
时间:2022-08-11 07:27:03 优美句子 收藏本文 下载本文




1.Where’s the company? 那个公司在哪儿?

2.Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的?

3.What’s this? 这是什么?

4.It’s an air-conditioner 这是空调。

5.Is this yours? 这是你的吗?

6.Yes, it’s mine 是的,是我的。

7.Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?

8.Do you know where I’ve put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?

9.Over there 在那边。

10.On the desk 在桌上。

11.Is this your pen? I found it under the desk 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。

12.No Mine is blue 不是。我的是蓝的。

13.Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包?

14.The bigger one 大些的那个。

15.The one on your right 你右边的那个。

16.Are these books all yours? 这些书全是你的吗?

17.Some of them are mine 一部分是我的。

18.Who are you? 你是谁?

19.I’m Jim 我是吉姆。

20.Who is the guy over there? 那边那个人是谁?

21.He’s Bob 他是鲍勃。

22.Is that girl a student? 那个女孩是学生吗?

23.No, she isn’t 不,她不是。

24.What do you do? 你是做什么的?

25.I’m a farmer 我是个农民。

26.What does he do? 他是干什么的?

27.He’s a manager 他是个经理。

28.She must be a model, isn’t she? 她一定是个模特,不是吗?

29.I really don’t known 我真不知道。

30.I have no idea about it 我一点都不知道。

31.Can she be a driver? 她可能是个司机吗?

32.Yes, I think so 是的,我认为是。

33.What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

34.May I have your name? 能告诉我你的名字吗?

35.My name is Thomas 我叫汤姆斯。

36.Just call me Tom 就叫我汤姆吧。

37.What’s your family name? 你姓什么?

38.My family name is Ayneswonth 我姓安尼思华斯。

39.How do you spell it? 怎么拼?

40.Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?

41.Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介绍给她吗?

42.Rose, let me introduce my friend to you 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。

43.This is Tom He’s my classmate 这是汤姆。我的同学。

44.Nice to meet you 很高兴认识你。

45.Nice to meet you, too 认识你我也很高兴。

46.Let me introduce myself 让我自我介绍一下。

47.How do you do? 你好!

48.What day is it today? 今天星期几?

49.It’s Monday today 今天是星期一。

50.What’s the date today? 今天是几号?


1.It’s January the th, 今天是年月日。

2.What month is this? 现在是几月?

3.It’s December 现在是十二月。

4.What year is this? 今年是哪一年?

5.It’s the year of 今年是年。

6.What will you do during this weekend? 这周末你干什么?

7.Does the shop open at am on weekdays? 这家店平日是早上点开门吗?

8.It opens at am on weekdays, but at at weekends平日上午点开,但周末点开。

9.What will you do the day after next? 后天你干什么?

10.What did you do the week before last? 上上星期你干了什么?

11.I’ll work for the next days 我要工作天(从明天算起)

12.It’s been years since I last saw you 我已年没见你了。

13.Do you have a computer? 你有计算机吗?

14.Yes, I do 是的,我有。

15.He has that book, doesn’t he? 他有那本书,是吗?

16.No, he doesn’t 不,他没有。

17.Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟或姐妹吗?

18.No, I’m a single son 没有,我是独生子。

19.Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?

20.Do you have shampoo here? 这儿有香波卖吗?

21.What a beautiful garden you have! 你的花园真漂亮。

22.Any tickets left? 有剩票吗?

23.Do you have glue? I need some here 你有胶水吗?我这里需要一点。

24.I have some left 我剩下一些。

25.If you have more, please give me some 如果你有多的,请给我。

26.Do you have my pencil? 你拿了我的铅笔吗?

27.Yes, I have your eraser, too 是的,我还拿了你的橡皮。

28.What time is it now? 现在几点?

29.It’s two o’clock 现在两点。

30.It’s a quarter past five 现在是五点一刻。

31.It’s ten minutes to four 现在差十分四点。

32.It’s half past nine 现在是九点半。

33.It’s one o’clock sharp 现在一点整。

34.It’s not four o’clock 还没到四点呢。

35.My watch says two o’clock 我的表是两点钟。

36.My watch is two minutes fast 我的表快了两分钟。

37.What’s the time by your watch? 你的表几点了?

38.We must arrive there on time 我们必须准时到那儿。

39.There are only two minutes left 只剩两分钟了。

40.Can you finish your work ahead of time? 你能提前完成工作吗?

41.The flight is delayed 飞机晚点起飞。

42.The meeting is put off 会议延期了。

43.What day is today? 今天星期几?

44.Today is Monday 今天星期一。

45.What’s the date today? 今天几号?

46.Today is May st 今天是五月二十一号。

47.When were you born? 你什么时候出生的?

48.I was born on September st, 我出生在年月日。

49.What time? 什么时候?

50.You name the time 你定时间吧。


1.I’ll meet you tomorrow 我们明天见面。

2.Do you know the exact date? 你知道确切日期吗?

3.Please check the date 请核实一下日期。

4.What were you doing this time last year? 去年这时候你在干什么?

5.How long will the sale last? 折价销售多久?

6.Only three days 仅三天。

7.I’ll be back in days 我五天之后回来。

8.Hello Can I see Mr Green? 你好,我能见格林先生吗?

9.Do you have an appointment? 你有预约吗?

10.Sorry, I don’t 对不起,我没有。

11.Yes At pm 是的,约的是下午点。

12.Sorry, Mr Green can’t see you now 对不起,格林先生现在不能见您。

13.He’s on the phone 他在打电话。

14.Would you wait here for a minute? 您能在这里等一下吗?

15.Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点什么吗?

16.Tea, please 我喝点茶吧。

17.Mr Green, Mr Smith is here 格林先生,史密斯先生在这里。

18.You may go in now 您可以进去了。

19.Nice to see you, my old friend 真高兴见到你,我的老朋友。

20.How have you been these years? 这些年你怎么样?

21.You’ve changed little 你一点也没变。

22.Do you still remember that Christmas? 你仍记得那个圣诞节吗?

23.Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?

24.Yes, a little 会讲一点。

25.How long have you studied English? 你学英语多久了?

26.He speaks English fluently 他讲英语很流利。

27.Your English is very good 你的英语很好。

28.You speak English pretty well 你的英语讲的很好。

29.Are you a native speaker of English? 你的母语是英语吗?

30.My native language is Chinese 我的母语是汉语。

31.He speaks with London accent 他带点伦敦口音。

32.He has a strong accent 他口音很重。

33.I have some difficulty in expressing myself 我表达起来有点困难。

34.I’m always confused with “s” and “th” 我常把s和th搞混。

35.Can you write in English? 你能用英文写文章吗?

36.Your pronunciation is excellent 你的发音很好。

37.How can I improve my spoken English? 我该怎样才能提高口语水平?

38.What are you doing? 你在干什么?

39.I’m reading a book 我在看书。

40.I’m cooking 我在做饭。

41.Are you watching TV now? 你在看电视吗?

42.Yes, I’m watching Channel 是的,我在看频道。

43.No, I’m listening to the radio 没有,我在听收音机。

44.Where are you going? 你去哪儿?

45.I’m going to work 我去上班。

46.Who are you writing to? 你在给谁写信?

47.I’m writing to an old friend 给一个老朋友。

48.What will you do this weekend? 这周末你将干什么?

49.I’ll go to a concert 我要去听音乐会。

50.I’ll go on an outing with some friends 我与朋友去郊游。


1.Walk along this road, and take the fourth turning on the left 沿着这条路走,在第四个路口向左拐。

2.Go on until you reach the end 一直走,直到你到达终点。

3.Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party I’d love to come

4.Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays

5.I like Chinese tea without anything in it 我喜欢中国的清茶,什么都不加。

6.Sooner or later you’ll find it somewhere 你迟早会在某个地方找到它的。

7.I keep a diary to help me remember things 我写日记以帮助自己记住事情。

8.He often asks policemen for help 他经常向警察求助。

9.You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor 直到看了医生你才能吃东西。

10.You’d better catch a bus 你最好去坐车。

11.Why don’t you make him a card? 你为什么不给他做张贺卡呢?(你还是给他做张贺卡吧!)

12.If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food and take more exercise如果你想减肥想更健康点的话,那你就必须少吃食物多锻炼。

13.Nobody taught her She taught herself 没有人教她。她是自学的。

14.Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air 许多家庭在露天吃晚餐。

15.Can I take a message for you? 我能为你带个口信吗。

16.Liu Mei is on her way to the cinema 刘梅正在往电影院去的路上。

17.You must look after yourself and keep healthy 你必须照顾好自己,保持健康。

18.It’s between the post office and the hospital 它在邮局和医院之间。

19.They have some problems getting there 他们想要到达那里是有一些困难的。

20.For example, Jim is short for James 例如,Jim就是James的昵称。(be short for是的缩写)

21.He does not want to do it any more 他不想再做那件事。

22.I make lots of telephone calls 我(经常)打许多的电话。

23.Good luck with your Chinese 祝你的汉语(学习)能有好运。

24.They both lost themselves in the beautiful music 他们都陶醉在优美的音乐中了。


26.I can’t leave my baby by herself 我不能把我小孩单独留下。


28.To his surprise, he found the girl was blind

29.You can keep these books for two weeks 这些书你可以借两个星期。

30.Don’t leave anything behind 别把东西落下了。

31.Help yourself to some soup 随便喝点汤吧。Help youself (请慢用;别客气。)

32.Last month we helped them with the rice harvest We really enjoyed working on the farm

33.I can’t find the key to my bike 我找不到我自行车的钥匙了。

34.Here is a card for you with our best wishes 送您一张卡片,表达我们最良好的祝愿。

35.She didn’t feel like eating anything 她不想吃任何东西。

36.Why not meet a little earlier? 为什么不早一些见面呢?

37.You can give him your best wishes 你可以向他致意。

38.I feel sorry for them 我为他们感到难过。

39.Half an hour later she woke up and began to cry 半小时后她醒过来然后开始哭了。

40.Jill often goes the wrong way常常走错路。

41.Let’s put our boat out of the water 让我们把船从水里拖上来。

42.Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?

43.Let’s make it half past nine 让我们把时间定在:吧。

44.Good luck to you 祝你好运。

45.East Lake has many different kinds of fishes 东湖有许多不同种类的鱼。

46.We’ll have a lot of fun Oh, I can’t wait! 我们将过得很开心。哦,我简直等不及了。

47.I am working hard on my exams 我在努力应对考试。

48.Thank you for making English fun! 谢谢你把英语课变得如此有趣!


50.We’d better catch a bus 我们最好乘公共汽车去。





















考研英语写作备考 循序渐进三步走2023-03-21

