(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes

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(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes(合集10篇)由网友“要做一粒好种子”投稿提供,以下是小编收集整理的(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes,希望对大家有所帮助。

(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes

篇1:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit4 Food

Unit4 Food (1)


Lesson 13 There is some milk.

Lesson 14 How much rice is there?

二. 重点、难点:

1. 了解可数名词与不可数名词的概念

2. 掌握There be句型

3. 谈论食物的数量

Lesson 13 There is some milk

I. Words Study单词学习:

food soda donut juice potato chip potato chips party

list buy or hey right now cake garlic

onion sugar flour ketchup sausage butter salt

cabbage pork

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 句型与可数名词、不可数名词搭配

There be句型与不可数名词搭配表示“某处有某物”时,be动词用单数形式。, There be句型与可数名词搭



肯 定 句 不可数名词前用some修饰

There is some milk in the bottle. 可数名词前用some修饰

There are some cookies on the plate.

否 定 句 不可数名词前用any修饰

There isn’t any orange juice in the fridge. 可数名词前用any修饰

There aren’t any birds in the tree.

一 般 疑 问 句 不可数名词前用any修饰

Is there any sugar here?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.


Are there any pictures on the wall?

Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

2. else常与疑问词what, when, who和不定代词anything, something连用,意为“其他的”,“别的”。

What else do you need?

Is there anything else I can do for you?

I have something else for you here.

3. What about donuts and orange juice? 多纳圈和橘子汁怎么样?

询问消息或征求意见时用What about …? 表示“…怎么样?”“…好不好?”

What about some apples?

What about going to the cinema?

4. What do you need to make a cake? 你制作一个蛋糕需要什么原料?

表示需要时,用need sth。

I need a long vacation.

Ⅲ. Grammar 语法知识


一般来说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,因此没有复数形式,不可数名词前也不能用a/an修饰,可以用some, any, a little, a lot of等修饰。

some water a lot of rice a little milk

Lesson 14 How much rice is there?

I. Words Study单词学习:

much make shopping pasta tomato meat recipe

check more a few exactly a little hundred

kilogram a lot of carrot coffee also

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. How many onions are there?

How many用于提问可数名词数量的多少,后面跟可数名词的复数,动词用复数形式。

How many students are there in the classroom?

2. How much rice is there?

How much用于提问不可数名词数量的多少,动词用单数形式。

How much milk is there?

3. a few 少数,少许


Jack has a few friends at school.

4. a little 少量,少许


I can see a little water in the bottle.

5. a lot of 许多,大量的


A lot of students are playing on the playground.

There is a lot of milk in the fridge.


一. 单项选择

1. There ____ some flour in the bag.

A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

2. ____ there any milk?

A. Is B. Isn’t C. Are D. Aren’t

3. There _____ any apples on the table.

A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

4. _____ there any potatoes here?

A. Is B. Isn’t C. Are D. Aren’t

5. Are there any oranges in the basket? _______

A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t.

C. Yes, there are. D. No, there are.

6. How many _____ are there in the picture?

A. policemans B. policemen C. rice and meat D. bread and milk

二. 用a, an, some, any填空

7. There is _____ rice in the bag.

8. Can you find ______ box of books in the picture?

9. Would you like _____ water? No, thanks. I’d like _____ cup of tea.

10. I have _____ old photo of Jim’s family.

11. How many pears can you see on the table? I can’t see _____ .

12. There is _____ American boy in the car. I think he’s Bill.

13. There aren’t _____ hills in the picture.

14. There is _____ “r” in the word “car”.

15. What is he? He is _____ teacher.

16. Do you have _____ oranges? Yes, I have _____.

三. 根据短文内容完成句子

Look at the picture on the blackboard. We can see a house in it. Behind the house there is a hill with many trees. Near the hill we an see a river. There are three boats in the river, One is blue, the other two are yellow. There are some Young Pioneers in those boats. Near the house we can see a big tree. Under the tree there is a small bus. It’s a white bus.

17. There is a _____ on the _____.

18. Can you see a house _____ a room in the picture? A _____.

19. _____ is the hill? It’s _____ the house.

20. Are there any trees on the hill? _____, there are _____ trees on it.

21. There _____ three _____ in the river.

22. One is _____ the other two are ____.

23. Who are in the boats? Some _____ _____ are in them.

24. Is there a small bus in the picture? _____, there _____.

25. Where is it? It’s _____ the big _____.

四. 阅读理解

This is a picture of the twins’ house. It’s near the river. Near the house you can see Lucy and Lily. They are under the tree with some other children-two boys and two girls. Look! There is Mrs. King. She’s the twins’ mother. She is near the door of the house.

“Come here, children! It’s tea-time!” she says.

There are three trees near the twins’ house. There is one big tree and two small trees.

In the big tree there is a bird. Can the bird sing? Yes, it can.

What’s that near the tree? It’s a cat.

“I want some food.” thinks the cat. “Bird, come here!” says the cat.

“Not today. Thank you!” says the bird. “You can’t catch me! Goodbye!”

26. Where is the twins’ house? _____.

A. Near the river B. In the tree C. In the picture

27. How many children are there in the picture?

A. 4 B. 6 C. 7

28. Is Mrs. King near the door of the house? _____

A. Yes, he is B. Yes, she is C. No, she isn’t

29. “It’s tea-time!” means _____

A. It’s time for tea. B. It’s time to play C. It’s time to go to bed.

30. Can the cat catch the bird? _____.

A. Yes, it can B. No, it can’t C. I don’t know

五. 连词组句

31. are, our, the behind, door, footballs

32. two, table, cats, are, under, the

33. wall, China, of, map, there, the, is, a on

34. are, flowers, on, some, window, the

35. you, can, the, find, not, broom


一. 1-6 AADCCB

二. 7. some 8. a 9. some a 10. an 11. any

12. an 13. any 14. an 15. a 16. any, some

三. 17. picture, blackboard 18. or, house 19. Where, behind 20. Yes, many 21. are, boats

22. blue, yellow 23. Young Pioneers 24. Yes, is 25. under, tree

四. 26-30 ABBAB

五. 31. Our footballs are behind the door.

32. Two cats are under the table.

33. There is a map of China on the wall.

34. Some flowers are on the window.

35. You can not find the broom.

篇2:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit4 Food

Unit 4 Food (2)


Lesson 15 There are three dollars a pound.

Lesson 16 I’d like a pizza, please.

二. 重点、难点:

1. 掌握表示可数名词与不可数名词数量的单位

2. 学习价格的方法

3. 学习就餐的日常用语

Lesson 15 There are three dollars a pound.

I. Words Study单词学习:

dollar half fruit vegetable market fresh

cost watermelon cheap loaf bread

dozen bottle cooking oil piece bag

bar soap box cent change expensive

money each

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 表示名词量的单位

<1>a dozen …

<2>a loaf of …

<3>a bottle of …

<4>a piece of …

<5>a kilo of …

<6>a bag of …

<7>a bar of …

<8>a box of …

<9>a stick of …

2. 询问价格

<1>How much are the onions? They are two dollars a kilo.

how much表示“多少钱”,是询问价格的疑问词。询问食物与可数名词搭配时,动词用复数形式。

How much are the bananas?

<2>How much is the bread? It’s two dollars a loaf.

询问食物how much与不可数名词搭配时,动词用单数形式。

How much is the meat?

3. 付钱

<1>Here is one dollar. 给你一美元。

<2>Here is the money. 给你钱。

<3>Here is your change. 找你零钱。

Lesson 16 I’d like a pizza, please.

I. Words Study单词学习:

want order French fries soup very healthy

honey may salad glass anything

drink sir without will spring water

attention shopper must fell hungry flavor

low price

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. May/Can I have your order?

谈论可能性或要求许可时,可用may, can

May I have your name?

Can I help you?

2. I’d like a hamburger, please.

I’d like = I would like, 表示征询, 用于提问和回答。

Would you like something to eat?

I’d like a cup of tea.

3. What would you like to drink? 你想喝点儿什么?

4. I’ll have vegetable soup.

I’ll = I will, will have在这里表示征询。

What will you have?

I’ll have a hamburger.



1. I can see some _____ on the table.

A. cake B. a cake C. cakes D. the cake

2. I would like some _____ and an orange.

A. a bread B. bread C. breads D. the breads

3. How many _____ of water can you see?

A. glass B. a glass C. glasses D. some glass

4. What _____ you like?

A. can B. are C. must D. would

5. I want something _____.

A. drink B. for drink C. drinking D. to drink

6. Can I help you? Yes. _____ a cup of tea.

A. I’d like B. I like C. I’d love to D. I do

7. I can’t see any pears in the picture. Can you?

Yes, only _____.

A. any B. some C. one D. a

8. Hello, Mr. Smith! _____ are you today?

A. What B. Which C. Who D. How

9. Whose socks _____ these?

A. is B. am C. are D. /

10. _____ the window, please.

A. opening B. Open C. Opening D. open

二、根据中文提示, 完成句子。(一空一词)

11. 我来自加拿大多伦多,讲英语和法语。

I am _____ Toronto, Canada. I _____ English and French.

12. 杰克逊先生在重庆的一所中学教英语。

Mr. Jackson _____ English in a middle school in Chongqing.

13. 他经常看晚七点的新闻联播。

He often _____ CCTV _____ at 7:00 in the evening.

14. 你能帮我提包吗?

Can you _____ me _____ the bag?

15. 她是干什么的? 她是个医生。

What _____ she do? She is a _____.


A: Can I help you? What would you like?

B: I don’t know.

A: Would you like 16 to eat? 17 about some cakes?

B: No, thanks. I think I’d like 18 bread.

A: Would you like 19 to drink?

B: A cup of tea, please.

A: Here 20 .

B: Thank you.

A: 21 welcome.


22. “Do you like noodles?” “No, I don’t like _____ at all.”( they )

23. He often _____ letters to his mother. ( write )

24. Our _____ begin at 7:30 every morning. ( class )

25. We are twins. I have long hair, and she _____ long hair, too. ( have )

26. The _____ like milk and cakes. (baby)


Jim is from England. He isn’t from the USA. He speaks English. His father is working in Beijing. So he is studying in a middle school in Beijing. He has classes on weekdays. On Sundays, he often plays games with his Chinese friends. He likes China very much. He can speak a little Chinese now.

( ) 27. Jim comes from the USA.

( ) 28. He has no classes on Sundays.

( ) 29. He can’t speak Chinese.

( ) 30. His father is working in Beijing.


汉堡包 8.00 薯条 5.00 面包 2.00

牛奶 3.00 咖啡 5.00 橙汁 4.00


一. 1-5 CBCDD 6-10 ACDCB

二. 11. from, speak 12. teaches 13. watches, news

14. help, carry 15. does, doctor

三. 16. something 17. What 18. some

19. something 20. you are 21. You are

四. 22. them 23. writes 24. classes

25. has 26. babies

五. 27. F 28. T 29. F 30.T


hamburger 8.00

French fries 5.00

bread 2.00

milk 3.00

coffee 5.00

orange juice 4.00

篇3:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit2 Families(2)

Unit2 Families(2)


Lesson 7 My mom likes comedies.

Lesson 8 I prefer watching action movies.

二. 重点、难点:


学会连词and, but, or的用法

Lesson 7 My mom likes comedies.

I. Words Study单词学习:

action movie documentary sports program comedy romantic horror just always fight agree love different thing hate either favorite actress person

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 各类电影的表达方式

drama 剧情片

romantic comedy 浪漫喜剧片

comedy 喜剧片

romance 浪漫片

artsy movie 艺术片

alternative movie 另类片

foreign movie 国外片

documentary 记录片

action movie 动作片

horror movie 恐怖片


animation 动画片

sci-fi movie (science fiction)科幻片

2. 喜欢的表达方式

1) A: Do you like … ? / Do you love …?

B: Yes, I do. I like … / Yes, I love …

No, I don’t. I don’t like… / No, I don’t. I don’t love…


like v-ing / love v-ing

-Does your dad like horror movies?

-Yes, he loves horror movies.

-Does he like comedies?

-No, he doesn’t.

2) A: What is your favorite?

B: My favorite is …

(1)favorite a. 喜爱的,中意的

Her favorite writer is Hens Anderson.

(2)favorite n. 特别喜欢的人(或物)

The Livepool Metropole is my favorite.


如果你爱某样东西,可以说 “I love...”

“I love eating ice-cream.”

“I love travel.”

如果你很喜欢某样东西,可以说”Be fond of”,”I like”

“She's fond of Chinese food.”

“I like swimming very much.”

如果你喜欢某样东西,可以说 “I like...”

“He quite likes going to the cinema.”

“I like cooking.”

如果你既不喜欢也不讨厌某样东西,可以 说 “I don't mind...”

“I don't mind doing the housework.”

“I don't mind walking to work.”

如果你不喜欢某样东西,可以说 “I don't like...”

“She doesn't like cooking very much.”

“I dislike wasting time.”

如果你很不喜欢某样东西,可以说 “I can't bear...”, “I can't stand...”, “I hate...”

“I don't like sport at all.”

“He can't stand his boss.”

“She can't bear the noise from the street.”

“I hate being disturbed when I am working.”

“He detests being late.”

“She loathes celery.”


dislike这个词比较正规,fond of多用于和别人谈论食品。而一般用like的话,则要跟名词或动名词,如:I like something or like doing something. very much 或a lot这类副词要跟在名词后面。For example, “I like reading very much”, 不是 “I like very much reading”.

Lesson 8 I prefer watching action movies.

I. Words Study单词学习:

watch watch TV radio listen to the radio homework do homework paint practice mean free in one’s free time even well most really indoors fishing all swim prefer use internet

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. listen to the radio 听收音机

listen to 当表示收音机,电视等需要注意去听的事物时要用到listen to sth.

He spent all his time listening to the program.

Anne, you need to listen to me this time.

2. play computer games 玩电脑游戏


play cards play basketball play football

3. read magazines 读杂志


read newspapers read poetry read the article read the book

4.I prefer watching action movies. 我更喜欢看动作片。


The woodwork’s green now. I preferred it blue…

用法:prefer one to another

I prefer Barber to his deputy.

I prefer to go on self-catering holidays.

Ⅲ. Grammar 语法知识

并列连词and but or


1. and 和,并且(连接两个并列或对等的成分:主语,谓语,宾语,表语或分句)


It's important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. 重要的是还要留出时间进行休息,发展自己的爱好和娱乐活动。

Not only is he himself interested in the subject, but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.


He is Jack of all trades and master of none. (表示意义增补)

Think it over again and you’ll find a way out. (表示条件)

Mary likes music and Jim is fond of sports. (表示对比)

He opened the door and went in. (表示先后顺序)


This room is nice and warm. (= nicely warm)

I’ll go and bring back your boots. (= go in order to bring back)

You must try and come to the party. (= try to come to)

2. or或者,表示选择的关系

You have to do it one way or the other.

The workers were cheerful, or at least they appeared to be cheerful.


Make up your mind, or you’ll miss the chance.

You’ll either behave yourself, or you’ll never go out with me.

3. but但是,表示语义转折和对比的关系

The young man has often been praised, but he is never conceited.

He said that he was busy today but that he would be free tomorrow.

This coat is not mine but yours.

It never rains but pours.



( )1. -What class are you in? -I am in ______.

A. class Four B. Class Four C. four class D. Four class

( )2. ______ name’s Sun Mei. What’s ______ name?

A. I; your B. My; you C. My; your D. I; you

( )3. Jim and Tom ______ in Row 5.

A. is B. be C. am D. are

( )4. -______ What’s this in English? -It’s a jeep.

A. Hello! B. How do you do? C. Excuse me. D. Sorry.

( )5. Jim, ______ my teacher, Miss Li.

A. it’s B. this’s C. she is D. this is

( )6. -What’s that in English?


A. Yes, it’s a desk B. No, it’s not a desk

C. It’s a desk D. It’s not a desk

( )7. ______ a big pear?

A. It’s B. It C. Is D. Is it

( )8. What number ______?

A. are you B. you are C. are you in D. you are in

( )9. -______?

-Ah, it’s a secret.

A. How are you B. How old are you

C. How do you do D. How is Mrs Read

( )10. -Thank you very much.


A. I’m fine B. It’s OK C. Thank you, too D. That’s all right



11. I am(缩略形式) ______ 12. two (同音词) ______

13. plus (反义词) ______ 14. it’s (完全形式) ______

15. That’s OK. (同义句)______

B)用 a 或 an 填空。

16. This is ______ bike. It’s ______ old bike.

17. This is ______ pen, not ______ book.

18. This is ______ “M”. And that’s ______ “H”.

19. -Is that ______ ruler?

-No, it isn’t. It’s ______ map.

20. Miss Gao is ______ English teacher, not ______ Chinese teacher.


21. It’s a pear. (改为否定句)

______ ______ a pear.

22. You can sit down. (改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ sit down?

23. I am in Grade 2 .(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ you in?

24. Is that a cake?(作否定回答)

______, ______ ______.

25. is, what, three, one, and(连词成句)

______ ______ ______ ______?



Cat: __________(26)?

Bird: How do you do?__________(27)?

Cat: I’m Cat. May I have your name?

Bird: __________(28).

Cat: How old are you?

Bird: __________(29).

Cat: I’m eleven, too. Nice to meet you.

Bird: __________(30). We can be good friends(朋友).


31. 看!这儿有一辆日本自行车。

______!Here ______ a Japanese ______.

32. -那个用英语怎么说?-那是鼠标。

-______ that ______ English? -______ a ______.

33. 你的房间在哪里? ______ ______ your ______?

34. 五加十三是多少? ______ five plus ______?

35. -那是尺子吗? -不, 是橡皮。

-______ that ______ ruler?

-No. It’s ______ eraser.


Becky: Hello! Are you Hyde?

Hyde: Yes, I am. What’s your name, please?

Becky: My name’s Becky. I’m in Class Two, Grade One. I’m in Row Four.

Hyde: I’m in Class One, Grade One. I’m in Row Six. What number are you?

Becky: I’m Number 8. Are you Number 10?

Hyde: Yes, I am. I’m twelve. And how old are you?

Becky: I’m eleven. Nice to meet you. Good-bye!

Hyde: Bye-bye!

Name: Becky Class:________(38)

Age:________(36) Row:________(39)

Grade:________(37) Number:________(40)


Good afternoon! My Chinese ______(41) is Jia Jia. My ______(42) name is Lily. I am a student(学生) of a middle school in Beijing. I am in ______(43) One, ______(44) One. ______(45) Gao is my English teacher. I like her. Welcome to Beijing!


Peter and the Wolf

This is a story about a brave boy. His name was Peter. Peter and his grandfather lived in a house next to the woods. In the summer, Peter liked to play outside with the animals. They were his friends.

In the winter, Peter didn’t play outside. His grandfather was worried. A wolf lived in the woods. Grandfather said, “The wolf can’t find food in the winter. A hungry wolf can eat a boy!”

One cold day, Peter wanted to go outside. He wanted to find the wolf. “I’m stronger than a wolf, “ he said. “I’m going to catch the wolf.”

Peter went outside. He walked in the woods. He heard a sound! “The wolf!” he shouted.

“No,” said Sasha the Bird. “I’m not the wolf. I am your friend.”

Peter wasn’t afraid now. He and Sasha walked in the woods. They heard a sound! “The wolf!” they shouted.

“No,” said Ivan the Cat. “I’m not the wolf. I’m your friend.”

Peter and Sasha weren’t afraid now. The friends walked in the woods. They heard a sound! “The wolf!” they shouted.

“No,” said Sonia the Duck. “I’m not the wolf. I’m your friend.”

Peter, Sasha, Ivan, and Sonia walked in the woods. They heard a sound. “The wolf!” they shouted.

A big wolf jumped in front of the friends. “I’m the wolf!” it said, “I’m bigger than a bird. I’m wilder than a duck. I’m scarier than a cat. I’m stronger than a boy. And I’m very, very, hungry!”

The wolf jumped! Sasha the Bird flew into a tree. Ivan the Cat climbed the tree. Peter ran behind the tree. Peter threw a rope around the wolf. “Sonia,” he shouted. “Where are you?” Did the wolf eat Sonia?

Then Sonia flew to Peter. “Here I am,” she said. “I was faster than the wolf.”

Peter was happy. He caught the wolf, and his friends were safe.


一、1-5 BCDCD 6-10 CDABD

二、A)11. I’m 12. too 13. minus 14. it is 15. That’s all right.

B)16. a, an 17. a, a 18. an, an 19. a, a 20. an, a

三、21. It isn’t 22. Can I 23. What grade are

24. No, it isn’t 25. What’s one and three

四、26. How do you do 27. What’s your name 28. My name is Bird

29. I’m eleven 30. Nice to meet you, too

五、31. Look, is, bike 32. What’s, in, It’s, mouse

33. Where is, room 34. What’s, thirteen 35. Is, a, an

六、36. Eleven 37. One 38. Two 39. Four 40. 8

七、41. name 42. English 43. Class 44. Grade 45. Miss

















篇4:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games

Unit 5 Sports and Games (2)


Lesson 19 What can you do on the ice rink?

Lesson 20 What are your favorite sport?

二. 重点、难点:

1. 学习有关运动项目、运动器材和运动设施的词语

2. 学会表达“在……地方,用……物品,进行……运动项目”

3. 获取信息并表达最喜欢的事物和能力

Lesson 19 What can you do on the ice rink?

I. Words Study单词学习:

center almost outdoors court go skating special

deep pool exercise object racket helmet

bat glove ping pong paddle

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. Why not come down to the Apollo Sports Center?

Why not…? 意思是“为什么不……?”,表示建议。后跟动词原形。

Why not go skating?

Why not have a rest?

2. 表示“有什么样的运动设施”

There be …

There’s a basketball field.

There are three tennis courts.

3. 表示“在……地方”

at the sports center 在运动中心

on the ice rink 在溜冰场

on special courts 在专用场地

outdoors 在户外

indoors 在室内

4. What sport can you play with a racket? I can play tennis.


I can play tennis with a racket.

We write the words with a pen.

(2)play与play with


The boys play football after school.

She can play volleyball well.

play with作为短语,意为“玩,玩耍……”

She often plays with her cat.

Don’t play with fire.

Lesson 20 What are your favorite sport?

I. Words Study单词学习:

roller-skate basketball ski take lessons

be interested in enjoy

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. favorite表达最喜欢的事物

My favorite colour is red.

Who is your favorite movie actor?

2. 询问获取他人喜好的信息

What’s your favorite…?

Can you…?

What sport can you do?

3. be good at “擅长于……,在……方面做得好”,后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式

He is good at math.

Ann likes volleyball very much. She is good at it.

I’m good at dancing.

4. enjoy doing “喜爱做……”,表示享受某种乐趣

Mr. Black enjoys fishing.

My parents enjoy listening to music.

5. be interested in “对……感兴趣”,后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式

She is interested in science.

I am interested in drawing.

This book is very interesting. He is interested in it.

6. I go running and jogging almost every day.


go swimming

go shopping

go fishing



1. I love winter because I like __________. (skate)

2. She has many things _________. (do)

3. The story is interesting and my little brother is _______ in it very much. (interest)

4. My mother often feels tired after ________. (walk)

5. We should often do exercise to keep ourselves ________. (health)


6. John better? Swimming or skating ?

A. What does, likes B. What, likes

C. Which does, like D. Which, likes

7. My father works a gym our school.

A. at, at B. to, at C. on, in D. in, near

8. Can I put my skates here? Yes, .

A. put it here B. put them here C. put here it D. put here them

9.I like listening to radio. But I don’t like playing football.

A. the, the B. the, / C. /,the D. /,/

10. -Can you spell his name please? -Sorry, I his name.

A. not know B. know not C. am not how D. don't know

11. The best time to Beijing is in August.

A. come B. to come C. came D. of come

12. They like to others baseball.

A. watch, playing B. see, plays

C. have a look, play D. look, to play

13. There's snow. We can't go out to play football.

A. so many B. much too C. too much D. too many

14. My father will buy some books for me.

A. on his way home B. on the way to home

C. by his way home D. on his way to home

15. Here you new shoes. Please put .

A. is, them on B. are, they on C. are, them on D. are, on them

16. -Would you like out for a picnic tomorrow?

-Yes, if the weather is fine tomorrow.

A. to go B. go to C. go D. going

17. He basketball and knows a lot about it

A. is interested about B. is interesting in

C. is interested on D. is interested in

18. My father often plays me after he comes back from the office.

A. for B. with C. behind D. in front of

19. -Can you come and play volleyball with us? -

A. Sorry, I can't .I have to finish my homework first.

B. No, I am not. I'm very busy now.

C. Yes, I do. I like it very much.

D. I’m afraid I mustn’t. I want to do my homework now.

20. My father is very busy these days. He has to do.

A. many work B. many works C .a lot of work D. a lot of works


21. I like playing football, but I don't like basketball.( 改为同义句 )

I playing football playing basketball.

22. Li Ming takes the first place in the 100-meter race.( 改为同义句 )

Li Ming the 100-meter race.

23. This film isn't interesting, I think.( 改为同义句 )

I think this film is .

24. I want to be a basketball player.( 对划线部分提问 )


25. I come here because I have something new to tell you. ( 对划线部分提问 )


Mike: Hello!

John: Hello! 26

Mike: This is Mike. Who’s that?

John: 27 What do you want to do this afternoon?

Mike: 28

John: There is a football match this afternoon. And I have two tickets here. Let’s go to watch it.

Mike :29

John: Where do we meet?

Mike :30

John: OK. See you there at two.

Mike: See you.

A: Nothing much, Why?

B: This is John speaking.

C: Outside the school gate at two.

D: May I speak to Mike, please?

E: That’s great.


Football is a popular 31. Many games are held in different places every year.32 is a game that all the good players want to play. It is held every four 33.Only the best team can 34 the last game.

When the World Cup starts, many people go to the games 35 watch them on TV day and night. They all get very 36 and hope that their favorite team would become the world’s best one

Football is a 37 sport. There are 38 players in each team of a game. The earliest games of football in England were not like what we know today. Games were played 39 two towns. Each team of the town had more than five hundred 40, and each team had to try to carry the ball to the other team 's town. Today some towns in England still play games like this.

31. A. exercise B. games C. sport D. sports

32. A. World’s Cup B. The World Cup C. World Cup D. The World’s Cup

33. A. weeks B. months C. years D. days

34. A. beat B. win C. play D. lose

35. A. or B. and C. so D. because

36. A. sorry B. sad C. unhappy D. excited

37. A. team B. bad C. good D. favorite

38. A. ten B. eleven C. eighteen D. five

39. A. and B. against C. among D. between

40. A. players B. visitors C. balls D. field



Mr. Turner likes fishing. It is his favorite sport. He often fishes for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry him. Some fishermen couldn't catch fish. Sometimes they catch old boots or rubbish ( 靴子或垃圾), Mr. Turner is even worse than the fishermen. He never catches anything-not even old boots. After he spends the whole morning on the river, he always goes home with an empty bag.

“You must give up fishing!” his friend says, “It is a waste ( 浪费 )of time.”

“But they don’t realize( 意识到 )one important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all. It can make me forget the noise of the city and live quietly for some time.” he always says to himself.

41. Mr Turner always goes fishing because .

A. he could sell the fish and get some money B. he thinks it is a good sport

C. he could cook the fish for supper D .he could sit in a boat

42. Mr Turner 1ikes to fish .

A. by the river B. in a boat on the river

C. in the river D. with other fishermen

43. He always goes home with an empty bag because .

A. he couldn’t fish at all B. there are not any fish in the river

C. he gives the fish to others fishermen D. he doesn’t pay attention to fishing at all

44. His friend tells him when they know he couldn’t catch anything.

A. to learn how to fish B. to change the way fishing

C. not to fish any more D. to buy some fish

45. From the story we know .

A. Mr. Turner lives in the country

B. Mr. Turner is a good fisherman

C. Mr. Turner is not good at fishing

D. Mr. Turner doesn’t like the noise in the city


Swimming is very popular. People like swimming in summer because water makes people feel cool. If you like swimming and swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe. These years, a lot of people died when they were enjoying themselves in the water, and most of them were students. But some people are not careful in swimming. They often thinks they can swim so well that nothing will happen to them in water.

If you go swimming in summer, don't forget that better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they could not swim. So don't get into water when you are alone. If there is a “No swimming” sign, still don't get into water. If you remember these, swimming will be safe.

46. like swimming in summer.

A. Few people B.A lot of people

C. Only students D. Only young people

47. People like to swim in summer because

A. they feel cool in water B. they are free

C. it makes them strong D. they like water

48. These years people died in the water when they swim happily.

A. few B. many C. no D. some

49. Some swimmers died in water because .

A .they think they can swim well B. they are not strong enough

C. they are not careful D. they can't swim

50. The writer wants to tell us .

A. swimming is a good sport B. many people like swimming

C. that we should go swimming in summer D. that we must be careful in swimming


一、1. skating 2. to do 3. interested 4. walking 5. healthy

二、6-10 CDBBD 11-15 BACAC 16-20 ADBAC

三、21. prefer, to 22. win 23. don’t, interesting

24. What do you want to be? 25. Why do you come here?

四、26-30 DBAEC

五、31-35 CBCBA 36-40 DCBDA

六、41-45 BBDCD 46-50 BABCD

篇5:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit2 Families(1)

Unit2 Families(1)


Lesson 5 I have one sister.

Lesson 6 This is my grandmother.

二. 重点、难点:






Lesson 5 I have one sister.

I. Words Study单词学习:

mother aunt father grandmother cousin grandfather grandpa uncle family wife handsome son daughter next to only happy people

II. Expression patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 家族之间的关系:

1) grandfather grandmother

2) father mother aunt uncle

3) son daughter cousin

2. next to 紧接着,临近的

My grandmother is next to him. My grandmother is beside him.

Come and sit down next to me.

3. I’m the only child.

only adj.(与单数名词连用)独一的;唯一的;


Smith was the only person able to do it.

Harry is an only child, has no brothers or sisters.

We were the only people there.

4. have的用法



主语(I / we / you / they)+ have +宾语

主语(he / she / it)+ has + 宾语

I have a new book.

She has two pencils.

Simon and Jessica have three daughters.

Bob has two sisters.


主语+don’t (doesn’t) + have + 宾语

I don’t have any brother.

They don’t have any fruit.

He doesn’t have any children.


Do (Does) + 主语 + have + 宾语?



-- Do you have a cup?

-- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

-- Does she have a ruler?

-- Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.


What do you have?

What does she have?

Lesson 6 This is my grandmother.

Ⅰ. Words Study单词学习:

these those look parent wow young cute work bank what about store get whose skateboard CD tennis hamster video game walkman mess messy

Ⅱ.Expression patterns常用的表达方式:

1. She looks nice. 她看上去很漂亮。

用法:sb. + look + 形容词 某人看上去如何

例如:They look very young.

You look very tired.

He looks handsome.

2. What a mess! 简直太乱了!






What a pity it is!

What a pity!

How tired he is!

How tired!

Ⅲ. Grammar 语法知识

1. 名词的所有格




(1)表示有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词所有格一般在名词后加’s:my father’s pen

1)以-s或-es结尾的复数名词的所有格只在名词后加“’”:the teachers’ reading room

2)不以-s结尾的复数名词的所有格要加’s:the people’s needs

3)如专有名词以-s结尾,它的所有格一般只加“’”,但也有加’s的,读作[-iz]:Burns’s poems

4)复合名词的所有格的词尾’s加在后面的名词之后:her son-in-law’s photo

5)如果一样东西为两人共有,则只在后一个名词后面加’s,如果不是共有,则两个名词之后都要加’s: Jane and Helen’s room Bill’s and Tom’s radios


the tailor’s the barber’s the Zhang’s at my aunt’s

7)有些指时间、距离、国家、城镇的无生命名词也可以加’s:half an hour’s lecture


the cover of the book



the story of Dr. Norman Bethune


Do you know the name of the boy standing at the gate?

(4)“of词组+所有格”的用法:在表示所属物的名词前有冠词、数词、不定代词或指示代词(如:a, two, some, a few, this, that, these, those等)时,常用“of词组+所有格”的形式来表示所有关系:

a friend of my father’s = one of my father’s friends

a picture of his uncle’s

two cousins of his

2. 物主代词


人称代词 物主代词

主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性

单数 第一人称 I me my mine

第二人称 you you your yours

第三人称 he him his his

she her her hers

it it its -

复数 第一人称 we us our ours

第二人称 you you your yours

第三人称 they them their theirs



my childhood our task


主语:His brother is a driver;mine is a soldier and hers is an engineer.

表语:Whose ruler is this? -- It is mine.

宾语:You may use my bike and I may use hers.

3. 指示代词:表示“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等意思的代词称为指示代词。指示代词有:this, that, these, those, it, such, same等


(1)this, that, these, those的用法


This is a notebook.

I like this (these), while she likes that (those).

2)this (these) 一般用来指时间或空间上较近的人或物,而that (those) 则常指时间或空间上较远的人或物:

These are students, and those are teachers.

3)this 和these常指后面要讲到的事物,有启下的作用;而that常指前面讲到过的事物,有承上的作用:

What I want to tell you is this: the exam will be started at 10 o’clock.

He had a bad cold. That is why he didn’t attend the meeting.


This painting is not so good as that I saw in the gallery.

The television sets made in Shanghai are better than those made in Beijing.

(2)such一般在句中作定语和主语。such表示“这样”;such a表示“这样一个”;such…as…表示“象…这样的…”。


I have never seen such a moving film.

Foreign friends often visit such fine cities as Beijing and Hangzhou.


Such is our study plan.


They left for Nanjing on the same day (as she left).


Who is there? -- Oh, it is Xiao Liu (who is there).



( )1. only A. both B. photo C. police D. over

( )2. everything A. spell B. problem C. help D. engineer

( )3. about A. now B. how C. cousin D. wow

( )4. cute A. class B. uncle C. actor D. dancer

( )5. game A. age B. grandpa C. good D. get


6. These are seven ______ (banana).

7. Kate has(有) eight ______ (box).

8. Mr Green has three _______ (child).

9. This is your bag. Here _____(your)are.

10. ______(they)apples are over there.


11. Xiao Hong,is this your bag? ― Yes, it is ______.

12. The boy is my friend, _______ name is Tom.

13. This is a bird, _____ name is Polly.

14. -Li Lei, are those your English books?

-No,______ aren't.

15. Kate is a pretty girl. Yes, she ______ very nice.


16. My father is Ron. My mother is Lily.

So, Lily is my father’s ___________.

17. My grandpa is Peter. His son Ron is my father.

My father’s wife is my grandpa’s ___________.

18. My mother’s sister is Jane.

Jane’s daughter is my ___________.

19. I’m a girl at 16 years old. I am my aunt’s ___________.

20. Mary is my grandpa’s wife. They are my ____________.


21. These are _______.

A. apples trees B. apples tree C. apple tree D. apple trees

22. Is this your eraser? Yes, _______.

A. this is B. it is C. it isn’t D. this is not

23. Your picture is very good. _______.

A. No, it is not good B. OK, you’re right

C. Thank you D. Thanks you

24. Whose basketball is that? It is ______.

A. me B. Lily C. Lily’s D. my

25. What are those? _______ .

A. These are cars B. Yes,they are

C. They are buses D. No,they are cars

26. How many cousins does she have? She ___ two cousins.

A. have B. has C. had D. haven’t

27. Kate’s English is _____ good.

A. much B. too C. very D. very much

28. Mum, where is ________ ?

A. a my pen B. my the pen C. a pen D. my pen

29. Mom, _____ my good friends, Kate and Lily.

A. she is B. they are C. this is D. these are

30. -Are you a teacher or a student? -_______.

A. Yes, I’m a teacher B. No,I’m a student

C. I’m not a teacher D. I’m a teacher



Mr Jones and Mr Brown work in the same office (办公室).One day Mr Jones says to Mr Brown , “I will have a small party at our house on Monday evening . Would you and your wife like to come ?”

Mr Brown says , “Thank you very much . I’d love to , but let me ask my wife first . ” So Mr Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife . Then he comes back and looks very worried .

“What’s the matter?” asks Mr Jones . “Is you wife there at home ?”

“No,” answers Mr Brown . “she isn’t there . My small son answers the telephone . I say to him , ‘Is your mother there , David ?’ and he answers, ‘No , she isn’t in the house .’ ‘Where is she ?’ I ask , ‘She is somewhere outside(在外面) .’ ‘What’s she doing ?’ ‘She is looking for me .’”

1. There is a party at Mr Jones’s house on Monday evening .

2. Mr Jones asks Mr Brown and his wife to go to the party .

3. The telephone is in Mr Brown’s office.

4. Mr Brown speaks to Mrs Brown on the telephone .

5. Mrs Brown is looking for her son .


The Cat and the Tiger

They say that the cat is the uncle of the tiger. Anyhow, one day a strong tiger saw her uncle the cat and asked him, “Oh, my uncle, why are you so small?”

The cat said, “If you were in the hands of human beings, you would know why I am so small.”

Then the tiger said, “Show me a human being, will you, uncle?”

“Follow me!” said the cat.

While they were going along, they saw cows grazing. “What are those, uncle?” asked the tiger. “Are they human beings?”

“Huh? A very young one of the human beings can gather a hundred of them before him and can bring them to these fields,” said the cat.

After some time they saw several camels. The tiger asked, “Uncle, are those human beings?”

“No,” answered the cat. “A child can gather fifteen of them and can graze them.”

They went on and met a woodchopper. The cat told of their mission. When the woodchopper heard this, he asked the tiger to put her forefeet between the two huge pieces of wood and hold them apart. When the tiger did this, the rail which was holding the two pieces apart fell down, and the forefeet of the tiger were pressed tightly between them.

The woodchopper laid down his axe and came to watch the tiger. The cat climbed up into a tree. The tiger began to ask, “What do you think, uncle? Will they set me free when I am as small as you are?”

“I do not know mew,” said the cat whenever the tiger asked this question.

They say that the mewing of the cat began with this happening.


一、1-5 CBCDA

二、6. bananas; 7. boxes; 8. children; 9. you; 10. Their

三、11. mine; 12. his; 13. its; 14. they; 15. looks

四、16. wife; 17. daughter-in-law; 18. cousin; 19. niece; 20. grandparents

五、21-25 DBCCC 26-30 BCDDD

六、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T







他们一路走来,看到一群牛在吃草。“那是谁啊,叔叔?是人吗?” 老虎问。








篇6:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit5 Sports and Games

Unit5 Sports and Games (1)


Lesson 17 He can throw the shot put.

Lesson 18 Can you dive?

二. 重点、难点:

1. 学习有关运动名称的词语

2. 掌握情态动词can的用法

3. 不定代词all, most, some, a few, none的理解和应用

Lesson 17 He can throw the shot put.

I. Words Study单词学习:

sport throw hurdle race long jump high jump shot put

800-meter run event track field track and field event

over know competition fast easy be good at climb

rope cartwheel sit-up somersault pushup handstand

Lesson 18 Can you dive?

I. Words Study单词学习:

question survey ahead sure dive interview surf

skate next none table tennis baseball volleyball

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 有关体育运动的名称

100-meter race 100米接力

400-meter run 400米赛跑

long jump 跳远

high jump 跳高

shot put 铅球

110-meter hurdles 110米跨栏

do a cartwheel 侧翻

climb a rope 爬绳子

do a handstand 倒立

do sit-ups 仰卧起坐

do a somersault 翻跟头

do pushups 俯卧撑

skateboard 滑板

surf 冲浪

dive 跳水

2. 情态动词can



I can throw the shot put.

He can play basketball.


I can’t swim.

She can’t climb a rope.


Can you play tennis? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Can I use your bike?

3. I love basketball, I also like track and field events. 我喜欢篮球,也喜欢田径。


I like English, I also like math.

I’m a student, and Mike is also a student.

4. What about other events? 其他的运动项目呢?

What about…? 用于提出建议,后跟名词或动词的-ing形式。

What about some water?

What about going swimming?

5. 不定代词all, most, some, a few, none

all 全部, most 大多数, some 一些, a few 少数, none 没有人。这些词与of连用,可用于一个有限定词的名词前,或人称代词前,而且要与代词的宾格连用。



1. There are many _____ in the river, and I can go _____ there. (fish)

2. The machine _____ (not work).There must _____ something wrong with it. (be)

3. -- Does she like _____ a rope?

-- No, she doesn't. She can't _____ a rope. (climb)

4. My sister does some _____ every morning. So she can _____ fast. (run)

5. My brother is good at _____, he can _____ in the river. (swim)


6. We have P.E lessons _____.

A. every two days B. each two days

C. every two day D. each two day

7. What makes you _____?

A. healthy B. healthily C. health D. be healthy

8. We have _____ to tell you.

A. interesting something B. something interesting

C. anything interesting D. interesting anything

9. I don't know _____.

A. what can she play B. what she play

C. what she can play D. what does she play

10. _____ can do110-meter hurdles.

A. Some of students B. All of the students

C. None students D.A little of students

11. We do _____ sport every day, so we can't keep healthy.

A. too much B. too little C. a little D. a lot of

12. -I can skateboard.

-Really? Will you please show me _____ it?

A. what to do B. how to do C. how can you do D. where can I do

13. -How many kinds of sports can you play?

-I can't play _____.

A. many B. some C. any D. no

14. He is only four years old, _____ he _____ a handstand.

A. so; can do B. but; can do C. or; can't do D. but; can't do

15. -- _____ sports in the morning is good.

--You can _____ all kinds of the sports on the ground.

A. Do; do B. Doing; does C. Doing; doing D. Doing; do


most some all a few half none

Number of students: 40

Number of students who can :

do the high

jump 40 climb a

rope 20 surf 0

do the long

jump 39 do a cart-

wheal 15 dive 0

run the


race 40 do

sit-ups 40 swim 12

run the


hurdles 35 do a


sault 6 skate-

board 32

throw the

shot-put 20 do a


stand 39 do

pushups 40

16. _____ of the students can do a handstand.

17. _____ of the students can dive and surf.

18. _____ of the students can run the 400-meter race.

19. _____ of the students can throw the shot put.

20. _____ of the students can do a somersault.


Here 21 (be) the results(结果)of the student activity (活动)survey (调查)at Hilltop High School. Most 22 (student) exercise three or four 23 (time) a week. Some students

24 (exercise) once or twice a week. Some students exercise every day.

As for 25 (homework), most students 26 (do )homework every day. Some students do homework three or four times a week. Few 27 (student) do homework once or twice a week.

The results for “watch TV” 28 (be) interesting. Some students 29 (watch)TV once or twice a week, some students never watch TV, some students watch TV every 30 (day).



Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular in China. But the Chinese don't call it soccer. They call it football. There are eleven players in a team. And the ball is round. Only the goal-keeper ( 守门员 ) can play the ball with hands. The other players must play the ball with feet.

In America soccer is not very popular. I like playing American football more than playing soccer. There are also eleven players in a team. The ball is not round. All the players play the ball with hands and feet. American football is quite different from soccer.


31. The Chinese call soccer .

32. There are players in a team of soccer and also in a team of American football.

33. In USA, people play football with hands and _____.

34. Only the can play football hands in England.

35. American football is from soccer.


Americans love sports very much. Do you know NBA? That’s one of the popular sports in the USA .But today I would like to tell you something about another sport in the USA. That's baseball( 棒球 ).Baseball is one of the favourite sports in the USA. People play the game with a bat ( 球拍 )and ball by two opposing(相反的 )teams of nine players. Boys and girls, young and old, take turns at bat. Each team has nine players. Children often play baseball in sports fields or in parks. In summer, there are often informal( 非正式的 )baseball games.

The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, people can watch baseball matches on TV and members of the important baseball teams become America’s heroes ( 英雄 ).At the end of the season the two top teams play against each other .Many baseball fans go along to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio and watch TV. People talk only about the game .Even after it is over, they still talk about the result ( 结果 )and players.

American football( 美式足球 )is perhaps more popular than baseball in the USA.The football season begins when the baseball season ends. When there is an important game, thousands of people sit beside the radio or in front of the TV sets to hear the result.

36. This passage is mainly ( 主要地 ) about _____.

A. NBA B. American sports

C. American football D. American baseball

37. Like NBA, football, a baseball match has _____.

A. a round ball B. a bat

C. two teams D. nine players in each team

38. We can know the result of the matches from _____.

A. the radio B. the TV

C. the Internet D. all of the above

39. When there is an important game, what do people do?

A. Thousands of people sit beside the radio.

B. Thousands of people sit in front of the TV sets.

C. Many fans go to watch the game.

D. All the above

40. Which is not right?

A. American football is different from English football.

B. Thousands of people are interested in NBA, baseball and American football.

C. The football seasons goes before the baseball seasons.

D. Members of the important baseball teams become American heroes.


一、1. fish, fishing 2. doesn’t work, be 3. climbing, climb 4. running, run

5. swimming, swim

二、6-10 AABCB 11-15 BBCBD

三、16. Most 17. None 18. All 19. Half 20. Some / A few

四、21. are 22. students 23. times 24. exercise 25. homework

26. do 27. students 28. are 29. watch 30. day

五、31. football 32. eleven 33. feet 34. goal-keeper 35. different

36-40 DCDDC


1. 学会从文章中提取信息

2. 能从听力材料中获取相关信息

3. 培养在各种情境中说英语的习惯

4. 熟练掌握整个单元的词汇及语法并完成练习

二. 词汇

1. favourite

①adj. 最喜欢的

Simon wants to write about his favourite football player.

Swimming is my favourite sport.

Her favourite basketball player is Yao Ming.

②n. 最爱

Chocolate is his favourite.

I’m my parents’ favourite.

2 score

①v. 得分,进球

He scored two goals in his first match for his new team.

Jack scored ten points in the match.

②n. 得分

What’s the score of the match?

The score is 9 to 2.

三. 重点与难点的分析讲解

1. 名词所有格 “某人的…”


①Mary’s house.

My father’s factory.

②Peter and Tom’s room.

③Peter’s and Tom’s rooms.

如果名词是以s结尾的,只需加 ’

his grandparents’ home

the boys’ shoes

2. use … as… 把…用作为…

Use Daniel and Sandy’s conversation as a model.

We use this room as our bedroom.

He uses it as a toy.

The boy uses his feet as his hands.

3. in English 做状语

in 表示方式,方法,手段

What’s this in English?

Please say it in Chinese. ( Please use Chinese to say it.)

Introduce yourself in English. ( Use English to introduce yourself. )

4. leave sth. + 地点 把某物遗忘在某地

Sorry, I left my watch at home.

Who leaves his purse in my office?

forget 忘记 (后面不跟地点)

Sorry, I forget your name.

5. look for 寻找 (过程)

find 找到 (结果)

He is looking for you everywhere.

I’m looking for my book, but I can’t find it.

6. the answer to the question

the key to the door

a visit to France

the way to the hospital



( ) 1.You look nice in blue.

A. very B. much C. light D. quite

( ) 2.The toys are my .

A. children B. children’s C. childrens’ D. childs’

( )3. Jack and I brothers.

A. am not B. are C. is D. am

( )4.This is office, and that’s classroom.

A. an; an B. a; a C. a; an D. an; a

( )5. my bag? It’s in the desk.

A. Who’s B. What’s C. Where’s D. How’s

( )6.-What’s your father’s job? - .

A. An office B. In the park C. In the office D. A teacher

( )7. - your teachers? - Yes, .

A. Is she; any B. Is he ; he is C. Am I; I am D. Are they; they are

( )8.-Are there pens in the box? - Yes, there are .

A. some; any B. some ; some C. any; any D. any ; some

( )9. Fish can’t live water.

A. with B. without C. have D. in

( )10 .-Are you ? -Yes, we are.

A. a new student B. new student C. new students D. a student

( )11. I like TV at home at weekends.

A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches

( )12. Would you like with me?

A. to go B. go C. going D. goes

( )13. Li Lei’s kite is that tree.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

( )14. His mother wants .

A. go to shopping B. to go shop C. to go shopping D. go shopping

( )15.-Can you spell the word, please? -

A. That’s all right. B. Thank you. C. Yes, I can. D. What’s that.

( )16. -Where is the ruler? -It’s the bag and the glass.

A. behind B. between C. in D. under

( )17. Jim and Mary a new bike.

A. there is B. there are C. have D has

( )18. Most people TV after dinner.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. are watch

( )19. your father the bus to school?

A. Do ; take B. Does ; takes C. Is ; take D. Does ; take

( )20. One of his classmates in the classroom.

A. is B. are C. am D. aren’t


1. Close the window please.(改为否定句)


2. There’re some old men near the shop.(改为单数形式句子)


3. This is my photo.(改成复数的一般疑问句)


4. Their teachers are young.(用old改为选择疑问句)


5. to his is mother next sitting he(连词成句)



1. 这个用英语怎么说?

this ?

2. 我下午五点回家。

I five o’clock the afternoon.

3. -那幢楼有几层?-十二层。

-How in that building?

- .

4. 你有小刀吗?

you ?

5. 墙上有一幅中国地图。

a China the wall.


Today is Saturday. It’s Millie’s birthday. She 1 a new pink T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. She 2 cool! There are some drinks, food, and fruit on the table. There 3 some flowers, too.

Millie’s friends have 4 presents for her –CDs, hair clips, chocolates, toys and comic books. Millie is very 5 .

Everyone 6 the party. Some of them talk about 7 film. Some sit beside the table and enjoy the nice 8 . Some sit on the sofa and chat with each other.

At last all her friends walk to her and 9 “Happy Birthday” to her. Then they share the big cake 10 her. Millie has a happy birthday and all her friends have a good time.

( ) 1 A. wear B. wears C. puts

( ) 2 A. sees B. looks C. watches

( ) 3 A. have B. are C. is

( ) 4 A. a lot of B. a lots of C. lot of

( ) 5 A. happy B. happily C. be happy

( ) 6 A. has a good time B. enjoys C. enjoying

( ) 7 A. a interesting B. some C. an interesting

( ) 8 A. breads B. foods C. food

( ) 9 A. sings B. sing C. song

( ) 10 A. to B. with C. for


My family lives in London. In the morning, my father goes to work and we go to school. My father takes us to school every day. My mother stays at home. She does the housework. She always has lunch at home, and visits her friends in the afternoon. In the afternoon, we go home from school by bus. My father gets home from work late. At night my two brothers and I always do our homework. We go to bed at about ten. My father and my mother usually read newspapers. We can watch TV at the weekend.

( ) 1 goes to work in the morning.

A. No one B. We all C. My father D. My mother

( ) 2 lunch at home.

A. My mother has B. My father has

C. Only the children have D. All the family have

( ) 3 home late.

A. The children get B. My father gets

C. My mother gets D. My parents get

( ) 4 We can watch TV .

A on Sunday afternoon B. every day

C often D. at the weekend

( ) 5 There are people in my family.

A. three B. four C. five D. six


一、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. C

11. B 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. A

二、1. Don’t close the window please.

2. There’s an old man near the shop.

3. Are these your photos?

4. Are their teachers young or old?

5. He is sitting next to his mother.

三、1. What’s in English

2. go home at in

3. many floors are there

4. Twelve

5. Do have a knife

6. There’s map of on

四、1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B

五、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C

篇8:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit1 Meeting People(2)

Unit1 Meeting People(2)


Lesson 3 Nice to meet you

Lesson 4 He’s an actor

二. 重点、难点:

1. 学会介绍和别人问好

2. 学会介绍自己的职业

Lesson 3 Nice to meet you

I. Words Study单词学习:

over there me introduce same class about everything have take care

II. Expression patterns常用的表达方式:

1. Who is the boy over there? 站在那里的男孩是谁?

Who is the girl over there?

Take along the books over there.

over there 那里,那边

2. Let me introduce you. 让我来介绍一下。

introduce v.介绍

introduce two friends

He introduces me to his parents.

3. Are we in the same class? 我们是同一个班的么?

Same 的用法:

same 的前面通常都要加上定冠词“the”,例如,

He is the same age as his wife. 他与他的妻子是同岁的。

same的后面通常接as表示与…一样,也可以加that,where,who等来引导关系从句,例如,Put the book back at the same place where you founded it.

She uses the same pencil as you.

She uses the same pencil that you do.


I stayed at home on Monday, and on that same day, the office was on fire.

4. Pleased to meet you. 认识你很高兴。

完整的方式是:I’m pleased to meet you.

相同的表达方式:Glad to meet you. / I’m glad to meet you.

Nice to meet you. / It’s nice to meet you.

5. 相互问候的方式

(1)How are you? 你好吗?


I’m fine. / I’m OK. / I’m pretty well. / I’m super. / I’m not bad.

I’m so-so. / Just so-so. / The same as ever. / I can’t complain too much.

I’m terrific.

类似的方式:How are you doing? I’m doing fine.

(2)How about you? 你还好么?

(3)How is everything? 一切都还好么?

类似于,How is everything with you? How is everything going? How is it going?

回答的方式比如,So far so good. / Pretty good.

(4)Good morning. 早上好。

Good afternoon. 中午好。

Good evening. 晚上好。

6. 告别的方式


(2)Good night.

(3)See you tomorrow.

(4)Take care.

(5)Have a nice day.


7. Mr. ,Mrs. ,Miss 和 Ms.的用法





Lesson 4 He’s an actor

I. Words Study单词学习:

Numbers Occupations:

actor basketball player singer astronaut nurse farmer dancer doctor

engineer cook chef businessman taxi policeman football player

saleswoman manager secretary

II. Expression patterns常用的表达方式:

What is his / her job?

A: What is her job?

B: She is a doctor.

相同的问法有:What does she do? What is her occupation?

III. Grammar 语法知识

1. 单数名词变为复数的形式


1)单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers.

2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches.

3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.

4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs.

5)以o结尾的名词,有些加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes.其它加s: radios, zoos, pianos, photos.

6)不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→men, woman→women, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, mouse→mice.

7)某些外来词变复数:datum→data, medium→media, bacterium→bacteria, curriculum→curricula, criterion→criteria, phenomenon→phenomena. (um/on→a)analysis→analyses, basis→bases, crisis→crises, diagnosis→diagnoses.(is→es )


以man或woman为前缀的复合名词变复数,前后两个名词都变复数,如:manservant→menservants, woman student, women students.

其它复合名词变复数:grown up→grown ups, brother in law→brothers in law, stand by→stands by.

9)复合形容词做定语时,其中的名词保持单数:a six year old boy,a two hundred page book

2. 不定冠词a与an的选择



a boy a football player a beautiful song

an expert an actor an ugly man


冠词在英文中属于虚词,在句子里主要是对名词起限定作用。这类词的数量很小,但是其活动性却很大。在英文中,a / an并不等于one 。

例:He only has one dictionary.他只有一本词典。( 正确 )

He only has a dictionary.他只有一本词典。( 错误 )

One minute is enough for me to do it . 我做这件事一分钟足够了。( 正确 )

A minute is enough for me to do it . 我做这件事一分钟足够了。( 错误 )


例:I am a Chinese. 我是(一个)中国人。

This is a book. 这是(一本)书。


an university 一所大学 an hour 一个小时

an orange 一只桔子 an engineer 一位工程师

an ordinary man一个普通人

an honest person一位诚实的人

3)定冠词在句子中,既可以用于可数名词前,也可以用于不可数名词前;既用在可数名词的单数形式前,也用在可数名词的复数形式前。从表达意义上讲,它既可表达this, that之意义,也可表达these, those之意义。例:

This is the very ink I'm going to buy. 这正是我要买的那种墨水。

The words on the blackboard are to be learned next time. 黑板上的这些单字是下次课要学的。


Here are the records you want. 这些是你要的唱片。

I bought some records yesterday. 昨天我买了几张唱片。

Have you decided on the prices yet? 价格你们确定了吗?



I. 根据提示写出相应的英语:

1. The man, whose job is driving taxi. ________.

2. the room where students study ________

3. A kind of sports team, which has eleven players________

4. an activity (活动) that you want others know your friends ________

5. the man who does business ________

II. 根据上下文填空:

1. A: Hi, Lily. How is everything?

B: Hi, Dan. I’m ____________. I have got 100 in the exam.

2. A: See you tomorrow.

B: _______________.

3. A: What is ___________?

B: My mother is a singer.

4. A: How are you?

B: ____________. I broke my legs.

5. Good _________, my baby. Have a sweet dream.

III. 选择最佳答案:

1. A:Is this a knife?

B:______________ .

A. Yes,it's B. No,it's not C. Yes,it is D. B and C

2. A:Who can read Lesson Nine?

B: ______________.

A. Yes,I can B. Yes,I am C. I can D. Me too

3. A:How is your Mum?

B:She is _______.

A. at home B. in bed C. OK D. sorry

4. Excuse me. ________ your name Sandy?

A. Are B. Is C. What’s D. Tell

5. Do you often say “________” to your parents before you go to bed?

A. Good evening. B. Goodbye.

C. Going to bed. D. Good night.

IV. 完形填空:

Mrs. White __1__ in a school. It is Sunday. She has __2__ classes. At eight in the morning, she __3__ to a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys __4__ cakes for her children. At eleven she __5__ home. She wants to put on her new dress, but she __6__ find her bag. She calls the shop assistant (售货员), “Hello, Mrs. Black. This is Mrs. White. Can you help __7__ find my bag? __8__ in your shop.”

“Of course, Mrs. White,” says the assistant. “We found three bags here. But which one is __9__?”

“I’m __10__,” says Mrs. White, “I can tell you which one is mine.”

1. A. work B. works C. working D. study

2. A. not B. any C. some D. no

3. A. walks B. go C. walking D. walk

4. A. a piece of B. a little C. some D. much

5. A. gets to B. gets C. get D. get to

6. A. can B. don’t C. can’t D. isn’t

7. A. I B. my C. mine D. me

8. A. It’s B. Its C. They’re D. He’s

9. A. you B. your C. mine D. yours

10. A. go B. come C. coming D. going

V. 阅读理解:

Hello! My name is Yang Li. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m twelve. I’m a middle school student. I’m in Row Six. I have many friends in my class. Lucy and Lily are my best(最好的)friends. Lucy is in Row Three, her number is 7, and Lily is in Row Six, Number 5. They are American girls. They are twins. They are eleven. Their mother is a teacher,and their father is a worker.


1. Yang Li is a girl,and she is American.

2. Lucy and Lily are in the same class.

3. Lucy’s father is an English teacher.

4. Yang Li and Lily are in the same row.

5. Lily is eleven and Lucy is twelve.

VI. 书面表达:

Write a short passage about what kind of job you want to do in the future. (30个单词左右)









The Peasant and the Devil

Once upon a time there was a far-sighted, crafty peasant. He once got hold of the devil, and made a fool of him.

The peasant had one day been working in his field. When he was making ready for the journey home, he saw a heap of burning coals in the middle of his field. Full of astonishment, he went up to it. A little black devil was sitting on the live coals.

“Are you sitting upon a treasure?” said the peasant.

“Yes, in truth,” replied the devil, “on a treasure which contains more gold and silver than you have ever seen in your life.”

“The treasure lies in my field and belongs to me,” said the peasant.

“It is yours,” answered the devil, “if you will for two years give me one half of everything your field produces.”

The peasant agreed to the bargain. “In order, however, that no dispute may arise about the division,” said he, “everything that is above ground shall belong to you, and what is under the earth to me.”

The devil was quite satisfied with that, but the cunning peasant had sown turnips. Now when the time for harvest came, the devil appeared and wanted to take away his crop. But he found nothing but the yellow withered leaves. While the peasant, full of delight, was digging up his turnips.

“You have had the best of it for once,” said the devil, “but the next time that won’t do. What grows above ground shall be yours, and what is under it, mine.”

“I am willing,” replied the peasant. But when the time came to sow, he did not again sow turnips, but wheat. The grain became ripe, and the peasant went into the field and cut the full stalks down to the ground. When the devil came, he found nothing but the stubble, and went away in a fury down into a cleft in the rocks.

“That is the way to cheat the devil.” Said the peasant. And he went and fetched away the treasure.


I. 1. taxi driver 2. classroom 3. football team 4. introduce 5. business man

II. 1. pretty well 2. See you 3. your mother’s job 4. Terrible 5. night


IV. 1-5 BDACB 6-10 CDADC

V. 1-5 FTFTF

VI. 略。






“是的,千真万确,” 魔鬼回答说,“这堆财宝多过你这辈子所见到过的金子和银子。”


“它们是归你所有,” 魔鬼说道,“条件是你要连续两年把土地的收成分一半给我。”




“这一次最好的全归了你,” 魔鬼说,“但是下一次就不成了。下一次长在地面以上的归你,长在地面以下的都得归我。”



篇9:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes(2)

Unit Three Houses and Homes (2)


Lesson 11 Is there a restaurant near here?

Lesson 12 How do I get to the post office?

二. 重点、难点:


I. Words Study单词学习:

park street ice rink hotel department store supermarket

opposite mall post office excuse near factory movie

theater gas gas station restaurant get to drug museum

gym bookstore pet shop across from straight

past left right welcome

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 一些常见的地点位置名称

bank police station library

department store post office

supermarket factory

gas station railway station

mall hospital restaurant

movie theater hotel ice rink

drugstore shoe store clothing store

school museum library

video store gym bookstore

pet shop

2. 问路的方式


Excuse me…


Excuse me, but are you Mr. Hong?


Excuse me interrupting, but there is a thing I feel I’ve got to say.

(3)用“Excuse me”或“If you’ll excuse me”,礼貌的表示你将要离开,或者停止谈话

“ Excuse me.” She said to Jill, and left the room.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got work to do.

(4)用“Excuse me, but”来表示将要反对某人的观点

Excuse me, but I want to know what all this has to do with us.






在向别人打听的时候常用“Excuse me”,在向别人提出请求时常用“Could you…?”,来表示礼貌,但是不能用“Can you…?”

(1)Excuse me, where’s the bus station?请问车站在哪?

(2)Excuse me, which is the way to the bus station?请问,哪一条是去车站的路?

(3)Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus station?请问,你能告诉我车站的路吗?

(4)Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station?请问,我如何能到达车站?

(5)Excuse me, is there a bus station near here?请问附近有车站吗?


(1)Go along this street.

Walk along this street.

Go straight on.


(2)Take the second turning on the left / right.


(3)It’s about 4 km away from here.


(4)The bus station is along that road on the right.


(5)It’s next to the police station.


(6)It’s about 10 km away.


(7)It’s quite far / near from here. 离这相当远/近。

(8)It’s about five minutes’ walk from here.



I’m sorry I don’t know.

<4>表示致谢:Thank you very much

Thank you all the same.

3. 表示方向的介词

<1>between… and… 在…和…中间

It’s between the hotel and the bank.

<2>opposite 在…对面

Jenny had sat opposite her at breakfast.

<3>next to 在…旁边

She sat down next to him on the sofa.

<4>on the corner 在拐角处,如果指街面的拐角,介词要用on

in the corner 在角落里,如:a table in the corner of the living room,在角落里时介词要用in

<5>on the left / on the right

<6>across from 从…经过

They parked across from the Castro Theater.


一、语音选择题 找出划线部分读音不同的一个单词

( )1. A. thirty B. three C. father D. think

( )2. A. man B. after C. father D. class

( )3. A. like B. behind C. Chinese D. hill

( )4. A. mother B. brother C. down D. come

( )5. A. their B. here C. pear D. where


6. ( ) Is this a picture ______ your school?

A. on B. in C. of D. at

7. ( ) This is an orange. Can you see ______?

A. its B. it C. them D. they

8. ( ) That is ______ classroom.

A. you B. we C. us D. our

9. ( ) I have ______ hat. ______ hat is new.

A. am, A B. a, The C. a, A D. the, A

10. ( ) Mrs. Green is Kate's mother. Kate is her ______.

A. daughter B. mother C. father D. son


11. Where’s Ed’s home?(①)

-It’s on the hill.

12. Where’s Hattie’s house? (②)

- Behind the school.

13. Where’s Allie’s house? (③)

-Behind the hill.

14. Where are Allie and Frankie? (④)

-They’re in the jeep.

15. Where are Charlie and Greg? (⑤)

-Under the trees.

16. Where’s Chaz? (⑥)

-Under the car.


a, near, Kate’s, behind, see, the, are, look, His, teachers, He, workers, likes

Look at the bedroom. It’s 17 _________. A computer is 18 __________ the window. 19 _________ computer is very new. You can 20 _________ some flowers in the room. They are very nice. There 21 ________ some books on the desk. Kate often does her homework in the room. 22________ father and mother are 23 _______ Her mother teaches Chinese and her father teaches English. Kate has a brother. 24______ name is Jack. 25 _______ isn’t a student. 26 ______ is only 8 years old. Kate.


There (27) a nice girl in our middle school. She is in (28). She is (29) years old. She is not tall and she is not short. She has a (30) face like an apple. Her eyes are big, (31) her mouth is small. Her hair is short and black. She likes red. She is often (32) red clothes. Her parents are (33) doctors. Her brother is Japanese teacher. She loves her family and (34) love her, too. She likes little animals. She has a little dog in her home. (35) name is Xiaoxiao. (36) is she?

( ) 27. A. is B. are C. has D. have

( ) 28. A. row five B. five row C. Row Five D. Five Row

( ) 29. A. forty B. for C. four D. fourteen

( ) 30. A. round B. big C. small D. long

( ) 31. A. with B. or C. but D. and

( ) 32. A. on B. in C. under D. put on

( ) 33. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 34. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs

( ) 35. A. It B. Its C. She D. He

( ) 36. A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose D. How


This is a picture of Mr Li’s family. The man in the middle is Mr Li, the father. The woman is the mother. They have two sons. The son behind Mr Li is Li Lei. He’s thirteen. The son in the front of Mrs Li is Li Ming. He’s eleven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They are good students.

( ) 37. There are _______ people in the picture.

A. three B. four C. five D. six

( ) 38. Mr Li is ________ Li Lei.

A. in front of B. behind C. on D. under

( ) 39. Mr and Mrs Li have ___________.

A. one boy and one girl B. two boys

C. two girls D. one boy

( ) 40. Li Ming is _______ brother.

A. We don’t know. B. Mrs Li’s

C. Li Lei’s D. Mr Li’s

( ) 41. How old are Li Lei and Li Ming? They are_________.

A. 11 and 13 B. 11 and 12 C. 12 and 11 D. 13 and 11


The Little Match Girl

Hans Christian Andersen

It was terribly cold; it snowed and was already almost dark, and evening came on, the last evening of the year. In the cold and gloom a poor little girl, bare-headed and barefoot, was walking through the streets. When she left her own house she certainly had had slippers on; but of what use were they? They were very big slippers, and her mother had used them till then, so big were they. The little maid lost them as she slipped across the road, where two carriages were rattling by terribly fast. One slipper was not to be found again, and a boy had seized the other, and run away with it. He thought he could use it very well as a cradle, some day when he had children of his own.

So now the little girl went with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the cold. In an old apron she carried a number of matches, and a bundle of them in her hand. No one had bought anything from her all day, and no one had given her a farthing.

Shivering with cold and hunger she crept along, a picture of misery, poor little girl! The snowflakes covered her long fair hair, which fell in pretty curls over her neck; but she did not think of that now. In all the windows lights were shining, and there was a glorious smell of roast goose, for it was New Year’s Eve. Yes, she thought of that!

In a corner formed by two houses, one of which projected beyond the other, she sat down, cowering. She had drawn up her little feet, but she was still colder, and she did not dare to go home, for she had sold no matches, and did not bring a farthing of money. From her father she would certainly receive a beating, and besides, it was cold at home, for they had nothing over them but a roof through which the wind whistled, though the largest rents had been stopped with straw and rags.

Her little hands were almost benumbed with the cold. Ah! a match might do her good, if she could only draw one from the bundle, and rub it against the wall, and warm her hands at it. She drew one out. R-r-atch! How it sputtered and burned! It was a warm, bright flame, like a little candle, when she held her hands over it; it was a wonderful little light! It really seemed to the little girl as if she sat before a great polished stove, with bright brass feet and a brass cover. How the fire burned! How comfortable it was! But the little flame went out, the stove vanished, and she had only the remains of the burned match in her hand.

A second was rubbed against the wall. It burned up, and when the light fell upon the wall it became transparent like a thin veil, and she could see through it into the room. On the table a snow-white cloth was spread; upon it stood a shining dinner service; the roast goose smoked gloriously, stuffed with apples and dried plums. And what was still more splendid to see, the goose hopped down from the dish, and waddled along the floor, with a knife and fork in its breast, to the little girl. Then the match went out, and only the thick, damp, cold wall was before her.

She lighted another match. Then she was sitting under a beautiful Christmas tree; it was greater and more ornamental than the one she had seen through the glass door at the rich merchant’s. Thousands of candles burned upon the green branches, and coloured pictures like those in the print shops looked down upon them. The little girl stretched forth her hand to ward them; then the match went out. The Christmas lights mounted higher. She saw them now as stars in the sky: one of them fell down, forming a long line of fire.

“Now some one is dying,”thought the little girl, for her old grandmother, the only person who had loved her, and who was now dead, had told her that when a star fell down a soul mounted up to God.

She rubbed another match against the wall; it became bright again, and in the brightness the old grandmother stood clear and shining, mild and lovely.

“Grandmother!”cried the child.“Oh! Take me with you! I know you will go when the match is burned out. You will vanish like the warm fire, the warm food, and the great glorious Christmas tree!”

And she hastily rubbed the whole bundle of matches, for she wished to hold her grandmother fast. And the matches burned with such a glow that it became brighter than in the middle of the day; grandmother had never been so large or so beautiful. She took the little girl in her arms, and both flew in brightness and joy above the earth, very, very high, and up there was neither cold, nor hunger, nor care--they were with God!

But in the corner, leaning against the wall, sat the poor girl with red cheeks and smiling mouth, frozen to death on the last evening of the Old Year. The New Year’s sun rose upon a little corpse! The child sat there, stiff and cold, with the matches of which one bundle was burned.

“She wanted to warm herself,”the people said. No one imagined what a beautiful thing she had seen, and in what glory she had gone in with her grandmother to the New Year’s Day.



6-10 CBDBA


17. Kate’s 18. near 19. The 20. see 21. are

22. Kate’s 23. teachers 24. His 25. He 26. He


37-41 BABCD
















篇10:(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes(1)

Unit3 Houses and Homes(1)


Lesson 9 There isn’t a TV!

Lesson 10 How many bedrooms are there?

二. 重点、难点:

掌握There be句型的使用


学会How many…are there的用法



Lesson 9 There isn’t a TV!

I. Words Study单词学习:

picture bed between above bookcase lots of under in on other corner table letter lamp perfect tell beg behind floor comfortable

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 方位介词的用法

1)on 表示地点:在…上面(与…相接触)

He puts the book on the table.

The fly is on the ceiling.

There were water colors on the wall.

2) under 在某物的正下方,两者之间不接触

You will find it under the seat.

My shoes are under the bed.

3)behind 在…背后;在…后面

The garage is behind the house.

He came out from behind the door.

4)in front of 在…前面,正好与behind相反

There are some big trees in front of our classroom.

5)in 表示在…里面,内部;在…上

He lives in a village.

She carried a bag in her hand.

It is cool in the shade.

6)right 在…右边

Kate is on my right.

7)left 在…左边,与right相反

I am on Tom’s left.


Henry is sitting near the window.

The post-office is near our school.


A bird is flying above the woods.

The portrait is above the blackboard.

The lights are above my desk.


The sky is over our heads.

The plane flew over the house.

There is a bridge over the river.

11)between 在两者之间

Q comes between P and R.

I lost my key somewhere between the car and the house.

Lesson 10 How many bedrooms are there?

I. Words Study单词学习:

bedroom bathroom kitchen dining room living room study elevator garage apartment second refrigerator cupboard stove sofa toilet shower

II. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:

1. 房间的表达方式

2. There be句型的用法

英语“There + be + (not)”结构表示“有(没有)某人或某物”,there是无词义的引导词,be是谓语动词,它后面的名词是主语,两者在数上必须一致。句末往往有表示地点或时间的状语。


There +(助动词或情态动词)+be+主语+地点(时间)状语。

There is a picture on the wall.

There are 24 hours in a day.

如果there+be之后是并列主语,第一个主语又是单数名词时,在口语中可以用There is….

There are/is a boy and a girl in the room.

There are/is one teacher and four students in the room.


There +be(助动词或情态动词)+not(any)(或+no)+主语…

There was not an underground in Beijing before.

There is nothing more for me to do now.

There won’t be a dance this weekend.



A. Be+there+(any)+主语…?

B. 助动词或情态动词+there+be+(any)+主语…?

Is there anything I can do for you?

Will there be a report by an old experienced teacher this afternoon?



How many months are there in a year?

What’s there in your pocket?

4)含有there的句子用seem to be,happen to be,used to be或live等词做谓语的结构

There happened to be on old friend of mine in the shop.

There used to be a temple here.

There seemed to be no point in refusing.

There once lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.

3. How many … are there的用法

A: How many bedrooms are there in your house?

B: There are three bedrooms.

结构:How many + 复数名词+一般疑问句?

对于there be句型中主语的数量如:some, five, only one等提问时,如果主语是可数名词,不管是单数还是复数,一般都用复数形式提问,因为问话人不知道具体的数量是多少,而且many只能接可数名词复数形式,所有be一定要用are,即为:

How many + 复数名词+are there+地点/时间状语?

There are seven days in a week.

How many days are there in a week?

对于how many引导的特殊疑问句要用陈述句来回答,一般情况下,数词后面的句子成分可以省略,如:

How many students are there in your class?

There are thirty-six (students in our class).



1. There is apple in the box. apple is very big.

A. a, A B. an, An C. an, The D. a, The

2. They don’t have new books. They only have some old ones.

A. some B. any C. many D. much

3. Mrs. White goes shopping this time of day.

A. in B. for C. on D. at

4. There some meat in the box. Our cat wants to eat it.

A. are B. is C. have D. has

5. There is no difference. That means .

A. they are the same B. they look different

C. they look the same D. it’s different

6. can you see in the picture? An old man with a hat.

A. What else B. Who else C. Where else D. When else

7. you like something to eat? Yes, I’d like some oranges.

A. Are B. Do C. Would D. Can

8. The shop in our school on Sunday.

A. not open B. is close C. close D. is closed

9. play in the street. It’s too dangerous.

A. Not B. Don’t C. Aren’t D. Can’t

10. they any bananas?

A. Do, has B. Do, have C. Does, have D. Does, has

11. Anna, could you give Dad and some pears, please?

A. mine B. me C. my D. I

12. Here are two pencils. is red, is black.

A. One, one B. One, other C. One, the other D. One, the one else

13. Rose, Linda and I in the same team.

A. am B. are C. is D. be

14. What’s wrong the bike?

A. with B. on C. about D. of

15. How many can you see in the picture?

A. bottles of water B. a bottle of water

C. bottle of waters D. bottle of water

16. Can you a bike?

A. mending B. mend C. are mending D. mends

17. Oh, I only have five yuan. May I some from you?

A. give B. take C. make D. borrow

18. Mike isn’t good at swimming, he is good at football.

A. but B. so C. and D. after

19. The twin sisters are a picture-book in their bedroom.

A. looking B. watching C. reading D. seeing

20. The woman a red skirt is my aunt.

A. wear B. is wearing C. in D. one


21. Oh, I can’t find my Chinese book. A. No, there aren’t any.

22. May I borrow your dictionary? B. He’s riding a bike.

23. Are there any oranges? C. Yes, I’m very thirsty.

24. What’s the boy doing? D. Don’t worry. Let me help you.

25. Would you like something to drink? E. Ok, here you are.

三、完成句子 (用所给词的适当形式填空)

26. I want (put) these things in my room.

27. (not throw) it like this.

28. I’d (like) a bottle of orange juice.

29. you (have) a knife?

30. What’s Kate doing? She (take) photos.

31. The woman goes to the policeman for (help).

32. Jim is very good at (run).

33. Mike and Tom are doing (they) homework.

34. Look at the nice room. It is (Joy).

35. How many (bag) of rice do you want?


A: Hi, Sam! Come here, Let’s 36 basketball.

B: 37 , I can’t.

A: What are you 38 now?

B: I am 39 my homework. Go and 40 David.

A: Thank you. 41 is he?

B: He is 42 home.

A: Is David in?

C: Yes, come 43 , please.

A: David, 44 you like to go and play basketball 45 us?

C: Certainly! Please sit here. Just a minute. Let’s go.


46-47 I’m making my bed. (对划线部分提问)

are you ?

48-49 Give her a cup of tea. (同义句)

Give a cup of tea .

50-51 There are some birds in the tree. (一般疑问句)

there birds in the tree?

52-53 My little brother has a nice eraser. (否定句)

My little brother a nice eraser.

54-55 Let me have a try. (同义句)

I want .


Mr. Liu is 56 teacher 57 English. He is not young, but he is not old, either. He

58 a round face and short hair. He is tall. 59 are fifty students in his class. They 60


Now it’s five in the afternoon. 61 , some students 62 in the classroom. Mr. Liu is there, too. He is helping 63 to study English. He is a good teacher 64 a good friend of 65 .

56. A. a B. the C. an D. this

57. A. in B. with C. on D. of

58. A. is B. have C. has D. is having

59. A. Here B. There C. Those D. These

60. A. all like B. look like C. like all D. all look

61. A. See B. Look C. Watch D. Look at

62. A. work B. working C. are working D. are work

63. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them

64. A. and B. but C. then D or

65. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs



It’s nine o’clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. His mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to Polly, their bird. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Where’s Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.

66. There are people in the family.

A. three B. four C. five D. six

67. Who is watching TV in a chair?

A. Jim is B. It’s Jim’s sister C. Jim’s father is D. It’s Jim’s mother

68. Jim and Kate are .

A. good friends B. two girls C. two boys D. brother and sister

69. The children doing their homework.

A. aren’t B. isn’t C. don’t D. not

70. What’s Kate doing?

A. She’s doing her homework. B. She’s standing near the window.

C. She’s looking for a pen. D. She’s playing games.


I am born (出生) in a small river. When I am young, the river is my home. I don’t have parents, but I have hundreds of bothers and sisters. I swim and play with them all day.

At that time I do not look like my parents. I have no legs or hands, but I have a long tail (尾巴). So I look like a fish. When I grow up, I have no tail, and I have four legs. I look like my parents now. I jump out of the water. I live on land and in the water, too. I eat a lot of insects(昆虫)---- bad insects. Who am I?

71. Who am I?

A. Fish B. Duck(鸭子) C. Frog(青蛙) D. Bird

72. When I am young, I play with

A. my parents B. my sisters and brothers

C. many fish D. a lot of insects

73. When I am young, I .

A. look like my parents B. have two hands and two legs

C. have only a long tail D. am a fish

74. When I look like my parents, I .

A. live only in the water B. can only swim

C. eat a lot of insects D. look like a fish

75. I’m a friend of people because .

A. I have hands and legs like people B. I live on the land with people

C. I like people very much D. I eat a lot of bad insects


Mr. and Mrs. Smith has their only son, Jack. Jack has a very small head. He only likes science(科学). He doesn’t like other lessons. He likes to break things and mend them again. And he likes making things. Today he wants to make a robot. He wants it to have classes and do homework for him.

His parents think something is wrong with his head. They want to see a doctor. They want the doctor to mend his head or make a new one for him.

76. Jack is a .

A. student B. teacher C. doctor D. robot

77. There are people in Jack’s family.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

78. Jack doesn’t like to .

A. study science B. study math(数学)

C. break things D. make things

79. Jack wants to today.

A. see a doctor B. mend his bike

C. do his homework D. make a robot

80. Do they have to(不得不) see a doctor?

A. I think so. B. I don’t know. C. I don’t think so. D. Yes, they do.


We Are Brave

Frog and Toad were reading a book together. “The people in this book are brave,” said Toad. “They fight dragon and giants, and they are never afraid.”

“I wonder if we are brave,” said Frog. Frog and Toad looked into a mirror. “We look brave,” said Frog. “Yes, but are we?” asked Toad. Frog and Toad went outside. “We can try to climb this mountain,” said Frog. “That should tell us if we are brave.” Frog went leaping over rock, and Toad came puffing up behind him. They came to a dark cave. A big snake came out of the cave. “Hello lunch,” said the snake when he saw Frog and Toad. He opened his wide mouth. Frog and Toad jumped away. Toad was shaking. “I am not afraid!” he cried. They climbed higher, and they heard a loud noise. Many large stones were rolling down the mountain. “It’s an avalanche!” cried Toad. Frog and Toad jumped away. Frog was trembling. “I am not afraid!” he shouted.

They came to the top of the mountain. The shadow of a hawk fell over them. Frog and Toad jumped under a rock. The hawk flew away. “We are not afraid!” screamed Frog and Toad at the same time.

Then they ran down the mountain very fast. They ran past the place where they saw the avalanche. They ran past the place where they saw the snake. They ran all the way to Toad’s house.

“Frog, I am glad to have a brave friend like you,” said Toad. He jumped into the bed and pulled the covers over his head. “And I am happy to know a brave person like you, Toad,” said Frog. He jumped into the closet and shut the door. Toad stayed in the bed, and Frog stayed in the closet. They stayed there for a long time, just feeling very brave together.



1-5 CBDBA 6-10 BCDBB 11-15 BCBAA 16-20 BDACC


21-25 DEABC


26. to put 27. Don’t throw 28. like 29. Do…have 30. is taking

31. help 32. running 33. their 34. Joy’s 35. bags


36. play 37. Sorry 38. doing 39. doing 40. ask

41. Where 42. at 43. in 44. would 45. with


46. What 47. doing 48. to 49. her 50. Are

51. any 52. doesn’t 53. have 54. a 55. go


56-60 ADCBA 61-65 BCDAD


66-70 BCDAD 71-75 CBCCD 76-80 ABBDC




“我想知道我们勇敢不勇敢,”青蛙说。青蛙和蟾蜍照了照镜子。“我们看上去挺勇敢的,”青蛙说。“不错,但我们真的勇敢吗?” 蟾蜍问。青蛙和蟾蜍走到外面。青蛙提议说:“要不我们来试试爬山吧。爬山能验证我们勇敢不勇敢。”青蛙一蹦一跳地越过岩石,蟾蜍呼哧呼哧地跟在后面。他们来到一个漆黑的山洞前。一条粗大的蛇从洞口钻出来。他一看见青蛙和蟾蜍便说:“你们好,我的午餐。”然后大嘴洞开。青蛙和蟾蜍赶紧跳到一旁。蟾蜍浑身直发抖,嘴里却喊着:“我不害怕!”他们爬到更高一些的地方时,耳中传来一声巨响。许多巨石纷纷从山上滚落下来。“雪崩了!” 蟾蜍大喊。青蛙和蟾蜍赶紧跳到一旁。青蛙哆哆嗦嗦地喊道:“我不害怕!”



“青蛙,我很高兴能有像你这样勇敢的朋友,” 蟾蜍说。他一跃上了床,用被子蒙上脑袋。“我很高兴认识像你这样勇敢的人,蟾蜍,”青蛙说。他跳进壁橱里,还关上了门。蟾蜍缩在床上,青蛙关在壁橱里。他们就这样呆了很长时间,都感觉自己非常勇敢。











(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes
《(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes.doc》

【(北师大版)初一英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit3 Houses and Homes(合集10篇)】相关文章:










