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(1) the wrong professional I took a detour, society is another university

Speaking with the single, this is a very marginal work, the University can not be a professional can be said that the counterparts. English and foreign trade can be said to dip point side, so with me to do with the singular are strange professional, have to learn music, learn sports, history, medicine, but have a little ----- English is also decent.

In the junior year when I was determined not to Kaoyan, then began to prepare to get more certificates, assault for 2 months, made dozens of sets of questions to 63 points cost-effective to win the English 6 certificate, the green In fact, China is not the professional, the reason to say so, just want to explain how my professional is useless. My professional is “rice pathological repair and psychological counseling”.After graduating from 2 years, I Hunhunee to enter and leave in this industry, from the beginning of the 900 wages, to the last one of the 1200. When I left the northern city, the hands of the home is sent 500 I did not find a job for a month, I was crushed, I only understand one thing, I have to abandon the professional, I want to start again.

(2) with a single factory to teach me a lot, then do direct benefit from foreign trade

Rest at home for half a month, I bought a ticket south, I remember the dawn of the morning, the mother took the tears to send me to leave the train station.

At that time I considered a lot, to re-positioning itself.

I am not very smart people, from small to large, the results are very poor, college examinations are often linked to the teacher.

I am more shy personality, temper is more rigid, aversion to the mall on the deception and means (but unfortunately, people are now dealing with 10 every day there are five sentences are false).

I hope that relatively simple relationships, on their own ability to show themselves, after much deliberation, decided to do foreign trade. This is also the University of hard to learn English reasons. Although I did not even know what FOB CIF, to the gz, I found the side of the business is very pragmatic, the interview will look through your resume will come up with some papers, ask you to answer questions. . I immediately bought two books in the book city, a “Foreign Trade Practical English”, a “English job search” edge to find school, spent a month, and finally set down, is a scale of garment enterprises, wages Is 2k, for me very satisfied.

In fact, I do not say that foreign trade, but some far away in the Philippines or Vietnam, the Chinese people to help them follow up in the domestic orders. In order to avoid high quotas in Europe and America, then generally in the country to complete the various parts of clothing, and then packaged to the overseas Philippines or Vietnam or Cambodia, such as third-country assembly, (then I understand this thing, the businessPeople's minds praise is not easy, huh, huh, money and interests to promote the development of society, a good market economy, Oh) and then shipped to Europe and the United States. At that time I learned a lot, I have to go all the departments of the factory, large to the director of the office, a small warehouse manager, smaller to a machine from a province of a county flower girl, she may But was responsible for putting on a skirt zipper car, but I must see her in the past is done in accordance with the requirements.

At that time I learned the textile fabric is very professional stuff, and the clothing of the version of / cut / sewing / finishing, etc., small to silk / button / zipper / trademark / readily available, English is also leaps and bounds.


Now recalling internship, the past also vividly, there are sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and from the hearts of only the best taste of their own. But it is undeniable that these experiences will be rare in my life which accumulated wealth and experience. Graduation practice is every student must have a period of experience, it allows us to understand the society in practice, so that we learned a lot in the classroom did not learn the knowledge, but also opened the horizon, an increase of knowledge for our future further Society to lay a solid foundation, so this practice experience quite deep.

Into the company internship has been more than three months time, in this short period of time, there have been joy, excitement, have been distressed, there have been melancholy, bitter and sweet and sour have experienced and experienced, so I From a fledgling student, gradually into the community, familiar with the company's organizational structure, scope of business, personnel relations, corporate culture. In different positions on the exercise, with different master learning, not only opened up my eyes, but also accumulated a lot of business knowledge and improve the ability to work.

Daily work includes: the production of the contract, the production of instructions issued, the production of shipping advice, the production of bills of lading and invoices, check the documents, documents sent, the recovery of money; contact with customers in a timely manner, Mail, telephone or fax to provide customers with effective information (shipping advice, cargo transport conditions, etc.), according to the timely manner of trade reminder; timely communication with the sales manager, updated daily work sequence forms and spreadsheets, to sales The manager provides effective information (production schedule, customer picking up and payment, customer requirements), according to the idea of the sales manager to produce contracts and instructions; and documents confirm the certificate, and shipping confirm the shipment date, and freight forwarding to confirm the bill of lading. When the company took an order, the accounting need to review the single and the management of a single, in the next single, I have to check the various problems, such as the number of colors, etc., if each order is a different pattern, not the same fabric , Not the same process, we must take the customer's requirements in the production of a single write clearly. In the entire production process, if the accident can not meet customer needs, timely and leadership to reflect and find a suitable solution. The first step is to take orders with the single, the guests will be required to do a single system of products to us, and my job is based on rough information provided by customers through their own order to extract, to make a standardized format, which One step is critical, because the various departments of the job and no ready-made products can be used for reference, so many of the work can only rely on this system to complete.To do a better job with a single, I first start from the following aspects:

(A) familiar with the customer. Familiar with the customer's goods to the situation and its laws, such as a customer like to what kind of goods, what the specifications, what are the special requirements, etc., which are I do with the single must be familiar with and understand.

(B) a deep understanding of product knowledge. Only our better understanding of my products in order to more effectively work to reduce the number of low-level errors, such as how much the amount of leather loaded what specifications in a container can be installed in the number of boxes, as well as how to protect the container products, which Is that we must understand the basic common sense.

(3) contracts and directives. When I do the contract must be more communication with the sales manager, such as the customer to the goods of the specifications, weight, amount and timetable. To ensure correct and then sent to the customer in the past.

(4) in the confirmation of documents. I must understand the importance of documents to customers, a humble error to the customer there will be a very troublesome, or even directly affect the customer's normal delivery, it must also be accurate.

(E) in making a single, invoice. Get a certificate of origin when I can do single invoice, do a good job after the first put away, to the customer before the check every day to send documents several times, so that can be very effective rate of error reduction.


I, as a merchandiser, want to see themselves can be faster, more different types of orders to take over, you can with the whole process.And other members of the company to strengthen communication and understanding, to become a good Merchandiser. Two months of a pause there is no sound of the passage of time, at this time need to come back to sum up the occasion suddenly aware of the day of the rush. The following summary of my work as follows:

Two months of the grinding practice matrix, arguably, in the end is a sword or rust iron should be from these days bit by bit performance should be exposed to the shiny, but until now, I have no confidence in their own shiny luster - In the two months, I have 20 days in the workshop internship, familiar with the product, the second month, into the office familiar with the business process with a single.

Two months, I seriously comply with the company's rules and regulations, consciously and effectively completed their handling of everything. And to see and hear their new projects every day to summarize back to class.But also insist on writing a work diary (the guests responsible for their own list of the situation in a timely manner).

I have been in the day of things, the principles of doing that day, the things they are responsible for their own, more responsible for the company.After 20 days of workshop study, I can make a lot of conventional products produced by our company, can distinguish whether the product is qualified, know how to do products will look more beautiful (small skills). Workplace in the workshop summary, before I sum up each workshop on a way to some managers, and here do not do further summary.

Below I would like to summarize my study during the office. On the overall work experience, I was quite satisfied. But there are also some time, will feel a bit no sense of manipulation without head. Some things seem to be done, but the tail in the end how? Some things simply in the middle, it is fool to manipulate.

Work on the biggest shortcomings

1, has not really into the large family of Wenzhou Petty. For many other colleagues in the company's topic, not much understanding. This may be due to the relationship here just arrived, a lot of ideas can not keep up with their rhythm. But I have come to realize that this subtle relationship virtually. I believe I can make progress in the coming days.

2. The company's production operations do not know enough. Despite the current work of these bottlenecks, but I believe, as long as the persistence of learning, constantly sum up. I will certainly be able to make progress in the coming days.

I am at work on the harvest

1, in the preparatory EU delegation to come to the Division I is the process of inspection, I studied the various parts of the form of production;

2, the study of the erp system and the basic method of Manpower system;

3, familiar with the division of labor of the company. Although this period there have been more embarrassing situation, such as do not know their professional problems encountered should go to whom? But now can finally cope with;

I know that the performance of the above may not be able to let the leadership feel satisfied, frankly, I do not have much confidence in the process of doing business with a single piece of the manipulation process; But I firmly believe that they can in future work will be better, to ensure that leadership to meet.


11月中专毕业踏入aac至12月,分配从事于iqc原材料质量检验工作, iqc质检工作踏踏实实做了四年,深刻认知原材料/零部件的好坏对产品质量的关键性,从而磨练了我做任何事情都必须严谨,都需要全力投入认真仔细对待每件事,这也为我今后的工作岗位奠定了良好基础。

1月至8月,公司成立材料认定及标准化部门,负责修订aac零部件、辅的检验标准和通用规范的控制计划并监控其实施,组织和接受各项与材料认定有关的客户审核,制定与监控样品组工作的运作,确保公司零部件质量的提高,负责材料认定及标准化部门的日常工作。材料认定及标准化的工作兢兢业业做了三年半,在这过程中让我 学到了很多,可以说受益非浅,学会了如何应对跨部门间的工作沟通,做到及时反馈及时解决,处理工作中遇到的异常问题及同事间的争执,努力培养锻炼检验员的工作能力,协助上级领导完成各项工作。在这期间也从未放弃学习,利用业余时间学习充电,参加国家考试获取了大学专科学历。

07年8月后至11月材料认定部门与iqc重新合并,我被任留于新品质量部,负责零部件和成品的标准化,研究、验证及制订原材料漆包线、胶水的新测试方法及标准拟定,协助上级领导对产线不良品的分析及验证,帮助新品产线寻找并解决问题。 08年12月至今负责全员持续改善各项目的推进工作,全面负责推进“创意提案”、“改善小组”、优秀成果的现场推广、six sigma绿带项目及组织部各组项目的参与,追踪确保各项目的有效落实。在这期间也从未放弃学习,利用业余时间学习参加了国家质量工程师的考试。




1.1、“创意提案”项目的推进 推进员工参与“创意提案”总数3542份,有效提案2336份,追踪提案的落实2126份。推进提案项目关闭率91%。

1.2、持续改善小组项目的推进 推进员工自发“改善小组”共172组,有效课题133组,完成改善课题的小组共97组。推进小组结案率73%。

1.3、six sigma绿带项目的推进 推进6 sigma一期、二期绿带项目共68组,一期gb项目35组,完成项目28组,推进 项目关闭率80%,二期gb项目33组追踪正在改善中。 个人总结及感言:在aac工作已有十个春秋,这十年也是人生中最黄金最宝贵的时间我选择了aac,看着aac从原来的小型加工厂到今天的百强企业一步步强盛壮大地巨变,心里为自己在aac工作而感到无比的自豪和荣耀。推动aac全员参与持续改善尽管压力相当艰巨,推动的过程中也频繁遇到了各种各样的各种障碍,但我坚信心酸与成果总是并肩共存的,坚信自己用一颗热心+恒心+毅力一定能够将它做好,鼓励自己克服眼前一切困难、全力以赴尽自己最大限度地把工作做到最佳。 在今后的工作历程中,我会加倍努力,弥补工作中存在的不足及改进之处,运用创新的维和方法去面对今后的工作,加强各方面的知识培训不断充实完善自己,同时增强各方面的表达能力,与上下层保持密切的工作沟通。 怀有一颗感恩的心是做人的基本原则,感谢以往工作中许多领导、同事及朋友给予的鼓励和帮助!


国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 广州 身材: 160 cm  kg

婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 23 岁

培训认证: 诚信徽章:


人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 文秘/文员:文员、文秘、行政专员/助理:行政文员、助理、

工作年限: 3 职称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 1500-- 希望工作地区: 广州

个人工作经历: 公司名称: 汉和电子设备有限公司起止年月:-07 ~ -07

公司性质: 私营企业所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备

担任职务: 文员、QC

工作描述: 1:主要负责公司的产品的成本计价、产品维修计价、跟进零件货单等文档的管理及归类;




毕业院校: 广州市第一商业学校

最高学历: 中专 毕业日期: 2005-07-01

所学专业一: 电子商务 所学专业二:

受教育培训经历: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号

-09 2005-07 广州市第一商业学校 电子商务 电子商务员

2009-02 中山大学 物流管理


外语: 英语 一般

国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 精通


















国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 江西 身材: 165 cm?71 kg

婚姻状况: 已婚 年龄: 31 岁

培训认证: 诚信徽章:


人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 服装/纺织/皮革/制鞋类:跟单QC、跟单员(服装)、

工作年限: 5 职称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 广州


公司名称: 顺德鸿派服装有限公司起止年月:2008-05 ~ -09

公司性质: 所属行业:

担任职务: 跟单部 跟单

工作描述: 主要工作职责是在企业服务流程中,以客户定单为依据,跟踪产品运作流向并督促定单落实的专业人员。

离职原因: 寻求发展空间

公司名称: 广州德鑫服饰有限公司起止年月:-03 ~ 2008-04

公司性质: 所属行业:

担任职务: 质检部 QC

工作描述: QC即是英文QUALITY CONTROL的简称,中文意义是品质控制,其在ISO8402:1994的定义是“为达到品质要求所采取的技术和活动。有些推行ISO9000职能,担任这类工作的人员就叫做QC人员,相当于一般企业中的产品检验员,包括前期、中期和后终期检验员。

离职原因: 公司破产


毕业院校: 兴国县第一中学

最高学历: 高中 毕业日期: -07-01

所学专业一: 理科 所学专业二:


起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 专 业 获得证书 证书编号

1994-09 1997-07 兴国县第一中学 理科 优秀班干部


外语: 英语 一般

国语水平: 优秀 粤语水平: 良好













目前所在: 顺德区 年 龄: 31

户口所在: 湖南 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族

身 高: 168 cm

体 重: 65 kg


人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 质量管理/测试(QA/QC)-经理/主管

工作年限: 8 职 称: 中级

求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: ~3499元 希望工作地区: 佛山,顺德区,


**公司 起止年月:-06 ~ -06

公司性质: 外商独资 所属行业:贸易/进出口

担任职位: QC

工作描述: 到供应商工厂去检验我们的'产品(我们的产品主要是户外家具)

离职原因: 付出与收入不相等

**公司 起止年月:-08 ~ 2007-06

公司性质: 民营企业 所属行业:家具/家电/工艺品/玩具/珠宝

担任职位: QA

工作描述: 从事消毒柜、五金烧烤炉产品的检验工作。

离职原因: 付出与收入不相等


毕业院校: 郴州市湘南技工学校

最高学历: 中专 获得学位: 毕业日期: -06

专 业 一: 电子电工基础 专 业 二:

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

-09 -06 资兴市一中读书 高中


外语: 英语 一般 粤语水平: 精通

其它外语能力: 正在自学

国语水平: 精通















(1) the wrong professional I took a detour, society is another university

Speaking with the single, this is a very marginal work, the University can not be a professional can be said that the counterparts. English and foreign trade can be said to dip point side, so with me to do with the singular are strange professional, have to learn music, learn sports, history, medicine, but have a little ----- English is also decent.

In the junior year when I was determined not to Kaoyan, then began to prepare to get more certificates, assault for 2 months, made dozens of sets of questions to 63 points cost-effective to win the English 6 certificate, the green In fact, China is not the professional, the reason to say so, just want to explain how my professional is useless. My professional is “rice pathological repair and psychological counseling”.After graduating from 2 years, I Hunhunee to enter and leave in this industry, from the beginning of the 900 wages, to the last one of the 1200. When I left the northern city, the hands of the home is sent 500 I did not find a job for a month, I was crushed, I only understand one thing, I have to abandon the professional, I want to start again.

(2) with a single factory to teach me a lot, then do direct benefit from foreign trade

Rest at home for half a month, I bought a ticket south, I remember the dawn of the morning, the mother took the tears to send me to leave the train station.

At that time I considered a lot, to re-positioning itself.

I am not very smart people, from small to large, the results are very poor, college examinations are often linked to the teacher.

I am more shy personality, temper is more rigid, aversion to the mall on the deception and means (but unfortunately, people are now dealing with 10 every day there are five sentences are false).

I hope that relatively simple relationships, on their own ability to show themselves, after much deliberation, decided to do foreign trade. This is also the University of hard to learn English reasons. Although I did not even know what FOB CIF, to the gz, I found the side of the business is very pragmatic, the interview will look through your resume will come up with some papers, ask you to answer questions. . I immediately bought two books in the book city, a “Foreign Trade Practical English”, a “English job search” edge to find school, spent a month, and finally set down, is a scale of garment enterprises, wages Is 2k, for me very satisfied.

In fact, I do not say that foreign trade, but some far away in the Philippines or Vietnam, the Chinese people to help them follow up in the domestic orders. In order to avoid high quotas in Europe and America, then generally in the country to complete the various parts of clothing, and then packaged to the overseas Philippines or Vietnam or Cambodia, such as third-country assembly, (then I understand this thing, the businessPeoples minds praise is not easy, huh, huh, money and interests to promote the development of society, a good market economy, Oh) and then shipped to Europe and the United States. At that time I learned a lot, I have to go all the departments of the factory, large to the director of the office, a small warehouse manager, smaller to a machine from a province of a county flower girl, she may But was responsible for putting on a skirt zipper car, but I must see her in the past is done in accordance with the requirements.

At that time I learned the textile fabric is very professional stuff, and the clothing of the version of / cut / sewing / finishing, etc., small to silk / button / zipper / trademark / readily available, English is also leaps and bounds.






IPQC(InPut ProceQuality Control)中文意思为制程控制,是指产品从物料投入生产到产品最终包装过程的品质控制。 (属品质保证部)




JQE:即英文Joint Qualit Engineer 的简称, 中文意思是品质工程师或客户端工程师,或客户端品质工程师,即供应商花钱雇用的为客户工作的品质工程师,是客户SQE的眼睛和耳朵。

iDQA:即英文Design Quality Assurance 的`简称, 中文意思是设计品质保证,如DQA经理(设计品质认证经理)。

SQE:即英文Supplier Quality Engineer 的简称, 中文意思是供应商品质工程师。

DQC:即英文Design Quality Control 的简称, 中文意思是设计品质控制。

MQC:即英文Manufactor Quality Control 的简称, 中文意思是制程品保。

FQC :制造过程最终检查验证(最终品质管制, Final Quality Control), 亦称为制程完成品检查验证 (成品品质管制, Finish Quality Control)。

FQC 是在产品完成所有制程或工序后,对于产品「本身」的品质状况,包括:外观检验(颜色、光泽、粗糙度、毛边、是否有刮伤)、尺寸/ 孔径的量测、性能测试(材料的物理/化学特性、电气特性、机械特性、操作控制),进行全面且最後一次的检验与测试,目的在确保产品符合出货规格要求,甚至符合客户使用上的要求(Fitnefor Requirement)。

OQC:Outgoing Quality Control, 出货品质稽核/出货品质检验/ (出货品质管制)


2.OQC即是产品出货前的品质检验/品质稽核及管制,主要针对出货品的包装状态、防撞材料、产品识别/ 安全标示、配件(Accessory Kits)、使用手册/ 保证书、附加软体光碟、产品性能检测报告、外箱标签等,做一全面性的查核确认,以确保客户收货时和约定内容符合一致,以完全达标的方式出货。

3.经由OQC所发现之不合格品的处理,依据不合格状况的不同,可能回到制程前段或是半成品阶段进行返工或修理,之后再通过OQC重新检测一次。若产品发生无法返工或修理的品质缺陷,就会被直接报废,计入生产耗损的成本项目内;或被降级(降低品级,Down Grade)处理,销售给品质要求较低的客层。

4.有些厂商的「出货品管」,会对准备出货的产品再进行一次品质管制的抽检活动,则此一阶段的品检着重的是「抽样检查」,而跟FQC 阶段的「全部检查」有所不同。当然,对高单价或高品级的产品,在OQC阶段对产品的整体状况(主体产品本身、配件、使用手册& 保证奢书、标示标签、包装等)再次进行全检(100% 全数检验)亦有其必要性。






















