned in the text.

Give the Ss 5 minutes for reading.

a. What the passage is mainly about?

b. What are the main places mentioned in the text?

c. Draw the traveling route of the two girls on the map.

T: Do you have any difficulty in reading? Now let’s discuss some difficult points together.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Remember the underlined sentence.

2. Write a short passage to report what Li Daiyu and Liu Qian saw in Canada.

The second period

Step ⅠRevision

1. Have a dictation.

2. Ask two students to write on the blackboard.

3. Ask one student to make a short report.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

T: Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on the train yesterday. The train rushed across the top of the Lake Superior. Which is the next city it runs towards?

Ss: Toronto.

T: Toronto is an important city. It is the finance center of Canada. It has rich popular arts and culture. How much do you know about Toronto?

Ss: There are Chinatowns where you can buy Chinese medicine.

T: Quite right. Do you want to know more about Toronto?

Ss: Yes.

Step Ⅲ Reading

T: Read the passage on 38. In this passage, you can learn a lot about Toronto, and Montreal, which is Canada’s second largest city. I will give you four minutes to read the passage, then answer the questions on 37-38.

Four minutes later, check the answers with the class.

Step Ⅳ Intensive reading(reading task)

T: Read the passage and fill in the chart using the information of the text.

Points in the passage What Beth thought Information in passage

The temperature

How to travel


How people live

What the Inuit do

Daylight hours

T: You can have a discussion with your partner.

Step Ⅴ Discussion

T: We have known a lot about Canada. Now let’s compare China with Canada.

Same as China Different from China

Large land Six time area

Weather is different from area to area, long and hard winter No places as hot as south china

Different people speak different languages Canada has two official languages, smaller population

Many rivers and lakes World famous rivers and lakes

Much coal, oil gas and other natural resources Much fresh water, a lot of forest

Step Ⅵ Homework

2. Read the two passages again and find the main characters of Toronto, Montreal and Iqaluit.

3. Read fun reading by yourself.

篇19:模块一 第一单元 (新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

模块一 第一单元



1) She is 70 years old, and the skin has become l .

2) It is a idea to play football all day without a break.

3) We usually use g , such as waving, nodding our heads, to talk to people who is far away.

4) To avoid this pollution disaster in the future, we should not i it anymore and please try to pay more attention to our atmosphere.

5)Thank you for your c about the matter of the hawkers in Tak Tai Street.

6) The Smiths are tired of moving now and then and when they got to this little town of California, they finally s down.

7) Most of the farmers in my hometown go out to work at dawn and get back at d .

8) Unlike the grown-ups, most of the t in middle schools are more sensitive than rational.

9) Sorry, I’m not so sure. If you could give me some t , perhaps I could know the answer.

10) “Oh, Sam, I’m only having you on. No need to be u .” said


2. 重点词词形变换

1)It would be to demand of a person who is lack of power of

to become a detective. That’s one of the why I think he is more suitable to be a worker. (reason)

2) Joanna is quite angry that she was by the boss in this task. But in fact I think if she thinks so, she is merely for she is completely in of this task. (ignore)

3) No man can imagine the he got when he lost the game. In fact he was a . He had the ability to win, but he was forced to lose the game. It was for him. (suffer)

4) All the members came to an that Kitty had an voice and that only when she to, should we ask someone else to represent our school to take part in the speech contest. (agree)

5) The doctor asked the patient to be confident in his from the disease, for this kind of disease is , and he was strong enough to from it soon. (recover)

6) The new-born baby was an to the family. “And it brings some

cost to the family.” the mother. (add)

7) Though Tom and John are not very , they can in sign language, which is a common method of between the blind. (communicate)

8) Though Shella tried her best to win the praise of the master on , she still failed it. She was so upset that she wandered in the street . (purpose)

9) As far as I’m , the accident is no of mine, but it my friend. (concern)

10) The two claimed to be born in , and that they knew no other language but . (German)


add up把某物加起来

get sth done 让某事被做

calm down 安静下来;让某人安静下来

be concerned about 关心;担心

go through 经历;遭受;检查;讨论;被通过

set down 放下;记下;让某人下车

a series of 一系列

to do with 处理

on purpose 故意地;有目的地

at dusk 黄昏时

face to face 面对面

no longer 不再

take no notice of 不注意

suffer from 受某事之折磨

get tired of 对某事感到厌烦

have trouble with 做某事有麻烦

at the moment 目前;现在

get along with 与某人相处

fall in love with 爱上某人

make friends with 与某人交朋友

2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中

1) When you these numbers, you will see how many points you have got.

2) Although he is 20 years old now, he still living alone. He even doesn’t know how to wash clothes.

3) Because he of what the teacher said, he didn’t know what he should do.

4) When John and his wife had some arguments, they would sit down together and discuss the problem .

5) Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you . I had wanted to throw at the dog.

6) Our parents us all the time while we children seldom take care of them.

7) He was too scared and didn’t know what the accident.

8) At the first sight the boy the pretty girl although he didn’t know whether she loved him.

9) You are a little baby. You must learn to look after yourself now.

10) I too much bad luck. I don’t care to have one more.


1. But your friend can’t go until he/she finishes cleaning his/her bicycle.(P1)

not...until……句型:“直到……才”,主句动词一般需要用短暂性动词,如:finish, hand in, die, go, begin等等。


Not until...did/will sb do sth

It was/is not until...that sb did/will do sth


用not until翻译下列句子,每句至少用三种句式。



2. It /This/That is (was) the first/second/third/last time that...某人第一(二,三,最后等)次做某事


This is the first time that I have ever enjoyed this kind of food.


It was the third time that he had been informed of the change of the meeting.




1) 那已经是我第五次离开家到广州去学习。

2) 这是我第一次有机会跟你们面对面地交流。


1. Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.(P1)

calm v. & adj.

1) vt.使平静,使镇静

The nurse calmed the little boy by giving him some candy.


He took a deep breath to calm himself.


2) vi.平静下来,镇静下来

The excited football fans calmed down at last.


3) adj. (心境)平静的,镇静的,沉着的; (天气)平静无风的;


The sea was calm after the storm.


After the storm it became calm again.


He was calm when I told him the bad news.


【词语辨析】calm, quiet, still与silent



still 静止的,不动的。指(人体等)不运动的。

silent 沉默的,缄口的,寂静的。指不讲话或没有声音的。

【拓展】calm down平静下来,镇定下来(既可作不及物动词短语也可作及物动词短语)

The crying child soon calmed down.


It was difficult to calm down the football fans.



2. Add up your score and see how many points you get.

add vt. & vi. 增加:添加;(数字等)加(起来);补充说

Add more hot water, please. 请多加点热水。

If you add 4 to 3, you’ll get 7. 四加三得七。

Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。

I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result.

【派生词】addition n. 增加,附加物;adder n. 「计」加法器

【词汇网络】与add 有关的词组:

add sth. to sth. 把……加到(进)……

add to(=increase)增加

add up to共计(无被动语态);意味着,等于说

add sth. up/ together把……加起来,合计

3. Tell your friend that you concern about him/her.

concern v. & n.

1) vt. to have sth. to do with or relate to 涉及,关系到(一般不用于被动时态)This concerns the healthy growth of children deeply.


2) vt.使担心(挂念),使忧虑(常用于被动语态)

We’re rather concerned about father’s health.


3) n. 所关切的事,关心,担心,担忧

It’s no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。

His mother’s only concern was how to make him study even harder.


【词汇网络】有关concern 的短语还有:

with concern 关切地

show concern for sb. 对某人表示关心

have no concern for 毫不关心

as/so far as...be concerned 就……而言

of much concern 很重要,很有关系

of no concern 无关紧要,没有意义

it is no concern of mine/yours. 这不关我(你)的事。

be concerned about (for) 关心,挂念

We are all concerned for (about) her safety. 我们大家都担心着她的安全。


be associated with 与……联合、联系

be attached to 附加于、隶属于……

be based on 以……为基础

be composed of 由……

be connected with 与……连结、连接

be divorced from 和某人离婚

be educated from 从学校等毕业

be employed in 从事于……

be engaged to 和某人订婚

be exposed to 暴露于……,面临于……

be faced with 面对……

be fed up 吃得过饱,对……极其厌倦

be honored with/to瞓e(phr.) 被授予……;因做……而感到荣幸

be involved in 卷入、陷入……;专心于

be married to 和某人结婚

be prepared to do sth 准备好了去做某事

be rooted in 扎根于……

be set in 以……为背景

be used to+v-ing(phr.)习惯于……

be hidden in 藏在某地

be dressed in 穿着

be seated 坐在

另外还有表示情感情绪的动词,当表示“感到……”时,用过去分词,这类动词有:amazed,amused, annoyed,astonished,concerned,confused,delighted,disappointed,discouraged, disgusted,distressed,excited,frightened,interested, irritated,moved,pleased, puzzled,relieved,shocked,touched。

4. It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. (P2)face to face 面对面地,类似的“名词+介词+名词”的结构还有:

hand in hand,手牵手地 arm in arm 手挽手地,

side by side 肩并肩地 mouth to mouth 嘴对嘴地

back to back 背靠背地,背对背地,一个接一个,连续地;

see eye to eye 看法完全相同,完全同意,面对面看着(与see连用);face to face 面对面地,当面地,对立地;

front to front 面对面地;

hand to hand 短兵相接地,逼近地,肉搏地;

head to head 头对头地,面对面地,促膝地,交头接耳地;

heart to heart 开诚布公地,心连心地,贴心地,推心置腹地,坦率地,诚恳地;knee to knee 膝靠着膝地,促膝地;

man to man 个人对个人地,一对一地,人盯人地,私下地,坦率地,真诚地;nose to nose 面对面地,迎面(相遇);

shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,齐心协力地,互助,一致,团结;

5. I stayed awake on purpose. (P2)

stay vi. & link v.

1) vi. 停留;逗留

The doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. ひ缴告诉他,他还得在医院住两个星期。

2) link v.保持,持续不变 (=keep)

How can you stay so cool and calm after such a hot argument?



“变化”类:become,turn, go, get, grow, fall, run, come

“感官”类:feel, smell, taste, look, sound

“显现”类:look, appear, seem

“状态”类:keep, stay, remain, stand, sit, prove

on purpose 故意地;有意地;有目的地

I don’t think he did it on purpose, for he is really a kind person.


on 在这里表示处于某种状态或在某个方位,类似的短语还有:

on board 乘(车,飞机) on call 听候召唤

on duty 值班 on earth 到底

on fire 着火 on foot 步行

on guard 在岗 on hire 雇用

on holiday 度假 on leave 休假

on one餾 knees 跪下 on one’s way 在……的路上

on purpose 故意 on sale 待售

on shore 在岸上 on time 准时

on the move 行动 on the other hand 另一方面

on the spot 当- on the tip of one’s tongue 快要说出口 on top of 在……的顶部 on watch 值班

6. Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you. (P2)

reason n. & v.

1) n. 「C, U」原因,理由,动机,理性,理智

The reason why (that) she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat.

【提示】reason后的定语从句的引导词是关系副词why 或that,也可以省略。I have a good reason for doing that =I have a good reason to do that.


【提示】reason 后的定语常是介词短语for (doing) sth., 或不定式to do sth.

【词汇网络】①for this (that) reason 因为这个/那个原因

②by reason of由于,因为

2) vt. & vi.推理,推究,劝说

We reasoned that he was lying. 我们推断他在说谎。

Finally I reasoned him into /out of accepting the invitation.


【词语辨析】reason 与cause

reason 侧重指做某事的理由;cause指导致不良后果的起因。

--What’s the reason for your absence?


--The reason for it is that the traffic was heavy.


The cause of the big fire was his carelessness.


【派生词】reasonable adj. 合情合理的;reasonably adv. 合情合理地;reasoned adj. 合乎逻辑的

其它 写出单词意思

add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit

add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose

in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love

join in

1、add vt./vi

add up sth. =add sth. up 把…加起来add to sth. 增添、加某事物

add…to… 把…加到…里 add up to=amount to 共计,总计

① If you ____ 5_____3 you will get 8.

② This bad weather ________ our difficulties.

③ His whole school education _______________ no more than one year.

2、point n./v.

There is no point (in) doing sth. 做…没用,无意义

at/on the point of … 就要…的时候point at/to…指向… point sth. at/ towards sb./ th

① 我们正要离开这时你们来了。 We were __________________ leaving when you came.

② 我们赢(输)了5分。We won (lost) the game ____ 5 _________

③ Can you tell us the main _______ of the story?

④ “That’s the man who did it,” she said, ________________ me.

⑤ The robber _______a gun ________ the bank clerk.

3、concern vt./n.

be concerned about/for 关心 as concerns=concerning (prep.)关于

as/so far as…be concerned 就…而言 concerned adj. 有关的担心的

① 就英语而言,他是我们班最好的

_______________________________, he is first in our class.

② I am living in school, and mother _____________________me.

③ He doesn’t bother about things that don’t ____________ him.

④ Present at the meeting were leading members of the departments ____________.

⑤ This book deals with questions _________Anti-Japanese War.

4、share v/n

a) Let Tom play with your toys as well, Clare---you must learn to__

A. support B. care C. spare D. share

b) Culture refers to a group or community ___we share common experiences that shape the way we understand the world.

A. with which B. that C. which D. what

c) 我不得不与家里人共用一个浴室。I have to ___________ the bathroom _________ the rest of the family.

d) 他是唯一的一位与我的观点相同的人。 He is the only person who __________my opinion.

5、reason n.+ for/to do sth. for the reason of….

a) This is the reason ____he explained to me just now.

A. why B. which C. because D. about which

b) The reason _ he is late is _ there was a breakdown on the railway.

A. why; why B. because; that C. that; because D. why; that

c) Give your reason _____changing the plan.

6、go through sth.经历忍受或遭受…;被正式通过或接受;仔细检查;(书) 发行次数;用光或消耗…

get through 穿过;(使)通过;使(读)完;接通

a) Two months later, the law _________________.

b) I rang you several times but couldn’t ______________.

c) I have ____________ all my pockets but I can’t find my keys.

d) The dictionary has ____________________ ten editions.

e) When you _____________ with your work, let’s go out.

7、join ; join in ; take part in; attend

a) Will you ________ the lecture on science?

b) Would you like to _______ us ___ playing football?

c) After ____________ the League, he often helps others.

d) She ______________ the music competition.

e) We _______ a country club that year.

f) We’re going to visit the flower show tomorrow. Will you ____ us?

g) The boy ________ the English Evening and had a good time.

h) He didn’t _________ school yesterday because of his illness.

8、Put away the tools after work, will you? ________________

He puts away part of his wages each month. ________________

She put away the idea of going home. ________________

He put away his wife without good reasons. ________________

9、① --- Is it high time we ______ to school?

---Oh, it’s seven o’clock. Let’s go.

A. will go B. shall go C. went D. would go

② 这是她第一次跟英国人交谈


10、It is/was + 被强调部分+that/who+其他成分

a) It was 8 o’clock _____ I went back home last night.

A. that B. when C. which D. what

b) __________you missed such a fine lecture? A. How it was that B. It was how that C. How was it that D. Was it how that

c) I just wonder _______ that makes you so excited.

A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is

d) It was not until she got home __ Mary realized she had lost her keys. A. that B. when C. where D. before




1) I have got three days’holidays I New Year’s Day.

2) She’s busy at p and can’t speak to you.

3) The captain c his army to attack the enemy at night.

4) Don’t respond to any e-mails r personal information, no matter how official they look.

5) I r him as soon as he came in the room, though I hadn’t seen him for years.

6) The new g is made up of ten officials.

7) H difficult the task may be, we’ll fulfill it in time.

8) It is I to turn your back on someone who is speaking to you.

9) He was last seen heading in the d of Miami.

2. 重点词词形变换

1) Everybody laughed, the teacher . (include)

3) Do you like the films by Zhang Yimou?

He is a well-known Chinese . (direction)

4) The police only interview a child in the of an adult. (present)

5) We should study hard for the of China. (modern)

6) These are the world’s leading industrial . (native)

7) Dean’s a really person to have around when things go wrong.

Only Jack is of great at that time.(use)

8) The bag is -it has a hole in it. (use)

9) I’ve known Barbara for years, since we were babies, . (actual)

10) It was a period of population growth. (rapidly)

1. 短语积累

play a role / part in 在……中起作用

be based on 以……为依据

because of 因为

such as 例如,像……这样的

come up 走近

the number of …… 的数量

a large number of 许多

make good full use of 充分利用

2. 用所给短语将下列句子译成英语

1) 运气在他的成功中起了重要作用。(play an important part in)

2) 这出戏以真实故事为基础,很有教育意义。(be based on)

3) 约翰没有出席会议,因为他病了。(because of)

4) 充分利用你所拥有的每一个机会练习讲英语。(make good use of)

5) 今天缺席的学生有五人。(the number of)


1.... than ever before 比以往任何时候



1) 受到老师激励,我比以往任何暑假都要更加努力工作。

2) 今年的冬天比以往任何时候都冷。オ

2. This is because ……这是因为……


1) 他今天没有来上学,这是因为他病了。

2) 我不要求你按时完成, 这是因为我不想给你太大压力。

3. even if / even though... 即使,尽管



1) 即使你不喜欢他,也可客气一点。

2) 即使你不想去,你也应该告诉他一声。


1. They are called world Englishes and they include Canadian, British, American and Indian English. (P9)

include vt. 包括,包含

The bill includes tax and service. 账单中包含了税金和服务费。

Your duties include checking the letters and sorting them out.

Ten students took part in the competition, including three girls.

Ten scientists, six women scientists included, were present at the meeting.


【词语辨析】include / contain / hold

include 强调“包括,作为整体的一部分”,侧重范围或整体。

contain 着重“其中包含有”,指在一定范围或容器内容纳某物,侧重包含的内容或成分。

hold 指“能容纳”

The bok contains ten chapters, including American Literature.

This kind of fruit contains lots of vitamin C and B.


The hall holds 200 people. 这个大厅能容纳200人。

2. World Englishes come from those countries where English plays an important role as a first or second language, either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(P9)

because of 是复合介词,表原因,意为“因为”,后接名词、代词、或宾语从句。because 作连词,后跟句子。以原因状语从句形式表明主句的根本原因。

He was late not only because of his illness but also because he missed the train.


thanks to “多亏,由于”,只能作状语

Thanks to your advice, much trouble was saved.

due to 可以作表语,状语,不可位于句首

The accident was due to the storm.

owing to 可以作状语或表语,作状语时常用逗号隔开,作表语相当于due to.

Tom’s failing in the exam was owing to his carelessness

Owing to his careless driving, the accident occurred.

as a result of “由于”,作状语

on account of “因为”,作状语

. Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?(P9)

come up 上来,过来;

A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station. (走近,上来)

The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up. (升起)

Your question came up at the meeting. (被提出讨论)

【词汇网络】come up with 想出(计划,答案)

come out 出来,(花)开,出版;结果是

come about 发生

come across 偶然遇见

come along 一起来,一道走;进展;进步

come to 共计,达到

. English is also spoken in many other countries in Africa and Asia, such as South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia.(P10)

【词语辨析】such as, for example

such as 意为“例如,诸如……之类的”,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个。如果要把同类人或事物全部列举出来,用that is或namely。

A lot of things can be recycled, such as waste paper, waste plastic bags, and old batteries.

for example举例说明,列举同类人或事物中的“一个”,作插入语,且用逗号隔开,可位于句首、句中或句末。

Most boys in my class like physics. Tom, for example, shows a special interest in it.

5. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.(P13)

such与all, no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several, one等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。

There is no such thing as a free lunch.


here are three such mistakes in your composition.


6. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.(P10)

the number of...表示“……的数量”

a large number of 相当于a good / great many或many,表示“许多的,大量的”其后跟可数名词的复数形式,不可跟不可数名词。如:

The number of trees on the deserted mountain is over 200,000.


A great many (A number of) visitors come to the Palace Museum every year.


其它 写出单词意思

elevator, petrol, gas, official, because of, native, apartment, actually, be based on, at present, gradually, Danish, vocabulary, make use of, spelling, fluent, fluently, Singapore, Malaysia, such as, frequent, frequently, usage, African, Spanish, play a part, recognize, accent

be different from, pay a role(part) in, because of, either …or…, in/on a team, the number of/a number of, than ever before, even if, comp up to, over time, communicate with, be based on, make use of, have one’s own identity, such as, Only time can tell, native speaker, as well as, solve a problem, believe it or not, no such a…, all over the world, at the top(bottom) of, pen friends, to this day, sum up, Pardon?, beg your pardon, go abroad, be used for, more of a …, encourage sb. to do sth., work on, feel like sth., from time to time, English-speaking countries, from one…to another, do business, on the air, would like sb. to do, make notes, fight against, keep…a secret, even though, save time(money), a form of…

1. recognize be recognized as 被承认为 recognize sb. to be 承认某人是…

① --- oh, it’s you! I ______ ________ you. ----- I’ve just had my hair cut, and I’m wearing new glasses.

② Though they hadn’t met for many years,they ______ each other at first sight.

③ Lincoln is recognized ____ one of the greatest presidents in America.

2. direction

in all directions 朝四面八方 under the direction of sb = under one’s direction 在某人的指导下 in the direction of 朝着…方向 from the direction of 从…方向 follow/ obey /listen to one’s direction 听从某人的指导

①. The diretion ____ which the president would go was kept secret ____ safety concern.

A.for; over B. from; about C. in; for D. at; as

②. Generally speaking, when ____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

A. taking B. taken C. to take D. to be taken

③. she ______ (问了方向) and then tells her friends.

④. Tom went off _____ ______ _______ and Harry in another.

⑤. He did the work ____ _____ _______.(在我的指导下)


Command sb to do sth 命令(要求)某人做某事 have a good command of … 对…精通

Command that … (should) + 动词原型

He commanded that all the gates __________.

A. should shut B. would be shut C. shut D. be shut

4. Request

Request sth of/ from sb. 向某人请求某物 request sb to do sth 请求某人做某事 at one’s request 应某人之请求 request that … (should) + 动词原型

①.Visitors ____ not to touch the exhibits.

A. will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested

②. The old pianist wouldn’t listen to our repeated request that he ____ in public again.

A. play B. played C. would play D. was going to play

③. He came here ____ A.at my request B. by me request C. by the request of me D. for my request

5. contain, include, cover 区别:

Contain 整体包括部分 A contains B A与B 是不同类事物 或者一个容器中容纳的东西

Include A includes B A与B是同类事物,常用两种表达方式:including sth/ sb= sb’sth included

Cover 钱够...之用;足以支付

①.---- How come a simple meal like this costs so much?

-----We have ____ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

A. added B. included C. contained D. charged

② We all went, ______ Mary.= We all went, Mary _______.

③ ----- Will $200 ____ the cost of the damage? ----- I’m afraid not. I need at least 100 more.

④ He was worried, because he lost his bag ______ his passport, ID card and a lot of money.

6. present

at present= at the present time 目前;现在 be present at the meeting 出席会议 present sth to sb 把...赠给某人 present sb with sth 赠给某人某物

①All the people _____ at the party were his supporters.

A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important

②. They ______ a sum of money ____ (赠与) the college in memory of their son.

7. more A than B (A/B: adj.原级/n.) 与其说B不如说A

no more than + num. = only 仅仅

①.More than one ___ the people heart and soul.

A. officials has served B. officials have served C. officials has served for D. officials have served for

②.---- Tom is very stupid. He failed to pass the exam once again. ----- He is ____ than stupid.

A. lazier B. no lazier C. more lazy D. lazier rather

8Come up 上升;上来;被提出 come up with (人)找到或提出(答案或方法等)

Come about 发生 come up to 达到 come across (偶然)遇见;碰到


①. Would you _________ my flat for a visit?

②. The question _______ at the meeting whether we had enough money.

③. She ____________ new idea for increasing sales.

④. I ________ children sleeping under bridges.

⑤. Can you tell me how the accident _________?

9. because of/ due to(不可放于句首)/ thanks to/ owing to 由于 + n./ pron. /动名词/名词性短语

because + 句子 as a result of 因为...的结果 result in 导致 result from 由...导致 填空:

① I didn’t attend the meeting, _________ I was ill.

② He is absent _________ his illness

③ He was ill, __________, he didn’t attend the meeting.

④ His illness ____________ his absence from the meeting.

⑤ His absence from the meeting _______________ his illness.

10. make use of/ make good use of/ make full use of

①If better use ___________ of your spare time, you will make great progress in it.

②she wondered uneasily what use she would ______ ___ this opportunity.

11. the same... as 表示同类的事物 the same ... that 表示同一个事物 the same ... which/ who/ when /where 和...相同的...

①.This pen is not very good; I’d like the same one ______ you are using now.

②.He went back to the same place ______ he had found the ring.

③.The explorer took only such men and things ______ he really needed into the thick forest.

④.I’m lucky enough to find the same knife _____ I lost yesterday.

12. 用because/ why/ that 填空:

① She didn’t study hard. That was _______ she failed in he exam.

② she failed in the exam. That was ________ she didn’t study hard.

③ What caused the accident was _____ the bus was driven too carelessly.

④ The reason _______ he hasn’t come is that he has to send his mother to the hospital.

⑤That is _____ she left her hometown at the age of nine.




1) His paper will be published in the British Medical J next month.

2) We can’t goods in railways.

3) I knew you would be too s to listen to my advice.

4) I I that you go to the hospital immediately; you are very ill.

5) Are you doing the task in the p way?

6) The size of your feet d the size of your shoes.

7) What is you’re a to the idea, agree or disagree?

8) He has a gift for language, and he is f with three languages.

9) He broke the r in high jump in the Asian Games.

10) I was very busy that day, but he p me to take part in the party.

2. 重点词词形变换

1) The of live animals is forbidden. (transport)

2) They scored in the minute of the game. (finally)

3) After a little gentle , Mr.Brown agreed to let us in.(persuade)

4) Her to do well made her keep on studying. (determine)

5) The are all from China. (cycle)

6) The woman showed great in going into the burning building to rescue the trapped child. (brave)

7) The events have been the of conversation for weeks. (topic)

8) The young lady wanted to buy a pair of tennis . (short)

9) Make sure the job is done .(proper)

10) The tourists were caught in the snowstorm in the area. (Tibet)


keep a travel journal 写旅游日记

see the world through one’s eyes 透过眼睛看世界

agree to sth 同意

on the/one’s journey 在旅途中

as usual 照例;像往常一样

stay awake 保持清醒

keep asking sb. 不断问

one way fare 单程票

at an altitude of 5,000 meters 在海拔5000米的地方

dream about/ of (doing) sth. 梦想做……

graduate from college 大学毕业

persuade sb. to do sth. 劝说某人做某事

get sb.interested in doing sth. 使……对……感兴趣

care about 关心;考虑

a determined look 坚决的表情

change one’s mind / change one’s attitude

change our minds 改变想法

make up one’s mind

make up our minds 决定

give in 投降; 上交

give in to sb. / sth. 屈服;同意……

pass through 穿过

flow through 流经……

make camp 扎营

put up the tent 支帐篷

for one thing,... for another,... 一方面……另一方面……

familiar to sb. 为……所熟悉

in detail 详细地

2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中

1) She being famous one day.

2) The only thing he seems to is money.

3) O’Neil was to pressure from London to hurry the reform.

4) How can we him politics?

5) Kate didn’t want to buy that skirt., it was very expensive;

its style was out of fashion.


1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.(P18)

此句包含英语中的强调句型:it + is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 原句其余部分。要注意:被强调部分表示“人”的话,用that/who, 其他情况下都用that.

It was Jack who/that broke the window yesterday.



1) 我是在那棵树下面捡到这只钱包的。

2) 是他把窗户的玻璃打破的吗?

3) 你是因为什么而没有参加会议的?

2. Are you working this evening?(P21)

此句用现在进行时 are working 来表示按计划进行的将来的动作。

I’m writng the composition at night.お





1. I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.(P18)

dream about: 做梦;梦见

I dreamt about you last night.

dream of/about: 梦想,幻想

We dream of buying our own house.

【词汇网络】dream away 虚度(光阴)

dream up 虚构出

have a dream 做梦

2. When we graduated from college, we finally got the chance to do it.(P18)

graduate from : (大学或中学)毕业

Wang Ming graduated from Beijing University with a degree in law.

finally: adv. 最后,终于

final: adj. 最后的,决定性的 n.决赛

【词语辨析】finally, at last, in the end,eventually

finally: 可以表示时间位置,相当于at last / in the end; 还可以表示时间的先后顺序,如同first(ly), second(ly), then, last。

at last: 只指时间位置,强调经过周折、等待、耽误的“最后、终于”出现所期待的结果。

in the end / eventually: 只指时间位置,强调经过周折、等待、耽误的“最后、终于”出现所期待的结果(相当于at last)或者出现非期待的结果。

3. Then she persuaded me to buy one.(P18)

persuade: vt. 说服; 信服

persuasion: n. 说服

persuasive: adj. 有说服力的

persuade sb. to do sth/ into doing sth. 说服某人干某事

persuade sb. not to do sth/ out of doing sth 说服某人别干某事

persuade sb. of sth. 使某人信服

I finally managed to persuade Mary to go out for a drink with me.

Don’t let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don’t really want.

He persuaded me not to go there. / He persuaded me out of going there.

We finally persuaded Ben of the wisdom of this decision.

4....she insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey. (P18)

insist: v. 坚持宣称/认为(宾语从句的谓语用陈述语气);

坚决要求,一定要(宾语从句的谓语用虚拟语气should + v.)

Mike insisted that he was right.

They insisted that everyone (should) come to the party.

【词汇网络】insist on (doing)sth. 坚持

if you insist 如果你一定要这样

Her parents insisted on speaking to the headmistress.

He kept insisting on her innocence.

--Why don’t you call them up today?

--Oh, if you insist

【词语辨析】insist on, stick to


5. She gave me a determined look-the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind. (P18)

1) determine: v. 确定;决定,支配;(官方)确定,规定

determination: n. 决心,(官方)决定

determined: adj.

determine to do sth. 决定做.……

be determined to do sth.有决心干……

We determined to leave at once.

I am determined to find out who is responsible for this.

Determined that his son would do well, Mr.Smith sent him to a private school.

2) change one’s mind(about)改变主意/决定

Try and get her to change her mind about coming with us.

【词汇网络】make up one’s mind (to do sth.) 下定决心做……

be in two minds about 拿不定主意,犹豫不决

set one’s mind on (doing) sth. 下定决心要┳觥…

come to mind 突然想到

put one’s mind to 专心于……

keep one’s mind on 专心于……

keep / bear sth. in mind 记住……

bring / call sth. to mind 回想起……

其它 写出单词意思

journal, fare, transport, prefer, disadvantage, fare, flow, cycle, persuade, graduate, finally, schedule, fond , be fond of , shortcoming , stubborn, care about , make up one’s mind , determine, give in , valley, pace, altitude, bend, boil , forecast, parcel, reliable, organize, journey, insurance, wool, as usual, view , pillow, midnight, at midnight, flame, beneath, temple, cave, change one’s mind,

1 imagine

imagine +v-ing


I can’t ______ my ______ a girl of that sort。

2 choose (chose ,chosen)

have no choice but to do sth 除了干某事别无选择

She had no choice but ______away 。

A go B to go C going D to have go

3 persuade

Persuade sb to do=persuade sb into doing 说服某人做某事;

persuade sb not to do=persuade sb out of sth/doing 说服某人不要做某事;

Persuade sb of sth =persuade sb 。+that 从句 使某人相信;

① While shopping ,people sometimes can’t help ______ into buying sth。 They don’t really need。

A to persuade B persuading C being persuaded D be persuaded

② Alice trusts you,only you can ______her to give up the foolish idea 。

A suggest B attract C attempt D persuade


The hunter ______us ______through the thick forest alone 。

4 insist

Insist 表达“坚持主张”时,所跟的宾语从句使用虚拟语气;表达“坚持一种说法,看法或事实”时,宾语从句使用陈述语序和相应的时态。

① I insisted that a doctor ______ immediately。

A has been sent for B sends for C will be sent for D be sent for

② He came to my class every week ,but his attitude ______that he was not really interested。

A expresses B described C explained D suggested

5 determine

Determine + n。/determine to do/ determine +从句

Be determined to do 决心做

determined a。 已下决心的(不在名词前);断然的,决然的

①______ to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper。“______ ,an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl ,”

A Determined ,Wanted B Determined ,Wanting C Determine ,Wanted D Determining ,Wanting


She ______ ______ ______ go to university。

6 fun Make fun of 取笑 for fun 为了高兴,为了好玩

①______ at the seaside !

A How fun the children had B What a fun the children had C How fun had the children D What fun the children had

② 独自一个人去参加聚会没什么意思。

It‘s not much ______going to a party alone

7 awake

①When do you usually ______ up?

② I s he ______or asleep?

③ He lay ______ all night。

④ They were making enough noise to ______ the dead 。

8 give in屈服投降让步

give away不小心透露,赠送,免费给予 give off 放出,散发(光,热,烟,气,味)give up 放弃,认输 give out vt。分配,分发 Vi。(食物,燃料,电力) 用光,精疲力竭

① Never ______ ______ the stugy of English

② Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance ,but her trembling voice ______her ______

③ He may ______to my view

④ It is always the husband who ______ first when quarrel breaks out between the young couple 。

⑤ Her patiece finally ______ ______

⑥ The teacher ______ ______ the exam paper 。

9 for one thing 。。。for another (thing)/besides; on (the ) one hand ,on the other (hand)

for one thing 首先。。。一则。。。,陈述两方面的情况常一致,常与for another (thing)/besides(再者,另一方面)呼应; on (the ) one hand ,on the other (hand)常表达相矛盾的两方面

①______ she‘s well eduacated ,______ she is pretty 。

A On the one hand ,on the other hand B for one thing ,for another

C On one hand ,but also D On the one hand ,on another hand

②Tom works very hard。His brother ,______,does‘t do much at all。

A what‘s more B on the contrary C for one thing D for another

③ ______ , the hotel is near the sea,but ______it costs a lot。

A On the one hand ,on the other hand B for one thing ,for another

C On one hand ,but also D On the one hand ,on another hand

10 care about 关心,对。。感兴趣;在乎

care for 喜欢,愿意,照顾

① I don‘t ______ what others think

② She doesn‘t ______ skating 。

③ I wonder whether they will ______ us all to go there

④ The captain ______ the safety of the crew。

11 用 cost spend pay take 填空

①It ______ us two hours to finish the work。

② Tom ______a lot of money on books。

③ The new bicycle ______ him 100 dollars

④ Mary ______ 200 dollars for the evening dress

⑤ I‘m ______much more time in listening now

⑥ The money I ______ for the service added up to1000dollars every year 。

⑦ It will ______ you 5dollars to fly to London

⑧ The car ______all his savings

⑨ The man got what he wanted ,which is at a ______of his own life and his family‘s happiness。




1) Before the earthquake, you can notice that the wells have c in them.

2) Before the earthquake the chickens and even the pigs are too n to eat.

3) Two-thirds of the people died or were (受伤)during the earthquake.

4) Older students were having difficulty in studying and o themselves.

5) A great part of the city was d in the earthquake.

6) I felt everything s during the earthquake so I couldn’t sit still.

7) She c her face in her hands and cried loudly.

8) Seeing a baby crying in the burning house, the firemen r her from the house.

9) She is always healthy. Whenever I see her, she looks f .

10) J from his appearance, the manager can’t be over 60.

2. 重点词词形变换

1) Whether the can be separated is not an international affair, but a one. It is up to the people to decide. (nation)

2) Please wipe the off the table. The room looks with

the table. (dirt)

3) Most people protect themselves fromto their self-esteem, for they think if their self-esteem wasgreatly, they will feel. (injure)

4) from the result, the of the match must have controlled the match quite well. Do you agree with my ? (judge)

5) can be found everywhere. Sometimes one’s hair seems . Some equipment can be . (electricity)

6) As , some were wounded when they were trying to find out something of the government .(report)

7) We visited the of Yuanmingyuan last summer. It by the foreign invaders. Seeing the palace we feel very pitiful. (ruin)

8) Taste and are closely connected. If you can’t the food, you can’t taste it either. (smell)

9) The felt happy that they were able to the accident and joked that it was because of the of the fittest. (survive)

10) We all felt to be invited to take the action and we promised on our that we would do it bravely, even if we died . (honour)


shake hands with 握手

as usual 像往常一样

break out 爆发

right away 马上;即刻

a number of 许多;大量

to the north of 在……北面

put up 举起;张贴

be proud of 对……感到自豪/骄傲

judging from 根据……判断

be known as 作为……而出名

come out of 从……出来

too...to... 太……而不

give out 用完;出故障;分发;宣布

be trapped under the ruins 陷在废墟下

instead of 代替

in honour of 纪念

tens of thousands of 几万

more than 超过;不仅仅

fall down 倒下

at an end 结束;终结

dig out 挖出;查明

wake up 醒来

in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪

2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中

1) A terrible earthquake hit the city and in a few seconds the whole city lay .

2) It’s a custom others when they meet in China, while in Japan they bow to each other.

3) following his father’s advice, Jack did just the opposite, which made his father angry.

4) from his expression, he must have won a prize.

5) The whole class the boy student who won the first prize in the English Contest, for he was the honor to their class.

6) The children were busy a tent and it would be completed before dark.

7) Meizhou the Capital of Hakaees, for there are most Hakaees living there.

8) The monument (纪念碑) was set up those who died in the terrible disaster.

9) The monitor helped the teacher the graded test papers.

10) The terrible shaking of the building all the people who were sleeping.


1. What do you think may happen before an earthquake? (P25)

疑问词 + do you think/suppose + 陈述句语序的句子?

When do you think he will arrive here?



1) 你认为是谁拿走了我的雨伞?

2) 你想我们什么时候来制定计划?オ

2. It seemed that the world was at an end! 似乎是世界末日!(P26)

It seems/appears/happens + that从句 “似乎/碰巧……”

=Sb/sth seem/appear/happen+to do sth 某人似乎/碰巧要做某事。

Sb/sth seem/appear/happen+to be doing sth 某人似乎/碰巧在做某事。

Sb/sth seem/appear/happen+to have done sth 某人似乎/碰巧做过某事。

It seems that we will have a hard time. = We seem to have a hard time.



1) 似乎他从未思考过这样的问题。

2) 碰巧当时大家都在室外干活。


1. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. (P26)


1) vi. 上升

The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.


Knowing that she wouldn’t help, he rose and set off for home.



The cost in supporting a family is rising quickly recently.


2)n. 上升;上涨;升起

a rise in price 价格的上涨

give sb. a rise 给某人提工资

at the rise of the sun 日出之时


(1) 两者都可表示“升起”之意,这时rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词。The price of meat has risen sharply lately.


The butchers will raise the price of meat in a few weeks.


(2) 表示“起立、起床、增长”时只能用rise。

Although very tired, when hearing the alarm, he rose from the bed quickly.


(3) 表示“饲养、提出”时要用raise。

He is just the person who raised such a good plan.


2. Two thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. (P26)

injure 受伤;伤害

He was badly/seriously injured in the accident.


Drinking too much surely will injure one’s health.


injured adj. 受伤的

injury n.伤口;受伤处

【词语辨析】injure: 受伤

wound: 受伤(一般强调外伤)

harm: 意指无形的伤害,“对……有害”

hurt: (肉体或精神上的)伤害,强调疼痛

Don’t often listen to the loud music. It will harm your hearing.

In the modern war, not many soldiers were wounded or killed.

Your words really hurt him a lot.

He fell from the second floor and was badly injured /hurt.

3. In the farm yards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. (P26)

too...to... 太……以至不能……。例如:

The boy is too weak to lift the heavy box.


当too...to...跟少数形容词(如ready,glad,pleased,apt,willing,inclined,eager, easy, satisfied等)搭配时,不定式无否定意义。例如:

He is too ready to promise.他轻于许诺。

Beginners are too apt to make mistakes.初学者极易出错。

He is too much inclined to give himself airs.


需要注意的是,too... to... 的否定形式not too... to... 的意思是“不是太……而不能”。 例如:

He is not too young to dress himself.


It is never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。


cannot(或can never)... too... 表示“怎么……也不会过分”、“越……越好”的含义。如:

One can never be too careful in one’s work.工作越细越好。

One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.

因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以在做出决定时无论怎样谨慎都不过分。 You cannot praise the play too highly.


4. But one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night. (P26)

think little of 不重视;认为没价值

It is wrong to think little of everything. 对什么都不在乎是不对的。

She thought little of my work. 她不看重我的工作。


think much of 认为某人很重要

think better of sb. 对某人印象好;看重某人

think better of sth. 改变……念头;打消主意

think highly of 看重;器重

think well of 重视

think little of 看轻;看不起

think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视

think nothing of 轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起

as usual 照例;和平常或习惯一样:

As usual, I slept late that Saturday morning.


5.Sand now filled the wells instead of water. (P26)

instead adv

1) 替代;更换

If you cannot go, let him go instead.


2) (与of连用)代替

We’ll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.


6. Describe your feelings about the city, which is known as the “Brave City of China”. (P29)

1) be known as +身份

2) be known for... 因……出名

The area is known as a green tea producing places.


The town is known for its fine park.


3) be known by 根……而得知

A person is known by the company he keeps.


4) be known to 被某人所了解

It is known to all that theory comes from practice.


7. One other thing to remember. (P31)

one other :应该注意限定词顺序,

“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。

8. An outline will prepare you to write a better story. (P31)


1) prepare “准备;预备;筹备;制作;配制”

①prepare + 名词或代词。例如:

He has prepared his lessons. 他已备好课了。

②prepare + 双宾语(间接宾语和直接宾语)。例如:

The secretary has prepared the president a long report.

= The secretary has prepared a long report for the president.


③prepare + 动词不定式短语。例如:

They are busy preparing to go on vacation.


④prepare + for (或 against )引起的短语。例如:

The students are busy preparing for the mid-term examination.


The peasants are preparing against the drought.


2) prepare“使(人)作好准备;叫(人)作准备”:

①prepare + sb/oneself + for sth.例如:

He was preparing himself for the marathon race then.


②prepare + sb/oneself + 动词不定式短语。例如:

He prepared himself to take out a license for a driver.


3) 过去分词 prepared 用于系表结构,意思为“为……做好准备;打算”:

①be prepared + for (或 against )引起的短语。例如:

They were prepared for the worst.


② be prepared + 不定式短语。例如:

I am not prepared to listen to all your weak excuses.


其它 写出单词意思

earthquake, quake, right away, well (n.) , million , event , pipe, burst, as if, at an end , nation , canal, steam, dirt, ruin, in ruins , suffering, extreme, injure, destroy, brick, dam, track, useless, steel, shock, rescue, trap, electricity, disaster, dig out, bury, mine, miner, shelter, a (great ) number of , title, reporter, bar, damage, frighten, frightened, frightening, congratulation, judge, sincerely, express, outline, headline, cyclist

shake,well,rise,smelly,pond,pipe,burst,canal,steam,ruin,injure,destroy,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bury,coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent,speech,judge,honor,prepare,Europe.crack, survivor, miner

right away, at an end, dig out, give out, thousands of


1. Farmers’ wives noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them.

2. It seemed as if the world was at an end!

3. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.

4. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.

5. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

shake, rise, crack, burst, well, smelly, pond, steam, destroy, ruin, injure, survivor, brick, useless, shock, quake, rescue, electricity,

disaster, organize, bury, coal, mine, shelter, fresh, percent, honor, prepare.

② 短语:right away, at an end, lie in ruins, be trapped under sth, to the north of sp, put up, give out, wake sb up, prepare sth for sth., think little of sth.


dream of , make up one’s mind, change one’s mind,

give in, give up, insist on, stick to, determine to

John is a mountaineering-lover, who has _________conquering the Alps, a mountain with an altitude of 4804 meters since he was a middle school student. However, his mother thought that mountaineering was such a dangerous sport that she always tried to persuade him to _________. It is his deep love for climbing that made him __________ realizing his dream.

One day, John got the chance to climb the Alps. His friends __________ form a team to pay a visit to the Alps and of course John joined them happily. In order to do the trip properly, they examined every detail. Feeling his son’s great determination, John’s mother knew that he would not_____________. Finally, John and his friends succeeded in conquering the Alps.




1) We should pay more attention to the q as well as the quantity.

2) He is always w to help anyone who is in t .

3) Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h .

4) Everything needs to be done according to a certain (原则,原理)

5) People in Iraq are dreaming of living a p life, that is they hope to live in p .

6) The thief was caught and was s in p for 3 years.

7) During the p when I was in my university, I studied l myself and became a l after graduation.

8) The final examination is coming. Our teacher a us to go over

our lessons carefully.

9) If it c to rain for some days, the crops would be destroyed.

10) If he gets that (职位),I think he can do it well.

11) He received a sum of money, but he didn’t want to a it.

12) They don’t want to solve the problem with v . Instead, they hope to solve it in a peaceful way.

13) In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not

really e to men.

14) If you feel cold while sleeping, you can add a b on your quilt.

15) As a well-e person, it’s hard for us to imagine that she treat the boy with such (残忍).

2. 重点词词形变换

1) The pupils got to know that Liu Hulan was a and died and they were moved by her deeds. (hero)

2) They were so that they cut the man into pieces . We all felt sure that they would be punished by their . (cruel)

3) He is really a man with many , but do you think you are

enough to do the work? (quality)

4) Let him do what he . He is not to do that if it is against his . (will)

5) pay for work. That’s our rule. If we can’t treat every client , we will break the in our company. (equal)

6) We all enjoy the of the countryside, for we can live with the nature and live a life there. (peace)

7) You are not allowed to commit any , or you will become

a and be sentenced to prison for the act. (crime)

8) The big waves beat the coast . The wind blew with great , which caused a storm. (violence)

9) If this proposal is to you, you must it. In this way the proposal will meet with general . (accept)

10) She is always having the of snakes. She finds it to come across a snake, which will her very much. (terror)


put...into prison 把……投进监狱

in fact, as a matter of fact事实上

fight against 与……作斗争

come to power 上台执政

break the law 违反法律

without pay 没有报酬

lose heart 灰心;泄气

be active in 积极参加;活跃

be willing to do something 愿意做某事

be out of work 失业

be stopped from doing something 被阻止做某事

answer violence with violence 以暴制暴

be in good health 健康良好お

blow up 发脾气;爆炸

ask for 索-

be in trouble 处于麻烦中

die for 为……而死

advise somebody to do something 建议某人干某事

in reward for 作为……的回报

set up 建立

be sentenced to 被判处……

worry about 为……担心

be free from 免去……之苦

2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中

1) Whatever great difficulty we meet, we’ll never .

2) If you can’t finish the work on time, you’ll be .

3) Your parents are you: do make a phone call to them.

4) She has been for a year and is looking forward to being in work again.

5) People expect to pollution and live in a pleasant environment.

6) -- I thought you wouldn’t mind.

--Well, I don’t; but you should have asked me first.

7) Several people were killed and many were hurt when a bomb at the busy street.

8) As soon as he arrived in Paris, he for the wrongs his family had done.

9) As a Jew, Einstein was forced to leave his homeland after Hitler .

10) The government has a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.

11) He death because of killing someone on purpose.

12) The women workers should the men in pay since they do the same work.


1. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress. (P34)

拟人用法:时间、地点 + see/eyewitness + 事件。

1949 eyewitnessed the foundation of the People’s Republic of China.お



1) 我们学校是1993年成立的。

2) 在这个村庄曾经发生过一次灾难。

2. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. (P34)


Only in this way can we find the correct answer.お



1) 只有当你遭遇过这样的事情后你才会相信。

2) 只有在这样的一个家庭你才有这样的好生活。


1. Will you help others with their work if they ask you? (P33)

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

Would you please help me with my homework?


1)help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事。

Can you help me to learn English?-

2)help oneself ( to sth )自用(食物等);随便拿

Help yourself to the fish. 请随便吃鱼。

3)help sb. into/ out of 搀扶某人进入 / 走出。

He helped the patient out of the hospital.


Can you help the patient into the hospital?


4)help sb. out 帮助某人克服困难,渡过难关、解决问题、完成工作。 When I’m in trouble, he always helps me out with money.


Please help me out with thi











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