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Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 - October 5, ), was born in San Francisco, California, USA inventor, entrepreneur, co-founder of Apple.

On April 1, 1976, Jobs signed a contract to decide to set up a computer company. In April 1977, Steve Jobs demonstrated the Apple II prototype at the first American computer show. Apple launched iMac, innovative shell color transparent design makes the product sold, and let Apple through the financial crisis. August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs to Apple's board of directors to submit a resignation application.

Steve Jobs is considered a symbol of the computer industry and entertainment industry, he experienced a few decades of Apple's ups and downs and ups and downs, has led and launched the Macintosh computer (Macintosh), iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad and other popular in the world Of the electronic products, profoundly changed the modern communication, entertainment, lifestyle. Steve Jobs is also the former chairman and chief executive officer of Pixar Animation.

October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs suffered from pancreatic cancer died at the age of 56 years.


Early experience

February 24, 1955, Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco. Just born to be abandoned by their parents. Fortunately, Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs - a nice couple married him.

Jobs live in the United States, “Silicon Valley” near the neighbors are HP's staff. Under the influence of these people, Steve Jobs childhood fascinated by electronics. A Hewlett-Packard engineer watched him so obsessed and recommended him to join Hewlett-Packard's “Discovery Club”, a party dedicated to young engineers, held every Tuesday night in the company's restaurant. In a party, Steve Jobs first saw the computer, he began to have a hazy understanding of the computer.

On junior high school, Steve Jobs met with Steve Wozniak at a classmate party. Steve Wozniak is the president of the school's electronic club and has a lot of interest in electronics.

19 years old, Jobs only read a semester because of economic factors and leave school, as Asturias video game company a staff member. Live in the garage of the Walsh home, often go to the community college to attend calligraphy classes and other courses. In August 1974 the most hot season of the South Asian subcontinent, he came to the Indian pilgrimage.

Jobs side to work, while often together with Wozniak, in their own small garage pondering the computer. They dreamed of having their own computers, but they were commercially available at the time and were bulky and extremely expensive, so they were prepared to develop their own. In 1976, at the San Francisco Wisconsin Computer Products Fair bought the 6502 chip, with 6502 chips, two young people in the garage of Jobs home installed the first computer.

Jobs to raise the funds for mass production, sold his own Volkswagen brand car, while Wards also sold his HP 65 calculator. So they got $ 1,300.

April 1, 1976, Jobs, Wards and Steve Jobs's friend Long Wayne signed a contract to decide to set up a computer company. Subsequently, 21-year-old Steve Jobs and 26-year-old Steve Wozniak in his own car room set up an Apple company. The company's name is set by Steve Jobs. And their homemade computer was chased as “Apple I” computer.

Early development

Apple was founded early, “Apple” machine business is light. July 1976, a chance to “Apple” company brought a turn for the better. Retailer Paul Jay Terrell came to the garage of Steve Jobs, after reading the computer demo, decided to order 50 machine, which is made the first business.

After the “Apple” company began a small batch production. In October 1976, Malkula came to visit Wards and their garage workshops. Marcula is an electrical engineer, good at selling, he took the initiative to help them develop a business plan, to give them a loan of $ 690,000, with this money, “Apple” company's development speed greatly accelerated.

In April 1977, Steve Jobs demonstrated the Apple II prototype at the first American computer show.

December 12, 1980, Apple's stock market, in less than an hour, 4.6 million shares were all sold out, the day to $ 29 per share. At this closing price, Apple executives have four billionaires and more than 40 millionaires. Jobs as the founder of the company ranked first.

In 1983, Lisa database and Apple Iie released, priced at $ 9998 and $ 1395. But Lisa's expensive price is not much market, and Lisa has embezzled a lot of Apple R & D funding.

As Steve Jobs business philosophy and most of the management staff was different, with IBM launched a personal computer, to seize the large market, the general manager and the directors put the failure to blame the chairman of Steve Jobs, in April 1985 by the board resolution revoked His business power. Jobs several times to regain the power were unsuccessful, then in September 17, 1985 to leave Apple.

Independent period

After Apple's resignation, in 1986, Jobs spent $ 10 million from George Lucas in the hands of Lucasfilm's Emeryville, Calif.-based computer animation studio, and the establishment of an independent company Pixar animation studio. After the company became known as the 3D computer animation company, and in 1995 launched the world's first full 3D 3D animated film “Toy Story”. The company was acquired by Disney in , and Jobs became the biggest personal shareholder of Disney.

Return to apples

In , Apple's business in a dilemma, its market share from the peak of 16% fell to 4%. Correspondingly, Jobs is “Toy Story” and fame, personal worth of $ 1 billion. But Steve Jobs is still back in the crisis of Apple, came back after Steve Jobs drastic reform, to stop the unreasonable R & D and production, the end of Microsoft and Apple for many years of patent disputes, and began to develop new products iMac and OS X operating system.

The period of reform

1997 Apple launched iMac, innovative shell color transparent design makes the product sold, and let Apple through the financial crisis. Apple then launched the Mac OS X operating system.

technology stocks bubble, Steve Jobs has proposed the PC as a “digital center” advanced concepts, and has developed iTunes and iPod, but also began to open stores in prime locations and a great success. Followed by Apple TV and iTunes Store and a series of products by the market's praise and recognition.

June 29, , Apple has launched its own design iPhone, using the iOS system, then released a new generation of iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS.

June 8, and released the fourth generation of products iPhone 4, each listing have attracted the world's great madness and sales boom.

In addition to the iPhone series, the release of the iOS system using the iPad Tablet PC, which is not everyone optimistic about the product, and finally achieved great success.

Announced his resignation

August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs to Apple's board of directors to submit a resignation application. He is also in the resignation letter suggested by the chief operating officer Tim Cook to take over his position. Jobs said in his resignation letter, he can not continue to serve as chief executive, but he is willing to serve as chairman of the company, director or general staff. Apple shares are suspended after trading. Jobs did not specify the reasons for his resignation, but he has been fighting with pancreatic cancer.

On August 25, 2011, Apple announced his resignation and took effect immediately, with the post taken by Tim Cook. At the same time Apple announced the appointment of Steve Jobs as chairman of the company, Tim Cook as CEO.


Beijing time on October 6, 2011, Apple's board of directors announced the former chief executive Steve Jobs in the local time on October 5 died, 56 years old, the funeral was held on October 7.



英文名:steve jobs






史蒂夫·乔布斯(steve jobs)生于1955年。1972年高中毕业后,在波兰的一所大学中只念了一学期的书。1974年乔布斯在一家公司找到设计电脑游戏的工作。两年后,时年21岁的乔布斯和26岁的沃兹尼艾克在乔布斯家的车库里成立了苹果电脑公司。他们开发的苹果ii具有4k内存,用户使用他们的电视机作为显示器,这就是第一台在市场上进行销售的个人电脑。

1980年11月,苹果股票上升至每股22美金,乔布斯和沃兹尼艾克一夜之间变为百万富翁。1986年乔布斯买下了数字动画公司pixar。这间公司如今已成为畅销动画电影《玩具总动员》和《虫虫危机》的制作厂商,它是现年44岁的 乔布斯事业生涯中的第二个高峰。

,苹果公司重新雇佣乔布斯作为其兼职顾问。此时苹果经历了高层领导的不断更迭和经营不善之后,其营运情况每况愈下,财务收入开始萎缩。9月,乔布斯重返该公司任首席执行官,他对奄奄一息的苹果公司进行大刀阔斧的公司改组和一连串新产品降价促销的措施。终于在98第四个财政季度创造了一亿零九百万美元的利润,让“苹果”重新“红”了起来。目前苹果最热门的产品是最近上市的imac。这个 all-in-one多媒体电脑机身湛蓝透明,据苹果公司统计,imac订单已高达15万份。



乔布斯有着火爆的管理风格,很多苹果职员多半不敢和他同乘电梯,唯恐电梯未坐完即被炒鱿鱼。但年届中年的他现在的性情已圆融了许多。他说:“我告诉你一个能够改变你看问题的方法的例子。 一旦你有了孩子,就会自然而然地意识到每个人都是父母所生,应该有人像爱自己的孩子那样爱他们,这听起来并不深奥,但是许多人忽略了这一点。所以现在对我而言,解雇苹果公司的员工要比以前痛苦得多,但我没有办法,这是我的工作。我设身处地地想象他们回到家中告诉妻子儿女自己被雇的情景,我从来没有像现在这样感情用事过。”家庭美满或许是乔布斯事业成功的另一个原因。

乔布斯过去花许多时间寻找能够产生新产品的技术,但是现在由于工作的原因,不可能作深入的研究。他说有时在临睡前,会冒出一些平时想不到的点子。 他在因特网的六个新闻站点上登记注册,每天能收到大约300份电子邮件,一些素不相识的人在里面大谈他们的新构想。


现在苹果公司的经营目标是成为计算机行业的“索尼”。苹果公司是唯一既搞硬件又搞软件,生产全套产品的个人电脑公司。这就意味着苹果公司能够推出更容易使用的系统,这是公司争取消费者的可靠资本。乔布斯表示技术不是最困难的,困难的是如何确定产品和目标消费者。 除了电子、技术和生产能力外,你还必须有很强的市场营销能力。专家认为,虽然苹果的盈余与过去相比大有改善,但面对类似微软和康柏等强劲的竞争对手苹果仍需步步为营才不致再遭失败。





(Steve Jobs,1955年2月24日—10月5日[2] ),出生于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,美国发明家、企业家、美国苹果公司联合创办人。

1976年4月1日,乔布斯签署了一份合同,决定成立一家电脑公司。 1977年4月,乔布斯在美国第一次计算机展览会展示了苹果Ⅱ号样机。19苹果推出iMac,创新的外壳颜色透明设计使得产品大卖,并让苹果度过财政危机。 208月24日,史蒂夫·乔布斯向苹果董事会提交辞职申请。














乔布斯没有使用关注焦点人群的方案,相反,他告诉消费者,让消费者说出他们的需求。对此,市场研究机构Yankee Group的消费者研究部门负责人卡尔·霍威(Carl Howe)表示:苹果在了解用户需求方面表现很好。




常春藤联盟(Ivy League)的毕业生并非能够运营公司的唯一人选。乔布斯曾经宣称:能够让Macintosh成为伟大产品的部分因素就得益于从事此产品相关的工作人员都是音乐家、诗人以及艺





简单就是快乐。苹果的设计师乔纳森·艾维(Jonathan Ives)对此战略证实称:苹果绝对是努力研发简单的应用方案,因为人们喜欢简单明了。











1. We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.

2. You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.

3. Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.

4. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

5. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.…Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

6. If you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.

7. Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.

8. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

9. Each lesson might be difficult to integrate into your life at first, but if you ease your way into each lesson, one at a time, you’ll notice an immediate improvement in your overall performance. So go ahead, give them a try.


1. Are you tired of living someone else's dream? No doubt, it's your life and you have every right to spend it in your own individual way without any hurdles or barriers from others. Give yourself a chance to nurture your creative qualities in a fear-free and pressure-free climate. Live a life that YOU choose and be your own boss.

2. It is the kind of mind that can see things as they are, which step by step and in a flash can realize the original nature of everything. Beginner's mind is Zen practice in action. It is the mind that is innocent of preconceptions and expectations, judgements and prejudices. Think of beginner's mind as the mind that faces life like a small child, full of curiosity and wonder and amazement.

3. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

4. Don't equate making mistakes with being a mistake. There is no such thing as a successful person who has not failed or made mistakes, there are successful people who made mistakes and changed their lives or performance in response to them, and so got it right the next time. They viewed mistakes as warnings rather than signs of hopeless inadequacy. Never making a mistake means never living life to the full.

5. There is no shortcut to excellence. You will have to make the commitment to make excellence your priority. Use your talents, abilities, and skills in the best way possible and get ahead of others by giving that little extra. Live by a higher standard and pay attention to the details that really do make the difference. Excellence is not difficult - simply decide right now to give it your best shot - and you will be amazed with what life gives you back.

6. Innovation has no limits. The only limit is your imagination. It's time for you to begin thinking out of the box. If you are involved in a growing industry, think of ways to become more efficient; more customer friendly; and easier to do business with. If you are involved in a shrinking industry – get out of it quick and change before you become obsolete; out of work; or out of business. And remember that procrastination is not an option here. Start innovating now!

7. Live in a way that is ethically responsible. Try to make a difference in this world and contribute to the higher good. You'll find it gives more meaning to your life and it's a great antidote to boredom. There is always so much to be done. And talk to others about what you are doing. Don't preach or be self-righteous, or fanatical about it, that just puts people off, but at the same time, don't be shy about setting an example, and use opportunities that arise to let others know what you are doing.

8. I've got it down to four words: “Do what you love.” Seek out an occupation that gives you a sense of meaning, direction and satisfaction in life. Having a sense of purpose and striving towards goals gives life meaning, direction and satisfaction. It not only contributes to health and longevity, but also makes you feel better in difficult times. Do you jump out of bed on Monday mornings and look forward to the work week? If the answer is 'no', keep looking, you'll know when you find it.

9. Reams of academic studies over the decades have amply confirmed television's pernicious mental and moral influences. And most TV watchers know that their habit is mind-numbing and wasteful, but still spend most of their time in front of that box. So turn your TV off and save some brain cells. But be cautious, you can turn your brain off by using a computer also. Try and have an intelligent conversation with someone who plays first person shooters for eight hours a day. Or auto race games, or role-playing games.

10. Did you know that you have big things to accomplish in life? And did you know that those big things are getting rather dusty while you pour yourself another cup of coffee, and decide to mull things over rather than do them? We were all born with a gift to give in life, one which informs all of our desires, interests, passions and curiosities. This gift is, in fact, our purpose. And you don't need permission to decide your own purpose. No boss, teacher, parent, priest or other authority can decide this for you. Just find that unique purpose.

11. Over the last decade, numerous books featuring lessons from historical figures have appeared on the shelves of bookstores around the world. And Socrates stands with Leonardo da Vinci, Nicholas Copernicus, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein as a beacon of inspiration for independent thinkers. But he came first. Cicero said of Socrates that, “He called philosophy down from the skies and into the lives of men.” So use Socrates' principles in your life, your work, your learning, and your relationships. It's not about Socrates, it's really about you, and how you can bring more truth, beauty and goodness into your life everyday.

12. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

13. We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?



You only live once. Make it meaningful.


The artist creates, YuMang would crowd!


You must find what you love, and to watch it.


Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


Innovation is to make all sorts of things together.


It is a great thing to have a beginner's mind.


If you can bypass the experience, will have the innovation.


Remember that you are about to die! Don't live for others!


Don't let the noise of others' opinions annihilation of the voice in your heart.


You will have nothing, you have no reason not to follow your heart.


Your time is limited, don't waste it to repeat someone else's life.


Don't deceive others, can be you cheat to is a lot of people who believe in you.


To live is to change the world, is there any other reason?


You must try to straighten out your thinking to make it simple and clear.


Great art don't have to follow the trend, he alone can lead.


Instant want to reach the heaven, also don't want to reach heaven through death.


The people who crazy enough to think they can change the world has changed the world.


Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.


Take each day as the last day of life, you will be at ease.


Everything is simplified, it is just what I pursue, focus, and simple.


Time is limited, so don't waste time on others on the way.


The most important decisions in life is not what you do, but what you do.


Death is very likely is the greatest invention in my life, is life of alternating medium.


Sometimes life's going picked up a brick to you in the head fierce clap.


Please follow your own inner voice, they already know what you want to be.


Your time is limited, so don't waste your time living in someone else's life.


Do you want to sell sugar water to spend the rest of their lives, or want to have a chance to change the world?


If today is the last day of your life, what do you want to do what are you doing today?


Only crazy enough to think they can change the world, can really change the world.


Common artists imitate others works, great artists steal other people's ideas.


Don't be trapped by dogma place is restricted, listen to their inner voice, to do what you want to do.


I firmly believe that distinguish between successful and unsuccessful, half of all factors is sheer perseverance.


Only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, can really change the world.


We don't do market research. We don't recruit consultant... We just want to make great products.


I follow my intuition and curiosity, met a lot of things, has been proved to be invaluable.


The only thing you want to do is put your traits play incisively and vividly, the rivals far behind.


In the first 30 years of your life, you get into the habit of; In the last 30 years of your life, your habits decide for you.


Time precious, don't waste time in the lives of others, don't let the noise of the chattering around the speech blind your own inner voice.


Don't use your limited life lived for others. Don't let other people noisy encroaching insights didn't out your own inner voice.


Don't waste your time is limited, to repeat someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.


We think watching TV, people's brains basic stop work, open the computer, the brain began to run.


The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they may already know what you want to be a man.


No experience, you will never know the value of experience, or could never know how to properly keep created the wealth of experience.


You can't put together dribs and drabs in advance; Only when you review in the future, you are will understand how those little drops together.


Don't let others noisy chaos opinions drown out your own inner voice, the most important thing is that we have the courage to chase your heart, follow your intuition.


Most of the time, really it is important to follow your intuition and courage, which often determine how we become, and the other is secondary.


Asceticism and minimalist let a person more sensitive, lack is rich, self-discipline to produce joy! To understand a truth: most people don't know too much!


Remember you will always die, this is I know that the best way to prevent be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. Naked will no CARES, and what is the reason not to follow your heart?


Sometimes life's going to smash your head with plank brick. Don't lose faith. I know, the only thing that support me is: I love what I do.


To become the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Said the night to go to bed we have done a great thing... It is important for me.


To the crazy, eccentric, different ideas of guys. Perhaps they're in, some people appear to be crazy, but it is the genius of our eyes.




史蒂夫 乔布斯名言












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