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Evaluating the performance of the board

Few employees escape the annual or twice-yearly performance review. (0) .....G......The answer is not a great number. And the smaller the company, the fewer checks there are on how well the directors are doing. Some of the largest companies formally assess the performance of their board, but very few new or growing companies have managed to get round to establishing any such procedure.

Many business experts believe, however, that it is important for all companies to review the performance of the board. (8) .............Another reason is that the board itself needs information on how well it is doing, just as much as other employees do. For the chief executive, appraisal of some sort is absolutely essential for his or her own sake and for the good of the company. Indeed, many of those who have reached this level remark on how lonely the job of chief executive is and how few opportunities they get to discuss issues relating to it.

There is some evidence to show that once smaller companies put a board appraisal process in place, they find this process relatively easy to operate. (9) .............Their counterparts in larger organisations, however, are often afraid that appraisals could be a challenge to their status.

So, how should companies assess their board? (10) .............At a very basic level,this could simply mean getting all the directors to write down what they have achieved and how they can improve on it. At the other end of the scale is the full '360-degree' appraisal. Here, each director is appraised in a systematic manner by a combination of the chairman and fellow directors.

In the largest companies there are many methods for assessing the board. A number of such companies have self-assessment schemes. The chairman may meet each board member individually to ask how things are going, in a fairly informal way. The whole board might also meet to talk about its progress in open session. (11).............These might ask for people's opinions on the board's main tasks or on how well the committees are working.

Research indicates there has been some improvement in the way the appraisal of board members is conducted. (12) .............The chairman will have been involved directly or indirectly in the appraisal of all members of the board. Whose job is it, then, to appraise the chairman?

A It is often the case that the directors of such companies are even happy to receive criticism, as this can prevent them from making basic mistakes.

B The rest of the workforce sees it as unfair if the directors are the only members of the company to escape appraisal.

C These are encouraging as they put a limit on the power of the chairman to assess fellow directors.

D Alternatively, questionnaires might be distributed to directors, forming the basis for future discussion.

E One issue remains, however, when all the others have been dealt with.

F It is generally agreed that it is the chairman's responsibility to ensure the regular appraisal of each member of the board.

G However, one wonders how many companies have in place a formal appraisal process for their board of directors.

《Evaluating the performance of the board》,评估董事局的表现。众所周知一个公司里面是经常对员工的表现进行评估的,那么谁又来评估董事局的表现呢?这篇文章讲了对董事局表现进行评估的重要性和一些方法。

第八题,前面说对董事局的表现进行评估是很重要的。空格后面的句子中有another reason,可见这个第八空应该填入对董事局表现进行评估原因的句子。B符合这一特点,为什么要进行评估,因为“如果决策层是公司唯一逃避评估的成员的话,其他的员工会视之为不公平。”

第九题,前面说小公司会发现这种评估过程更容易操作。空格后面一个however,说大公司的决策层会认为评估是对他们地位的一种挑战。可见这个空格应该填入表示小公司愿意接受评估的句子。A符合这一特点:通常这些公司的决策层会很乐意接受批评,因为这可以防止他们犯错误。这里的such companies是个暗示,可以和前面的smaller companies对应上。


第十一题。第五段依然是讲评估的方法,具体的过程。空格的前面说主席可以单独会见董事局的每一个成员,或者是集体在一起谈话。空格后面说这些可以询问人们关于董事局主要任务以及委员会的工作进展情况的意见。ask for people’s opinion是个关键点,什么可以询问人们的观点?调查。选D,questionnaires是个关键的暗示:或者,也许可以给经理们分发调查问卷,形成未来讨论的基础。

第十二题,这一空前面说有调查显示对董事局成员进行评估的方法有所改善。空格后面来了一个疑问,提出没有人评估主席。可见第十二题有转折的意思,选E,有关键的连词however,而且E的one issue remains,正好对应最后一段最后一句话的一个问题。内容上也吻合。



We manage our own careers now. So knowing how to brand and position yourself in the market as 'Me plc' at different stages of your working life is becoming an increasingly vital skill. At least that is what image expert Mary Spillane believes. 'Employment as we know it is decreasing. Jobs don't exist, work exists. In the next decade most of us will be suppliers, not staff. We will have clients not bosses. If you are under 30, you probably know that there is only one firm to join for life: Me plc. It promotes you and your potential to others.'

'We're working in multi-national, multicultural, multi-corporate teams and it's important to understand the implications of this. We need to create a personal brand that is unique, but complements the brand of the corporation we are working for. You have to find a way to do it so that you are not just a typical employee,' advises Spillane. 'You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation.'

Many people only remember Mary Spillane for the years she spent running a cosmetics company, but she actually has masters degrees in information science and politics. She used to hide that hard-hitting side, but is now eager to show it and forget about cosmetics. 'Now that I'm working in the boardrooms of major plcs and global companies, I'm playing up my degrees and management background so that the image side is seen only as an addition to the value side,' says Spillane.

Some contracts take longer than others. 'The City law firms I'm currently working for are really difficult because they don't have any idea of what their brand should be, and are still very traditional even when talking about becoming modern. I'm showing them how to do everything from changing their reception areas -which tend to be very off-putting with their high-fronted reception desks - to how to make small talk that is less formal and rigid. Companies rebrand themselves all the time, spending millions on new office interiors and so on. But without an underlying change of attitudes, it can prove an empty exercise.'

She argues that for individuals too, there must be more than a surface change, as rebranding goes deeper than a mere change of wardrobe. Beyond advice on appearance, she tells clients, 'Remind yourself of what you are selling: the personal values that comprise your brand. Learn to present yourself in a way that will project what you want to deliver. Lifelong learning is essential, together with the sort of discovery and adventure that promote personal growth. Always have an up-to-the-minute CV ready to print out, refreshing it every few months with your most recent achievements, just to remind others of your brand value.'

She believes it is essential that you understand both your public self and your private self, as well as your blind spots and your potential, in order to create an effective brand. The public self is the image you project to the world, the private self is what you know about yourself but others don't, arid blind spots are those things that others see about you but you can't see for yourself. By deciding what image you want other people to see, emphasising more of your private self and sorting out a few blind spots, you will increase not only your potential to influence others, but also your self-esteem and self-confidence.'

13 In the first paragraph, Mary Spillane says people should learn how to market themselves because

A it encourages companies to give them a job for life.

B in the future it will be a company requirement.

C in many careers it is becoming difficult to succeed.

D it will help them adapt to developments in the job market.

14 Spillane says that, when creating a personal brand, it is important to

A change things depending on the circumstances.

B decide what image people would like you to present.

C make sure that colleagues feel at ease with your image.

D follow the example of someone in the company you work for.

15 What do we learn about Spillane in the third paragraph?

A She is embarrassed about her career with a cosmetics company.

B She doesn't like talking about her academic background.

C She has qualifications many people are unaware of.

D She worries about how other people see her.

16 Which problem does Spillane refer to when talking about the companies she is presently working with?

A They find it difficult to accept her ideas.

B They are unaware of how to rebrand themselves.

C They don't want to spend large amounts of money.

D They are unwilling to modernise their work environment.

17 When advising people on rebranding themselves, Spillane tells them to

A attend courses to gain specialist skills.

B update regularly their written proof of what they can do.

C try out different ways of presenting themselves to others.

D remember that what they look like is the most important point.

18 Spillane says that, in order to rebrand yourself successfully, it is important to

A ask for other people's opinions about your image.

B feel confident about what you are trying to achieve.

C learn how to make use of all aspects of your character.

D model yourself on people with a certain amount of influence.

《How to market yourself》,怎样开发你自己。这篇文章主要是一个专家(Mary Spillane)对个人在职业生涯中的一些建议,包括怎么定位、怎样正确认识自己等等。很实用很中肯的一篇文章。看来这国外的专家并不也是夸夸其谈之辈啊。

13题,问第一段Mary Spillane认为人们应该学会开发他们自己的原因是什么。第一段里这个专家认为就业机会在减少,job不存在了,存在的是work,在未来十年所有人都将成为才华和能力的提供者(supplier),而不是员工(staff),老板将变成自己的客户。从专家的这段话可以看出她认为人们应该学会开发自己的原因是适应就业市场的发展,也就是D答案所说的。A在原文没有提到,B的理解有误,原文说there is only one firm to join for life: Me plc。生活中只有一个值得加入的公司:自我公司。这句的意思还是说人们要学会开发自己,而不是将来有公司需要。C在原文中也没有提到。

14题,问在创造个人品牌的时候,很重要的是什么。答案是第二段的最后一句:You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation.你必须决定自己要建立的中心价值什么,同时还有哪些是需要随着环境的改变而改变的。A的表述正确,根据环境来改变事情。B不对,不是说决定人们想要你呈现的形象,而是自己决定自己想要建立的中心价值。C、D在原文都没有提到。


16题,问Spillane指出了现在工作公司的什么问题。答案是第四段的这么一句:they don't have any idea of what their brand should be, and are still very traditional even when talking about becoming modern.对于自己的品牌应该是怎么样的他们没有任何概念,同时在谈到变得现代时依然很传统。这一段是讲这个公司在转变时的一些问题,他们投入了巨大的财力想重新树立自己的品牌,但是没有一个深层次的态度的转变,是很难有实效的。答案是B,不知如何重新树立自己的品牌。A不对,没有说不愿意接受,C不对,公司投入巨大,D不对,不是不愿意现代化,而是不知道怎么现代化,说要现代化还是显得很传统。

17题,问对于想要重新树立自己品牌的个人,Spillane的建议是什么。答案是第五段的最后一句:Always have an up-to-the-minute CV ready to print out, refreshing it every few months with your most recent achievements时刻要有一个准备打印的最新的简历,每隔几个月用你最新的成绩来更新一次。总结起来就是B选项所说的“固定更新关于自己能做什么的书面证明”。

18题,问为了能成功的重新树立自己的个人品牌,很重要的是什么。最后一段强调了人应该了解自己的几个方面:公我(public self)、私我(private self)、盲点和潜力,并且分别介绍了四种方面的含义。答案是这么一句,需要提炼总结:By deciding what image you want other people to see, emphasising more of your private self and sorting out a few blind spots。更多的强调私我,并且挑选出一些盲点。总结起来就是B所说的:学会怎样全面利用自己性格的各个方面。

理解一下D选项一个词组的含义:model yourself on(after) somebody:to try to be like someone else because you admire them最后说点不是题外话的题外话。


1、jobs don't exist, work exists. In the next decade most of us will be suppliers, not staff. We will have clients not bosses.


2、You have to decide what central values you want to project, and also what may need to alter from situation to situation.


3、Remind yourself of what you are selling: the personal values that comprise your brand. Learn to present yourself in a way that will project what you want to deliver.



1 the contact between coach and employee not solving all difficulties at work

2 the discussion of how certain situations could be better handled if they occur again

3 a coach encouraging an employee to apply what has been taught to routine work situations

4 coaching providing new interest to individuals who are unhappy in their current positions

5 coaching providing a supportive environment to discuss performance

6 employees being asked to analyse themselves and practise greater self-awareness

7 coaching enabling a company to respond rapidly to a lack of expertise in a certain area



Coaching involves two or more people sitting down together to talk through issues that have come up recently at work, and analysing how they were managed and how they might be dealt with more effectively on subsequent occasions. Coaching thus transfers skills and information from one person to another in an on-the-job situation so that the work experience of the coach is used to advise and guide the individual being coached. It also allows successes and failures to be evaluated in a non-threatening atmosphere.


Coaching means influencing the learner's personal development, for example his or her confidence and ambition. It can take place any time during an individual's career. Coaching is intended to assist individuals to function more effectively, and it is a powerful learning model. It begins where skills-based training ends, and helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations. Individuals being coached are in a demanding situation with their coach, which requires them to consider their own behaviour and question their reasons for doing things.


The coach professionally assists the career development of another individual, outside the normal manager/subordinate relationship. In theory, the coaching relationship should provide answers to every problem, but in practice it falls short of this. However, it can provide a space for discussion and feedback on topics such as people management and skills, behaviour patterns, confidence-building and time management. Through coaching, an organisation can meet skills shortages, discuss targets and indicate how employees should deal with challenging situations, all at short notice.


Effective coaches are usually those who get satisfaction from the success of others and who give time to the coaching role. Giving people coaching responsibilities can support their development, either by encouraging management potential through small-scale one-to-one assignments, or by providing added job satisfaction to managers who feel they are stuck in their present jobs. A coach is also a confidential adviser, accustomed to developing positive and effective approaches to complex management, organisational and change problems.


第一题,教练和员工之间的接触不能解决工作中的所有困难。答案是C段的这么一句:In theory, the coaching relationship should provide answers to every problem, but in practice it falls short of this.理论上,培训可以提供所有问题的答案。但是实践中达不到这样。Fall short of是关键词。

第二题,讨论某些情况如果再度出现的话怎么样可以处理的更好。答案是A段的这么一句:analysing how they were managed and how they might be dealt with more effectively on subsequent occasions.分析应该如何进行处理并且在接下来的情况下怎样可以处理的更有效。这里的dealt with more effectively对应于题干中的better handled,on subsequent occasions.也就是occur again。

第三题,教练鼓励员工将所学应用到日常的工作中。答案是B段的这么一句:helps individuals to use formally learnt knowledge in day-to-day work and management situations.帮助个人将学到的正式知识用在日常工作和管理情况下。这里的day-to-day work and management situations就是题干中的routine work situations,what has been taught也就是formally learnt knowledge。

第四题,培训为在现有岗位上不高兴的个人提供了新的兴趣。答案是D段的这么一句:providing added job satisfaction to managers who feel they are stuck in their present jobs。对感觉自己在现有岗位上受困的经理们提供附加的工作满足感。这里的stuck in their present jobs就是题干中的unhappy in their current position,added job satisfaction可以对应于题干中的new interest。

第五题,培训提供了一个有力的、支持性的讨论工作表现的环境。答案是A段的:It also allows successes and failures to be evaluated in a non-threatening atmosphere.它允许成功和失败在一个没有威胁的气氛下被评估。成功和失败也就是performance,supportive environment可以对应于non-threatening atmosphere。

第六题,员工被要求分析他们自己并且培养出更强的自知。有必要理解下self-awareness的含义,不能简单的从中文理解成自我意识,看英文解释:knowledge and understanding of yourself。所以答案是B段的这么一句:requires them to consider their own behaviour and question their reasons for doing things.要求他们考虑自己的行为并且思考这么做的理由。consider their own behaviour可以对应于题干中的analyse themselves,思考这么做的理由也是为了进一步增进对自己的认识。

第七题,培训可以使得公司对某个领域的技术缺失迅速做出反应。答案是C段的最后一句:indicate how employees should deal with challenging situations, all at short notice.指出员工怎样处理有挑战性的情况,在短时间内。At short notice是一接到通知就,短时间内的意思,可以对应这一题的respond rapidly,challenging situations可以指代题干中的a lack of expertise in a certain area.


1 In order to complete a task well, it may not be necessary to deal with every detail.

2 If you have too much to do, you may need toturn down work in the future.

3 Any planning activity needs to take place on a regular basis.

4 You should avoid giving additional time to a particular task.

5 It is possible that some routine tasks do not need to be carried out.

6 If you are overloaded with work, it is important to identify the cause.

7 People at all levels perform time-wasting activities.

Successful Time Management


The secret of avoiding work pressure is thinking ahead. Every day you need to review your progress towards objectives and decide how you can best use the time available to make further progress. You may find this is best done at the start of your working day but some people prefer to have a planning session just before they finish. Whichever you select - and you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule. Never say, 'I don't have time to plan today'.


Managers at all levels occasionally find they have taken on more than they can cope with. This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action. Until the problem is resolved, most of your time and energy will go into worrying about the situation and you will feel unmotivated. Think too about how to prevent it happening again. This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.


If a review of your working practices shows that you are too much of a perfectionist, do something about this. Modern definitions of quality refer to Witness for purpose'. If you bear this in mind, you may find it easier to persuade yourself to settle for an acceptable level of quality rather than perfection. When thinking about objectives and planning how to achieve them, consider how thoroughly you need to do something in order to meet your requirements. Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.


If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time. Many people file unnecessary papers and attend endless, unproductive meetings. Even top managers can be guilty of misdirecting their efforts by supervising subordinates too closely or failing to delegate. If you question the necessity of certain work, you may find it easier to avoid these misdirected efforts and this will better inform your planning in the future.

《Successful Time Management》,成功的时间管理。文章针对怎么利用时间、提高工作效率提出了一些建议。

第一题,为了完成好一个任务,没有必要处理每一个细节。答案是C段的最后一句话,而且这句话同时是第一题和第四题的答案所在:Unless you have spare time, do not spend extra hours on an activity in an effort to cover absolutely everything.除非你有空闲的时间,否则不要在一件事情上花费额外的时间去努力涉及到所有事情。cover absolutely everything可以对应于deal with every detail。

第二题,如果你有很多要做的,也许需要拒绝以后的工作。答案是B段的最后一句,有点绕:This may require you to be firm and avoid agreeing to more than is realistic.这需要你变得坚定,避免答应超出现实的工作。more than is realistic,也就是眼前无法完成的工作,即work in the future。

第三题,任何计划行为都需要建立在一个有规律的基础上。答案在A段。A段整个就是讲的计划的重要性,有计划,才能合理安排时间。中间说有人喜欢在每天开始的时候计划,有人喜欢在结束前。答案是这么一句:you may need to experiment to find what suits you best-find some way of fitting the activity into your schedule.你必须去试验寻找到最适合你的——寻找将这个活动融入到你的时间表的某种方法。要让计划融入进你的时间表,也就是说计划要成为你的日程的固定部分,即题目说的take place on a regular basis。

第四题,在第一题已经说了,C段的最后一句,extra hours可以对应于additional time。

第五题,可能有些例行的任务不需要被执行。答案是D段的第一句:If your review of a period of time shows that you are spending time on things that are not really necessary or important, then think hard about whether you can afford this time如果回顾某段时间发现你在一些并不是真正必要或者重要的事情上花费了时间,那么你需要仔细考虑这次你是否花的起。言下之意,有些things that are not really necessary or important(some routine tasks)可以不必花时间做(do not need to be carried out)。

第六题,如果你觉得自己工作负担过重,那么查明原因很重要。答案是B段的这么一句:This is not a crime, but you must examine the reasons for such a situation and then plan a course of action。examine the reasons可以对应于identify the cause。

第七题,各个等级的人都会进行浪费时间的活动。答案在D段,需要提炼。D段整个讲的都是不要把时间浪费在不必要的事情上。前面说不要干一些routine task,后面说顶端的经理们也会误用他们的努力。最后一段盘点了很多人,前面的many people,后面的even top manager,和在一起就是题目说的people at all levels。不管是routine task,还是misdirecting their efforts,都是time-wasting activities。


1 SunTours runs a risk by selling similar holidays to customers in different income brackets.

2 It is worth offering holidays at a discount to increase the number of bookings.

3 SunTours needs to reflect on its marketing methods if it wants to boost repeat custom.

4 It would be a good idea to sell holidays to locations which other promoters have ignored.

5 SunTours has been disadvantaged by its approach in the past.

6 In certain locations, SunTours may be able to negotiate more favourable contracts.

7 There is an alternative to discount holidays that would be more satisfactory for SunTours' customers.

Four market experts offer advice to SunTours, the middle-market tour operator

A Robert Worth

Marketing to a wider audience could lead to more people buying direct from SunTours rather than going through travel agents, and the consequent reduction in agents' commissions might boost company profits. Towards the end of the season, reducing the cost of holidays would attract last-minute customers, thus avoiding any possible loss on unfilled accommodation and flights. The company could also increase profits by selling more specialised holidays here in Britain, perhaps by offering breaks at historic sites and coastal destinations.

B Steven Worrel

Whether it's worth discounting surplus holidays is an arguable point, as it not only cuts into profits, but also results in budget-conscious holidaymakers being put next to SunTours' more affluent customers, thus damaging the brand. It may seem attractive at first because of tight margins, but SunTours should think twice before taking up this option. Currently, SunTours is planning to sell higher-margin holidays to previously 'unmarketed' destinations for which demand is greater than supply. It is likely that accommodation providers in these emerging holiday destinations will be more flexible when it comes to setting terms. The firm should go ahead with this policy.

C Ursula Capalbo

Good risk management and higher sales can guarantee higher profits. Although SunTours has always been averse to planning, the company would in fact benefit from a risk model that forecasts the impact of discounting on cash flow and profitability throughout the year. SunTours would then be able to change direction when things go wrong, as they inevitably do from time to time. Diversification can increase rather than spread risk, so caution is needed as the company enters regions where facilities for tourists are not yet fully developed. Targeting customers nearing retirement age, whose disposable income and leisure time are increasing, would be ideal.

D Gillian Wilmot

SunTours knows that good relationships with customers is the key to success in the travel business. With this in mind, the company should consider that brochure mailings, unlike electronic communications, can attract customers and maximise year-round opportunity. They encourage summer tourists to take another break and can even be used to send a thank-you letter to returning customers. Selling holidays at a reduced price is definitely not a sensible option. A better choice would be value-added promotions which can improve profitability and build on SunTours customers' desire for high-quality service.


第一题,通过将同样的假日出售给不同收入层次的客户是有风险的。这题的答案够隐晦的,而且不是特别的对应。答案是B段开头的一段话。说该不该将多余的假期打折,是一个有争议的点。这样会导致一些注重预算的人被放在了SunTours’的一些更富裕的客户旁边,从而将品牌给毁了。注重预算的(budget-conscious)和更富裕的(more affluent customers)是两种不同的收入人群,也就是different income brackets,damaging the brand,毁坏了品牌,言下之意,这么做是有风险的,即runs a risk。

第二题,说值得提供打折假期来增加预定的数量。答案是A段的这么一句:Towards the end of the season, reducing the cost of holidays would attract last-minute customers, thus avoiding any possible loss on unfilled accommodation and flights。减少假日的开销可以吸引最后的客户,从而避免空余的住宿和飞行带来的损失。Unfilled accommodation,没有被预定的住宿,对应于题目中的booking。

第三题,如果想要增加回头客,SunTours需要反思它的市场策略。答案在D段,需要提炼:the company should consider that brochure mailings。They encourage summer tourists to take another break and can even be used to send a thank-you letter to returning customers.先说公司应该考虑邮寄宣传册,接着说他们可以鼓励暑假的游客去休另一个假期甚至可以用来给回头客发送感谢信。后面的句子整个说的就是如何boost repeat customer,前面的consider brochure mailings是具体说明如何思考市场策略(reflect on marketing methods)

第四题,说卖其他开发者忽略的地方的假期将会是一个不错的点子。答案是B段的这么一句:SunTours is planning to sell higher-margin holidays to previously 'unmarketed' destinations for which demand is greater than supply。计划出售先前没被开发的地方的更高利润的假期,在那里供不应求。Unmarketed destination也就是other promoters have ignored。在供不应求的地方做生意,但是是a good idea。



1 the failure of a company to set its prices appropriately

2 a context that makes it difficult to increase prices

3 the consequences of companies trying to conceal their approach to pricing

4 the means by which a company ensured precision in the prices it offered

5 the fact that companies can learn about the effects of a price reduction

6 the first sector to price products according to how much customers were prepared to spend

7 the widespread use of rough guidelines to determine prices

Getting the price right


Chief executives need to pay more attention to pricing, according to Roberto Lippi of the Apex Group, a consultancy that offers advice on pricing strategy. He accepts that low inflation figures in many industrialised countries makes raising prices tough, but argues that this should not necessarily deter companies. He gives the example of the airlines, which, with their minimum stay requirements and massive premiums for flexibility, led the way in sorting customers into categories, based on their willingness to pay.


The key to pricing is to avoid alienating customers. As Lippi points out, once a bad price has been established, it can be very difficult to turn the situation around. He gives the example of a consumer goods company that went bankrupt largely because it did not price its digital cameras properly. In contrast, he cites the case of a Swiss drug company that introduced software for every sales representative's laptop, enabling them to provide consistent and accurate price quotes. To help staff with this innovation, the company also created a new post of director of pricing strategy.


Many of today's managers have the benefit of modern technology to help them with pricing. Supermarket chains, for example, can easily track customers' 'elasticity' - how their buying habits change in response to a price rise or a discount. But although a company can now measure this sort of thing in a more sophisticated way, following basic rules is still the most common way of setting prices. Most bosses still worry more about their costs than the prices they charge; one recent survey found that they spend as little as 2% of their time on pricing.


One popular approach to pricing is illustrated by the car companies that charge extra for product add-ons such as electric windows, instead of offering them as part of the standard price. Although many customers are prepared to pay extra, Lippi recommends that companies make sure that price differences reflect real differences in the product, either in quality or in the extra service on offer. The worst approach is to try to keep the pricing structure secret from customers. Nowadays, that is more likely to lead to lost contracts than large profits.


第一题,公司没有合理定价。答案是B段引用的一个例子:He gives the example of a consumer goods company that went bankrupt largely because it did not price its digital cameras properly.因为没有对数码相机合理定价,所以一个消费品公司破产了。和第一题吻合。

Consumer goods: goods such as food, clothing, etc. bought and used by individual customers消费品。

第二题,大环境使得涨价很困难。答案是A段,有点不太明显,甚至可能需要点经济学基础:He accepts that low inflation figures in many industrialised countries makes raising prices tough, but argues that this should not necessarily deter companies。很多工业国家的低通货膨胀率使得涨价变得困难。通货膨胀率是衡量一国宏观经济的重要指标,也就是这题所说的context。低通货膨胀率,说明经济不太景气,涨价会很困难。

deter: to make sb decide not to do sth or continue doing sth阻碍

eg: The price did not deter most customers

第三题,公司隐瞒定价策略的后果。答案是D段的最后一句:The worst approach is to try to keep the pricing structure secret from customers. Nowadays, that is more likely to lead to lost contracts than large profits.最坏的方法是试图让定价结构对消费者保密。今天,它更有可能导致失去合同而不是大的利润。

第四题,一个公司确保定价准确的方式。答案是B段的这么一句:a Swiss drug company that introduced software for every sales representative's laptop, enabling them to provide consistent and accurate price quotes。一个瑞士的医药公司为每一位销售代表的手提电脑引进了软件,确保他们提供持续准确的定价。这里的accurate对应于precision,引进的软件就是方式(means)。

第五题,公司了解降价的后果。答案在C段,但是不那么明显:Supermarket chains, for example, can easily track customers' 'elasticity' - how their buying habits change in response to a price rise or a discount.大的超市可以轻易追踪客户的弹性—他们的购买习惯是如何对涨价或打折做出反应的。这个题需要理解一个常见的经济学术语:弹性。

elasticity :the extent to which people want to buy more or less of a product or service when its price changes。


第六题,对产品定价首要的是根据客户所愿意支付的。答案是A的最后一句:based on their willingness to pay.。集于他们的支付意愿。这里的based on对应于the first sector。

第七题,粗糙的定价准则的广泛应用。答案在C段,有点隐晦:But although a company can now measure this sort of thing in a more sophisticated way, following basic rules is still the most common way of setting prices.虽然公司可以用一种更复杂的方式来衡量,遵守基本的规则仍然是定价的最普遍的方式。BUT是个信号。rough可以从反面对应于sophisticated,,the most common way对应于widespread use。


Lebrun Steel Facing up to Tough Times

0 After 98 years of trading, the steel manufacturer Lebrun knows from experience as how

00 difficult fluctuations in the economic cycle can be for suppliers such as themselves.

34 Since many of the nation's largest production companies which are its customers,

35 Lebrun is adversely affected by any change for the worse in the economy. Yet Lebrun

36 has managed to keep on sales steady (in the region of approximately $2.5 billion)

37 and has recorded only one annual loss during the difficulties of the past five

38 years, but despite the effects of the ongoing industrial slowdown. James Griffith,

39 president of Lebrun, now has the task of turning up survival into growth, and

40 his strategy is already becoming clear to those industry observers. In February of

41 this year, the company acquired Bronson pic, additionally a one-time competitor.

42 This merger will greatly expand the size of both Lebrun's labour force, and

43 Griffith estimates it will boost its revenue by nearly 50%, while too increasing

44 the number of plants and R&D centres in much a similar way. Griffith is

45 optimistic that while the steel industry is about to pull out of recession, and he wants Lebrun to be ready for this.


34题,这个句子并不是定语从句,主谓宾都很齐全,主语companies,谓语are,宾语its customers.所以which是多余的


36题,keep on doing继续做什么,接名词的话直接用keep,keep sales steady保持销售平稳,on多余。



39题,turn… into 变为,成为。固定词组。turning survival into growth变生存为增长。Up多余。


41题,a one-time competitor是修饰前面的Bronson pic ,additionally是另外的,附加的意思,用在这里意思和用法都不通,所以去掉。



44题,in a similar way固定用法,much多余



Fighting Fit

Fine Fitness, the health and fitness club operator, announced an impressive set of results yesterday: (19) a 38-per-cent jump in annual pre-tax profits, the company claimed that it had (20) none of the problems (21) last week by its rival, Top Fit .According to Samantha Collier,the chief executive, Fine Fitness (22) strong and is on (23) to reach its target of 100 clubs within three years, its strategy unaffected by the apparent (24) down of the economy.

The company opened 12 new clubs in the past year; (25) its total to 51. They have (26) to be highly successful, with people joining in large numbers, especially in the 25-to-40 age range. Even the more (27) clubs are still seeing sales growth, along with rising retention (28) of more than 70 per cent. This can be seen as clear (29) of the appeal of Fine Fitness.

Ms Collier admitted that as there were (30) too many companies competing with one another; there would almost certainly be (31) in the health-and-fitness-club sector of the market She predicted that, within a relatively short time, there might be only about three major companies still in (32).However, she declined to say which these were likely to be.

Profits rose by £6.3 million, although there was a fall in gross margins from 31 per cent to 28.6 per cent because of higher insurance premiums, extra management costs and start-up expenses for the company's new (33) in Spain.

19 A Stating B Reporting C Remarking D Informing

20 A taken B felt C experienced D caught

21 A released B issued C opened D revealed

22 A stays B remains C maintains D keeps

23 A track B direction C way D line

24 A falling B breaking C cutting D slowing

25 A bringing B putting C getting D mounting

26 A shown B resulted C proved D demonstrated

27 A installed B formed C established D confirmed

28 A rates B standards C proportions D volumes

29 A witness B sign C display D evidence

30 A purely B merely C simply D barely

31 A union B consolidation C alliance D combination

32 A trade B office C commerce D business

33 A trial B venture C proposal D speculation


19题,一句话包含三个空,联系在一起做。昨天开会,宣布了一系列结果。报告税前收益增长了38%,公司并没有经历它的竞争对手所暴露的问题。19题选report,20题experienced,21题,revealed by its rival,被竞争对手暴露的问题。

22题,remains strong保持强劲;单看单词的意思,貌似keep也可以(不过说实话,如果不是有同学提醒,我压根想不到会填keep)联系此句上下文,提到了在对手出现问题时这个公司表现依然强劲remain在英文词典的解释是:continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist 在相似或者相关人和事出现状况时仍然存在,所以,remain更符合这个题目的条件

23题,on track 步入正轨。公司正在实现目标的正道上。这个词在其他完型也出现过,不过不是正确答案。

24题,slow down放缓,固定用法。经济放缓。

25题,bring to,使总数达到51,这个题怕是要靠语感。put肯定不对,get to到达,mount在这里用法不对。

26题,proved to be证明是,固定用法

27题,这里填入的词要和前文对照,前面说新开了12家新的俱乐部,这里的空格前有个even和more,所以应该是填入与new相对应的词。established是已确立的(If you use established to describe something such as an organization, you mean that it is officially recognized or generally approved of because it has existed for a long time. )

28题,retention rate保留率,专有名词(Retained earnings divided by total after-tax earnings, expressed as a percentage),指公司税后收益所保留的那一部分。

29题,公司吸引力的证据。clear evidence明显的证据。不选sign,sign只是迹象。

30题,simply修饰too many从用法和意思上都对,在这里就是表强调的,意思是公司太多了。

31题,consolidation强化、合并(To consolidate a number of small groups or firms means to make them into one large organization.),有很多的公司相互竞争,所以需要进行一个整合。这是商英里的固定说法。

32题,in business在经营。是说很快这个市场上的公司会淘汰的只剩下三个。



Critical Path

When David Hayden realised his company was heading for trouble, he took drastic measures to get it back on track

David Hayden founded his company, Critical Path, an email provider, in to take advantage of the boom in email traffic. Critical Path became a public company two years later, and Hayden took the opportunity to step down from his executive position in order to work on personal projects. At the same time, he agreed to stay with the company as Chairman, but the business was put in the hands of new managers by its investors. With sector-leading products and an expanding market, the company seemed to be on the up and up. However, by early , it was in trouble. Shares that had been worth $26 in , when they were first sold, were down to a mere 24 cents.

Called in by a panicking board, Hayden found himself back in charge as Executive Chairman, trying desperately to rescue what he could. The 1,100 staff had lost confidence in the company and did not know what was going to happen to them. And, as Hayden discovered, the management team was incompetent. Those guys didn't understand the product or the sector,' says Hayden. The heads of department didn't communicate and they didn't lead.' But what was worse, Critical Path had lost the goodwill of its investors.

Hayden knew that bringing the figures under control would be a vital step in the company's turnaround. 'You've got to sort out the finances. For me, that meant getting back the goodwill of the investors. That was tough, after what had happened. But although they were angry with the company, they didn't have bad feelings about me. I told them that I knew I could get the company on its feet again.' He was authorised to make whatever changes were required, and his first act was to find people within the company he could trust and put them in charge.

The next thing Hayden had to tackle was morale. 'Everyone left the office at five on the dot - they couldn't get away quickly enough. To get the buzz back and win the staff over, I had to prove my own commitment and put in the extra hours with them.' In return, it was assumed that nobody would ask for overtime pay until the company was on its feet again. Contrary to normal practice, Hayden was reluctant to lay people off, and apart from not replacing people as they reached retirement age, he left the workforce largely unchanged, although he did identify key people throughout the company who were given more responsibility.

But, as Hayden insists, before a company reaches such a crisis, there are warning signs that any financial director or accountant should take note of. 'A business that has an unrealistic pricing policy or has to negotiate extended credit with its suppliers is in trouble,' is his message. 'Or if you often have to apply for your overdraft limit to be raised or have trouble paying tax on time, something needs to be done.'

By , the company was healthy again, with reasonably stable finances and a modest but steady share price of $1.60. 'One thing that helped save us was that our technology worked,' says Hayden. 'With 20 million email accounts, we never lost a single major client because the product kept on working.' With ideas for a fresh venture demanding his attention elsewhere, Hayden has moved on. 'It was time to go,' he says. 'I'm not a turnaround specialist. I prefer start-ups.'

13 What event coincided with Critical Path becoming a public company?

A Hayden became the Executive Director of Critical Path.

B Investors hired a replacement team to run Critical Path.

C Critical Path launched a successful new product on the market.

D Critical Path was floated on the Stock Exchange at 24 cents per share.

14 Which of the following situations did Hayden face at Critical Path in 2001?

A The employees were worried about job security.

B The investors were calling for changes to the company structure.

C The management was misleading the staff about the company's position.

D The board of directors did not realise the scale of the company's problems.

15 One reason Hayden was able to turn Critical Path around was that

A he managed to find new investors.

B the financial situation was not as bad as he had thought.

C he had built up a good relationship with the management team.

D he was given the support that he needed.

16 What was Hayden's policy regarding the staff of Critical Path?

A He paid overtime to everybody who worked outside office hours.

B He reduced the workforce by operating an early retirement scheme.

C He gave key staff the opportunity to help him set goals for the company.

D He restored motivation by showing willingness to work alongside staff.

17 According to Hayden, what could indicate that a business is in trouble?

A problems keeping accounts up to date

B suppliers refusing to offer new credit terms

C a frequent need to increase the amount borrowed

D difficulties in getting payment from customers on time

18 Hayden left Critical Path after he had rescued the company because

A he wanted to develop the technology for a new internet service.

B he wanted to concentrate on founding a new enterprise.

C he had been offered a job with a major internet company.

D he decided to go into partnership with a major client.

这篇文章名为《Critical Path》,字面上理解是关键路径,但在此文中是指一个公司的名字。整篇文章都是围绕这个公司遭遇的困境,以及这个公司的执行主席是如何力挽狂澜、扭转乾坤的。BEC考试阅读文章的一大特点是逻辑性强,层次分明,读完不会有找不着北的感觉。

13题,题目问当Critical Path成为上市公司时还发生了什么事。

A不对,原文说的很明白:Hayden took the opportunity to step down from his executive position。抓住机会从总裁的位置上退下来。

B项正确。原文说the business was put in the hands of new managers by its investors。业务被投资者交给了新的经理。和B选项的“投资者雇佣了一个替代团队来运营Critical Path”说的是一个意思。

C不对,原文说的是sector-leading products,行业领先的产品,的确是C选项所说的successful,但是new不对。

D不对,首先时间上不吻合,不是Critical Path成为上市公司时的事,其次这一句的描述也不对,只是说股价跌倒了24美分,不是float。

Public company:a company whose shares can be bought and sold on the stock market, etc.上市公司。

14题,题目问在的Critical Path,这个Hayden面临着什么样的情况。答案在第二段找。

A段说员工们担心工作保障。原文中说“The 1,100 staff had lost confidence in the company and did not know what was going to happen to them”,1100号员工对公司失去了信心,不知道将会发生什么。和A的意思吻合。


这个题目关键是能理解job security的意思,它是商务英语里地道常见的用法(同样的还有employment security):

job security:a situation where a job is likely to last for a long time and you will keep the job if you do what you are expected to

eg: Consumers have cut back on their spending because of worries about job security.


a high/low level of job security to have/improve/increase/provide job security

15题,题目问Hayden能够扭转局面的一个原因。答案在第三段找,并不很直接,需要一点概括。这一段先说了下公司的一些难处,比如投资人很生气,后果很严重。所幸的是投资人对Hayden并不反感:He was authorised to make whatever changes were required,他被授权进行一切需要的改变,也就是D选项所说的得到了需要的支持。

A不对,不需要找新的投资者,原文说的是“getting back the goodwill of the investors”,挽回投资人的好感。



16题,问针对Critical Path的员工采取的政策是什么。答案是第四段的第一句话:The next thing Hayden had to tackle was morale。需要解决的是士气问题。也就是D段所说的restored motivation。这一段是讲Hayden如何与员工站在一起。

A不对,原文说的很清楚:it was assumed that nobody would ask for overtime pay until the company was on its feet again。任何人不得索取加班补偿。

B不对,原文是apart from not replacing people as they reached retirement age。

C也不对,原文是who were given more responsibility,被赋予了更多的责任,不是“help him set goals”。17题,题目问什么可以表明一个公司陷入了困境。答案是第五段的这么一句:A business that has an unrealistic pricing policy or has to negotiate extended credit with its suppliers is in trouble。有一个不现实的定价政策或者需要和供货商谈判提高贷款。


money that financial institutions lend to businesses, governments and people

eg:It is unlikely that the bank will extend additional credit to the firm.


答案是最后一段:“With ideas for a fresh venture demanding his attention elsewhere”和“I'm not a turnaround specialist. I prefer start-ups.”需要一个崭新的需要他的注意力的企业。也就是B选项所说的想要一个新的企业。


1.The bank with ideas

With several hundred years of history behind it, the APL Bank has few problems in convincing businesses that it is reputable and secure__21__ of a range of banking serving. Now, it is demonstrating to business customers that it is flexible and responsive enough to ___22___ their changing needs in the 21st century.

Based in London, APL offers banking services to businesses throughout the UK via its branch __23___. Most customer service provision is ___24_ out by personal account managers based in local branches, together with ___25__ staff at company headquarters.

An important ___26__for APL has been to make it easy for customers to __27__business with the bank. They can contact their account manager by direct line or email; if the manager is on holiday, a carefully chosen colleague becomes the ‘account contact’ and ___28__with the customer during the manager’s ___29___. In addition, for those who want ___30__ to their bank at any time of day or night there is now a 24-hour phone-based service.

In order to remain competitive and build customer loyalty, the bank guarantees to turn around urgent loan___31__within 24 hours. This focus on the customer has also been a driving __32__in APL’s recruitment and development policy. For example, newly inducted staff ___33__a ‘customer service review’ to find out what it is like to be on the other side of the desk, asking to borrow money.

Together, these ___34__in banking have achieved excellent results. The customer__35___is growing fast, and last year the bank gained 36,000 new business accounts.


21. A. producer B. supplier C. provider D. giver

22. A achieve B. reach C meet D. assist

23. A. system B. web C. grid D. network

24. A. taken B. brought C. carried D. put

25. A. aid B. support C. guidance D. backing

26. A. objective B. purpose C. direction D. scheme

27. A do B. run C. make D. have

28. A copes B. arranges C. handles D. deals

29. A vacancy B. departure C. absence D. retirement

30. A access B. entrance C. approach D. opening

31. A. demands B. applications C. proposals D. orders

32. A power B. strength C. force D. pressure

33. A take over B. go through C. set down D. put up

34. A. innovations B. adaptations C. revisions D. modernization

35. A. source B. base C. centre D. foundation


Most customer service provision is carried out by personal account managers based in local branches, together with __________ staff at company headquarters.

1. aid

2. support

3. guidance

4. backing




(support or help, especially with money。

查了朗文词典和剑桥词典,backing做形容词时只在朗文词典里有一种解释:backing singers



support staff可以说是一种固定的用法,意思是支持人员,或者是后勤人员、运维人员,填入这个句子的空格处正好合适。

这是《金融时报》词典的解释:Employees whose work is helping a company or organization to operate, for example technical or administrative workers


21、争议的焦点可能在B和C之间,supplier 还是provider。

supplier更侧重于提供某种产品(朗文:a company or person that provides a particular product)

provider强调提供某种服务(朗文:a company or person that provides a service)

联系这个空后面的banking serving,这里应该选择provider。

23、network 相互关系(配合)的系统

branch network 由分支机构构成的网络。


28、cope with后接事 deal with可接人和事

handle是及物动词,后面直接接人和事,相当于deal with

31、loan application 贷款申请

apply for loan 固定用法

33、go through 仔细的查看,后面正好和customer service review搭配。

driving force和customer base属于固定用法

2.Chairman's Report

I am pleased to report that, although we had been expecting poor results for this half year because of slow growth in the world economy, the company has performed very satisfactorily.Operating profits for this first half are in fact very much (19) with those for the corresponding (20) last year. Profits reached £l 15 million before tax, compared with £l 16.3 million last year. Much of our success in the last six months can be (21) to the fact that all our major construction projects remained on schedule. Particularly pleasing was the early (22)of a major building contract in Canada.

The company has made good progress with the initiatives announced at the Annual General Meeting. The majority of shareholders (23) the Board's decision to sell the company's loss-making engineering (24). It was the Board's belief that the company would (25) most benefit by (26) its resources on the expansion of its construction activities. Negotiations with a potential buyer began in February and are now at a critical (27).However, we feel that we are not as yet in a (28) to comment on what the outcome is likely to be.

In June, we made a successful (29) for the Renishaw Construction Company of Hong Kong SAR, in order to give us greater (30) to markets in South East Asia. We still have sufficient resources to pursue our growth (31) and are at present (32) several other business opportunities which, like Renishaw Construction, would (33) new markets to us.

19.A in order B on track C in line D on target

20.A session B term C season D period

21.A attributed B referred C assigned D designated

22.A termination B ending C completion D finalising

23.A confirmed B maintained C agreed D supported

24.A portion B component C sector D division

25.A have B gain C find D earn

26.A focusing B directing C pointing D strengthening

27.A height B step C edge D stage

28.A condition B point C position D capacity

29.A request B price C demand D bid

30.A access B approach C admission D entrance

31.A strategy B process C promotion D system

32.A inquiring B deliberating C exploring D searching

33.A send B open C provide D give


19和20题需要在一起考虑,从整体上把握句子的意思。in line with与....一致;on track :doing or saying things that are likely to be successful or correct步入正轨;on target(射击)准。20空选词关键要将空格前面的those for the corresponding和前面的for this first half对应,这里空格填入的词要能和this first half相匹配,表示时间段,时期,所以是period。因为是半年,所以不选season。整个句子的意思是这半年的营业利润(operating profit)实际上是与去年同期相一致的。

21题,attribute to,表原因,联系整个句子不难做出选择。designate是委任、指派




25和26题,句子的意思是公司将通过把资源集中在建筑活动的扩张上来获得大部分的收益。25题的A和C容易排除,关键是看gain还是earn。earn是通过努力挣到一笔钱(to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you do),gain是获得或者实现什么(to obtain or achieve something you want or need),因为是公司的战略,所以用gain更合适一些。

27题,at a critical stage,在一个关键的阶段。

28题,in a position to do sth.能够做某事。固定搭配


30题,give us greater access to markets给我们更大的市场准入

31题,growth strategy,增长策略,追求我们的增长策略。



3.Achieving a successful merger

However attractive the figures may look on paper, in the long run the success or failure of a merger depends on the human factor. When the agreement has been signed and the accountants have departed, the real problems may only just be beginning. If there is a culture clash between the two companies in the way their people work, then all the efforts of the financiers and lawyers to strike a deal may have been in vain.

According to Chris Bolton of KS Management Consultants, 70% of mergers fail to live up to their promise of shareholder value, riot through any failure in economic terms but because the integration of people is unsuccessful. Corporates, he explains, concentrate their efforts before a merger on legal, technical and financial matters. They employ a range of experts to obtain the most favourable contract possible. But even at these early stages, people issues must be taken into consideration. The strengths and weaknesses of both organisations should be assessed and, if it is a merger of equals, then careful thought should be given to which personnel, from which side, should take on the key roles.

This was the issue in 2001 when the proposed merger between two pharmaceutical companies promised to create one of the largest players in the industry. For both companies the merger was intended to reverse falling market share and shareholder value. However, although the companies' skill bases were compatible, the chief executives of the two companies could not agree which of them was to head up the new organisation. This illustrates the need to compromise if a merger is to take place.

But even in mergers that do go ahead, there can be culture clashes. One way to avoid this is to work with focus groups to see how employees view the existing culture of their organisation. In one example, where two global organisations in the food sector were planning to merge, focus groups discovered that the companies displayed very different profiles. One was sales-focused, knew exactly what it wanted to achieve and pushed initiatives through. The other got involved in lengthy discussions, trying out options methodically and making contingency plans. The first responded quickly to changes in the marketplace; the second took longer, but the option it eventually chose was usually the correct one. Neither company's approach would have worked for the other.

The answer is not to adopt one company's approach, or even to try to incorporate every aspect of both organisations, but to create a totally new culture. This means taking the best from both sides and making a new organisation that everyone can accept. Or almost everyone. Inevitably there will be those who cannot adapt to a different culture. Research into the impact of mergers has found that companies with differing management styles are the ones that need to work hardest at creating a new culture.

Another tool that can help to get the right cultural mix is intercultural analysis. This involves carrying out research that looks at the culture of a company and the business culture of the country in which it is based. It identifies how people, money and time are managed in a company, and investigates the business customs of the country and how its politics, economics and history impact on the way business is done.

13 According to the text, mergers can encounter problems when

A contracts are signed too quickly.

B experts cannot predict accurate figures.

C conflicting attitudes cannot be resolved.

D staff are opposed to the terms of the deal.

14 According to Chris Bolton, what do many organisations do in preparation for a merger?

A ensure their interests are represented

B give reassurances to shareholders

C consider the effect of a merger on employees

D analyse the varying strengths of their staff

15 The proposed merger of two pharmaceutical groups failed because

A major shareholders were opposed.

B there was a fall in the demand for their products.

C there were problems combining their areas of expertise.

D an issue of personal rivalry could not be resolved.

16 According to the text, focus groups can help companies to

A develop new initiatives.

B adopt contingency plans.

C be decisive and react rapidly.

D evaluate how well matched they are.

17 Creating a new culture in a newly merged organisation means that

A management styles become more flexible.

B there is more chance of the merger working.

C staff will find it more difficult to adapt to the changes.

D successful elements of the original organisations are lost.

18 According to the text, intercultural analysis will show

A what kind of benefits a merger can lead to.

B how the national context affects the way a company is run.

C how long it will take for a company culture to develop.

D what changes companies should make before a merger takes place.

《Achieving a successful merger》,实现一个成功的并购。文章没有从技术和经济效益的角度来分析并购成功的因素,而是强调了一个在并购中容易被忽视的重要因素:文化冲突。不同的企业文化走到了一起,能否兼容是并购能否成功的关键因素。一个比较著名的例子是当年惠普与康柏的并购。

第十三题,问什么情况下并购会遇到麻烦。答案是A段的最后一句,关键词是culture clash:如果两个公司的员工在工作方式上存在文化冲突,那么金融专家和律师们为了达成交易所做的一切努力都是徒劳的。所以选C:冲突性的态度无法得到解决。Conflicting attitude对应于culture clash。attitude具体指公司员工做事情的方式和态度。

第十四题,问很多机构为并购所做的准备是什么。答案是第二段的这么一句话:Corporates, he explains, concentrate their efforts before a merger on legal, technical and financial matters。公司都把精力集中在法律、技术和金融事务上了。也就是更多的看重经济等方面的利益,而忽视了人的因素。选A:确保他们的利益得到很好的反映,也就是自己的利益有保障。represent在这里的意思是be present or found in something, especially to a particular degree。

第十五题,问这俩医药公司并购失败的原因是什么。答案是第三段的倒数第二句:the chief executives of the two companies could not agree which of them was to head up the new organisation.在谁来领导新的机构的问题上无法达成一致。所以选D:人员竞争问题无法得到解决。Personal rivalry就是指两个领导谁也不服谁。

第十六题,问focus group可以帮助公司干什么。先弄明白focus group的意思,看剑桥高阶的解释:a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subject in order to solve a problem or suggest ideas。处理问题的团体。答案在第四段。这一段是举例说明两个合并公司的文化兼容性问题。经过focus group的调查,这两个公司的做事方式有很大差别,不能兼容。所以这一题的答案是选D:评估他们能否匹配。

第十七题,问在一个新合并的公司里创造新的文化意味着什么。答案是第五段的这么一句:This means taking the best from both sides and making a new organisation that everyone can accept。吸取双方的优点,创造一个所有人都能接受的新组织。每个人都能接受,那么合并成功的可能性会大大增加。选B:合并起作用的几率增加了。

第十八题,跨文化分析能够表明什么。答案是最后一段的最后一句:how its politics, economics and history impact on the way business is done.看看这个国家的政治、经济和历史是怎么影响商业行为的。也就是考察宏观的国家背景对微观的经济个体的影响。选B:国家背景怎样影响公司的运行方式。

4.Issues in the recruitment world

In the competitive world of investment banking, good senior executives are not easy to find. So what should the industry's hard-pressed directors do when they need to find senior staff? Increasingly, they decide to call in the headhunters. These are busy and profitable times for the recruitment agencies that dominate the world of executive search and selection.

(0) .....They needed new people to revitalise their operations, and the result has been a boom in the recruitment market. Pinnacle, a leading recruitment agency, has helped various UK investment banks to rebuild their entire senior management teams. It is hard to overstate the significance of this. (8)............

But now everything has changed, and Pinnacle is not the only major player in the field. Some analysts believe that rival recruitment specialists ALT Associates has a larger share of the market. However, there is little doubt that over its 13-year history, Pinnacle and its chairman, Matthew Edwards, have built up an impressive reputation.

Edwards estimates that his company controls between 10 and 15 per cent of the headhunting market for senior investment banking jobs in the UK. (9)............Rather, it is the high-calibre jobs and people that Pinnacle deals with that define the company's success. For example, the company was recently commissioned to find a new chairman for NBS Bank, a vacancy that was one of the most talked about in the banking world.

Most HR directors recognise that headhunters such as Pinnacle play a valuable role in the recruitment process.(10)............Some are concerned that a few companies, including Pinnacle, have too much power over high-level recruitment.(11)............As Tim Davidson, HR Director at Cawfield Bank, explains, They can be kingmakers. These are the people who decide who gets a future and who doesn't. If Edwards forms a view about an individual, it can affect their ability to get a particular job. That view could just have been formed on a bad day.' (12)............ Final decisions in the selection process are always taken by his clients, he says, whoever they are.

The role of headhunters should not be exaggerated. Many companies never use them. But as top executives are hard to find, there will always be a role for people like Matthew Edwards.

A Although others may put it lower, it is important to remember that the company's reputation is not based on market share alone.

B Their chief worry is that the headhunters can now make or break managerial careers.

C According to Edwards, this is a further indication that the way Pinnacle searches for a candidate tends to favour a certain type of manager.

D But this acceptance does not mean they are universally happy, either with the state of the market or with Pinnacle's role within it.

E Until a few years ago, even the biggest companies were unlikely to use headhunters to fill more than one or two jobs a year.

F Edwards objects to this suggestion, claiming that all he does is find candidates and encourage them to apply for a particular post.

G A number of big investment banks recently decided to make changes to their management boards after disappointing end-of-year results.

《Issues in the recruitment world》,招聘世界里的话题。围绕猎头公司(headhunter)展开,说明了猎头公司的发展和重要性,以及用人单位对猎头公司的一些疑问。第一段引出话题,说现在正是猎头公司占领市场的时候。接下来几段顺序介绍了猎头市场的发展阶段,从起步阶段(第二段的内容),到逐步发家(第三段),当中列举了一个猎头公司的情况加以说明(第四段),然后第五段介绍了用人单位对猎头公司的一些质疑。最后一段是总的概括。做这种题一定要理清文章的逻辑顺序,从整体上把握文章脉络。

第八题,第二段的最后一句。第二段是简单引出猎头公司的起步,起步阶段并没有多少公司认识到猎头公司的重要性,就如第八题前面的一句话所说:It is hard to overstate the significance of this。很难高估这个的重要性,也就是说猎头公司的作用并没有被完全的认识到。后面的空格应该相应的填入猎头公司不太被重视的句子。E选项正好满足这个特点:直到几年前,甚至最大的公司都不可能一年利用猎头公司来填补一两个职位。



这一段第一句话说人力资源部经理认为Pinnacle发挥了很重要的作用,接着空格后面说的是Some are concerned that…也就是一些人提出了担心,所以中间的第十题应该填入表示转折意思的句子,而且可能是对猎头公司发挥的作用的消极看法。D满足这一要求:但是这种认可不代表他们完全的高兴。BUT是个关键的信号,acceptance是指代前面人力资源经理们对猎头公司发挥作用的认可。

第十一题,前面的句子是对猎头公司发挥作用的担心,认为它们权力过大了。这一题后面的句子是引用一个人力资源经理的解释,进一步说明猎头公司的影响力太大。所以十一题也应该与此相关。B符合:他们首要担心的是猎头公司会创造或者破坏管理职业生涯。Worry是关键词,同前面的concern相对应,make or break managerial careers也就是上下文所说的权利过大,简直拥有生杀大权。

第十二题,理解了前面的,不难做出选择。这里很明显就是猎头公司为自己辩护。前面指责猎头公司的评价会影响个人的选择。而空格后面是Edwards的解释,说最终的决定权是掌握在客户自己手中。所以这一题很明显应该填入对前面表示反驳的句子,也就是F,object to,非常明显的信号:Edwards反对这种说法,声称他所做的无非就是寻找候选人然后鼓励他们去申请某个特定的职位。




Get better at keyboarding

0 There is a simple way to work more efficiently: improve your keyboard

00 skills by learning to touch keyboard them. If you are one of the vast majority

34 of some people who keyboard with two or four fingers, you may believe that

35 you are reasonably efficient. But the average person seldom achieves more

36 than twelve words by a minute when using this method, while touch keyboarding

37 can achieve up to 120 words, if enabling you to work almost as quickly

38 as you can think. Whatever position you hold in your company, you are

39 probably given responsible for answering emails or generating documents, and it

40 is quite likely that you spend too much time doing this. Stop and consider how

41 far much more you could do in a day as a result of touch keyboarding. You would

42 be able to create such a document faster than you can write and as

43 quickly as you can think and free up time to be more than creative. Moreover,

44 you would save up the cost of a full-time secretary, and no longer have to

45 wait for your documents to be created and either then have to return them for correction.

《Get better at keyboarding》,keyboarding是键盘输入的意思。文章是在讲怎么提高键盘输入的效率。

34题,the vast majority of people,一大部分人,some插进来是多余的,意思重复


36题,一分钟十二个字,正确的表述是twelve words a minute,介词by是多余的



39题,be responsible for固定搭配,如果要用given,后面得用responsibility。去掉given


41题,consider how much more you could do in a day,考虑你一天可以多干多少事。How far是形容有多远,在这里意思不对,用法也不对。

42题,create a document,创造一个文档,整个句子的意思是创造一个文档的速度比你自己写还要快。没有特殊指代某一个文档的意思,去掉such。

43题,more creative,更有创造性了,more than是不仅仅是的意思,后面一般接名词而不是形容词,所以去掉than。




Consumer Behaviour

0 The consumer is the focus of all retail business and it is important to appreciate how

00 consumers are influenced in their buying decisions. Most of consumers, before making a

34 purchase, gather information and evaluate with the alternatives, but the extent to which

35 they look for information depends on the type of purchase. For example, in the case of

36 routine grocery purchases most consumers respond to automatically. However, for

37 purchases where the risk of making the wrong decision is greater, like buying a new

38 car, so the search for information is more important. The decision to purchase is never a

39 single decision but a number of these separate decisions, and at any time during this

40 process, consumers can change their minds about and choose an alternative route. For

41 example, although a consumer may have decided where to buy a product only to realise

42 at the last moment that this is, in fact, having the wrong choice. The price in the store may

43 be too high or the staff unhelpful. On the other hand, a lack of queues, favourable credit

44 facilities and efficient staff all lead to a too positive impression, so retailers should

45 remember how difficulties in these areas that can affect a sale or even lose a customer permanently.

《Consumer Behaviour》,消费者行为。文章分析了一些影响消费者行为的因素。

34题,evaluate是及物动词,后面直接接宾语。evaluate the alternatives,评估替代的选择。with多余。


36题,如果是respond to,后面应该要接宾语,而这里的respond to后面的是副词,所以直接用respond表示反应,to是多余的。


38题,这里并没有因果关系。完整的句子是这样的:for purchases where the risk of making the wrong decision is greater,(so)the search for information is more important.意思风险越大,收集信息越重要。so是多余的。

39题,separate decision是和前面的single decision相对应说的,并没有特别指代,所以代词these在这里是多余的。

40题,change their minds,改变他们的注意,about多余。

41题,这个句子并没有转折的意思,完整的是a consumer may have decided where to buy a product only to realize at the last moment that this is the wrong decision。连词although是多余的。



44题,too是副词,后面不能跟着来修饰名词,只能是too positive。而从这里的句子的意思来看,是说好的设备和高效率的员工可以带来一个好的印象。所以too是多余的。



Promise of Jobs with Telephone Banking Centre

An £80-million telephone banking centre is to open in Scotland, with the creation of about 500 new jobs. Grand Union Group, which owns the Dundee and Western Bank, said today it hopes to have the (19) fully operational by next August. It will be based at the new Caledonian Industrial Estate currently being built near Edinburgh.

The centre is being (20) through a joint partnership (21) global telecommunications firm Concept and customer care specialists Businesslink.

Sara Grimaldi, chief executive of the Dundee and Western Bank, said, 'I'm delighted we will be working in (22) with Concept and Businesslink and I'm confident we will (23) from their considerable experience. The new centre will make (24) use of innovative business procedures which will (25) to an improved service and experience for our valued customers.' Callum Martin, president of global accounts for Grand Union Group, added that he was very pleased his company will play a key role in such an important development employing state-of- the-art technology.

The local council said new jobs were (26) of the efforts made to (27) investment to the region. Council leader Hugh MacArthur said, 'It's good news for Grand Union, but it will also (28) us to promote Edinburgh to companies considering a (29) to Scotland. The council will continue to work hard to ensure that today's (30) is just the latest (31) in our attempt to create high quality jobs in the area.'

Scotland has become a European leader in terms of telephone banking centres and has (32) itself an excellent reputation. The call centre sector as a whole employs more than 28,000 people at more than 170 sites in Scotland. Taking this into (33), it seems likely that this new centre will be another success story.

19.A facility B plant C function Dsituation

20.Aassisted B invested C funded D paid

21.Aconsisting B engaging C containing Dinvolving

22.Aventure B teamwork C enterprise D collaboration

23.A benefit B improve C grow D advance

24.Ainclusive B uniform C extensive D universal

25.Ahelp B contribute C provide D combine

26.Afacts B reasons C data D evidence

27.Aacquire B gain C attract D win

28.Anecessitate B ease C supportD enable

29.A reorganisation B reassignment C relocation D replacement

30.A announcement B publication C notice D acknowledgement

31.A method B step Cpoint D action

32.A achieved B taken C drawn D earned

33.Amind B regard C account D note


19题,首先排除C、D,因为此处应该填入一个动词,用来指代即将于下个八月完全运作的telephone banking centre。plant是指(工业用的)大型机器、设备,所以此处应该选择facility,设施。



22题,in collaboration with 固定用法,合作

23题,benifit from 从。。。中获益。



28题,enable to使某人能够。




33题,take into account,固定用法,考虑到


Who Benefits Most from Company Training?

According to recent research, the better educated and the higher up the socio?economic scale you are, the more likely you are to be offered workplace training. And, incidentally, the more likely you are to then turn (19) the offer, pleading family and personal commitments or (20) of work. Less qualified staff, on the other hand, are offered fewer training opportunities, but are more eager to (21) them up. In fact, people with few or no educational qualifications are three times more likely to accept training when it is offered.

In the majority of companies, more (22) are allocated to management training than to other areas. Employers (23) their better qualified staff as more important to the business, so they pay them accordingly and invest more in them in (24) of training. This is (25) by the fact that organisations are dependent on properly (26) managers making the right decisions. But this (27) may mean that companies are (28) other parts of the workforce down.

The researchers found a growing demand for training among the lower-skilled.Unfortunately this demand is not being (29) by employers, even though there are strong indications that companies would benefit from doing so. They also discovered that, despite the substantial (30) between the training provided for managers and that offered to other staff, there was still widespread endorsement of training.

For the purposes of the research, training was defined as any (31) of planned instruction or tuition provided by an employer with the aim of helping employees do their work better. It therefore included a wide variety of approaches. On-the-job and classroom training (32)to be used equally by employers. But learning on the job, which involved observing a certain procedure and then practising it, was easily the most popular method for all categories of employee. While many felt that learning from colleagues was best,very few (33) the internet as an effective way to train.

19.A back B over C down D off

20.A force B pressure C strain D load

21.A pick B keep C take D put

22.A means B reserves C finances D resources

23.A imagine B regard C suppose D know

24.A requirements B specifications C states D terms

25.A allowed B approved C justified D accepted

26.A understanding B intelligent C informed D knowledgeable

27.A stress B emphasis C weight D strength

28.A letting B cutting C breaking D setting

29.A reached B achieved C gained D met

30.A space B gap C hole D room

31.A frame B structure C form D order

32.A showed B appeared C demonstrated D presented

33.A rated B thought C marked D believed


第一段的三个空需要在理解整体的基础上联系起来进行选择。根据调查,受教育程度越高,越有可能接受公司的培训。And, incidentally,这里最好能理解下incidentally的意思:used to introduce a new topic, or some extra information, or a question that you have just thought of (引出新话题、附加信息、或临时想到的问题)顺便提一句。你越接受培训,越有可能拒绝这份工作,苦苦哀求的家人、个人承诺以及工作压力。相反倒是接受培训较少的员工,可能会接受他们(指前面被拒绝的这些东西)。19题选turn down拒绝,21题与turn down对应,选take up接收。



24题,in terms of固定短语,就….而论,在…..方面。


26,informed,见多识广的,消息灵通的。商务英语中常见的一个常见说法是keep informed(It is a good way to keep staff informed),所以看到这个词应该就很敏感。

27题,emphasis强调(Emphasis is special or extra importance that is given to an activity or to a part or aspect of something.),指培训的侧重点在经理们的身上。

28题,let down使失望,这种侧重让其他员工失望。

29题,meet the demand满足需要。虽然对低技术职员的培训需求在增长,但经理们并没有满足这样的需要。


31题,any form of 任何形式的计划好的说明。

32题,后面的一句有个BUT,也就是转折,所以前面用appeared to be,看起来像是。

33题,rate as固定用法,把某事物评价为


Meetings That Work

0 A vital skill for anyone running a business it is the ability to communicate

00 effectively. This is particularly important in a meeting where complex arguments

34 need to be put forward and where it is too vital to get the best out of the situation

35 and those present in as little time as possible. Before calling a meeting, ask

36 yourself if you actually need one, since so many are unproductive results and do

37 not really need to take place. Sending an email or by using another means of

38 communication, such as a simple phone call, might achieve the desired results in

39 half the time. Having established the need for a meeting, so inform those you

40 wish to attend and ask people to be punctual. Concerning the key to a good

41 meeting is an agenda, which needs to be sent out in advance and should state the

42 date, time and location. It should also contain the names of those ones who will

43 be present and setthat out, starting with the most important, the points for

44 discussion. Ask in advance for suggestions for items to be discussed about but

45 set a deadline for submissions in order to reduce the amount of time that has to be spent under 'Any Other Business'.

《Meetings that work》,起作用的会议。文章讲的是开好一个会议应该注意哪些问题。

34题,it is vital to do sth.,做什么事情是至关重要的。too…to结构表示太而不能。从上下文和词组的用法来看,too是多余的。


36题,since so many are unproductive,是说的很多会议都没有效果。主谓宾很齐全,unproductive做形容词就可以修饰前面的meeting,results是多余的。

37题,完整的句子应该是Sending an email or(by)using another means of communication might achieve the desired results in half the time。介词by是多余的。有by,不仅后面的主语不对,也没有与前面的sending保持一致。



40题,(Concerning)the key to a good meeting is an agenda,主谓宾是齐全的,the key to a meeting是主语,is是谓语,an agenda是宾语,意思就是日程表是会议的关键。Concerning是多余的。


42题,those who固定的搭配,指代哪些人,ones是多余的

43题,去掉插入成分starting with the most important,完整的句子是set(that)out the points for discussion。set out是词组,在这里是陈述、阐明的意思:present information or ideas in a well-ordered way in writing or speech.。所以that多余。

44题,discuss是及物动词,做讨论时直接用discuss,而不是discuss about。事实上,在discuss后面接about时的about一般都是做“大约的”意思讲,而不是一个完整的词组。所以此处about多余。




1 Sometimes it is necessary to insist on further explanation.

2 You shouldn't focus on your response while others are still speaking.

3 People are reluctant to admit that they don't listen well.

4 There are benefits in seeing things from the speaker's perspective.

5 Keen observation of the speaker can support our listening skills.

6 It is risky to think about a different issue while someone is speaking.

7 People do not mind hearing their own views summarised.

Good listener, better manager


Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough. We get things wrong because we haven't quite understood what someone meant when they were talking to us. Anyone who has ever taken the minutes of a long meeting will know how hard it is to remember - despite the benefit of notes - exactly what everyone said. But success depends on getting things right - and that means listening.


Listening is not the same thing as hearing; it is not an effortless activity. It demands attention and concentration. It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification - it is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong. However, if you allow your mind to wander onto something else, even for a few minutes, you'll miss what the speaker is saying - probably at the very moment when he or she is saying something critical. And not having heard, you won't know you've missed anything until it's too late.


The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished. We then stop listening. Even worse, this often adds rudeness to inattentiveness, as once you have decided what to say there is a fair chance you will interrupt to say it. Good listeners don't interrupt. In fact it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told before going on to make your own points. Nobody is offended by this and it shows that you have listened well.


Above all be patient and accept that many people are not very good communicators. It's helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying. Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person's place, both intellectually and emotionally; it will help you to understand what they are getting at and form a response. But don't be too clever. Faced with a know-all, many people keep quiet because they see no point in continuing.


第一题,有时坚持进一步的解释是很有必要的。答案是B段的这么一句:It may mean quizzing the speaker for additional information or for clarification - it is always better to ask than to continue regardless and get things wrong它可能意味着为了进一步的信息和说明去询问说话的人——问总比不顾情况的继续并且把事情办错的好。这里的additional information对应于further explanation.

第二题,不能在别人还在说的时候就开始关注自己的回应。答案是C段的第一句:The most common bad habit we have is to start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject long before the other speaker has finished。我们最常见的坏习惯就是在讲话者远还没结束的时候就开始思考我们将对这个话题说些什么。这里的before the other speaker has finished就是others are still speaking,focus on your response就是start thinking of what we are going to say about the subject。

第三题,人们不愿意承认自己没有听好。答案是A段的第一句:Too often we accuse others of not listening, pretending that we ourselves are faultless, yet in our hearts we know that many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven't listened carefully enough。我们经常指责别人没有好好听,假装我们自己是无可指责的,其实在我们心里知道,很多我们所犯的错误都是由于听的不够仔细。这句的意思就是说我们心里知道什么原因,但是口头上喜欢指责别人。也就是第三题题干说的不愿意承认。

第四题,从说话者的视角去考虑问题是有好处的。答案是D段的这么一句:Equally importantly you should put yourself in the other person's place, both intellectually and emotionally。同样重要的是你必须把自己置于别人的位置上,既是智力上的也是情感上的。这里的put yourself in other person’s place就是seeing things from the speaker’s perspective。

第五题,对说话者的敏锐观察可以提高倾听技巧。答案是D段的这么一句:It's helpful to remember that the ways people move and position themselves while they are speaking can reveal a great deal about what they are saying。记住说话人的移动方式和姿势是很有用的,这些可以揭示出很多他们所说话的信息。连说话的姿势都要记住,当然是keen observation了,helpful可以对应于support。

第六题,当别人在说话的时候去想着另外一件事是很危险的。答案是B段的这么一句:if you allow your mind to wander onto something else, even for a few minutes, you'll miss what the speaker is saying如果你让自己走神了,哪怕是仅有的几分钟,你也将错过别人所说的话。allow your mind wander onto something else也就是think about a different issue.

第七题,人们不介意听到他们自己的观点被总结。答案是C段的这么一句:In fact it is often worth explaining the main idea of what you have just been told before going on to make your own points. Nobody is offended by this事实上在作出自己观点之前往往很值得解释下刚刚所听到内容的主要观点。没有人会被这个所冒犯。explaining the main idea of what you have just been told也就是hearing their own views summarised。do not mind也就是nobody is offended by this。


0 Regular meetings with clients are important to a healthy collaboration. They

00 may be set up by the client, for example to review with the progress of current

34 projects, to give new instructions that may have lead to a contract variation

35 or to discuss any concerns. The client meeting which can also be arranged

36 by you or another member of your company to attract from new business, to

37 address a problem unless that needs to be solved or to give an update or status

38 report on current business ventures. Your part is in these meetings will dictate

39 the kind of information you need and how you should prepare for them. If you

40 will be responding to questions put by your client, the material you present

41 should deal in specifically with the request that was made. The meeting should not

42 only move off the agenda without the permission of the person you are meeting.

43 If you have prepared properly, you should be able to anticipate both questions and

44 to respond properly. If you are put on the spot and asked for details you do not

45 have, respond honestly - do not speak about matters as you are not familiar with.


34题,如果这里有have,那么后面的lead应用分词形式led(may have done),而且考虑这里的时态,并不是已经完成,而是表示可能导致的结果。所以去掉have。




38题,“your part...”这个句子里有两个谓语动词,必须去掉it。


41题,deal with是固定短语,in是多余的。


43题,如果both要保留,and后面的内容就必须与questions并列,可这里and后面的内容是与前面的to anticipate并列,所以both去掉。

45题,后面的you are not familiar with是修饰matters的,as在这里很多余。


Summary of annual progress

0 I am pleased to report another year of progress by the company. This

00 performance has been achieved in the most toughest market conditions we have

34 seen for many years yet. It reflects the effort over the past five years that has

35 gone into transforming of our company into a highly competitive world-class

36 business. Since 2002, we have managed to improve almost double our profits, and this

37 increase in profitability has been placed us at the top of the global glass industry.

38 We have managed to succeed this in difficult trading conditions for a number of

39 reasons, the most important of which has been from our ability to stay ahead

40 of our competitors. We have refused to allow stand still and have continued to bring

41 out a number of new products, most of which are already on the sale in our key

42 markets. All this goes to confirm that the company's position as the recognised

43 industry leader in technical innovation. We realise that there is still much more to

44 be done, but we believe that we know precisely what extra this is and we have

45 already put into place organisational and technical changes to bring this about.

《Summary of annual progress》,年度进步总结。应该是公司领导在年度总结大会上做的报告,比较简短。


35题,transform into,词组搭配,表示把…..转变成。of多余。

36题,we have managed to improve almost double our profits,这个句子有两个谓语动词,improve和double,所以有一个多余。保留improve的话,almost的位置不对,所以应该去掉improve,直接用double表示加倍。

37题,这个句子的意思是说利润的增长已经将我们公司置于全球玻璃行业顶尖的位置。强调的动作的完成,如果用has been就是强调动作的一直持续。所以been多余。

38题,succeed in固定搭配,this多余


40题,又是两个动词同时使用,重复了,必须去掉一个。句子的意思是我们拒绝原地踏步,stand still是原地踏步。所以去掉allow。

41题,on sale,固定搭配,降价的意思。去掉the。

42题,如果用that,后面应该接从句。而这句的后面不是从句。直接是comfirm as,表示确认公司作为行业领头羊的地位。


44题,what this is,我们明确的知道这些是什么,extra多余。



1 A cautious approach can be used when calculating what a company is worth.

2 Consider personnel issues so that you have sufficient resources to fulfill your objectives.

3 In order to know if you can make a return on your investment, assess how you can add to the company you are buying.

4 Providing sufficient support for staff during the acquisition process can have a favourable outcome.

5 Take into account your long-term requirements to ensure you have the resources you need.

6 Even after investing some effort in the acquisition, it may still be necessary to withdraw.

7 Terms initially negotiated can be changed after the acquisition.

Mergers and Acquisitions

As Finance Director of plastics manufacturer VKT, Yvonne Maynart has overseen many successful takeovers


It is essential to build up a team to handle the acquisition so that your existing business can continue uninterrupted during the deal. It also helps to operate with spare capacity so that you can transfer people during the initial stages. A key person should be driving the acquisition process forward, although one person alone cannot assume responsibility for a large deal. It is clearly vital to do thorough research when identifying potential targets - but do not be afraid to walk away from a deal if you become aware of serious difficulties with a company you are targeting.


To decide on the value of any target business, you must first determine what contribution your acquisition can make to it. For example, you may be able to increase revenue through a more focused management team, or improve margins through greater purchasing power and lower costs. At VKT, we base our valuations on conservative assumptions - we also add in the risk element. This approach may be best, and it's worth remembering that with listed companies, shareholders tend to have higher risk/reward expectations.


Developing relationships with finance providers is a key part of the finance director's role. It is important to draw up a good business plan to ensure backing from lenders in the early stages of the acquisition. Your loan application needs to be supported by detailed profit and cashflow projections. Make sure you factor in sufficient finance to let the business develop over time, and allow for reinvestment. Here at VKT, we usually finance acquisitions with bank debt in the form of a 364-day loan, which can then be refinanced at a lower interest rate later.


If an acquisition is large, it can take years for companies to integrate. At VICT, we monitor all acquisitions closely for at least two years, and the most important lesson I've learned is that a deal is only good if it is beneficial for both vendor and acquirer. Change causes confusion, so it needs to be handled carefully. In order to protect profits and grow the business, you need to minimise the impact of change and help the people affected feel comfortable about it. When this is done properly, it can really boost morale.


第一题,当计算一个公司的价值时可以采用谨慎的方法。B段是和评估企业价值相关的内容,所以答案在B段中找。是原文的这么一句:we base our valuations on conservative assumptions。我们的价值评估是建立在保守的假设基础之上的。这里的conservative对应于cautious,base our valuations也就是计算公司的价值。

第二题,考虑人员问题(personnel issues)使得你有足够的资源来达成目标。A段是讲收购中的人员问题的,但答案不是那么明显。主要是要理解A段开头的两句话:It is essential to build up a team to handle the acquisition so that your existing business can continue uninterrupted during the deal. It also helps to operate with spare capacity so that you can transfer people during the initial stages。有必要建立一个团队来处理收购使得在交易期间现行的商业可以不间断的继续。它也帮助处理闲置生产能力于是你可以在初始阶段转移人员。说到底,这句话的意思就是要合理的安排人员,从而充分利用资源来实现目标。这题需要深入理解。

第三题,要想知道你能从投资上获得多少回报,评估你能给购买的公司增加什么。这一题答案很明显,B段的第一句话:To decide on the value of any target business, you must first determine what contribution your acquisition can make to it.同样的意思。

第四题,在收购过程中对员工提供足够的支持可以产生良好的结果。这题答案也稍显隐晦,答案是D段的后面几句:help the people affected feel comfortable about it. When this is done properly, it can really boost morale.帮助受影响的人感觉到舒服一些。当这些被妥善处理了,可以真正提升士气。

第五题,将长期的需要考虑在内以确保你得到所需要的资源。答案是C段的这么一句:Make sure you factor in sufficient finance to let the business develop over time, and allow for reinvestment.确保你将企业长时间发展所需要的充足的资金也纳入在内,并且允许再投资。这里的take into account对应于factor in,develop over time对应于long-time requirement。

第六题,即便是在对收购投入了大量的努力之后,也仍然可能有必要退出。答案是A段的最后一句:do not be afraid to walk away from a deal if you become aware of serious difficulties with a company you are targeting。如果你清楚了目标公司的严重困难,不要害怕从这桩交易上走开。这里的walk away from对应于withdraw。

第七题,原本协商好的条款在收购后可以改变。答案也有些隐晦,是C段的最后一句:we usually finance acquisitions with bank debt in the form of a 364-day loan, which can then be refinanced at a lower interest rate later.我们通常使用364天银行贷款利率来提供贷款,日后的再贷款可以用一个更低的利率。意思是一样的,但是需要适当理解才能做答。


Spare capacity:When a business is operating at less than 100% capacity, it is said to have “spare capacity”。闲置生产能力。

Listed companies:a listed company is one whose shares may be bought and sold on a stock exchange.


e.g: Our shares are now listed and traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Factor in:将….纳入、列入重要因素。


1、to take money out of a bank account, etc

e.g: You can use the card to withdraw money from cashpoints all over the world.

2、to stop giving or offering sth to sb

e.g: The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects.

3、to stop taking part in an activity or being a member of an organization

e.g: There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU.

4、to say that you no longer believe that sth you previously said is true

e.g: The newspaper withdrew the allegations the next day.






















