2b or not 2b to be or not to be
4ever forever
a/s/l age/sex/location
afaic as far as i'm concerned
afaik as far as i know
afk away from keyboard
aiamu and i'm a monkey's uncle
aisi as i see it
aka also known as
ambw all my best wishes
anfawfows and now for a word word from our web sponsor
aots all of the sudden
asafp as soon as “friggin” possible
asap as soon as possible
atst at the same time
awgthtgtta are we going to have to go through this again
awgthtgttsa are we going to have to go through this sh** again
aysos are you stupid or something
b4 before
b4n bye for now
bbfbbm body by fisher, brains by mattel
bbiab be back in a bit
bbiaf be back in a few
bbl be back later
bbn bye bye now
bcnu be seein' you
bfd big f***ing deal
bfn bye for now
bhof bald headed old fart
bif basis in fact
bitd back in the day
bm byte me
bmota byte me on the ass
bnf big name fan
bohica bend over here it comes again
br bathroom
brb be right back
brt be right there
bs big smile
bt byte this
btdt been there done that
btsoom beats the sh** out of me
btw by the way
btwbo be there with bells on
bwdik but what do i know?
bwo black, white or other
ciao goodbye (in italian)
cid consider it done
cio check it out
cis compuserve information service
cmf count my fingers
cof$ church of scientology
craft can't remember a f***ing thing
craws can't remember anything worth a sh**
csl can't stop laughing
ctc choaking the chicken
cul8r see you later
cwyl chat with you later
cya cover your ass
cyl see you later
dbeyr don't believe everything you read
dd due diligence
ddd direct distance dial
deti don't even think it
dgt don't go there
dhyb don't hold your breath
dilligad do i look like i give a damn
dilligas do i look like i give a sh**
dkdc don't know don't care
dltm don't lie to me
dqydj don't quit you're day job
drib don't read if busy
dystsott did you see the size of that thing
eg evil grin
eom end of message
eso equipment smarter than operator
f2f face-to-face
fbks failure between keyboard and seat
fe fatal error
ff&pn fresh fields and pastures new
fo f*** off
foaf friend of a friend
ftasb faster than a speeding bullet
ftl faster than light
fttb for the time being
fubar f***ed up beyond all recognition
fubb f***ed up beyond belief
fud (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and disinformation
fwiw for what it's worth
fya for your amusement
fyi for your information
fym for your misinformation
gal get a life
gg good game or gotta go
gigo garbage in, garbage out
giwist gee, i wish i'd said that
gl good luck
glyasdi god loves you and so do i
gmta great minds think alike
gnblfy got nothing but love for you
gr&d grinning running and ducking
gr8 great
grrrr “growling”
gsoas go sit on a snake
gtg got to go
gtgb got to go, bye
gtgp got to go pee
gth go to hell
gtsy glad to see ya
gypo get your pants off
hago have a good one
hak hugs and kisses
hb hurry back
hd hold
hho1/2k ha ha, only half kidding
hhok ha ha, only kidding
hiooc help! i'm out of coffee
hth hope this (that) helps
hua heads up ace
huya head up your a**
iac in any case
iae in any event
ianac i am not a crook
ianal i am not a lawyer
ibt in between technology
ibtd i beg to differ
ic in character
idgaf i don't give a f***
idgi i don't get it
idk i don't know
idky i don't know you
idst i didn't say that
idts i don't think so
ifab i found a bug
ifu i f***ed up
iggp i gotta go pee
iiio intel inside, idiot outside
iimad if it makes an(y) difference
iirc if i remember correctly
iiwm if it were me
iliciscomk i laughed, i cried, i spat/spilt coffee/crumbs/coke
on my keyboard
ily i love you
imho in my humble opinion
imnsho in my not so humble opinion
imo in my opinion
inmp it's not my problem
inpo in no particular order
ioh i'm outta here
iow in other words
irl in real life
iss i said so
itm in the money
iykwim if you know what i mean
iyss if you say so
j/c just checking
j/k just kidding!
j/w just wondering
jafo just another f***ing onlooker
kfy kiss for you
kiss keep it simple stupid
kit keep in touch
kma kiss my ass
kwim know what i mean
kypo keep your pants on
l8r later
ld long distance
ldttwa let's do the time warp again
llta lots and lots of thunderous applause
lmao laughing my ass off
lmk let me know
lol laughing out loud -or- lots of luck (or love)
ltic laughing 'til i cry
ltns long time no see
lyl love ya lots
lylas love you like a sister
mhoty my hat's off to you
mm market maker
morf male or female?
motd message of the day
motss members of the same sex
mtfbwy may the force be with you
mwbrl more will be revealed later
myob mind your own business
nak nursing at keyboard
naz name, address, zip (also means nasdaq)
nbd no big deal
nbif no basis in fact
nfi no f***ing idea
nfw no f***ing way
nifoc nude in front of the computer
nm never mind
nmp not my problem
noyb none of your business
np no problem
nqocd not quite our class dear
nrg energy
nrn no reply necessary
nycfs new york city finger saluet
oaus on an unrelated subject
obtw oh by the way
oic oh, i see
omdb over my dead body
omg oh my gosh
omik open mouth, insert keyboard
onna oh no, not again
ooc out of character
ootb out of the box -or- out of the blue
ot off topic
otoh on the other hand
owtte or words to that effect
oz stands for “australia”
pebcak problem exists between chair and keyboard
pimp peeing in my pants
pita pain in the ass
pls please
pmfji pardon me for jumping in
po piss off
pov point of view
rbtl read between the lines
rl real life
rlf real life friend
rmlb read my lips baby
rmmm read my mail man!
rn right now!
rotfl rolling on the floor laughing
rotflmao rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
rotm right on the money
rsn real soon now
rtfm read the f***ing manual
rtk return to keyboard
rtm read the manual
ru are you?
sbta sorry, being thick again
sh sh** happens
sitd still in the dark
snafu situation normal, all f***ed up
sol sh** out of luck
sorg straight or gay?
ssdd same sh** different day
stfu shut the f*** up
stm spank the monkey
stys speak to you soon
suyf shut up you fool
swag scientific wild ass guess
swak sent (or sealed) with a kiss
swdyt so what do you think?
tah take a hike
tanstaafl there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
tarfu things are really f***ed up
tdtm talk dirty to me
teotwawki the end of the world as we know it
tfn thanks for nothin'
thx or tx or thks thanks
tia thanks in advance
tiail think i am in love
tic tongue in cheek
tla three letter acronym
tlgo the list goes on
tm trust me
tmi too much information
tmtowtdi there's more than one way to do it
tptb the powers that be
tsr totally stuck in ram
ttfn ta ta for now
ttt that's the ticket -or- to the top
ttyl talk to you later
twhab this won't hurt a bit
ty thank you
tyvm thank you very much
unpc unpolitically correct
uryy4m you are too wise for me
vfm value for money
wag wild ass guess
wai what an idiot
wb welcome back
wca who cares anyway
wdys what did you say?
wdyt what do you think?
we whatever
weg wicked evil grin
wg wicked grin
wgaff who gives a flying f***
wiifm what's in it for me?
wit wordsmith in training
witfits what in the f*** is this sh**
wog wise old guy
wrt with regard to
wtf what the f***
wtg way to go!
wtsds where the sun don't shine
wyp what's your problem?
wyrn what's your real name?
wys whatever you say
wysiwyg what you see is what you get
wyt whatever you think
ya yet another
ya yaya yet another ya-ya (as in yo-yo)
yafiygi you asked for it you got it
ydkm you don't know me
ygbk you gotta be kiddin'
ymmv your mileage may vary
ynk you never know
yoyo you're on your own
yr yeah right
ysyd yeah, sure you do
yttt you telling the truth?
yyssw yeah yeah sure sure whatever
asap as soon as possible 尽快
bf boyfriend 男朋友
btw by the way 随便说一下
bbl be back later 稍后回来
brb be right back 很快回来
cu see you 再见
cul see you later 下次再会
diik damned if i known 我真的不知道
ds dunce smiley 笨伯
fe for example 举例
ftf face to face 面对面
fyi for your information 供参考
gf girlfriend 女朋友
iae in any event 无论如何
ic i see 我明白
ily i love you 我爱你
imho in my humble opinion 依愚人之见
imo in my opinion 依我所见
iow in other words 换句话说
lol laughing out loudly 大声笑
nrn no reply necessary 不必回信
oic oh, i see 哦,我知道
pem privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件
rsvp reply if you please 请答复
tia thanks in advance 十分感谢
ttul talk to you later 以后再讲
ty thank you 谢谢
vg very good 很好
wrt with respect to 关于
wymm will you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗
student: drew.do you like going to parties?
teacher:yes .my friends say i'm a real party animal.
student:what's the party like in your country?
teacher: well,you know,cause beer is very expensive in canada.we always bring our own beer. it's called byob party,and we play drinking games,sometimes it's really crazy.
student:what do you do at parties, drinking?
teacher:yeah,we drink, dance, pick up hot chicks and have fun.
学生:hot chick是什么意思?
student:hot chic
teacher:that means beautiful girls.
student:are there lots of parties on campus?
teacher:yeah.we would party after exams.you know we need to relax. so we hit the bars.
老师:噢,hit在这里不是指打的意思,hit the bar表示我们列一张酒吧的单子,然后挨个去逛。
teacher:oh! hit the bars doesn't mean we hit them.it means we make a list of bars and go around them.
student:oh. thanks.
teacher:you're welcome.
1.byob是英语bring your own beer的首字母缩写。由于国外的酒很贵(4到5美元或加元),因此人们会自带酒水,在国外外时可要当心,别轻易向别人要烟或酒,弄不好就会被别人当成social smoker或social drinker,就是那些自己不带烟或不买酒,却总是向别人要的那种人。
2.drinking games,国外的drinking games和国内可不一样,有一种游戏是互相问问题,不管多尴尬都要回答,甚至有人会问你:who did you sleep with last night?
3.pick up hot chicks中文的直译是泡妞。hot chicks是男孩对女孩的称呼,尤其是漂亮女孩儿。男孩儿们更常说的是“let's go to the bar and pick up some hot chicks。”绝对地道。
4.hit the bars不要被hit这个词迷惑,hit the bar在这里就是指去泡吧,hit就是go to的意思。另外还有几个跟hit有关的用法,也很常用,比如hit the road表示let's go. hit the book表示let's study. hit the sack表示go to bed.
5.party animal表示聚会迷,需要注意的是animal表达这种含义时,仅用于这种情况,千万别自创出什么movie animal来,那就出笑话了.
作 者:张秀芳 作者单位:开封大学公共外语教研部 刊 名:内江科技 英文刊名:NEI JIANG KE JI 年,卷(期): 28(10) 分类号:H3 关键词:网络聊天 英语 缩略语篇5:聊天打招呼用语
1. 工作要像吹气球,给自己鼓气;生活要像拍篮球,给自己弹性;健康,要像打台球,给自己定位。朋友,愿你幸福快乐!
2. 这是“快乐”牌短信,独家制作,质量上乘,具有驱愁解乏延年益寿消病去灾招财进宝之功效。一人收到,全家幸福。
3. 炎炎夏日,买台空调送你,太贵!搬座雪山给你,不会!请你海吃一顿,伤胃!请你旅游一回,怕累;送你一支玫瑰,误会!只好短信祝福你,实惠!
5. ^o^提示:你已被变形金刚包围,让大黄蜂植入快乐,让擎天柱装备幸福,让威震天清除烦恼,让霸天虎消灭忧愁,并决定将你放逐到永远幸福快乐的星球!
6. 听说想念能让人温暖,我就一直想念你;传说叨念能让人温暖,我就一直叨念你;听说祝福能让人温暖,我就一直祝福你。我相信了种种,只是希望在这寒冷季节能送你多一度的温暖!朋友,你感觉到温暖了没?
7. 短短短短短短短,我的短信特别短,长长长长长长长,我的思念特别长!一句问候赛过千言万语,祝你生活美美美,幸福久久久!
8. 别说话,留住那一口热气,心里更暖些;仔细读,把握每个字眼,享受更好些;慢慢看,品味这深刻友情,体会更多些;好好想,回忆我这好朋友,感触更深些。天冷保暖,谨防感冒,友情牵挂,问候如常。
9. 短信两句真挺少,三句四句还恰好,十句八句太吵闹,再多已经成烦恼,此条短信刚刚好,三句问候齐来到:冬来天渐凉,身体保护好,身体健康妙!
10. “马上有车”“马上有房子”“马上有钱”“马上有对象”……咱有点追求好不好?看我的,马上有碗:帅男萌妹子房子Money绿卡,通通都到碗里来。什么除夕上班雾霾天气地铁涨价延迟退休……“马上拜拜”!
1. 为什么猩猩鼻孔大?因为它手指头很粗……
2. 不要让人轻易得到你,不然你会很容易被忘记。
3. 天空中最微弱的星 也有********最美的灿烂 ……
4. 青春就像蒲公英,看似自由,却身不由己。
5. 以后,我要拍一部【那些年,我们这些没人追的女孩】,我就不信不红……
6. 昨天参加市里的放鸽子比赛、结果就我一个人去了……
7. 全校停水俩天,第二天我发现班里好多女生我都不认识了。
8. 小葵花妈妈课堂开课了,孩子咳嗽老不好,多半是废了。
9. 在东北, 有一种运动叫滚犊子……
10. 非诚勿扰女嘉宾再牛也就灭一个男的的灯,宿舍楼下阿姨能灭一整楼的!!!
1. 天气变凉了,想你的念头变强了,走路一不小心撞墙了;天气变凉了,想你想得小脸蜡黄了,一度相思成营养不良了;天气变凉了,想你的节奏堪比北大荒了,一不见你小心脏就哇凉哇凉的了。天气变凉了,就是想你了,记得照顾好自己哦!
2. 我实在太嫉妒你了,知道为什么吗?你居然能有我这样的朋友,不是节日生日,还能够记得你,发个短信愿你开心快乐!认命吧,你会被我嫉妒一辈子!
3. 我想你了,可我不能对你说,就像开满梨花的树上,永远不可能结出苹果。我想你了,可我不能对你说,就像高挂天边的彩虹,永远无人能够触摸。我想你了,可我不能对你说,就像火车的轨道,永远不会有轮船驶过。我想你了,可我,真的不能对你说,怕只怕,说了,这个夏天你也不能好好过,那我就发条短信,告诉你,我想你了!
4. 这条短信经过了强光辐射,烈日炙烤,狂风席卷,雷电袭击,蚊虫叮咬,雨水冲刷,终于抵达你手机,对你说:天天快乐,捂着肚子乐,蒙着被子乐,流着鼻涕乐,对天哈哈乐,喝水咕咕乐,想到我就乐,不乐也得乐,健康又快乐!
5. 酷暑盼天凉,心慌慌,梦长长。年年相似,避暑却无方。阳光暴晒眼茫茫,看不清,汗千行。夜来蚊子又疯狂,拍巴掌,俱受伤。红包满身清晨仍赖床,待到日上三竿时,天昏黄,手脚忙。夏来天气炎热,但愿我的问候带给你丝丝清凉,让心情快乐清爽!
6. 我不是随便的人!但随便起来就不是人!
7. 小时侯,家里很穷,没钱买自行车,我只好每天打的上学。初中的时候,因为我成绩太突出,学校领导留我多读了两年。初中毕业后,高中的校长觉得我很有前途,就多收了我三万。高三的时候,班主任认为我已经有独立生存的能力,于是让我退了学。
8. 某鲜花店的广告:今日本店的玫瑰售价最为低廉,甚至可以买几朵送给太太。
9. 我和超人的唯一区别是把内裤穿在里面了!
10. 避孕的效果:不成功,便成人!
11. 人的一生就像在拉屎,有时侯你已经很努力了,可出来的只是一个屁。
12. 虽然你是暴牙!别自悲,暴牙很好!暴牙可以刨地瓜,下雨可以遮下巴,喝茶可以隔茶渣,野餐可以当刀叉,你说暴牙是不是顶呱呱!
13. 家庭顺治、生活康熙、人品雍正、事业乾隆、万事嘉庆、前途道光、财富咸丰、内外同治、千秋光绪、万众宣统!
14. 我是一颗葱,站在风雨中,谁敢拿我沾大酱,X他老祖宗!走过南,闯过北,厕所后面喝过水,火车道上压过腿,还和傻子亲过嘴。上过山、打过虎,少林寺里练过武,左青龙,右白虎,常拿克林顿当二百五,还拿释迦摩尼喂老虎!金字塔上跳过舞,耶稣头上打过鼓.
15. 我身在江湖,江湖却没有关于我的传说!
16. 关于丁字裤:以前,脱下内裤看屁股;现在,拔开屁股看内裤……
17. 走别人的路,让别人无路可走!
18. 我就像一只趴在玻璃上的苍蝇,前途一片光明,而我却找不到出路。
19. 浑人落魄江湖行,东西南北分不清。撞到墙角浑不觉,躺在地上数星星!
20. 听说女人如衣服,兄弟如手足。回想起來,我竟然七手八脚的裸奔了好多年!