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篇1:resume 格式

resume 格式

(可能这些东东在knock'em dead --- resume篇里都有了,我还没看过)


resume 格式

。用word格式的话,万一看你简历的人狠MS入骨呢?当然,还要看招聘信息里的具体要求,没有特别说明,就用rtf. 另外,再准备一份txt格式的,有些网站让你把简历post上去,这时起美化作用的字体、网格就没用了,只要段落整齐就行。


3、我个人认为,简历的格式没有某些文章说的那么重要,特别是对IT行业来说,skill and experience是关键,格式很fancy的简历未必能弥补这两者的不足。但是,简历必须层次分明,清晰易读。字体可以小点,但行间距一定要大!每个段落的标题与段落内容分开,独立一行,并且用粗体,大的段落间要有空行。正文当中粗体不要滥用,只在特别关键的地方用1-2次,比如很少见的证书,很著名的公司的名称等。



6、我的简历采用的是objective, summary, skills & knowledge, work experience, education, professional training, archivements, activities, reference 的顺序写的。请注意,objective不要总是to seek a ... in a dynamic and challenging environment ...如果应聘的是个老牌很稳定的公司,你还要dynamic,明摆着告诉人家我这人喜新厌旧,待腻了就会跳槽,

7、第一页按照这样的原则写:把你最突出,最与众不同的东西放在第一页。如证书(mcse就算了),著名公司工作经验,参与过的大规模的项目,特殊的工作行业如银行、保险公司等。每项要单独一行,要写全称及缩写!不要“IT Certificates: CLP, SCJP, IBM CSE, etc.”要:

“ - Certified Lotus Professional (CLP) on System Administration and Application Development

- Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)

- IBM Certified Solution Expert (CSE): DB2 UDB admin and appl. dev.

我的agent跟我说过“your certificates make the difference”有证书很重要的!特别是有1000人和你竞争的时候。工作中经验比证书重要,但面食之前,证书比经验重要。证书可不要编造,兴许人家会要求你拿来复印一下(我遇到过)

8、第一页的下三分之一要写你的最后一份工作经验。工作经验要具体,详细。最好能列出project名称和大致内容,用户和数据规模,不要笼统的写“system installation and maintenance”


10、不要用太多的中国特有名词,用“nationwide, provincial, citywide”来形容其规模,什么“863”,“green card project”之类的,你认为老外能懂吗?


12、对IT Professional来说,太简单的常识性的东西不要写,如会用word, excel之类的。




Personal Information:

Famlily Name: Wang Given Name: Bin

Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beijing

Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried E-mail:

Work Experience:

Nov. - present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .

Summer of BIT Companyas a technican ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;


1991 - August Dept.of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E.

Achievements & Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

Established the organization as a member of BIT

President of Communications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C , Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills :

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213

Others :

Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths

篇3:resume 英文简历

resume 英文简历模板

My name is HIN RESUME. I was born on August 25, 1985, in Hengyang, Hunan Province. In 1990 I graduated from Harbin Technical Institute where I majored in electronic engineering, and then I was assigned to work in an electronic apparatus factory as a technician for nine years. During this period I gained some practical experience in designing and manufacturing several varieties of electronic apparatus. In the fall of 1983, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University as a graduate student. Six months before I took the examinations, I started to study higher algebra and analysis by myself in my leisure time. Since the enrollment I have completed all the courses required by the graduate program, making straight A both in my undergraduate and graduate courses. My performance in the graduate seminars of Differential Calculus and Mathematical and Physical Formulas shows that I have got a good grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics.

I have been studying English intensively for six months. I have attended an English class taught by an American professor. Ms. Kathy Swift, from the City University of New York. According to her, within a few weeks of my arrival abroad, I should have no difficulty either in functioning on a daily basis or in participating fully in graduate studies.

Presently I am interested in applied mathematics and later I would like to do research in control theory. If I am accepted as a graduate student. I plan to stay for 2-5 years pursuing a Ph.d. degree. I am sure I would make progress in my future career.



Over twenty years of progressive,professional accounting and supervisory experience.

Computer skills include:Lotus 1-2-3,Taxware Systems,IBM PC,and Microsoft word .

Proficient in Spanish and some knowledge of French.

Self-motivated;able to set effective priorities decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.


Passed C.P.A.Examination,January 1989


certificate in accountancy with high honors,1988 G.P.A.: 3.6/4.0


Graduate School of Spanish Literature,1972


Bachelor of arts,arts,modern languages,1971 G.P.A.:3.0/4.0




Initiate and maintain general ledgers for three closely held corporations.Compile financial statements.Process payroll,payables and receivables.Prepare budget and cost reports.

1989-present B.T. JOHNSON,C.P.A,Richmond,VA

Staff Accountant

Prepare individual,corporate,and fiduciary income and estate tax returns.Generate compilations and financial statement audits.Research tax issues.

1973-1989 ASHLAND AUTHORITY,Ashland,VA

Assistant Terminal Agent

Supervised ten ticket agents.Implemented accounting department policies. Assisted in conversion of sales reporting to Lotus 1-2-3.

Strong educational credentials strengthen resume .

Foreign language skills further strengthen candidates qualifications.

篇5:Retail Resume

Retail Resume

Before you begin writing your retail resume, make sure that you really want to do this on your own. There are many professional resume writers and resume services you may want to hire to help you. Sometimes their expertise makes all the difference between getting and not getting that first interview.

If you decide to write your own resume, the best place to start is to analyze resume examples that utilize common resume formats. This will give you a good idea of the resume templates being used successfully today to land retail jobs.

Next, look at retail-related web sites and publications to help you choose the key words you need to emphasize in your resume so that scanning software used to identify strong job candidates won’t pass you by.

Performance is the key to a successful career in the business world, in general and the Retail world, in particular. A person could have been the manager, salesperson, merchandiser, cashier, clerk, HR professional or have performed many other retail jobs. The most important thing while searching for a job in the retail business is that your résumé needs to demonstrate how you have contributed to the company's success.

Display a Clear Career Goal and Highlight Your Achievements:

Be sure to include a Career Summary section which will grab the employer’s attention immediately by highlighting your most important attributes. Avoid listing vague skills or clichés like “excellent communication and interpersonal skills”. Instead, provide hard facts about your work history or training that would prompt the hiring manager to call you for an interview.

Areas of Skills and Expertise to include:

Include an Area of Expertise section to display your qualifications and competency for the job. Organize your expertise in a simple methodical list. Here’s an example:

Strategic PlanningP&L ManagementRetail DistributionBudget PlanningMerchandise DisplaysSales and MarketingInventory ControlProcurementWarehousingSystems ManagementIncentive StructuresPerformance StandardsSafety and ComplianceTeam Leadership and Mentoring

Try to energize your job descriptions by describing how you went above and beyond your job duties. Think about how you performed in each of your positions to develop accomplishment statements that will create a significant impact on the potential employer. Include factors like what was expected of you and how well met those expectations; the methods you used to generate strong results; awards won if any; and overcoming obstacles that resulted in a positive outcome.

篇6:IT Resume Service

IT Resume Service


Not every resume service qualifies to write IT resumes, since writing them requires strong and up-to-date knowledge of the technology industry. CareerStrides IT resume service has experienced staff members who are certified and qualified to turn IT jargon into a targeted and well-written resume.

CLICK HERE to email your existing resume. Don't have one? No problem. EMAIL USfor more information on our professional resume writing services.

Let's Take a Look at the FactsThe IT industry has taken a tremendous blow over the years. Although the field is gradually recovering, it isn’t where it once was. This makes your task of landing an IT position that much harder. Those in need of an IT resume fall into the following categories:Those reentering the IT industry: After a hiatus from the industry they want to take advantage of the upswing and launch a comeback. If this sounds like you, then you are in need of an IT resume that will demonstrate that your skills are still current despite your departure from the industry.Those employed in IT who feel stuck: Feeling lucky to have a position in the IT industry, they are nervous to make a move since they know a number of colleagues who are unemployed due to the sluggish IT industry. If this sounds like you, then you are in need of an IT resume that demonstrates your accomplishments and ability to take on more responsibility.The new kids on the block: Because the IT field is still one of the most innovative industries, there are those who want to enter the IT field. If this sounds like you, then you are in need of an IT resume that demonstrates your level of professionalism and enthusiasm to hit the ground running.The competition is stiff and opportunities are scarce. This is precisely the reason your IT resume has to stand out. Those in the IT industry don’t have the luxury of submitting a resume that is less than stellar. Order a complete resume rewrite today.

篇7:Driver Resume

Driver Resume

Driver Resume Tips

Contact Information :

Full nameCampus and permanent addressesTelephone numbersEmail address

Education : List the highest degree first.

Name of institution, city and state

Degree, major and year awarded

GPA (optional)

Experience : List the most recent first.

Activities : Campus and community activities, Memberships in professional organizations.

Personal : Certifications, security clearances, patents, special awards, citizenship.

Try to incorporate the following verbs when making your resume.

Try to use Action Verbs when constructing your statements :

Now lets have a look at the necessary information that will make your resume stand out. The following are some of the points you should consider while making a Driver's resume.

Your main responsibilities detailing your collection, transportation & delivery duties, fixing mechanical faults and resolving other problems.Your category of license (if relevant), the type of load you are used to carrying and the distances covered.Planning your routes (the quickest and most economical).Industry regulations.Handling documentation (invoices and delivery notes).New procedures and practices that you have introduced or developed.Make your resume stand out by saying how you have reduced costs / saved money for your company, e.g. how you planned your routes to save fuel.Any other achievements that have benefited your employers.

篇8:Executive Resume

Executive Resume

Executive resumes are not just like any other resume.

Executive jobs are highly competitive. Moreover, top employers do not always look for the same sort of things in an executive resume as other employers look for in non-executive resumes.

In order for you to secure interviews your resume needs to not only look highly sleek / professional, but it also needs to address the the assumption that, in all likelihood, the person who will be reading the resume is an executive recruitment specialist.

Creating Typical Resumes

Writing good quality generic resumes is a skill which requires not only excellent English, but also advanced resume formatting skills, and an in-depth knowledge of recruitment.

Creating Superior Quality Executive Resumes

The above traits are also important in creating an executive resume. However, to create a truly top quality executive resume, yet more skills, and yet more experience and expertise are required.

The very best executive resume writers also require a high degree of intelligence, as well as specialist knowledge, and excellent creative writing skills. Furthermore, they also need expertise in resume optimization, and possess both natural talent and an in-depth knowledge of a whole cross section of career fields.

Top quality executive resume consultants are few and far between. We know this because our company has tried to recruit them. In our experience most generic resume writers just do not have what it takes to rise to the next level and become a professional executive resume specialist.

Fortunately, we are pleased to announce that we have arguably two of the very best executive resume specialists in the business working for our company.

篇9:A Teachers Resume

A Teachers Resume

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Andrew Lee and I am a Canadian citizen who has recently graduated from Global TESOL College and the University of Winnipeg. In addition to the foundation TESOL course, I have chosen to specialize in teaching adults, children and business English. The central focus of my academic history is primarily rooted in Political Science. However, I have also obtained a major in Justice and Law and Sociology.

I am currently seeking a secure ESL/EFL teaching position in South Korea or Taiwan. I have always had a unique interest in the culture of these two countries. I currently have several friends teaching abroad, in both South Korea and Taiwan, and I would like to join them. I have heard nothing but good things relating to the people of both countries. It is at this time in which I would like to experience the people and the culture of these countries firsthand.

As noted in my resume, I am currently volunteering at the International Centre of Winnipeg. Working for this organization has provided me with the opportunity to conduct one on one tutoring. As a personal tutor, I have had to develop different lesson plans for each student. Currently, I am assisting two individuals, each with separate needs. For instance, for the first individual, I am helping him acquire his high school English credit. My central focus for this individual is to enhance his reading and writing skills. As for the other individual, I am assisting him in developing stronger listening and speaking skills. As a result of the different demands of the students, I have had to develop and employ various teaching methods.

In addition to tutoring for the International Centre of Winnipeg, I am also currently volunteering as an assistant language teacher at the Winnipeg Adult Education Centre. As an assistant language teacher, I facilitate in the delivery of the lesson plan. In this classroom, the instruction time is divided, with half of the time being spent learning through computers and the other half through various tasks and exercises. Although I am not directly involved in developing the lesson plan, I am directly involved in the assessment of student progress, class direction and student teaching.

As a volunteer for these two organizations, not only have I gained valuable teaching experience, I have also been provided the opportunity to attend various ESL/EFL workshops. These workshops have focused on a variety of topics, such as, student assessment according to the Canadian Language Benchmarks, key issues related to listening, speaking, reading and writing, the influence that culture has on language and computer assisted learning. Although I have received a TESOL certificate, participating in these workshops and volunteering with these organizations has better prepared me to become an effective and efficient ESL/EFL teacher.

You will also find that my personal and professional characteristics are ideally suited for a teaching position. I am a highly energetic individual with and abundance of patience. I thrive in a challenging and fast-paced environment. I absolutely enjoy children and working with adults of all levels. Most of all, I consider myself a friendly and outgoing individual who will not only help my students succeed, but will also ensure that I will be a valuable asset to the school and the rest of the teaching staff.

I wish to secure a teaching position by Mid-March of . I am open to teaching either adults or children and willing to relocate to anywhere in South Korea or Taiwan. Below is a copy of my resume. If you are interested, please contact me.


Andrew Lee


Able to communicate and interact effectively with individuals of all levels.

Articulate and creative, offering innovative and creative solutions.

Effective and efficient working in either a team environment or independently.

Demonstrated accuracy and attention to detail.

Quick to learn new policies and procedures.

Goal oriented and initiative driven.

Capable of providing leadership and direction in order to produce desired results.


To become an ESL/EFL teacher in a recognized institution in South Korea or Taiwan. I currently am seeking an opportunity where I will be encouraged to apply my education and experience on a daily basis in an environment where I will be allowed to grow professionally and personally.


Global TESOL College Winnipeg, Mb.

TESOL Certificate January 2004

Area of concentration: Business English, Teaching Adults and Children.

University of Winnipeg, Mb. Bachelor of Arts (Four-Year) -

Area of concentration: Political Science, Justice and Law and Sociology.

University of Winnipeg, Mb. Certificate in Public Policy and Administration -present


Lee Agencies Painting and Decorating Winnipeg, Mb. Sole Proprietor -present

Responsible for employee management and training.

Developed excellent problem-solving and management skills.

Engaged in price negotiations and customer service.

Maintained financial records.

Delegated direction and instruction in order to achieve the desired results.

Assured that the customers’ expectations were met.

Provided product information to customers.

Organized and maintained work sites.

Adecco Employment Services/Archway Marketing Winnipeg, Mb.

Customer Service Representative December 2003-January 2004

Provided product information to customers.

Informed customers of company procedures and policies.

Assisted in ensuring the customers’ demands were satisfied. University First Class Painters Winnipeg, Mb. Foreman/Painter May-September 2003

Responsible for employee training.

Engaged and collaborated in problem-solving.

Established daily objectives and delegated direction in order to achieve the desired results.

Organized work site environment.

Repaired minor structural damages.

Assisted in enduring the customer’s demands were satisfied. Department of Transportation and Government Services. Winnipeg, Mb. Groundskeeper/Building Maintenance June-October 2002

Maintained the general appearance of the surrounding grounds.

Ensured the clients’ needs were satisfied.

Assisted in ensuring the facility and all scientific equipment were in optimal condition.

Volunteer: International Centre of Winnipeg Winnipeg, Mb.

Personal ESL/EFL Tutor present

Facilitated in the enhancing of several individuals comprehension of English

Developed various teaching methods.

Attended various ESL/EFL workshops.

Winnipeg School Division No.1 Winnipeg, Mb.

Assistant Language Teacher present

Assist in the delivery of computer based lesson plans.

Involved in the assessment of student progress.

Provided instructional assistance.

University of Winnipeg Student Association Winnipeg, Mb. Student Senator September-August

Represented the student body as a member of various academic committees.

Responsible for reviewing various academic policies.

Informed members of the student body of academic policy and procedures.

Provided direction and guidance to those who exercised their academic rights.

Assisted in organizing various student events.

References: Available upon request

篇10:Architect Resume

Architect Resume

Contact Information :

Full name Campus and permanent addresses Telephone numbers Email address Education :List most recent degree first.Name of institution, city and state

Degree, major and year awarded

GPA (optional)

Experience :List the most recent first.

Activities :Campus and community activities, Memberships in professional organizations.

Personal :Certifications, security clearances, patents, special awards, citizenship.

篇11:Clerical Resume

Clerical Resume

clerical resume must present the information quickly, clearly and in a way that makes your experience relevant to the position in consideration. That means condensing your information to its most powerful form.

Guide To Getting A Clerical Job - Everything You Need To Know To Find The Clerical Job That is Right For You. Includes Set of Clerical Interview Questions and Answers.

First of all analyze your career aspects and the kind of job profile you need.

Research about your career alternatives and organizations of interest before starting your resume.Organize your thoughts and ideas into your resume.Refer to resume samples from various guides.

Resume Template

Contact Information :

Full nameCampus and permanent addressesTelephone numbersEmail address

Objective : An objective must be a short and specific statement that includes position, industry and/or relevant skills.

'Seeking a position within a company, where professional experience, education and abilities stand as an advantage for personal growth'.

篇12:What is a resume?

What is a resume?

A resume is a one or two page summary of your education, skills, accomplishments, and experience.

Your resume's purpose is to get your foot in the door. A resume does its job successfully if it does not exclude you from consideration.

To prepare a successful resume, you need to know how to review, summarize, and present your experiences and achievements on one or two pages.

Outline your achievements briefly and concisely.

Your resume is your ticket to an interview where you can sell yourself!

篇13:Developer Resume

Developer Resume

Developer is a title referred to the people associated with the real estate, photography, music, cosmetic industry, etc. However, the first thing we reckon with this word is the software or IT industry. As there are several niches in the IT industry, various categories have been made under the developer title. For example, you can work as a software developer, web developer, video game developer, etc. All these positions need specific programming skills or knowledge of computer languages. Therefore, each developer resume will be different based on the candidate's experience and skills. However, key sections or headings in the resume may be the same. Here are the instructions you will need to draft your resume for a developer position.

Format of Resume for Developer Job Profile

Personal Information:

This is what you will start your resume with. You have to provide your name, and contact information to give an identify to the resume. Moreover, this information will help the employers to locate you quickly, in case they like your profile.

Objective/Career Summary:

You can either go with a job objective or career summary since some employers prefer the former one whereas others the latter one. If you are including the former one, ensure that you have mentioned your experience, primary skills and the important things you will do for the company. Also, you must not write a paragraph to describe your objective. Conclude it in one or two sentences.

Career Summary is totally different than job objective. You can use a paragraph to describe your experience, strengths, skills, and personal traits that are necessary in the job. Don't create long sentences. Use full stop or semicolon to transit from one sentence to another.

Technical Skills:

You must use this section to describe your technical skills. The skills required for a developer job may vary. Some skills may also overlap. So list your skills based on the type of software-development job. Include programming languages, database and software programs, operating systems and scripting languages that you have used and gained proficiency in.

Professionals Skills:

Besides technical skills, you can use this section to describe your personal strengths that can be used in the job. Since developers work with or lead a team, you can add your abilities to work as a team member or work as a leader. Communication skills, interpersonal skills, flexibility, ready to travel, etc. are other positive traits that can make your resume stronger.


In this section, mention about your work and the different tools you have used. List the companies you have worked with in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the organization, location, and the dates you were with each job.

Highlight Projects and Achievements:

Since software development is project based, highlight the type of projects you have worked on. Describe the kind of initiatives you took and added value to the work. Mention the type of clients you worked for such as insurance, automobile, banking, education, weather forecasting and others. If you have received any special awards or appreciation for your contribution in accomplishing the project, mention it.

Education and Certificates:

A degree in computer science is the basic requirement for a developer position. In addition, any special classes to learn the latest technology is also noteworthy. If you are awaiting the result, name the degree and the expected date.

These are just the instructions to be followed while preparing your own resume. However, how neatly and professionally you put your skills and experience on the resume will decide how soon you will get a call.





Phone No. Home

Cell phone No.

Email Add



A sales management or business development position where my strategic and consultative selling, cross-cultural relationship building, team facilitation, business management, organizational insight, and advanced technical skills will be continually challenged. I aspire to senior management responsibility and seek a company that embraces growth and change, where compensation is performance-based and increased levels of responsibility offered those with demonstrated potential.



上面这个例子是老外的简历中的原句,当然对中国人来说比较复杂,如果对 英语 要求不高的话,其实也不需写这么多。一般来说可以直接 翻译 中文简历中的句子,但是也有很多比较好大家普遍接受的表达方法,由于各行各业不同,而应聘职位也不同,要根据情况而不同,具体请点击查看英文简历中各行各业应聘职位用语。但是如果你想要应聘外企或者所应聘的公司对英语要求比较高的话就可以把使用的句子修饰一下,当然要在自己的.能力范围内哦。


三、下面要写summary了,也就是(个人简介)。这可是展现自己能力的一个好机会,既要赞美自己,又不能使对方觉得自己在自夸。有很多自我赞美的句子,具体请点击查看 个人简历 中如何用英语自我赞美。

篇15:Fire Resume

Contact Information :

Full name

Campus and permanent addresses

Telephone numbers

Email address

Education : List your highest degree first.

Name of institution, city and state

Degree, major and year awarded

GPA (optional)


Experience : List the most recent first.

Activities : Campus and community activities; Memberships in professional organizations.

Personal : Certifications, security clearances, patents, special awards, citizenship etc.

Try to incorporate the following verbs while writing your resume.

Now lets have a look at the necessary information that will make your resume stand out. The following are some of the points you should consider while making a Fire Captain's resume.

Your overall planning and budgetary responsibilities.

A list of the major incidents that you have handled.

Checks and maintenance of equipment and appliances.

Contact with other departments and external agencies.

New procedures and practices that you have introduced or developed.

Any contribution to reduction of cost, improvement in efficiency, or increase in revenue.

Any other achievements that have benefited your employers.

篇16:Engineer Resume

Engineer Resume

Resume is one of the most key elements in the job searching success. And developing an engineer resume can be a difficult task. Engineer resume is the primary advertising document that shows the efficiency, skills and abilities of an engineer.

An effective resume of the engineer grabs the attention of an employer for 35-45 seconds and it will extend up to a minute if it is a good engineering resume. A successfully written resume prompt an employer to contact job seeker.

Most of the engineers find it difficult to write their own resume. Here are some guidelines for them to write their own engineering resume.

First thing while writing an effective engineer resume is to choose the best organizational format. Many resumes are written using reverse chronological format or you can go for the combined format.

In the engineering field most of the resumes are sent, received and managed through computer. So make your resume by assuming that it will be viewed on a computer screen rather than on a piece of paper.

Also after the completion of your resume check for spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. Because a resume with error can often be the killer between two closely matched candidates. An engineer should be detail oriented, so if there is an error in your engineering resume it reflects badly on your future performance.

While mentioning your past experience, write details about your work history and engineering experience. Do not put any irrelevant information. Only write down information relevant to the goal of attaining an interview.

Mention your academic as well as professional accomplishments that will make you to grab the attention of the reader and put your engineering resume on the top of the stack.

Don't write about reason of leaving job, failed initiatives, setbacks, etc. Because employers are looking for the person who can contribute, enthusiastic, have a positive attitude and have successfully performed same job skills in the past. Please try to avoid any detracting information.

篇17:Analyst resume

Analyst resume


Organizational development.




Columbia University, Teachers College New York, N.Y.

Master of the Arts, Organizational Psychology February 2004

Focus of Study: Leadership and management development; clinical, counseling, and personality psychology in relation to employee development; performance management; job analysis and classification; competency modeling; and diversity in the workplace.

Research Assistant: ¡§Diversity in the Workplace¨ (worked with Ph.D. students on data analysis)

Boston College Chestnut Hill, M.A.

Bachelor of the Arts, English Composition, Cum Laude May 2000

English Department Honors (top 2%)

University of Richmond London, England

Study Abroad Program (academic scholarship) September 1998 - January 1999

University of Bourgogne Dijon, France

Study Abroad Program (academic scholarship) June - August 1994


Metropolitan Transit Authority, New York City Transit Brooklyn, N.Y.

Analyst, Personnel Testing, Selection, & Classification, Human Resources March 2004 - present

Conduct interview- and observation-based job analyses and write comprehensive job analysis reports for highly technical trade positions (e.g., Mechanical Engineer)

Observe tasks performed, working conditions, performance standards, and other relevant information

Analyze this information in order to determine the required knowledge, skills, and abilities

Based on this information, write current and accurate job descriptions, design valid and non-discriminatory Civil Service examinations, analyze the efficiency of the current organizational structure and recommend job design changes, and provide documentation to Labor Relations to ensure that the organization is legally compliant

Develop multiple-choice and practical (i.e., skill-based) Civil Service examinations for operational titles

Analyze job analysis reports, study job-relevant source material, consult subject matter experts, and employ psychometric testing knowledge

Oversee the administration of practical examinations, involving:

Testing up to 20 candidates per day for up to 10 days, on several pieces of safety-sensitive machinery

Overseeing several examiners as well as temporary assistants (contracted from an agency that employs individuals with physical/mental disabilities) who handle highly confidential materials

Evaluate job applications on a weekly basis for numerous operational titles

E.g., rated over 5,000 applications for a specific title within two months time involving the review of each applicants education and experience in relation to the determined qualifications.

Voluntarily served as the Departments Charity Drive Coordinator

Supervised and delegated responsibilities to seven representatives who were charged with making face-to-face contact with over 500 employees in a period of one month

Raised over $5000 in contributions, twice the amount raised the previous year

Ranked 2nd of 20 departments for average money raised per employee

Experience Continued

Editor, Operations (part-time ~ 80% while earning M.A. degree) June 2002 - July 2004 Personnel Decisions International, New York, N.Y.

PDI is a talent development consulting firm specializing in assessment, training, competency modeling & coaching

Designed an editorial assessment test for the NY office to measure the skills of editorial job applicants

The test was so successful in placing proficient, detail-oriented editors in the NY office that it was distributed to all national offices for immediately implementation as part of the screening process for not only editorial applicants, but for all entry-level job applications

Designed and led two editorial training programs: the first for newly hired Editors across offices and the second for all Operations staff members within the NY office

Both involved extensive multiple-day training and the creation of numerous training materials

Established and chaired a cross-office Editors Network that improved company-wide editorial consistency

Edited assessment and development reports, sales proposals and presentations, marketing newsletters, etc.

Wrote business articles for quarterly company-wide newsletter

Created internal report-writing resources (i.e., manuals, style guides)

Participated in a task force that created a new performance-management system for junior-level employees

Operations Manager, Operations September 2001 - May 2002

Personnel Decisions International, Boston, M.A.

Supervised two entry-level staff members

Trained entry-level staff members in psychometric testing, project management, scheduling, and Siebel

Developed three company-wide training manuals under the charge of the Senior Director of Operations

Administered psychometric tests to clients (i.e., Watson-Glaser, Wesman, Ravens, multi-raters, MBTI)

Assisted Consultants in project management

Oversaw the administration of several senior-level multiple-day Assessment Centers involving up to 20 clients and 20 Consultants involved in highly complex matrix schedules

Answered client questions daily regarding the status of their individual projects

Assisted senior-level clients in interpreting the data charts of their 360-degree reports

Represented office in cross-office management meetings regarding company-wide performance indicators

Oversaw the recruitment-to-hire process for entry-level staff members

Placed job postings on the internet and in local papers, reviewed resumes, performed screening interviews, answered applicant questions, liaisoned with corporate HR

Managed administrative aspects of office

Inventory control, management of vendor contracts, equipment troubleshooting

Editor, Operations September 2000 - September 2001

Personnel Decisions International, New York, N.Y.


Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Adobe Acrobat, Siebel 6.0, SPSS, Visio

Conflict resolution and mediation training (International Center for Conflict Resolution, New York, N.Y.)

Job analysis and evaluation training (Cornell Institute for Labor Relations, New York, N.Y.)

Writing, editing, and proofreading (several editorial and publishing internships)

Customer service (additional part-time/seasonal job experiences in customer service positions)

Public speaking (1st place, Regional Slam-Poetry Competition, Boston, M.A.)

Certification: Notary Public, State of New York






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